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Repository sapp
Name: sapp
Owner: jjkoehorst
Synopsis: Semantic Annotation Platform with Provenance
It might take a while but I will try to make for each module in the SAPP paper a galaxy tool shed module.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 36:2201c5d61f16
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 396

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
0.1 any
1.0.0 any
Information overview 1.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
0.1 any
0.1 any
1.0.1 any
iPath Generator 2.01 any
1.0.0 any
Locus tagger inference from original annotation 0.1 any
Converts GenBank/EMBL files to RDF 0.1 any
1.0.0 any
Interproscan annotation for SAPP 1.0.0 any
0.1 any
1.0.0 any
SAPP - Protein annotation module 0.1 any
0.1 any
1.0.0 any
SAPP - Aragorn tRNA and tmRNA prediction 0.3 any
Circos View 0.1 any
1.0.0 any
0.1 any
1.0.0 any

Systems Biology - Systems biology tools