Miscellaneous |
Version lineage of this tool (guids ordered most recent to oldest) |
toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/ncbi_blast_plus/ncbi_makeblastdb/2.10.1+galaxy0 (this tool) |
toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/ncbi_blast_plus/ncbi_makeblastdb/0.0.1 |
ncbi_makeblastdb |
Requirements (dependencies defined in the <requirements> tag set) |
name | version | type |
blast | 2.10.1 | package |
Functional tests |
name | inputs | outputs | required files |
Test-1 |
dbtype: prot input_file: four_human_proteins.fasta title: Just 4 human proteins parse_seqids: False hash_index: True |
name: value |
four_human_proteins.fasta value |
Test-2 |
dbtype: prot input_file: four_human_proteins.fasta title: Just 4 human proteins parse_seqids: False hash_index: True tax|taxid: 9606 tax|taxselect: id |
name: value |
four_human_proteins.fasta value |
Test-3 |
dbtype: prot input_file: four_human_proteins.fasta title: Just 4 human proteins parse_seqids: False hash_index: True mask_data_file: segmasker_four_human.maskinfo-asn1 |
name: value |
four_human_proteins.fasta segmasker_four_human.maskinfo-asn1 value |
Test-4 |
dbtype: nucl input_file: three_human_mRNA.fasta.gz title: Just 3 human mRNA sequences parse_seqids: False hash_index: True tax|taxid: 9606 tax|taxselect: id |
name: value |
three_human_mRNA.fasta.gz value |