Miscellaneous |
Version lineage of this tool (guids ordered most recent to oldest) |
toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/mothur_get_otus/mothur_get_otus/ (this tool) |
toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/mothur_get_otus/mothur_get_otus/ |
mothur_get_otus |
Requirements (dependencies defined in the <requirements> tag set) |
name | version | type |
mothur | 1.39.5 | package |
Additional information about this tool |
set -o pipefail; export TERM=vt100; ## create symlinks to input datasets ln -s '$accnos' accnos.dat && #if $list: ln -s '$list' list.dat && #end if #if $shared: ln -s '$shared' shared.dat && #end if #if $constaxonomy: ln -s '$constaxonomy' constaxonomy.dat && #end if #if $corraxes: ln -s '$corraxes' corraxes.dat && #end if #if $otucorr: ln -s '$otucorr' otucorr.dat && #end if echo 'get.otus( #if $list list=list.dat, #end if #if $shared shared=shared.dat, #end if #if $corraxes: corraxes=corraxes.dat, #end if #if $otucorr: otucorr=otucorr.dat, #end if #if $constaxonomy constaxonomy=constaxonomy.dat, #end if accnos=accnos.dat #if $labelsource.label: ,label=${ str($labelsource.label).replace(",","-") } #end if )' | sed 's/ //g' ## mothur trips over whitespace | mothur | tee mothur.out.log
Functional tests |
name | inputs | outputs | required files |
Test-1 |
accnos: amazon.otus.accnos list: amazon.an.list savelog: True |
name: value name: value |
amazon.otus.accnos amazon.an.list value |
Test-2 |
accnos: amazon.otus.accnos shared: amazon.an.shared otucorr: amazon.an.0.03.pearson.otu.corr labelsource|label: 0.03 labelsource|source: shared savelog: True |
name: value name: value |
amazon.otus.accnos amazon.an.shared amazon.an.0.03.pearson.otu.corr value |