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Pileup to VCF (version 2.2)
Don't consider a read if the base call quality is below this threshold
Any position below the threshold will be omitted from the resulting VCF
If an allele does not meet the minimum frequency it will be omitted from the resulting VCF.
Multiple alleles may be output in the VCF if the allowable frequency is below 0.5, otherwise only one will be reported
The reported read voverage depth: DP, and the calculation of specific allele frequency (SAF) of variants
The VCF output will use this as the ID field value
Pileup to VCF converts the output of a pileup tool to a VCF representing any alleles that surpass a user specified frequency, optionally presenting multiple alleles for a given position if the allele frequency is set below 0.5. This tool assumes that any filtering for base call quality and mapping quality has been done in previous processing.