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Repository ebseq
Name: ebseq
Owner: ning
Synopsis: RNA-Seq Differential Expression Analysis on both gene and isoform level
Authors: Ning Leng, Jeea Choi, Christina Shafer, Christina Kendziorski

R-package EBSeq

For more details, see EBSeq bioconductor webpage

Common questions

Galaxy user manual:

Click this link to download the pdf:

Leng, N., J.A. Dawson, J.A. Thomson, V. Ruotti, A.I. Rissman, B.M.G. Smits, J.D. Haag, M.N. Gould, R.M. Stewart, and C. Kendziorski. EBSeq: An empirical Bayes hierarchical model for inference in RNA-seq experiments, Bioinformatics, 2013.
Clone this repository: hg clone
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 45:9bebd9fd9f1b
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 636

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Runs EBSeq to find DE genes across multiple (more than two) conditions 1.0.0 any
Get Ig vector from gene-isoform mapping for isoform level DE analysis 1.0.0 any
Choose patterns of interest in a multiple condition design 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE genes across two conditions 1.0.0 any
Calculate normalization factors and get the normalized expression matrix 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE isoforms across two conditions 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE isoforms across multiple (more than two) conditions 1.0.0 any
Get all possible patterns in a multiple condition design 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE genes across multiple (more than two) conditions 1.0.0 any
Get Ig vector from gene-isoform mapping for isoform level DE analysis 1.0.0 any
Choose patterns of interest in a multiple condition design 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE genes across two conditions 1.0.0 any
Calculate normalization factors and get the normalized expression matrix 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE isoforms across two conditions 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE isoforms across multiple (more than two) conditions 1.0.0 any
Get all possible patterns in a multiple condition design 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE genes across multiple (more than two) conditions 1.0.0 any
Get Ig vector from gene-isoform mapping for isoform level DE analysis 1.0.0 any
Choose patterns of interest in a multiple condition design 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE genes across two conditions 1.0.0 any
Calculate normalization factors and get the normalized expression matrix 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE isoforms across two conditions 1.0.0 any
Runs EBSeq to find DE isoforms across multiple (more than two) conditions 1.0.0 any
Get all possible patterns in a multiple condition design 1.0.0 any

Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis
Statistics - Tools for generating statistics