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Repository clustalw
Name: clustalw
Owner: fubar
Synopsis: multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins
Galaxy wrapper for the Clustalw multiple alignment program - aligns multiple DNA or protein sequences input as fasta using default parameters. Heavily modified from a script posted by Hans-Rudolf Hotz at

Sure there are plenty of good web implementations, but having it built in to Galaxy makes it even handier. If Fasta is chosen as the output format, the weblogo3 tool will create a very nice sequence logo of the multiple alignment.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 3:9c4d943fbef7
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 236
Dependencies of this repository

Name Version Type
clustalw 2.1 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins 0.2 any

Assembly - Tools for working with assemblies
Fasta Manipulation - Tools for manipulating fasta data