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planemo upload for repository commit 24bab7a797f53fe4bcc668b18ee0326625486164
author bgruening
date Sun, 16 Oct 2022 11:52:10 +0000
parents 4f7e6612906b
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Predict tool usage to weigh the predicted tools

import collections

import numpy as np
import utils
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.svm import SVR

class ToolPopularity:

    def __init__(self):
        """ Init method. """

    def extract_tool_usage(self, tool_usage_df, cutoff_date, dictionary):
        Extract the tool usage over time for each tool
        tool_usage_dict = dict()
        all_dates = list()
        all_tool_list = list(dictionary.keys())
        for index, row in tool_usage_df.iterrows():
            row = row.tolist()
            row = [str(item).strip() for item in row]
            if (row[1] > cutoff_date) is True:
                tool_id = utils.format_tool_id(row[0])
                if tool_id in all_tool_list:
                    if tool_id not in tool_usage_dict:
                        tool_usage_dict[tool_id] = dict()
                        tool_usage_dict[tool_id][row[1]] = int(float(row[2]))
                        curr_date = row[1]
                        # merge the usage of different version of tools into one
                        if curr_date in tool_usage_dict[tool_id]:
                            tool_usage_dict[tool_id][curr_date] += int(float(row[2]))
                            tool_usage_dict[tool_id][curr_date] = int(float(row[2]))
        # get unique dates
        unique_dates = list(set(all_dates))
        for tool in tool_usage_dict:
            usage = tool_usage_dict[tool]
            # extract those dates for which tool's usage is not present in raw data
            dates_not_present = list(set(unique_dates) ^ set(usage.keys()))
            # impute the missing values by 0
            for dt in dates_not_present:
                tool_usage_dict[tool][dt] = 0
            # sort the usage list by date
            tool_usage_dict[tool] = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(usage.items()))
        return tool_usage_dict

    def learn_tool_popularity(self, x_reshaped, y_reshaped):
        Fit a curve for the tool usage over time to predict future tool usage
        epsilon = 0.0
        cv = 5
        s_typ = 'neg_mean_absolute_error'
        n_jobs = 4
        s_error = 1
        tr_score = False
            pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('regressor', SVR(gamma='scale'))])
            param_grid = {
                'regressor__kernel': ['rbf', 'poly', 'linear'],
                'regressor__degree': [2, 3]
            search = GridSearchCV(pipe, param_grid, cv=cv, scoring=s_typ, n_jobs=n_jobs, error_score=s_error, return_train_score=tr_score)
  , y_reshaped.ravel())
            model = search.best_estimator_
            # set the next time point to get prediction for
            prediction_point = np.reshape([x_reshaped[-1][0] + 1], (1, 1))
            prediction = model.predict(prediction_point)
            if prediction < epsilon:
                prediction = [epsilon]
            return prediction[0]
        except Exception as e:
            return epsilon

    def get_pupularity_prediction(self, tools_usage):
        Get the popularity prediction for each tool
        usage_prediction = dict()
        for tool_name, usage in tools_usage.items():
            y_val = list()
            x_val = list()
            for x, y in usage.items():
            x_pos = np.arange(len(x_val))
            x_reshaped = x_pos.reshape(len(x_pos), 1)
            y_reshaped = np.reshape(y_val, (len(x_pos), 1))
            prediction = np.round(self.learn_tool_popularity(x_reshaped, y_reshaped), 8)
            usage_prediction[tool_name] = prediction
        return usage_prediction