view @ 6:e94dc7945639 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 24bab7a797f53fe4bcc668b18ee0326625486164
author bgruening
date Sun, 16 Oct 2022 11:52:10 +0000
parents 4f7e6612906b
line wrap: on
line source

import json
import os
import random

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf

binary_ce = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy()
binary_acc = tf.keras.metrics.BinaryAccuracy()
categorical_ce = tf.keras.metrics.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)

def read_file(file_path):
    Read a file
    with open(file_path, "r") as json_file:
        file_content = json.loads(
    return file_content

def write_file(file_path, content):
    Write a file
    with open(file_path, "w") as json_file:

def save_h5_data(inp, tar, filename):
    hf_file = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
    hf_file.create_dataset("input", data=inp)
    hf_file.create_dataset("target", data=tar)

def get_low_freq_te_samples(te_data, te_target, tr_freq_dict):
    lowest_tool_te_ids = list()
    lowest_t_ids = get_lowest_tools(tr_freq_dict)
    for i, te_labels in enumerate(te_target):
        tools_pos = np.where(te_labels > 0)[0]
        tools_pos = [str(int(item)) for item in tools_pos]
        intersection = list(set(tools_pos).intersection(set(lowest_t_ids)))
        if len(intersection) > 0:
            lowest_t_ids = [item for item in lowest_t_ids if item not in intersection]
    return lowest_tool_te_ids

def save_processed_workflows(file_path, unique_paths):
    workflow_paths_unique = ""
    for path in unique_paths:
        workflow_paths_unique += path + "\n"
    with open(file_path, "w") as workflows_file:

def format_tool_id(tool_link):
    Extract tool id from tool link
    tool_id_split = tool_link.split("/")
    tool_id = tool_id_split[-2] if len(tool_id_split) > 1 else tool_link
    return tool_id

def save_model_file(model, r_dict, c_wts, c_tools, s_conn, model_file):
    model.save_weights(model_file, save_format="h5")
    hf_file = h5py.File(model_file, 'r+')
    model_values = {
        "reverse_dict": r_dict,
        "class_weights": c_wts,
        "compatible_tools": c_tools,
        "standard_connections": s_conn
    for k in model_values:
        hf_file.create_dataset(k, data=json.dumps(model_values[k]))

def remove_file(file_path):
    if os.path.exists(file_path):

def verify_oversampling_freq(oversampled_tr_data, rev_dict):
    Compute the frequency of tool sequences after oversampling
    freq_dict = dict()
    freq_dict_names = dict()
    for tr_data in oversampled_tr_data:
        t_pos = np.where(tr_data > 0)[0]
        last_tool_id = str(int(tr_data[t_pos[-1]]))
        if last_tool_id not in freq_dict:
            freq_dict[last_tool_id] = 0
            freq_dict_names[rev_dict[int(last_tool_id)]] = 0
        freq_dict[last_tool_id] += 1
        freq_dict_names[rev_dict[int(last_tool_id)]] += 1
    s_freq = dict(sorted(freq_dict_names.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True))
    return s_freq

def collect_sampled_tool_freq(collected_dict, c_freq):
    for t in c_freq:
        if t not in collected_dict:
            collected_dict[t] = int(c_freq[t])
            collected_dict[t] += int(c_freq[t])
    return collected_dict

def save_data_as_dict(f_dict, r_dict, inp, tar, save_path):
    inp_tar = dict()
    for index, (i, t) in enumerate(zip(inp, tar)):
        i_pos = np.where(i > 0)[0]
        i_seq = ",".join([str(int(item)) for item in i[1:i_pos[-1] + 1]])
        t_pos = np.where(t > 0)[0]
        t_seq = ",".join([str(int(item)) for item in t[1:t_pos[-1] + 1]])
        if i_seq not in inp_tar:
            inp_tar[i_seq] = list()
    size = 0
    for item in inp_tar:
        size += len(inp_tar[item])
    print("Size saved file: ", size)
    write_file(save_path, inp_tar)

def read_train_test(datapath):
    file_obj = h5py.File(datapath, 'r')
    data_input = np.array(file_obj["input"])
    data_target = np.array(file_obj["target"])
    return data_input, data_target

def sample_balanced_tr_y(x_seqs, y_labels, ulabels_tr_y_dict, b_size, tr_t_freq, prev_sel_tools):
    batch_y_tools = list(ulabels_tr_y_dict.keys())
    label_tools = list()
    rand_batch_indices = list()
    sel_tools = list()

    unselected_tools = [t for t in batch_y_tools if t not in prev_sel_tools]
    rand_selected_tools = unselected_tools[:b_size]

    for l_tool in rand_selected_tools:
        seq_indices = ulabels_tr_y_dict[l_tool]
        rand_s_index = np.random.randint(0, len(seq_indices), 1)[0]
        rand_sample = seq_indices[rand_s_index]

    x_batch_train = x_seqs[rand_batch_indices]
    y_batch_train = y_labels[rand_batch_indices]

    unrolled_x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x_batch_train, dtype=tf.int64)
    unrolled_y = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_batch_train, dtype=tf.int64)
    return unrolled_x, unrolled_y, sel_tools

def sample_balanced_te_y(x_seqs, y_labels, ulabels_tr_y_dict, b_size):
    batch_y_tools = list(ulabels_tr_y_dict.keys())
    label_tools = list()
    rand_batch_indices = list()
    sel_tools = list()
    for l_tool in batch_y_tools:
        seq_indices = ulabels_tr_y_dict[l_tool]
        rand_s_index = np.random.randint(0, len(seq_indices), 1)[0]
        rand_sample = seq_indices[rand_s_index]
        if rand_sample not in rand_batch_indices:
        if len(rand_batch_indices) == b_size:
    x_batch_train = x_seqs[rand_batch_indices]
    y_batch_train = y_labels[rand_batch_indices]

    unrolled_x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x_batch_train, dtype=tf.int64)
    unrolled_y = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_batch_train, dtype=tf.int64)
    return unrolled_x, unrolled_y, sel_tools

def get_u_tr_labels(y_tr):
    labels = list()
    labels_pos_dict = dict()
    for i, item in enumerate(y_tr):
        label_pos = np.where(item > 0)[0]
        for label in label_pos:
            if label not in labels_pos_dict:
                labels_pos_dict[label] = list()
    u_labels = list(set(labels))
    for item in labels_pos_dict:
        labels_pos_dict[item] = list(set(labels_pos_dict[item]))
    return u_labels, labels_pos_dict

def compute_loss(y_true, y_pred, class_weights=None):
    y_true = tf.cast(y_true, dtype=tf.float32)
    loss = binary_ce(y_true, y_pred)
    categorical_loss = categorical_ce(y_true, y_pred)
    if class_weights is None:
        return tf.reduce_mean(loss), categorical_loss
    return tf.tensordot(loss, class_weights, axes=1), categorical_loss

def compute_acc(y_true, y_pred):
    return binary_acc(y_true, y_pred)

def validate_model(te_x, te_y, te_batch_size, model, f_dict, r_dict, ulabels_te_dict, tr_labels, lowest_t_ids):
    te_x_batch, y_train_batch, _ = sample_balanced_te_y(te_x, te_y, ulabels_te_dict, te_batch_size)
    print("Total test data size: ", te_x.shape, te_y.shape)
    print("Batch test data size: ", te_x_batch.shape, y_train_batch.shape)
    te_pred_batch, _ = model(te_x_batch, training=False)
    test_err, _ = compute_loss(y_train_batch, te_pred_batch)
    print("Test loss:")
    print("Test finished")

def get_lowest_tools(l_tool_freq, fraction=0.25):
    l_tool_freq = dict(sorted(l_tool_freq.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True))
    tool_ids = list(l_tool_freq.keys())
    lowest_ids = tool_ids[-int(len(tool_ids) * fraction):]
    return lowest_ids

def remove_pipe(file_path):
    dataframe = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep="|", header=None)
    dataframe = dataframe[1:len(dataframe.index) - 1]
    return dataframe[1:]