1 <tool id="sspace" name="SSPACE" version="1.0.5">
2 <description>scaffolder</description>
3 <requirements>
4 <requirement type="package" version="2.0">sspace</requirement>
5 </requirements>
7 <command interpreter="python">
8 sspace.py
10 -c $contigs --r1 $reads1 --r2 $reads2 -i $insert -e $error -o $orientation
11 #if $exten
12 -x
13 #end if
14 #if str($minoverlap)
15 --minoverlap $minoverlap
16 #end if
17 #if str($numofreads)
18 --numofreads $numofreads
19 #end if
20 #if str($max_trim)
21 -t $max_trim
22 #end if
23 #if $unpaired
24 -u $unpaired
25 #end if
26 #if str($min_base_ratio)
27 -r $min_base_ratio
28 #end if
29 #if str($minlink)
30 --minlink $minlink
31 #end if
32 #if str($maxratio)
33 --maxratio $maxratio
34 #end if
35 #if str($contigoverlap)
36 --contigoverlap $contigoverlap
37 #end if
38 #if str($mincontig)
39 --mincontig $mincontig
40 #end if
41 --lib $libraryname --fe $finalevidence --fs $finalscaffolds --lg $logfile --summ $summaryfile
42 </command>
44 <inputs>
45 <param name="contigs" type="data" format="fasta" label="Contigs FASTA file (-s)" />
46 <param name="reads1" type="data" format="fasta,fastq" label="Paired-end reads 1" help="FASTA or FASTQ format" />
47 <param name="reads2" type="data" format="fasta,fastq" label="Paired-end reads 2" help="FASTA or FASTQ format" />
48 <param name="insert" type="integer" value="" label="Insert size">
49 <validator type="in_range" min="1" />
50 </param>
51 <param name="error" type="float" min="0" max="1" value="" label="Variability (e.g. 0.25 for 25%)" />
52 <param name="orientation" type="select" label="Orientation">
53 <option value="FF">FF</option>
54 <option value="FR" selected="true">FR</option>
55 <option value="RF">RF</option>
56 <option value="RR">RR</option>
57 </param>
58 <param name="exten" type="boolean" checked="true" label="Extension (-x)" help="Uncheck for scaffolding only" />
59 <param name="minoverlap" type="integer" optional="true" min="10" max="50" value="35" label="Extension: minimum number of overlapping bases with the seed/contig during overhang consensus build up (-m)" help="E.g. 32-35 for 36bp reads" />
60 <param name="numofreads" type="integer" optional="true" value="8" label="Extension: minimum number of reads needed to call an extension (-o)" help="Higher numbers increase reliability of the extension">
61 <validator type="in_range" min="1" />
62 </param>
63 <param name="max_trim" type="integer" optional="true" value="0" label="Extension: maximum number of bases to trim on the contig end when all possibilities have been exhausted for an extension (-t)">
64 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
65 </param>
66 <param name="unpaired" type="data" format="fasta,fastq" optional="true" label="Extension: unpaired reads (-u, optional)" help="FASTA or FASTQ format" />
67 <param name="min_base_ratio" type="float" optional="true" min="0" max="1" value="0.9" label="Extension: minimum base ratio used to accept a overhang consensus base (-r)" />
68 <param name="minlink" type="integer" optional="true" value="5" label="Scaffolding: minimum number of links (read pairs) to compute scaffold (-k)">
69 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
70 </param>
71 <param name="maxratio" type="float" optional="true" min="0" max="1" value="0.7" label="Scaffolding: maximum link ratio between two best contig pairs (-a)" help="Higher values lead to less accurate scaffolding" />
72 <param name="contigoverlap" type="integer" optional="true" value="30" label="Scaffolding: minimum overlap required between contigs to merge adjacent contigs in a scaffold (-n)">
73 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
74 </param>
75 <param name="mincontig" type="integer" optional="true" value="200" label="Scaffolding: minimum contig size used for scaffold (-z)" help="Filters out contigs below this size">
76 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
77 </param>
78 </inputs>
80 <outputs>
81 <data name="libraryname" hidden="True" format="tabular" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: libraryfile" />
82 <data name="finalevidence" format="txt" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: final evidence" />
83 <data name="finalscaffolds" format="fasta" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: final scaffolds" />
84 <data name="logfile" format="txt" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: log" />
85 <data name="summaryfile" format="txt" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: summary" />
86 </outputs>
87 <tests>
89 </tests>
90 <help>
91 **What it does**
93 SSPACE is a script able to extend and scaffold pre-assembled contigs using one or more mate pairs or paired-end libraries, or even a combination.
95 **License and citation**
97 This Galaxy tool is Copyright © 2012-2013 `CRS4 Srl.`_ and is released under the `MIT license`_.
99 .. _CRS4 Srl.: http://www.crs4.it/
100 .. _MIT license: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
102 If you use this tool in Galaxy, please cite |Cuccuru2013|_.
104 .. |Cuccuru2013| replace:: Cuccuru, G., Orsini, M., Pinna, A., Sbardellati, A., Soranzo, N., Travaglione, A., Uva, P., Zanetti, G., Fotia, G. (2013) Orione, a web-based framework for NGS analysis in microbiology. *Submitted*
105 .. _Cuccuru2013: http://orione.crs4.it/
107 This tool uses `SSPACE basic`_, which is licensed separately. Please cite |Boetzer2011|_.
109 .. _SSPACE basic: http://www.baseclear.com/landingpages/basetools-a-wide-range-of-bioinformatics-solutions/sspacev12/
110 .. |Boetzer2011| replace:: Boetzer, M., Henkel, C. V., Jansen, H. J., Butler, D., Pirovano, W. (2011) Scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using SSPACE. *Bioinformatics* 27(4), 578-579
111 .. _Boetzer2011: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/27/4/578
112 </help>
113 </tool>