changeset 0:dbbd37e013aa

Uploaded tool tarball.
author devteam
date Tue, 01 Oct 2013 12:57:24 -0400
children fdc55fd74f78
files cuffmerge_wrapper.xml test-data/cuffcompare_in1.gtf test-data/cuffcompare_in2.gtf test-data/cuffcompare_in3.gtf test-data/cuffmerge_out1.gtf tool_dependencies.xml
diffstat 7 files changed, 647 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Oct 01 12:57:24 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Supports Cuffmerge versions 1.3 and newer.
+import optparse, os, shutil, subprocess, sys, tempfile
+def stop_err( msg ):
+    sys.stderr.write( '%s\n' % msg )
+    sys.exit()
+# Copied from
+def check_seq_file( dbkey, cached_seqs_pointer_file ):
+    seq_path = ''
+    for line in open( cached_seqs_pointer_file ):
+        line = line.rstrip( '\r\n' )
+        if line and not line.startswith( '#' ) and line.startswith( 'index' ):
+            fields = line.split( '\t' )
+            if len( fields ) < 3:
+                continue
+            if fields[1] == dbkey:
+                seq_path = fields[2].strip()
+                break
+    return seq_path
+def __main__():
+    #Parse Command Line
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option( '-g', dest='ref_annotation', help='An optional "reference" annotation GTF. Each sample is matched against this file, and sample isoforms are tagged as overlapping, matching, or novel where appropriate. See the refmap and tmap output file descriptions below.' )
+    parser.add_option( '-s', dest='use_seq_data', action="store_true", help='Causes cuffmerge to look into for fasta files with the underlying genomic sequences (one file per contig) against which your reads were aligned for some optional classification functions. For example, Cufflinks transcripts consisting mostly of lower-case bases are classified as repeats. Note that <seq_dir> must contain one fasta file per reference chromosome, and each file must be named after the chromosome, and have a .fa or .fasta extension.')
+    parser.add_option( '-p', '--num-threads', dest='num_threads', help='Use this many threads to align reads. The default is 1.' )
+    # Wrapper / Galaxy options.
+    parser.add_option( '', '--dbkey', dest='dbkey', help='The build of the reference dataset' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--index_dir', dest='index_dir', help='GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR' )
+    parser.add_option( '', '--ref_file', dest='ref_file', help='The reference dataset from the history' )
+    # Outputs.
+    parser.add_option( '', '--merged-transcripts', dest='merged_transcripts' )
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    # output version # of tool
+    try:
+        tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        tmp_stdout = open( tmp, 'wb' )
+        proc = subprocess.Popen( args='cuffmerge -v 2>&1', shell=True, stdout=tmp_stdout )
+        tmp_stdout.close()
+        returncode = proc.wait()
+        stdout = None
+        for line in open(, 'rb' ):
+            if line.lower().find( 'merge_cuff_asms v' ) >= 0:
+                stdout = line.strip()
+                break
+        if stdout:
+            sys.stdout.write( '%s\n' % stdout )
+        else:
+            raise Exception
+    except:
+        sys.stdout.write( 'Could not determine Cuffmerge version\n' )
+    # Set/link to sequence file.
+    if options.use_seq_data:
+        if options.ref_file != 'None':
+            # Sequence data from history.
+            # Create symbolic link to ref_file so that index will be created in working directory.
+            seq_path = "ref.fa"
+            os.symlink( options.ref_file, seq_path  )
+        else:
+            # Sequence data from loc file.
+            cached_seqs_pointer_file = os.path.join( options.index_dir, 'sam_fa_indices.loc' )
+            if not os.path.exists( cached_seqs_pointer_file ):
+                stop_err( 'The required file (%s) does not exist.' % cached_seqs_pointer_file )
+            # If found for the dbkey, seq_path will look something like /galaxy/data/equCab2/sam_index/equCab2.fa,
+            # and the equCab2.fa file will contain fasta sequences.
+            seq_path = check_seq_file( options.dbkey, cached_seqs_pointer_file )
+            if seq_path == '':
+                stop_err( 'No sequence data found for dbkey %s, so sequence data cannot be used.' % options.dbkey  )
+    # Build command.
+    # Base.
+    cmd = "cuffmerge -o cm_output "
+    # Add options.
+    if options.num_threads:
+        cmd += ( " -p %i " % int ( options.num_threads ) )
+    if options.ref_annotation:
+        cmd += " -g %s " % options.ref_annotation
+    if options.use_seq_data:
+        cmd += " -s %s " % seq_path
+    # Add input files to a file.
+    inputs_file_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir="." ).name
+    inputs_file = open( inputs_file_name, 'w' )
+    for arg in args:
+        inputs_file.write( arg + "\n" )
+    inputs_file.close()
+    cmd += inputs_file_name
+    # Debugging.
+    print cmd
+    # Run command.
+    try:        
+        tmp_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir="." ).name
+        tmp_stderr = open( tmp_name, 'wb' )
+        proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno() )
+        returncode = proc.wait()
+        tmp_stderr.close()
+        # Get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large.
+        tmp_stderr = open( tmp_name, 'rb' )
+        stderr = ''
+        buffsize = 1048576
+        try:
+            while True:
+                stderr += buffsize )
+                if not stderr or len( stderr ) % buffsize != 0:
+                    break
+        except OverflowError:
+            pass
+        tmp_stderr.close()
+        # Error checking.
+        if returncode != 0:
+            raise Exception, stderr
+        if len( open( "cm_output/merged.gtf", 'rb' ).read().strip() ) == 0:
+            raise Exception, 'The output file is empty, there may be an error with your input file or settings.'
+        # Copy outputs.
+        shutil.copyfile( "cm_output/merged.gtf" , options.merged_transcripts )    
+    except Exception, e:
+        stop_err( 'Error running cuffmerge. ' + str( e ) )
+if __name__=="__main__": __main__()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cuffmerge_wrapper.xml	Tue Oct 01 12:57:24 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+<tool id="cuffmerge" name="Cuffmerge" version="0.0.5">
+    <!-- Wrapper supports Cuffmerge versions 1.3 and newer -->
+    <description>merge together several Cufflinks assemblies</description>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="2.1.1">cufflinks</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <command interpreter="python">
+            --num-threads="4"
+            ## Use annotation reference?
+            #if $annotation.use_ref_annotation == "Yes":
+                -g $annotation.reference_annotation
+            #end if
+            ## Use sequence data?
+            #if $seq_data.use_seq_data == "Yes":
+	        -s
+                #if $seq_data.seq_source.index_source == "history":
+                    --ref_file=$seq_data.seq_source.ref_file
+                #else:
+                    --ref_file="None"
+                #end if
+                --dbkey=${first_input.metadata.dbkey} 
+                --index_dir=${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}
+            #end if
+            ## Outputs.
+            --merged-transcripts=${merged_transcripts}
+            ## Inputs.
+            ${first_input}
+            #for $input_file in $input_files:
+              ${input_file.additional_input}
+            #end for
+    </command>
+    <inputs>
+        <param format="gtf" name="first_input" type="data" label="GTF file produced by Cufflinks" help=""/>
+        <repeat name="input_files" title="Additional GTF Input Files">
+            <param format="gtf" name="additional_input" type="data" label="GTF file produced by Cufflinks" help=""/>
+        </repeat>
+        <conditional name="annotation">
+            <param name="use_ref_annotation" type="select" label="Use Reference Annotation">
+                <option value="No">No</option>
+                <option value="Yes">Yes</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="Yes">
+                <param format="gff3,gtf" name="reference_annotation" type="data" label="Reference Annotation" help="Requires an annotation file in GFF3 or GTF format."/>    
+            </when>
+            <when value="No">
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
+        <conditional name="seq_data">
+            <param name="use_seq_data" type="select" label="Use Sequence Data" help="Use sequence data for some optional classification functions, including the addition of the p_id attribute required by Cuffdiff.">
+                <option value="No">No</option>
+                <option value="Yes">Yes</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="No"></when>
+            <when value="Yes">
+                <conditional name="seq_source">
+                  <param name="index_source" type="select" label="Choose the source for the reference list">
+                    <option value="cached">Locally cached</option>
+                    <option value="history">History</option>
+                  </param>
+                  <when value="cached"></when>
+                  <when value="history">
+                      <param name="ref_file" type="data" format="fasta" label="Using reference file" />
+                  </when>
+                </conditional>
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data format="gtf" name="merged_transcripts" label="${} on ${on_string}: merged transcripts"/>
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <!-- 
+            cuffmerge -g cuffcompare_in3.gtf cuffcompare_in1.gtf cuffcompare_in2.gtf
+        -->
+        <test>
+            <param name="first_input" value="cuffcompare_in1.gtf" ftype="gtf"/>
+            <param name="additional_input" value="cuffcompare_in2.gtf" ftype="gtf"/>
+            <param name="use_ref_annotation" value="Yes"/>
+            <param name="reference_annotation" value="cuffcompare_in3.gtf" ftype="gtf"/>
+            <param name="use_seq_data" value="No"/>
+			<!-- oId assignment differ/are non-deterministic -->
+            <output name="merged_transcripts" file="cuffmerge_out1.gtf" lines_diff="50"/>
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help>
+**Cuffmerge Overview**
+Cuffmerge is part of Cufflinks_. Please cite: Trapnell C, Williams BA, Pertea G, Mortazavi AM, Kwan G, van Baren MJ, Salzberg SL, Wold B, Pachter L. Transcript assembly and abundance estimation from RNA-Seq reveals thousands of new transcripts and switching among isoforms. Nature Biotechnology doi:10.1038/nbt.1621
+.. _Cufflinks:
+**Know what you are doing**
+.. class:: warningmark
+There is no such thing (yet) as an automated gearshift in expression analysis. It is all like stick-shift driving in San Francisco. In other words, running this tool with default parameters will probably not give you meaningful results. A way to deal with this is to **understand** the parameters by carefully reading the `documentation`__ and experimenting. Fortunately, Galaxy makes experimenting easy.
+.. __:
+**Input format**
+Cuffmerge takes Cufflinks' GTF output as input, and optionally can take a "reference" annotation (such as from Ensembl_)
+.. _Ensembl: 
+Cuffmerge produces the following output files:
+Merged transcripts file:
+Cuffmerge produces a GTF file that contains an assembly that merges together the input assemblies.    </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/cuffcompare_in1.gtf	Tue Oct 01 12:57:24 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3111450	3111490	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.1"; transcript_id "CUFF.1.1"; FPKM "20.6079364877"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "49.751960"; cov "1.317073";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3111450	3111490	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.1"; transcript_id "CUFF.1.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "20.6079364877"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "49.751960"; cov "1.317073";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3111546	3111576	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.3"; transcript_id "CUFF.3.1"; FPKM "27.2556579354"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "65.800979"; cov "1.741935";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3111546	3111576	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.3"; transcript_id "CUFF.3.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "27.2556579354"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "65.800979"; cov "1.741935";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3200326	3200352	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.5"; transcript_id "CUFF.5.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3200326	3200352	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.5"; transcript_id "CUFF.5.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3200023	3200191	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.7"; transcript_id "CUFF.7.1"; FPKM "9.9991171124"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "19.998234"; cov "0.639053";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3200023	3200191	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.7"; transcript_id "CUFF.7.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "9.9991171124"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "19.998234"; cov "0.639053";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3201078	3201481	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.9"; transcript_id "CUFF.9.1"; FPKM "17.7768957078"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "9.153835"; conf_hi "26.399957"; cov "1.136139";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3201078	3201481	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.9"; transcript_id "CUFF.9.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "17.7768957078"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "9.153835"; conf_hi "26.399957"; cov "1.136139";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3201673	3201699	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.11"; transcript_id "CUFF.11.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3201673	3201699	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.11"; transcript_id "CUFF.11.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3204755	3204833	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.13"; transcript_id "CUFF.13.1"; FPKM "10.6952581772"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "25.820637"; cov "0.683544";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3204755	3204833	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.13"; transcript_id "CUFF.13.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "10.6952581772"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "25.820637"; cov "0.683544";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3212214	3212292	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.15"; transcript_id "CUFF.15.1"; FPKM "10.6952581772"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "25.820637"; cov "0.683544";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3212214	3212292	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.15"; transcript_id "CUFF.15.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "10.6952581772"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "25.820637"; cov "0.683544";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3213096	3213192	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.17"; transcript_id "CUFF.17.1"; FPKM "8.7105710927"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "21.029179"; cov "0.556701";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3213096	3213192	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.17"; transcript_id "CUFF.17.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "8.7105710927"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "21.029179"; cov "0.556701";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3212368	3212439	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.19"; transcript_id "CUFF.19.1"; FPKM "29.3376873610"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "3.097262"; conf_hi "55.578113"; cov "1.875000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3212368	3212439	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.19"; transcript_id "CUFF.19.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "29.3376873610"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "3.097262"; conf_hi "55.578113"; cov "1.875000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3243019	3243079	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.21"; transcript_id "CUFF.21.1"; FPKM "13.8512359999"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "33.439842"; cov "0.885246";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3243019	3243079	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.21"; transcript_id "CUFF.21.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "13.8512359999"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "33.439842"; cov "0.885246";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3243348	3243401	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.23"; transcript_id "CUFF.23.1"; FPKM "23.4701498888"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "50.571145"; cov "1.500000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3243348	3243401	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.23"; transcript_id "CUFF.23.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "23.4701498888"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "50.571145"; cov "1.500000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3242634	3242923	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.25"; transcript_id "CUFF.25.1"; FPKM "14.5676792413"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "5.354270"; conf_hi "23.781089"; cov "0.931034";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3242634	3242923	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.25"; transcript_id "CUFF.25.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "14.5676792413"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "5.354270"; conf_hi "23.781089"; cov "0.931034";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3256975	3257011	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.27"; transcript_id "CUFF.27.1"; FPKM "34.2537322701"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "73.806535"; cov "2.189189";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3256975	3257011	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.27"; transcript_id "CUFF.27.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "34.2537322701"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "73.806535"; cov "2.189189";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3189900	3190041	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.29"; transcript_id "CUFF.29.1"; FPKM "107.1032192108"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "71.402146"; conf_hi "142.804292"; cov "6.845070";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3189900	3190041	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.29"; transcript_id "CUFF.29.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "107.1032192108"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "71.402146"; conf_hi "142.804292"; cov "6.845070";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3190273	3190303	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.31"; transcript_id "CUFF.31.1"; FPKM "122.6504607091"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "40.883487"; conf_hi "204.417435"; cov "7.838710";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3190273	3190303	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.31"; transcript_id "CUFF.31.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "122.6504607091"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "40.883487"; conf_hi "204.417435"; cov "7.838710";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3190455	3190481	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.33"; transcript_id "CUFF.33.1"; FPKM "109.5273661476"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "26.732460"; conf_hi "192.322273"; cov "7.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3190455	3190481	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.33"; transcript_id "CUFF.33.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "109.5273661476"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "26.732460"; conf_hi "192.322273"; cov "7.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3191539	3191669	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.35"; transcript_id "CUFF.35.1"; FPKM "96.7471827476"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "61.420107"; conf_hi "132.074259"; cov "6.183206";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3191539	3191669	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.35"; transcript_id "CUFF.35.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "96.7471827476"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "61.420107"; conf_hi "132.074259"; cov "6.183206";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3191877	3191945	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.37"; transcript_id "CUFF.37.1"; FPKM "104.0850125502"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "53.596365"; conf_hi "154.573660"; cov "6.652174";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3191877	3191945	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.37"; transcript_id "CUFF.37.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "104.0850125502"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "53.596365"; conf_hi "154.573660"; cov "6.652174";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3192442	3192494	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.39"; transcript_id "CUFF.39.1"; FPKM "23.9129829055"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "51.525317"; cov "1.528302";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3192442	3192494	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.39"; transcript_id "CUFF.39.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "23.9129829055"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "51.525317"; cov "1.528302";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3192551	3192629	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.41"; transcript_id "CUFF.41.1"; FPKM "10.6952581772"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "25.820637"; cov "0.683544";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3192551	3192629	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.41"; transcript_id "CUFF.41.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "10.6952581772"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "25.820637"; cov "0.683544";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3192732	3192811	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.43"; transcript_id "CUFF.43.1"; FPKM "10.5615674500"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "25.497879"; cov "0.675000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3192732	3192811	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.43"; transcript_id "CUFF.43.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "10.5615674500"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "25.497879"; cov "0.675000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3192941	3193042	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.45"; transcript_id "CUFF.45.1"; FPKM "20.7089557842"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "2.186303"; conf_hi "39.231609"; cov "1.323529";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3192941	3193042	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.45"; transcript_id "CUFF.45.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "20.7089557842"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "2.186303"; conf_hi "39.231609"; cov "1.323529";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3194186	3194226	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.47"; transcript_id "CUFF.47.1"; FPKM "20.6079364877"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "49.751960"; cov "1.317073";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3194186	3194226	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.47"; transcript_id "CUFF.47.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "20.6079364877"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "49.751960"; cov "1.317073";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3194303	3194329	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.49"; transcript_id "CUFF.49.1"; FPKM "15.6467665925"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.940300"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3194303	3194329	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.49"; transcript_id "CUFF.49.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "15.6467665925"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.940300"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3195084	3195110	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.51"; transcript_id "CUFF.51.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3195084	3195110	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.51"; transcript_id "CUFF.51.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3195451	3195477	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.53"; transcript_id "CUFF.53.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3195451	3195477	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.53"; transcript_id "CUFF.53.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3197090	3197116	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.55"; transcript_id "CUFF.55.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3197090	3197116	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.55"; transcript_id "CUFF.55.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3197247	3197273	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.57"; transcript_id "CUFF.57.1"; FPKM "15.6467665925"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.940300"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3197247	3197273	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.57"; transcript_id "CUFF.57.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "15.6467665925"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.940300"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3197347	3197373	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.59"; transcript_id "CUFF.59.1"; FPKM "15.6467665925"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.940300"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3197347	3197373	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.59"; transcript_id "CUFF.59.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "15.6467665925"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.940300"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3277191	3277218	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.61"; transcript_id "CUFF.61.1"; FPKM "45.2638604998"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "97.530065"; cov "2.892857";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3277191	3277218	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.61"; transcript_id "CUFF.61.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "45.2638604998"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "97.530065"; cov "2.892857";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3278237	3278263	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.63"; transcript_id "CUFF.63.1"; FPKM "15.6467665925"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.940300"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3278237	3278263	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.63"; transcript_id "CUFF.63.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "15.6467665925"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.940300"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3280687	3280741	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.65"; transcript_id "CUFF.65.1"; FPKM "15.3622799272"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "37.087825"; cov "0.981818";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3280687	3280741	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.65"; transcript_id "CUFF.65.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "15.3622799272"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "37.087825"; cov "0.981818";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3290489	3290553	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.67"; transcript_id "CUFF.67.1"; FPKM "12.9988522461"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "31.382005"; cov "0.830769";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3290489	3290553	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.67"; transcript_id "CUFF.67.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "12.9988522461"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "31.382005"; cov "0.830769";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3290940	3291023	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.69"; transcript_id "CUFF.69.1"; FPKM "10.0586356666"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "24.283695"; cov "0.642857";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3290940	3291023	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.69"; transcript_id "CUFF.69.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "10.0586356666"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "24.283695"; cov "0.642857";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3291089	3291186	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.71"; transcript_id "CUFF.71.1"; FPKM "8.6216877142"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "20.814595"; cov "0.551020";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3291089	3291186	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.71"; transcript_id "CUFF.71.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "8.6216877142"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "20.814595"; cov "0.551020";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3299610	3299664	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.73"; transcript_id "CUFF.73.1"; FPKM "15.3622799272"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "37.087825"; cov "0.981818";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3299610	3299664	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.73"; transcript_id "CUFF.73.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "15.3622799272"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "37.087825"; cov "0.981818";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3300052	3300078	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.75"; transcript_id "CUFF.75.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3300052	3300078	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.75"; transcript_id "CUFF.75.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3319000	3319051	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.77"; transcript_id "CUFF.77.1"; FPKM "16.2485653076"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "39.227507"; cov "1.038462";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3319000	3319051	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.77"; transcript_id "CUFF.77.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "16.2485653076"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "39.227507"; cov "1.038462";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3355888	3355914	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.79"; transcript_id "CUFF.79.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3355888	3355914	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.79"; transcript_id "CUFF.79.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3363215	3363278	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.81"; transcript_id "CUFF.81.1"; FPKM "13.2019593124"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "31.872349"; cov "0.843750";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3363215	3363278	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.81"; transcript_id "CUFF.81.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "13.2019593124"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "31.872349"; cov "0.843750";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3363754	3363849	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.83"; transcript_id "CUFF.83.1"; FPKM "13.2019593124"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "28.446269"; cov "0.843750";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3363754	3363849	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.83"; transcript_id "CUFF.83.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "13.2019593124"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "28.446269"; cov "0.843750";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3367136	3367162	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.85"; transcript_id "CUFF.85.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3367136	3367162	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.85"; transcript_id "CUFF.85.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3367334	3367382	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.87"; transcript_id "CUFF.87.1"; FPKM "17.2433754285"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "41.629191"; cov "1.102041";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3367334	3367382	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.87"; transcript_id "CUFF.87.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "17.2433754285"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "41.629191"; cov "1.102041";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3377212	3377262	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.89"; transcript_id "CUFF.89.1"; FPKM "16.5671646274"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "39.996674"; cov "1.058824";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3377212	3377262	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.89"; transcript_id "CUFF.89.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "16.5671646274"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "39.996674"; cov "1.058824";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3391326	3391352	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.91"; transcript_id "CUFF.91.1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3391326	3391352	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.91"; transcript_id "CUFF.91.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.2935331850"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "75.549272"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3435842	3435880	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.93"; transcript_id "CUFF.93.1"; FPKM "21.6647537435"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "52.303342"; cov "1.384615";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3435842	3435880	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.93"; transcript_id "CUFF.93.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "21.6647537435"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "52.303342"; cov "1.384615";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3447762	3447788	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.95"; transcript_id "CUFF.95.1"; FPKM "46.9402997776"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "101.142289"; cov "3.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3447762	3447788	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.95"; transcript_id "CUFF.95.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "46.9402997776"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "101.142289"; cov "3.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3450907	3450965	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.97"; transcript_id "CUFF.97.1"; FPKM "21.4811541355"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.285454"; cov "1.372881";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3450907	3450965	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.97"; transcript_id "CUFF.97.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "21.4811541355"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.285454"; cov "1.372881";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3451052	3451109	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.99"; transcript_id "CUFF.99.1"; FPKM "14.5676792413"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "35.169489"; cov "0.931034";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3451052	3451109	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.99"; transcript_id "CUFF.99.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "14.5676792413"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "35.169489"; cov "0.931034";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/cuffcompare_in2.gtf	Tue Oct 01 12:57:24 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3174766	3174792	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.1"; transcript_id "CUFF.1.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3174766	3174792	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.1"; transcript_id "CUFF.1.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3187402	3187428	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.3"; transcript_id "CUFF.3.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3187402	3187428	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.3"; transcript_id "CUFF.3.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3188522	3188548	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.5"; transcript_id "CUFF.5.1"; FPKM "21.2266273824"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "59.889707"; cov "1.205672";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3188522	3188548	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.5"; transcript_id "CUFF.5.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "21.2266273824"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "59.889707"; cov "1.205672";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3190859	3191434	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.7"; transcript_id "CUFF.7.1"; FPKM "29.7095235531"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "19.806349"; conf_hi "39.612698"; cov "1.687500";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3190859	3191434	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.7"; transcript_id "CUFF.7.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "29.7095235531"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "19.806349"; conf_hi "39.612698"; cov "1.687500";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3191513	3192077	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.9"; transcript_id "CUFF.9.1"; FPKM "34.0729325807"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "23.364686"; conf_hi "44.781179"; cov "1.935341";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3191513	3192077	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.9"; transcript_id "CUFF.9.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "34.0729325807"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "23.364686"; conf_hi "44.781179"; cov "1.935341";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3189811	3190789	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.11"; transcript_id "CUFF.11.1"; FPKM "32.5317765567"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "24.582998"; conf_hi "40.480555"; cov "1.847804";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3189811	3190789	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.11"; transcript_id "CUFF.11.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "32.5317765567"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "24.582998"; conf_hi "40.480555"; cov "1.847804";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3192251	3192336	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.13"; transcript_id "CUFF.13.1"; FPKM "16.5820596576"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "35.729373"; cov "0.941860";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3192251	3192336	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.13"; transcript_id "CUFF.13.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "16.5820596576"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "35.729373"; cov "0.941860";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3192650	3192676	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.15"; transcript_id "CUFF.15.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3192650	3192676	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.15"; transcript_id "CUFF.15.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3194707	3194733	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.17"; transcript_id "CUFF.17.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3194707	3194733	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.17"; transcript_id "CUFF.17.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3197426	3197452	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.19"; transcript_id "CUFF.19.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3197426	3197452	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.19"; transcript_id "CUFF.19.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3200431	3200457	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.21"; transcript_id "CUFF.21.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3200431	3200457	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.21"; transcript_id "CUFF.21.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3200057	3200144	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.23"; transcript_id "CUFF.23.1"; FPKM "16.2051946653"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "34.917342"; cov "0.920455";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3200057	3200144	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.23"; transcript_id "CUFF.23.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "16.2051946653"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "34.917342"; cov "0.920455";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3201161	3201187	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.25"; transcript_id "CUFF.25.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3201161	3201187	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.25"; transcript_id "CUFF.25.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3201008	3201039	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.26"; transcript_id "CUFF.26.1"; FPKM "29.7095235531"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "71.725135"; cov "1.687500";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3201008	3201039	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.26"; transcript_id "CUFF.26.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "29.7095235531"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "71.725135"; cov "1.687500";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3201597	3201666	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.29"; transcript_id "CUFF.29.1"; FPKM "13.5814964814"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "32.788633"; cov "0.771429";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3201597	3201666	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.29"; transcript_id "CUFF.29.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "13.5814964814"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "32.788633"; cov "0.771429";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3201726	3201809	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.31"; transcript_id "CUFF.31.1"; FPKM "22.6358274691"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "45.271655"; cov "1.285714";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3201726	3201809	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.31"; transcript_id "CUFF.31.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "22.6358274691"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "45.271655"; cov "1.285714";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3211522	3211561	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.33"; transcript_id "CUFF.33.1"; FPKM "23.7676188425"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "57.380108"; cov "1.350000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3211522	3211561	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.33"; transcript_id "CUFF.33.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "23.7676188425"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "57.380108"; cov "1.350000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3212718	3212801	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.35"; transcript_id "CUFF.35.1"; FPKM "11.3179137345"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "27.323861"; cov "0.642857";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3212718	3212801	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.35"; transcript_id "CUFF.35.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "11.3179137345"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "27.323861"; cov "0.642857";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3213119	3213242	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.37"; transcript_id "CUFF.37.1"; FPKM "11.5004607302"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "24.780049"; cov "0.653226";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3213119	3213242	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.37"; transcript_id "CUFF.37.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "11.5004607302"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "24.780049"; cov "0.653226";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3240607	3240633	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.39"; transcript_id "CUFF.39.1"; FPKM "52.8169307611"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "113.804669"; cov "3.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3240607	3240633	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.39"; transcript_id "CUFF.39.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "52.8169307611"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "113.804669"; cov "3.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3242480	3242512	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.41"; transcript_id "CUFF.41.1"; FPKM "43.2138524409"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "93.112911"; cov "2.454545";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3242480	3242512	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.41"; transcript_id "CUFF.41.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "43.2138524409"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "93.112911"; cov "2.454545";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3242925	3243005	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.43"; transcript_id "CUFF.43.1"; FPKM "23.4741914494"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.948383"; cov "1.333333";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3242925	3243005	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.43"; transcript_id "CUFF.43.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "23.4741914494"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "46.948383"; cov "1.333333";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3243109	3243154	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.45"; transcript_id "CUFF.45.1"; FPKM "20.6674946457"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "49.895746"; cov "1.173913";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3243109	3243154	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.45"; transcript_id "CUFF.45.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "20.6674946457"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "49.895746"; cov "1.173913";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3254080	3254106	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.47"; transcript_id "CUFF.47.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3254080	3254106	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.47"; transcript_id "CUFF.47.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3277156	3277182	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.49"; transcript_id "CUFF.49.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3277156	3277182	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.49"; transcript_id "CUFF.49.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3277914	3278390	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.51"; transcript_id "CUFF.51.1"; FPKM "14.9481879513"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "7.228977"; conf_hi "22.667399"; cov "0.849057";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3277914	3278390	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.51"; transcript_id "CUFF.51.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "14.9481879513"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "7.228977"; conf_hi "22.667399"; cov "0.849057";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3280118	3280144	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.53"; transcript_id "CUFF.53.1"; FPKM "52.8169307611"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "113.804669"; cov "3.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3280118	3280144	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.53"; transcript_id "CUFF.53.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "52.8169307611"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "113.804669"; cov "3.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3280499	3280525	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.55"; transcript_id "CUFF.55.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3280499	3280525	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.55"; transcript_id "CUFF.55.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3282505	3282531	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.57"; transcript_id "CUFF.57.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3282505	3282531	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.57"; transcript_id "CUFF.57.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3282651	3282677	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.59"; transcript_id "CUFF.59.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3282651	3282677	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.59"; transcript_id "CUFF.59.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3282761	3282832	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.61"; transcript_id "CUFF.61.1"; FPKM "13.2042326903"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "31.877838"; cov "0.750000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3282761	3282832	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.61"; transcript_id "CUFF.61.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "13.2042326903"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "31.877838"; cov "0.750000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3284967	3284993	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.63"; transcript_id "CUFF.63.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3284967	3284993	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.63"; transcript_id "CUFF.63.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3290799	3290859	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.65"; transcript_id "CUFF.65.1"; FPKM "31.1706476623"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "62.341295"; cov "1.770492";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3290799	3290859	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.65"; transcript_id "CUFF.65.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "31.1706476623"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "62.341295"; cov "1.770492";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3299444	3299640	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.67"; transcript_id "CUFF.67.1"; FPKM "15.6813507371"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "3.378764"; conf_hi "27.983938"; cov "0.890700";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3299444	3299640	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.67"; transcript_id "CUFF.67.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "15.6813507371"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "3.378764"; conf_hi "27.983938"; cov "0.890700";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3290920	3291273	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.69"; transcript_id "CUFF.69.1"; FPKM "18.7992465421"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "8.750627"; conf_hi "28.847866"; cov "1.067797";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3290920	3291273	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.69"; transcript_id "CUFF.69.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "18.7992465421"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "8.750627"; conf_hi "28.847866"; cov "1.067797";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3299692	3299733	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.71"; transcript_id "CUFF.71.1"; FPKM "22.6358274691"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "54.647722"; cov "1.285714";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3299692	3299733	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.71"; transcript_id "CUFF.71.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "22.6358274691"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "54.647722"; cov "1.285714";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3307749	3307775	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.73"; transcript_id "CUFF.73.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3307749	3307775	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.73"; transcript_id "CUFF.73.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3318621	3318647	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.75"; transcript_id "CUFF.75.1"; FPKM "52.8169307611"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "113.804669"; cov "3.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3318621	3318647	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.75"; transcript_id "CUFF.75.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "52.8169307611"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "113.804669"; cov "3.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3330528	3330554	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.77"; transcript_id "CUFF.77.1"; FPKM "17.6056435870"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "52.816931"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3330528	3330554	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.77"; transcript_id "CUFF.77.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "17.6056435870"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "52.816931"; cov "1.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3351241	3351311	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.79"; transcript_id "CUFF.79.1"; FPKM "13.3902077986"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "32.326821"; cov "0.760563";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3351241	3351311	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.79"; transcript_id "CUFF.79.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "13.3902077986"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "32.326821"; cov "0.760563";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3355908	3356119	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.81"; transcript_id "CUFF.81.1"; FPKM "11.2111409634"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "1.183592"; conf_hi "21.238690"; cov "0.636792";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3355908	3356119	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.81"; transcript_id "CUFF.81.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "11.2111409634"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "1.183592"; conf_hi "21.238690"; cov "0.636792";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3356181	3356225	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.83"; transcript_id "CUFF.83.1"; FPKM "21.1267723045"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "51.004540"; cov "1.200000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3356181	3356225	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.83"; transcript_id "CUFF.83.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "21.1267723045"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "51.004540"; cov "1.200000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3363077	3363176	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.85"; transcript_id "CUFF.85.1"; FPKM "19.0140950740"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "38.028190"; cov "1.080000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3363077	3363176	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.85"; transcript_id "CUFF.85.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "19.0140950740"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "38.028190"; cov "1.080000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3363388	3363446	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.87"; transcript_id "CUFF.87.1"; FPKM "24.1704598398"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "52.080103"; cov "1.372881";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3363388	3363446	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.87"; transcript_id "CUFF.87.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "24.1704598398"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "52.080103"; cov "1.372881";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3364872	3364919	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.89"; transcript_id "CUFF.89.1"; FPKM "29.7095235531"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "64.015126"; cov "1.687500";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3364872	3364919	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.89"; transcript_id "CUFF.89.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "29.7095235531"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "64.015126"; cov "1.687500";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3367211	3367237	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.91"; transcript_id "CUFF.91.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3367211	3367237	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.91"; transcript_id "CUFF.91.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3369581	3369607	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.93"; transcript_id "CUFF.93.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3369581	3369607	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.93"; transcript_id "CUFF.93.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3375002	3375028	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.95"; transcript_id "CUFF.95.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3375002	3375028	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.95"; transcript_id "CUFF.95.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3379889	3379915	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.97"; transcript_id "CUFF.97.1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3379889	3379915	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.97"; transcript_id "CUFF.97.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "35.2112871741"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "85.007567"; cov "2.000000";
+chr1	Cufflinks	transcript	3386740	3386836	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.99"; transcript_id "CUFF.99.1"; FPKM "19.6021598701"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "39.204320"; cov "1.113402";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3386740	3386836	1000	.	.	gene_id "CUFF.99"; transcript_id "CUFF.99.1"; exon_number "1"; FPKM "19.6021598701"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "39.204320"; cov "1.113402";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/cuffcompare_in3.gtf	Tue Oct 01 12:57:24 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	stop_codon	3206103	3206105	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Xkr4"; transcript_id "Xkr4"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	3206106	3207049	0.000000	-	2	gene_id "Xkr4"; transcript_id "Xkr4"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	3204563	3207049	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Xkr4"; transcript_id "Xkr4"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	3411783	3411982	0.000000	-	1	gene_id "Xkr4"; transcript_id "Xkr4"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	3411783	3411982	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Xkr4"; transcript_id "Xkr4"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	3660633	3661429	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Xkr4"; transcript_id "Xkr4"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	start_codon	3661427	3661429	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Xkr4"; transcript_id "Xkr4"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	3660633	3661579	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Xkr4"; transcript_id "Xkr4"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	stop_codon	4334681	4334683	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4334684	4340172	0.000000	-	2	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4334224	4340172	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4341991	4342162	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4341991	4342162	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4342283	4342906	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	start_codon	4342904	4342906	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4342283	4342918	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4350281	4350473	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Rp1"; transcript_id "Rp1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	stop_codon	4481797	4481799	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4481800	4482749	0.000000	-	2	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4481009	4482749	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4483181	4483487	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	start_codon	4483485	4483487	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4483181	4483547	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4483853	4483944	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4485217	4486023	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4486372	4486494	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Sox17"; transcript_id "Sox17"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	stop_codon	4766545	4766547	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4766548	4766882	0.000000	-	2	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4763279	4766882	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4767606	4767729	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4767606	4767729	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4772649	4772814	0.000000	-	1	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4772649	4772814	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4774032	4774186	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4774032	4774186	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4775654	4775758	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	start_codon	4775756	4775758	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4775654	4775807	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	stop_codon	4764533	4764535	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4764536	4764597	0.000000	-	2	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4763279	4764597	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4767606	4767729	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4767606	4767729	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4772649	4772814	0.000000	-	1	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4772649	4772814	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4774032	4774186	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4774032	4774186	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4775654	4775758	0.000000	-	0	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	start_codon	4775756	4775758	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4775654	4775807	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4763279	4764597	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup2"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4767606	4767729	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup2"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4772649	4772814	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup2"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4775654	4775807	0.000000	-	.	gene_id "Mrpl15"; transcript_id "Mrpl15_dup2"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	start_codon	4797995	4797997	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4797995	4798063	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4797974	4798063	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4798536	4798567	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4798536	4798567	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4818665	4818730	0.000000	+	1	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4818665	4818730	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4820349	4820396	0.000000	+	1	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4820349	4820396	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4822392	4822462	0.000000	+	1	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4822392	4822462	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4827082	4827155	0.000000	+	2	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4827082	4827155	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4829468	4829569	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4829468	4829569	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4831037	4831213	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4831037	4831213	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4835044	4835094	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	stop_codon	4835095	4835097	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4835044	4836816	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Lypla1"; transcript_id "Lypla1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	start_codon	4847995	4847997	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4847995	4848057	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4847775	4848057	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4857551	4857613	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4857551	4857613	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4868108	4868213	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4868108	4868213	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4876825	4876912	0.000000	+	2	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4876825	4876912	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4879538	4879683	0.000000	+	1	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4879538	4879683	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4880821	4880877	0.000000	+	2	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4880821	4880877	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4881996	4882150	0.000000	+	2	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4881996	4882150	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4883498	4883644	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4883498	4883644	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4885015	4885086	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4885015	4885086	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4886437	4886442	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	stop_codon	4886443	4886445	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4886437	4887987	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	start_codon	4847995	4847997	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4847995	4848057	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	exon	4847775	4848057	0.000000	+	.	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1_dup1"; 
+chr1	mm9_refFlat	CDS	4857551	4857613	0.000000	+	0	gene_id "Tcea1"; transcript_id "Tcea1_dup1"; 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/cuffmerge_out1.gtf	Tue Oct 01 12:57:24 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4797974	4798063	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4798536	4798567	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4818665	4818730	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "3"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4820349	4820396	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "4"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4822392	4822462	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "5"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4827082	4827155	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "6"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4829468	4829569	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "7"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4831037	4831213	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "8"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4835044	4836816	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000001"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000001"; exon_number "9"; gene_name "Lypla1"; oId "Lypla1"; nearest_ref "Lypla1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS1";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4847775	4848057	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000002"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1_dup1"; contained_in "TCONS_00000003"; nearest_ref "Tcea1_dup1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4857551	4857613	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000002"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1_dup1"; contained_in "TCONS_00000003"; nearest_ref "Tcea1_dup1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4847775	4848057	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4857551	4857613	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4868108	4868213	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "3"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4876825	4876912	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "4"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4879538	4879683	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "5"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4880821	4880877	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "6"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4881996	4882150	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "7"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4883498	4883644	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "8"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4885015	4885086	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "9"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4886437	4887987	.	+	.	gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "10"; gene_name "Tcea1"; oId "Tcea1"; nearest_ref "Tcea1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS2";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3204563	3207049	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000003"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000004"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Xkr4"; oId "Xkr4"; nearest_ref "Xkr4"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS3";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3411783	3411982	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000003"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000004"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Xkr4"; oId "Xkr4"; nearest_ref "Xkr4"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS3";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3660633	3661579	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000003"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000004"; exon_number "3"; gene_name "Xkr4"; oId "Xkr4"; nearest_ref "Xkr4"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS3";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4334224	4340172	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000004"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000005"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Rp1"; oId "Rp1"; nearest_ref "Rp1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS4";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4341991	4342162	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000004"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000005"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Rp1"; oId "Rp1"; nearest_ref "Rp1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS4";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4342283	4342918	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000004"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000005"; exon_number "3"; gene_name "Rp1"; oId "Rp1"; nearest_ref "Rp1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS4";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4350281	4350473	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000004"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000005"; exon_number "4"; gene_name "Rp1"; oId "Rp1"; nearest_ref "Rp1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS4";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4481009	4482749	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000005"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000006"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Sox17"; oId "Sox17"; nearest_ref "Sox17"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS5";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4483181	4483547	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000005"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000006"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Sox17"; oId "Sox17"; nearest_ref "Sox17"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS5";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4483853	4483944	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000005"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000006"; exon_number "3"; gene_name "Sox17"; oId "Sox17"; nearest_ref "Sox17"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS5";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4485217	4486023	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000005"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000006"; exon_number "4"; gene_name "Sox17"; oId "Sox17"; nearest_ref "Sox17"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS5";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4486372	4486494	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000005"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000006"; exon_number "5"; gene_name "Sox17"; oId "Sox17"; nearest_ref "Sox17"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS5";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4763279	4764597	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000009"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup2"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup2"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4767606	4767729	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000009"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup2"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup2"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4772649	4772814	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000009"; exon_number "3"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup2"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup2"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4775654	4775807	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000009"; exon_number "4"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup2"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup2"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4763279	4764597	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000008"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup1"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4767606	4767729	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000008"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup1"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4772649	4772814	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000008"; exon_number "3"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup1"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4774032	4774186	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000008"; exon_number "4"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup1"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4775654	4775807	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000008"; exon_number "5"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15_dup1"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15_dup1"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4763279	4766882	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000007"; exon_number "1"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4767606	4767729	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000007"; exon_number "2"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4772649	4772814	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000007"; exon_number "3"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4774032	4774186	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000007"; exon_number "4"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	4775654	4775807	.	-	.	gene_id "XLOC_000006"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000007"; exon_number "5"; gene_name "Mrpl15"; oId "Mrpl15"; nearest_ref "Mrpl15"; class_code "="; tss_id "TSS6";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3111450	3111490	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000007"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000010"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.1.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS7";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3111546	3111576	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000008"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000011"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.2.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS8";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3174766	3174792	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000009"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000012"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.3.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS9";
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+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3191513	3192077	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000014"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000017"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.8.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS14";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3192251	3192336	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000015"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000018"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.9.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS15";
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+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3194303	3194329	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000021"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000024"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.15.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS21";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3194707	3194733	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000022"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000025"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.16.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS22";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3195084	3195110	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000023"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000026"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.17.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS23";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3195451	3195477	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000024"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000027"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.18.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS24";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3197090	3197116	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000025"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000028"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.19.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS25";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3197247	3197273	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000026"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000029"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.20.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS26";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3197347	3197373	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000027"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000030"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.21.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS27";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3197426	3197452	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000028"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000031"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.22.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS28";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3200023	3200191	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000029"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000032"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.23.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS29";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3200326	3200352	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000030"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000033"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.24.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS30";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3200431	3200457	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000031"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000034"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.25.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS31";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3201008	3201481	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000032"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000035"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.26.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS32";
+chr1	Cufflinks	exon	3201597	3201809	.	.	.	gene_id "XLOC_000033"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000036"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.27.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS33";
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