view zoo_project_ogc_api_processes.xml @ 2:bcb6009d5af7 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit e03f4d27ec44d873aacdf406d7a26ec8038e9b05
author ecology
date Wed, 08 May 2024 21:05:47 +0000
parents 099d42f5804c
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line source

<tool id="zoo_project_ogc_api_processes" name="Zoo Project OGC API Processes" version="0.1.0" profile="22.05">
	<description>executes remote OTB processes</description>
	<expand macro="requirements"/>
	<command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
	Rscript '$__tool_directory__/ogc_api_processes_wrapper.R'
		--outputData '$output_data'
		<inputs name="inputs" filename="inputs.json" data_style="paths"/>
		<conditional name="conditional_process">
			<param name="select_process" type="select" label="Select process">
				<option value="OTB.MorphologicalMultiScaleDecomposition">OTB.MorphologicalMultiScaleDecomposition: Perform a geodesic morphology based image analysis on an input image channel</option>
				<option value="OTB.Convert">OTB.Convert: Convert an image to a different format, optionally rescaling the data and/or changing the pixel type.</option>
				<option value="OTB.PredictRegression">OTB.PredictRegression: Performs a prediction of the input image according to a regression model file.</option>
				<option value="OTB.SARPolarMatrixConvert">OTB.SARPolarMatrixConvert: This applications allows converting classical polarimetric matrices to each other.</option>
				<option value="OTB.ImageClassifier">OTB.ImageClassifier: Performs a classification of the input image according to a model file.</option>
				<option value="OTB.ManageNoData">OTB.ManageNoData: Manage No-Data</option>
				<option value="OTB.SFSTextureExtraction">OTB.SFSTextureExtraction: Computes Structural Feature Set textures on every pixel of the input image selected channel</option>
				<option value="OTB.VectorDataExtractROI">OTB.VectorDataExtractROI: Perform an extract ROI on the input vector data according to the input image extent</option>
				<option value="OTB.HyperspectralUnmixing">OTB.HyperspectralUnmixing: Estimate abundance maps from an hyperspectral image and a set of endmembers.</option>
				<option value="OTB.HooverCompareSegmentation">OTB.HooverCompareSegmentation: Compare two segmentations with Hoover metrics</option>
				<option value="OTB.ComputeConfusionMatrix">OTB.ComputeConfusionMatrix: Computes the confusion matrix of a classification</option>
				<option value="OTB.ConcatenateImages">OTB.ConcatenateImages: Concatenate a list of images of the same size into a single multi-channel one.</option>
				<option value="OTB.SampleAugmentation">OTB.SampleAugmentation: Generates synthetic samples from a sample data file.</option>
				<option value="OTB.HaralickTextureExtraction">OTB.HaralickTextureExtraction: Computes Haralick textural features on the selected channel of the input image</option>
				<option value="OTB.ConvertSensorToGeoPoint">OTB.ConvertSensorToGeoPoint: Sensor to geographic coordinates conversion.</option>
				<option value="OTB.DSFuzzyModelEstimation">OTB.DSFuzzyModelEstimation: Estimate feature fuzzy model parameters using 2 vector data (ground truth samples and wrong samples).</option>
				<option value="OTB.OrthoRectification">OTB.OrthoRectification: This application allows ortho-rectifying optical and radar images from supported sensors.</option>
				<option value="OTB.BinaryMorphologicalOperation">OTB.BinaryMorphologicalOperation: Performs morphological operations on an input image channel</option>
				<option value="OTB.BlockMatching">OTB.BlockMatching: Performs block-matching to estimate pixel-wise disparities between two images.</option>
				<option value="OTB.KmzExport">OTB.KmzExport: Export the input image in a KMZ product.</option>
				<option value="OTB.ConnectedComponentSegmentation">OTB.ConnectedComponentSegmentation: Connected component segmentation and object based image filtering of the input image according to user-defined criterions.</option>
				<option value="OTB.TrainImagesClassifier">OTB.TrainImagesClassifier: Train a classifier from multiple pairs of images and training vector data.</option>
				<option value="OTB.MultivariateAlterationDetector">OTB.MultivariateAlterationDetector: Change detection by Multivariate Alteration Detector (MAD) algorithm</option>
				<option value="OTB.ComputePolylineFeatureFromImage">OTB.ComputePolylineFeatureFromImage: This application computes the chosen descriptors for each studied polyline contained in the input VectorData.</option>
				<option value="OTB.MultiImageSamplingRate">OTB.MultiImageSamplingRate: Compute sampling rate for an input set of images.</option>
				<option value="OTB.Segmentation">OTB.Segmentation: Performs segmentation of an image, and output either a raster or a vector file. In vector mode, large input datasets are supported.</option>
				<option value="OTB.VectorDataDSValidation">OTB.VectorDataDSValidation: Vector data validation based on the fusion of features using Dempster-Shafer evidence theory framework.</option>
				<option value="OTB.OGRLayerClassifier">OTB.OGRLayerClassifier: Classify an OGR layer based on a machine learning model and a list of features to consider.</option>
				<option value="OTB.OSMDownloader">OTB.OSMDownloader: Download vector data from OSM and store it to file</option>
				<option value="OTB.DisparityMapToElevationMap">OTB.DisparityMapToElevationMap: Projects a disparity map into a regular elevation map.</option>
				<option value="OTB.VectorClassifier">OTB.VectorClassifier: Performs a classification of the input vector data according to a model file.</option>
				<option value="OTB.ObtainUTMZoneFromGeoPoint">OTB.ObtainUTMZoneFromGeoPoint: UTM zone determination from a geographic point.</option>
				<option value="OTB.SOMClassification">OTB.SOMClassification: SOM image classification.</option>
				<option value="OTB.GeneratePlyFile">OTB.GeneratePlyFile: Generate a 3D Ply file from a DEM and a color image.</option>
				<option value="OTB.StereoRectificationGridGenerator">OTB.StereoRectificationGridGenerator: Generates two deformation fields to resample in epipolar geometry, a pair of stereo images up to the sensor model precision</option>
				<option value="OTB.SARDeburst">OTB.SARDeburst: This application performs deburst of Sentinel1 IW SLC images by removing redundant lines.</option>
				<option value="OTB.SampleExtraction">OTB.SampleExtraction: Extracts samples values from an image.</option>
				<option value="OTB.MorphologicalProfilesAnalysis">OTB.MorphologicalProfilesAnalysis: Performs morphological profiles analysis on an input image channel.</option>
				<option value="OTB.MeanShiftSmoothing">OTB.MeanShiftSmoothing: This application smooths an image using the MeanShift algorithm.</option>
				<option value="OTB.BundleToPerfectSensor">OTB.BundleToPerfectSensor: Perform P+XS pansharpening</option>
				<option value="OTB.ConvertCartoToGeoPoint">OTB.ConvertCartoToGeoPoint: Convert cartographic coordinates to geographic ones.</option>
				<option value="OTB.VectorDataTransform">OTB.VectorDataTransform: Apply a transform to each vertex of the input VectorData</option>
				<option value="OTB.FusionOfClassifications">OTB.FusionOfClassifications: Fuses several classifications maps of the same image on the basis of class labels.</option>
				<option value="OTB.VectorDataSetField">OTB.VectorDataSetField: Set a field in vector data.</option>
				<option value="OTB.Pansharpening">OTB.Pansharpening: Perform P+XS pansharpening</option>
				<option value="OTB.ConcatenateVectorData">OTB.ConcatenateVectorData: Concatenate vector data files</option>
				<option value="OTB.GridBasedImageResampling">OTB.GridBasedImageResampling: Resamples an image according to a resampling grid</option>
				<option value="OTB.SARPolarSynth">OTB.SARPolarSynth: Gives, for each pixel, the power that would have been received by a SAR system with a basis different from the classical (H,V) one (polarimetric synthetis).</option>
				<option value="OTB.GrayScaleMorphologicalOperation">OTB.GrayScaleMorphologicalOperation: Performs morphological operations on a grayscale input image</option>
				<option value="OTB.ReadImageInfo">OTB.ReadImageInfo: Get information about the image</option>
				<option value="OTB.ImageEnvelope">OTB.ImageEnvelope: Extracts an image envelope.</option>
				<option value="OTB.LSMSVectorization">OTB.LSMSVectorization: This application performs the fourth step of the exact Large-Scale Mean-Shift segmentation workflow [1].</option>
				<option value="OTB.FineRegistration">OTB.FineRegistration: Estimate disparity map between two images.</option>
				<option value="OTB.GenerateRPCSensorModel">OTB.GenerateRPCSensorModel: Generate a RPC sensor model from a list of Ground Control Points.</option>
				<option value="OTB.DomainTransform">OTB.DomainTransform: Domain Transform application for wavelet and fourier</option>
				<option value="OTB.RefineSensorModel">OTB.RefineSensorModel: Perform least-square fit of a sensor model to a set of tie points</option>
				<option value="OTB.ComputeImagesStatistics">OTB.ComputeImagesStatistics: Computes global mean and standard deviation for each band from a set of images and optionally saves the results in an XML file.</option>
				<option value="OTB.Rasterization">OTB.Rasterization: Rasterize a vector dataset.</option>
				<option value="OTB.BandMath">OTB.BandMath: Outputs a monoband image which is the result of a mathematical operation on several multi-band images.</option>
				<option value="OTB.RigidTransformResample">OTB.RigidTransformResample: Resample an image with a rigid transform</option>
				<option value="OTB.SARCalibration">OTB.SARCalibration: Perform radiometric calibration of SAR images. Following sensors are supported: TerraSAR-X, Sentinel1 and Radarsat-2.Both Single Look Complex(SLC) and detected products are supported as input.</option>
				<option value="OTB.Smoothing">OTB.Smoothing: Apply a smoothing filter to an image</option>
				<option value="OTB.TileFusion">OTB.TileFusion: Fusion of an image made of several tile files.</option>
				<option value="OTB.ColorMapping">OTB.ColorMapping: Maps an input label image to 8-bits RGB using look-up tables.</option>
				<option value="OTB.Superimpose">OTB.Superimpose: Using available image metadata, project one image onto another one</option>
				<option value="OTB.ClassificationMapRegularization">OTB.ClassificationMapRegularization: Filters the input labeled image using Majority Voting in a ball shaped neighbordhood.</option>
				<option value="OTB.DynamicConvert">OTB.DynamicConvert: Change the pixel type and rescale the image's dynamic</option>
				<option value="OTB.Rescale">OTB.Rescale: Rescale the image between two given values.</option>
				<option value="OTB.Quicklook">OTB.Quicklook: Generates a subsampled version of an image extract</option>
				<option value="OTB.RadiometricIndices">OTB.RadiometricIndices: Compute radiometric indices.</option>
				<option value="OTB.ExtractROI">OTB.ExtractROI: Extract a ROI defined by the user.</option>
				<option value="OTB.PolygonClassStatistics">OTB.PolygonClassStatistics: Computes statistics on a training polygon set.</option>
				<option value="OTB.DEMConvert">OTB.DEMConvert: Converts a geo-referenced DEM image into a general raster file compatible with OTB DEM handling.</option>
				<option value="OTB.MultiResolutionPyramid">OTB.MultiResolutionPyramid: Build a multi-resolution pyramid of the image.</option>
				<option value="OTB.LSMSSegmentation">OTB.LSMSSegmentation: This application performs the second step of the exact Large-Scale Mean-Shift segmentation workflow (LSMS) [1].</option>
				<option value="OTB.Despeckle">OTB.Despeckle: Perform speckle noise reduction on SAR image.</option>
				<option value="OTB.TrainVectorClassifier">OTB.TrainVectorClassifier: Train a classifier based on labeled geometries and a list of features to consider.</option>
				<option value="OTB.SampleSelection">OTB.SampleSelection: Selects samples from a training vector data set.</option>
				<option value="OTB.CompareImages">OTB.CompareImages: Estimator between 2 images.</option>
				<option value="OTB.VertexComponentAnalysis">OTB.VertexComponentAnalysis: Given a set of mixed spectral vectors, estimatereference substances also known as endmembers using the VertexComponent Analysis algorithm.</option>
				<option value="OTB.SplitImage">OTB.SplitImage: Split a N multiband image into N images.</option>
				<option value="OTB.DownloadSRTMTiles">OTB.DownloadSRTMTiles: Download or list SRTM tiles</option>
				<option value="OTB.ComputeOGRLayersFeaturesStatistics">OTB.ComputeOGRLayersFeaturesStatistics: Compute statistics of the features in a set of OGR Layers</option>
				<option value="OTB.LSMSSmallRegionsMerging">OTB.LSMSSmallRegionsMerging: This application performs the third (optional) step of the exact Large-Scale Mean-Shift segmentation workflow [1].</option>
				<option value="OTB.PixelValue">OTB.PixelValue: Get the value of a pixel.</option>
				<option value="OTB.MorphologicalClassification">OTB.MorphologicalClassification: Performs morphological convex, concave and flat classification on an input image channel</option>
				<option value="OTB.LargeScaleMeanShift">OTB.LargeScaleMeanShift: Large-scale segmentation using MeanShift</option>
				<option value="OTB.TrainRegression">OTB.TrainRegression: Train a classifier from multiple images to perform regression.</option>
				<option value="OTB.ContrastEnhancement">OTB.ContrastEnhancement: This application is the implementation of the histogram equalization algorithm. It can be used to enhance contrast in an image or to reduce the dynamic of the image without losing too much contrast. It offers several options as a no data value, a contrast limitation factor, a local version of the algorithm and also a mode to equalize the luminance of the image.</option>
				<option value="OTB.SARDecompositions">OTB.SARDecompositions: From one-band complex images (each one related to an element of the Sinclair matrix), returns the selected decomposition.</option>
				<option value="OTB.EdgeExtraction">OTB.EdgeExtraction: This application computes edge features on every pixel of the input image selected channel</option>
				<option value="OTB.VectorDataReprojection">OTB.VectorDataReprojection: Reproject a vector data using support image projection reference, or a user specified map projection</option>
				<option value="OTB.ComputeModulusAndPhase">OTB.ComputeModulusAndPhase: This application computes the modulus and the phase of a complex SAR image.</option>
				<option value="OTB.LineSegmentDetection">OTB.LineSegmentDetection: Detect line segments in raster</option>
				<option value="OTB.LocalStatisticExtraction">OTB.LocalStatisticExtraction: Computes local statistical moments on every pixel in the selected channel of the input image</option>
			<when value="OTB.MorphologicalMultiScaleDecomposition">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to be classified." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="outconvex" label="outconvex" optional="false" value="float" help="The output convex image with N bands" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="outconcave" label="outconcave" optional="false" value="float" help="The output concave concave with N bands" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="outleveling" label="outleveling" optional="false" value="float" help="The output leveling image with N bands" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index for input image" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="structype" label="structype" optional="false" value="ball" help="Choice of the structuring element type" type="select">
					<option value="ball">ball</option>
					<option value="cross">cross</option>
				<param name="radius" label="radius" optional="false" value="5" help="Initial radius of the structuring element (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="step" label="step" optional="false" value="1" help="Radius step along the profile (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="levels" label="levels" optional="false" value="1" help="Number of levels use for multi scale" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="outconvex_outformat" label="outconvex_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="outconcave_outformat" label="outconcave_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="outleveling_outformat" label="outleveling_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.Convert">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="type" label="type" optional="false" value="none" help="Transfer function for the rescaling" type="select">
					<option value="none">none</option>
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
					<option value="log2">log2</option>
				<param name="type_linear_gamma" label="type.linear.gamma" optional="true" value="1" help="Gamma correction factor" type="float"/>
				<param name="mask" label="mask" optional="false" help="Optional mask to indicate which pixels are valid for computing the histogram quantiles. Only pixels where the mask is less than 0.5 will contribute to the histogram. The mask must have the same dimensions as the input image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="hcp_high" label="hcp.high" optional="true" value="2" help="Quantiles to cut from histogram high values before computing min/max rescaling (in percent, 2 by default)" type="float"/>
				<param name="hcp_low" label="hcp.low" optional="true" value="2" help="Quantiles to cut from histogram low values before computing min/max rescaling (in percent, 2 by default)" type="float"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="Output image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="channels" label="channels" optional="false" value="all" help="It's possible to select the channels of the output image. There are 3 modes, the available choices are:" type="select">
					<option value="all">all</option>
					<option value="grayscale">grayscale</option>
					<option value="rgb">rgb</option>
				<param name="channels_grayscale_channel" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="" type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_rgb_red" label="" optional="false" value="" help="Red channel index." type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_rgb_green" label="" optional="false" value="" help="Green channel index." type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_rgb_blue" label="" optional="false" value="" help="Blue channel index." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.PredictRegression">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to predict." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mask" label="mask" optional="false" help="The mask allow restricting classification of the input image to the area where mask pixel values are greater than 0." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="model" label="model" optional="false" help="A regression model file (produced by TrainRegression application)." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="imstat" label="imstat" optional="false" help="A XML file containing mean and standard deviation to center and reduce samples before prediction (produced by ComputeImagesStatistics application). If this file containsone more band than the sample size, the last stat of last band will beapplied to expand the output predicted value" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image containing predicted values" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SARPolarMatrixConvert">
				<param name="inc" label="inc" optional="false" help="Input : multi-band complex image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inf" label="inf" optional="false" help="Input : multi-band real image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inhh" label="inhh" optional="false" help="Input : one-band complex image (HH)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inhv" label="inhv" optional="false" help="Input : one-band complex image (HV)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="invh" label="invh" optional="false" help="Input : one-band complex image (VH)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="invv" label="invv" optional="false" help="Input : one-band complex image (VV)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="outc" label="outc" optional="true" value="float" help="Output Complex image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="outf" label="outf" optional="true" value="float" help="Output Real image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="conv" label="conv" optional="false" value="msinclairtocoherency" help="conv" type="select">
					<option value="msinclairtocoherency">msinclairtocoherency</option>
					<option value="msinclairtocovariance">msinclairtocovariance</option>
					<option value="msinclairtocircovariance">msinclairtocircovariance</option>
					<option value="mcoherencytomueller">mcoherencytomueller</option>
					<option value="mcovariancetocoherencydegree">mcovariancetocoherencydegree</option>
					<option value="mcovariancetocoherency">mcovariancetocoherency</option>
					<option value="mlinearcovariancetocircularcovariance">mlinearcovariancetocircularcovariance</option>
					<option value="muellertomcovariance">muellertomcovariance</option>
					<option value="bsinclairtocoherency">bsinclairtocoherency</option>
					<option value="bsinclairtocovariance">bsinclairtocovariance</option>
					<option value="bsinclairtocircovariance">bsinclairtocircovariance</option>
					<option value="sinclairtomueller">sinclairtomueller</option>
					<option value="muellertopoldegandpower">muellertopoldegandpower</option>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="outc_outformat" label="outc_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="outf_outformat" label="outf_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ImageClassifier">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to classify." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mask" label="mask" optional="false" help="The mask allows restricting classification of the input image to the area where mask pixel values are greater than 0." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="model" label="model" optional="false" help="A model file (produced by TrainImagesClassifier application, maximal class label = 65535)." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="imstat" label="imstat" optional="false" help="A XML file containing mean and standard deviation to center and reduce samples before classification (produced by ComputeImagesStatistics application)." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="nodatalabel" label="nodatalabel" optional="true" value="0" help="By default, hidden pixels will have the assigned label 0 in the output image. It's possible to define the label mask by another value, but be careful to not take a label from another class (max. 65535)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="Output image containing class labels" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="confmap" label="confmap" optional="true" value="uint8" help="Confidence map of the produced classification. The confidence index depends on the model :   - LibSVM : difference between the two highest probabilities (needs a model with probability estimates, so that classes probabilities can be computed for each sample)  - OpenCV    * Boost : sum of votes    * DecisionTree : (not supported)    * GradientBoostedTree : (not supported)    * KNearestNeighbors : number of neighbors with the same label    * NeuralNetwork : difference between the two highest responses    * NormalBayes : (not supported)    * RandomForest : Confidence (proportion of votes for the majority class). Margin (normalized difference of the votes of the 2 majority classes) is not available for now.    * SVM : distance to margin (only works for 2-class models)" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="confmap_outformat" label="confmap_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ManageNoData">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="usenan" label="usenan" optional="false" value="False" help="If active, the application will consider NaN as no-data values as well" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="buildmask" help="Allows choosing between different no-data handling options" type="select">
					<option value="buildmask">buildmask</option>
					<option value="changevalue">changevalue</option>
					<option value="apply">apply</option>
				<param name="mode_buildmask_inv" label="mode.buildmask.inv" optional="false" value="1" help="Value given in the output mask to pixels that are not no data pixels" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_buildmask_outv" label="mode.buildmask.outv" optional="false" value="0" help="Value given in the output mask to pixels that are no data pixels" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_changevalue_newv" label="mode.changevalue.newv" optional="false" value="0" help="The new no-data value" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_apply_mask" label="mode.apply.mask" optional="false" help="Mask to be applied on input image (valid pixels have non null values)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mode_apply_ndval" label="mode.apply.ndval" optional="false" value="0" help="No Data value used according to the mask image" type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SFSTextureExtraction">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to compute the features on." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="parameters_spethre" label="parameters.spethre" optional="false" value="50" help="Spectral Threshold" type="float"/>
				<param name="parameters_spathre" label="parameters.spathre" optional="false" value="100" help="Spatial Threshold" type="integer"/>
				<param name="parameters_nbdir" label="parameters.nbdir" optional="false" value="20" help="Number of Direction" type="integer"/>
				<param name="parameters_alpha" label="parameters.alpha" optional="false" value="1" help="Alpha" type="float"/>
				<param name="parameters_maxcons" label="parameters.maxcons" optional="false" value="5" help="Ratio Maximum Consideration Number" type="integer"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image containing the SFS texture features." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.VectorDataExtractROI">
				<param name="io_vd" label="io.vd" optional="false" help="Input vector data" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_in" label="" optional="false" help="Support image that specifies the extracted region" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.HyperspectralUnmixing">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The hyperspectral data cube input" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The output abundance map. The abundance fraction are stored in a multispectral image where band N corresponds to the fraction of endmembers N in each pixel." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ie" label="ie" optional="false" help="The endmembers (estimated pure pixels) to use for unmixing. Must be stored as a multispectral image, where each pixel is interpreted as an endmember." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="ua" label="ua" optional="true" value="ucls" help="The algorithm to use for unmixing" type="select">
					<option value="ucls">ucls</option>
					<option value="ncls">ncls</option>
					<option value="isra">isra</option>
					<option value="mdmdnmf">mdmdnmf</option>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.HooverCompareSegmentation">
				<param name="ingt" label="ingt" optional="false" help="A partial ground truth segmentation image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inms" label="inms" optional="false" help="A machine segmentation image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="bg" label="bg" optional="false" value="0" help="Label value of the background in the input segmentations" type="integer"/>
				<param name="th" label="th" optional="false" value="0.75" help="Overlapping threshold used to find Hoover instances." type="float"/>
				<param name="outgt" label="outgt" optional="true" value="uint8" help="The colored ground truth output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="outms" label="outms" optional="true" value="uint8" help="The colored machine segmentation output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="outgt_outformat" label="outgt_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="outms_outformat" label="outms_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ComputeConfusionMatrix">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input classification image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="format" label="format" optional="false" value="confusionmatrix" help="Choice of the output format as a contingency table for unsupervised algorithmsor confusion matrix for supervised ones." type="select">
					<option value="confusionmatrix">confusionmatrix</option>
					<option value="contingencytable">contingencytable</option>
				<param name="ref" label="ref" optional="false" value="raster" help="Choice of ground truth format" type="select">
					<option value="raster">raster</option>
					<option value="vector">vector</option>
				<param name="ref_raster_in" label="" optional="false" help="Input image containing the ground truth labels" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="ref_raster_nodata" label="ref.raster.nodata" optional="true" value="0" help="Label to be treated as no data in ref raster." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ref_vector_in" label="" optional="false" help="Input vector data of the ground truth" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="ref_vector_field" label="ref.vector.field" optional="false" value="" help="Field name containing the label values" type="text"/>
				<param name="ref_vector_nodata" label="ref.vector.nodata" optional="true" value="0" help="Label to be treated as no data in ref vector. Please note that this value is always used in vector mode, to generate default values. Please set it to a value that does not correspond to a class label." type="integer"/>
				<param name="nodatalabel" label="nodatalabel" optional="true" value="0" help="Label to be treated as no data in input image" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/csv">text/csv</option>
			<when value="OTB.ConcatenateImages">
				<param name="il" label="il" optional="false" help="The list of images to concatenate, must have the same size." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The concatenated output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SampleAugmentation">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Vector data file containing samples (OGR format)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="field" label="field" optional="false" value="" help="Name of the field carrying the class name in the input vectors." type="text"/>
				<param name="layer" label="layer" optional="true" value="0" help="Layer index to read in the input vector file." type="integer"/>
				<param name="label" label="label" optional="false" value="1" help="Label of the class of the input file for which new samples will be generated." type="integer"/>
				<param name="samples" label="samples" optional="false" value="100" help="Number of synthetic samples that will be generated." type="integer"/>
				<param name="exclude" label="exclude" optional="false" value="" help="List of field names in the input vector data that will not be generated in the output file." type="text"/>
				<param name="strategy" label="strategy" optional="false" value="replicate" help="strategy" type="select">
					<option value="replicate">replicate</option>
					<option value="jitter">jitter</option>
					<option value="smote">smote</option>
				<param name="strategy_jitter_stdfactor" label="strategy.jitter.stdfactor" optional="false" value="10" help="The noise added to the input samples will have the standard deviation of the input features divided by the value of this parameter. " type="float"/>
				<param name="strategy_smote_neighbors" label="strategy.smote.neighbors" optional="false" value="" help="Number of nearest neighbors to be used in the SMOTE algorithm" type="integer"/>
				<param name="seed" label="seed" optional="true" help="Set specific seed. with integer value." type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.HaralickTextureExtraction">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to compute the features on." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="step" label="step" optional="true" value="1" help="Step (in pixels) to compute output texture values. The first computed pixel position is shifted by (step-1)/2 in both directions." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="parameters_xrad" label="parameters.xrad" optional="false" value="2" help="X Radius" type="integer"/>
				<param name="parameters_yrad" label="parameters.yrad" optional="false" value="2" help="Y Radius" type="integer"/>
				<param name="parameters_xoff" label="parameters.xoff" optional="false" value="1" help="X Offset" type="integer"/>
				<param name="parameters_yoff" label="parameters.yoff" optional="false" value="1" help="Y Offset" type="integer"/>
				<param name="parameters_min" label="parameters.min" optional="false" value="0" help="Image Minimum" type="float"/>
				<param name="parameters_max" label="parameters.max" optional="false" value="255" help="Image Maximum" type="float"/>
				<param name="parameters_nbbin" label="parameters.nbbin" optional="false" value="8" help="Histogram number of bin" type="integer"/>
				<param name="texture" label="texture" optional="false" value="simple" help="Choice of The Texture Set" type="select">
					<option value="simple">simple</option>
					<option value="advanced">advanced</option>
					<option value="higher">higher</option>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="true" value="float" help="Output image containing the selected texture features." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ConvertSensorToGeoPoint">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input sensor image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="input_idx" label="input.idx" optional="false" value="0" help="X coordinate of the point to transform." type="float"/>
				<param name="input_idy" label="input.idy" optional="false" value="0" help="Y coordinate of the point to transform." type="float"/>
			<when value="OTB.DSFuzzyModelEstimation">
				<param name="psin" label="psin" optional="false" help="Ground truth vector data for positive samples" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="nsin" label="nsin" optional="false" help="Ground truth vector data for negative samples" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="belsup" label="belsup" optional="false" value="" help="Dempster Shafer study hypothesis to compute belief" type="text"/>
				<param name="plasup" label="plasup" optional="false" value="" help="Dempster Shafer study hypothesis to compute plausibility" type="text"/>
				<param name="cri" label="cri" optional="true" value="((Belief + Plausibility)/2.)" help="Dempster Shafer criterion (by default (belief+plausibility)/2)" type="text"/>
				<param name="wgt" label="wgt" optional="true" value="0.5" help="Coefficient between 0 and 1 to promote undetection or false detections (default 0.5)" type="float"/>
				<param name="initmod" label="initmod" optional="false" help="Initialization model (xml file) to be used. If the xml initialization model is set, the descriptor list is not used (specified using the option -desclist)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="desclist" label="desclist" optional="true" help="List of the descriptors to be used in the model (must be specified to perform an automatic initialization)" type="text"/>
				<param name="maxnbit" label="maxnbit" optional="true" value="200" help="Maximum number of optimizer iteration (default 200)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="optobs" label="optobs" optional="false" value="False" help="Activate the optimizer observer" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
			<when value="OTB.OrthoRectification">
				<param name="io_in" label="" optional="false" help="The input image to ortho-rectify" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_out" label="io.out" optional="false" value="float" help="The ortho-rectified output image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="map" label="map" optional="false" value="utm" help="Defines the map projection to be used." type="select">
					<option value="utm">utm</option>
					<option value="lambert2">lambert2</option>
					<option value="lambert93">lambert93</option>
					<option value="wgs">wgs</option>
					<option value="epsg">epsg</option>
				<param name="map_utm_zone" label="" optional="false" value="31" help="The zone number ranges from 1 to 60 and allows defining the transverse mercator projection (along with the hemisphere)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="map_utm_northhem" label="map.utm.northhem" optional="false" value="False" help="The transverse mercator projections are defined by their zone number as well as the hemisphere. Activate this parameter if your image is in the northern hemisphere." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="map_epsg_code" label="map.epsg.code" optional="false" value="4326" help="See to find which EPSG code is associated to your projection" type="integer"/>
				<param name="outputs_mode" label="outputs.mode" optional="false" value="auto" help="outputs.mode" type="select">
					<option value="auto">auto</option>
					<option value="autosize">autosize</option>
					<option value="autospacing">autospacing</option>
					<option value="outputroi">outputroi</option>
					<option value="orthofit">orthofit</option>
				<param name="outputs_ulx" label="outputs.ulx" optional="false" value="" help="Cartographic X coordinate of upper-left corner (meters for cartographic projections, degrees for geographic ones)" type="float"/>
				<param name="outputs_uly" label="outputs.uly" optional="false" value="" help="Cartographic Y coordinate of the upper-left corner (meters for cartographic projections, degrees for geographic ones)" type="float"/>
				<param name="outputs_sizex" label="outputs.sizex" optional="false" value="" help="Size of projected image along X (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="outputs_sizey" label="outputs.sizey" optional="false" value="" help="Size of projected image along Y (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="outputs_spacingx" label="outputs.spacingx" optional="false" value="" help="Size of each pixel along X axis (meters for cartographic projections, degrees for geographic ones)" type="float"/>
				<param name="outputs_spacingy" label="outputs.spacingy" optional="false" value="" help="Size of each pixel along Y axis (meters for cartographic projections, degrees for geographic ones)" type="float"/>
				<param name="outputs_lrx" label="outputs.lrx" optional="true" help="Cartographic X coordinate of the lower-right corner (meters for cartographic projections, degrees for geographic ones)" type="float"/>
				<param name="outputs_lry" label="outputs.lry" optional="true" help="Cartographic Y coordinate of the lower-right corner (meters for cartographic projections, degrees for geographic ones)" type="float"/>
				<param name="outputs_ortho" label="outputs.ortho" optional="false" help="A model ortho-image that can be used to compute size, origin and spacing of the output" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="outputs_isotropic" label="outputs.isotropic" optional="false" value="False" help="Default spacing (pixel size) values are estimated from the sensor modeling of the image. It can therefore result in a non-isotropic spacing. This option allows you to force default values to be isotropic (in this case, the minimum of spacing in both direction is applied. Values overridden by user are not affected by this option." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="outputs_default" label="outputs.default" optional="true" value="0" help="Default value to write when outside of input image." type="float"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="interpolator" label="interpolator" optional="false" value="bco" help="This group of parameters allows one to define how the input image will be interpolated during resampling." type="select">
					<option value="bco">bco</option>
					<option value="nn">nn</option>
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
				<param name="interpolator_bco_radius" label="interpolator.bco.radius" optional="true" value="10" help="Enabling RPC modeling allows one to speed-up SPOT5 ortho-rectification. Value is the number of control points per axis for RPC estimation" type="integer"/>
				<param name="opt_ram" label="opt.ram" optional="true" value="128" help="This allows setting the maximum amount of RAM available for processing. As the writing task is time consuming, it is better to write large pieces of data, which can be achieved by increasing this parameter (pay attention to your system capabilities)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="opt_gridspacing" label="opt.gridspacing" optional="true" value="4" help="Resampling is done according to a coordinate mapping deformation grid, whose pixel size is set by this parameter, and expressed in the coordinate system of the output image The closer to the output spacing this parameter is, the more precise will be the ortho-rectified image,but increasing this parameter will reduce processing time." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.BinaryMorphologicalOperation">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to be filtered." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="structype" label="structype" optional="false" value="ball" help="Choice of the structuring element type" type="select">
					<option value="ball">ball</option>
					<option value="cross">cross</option>
				<param name="structype_ball_xradius" label="structype.ball.xradius" optional="false" value="5" help="The structuring element radius along the X axis." type="integer"/>
				<param name="structype_ball_yradius" label="structype.ball.yradius" optional="false" value="5" help="The structuring element radius along the y axis." type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter" label="filter" optional="false" value="dilate" help="Choice of the morphological operation" type="select">
					<option value="dilate">dilate</option>
					<option value="erode">erode</option>
					<option value="opening">opening</option>
					<option value="closing">closing</option>
				<param name="filter_dilate_foreval" label="filter.dilate.foreval" optional="false" value="1" help="Set the foreground value, default is 1.0." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_dilate_backval" label="filter.dilate.backval" optional="false" value="0" help="Set the background value, default is 0.0." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_erode_foreval" label="filter.erode.foreval" optional="false" value="1" help="Set the foreground value, default is 1.0." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_erode_backval" label="filter.erode.backval" optional="false" value="0" help="Set the background value, default is 0.0." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_opening_foreval" label="filter.opening.foreval" optional="false" value="1" help="Set the foreground value, default is 1.0." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_opening_backval" label="filter.opening.backval" optional="false" value="0" help="Set the background value, default is 0.0." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_closing_foreval" label="filter.closing.foreval" optional="false" value="1" help="Set the foreground value, default is 1.0." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.BlockMatching">
				<param name="io_inleft" label="io.inleft" optional="false" help="The left input image (reference).It should have the same size and same physical space as the right input. This image can be generated by GridBasedImageResampling" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_inright" label="io.inright" optional="false" help="The right input (secondary).It should have the same size and same physical space as the left input. This image can be generated by GridBasedImageResampling" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_out" label="io.out" optional="false" value="float" help="An image containing the estimated disparities as well as the metric values if the option is used. If no metric is output and no sub-pixel interpolation is done, pixel type canbe a signed integer. In the other cases, floating point pixel is advised." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="io_outmask" label="io.outmask" optional="true" value="uint8" help="An output mask image corresponding to all citerions (see masking parameters). Only required if variance threshold or nodata criterions are set. Output pixel type is unsigned 8bit by default." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="io_outmetric" label="io.outmetric" optional="false" value="False" help="If enabled, the output image will have a third component with metric optimal values" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="mask_inleft" label="mask.inleft" optional="false" help="This parameter allows providing a custom mask for the left image. Block matching will be only perform on pixels inside the mask (non-zero values)." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mask_inright" label="mask.inright" optional="false" help="This parameter allows providing a custom mask for the right image. Block matching will be perform only on pixels inside the mask (non-zero values)." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mask_nodata" label="mask.nodata" optional="true" value="0" help="This parameter allows discarding pixels whose value is equal to the user-defined no-data value." type="float"/>
				<param name="mask_variancet" label="mask.variancet" optional="true" value="100" help="This parameter allows discarding pixels whose local variance is too small (the size of the neighborhood is given by the radius parameter)" type="float"/>
				<param name="bm_metric" label="bm.metric" optional="false" value="ssd" help="Metric to evaluate matching between two local windows." type="select">
					<option value="ssd">ssd</option>
					<option value="ncc">ncc</option>
					<option value="lp">lp</option>
				<param name="bm_metric_lp_p" label="bm.metric.lp.p" optional="false" value="1" help="Value of the p parameter in Lp pseudo-norm (must be positive)." type="float"/>
				<param name="bm_radius" label="bm.radius" optional="false" value="3" help="The radius (in pixels) of blocks in Block-Matching" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_minhd" label="bm.minhd" optional="false" value="" help="Minimum horizontal disparity to explore (can be negative)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_maxhd" label="bm.maxhd" optional="false" value="" help="Maximum horizontal disparity to explore (can be negative)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_minvd" label="bm.minvd" optional="false" value="" help="Minimum vertical disparity to explore (can be negative)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_maxvd" label="bm.maxvd" optional="false" value="" help="Maximum vertical disparity to explore (can be negative)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_subpixel" label="bm.subpixel" optional="false" value="none" help="Estimate disparities with sub-pixel precision" type="select">
					<option value="none">none</option>
					<option value="parabolic">parabolic</option>
					<option value="triangular">triangular</option>
					<option value="dichotomy">dichotomy</option>
				<param name="bm_step" label="bm.step" optional="true" value="1" help="Location step between computed disparities. Disparities will be computed every 'step' pixels in the left image (step for both rows and columns). For instance, a value of 1 corresponds to the classic dense disparity map." type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_startx" label="bm.startx" optional="true" value="0" help="X start index of the subsampled grid (wrt the input image grid). See parameter bm.step" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_starty" label="bm.starty" optional="true" value="0" help="Y start index of the subsampled grid (wrt the input image grid). See parameter bm.step" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_medianfilter_radius" label="bm.medianfilter.radius" optional="true" help="Radius (in pixels) for median filter" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_medianfilter_incoherence" label="bm.medianfilter.incoherence" optional="true" help="Incoherence threshold between original and filtered disparity" type="float"/>
				<param name="bm_initdisp" label="bm.initdisp" optional="false" value="none" help="bm.initdisp" type="select">
					<option value="none">none</option>
					<option value="uniform">uniform</option>
					<option value="maps">maps</option>
				<param name="bm_initdisp_uniform_hdisp" label="bm.initdisp.uniform.hdisp" optional="false" value="0" help="Value of the uniform horizontal disparity initial estimate (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_initdisp_uniform_vdisp" label="bm.initdisp.uniform.vdisp" optional="false" value="0" help="Value of the uniform vertical disparity initial estimate (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_initdisp_uniform_hrad" label="bm.initdisp.uniform.hrad" optional="false" value="0" help="Horizontal exploration radius around the initial disparity estimate (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_initdisp_uniform_vrad" label="bm.initdisp.uniform.vrad" optional="false" value="0" help="Vertical exploration radius around the initial disparity estimate (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_initdisp_maps_hmap" label="bm.initdisp.maps.hmap" optional="false" help="Map of the initial horizontal disparities" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="bm_initdisp_maps_vmap" label="bm.initdisp.maps.vmap" optional="false" help="Map of the initial vertical disparities" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="bm_initdisp_maps_hrad" label="bm.initdisp.maps.hrad" optional="false" value="0" help="Horizontal exploration radius around the initial disparity estimate (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bm_initdisp_maps_vrad" label="bm.initdisp.maps.vrad" optional="false" value="0" help="Vertical exploration radius around the initial disparity estimate (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_outmask_outformat" label="io.outmask_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.KmzExport">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="tilesize" label="tilesize" optional="true" value="512" help="Size of the tiles in the kmz product, in number of pixels (default = 512)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="logo" label="logo" optional="false" help="Path to the image logo to add to the KMZ product." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="legend" label="legend" optional="false" help="Path to the image legend to add to the KMZ product." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
			<when value="OTB.ConnectedComponentSegmentation">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The image to segment." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mask" label="mask" optional="true" help="Mask mathematical expression (only if support image is given)" type="text"/>
				<param name="expr" label="expr" optional="false" value="" help="Formula used for connected component segmentation" type="text"/>
				<param name="minsize" label="minsize" optional="true" value="2" help="Min object size (area in pixel)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="obia" label="obia" optional="true" help="OBIA mathematical expression" type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.TrainImagesClassifier">
				<param name="io_il" label="" optional="false" help="A list of input images." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_vd" label="io.vd" optional="false" help="A list of vector data to select the training samples." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_valid" label="io.valid" optional="false" help="A list of vector data to select the validation samples." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_imstat" label="io.imstat" optional="false" help="XML file containing mean and variance of each feature." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="cleanup" label="cleanup" optional="false" value="False" help="If activated, the application will try to clean all temporary files it created" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="sample_mt" label="" optional="false" value="1000" help="Maximum size per class (in pixels) of the training sample list (default = 1000) (no limit = -1). If equal to -1, then the maximal size of the available training sample list per class will be equal to the surface area of the smallest class multiplied by the training sample ratio." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sample_mv" label="" optional="false" value="1000" help="Maximum size per class (in pixels) of the validation sample list (default = 1000) (no limit = -1). If equal to -1, then the maximal size of the available validation sample list per class will be equal to the surface area of the smallest class multiplied by the validation sample ratio." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sample_bm" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="Bound the number of samples for each class by the number of available samples by the smaller class. Proportions between training and validation are respected. Default is true (=1)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sample_vtr" label="sample.vtr" optional="false" value="0.5" help="Ratio between training and validation samples (0.0 = all training, 1.0 = all validation) (default = 0.5)." type="float"/>
				<param name="sample_vfn" label="sample.vfn" optional="false" value="" help="Field containing the class id for supervision. The values in this field shall be cast into integers." type="text"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier" label="classifier" optional="false" value="libsvm" help="Choice of the classifier to use for the training." type="select">
					<option value="libsvm">libsvm</option>
					<option value="boost">boost</option>
					<option value="dt">dt</option>
					<option value="ann">ann</option>
					<option value="bayes">bayes</option>
					<option value="rf">rf</option>
					<option value="knn">knn</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_k" label="classifier.libsvm.k" optional="false" value="linear" help="SVM Kernel Type." type="select">
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
					<option value="rbf">rbf</option>
					<option value="poly">poly</option>
					<option value="sigmoid">sigmoid</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_m" label="classifier.libsvm.m" optional="false" value="csvc" help="Type of SVM formulation." type="select">
					<option value="csvc">csvc</option>
					<option value="nusvc">nusvc</option>
					<option value="oneclass">oneclass</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_c" label="classifier.libsvm.c" optional="false" value="1" help="SVM models have a cost parameter C (1 by default) to control the trade-off between training errors and forcing rigid margins." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_nu" label="" optional="false" value="0.5" help="Cost parameter Nu, in the range 0..1, the larger the value, the smoother the decision." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_opt" label="classifier.libsvm.opt" optional="false" value="False" help="SVM parameters optimization flag." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_prob" label="classifier.libsvm.prob" optional="false" value="False" help="Probability estimation flag." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_boost_t" label="classifier.boost.t" optional="false" value="real" help="Type of Boosting algorithm." type="select">
					<option value="discrete">discrete</option>
					<option value="real">real</option>
					<option value="logit">logit</option>
					<option value="gentle">gentle</option>
				<param name="classifier_boost_w" label="classifier.boost.w" optional="false" value="100" help="The number of weak classifiers." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_boost_r" label="classifier.boost.r" optional="false" value="0.95" help="A threshold between 0 and 1 used to save computational time. Samples with summary weight &amp;lt;= (1 - weight_trim_rate) do not participate in the next iteration of training. Set this parameter to 0 to turn off this functionality." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_boost_m" label="classifier.boost.m" optional="false" value="1" help="Maximum depth of the tree." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_max" label="classifier.dt.max" optional="false" value="10" help="The training algorithm attempts to split each node while its depth is smaller than the maximum possible depth of the tree. The actual depth may be smaller if the other termination criteria are met, and/or if the tree is pruned." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_min" label="classifier.dt.min" optional="false" value="10" help="If the number of samples in a node is smaller than this parameter, then this node will not be split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_ra" label="classifier.dt.ra" optional="false" value="0.01" help="If all absolute differences between an estimated value in a node and the values of the train samples in this node are smaller than this regression accuracy parameter, then the node will not be split further." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_cat" label="" optional="false" value="10" help="Cluster possible values of a categorical variable into K &amp;lt;= cat clusters to find a suboptimal split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_f" label="classifier.dt.f" optional="false" value="0" help="If cv_folds &gt; 1, then it prunes a tree with K-fold cross-validation where K is equal to cv_folds." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_r" label="classifier.dt.r" optional="false" value="False" help="If true, then a pruning will be harsher. This will make a tree more compact and more resistant to the training data noise but a bit less accurate." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_t" label="classifier.dt.t" optional="false" value="False" help="If true, then pruned branches are physically removed from the tree." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_t" label="classifier.ann.t" optional="false" value="reg" help="Type of training method for the multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network." type="select">
					<option value="back">back</option>
					<option value="reg">reg</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_sizes" label="classifier.ann.sizes" optional="false" value="" help="The number of neurons in each intermediate layer (excluding input and output layers)." type="text"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_f" label="classifier.ann.f" optional="false" value="sig" help="This function determine whether the output of the node is positive or not depending on the output of the transfert function." type="select">
					<option value="ident">ident</option>
					<option value="sig">sig</option>
					<option value="gau">gau</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_a" label="classifier.ann.a" optional="false" value="1" help="Alpha parameter of the activation function (used only with sigmoid and gaussian functions)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_b" label="classifier.ann.b" optional="false" value="1" help="Beta parameter of the activation function (used only with sigmoid and gaussian functions)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_bpdw" label="classifier.ann.bpdw" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Strength of the weight gradient term in the BACKPROP method. The recommended value is about 0.1." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_bpms" label="classifier.ann.bpms" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Strength of the momentum term (the difference between weights on the 2 previous iterations). This parameter provides some inertia to smooth the random fluctuations of the weights. It can vary from 0 (the feature is disabled) to 1 and beyond. The value 0.1 or so is good enough." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_rdw" label="classifier.ann.rdw" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Initial value Delta_0 of update-values Delta_" type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_rdwm" label="classifier.ann.rdwm" optional="false" value="1e-07" help="Update-values lower limit Delta_" type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_term" label="classifier.ann.term" optional="false" value="all" help="Termination criteria." type="select">
					<option value="iter">iter</option>
					<option value="eps">eps</option>
					<option value="all">all</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_eps" label="classifier.ann.eps" optional="false" value="0.01" help="Epsilon value used in the Termination criteria." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_iter" label="classifier.ann.iter" optional="false" value="1000" help="Maximum number of iterations used in the Termination criteria." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_max" label="classifier.rf.max" optional="false" value="5" help="The depth of the tree. A low value will likely underfit and conversely a high value will likely overfit. The optimal value can be obtained using cross validation or other suitable methods." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_min" label="classifier.rf.min" optional="false" value="10" help="If the number of samples in a node is smaller than this parameter, then the node will not be split. A reasonable value is a small percentage of the total data e.g. 1 percent." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_ra" label="classifier.rf.ra" optional="false" value="0" help="If all absolute differences between an estimated value in a node and the values of the train samples in this node are smaller than this regression accuracy parameter, then the node will not be split." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_cat" label="" optional="false" value="10" help="Cluster possible values of a categorical variable into K &amp;lt;= cat clusters to find a suboptimal split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_var" label="classifier.rf.var" optional="false" value="0" help="The size of the subset of features, randomly selected at each tree node, that are used to find the best split(s). If you set it to 0, then the size will be set to the square root of the total number of features." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_nbtrees" label="classifier.rf.nbtrees" optional="false" value="100" help="The maximum number of trees in the forest. Typically, the more trees you have, the better the accuracy. However, the improvement in accuracy generally diminishes and reaches an asymptote for a certain number of trees. Also to keep in mind, increasing the number of trees increases the prediction time linearly." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_acc" label="classifier.rf.acc" optional="false" value="0.01" help="Sufficient accuracy (OOB error)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_knn_k" label="classifier.knn.k" optional="false" value="32" help="The number of neighbors to use." type="integer"/>
				<param name="rand" label="rand" optional="true" help="Set specific seed. with integer value." type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
				<param type="select" name="io_confmatout_outformat" label="io.confmatout_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/csv">text/csv</option>
			<when value="OTB.MultivariateAlterationDetector">
				<param name="in1" label="in1" optional="false" help="Multiband image of the scene before perturbations" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="in2" label="in2" optional="false" help="Mutliband image of the scene after perturbations." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Multiband image containing change maps. Each map will be in the range [-1,1], so a floating point output type is advised." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ComputePolylineFeatureFromImage">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="An image to compute the descriptors on." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="vd" label="vd" optional="false" help="Vector data containing the polylines where the features will be computed." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="expr" label="expr" optional="false" value="" help="The feature formula (b1 &amp;lt; 0.3) where b1 is the standard name of input image first band" type="text"/>
				<param name="field" label="field" optional="false" value="" help="The field name corresponding to the feature codename (NONDVI, ROADSA...)" type="text"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.MultiImageSamplingRate">
				<param name="il" label="il" optional="false" value="smallest" help="strategy" type="select">
					<option value="byclass">byclass</option>
					<option value="constant">constant</option>
					<option value="smallest">smallest</option>
					<option value="percent">percent</option>
					<option value="total">total</option>
					<option value="all">all</option>
				<param name="strategy_byclass_in" label="" optional="false" value="" help="Number of samples for all classes.In the case of the custom multi-image mode, several values can be given for each image." type="text"/>
				<param name="strategy_percent_p" label="strategy.percent.p" optional="false" value="" help="The percentage(s) to use In the case of the custom multi-image mode, several values can be given for each image." type="text"/>
				<param name="strategy_total_v" label="" optional="false" value="" help="The number of samples to generateIn the case of the custom multi-image mode, several values can be given for each image." type="text"/>
				<param name="mim" label="mim" optional="false" value="proportional" help="mim" type="select">
					<option value="proportional">proportional</option>
					<option value="equal">equal</option>
					<option value="custom">custom</option>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/csv">text/csv</option>
			<when value="OTB.Segmentation">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to segment" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="filter" label="filter" optional="false" value="meanshift" help="Choice of segmentation algorithm (mean-shift by default)" type="select">
					<option value="meanshift">meanshift</option>
					<option value="cc">cc</option>
					<option value="watershed">watershed</option>
					<option value="mprofiles">mprofiles</option>
				<param name="filter_meanshift_spatialr" label="filter.meanshift.spatialr" optional="false" value="5" help="Spatial radius of the neighborhood." type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_meanshift_ranger" label="filter.meanshift.ranger" optional="false" value="15" help="Range radius defining the radius (expressed in radiometry unit) in the multispectral space." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_meanshift_thres" label="filter.meanshift.thres" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Algorithm iterative scheme will stop if mean-shift vector is below this threshold or if iteration number reached maximum number of iterations." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_meanshift_maxiter" label="filter.meanshift.maxiter" optional="false" value="100" help="Algorithm iterative scheme will stop if convergence hasn't been reached after the maximum number of iterations." type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_meanshift_minsize" label="filter.meanshift.minsize" optional="false" value="100" help="Minimum size of a region (in pixel unit) in segmentation. Smaller clusters will be merged to the neighboring cluster with the closest radiometry. If set to 0 no pruning is done." type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_cc_expr" label="" optional="false" value="" help="User defined connection condition, written as a mathematical expression. Available variables are p(i)b(i), intensity_p(i) and distance (example of expression : distance &amp;lt; 10 )" type="text"/>
				<param name="filter_watershed_threshold" label="filter.watershed.threshold" optional="false" value="0.01" help="Depth threshold Units in percentage of the maximum depth in the image." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_watershed_level" label="filter.watershed.level" optional="false" value="0.1" help="flood level for generating the merge tree from the initial segmentation (between 0 and 1)" type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_mprofiles_size" label="filter.mprofiles.size" optional="false" value="5" help="Size of the profiles" type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_mprofiles_start" label="filter.mprofiles.start" optional="false" value="1" help="Initial radius of the structuring element (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_mprofiles_step" label="filter.mprofiles.step" optional="false" value="1" help="Radius step along the profile (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_mprofiles_sigma" label="filter.mprofiles.sigma" optional="false" value="1" help="Profiles values under the threshold will be ignored." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="vector" help="Choice of processing mode, either raster or large-scale." type="select">
					<option value="vector">vector</option>
					<option value="raster">raster</option>
				<param name="mode_vector_outmode" label="mode.vector.outmode" optional="false" value="ulco" help="This allows one to set the writing behaviour for the output vector file. Please note that the actual behaviour depends on the file format." type="select">
					<option value="ulco">ulco</option>
					<option value="ovw">ovw</option>
					<option value="ulovw">ulovw</option>
					<option value="ulu">ulu</option>
				<param name="mode_vector_inmask" label="mode.vector.inmask" optional="false" help="Only pixels whose mask value is strictly positive will be segmented." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_neighbor" label="mode.vector.neighbor" optional="false" value="False" help="Activate 8-Neighborhood connectivity (default is 4)." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_stitch" label="mode.vector.stitch" optional="false" value="False" help="Scan polygons on each side of tiles and stitch polygons which connect by more than one pixel." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_minsize" label="mode.vector.minsize" optional="true" value="1" help="Objects whose size is below the minimum object size (area in pixels) will be ignored during vectorization." type="integer"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_simplify" label="mode.vector.simplify" optional="true" value="0.1" help="Simplify polygons according to a given tolerance (in pixel). This option allows reducing the size of the output file or database." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_layername" label="mode.vector.layername" optional="false" value="layer" help="Name of the layer in the vector file or database (default is Layer)." type="text"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_fieldname" label="mode.vector.fieldname" optional="false" value="DN" help="Name of the field holding the geometry index in the output vector file or database." type="text"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_tilesize" label="mode.vector.tilesize" optional="false" value="1024" help="User defined tiles size for tile-based segmentation. Optimal tile size is selected according to available RAM if null." type="integer"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_startlabel" label="mode.vector.startlabel" optional="false" value="1" help="Starting value of the geometry index field" type="integer"/>
				<param name="mode_vector_ogroptions" label="mode.vector.ogroptions" optional="true" help="A list of layer creation options in the form KEY=VALUE that will be passed directly to OGR without any validity checking. Options may depend on the file format, and can be found in OGR documentation." type="text"/>
				<param name="mode_raster_out" label="mode.raster.out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="The output labeled image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="mode_vector_out_outformat" label="mode.vector.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
				<param type="select" name="mode_raster_out_outformat" label="mode.raster.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.VectorDataDSValidation">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input vector data to validate" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="descmod" label="descmod" optional="false" help="Fuzzy descriptors model (xml file)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="belsup" label="belsup" optional="false" value="" help="Dempster Shafer study hypothesis to compute belief" type="text"/>
				<param name="plasup" label="plasup" optional="false" value="" help="Dempster Shafer study hypothesis to compute plausibility" type="text"/>
				<param name="cri" label="cri" optional="true" value="((Belief + Plausibility)/2.)" help="Dempster Shafer criterion (by default (belief+plausibility)/2)" type="text"/>
				<param name="thd" label="thd" optional="true" value="0.5" help="Criterion threshold (default 0.5)" type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.OGRLayerClassifier">
				<param name="inshp" label="inshp" optional="false" help="Name of the input shapefile" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="instats" label="instats" optional="false" help="XML file containing mean and variance of each feature." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="feat" label="feat" optional="false" value="" help="Features to be calculated" type="text"/>
				<param name="cfield" label="cfield" optional="false" value="predicted" help="Field containing the predicted class" type="text"/>
				<param type="select" name="insvm_outformat" label="insvm_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
			<when value="OTB.OSMDownloader">
				<param name="support" label="support" optional="false" help="Image used to derive the spatial extent to be requested from OSM server (the bounding box of the extent is used). Be aware that a request with a large extent may be rejected by the server." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="key" label="key" optional="true" help="OSM tag key to extract (highway, building...). It defines a category to select features." type="text"/>
				<param name="value" label="value" optional="true" help="OSM tag value to extract (motorway, footway...). It defines the type of feature to select inside a category." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="printclasses" label="printclasses" optional="false" value="False" help="Print the key/value classes available for the selected support image. If enabled, the OSM tag Key (-key) and the output (-out) become optional" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.DisparityMapToElevationMap">
				<param name="io_in" label="" optional="false" help="The input disparity map (horizontal disparity in first band, vertical in second). This map can be computed by BlockMatching application." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_left" label="io.left" optional="false" help="Left image in original (sensor) geometry. Only the geometric model of this image will be used, not the pixel values." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_right" label="io.right" optional="false" help="Right image in original (sensor) geometry. Only the geometric model of this image will be used, not the pixel values." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_lgrid" label="io.lgrid" optional="false" help="Left epipolar grid (deformation grid between left sensor et disparity spaces)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_rgrid" label="io.rgrid" optional="false" help="Right epipolar grid (deformation grid between right sensor et disparity spaces)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_out" label="io.out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output elevation map in ground projection. Elevation values are in meters. Floating point pixel type are expected." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="io_mask" label="io.mask" optional="false" help="Masked disparity pixels won't be projected (mask values equal to zero)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="step" label="step" optional="false" value="5" help="Spacing of the output elevation map (in meters)" type="float"/>
				<param name="hmin" label="hmin" optional="false" value="0" help="Minimum elevation expected (in meters)" type="float"/>
				<param name="hmax" label="hmax" optional="false" value="100" help="Maximum elevation expected (in meters)" type="float"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.VectorClassifier">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input vector data file to classify." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="instat" label="instat" optional="false" help="A XML file containing mean and standard deviation to centerand reduce samples before classification, produced by ComputeImagesStatistics application." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="model" label="model" optional="false" help="Model file produced by TrainVectorClassifier application." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="cfield" label="cfield" optional="false" value="predicted" help="Field containing the predicted class.Only geometries with this field available will be taken into account.The field is added either in the input file (if 'out' off) or in the output file.Caution, the 'cfield' must not exist in the input file if you are updating the file." type="text"/>
				<param name="feat" label="feat" optional="false" value="" help="List of field names in the input vector data used as features for training. Put the same field names as the TrainVectorClassifier application." type="text"/>
				<param name="confmap" label="confmap" optional="false" value="False" help="Confidence map of the produced classification. The confidence index depends on the model :   - LibSVM : difference between the two highest probabilities (needs a model with probability estimates, so that classes probabilities can be computed for each sample)  - OpenCV    * Boost : sum of votes    * DecisionTree : (not supported)    * GradientBoostedTree : (not supported)    * KNearestNeighbors : number of neighbors with the same label    * NeuralNetwork : difference between the two highest responses    * NormalBayes : (not supported)    * RandomForest : Confidence (proportion of votes for the majority class). Margin (normalized difference of the votes of the 2 majority classes) is not available for now.    * SVM : distance to margin (only works for 2-class models)." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.ObtainUTMZoneFromGeoPoint">
				<param name="lat" label="lat" optional="false" value="" help="Latitude value of desired point." type="float"/>
				<param name="lon" label="lon" optional="false" value="" help="Longitude value of desired point." type="float"/>
			<when value="OTB.SOMClassification">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image to classify." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="Output classified image (each pixel contains the index of its corresponding vector in the SOM)." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="vm" label="vm" optional="false" help="Validity mask (only pixels corresponding to a mask value greater than 0 will be used for learning)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="tp" label="tp" optional="true" value="1" help="Probability for a sample to be selected in the training set" type="float"/>
				<param name="ts" label="ts" optional="true" help="Maximum training set size (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="som" label="som" optional="true" value="float" help="Output image containing the Self-Organizing Map" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="sx" label="sx" optional="true" value="32" help="X size of the SOM map" type="integer"/>
				<param name="sy" label="sy" optional="true" value="32" help="Y size of the SOM map" type="integer"/>
				<param name="nx" label="nx" optional="true" value="10" help="X size of the initial neighborhood in the SOM map" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ny" label="ny" optional="false" value="10" help="Y size of the initial neighborhood in the SOM map" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ni" label="ni" optional="true" value="5" help="Number of iterations for SOM learning" type="integer"/>
				<param name="bi" label="bi" optional="true" value="1" help="Initial learning coefficient" type="float"/>
				<param name="bf" label="bf" optional="true" value="0.1" help="Final learning coefficient" type="float"/>
				<param name="iv" label="iv" optional="true" value="0" help="Maximum initial neuron weight" type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="rand" label="rand" optional="true" help="Set specific seed. with integer value." type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="som_outformat" label="som_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.GeneratePlyFile">
				<param name="indem" label="indem" optional="false" help="The image should be either a projected DEM or a 3D grid containing 3D point coordinates and a validity mask." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="dem" help="mode" type="select">
					<option value="dem">dem</option>
					<option value="3dgrid">3dgrid</option>
				<param name="map" label="map" optional="false" value="utm" help="Defines the map projection to be used." type="select">
					<option value="utm">utm</option>
					<option value="lambert2">lambert2</option>
					<option value="lambert93">lambert93</option>
					<option value="wgs">wgs</option>
					<option value="epsg">epsg</option>
				<param name="map_utm_zone" label="" optional="false" value="31" help="The zone number ranges from 1 to 60 and allows defining the transverse mercator projection (along with the hemisphere)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="map_utm_northhem" label="map.utm.northhem" optional="false" value="False" help="The transverse mercator projections are defined by their zone number as well as the hemisphere. Activate this parameter if your image is in the northern hemisphere." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="map_epsg_code" label="map.epsg.code" optional="false" value="4326" help="See to find which EPSG code is associated to your projection" type="integer"/>
				<param name="incolor" label="incolor" optional="false" help="If the color image has 4 bands it will be interpreted as Red, Green, Blue, NIR. In other cases, only the first one is used (gray scale colors). The color values are expected in the range 0 - 255, and will be embedded with each 3D point of the PLY file." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
			<when value="OTB.StereoRectificationGridGenerator">
				<param name="io_inleft" label="io.inleft" optional="false" help="The left image from the stereo pair, in sensor geometry." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_inright" label="io.inright" optional="false" help="The right image from the stereo pair, in sensor geometry." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_outleft" label="io.outleft" optional="false" value="float" help="The deformation grid to resample the left image from sensor geometry to epipolar geometry." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="io_outright" label="io.outright" optional="false" value="float" help="The deformation grid to resample the right image from sensor geometry to epipolar geometry." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="epi_elevation_dem" label="epi.elevation.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="epi_elevation_geoid" label="epi.elevation.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="epi_elevation_default" label="epi.elevation.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="epi_elevation_avgdem_step" label="epi.elevation.avgdem.step" optional="true" value="1" help="Step of sub-sampling for average elevation estimation" type="integer"/>
				<param name="epi_scale" label="epi.scale" optional="false" value="1" help="The scale parameter allows generating zoomed-in (scale &amp;lt; 1) or zoomed-out (scale &gt; 1) epipolar images." type="float"/>
				<param name="epi_step" label="epi.step" optional="false" value="1" help="Stereo-rectification deformation grid only varies slowly. Therefore, it is recommended to use a coarser grid (higher step value) in case of large images" type="integer"/>
				<param name="inverse_outleft" label="inverse.outleft" optional="true" value="float" help="The deformation grid to resample the left image from the epipolar geometry back into its original sensor geometry." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="inverse_outright" label="inverse.outright" optional="true" value="float" help="The output deformation grid to resample the right image from the epipolar geometry back into its original sensor geometry." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="inverse_ssrate" label="inverse.ssrate" optional="false" value="16" help="Grid inversion is an heavy process that implies spline regression on control points. To avoid eating to much memory, this parameter allows one to first sub-sample the field to invert." type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_outleft_outformat" label="io.outleft_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_outright_outformat" label="io.outright_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="inverse_outleft_outformat" label="inverse.outleft_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="inverse_outright_outformat" label="inverse.outright_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SARDeburst">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Raw Sentinel1 IW SLC image, or any extract of such made by OTB (geom file needed)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Deburst image, with updated geom file that can be further used by Orthorectification application. If the input image is a raw Sentinel1 product, uint16 output type should be used (encoding of S1 product). Otherwise, output type should match type of input image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SampleExtraction">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Support image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="vec" label="vec" optional="false" help="Vector data file containing samplingpositions. (OGR format)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="outfield" label="outfield" optional="false" value="prefix" help="Choice between naming method for output fields" type="select">
					<option value="prefix">prefix</option>
					<option value="list">list</option>
				<param name="outfield_prefix_name" label="" optional="false" value="value_" help="Prefix used to form the field names thatwill contain the extracted values." type="text"/>
				<param name="outfield_list_names" label="outfield.list.names" optional="false" value="" help="Full list of output field names." type="text"/>
				<param name="field" label="field" optional="false" value="" help="Name of the field carrying the class name in the input vectors." type="text"/>
				<param name="layer" label="layer" optional="true" value="0" help="Layer index to read in the input vector file." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.MorphologicalProfilesAnalysis">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index for input image" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="structype" label="structype" optional="false" value="ball" help="Choice of the structuring element type" type="select">
					<option value="ball">ball</option>
					<option value="cross">cross</option>
				<param name="size" label="size" optional="false" value="5" help="Size of the profiles" type="integer"/>
				<param name="radius" label="radius" optional="false" value="5" help="Initial radius of the structuring element (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="step" label="step" optional="false" value="1" help="Radius step along the profile (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="profile" label="profile" optional="false" value="opening" help="profile" type="select">
					<option value="opening">opening</option>
					<option value="closing">closing</option>
					<option value="derivativeopening">derivativeopening</option>
					<option value="derivativeclosing">derivativeclosing</option>
					<option value="openingcharacteristics">openingcharacteristics</option>
					<option value="closingcharacteristics">closingcharacteristics</option>
					<option value="classification">classification</option>
				<param name="profile_classification_sigma" label="profile.classification.sigma" optional="false" value="1" help="Sigma value for leveling tolerance" type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.MeanShiftSmoothing">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image can be any single or multiband image. Beware of pontential imbalance between bands ranges as it may alter euclidean distance." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="fout" label="fout" optional="false" value="float" help="This output image contains the final average spectral signatures of each pixel. The output type should be at least as wide as the input image type. Floating point encoding is advised. This output can be used as input image (in) of the LSMSSegmentation application [4,5]." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="foutpos" label="foutpos" optional="true" value="float" help="This output image contains the 2D displacement between the input pixel spatial position and the final position after convergence. Floating point encoding is mandatory. This output can be used as input image (in) of the LSMSSegmentation application [4,5]." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="spatialr" label="spatialr" optional="true" value="5" help="Radius of the spatial neighborhood for averaging. Higher values will result in more smoothing and higher processing time." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ranger" label="ranger" optional="true" value="15" help="Threshold on spectral signature euclidean distance (expressed in radiometry unit) to consider neighborhood pixel for averaging. Higher values will be less edge-preserving (more similar to simple average in neighborhood), whereas lower values will result in less noise smoothing. Note that this parameter has no effect on processing time." type="float"/>
				<param name="thres" label="thres" optional="true" value="0.1" help="Algorithm will stop if update of average spectral signature and spatial position is below this threshold." type="float"/>
				<param name="maxiter" label="maxiter" optional="true" value="100" help="Algorithm will stop if convergence threshold is not met after the maximum number of iterations." type="integer"/>
				<param name="rangeramp" label="rangeramp" optional="true" value="0" help="Vary the range radius linearly with the central pixel intensity (experimental)." type="float"/>
				<param name="modesearch" label="modesearch" optional="false" value="False" help="If activated pixel iterative convergence is stopped if the path crosses an already converged pixel. Be careful, with this option, the result will slightly depend on thread number and the results will not be stable (see [4] for more details)." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param type="select" name="fout_outformat" label="fout_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="foutpos_outformat" label="foutpos_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.BundleToPerfectSensor">
				<param name="inp" label="inp" optional="false" help="Input panchromatic image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inxs" label="inxs" optional="false" help="Input XS image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="default" help="Superimposition mode" type="select">
					<option value="default">default</option>
					<option value="phr">phr</option>
				<param name="method" label="method" optional="false" value="rcs" help="Selection of the pan-sharpening method." type="select">
					<option value="rcs">rcs</option>
					<option value="lmvm">lmvm</option>
					<option value="bayes">bayes</option>
				<param name="method_lmvm_radiusx" label="method.lmvm.radiusx" optional="false" value="3" help="Set the x radius of the sliding window." type="integer"/>
				<param name="method_lmvm_radiusy" label="method.lmvm.radiusy" optional="false" value="3" help="Set the y radius of the sliding window." type="integer"/>
				<param name="method_bayes_lambda" label="method.bayes.lambda" optional="false" value="0.9999" help="Set the weighting value." type="float"/>
				<param name="method_bayes_s" label="method.bayes.s" optional="false" value="1" help="Set the S coefficient." type="float"/>
				<param name="lms" label="lms" optional="true" value="4" help="Spacing of the deformation field. Default is 10 times the PAN image spacing." type="float"/>
				<param name="interpolator" label="interpolator" optional="false" value="bco" help="This group of parameters allows defining how the input image will be interpolated during resampling." type="select">
					<option value="bco">bco</option>
					<option value="nn">nn</option>
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
				<param name="interpolator_bco_radius" label="interpolator.bco.radius" optional="true" value="0" help="Fill value for area outside the reprojected image" type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ConvertCartoToGeoPoint">
				<param name="carto_x" label="carto.x" optional="false" value="" help="X cartographic coordinates in the projection defined by mapproj parameter" type="float"/>
				<param name="carto_y" label="carto.y" optional="false" value="" help="Y cartographic coordinates in the projection defined by mapproj parameter" type="float"/>
				<param name="mapproj" label="mapproj" optional="false" value="utm" help="Defines the map projection to be used." type="select">
					<option value="utm">utm</option>
					<option value="lambert2">lambert2</option>
					<option value="lambert93">lambert93</option>
					<option value="wgs">wgs</option>
					<option value="epsg">epsg</option>
				<param name="mapproj_utm_zone" label="" optional="false" value="31" help="The zone number ranges from 1 to 60 and allows defining the transverse mercator projection (along with the hemisphere)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="mapproj_utm_northhem" label="mapproj.utm.northhem" optional="false" value="False" help="The transverse mercator projections are defined by their zone number as well as the hemisphere. Activate this parameter if your image is in the northern hemisphere." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="mapproj_epsg_code" label="mapproj.epsg.code" optional="false" value="4326" help="See to find which EPSG code is associated to your projection" type="integer"/>
			<when value="OTB.VectorDataTransform">
				<param name="vd" label="vd" optional="false" help="Input vector data file to transform" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Image defining the reference coordinate system in which the transform is applied. Both projected and sensor images are supported." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="transform_tx" label="transform.tx" optional="false" value="0" help="Translation in the X direction (in pixels)" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_ty" label="transform.ty" optional="false" value="0" help="Translation in the Y direction (in pixels)" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_ro" label="" optional="false" value="0" help="Angle of the rotation (in degrees)" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_centerx" label="transform.centerx" optional="false" value="0" help="X coordinate of the rotation and scaling center (in physical units)" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_centery" label="transform.centery" optional="false" value="0" help="Y coordinate of the rotation and scaling center (in physical units)" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_scale" label="transform.scale" optional="false" value="1" help="The scale coefficient to apply" type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.FusionOfClassifications">
				<param name="il" label="il" optional="false" help="List of input classification maps to fuse. Labels in each classification image must represent the same class." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="method" label="method" optional="false" value="majorityvoting" help="Selection of the fusion method and its parameters." type="select">
					<option value="majorityvoting">majorityvoting</option>
					<option value="dempstershafer">dempstershafer</option>
				<param name="method_dempstershafer_cmfl" label="method.dempstershafer.cmfl" optional="false" value="precision" help="Type of confusion matrix measurement used to compute the masses of belief of each classifier." type="select">
					<option value="precision">precision</option>
					<option value="recall">recall</option>
					<option value="accuracy">accuracy</option>
					<option value="kappa">kappa</option>
				<param name="nodatalabel" label="nodatalabel" optional="false" value="0" help="Label for the NoData class. Such input pixels keep their NoData label in the output image and are not handled in the fusion process. By default, 'nodatalabel = 0'." type="integer"/>
				<param name="undecidedlabel" label="undecidedlabel" optional="false" value="0" help="Label for the Undecided class. Pixels with more than 1 fused class are marked as Undecided. Please note that the Undecided value must be different from existing labels in the input classifications. By default, 'undecidedlabel = 0'." type="integer"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="The output classification image resulting from the fusion of the input classification images." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.VectorDataSetField">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input Vector Data" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="fn" label="fn" optional="false" value="" help="Field name" type="text"/>
				<param name="fv" label="fv" optional="false" value="" help="Field value" type="text"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.Pansharpening">
				<param name="inp" label="inp" optional="false" help="Input panchromatic image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inxs" label="inxs" optional="false" help="Input XS image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="method" label="method" optional="false" value="rcs" help="Selection of the pan-sharpening method." type="select">
					<option value="rcs">rcs</option>
					<option value="lmvm">lmvm</option>
					<option value="bayes">bayes</option>
				<param name="method_lmvm_radiusx" label="method.lmvm.radiusx" optional="false" value="3" help="Set the x radius of the sliding window." type="integer"/>
				<param name="method_lmvm_radiusy" label="method.lmvm.radiusy" optional="false" value="3" help="Set the y radius of the sliding window." type="integer"/>
				<param name="method_bayes_lambda" label="method.bayes.lambda" optional="false" value="0.9999" help="Set the weighting value." type="float"/>
				<param name="method_bayes_s" label="method.bayes.s" optional="false" value="1" help="Set the S coefficient." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ConcatenateVectorData">
				<param name="vd" label="vd" optional="false" help="Vector data files to be concatenated." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.GridBasedImageResampling">
				<param name="io_in" label="" optional="false" help="The input image to resample" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_out" label="io.out" optional="false" value="float" help="The resampled output image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="grid_in" label="" optional="false" help="The resampling grid" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="grid_type" label="grid.type" optional="false" value="def" help="allows one to choose between two grid types" type="select">
					<option value="def">def</option>
					<option value="loc">loc</option>
				<param name="out_ulx" label="out.ulx" optional="false" value="0" help="X Coordinate of the upper-left pixel of the output resampled image" type="float"/>
				<param name="out_uly" label="out.uly" optional="false" value="0" help="Y Coordinate of the upper-left pixel of the output resampled image" type="float"/>
				<param name="out_sizex" label="out.sizex" optional="false" value="" help="Size of the output resampled image along X (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="out_sizey" label="out.sizey" optional="false" value="" help="Size of the output resampled image along Y (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="out_spacingx" label="out.spacingx" optional="false" value="1" help="Size of each pixel along X axis" type="float"/>
				<param name="out_spacingy" label="out.spacingy" optional="false" value="1" help="Size of each pixel along Y axis" type="float"/>
				<param name="out_default" label="out.default" optional="false" value="0" help="The default value to give to pixel that falls outside of the input image." type="float"/>
				<param name="interpolator" label="interpolator" optional="false" value="bco" help="This group of parameters allows one to define how the input image will be interpolated during resampling." type="select">
					<option value="nn">nn</option>
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
					<option value="bco">bco</option>
				<param name="interpolator_bco_radius" label="interpolator.bco.radius" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SARPolarSynth">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="psii" label="psii" optional="false" value="0" help="Orientation (transmitting antenna)" type="float"/>
				<param name="khii" label="khii" optional="false" value="0" help="Ellipticity (transmitting antenna)" type="float"/>
				<param name="psir" label="psir" optional="false" value="0" help="Orientation (receiving antenna)" type="float"/>
				<param name="khir" label="khir" optional="false" value="0" help="Ellipticity (receiving antenna)" type="float"/>
				<param name="emissionh" label="emissionh" optional="true" value="0" help="This parameter is useful in determining the polarization architecture (dual polarization case)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="emissionv" label="emissionv" optional="true" value="0" help="This parameter is useful in determining the polarization architecture (dual polarization case)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="none" help="mode" type="select">
					<option value="none">none</option>
					<option value="co">co</option>
					<option value="cross">cross</option>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.GrayScaleMorphologicalOperation">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to be filtered." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image containing the filtered output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="structype" label="structype" optional="false" value="ball" help="Choice of the structuring element type" type="select">
					<option value="ball">ball</option>
					<option value="cross">cross</option>
				<param name="structype_ball_xradius" label="structype.ball.xradius" optional="false" value="5" help="The Structuring Element X Radius" type="integer"/>
				<param name="structype_ball_yradius" label="structype.ball.yradius" optional="false" value="5" help="The Structuring Element Y Radius" type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter" label="filter" optional="false" value="dilate" help="Choice of the morphological operation" type="select">
					<option value="dilate">dilate</option>
					<option value="erode">erode</option>
					<option value="opening">opening</option>
					<option value="closing">closing</option>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ReadImageInfo">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image to analyse" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="keywordlist" label="keywordlist" optional="false" value="False" help="Output the OSSIM keyword list. It contains metadata information (sensor model, geometry ). Information is stored in keyword list (pairs of key/value)" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param type="select" name="outkwl_outformat" label="outkwl_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
			<when value="OTB.ImageEnvelope">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image filename." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="sr" label="sr" optional="true" value="0" help="Sampling rate for image edges (in pixel)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="proj" label="proj" optional="true" help="Projection to be used to compute the envelope (default is WGS84)" type="text"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.LSMSVectorization">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image, containing initial spectral signatures corresponding to the segmented image (inseg)." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inseg" label="inseg" optional="false" help="Segmented image where each pixel value is the unique integer label of the segment it belongs to." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="tilesizex" label="tilesizex" optional="false" value="500" help="Size of tiles along the X-axis for tile-wise processing." type="integer"/>
				<param name="tilesizey" label="tilesizey" optional="false" value="500" help="Size of tiles along the Y-axis for tile-wise processing." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.FineRegistration">
				<param name="ref" label="ref" optional="false" help="The reference image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="sec" label="sec" optional="false" help="The secondary image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The output image contains 3 bands, for X offset, Y offset and the metric value. It may contain a 4th one with the validity mask (if used)." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="erx" label="erx" optional="false" value="" help="The exploration radius along x (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ery" label="ery" optional="false" value="" help="The exploration radius along y (in pixels)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="mrx" label="mrx" optional="false" value="" help="Radius along x (in pixels) of the metric computation window" type="integer"/>
				<param name="mry" label="mry" optional="false" value="" help="Radius along y (in pixels) of the metric computation window" type="integer"/>
				<param name="w" label="w" optional="false" help="The image to warp after disparity estimation is completed." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="wo" label="wo" optional="true" value="float" help="The output warped image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="cox" label="cox" optional="true" value="0" help="Coarse offset along x (in physical space) between the two images, used as an initial offset for all pixels." type="float"/>
				<param name="coy" label="coy" optional="true" value="0" help="Coarse offset along y (in physical space) between the two images, used as an initial offset for all pixels." type="float"/>
				<param name="ssrx" label="ssrx" optional="true" value="1" help="Generates a result at a coarser resolution with a given sub-sampling rate along X" type="float"/>
				<param name="ssry" label="ssry" optional="true" value="1" help="Generates a result at a coarser resolution with a given sub-sampling rate along Y" type="float"/>
				<param name="rgsx" label="rgsx" optional="true" help="Performs a gaussian smoothing of the reference image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in X direction." type="float"/>
				<param name="rgsy" label="rgsy" optional="true" help="Performs a gaussian smoothing of the reference image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in Y direction." type="float"/>
				<param name="sgsx" label="sgsx" optional="true" help="Performs a gaussian smoothing of the secondary image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in X direction." type="float"/>
				<param name="sgsy" label="sgsy" optional="true" help="Performs a gaussian smoothing of the secondary image. Parameter is gaussian sigma (in pixels) in Y direction." type="float"/>
				<param name="m" label="m" optional="true" help="Choose the metric used for block matching. Available metrics are cross-correlation (CC), cross-correlation with subtracted mean (CCSM), mean-square difference (MSD), mean reciprocal square difference (MRSD) and mutual information (MI). Default is cross-correlation" type="text"/>
				<param name="spa" label="spa" optional="true" value="0.01" help="Metric extrema location will be refined up to the given accuracy. Default is 0.01" type="float"/>
				<param name="cva" label="cva" optional="true" value="0.01" help="Metric extrema will be refined up to the given accuracy. Default is 0.01" type="float"/>
				<param name="vmlt" label="vmlt" optional="true" help="Lower threshold to compute the validity mask. This mask will be the 4th output band." type="float"/>
				<param name="vmut" label="vmut" optional="true" help="Upper threshold to obtain a validity mask. This mask will be the 4th output band." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="wo_outformat" label="wo_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.GenerateRPCSensorModel">
				<param name="inpoints" label="inpoints" optional="false" help="Input file containing tie points. Points are stored in following format: col row lon lat. Spaced by a space or tab character. Line beginning with # are ignored." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="map" label="map" optional="false" value="utm" help="Defines the map projection to be used." type="select">
					<option value="utm">utm</option>
					<option value="lambert2">lambert2</option>
					<option value="lambert93">lambert93</option>
					<option value="wgs">wgs</option>
					<option value="epsg">epsg</option>
				<param name="map_utm_zone" label="" optional="false" value="31" help="The zone number ranges from 1 to 60 and allows defining the transverse mercator projection (along with the hemisphere)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="map_utm_northhem" label="map.utm.northhem" optional="false" value="False" help="The transverse mercator projections are defined by their zone number as well as the hemisphere. Activate this parameter if your image is in the northern hemisphere." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="map_epsg_code" label="map.epsg.code" optional="false" value="4326" help="See to find which EPSG code is associated to your projection" type="integer"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="outgeom_outformat" label="outgeom_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
				<param type="select" name="outstat_outformat" label="outstat_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
				<param type="select" name="outvector_outformat" label="outvector_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
			<when value="OTB.DomainTransform">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="This will take an input image to be transformed image. For FFT inverse transform, it expects a complex image as two-band image in which first band represent real part and second band represent imaginary part." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="This parameter holds the output file name to which transformed image will be written. This has a slightly different behaviour depending on transform type.  For Wavelet, output is a single band image for both forward and inverse transform.  For FFT forward transform, output is two band image where first band represents real part and second band represents imaginary part of a complex image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="wavelet" help="This parameter allows one to select between fft(fourier) and wavelet" type="select">
					<option value="fft">fft</option>
					<option value="wavelet">wavelet</option>
				<param name="mode_fft_shift" label="mode.fft.shift" optional="false" value="False" help="Shift transform of fft filter" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="mode_wavelet_form" label="mode.wavelet.form" optional="false" value="haar" help="mode.wavelet.form" type="select">
					<option value="haar">haar</option>
					<option value="db4">db4</option>
					<option value="db6">db6</option>
					<option value="db8">db8</option>
					<option value="db12">db12</option>
					<option value="db20">db20</option>
					<option value="sb24">sb24</option>
					<option value="sb44">sb44</option>
					<option value="sym8">sym8</option>
				<param name="mode_wavelet_nlevels" label="mode.wavelet.nlevels" optional="false" value="2" help="Number of decomposition levels" type="integer"/>
				<param name="direction" label="direction" optional="false" value="forward" help="direction" type="select">
					<option value="forward">forward</option>
					<option value="inverse">inverse</option>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.RefineSensorModel">
				<param name="ingeom" label="ingeom" optional="false" help="Geom file containing the sensor model to refine" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inpoints" label="inpoints" optional="false" help="Input file containing tie points. Points are stored in following format: row col lon lat. Line beginning with # are ignored." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="map" label="map" optional="false" value="utm" help="Defines the map projection to be used." type="select">
					<option value="utm">utm</option>
					<option value="lambert2">lambert2</option>
					<option value="lambert93">lambert93</option>
					<option value="wgs">wgs</option>
					<option value="epsg">epsg</option>
				<param name="map_utm_zone" label="" optional="false" value="31" help="The zone number ranges from 1 to 60 and allows defining the transverse mercator projection (along with the hemisphere)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="map_utm_northhem" label="map.utm.northhem" optional="false" value="False" help="The transverse mercator projections are defined by their zone number as well as the hemisphere. Activate this parameter if your image is in the northern hemisphere." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="map_epsg_code" label="map.epsg.code" optional="false" value="4326" help="See to find which EPSG code is associated to your projection" type="integer"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="outgeom_outformat" label="outgeom_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
				<param type="select" name="outstat_outformat" label="outstat_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
				<param type="select" name="outvector_outformat" label="outvector_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
			<when value="OTB.ComputeImagesStatistics">
				<param name="il" label="il" optional="false" help="List of input image filenames." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="bv" label="bv" optional="true" help="Background value to ignore in computation of statistics." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
			<when value="OTB.Rasterization">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input vector dataset to be rasterized" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="An output image containing the rasterized vector dataset" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="im" label="im" optional="false" help="A reference image from which to import output grid and projection reference system information." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="szx" label="szx" optional="true" help="Output size along x axis (useless if support image is given)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="szy" label="szy" optional="true" help="Output size along y axis (useless if support image is given)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="epsg" label="epsg" optional="true" help="EPSG code for the output projection reference system (EPSG 4326 for WGS84, 32631 for UTM31N...,useless if support image is given)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="orx" label="orx" optional="true" help="Output upper-left corner x coordinate (useless if support image is given)" type="float"/>
				<param name="ory" label="ory" optional="true" help="Output upper-left corner y coordinate (useless if support image is given)" type="float"/>
				<param name="spx" label="spx" optional="true" help="Spacing (ground sampling distance) along x axis (useless if support image is given)" type="float"/>
				<param name="spy" label="spy" optional="true" help="Spacing (ground sampling distance) along y axis (useless if support image is given)" type="float"/>
				<param name="background" label="background" optional="false" value="0" help="Default value for pixels not belonging to any geometry" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="binary" help="Choice of rasterization modes" type="select">
					<option value="binary">binary</option>
					<option value="attribute">attribute</option>
				<param name="mode_binary_foreground" label="mode.binary.foreground" optional="false" value="255" help="Value for pixels inside a geometry" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_attribute_field" label="mode.attribute.field" optional="false" value="DN" help="Name of the attribute field to burn" type="text"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.BandMath">
				<param name="il" label="il" optional="false" help="Image-list of operands to the mathematical expression." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image which is the result of the mathematical expressions on input image-list operands." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="exp" label="exp" optional="false" value="" help="The muParser mathematical expression to apply on input images." type="text"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.RigidTransformResample">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to translate." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The transformed output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="transform_type" label="transform.type" optional="false" value="id" help="Type of transformation. Available transformations are spatial scaling, translation and rotation with scaling factor" type="select">
					<option value="id">id</option>
					<option value="translation">translation</option>
					<option value="rotation">rotation</option>
				<param name="transform_type_id_scalex" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="Scaling factor between the output X spacing and the input X spacing" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_type_id_scaley" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="Scaling factor between the output Y spacing and the input Y spacing" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_type_translation_tx" label="transform.type.translation.tx" optional="false" value="0" help="The translation value along X axis (in physical units)." type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_type_translation_ty" label="transform.type.translation.ty" optional="false" value="0" help="The translation value along Y axis (in physical units)" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_type_translation_scalex" label="transform.type.translation.scalex" optional="false" value="1" help="Scaling factor between the output X spacing and the input X spacing" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_type_translation_scaley" label="transform.type.translation.scaley" optional="false" value="1" help="Scaling factor between the output Y spacing and the input Y spacing" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_type_rotation_angle" label="transform.type.rotation.angle" optional="false" value="0" help="The rotation angle in degree (values between -180 and 180)" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_type_rotation_scalex" label="transform.type.rotation.scalex" optional="false" value="1" help="Scale factor between the X spacing of the rotated output image and the X spacing of the unrotated image" type="float"/>
				<param name="transform_type_rotation_scaley" label="transform.type.rotation.scaley" optional="false" value="1" help="Scale factor between the Y spacing of the rotated output image and the Y spacing of the unrotated image" type="float"/>
				<param name="interpolator" label="interpolator" optional="false" value="bco" help="This group of parameters allows one to define how the input image will be interpolated during resampling." type="select">
					<option value="nn">nn</option>
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
					<option value="bco">bco</option>
				<param name="interpolator_bco_radius" label="interpolator.bco.radius" optional="true" value="128" help="This allows setting the maximum amount of RAM available for processing. As the writing task is time consuming, it is better to write large pieces of data, which can be achieved by increasing this parameter (pay attention to your system capabilities)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SARCalibration">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input complex image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output calibrated image. This image contains the backscatter (sigmaNought) of the input image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="noise" label="noise" optional="false" value="False" help="Flag to disable noise. For 5.2.0 release, the noise values are only read by TerraSARX product." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="lut" label="lut" optional="false" value="sigma" help="Lookup table values are not available with all SAR products. Products that provide lookup table with metadata are: Sentinel1, Radarsat2." type="select">
					<option value="sigma">sigma</option>
					<option value="gamma">gamma</option>
					<option value="beta">beta</option>
					<option value="dn">dn</option>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.Smoothing">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image to smooth." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output smoothed image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="type" label="type" optional="false" value="anidif" help="Smoothing kernel to apply" type="select">
					<option value="mean">mean</option>
					<option value="gaussian">gaussian</option>
					<option value="anidif">anidif</option>
				<param name="type_mean_radius" label="type.mean.radius" optional="false" value="2" help="Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel used to filter the image" type="float"/>
				<param name="type_anidif_timestep" label="type.anidif.timestep" optional="false" value="0.125" help="Time step that will be used to discretize the diffusion equation" type="float"/>
				<param name="type_anidif_nbiter" label="type.anidif.nbiter" optional="false" value="10" help="Number of iterations needed to get the result" type="integer"/>
				<param name="type_anidif_conductance" label="type.anidif.conductance" optional="false" value="1" help="Controls the sensitivity of the conductance term in the diffusion equation. The lower it is the stronger the features will be preserved" type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.TileFusion">
				<param name="il" label="il" optional="false" help="Input images to concatenate (in lexicographic order, for instance : (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) (1,1))." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="cols" label="cols" optional="false" value="" help="Number of columns in the tile array" type="integer"/>
				<param name="rows" label="rows" optional="false" value="" help="Number of rows in the tile array" type="integer"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output entire image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ColorMapping">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image filename" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="Output image filename" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="op" label="op" optional="false" value="labeltocolor" help="Selection of the operation to execute (default is : label to color)." type="select">
					<option value="labeltocolor">labeltocolor</option>
					<option value="colortolabel">colortolabel</option>
				<param name="op_colortolabel_notfound" label="op.colortolabel.notfound" optional="true" value="404" help="Label to use for unknown colors." type="integer"/>
				<param name="method" label="method" optional="false" value="custom" help="Selection of color mapping methods and their parameters." type="select">
					<option value="custom">custom</option>
					<option value="continuous">continuous</option>
					<option value="optimal">optimal</option>
					<option value="image">image</option>
				<param name="method_custom_lut" label="method.custom.lut" optional="false" help="An ASCII file containing the look-up tablewith one color per line(for instance the line '1 255 0 0' means that all pixels with label 1 will be replaced by RGB color 255 0 0)Lines beginning with a # are ignored" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="method_continuous_lut" label="method.continuous.lut" optional="false" value="red" help="Available look-up tables." type="select">
					<option value="red">red</option>
					<option value="green">green</option>
					<option value="blue">blue</option>
					<option value="grey">grey</option>
					<option value="hot">hot</option>
					<option value="cool">cool</option>
					<option value="spring">spring</option>
					<option value="summer">summer</option>
					<option value="autumn">autumn</option>
					<option value="winter">winter</option>
					<option value="copper">copper</option>
					<option value="jet">jet</option>
					<option value="hsv">hsv</option>
					<option value="overunder">overunder</option>
					<option value="relief">relief</option>
				<param name="method_continuous_min" label="method.continuous.min" optional="false" value="0" help="Set the lower input value of the mapping range." type="float"/>
				<param name="method_continuous_max" label="method.continuous.max" optional="false" value="255" help="Set the higher input value of the mapping range." type="float"/>
				<param name="method_optimal_background" label="method.optimal.background" optional="false" value="0" help="Value of the background label" type="integer"/>
				<param name="method_image_in" label="" optional="false" help="Support image filename. For each label, the LUT is calculated from the mean pixel value in the support image, over the corresponding labeled areas. First of all, the support image is normalized with extrema rejection" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="method_image_nodatavalue" label="method.image.nodatavalue" optional="true" value="0" help="NoData value for each channel of the support image, which will not be handled in the LUT estimation. If NOT checked, ALL the pixel values of the support image will be handled in the LUT estimation." type="float"/>
				<param name="method_image_low" label="method.image.low" optional="true" value="2" help="lower quantile for image normalization" type="integer"/>
				<param name="method_image_up" label="method.image.up" optional="true" value="2" help="upper quantile for image normalization" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.Superimpose">
				<param name="inr" label="inr" optional="false" help="The input reference image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inm" label="inm" optional="false" help="The image to reproject into the geometry of the reference input." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="lms" label="lms" optional="true" value="4" help="Generate a coarser deformation field with the given spacing" type="float"/>
				<param name="fv" label="fv" optional="true" value="0" help="Fill value for area outside the reprojected image" type="float"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output reprojected image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="default" help="Superimposition mode" type="select">
					<option value="default">default</option>
					<option value="phr">phr</option>
				<param name="interpolator" label="interpolator" optional="false" value="bco" help="This group of parameters allows defining how the input image will be interpolated during resampling." type="select">
					<option value="bco">bco</option>
					<option value="nn">nn</option>
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
				<param name="interpolator_bco_radius" label="interpolator.bco.radius" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ClassificationMapRegularization">
				<param name="io_in" label="" optional="false" help="The input labeled image to regularize." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_out" label="io.out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="The output regularized labeled image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ip_radius" label="ip.radius" optional="false" value="1" help="The radius of the ball shaped structuring element (expressed in pixels). By default, 'ip.radius = 1 pixel'." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ip_suvbool" label="ip.suvbool" optional="false" value="False" help="Pixels with more than 1 majority class are marked as Undecided if this parameter is checked (true), or keep their Original labels otherwise (false). Please note that the Undecided value must be different from existing labels in the input labeled image. By default, 'ip.suvbool = false'." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="ip_nodatalabel" label="ip.nodatalabel" optional="false" value="0" help="Label for the NoData class. Such input pixels keep their NoData label in the output image. By default, 'ip.nodatalabel = 0'." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ip_undecidedlabel" label="ip.undecidedlabel" optional="false" value="0" help="Label for the Undecided class. By default, 'ip.undecidedlabel = 0'." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ip_onlyisolatedpixels" label="ip.onlyisolatedpixels" optional="false" value="False" help="Only pixels whose label is unique in the neighbordhood will be processed. By default, 'ip.onlyisolatedpixels = false'." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="ip_isolatedthreshold" label="ip.isolatedthreshold" optional="false" value="1" help="Maximum number of neighbours with the same label as the center pixel to consider that it is an isolated pixel. By default, 'ip.isolatedthreshold = 1'." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.DynamicConvert">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="Output image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="type" label="type" optional="false" value="linear" help="Transfer function for the rescaling" type="select">
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
					<option value="log2">log2</option>
				<param name="type_linear_gamma" label="type.linear.gamma" optional="true" value="1" help="Gamma correction factor" type="float"/>
				<param name="mask" label="mask" optional="false" help="Optional mask to indicate which pixels are valid for computing the histogram quantiles. Pixels where the mask is zero will not contribute to the histogram. The mask must have the same dimensions as the input image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="quantile_high" label="quantile.high" optional="true" value="2" help="Quantiles to cut from histogram high values before computing min/max rescaling (in percent, 2 by default)" type="float"/>
				<param name="quantile_low" label="quantile.low" optional="true" value="2" help="Quantiles to cut from histogram low values before computing min/max rescaling (in percent, 2 by default)" type="float"/>
				<param name="channels" label="channels" optional="false" value="all" help="It's possible to select the channels of the output image. There are 3 modes, the available choices are:" type="select">
					<option value="all">all</option>
					<option value="grayscale">grayscale</option>
					<option value="rgb">rgb</option>
				<param name="channels_grayscale_channel" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="" type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_rgb_red" label="" optional="false" value="" help="Red channel index." type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_rgb_green" label="" optional="false" value="" help="Green channel index." type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_rgb_blue" label="" optional="false" value="" help="Blue channel index." type="integer"/>
				<param name="outmin" label="outmin" optional="true" value="0" help="Minimum value of the output image." type="float"/>
				<param name="outmax" label="outmax" optional="true" value="255" help="Maximum value of the output image." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.Rescale">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The image to scale." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The rescaled image filename." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="outmin" label="outmin" optional="true" value="0" help="Minimum value of the output image." type="float"/>
				<param name="outmax" label="outmax" optional="true" value="255" help="Maximum value of the output image." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.Quicklook">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The image to read" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The subsampled image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="cl" label="cl" optional="true" help="Selected channels" type="text"/>
				<param name="rox" label="rox" optional="true" value="0" help="first point of ROI in x-direction" type="integer"/>
				<param name="roy" label="roy" optional="true" value="0" help="first point of ROI in y-direction" type="integer"/>
				<param name="rsx" label="rsx" optional="true" value="0" help="size of ROI in x-direction" type="integer"/>
				<param name="rsy" label="rsy" optional="true" value="0" help="size of ROI in y-direction" type="integer"/>
				<param name="sr" label="sr" optional="true" value="2" help="Sampling Ratio, default is 2" type="integer"/>
				<param name="sx" label="sx" optional="true" help="quicklook size in x-direction (used if no sampling ration is given)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="sy" label="sy" optional="true" help="quicklook size in y-direction (used if no sampling ration is given)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.RadiometricIndices">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Radiometric indices output image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_blue" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="Blue channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_green" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="Green channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_red" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="Red channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_nir" label="channels.nir" optional="false" value="1" help="NIR channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="channels_mir" label="channels.mir" optional="false" value="1" help="Mir channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="list" label="list" optional="false" value="ndvi" help="List of available radiometric indices with their relevant channels in brackets:        Vegetation:NDVI - Normalized difference vegetation index (Red, NIR)        Vegetation:TNDVI - Transformed normalized difference vegetation index (Red, NIR)        Vegetation:RVI - Ratio vegetation index (Red, NIR)        Vegetation:SAVI - Soil adjusted vegetation index (Red, NIR)        Vegetation:TSAVI - Transformed soil adjusted vegetation index (Red, NIR)        Vegetation:MSAVI - Modified soil adjusted vegetation index (Red, NIR)        Vegetation:MSAVI2 - Modified soil adjusted vegetation index 2 (Red, NIR)        Vegetation:GEMI - Global environment monitoring index (Red, NIR)        Vegetation:IPVI - Infrared percentage vegetation index (Red, NIR)                Water:NDWI - Normalized difference water index (Gao 1996) (NIR, MIR)        Water:NDWI2 - Normalized difference water index (Mc Feeters 1996) (Green, NIR)        Water:MNDWI - Modified normalized difference water index (Xu 2006) (Green, MIR)        Water:NDPI - Normalized difference pond index (Lacaux et al.) (MIR, Green)        Water:NDTI - Normalized difference turbidity index (Lacaux et al.) (Red, Green)                Soil:RI - Redness index (Red, Green)        Soil:CI - Color index (Red, Green)        Soil:BI - Brightness index (Red, Green)        Soil:BI2 - Brightness index 2 (NIR, Red, Green)" type="select">
					<option value="ndvi">ndvi</option>
					<option value="tndvi">tndvi</option>
					<option value="rvi">rvi</option>
					<option value="savi">savi</option>
					<option value="tsavi">tsavi</option>
					<option value="msavi">msavi</option>
					<option value="msavi2">msavi2</option>
					<option value="gemi">gemi</option>
					<option value="ipvi">ipvi</option>
					<option value="laindvilog">laindvilog</option>
					<option value="lairefl">lairefl</option>
					<option value="laindviformo">laindviformo</option>
					<option value="ndwi">ndwi</option>
					<option value="ndwi2">ndwi2</option>
					<option value="mndwi">mndwi</option>
					<option value="ndpi">ndpi</option>
					<option value="ndti">ndti</option>
					<option value="ri">ri</option>
					<option value="ci">ci</option>
					<option value="bi">bi</option>
					<option value="bi2">bi2</option>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.ExtractROI">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Image to be processed." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Region of interest from the input image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="standard" help="mode" type="select">
					<option value="standard">standard</option>
					<option value="fit">fit</option>
					<option value="extent">extent</option>
					<option value="radius">radius</option>
				<param name="mode_fit_im" label="" optional="false" help="Reference image to define the ROI" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mode_fit_vect" label="" optional="false" help="The extent of the input vector file is computed and then gives a region of interest that will be extracted." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mode_extent_ulx" label="mode.extent.ulx" optional="false" value="0" help="X coordinate of upper left corner point." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_extent_uly" label="mode.extent.uly" optional="false" value="0" help="Y coordinate of upper left corner point." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_extent_lrx" label="mode.extent.lrx" optional="false" value="0" help="X coordinate of lower right corner point." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_extent_lry" label="mode.extent.lry" optional="false" value="0" help="Y coordinate of lower right corner point." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_extent_unit" label="mode.extent.unit" optional="false" value="pxl" help="mode.extent.unit" type="select">
					<option value="pxl">pxl</option>
					<option value="phy">phy</option>
					<option value="lonlat">lonlat</option>
				<param name="mode_radius_r" label="mode.radius.r" optional="false" value="0" help="This is the radius parameter of the radius mode." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_radius_unitr" label="mode.radius.unitr" optional="false" value="pxl" help="mode.radius.unitr" type="select">
					<option value="pxl">pxl</option>
					<option value="phy">phy</option>
				<param name="mode_radius_cx" label="" optional="false" value="0" help="This is the center coordinate of the radius mode, it will be either an ordinate or a latitude." type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_radius_cy" label="" optional="false" value="0" help="" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_radius_unitc" label="mode.radius.unitc" optional="false" value="pxl" help="mode.radius.unitc" type="select">
					<option value="pxl">pxl</option>
					<option value="phy">phy</option>
					<option value="lonlat">lonlat</option>
				<param name="startx" label="startx" optional="false" value="0" help="ROI start x position." type="integer"/>
				<param name="starty" label="starty" optional="false" value="0" help="ROI start y position." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sizex" label="sizex" optional="false" value="0" help="size along x in pixels." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sizey" label="sizey" optional="false" value="0" help="size along y in pixels." type="integer"/>
				<param name="cl" label="cl" optional="false" value="" help="Channels to write in the output image." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.PolygonClassStatistics">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Support image that will be classified" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mask" label="mask" optional="false" help="Validity mask (only pixels corresponding to a mask value greater than 0 will be used for statistics)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="vec" label="vec" optional="false" help="Input geometries to analyze" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="field" label="field" optional="false" value="" help="Name of the field carrying the class name in the input vectors." type="text"/>
				<param name="layer" label="layer" optional="true" value="0" help="Layer index to read in the input vector file." type="integer"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
			<when value="OTB.DEMConvert">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input geo-referenced DEM to convert to general raster format." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
			<when value="OTB.MultiResolutionPyramid">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="in" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="will be used to get the prefix and the extension of the images to write" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="level" label="level" optional="false" value="1" help="Number of levels in the pyramid (default is 1)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sfactor" label="sfactor" optional="false" value="2" help="Subsampling factor between each level of the pyramid (default is 2)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="vfactor" label="vfactor" optional="false" value="0.6" help="Variance factor use in smoothing. It is multiplied by the subsampling factor of each level in the  pyramid (default is 0.6)." type="float"/>
				<param name="fast" label="fast" optional="false" value="False" help="If used, this option allows one to speed-up computation by iteratively subsampling previous level of pyramid instead of processing the full input." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.LSMSSegmentation">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The filtered image, corresponding to the fout output parameter of the MeanShiftSmoothing application." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inpos" label="inpos" optional="false" help="The filtered position image, corresponding to the foutpos output parameter of the MeanShiftSmoothing application." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="This output contains the segmented image, where each pixel value is the unique integer label of the segment it belongs to. It is recommended to set the pixel type to uint32." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="spatialr" label="spatialr" optional="true" value="5" help="Threshold on Spatial distance to consider pixels in the same segment. A good value is half the spatial radius used in the MeanShiftSmoothing application (spatialr parameter)." type="float"/>
				<param name="ranger" label="ranger" optional="true" value="15" help="Threshold on spectral signature euclidean distance (expressed in radiometry unit) to consider pixels in the same segment. A good value is half the range radius used in the MeanShiftSmoothing application (ranger parameter)." type="float"/>
				<param name="minsize" label="minsize" optional="true" value="0" help="Minimum Segment Size. If, after the segmentation, a segment is of size lower than this criterion, the segment is discarded." type="integer"/>
				<param name="tilesizex" label="tilesizex" optional="false" value="500" help="Size of tiles along the X-axis for tile-wise processing." type="integer"/>
				<param name="tilesizey" label="tilesizey" optional="false" value="500" help="Size of tiles along the Y-axis for tile-wise processing." type="integer"/>
				<param name="tmpdir" label="tmpdir" optional="true" help="This applications need to write temporary files for each tile. This parameter allows choosing the path where to write those files. If disabled, the current path will be used." type="text"/>
				<param name="cleanup" label="cleanup" optional="false" value="False" help="If activated, the application will try to remove all temporary files it created." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.Despeckle">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter" label="filter" optional="false" value="lee" help="filter" type="select">
					<option value="lee">lee</option>
					<option value="frost">frost</option>
					<option value="gammamap">gammamap</option>
					<option value="kuan">kuan</option>
				<param name="filter_lee_rad" label="filter.lee.rad" optional="false" value="1" help="Radius in pixel" type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_lee_nblooks" label="filter.lee.nblooks" optional="false" value="1" help="Number of looks in the input image." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_frost_rad" label="filter.frost.rad" optional="false" value="1" help="Radius in pixel." type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_frost_deramp" label="filter.frost.deramp" optional="false" value="0.1" help="factor use to control theexponential function used to weight effect of the distance between thecentral pixel and its neighborhood. Increasing the deramp parameter willlead to take more into account pixels farther from the center andtherefore increase the smoothing effects." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_gammamap_rad" label="filter.gammamap.rad" optional="false" value="1" help="Radius in pixel." type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_gammamap_nblooks" label="filter.gammamap.nblooks" optional="false" value="1" help="Number of looks in the input image." type="float"/>
				<param name="filter_kuan_rad" label="filter.kuan.rad" optional="false" value="" help="Radius in pixel." type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_kuan_nblooks" label="filter.kuan.nblooks" optional="false" value="" help="Number of looks in the input image." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.TrainVectorClassifier">
				<param name="io_vd" label="io.vd" optional="false" help="Input geometries used for training (note : all geometries from the layer will be used)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_stats" label="io.stats" optional="false" help="XML file containing mean and variance of each feature." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="layer" label="layer" optional="true" value="0" help="Index of the layer to use in the input vector file." type="integer"/>
				<param name="feat" label="feat" optional="false" value="" help="List of field names in the input vector data to be used as features for training." type="text"/>
				<param name="valid_vd" label="valid.vd" optional="false" help="Geometries used for validation (must contain the same fields used for training, all geometries from the layer will be used)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="valid_layer" label="valid.layer" optional="true" value="0" help="Index of the layer to use in the validation vector file." type="integer"/>
				<param name="cfield" label="cfield" optional="false" value="" help="Field containing the class id for supervision. The values in this field shall be cast into integers. Only geometries with this field available will be taken into account." type="text"/>
				<param name="v" label="v" optional="false" value="False" help="Verbose mode, display the contingency table result." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier" label="classifier" optional="false" value="libsvm" help="Choice of the classifier to use for the training." type="select">
					<option value="libsvm">libsvm</option>
					<option value="boost">boost</option>
					<option value="dt">dt</option>
					<option value="ann">ann</option>
					<option value="bayes">bayes</option>
					<option value="rf">rf</option>
					<option value="knn">knn</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_k" label="classifier.libsvm.k" optional="false" value="linear" help="SVM Kernel Type." type="select">
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
					<option value="rbf">rbf</option>
					<option value="poly">poly</option>
					<option value="sigmoid">sigmoid</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_m" label="classifier.libsvm.m" optional="false" value="csvc" help="Type of SVM formulation." type="select">
					<option value="csvc">csvc</option>
					<option value="nusvc">nusvc</option>
					<option value="oneclass">oneclass</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_c" label="classifier.libsvm.c" optional="false" value="1" help="SVM models have a cost parameter C (1 by default) to control the trade-off between training errors and forcing rigid margins." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_nu" label="" optional="false" value="0.5" help="Cost parameter Nu, in the range 0..1, the larger the value, the smoother the decision." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_opt" label="classifier.libsvm.opt" optional="false" value="False" help="SVM parameters optimization flag." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_prob" label="classifier.libsvm.prob" optional="false" value="False" help="Probability estimation flag." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_boost_t" label="classifier.boost.t" optional="false" value="real" help="Type of Boosting algorithm." type="select">
					<option value="discrete">discrete</option>
					<option value="real">real</option>
					<option value="logit">logit</option>
					<option value="gentle">gentle</option>
				<param name="classifier_boost_w" label="classifier.boost.w" optional="false" value="100" help="The number of weak classifiers." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_boost_r" label="classifier.boost.r" optional="false" value="0.95" help="A threshold between 0 and 1 used to save computational time. Samples with summary weight &amp;lt;= (1 - weight_trim_rate) do not participate in the next iteration of training. Set this parameter to 0 to turn off this functionality." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_boost_m" label="classifier.boost.m" optional="false" value="1" help="Maximum depth of the tree." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_max" label="classifier.dt.max" optional="false" value="10" help="The training algorithm attempts to split each node while its depth is smaller than the maximum possible depth of the tree. The actual depth may be smaller if the other termination criteria are met, and/or if the tree is pruned." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_min" label="classifier.dt.min" optional="false" value="10" help="If the number of samples in a node is smaller than this parameter, then this node will not be split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_ra" label="classifier.dt.ra" optional="false" value="0.01" help="If all absolute differences between an estimated value in a node and the values of the train samples in this node are smaller than this regression accuracy parameter, then the node will not be split further." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_cat" label="" optional="false" value="10" help="Cluster possible values of a categorical variable into K &amp;lt;= cat clusters to find a suboptimal split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_f" label="classifier.dt.f" optional="false" value="0" help="If cv_folds &gt; 1, then it prunes a tree with K-fold cross-validation where K is equal to cv_folds." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_r" label="classifier.dt.r" optional="false" value="False" help="If true, then a pruning will be harsher. This will make a tree more compact and more resistant to the training data noise but a bit less accurate." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_t" label="classifier.dt.t" optional="false" value="False" help="If true, then pruned branches are physically removed from the tree." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_t" label="classifier.ann.t" optional="false" value="reg" help="Type of training method for the multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network." type="select">
					<option value="back">back</option>
					<option value="reg">reg</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_sizes" label="classifier.ann.sizes" optional="false" value="" help="The number of neurons in each intermediate layer (excluding input and output layers)." type="text"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_f" label="classifier.ann.f" optional="false" value="sig" help="This function determine whether the output of the node is positive or not depending on the output of the transfert function." type="select">
					<option value="ident">ident</option>
					<option value="sig">sig</option>
					<option value="gau">gau</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_a" label="classifier.ann.a" optional="false" value="1" help="Alpha parameter of the activation function (used only with sigmoid and gaussian functions)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_b" label="classifier.ann.b" optional="false" value="1" help="Beta parameter of the activation function (used only with sigmoid and gaussian functions)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_bpdw" label="classifier.ann.bpdw" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Strength of the weight gradient term in the BACKPROP method. The recommended value is about 0.1." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_bpms" label="classifier.ann.bpms" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Strength of the momentum term (the difference between weights on the 2 previous iterations). This parameter provides some inertia to smooth the random fluctuations of the weights. It can vary from 0 (the feature is disabled) to 1 and beyond. The value 0.1 or so is good enough." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_rdw" label="classifier.ann.rdw" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Initial value Delta_0 of update-values Delta_" type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_rdwm" label="classifier.ann.rdwm" optional="false" value="1e-07" help="Update-values lower limit Delta_" type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_term" label="classifier.ann.term" optional="false" value="all" help="Termination criteria." type="select">
					<option value="iter">iter</option>
					<option value="eps">eps</option>
					<option value="all">all</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_eps" label="classifier.ann.eps" optional="false" value="0.01" help="Epsilon value used in the Termination criteria." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_iter" label="classifier.ann.iter" optional="false" value="1000" help="Maximum number of iterations used in the Termination criteria." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_max" label="classifier.rf.max" optional="false" value="5" help="The depth of the tree. A low value will likely underfit and conversely a high value will likely overfit. The optimal value can be obtained using cross validation or other suitable methods." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_min" label="classifier.rf.min" optional="false" value="10" help="If the number of samples in a node is smaller than this parameter, then the node will not be split. A reasonable value is a small percentage of the total data e.g. 1 percent." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_ra" label="classifier.rf.ra" optional="false" value="0" help="If all absolute differences between an estimated value in a node and the values of the train samples in this node are smaller than this regression accuracy parameter, then the node will not be split." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_cat" label="" optional="false" value="10" help="Cluster possible values of a categorical variable into K &amp;lt;= cat clusters to find a suboptimal split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_var" label="classifier.rf.var" optional="false" value="0" help="The size of the subset of features, randomly selected at each tree node, that are used to find the best split(s). If you set it to 0, then the size will be set to the square root of the total number of features." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_nbtrees" label="classifier.rf.nbtrees" optional="false" value="100" help="The maximum number of trees in the forest. Typically, the more trees you have, the better the accuracy. However, the improvement in accuracy generally diminishes and reaches an asymptote for a certain number of trees. Also to keep in mind, increasing the number of trees increases the prediction time linearly." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_acc" label="classifier.rf.acc" optional="false" value="0.01" help="Sufficient accuracy (OOB error)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_knn_k" label="classifier.knn.k" optional="false" value="32" help="The number of neighbors to use." type="integer"/>
				<param name="rand" label="rand" optional="true" help="Set specific seed. with integer value." type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
				<param type="select" name="io_confmatout_outformat" label="io.confmatout_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/csv">text/csv</option>
			<when value="OTB.SampleSelection">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Support image that will be classified" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mask" label="mask" optional="false" help="Validity mask (only pixels corresponding to a mask value greater than 0 will be used for statistics)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="vec" label="vec" optional="false" help="Input geometries to analyse" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="instats" label="instats" optional="false" help="Input file storing statistics (XML format)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="sampler" label="sampler" optional="false" value="periodic" help="Type of sampling (periodic, pattern based, random)" type="select">
					<option value="periodic">periodic</option>
					<option value="random">random</option>
				<param name="sampler_periodic_jitter" label="sampler.periodic.jitter" optional="true" value="0" help="Jitter amplitude added during sample selection (0 = no jitter)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="strategy" label="strategy" optional="false" value="smallest" help="strategy" type="select">
					<option value="byclass">byclass</option>
					<option value="constant">constant</option>
					<option value="percent">percent</option>
					<option value="total">total</option>
					<option value="smallest">smallest</option>
					<option value="all">all</option>
				<param name="strategy_byclass_in" label="" optional="false" help="Number of samples by class (CSV format with class name in 1st column and required samples in the 2nd." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="strategy_constant_nb" label="strategy.constant.nb" optional="false" value="" help="Number of samples for all classes" type="integer"/>
				<param name="strategy_percent_p" label="strategy.percent.p" optional="false" value="0.5" help="The percentage to use" type="float"/>
				<param name="strategy_total_v" label="" optional="false" value="1000" help="The number of samples to generate" type="integer"/>
				<param name="field" label="field" optional="false" value="" help="Name of the field carrying the class name in the input vectors." type="text"/>
				<param name="layer" label="layer" optional="true" value="0" help="Layer index to read in the input vector file." type="integer"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="rand" label="rand" optional="true" help="Set specific seed. with integer value." type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
				<param type="select" name="outrates_outformat" label="outrates_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/csv">text/csv</option>
			<when value="OTB.CompareImages">
				<param name="ref_in" label="" optional="false" help="Image used as reference in the comparison" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="ref_channel" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="Used channel for the reference image" type="integer"/>
				<param name="meas_in" label="" optional="false" help="Image used as measured in the comparison" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="meas_channel" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="Used channel for the measured image" type="integer"/>
				<param name="roi_startx" label="roi.startx" optional="false" value="0" help="ROI start x position." type="integer"/>
				<param name="roi_starty" label="roi.starty" optional="false" value="0" help="ROI start y position." type="integer"/>
				<param name="roi_sizex" label="roi.sizex" optional="false" value="0" help="Size along x in pixels." type="integer"/>
				<param name="roi_sizey" label="roi.sizey" optional="false" value="0" help="Size along y in pixels." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
			<when value="OTB.VertexComponentAnalysis">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input hyperspectral data cube" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="ne" label="ne" optional="false" value="1" help="The number of endmembers to extract from the hyperspectral image." type="integer"/>
				<param name="outendm" label="outendm" optional="false" value="float" help="Endmembers, stored in aone-line multi-spectral image.Each pixel corresponds to oneendmembers and each band values corresponds to the spectralsignature of the corresponding endmember." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="rand" label="rand" optional="true" help="Set specific seed. with integer value." type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="outendm_outformat" label="outendm_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SplitImage">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input multiband image filename." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The output filename will be used to get the prefix an the extension of the output written's image. For example with outimage.tif as output filename, the generated images will had an indice (corresponding at each bands) between the prefix and the extension, such as: outimage_0.tif  and outimage_1.tif (if 2 bands)." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.DownloadSRTMTiles">
				<param name="il" label="il" optional="false" help="List of images on which you want to determine corresponding SRTM tiles." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="vl" label="vl" optional="false" help="List of vector data files on which you want to determine corresponding SRTM tiles." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="names" label="names" optional="true" help="List of SRTM tile names to download. This list is added to the tiles derived from input images or vectors.The names should follow the SRTM tile naming convention, for instance N43E001." type="text"/>
				<param name="tiledir" label="tiledir" optional="false" value="" help="Directory where SRTM tiles are stored. In download mode, the zipped archives will be downloaded to this directory. You'll need to unzip all tile files before using them in your application. In any case, this directory will be inspected to check which tiles are already downloaded." type="text"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="download" help="mode" type="select">
					<option value="download">download</option>
					<option value="list">list</option>
			<when value="OTB.ComputeOGRLayersFeaturesStatistics">
				<param name="inshp" label="inshp" optional="false" help="Name of the input shapefile" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="feat" label="feat" optional="false" value="" help="List of features to consider for statistics." type="text"/>
				<param type="select" name="outstats_outformat" label="outstats_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
			<when value="OTB.LSMSSmallRegionsMerging">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image, containing initial spectral signatures corresponding to the segmented image (inseg)." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inseg" label="inseg" optional="false" help="Segmented image where each pixel value is the unique integer label of the segment it belongs to." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="The output image. The output image is the segmented image where the minimal segments have been merged. An ecoding of uint32 is advised." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="minsize" label="minsize" optional="true" value="50" help="Minimum Segment Size. If, after the segmentation, a segment is of size lower than this criterion, the segment is merged with the segment that has the closest sepctral signature." type="integer"/>
				<param name="tilesizex" label="tilesizex" optional="false" value="500" help="Size of tiles along the X-axis for tile-wise processing." type="integer"/>
				<param name="tilesizey" label="tilesizey" optional="false" value="500" help="Size of tiles along the Y-axis for tile-wise processing." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.PixelValue">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="coordx" label="coordx" optional="false" value="" help="This will be the X coordinate interpreted depending on the chosen mode" type="float"/>
				<param name="coordy" label="coordy" optional="false" value="" help="This will be the Y coordinate interpreted depending on the chosen mode" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="index" help="Different modes can be selected, default mode is Index." type="select">
					<option value="index">index</option>
					<option value="physical">physical</option>
					<option value="epsg">epsg</option>
				<param name="mode_epsg_code" label="mode.epsg.code" optional="true" help="This code is used to define a geographical coordinate system. If no system is specified, WGS84 (EPSG : 4326) is used by default." type="integer"/>
				<param name="cl" label="cl" optional="true" help="Displayed channels" type="text"/>
			<when value="OTB.MorphologicalClassification">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to be classified." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="The output classified image with 3 different values (0 : Flat, 1 : Convex, 2 : Concave)" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index for input image" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="structype" label="structype" optional="false" value="ball" help="Choice of the structuring element type" type="select">
					<option value="ball">ball</option>
					<option value="cross">cross</option>
				<param name="radius" label="radius" optional="false" value="5" help="Radius of the structuring element (in pixels), default value is 5." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sigma" label="sigma" optional="false" value="0.5" help="Sigma value for leveling tolerance, default value is 0.5." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.LargeScaleMeanShift">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image can be any single or multiband image. Beware of pontential imbalance between bands ranges as it may alter euclidean distance." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="spatialr" label="spatialr" optional="true" value="5" help="Radius of the spatial neighborhood for averaging. Higher values will result in more smoothing and higher processing time." type="integer"/>
				<param name="ranger" label="ranger" optional="true" value="15" help="Threshold on spectral signature euclidean distance (expressed in radiometry unit) to consider neighborhood pixel for averaging. Higher values will be less edge-preserving (more similar to simple average in neighborhood), whereas lower values will result in less noise smoothing. Note that this parameter has no effect on processing time." type="float"/>
				<param name="minsize" label="minsize" optional="true" value="50" help="Minimum Segment Size. If, after the segmentation, a segment is of size lower than this criterion, the segment is merged with the segment that has the closest sepctral signature." type="integer"/>
				<param name="tilesizex" label="tilesizex" optional="false" value="500" help="Size of tiles along the X-axis for tile-wise processing." type="integer"/>
				<param name="tilesizey" label="tilesizey" optional="false" value="500" help="Size of tiles along the Y-axis for tile-wise processing." type="integer"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="vector" help="Type of segmented output" type="select">
					<option value="vector">vector</option>
					<option value="raster">raster</option>
				<param name="mode_vector_imfield" label="mode.vector.imfield" optional="false" help="This is an optional support image that can be used to compute field values in each region. Otherwise, the input image is used as support." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="mode_raster_out" label="mode.raster.out" optional="false" value="uint8" help="It corresponds to the output of the small region merging step." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="cleanup" label="cleanup" optional="false" value="False" help="If activated, the application will try to clean all temporary files it created" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="mode_vector_out_outformat" label="mode.vector.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
				<param type="select" name="mode_raster_out_outformat" label="mode.raster.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.TrainRegression">
				<param name="io_il" label="" optional="false" help="A list of input images. First (n-1) bands should contain the predictor. The last band should contain the output value to predict." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_csv" label="io.csv" optional="false" help="Input CSV file containing the predictors, and the output values in last column. Only used when no input image is given" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="io_imstat" label="io.imstat" optional="false" help="Input XML file containing the mean and the standard deviation of the input images." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="sample_mt" label="" optional="false" value="1000" help="Maximum number of training predictors (default = 1000) (no limit = -1)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sample_mv" label="" optional="false" value="1000" help="Maximum number of validation predictors (default = 1000) (no limit = -1)." type="integer"/>
				<param name="sample_vtr" label="sample.vtr" optional="false" value="0.5" help="Ratio between training and validation samples (0.0 = all training, 1.0 = all validation) (default = 0.5)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier" label="classifier" optional="false" value="libsvm" help="Choice of the classifier to use for the training." type="select">
					<option value="libsvm">libsvm</option>
					<option value="dt">dt</option>
					<option value="ann">ann</option>
					<option value="rf">rf</option>
					<option value="knn">knn</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_k" label="classifier.libsvm.k" optional="false" value="linear" help="SVM Kernel Type." type="select">
					<option value="linear">linear</option>
					<option value="rbf">rbf</option>
					<option value="poly">poly</option>
					<option value="sigmoid">sigmoid</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_m" label="classifier.libsvm.m" optional="false" value="epssvr" help="Type of SVM formulation." type="select">
					<option value="epssvr">epssvr</option>
					<option value="nusvr">nusvr</option>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_c" label="classifier.libsvm.c" optional="false" value="1" help="SVM models have a cost parameter C (1 by default) to control the trade-off between training errors and forcing rigid margins." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_nu" label="" optional="false" value="0.5" help="Cost parameter Nu, in the range 0..1, the larger the value, the smoother the decision." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_opt" label="classifier.libsvm.opt" optional="false" value="False" help="SVM parameters optimization flag." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_prob" label="classifier.libsvm.prob" optional="false" value="False" help="Probability estimation flag." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_libsvm_eps" label="classifier.libsvm.eps" optional="false" value="0.001" help="The distance between feature vectors from the training set and the fitting hyper-plane must be less than Epsilon. For outliersthe penalty mutliplier is set by C." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_max" label="classifier.dt.max" optional="false" value="10" help="The training algorithm attempts to split each node while its depth is smaller than the maximum possible depth of the tree. The actual depth may be smaller if the other termination criteria are met, and/or if the tree is pruned." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_min" label="classifier.dt.min" optional="false" value="10" help="If the number of samples in a node is smaller than this parameter, then this node will not be split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_ra" label="classifier.dt.ra" optional="false" value="0.01" help="If all absolute differences between an estimated value in a node and the values of the train samples in this node are smaller than this regression accuracy parameter, then the node will not be split further." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_cat" label="" optional="false" value="10" help="Cluster possible values of a categorical variable into K &amp;lt;= cat clusters to find a suboptimal split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_f" label="classifier.dt.f" optional="false" value="0" help="If cv_folds &gt; 1, then it prunes a tree with K-fold cross-validation where K is equal to cv_folds." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_r" label="classifier.dt.r" optional="false" value="False" help="If true, then a pruning will be harsher. This will make a tree more compact and more resistant to the training data noise but a bit less accurate." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_dt_t" label="classifier.dt.t" optional="false" value="False" help="If true, then pruned branches are physically removed from the tree." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_t" label="classifier.ann.t" optional="false" value="reg" help="Type of training method for the multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network." type="select">
					<option value="back">back</option>
					<option value="reg">reg</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_sizes" label="classifier.ann.sizes" optional="false" value="" help="The number of neurons in each intermediate layer (excluding input and output layers)." type="text"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_f" label="classifier.ann.f" optional="false" value="sig" help="This function determine whether the output of the node is positive or not depending on the output of the transfert function." type="select">
					<option value="ident">ident</option>
					<option value="sig">sig</option>
					<option value="gau">gau</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_a" label="classifier.ann.a" optional="false" value="1" help="Alpha parameter of the activation function (used only with sigmoid and gaussian functions)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_b" label="classifier.ann.b" optional="false" value="1" help="Beta parameter of the activation function (used only with sigmoid and gaussian functions)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_bpdw" label="classifier.ann.bpdw" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Strength of the weight gradient term in the BACKPROP method. The recommended value is about 0.1." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_bpms" label="classifier.ann.bpms" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Strength of the momentum term (the difference between weights on the 2 previous iterations). This parameter provides some inertia to smooth the random fluctuations of the weights. It can vary from 0 (the feature is disabled) to 1 and beyond. The value 0.1 or so is good enough." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_rdw" label="classifier.ann.rdw" optional="false" value="0.1" help="Initial value Delta_0 of update-values Delta_" type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_rdwm" label="classifier.ann.rdwm" optional="false" value="1e-07" help="Update-values lower limit Delta_" type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_term" label="classifier.ann.term" optional="false" value="all" help="Termination criteria." type="select">
					<option value="iter">iter</option>
					<option value="eps">eps</option>
					<option value="all">all</option>
				<param name="classifier_ann_eps" label="classifier.ann.eps" optional="false" value="0.01" help="Epsilon value used in the Termination criteria." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_ann_iter" label="classifier.ann.iter" optional="false" value="1000" help="Maximum number of iterations used in the Termination criteria." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_max" label="classifier.rf.max" optional="false" value="5" help="The depth of the tree. A low value will likely underfit and conversely a high value will likely overfit. The optimal value can be obtained using cross validation or other suitable methods." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_min" label="classifier.rf.min" optional="false" value="10" help="If the number of samples in a node is smaller than this parameter, then the node will not be split. A reasonable value is a small percentage of the total data e.g. 1 percent." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_ra" label="classifier.rf.ra" optional="false" value="0" help="If all absolute differences between an estimated value in a node and the values of the train samples in this node are smaller than this regression accuracy parameter, then the node will not be split." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_cat" label="" optional="false" value="10" help="Cluster possible values of a categorical variable into K &amp;lt;= cat clusters to find a suboptimal split." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_var" label="classifier.rf.var" optional="false" value="0" help="The size of the subset of features, randomly selected at each tree node, that are used to find the best split(s). If you set it to 0, then the size will be set to the square root of the total number of features." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_nbtrees" label="classifier.rf.nbtrees" optional="false" value="100" help="The maximum number of trees in the forest. Typically, the more trees you have, the better the accuracy. However, the improvement in accuracy generally diminishes and reaches an asymptote for a certain number of trees. Also to keep in mind, increasing the number of trees increases the prediction time linearly." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_rf_acc" label="classifier.rf.acc" optional="false" value="0.01" help="Sufficient accuracy (OOB error)." type="float"/>
				<param name="classifier_knn_k" label="classifier.knn.k" optional="false" value="32" help="The number of neighbors to use." type="integer"/>
				<param name="classifier_knn_rule" label="classifier.knn.rule" optional="false" value="mean" help="Decision rule for regression output" type="select">
					<option value="mean">mean</option>
					<option value="median">median</option>
				<param name="rand" label="rand" optional="true" help="Set specific seed. with integer value." type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="io_out_outformat" label="io.out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="text/plain">text/plain</option>
			<when value="OTB.ContrastEnhancement">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="bins" label="bins" optional="false" value="256" help="Number of bins in the histogram" type="integer"/>
				<param name="hfact" label="hfact" optional="true" help="This parameter will set the maximum height accepted in a bin on the input image histogram. The maximum height will be computed as hfact*eqHeight where eqHeight is the height of the theoretical flat histogram. The higher hfact, the higher the contrast.When using 'luminance mode', it is recommended to limit this factor to a small value (ex: 4)" type="float"/>
				<param name="nodata" label="nodata" optional="true" help="If there is a value in the image that has no visualization meaning, it can be ignored by the algorithm." type="float"/>
				<param name="spatial" label="spatial" optional="false" value="local" help="spatial" type="select">
					<option value="local">local</option>
					<option value="global">global</option>
				<param name="spatial_local_h" label="spatial.local.h" optional="false" value="256" help="Height of the thumbnail over which the histogram will be computed. The value is in pixels." type="integer"/>
				<param name="spatial_local_w" label="spatial.local.w" optional="false" value="256" help="Width of the thumbnail over which the histogram will be computed. The value is in pixels." type="integer"/>
				<param name="minmax" label="minmax" optional="false" value="auto" help="Minimum and maximum value that will bound the histogram and thus the dynamic of the resulting image. Values over those boundaries will be clipped." type="select">
					<option value="auto">auto</option>
					<option value="manual">manual</option>
				<param name="minmax_auto_global" label="" optional="false" value="False" help="Min/max computation will result in the same minimum and maximum for all the bands." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="minmax_manual_min" label="minmax.manual.min" optional="true" help="minmax.manual.min" type="float"/>
				<param name="minmax_manual_max" label="minmax.manual.max" optional="true" help="minmax.manual.max" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode" label="mode" optional="false" value="each" help="mode" type="select">
					<option value="each">each</option>
					<option value="lum">lum</option>
				<param name="mode_lum_red_ch" label="" optional="false" value="0" help="" type="integer"/>
				<param name="mode_lum_red_coef" label="" optional="false" value="0.21" help="" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_lum_green_ch" label="" optional="false" value="1" help="" type="integer"/>
				<param name="mode_lum_green_coef" label="" optional="false" value="0.71" help="" type="float"/>
				<param name="mode_lum_blue_ch" label="" optional="false" value="2" help="" type="integer"/>
				<param name="mode_lum_blue_coef" label="" optional="false" value="0.08" help="" type="float"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.SARDecompositions">
				<param name="inhh" label="inhh" optional="false" help="Input image (HH)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="inhv" label="inhv" optional="false" help="Input image (HV)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="invh" label="invh" optional="false" help="Input image (VH)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="invv" label="invv" optional="false" help="Input image (VV)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="decomp" label="decomp" optional="false" value="haa" help="decomp" type="select">
					<option value="haa">haa</option>
					<option value="barnes">barnes</option>
					<option value="huynen">huynen</option>
					<option value="pauli">pauli</option>
				<param name="inco_kernelsize" label="inco.kernelsize" optional="true" value="3" help="Minute (0-59)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.EdgeExtraction">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image on which the features are computed." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter" label="filter" optional="false" value="gradient" help="Choice of edge feature" type="select">
					<option value="gradient">gradient</option>
					<option value="sobel">sobel</option>
					<option value="touzi">touzi</option>
				<param name="filter_touzi_xradius" label="filter.touzi.xradius" optional="false" value="1" help="filter.touzi.xradius" type="integer"/>
				<param name="filter_touzi_yradius" label="filter.touzi.yradius" optional="false" value="1" help="filter.touzi.yradius" type="integer"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image containing the edge features." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.VectorDataReprojection">
				<param name="in_vd" label="in.vd" optional="false" help="The input vector data to reproject" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="in_kwl" label="in.kwl" optional="false" help="Optional input image to fill vector data with image kwl." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out_proj" label="out.proj" optional="false" value="image" help="out.proj" type="select">
					<option value="image">image</option>
					<option value="user">user</option>
				<param name="out_proj_image_in" label="" optional="false" help="Projection map will be found using image metadata" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="out_proj_user_map" label="" optional="false" value="utm" help="Defines the map projection to be used." type="select">
					<option value="utm">utm</option>
					<option value="lambert2">lambert2</option>
					<option value="lambert93">lambert93</option>
					<option value="wgs">wgs</option>
					<option value="epsg">epsg</option>
				<param name="out_proj_user_map_utm_zone" label="" optional="false" value="31" help="The zone number ranges from 1 to 60 and allows defining the transverse mercator projection (along with the hemisphere)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="out_proj_user_map_utm_northhem" label="" optional="false" value="False" help="The transverse mercator projections are defined by their zone number as well as the hemisphere. Activate this parameter if your image is in the northern hemisphere." type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="out_proj_user_map_epsg_code" label="" optional="false" value="4326" help="See to find which EPSG code is associated to your projection" type="integer"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_vd_outformat" label="out.vd_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.ComputeModulusAndPhase">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image (complex single band)" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="modulus" label="modulus" optional="false" value="float" help="Modulus of the input image computes with thefollowing formula: :math:`\sqrt" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="phase" label="phase" optional="false" value="float" help="Phase of the input image computes with the following formula::math:`\tan^" type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="modulus_outformat" label="modulus_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="phase_outformat" label="phase_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
			<when value="OTB.LineSegmentDetection">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="Input image on which lines will be detected." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_dem" label="elev.dem" optional="true" help="This parameter allows selecting a directory containing Digital Elevation Model files. Note that this directory should contain only DEM files. Unexpected behaviour might occurs if other images are found in this directory." type="text"/>
				<param name="elev_geoid" label="elev.geoid" optional="false" help="Use a geoid grid to get the height above the ellipsoid in case there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles. A version of the geoid can be found on the OTB website(" type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="elev_default" label="elev.default" optional="false" value="0" help="This parameter allows setting the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value." type="float"/>
				<param name="norescale" label="norescale" optional="false" value="False" help="By default, the input image amplitude is rescaled between [0,255]. Turn on this parameter to skip rescaling" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<option value="text/xml">text/xml</option>
					<option value="application/">application/</option>
					<option value="application/json">application/json</option>
					<option value="application/zip">application/zip</option>
			<when value="OTB.LocalStatisticExtraction">
				<param name="in" label="in" optional="false" help="The input image to compute the features on." type="data" format="txt"/>
				<param name="channel" label="channel" optional="false" value="1" help="The selected channel index" type="integer"/>
				<param name="ram" label="ram" optional="true" value="128" help="Available memory for processing (in MB)" type="integer"/>
				<param name="radius" label="radius" optional="false" value="3" help="The computational window radius." type="integer"/>
				<param name="out" label="out" optional="false" value="float" help="Output image containing the local statistical moments." type="select">
					<expand macro="out_options"/>
				<param type="select" name="out_outformat" label="out_outformat" help="Output format">
					<expand macro="format_options"/>
		<data name="output_data" format="txt" label="$select_process"/>
	<expand macro="tests"/>
	<expand macro="help"/>
	<expand macro="citations"/>