changeset 0:e3d43b8c987b draft

Init repository with last tool-bank-golm-lib_search master version
author fgiacomoni
date Mon, 05 Dec 2016 08:32:04 -0500
children 4dc76dcbd1e7
files MANUAL_INSTALL.txt conf_golm.cfg golm_out.tmpl golm_ws_lib_search.xml lib/ lib/ lib/ lib/ t/data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp t/data/peakspectra_test.msp t/golm_ws_LibrarySearch_test.t t/lib/ test-data/KHanaoka_peakspectra.msp test-data/input01_peakspectra_test.msp test-data/input03_peakspectra_full.msp test-data/output01.html test-data/output01.tabular test-data/output01.txt test-data/output02.html test-data/output02.tabular test-data/output02.txt test-data/output03.html test-data/output03.tabular test-data/output03.txt
diffstat 27 files changed, 9190 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MANUAL_INSTALL.txt	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+## ****** MON_MODULE environnemnt : ****** ##
+# version 1.0 XX.XX.2016 G Cretin / F Giacomoni / Y Guitton
+## --- PERL compilator / libraries : --- ##
+$ perl -v
+This is perl, v5.18.2 built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
+# libs CORE PERL : 
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use FindBin ;
+# libs CPAN PERL : 
+$ perl -e 'use SOAP::Lite +trace => [qw (debug)] ;'
+$ perl -e 'use Excel::Writer::XLSX ;'
+$ perl -e 'use JSON ;'
+$ perl -e 'use HTML::Template ;'
+# libs pfem PERL : 
+use lib::golm_ws_api qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::msp qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::output qw( :ALL ) ;
+## --- R bin and Packages : --- ##
+No interaction with R
+## --- Binary dependencies --- ##
+## --- Config : --- ##
+## --- XML HELP PART --- ##
+## --- DATASETS --- ##
+## --- ??? COMMENTS ??? --- ##
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
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+Golm Metabolome Database search spectrum for Galaxy
+[![bioconda-badge](]( [![Build Status](](
+Our project
+The [Workflow4Metabolomics](, W4M in short, is a French infrastructure offering software tool processing, analyzing and annotating metabolomics data. It is based on the Galaxy platform.
+Golm Metabolome Database search spectrum
+Tool using the Golm Library Search WS.
+Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for data intensive biomedical research. Whether on the free public server or your own instance, you can perform, reproduce, and share complete analyses. 
+Homepage: [](
+Dependencies using Conda
+[Conda]( is package manager that among many other things can be used to manage Python packages.
+#To install miniconda2
+#To install the tool dependencies using conda:
+conda install perl-soap-lite perl-list-moreutils perl-json perl-html-template
+#To set an environment:
+conda create -n tool-bank-golm-lib_search perl-soap-lite perl-list-moreutils perl-json perl-html-template`
+#To activate the environment:
+. activate tool-bank-golm-lib_search
+[![Build Status](](
+Test and Deploy with Confidence. Easily sync your GitHub projects with Travis CI and you'll be testing your code in minutes!
+Historic contributors
+ - Yann Guitton @yguitton - [LABERCA - Laboratory of Food Contaminants and Residue Analysis]( - Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique - France
+ - Gabriel Cretin - [French Metabolomics and Fluxomics Infrastructure (MetaboHUB)]( - [La plateforme "Exploration du Métabolisme" (PFEM, Clermont-Ferrand)](
+ - Franck Giacomoni @fgiacomoni - [French Metabolomics and Fluxomics Infrastructure (MetaboHUB)]( - [La plateforme "Exploration du Métabolisme" (PFEM, Clermont-Ferrand)](
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/conf_golm.cfg	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+## Conf file for script
+## Version of
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/golm_out.tmpl	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=',jszip-2.5.0,pdfmake-0.1.18,dt-1.10.9,af-2.0.0,b-1.0.3,b-colvis-1.0.3,b-html5-1.0.3,b-print-1.0.3,se-1.0.1/datatables.min.css'/><link rel='stylesheet' href='' /><link rel='stylesheet' href=''> <style type='text/css' class='init'>
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+$(document).ready(function(){var table=$('#table_id').DataTable({'order':[0,'asc'],'orderClasses':false,'dom':'B<"toolbar">frtilp','buttons':[{extend:'copyHtml5',exportOptions:{columns:[0,':visible']},text:'<i class="material-icons" style="height:25px">content_copy</i>',titleAttr:'Copy'},{extend:'print',text:'<i class="material-icons" style="height:25px ;">print</i>',titleAttr:'Print',exportOptions:{columns:':visible'}},{extend:'collection',text:'<i class="material-icons" style="height:25px">file_download</i>',titleAttr:'Export',buttons:[{extend:'excelHtml5',exportOptions:{columns:':visible'}},'csvHtml5']},{text:'SHOW MORE',extend:'colvis',postfixButtons:['colvisRestore']}],'columnDefs':[{'targets':[10],'visible':false,},{'targets':[11],'visible':false},{'targets':[12],'visible':false}],'scrollY':'50vh','responsive':true,'pagingType':'full_numbers','scrollCollapse':true,'lengthMenu':[[<TMPL_VAR NAME=DEFAULT_ENTRIES>,15,20,25,50,-1],[<TMPL_VAR NAME=DEFAULT_ENTRIES>,15,20,25,50,'All']],initComplete:function(){this.api().columns().every(function(){var column=this;var select=$('<select><option value="">Search</option></select>').appendTo($(column.footer()).empty()).on('change',function(){var val=$.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex($(this).val());'^'+val+'$':'',true,false).draw();});,j){select.append('<option value="'+d+'">'+d+'</option>')});});}});$('div.toolbar').html("<button class='mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised ripple mdl-button--accent' data-ripple-color='#b3b3b3' id='delete'>Delete selected rows</button>");$('#table_id tbody').on('click','tr',function(){$(this).toggleClass('selected');});$('#delete').click(function(){table.rows('.selected').remove().draw();});$('.buttons-copy, .buttons-print, .buttons-collection, .buttons-colvis, .buttons-columnVisibility').each(function(){$(this).removeClass('dt-button').addClass('mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised ripple mdl-button--accent');$(this).attr("data-ripple-color","#b3b3b3");})
+for(var i=0;i<12;i++){$($($("table.display.stripe.dataTable")[2]).find("th")[i]).css('width',$($($("table.display.stripe.dataTable")[0]).find("th")[i]).css('width'));}});$(document).on('click','.ripple',function(e){var $rippleElement=$('<span class="ripple-effect" />'),$buttonElement=$(this),btnOffset=$buttonElement.offset(),xPos=e.pageX-btnOffset.left,,size=parseInt(Math.min($buttonElement.height(),$buttonElement.width())*0.5),animateSize=parseInt(Math.max($buttonElement.width(),$buttonElement.height())*Math.PI);$rippleElement.css({top:yPos,left:xPos,width:size,height:size,backgroundColor:$"ripple-color")}).appendTo($buttonElement).animate({width:animateSize,height:animateSize,opacity:0},700,function(){$(this).remove();});});
+</script><title>Golm Search Results</title></head><body><div class='mdl-layout mdl-js-layout mdl-layout--fixed-header'> <header class='mdl-layout__header'><div class='mdl-layout__header-row'> <span class='mdl-layout-title'><h3><b>Visualization of Golm Database Results</b></h3></span></div><div class='mdl-layout__tab-bar mdl-js-ripple-effect'> <a href='#fixed-tab-1' class='mdl-layout__tab is-active'><b>Table</b></a> <a href='#fixed-tab-2' class='mdl-layout__tab'><b>Help</b></a></div> </header> <main class='mdl-layout__content'> <section class='mdl-layout__tab-panel is-active' id='fixed-tab-1'><div class='page-content'><table id='table_id' class='display stripe' cellspacing='0' width='100%' ><thead><tr><th colspan='1'></th><th colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>NAMES</th><th colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>RETENTION INFOS</th><th colspan='5' style='text-align:center'>DISTANCE SCORES</th><th colspan='3' style='text-align:center'>IDs</th></tr><tr><th style='text-align:center;border-left: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>N° Spectres</th><th style='text-align:center;border-left: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Spectrum</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Analyte</th><th style='text-align:center'>Retention Index</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>RI Discrepancy</th><th style='text-align:center'>Dot product</th><th style='text-align:center'>Euclidean</th><th style='text-align:center'>Jaccard</th><th style='text-align:center'>Hamming</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>s12 Gower-Legendre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Metabolite id</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Analyte id</th></tr></thead><tfoot><tr><th style='text-align:center'>N° Spectre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum</th><th style='text-align:center'>Analyte</th><th style='text-align:center'>Retention Index</th><th style='text-align:center'>RI Discrepancy</th><th style='text-align:center'>Dot product</th><th style='text-align:center'>Euclidean</th><th style='text-align:center'>Jaccard</th><th style='text-align:center'>Hamming</th><th style='text-align:center'>s12 Gower-Legendre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Metabolite id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Analyte id</th></tr></tfoot><tbody> <TMPL_LOOP NAME=GROUPS><tr><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=ID></td><td><a href='<TMPL_VAR NAME=SPECTRUM_REF>' target='_blank'><TMPL_VAR NAME=SPECTRUM_NAME></a></td><td><a href='<TMPL_VAR NAME=ANALYTE_REF>' target='_blank'><TMPL_VAR NAME=ANALYTE_NAME></a></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=RI></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=RI_DISCREPANCY></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=JACCARD_DISTANCE></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=HAMMING_DISTANCE></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=S12_GOWER_LEGENDRE_DISTANCE></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=SPECTRUM_ID></td><td><a href='<TMPL_VAR NAME=METABOLITE_REF>' target='_blank'><TMPL_VAR NAME=METABOLITE_ID></a></td><td><TMPL_VAR NAME=ANALYTE_ID></td></tr> </TMPL_LOOP></tbody></table></div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip1'> print</div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip2'> copy</div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip3'> export</div> </section> <section class='mdl-layout__tab-panel' id='fixed-tab-2'><div class='page-content'><center> </br></br><div class='card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp'> <figure class='mdl-card__media' style='background-color: white'> <img src='' style='height: 60px; width: 60px;'> </figure><div class='mdl-card__title'><h1 class='mdl-card__title-text'>What can the table do ?</h1></div><div class='mdl-card__supporting-text'><ul class='list-icon mdl-list'><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>filter_list</i> By default, the spectra numbers (N° Spectra) are ordered by ascending values. You can manage your data ordering as you wish. You can even order data according to multiple columns: SHIFT + LEFT CLICK on column headers. This will order by the first column clicked, then the second, etc. You can sort data specifically by clicking on any entry in boxes under each columns. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>delete_sweep</i> You can delete multiple entries that are selected: Select wanted entries and click on the button DELETE SELECTED ROWS. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>remove_red_eye</i> You have the possibility to toggle columns by clicking on SHOW MORE. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>save</i> You can print, copy, or export to excel and csv the table on its actual state, with the three buttons right above the table. </span></li></ul></div></div> </br><div id="large_card" class='card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp'> <figure class='mdl-card__media' style='background-color: white'> <img src='' style='height: 60px; width: 60px;'> </figure><div class='mdl-card__title'><h1 class='mdl-card__title-text'>Distances scores</h1></div><div class='mdl-card__supporting-text'><table id="dist_table" style="color: rgba(0,0,0,.87);"><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;><b style="white-space: nowrap;"><b>S12Gower-Legendre Distance</b></td><td> The distance measure S12GowLeg = sqrt(1 - s12) is derived from the S12 coefficient of Gower & Legendre defined as s12 = a / sqrt((a + b)(a + c)), with "a" representing the number of positions at which both spectra are in "on-state" and "b" respectively "c" representing the number of positions at which only the query spectrum or the hit spectrum are in "on-state".</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;">Hamming Distance</b></td><td> In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions for which the corresponding symbols are different. Put another way, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one into the other, or the number of errors that transformed one string into the other.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;">Jaccard Distance</b></td><td>Number of matches (a mass with appropriate intensity in both spectra) divided by the sum of matches and mismatches (a mass where only one of both spectra has a intensity). The jaccard distance is a binary distance.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;padding-right:60px;">Dotproduct Distance</b></td><td>The Dotproduct distance is summing the multiplied intensities over all matching peaks within both spectra. Here, to satisfy the conditions of a metric I) non-negativity, II) identity of indiscernibles, III) symmetry and IV) subadditivity / triangle inequality, we use 1-Dotproduct. Both spectra are normalised prior to the spectral vector norm in that way, that the absolute value of the squared intensities is equal to 1.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;padding-right:60px;">Euclidean Distance</b></td><td>The Euclid is the square root of the sum of the squared differences over all matching peaks.</td></tr></table></div></div></div> </br></br></center> </section> </main></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+## script  :
+#                              Included modules and versions
+## Perl modules
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use FindBin ; ## Allows you to locate the directory of original perl script
+## Specific Perl Modules (PFEM)
+use lib $FindBin::Bin ;
+my $binPath = $FindBin::Bin ;
+use JSON ;
+## Dedicate Perl Modules PFEM
+use lib::golm_ws_api qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::msp qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::output qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::conf qw( :ALL ) ;
+## Initialized values
+my ($OptHelp,$ri,$riWindow,$gcColumn,$inputFile,$inputMasses) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) ;
+my ($maxHits,$mzRes,$maxIons,$threshold,$relative,$noise_threshold) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) ;
+my ($JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) ;
+my ($DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) = (undef,undef,undef) ;
+my ($excel_file,$html_file,$html_template,$json_file,$csv_file) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) ;
+my (@hits, @ojson) = ( () , () ) ;
+my $encoded_spectra ;
+## if you put no arguments, function help is started
+if (!@ARGV){ &help ; } 
+#                                Manage EXCEPTIONS
+&GetOptions ( 	
+				"help|h"     => \$OptHelp,       # HELP
+				"inputFile:s"		=> \$inputFile,
+				"inputMasses:s"		=> \$inputMasses,
+				"ri:i"		=> \$ri,
+				"riWindow:i"		=> \$riWindow,
+				"gcColumn:s"		=> \$gcColumn,
+				"maxHits:i"		=> \$maxHits,
+				"mzRes:i"		=> \$mzRes,
+				"maxIons:i"		=> \$maxIons,
+				#"noiseThreshold:f" => \$noise_threshold,
+				"JaccardDistanceThreshold:f"		=> \$JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+				"s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold:f"		=> \$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+				"DotproductDistanceThreshold:f"		=> \$DotproductDistanceThreshold,
+				"HammingDistanceThreshold:f"		=> \$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+				"EuclideanDistanceThreshold:f"		=> \$EuclideanDistanceThreshold,
+				"relative:s"			=> \$relative,
+				"output_xls:s"			=> \$excel_file,
+				"output_html:s"		=> \$html_file,
+				"output_json:s"		=> \$json_file,
+				"output_tabular:s"		=> \$csv_file,
+            ) ;
+            die "maxHits must be >= 0\n" unless ($maxHits >= 0) ;
+            die "mzRes must be >= 0 \n" unless ($mzRes >= 0) ;
+            die "maxIons must be >= 0\n" unless ($maxIons >= 0) ;
+            #die "noiseThreshold must be > 0\n" unless ($noise_threshold > 0) ;
+## if you put the option -help or -h function help is started         
+if(defined($OptHelp)){ &help ; }
+if( (!defined ($inputFile)) and (!defined($inputMasses) )){ warn "The input data is not defined (File or mass/intensity list AS string)\n" ; &help ; }
+#                                MAIN SCRIPT
+## Create module objects ###
+my $oapi = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+my $omsp = lib::msp->new() ;
+my $o_output = lib::output->new() ;
+my $oConf = lib::conf->new() ;
+## -------------- Conf file ------------------------ :
+my ( $CONF ) = ( undef ) ;
+foreach my $conf ( <$binPath/*.cfg> ) {
+	$CONF = $oConf->as_conf($conf) ;
+## -------------- HTML template file ------------------------ :
+$html_template = <$binPath/golm_out.tmpl> ;
+$CONF->{'HTML_TEMPLATE'} = $html_template ;
+## -------------- Retrieve values from conf file ------------------------ :
+my $ws_url = $CONF->{'WS_URL'} ;
+my $ws_proxy = $CONF->{'WS_PROXY'} ;
+my $default_ri = $CONF->{'RI'} ;
+my $default_ri_window = $CONF->{'RI_WINDOW'} ;
+my $default_gc_column = $CONF->{'GC_COLUMN'} ;
+my $default_entries = $CONF->{'DEFAULT_ENTRIES'} ;
+my $analyte_ref = $CONF->{'ANALYTE_REF'} ;
+my $metabolite_ref = $CONF->{'METABOLITE_REF'} ;
+my $spectrum_ref = $CONF->{'SPECTRUM_REF'} ;
+############# -------------- Test the Golm web service -------------- ############# :
+$oapi->test_query_golm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+############# -------------- Parse the .msp file -------------- ############# :
+my $ref_mzs_res ;
+my $ref_ints_res ;
+## Case when masses are entered manually
+if (defined $inputMasses && !defined $inputFile) { 
+	## Retrieve masses from msp file
+	$ref_mzs_res = $omsp->get_masses_from_string($inputMasses, $mzRes) ;
+	## Retrieve intensities from msp file
+	$ref_ints_res = $omsp->get_intensities_from_string($inputMasses) ;
+	## Sorting intensities
+	my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->sorting_descending_intensities($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+	#************************
+	# Noise threshold: uncomment if it is not managed in MetaMS 
+	#************************
+	## Apply noise threshold
+	#my ($mzs_res_noise_threshold, $ints_res_noise_threshold) = $omsp->keep_ions_above_threshold($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) ;
+	#************************
+	## Keep a limited number of ions according to $maxIons
+	if($maxIons > 0){
+		## To uncomment if "Apply noise threshold is used"
+		#$ref_mzs_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_noise_threshold, $maxIons ) ;
+		#$ref_ints_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_noise_threshold, $maxIons ) ;
+		## To uncomment if "Apply noise threshold is used"
+		$ref_mzs_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+		$ref_ints_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+	}
+	## Remove redundant masses
+	my ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = $omsp->remove_redundants($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+	## Relative intensity
+	my $relative_ints_res = undef ;
+	if ($relative eq "true") {
+		my @relative_ints = map { ($_ * 100)/@$ints_res_sorted[0] } @$ints_res_sorted ;
+		$relative_ints_res = \@relative_ints ;
+	}
+	## Encode spectra
+	if (defined $relative_ints_res) {
+		$encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query($mzs_res_sorted, $relative_ints_res) ;
+	}
+	else { $encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) ; }
+## Case with the msp file
+elsif (defined $inputFile and -e $inputFile and !defined $inputMasses and defined $mzRes and defined $maxIons and defined $maxHits) {
+	unless (-f $inputFile)  { croak "$inputFile is not a file" ; }
+	unless (-s $inputFile)  { croak "$inputFile is empty" ; }
+	## Get masses and their intensities
+	$ref_mzs_res = $omsp->get_mzs($inputFile, $mzRes) ;
+	$ref_ints_res = $omsp->get_intensities($inputFile, $maxIons) ;
+	## Sorting intensities
+	my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->sorting_descending_intensities($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+	#************************
+	# Noise threshold: uncomment if it is not managed in MetaMS 
+	#************************
+	## Apply noise threshold if exists
+	#my ($mzs_res_noise_threshold, $ints_res_noise_threshold) = $omsp->keep_ions_above_threshold($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) ;
+	#************************
+	## Keep only $maxIons ions
+	if($maxIons > 0){
+		## To uncomment if "Apply noise threshold is used"
+		#$ref_mzs_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_noise_threshold, $maxIons ) ;
+		#$ref_ints_res = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_noise_threshold, $maxIons ) ;
+		## To uncomment if "Apply noise threshold is used"
+		$mzs_res_sorted = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+		$ints_res_sorted = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+	}
+	## Remove redundant masses
+	my ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = (undef,undef) ;
+	my @uniq_total_masses = () ;
+	my @uniq_total_intensities = () ;
+	for (my $i=0 ; $i<@$mzs_res_sorted && $i<@$ints_res_sorted ; $i++) {
+		($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = $omsp->remove_redundants(@$mzs_res_sorted[$i], @$ints_res_sorted[$i]) ;
+		push (@uniq_total_masses , $uniq_masses) ;
+		push (@uniq_total_intensities, $uniq_intensities) ;
+	}
+	## Relative intensity
+	my $relative_ints_res = undef ;
+	if ($relative eq "true") {
+		$relative_ints_res = $omsp->apply_relative_intensity(\@uniq_total_intensities) ;
+	}
+	## Encode spectra
+	if (defined $relative_ints_res) {
+		$encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query(\@uniq_total_masses, $relative_ints_res) ;
+	}
+	else { $encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query(\@uniq_total_masses, \@uniq_total_intensities) ; }
+elsif (!defined $maxHits or !defined $maxIons or !defined $mzRes) { croak "Parameters mzRes or maxIons or maxHits are undefined\n"; } 
+elsif (!-f $inputFile) 										  	  { croak "$inputFile does not exist" ; }
+############# -------------- Send queries to Golm -------------- ############# :
+my $limited_hits ;
+foreach my $spectrum (@$encoded_spectra){
+	($limited_hits) = $oapi->LibrarySearch ($ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+																										  $s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+																										  $DotproductDistanceThreshold,
+																										  $HammingDistanceThreshold,
+																										  $EuclideanDistanceThreshold,
+																										  $ws_url, $ws_proxy,
+																										  $default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column) ;
+	push (@hits , $limited_hits) ;
+############# -------------- Build outputs -------------- ############# :
+my $jsons_obj = $o_output->build_json_res_object(\@hits) ;
+#$o_output->write_json_skel(\$json_file, $jsons_obj) ;
+# Build the ajax data source for html view
+#my $ajax = $o_output->write_ajax_data_source($jsons_obj) ;
+my $tbody_entries = $o_output->add_entries_to_tbody_object($jsons_obj,$analyte_ref,$metabolite_ref,$spectrum_ref) ;
+$o_output->write_html_body($jsons_obj, $tbody_entries, $html_file, $html_template, $default_entries, $jsons_obj) ;
+$o_output->excel_like_output($excel_file, $jsons_obj) ;
+$o_output->write_csv($csv_file , $jsons_obj) ;
+# Help subroutine called with -h option
+# number of arguments : 0
+# Argument(s)        :
+# Return           : 1
+sub help {
+	print STDERR "
+# is a script to use SOAP Golm webservice and send specific queries about spectra searches. 
+# Input : a list of masses (m/z) and their intensities.
+# Authors : Gabriel Cretin / Franck Giacomoni / Yann Guitton 
+# Emails : franck.giacomoni\
+#		   gabriel.cretin\
+#		   yann.guitton\
+# Version : 1.2
+# Created : 03/06/2016
+# Updated : 28/11/2016
+USAGE :		 
+ -help OR
+			-spectraFile [.msp file]	
+			-spectraMasses [masses + intensities of an ion: 'mz1 int1 mz2 int2 mzx intx...']
+			-ri [Rentention Index: float or integer]
+			-riWindow [Retention Index Window: 1500 or the value of your choice]
+			-gcColumn [AlkaneRetentionIndexGcColumnComposition: 'VAR5' or 'MDN35' or 'None']
+			-maxHits [Maximum hits per queried spectra: integer >= 1 (100 for all of them)]
+			-mzRes [Number of digits after the decimal point for m/z values: integer (0 if none)]
+			-maxIons [Number of m/z per spectra you want to keep for the queries, default 0 for all detected ions]
+			-noiseThreshold [Ions having intensity values less than this value are ignored]
+			-JaccardDistanceThreshold...............[
+			-s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold......[  Threshold for each score. Hits with greater scores are ignored: 0 (perfect match) < threshlold <= 1 (mismatch) ]
+			-DotproductDistanceThreshold............[
+			-EuclideanDistanceThreshold.............[
+			-HammingDistanceThreshold[Threshold for hamming score. Hits with greater scores are ignored: 0 - perfect match to higher values indicating a mismatch]
+			-relative [Transforms absolute intensities in the msp file into relative intensities: (intensity * 100)/ max(intensitiess), otherwise, leave them absolute: true or false]
+			-output_xls [name of the xls file in output: string]
+			-output_html [name of the html file in output: string]
+			-output_json [name of the json file in output: string]
+			-output_tabular [name of the csv file in output: string]
+	exit(1);
+## END of script
+=head1 NAME
+ -- script to send GC-MS spectra queries to Golm Metabolome Database (GMD)
+=head1 USAGE
+ -help OR
+			-spectraFile [.msp file]	
+			-spectraMasses [masses + intensities of an ion: 'mz1 int1 mz2 int2 mzx intx...']
+			-ri [Rentention Index: float or integer]
+			-riWindow [Retention Index Window: 1500 or the value of your choice]
+			-gcColumn [AlkaneRetentionIndexGcColumnComposition: 'VAR5' or 'MDN35' or 'None']
+			-maxHits [Maximum hits per queried spectra: integer >= 1 (100 for all of them)]
+			-mzRes [Number of digits after the decimal point for m/z values: integer (0 if none)]
+			-maxIons [Number of m/z per spectra you want to keep for the queries, default 0 for all detected ions]
+			-noiseThreshold [Ions having intensity values less than this value are ignored]
+			-JaccardDistanceThreshold...............[
+			-s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold......[  Threshold for each score. Hits with greater scores are ignored: 0 (perfect match) < threshlold <= 1 (mismatch) ]
+			-DotproductDistanceThreshold............[
+			-EuclideanDistanceThreshold.............[
+			-HammingDistanceThreshold[Threshold for hamming score. Hits with greater scores are ignored: 0 - perfect match to higher values indicating a mismatch]
+			-relative [Transforms absolute intensities in the msp file into relative intensities: (intensity * 100)/ max(intensitiess), otherwise, leave them absolute: true or false]
+			-output_xls [name of the xls file in output: string]
+			-output_html [name of the html file in output: string]
+			-output_json [name of the json file in output: string]
+			-output_tabular [name of the csv file in output: string]
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This script sends GC-MS EI spectra from an msp file given in argument to Golm Database, and presents results on a web interface.
+This main program is a ...
+=over 4
+=item B<function01>
+=item B<function02>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gabriel Cretin	E<lt>gabriel.cretin@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+Franck Giacomoni E<lt>franck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1.0 : 03 / 06 / 2016
+version 1.1 : 24 / 06 / 2016
+version 1.2 : 28 / 11 / 2016
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/golm_ws_lib_search.xml	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+<tool id="golm_ws_lib_search" name="Golm Metabolome Database search spectrum" version="2016-11-28">
+  <description>
+       : GC-MS Mass Spectral Database.
+  </description>
+  <!--<requirements>
+      <requirement type="package" version="0.413">perl-list-moreutils</requirement>
+      <requirement type="package" version="1.19">perl-soap-lite</requirement>
+      <requirement type="package" version="0.95">perl-excel-writer-xlsx</requirement>
+      <requirement type="package" version="2.90">perl-json</requirement>
+      <requirement type="package" version="2.95">perl-html-template</requirement>
+  </requirements>-->
+  <stdio>
+      <exit_code range="1" level="fatal" />
+  </stdio>
+  <command><![CDATA[
+    perl $__tool_directory__/
+		#if str($input_type.choice) == "YES":
+	    	-inputFile "${input_type.masses}"
+	    	-output_tabular "$GolmOutTab" -output_html "$GolmOutWeb" -output_xls "$GolmOutXlsx"
+	    #else:
+	    	-inputMasses "${input_type.mass}"
+	    	-output_tabular "$GolmOutTab2" -output_html "$GolmOutWeb2" -output_xls "$GolmResXlsx2"
+	    #end if
+	    -ri "$ri"
+		-riWindow "$riWindow"
+		-gcColumn "$columnType"
+	    -mzRes "$mzRes"
+	    -maxHits "$maxHits"
+	    -maxIons "$maxIons"
+		-JaccardDistanceThreshold "$JaccardDistanceThreshold" 
+		-s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold "$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold" 
+		-DotproductDistanceThreshold "$DotproductDistanceThreshold" 
+		-HammingDistanceThreshold "$HammingDistanceThreshold"
+		-EuclideanDistanceThreshold "$EuclideanDistanceThreshold"
+		-relative "$intensity_type"
+  ]]></command>
+  <inputs>
+  	<conditional name="input_type">
+      <param name="choice" type="select" label="Would you use a file" help="If 'NO' is selected then one or more mass(es) must be entered manually.">
+        <option value="YES">YES</option>
+        <option value="NO">NO</option>
+      </param>
+      <when value="YES">
+      	<param name="masses" label="File of masses (format: msp)" format="msp,txt" type="data" help=".msp output file from metaMS.runGC function, or any msp file." />
+      </when>
+      <when value="NO">
+      	<param name="mass" size="30" area="true" type="text" label="Masses and intensities (entered manually)"  help="For a list of masses + intensities write : mz1 int1 mz2 int2 mzx intx..."/>	
+	  </when>
+	</conditional>
+    	<param name="columnType" label="Column" type="select" display="radio" help="5%-phenyl-95%-dimethylpolysiloxane (VAR5), 35%-phenyl-65%-dimethylpolysiloxane (MDN35).">
+          <option value="VAR5">VAR5</option>
+          <option value="MDN35">MDN35</option>
+        </param>
+        <param name="ri" type="integer" value="1898" label="Alkane Retention Index" help="If neither an alkane RIs for VAR5 nor MDN35 is available in your setup, please select 'none' in the input field above!" />
+    	<param name="riWindow" type="integer" value="5" label="Retention Index Window" help="This value is for the library search used only. A larger window size will increase the number of matches.
+      	 At the same time the identification becomes less reliable due to false matching spectra without RI consensus." />
+        <param name="maxHits" type="integer" value="100" label="Maximum Hits" help="Maximum number of hits per queried spectra, default=all (0)." />
+        <param name="mzRes" type="integer" value="0" label="Number of significant decimal" help="Number of significant decimals of your m/z." />
+        <param name="maxIons" type="integer" value="0" label="Maximum number of ions" help="Number of m/z per spectra you want to keep for the queries, default 0 = all of them." />
+    	<param name="JaccardDistanceThreshold" type="float" value="0.9" label="JaccardDistance" help="Number of matches, divided by the sum of matches and mismatches." />
+    	<param name="s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold" type="float" value="0.9" label="s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold" help="The distance measure S12GowLeg = sqrt(1 - s12) is derived from the S12 coefficient of Gower &amp; Legendre defined as s12 = a / sqrt((a + b)(a + c))." />
+    	<param name="DotproductDistanceThreshold" type="float" value="0.5" label="DotproductDistanceThreshold" help="The Dotproduct distance is summing the multiplied intensities over all matching peaks within both spectra. Here, to satisfy the conditions of a metric I) non-negativity, II) identity of indiscernibles, III) symmetry and IV) subadditivity / triangle inequality, we use 1-Dotproduct. Both spectra are normalised prior to the spectral vector norm in that way, that the absolute value of the squared intensities is equal to 1." />
+    	<param name="HammingDistanceThreshold" type="float" value="500" label="HammingDistanceThreshold" help="In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions for which the corresponding symbols are different. Put another way, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one into the other, or the number of errors that transformed one string into the other." />
+    	<param name="EuclideanDistanceThreshold" type="float" value="0.5" label="EuclideanDistanceThreshold" help="The Euclid is the square root of the sum of the squared differences over all matching peaks." />
+    	<param name="intensity_type" label="Type of intensities" type="select" display="radio" help="Would you work with relative or absolute intensities? Example: relative = percentage, absolute = untouched. Relative is preferred">
+          <option value="true">YES</option>
+          <option value="false">NO</option>
+        </param>
+	</inputs>
+	<outputs>
+	    <data name="GolmOutTab" label="${[:-6]}.GOLM.tabular" format="tabular">
+	    	<filter>input_type['choice'] == "YES"</filter>
+	    </data>
+	    <data name="GolmOutWeb" label="${[:-6]}.GOLM_WEB.html" format="html">
+	    	<filter>input_type['choice'] == "YES"</filter>
+	    </data>
+	    <data name="GolmOutXlsx" label="${[:-6]}.GOLM.txt" format="tabular">
+	    	<filter>input_type['choice'] == "YES"</filter>
+	    </data>
+	    <data name="GolmOutTab2" label="GOLM.tabular" format="tabular" >
+	    	<filter>input_type['choice'] == "NO"</filter>
+   		</data
+	    <data name="GolmOutWeb2" label="HMDB_WEB.html" format="html">
+	    	<filter>input_type['choice'] == "NO"</filter>
+   		</data
+	    <data name="GolmOutXlsx2" label="HMDB.txt" format="tabular">
+	    	<filter>input_type['choice'] == "NO"</filter>
+   		</data
+	</outputs>
+	<tests>
+	  	<test>
+	  		<!--test 1 few results - too restrictive thresholds -->
+	  		<param name="choice" value="YES"/>
+	  		<param name="masses" value="input01_peakspectra_test.msp"/>
+	  		<param name="columnType" value="VAR5"/>
+	  		<param name="ri" value="1898"/>
+	  		<param name="riWindow" value="5"/>
+	  		<param name="maxHits" value="10"/>
+	  		<param name="mzRes" value="0"/>
+	  		<param name="maxIons" value="0"/>
+	  		<param name="JaccardDistanceThreshold" value="0.9"/>
+	  		<param name="s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold" value="0.9"/>
+	  		<param name="DotproductDistanceThreshold" value="0.5"/>
+	  		<param name="EuclideanDistanceThreshold" value="0.5"/>
+	  		<param name="HammingDistanceThreshold" value="500"/>
+	  		<param name="intensity_type" value="YES"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutXlsx" file="output01.txt"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutWeb" file="output01.html"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutTab" file="output01.tabular"/>
+	  	</test>
+	  	<test>
+	  		<!--test 2 results - default thresholds -->
+	  		<param name="choice" value="NO"/>
+	  		<param name="mass" value="70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140 1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4 177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23 230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318 1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1"/>
+	  		<param name="columnType" value="VAR5"/>
+	  		<param name="ri" value="1898"/>
+	  		<param name="riWindow" value="5"/>
+	  		<param name="maxHits" value="10"/>
+	  		<param name="mzRes" value="0"/>
+	  		<param name="maxIons" value="0"/>
+	  		<param name="JaccardDistanceThreshold" value="0.9"/>
+	  		<param name="s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold" value="0.9"/>
+	  		<param name="DotproductDistanceThreshold" value="0.5"/>
+	  		<param name="EuclideanDistanceThreshold" value="0.5"/>
+	  		<param name="HammingDistanceThreshold" value="500"/>
+	  		<param name="intensity_type" value="YES"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutXlsx2" file="output02.txt"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutWeb2" file="output02.html"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutTab2" file="output02.tabular"/>
+	  	</test>
+	  	<test>
+	  		<!--test 3 lot of results - restrictive thresholds -->
+	  		<param name="choice" value="YES"/>
+	  		<param name="masses" value="input03_peakspectra_full.msp"/>
+	  		<param name="columnType" value="VAR5"/>
+	  		<param name="ri" value="1898"/>
+	  		<param name="riWindow" value="5"/>
+	  		<param name="maxHits" value="10"/>
+	  		<param name="mzRes" value="0"/>
+	  		<param name="maxIons" value="0"/>
+	  		<param name="JaccardDistanceThreshold" value="0.9"/>
+	  		<param name="s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold" value="0.9"/>
+	  		<param name="DotproductDistanceThreshold" value="0.5"/>
+	  		<param name="EuclideanDistanceThreshold" value="0.5"/>
+	  		<param name="HammingDistanceThreshold" value="500"/>
+	  		<param name="intensity_type" value="YES"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutXlsx" file="output03.txt"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutWeb" file="output03.html"/>
+	  		<output name="GolmOutTab" file="output03.tabular"/>
+	  	</test>
+	  </tests>
+	 <help><![CDATA[
+.. class:: infomark	 
+  | Gabriel Cretin (for perl and Galaxy), Yann Guitton (for R version and tests) and Franck Giacomoni (for perl and Galaxy)
+.. class:: infomark
+**If you use this tool, please cite MassBank**
+for `Golm Metabolome Database &lt;;`_ :
+  `Hummel, J., Strehmel, N., Selbig, J., Walther, D. and Kopka, J. (2010) Decision tree supported substructure prediction of metabolites from GC-MS profiles, Metabolomics. &lt;;`_
+The Golm Metabolome Database (GMD) facilitates the search for and dissemination of reference mass spectra from biologically active metabolites quantified using gas chromatography (GC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS).
+This tool intends to facilitate the annotation of masses from GC-MS by searching informations through GMD webservices.  
+Input files
+	| **Parameter**: inputSpectra
+	| **Format**   : msp
+A file containing spectra in the msp format.
+Example of a spectra in msp format:
+	| Name: Unknown1
+	| DB.idx: -1
+	| rt: 10.58
+	| Class: Unknown
+	| 0.003
+	| Num Peaks: 19
+	| 73.0465  826983.38; 74.0481  70018.08; 75.0319  69475.73; 100.0573  37477.24; 103.0227  43054.28;
+	| 116.0884  1433179.62; 117.0905  151975.23; 118.0869  53105.64; 128.0526  26404.77; 131.0359  22647.44;
+	| 133.0438  22141.56; 147.0666  255488.28; 48.066  49965.66; 149.0551  37762.38; 190.1069  72568.23;
+	| 191.1063  18017.34; 192.1023  6460.8; 207.0333  35435.81; 218.1028  30528.82; 
+**Would you use a file**
+	| Choose whether the masses are in a file or entered manually
+	| YES (default) : parameters **File of masses (format: msp)** is visible
+	| NO : parameter **Masses of the molecule (entered manually)** is visible
+	| For both, all other parameters are available
+**Column type**
+	| VAR5 means a 5%-phenyl-95%-dimethylpolysiloxane column and MDN35 means a 35%-phenyl-65%-dimethylpolysiloxane column. If you don't know select 'None'.
+**Alkane Retention Index**
+	| If neither an alkane RIs for VAR5 nor MDN35 is available in your setup, please select 'none' in the input field above!
+**Retention Index Window**
+	| This value is for the library search used only. A larger window size will increase the number of matches.
+	| At the same time the identification becomes less reliable due to false matching spectra without RI consensus.
+	| The maximal number of hits returned from the data base is limited due to performance reasons.
+**Maximum Hits**
+	| Maximum number of hits returned by Golm database, default = 0 (which means all of them are taken in account).
+**Number of significant decimal**
+	| Number of significant decimals of your m/z. 
+	| Example: m/z = 73.798 if mzRes = 4, m/z becomes 73.7980
+	| 		   m/z = 73.798 if mzRes = 0, m/z becomes 74
+**Maximum number of ions**
+	| Number of m/z and intensities per spectra you want to keep for the queries to Golm, default = 0 = all of them.
+	| Number of matches (a mass with appropriate intensity in both spectra) divided by the sum of matches and mismatches (a mass where only one of both spectra has a intensity).
+	| The jaccard distance is a binary distance.
+	| The distance measure S12GowLeg = sqrt(1 - s12) is derived from the S12 coefficient of Gower &amp; Legendre defined as s12 = a / sqrt((a + b)(a + c)), with "a" representing the number of positions at which both spectra are in "on-state" and "b" respectively "c" representing the number of positions at which only the query spectrum or the hit spectrum are in "on-state".
+	| The Dotproduct distance is summing the multiplied intensities over all matching peaks within both spectra. Here, to satisfy the conditions of a metric I) non-negativity, II) identity of indiscernibles, III) symmetry and IV) subadditivity / triangle inequality, we use 1-Dotproduct. Both spectra are normalised prior to the spectral vector norm in that way, that the absolute value of the squared intensities is equal to 1.
+	| In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions for which the corresponding symbols are different. Put another way, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one into the other, or the number of errors that transformed one string into the other.
+	| The Euclid is the square root of the sum of the squared differences over all matching peaks.
+**Type of intensities**
+	| Use absolute or relative intensities.
+	| Example: relative = percentage (intensity * 100) / max(intensities), absolute = untouched
+Output files
+**Tree types of files**
+	| GOLM.html  : to view results on a webpage (HTML).
+	| GOLM.xlsx : to get results in a excel like format.
+	| GOLM.tabular    : to get results in tabular format.
+Working example
+.. class:: warningmark
+Refer to the corresponding W4M HowTo section:
+ | Format Data For Postprocessing
+ | Perform GCMS Annotations
+ ]]></help>
+    <citations>
+        <citation type="doi">10.1093/bioinformatics/btu813</citation>
+    </citations>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+package lib::conf ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0" ;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter) ;
+our @EXPORT = qw( as_conf get_value_from_conf check_path_and_file ) ;
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( as_conf get_value_from_conf )] ) ;
+=head1 NAME
+conf - A module for manage pfem conf file
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use conf ;
+    my $object = conf->new() ;
+This module does manage conf file (extract all or selected fields)
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+	## Description : new
+	## Input : $self
+	## Ouput : bless $self ;
+	## Usage : new() ;
+## START of SUB
+sub new {
+    ## Variables
+    my $self={};
+    bless($self) ;
+    return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD as_conf
+	## Description : permet de creer l'object conf a partir d'un fichier de conf de type KEY=VALUE
+	## Input : $file
+	## Ouput : $oConf (a hash)
+	## Usage : my ( $oConf ) = as_conf( $file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub as_conf {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $file, $separator ) = @_ ;
+#    if (!defined $separator) { $separator = ';' } ## set separator to ;
+    if ( !defined $file )  {  croak "Can't create object with an none defined file\n" ; }
+    my %Conf = () ; ## Hash devant contenir l'ensemble des parametres locaux
+	if (-e $file) {
+		open (CFG, "<$file") or die "Can't open $file\n" ;
+		while (<CFG>) {
+			chomp $_ ;
+			if ( $_ =~ /^#(.*)/)  {	next ; }
+				my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2) ;
+				if (defined $separator) {
+					if ( $value=~/$separator/ ) { ## is a list to split
+						my @tmp = split(/$separator/ , $value) ;
+						$Conf{$key} = \@tmp ;
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					$Conf{$key} = $value ;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		close(CFG) ;
+	}
+	else { 
+		croak "Can't create object with an none existing file\n" ;
+	}
+    return ( \%Conf ) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD as_conf_list
+	## Description : permet de charger une liste txt en array
+	## Input : $file
+	## Output : elements
+	## Usage : my ( elements ) = as_conf_list( $conf_file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub as_conf_list {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $file ) = @_ ;
+    my @elements = () ;
+    if ( !defined $file )  {  croak "Can't create object with an none defined file\n" ; }
+    if (-e $file) {
+		open (CFG, "<$file") or die "Can't open $file\n" ;
+		while (<CFG>) {
+			chomp $_ ;
+			if ( $_ =~ /^#(.*)/)  {	next ; }
+			elsif ($_ =~/^(.*)/) { if (defined $1) { push (@elements, $1) ; } 	}
+		}
+    }
+    else {
+		croak "Can't create object with an none existing file\n" ;
+	}
+    return(\@elements) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_value_from_conf
+	## Description : permet de retourner une valeur du hash de conf a partir d'une key
+	## Input : $oConf, $Key
+	## Ouput : $Value
+	## Usage : my ( $Value ) = get_value_from_conf( $oConf, $Key ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_value_from_conf {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $oConf, $Key ) = @_ ;
+    my $Value = undef ;
+    if ( defined $oConf ) {
+    	if ( defined $oConf->{$Key} ) {
+    		$Value = $oConf->{$Key} ;
+    	}
+    }
+    else {
+    	croak "Can't manage value with undefined object\n" ;
+    }
+    return($Value) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_value_from_conf
+	## Description : permet de retourner une valeur du hash de conf a partir d'une key
+	## Input : $oConf, $Key
+	## Ouput : $Value
+	## Usage : my ( $Value ) = get_value_from_conf( $oConf, $Key ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub split_value_from_conf {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $oConf, $Key, $sep ) = @_ ;
+    my $value = undef ;
+    my @values = () ;
+    if ( defined $oConf ) {
+    	if ( defined $oConf->{$Key} ) {
+    		$value = $oConf->{$Key} ;
+    		@values = split ( /$sep/, $value) ;
+    	}
+    }
+    else {
+    	croak "Can't manage value with undefined object\n" ;
+    }
+    return(\@values) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD check_path_and_file
+	## Description : permet de verifier les path et la presence des exe decrits dans le file conf. Bloque le script en cas de probleme
+	## Input : $oConfs
+	## Ouput : NA
+	## Usage : &get_value_from_conf( $oConf ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub check_path_and_file {
+	my $self = shift ;
+	my ( $oConfs ) = @_ ;
+	foreach my $conf ( keys %{ $oConfs } ) {
+		if ( $conf =~ /^FILE/ ) {
+			if ( -e $oConfs->{$conf} ) {
+				if ( -s $oConfs->{$conf} ) { next ; }
+				else { carp "[Warning] : The size of file $oConfs->{$conf} is null\n" ; }
+			}
+			else {
+					carp "[Warning] : The file $oConfs->{$conf} doesn't exist\n" ;
+			}
+		}
+		elsif ( $conf =~ /^PATH/ ) {
+			if ( -d $oConfs->{$conf} ) { next ; }
+			else { carp "[Warning] :  The dir $oConfs->{$conf} doesn't exist\n" ;	}
+		}
+		else { 	next ; 	}
+	}
+	return ;
+## END of SUB
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is as_conf get_value_from_conf
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Franck Giacomoni E<lt>franck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : 10 / 02 / 2013
+version 2 : ??
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+package lib::golm_ws_api ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+#use SOAP::Lite +trace => [qw (debug)];
+use SOAP::Lite ;
+use JSON ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw( connectWSlibrarySearchGolm LibrarySearch test_query_golm filter_scores_golm_results filter_replica_results);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( connectWSlibrarySearchGolm LibrarySearch test_query_golm filter_scores_golm_results filter_replica_results)] );
+=head1 NAME
+My::Module - An example module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use My::Module;
+    my $object = My::Module->new();
+    print $object->as_string;
+This module does not really exist, it
+was made for the sole purpose of
+demonstrating how POD works.
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+	## Description : new
+	## Input : $self
+	## Ouput : bless $self ;
+	## Usage : new() ;
+sub new {
+    ## Variables
+    my $self={};
+    bless($self) ;
+    return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD connectWSlibrarySearchGolm
+	## Description : create a soap object throught the webservice LibrarySearch of Golm.
+	## Input : $ws_url, $ws_proxy
+	## Ouput : $soap ;
+	## Usage : my $soap = connectWSlibrarySearchGolm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+sub connectWSlibrarySearchGolm() {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ($ws_url, $ws_proxy) = @_ ;
+	my $osoap = SOAP::Lite
+		-> soapversion('1.2')
+		-> envprefix('soap12')
+		-> readable(1)
+		-> uri( $ws_url )
+		-> proxy( $ws_proxy."/" )
+		-> on_fault(sub { my($soap, $res) = @_; 
+         eval { die ref $res ? $res->faultstring : $soap->transport->status, "\n"};
+         return ref $res ? $res : new SOAP::SOM ;
+         });
+	return ($osoap);
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD test_query_golm
+	## Description : send a test request (default given on ws website) to golm database.
+	## Input : $ws_url, $ws_proxy
+	## Ouput : $soap ;
+	## Usage : my $soap = test_query_golm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+sub test_query_golm() {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ($ws_url, $ws_proxy) = @_ ;
+	my $soap = SOAP::Lite
+              -> uri($ws_url)
+              -> on_action( sub { join '/', $ws_proxy, $_[1] } )
+              -> proxy($ws_proxy, timeout => 500);
+           # Setting Content-Type myself
+           my $http_request = $soap
+              ->{'_transport'}
+              ->{'_proxy'}
+              ->{'_http_request'};
+           $http_request->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8");
+            my $method = SOAP::Data->name('LibrarySearch')
+                ->attr({xmlns => $ws_proxy."/"});
+            my @params = (
+                           SOAP::Data->name('ri' => 1898),
+                           SOAP::Data->name('riWindow' => 5),
+                           SOAP::Data->name('AlkaneRetentionIndexGcColumnComposition' => 'VAR5'),
+                           SOAP::Data->name('spectrum' => "70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140 1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4 177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23 230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318 1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1" ) );
+			my $som = $soap->call($method => @params);
+			die $som->faultstring if ($som->fault);
+			## Get the hits + status of the query
+			my $results = $som->result->{Results} ;
+			my $status = $som->result->{Status} ;
+			if ($status eq 'success' && $results ne '') {
+				print "\n\n\nThe test request succeeded - Golm Service available.\n\n\n" ;
+				return 1 ;
+			}
+			else { croak "\n\n\nSomething went wrong with the test request. Status delivered by Golm = ".$status."\n\n" ; }
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD LibrarySearch
+	## Description : Matches a single user submitted GC-EI mass spectrum against the Golm Metabolome Database (GMD). 
+	## 				 A limited amount of hits can be kept according to the maxHits value and after them being filtered by $filter value
+	## Input : $osoap, $ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits
+	## Ouput : \@limited_hits, \@json_res
+	## Usage : ($limited_hits,$json_res) = LibrarySearch($osoap, $ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits) ;
+sub LibrarySearch() {
+	## Retrieve Values
+	my $self = shift ;
+	my ($ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,
+		$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold, $ws_url, $ws_proxy, $default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column) = @_ ;
+	#init in case :
+	$ri = $default_ri if ( !defined $ri ) ;
+	$riWindow = $default_ri_window if ( !defined $riWindow ) ;
+	$gcColumn = $default_gc_column if ( !defined $gcColumn ) ;
+	my $result ;
+	my @filtered_limited_res = () ;
+	my @json_res ;
+	if ( defined $spectrum ){
+    	if ( $spectrum ne '' ) {
+		   my $soap = SOAP::Lite
+              -> uri($ws_url)
+              -> on_action( sub { join '/', $ws_proxy, $_[1] } )
+              -> proxy($ws_proxy);
+           # Setting Content-Type myself
+           my $http_request = $soap
+              ->{'_transport'}
+              ->{'_proxy'}
+              ->{'_http_request'};
+           $http_request->content_type("text/xml; charset=utf-8");
+            my $method = SOAP::Data->name('LibrarySearch')
+                ->attr({xmlns => $ws_proxy."/"});
+            my @params = (
+                           SOAP::Data->name('ri' => $ri),
+                           SOAP::Data->name('riWindow' => $riWindow),
+                           SOAP::Data->name('AlkaneRetentionIndexGcColumnComposition' => $gcColumn),
+                           SOAP::Data->name('spectrum' => $spectrum) ) ;
+			my $som = $soap->call($method => @params);
+			die $som->faultstring if ($som->fault);
+			## Get the hits + status of the query
+			my $results = $som->result->{Results} ;
+			my $status = $som->result->{Status} ;
+            ## Limitate number of hits returned according to user's $maxHit
+            ## and filter hits on specific values with thresholds
+            my @results = @$results ;
+            ### Return all hits
+            my $oapi = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+            if ($maxHits == 100 && $status eq 'success') {
+            	my $filtered_res = $oapi->filter_scores_golm_results(\@results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+																		$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) ;
+            	if(!@$filtered_res){ push (@$filtered_res , "no results") ; }
+            	return ($filtered_res) ;
+            }
+            elsif ($maxHits < 100 && $maxHits > 0 && $status eq 'success'){
+            	my $filtered_res_before_hits_limited = $oapi->filter_scores_golm_results(\@results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+																		$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) ;
+            	if (@$filtered_res_before_hits_limited) {
+	            	for (my $i=0 ; $i<$maxHits ; $i++) {
+		            	push (@filtered_limited_res , @$filtered_res_before_hits_limited[$i]) ;
+	            	}
+            	}
+            	else {
+	            	if(!@$filtered_res_before_hits_limited){ push (@filtered_limited_res , "no results") ; }
+            	}
+            	return (\@filtered_limited_res) ;
+            }
+            else { carp "No match returned from Golm for the query.\n" }
+        }
+    	else { carp "The spectrum for query is empty, Golm soap will stop.\n" ; }
+    }
+    else { carp "The spectrum for query is undef, Golm soap will stop.\n" ; }
+	return \@filtered_limited_res ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD filter_scores_golm_results
+	## Description : filter golm's hits by distance scores 
+	## Input : $results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+	##		   $DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold
+	## Ouput : \@filtered_res ;
+	## Usage : my ($filtered_res) = filter_scores_golm_results($results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+	##															$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) ;
+sub filter_scores_golm_results() {
+	## Retrieve Values
+	my $self = shift ;
+	my ($results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+		$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) = @_ ;
+	my @results = @$results ;
+	my @filtered_res = () ;
+	foreach my $res (@results){
+			if ($res->{'JaccardDistance'} <= $JaccardDistanceThreshold && $res->{'s12GowerLegendreDistance'} <= $s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold
+				&& $res->{'DotproductDistance' } <= $DotproductDistanceThreshold && $res->{'HammingDistance'} <= $HammingDistanceThreshold && 
+				$res->{'EuclideanDistance' } <= $EuclideanDistanceThreshold) {
+				push (@filtered_res , $res) ;
+			}
+	}
+	my $oapi = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+	my $sorted_analytes = $oapi->filter_replica_results(\@filtered_res) ;
+	return $sorted_analytes ;
+=head2 METHOD _filter_replica_results
+     ## Description : remove replicated hits, keep the ones with the lowest dot product distance
+     ## Input : $results
+     ## Ouput : \@clean_res ;
+     ## Usage : my ($clean_res) = filter_replica_results($results) ;
+sub filter_replica_results() {
+     ## Retrieve Values
+     my $self = shift ;
+     my ($results) = @_ ;
+	 my %seen ;
+	 my @sortAnalytes = grep { !$seen{$_->{'analyteName'}}++ } sort { $a->{'DotproductDistance'} <=> $b->{'DotproductDistance'} } @$results ;
+     return \@sortAnalytes ;
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is connectWSlibrarySearchGolm LibrarySearch test_query_golm filter_scores_golm_results filter_replica_results
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Franck Giacomoni E<lt>franck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+Gabriel Cretin E<lt>gabriel.cretin@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : 03 / 06 / 2016
+version 2 : 24 / 06 / 2016
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+package lib::msp ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw( get_mzs get_intensities get_masses_from_string get_intensities_from_string keep_only_max_masses keep_only_max_intensities encode_spectrum_for_query sorting_descending_intensities round_num apply_relative_intensity remove_redundants);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( get_mzs get_intensities get_masses_from_string get_intensities_from_string keep_only_max_masses keep_only_max_intensities encode_spectrum_for_query sorting_descending_intensities round_num apply_relative_intensity remove_redundants)] );
+=head1 NAME
+My::Module - An example module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use My::Module;
+    my $object = My::Module->new();
+    print $object->as_string;
+This module does not really exist, it
+was made for the sole purpose of
+demonstrating how POD works.
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+	## Description : new
+	## Input : $self
+	## Ouput : bless $self ;
+	## Usage : new() ;
+sub new {
+    ## Variables
+    my $self={};
+    bless($self) ;
+    return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_mzs
+	## Description : parse msp file and get mzs
+	## Input : $msp_file, $mzRes, $maxIon
+	## Output : \@total_spectra_mzs 
+	## Usage : my ( $mzs ) = get_mzs( $msp_file , $mzRes, $maxIon) ;
+	## Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+## START of SUB
+sub get_mzs {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $msp_file, $mzRes ) = @_ ;
+  	my @ions = () ;
+  	my @temp_mzs = () ;
+  	my @uniq_masses ;
+  	my @mzs = ();
+  	my @total_spectra_mzs = ();
+  	my $mz ;
+  	my $i = 0 ;
+    open (MSP , "<" , $msp_file) or die $! ;
+	{
+		local $/ = 'Name' ;
+	    my @infos = () ;
+	    # One line is : "Name -> Name" englobing a whole spectrum with all infos
+	    while(my $line = <MSP>) {
+	    	chomp $line;
+	    	@infos = split (/\n/ , $line) ;
+	    	# Loop over all lines of a spectrum
+	    	for (my $i=0 ; $i<@infos ; $i++) {
+	    		# Detect spectrum lines only
+		    	if ($infos[$i] =~ /(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s*;\s*/) {
+		    		@ions = split ( /;/ , $infos[$i] ) ;
+		    		# Retrieve mzs according to maxIons value
+		    		foreach my $ion (@ions) {
+		    			if ($ion =~ /^\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)$/) {
+		    				$mz = $1 ;
+		    				# Truncate/round mzs depending on $mzRes wanted
+		    				if ($mzRes == 0) {
+		    					my $mz_rounded = sprintf("%.".$mzRes."f", $mz) ;
+		    					push (@temp_mzs , $mz_rounded) ;
+		    				}
+		    				# Check that $mzRes is not greater than the number of digits after comma
+		    				elsif ($mzRes > 0) {
+		    					if ($mz !~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) { croak "*********\n\nYou are trying to specify $mzRes significant decimals, but one or more masses in the input file are unitary masses.\nYou should try again with mzRes = 0\n\n\n"; }
+		    					elsif($mzRes > length(( $mz =~ /.+\.(.*)/)[0] )) {
+		    						$mz = sprintf("%.".$mzRes."f" , $mz) ;
+		    					}
+		    					my $mz_rounded = _round_num($mz,$mzRes) ;
+		    					push (@temp_mzs , $$mz_rounded) ;
+		    				}
+		    			}
+		    		}
+		    	}
+	    	}
+	    	if($line ne '') {
+		    	@{ $total_spectra_mzs[$i] } = @temp_mzs ;
+			    $i++ ;
+			    @temp_mzs = () ;
+	    	}  	
+	    }
+    }
+    #print Dumper \@total_spectra_mzs ;
+    close (MSP) ;
+    return(\@total_spectra_mzs) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_intensities
+	## Description : parse msp file and get intensities
+	## Input : $msp_file, $maxIons
+	## Output : \@total_spectra_intensities 
+	## Usage : my ( $intensities ) = get_mzs( $msp_file, $maxIons ) ;
+	## Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+## START of SUB
+sub get_intensities {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $msp_file ) = @_ ;
+  	my @ions = () ;
+  	my @temp_intensities = () ;
+  	my @intensities = () ;
+  	my @total_spectra_intensities = (); 
+  	my $i = 0 ;
+    open (MSP , "<" , $msp_file) or die $! ;
+    {
+		local $/ = 'Name' ;
+	    my @infos = () ;
+	    # Extract spectrum
+	    while(my $line = <MSP>) {
+	    	chomp $line;
+	    	@infos = split (/\n/ , $line) ;
+	    	#Detect spectrum
+	    	for (my $i=0 ; $i<@infos ; $i++) {
+		    	if ($infos[$i] =~ /(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s*;\s*?/) {
+		    		@ions = split ( /;/ , $infos[$i] ) ;
+		    		# Retrieve intensities
+		    		foreach my $ion (@ions) {
+		    			if ($ion =~ /^\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)$/) {
+    						my $intensity = $2 ;
+    						push ( @temp_intensities , $intensity ) ;
+		    			}
+		    		}
+		    	}
+	    	}
+	    	if($line ne '') {
+		    	@{ $total_spectra_intensities[$i] } = @temp_intensities ;
+			    $i++ ;
+			    @temp_intensities = () ;	  
+	    	}  	
+	    }
+    }
+    close (MSP) ;
+    return(\@total_spectra_intensities) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_masses_from_string
+	## Description : parse a spectrum string and get mzs and intensities
+	## Input : $spectrum_string, $mzRes
+	## Output : \@spectrum_intensities_mzs 
+	## Usage : my ( $spectrum_mzs ) = get_masses_from_string( $spectrum_string , $mzRes ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_masses_from_string {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $spectrum_string, $mzRes ) = @_ ;
+    my @intensities = () ;
+    my @mzs = () ;
+    if (defined $spectrum_string) {
+    	if ($spectrum_string ne '') {
+    		if ($spectrum_string =~ /\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s*/ ) {
+	    		my @val = split (/\s+/ , $spectrum_string) ;
+	    		for (my $i=0 ; $i<@val ; $i++) {
+	    			if ($i%2 == 0) {
+	    				my $mz = $val[$i] ;
+	    				# Truncate/round mzs depending on $mzRes wanted
+	    				if ($mzRes == 0) {
+	    					$mz = int($mz) ;
+	    					push ( @mzs , $val[$i] ) ;
+	    				}
+	    				# Check that $mzRes is not greater than the number of digits after comma
+	    				elsif ($mzRes > 0) {
+	    					if($mzRes > length(( $mz =~ /.+\.(.*)/)[0] )) {
+	    						$mz = sprintf("%.".$mzRes."f" , $mz) ;
+	    					}
+	    					my $mz_rounded = _round_num($mz,$mzRes) ;
+	    					push ( @mzs , $$mz_rounded ) ;
+	    				}
+	    			}
+	    		}
+	    		return (\@mzs) ;
+    		}
+    		else { croak "Wrong format of the spectrum. See help\n" }
+    	}
+    	else { croak "Spectrum is empty, the service will stop\n" } ;
+    }
+    else { croak "Spectrum is not defined, service will stop\n" } ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD get_intensities_from_string
+	## Description : parse a spectrum string and get intensities
+	## Input : $spectrum_string
+	## Output : \@spectrum_intensities 
+	## Usage : my ( $spectrum_intensities ) = get_intensities_from_string( $spectrum_string ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub get_intensities_from_string {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $spectrum_string ) = @_ ;
+    my @intensities = () ;
+    my @mzs = () ;
+    if (defined $spectrum_string) {
+    	if ($spectrum_string ne '') {
+    		if ($spectrum_string =~ /\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s*/ ) {
+	    		my @val = split (/\s+/ , $spectrum_string) ;
+	    		for (my $i=0 ; $i<@val ; $i++) {
+	    			if ($i%2 != 0) {
+	    				my $int = $val[$i] ;
+	    				push ( @intensities , $int ) ; 
+	    			}
+	    		}
+	    		return (\@intensities) ;
+    		}
+    		else { croak "Wrong format of the spectrum. See help\n" }
+    	}
+    	else { croak "Spectrum is empty, the service will stop\n" } ;
+    }
+    else { croak "Spectrum is not defined, service will stop\n" } ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD sorting_descending_intensities
+	## Description : sort mzs and intensities arrays by descending intensity values
+	## Input : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+	## Output : \@mzs_res, \@ints_res 
+	## Usage : my ( \@mzs_res, \@ints_res ) = sorting_descending_intensities( $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub sorting_descending_intensities {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res ) = @_ ;
+    my @mzs_res = () ;
+    my @ints_res = () ;
+    if ( defined $ref_mzs_res && defined $ref_ints_res ) {
+    	if ( (scalar @$ref_mzs_res) != 0 && (scalar @$ref_ints_res) != 0 ) {
+		    @mzs_res = @$ref_mzs_res ;
+			@ints_res = @$ref_ints_res ;
+			# Case when we have only one array of masses (input is a string of masses and not a file)
+		    if ( ref(@$ref_ints_res[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+		    	my @sorted_indices = sort { $ints_res[$b] <=> $ints_res[$a] } 0..$#ints_res;
+				@$_ = @{$_}[@sorted_indices] for \(@mzs_res, @ints_res);
+		    }
+			else {
+				## Sorting ions by decreasing intensity values
+				for (my $i=0 ; $i<@ints_res ; $i++) {
+					my @sorted_indices = sort { @{$ints_res[$i]}[$b] <=> @{$ints_res[$i]}[$a] } 0..$#{$ints_res[$i]};
+					@$_ = @{$_}[@sorted_indices] for \(@{$ints_res[$i]},@{$mzs_res[$i]});
+				}
+			}
+    	} 
+    	else { carp "Cannot sort intensities, mzs or intensities are empty" ; return (\@mzs_res, \@ints_res) ; } 
+    } 
+    else { carp "Cannot sort intensities, mzs or intensities are undef" ; return (\@mzs_res, \@ints_res) ; }
+	return (\@mzs_res, \@ints_res) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD keep_only_max_masses
+	## Description : keep only $maxIons masses 
+	## Input : $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons
+	## Output : \@mzs
+	## Usage : my ( $mzs ) = keep_only_max_masses( $mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub keep_only_max_masses {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $ref_mzs_res, $maxIons ) = @_ ;
+    my @mzs = () ;
+    my @tot_mzs = () ;
+    if ( ref(@$ref_mzs_res[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+    	my $i = 0 ;
+    	while (scalar @tot_mzs < $maxIons && $i < @$ref_mzs_res){
+	    	push (@tot_mzs , $$ref_mzs_res[$i++]) ;
+    	}
+    }
+    else {
+	    for (my $i=0 ; $i<@$ref_mzs_res ; $i++) {
+		  	my $j = 0 ;
+		    while (scalar @mzs < $maxIons && $j < @$ref_mzs_res[$i]){
+		    	push (@mzs , $ref_mzs_res->[$i][$j++]) ;
+	    	}
+	    	push (@tot_mzs , \@mzs) ;
+	    }
+    }
+	return (\@tot_mzs) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD keep_only_max_intensities
+	## Description : keep only $maxIons intensities 
+	## Input : $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons
+	## Output : \@ints
+	## Usage : my ( $ints ) = keep_only_max_intensities( $ints_res_sorted, $maxIons ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub keep_only_max_intensities {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $ref_ints_res, $maxIons ) = @_ ;
+    my @ints = () ;
+    my @tot_ints = () ;
+	if ( ref(@$ref_ints_res[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+    	my $i = 0 ;
+    	while (scalar @tot_ints < $maxIons && $i < @$ref_ints_res){
+	    	push (@tot_ints , $$ref_ints_res[$i++]) ;
+    	}
+    }
+    else {
+    	for (my $i=0 ; $i<@$ref_ints_res ; $i++) {
+	    	my $j = 0 ;
+	    	while (scalar @ints < $maxIons && $j < @$ref_ints_res[$i]){
+	    		push (@ints , $ref_ints_res->[$i][$j++]) ;
+	    	}
+	    	push (@tot_ints , \@ints) ;
+    	}
+    }    
+	return (\@tot_ints) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD encode_spectrum_for_query
+	## Description : get mzs and intensities values and generate the spectra strings formatted for the WS query (html) 
+	## Input : $mzs, $intensities
+	## Output : \@encoded_spectra
+	## Usage : my ( $encoded_spectra ) = get_spectra( $mzs, $intensities ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub encode_spectrum_for_query {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $mzs, $intensities ) = @_ ;
+    my @encoded_spectra = () ;
+    my $spectrum = "" ;
+    my $k = 0 ;
+    #print Dumper $mzs ;
+    if ( defined $mzs && defined $intensities ) {
+    	if ( @$mzs && @$intensities ) {
+    		# Case when we have only one array of masses (input is a string of masses and not a file)
+		    if ( ref(@$mzs[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+    			for (my $i=0 ; $i< @$mzs ; $i++) {
+    				$spectrum = $spectrum . @$mzs[$i] . " " . @$intensities[$i] . " ";
+    			}
+			    push ( @encoded_spectra , $spectrum ) ;
+		    }
+		    else {
+			    for (my $i=0 ; $i< @$mzs ; $i++) {
+			    	for ( my $j=0 ; $j< @{ @$mzs[$i] } ; $j++ ) {
+			    		$spectrum = $spectrum . $$mzs[$i][$j] . " " . $$intensities[$i][$j] . " ";
+			    	}
+			    	$encoded_spectra[$k] = $spectrum ;
+			    	$k++ ;
+			    	$spectrum = '' ;
+			    }
+		    }
+    	}
+    	else { carp "Cannot encode spectrum, mzs and intensities arrays are empty" ; return \@encoded_spectra ; }
+    }
+    else { carp "Cannot encode spectrum, mzs and intensities are undef" ; return \@encoded_spectra ; }
+    return \@encoded_spectra ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD round_num
+	## Description : round a number by the sended decimal
+	## Input : $number, $decimal
+	## Output : $round_num
+	## Usage : my ( $round_num ) = round_num( $number, $decimal ) ;
+## START of SUB 
+sub _round_num {
+    ## Retrieve Values
+    my ( $number, $decimal ) = @_ ;
+    my $round_num = 0 ;
+	if ( ( defined $decimal ) and ( $decimal > 0 ) and ( defined $number ) and ( $number > 0 ) ) {
+        $round_num = sprintf("%.".$decimal."f", $number);	## a rounding is used : 5.3 -> 5 and 5.5 -> 6
+	}
+	else {
+		croak "Can't round any number : missing value or decimal\n" ;
+	}
+    return(\$round_num) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD apply_relative_intensity
+	## Description : transform absolute intensities into relative intensities
+	## Input : $intensities
+	## Output : \@intensities
+	## Usage : my ( $intensities ) = apply_relative_intensity( $intensities ) ;
+## START of SUB 
+sub apply_relative_intensity {
+	## Retrieve Values
+	my $self = shift ;
+    my ($intensities) = @_ ;
+    my @intensities = @$intensities ;
+    my @relative_intensities ;
+    foreach my $ints (@intensities) {
+    		my @relative_ints = map { ($_ * 100)/@$ints[0] } @$ints ;
+    		push (@relative_intensities , \@relative_ints) ;
+    }
+    return \@relative_intensities ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD remove_redundants
+	## Description : removes ions with redundant masses
+	## Input : $masses $intensities
+	## Output : \@intensities
+	## Usage : my ( $uniq_masses, $uniq_intensities ) = remove_redundants( $masses, $intensities ) ;
+## START of SUB 
+sub remove_redundants {
+	## Retrieve Values
+	my $self = shift ;
+    my ($masses, $intensities) = @_ ;
+    my %uniq = () ;
+    my @uniq_intensities = () ;
+    ## Create hash with key = mass and value = intensity
+    for (my $i=0 ; $i<@$masses ; $i++) {
+    	$uniq{ @$masses[$i] } = @$intensities[$i] ;
+    }
+    ## Remove redundant masses
+    my @uniq_masses = uniq(@$masses) ;
+    ## Keep intensities corresponding to uniq masses
+	foreach my $mass (@uniq_masses) {
+	    push (@uniq_intensities , $uniq{ $mass }) ;
+	}
+	return (\@uniq_masses , \@uniq_intensities) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD keep_ions_above_threshold
+	## Description : keep only ions which intensities are above the threshold
+	## Input : $mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted, $noiseThreshold
+	## Output : $mzs_res_noise_threshold, $ints_res_noise_threshold
+	## Usage : my ( $mzs_res_noise_threshold, $ints_res_noise_threshold ) = keep_ions_above_threshold( $mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted, $noiseThreshold ) ;
+## START of SUB 
+#sub keep_ions_above_threshold {
+#	## Retrieve Values
+#	my $self = shift ;
+#    my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted, $noiseThreshold) = @_ ;
+#    my (@mzs_res_noise_threshold, @ints_res_noise_threshold) = ( (),() ) ;
+#    my (@mzs_res_noise_threshold_temp, @ints_res_noise_threshold_temp) = ( (),() ) ;
+#    my $i = 0 ;
+#    my $j = 0 ;
+#    # Case when we have only one array of masses (input is a string of masses and not a file)
+#    if ( ref(@$mzs_res_sorted[0]) ne "ARRAY") {
+#		while( @$ints_res_sorted[$i] > $noiseThreshold && $i < scalar @$mzs_res_sorted) {
+#	    	push ( @mzs_res_noise_threshold , @$mzs_res_sorted[$i] ) ;
+#	    	push ( @ints_res_noise_threshold , @$ints_res_sorted[$i] ) ;
+#	    	$i++ ;
+#	    }
+#	}
+#    else {
+#    	while( $i < @$ints_res_sorted ) {
+#    		while( $$ints_res_sorted[$i][$j] > $noiseThreshold && $j < scalar @$ints_res_sorted[$i]) {
+#    			push ( @mzs_res_noise_threshold_temp , $$mzs_res_sorted[$i][$j] ) ;
+#		    	push ( @ints_res_noise_threshold_temp , $$ints_res_sorted[$i][$j] ) ;
+#		    	$j++ ;
+#    		}		
+#    		push ( @mzs_res_noise_threshold , \@mzs_res_noise_threshold_temp ) ;
+#		    push ( @ints_res_noise_threshold , \@ints_res_noise_threshold_temp ) ;
+#    		$i++ ;
+#    	}
+#	}
+#	return (\@mzs_res_noise_threshold, \@ints_res_noise_threshold) ;
+## END of SUB
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is get_spectra
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gabriel Cretin E<lt>gabriel.cretin@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : 03 / 06 / 2016
+version 2 : 24 / 06 / 2016
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+package lib::output ;
+use strict;
+use warnings ;
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use HTML::Template ;
+use JSON ;
+use FindBin ;
+use lib $FindBin::Bin ;
+my $binPath = $FindBin::Bin ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(build_json_res_object excel_output write_html_body add_entries_to_tbody_object write_json_skel write_ajax_data_source excel_like_output);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw(build_json_res_object excel_output write_html_body add_entries_to_tbody_object write_json_skel write_ajax_data_source excel_like_output)] );
+=head1 NAME
+My::Module - An example module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use My::Module;
+    my $object = My::Module->new();
+    print $object->as_string;
+This module does not really exist, it
+was made for the sole purpose of
+demonstrating how POD works.
+=head1 METHODS
+Methods are :
+=head2 METHOD new
+	## Description : new
+	## Input : $self
+	## Ouput : bless $self ;
+	## Usage : new() ;
+sub new {
+    ## Variables
+    my $self={};
+    bless($self) ;
+    return $self ;
+### END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD build_json_res_object
+	## Description : build json from array of hits
+	## Input : $results
+	## Output : \@json_results 
+	## Usage : my ( \@json_results ) = build_json_res_object( $results ) ;
+	## JSON structure: [
+#							{
+#								'id' : 'int',
+#								'nb_hits' : int, 
+#								'searchResults'	:	[
+#														{
+#															'metaboliteID' : GUID
+#															'distance_scores' : {
+#																					'EuclideanDistance' : float
+#																					'DotproductDistance' : int
+#																					'HammingDistance' : int
+#																					'JaccardDistance' : int
+#																					's12GowerLegendreDistance' : int
+#																				}
+#															'ri_infos' : {
+#																			'ri' : float
+#																			'riDiscrepancy' : float
+#																		 }
+#															'analyte' : {
+#																			'id' : GUID
+#																			'name' : string
+#																		 }
+#															'spectrum' : {
+#																			'id' : GUID
+#																			'name' : string
+#																		 }
+#														},
+#														.
+#														.
+#														.
+#													]
+#							}
+#							.
+#							.
+#							.
+#						]
+## START of SUB
+sub build_json_res_object {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $results ) = @_ ;
+	my @json_results ;
+	my @array_results = @$results ;
+	my $nb_hits = 0 ;
+	my $i = 0 ;
+	my $spectrumID = 1 ;
+	## Loop on each spectra
+	foreach my $res (@array_results) {
+		if (@$res[0] eq 'no results'){
+			my %hit_infos = () ;
+			$json_results[$i]{'id'} = $spectrumID++ ;
+			$json_results[$i]{'nb_hits'} = $nb_hits ;
+			$hit_infos{'metaboliteID'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'EuclideanDistance'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'DotproductDistance'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'HammingDistance'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'JaccardDistance'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'s12GowerLegendreDistance'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'ri_infos'}{'ri'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'ri_infos'}{'riDiscrepancy'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'analyte'}{'id'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'analyte'}{'name'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'spectrum'}{'id'} = "" ;
+			$hit_infos{'spectrum'}{'name'} = "no results" ;
+			push ( @{ $json_results[$i]{'searchResults'} } , \%hit_infos );
+		}
+		else {
+			$nb_hits = scalar @$res;
+			$json_results[$i]{'id'} = $spectrumID++ ;
+			$json_results[$i]{'nb_hits'} = $nb_hits ;
+			## Loop on each hit of a spectrum + build json
+			foreach my $href (@$res) {
+				if (!defined $href){
+					last ;
+				}
+				else {
+					my %hash_res = %$href ;
+					my %hit_infos = () ;
+					# Get rid of false results
+					if ($hash_res{'metaboliteID'} eq '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') {
+						--$json_results[$i]{'nb_hits'} ;
+					}
+					else {
+						$hit_infos{'metaboliteID'} = $hash_res{'metaboliteID'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'EuclideanDistance'} = $hash_res{'EuclideanDistance'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'DotproductDistance'} = $hash_res{'DotproductDistance'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'HammingDistance'} = $hash_res{'HammingDistance'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'JaccardDistance'} = $hash_res{'JaccardDistance'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'distance_scores'}{'s12GowerLegendreDistance'} = $hash_res{'s12GowerLegendreDistance'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'ri_infos'}{'ri'} = $hash_res{'ri'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'ri_infos'}{'riDiscrepancy'} = $hash_res{'riDiscrepancy'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'analyte'}{'id'} = $hash_res{'analyteID'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'analyte'}{'name'} = $hash_res{'analyteName'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'spectrum'}{'id'} = $hash_res{'spectrumID'} ;
+						$hit_infos{'spectrum'}{'name'} = $hash_res{'spectrumName'} ;
+						push ( @{ $json_results[$i]{'searchResults'} } , \%hit_infos );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$i++ ;
+	}
+    return \@json_results ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD add_entries_to_tbody_object
+	## Description : initialize and build the entries object needed by HTML::Template 
+	## Input : $results
+	## Output : \@tbody_entries
+	## Usage : my ( $tbody_entries ) = add_entries_to_tbody_object( $results ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub add_entries_to_tbody_object {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $results ) = @_ ;
+    my @tbody_entries = () ;
+		foreach my $href_grp (@$results) {
+				foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+					my %grp_res = () ;
+					## Add hyperlinks
+					if ( $hit->{'spectrum'}{'name'} ne 'no results') {
+						%grp_res = (
+							ID => $href_grp->{id} ,
+							ANALYTE_NAME => $hit->{analyte}{name} ,
+							SPECTRUM_NAME => $hit->{spectrum}{name} ,
+							RI => $hit->{ri_infos}{ri} ,
+							RI_DISCREPANCY => $hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy} ,
+							DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance} ,
+							EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance} ,
+							JACCARD_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance} ,
+							HAMMING_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance} ,
+							S12_GOWER_LEGENDRE_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance} ,
+							SPECTRUM_ID => $hit->{spectrum}{id} ,
+							METABOLITE_ID => $hit->{metaboliteID} ,
+							ANALYTE_ID => $hit->{analyte}{id},
+							ANALYTE_REF => ''.$hit->{analyte}{id}.'.aspx',
+							SPECTRUM_REF => ''.$hit->{spectrum}{id}.'.aspx',
+							METABOLITE_REF => ''.$hit->{metaboliteID}.'.aspx',
+						) ;
+					}
+					else {
+						%grp_res = (
+							ID => $href_grp->{id} ,
+							ANALYTE_NAME => $hit->{analyte}{name} ,
+							SPECTRUM_NAME => $hit->{spectrum}{name} ,
+							RI => $hit->{ri_infos}{ri} ,
+							RI_DISCREPANCY => $hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy} ,
+							DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance} ,
+							EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance} ,
+							JACCARD_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance} ,
+							HAMMING_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance} ,
+							S12_GOWER_LEGENDRE_DISTANCE => $hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance} ,
+							SPECTRUM_ID => $hit->{spectrum}{id} ,
+							METABOLITE_ID => $hit->{metaboliteID} ,
+							ANALYTE_ID => $hit->{analyte}{id},
+							ANALYTE_REF => '',
+							SPECTRUM_REF => '',
+							METABOLITE_REF => '',
+						) ;
+					}
+					push (@tbody_entries , \%grp_res) ;
+				}
+		}
+	return \@tbody_entries ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD write_html_body
+	## Description : Write the html output file 
+	## Input : $results, $tbody_entries, $html_file, $html_template
+	## Output :  $html_file
+	## Usage : $o_output->write_html_body( $results, $tbody_entries, $html_file, $html_template ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub write_html_body {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $results, $tbody_entries, $html_file_name, $html_template, $default_entries, $jsons_obj ) = @_ ;
+    if (defined $html_file_name){
+	    	open (HTML, '>', $html_file_name) or die "Failed to open filehandle: $!" ;
+		    if (-e $html_template) {
+		    	my $ohtml = HTML::Template->new(filename => $html_template) ;
+#		    	$ohtml->param( DATA => $jsons_obj ) ;
+				$ohtml->param( GROUPS => $tbody_entries ) ;
+		    	$ohtml->param( DEFAULT_ENTRIES => $default_entries ) ;
+		    	print HTML $ohtml->output ;
+		    }	
+	    	else {
+				croak "Problem about your html template: no html template available\n" ;
+			}
+			close (HTML) ;
+    }
+    else {
+    	croak "Problem with the html output file: $html_file_name is not defined\n" ;
+    }
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD excel_output
+	## Description : create an excel XLS output of the results
+	## Input : $jsons, $excel_file
+	## Output :  excel file
+	## Usage : $o_output->excel_output( $jsons, $excel_file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+#sub excel_output {
+#	## Retrieve Values
+#    my $self = shift ;
+#    my ( $excel_file, $jsons ) = @_ ;
+#    # Create a new workbook and add a worksheet
+#    my $workbook  = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( $excel_file ) ;
+#    my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet() ;
+#    my $i = 0 ;
+#    # Create a format for the headings
+#    my $format = $workbook->add_format() ;
+#    $format->set_bold() ;
+#   $worksheet->write( $i, 0, "Num Spectre" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 1, "Analyte Name" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 2, "Spectrum Name" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 3, "Retention Index" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 4, "RI Discrepancy" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 5, "DotproductDistance" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 6, "EuclideanDistance" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 7, "JaccardDistance" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 8, "HammingDistance" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 9, "s12GowerLegendreDistance" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 10, "Spectrum ID" , $format);
+#	$worksheet->write( $i, 11, "Metabolite ID" , $format);
+#   $worksheet->write( $i, 12, "Analyte ID" , $format);
+#   $i++;
+#   foreach my $href_grp (@$jsons) {
+#			foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+#					$worksheet->write( $i, 0, $href_grp->{id} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 1, $hit->{analyte}{name} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 2, $hit->{spectrum}{name} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 3, $hit->{ri_infos}{ri} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 4, $hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 5, $hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 6, $hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 7, $hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 8, $hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 9, $hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 10, $hit->{spectrum}{id} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 11, $hit->{metaboliteID} );
+#			   		$worksheet->write( $i, 12, $hit->{analyte}{id});
+#			   		$i++;
+#			}
+#	}
+#   $workbook->close();
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD excel_like_output
+	## Description : create an excel like output of the results
+	## Input : $jsons, $excel_file
+	## Output :  excel file
+	## Usage : $o_output->excel_like_output( $jsons, $excel_file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub excel_like_output {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $excel_file, $jsons ) = @_ ;
+	open (OUT , ">" , $excel_file) or die "Error at opening file $excel_file" ;
+	print OUT "Num Spectre\tAnalyte Name\tSpectrum Name\tRetention Index\tRI Discrepancy\tDotproductDistance\tEuclideanDistance\tJaccardDistance\tHammingDistance\ts12GowerLegendreDistance\tSpectrum ID\tMetabolite ID\tAnalyte ID\n" ;
+	foreach my $href_grp (@$jsons) {
+			foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+					print OUT "$href_grp->{id}\t$hit->{analyte}{name}\t$hit->{spectrum}{name}\t$hit->{ri_infos}{ri}\t$hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance}\t$hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance}\t$hit->{spectrum}{id}\t$hit->{metaboliteID}\t$hit->{analyte}{id}\n";
+			}
+	}
+	close (OUT) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD write_json_skel
+	## Description : prepare and write json output file
+	## Input : $json_file, $scalar
+	## Output : json file
+	## Usage : $o_output->write_json_skel( $csv_file, $scalar ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub write_json_skel {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $json_file, $json_obj ) = @_ ;
+    my $utf8_encoded_json_text = encode_json $json_obj ;
+    open(JSON, '>:utf8', $$json_file) or die "Can't create the file $$json_file\n" ;
+    print JSON $utf8_encoded_json_text ;
+    close(JSON) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD write_csv
+	## Description : write csv output file
+	## Input : $xlsx_file, $csv_file
+	## Output : csv file
+	## Usage : $o_output->write_csv( $xlsx_file, $csv_file ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub write_csv {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $csv_file, $jsons ) = @_ ;
+    open (CSV , ">" , $csv_file) or die "Can't create the file $csv_file\n" ;
+    print CSV "\"Num Spectre\"\t\"Analyte Name\"\t\"Spectrum Name\"\t\"Retention Index\"\t\"RI Discrepancy\"\t\"DotproductDistance\"\t\"EuclideanDistance\"\t\"JaccardDistance\"\t\"HammingDistance\"\t\"s12GowerLegendreDistance\"\t\"Spectrum ID\"\t\"Metabolite ID\"\t\"Analyte ID\"\n" ;
+    foreach my $href_grp (@$jsons) {
+			foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+					print CSV "\"$href_grp->{id}\"\t\"$hit->{analyte}{name}\"\t\"$hit->{spectrum}{name}\"\t\"$hit->{ri_infos}{ri}\"\t\"$hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance}\"\t\"$hit->{spectrum}{id}\"\t\"$hit->{metaboliteID}\"\t\"$hit->{analyte}{id}\"\n" ;
+			}
+	}
+    close(CSV) ;
+## END of SUB
+=head2 METHOD write_ajax_data_source
+	## Description : write csv output file
+	## Input : $jsons_obj
+	## Output : 
+	## Usage : $o_output->write_ajax_data_source( $jsons_obj ) ;
+## START of SUB
+sub write_ajax_data_source {
+	## Retrieve Values
+    my $self = shift ;
+    my ( $jsons_obj ) = @_ ;
+	my %ajax = () ;
+	my $i = 0 ;
+	#open (AJAX,">ajax.txt") or die "ERROR at opening file" ;
+	foreach my $href_grp (@$jsons_obj) {
+				foreach my $hit ( @{$href_grp->{'searchResults'}} ){
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $href_grp->{id}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{spectrum}{name}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{analyte}{name}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{ri_infos}{ri}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{ri_infos}{riDiscrepancy}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{DotproductDistance}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{EuclideanDistance}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{JaccardDistance}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{HammingDistance}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{distance_scores}{s12GowerLegendreDistance}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{spectrum}{id}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{metaboliteID}) ;
+					push (@{$ajax{ 'data' }[$i]} , $hit->{analyte}{ID}) ;
+					$i++ ;
+				}
+		}
+	my $ajax = encode_json \%ajax ;
+	return $ajax ;
+	#print AJAX $ajax ;
+#END of SUB
+1 ;
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc
+=head1 Exports
+=over 4
+=item :ALL is get_spectra
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gabriel Cretin E<lt>gabriel.cretin@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+Franck Giacomoni E<lt>franck.giacomoni@clermont.inra.frE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1 : ??
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+planemo conda_init --conda_prefix /tmp/mc/
+planemo conda_install --conda_prefix /tmp/mc/ .
+planemo test --install_galaxy --conda_dependency_resolution --conda_prefix /tmp/mc/ --no_cleanup
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 19
+73.0465  826983.38; 74.0481  70018.08; 75.0319  69475.73; 100.0573  37477.24; 103.0227  43054.28;
+116.0884  1433179.62; 117.0905  151975.23; 118.0869  53105.64; 128.0526  26404.77; 131.0359  22647.44;
+133.0438  22141.56; 147.0666  255488.28; 48.066  49965.66; 149.0551  37762.38; 190.1069  72568.23;
+191.1063  18017.34; 192.1023  6460.8; 207.0333  35435.81; 218.1028  30528.82;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/data/peakspectra_test.msp	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -9
+rt: 24.53
+Class: Unknown 0.01
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 73.0465  57.7027030289;    74.0481  4.8855062564;    75.0319  4.847663826;    100.0573  2.6149715972;   103.0227 3.004109143;   
+ 116.0884 100;   117.0905 10.6040602224;   118.0869 3.7054420297;   128.0526 1.8423908372;   131.0359 1.5802234196;   
+ 133.0438 1.5449256807;   147.0666 17.8266754868;   148.066 3.4863501617;   149.0551 2.6348672192;   190.1069 5.0634427805;   
+ 191.1063 1.257158541;   192.1023 0.4508018332;   207.0333 2.4725309728;   218.1028 2.1301461153;  
+Name: Histidine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+39.022 16;  41.038 38;  41.039 12;  42.034 11;  43.041 7;  
+54.034 169;  55.042 104;  56.049 999;  56.05 9;  66.032 166;  
+66.033 34;  67.04 16;  68.048 86;  68.049 13;  69.044 41;  
+81.044 469;  82.052 695;  83.059 999;  93.044 606;  95.06 112;  
+110.07 999;  111.054 16;  112.086 2;  138.065 2;  156.074 999;  
+Name: L-Alanine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+73.0465  826983.38; 74.0481  70018.08; 75.0319  69475.73; 100.0573  37477.24; 103.0227  43054.28;
+116.0884  1433179.62; 117.0905  151975.23; 118.0869  53105.64; 128.0526  26404.77; 131.0359  22647.44;
+133.0438  22141.56; 147.0666  255488.28; 48.066  49965.66; 149.0551  37762.38; 190.1069  72568.23;
+191.1063  18017.34; 192.1023  6460.8; 207.0333  35435.81; 218.1028  30528.82;
+Name: L-Leucine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+59.0317  111211.31; 73.0465  1904156.25; 73.0887  176802.89; 74.0478  172098.67; 75.034  126044.58; 
+100.0578  148105.59; 102.0732  557823.12; 103.0737  58556.5; 116.0893  113683.96; 131.0348  50693.96;
+133.0477  79174.27; 142.1041  51780.19; 147.0656  486292; 148.0669  84540.63; 149.0594  53340.05; 
+158.1362  4905104; 159.1367  769335.25; 159.1838  164298.34; 160.1347  213437.45; 170.0993  56866.69; 
+218.1033  189619.22; 232.155  215419.53; 233.1535  69567.91; 260.1492  87687.36; 
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/golm_ws_LibrarySearch_test.t	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+#! perl
+use diagnostics;
+use warnings;
+no warnings qw/void/;
+use strict;
+no strict "refs" ;
+use Test::More qw( no_plan );
+use FindBin ;
+use Carp ;
+## Specific Modules
+use lib $FindBin::Bin ;
+my $binPath = $FindBin::Bin ;
+use lib::golm_ws_api_test qw( :ALL ) ;
+## To launch the right sequence : API, MSP...
+my $sequence = 'MSP' ; 
+my $current_test = 1 ;
+#### #### ##### ###### ################################################ ###### ##### ##### ###### ######
+								## START of API SEQUENCE ## 
+#### #### ##### ###### ################################################ ###### ##### ##### ###### ######
+if ($sequence eq "API") {
+	## testing api module of golm wrapper.
+	## 		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	print "\n\t\t\t  * * * * * * \n" ;
+	print "\t  * * * - - - Test Golm API module - - - * * * \n\n" ;
+	##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ws_url, $ws_proxy
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test test_query_golm with default parameters **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply( test_query_golmTest("", ""),
+"Method \'test_query_golm\' Test Golm webservice with default spectrum");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ws_url, $ws_proxy
+## 		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+print "\n** Test $current_test connectWSlibrarySearchGolm with real uri and proxy **\n" ; $current_test++;
+isa_ok( connectWSlibrarySearchGolmTest("", ""), 'SOAP::Lite' );
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+#		$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+#		$EuclideanDistanceThreshold,$ws_url, $ws_proxy,$default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column
+# Structure of res : @limited_hits = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ], @json_res = [ ojson1, ojson2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test LibrarySearch with a list of mzs, intensities and real search parameters **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(LibrarySearchTest(1898, 5, "VAR5", "70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140 1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4 177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23 230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318 1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1",
+							2, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 500, 0.5,"", "",1500, 3000, "VAR5"),
+        [
+          {
+            'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+            'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+            'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+            'HammingDistance' => 51,
+            'ri' => '1899.05493',
+            'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573764',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.2849162'
+          },
+          {
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.0041610254',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.238709673',
+            'ri' => '1897.25439',
+            'spectrumID' => 'd00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180',
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.367506444',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '0.745605469',
+            'analyteName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.007327365',
+            'HammingDistance' => 37,
+            'analyteID' => '6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a',
+            'metaboliteID' => 'ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2'
+          }
+        ]
+        ,
+    "Method \'LibrarySearch\' returns a list of hits for a spectrum and parameters given in argument");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+#		$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+#		$EuclideanDistanceThreshold,$ws_url, $ws_proxy,$default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test BUG LibrarySearch with a list of mzs, intensities and empty spectrum **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(LibrarySearchTest(1898, 5, "VAR5", "", 2, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 500, 0.5,"", "",1500, 3000, "VAR5"),
+"Method \'LibrarySearch\' returns a list of hits for a spectrum and parameters given in argument");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+#		$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+my $results = [
+          {
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.2849162',
+            'ri' => '1899.05493',
+            'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+            'HammingDistance' => '51',
+            'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+            'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+            'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+          },
+          {
+            'analyteName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-3]',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '0.745605469',
+            'ri' => '1897.25439',
+            'metaboliteID' => 'ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.835855663',
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.771266937',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.0228821356',
+            'HammingDistance' => '718',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.007299051',
+            'analyteID' => '6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a',
+            'spectrumID' => '274f5578-3087-4c10-8a6c-6ffa6eb4bd6c'
+          }
+  		] ;
+print "\n** Test $current_test filter_scores_golm_results with results and thresholds **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(filter_scores_golm_resultsTest($results, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 500, 0.5),
+		[
+          {
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+            'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+            'ri' => '1899.05493',
+            'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+            'HammingDistance' => 51,
+            'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.2849162',
+            'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157'
+          }
+        ],
+"Method \'filter_scores_golm_results\' returns results wich have distance scores under thresholds");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+#		$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+$results = [
+          {
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.9849162',
+            'ri' => '1899.05493',
+            'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+            'HammingDistance' => '51',
+            'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+            'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+            'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+          },
+          {
+            'analyteName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-3]',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '0.745605469',
+            'ri' => '1897.25439',
+            'metaboliteID' => 'ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.835855663',
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.771266937',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.0228821356',
+            'HammingDistance' => '718',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.007299051',
+            'analyteID' => '6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a',
+            'spectrumID' => '274f5578-3087-4c10-8a6c-6ffa6eb4bd6c'
+          }
+  		] ;
+print "\n** Test $current_test filter_scores_golm_results with results having too high distance scores **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(filter_scores_golm_resultsTest($results, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 500, 0.5),
+		[],
+"Method \'filter_scores_golm_results\' returns results wich have distance scores under thresholds");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $results
+# Structure of res : @ret = [ %val1, %val2, ... %valN ]
+$results = [
+          {
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.9849162',
+            'ri' => '1899.05493',
+            'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+            'HammingDistance' => '51',
+            'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+            'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+            'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+          },
+          {
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.9849162',
+            'ri' => '1899.05493',
+            'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+            'HammingDistance' => '51',
+            'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+            'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.07376573671',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+            'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+          }
+  		] ;
+print "\n** Test $current_test filter_replica_results with real parameters **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          {
+            's12GowerLegendreDistance' => '0.404159725',
+            'JaccardDistance' => '0.9849162',
+            'ri' => '1899.05493',
+            'metaboliteID' => '68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d',
+            'EuclideanDistance' => '0.00648652157',
+            'HammingDistance' => '51',
+            'analyteID' => '0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67',
+            'spectrumID' => 'dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d',
+            'DotproductDistance' => '0.00376573671',
+            'riDiscrepancy' => '1.054953',
+            'spectrumName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]',
+            'analyteName' => 'Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP'
+          }
+        ],
+"Method \'filter_replica_results\' returns results with unique spectra with lowest dotproduct");
+print "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" ;
+#### #### ##### ###### ################################################ ###### ##### ##### ###### ######
+								## START of MSP SEQUENCE ## 
+#### #### ##### ###### ################################################ ###### ##### ##### ###### ######
+elsif ($sequence eq "MSP") {
+	## testing msp module of golm wrapper.
+	## 		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+	print "\n\t\t\t  * * * * * * \n" ;
+	print "\t  * * * - - - Test MSP parsing module - - - * * * \n\n" ;
+	##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $msp_file, $mzRes
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_mzs from a .msp file normal parameters **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply( get_mzsTest('./data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp',0),
+		[
+          [
+            73,
+            74,
+            75,
+            100,
+            103,
+            116,
+            117,
+            118,
+            128,
+            131,
+            133,
+            147,
+            48,
+            149,
+            190,
+            191,
+            192,
+            207,
+            218
+          ]
+        ], 
+"Method \'get_mzs\' return an array of arrays refs containing mzs of all the spectra from a msp file");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $msp_file, $mzRes
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_mzs from a .msp file: specific mzRes **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply( get_mzsTest('./data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp',2),
+		[
+          [
+            '73.05',
+            '74.05',
+            '75.03',
+            '100.06',
+            '103.02',
+            '116.09',
+            '117.09',
+            '118.09',
+            '128.05',
+            '131.04',
+            '133.04',
+            '147.07',
+            '48.07',
+            '149.06',
+            '190.11',
+            '191.11',
+            '192.10',
+            '207.03',
+            '218.10'
+          ]
+        ], 
+"Method \'get_mzs\' return an array of arrays refs containing mzs of all the spectra from a msp file ");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $msp_file, $mzRes
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_mzs from a .msp file: too big mzRes **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply( get_mzsTest('./data/inputSpectra_unit_test.msp',10),
+		[
+          [
+            '73.0465000000',
+            '74.0481000000',
+            '75.0319000000',
+            '100.0573000000',
+            '103.0227000000',
+            '116.0884000000',
+            '117.0905000000',
+            '118.0869000000',
+            '128.0526000000',
+            '131.0359000000',
+            '133.0438000000',
+            '147.0666000000',
+            '48.0660000000',
+            '149.0551000000',
+            '190.1069000000',
+            '191.1063000000',
+            '192.1023000000',
+            '207.0333000000',
+            '218.1028000000'
+          ]
+        ],
+"Method \'get_mzs\' return an array of arrays refs containing mzs of all the spectra from a msp file ");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $msp_file
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_intensities from a .msp file **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          [
+            '826983.38',
+            '70018.08',
+            '69475.73',
+            '37477.24',
+            '43054.28',
+            '1433179.62',
+            '151975.23',
+            '53105.64',
+            '26404.77',
+            '22647.44',
+            '22141.56',
+            '255488.28',
+            '49965.66',
+            '37762.38',
+            '72568.23',
+            '18017.34',
+            '6460.8',
+            '35435.81',
+            '30528.82'
+          ]
+        ],
+"Method \'get_mzs\' return an array of arrays refs containing mzs of all the spectra from a msp file");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $inputSpectra,$mzRes
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_masses_from_stringTest from string of mzs and intensities **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(get_masses_from_stringTest('70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100
+ 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140
+  1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4
+   177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23
+    230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318
+     1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1', 0),
+		[
+          '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '97', '98', '99', '100', '101', '102', '103', '104', '105', '106', '107', '111', '112', '113', '114', '115', '116', '117', '118', '119', '126', '127', '128', '129', '130', '131', '132', '133', '134', '135', '140', '141', '142', '143', '144', '145', '146', '147', '148', '149', '150', '151', '156', '157', '158', '159', '160', '161', '162', '163', '164', '168', '169', '170', '172', '173', '174', '175', '177', '186', '187', '189', '190', '191', '192', '193', '201', '202', '203', '204', '205', '206', '207', '208', '210', '214', '215', '216', '217', '218', '219', '220', '221', '222', '229', '230', '231', '232', '233', '234', '235', '243', '244', '245', '246', '247', '256', '262', '263', '269', '270', '274', '275', '277', '278', '291', '292', '293', '300', '305', '306', '307', '308', '318', '319', '320', '321', '322', '323', '343', '364', '365'
+		],
+"Method \'get_masses_from_stringTest\' return an array containing all masses from a string");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $inputSpectra
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test get_intensities_from_stringTest from string of mzs and intensities **\n" ; $current_test++;
+is_deeply(get_intensities_from_stringTest("70 3 71 3 72 16 73 999 74 87 75 78 76 4 77 5 81 1 82 6 83 13 84 4 85 3 86 4 87 5 88 4 89 52 90 4 91 2 97 2 98 1 99 4 100
+ 12 101 16 102 9 103 116 104 11 105 26 106 2 107 1 111 1 112 1 113 4 114 11 115 7 116 5 117 93 118 9 119 8 126 1 127 3 128 3 129 101 130 19 131 25 132 4 133 60 134 8 135 4 140
+  1 141 1 142 4 143 13 144 2 145 6 146 1 147 276 148 44 149 27 150 3 151 1 156 1 157 70 158 12 159 5 160 148 161 26 162 7 163 8 164 1 168 1 169 2 170 1 172 3 173 4 174 1 175 4
+   177 4 186 2 187 1 189 28 190 7 191 13 192 2 193 1 201 5 202 1 203 3 204 23 205 162 206 31 207 16 208 2 210 2 214 1 215 2 216 8 217 88 218 18 219 8 220 1 221 6 222 1 229 23
+    230 6 231 11 232 3 233 4 234 3 235 1 243 1 244 2 245 1 246 2 247 1 256 1 262 3 263 1 269 2 270 1 274 4 275 1 277 4 278 1 291 7 292 2 293 1 300 1 305 4 306 1 307 4 308 1 318
+     1 319 122 320 37 321 17 322 3 323 1 343 1 364 2 365 1"),
+		[
+          '3', '3', '16', '999', '87', '78', '4', '5', '1', '6', '13', '4', '3', '4', '5', '4', '52', '4', '2', '2', '1', '4', '12', '16', '9', '116', '11', '26', '2', '1', '1', '1', '4', '11', '7', '5', '93', '9', '8', '1', '3', '3', '101', '19', '25', '4', '60', '8', '4', '1', '1', '4', '13', '2', '6', '1', '276', '44', '27', '3', '1', '1', '70', '12', '5', '148', '26', '7', '8', '1', '1', '2', '1', '3', '4', '1', '4', '4', '2', '1', '28', '7', '13', '2', '1', '5', '1', '3', '23', '162', '31', '16', '2', '2', '1', '2', '8', '88', '18', '8', '1', '6', '1', '23', '6', '11', '3', '4', '3', '1', '1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '1', '3', '1', '2', '1', '4', '1', '4', '1', '7', '2', '1', '1', '4', '1', '4', '1', '1', '122', '37', '17', '3', '1', '1', '2', '1'
+        ],
+"Method \'get_intensities_from_stringTest\' return an array containing all intensities from a string");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs,$intensities
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test encode_spectrum_for_query from mzs and intensities arrays **\n" ; $current_test++;
+my $mzs = [
+		[73,147,157,160,205,217,272,319,320],
+		[73,129,147,157,160,205,217,319,320]
+		] ;
+my $intensities = [
+				[5764652,5244020,3561241,3454586,4437872,3601276,30900.41,5352581,3587208],
+	            [5551756,3361335,5231997,3641748,3947240,4374348,3683153,5377373,3621938]
+				];
+	'73 5764652 147 5244020 157 3561241 160 3454586 205 4437872 217 3601276 272 30900.41 319 5352581 320 3587208 ',
+	'73 5551756 129 3361335 147 5231997 157 3641748 160 3947240 205 4374348 217 3683153 319 5377373 320 3621938 ',
+"Method \'encode_spectrum_for_query\' return an array containing WS formatted spectrum strings");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs,$intensities
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test encode_spectrum_for_query from empty mzs and intensities arrays **\n" ; $current_test++;
+$mzs = [] ;
+$intensities = [];
+"Method \'encode_spectrum_for_query\' return an array containing WS formatted spectrum strings");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs,$intensities
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test encode_spectrum_for_query from undef mzs and intensities arrays **\n" ; $current_test++;
+"Method \'encode_spectrum_for_query\' return an array containing WS formatted spectrum strings");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test keep_only_max_masses from mzs arrays according to a max ions given in argument **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          '73', '147', '205', '160', '319', '103', '129', '117', '217', '74', '75', '157', '133', '89', '148', '320', '206', '189', '149', '105', '161', '131', '204', '229', '130', '218', '321', '72', '101', '207', '83', '143', '191', '100', '158', '104', '114', '231', '102', '118', '119', '134', '163', '216', '219', '115', '162', '190', '291', '82', '145', '221', '230', '77', '87', '116', '159', '201', '76', '84', '86', '88', '90', '99', '113', '132', '135', '142', '173', '175', '177', '233', '274', '277', '305', '307', '70', '71', '85', '127', '128', '150', '172', '203', '232', '234', '262', '322', '91', '97', '106', '144', '169', '186', '192', '208', '210', '215', '244', '246', '269', '292', '364', '81', '98', '107', '111', '112', '126', '140', '141', '146', '151', '156', '164', '168', '170', '174', '187', '193', '202', '214', '220', '222', '235', '243', '245', '247', '256', '263', '270', '275', '278', '293', '300', '306', '308', '318', '323', '343', '365'
+        ], 2),
+		[
+          '73',
+          '147'
+        ],
+"Method \'keep_only_max_masses\' return an array containing the number of masses to send to Golm");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $mzs_res_sorted, $maxIons
+# Structure of res: [ $arr_ref1 , $arr_ref2 ... $arr_refN ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test keep_only_max_intensities from intensity arrays according to a max ions given in argument **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          999,276,162,148,122,116,101,93,88,87,78,70,60,52,44,37,31,28,27,26,26,25,23,23,19,18,17,16,16,16,13,13,13,12,12,11,11,11,9,9,8,8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+        ], 2),
+		[
+          999,
+          276
+        ],
+"Method \'keep_only_max_intensities\' return an array containing the number of intensities to send to Golm");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+# Structure of res: [ mz1,mz2,... ] , [ int1,int2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test sorting_descending_intensities sort mzs and intensities arrays by descending intensity values **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          '70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','90','91','97','98','99','100','101','102','103','104','105','106','107','111','112','113','114','115','116','117','118','119','126','127','128','129','130','131','132','133','134','135','140','141','142','143','144','145','146','147','148','149','150','151','156','157','158','159','160','161','162','163','164','168','169','170','172','173','174','175','177','186','187','189','190','191','192','193','201','202','203','204','205','206','207','208','210','214','215','216','217','218','219','220','221','222','229','230','231','232','233','234','235','243','244','245','246','247','256','262','263','269','270','274','275','277','278','291','292','293','300','305','306','307','308','318','319','320','321','322','323','343','364','365'
+        ], 
+        [
+          '3','3','16','999','87','78','4','5','1','6','13','4','3','4','5','4','52','4','2','2','1','4','12','16','9','116','11','26','2','1','1','1','4','11','7','5','93','9','8','1','3','3','101','19','25','4','60','8','4','1','1','4','13','2','6','1','276','44','27','3','1','1','70','12','5','148','26','7','8','1','1','2','1','3','4','1','4','4','2','1','28','7','13','2','1','5','1','3','23','162','31','16','2','2','1','2','8','88','18','8','1','6','1','23','6','11','3','4','3','1','1','2','1','2','1','1','3','1','2','1','4','1','4','1','7','2','1','1','4','1','4','1','1','122','37','17','3','1','1','2','1'
+        ]),
+		[
+          '73','147','205','160','319','103','129','117','217','74','75','157','133','89','148','320','206','189','149','105','161','131','204','229','130','218','321','72','101','207','83','143','191','100','158','104','114','231','102','118','119','134','163','216','219','115','162','190','291','82','145','221','230','77','87','116','159','201','76','84','86','88','90','99','113','132','135','142','173','175','177','233','274','277','305','307','70','71','85','127','128','150','172','203','232','234','262','322','91','97','106','144','169','186','192','208','210','215','244','246','269','292','364','81','98','107','111','112','126','140','141','146','151','156','164','168','170','174','187','193','202','214','220','222','235','243','245','247','256','263','270','275','278','293','300','306','308','318','323','343','365'
+        ],
+"Method \'sorting_descending_intensities\' return the arrays of mz sorted accordingly to the rearrangment of the ints array");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+# Structure of res: [ mz1,mz2,... ] , [ int1,int2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test sorting_descending_intensities sort mzs and intensities arrays by descending intensity values **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          '70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','90','91','97','98','99','100','101','102','103','104','105','106','107','111','112','113','114','115','116','117','118','119','126','127','128','129','130','131','132','133','134','135','140','141','142','143','144','145','146','147','148','149','150','151','156','157','158','159','160','161','162','163','164','168','169','170','172','173','174','175','177','186','187','189','190','191','192','193','201','202','203','204','205','206','207','208','210','214','215','216','217','218','219','220','221','222','229','230','231','232','233','234','235','243','244','245','246','247','256','262','263','269','270','274','275','277','278','291','292','293','300','305','306','307','308','318','319','320','321','322','323','343','364','365'
+        ], 
+        [
+          '3','3','16','999','87','78','4','5','1','6','13','4','3','4','5','4','52','4','2','2','1','4','12','16','9','116','11','26','2','1','1','1','4','11','7','5','93','9','8','1','3','3','101','19','25','4','60','8','4','1','1','4','13','2','6','1','276','44','27','3','1','1','70','12','5','148','26','7','8','1','1','2','1','3','4','1','4','4','2','1','28','7','13','2','1','5','1','3','23','162','31','16','2','2','1','2','8','88','18','8','1','6','1','23','6','11','3','4','3','1','1','2','1','2','1','1','3','1','2','1','4','1','4','1','7','2','1','1','4','1','4','1','1','122','37','17','3','1','1','2','1'
+        ]),
+		[
+          999,276,162,148,122,116,101,93,88,87,78,70,60,52,44,37,31,28,27,26,26,25,23,23,19,18,17,16,16,16,13,13,13,12,12,11,11,11,9,9,8,8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+        ],
+"Method \'sorting_descending_intensities\' return the arrays of ints sorted by descending intensity values");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+# Structure of res: [ mz1,mz2,... ] , [ int1,int2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test sorting_descending_intensities remove redundant masses **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          '70','71','71','73'
+		], 
+        [
+          '147','259','276','45'
+        ]),
+		[
+          '70','71','73'
+        ],
+"Method \'sorting_descending_intensities\' return the arrays of masses of non redundant ions");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res
+# Structure of res: [ mz1,mz2,... ] , [ int1,int2,... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test sorting_descending_intensities remove redundant masses **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          '70','71','71','73'
+		], 
+        [
+          '147','259','276','45'
+        ]),
+		[
+          '147','276','45'
+        ],
+"Method \'sorting_descending_intensities\' return the arrays of ints of non redundant ions");
+##		- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# ARGS : $uniq_total_intensities
+# Structure of res: [ [int1,int2,...] , ... ]
+print "\n** Test $current_test apply_relative_intensity make intensities to relative **\n" ; $current_test++;
+		[
+          [
+            '1433179.62','826983.38','255488.28','151975.23','72568.23','70018.08','69475.73','53105.64','49965.66','43054.28','37762.38','37477.24','35435.81','30528.82','26404.77','22647.44','22141.56','18017.34','6460.8'
+          ]
+        ], 
+        ),
+		[
+          [
+            '100','57.7027030289476','17.8266754867753','10.6040602224025','5.063442780466','4.88550625636164','4.84766382597598','3.7054420296599','3.48635016174735','3.00410914299772','2.63486721922546','2.61497159720985','2.47253097277507','2.13014611525107','1.84239083723504','1.58022341958784','1.54492568070428','1.25715854095106','0.450801833199386'
+          ]
+        ],
+"Method \'apply_relative_intensity\' return the arrays of relativ intensities");
+else {
+	croak "Can\'t launch any test : no sequence clearly defined !!!!\n" ;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/t/lib/	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+package lib::golm_ws_api_test ;
+use diagnostics; # this gives you more debugging information
+use warnings;    # this warns you of bad practices
+use strict;      # this prevents silly errors
+use Exporter ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw( keep_only_max_massesTest keep_only_max_intensitiesTest test_query_golmTest connectWSlibrarySearchGolmTest LibrarySearchTest encode_spectrum_for_queryTest get_mzsTest get_intensitiesTest get_masses_from_stringTest get_intensities_from_stringTest sorting_descending_intensities1Test sorting_descending_intensities2Test remove_redundants1Test remove_redundants2Test filter_scores_golm_resultsTest filter_replica_resultsTest apply_relative_intensityTest);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( keep_only_max_massesTest keep_only_max_intensitiesTest test_query_golmTest connectWSlibrarySearchGolmTest LibrarySearchTest encode_spectrum_for_queryTest get_mzsTest get_intensitiesTest get_masses_from_stringTest get_intensities_from_stringTest sorting_descending_intensities1Test sorting_descending_intensities2Test remove_redundants1Test remove_redundants2Test filter_scores_golm_resultsTest filter_replica_resultsTest apply_relative_intensityTest)] );
+use lib::golm_ws_api qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::msp qw( :ALL ) ;
+use lib::output qw( :ALL ) ;
+### Test API module ###
+sub test_query_golmTest {
+	my ($ws_url, $ws_proxy) = @_;
+    my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+    my ($status) = $oBih->test_query_golm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+    return ($status) ;
+sub connectWSlibrarySearchGolmTest {
+	my ($ws_url, $ws_proxy) = @_ ;
+    my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+    my ($soap) = $oBih->connectWSlibrarySearchGolm($ws_url, $ws_proxy) ;
+    return ($soap) ;
+sub LibrarySearchTest {
+	my ($ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+		$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+		$EuclideanDistanceThreshold,$ws_url, $ws_proxy,$default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column) = @_ ;
+	my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+    my ($limited_hits) =$oBih->LibrarySearch($ri, $riWindow, $gcColumn, $spectrum, $maxHits, $JaccardDistanceThreshold,
+											$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,
+											$EuclideanDistanceThreshold,$ws_url, $ws_proxy,$default_ri, $default_ri_window, $default_gc_column) ;
+    return ($limited_hits) ;
+sub filter_scores_golm_resultsTest {
+	my ($results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+		$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) = @_ ;
+    my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+    my ($filtered_res_before_hits_limited) = $oBih->filter_scores_golm_results($results,$JaccardDistanceThreshold,$s12GowerLegendreDistanceThreshold,
+													$DotproductDistanceThreshold,$HammingDistanceThreshold,$EuclideanDistanceThreshold) ;
+    return ($filtered_res_before_hits_limited) ;
+sub filter_replica_resultsTest {
+	my ($results) = @_ ;
+    my $oBih = lib::golm_ws_api->new() ;
+    my ($sortAnalytes) = $oBih->filter_replica_results($results) ;
+    return ($sortAnalytes) ;
+### Test MSP module ###
+sub get_mzsTest {
+	my ($inputSpectra, $mzRes) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my $mzs = $omsp->get_mzs ($inputSpectra, $mzRes) ;
+    return($mzs) ;
+sub get_intensitiesTest {
+	my ($inputSpectra) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my $intensities = $omsp->get_intensities($inputSpectra) ;
+    return($intensities) ;
+sub get_masses_from_stringTest {
+	my ($inputSpectra, $mzRes) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($ref_mzs_res) = $omsp->get_masses_from_string($inputSpectra, $mzRes) ;
+    return($ref_mzs_res) ;
+sub get_intensities_from_stringTest {
+	my ($inputSpectra) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($ref_ints_res) = $omsp->get_intensities_from_string($inputSpectra) ;
+    return($ref_ints_res) ;
+sub keep_only_max_massesTest {
+	my ($ref_mzs_res, $maxIons) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($mzs_res_sorted) = $omsp->keep_only_max_masses($ref_mzs_res, $maxIons) ;
+    return($mzs_res_sorted) ;
+sub keep_only_max_intensitiesTest {
+	my ($ref_ints_res, $maxIons) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->keep_only_max_intensities($ref_ints_res, $maxIons) ;
+    return($ints_res_sorted) ;
+sub sorting_descending_intensities1Test {
+	my ($uniq_total_masses, $uniq_total_intensities) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->sorting_descending_intensities($uniq_total_masses, $uniq_total_intensities) ;
+    return($mzs_res_sorted) ;
+sub sorting_descending_intensities2Test {
+	my ($uniq_total_masses, $uniq_total_intensities) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($mzs_res_sorted, $ints_res_sorted) = $omsp->sorting_descending_intensities($uniq_total_masses, $uniq_total_intensities) ;
+    return($ints_res_sorted) ;
+sub encode_spectrum_for_queryTest {
+	my ($mzs_res_sorted, $relative_ints_res) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my $encoded_spectra = $omsp->encode_spectrum_for_query($mzs_res_sorted, $relative_ints_res) ;
+	return ($encoded_spectra) ;
+sub remove_redundants1Test {
+	my ($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = $omsp->remove_redundants($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res, $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+	return ($uniq_masses ) ;
+sub remove_redundants2Test {
+	my ($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($uniq_masses , $uniq_intensities) = $omsp->remove_redundants($ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res, $ref_mzs_res, $ref_ints_res) ;
+	return ($uniq_intensities) ;
+sub apply_relative_intensityTest {
+	my ($uniq_total_intensities) = @_;
+	my $omsp = lib::msp->new();
+	my ($relative_ints_res) = $omsp->apply_relative_intensity($uniq_total_intensities) ;
+	return ($relative_ints_res) ;
+1 ;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/KHanaoka_peakspectra.msp	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,995 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 21.716
+Class: Unknown 0.0034
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 34  1872;  36  4218;  37  39432;  38  76320;  39  394560; 
+ 40  63368;  41  582144;  42  606848;  43  431680;  44  44888; 
+ 45  499264;  46  17176;  47  15103;  49  2157;  50  3843; 
+ 51  2281;  52  2201;  53  15926;  54  5466;  55  274496; 
+ 56  14999;  60  2631168;  61  67568;  62  10726;  68  8040; 
+ 69  45736;  70  23664;  71  72120;  73  877056;  74  33392; 
+ 75  3772;  87  39608;  88  45784;  89  14154;  90  896; 
+Name: Unknown 2
+DB.idx: -2
+rt: 3.513
+Class: Unknown 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 49
+ 38  1882;  39  92080;  40  19592;  41  480832;  42  32344; 
+ 43  236928;  44  9597;  50  1989;  51  6101;  52  3524; 
+ 53  33960;  54  7422;  55  180224;  56  962752;  57  2366976; 
+ 58  104656;  59  1985;  63  1022;  65  6145;  66  2078; 
+ 67  18928;  68  3234;  69  57408;  70  19928;  71  145600; 
+ 72  8488;  77  5033;  78  1226;  79  5690;  80  844; 
+ 81  5024;  82  1579;  83  32352;  84  4554;  85  118632; 
+ 86  8063;  93  979;  95  1734;  97  10545;  98  6114; 
+ 99  106120;  100  8584;  111  2090;  112  72392;  113  45768; 
+ 114  3665;  154  609;  155  9266;  156  1436; 
+Name: Unknown 3
+DB.idx: -3
+rt: 23.84
+Class: Unknown 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 54
+ 37  7073;  38  20224;  39  248384;  40  35488;  41  550912; 
+ 42  136384;  43  525248;  44  31760;  45  194496;  46  8497; 
+ 47  6316;  49  2397;  50  19512;  51  29464;  52  10230; 
+ 53  63488;  54  19584;  55  630656;  56  186368;  57  1009344; 
+ 58  51240;  59  165376;  60  333120;  61  23528;  62  4084; 
+ 63  3412;  65  3729;  67  8115;  68  3773;  69  46152; 
+ 70  45040;  71  9504;  73  576704;  74  555520;  75  51688; 
+ 76  3653;  77  3575;  81  9534;  82  3455;  83  158144; 
+ 84  9385;  87  64288;  88  5187;  97  16776;  98  6155; 
+ 99  12940;  100  3073;  101  34232;  102  2837;  103  5049; 
+ 104  2812;  115  1848;  117  3546;  132  1975; 
+Name: Unknown 4
+DB.idx: -4
+rt: 24.238
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 45
+ 37  3606;  38  10762;  39  129176;  40  21632;  41  270080; 
+ 42  135168;  43  183936;  44  14971;  45  164352;  46  5267; 
+ 47  4082;  50  5846;  51  9314;  52  3492;  53  20872; 
+ 54  7617;  55  156672;  56  91288;  57  100008;  58  6730; 
+ 59  19280;  60  922752;  61  93328;  62  6487;  63  2150; 
+ 65  2738;  67  4649;  68  5233;  69  31944;  70  30864; 
+ 71  7478;  73  431168;  74  61272;  75  4651;  80  4459; 
+ 83  10227;  87  129904;  97  4419;  98  4035;  99  8020; 
+ 105  2057;  119  3784;  129  740;  159  4461;  160  722; 
+Name: Unknown 5
+DB.idx: -5
+rt: 26.546
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 60
+ 33  3190;  36  2157;  37  34912;  38  84760;  39  481600; 
+ 40  120640;  41  529984;  42  236608;  43  278784;  44  32992; 
+ 45  97512;  46  5979;  47  8652;  49  10603;  50  58488; 
+ 51  87648;  52  35960;  53  84160;  54  27776;  55  256192; 
+ 56  78720;  57  27384;  58  46680;  59  3982;  61  25072; 
+ 62  40008;  63  64536;  64  16117;  65  200256;  66  258688; 
+ 67  431680;  68  56176;  69  148288;  70  82096;  71  41056; 
+ 72  2862;  77  6989;  78  1293;  79  32568;  80  2950; 
+ 81  9911;  82  14707;  83  45944;  84  51584;  85  4913; 
+ 86  1722;  92  1862;  93  14284;  94  15111;  95  54368; 
+ 97  862592;  98  107328;  99  331648;  100  23656;  101  2449; 
+ 110  2377;  111  53768;  112  409600;  113  29776;  114  2942; 
+Name: Unknown 6
+DB.idx: -6
+rt: 23.158
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 33
+ 37  3709;  38  9334;  39  84024;  40  11251;  41  150592; 
+ 42  93848;  43  101920;  44  11079;  45  123480;  46  5126; 
+ 47  3737;  49  1890;  50  8897;  51  9698;  52  3186; 
+ 53  14335;  54  5375;  55  101248;  56  53168;  57  25432; 
+ 59  11406;  60  799488;  61  38376;  62  3749;  69  4646; 
+ 73  301120;  74  28576;  75  2881;  82  2492;  83  5137; 
+ 85  7704;  87  18536;  101  1836; 
+Name: Unknown 7
+DB.idx: -7
+rt: 19.993
+Class: Unknown 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 36  1394;  37  3932;  38  2945;  39  5378;  41  12047; 
+ 42  33232;  43  26448;  44  15855;  45  362368;  46  32080; 
+ 47  19056;  52  2998;  53  16480;  54  4117;  55  106752; 
+ 56  92184;  57  185152;  58  7053;  59  4947;  73  265024; 
+ 74  395264;  75  16339;  76  1841;  82  2631;  98  2957; 
+ 111  2197;  125  875; 
+Name: Unknown 8
+DB.idx: -8
+rt: 4.668
+Class: Unknown 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 39  14553;  41  74752;  43  64768;  53  5585;  54  1279; 
+ 55  28176;  56  46888;  57  436096;  58  19080;  67  2983; 
+ 69  7267;  70  16105;  83  10388;  84  2162;  85  8550; 
+ 97  4523;  98  12271;  99  59848;  100  4446;  112  9866; 
+ 113  24632;  114  2411; 
+Name: Unknown 9
+DB.idx: -9
+rt: 28.9
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 80
+ 38  2041;  39  21824;  40  3862;  41  26680;  50  5168; 
+ 51  17928;  52  12583;  53  21744;  54  7217;  55  16912; 
+ 62  3197;  63  10232;  64  3595;  65  19320;  66  7181; 
+ 67  8744;  69  4683;  75  3127;  76  4791;  77  47392; 
+ 78  18208;  79  21400;  80  3712;  81  6606;  82  6700; 
+ 89  7684;  90  2474;  91  45592;  92  5991;  93  8375; 
+ 94  8681;  95  4980;  102  3471;  103  15319;  104  8129; 
+ 105  18232;  106  5607;  107  19808;  108  6860;  109  13748; 
+ 110  8791;  111  963;  115  22480;  116  7709;  117  6544; 
+ 118  2203;  119  4681;  120  2054;  121  11480;  122  14465; 
+ 123  8295;  124  27224;  125  16150;  126  1652;  127  1341; 
+ 128  2019;  129  1177;  131  10627;  132  6478;  133  7281; 
+ 134  3523;  135  7740;  136  4765;  137  226240;  138  21248; 
+ 139  3045;  145  1201;  146  1113;  147  3094;  148  2810; 
+ 149  13988;  150  16373;  151  4172;  163  1728;  165  298048; 
+ 166  33056;  167  3162;  180  146368;  181  17360;  182  1672; 
+Name: Unknown 10
+DB.idx: -10
+rt: 2.849
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 37  6048;  38  14298;  39  118144;  40  16536;  41  272000; 
+ 42  57408;  43  213120;  44  295360;  45  36480;  46  1465; 
+ 49  1726;  50  8025;  51  7541;  52  1880;  53  14046; 
+ 54  1655;  58  147968;  59  5947;  67  4409;  68  4135; 
+ 69  4425;  71  56200;  72  3186;  85  3215;  86  11936; 
+Name: Unknown 11
+DB.idx: -11
+rt: 6.723
+Class: Unknown 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 37  2210;  38  6017;  39  72816;  40  13461;  41  186560; 
+ 42  37888;  43  141184;  44  222336;  45  44008;  46  1502; 
+ 50  3882;  51  5965;  52  1842;  53  11405;  54  7642; 
+ 55  46736;  56  193536;  57  144448;  58  22184;  62  894; 
+ 63  1293;  65  1737;  67  25712;  68  2222;  69  4923; 
+ 70  4926;  71  26440;  72  44704;  79  1104;  81  4034; 
+ 82  33808;  83  4260;  99  1780;  147  484;  191  902; 
+Name: Unknown 12
+DB.idx: -12
+rt: 1.953
+Class: Unknown 0.0065
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 37  3720;  38  5789;  39  28424;  41  73920;  42  13373; 
+ 43  158848;  58  35848;  72  40080; 
+Name: Unknown 13
+DB.idx: -13
+rt: 4.782
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 41  34368;  43  42432;  56  27320;  57  150336;  58  7013; 
+ 83  4728;  85  9035; 
+Name: Unknown 14
+DB.idx: -14
+rt: 10.588
+Class: Unknown 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 31
+ 39  11544;  41  60000;  42  17360;  43  118936;  53  3634; 
+ 54  2904;  55  27056;  56  25136;  57  146624;  58  6761; 
+ 67  2310;  68  1512;  69  10129;  70  16792;  71  70264; 
+ 72  3728;  82  1182;  83  5513;  84  9898;  85  42608; 
+ 86  3062;  97  2717;  98  7717;  99  7089;  112  4919; 
+ 113  3748;  126  2028;  127  2674;  140  825;  141  1301; 
+ 170  3720; 
+Name: Unknown 15
+DB.idx: -15
+rt: 7.992
+Class: Unknown 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 23
+ 38  1736;  39  9039;  50  5693;  51  14189;  52  4416; 
+ 62  2017;  63  6048;  64  1123;  65  11223;  75  1482; 
+ 76  1558;  77  11177;  78  9765;  79  5194;  89  3770; 
+ 91  132032;  92  10149;  102  1284;  103  4419;  104  1544; 
+ 105  6776;  106  43264;  107  3804; 
+Name: Unknown 16
+DB.idx: -16
+rt: 16.683
+Class: Unknown 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 39  14772;  41  68560;  43  134464;  53  5514;  55  58504; 
+ 56  28656;  57  159168;  58  7931;  67  3523;  68  4232; 
+ 69  15488;  70  17608;  71  89072;  72  5441;  82  2901; 
+ 83  8639;  84  10619;  85  56416;  86  3768;  97  8520; 
+ 98  8715;  99  12452;  111  12220;  112  6225;  113  5442; 
+ 119  1376;  126  5067;  127  3392;  140  2307;  141  2569; 
+ 154  950;  155  1577;  168  472;  169  708;  198  3045; 
+Name: Unknown 17
+DB.idx: -17
+rt: 16.38
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 40
+ 39  34160;  40  6138;  41  109448;  42  33496;  43  83496; 
+ 44  69088;  45  19776;  51  2691;  52  1221;  53  9752; 
+ 54  18704;  55  71296;  56  76248;  57  126816;  58  9283; 
+ 65  1878;  66  4223;  67  25792;  68  33632;  69  37000; 
+ 70  40920;  71  17608;  72  8350;  79  3515;  80  1462; 
+ 81  28424;  82  37216;  83  16656;  84  2080;  85  4034; 
+ 86  2863;  93  1187;  95  25376;  96  22296;  97  3177; 
+ 98  34064;  99  6522;  109  2835;  114  7796;  124  2334; 
+Name: Unknown 18
+DB.idx: -18
+rt: 5.381
+Class: Unknown 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 41  34408;  43  42304;  53  3276;  55  15674;  56  26008; 
+ 57  117472;  58  5595;  70  26024;  71  40192;  72  2396; 
+ 83  4371;  84  2377;  85  11524;  86  802;  98  2140; 
+ 99  4718;  111  740;  113  5077;  126  886;  127  2427; 
+Name: Unknown 19
+DB.idx: -19
+rt: 4.394
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 39  10361;  41  44416;  42  13187;  43  85768;  53  2911; 
+ 54  1701;  55  16648;  56  26272;  57  110696;  58  5070; 
+ 69  5872;  70  12230;  71  34152;  72  2270;  84  8617; 
+ 85  24264;  86  1894;  98  4792;  99  5021;  112  2814; 
+ 113  3471;  142  3451; 
+Name: Unknown 20
+DB.idx: -20
+rt: 19.557
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 37  3209;  38  4074;  49  3525;  50  27640;  51  46568; 
+ 52  11822;  62  2255;  63  3247;  74  9572;  75  4548; 
+ 76  5382;  77  90872;  78  17768;  105  89216;  106  95392; 
+ 107  7872; 
+Name: Unknown 21
+DB.idx: -21
+rt: 11.592
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 21
+ 39  7952;  50  1596;  51  3273;  52  2454;  53  15957; 
+ 54  2589;  65  2043;  67  3647;  68  3085;  77  1941; 
+ 79  3076;  81  92912;  82  21968;  83  3166;  94  4197; 
+ 95  5232;  96  1879;  109  2305;  123  1243;  138  14140; 
+ 139  1820; 
+Name: Unknown 22
+DB.idx: -22
+rt: 24.776
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 49
+ 51  5620;  52  2313;  53  5500;  54  2315;  63  3863; 
+ 64  1826;  65  6019;  71  5897;  75  4151;  77  15399; 
+ 78  5301;  87  4978;  89  3421;  91  18488;  92  3718; 
+ 93  3291;  102  1053;  103  5649;  104  2102;  105  5448; 
+ 107  2846;  108  2902;  109  2332;  115  5500;  116  1713; 
+ 118  886;  119  4235;  120  1420;  121  17848;  122  2276; 
+ 123  3131;  124  4492;  131  2242;  132  1087;  133  2220; 
+ 135  2926;  136  6281;  138  4514;  139  4815;  147  2648; 
+ 148  2058;  149  11581;  151  26312;  152  2766;  163  2303; 
+ 164  40024;  179  90880;  194  46480;  195  6487; 
+Name: Unknown 23
+DB.idx: -23
+rt: 8.45
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 23
+ 38  1483;  39  8239;  50  3614;  51  8912;  52  4213; 
+ 53  2464;  62  1935;  63  5169;  64  1029;  65  5895; 
+ 75  940;  77  10457;  78  5636;  79  5533;  89  2326; 
+ 91  81904;  92  6367;  102  1206;  103  5086;  104  1859; 
+ 105  16704;  106  41288;  107  3724; 
+Name: Unknown 24
+DB.idx: -24
+rt: 25.842
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 39  12410;  40  10566;  41  46840;  42  43904;  52  2085; 
+ 54  2841;  56  12891;  84  17760;  85  81640;  86  4343; 
+Name: Unknown 25
+DB.idx: -25
+rt: 26.056
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 43  81304;  103  12884;  115  4552;  116  5955;  145  9137; 
+Name: Unknown 26
+DB.idx: -26
+rt: 3.843
+Class: Unknown 0.0087
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 38  1835;  42  11607;  43  79696;  50  1563;  86  10446; 
+Name: Unknown 27
+DB.idx: -27
+rt: 9.852
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 21
+ 39  6138;  50  3019;  51  6887;  52  3352;  53  1815; 
+ 62  1297;  63  3326;  64  753;  65  4249;  77  7590; 
+ 78  4234;  79  4066;  89  1741;  91  65696;  92  4933; 
+ 102  738;  103  4221;  104  1766;  105  11618;  106  29768; 
+ 107  2740; 
+Name: Unknown 28
+DB.idx: -28
+rt: 29.257
+Class: Unknown 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 43
+ 50  1560;  51  3939;  52  1900;  53  5159;  54  1552; 
+ 63  2378;  64  837;  65  5695;  67  2492;  77  14606; 
+ 78  2513;  79  4916;  80  857;  81  2376;  82  1542; 
+ 93  2206;  103  3679;  105  2830;  107  13067;  108  1712; 
+ 109  2690;  110  1684;  115  2052;  119  1321;  121  3621; 
+ 122  2411;  123  2370;  124  3415;  125  2597;  131  1663; 
+ 132  725;  133  1964;  134  1016;  135  5164;  137  30936; 
+ 138  3092;  147  1652;  149  1787;  150  19712;  151  4238; 
+ 165  62928;  166  7492;  180  28960; 
+Name: Unknown 29
+DB.idx: -29
+rt: 26.144
+Class: Unknown 0.0074
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 38  2337;  39  11051;  50  5739;  51  8880;  52  4331; 
+ 53  8428;  54  3462;  55  15005;  62  1926;  63  3848; 
+ 64  1175;  65  3399;  66  3299;  67  6287;  77  18880; 
+ 78  4517;  79  13610;  80  5054;  81  2230;  83  4516; 
+ 84  14188;  90  5493;  91  4191;  97  11635;  98  2282; 
+ 104  2662;  107  60776;  108  54456;  109  4797;  111  1486; 
+ 112  5802;  115  3281;  117  3781;  118  908;  125  6112; 
+ 132  1116;  188  1019;  191  985; 
+Name: Unknown 30
+DB.idx: -30
+rt: 17.867
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 35  4639;  46  7262;  47  22936;  48  60160;  49  7160; 
+ 50  2886;  58  4565;  59  6470;  61  18256;  75  2766; 
+ 76  18432;  78  1057;  104  29560;  105  1895; 
+Name: Unknown 31
+DB.idx: -31
+rt: 25.973
+Class: Unknown 0.0049
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 41  28496;  55  22256;  59  6531;  60  58688;  61  7993; 
+ 69  8124;  73  40112;  82  1881;  83  3951;  84  10238; 
+ 85  12244;  87  7988;  101  13275;  102  1160;  115  5232; 
+Name: Unknown 32
+DB.idx: -32
+rt: 19.619
+Class: Unknown 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 39  14229;  41  14217;  43  35160;  53  14937;  54  2412; 
+ 65  4670;  66  4297;  67  3940;  79  19512;  80  2769; 
+ 81  28664;  82  5358;  95  57960;  96  4155;  109  7871; 
+ 123  1322;  124  13531;  125  1260; 
+Name: Unknown 33
+DB.idx: -33
+rt: 22.402
+Class: Unknown 0.006
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 44  42296;  70  7017;  71  8979;  79  1962;  80  1755; 
+ 93  4507;  98  39760;  99  56784;  100  3779;  111  2335; 
+ 119  7792;  121  1970;  125  1137;  139  1363;  147  673; 
+Name: Unknown 34
+DB.idx: -34
+rt: 28.515
+Class: Unknown 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 50  2269;  62  3056;  63  6916;  64  1946;  89  18608; 
+ 90  22880;  116  4341;  117  53552;  118  5339; 
+Name: Unknown 35
+DB.idx: -35
+rt: 4.775
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 69  5444;  70  23768;  71  52832;  72  2965;  126  1074; 
+ 127  4587; 
+Name: Unknown 36
+DB.idx: -36
+rt: 7.219
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 41  17176;  42  4879;  43  30632;  55  7590;  56  8917; 
+ 57  38480;  69  3818;  70  4343;  71  16115;  84  2898; 
+ 85  9044;  98  2134;  99  1512;  156  1027; 
+Name: Unknown 37
+DB.idx: -37
+rt: 13.345
+Class: Unknown 0.0017
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 39  17976;  40  3467;  41  47816;  42  24024;  43  49144; 
+ 44  40312;  53  4209;  54  4773;  55  33336;  56  35024; 
+ 57  37888;  66  2428;  67  11226;  68  12265;  69  16368; 
+ 71  5996;  72  4846;  79  1723;  80  680;  81  11740; 
+ 82  11961;  84  22520;  85  8757;  86  1516;  95  5058; 
+ 100  5463;  110  2871; 
+Name: Unknown 38
+DB.idx: -38
+rt: 27.063
+Class: Unknown 0.0063
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 51  5174;  65  4246;  66  5253;  77  11846;  79  2398; 
+ 94  33880;  95  5858;  107  2612;  138  9462;  140  867; 
+Name: Unknown 39
+DB.idx: -39
+rt: 21.912
+Class: Unknown 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 39  9636;  50  2343;  51  3866;  59  4179;  62  1702; 
+ 63  4631;  64  1066;  65  10911;  89  3301;  90  1318; 
+ 91  51232;  92  12645;  93  1543;  120  9697; 
+Name: Unknown 40
+DB.idx: -40
+rt: 1.498
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 45  26104;  46  5607;  47  43288;  48  36400;  49  2787; 
+ 50  1659; 
+Name: Unknown 41
+DB.idx: -41
+rt: 18.086
+Class: Unknown 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 36  911;  37  5429;  38  9361;  39  27504;  49  2115; 
+ 50  2270;  51  1892;  67  3499;  95  40024;  96  42888; 
+ 97  3395; 
+Name: Unknown 42
+DB.idx: -42
+rt: 24.892
+Class: Unknown 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 26
+ 81  4357;  95  3607;  105  6337;  115  4700;  116  1922; 
+ 119  3438;  121  3594;  127  1115;  128  3306;  129  3640; 
+ 130  1627;  131  3305;  133  2967;  135  1812;  141  2135; 
+ 142  1502;  143  1152;  145  8727;  147  1270;  161  2684; 
+ 177  5234;  189  2293;  205  56520;  206  8691;  220  13873; 
+ 221  2351; 
+Name: Unknown 43
+DB.idx: -43
+rt: 12.579
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 37  1799;  38  3387;  39  8567;  40  7659;  51  1924; 
+ 52  3122;  53  6089;  64  878;  67  16624;  93  997; 
+ 94  35032;  95  2468; 
+Name: Unknown 44
+DB.idx: -44
+rt: 10.071
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 39  12839;  41  30672;  42  18152;  44  34336;  53  2802; 
+ 54  2830;  55  22704;  57  21512;  67  3250;  68  5351; 
+ 70  27640;  71  9362;  72  3849;  81  8571;  86  5921; 
+ 96  4114; 
+Name: Unknown 45
+DB.idx: -45
+rt: 2.188
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 96  4562;  133  2911;  147  766;  163  698;  177  1463; 
+ 191  3532;  192  742;  193  1134;  207  33136;  208  6867; 
+ 209  4144;  210  740; 
+Name: Unknown 46
+DB.idx: -46
+rt: 14.466
+Class: Unknown 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 37  1459;  38  3686;  39  16608;  40  13371;  42  26744; 
+ 43  50560;  52  1546;  64  980;  66  1868;  67  2629; 
+ 71  12140;  81  2669;  99  11946;  107  1547;  108  34872; 
+ 109  2853; 
+Name: Unknown 47
+DB.idx: -47
+rt: 24.704
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 79  30528;  80  2378;  81  7869;  94  16247;  95  21352; 
+ 96  2629;  126  1075;  141  737; 
+Name: Unknown 48
+DB.idx: -48
+rt: 16.188
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 43  29192;  55  12100;  61  1863;  69  4564;  70  19240; 
+ 83  6685;  84  3528;  86  1738; 
+Name: Unknown 49
+DB.idx: -49
+rt: 8.237
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 51  3259;  52  1484;  63  1588;  77  3548;  78  1889; 
+ 79  1944;  91  25568;  92  1921;  103  2179;  105  5794; 
+ 106  12575;  107  1248; 
+Name: Unknown 50
+DB.idx: -50
+rt: 4.29
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 133  1343;  191  1011;  193  1365;  249  1016;  265  963; 
+ 281  12752;  282  3876;  283  2537;  284  517; 
+Name: Unknown 51
+DB.idx: -51
+rt: 17.78
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 52  1696;  53  2792;  80  1462;  107  3611;  108  4189; 
+ 109  1052;  121  1735;  135  23536;  136  17616; 
+Name: Unknown 52
+DB.idx: -52
+rt: 28.576
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 111  1438;  115  6066;  129  1234;  130  574;  157  13262; 
+ 158  1058;  203  1428; 
+Name: Unknown 53
+DB.idx: -53
+rt: 19.697
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 115  1113;  119  3192;  129  557;  131  980;  133  4324; 
+ 134  545;  145  1057;  147  1344;  148  3390;  161  9384; 
+ 162  1200;  175  4022;  176  713;  189  1990;  204  2239; 
+Name: Unknown 54
+DB.idx: -54
+rt: 22.277
+Class: Unknown 0.0055
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 97  2002;  111  2281;  121  1602;  122  11413;  135  1459; 
+ 163  855; 
+Name: Unknown 55
+DB.idx: -55
+rt: 25.037
+Class: Unknown 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 63  1645;  78  2339;  102  1443;  115  10100;  116  3482; 
+ 117  8941;  118  1471;  146  6170; 
+Name: Unknown 56
+DB.idx: -56
+rt: 24.521
+Class: Unknown 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 79  4418;  82  2396;  93  1656;  95  4553;  121  2217; 
+ 135  1090; 
+Name: Unknown 57
+DB.idx: -57
+rt: 17.642
+Class: Unknown 0.0031
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 40  12239;  41  48240;  42  170752;  43  1050112;  44  63128; 
+ 45  981120;  46  13665;  47  4240;  60  615296;  61  18096; 
+ 62  2365; 
+Name: Unknown 58
+DB.idx: -58
+rt: 22.351
+Class: Unknown 0.0047
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 37  1952;  38  4611;  39  39856;  41  79128;  43  83560; 
+ 45  51584;  46  1644;  50  2408;  51  3006;  53  4166; 
+ 56  13812;  57  40560;  59  9731;  60  205696;  61  12843; 
+ 69  11923;  73  12374;  74  68192;  87  41184;  88  2306; 
+Name: Unknown 59
+DB.idx: -59
+rt: 22.03
+Class: Unknown 0.0062
+Num Peaks: 61
+ 39  13005;  41  34264;  42  11634;  43  37080;  50  5331; 
+ 51  12043;  52  1721;  53  4536;  54  2970;  55  31232; 
+ 56  9950;  57  16290;  60  20024;  61  16568;  62  1699; 
+ 63  3086;  67  4791;  68  3515;  69  14352;  70  22768; 
+ 71  9947;  73  21328;  74  4113;  76  1322;  77  27760; 
+ 78  3035;  79  4717;  80  1551;  81  4451;  83  9305; 
+ 84  6416;  85  5005;  86  1450;  87  3712;  88  88736; 
+ 89  9744;  90  1322;  93  2259;  95  3311;  97  5133; 
+ 98  4219;  101  37952;  102  3782;  105  34064;  107  11003; 
+ 111  2740;  115  7276;  116  804;  120  13630;  121  6901; 
+ 129  2765;  130  594;  135  1151;  143  3783;  150  3400; 
+ 155  12362;  156  1723;  157  12279;  158  1260;  171  2119; 
+ 200  1081; 
+Name: Unknown 60
+DB.idx: -60
+rt: 21.615
+Class: Unknown 0.0057
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 37  2468;  38  3897;  39  15295;  40  10917;  41  47960; 
+ 42  82608;  56  24344;  85  8404;  86  22504; 
+Name: Unknown 61
+DB.idx: -61
+rt: 20.758
+Class: Unknown 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 42
+ 39  18176;  40  3544;  50  3758;  51  7312;  52  3858; 
+ 53  19760;  54  2579;  55  12078;  63  2190;  65  6435; 
+ 66  4340;  67  5796;  77  9162;  78  2388;  79  22352; 
+ 80  3076;  81  30120;  82  4586;  91  8588;  92  1925; 
+ 93  5393;  94  5565;  95  77904;  96  5878;  105  5389; 
+ 107  4862;  109  14748;  110  6435;  111  1077;  119  3901; 
+ 121  2542;  123  2060;  124  12074;  125  1292;  133  3238; 
+ 134  1589;  135  3222;  147  2194;  161  6120;  162  1118; 
+ 189  2584;  204  1822; 
+Name: Unknown 62
+DB.idx: -62
+rt: 14.279
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 37  2286;  38  6848;  39  37688;  40  17184;  41  32216; 
+ 42  66096;  50  1941;  51  4657;  52  5478;  53  6176; 
+ 54  2729;  55  24008;  56  13932;  57  17896;  64  1421; 
+ 66  1894;  67  3545;  68  8613;  69  10880;  70  10564; 
+ 79  2710;  80  2884;  81  10650;  82  1429;  83  20576; 
+ 84  4760;  107  2703;  108  63528;  109  5112; 
+Name: Unknown 63
+DB.idx: -63
+rt: 13.721
+Class: Unknown 0.005
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 55  35384;  70  28536;  71  8075;  83  3819;  97  7282; 
+ 111  1038; 
+Name: Unknown 64
+DB.idx: -64
+rt: 14.772
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 39  6245;  41  15062;  43  28056;  53  3100;  55  11772; 
+ 58  4765;  67  4548;  68  3250;  69  8216;  83  3158; 
+ 93  2876;  108  9761;  109  998;  111  4259;  126  1182; 
+Name: Unknown 65
+DB.idx: -65
+rt: 9.773
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 73  23168;  191  721;  193  924;  249  730;  251  1089; 
+ 267  8418;  268  2546;  269  1610; 
+Name: Unknown 66
+DB.idx: -66
+rt: 16.107
+Class: Unknown 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 38  1278;  39  5959;  52  1471;  54  1662;  66  1690; 
+ 93  1097;  94  3286;  121  20656;  122  12555;  123  1097; 
+Name: Unknown 67
+DB.idx: -67
+rt: 1.681
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 35  3223;  46  6771;  47  19032;  61  4652;  62  14718; 
+Name: Unknown 68
+DB.idx: -68
+rt: 6.35
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 46  2304;  47  1915;  64  952;  79  4250;  94  7564; 
+ 96  941; 
+Name: Unknown 69
+DB.idx: -69
+rt: 28.54
+Class: Unknown 0.0082
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 50  1953;  51  2706;  77  5487;  105  4906;  122  4172; 
+Name: Unknown 70
+DB.idx: -70
+rt: 10.331
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 67  2898;  68  3171;  79  1643;  80  535;  93  2551; 
+ 121  693; 
+Name: Unknown 71
+DB.idx: -71
+rt: 23.375
+Class: Unknown 0.0077
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 42  19992;  43  41728;  44  60024;  54  2760;  55  14966; 
+ 59  55880;  83  29088;  84  5062;  104  3340;  111  1799; 
+Name: Unknown 72
+DB.idx: -72
+rt: 19.431
+Class: Unknown 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 43  37792;  55  8653;  59  3950;  71  8231;  87  9385; 
+ 88  16616;  116  5629;  152  1533; 
+Name: Unknown 73
+DB.idx: -73
+rt: 18.89
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 39  6634;  51  2112;  53  5332;  65  1901;  67  3706; 
+ 68  2446;  79  2948;  81  21480;  82  2063;  110  3070; 
+Name: Unknown 74
+DB.idx: -74
+rt: 16.621
+Class: Unknown 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 42  16992;  52  1363;  80  1094;  81  3657;  121  3035; 
+ 122  15381; 
+Name: Unknown 75
+DB.idx: -75
+rt: 4.871
+Class: Unknown 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 77  1933;  79  1479;  80  696;  91  2494;  92  2563; 
+ 93  6290;  97  1340;  121  687; 
+Name: Unknown 76
+DB.idx: -76
+rt: 26.543
+Class: Unknown 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 34  873;  37  5160;  38  10876;  39  75120;  40  23392; 
+ 41  168000;  42  216640;  43  194240;  44  19136;  49  1081; 
+ 50  5031;  51  6820;  52  6564;  53  11846;  54  16062; 
+ 55  113368;  56  45456;  58  20848;  68  8387;  70  70072; 
+ 71  32624;  81  2986;  82  6637;  98  66552;  99  358784; 
+ 100  22944;  101  1811; 
+Name: Unknown 77
+DB.idx: -77
+rt: 21.336
+Class: Unknown 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 57
+ 37  1762;  38  4149;  39  45912;  40  10100;  41  101384; 
+ 42  24760;  43  188608;  44  11271;  45  14933;  49  1024; 
+ 50  4455;  51  6470;  52  2867;  53  18296;  54  8838; 
+ 55  58168;  56  122136;  57  50072;  58  99160;  59  14146; 
+ 63  1062;  65  3140;  66  1321;  67  15114;  68  17552; 
+ 69  37416;  70  22688;  71  226624;  72  20648;  77  3079; 
+ 79  3851;  80  913;  81  11450;  82  6495;  83  3289; 
+ 84  28784;  85  80680;  86  8077;  87  7288;  93  2543; 
+ 95  116288;  96  9813;  97  18256;  99  4363;  100  6846; 
+ 109  2516;  110  66224;  111  7536;  112  2475;  113  10898; 
+ 114  832;  123  1617;  125  1099;  128  44704;  129  3917; 
+ 140  733;  156  3370; 
+Name: Unknown 78
+DB.idx: -78
+rt: 1.539
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 41  18320;  42  30264;  43  96280;  44  175872;  71  5191; 
+Name: Unknown 79
+DB.idx: -79
+rt: 3.856
+Class: Unknown 0.005
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 37  1496;  38  3323;  39  25816;  40  4451;  41  58112; 
+ 42  18944;  44  131200;  45  17200;  50  2820;  51  2634; 
+ 52  909;  53  4564;  55  9369;  57  56040;  58  51176; 
+ 67  2231;  68  1267;  71  4428;  85  2075; 
+Name: Unknown 80
+DB.idx: -80
+rt: 9.59
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 38  1147;  39  7072;  50  915;  53  3684;  57  91800; 
+ 58  4287;  59  2754;  67  2405;  68  2017; 
+Name: Unknown 81
+DB.idx: -81
+rt: 1.835
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 37  3251;  38  3725;  57  26000;  58  91472;  59  3480; 
+Name: Unknown 82
+DB.idx: -82
+rt: 25.149
+Class: Unknown 0.0059
+Num Peaks: 55
+ 39  13048;  41  26008;  43  52064;  51  5166;  52  2079; 
+ 53  6989;  55  18096;  60  42016;  61  5468;  63  2229; 
+ 65  4990;  67  4048;  68  1801;  69  7099;  70  5910; 
+ 71  6618;  73  24528;  77  13327;  78  3002;  79  13280; 
+ 80  1774;  81  4542;  83  2732;  84  2345;  87  10928; 
+ 88  5885;  91  14913;  93  9365;  95  7327;  96  1669; 
+ 101  3775;  102  694;  105  8665;  107  11170;  109  4780; 
+ 115  3417;  116  1690;  119  5552;  121  7269;  122  5696; 
+ 129  1682;  131  2352;  133  5886;  134  1347;  135  10330; 
+ 136  2725;  144  1203;  147  1465;  149  5619;  159  3219; 
+ 162  2148;  163  737;  177  72744;  178  9094;  192  2312; 
+Name: Unknown 83
+DB.idx: -83
+rt: 24.011
+Class: Unknown 0.0055
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 53  4710;  65  1762;  66  3244;  67  6272;  79  3060; 
+ 80  899;  81  15255;  82  2946;  95  29704;  96  3518; 
+ 97  4416;  98  5238;  104  1486;  111  3146;  123  1175; 
+ 154  636; 
+Name: Unknown 84
+DB.idx: -84
+rt: 25.326
+Class: Unknown 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 38  2086;  39  7881;  52  2800;  53  4601;  55  11121; 
+ 66  11622;  69  3875;  71  9009;  80  1160;  84  4865; 
+ 94  22680;  97  5436;  109  17560;  111  2595;  126  20216; 
+ 127  1557; 
+Name: Unknown 85
+DB.idx: -85
+rt: 21.652
+Class: Unknown 0.0059
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 65  2127;  67  7430;  77  3782;  79  4142;  81  7575; 
+ 91  4626;  93  2850;  94  1628;  95  4707;  107  3144; 
+ 109  8172;  119  2064;  123  7560;  137  9572;  151  1039; 
+ 152  8226;  153  922; 
+Name: Unknown 86
+DB.idx: -86
+rt: 8.182
+Class: Unknown 0.0051
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 39  6052;  53  2158;  55  9398;  83  4878;  84  3889; 
+Name: Unknown 87
+DB.idx: -87
+rt: 16.837
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 65  1470;  66  1131;  67  7522;  93  763;  95  4282; 
+ 96  911;  109  1473;  124  2052; 
+Name: Unknown 88
+DB.idx: -88
+rt: 5.355
+Class: Unknown 0.006
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 38  1373;  39  7330;  63  771;  65  1045;  91  7439; 
+ 92  4675; 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/input01_peakspectra_test.msp	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -9
+rt: 24.53
+Class: Unknown 0.01
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 73.0465  57.7027030289;    74.0481  4.8855062564;    75.0319  4.847663826;    100.0573  2.6149715972;   103.0227 3.004109143;   
+ 116.0884 100;   117.0905 10.6040602224;   118.0869 3.7054420297;   128.0526 1.8423908372;   131.0359 1.5802234196;   
+ 133.0438 1.5449256807;   147.0666 17.8266754868;   148.066 3.4863501617;   149.0551 2.6348672192;   190.1069 5.0634427805;   
+ 191.1063 1.257158541;   192.1023 0.4508018332;   207.0333 2.4725309728;   218.1028 2.1301461153;  
+Name: Histidine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+39.022 16;  41.038 38;  41.039 12;  42.034 11;  43.041 7;  
+54.034 169;  55.042 104;  56.049 999;  56.05 9;  66.032 166;  
+66.033 34;  67.04 16;  68.048 86;  68.049 13;  69.044 41;  
+81.044 469;  82.052 695;  83.059 999;  93.044 606;  95.06 112;  
+110.07 999;  111.054 16;  112.086 2;  138.065 2;  156.074 999;  
+Name: L-Alanine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+73.0465  826983.38; 74.0481  70018.08; 75.0319  69475.73; 100.0573  37477.24; 103.0227  43054.28;
+116.0884  1433179.62; 117.0905  151975.23; 118.0869  53105.64; 128.0526  26404.77; 131.0359  22647.44;
+133.0438  22141.56; 147.0666  255488.28; 48.066  49965.66; 149.0551  37762.38; 190.1069  72568.23;
+191.1063  18017.34; 192.1023  6460.8; 207.0333  35435.81; 218.1028  30528.82;
+Name: L-Leucine
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 32
+59.0317  111211.31; 73.0465  1904156.25; 73.0887  176802.89; 74.0478  172098.67; 75.034  126044.58; 
+100.0578  148105.59; 102.0732  557823.12; 103.0737  58556.5; 116.0893  113683.96; 131.0348  50693.96;
+133.0477  79174.27; 142.1041  51780.19; 147.0656  486292; 148.0669  84540.63; 149.0594  53340.05; 
+158.1362  4905104; 159.1367  769335.25; 159.1838  164298.34; 160.1347  213437.45; 170.0993  56866.69; 
+218.1033  189619.22; 232.155  215419.53; 233.1535  69567.91; 260.1492  87687.36; 
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/input03_peakspectra_full.msp	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,3757 @@
+Name: Unknown 1
+DB.idx: -1
+rt: 10.58
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 160
+ 55  40314.09;  57  39666.66;  58  117253;  59  677577.6;  60  56097.84; 
+ 61  173955.5;  62  11853.13;  63  19465.01;  66  37117.49;  70  85974.89; 
+ 71  135751.7;  72  173308.6;  73  5335904;  74  1773116;  75  1130890; 
+ 76  47236.83;  77  233307.3;  78  15697.65;  79  29390.93;  83  13286.93; 
+ 85  80810.94;  87  91606.72;  88  10340.81;  91  57229.14;  93  20851.29; 
+ 96  16237.26;  97  8766.646;  103  398350.4;  104  68853.35;  105  201451.8; 
+ 106  25043.94;  107  131979.1;  108  11708.79;  109  27774.11;  112  14260.24; 
+ 113  69933.57;  114  11544.05;  115  994961.7;  116  138815.4;  118  111185.6; 
+ 119  465199.8;  120  75950.29;  121  387381.6;  122  34006.61;  123  124406.5; 
+ 124  9676.763;  126  42647.79;  131  1217735;  132  195872.2;  133  2353792; 
+ 134  439221.1;  135  1294353;  136  170966;  137  480564.7;  138  54602.24; 
+ 139  37958.8;  143  16718.33;  145  100214.3;  146  15950;  147  3649214; 
+ 148  807123.6;  149  521549.1;  150  60887.41;  151  1657276;  152  179564; 
+ 153  108396.2;  161  60145.87;  162  11348.56;  163  248920.8;  164  48565.58; 
+ 165  340817.3;  166  55741.57;  167  150228.6;  168  18083.43;  169  13815.75; 
+ 175  65379.76;  176  59587.9;  177  324377.7;  178  76562.77;  179  298168.2; 
+ 180  54267.2;  181  717115.2;  182  97851.98;  183  248922.2;  184  30285.29; 
+ 185  19109.6;  189  987185.2;  190  214684.8;  191  2699204;  192  739378.4; 
+ 193  2445972;  194  584608.1;  195  558411.3;  196  80516.16;  197  144499.9; 
+ 198  19412.17;  199  11822.63;  205  1511283;  206  316598.7;  207  3009868; 
+ 208  942554;  209  786295.1;  210  135996.4;  211  2270410;  212  428942.7; 
+ 213  235514.7;  214  22584.48;  221  692183.1;  222  158001.2;  223  94198.75; 
+ 224  21684.31;  225  2950784;  226  754932.4;  227  1010403;  228  156790.7; 
+ 229  76590.65;  237  25770.03;  239  81222.09;  240  15526.31;  241  16938.92; 
+ 252  39808.12;  253  356191.5;  254  78516.85;  255  380827.9;  256  78121.55; 
+ 257  45404.27;  266  11011.84;  267  606684.1;  268  155373.1;  269  616047.6; 
+ 270  133622;  271  74292.19;  272  12069.44;  282  14274.69;  283  3516256; 
+ 284  1468884;  285  875615.8;  286  155002.1;  287  43266.43;  295  6946.443; 
+ 297  24340.22;  298  621608.8;  299  7373908;  300  5241822;  301  4332284; 
+ 302  1955755;  303  608978;  304  82828.24;  311  8346.149;  313  209749.8; 
+ 314  4568441;  315  2678491;  316  1750448;  317  353801.2;  318  93147.38; 
+ 373  7971.866;  386  8840.255;  387  41685.39;  388  13870.91;  389  7984.017; 
+Name: Unknown 2
+DB.idx: -2
+rt: 10.01
+Class: Unknown 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 88
+ 51  16703.25;  52  380867.6;  53  30163.21;  55  24586;  56  57029.79; 
+ 57  43294.02;  58  100856.6;  59  547872.3;  60  143714.9;  61  127264.6; 
+ 62  10866.54;  64  39271.45;  65  217460.8;  66  1439916;  67  119270.2; 
+ 69  194498.4;  70  212451.6;  71  202159.5;  72  324006.9;  73  3794744; 
+ 74  1691253;  75  1167727;  76  106912.9;  78  10671.04;  79  943499.4; 
+ 80  82785.07;  84  16757.22;  85  161240.7;  86  85479.57;  87  711852.6; 
+ 88  84652.09;  89  35860.14;  90  88682.02;  91  9738.906;  96  14737.86; 
+ 98  15395.02;  99  1094075;  100  571740.3;  101  209874.3;  102  98311.56; 
+ 103  205119.2;  104  31715.82;  106  17008.92;  113  247468.8;  114  144721.3; 
+ 115  514764.7;  116  190587.5;  117  246094.2;  118  77297.08;  119  59302.23; 
+ 120  8981.871;  127  43197.05;  130  1997238;  131  1739692;  132  1344230; 
+ 133  653444;  134  117292.5;  139  27881.55;  140  8072.469;  141  9566.898; 
+ 143  44248.63;  146  2075065;  147  7306894;  148  4217708;  149  2712131; 
+ 150  324295.4;  151  82001.02;  155  22129;  156  45726.4;  157  453799.7; 
+ 158  71340.59;  159  66603.2;  171  1297166;  172  236051.3;  173  2392999; 
+ 174  418304.5;  175  204766.8;  176  22869.09;  188  46616.42;  189  6516182; 
+ 190  2993190;  191  1521136;  192  180280;  193  35819.54;  204  233586; 
+ 205  47698.42;  206  20693.09;  261  10577.43; 
+Name: Unknown 3
+DB.idx: -3
+rt: 7.313
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 101
+ 51  42750.93;  52  1025838;  53  86530.71;  55  196456.5;  56  18800.46; 
+ 57  93879.41;  58  505420.9;  59  1679327;  60  157994.8;  61  546446.8; 
+ 62  35616.02;  63  19409.39;  65  16275.08;  66  3027299;  67  445668.3; 
+ 68  18992.19;  70  213213.4;  71  216764.2;  72  715970.2;  73  6834824; 
+ 74  3399371;  75  2971901;  76  298777.3;  77  164975.7;  80  42226.58; 
+ 83  15302.38;  85  92162.77;  86  53559.22;  87  384494.5;  88  1564165; 
+ 89  165859;  90  9247.229;  91  34426.75;  94  207444.3;  95  70690.09; 
+ 97  10254.63;  99  75537.69;  101  916140;  102  243136.1;  103  513280.5; 
+ 104  68468.77;  105  276402.8;  106  31803.74;  107  22613.68;  113  126415.5; 
+ 114  19488.36;  115  803883.9;  116  156066.2;  117  5857676;  118  2769220; 
+ 119  1306235;  120  83648.55;  121  13607.91;  129  1125112;  130  140583; 
+ 131  2503998;  132  468547.8;  133  2740407;  134  531849.6;  135  284145; 
+ 136  24168.53;  143  47468.67;  145  28005.67;  146  14408.39;  147  6951534; 
+ 148  4359822;  149  3614727;  150  687263.9;  151  206463.4;  152  18166.45; 
+ 159  29044.2;  163  56206.87;  164  10364.24;  175  1157058;  176  199145.6; 
+ 177  98909.3;  178  11903.2;  190  4370774;  191  4483992;  192  2227634; 
+ 193  955862;  194  120134.9;  195  23127.99;  203  676590.9;  204  127590.1; 
+ 205  61858.45;  207  648665.7;  208  134963.2;  209  82395.32;  219  2341049; 
+ 220  547041.8;  221  253571.4;  222  33657.27;  233  20839.98;  234  8492.729; 
+ 247  14206.84;  279  16968.04;  295  122069.8;  296  37243.18;  307  42926.46; 
+ 381  11955.62; 
+Name: Unknown 4
+DB.idx: -4
+rt: 8.256
+Class: Unknown 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 160
+ 51  15544.25;  52  16803.63;  55  53441.07;  56  33678.51;  57  54633.73; 
+ 58  298804;  59  1688556;  60  290890.5;  61  200035.8;  62  31364.61; 
+ 63  325610.8;  64  28198.39;  65  35804.7;  66  113370.7;  69  225895.6; 
+ 70  149444.8;  71  119516.3;  72  612144.1;  73  6824414;  74  2992777; 
+ 75  2947758;  76  328948.3;  77  3068195;  78  331168.2;  79  216143.3; 
+ 80  14807.95;  81  640054.4;  82  25732.32;  83  18379.38;  84  38440.6; 
+ 85  78381.27;  86  108955;  87  41567.7;  88  102278.1;  89  2533617; 
+ 90  277669.8;  91  979516.8;  92  41237.56;  93  158281.3;  94  43795.83; 
+ 95  210368.7;  96  242002.4;  97  13259.59;  98  12561.19;  99  370973; 
+ 100  180365.3;  101  54351.18;  102  47535.65;  103  297040.5;  104  437640.7; 
+ 105  70364.29;  106  27676.12;  107  36210.15;  108  19554.94;  109  50199.33; 
+ 110  17158.08;  113  367847.4;  114  51187.64;  115  113682.6;  116  5027428; 
+ 117  1220536;  118  518696.4;  119  482606.8;  120  628550.4;  121  72000.41; 
+ 122  71569.77;  123  369282.1;  124  206758.1;  125  21604.95;  126  18394.58; 
+ 127  13939.48;  130  401983;  131  601119.2;  132  225705.3;  133  670641.2; 
+ 134  584091.2;  135  137302.4;  136  58583.5;  137  122720.7;  138  682878.9; 
+ 139  284513.9;  140  45175.23;  141  65589.75;  142  615593.2;  143  81229.41; 
+ 145  128954.2;  146  1190362;  147  3941121;  148  983227.2;  149  649941.5; 
+ 150  125247.5;  151  555629;  152  87981.15;  153  49982.16;  154  9515.682; 
+ 155  31943.46;  157  184165.2;  158  22939.12;  159  21293.77;  161  21940.57; 
+ 162  50437.57;  163  286389;  164  48797.17;  165  793709.4;  166  952332.3; 
+ 167  119436.9;  168  46130.29;  169  49890.19;  170  163653.8;  171  50751.48; 
+ 172  46726.62;  173  34634;  175  29604.69;  176  230156;  177  88778.59; 
+ 178  35563.6;  179  12437.59;  181  153184.2;  182  18371.13;  183  240456.3; 
+ 184  38644.77;  185  405614.2;  186  44403.2;  187  14435.94;  188  240895.5; 
+ 189  78239.02;  192  877607.7;  193  168591.4;  194  75941.66;  195  20027.38; 
+ 197  18313.62;  199  1027987;  200  124777.2;  201  44061.01;  214  644915.2; 
+ 215  751622.4;  216  119166.5;  235  649246.8;  236  127561.4;  237  58831.97; 
+ 238  7573.286;  239  202222;  240  37528.22;  241  522758;  242  670149.8; 
+ 243  138950.5;  244  56686.96;  248  10406.1;  249  103809.7;  250  21666.82; 
+ 251  8921.024;  257  590330.8;  258  6094058;  259  3438753;  260  1872582; 
+ 261  255746.8;  262  43484.01;  289  274997.4;  290  52693.08;  291  22786.63; 
+Name: Unknown 5
+DB.idx: -5
+rt: 8.542
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 98
+ 52  62081.21;  55  55697.93;  56  29796.05;  57  74211.02;  58  449316.4; 
+ 59  2914959;  60  296243.8;  61  180632.2;  62  11146.02;  63  9171.936; 
+ 66  172736.9;  69  29328.25;  70  702289.8;  71  131871.1;  72  1283423; 
+ 73  5925624;  74  1980207;  75  1673337;  76  131963.3;  77  78464.88; 
+ 79  25605.54;  85  29566.95;  86  2475704;  87  263852;  88  264453.4; 
+ 89  1781250;  90  163209.4;  91  79406.7;  93  15355.21;  95  14961.13; 
+ 99  66579.95;  100  2016559;  101  213483;  102  313149.1;  103  1044158; 
+ 104  136739;  105  183567.2;  106  22688.55;  107  14107.1;  109  11833.23; 
+ 111  9685.134;  113  112100.1;  114  40559.51;  115  492383.6;  116  129163.7; 
+ 117  572686.3;  118  203110;  119  788129.2;  120  113838.8;  121  63511.86; 
+ 128  12051.16;  130  344234.9;  131  2536332;  132  1243314;  133  5051706; 
+ 134  1756136;  135  992748.2;  136  93252.08;  137  22684.78;  142  13439.81; 
+ 144  99864.2;  145  25639.7;  146  2415738;  147  6702283;  148  3959596; 
+ 149  2880516;  150  386238.2;  151  105465.9;  158  122123.9;  159  19335.6; 
+ 160  2546940;  161  460173.5;  162  1344808;  163  588221.3;  164  148286.5; 
+ 165  45548.63;  174  915592.2;  175  180657.1;  176  81022.59;  188  194292.2; 
+ 190  2089270;  191  410252.6;  192  188284.6;  193  20345.13;  205  2565197; 
+ 206  552772.7;  207  259666.5;  208  30975.44;  220  3893704;  221  1120292; 
+ 222  530669.2;  223  64232.17;  224  12979;  235  3529269;  236  994855.7; 
+ 237  451465.7;  238  59777.43;  239  12321.41; 
+Name: Unknown 6
+DB.idx: -6
+rt: 23.521
+Class: Unknown 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 54  17196.38;  55  12555.62;  57  14165.06;  58  91372.95;  59  453023.1; 
+ 60  33491.5;  61  28154.47;  68  6717.676;  69  15036.68;  70  25983.37; 
+ 71  27718.69;  72  115849.3;  73  6189735;  74  1696830;  75  862684.2; 
+ 76  31067.67;  77  18893.72;  80  7638.121;  82  43297.32;  83  11123.12; 
+ 84  143297.4;  85  23521.99;  86  8876.3;  87  46024.56;  88  28229.48; 
+ 89  901667.6;  90  78950.18;  91  41701.5;  94  10321.18;  98  17193.91; 
+ 99  30818.37;  100  52274.68;  101  156757.3;  102  38523.01;  103  4443581; 
+ 104  677063.2;  105  268854.3;  106  15402.49;  111  26863.67;  112  8089.81; 
+ 113  73604.82;  114  65360.86;  115  103037.2;  116  42477.94;  117  1095237; 
+ 118  107359.8;  119  90850.45;  120  8834.361;  125  8219.727;  126  42276.83; 
+ 127  32603.11;  128  58151.7;  129  1597812;  130  188016.8;  131  517555.4; 
+ 132  79042.65;  133  1142121;  134  135812.6;  135  64092.46;  140  24809.35; 
+ 141  25505.67;  142  239385;  143  172936;  144  32522.57;  145  129081.8; 
+ 146  28233.25;  147  4276055;  148  1022030;  149  655438.4;  150  73465.73; 
+ 151  31381.49;  152  14515.14;  154  25149.92;  155  10733.57;  156  25692.7; 
+ 157  204962.8;  158  60928.81;  159  51842.77;  161  36892.88;  162  8970.792; 
+ 163  264753.7;  164  42436.69;  165  23769.93;  166  13312.27;  168  22682.57; 
+ 169  12846.35;  170  17617.41;  171  13635.76;  172  877620.6;  173  909788.9; 
+ 174  179836;  175  230898.2;  176  41990.63;  177  97479.74;  178  17338.28; 
+ 179  11058.94;  180  40485.34;  181  7766.083;  182  14068.9;  184  13766.65; 
+ 185  10394.3;  186  89396.13;  187  34406.93;  188  98409.88;  189  1877876; 
+ 190  397253.9;  191  899974.8;  192  153985.8;  193  68177.75;  194  9559.919; 
+ 196  20859.02;  198  43779.15;  199  10155.81;  200  43700;  201  588447; 
+ 202  303861.8;  203  180381.5;  204  588323.3;  205  876413.1;  206  192806.8; 
+ 207  147581;  208  23939.3;  209  10284.54;  210  8820.345;  214  123371.4; 
+ 215  37501.14;  216  222598.2;  217  6148227;  218  3416804;  219  1787542; 
+ 220  269150.9;  221  269589.1;  222  61690.3;  223  31772.53;  224  6642.827; 
+ 226  6942.113;  227  7886.242;  228  32698.07;  229  62967.35;  230  156119; 
+ 231  425785.3;  232  116716.9;  233  56069.52;  234  12799.67;  235  77076.8; 
+ 236  15773.55;  237  11344.76;  240  52410.2;  241  13528.25;  242  62972.05; 
+ 243  30472.86;  244  207598.6;  245  55782.63;  246  78134.3;  247  47764.64; 
+ 248  19574.67;  249  8550.04;  254  29848.69;  255  9967.014;  256  241306.7; 
+ 257  60134.08;  258  28027.32;  259  15384.7;  260  112682.5;  261  50024.56; 
+ 262  147828.1;  263  391356.2;  264  92134.55;  265  46151.87;  266  8488.574; 
+ 268  32417.15;  269  12377.92;  270  54070.7;  271  14421.45;  272  21847.28; 
+ 274  27906.43;  275  47504.13;  276  145680.8;  277  2115080;  278  646166.9; 
+ 279  308885.6;  280  60880.95;  281  14156.35;  286  22931.68;  287  8611.475; 
+ 288  152840.9;  289  46079.77;  290  23693.53;  291  387375.8;  292  108665.3; 
+ 293  62434.42;  294  14055.75;  300  48181.16;  301  14402.25;  302  133703.9; 
+ 303  78643.71;  304  42015.86;  305  119337;  306  63631.8;  307  4609250; 
+ 308  2100947;  309  1105231;  310  223412;  311  53409.84;  312  7981.965; 
+ 314  14974.78;  316  10124.88;  317  7196.376;  318  146326.3;  319  104374; 
+ 320  42257.07;  328  27561.26;  329  9145.691;  330  140159.7;  331  42538.47; 
+ 332  82015.92;  333  184341.4;  334  327838.1;  335  397216.5;  336  133557.5; 
+ 569  64584.29;  570  33215.11;  571  18131.62; 
+Name: Unknown 7
+DB.idx: -7
+rt: 23.782
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 54  16538.67;  57  8611.748;  58  51372.88;  59  298368.2;  60  22916.16; 
+ 61  15434.57;  70  14863.16;  71  9441.459;  72  60990.21;  73  6028811; 
+ 74  1049537;  75  537009.6;  76  21675.44;  80  7464.67;  81  7494.025; 
+ 82  65971.57;  84  76120.56;  85  14041.34;  87  21640.61;  88  14466.73; 
+ 89  652583.8;  90  54023.49;  91  25769.93;  98  9956.599;  99  21065.51; 
+ 100  56880.62;  101  101638.8;  102  25876.86;  103  3433002;  104  402380.4; 
+ 105  185898.8;  106  14750.06;  110  11624.45;  111  20855.94;  113  62266.18; 
+ 114  49041.55;  115  63069.04;  116  26577.44;  117  659478.4;  118  63281.06; 
+ 119  56104.62;  126  23392.89;  127  27256.25;  128  41434.31;  129  1141911; 
+ 130  130380.2;  131  334837.1;  132  51104.71;  133  497877.3;  134  69964.59; 
+ 135  38851.64;  140  15091.34;  141  18661.87;  142  179092.6;  143  110735.7; 
+ 144  23175.63;  145  74939.36;  146  13167.14;  147  3688670;  148  709787.2; 
+ 149  452770.1;  150  50145.02;  151  22646.28;  152  13455.88;  154  18728.18; 
+ 155  10825.12;  156  37090.22;  163  128521.3;  164  20082.37;  165  12361.42; 
+ 166  14298.62;  168  30463.47;  169  13007.64;  170  51517.65;  171  14385.65; 
+ 172  294484.1;  173  523475.6;  174  98828.24;  175  145960.6;  176  29336.64; 
+ 177  38109.07;  178  8102.534;  180  32215.91;  181  8048.562;  182  16074.02; 
+ 184  7967.816;  186  52458.23;  187  17986.83;  188  39105.4;  189  1007293; 
+ 190  205728.2;  191  581415.8;  192  100664.9;  193  43680.58;  194  7864.015; 
+ 196  37124.7;  197  9074.157;  198  107243.8;  199  16947.04;  200  27762.16; 
+ 201  346560;  202  222344.7;  203  91136.27;  204  353781.8;  214  52131.48; 
+ 215  23650.64;  216  114410;  217  6141466;  218  2589126;  219  1217804; 
+ 220  168925.6;  221  194724;  222  44491.37;  223  22954.98;  228  26857.03; 
+ 230  76141.59;  231  243941.8;  232  75416.27;  233  29373.01;  240  35722.21; 
+ 241  10439.21;  242  26722.67;  243  31636.82;  244  209753.9;  245  104287.8; 
+ 246  53570.27;  247  19904.41;  254  25049.46;  255  11013.72;  256  83605.45; 
+ 257  22463.85;  260  44124.13;  261  15960.91;  262  558168.7;  263  332656.2; 
+ 264  94171.55;  265  38341.07;  266  8510.17;  268  65036.29;  269  27901.09; 
+ 270  46761.29;  271  12353.04;  272  29360.75;  275  26537.79;  276  56642.39; 
+ 277  1422654;  278  411860;  279  195285.8;  280  39465.12;  281  9398.073; 
+ 286  20771.7;  288  71295.41;  289  20194.79;  290  13665.71;  291  140192; 
+ 292  39990.54;  293  19395.04;  300  77443.56;  301  18547.25;  302  53841.72; 
+ 303  30027.45;  304  21798.92;  305  77839.84;  306  47205.17;  307  4063688; 
+ 308  1452719;  309  739704;  310  146790.1;  311  34491.49;  314  9489.896; 
+ 316  9351.634;  317  13367.72;  318  70088.02;  328  19564.3;  330  87616.63; 
+ 331  28208.32;  332  36448.56;  333  180348.2;  334  192836.3;  335  233758; 
+ 336  115683.5;  337  40684.62;  338  12683.89;  342  28168.5;  343  16352.28; 
+ 344  42260.92;  345  23958.28;  346  15555.43;  350  101598.9;  351  29652.43; 
+ 352  16409.9;  358  68397.96;  359  42462.54;  360  23050.96;  361  8604.764; 
+ 364  1059178;  365  344232.5;  366  159476.9;  367  34864.41;  368  8842.32; 
+ 374  19891.9;  376  105706.5;  377  33760.78;  378  16728.99;  389  7549.948; 
+ 390  71200.85;  391  26716.26;  392  17813.89;  393  9473.643;  402  21018.48; 
+ 403  8707.979;  404  13809.05;  405  7154.414;  420  17581.73;  421  7120.15; 
+ 432  89051.77;  433  65785.3;  434  49555.45;  435  21106.96;  436  8931.001; 
+ 448  31342.1;  449  13640.21;  450  8148.171;
+Name: Unknown 8
+DB.idx: -8
+rt: 22.001
+Class: Unknown 0.0063
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 73  4908673;  147  5025522;  273  5942964;  274  3752779;  347  3843372; 
+ 375  3656316; 
+Name: Unknown 9
+DB.idx: -9
+rt: 24.53
+Class: Unknown 0.01
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 73  5764652;  147  5244020;  157  3561241;  160  3454586;  205  4437872; 
+ 217  3601276;  272  30900.41;  319  5352581;  320  3587208; 
+Name: Unknown 10
+DB.idx: -10
+rt: 24.096
+Class: Unknown 0.007
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 73  5551756;  129  3361335;  147  5231997;  157  3641748;  160  3947240; 
+ 205  4374348;  217  3683153;  319  5377373;  320  3621938; 
+Name: Unknown 11
+DB.idx: -11
+rt: 30.857
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 162
+ 55  209163.9;  56  27955.88;  57  81435.67;  58  27918.52;  59  45788.46; 
+ 60  20037.37;  61  122152;  62  7999.333;  65  8959.052;  67  193397.5; 
+ 68  24896.96;  69  257737.7;  70  27601.1;  71  47714.89;  72  117711.8; 
+ 73  2497190;  74  227761.7;  75  2638229;  76  205146.2;  77  117064.3; 
+ 79  86628.33;  80  12420.91;  81  245371.4;  82  29471.26;  83  166600.9; 
+ 84  73313.11;  85  101048.6;  86  30447.95;  87  10812.81;  88  12533.62; 
+ 89  49911.68;  91  25883.69;  93  75087.73;  94  10671.81;  95  245241.5; 
+ 96  28357.49;  97  117408.5;  98  198309.9;  99  81239.8;  101  24044.45; 
+ 105  49012.46;  107  47944.26;  108  6098.256;  109  92903.55;  110  13288.42; 
+ 111  151875;  112  67354.07;  113  15910.06;  115  24483.02;  116  160248.4; 
+ 117  5225698;  118  695639.2;  119  288926.7;  120  15160.26;  121  51535.56; 
+ 122  6664.426;  123  34472.55;  124  5767.453;  125  28206.88;  126  15032.88; 
+ 127  25132.4;  129  2761604;  130  367944.6;  131  611564.8;  132  430718.2; 
+ 133  203045.4;  134  31010.54;  135  43664.27;  136  5739.698;  137  11954.87; 
+ 139  16278.8;  140  14899.46;  141  7156.636;  143  320204.4;  144  39140.29; 
+ 145  808069.8;  146  106724.9;  153  22051.65;  154  33487.31;  155  7961.481; 
+ 157  48423.18;  159  127870.2;  163  13441.13;  167  30242.48;  168  20679.56; 
+ 171  169185;  172  26802.85;  173  49931.98;  174  21631.62;  177  8363.178; 
+ 181  18353.83;  182  9109.021;  185  364326.2;  186  52050.02;  187  132856.3; 
+ 188  44164.41;  195  8732.531;  196  10386.77;  199  65223.74;  200  11456.51; 
+ 201  417110.7;  202  73589.29;  203  21238.41;  209  12334;  210  19186.25; 
+ 213  44156.17;  214  8948.098;  215  98182.21;  216  21433.18;  223  64089.79; 
+ 224  14225.45;  227  81146.63;  228  15723.92;  229  56398.21;  230  19038; 
+ 237  15073.93;  241  112647.8;  242  21311.26;  243  116369.1;  244  37862.24; 
+ 245  10336.24;  247  10973.01;  255  70293.99;  256  16005.25;  257  231125.3; 
+ 258  52503.98;  259  13751.73;  265  8957.13;  266  14089.55;  269  36357.32; 
+ 270  8762.52;  271  104425.3;  272  23672.12;  283  51033.64;  284  11000.26; 
+ 285  52722.37;  286  13549.35;  297  193236.2;  298  45806.18;  299  94487.06; 
+ 300  24623.71;  311  51010.91;  312  13802.65;  313  258115.5;  314  63774.56; 
+ 315  18283.11;  325  18237.29;  327  49421.9;  328  13799.44;  339  12591.33; 
+ 340  33512.7;  341  3629600;  342  1131953;  343  296295.9;  344  48265.02; 
+ 355  21033.21;  356  408272.9;  357  117149.7;  358  30165.79;  359  179121.8; 
+ 360  48405.46;  361  12059.81; 
+Name: Unknown 12
+DB.idx: -12
+rt: 14.951
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 62
+ 55  6812.075;  58  40120.12;  59  48124.42;  61  23162.41;  66  27562.85; 
+ 70  12228.93;  71  9582.086;  72  33534.97;  73  2695540;  74  241505.2; 
+ 75  182684.8;  76  13563.7;  80  7941.821;  84  38107.15;  85  11705.11; 
+ 86  19974.66;  93  23651.14;  98  9006.365;  99  10465.29;  100  25758.25; 
+ 108  25875.4;  110  10586.18;  112  59483.74;  113  10844.73;  114  27221.58; 
+ 115  16470.08;  122  56597.94;  127  7154.637;  131  82997.43;  132  17023.02; 
+ 133  106691.7;  134  15524.41;  139  8401.048;  140  147381.3;  141  26445.72; 
+ 142  16580.9;  147  1184808;  148  182037.1;  149  118057.7;  150  13335.12; 
+ 154  52797.08;  155  27663.84;  156  5118680;  157  887642.8;  158  274734.6; 
+ 159  20813.61;  168  10444.18;  170  7751.918;  172  7560.306;  174  14948.61; 
+ 186  8892.916;  214  121326.6;  215  24495.92;  216  10934.87;  228  26788.79; 
+ 230  644118;  231  126613.2;  232  55314.81;  258  734178.3;  259  157119.7; 
+ 260  65428.95;  261  8904.859; 
+Name: Unknown 13
+DB.idx: -13
+rt: 25.955
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 53  7014.362;  54  11191.39;  55  19552.89;  58  26742.24;  59  209808.8; 
+ 60  17004.38;  61  30818.53;  69  37092.91;  70  16805.93;  71  8484.984; 
+ 72  39439.11;  73  4938742;  74  552699.6;  75  412996;  76  31799.26; 
+ 77  23679.47;  81  34211.95;  82  104629.4;  83  29149.95;  85  31137.71; 
+ 86  13121.49;  87  13161.08;  88  7292.768;  89  466436.6;  90  40348.34; 
+ 91  22198.72;  96  11027.28;  97  14381.73;  99  23289.15;  100  96037.42; 
+ 101  67168.27;  102  40504.01;  103  693918.4;  104  66641.68;  105  108550.1; 
+ 106  10596.67;  107  6888.602;  109  15374.71;  110  16286.97;  111  30137.61; 
+ 112  11913.42;  113  41929.01;  114  43378.91;  115  35919;  116  39765.2; 
+ 117  679944.8;  118  64601.96;  119  44130.38;  124  6196.905;  125  7104.764; 
+ 126  27923.6;  127  41443.29;  128  36352.47;  129  784679.8;  130  465413.1; 
+ 131  150715.3;  132  31292.61;  133  262084.4;  134  36263.97;  135  24508.6; 
+ 138  18703.95;  139  18093.87;  140  17203.84;  141  19800.79;  142  71448.12; 
+ 143  143166.2;  144  27221.49;  145  78541.68;  146  21928.43;  147  1743031; 
+ 148  341710.7;  149  223222.4;  150  28450.81;  151  19550.77;  152  14611.81; 
+ 153  26540.3;  154  18089.84;  155  51406.25;  156  19926.17;  157  2188184; 
+ 158  372106;  159  139120;  160  362967.5;  161  329319;  162  46704.27; 
+ 163  600403.8;  164  97562.74;  165  47848.07;  166  6749.085;  168  30638.96; 
+ 169  428447.1;  170  257363.9;  171  61939.66;  172  60496.55;  173  46785.84; 
+ 174  111644.8;  175  25386.5;  176  7065.863;  177  27477.97;  178  5772.652; 
+ 180  26311.48;  181  18517.83;  182  22098.88;  183  25578.21;  184  12478.13; 
+ 185  13237.98;  186  88718.34;  187  32307.64;  188  17364.71;  189  1588772; 
+ 190  310894.8;  191  331482.5;  192  52820.55;  193  24030.19;  196  22846.57; 
+ 197  10939.92;  198  22498.15;  199  8272.734;  200  15220.22;  201  80935.62; 
+ 202  22605.64;  203  123138.1;  204  1098669;  205  757268.1;  206  185404.2; 
+ 207  60587.04;  208  7878.045;  212  37517.27;  213  10061.36;  214  58277.71; 
+ 215  64489.68;  216  72778.81;  217  3321525;  218  842924.3;  219  465929.1; 
+ 220  75587.03;  221  61411.23;  222  14758.5;  223  6525.015;  226  5809.215; 
+ 227  15054.25;  228  36417.01;  229  253158.2;  230  92028.1;  231  185284.1; 
+ 232  86806.27;  233  88086.49;  234  28725.17;  235  49438.53;  236  10441.04; 
+ 240  12879.69;  241  28221.08;  242  135305.5;  243  334448.5;  244  724080.1; 
+ 245  207871.6;  246  91336.52;  247  228362.7;  248  72724.47;  249  26268.9; 
+ 250  6111.394;  254  6181.196;  255  11531.6;  256  15147.81;  257  17645.81; 
+ 258  30314.48;  259  60214.15;  260  42096.32;  261  16806.39;  262  44291.57; 
+ 263  10718.39;  268  10692.2;  269  7260.441;  270  43386.62;  271  275795.1; 
+ 272  74618.63;  273  32889.79;  274  33417.87;  275  17058.29;  276  16867.28; 
+ 277  30060.1;  278  9925.037;  286  15016.08;  287  5940.147;  288  8624.327; 
+ 289  14996.3;  290  6442.107;  291  44485.4;  292  13376.47;  293  7539.801; 
+ 302  91283.32;  303  47811.05;  304  45186.15;  305  65166.84;  306  26963.58; 
+ 317  19519.93;  318  17540.58;  319  835582.1;  320  248509.5;  321  119373.6; 
+ 322  23554.03;  323  6801.498;  330  9280.445;  331  106657.8;  332  264057.5; 
+ 333  100869.2;  334  41167.94;  335  11481.92;  337  6090.924;  344  5827.736; 
+ 345  11820.09;  360  11257.01;  361  1007956;  362  328610.3;  363  155920.4; 
+ 364  43003.3;  392  25934.38;  393  8556.562;  394  35475.5;  395  11972.35; 
+ 396  6116.554;  450  7131.902;  451  12525.9; 
+Name: Unknown 14
+DB.idx: -14
+rt: 26.582
+Class: Unknown 8e-04
+Num Peaks: 147
+ 55  155533.2;  56  18507.41;  57  56105.04;  58  28687.2;  59  46650.46; 
+ 60  18479.16;  61  111072.5;  62  7603.289;  65  7127.397;  67  166204.5; 
+ 68  18062.02;  69  190162;  70  22764.05;  71  28760.39;  72  116045.9; 
+ 73  2361374;  74  209916.4;  75  2491281;  76  196543.8;  77  112134; 
+ 79  70133.67;  80  8696.265;  81  194020.5;  82  22278.09;  83  132449.7; 
+ 84  64859.24;  85  91815.3;  86  28564.39;  87  10444.62;  88  11923.33; 
+ 89  45474.77;  91  22677.45;  93  58521.19;  94  8097.786;  95  208107.5; 
+ 96  21842.96;  97  87725.43;  98  150267;  99  70802.29;  101  23063.52; 
+ 105  49889.5;  107  33182.35;  109  73201.91;  110  9285.328;  111  109165.3; 
+ 112  49542.86;  113  13843.89;  115  20521.16;  116  135714.9;  117  4743520; 
+ 118  595324;  119  248462;  120  12120.88;  121  36624.98;  123  25384.2; 
+ 125  19302.3;  126  18789.19;  127  22588.69;  129  2305554;  130  288466.6; 
+ 131  598255.9;  132  362620.7;  133  143205.2;  134  22946.91;  135  29684.95; 
+ 137  8296.059;  139  19960.24;  140  13626.55;  141  5819.386;  143  254948; 
+ 144  29707;  145  584976.9;  146  74602.55;  153  25309.3;  154  24257.49; 
+ 155  6328.638;  157  48244.22;  159  96987.74;  167  15262.91;  168  12539.69; 
+ 171  137330.8;  172  23025.46;  173  53565.43;  174  19842.3;  177  8129.946; 
+ 181  9532.239;  182  14963.94;  185  260767.8;  186  41699.13;  187  117797; 
+ 188  34108.04;  191  67438.27;  192  12192.51;  195  48835.05;  196  12215.35; 
+ 199  47967.98;  200  8636.907;  201  294275;  202  51174.58;  203  15023.4; 
+ 209  15177.99;  213  60868.78;  214  11102.76;  215  61809.73;  216  24410.61; 
+ 227  80200.57;  228  15176.97;  229  106017.8;  230  25629.16;  237  6342.98; 
+ 238  9215.649;  241  52693.22;  242  11678.14;  243  121974;  244  27608.6; 
+ 245  7924.225;  255  36746.66;  256  8151.99;  257  97733.9;  258  22961.26; 
+ 260  15635.55;  269  150222.9;  270  31401.28;  271  63708.51;  272  16206.49; 
+ 283  46999.05;  284  10381;  285  186176.4;  286  45338.68;  287  12660.99; 
+ 297  13179.23;  299  52583.54;  300  12214.01;  311  8385.19;  312  21295.75; 
+ 313  3336360;  314  955690.7;  315  250811.6;  316  36723.21;  327  17015.88; 
+ 328  230385.3;  329  60175.73;  330  16371.5;  331  138335.7;  332  34603.09; 
+ 333  9617.081;  376  23182.79; 
+Name: Unknown 15
+DB.idx: -15
+rt: 9.672
+Class: Unknown 0.0038
+Num Peaks: 47
+ 55  16184.26;  58  15025.37;  59  78527.73;  60  15054.17;  61  15385.23; 
+ 66  10291.86;  72  26871.11;  73  2370544;  74  245029;  75  175089; 
+ 76  15196.17;  85  9988.354;  86  25533;  98  12881.66;  100  233858.5; 
+ 104  28785.01;  112  16022.36;  114  29754.1;  128  75186.37;  130  47987.09; 
+ 131  78243.05;  132  63295.49;  133  81941.2;  134  12229.02;  142  15746.89; 
+ 144  4526017;  145  720059.1;  146  222193.9;  147  875522.6;  148  142778.5; 
+ 149  91619.63;  150  10233.85;  156  47913.5;  157  49355.3;  163  28469.88; 
+ 164  5375.023;  171  23214.9;  203  12115.45;  218  469279;  219  546435.1; 
+ 220  119408.7;  221  43082.88;  246  32523.5;  247  36693.15;  248  9130.37; 
+ 261  13714.82;  281  17367.95; 
+Name: Unknown 16
+DB.idx: -16
+rt: 37.205
+Class: Unknown 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 57  148445.4;  58  10026.93;  61  10379.79;  73  2111804;  74  183569.9; 
+ 75  259797.5;  76  18182.73;  77  15228.93;  79  15467.76;  91  65157.25; 
+ 92  5320.026;  105  58082.29;  106  6683.072;  107  11640.35;  115  39908.61; 
+ 116  12208.3;  117  57622.93;  119  89892.52;  120  10007.1;  121  8607.028; 
+ 127  8477.056;  128  35353.5;  129  58167.59;  131  40512.05;  133  50077.22; 
+ 135  18961.74;  141  18162.43;  142  19711.16;  143  47444.79;  144  13056.66; 
+ 145  41586.8;  146  11174.45;  147  549481.3;  148  82663.88;  149  61969.77; 
+ 150  7758.31;  151  34482.55;  152  7617.264;  153  7472.194;  155  9461.159; 
+ 159  24357.43;  161  39262.28;  162  8865.2;  163  111136.2;  164  18231.69; 
+ 165  33327.79;  166  6535.833;  167  5558.004;  169  11627.98;  171  14056.05; 
+ 173  42873.25;  174  12019.92;  175  126439.6;  176  18514.95;  177  162945.6; 
+ 178  35729.34;  179  185629;  180  30824.69;  181  15826.56;  187  23905.68; 
+ 188  7860.418;  189  211182;  190  55391.44;  191  530982.2;  192  92166.63; 
+ 193  75322.62;  194  15745.29;  195  6766.175;  197  8594.076;  199  8397.627; 
+ 201  31770.48;  202  23110.31;  203  240258.6;  204  61241.5;  205  374321.7; 
+ 206  74502.35;  207  571131.2;  208  104600.8;  209  45965.56;  210  7181.948; 
+ 213  6666.267;  215  42750.25;  216  25658.9;  217  164175.2;  218  100114.3; 
+ 219  828436.1;  220  160609.5;  221  76721.32;  222  15565.78;  223  7638.624; 
+ 227  8560.351;  228  7028.444;  229  32203.05;  230  13516.16;  231  167050.5; 
+ 232  52792.74;  233  114732.8;  234  84033.8;  235  146725.5;  236  30219.37; 
+ 237  17881.27;  239  6304.488;  241  30909.65;  242  6233.196;  243  12820.92; 
+ 245  68970.16;  246  19609.56;  247  2099502;  248  484800.1;  249  213288.9; 
+ 250  79937.49;  251  18041.77;  252  5788.657;  253  16871.72;  254  5225.636; 
+ 255  5873.1;  256  29081.64;  261  99868.9;  262  103964.2;  263  428646.8; 
+ 264  100315.2;  265  26578.32;  266  8541.952;  267  11920.24;  269  10581.22; 
+ 271  6108.656;  278  7473.89;  279  20630.36;  280  9568.463;  281  24043.22; 
+ 282  12013.26;  283  39618.21;  284  9050.964;  289  7926.019;  290  5266.922; 
+ 291  15474.52;  292  8170.045;  293  29647.19;  294  11757.96;  295  16254.44; 
+ 296  8292.497;  297  61514.55;  298  17913.02;  307  75838.97;  308  18689.83; 
+ 309  79608.38;  310  20348.18;  311  148988.1;  312  38382.04;  313  11913.09; 
+ 315  6943.129;  317  6104.628;  323  15016.48;  324  5621.693;  325  89787.26; 
+ 326  26692.39;  327  25060.68;  328  6645.564;  333  10248.12;  335  11951.19; 
+ 336  6429.217;  337  29437.16;  338  11601.07;  339  50034.74;  340  14533.18; 
+ 349  504479.6;  350  136692.7;  351  33927.25;  352  11547.04;  353  148471.7; 
+ 354  44883.16;  355  14905.37;  365  33700.06;  366  12054.27;  367  535065.9; 
+ 368  156777.8;  369  48422.05;  370  14489.14;  371  41196.75;  372  13314.56; 
+ 373  4736.74;  379  12894.22;  380  4388.634;  381  221141;  382  71766.41; 
+ 383  121191.9;  384  35582.73;  385  16862.33;  386  5489.615;  393  34293.61; 
+ 394  12697.46;  395  15527.03;  396  5878.513;  397  14504.33;  398  6091.072; 
+ 399  77818.95;  400  25866.34;  401  9690.379;  407  15353.67;  408  5704.373; 
+ 409  165023.5;  410  56745.73;  411  18223.78;  412  5262.866;  423  208536.4; 
+ 424  102398.9;  425  35902.97;  426  10583.23;  427  35443.22;  428  13223.36; 
+ 437  16822.06;  438  7748.247;  439  59509.95;  440  25832.89;  441  31022.44; 
+ 442  9964.034;  453  12950.22;  454  5177.313;  455  4228586;  456  1988427; 
+ 457  756209;  458  175995.3;  459  32050.18;
+Name: Unknown 17
+DB.idx: -17
+rt: 11.522
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 147
+ 52  20662.29;  55  7305.105;  57  8297;  58  18910.62;  59  45265.62; 
+ 60  9815.964;  61  49893.02;  62  6197.997;  63  34978.36;  66  107432.3; 
+ 67  148034.5;  68  34540.18;  70  21225.86;  71  12720.05;  72  118653.7; 
+ 73  2085705;  74  235871.5;  75  559257;  76  47355.39;  77  945736.8; 
+ 78  76276.04;  79  47029.44;  81  137931.2;  82  10621.96;  85  6233.202; 
+ 86  55810.11;  88  9236.807;  90  100565.2;  92  9963.398;  93  18698.98; 
+ 95  20366.04;  96  7553.355;  97  10336.33;  98  95262.64;  99  16008.33; 
+ 100  62446.29;  101  16008.63;  102  35500.38;  104  20576.05;  105  15450.46; 
+ 106  6546.832;  107  5288.614;  108  9240.915;  112  12044.22;  113  8524.502; 
+ 114  23212.52;  115  12928.1;  116  17918.63;  117  82813.02;  118  13089; 
+ 120  13403.37;  121  29866.07;  122  68476;  123  12122.19;  127  8653.571; 
+ 128  20601.88;  130  28509.65;  131  110915.5;  132  32816.57;  134  15289.93; 
+ 135  21017.03;  137  12706.4;  138  13771.63;  139  75648.46;  140  190688.9; 
+ 141  62473.43;  142  18055.85;  143  541186.2;  144  89360.57;  145  27066.9; 
+ 146  15482.98;  147  2398012;  148  476277.1;  149  237084.5;  150  29788.88; 
+ 151  129083.6;  152  26183.48;  153  13570.5;  154  6103.895;  155  27933.71; 
+ 159  7876.844;  162  17211.83;  163  131313.4;  164  364660.5;  165  46093.32; 
+ 166  61494.8;  167  12889.71;  168  50987.07;  169  7868.971;  170  159450.8; 
+ 171  106331;  172  31236.23;  173  11742.55;  174  49330.59;  175  9415.364; 
+ 176  6560.327;  178  35965;  179  6087.981;  180  96234.77;  181  16012.45; 
+ 182  180128.6;  183  21800.72;  184  17627.22;  186  23324.34;  187  16094; 
+ 188  9270.273;  191  49265.55;  193  168872.2;  194  21214.06;  195  9731.194; 
+ 200  9337.675;  201  21494.34;  208  50423.12;  209  84960.05;  210  20487.89; 
+ 211  47864.76;  213  152433.8;  214  29300.57;  215  31930.42;  229  223898.1; 
+ 230  50977.76;  231  20331.03;  252  13981.39;  255  9381.01;  259  22917.53; 
+ 261  5252.089;  262  42745.26;  263  67905.97;  264  19549.76;  265  7362.073; 
+ 267  171157.8;  268  32514.8;  269  14714.22;  277  205555.5;  278  146648.2; 
+ 279  41707.63;  280  11735.32;  281  28007;  282  17471.82;  283  4151709; 
+ 284  1040377;  285  438759.2;  286  61089.45;  287  11009.25;  297  10689.33; 
+ 298  114685.8;  299  28712.91; 
+Name: Unknown 18
+DB.idx: -18
+rt: 8.379
+Class: Unknown 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 30
+ 56  18181.18;  58  24418.42;  59  194031.6;  60  14918.64;  61  51080.48; 
+ 62  4119.728;  70  20519.5;  72  108125.6;  73  3421202;  74  322452.1; 
+ 75  447289.3;  76  34400;  84  42371.58;  86  106556.3;  87  41590.45; 
+ 102  80230.45;  114  43023.49;  128  9656.388;  130  1975299;  144  657576.8; 
+ 145  87689;  146  69978.01;  159  14205.47;  173  37142.35;  174  1446968; 
+ 175  199474.6;  176  62839.43;  188  1464228;  189  214496.9;  203  151982.7; 
+Name: Unknown 19
+DB.idx: -19
+rt: 25.317
+Class: Unknown 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 218
+ 53  6327.663;  54  10527.35;  55  13544.15;  58  16143.72;  59  121639.6; 
+ 60  9504.793;  61  18936.05;  68  4200.081;  69  22806.25;  70  11823.23; 
+ 72  23042.08;  73  3334884;  74  317985.9;  75  259537.7;  76  19569.59; 
+ 77  16416.57;  80  5203.065;  81  35419.03;  82  82372;  83  14876.08; 
+ 84  4334.028;  85  13842.2;  86  9473.231;  87  7862.57;  88  4476.924; 
+ 89  247648.1;  90  21251.83;  91  11857.88;  96  8079.38;  97  8063.298; 
+ 99  16899.17;  100  41308.49;  101  38784.86;  102  23068.81;  103  374841.4; 
+ 104  37899.95;  105  62378.61;  106  6827.026;  109  17501.31;  110  18529.88; 
+ 111  19597.93;  112  7293.545;  113  23553.99;  114  26017.15;  115  23224.6; 
+ 116  21963.49;  117  358992.2;  118  36748;  119  26607.24;  125  5481.392; 
+ 126  16169.7;  127  25872.85;  128  23953.47;  129  462174.8;  130  258656.8; 
+ 131  99622.73;  132  20301.21;  133  150924.5;  134  21393.06;  135  14647.53; 
+ 138  12889.37;  139  17891.98;  140  12421.6;  141  14069.04;  142  52482.78; 
+ 143  85698.16;  144  18771.5;  145  40000.2;  146  13597.13;  147  1179269; 
+ 148  250926.4;  149  145094.9;  150  18481.47;  151  13469.92;  152  10577.13; 
+ 153  28397.12;  154  13530.37;  155  46073.75;  156  14881.19;  157  1040352; 
+ 158  183227.3;  159  62701.36;  160  186751.1;  161  165457.6;  162  25234.86; 
+ 163  270533.5;  164  43604.68;  165  20963.74;  166  4868.449;  168  23017.11; 
+ 169  420819.1;  170  238611.1;  171  53943.88;  172  35936.73;  173  26296.55; 
+ 174  71251.27;  175  15891.19;  176  5772.687;  177  14148.73;  180  12022.86; 
+ 181  15808.86;  182  12696.31;  183  26675.9;  184  10065.91;  185  8071.801; 
+ 186  79712.48;  187  19033.18;  188  9928.066;  189  852896.3;  190  155960.5; 
+ 191  227541.4;  192  39265.21;  193  16483.59;  196  14049.58;  197  8997.413; 
+ 198  13168.41;  199  7642.726;  200  19729.29;  201  46470.39;  202  14598.69; 
+ 203  70892.98;  204  542159.9;  205  374426.9;  206  89692.89;  207  30437.95; 
+ 212  24112.63;  213  6931.857;  214  27075.01;  215  40617.21;  216  49630.11; 
+ 217  2462528;  218  585692.4;  219  319328.6;  220  50675.91;  221  43639.2; 
+ 222  11868.25;  223  4978.708;  227  16004.39;  228  26420.74;  229  148223.9; 
+ 230  56643.21;  231  97196.52;  232  49082.57;  233  36296.48;  234  13020.73; 
+ 235  14183.06;  239  5189.027;  240  6898.892;  241  30517.15;  242  93804.8; 
+ 243  346211.2;  244  320938.3;  245  114127.6;  246  45853.14;  247  110074.3; 
+ 248  42404.55;  249  14012.16;  250  3852.444;  254  3891.876;  255  10814.34; 
+ 256  11013.41;  257  18887.55;  258  27649.39;  259  32011.38;  260  40330.49; 
+ 261  12136.41;  262  27403.79;  263  7986.532;  268  4769.352;  270  23049.13; 
+ 271  279177.8;  272  74387.62;  273  32413.08;  274  23687.32;  276  9530.077; 
+ 286  11665.04;  287  5643.217;  288  5798.248;  289  14659.93;  290  9495.972; 
+ 291  33432.36;  292  13260.26;  293  6628.802;  302  53991.06;  303  33012.99; 
+ 304  25299.32;  305  47150.47;  306  19220.36;  317  16585.14;  318  15295.67; 
+ 319  420805.2;  320  123064.4;  321  61211.62;  322  12174.93;  330  4613.333; 
+ 331  98953.18;  332  228826.3;  333  87628.02;  334  36103.48;  335  9799.982; 
+ 344  3878.535;  345  11134.87;  346  4435.043;  350  4943.901;  360  7705.489; 
+ 361  1050390;  362  343469.9;  363  163123;  364  40738.41;  392  20373.58; 
+ 393  7254.018;  394  22197.97;  395  7245.769;  450  5605.721;  451  12938.31; 
+ 452  5814.685;  482  10720.24;  483  4371.642; 
+Name: Unknown 20
+DB.idx: -20
+rt: 24.55
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 53  15700.9;  54  15138.37;  55  284349.3;  56  15094.3;  57  27535.6; 
+ 58  217797;  59  1093533;  60  94732.66;  61  64627.2;  62  5239.778; 
+ 65  8032.772;  67  54818.89;  68  10886.31;  69  137603.3;  70  56858.4; 
+ 71  40157.7;  72  220427.1;  74  2266675;  75  1548469;  76  79200.71; 
+ 77  44340.12;  78  9157.023;  79  11347.89;  80  10224.35;  81  39462.35; 
+ 82  84680.43;  83  1060213;  84  72040.98;  85  49575.05;  86  59808.81; 
+ 87  60795.2;  88  67353.57;  89  2051509;  90  284720.3;  91  132339.2; 
+ 92  7692.516;  94  5701.405;  95  8348.73;  96  164511.7;  97  189823; 
+ 98  25812.68;  99  88144.98;  100  1176833;  101  366141.6;  102  204494; 
+ 103  2570805;  104  489137.9;  105  1380622;  106  165181.3;  107  63584.27; 
+ 109  12057.77;  110  16697.57;  111  89300.27;  112  26127.98;  113  146271.9; 
+ 114  185420.9;  115  108297.7;  116  110700.5;  117  2746259;  118  566948.2; 
+ 119  369508.8;  120  29657.56;  121  11761.21;  124  4824.999;  125  28492.96; 
+ 126  82462.64;  127  192075.8;  128  94858.7;  129  3328544;  130  1296006; 
+ 131  1103968;  132  192444.3;  133  1970554;  134  371045.4;  135  178625.8; 
+ 136  19261.98;  137  6553.411;  138  36173.22;  139  21256.18;  140  34926.79; 
+ 141  80483.67;  142  133351.1;  143  605992.2;  144  83366.27;  145  127849.9; 
+ 146  56144.82;  148  2629245;  149  1973640;  150  332250.3;  151  111589.3; 
+ 152  45901.78;  153  29831.55;  154  85054.72;  155  38386.9;  156  35705.15; 
+ 158  1286424;  159  652872.8;  161  1472294;  162  481035.2;  163  742101.3; 
+ 164  121343.2;  165  65885.38;  166  19651.72;  167  8307.268;  168  66210.69; 
+ 169  420806.1;  170  108677.3;  171  55931.1;  172  293511.9;  173  182232.2; 
+ 174  95526.34;  175  289251;  176  50114.85;  177  418893.3;  178  84957.59; 
+ 180  56760.28;  181  11397.04;  182  200168.3;  183  39471.06;  184  31507.16; 
+ 185  43291.04;  186  330113.9;  187  149058.6;  188  145118.2;  189  2056185; 
+ 190  705034;  191  1044791;  192  211837;  193  89605.14;  194  17203.86; 
+ 195  5213.868;  196  138015.9;  197  24885.18;  198  30597.81;  199  8931.417; 
+ 200  89949.93;  201  898403.5;  202  216069.7;  203  279968.3;  204  1498439; 
+ 206  2239142;  207  1413222;  208  233892.9;  209  48376.91;  210  145339; 
+ 211  27126.57;  212  13493.85;  213  11192.21;  214  676022.4;  215  231580.3; 
+ 216  184187.6;  218  1839851;  219  983021.1;  220  198015.3;  221  656973.4; 
+ 222  159922.6;  223  87894.92;  224  16336.93;  225  5424.187;  226  12933.64; 
+ 227  11826.12;  228  68238.38;  229  2247092;  230  976792.6;  231  589966.2; 
+ 232  193623;  233  1141031;  234  338526.1;  235  591257.8;  236  117765.4; 
+ 237  57623.25;  238  11017.91;  240  77101.28;  241  64152.64;  242  289424.7; 
+ 243  261980.6;  244  298376;  245  276620.3;  246  240540.1;  247  174261.2; 
+ 248  63734.14;  249  23772.95;  250  6300.767;  251  21318.49;  252  16811.44; 
+ 253  15742.25;  254  34073.7;  255  10655.85;  256  61283.61;  257  26844.34; 
+ 258  23703.78;  259  141384.7;  260  91217.81;  261  47527.35;  262  162290.7; 
+ 263  44087.86;  264  20403.83;  265  119321.3;  266  30718.07;  267  17236.03; 
+ 268  520783.4;  269  273007.1;  270  166417.9;  271  41804.75;  273  404823.5; 
+ 274  435167.1;  275  175789.7;  276  72950.69;  277  1209634;  278  414857.7; 
+ 279  198762;  284  62672.52;  285  35025.64;  286  33211.29;  287  10368.31; 
+ 288  47022.67;  289  23239.31;  290  21351.36;  291  1071682;  292  362988.2; 
+ 293  186205.8;  294  38966.44;  295  11052.18;
+Name: Unknown 21
+DB.idx: -21
+rt: 10.869
+Class: Unknown 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 58  6392.718;  59  33749.57;  61  7098.332;  66  40777.23;  68  12902.42; 
+ 70  34248.16;  72  28484.62;  73  1254372;  74  106558.4;  80  5467.112; 
+ 84  4848.256;  85  7866.727;  98  5241.831;  106  5725.139;  107  4639.756; 
+ 113  8813.209;  126  4447.887;  127  4702.755;  140  16610.17;  142  3274166; 
+ 143  475247.3;  144  144751.1;  145  10409.22;  147  317461.5;  170  20447.59; 
+ 175  15140.43;  216  196440.6;  244  22318.82; 
+Name: Unknown 22
+DB.idx: -22
+rt: 28.524
+Class: Unknown 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 148
+ 58  10290.67;  59  21879.33;  70  6086.132;  72  15225.46;  73  1503033; 
+ 74  122628;  84  17907.37;  85  4335.471;  86  13188.7;  87  4243.778; 
+ 98  9831.153;  99  8189.196;  100  96369.31;  101  11803.3;  102  5736.801; 
+ 113  6685.078;  114  4184.125;  125  3890.906;  130  26580.23;  131  131802.2; 
+ 132  27672.29;  133  42304.23;  141  17778.72;  147  664191.6;  148  104320.2; 
+ 149  61366.88;  150  7543.648;  155  8403.521;  156  7392.297;  158  46953.8; 
+ 159  8846.44;  167  6794.157;  168  3750.477;  170  5618.087;  171  58899.45; 
+ 172  53491.42;  173  12544.06;  174  40070.57;  175  7211.982;  176  3476.451; 
+ 181  3232.763;  182  8296.628;  184  8906.122;  188  9644.661;  195  7673.35; 
+ 197  11432.67;  198  9040.643;  199  40064.79;  200  8908.288;  210  3862.265; 
+ 213  7657.442;  224  15563.49;  225  6938.712;  226  4750.667;  227  3478.392; 
+ 232  7560.497;  236  4265.289;  238  5846.586;  240  6552.756;  242  6397.771; 
+ 245  15218.87;  246  5175.127;  251  7137.035;  252  19871.4;  253  8601.042; 
+ 254  10729.09;  255  5498.387;  256  5624.85;  265  4871.409;  266  5683.089; 
+ 267  15111.39;  268  8997.71;  269  5168.607;  279  18737.65;  280  5322.322; 
+ 282  3837.915;  284  6122.648;  292  6717.25;  293  17116.49;  294  17062.24; 
+ 295  21239.01;  296  8068.25;  297  5579.174;  298  12419.1;  308  31709.68; 
+ 309  10796.29;  310  15513.28;  311  13675.21;  312  7025.852;  314  9662.907; 
+ 323  4551.392;  324  15132.29;  325  15353.4;  326  93185.63;  327  30745.35; 
+ 328  61396.6;  329  17156.32;  330  7856.286;  337  3635.078;  339  9510.999; 
+ 340  9900.62;  341  26751.11;  342  13347.93;  343  6733.319;  351  74871.45; 
+ 352  24175.44;  353  174296.6;  354  49172.59;  355  24283.62;  366  75921.87; 
+ 367  643991;  368  226354.9;  369  178081.9;  370  49791.32;  371  18894.04; 
+ 372  4432.237;  381  6318.237;  382  976720.4;  383  363389.9;  384  192708.5; 
+ 385  48803.06;  386  14676.93;  387  3610.68;  399  6136.917;  400  7232.161; 
+ 411  5518.715;  413  8737.939;  414  8824.286;  415  4759.408;  425  48532.79; 
+ 426  17979.14;  427  13178.23;  428  4548.086;  439  4712.894;  440  5023.238; 
+ 441  2813424;  442  1200687;  443  654945.4;  444  173466.3;  445  49729.8; 
+ 446  9810.453;  455  124723;  456  2129412;  457  917588.8;  458  490996.4; 
+ 459  137897.6;  460  40291.12;  461  9568.374; 
+Name: Unknown 23
+DB.idx: -23
+rt: 7.126
+Class: Unknown 0.004
+Num Peaks: 59
+ 56  11191.81;  57  8808.888;  58  97135.77;  59  365449.6;  60  29414.15; 
+ 61  26886.13;  70  13782.66;  71  15260.4;  72  102123.3;  73  2172792; 
+ 74  681099.1;  75  201030.7;  76  31793.52;  77  60359.18;  78  6073.672; 
+ 84  15730.8;  86  10325.17;  89  631956.1;  90  51070.89;  91  24861.01; 
+ 98  18243.4;  99  310027.7;  100  131856.3;  101  19580.59;  105  35063.87; 
+ 106  5091.948;  107  5179.068;  114  41590.73;  115  236408.8;  116  31193.28; 
+ 121  4643.262;  123  3387.866;  128  6906.682;  143  23459.86;  151  40012.59; 
+ 152  16394.39;  153  6306.381;  155  35285.14;  158  187455.1;  159  27158.94; 
+ 174  2762466;  175  353138.9;  176  129268.4;  177  10332.92;  178  27766.63; 
+ 179  4880.62;  193  13495.72;  195  3380.597;  209  20585.23;  225  190962; 
+ 226  40406.39;  227  23952.72;  228  4221.81;  248  4924.132;  252  13027.63; 
+ 266  3974.917;  318  356513.2;  319  87855;  320  46069.5; 
+Name: Unknown 24
+DB.idx: -24
+rt: 22.736
+Class: Unknown 0.0077
+Num Peaks: 147
+ 55  26954.19;  56  19749.96;  58  11697.82;  59  94651.74;  60  7465.147; 
+ 61  11789.29;  69  155096.3;  70  8622.075;  72  16648.09;  73  2437644; 
+ 74  212567.9;  75  241489.8;  76  18553.03;  81  23806.51;  83  16947.11; 
+ 85  8914.339;  87  6147.002;  91  7300.961;  97  36800.47;  98  3392.011; 
+ 99  19184.6;  101  153373.4;  102  16649.41;  103  260686.3;  104  24953.34; 
+ 109  4448.04;  111  17724.29;  113  74395.85;  114  11450.76;  115  31465.38; 
+ 116  91816.53;  117  157545.9;  118  17200.86;  119  20327.79;  125  5307.028; 
+ 127  33795.66;  128  18643.7;  129  383557.5;  131  138975.7;  132  20237.33; 
+ 133  231160.7;  134  31882.04;  135  18420.54;  139  4964.033;  141  16239.91; 
+ 142  10421.81;  143  164224;  144  20632.06;  145  25597.23;  147  1895118; 
+ 148  314707.8;  149  264465.3;  150  34052.14;  151  19660.71;  152  3515.713; 
+ 153  13590.93;  154  6544.032;  155  70690.39;  156  11810.88;  159  79195.38; 
+ 167  39311.43;  168  6085.776;  169  146102;  170  28208.27;  171  13077.96; 
+ 173  12079.93;  174  22152.32;  175  34033.09;  176  5746.02;  177  44602.55; 
+ 178  7709.693;  179  4662.9;  182  25846.58;  183  244915.2;  184  34717; 
+ 185  16161.99;  189  369244;  190  69763.33;  191  1146177;  192  200638.3; 
+ 193  94554.38;  194  11251.48;  203  286027.5;  204  377174.6;  205  158774.5; 
+ 206  39027.09;  215  72674.02;  216  17192.02;  217  1894868;  218  871238.2; 
+ 219  267372.4;  220  66393.44;  221  57480.37;  222  13772.3;  223  7593.921; 
+ 229  70663.15;  230  38530.01;  231  106732;  232  25447.04;  233  28547.29; 
+ 234  7935.006;  241  3271.881;  242  24525.04;  243  58654.41;  245  132107.3; 
+ 246  56499.6;  255  16686.42;  256  7617.25;  257  334939.7;  258  72888.4; 
+ 259  436802;  260  95737.94;  261  39178.1;  262  9176.33;  265  6610.303; 
+ 271  34470.21;  272  118705.1;  273  86923.05;  291  24522.05;  292  10437.3; 
+ 293  5294.164;  305  74481.16;  306  70192.65;  307  42804.71;  308  13727.75; 
+ 317  15986.23;  318  10515.02;  331  57856.69;  332  53965.57;  333  21057.54; 
+ 334  8295.569;  335  15116.34;  336  4527.462;  344  6175.042;  345  4274.958; 
+ 347  37638.4;  348  25021.53;  349  66932.91;  350  20484.36;  351  10746.57; 
+ 362  124222.4;  363  42466.45;  437  12551.5;  438  5421.411;  452  12778.18; 
+ 453  5037.236;  454  3062.433; 
+Name: Unknown 25
+DB.idx: -25
+rt: 10.493
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 96  14838.26;  100  70084.98;  102  326384;  158  2322256;  159  347966.4; 
+ 160  97685.7;  170  27854.04;  232  108106.5;  233  28166.05;  234  10984.91; 
+ 260  37202.02;  261  7990.255; 
+Name: Unknown 26
+DB.idx: -26
+rt: 27.14
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 128
+ 55  5688.73;  58  7486.156;  59  45496.61;  60  3702.564;  61  6549.708; 
+ 69  12052.34;  72  9834.967;  73  1537122;  74  128451.6;  81  7145.106; 
+ 83  16280.54;  89  80629.21;  90  7628.19;  91  7502.856;  100  85740.71; 
+ 101  15117.1;  102  12640.41;  103  62127.27;  104  6834.339;  105  14748.1; 
+ 111  5787.63;  113  11751.29;  116  11146.15;  117  56379.39;  127  7091.204; 
+ 128  7505.771;  129  128479.5;  130  22341.51;  131  38635.59;  132  15928.49; 
+ 133  52379.85;  134  7962.051;  141  5821.097;  142  6279.515;  143  36858.15; 
+ 145  7324.449;  147  513933.3;  148  144040.9;  149  58279.38;  150  8176.886; 
+ 153  5143.493;  154  3198.32;  155  8557.892;  157  173060.5;  158  23841.73; 
+ 159  15266.84;  161  12262.86;  163  17897.51;  164  3495.038;  168  3540.398; 
+ 169  30179.27;  170  8245.919;  172  29164.42;  175  6783.768;  177  7122.214; 
+ 180  5643.047;  182  9551.212;  187  5160.145;  188  5866.946;  189  297638.7; 
+ 190  55387.29;  191  103189.2;  192  18972.72;  193  8052.571;  196  4904.114; 
+ 203  32347.29;  204  2232669;  205  551369;  206  212863.2;  207  32973.37; 
+ 214  5114.222;  215  11715.15;  216  7156.582;  217  480269.4;  218  124719.2; 
+ 219  49130.2;  220  515727;  221  103702.8;  222  43792.78;  223  6078.246; 
+ 227  2919.242;  228  2745.636;  229  45421.27;  230  24962.45;  231  20135.26; 
+ 232  8929.083;  233  59560.69;  234  16462.45;  235  7106.515;  242  8558.153; 
+ 243  33943.7;  244  17525.85;  245  10207.08;  246  5765.84;  247  5264.242; 
+ 259  33921.07;  260  10285.55;  261  4367.066;  262  6077;  268  5708.684; 
+ 270  9174.932;  271  6135.467;  272  3048.161;  291  19348.01;  292  6241.434; 
+ 293  3698.962;  294  4666.951;  304  9142.102;  305  38476.42;  306  15024.02; 
+ 317  8814.937;  319  689168.9;  320  200409.6;  321  101729.9;  322  19918.87; 
+ 323  5191.699;  331  8400.39;  332  8085.24;  333  10091.29;  334  4083.607; 
+ 344  4166.958;  358  5670.73;  360  2466.616;  361  12782.79;  362  4757.166; 
+ 437  7779.225;  438  3202.642;  448  4198.613; 
+Name: Unknown 27
+DB.idx: -27
+rt: 8.667
+Class: Unknown 0.006
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 56  4049.901;  69  60461.1;  73  1530662;  91  27775.36;  126  3164.036; 
+ 128  29799.14;  142  71668.63;  143  55910.37;  147  1336049;  152  36937.79; 
+ 153  5250.852;  167  7322;  191  2039721;  192  384044.6;  193  179518.5; 
+ 194  20738.95;  195  4540.323;  204  231041.7;  246  6683.29; 
+Name: Unknown 28
+DB.idx: -28
+rt: 11.034
+Class: Unknown 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 59  135166.3;  60  10503.28;  73  626348.1;  86  304343.5;  87  25751.24; 
+ 88  11973.6;  100  150278.4;  101  20746.96;  102  8786.364;  113  6327.134; 
+ 130  40559.21;  131  35045.55;  133  104483;  134  16110.86;  147  530837.9; 
+ 148  83167.12;  149  53803.81;  172  16739.08;  174  1920908;  175  362110; 
+ 176  159576.1;  177  19496.85;  178  3511.011;  188  10732.9;  202  6258.201; 
+ 246  33855.84;  248  415465;  249  100342.4;  250  50613.83;  251  8639.188; 
+ 252  2234.903;  276  129907.1;  277  33286.41;  278  16948.84;  279  3533.743; 
+Name: Unknown 29
+DB.idx: -29
+rt: 23.849
+Class: Unknown 0.0049
+Num Peaks: 30
+ 55  12274.42;  83  51963.54;  86  8336.475;  107  4260.674;  157  533612.3; 
+ 158  77956.26;  159  29933.97;  160  593001.4;  161  100227.1;  162  28692.33; 
+ 205  945418.8;  206  191056.9;  207  83360.24;  208  10626.63;  210  19430.64; 
+ 229  193062.4;  234  20576.33;  274  49018.02;  294  2345.025;  319  1741391; 
+ 320  541294.4;  321  261829.6;  322  50181.88;  323  13370.03;  329  7698.52; 
+ 373  4792.44;  388  3468.954;  419  6344.091;  494  10241.01;  495  3854.499; 
+Name: Unknown 30
+DB.idx: -30
+rt: 6.905
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 49
+ 59  29324.6;  72  17706.61;  73  1150315;  74  92150.76;  77  151465.9; 
+ 87  5353.624;  100  245139.3;  101  22797.03;  102  10063.96;  107  5488.979; 
+ 115  26803.35;  121  10519.47;  123  5638.134;  131  145420.8;  132  30398.85; 
+ 135  36272.14;  137  20218.12;  147  1624579;  148  266536.2;  149  181364.9; 
+ 150  23724.78;  151  322738;  155  10059.36;  158  71400.67;  159  11198.14; 
+ 168  39779.24;  169  7849.116;  174  452526.3;  175  73648.46;  176  35203.82; 
+ 178  27580.04;  179  4171.598;  180  2896.606;  187  3653.5;  196  16336.65; 
+ 197  2548.898;  224  43301.55;  226  3418.723;  246  8434.172;  250  8382.423; 
+ 262  449277.7;  263  111789.8;  264  56365.23;  265  10205.08;  266  98267.01; 
+ 267  23207.1;  268  12797.22;  316  36508.21;  317  9562.827; 
+Name: Unknown 31
+DB.idx: -31
+rt: 24.188
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 53  22166.43;  54  59618.54;  55  380849.8;  56  23167.19;  57  37207.4; 
+ 58  278317;  59  1123734;  60  140681.9;  61  97662.02;  62  6321.43; 
+ 63  4132.53;  65  11437.2;  66  9473.125;  67  121998.3;  68  30309.27; 
+ 69  89979.54;  70  110968.8;  71  60166.65;  72  307695.5;  75  1416359; 
+ 76  102123;  77  58583.52;  78  13021.17;  79  16703.76;  80  40101.98; 
+ 81  42209.54;  82  266872.2;  83  1137899;  84  111778.3;  85  76724.56; 
+ 86  246353.5;  87  93034.75;  88  99674.89;  90  320807.3;  91  154512.9; 
+ 92  10337.22;  94  12963.01;  95  12177.7;  96  20954.91;  97  95009.83; 
+ 98  42699.05;  99  137285.1;  100  785646.4;  101  455720.7;  102  347599.6; 
+ 104  335445.8;  105  1572034;  106  300742.1;  107  123128.9;  108  9055.29; 
+ 109  17244.49;  110  41340.16;  111  114308.1;  112  60435.39;  113  207732.1; 
+ 114  567419.9;  115  283188.6;  116  142327;  118  706935.9;  119  481119.4; 
+ 120  42829.11;  121  16379.42;  124  14297.71;  125  40059.46;  126  125252.2; 
+ 127  266944.5;  128  273927.9;  130  1386017;  131  1091005;  132  249770.9; 
+ 133  1532749;  134  388191.5;  135  220060.8;  136  24156.5;  137  9461.816; 
+ 138  38439.8;  139  34653.12;  140  73487.24;  141  113095.6;  142  346134.1; 
+ 143  700480.2;  144  127016.7;  145  257737;  146  71316.27;  150  446593.3; 
+ 151  165225.4;  152  78396.34;  153  31801.81;  154  64873.43;  155  89553.62; 
+ 158  1389669;  159  753140.1;  162  752531;  163  787756;  164  161171.2; 
+ 165  82919.23;  166  34899.58;  167  15661.16;  168  123552.9;  169  221515.7; 
+ 170  178122.1;  171  58746.24;  172  312997.8;  173  278411.2;  174  142284.7; 
+ 175  355566.7;  176  72203.45;  177  214620.3;  178  51071.6;  179  31788.76; 
+ 180  65307.77;  181  29269.57;  182  51174.39;  183  16294.92;  184  40436.75; 
+ 185  47290.32;  186  379969.6;  187  103841;  188  90829.41;  190  765444.7; 
+ 191  1177198;  192  323784.9;  193  144939.2;  194  26523.18;  195  17697.04; 
+ 196  116166;  197  24092.97;  198  92827.23;  199  19359.64;  200  125443.9; 
+ 201  976853.2;  202  294795.6;  203  352891.4;  204  1510369;  207  1375264; 
+ 208  296428.4;  209  61926.84;  210  456173.1;  211  86216.93;  212  53865.62; 
+ 213  21970.38;  214  137680.1;  215  304280.8;  216  957783.1;  219  1015639; 
+ 220  217259.6;  221  797855;  222  233544.3;  223  130785.3;  224  27533.05; 
+ 225  9100.731;  226  23653.76;  227  18828.04;  228  136603.8;  230  1008066; 
+ 231  1156590;  232  572651.2;  233  689739.5;  234  437716.7;  235  131566.4; 
+ 236  43460.65;  237  32709.29;  238  11843.35;  239  11742.45;  240  149931.1; 
+ 241  81903.57;  242  133505.7;  243  265216.6;  244  572514.8;  245  227300.5; 
+ 246  393989;  247  205805;  248  84628.58;  249  26021.65;  250  8758.605; 
+ 251  4778.697;  252  8794.161;  253  49081.85;  254  100029.4;  255  37294.79; 
+ 256  296897.2;  257  88092.71;  258  42908.18;  259  118504.4;  260  166891.5; 
+ 261  76520.88;  262  671988.4;  263  182388.8;  264  82061.86;  265  171577.6; 
+ 266  44874.74;  267  24405.72;  268  256304.5;  269  595178.7;  270  263411; 
+ 271  96955.18;  272  62287.62;  274  1004473;  275  387111.2;  276  292850.9; 
+ 277  1107616;  278  472092.8;  279  233695.2;  280  49264.33;  281  12830.16; 
+ 284  37335.7;  285  10772.14;  286  101771.9;  287  25373.34;  288  37747.12; 
+ 289  25751.86;  290  94209.69;  291  1207875;  292  521787.9;  293  312551.1; 
+ 294  71337.39;  295  21152.03;  296  4524.459;  300  543673.4;  301  152549.2; 
+ 302  187646.3;  303  73598.28;  304  109638.9;
+Name: Unknown 32
+DB.idx: -32
+rt: 11.957
+Class: Unknown 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 35
+ 59  30210.1;  60  3614.517;  61  5529.531;  73  806892.7;  74  69273.21; 
+ 86  12009.67;  88  10048.73;  98  3477.394;  100  187431.9;  101  24283.61; 
+ 102  7738.294;  114  34405.89;  116  78456.13;  132  25902.22;  141  6636.5; 
+ 147  310679.1;  156  19144.12;  163  24319.03;  164  4104.832;  172  8226.528; 
+ 188  263421.4;  189  70180.11;  190  27324.25;  203  9768.771;  204  1434222; 
+ 205  280427.1;  206  126770.1;  216  50415.68;  218  807181.8;  219  154344.2; 
+ 220  67083.88;  278  111563.1;  279  30565.81;  280  14133.6;  306  49674.48; 
+Name: Unknown 33
+DB.idx: -33
+rt: 7.664
+Class: Unknown 0.004
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 55  304598.4;  56  28408.26;  57  24024.69;  60  6271.599;  61  16587.16; 
+ 62  1475.52;  72  1272022;  74  108479.1;  75  268599.3;  76  22917.99; 
+ 85  8093.929;  86  17192.17;  87  20032.8;  92  2332.929;  102  15710.68; 
+ 104  28385.86;  112  2895.894;  113  14671.22;  114  7965.432;  128  53634.86; 
+ 130  70905.02;  131  71893.85;  146  57310.53;  156  80384.49;  157  79391.09; 
+ 174  39958.63;  175  41828.91;  176  6507.455; 
+Name: Unknown 34
+DB.idx: -34
+rt: 12.326
+Class: Unknown 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 75
+ 51  2281.052;  54  3046.37;  56  11957.23;  58  21320.54;  63  7377.529; 
+ 66  7315.686;  68  13290.67;  69  18348.8;  71  17524.57;  72  55274.63; 
+ 77  79546.16;  78  7211.124;  80  7025.478;  81  15679.22;  82  9318.847; 
+ 86  13196.54;  87  9366.633;  90  11714.2;  91  141671.8;  92  4800.334; 
+ 94  2379.573;  95  9771.6;  96  4509.389;  98  9003.761;  102  6904.109; 
+ 106  6187.704;  108  2793.134;  116  15701.56;  118  70761.62;  121  4438.032; 
+ 122  7436.334;  123  33432.54;  124  3359.612;  126  4468.343;  136  5709.337; 
+ 137  9028.692;  138  9441.877;  140  18307.54;  144  17165.28;  164  80221.65; 
+ 165  7539.049;  166  3540.043;  167  5538.338;  168  15030.83;  170  6191.211; 
+ 171  20672.15;  176  5100.221;  181  2370.232;  182  10233.6;  193  10286.44; 
+ 194  3828.763;  196  4619.131;  197  4452.561;  210  106608.6;  213  210128.4; 
+ 214  33480.57;  215  9357.038;  223  15921.41;  224  5608.886;  237  10977.49; 
+ 238  2211.733;  239  40841.56;  240  26478.42;  241  5030.756;  243  11555.96; 
+ 247  52223.2;  248  9775.745;  251  4977.834;  252  1968.741;  266  15354.26; 
+ 267  1208241;  268  203900;  269  57143.62;  270  6728.622;  282  9294.283; 
+Name: Unknown 35
+DB.idx: -35
+rt: 7.523
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 66  60300.84;  96  13838.54;  147  1196378;  149  139498.4;  161  60807.23; 
+ 162  10497.59;  177  137636.4;  178  23082.49;  179  10539.97;  205  72763.71; 
+Name: Unknown 36
+DB.idx: -36
+rt: 10.831
+Class: Unknown 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 21
+ 57  10677.94;  60  3808.223;  69  23843.16;  87  6447.72;  90  8086.392; 
+ 100  57271.86;  102  29276.65;  128  9648.304;  130  42271.79;  132  16058.13; 
+ 146  16810.54;  158  1185706;  159  170389.4;  160  49146.86;  218  239842.9; 
+ 219  70804.78;  220  28384.61;  232  55408.1;  233  19816.92;  234  6713.646; 
+ 260  12935.42; 
+Name: Unknown 37
+DB.idx: -37
+rt: 30.287
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 176
+ 51  2519.961;  53  9435.38;  54  4590.698;  55  119551.2;  56  16077.22; 
+ 57  24641.6;  58  8981.25;  60  6834;  61  42754.85;  62  3657.086; 
+ 63  2238.196;  65  14928.9;  66  14893.5;  67  267004.3;  68  73433.81; 
+ 69  134412.8;  70  18673.61;  71  13801.59;  72  34413.18;  73  760638.5; 
+ 74  63877.46;  75  907649.6;  76  69219.3;  77  41506.28;  78  16551.59; 
+ 79  138751;  80  50988.65;  81  291123.3;  82  125875.6;  83  108100.5; 
+ 84  193669.4;  85  41391.37;  86  12126.73;  87  3364.546;  88  4611.016; 
+ 91  65720.87;  92  16013.93;  93  93816.2;  94  46765.12;  95  202245.5; 
+ 96  182446.1;  97  114772.9;  98  196457;  99  28071.35;  101  7823.349; 
+ 105  37995.34;  106  9857.545;  107  55012.34;  108  33132.74;  109  100093.9; 
+ 110  68969.96;  111  58527.45;  112  38464.99;  113  7738.239;  116  62777.26; 
+ 117  1150514;  118  113246.1;  119  57040.03;  120  16407.56;  121  72242.14; 
+ 122  22005.89;  123  61487.43;  124  47996.97;  125  21525.22;  126  9197.846; 
+ 127  4295.109;  128  4141.87;  129  994785.7;  130  117448.5;  131  116900; 
+ 132  34532.18;  133  50013.88;  134  49594.66;  135  56955.11;  136  13038.71; 
+ 137  54649.39;  138  42871.61;  139  14291.32;  140  4010.723;  141  4752.745; 
+ 142  6623.41;  143  78937.38;  144  12452.64;  145  194021.6;  146  26981.65; 
+ 151  39029.12;  152  40070.67;  153  12006.6;  155  39884.54;  157  37333.48; 
+ 159  29483.99;  161  18154.87;  162  8035.737;  164  8838.559;  165  24954.49; 
+ 166  30677.53;  167  13568.18;  168  6521.496;  169  35405.28;  170  11681.11; 
+ 171  56523.11;  172  20753.17;  173  28972.28;  175  12288.48;  176  4656.664; 
+ 177  7137.223;  179  14932.21;  180  61560.11;  181  11635.54;  182  2794.281; 
+ 183  81303.83;  184  13920.67;  185  128802.2;  186  27443.62;  187  23123.53; 
+ 188  10688.41;  193  11684.22;  194  7826.186;  195  3678.807;  197  11554.87; 
+ 198  3161.239;  199  163942.1;  200  31678.86;  201  32364.31;  208  12027.94; 
+ 209  6492.128;  213  33573.3;  214  6955.408;  215  11537;  220  21341.68; 
+ 221  37468.61;  222  89560.18;  223  16889.77;  225  7612.734;  226  2294.976; 
+ 227  30995.69;  228  6716.967;  235  25674.18;  236  11177.49;  237  2740.201; 
+ 239  6048.82;  241  36240.32;  242  8154.873;  243  12644.17;  246  14129.16; 
+ 247  8177.809;  249  5815.888;  255  22881.36;  256  6673.63;  257  23636.81; 
+ 264  121734.3;  265  24907.53;  266  2725.835;  269  8745.791;  270  2674.851; 
+ 271  14664.48;  272  16887.86;  286  9222.122;  297  8127.543;  298  1979.683; 
+ 311  25148.08;  312  5942.694;  323  7999.412;  324  2376.45;  325  4503.741; 
+ 339  883010;  340  244213.1;  341  62148.59;  342  9342.962;  353  2691.047; 
+ 354  52710;  355  15280.13;  356  4433.418;  357  50768.72;  358  13903.68; 
+ 359  4100.845; 
+Name: Unknown 38
+DB.idx: -38
+rt: 6.343
+Class: Unknown 9e-04
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 56  18749.88;  58  1142422;  59  45081.7;  70  11294.33;  72  296089; 
+ 86  140607.3;  87  40289.48;  100  884135.6;  101  53513.11;  115  1071334; 
+ 116  79148.16; 
+Name: Unknown 39
+DB.idx: -39
+rt: 10.744
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 50
+ 63  9612.556;  69  20415.58;  77  92519.26;  78  13428.97;  92  4389.201; 
+ 94  5049.018;  96  31525.36;  99  14832.25;  106  2990.455;  110  5408.401; 
+ 119  13851.38;  122  16771.51;  123  7618.352;  124  164868.2;  125  10959.01; 
+ 126  2811.873;  136  10609.57;  138  5560.655;  139  6208.066;  152  3236.885; 
+ 166  15904.04;  167  3164.009;  168  4350.182;  169  8089.298;  180  6533.328; 
+ 189  77188.25;  196  1991.2;  200  6160.347;  208  15437.8;  210  4232.067; 
+ 214  9283.193;  226  3815.472;  228  6842.793;  231  79752.88;  236  4029.19; 
+ 238  252952.6;  239  37517.47;  240  10478.18;  242  112540.4;  243  15351.25; 
+ 248  7710.047;  250  3590.507;  252  6452.998;  280  1137472;  281  206443.3; 
+ 282  51880.42;  284  228433.4;  285  36904.24;  286  9804.616;  334  5421.84; 
+Name: Unknown 40
+DB.idx: -40
+rt: 12.441
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 51
+ 56  11100.64;  57  123270.1;  58  10358.47;  59  38714.23;  60  9510.285; 
+ 61  4973.786;  73  1100866;  74  96280.07;  84  7343.732;  85  6021.999; 
+ 86  75139.33;  87  14274.56;  98  5671.346;  100  118391.3;  101  257111.4; 
+ 102  27971.55;  112  8959.435;  114  21787.04;  115  12227.45;  117  257327.2; 
+ 118  27006.29;  119  10145.04;  128  144670.2;  129  99669.6;  130  46121.83; 
+ 131  52087.34;  132  54099.5;  133  49330.11;  134  8540.741;  147  295496.4; 
+ 159  19931.89;  172  9978.641;  176  7100.608;  186  13166.44;  187  2622.829; 
+ 188  6973.937;  202  108504.9;  203  69375.3;  218  584644.2;  219  676547.2; 
+ 220  143202.9;  221  66378.04;  222  11118.88;  230  26393.95;  248  7476.28; 
+ 291  320998.1;  292  210041.7;  293  74677.12;  294  25467.24;  295  5668.509; 
+ 320  46059.88; 
+Name: Unknown 41
+DB.idx: -41
+rt: 8.823
+Class: Unknown 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 61  9982.991;  66  36051.75;  73  458616.9;  74  116033;  88  22972.54; 
+ 101  13948.65;  115  32657.51;  117  193684.4;  118  20779.37;  130  45570.48; 
+ 143  23597.37;  147  998807.5;  148  148016.1;  149  111219.6;  150  12037.27; 
+ 177  26836.11;  178  4532.102;  191  219169;  192  39660.86;  193  18961.91; 
+ 233  91654.7;  234  17043.29;  235  8423.09;  267  11506.71;  355  10240.35; 
+Name: Unknown 42
+DB.idx: -42
+rt: 8.365
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 132  84793.07;  147  837645.1;  190  71295.46;  218  222889.9;  219  43961.65; 
+Name: Unknown 43
+DB.idx: -43
+rt: 11.687
+Class: Unknown 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 47
+ 56  6042.295;  57  12334.92;  63  7498.216;  66  9649.464;  69  16991.67; 
+ 73  304456.8;  77  81115.31;  78  8579.297;  92  8954.223;  94  5914.784; 
+ 96  40603.11;  110  3559.372;  112  3854.029;  119  13731.21;  122  29519.72; 
+ 123  14628.76;  124  244868.1;  125  13054.67;  137  3750.017;  138  4010.119; 
+ 139  8229.716;  165  5283.201;  166  8431.445;  168  7150.127;  169  10293.12; 
+ 179  4224.042;  180  1986.571;  189  129266.1;  194  13606.97;  195  5540.659; 
+ 196  4262.95;  214  21071.98;  236  5720.314;  238  813552.2;  239  117088.3; 
+ 240  33156.59;  242  253267.1;  243  35101.43;  244  10865.78;  251  1456.841; 
+ 294  603128.2;  295  114612.3;  296  29539.38;  297  3940.541;  298  61976.62; 
+ 306  14497.51;  334  4646.427; 
+Name: Unknown 44
+DB.idx: -44
+rt: 18.757
+Class: Unknown 0.001
+Num Peaks: 62
+ 51  2438.085;  55  122454.7;  56  7740.666;  57  211586.2;  58  11650.15; 
+ 65  7064.967;  67  55791.55;  68  5557.428;  69  124540.7;  70  10981.79; 
+ 71  10469.07;  77  18768.9;  79  43435.3;  80  5977.305;  81  92840.07; 
+ 82  60677.78;  83  122267.9;  84  28756.51;  85  11322.05;  91  25427.07; 
+ 92  3397.097;  93  21050.74;  94  4033.923;  95  71347.16;  96  47553.56; 
+ 97  783926.4;  98  72081.55;  99  28576.24;  107  18837.74;  108  4672.379; 
+ 109  94070.01;  110  19925.21;  111  63257.02;  112  9586.445;  121  10934.92; 
+ 122  4657.398;  123  202421.6;  124  48996.84;  125  34255.36;  126  4700.98; 
+ 136  11733.28;  137  129611.6;  138  46124.28;  139  8792.376;  151  50472.57; 
+ 152  11439.88;  165  30331.49;  166  8015.007;  167  4266.301;  178  8110.604; 
+ 179  82354.19;  180  73786.02;  181  10846.06;  193  15731.71;  194  10088.98; 
+ 235  10498.47;  236  8263.25;  249  10464.03;  250  2503.084;  277  10148.29; 
+ 292  13250.33;  293  3193.92; 
+Name: Unknown 45
+DB.idx: -45
+rt: 8.998
+Class: Unknown 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 59  33754.05;  61  17605.96;  62  1422.375;  70  26784.73;  73  779078.7; 
+ 75  205341.3;  76  16788.45;  102  48597.07;  128  6053.587;  144  506922.8; 
+ 145  65977.54;  146  113582.6;  158  49904.54;  174  16350.82;  188  435418.2; 
+ 189  61390.09;  202  203495.4;  203  31609.37;  215  13743.52; 
+Name: Unknown 46
+DB.idx: -46
+rt: 17.214
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 30
+ 65  5124.776;  73  513326;  86  5660.696;  91  27714.47;  92  3923.11; 
+ 100  87979.34;  101  9090.542;  102  3999.509;  120  13991.85;  121  4421.907; 
+ 132  15856.36;  176  10078.74;  177  17832.13;  178  3215.586;  192  459262.3; 
+ 193  81472.2;  194  21795.11;  195  2648.121;  203  7329.705;  215  16232.63; 
+ 217  291557;  218  750734.1;  219  157986.2;  220  63096.89;  266  48317.73; 
+ 267  19251.45;  268  6393.691;  294  12106.91;  295  3185.788;  296  1185.322; 
+Name: Unknown 47
+DB.idx: -47
+rt: 17.397
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 57  6501.434;  82  6671.959;  91  10181.7;  107  4401.897;  151  27410.84; 
+ 152  4268.042;  166  2239.82;  167  5282.484;  177  12489.77;  178  2425.171; 
+ 179  23747.83;  180  4229.872;  181  1942.233;  207  749299.6;  208  136540.6; 
+ 209  36688.01;  210  4466.098;  252  1190.173;  263  10977.81;  264  2349.353; 
+ 278  14732.18;  279  4194.667; 
+Name: Unknown 48
+DB.idx: -48
+rt: 6.877
+Class: Unknown 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 51  6313.983;  78  42322.47;  92  6224.053;  97  15466.55;  122  45066.39; 
+ 136  22805.97;  138  4892.9;  152  721707.6;  153  94488.57;  154  29670.26; 
+ 166  127247.4;  167  56729.34; 
+Name: Unknown 49
+DB.idx: -49
+rt: 9.298
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 59
+ 73  709545.4;  77  30057.42;  100  35352.47;  121  2902.047;  130  23154.71; 
+ 151  121158.4;  152  19362.03;  153  10848.38;  155  39757.97;  168  23336.4; 
+ 174  26065.33;  176  2983.258;  178  11382.59;  179  3082.099;  193  16385.71; 
+ 194  3679.238;  195  5565.477;  207  122029.3;  208  25952.22;  209  31708.16; 
+ 210  6275.926;  221  594823.4;  222  130989.5;  223  72746.88;  224  13889.49; 
+ 225  171639.1;  226  38021.54;  227  22566.65;  228  3257.956;  232  66063.92; 
+ 233  16413.53;  234  8526.924;  236  2435.522;  237  2796.001;  239  7821.202; 
+ 248  259116.2;  249  57976.02;  250  33880.99;  251  5382.728;  252  36328.54; 
+ 253  10425.12;  254  5220.429;  266  2526.443;  270  7311.819;  279  5371.473; 
+ 295  20334;  296  6072.743;  297  3565.169;  298  22942.25;  318  11127.77; 
+ 324  1345.17;  336  238153.6;  337  76239.73;  338  42714.55;  339  10130; 
+ 340  14986.22;  390  21552.22;  391  7608.563;  392  3829.472; 
+Name: Unknown 50
+DB.idx: -50
+rt: 23.206
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 62
+ 55  17921.07;  81  7711.075;  83  43345.82;  109  4643.743;  127  3135.719; 
+ 129  61295.54;  139  5233.631;  147  242307.3;  153  3296;  155  4514.371; 
+ 163  19023.95;  164  4152.271;  169  6652.028;  182  2495.223;  199  2105.664; 
+ 203  11469.18;  220  9748.231;  227  11312.75;  228  3043.038;  243  47808.12; 
+ 244  12765.69;  245  687992.9;  246  144990.7;  247  62583.54;  248  10122.72; 
+ 257  32658.5;  260  8060.378;  261  2647.718;  265  3768.962;  271  28540.66; 
+ 272  8256.863;  292  20271.19;  293  7190.396;  294  3536.04;  317  14632.87; 
+ 318  10852.77;  333  7746.303;  335  40945.64;  336  12796.59;  337  5856.543; 
+ 338  1451.823;  360  1402.602;  361  7480.439;  362  3021.036;  388  1385.414; 
+ 392  4525.059;  393  2040.64;  394  1399.522;  404  3318.605;  407  1790.367; 
+ 423  2824.336;  433  1496.312;  435  5747.344;  436  2249.698;  449  1859.675; 
+ 450  1425.581;  494  3900.699;  495  1680.072;  497  2309.943;  525  5661.279; 
+ 526  2828.001;  527  1690.859; 
+Name: Unknown 51
+DB.idx: -51
+rt: 6.532
+Class: Unknown 0.0048
+Num Peaks: 24
+ 59  49443.68;  60  5515.479;  61  13484.4;  62  1563.261;  73  651922; 
+ 74  106225.9;  75  278525;  76  22565.16;  89  196567.6;  90  15909.56; 
+ 92  5450.202;  104  163768;  106  5720.411;  107  3002.546;  110  2612.967; 
+ 119  59416.54;  120  6876.647;  122  8140.648;  249  5523.324;  250  1733.781; 
+ 265  10521.88;  266  3379.642;  281  42585.89;  282  12707.23; 
+Name: Unknown 52
+DB.idx: -52
+rt: 22.7
+Class: Unknown 0.0056
+Num Peaks: 50
+ 82  17678;  89  108519.9;  90  9767.907;  100  28215.51;  105  21831.54; 
+ 106  2965.167;  112  3348.471;  126  6323.168;  130  109465.8;  138  2890.997; 
+ 140  3057.434;  157  651705.6;  158  87331.6;  160  78173.05;  161  84756.64; 
+ 162  12470.68;  163  166695.4;  164  26944.04;  165  13309.53;  172  15066.32; 
+ 180  8613.086;  186  7309.707;  187  11546.98;  188  4351.025;  196  3536.912; 
+ 198  5844.262;  200  3061.499;  201  19224.38;  202  4897.754;  214  16628.67; 
+ 228  5541.113;  235  21534;  236  4179.124;  237  2194;  240  3319.68; 
+ 244  211536.5;  247  61785.25;  248  17474.57;  249  6926.585;  268  4206.404; 
+ 270  9528.18;  302  11922.25;  304  8689.945;  319  214856;  320  64811.9; 
+ 321  31109.29;  330  2557.264;  337  2766.211;  392  3030.24;  394  3357.191; 
+Name: Unknown 53
+DB.idx: -53
+rt: 6.969
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 63  5716.289;  111  11285.4;  127  7361.776;  144  139222.3;  145  16454.56; 
+ 221  642591.5;  222  84619.16;  223  25590.36;  235  41035.78;  236  35936.92; 
+ 237  6227.763;  239  32640.12;  240  4114.072; 
+Name: Unknown 54
+DB.idx: -54
+rt: 7.432
+Class: Unknown 0.0038
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 112  2915.522;  127  3615.23;  173  30404.83;  221  526614;  222  117363.9; 
+ 223  65222.63;  224  9917.43;  239  5161.334;  265  16682.49;  266  4394.723; 
+Name: Unknown 55
+DB.idx: -55
+rt: 36.608
+Class: Unknown 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 50  1331.544;  55  15286.18;  56  5031.091;  57  17682.14;  65  4548.69; 
+ 70  19341.33;  71  35887.34;  76  7107.541;  82  4084.057;  83  14442.78; 
+ 84  8224.904;  104  14646.23;  112  2680.001;  113  9427.489;  121  8527.579; 
+ 122  7188.551;  123  2275.914;  149  519871.3;  150  51561.77;  151  6411.975; 
+ 167  107808.3;  168  11214.3;  265  10873.12;  266  2281.098;  279  22168.01; 
+ 280  3975.498;  295  8184.458;  296  2018.225; 
+Name: Unknown 56
+DB.idx: -56
+rt: 9.097
+Class: Unknown 0.005
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 77  23442.72;  147  300477;  151  16191.06;  166  6486.205;  168  2367.519; 
+ 187  14557.88;  249  45478.93;  250  11613.43;  251  11339.37;  252  2569.279; 
+ 265  64449.83;  266  16804.39;  267  14051.71;  281  482496.8;  282  135816.2; 
+ 283  85925.8;  284  17526.62;  285  14512.33;  353  4369.34;  354  1634.601; 
+ 369  139581.4;  370  50049.7;  371  32682.97;  372  7990.205;  373  2903.136; 
+ 387  1791.579;  388  930.482; 
+Name: Unknown 57
+DB.idx: -57
+rt: 28.326
+Class: Unknown 0.0017
+Num Peaks: 78
+ 73  373145.1;  103  35500.2;  129  44914.04;  133  43190.48;  143  15042.11; 
+ 147  265979.3;  177  8521.043;  178  1823.236;  191  240190.3;  192  40315.54; 
+ 193  18809.39;  194  3077.5;  203  5814.059;  204  127939.1;  215  6882.556; 
+ 217  465553.8;  218  91746.34;  219  39284.44;  220  15892;  221  56657.21; 
+ 222  14537.14;  223  7548.769;  228  2076.207;  239  2100.401;  243  13276.84; 
+ 265  95773.98;  266  24512.21;  267  12680.42;  271  3710.972;  289  1658.92; 
+ 291  27541.64;  292  10325.36;  293  12613.63;  294  4085.961;  295  2005.553; 
+ 304  4668.127;  305  477551.3;  306  132037.1;  307  67552.26;  308  13958.8; 
+ 317  4658.084;  318  258269;  319  121815.6;  320  48313.29;  343  12871.59; 
+ 344  4743.573;  345  3646.61;  367  29996.74;  368  10746.37;  369  5991.225; 
+ 370  1533.711;  380  944.7939;  392  2210.794;  393  20185.05;  394  7749.939; 
+ 395  4477.048;  406  2068.536;  407  1883.158;  408  1002.041;  417  5103.653; 
+ 418  2259.713;  419  10472.8;  420  3703.448;  432  53751.61;  433  41537.64; 
+ 434  21370.33;  435  8233.21;  436  2374.724;  491  736.0081;  507  23402.32; 
+ 508  10788.88;  509  6080.72;  510  2035.9;  522  1126.408;  612  4490.587; 
+ 613  2666.391;  614  1444.489;  615  736.1281; 
+Name: Unknown 58
+DB.idx: -58
+rt: 7.012
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 207  468305.2;  208  100791.7;  209  59097.68;  210  8839.05;  225  36605.2; 
+ 226  6895.462;  227  4676.44;  247  12125.57;  248  2960.158;  279  13455.7; 
+ 280  4670.316;  295  100584.2;  296  29821.43;  297  18040.33;  298  4258.911; 
+ 313  2056.192; 
+Name: Unknown 59
+DB.idx: -59
+rt: 11.56
+Class: Unknown 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 56  10300.32;  80  5762.781;  84  24965.46;  94  1989.936;  124  49544.71; 
+ 125  5005.607;  136  50585.04;  234  5123.804;  239  450469.1;  240  63440.7; 
+ 241  22474.04;  254  9671.718; 
+Name: Unknown 60
+DB.idx: -60
+rt: 14.361
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 32
+ 73  419254.6;  101  30371.6;  133  43260.17;  147  360389.9;  148  56473.2; 
+ 149  45263.54;  171  13302.08;  175  39013.39;  176  7109.606;  177  5657.087; 
+ 189  71549.56;  190  29874.63;  191  48771.54;  192  9630.41;  233  104418.7; 
+ 234  20343.82;  235  9199.017;  245  70495.23;  246  14144.66;  247  7176.149; 
+ 263  28929.34;  264  8071.418;  265  31428.64;  266  7399.792;  267  4501.608; 
+ 306  10337.96;  307  36217.46;  308  10332.57;  309  5512.03;  335  23140.55; 
+ 336  6938.341;  337  3465.241; 
+Name: Unknown 61
+DB.idx: -61
+rt: 16.223
+Class: Unknown 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 68  3355.112;  72  12471.92;  73  268165.8;  137  3643.619;  140  3033.232; 
+ 142  393135.1;  143  49854.23;  144  15127.82;  186  264773.7;  187  38522.56; 
+ 188  13046.13;  216  91955.12;  244  10331.05;  288  49138.81;  289  11335.4; 
+ 290  5344.785; 
+Name: Unknown 62
+DB.idx: -62
+rt: 10.049
+Class: Unknown 0.0083
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 50  1348.177;  77  127202.8;  105  202416.7;  135  256044.5;  136  36226.45; 
+ 137  10614.85;  179  375456;  180  55561.72;  181  16987.29;  194  21098.12; 
+ 195  3282.819;  248  11756.22; 
+Name: Unknown 63
+DB.idx: -63
+rt: 40.924
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 44
+ 155  8022.566;  160  38742.07;  169  54253.52;  170  8681.098;  203  8779.889; 
+ 204  254640.7;  205  55436.3;  206  22062.13;  217  104999.2;  227  3716.644; 
+ 228  5169.744;  241  2852.619;  243  39261.63;  244  10887.91;  245  7097.885; 
+ 271  42785.62;  272  10464.6;  305  19808.64;  317  4409.006;  318  3631.236; 
+ 361  367003.1;  362  113209.2;  363  57852.83;  390  13052.07;  391  5349.984; 
+ 392  2574.723;  435  1612.703;  436  844.2707;  448  8886.144;  449  4193.341; 
+ 450  3400.381;  451  4839.973;  452  1694.667;  453  982.9862;  480  16601.98; 
+ 481  7250.531;  482  4447.846;  539  1614.9;  540  756.0802;  566  1630.732; 
+ 583  415.1015;  598  888.7051;  611  968.5102;  612  761.173; 
+Name: Unknown 64
+DB.idx: -64
+rt: 42.902
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 189
+ 51  2824.152;  55  34389.6;  56  3869.805;  57  27444.19;  61  7824.271; 
+ 62  950.8289;  65  7605.522;  67  62814.51;  68  5249.552;  69  48999.68; 
+ 71  33212.99;  73  268941.3;  75  114206.1;  76  9398.04;  77  32455.66; 
+ 78  13042.65;  79  79675.57;  80  10443.53;  81  124961.6;  82  13421.12; 
+ 83  42936.43;  84  4251.157;  85  15366.34;  91  113472.2;  92  18956.52; 
+ 93  93262.23;  94  16542.16;  95  154646;  96  15855.26;  97  36724.43; 
+ 98  3188.785;  101  8700.962;  104  6971.901;  105  141476.7;  106  26971.01; 
+ 107  116088.3;  108  24209.03;  109  90574.66;  110  10843.35;  111  27562.11; 
+ 112  3858.821;  115  18671.47;  116  11867.99;  118  16868.95;  119  125902.8; 
+ 120  57242.95;  121  135491.9;  122  22940.79;  123  42846.6;  124  5665.562; 
+ 125  14168.32;  127  4978.759;  128  13075.13;  129  333069.5;  130  53768.05; 
+ 131  84714.83;  132  27228.88;  133  88237.81;  134  28256.93;  135  75893.72; 
+ 136  12569.94;  137  21583.09;  138  3296.802;  139  5822.08;  141  8015.877; 
+ 142  10390.79;  143  72130.25;  144  21685.09;  145  143532.2;  146  39080.07; 
+ 149  57099.29;  150  8746.731;  151  15434.18;  155  35992.13;  157  37158.16; 
+ 158  17510.02;  159  98464.71;  160  69762.2;  161  94237.79;  162  23152.51; 
+ 163  71221.65;  164  9718.153;  165  13843.2;  167  3798.149;  168  5679.33; 
+ 169  14521.47;  170  4616.986;  171  27123.64;  172  12447.6;  173  51577.18; 
+ 174  19299.03;  175  39476.94;  176  7617.286;  177  28388.29;  178  4520.781; 
+ 179  10953.91;  180  1956.835;  181  10387.04;  182  8147.055;  185  28316.51; 
+ 186  8210.399;  187  22134.57;  188  5840.864;  193  16182.82;  196  8348.061; 
+ 197  12828.24;  198  3913.261;  199  31741.37;  200  15324.31;  201  33260.26; 
+ 202  7087.044;  203  49997.91;  213  63036.22;  214  20061.2;  215  29171.84; 
+ 216  7895.434;  219  31913.17;  220  7972.281;  227  17643.11;  228  16956.16; 
+ 233  34320.34;  234  5934.988;  241  13242.13;  242  5822.797;  243  5441.44; 
+ 245  21732.89;  246  15950.76;  247  79224.11;  248  15853.95;  249  12528.14; 
+ 250  3308.904;  253  68672.88;  254  17548.36;  255  105775;  256  23063.76; 
+ 259  22253.89;  260  14660.44;  261  6960.887;  275  26902.91;  281  73978.05; 
+ 282  21091.73;  287  4018.651;  289  1860.751;  290  4126.06;  297  6734.834; 
+ 298  2957.409;  301  23631.54;  311  8713.415;  312  3861.625;  326  20323.47; 
+ 327  26762.19;  328  82076.62;  329  330424.6;  330  80482.27;  332  10711.67; 
+ 339  13221.37;  340  16157.98;  341  52755.04;  346  9325.988;  351  829.188; 
+ 353  175927;  354  49272.47;  367  13825.64;  368  351840.2;  369  102747.9; 
+ 370  15400.04;  371  2087.772;  372  637.1484;  386  956.2086;  388  1602.626; 
+ 405  16611.29;  418  1435.447;  425  2795.279;  426  1241.422;  427  527.5745; 
+ 429  21625.65;  430  9263.003;  443  54653.82;  444  19942;  445  5772.24; 
+ 446  1046.826;  458  157160.5;  459  60568.95;  460  15829.04;  461  3100.494; 
+ 479  4374.831;  493  641.6541;  609  2113.976;  610  1186; 
+Name: Unknown 65
+DB.idx: -65
+rt: 17.142
+Class: Unknown 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 56  7238.208;  84  33343.27;  112  2986.418;  128  86786.27;  140  11246.01; 
+ 156  59235.14;  204  42260.02;  214  5005.202;  230  49049.56;  246  312521.5; 
+ 247  67191.62;  248  27495.06;  249  4428.913;  250  889.6786;  348  21373.56; 
+Name: Unknown 66
+DB.idx: -66
+rt: 30.163
+Class: Unknown 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 83
+ 51  3343.598;  53  6095.249;  54  4866.073;  55  34582.86;  60  3317.372; 
+ 61  15028.25;  62  1538.798;  65  17418.05;  66  16867.67;  67  233904.7; 
+ 68  57081.37;  69  41380.82;  75  308286;  76  22302.35;  77  46527.93; 
+ 78  25957.31;  79  173023.5;  80  82007.6;  81  252060.8;  82  83486.64; 
+ 83  34770.14;  85  10298.09;  91  58357.86;  92  15287.01;  93  90669.93; 
+ 94  67913.27;  95  153247.9;  96  62165.56;  97  21924.12;  104  6220.495; 
+ 105  29683.37;  106  11831.78;  107  59922.24;  108  40209.07;  109  68932.38; 
+ 110  26971.69;  111  13831.33;  116  14495.81;  119  23732.93;  120  14003.8; 
+ 121  74069.66;  122  30542.37;  123  29063.32;  124  15882.58;  125  11665.89; 
+ 129  153986;  135  67333.84;  136  27111.74;  137  15016.69;  138  9544.909; 
+ 139  8905.346;  150  59347.95;  151  11541.11;  152  7657.122;  153  6703.748; 
+ 155  8109.385;  159  13751.49;  163  18563.16;  164  20627.37;  165  7851.157; 
+ 166  7160.282;  167  4083.191;  171  13208.55;  173  15352.25;  177  11089.91; 
+ 178  53076.81;  179  11979.12;  187  11449.13;  197  4273.314;  220  24615.63; 
+ 227  5634.745;  234  10167.31;  239  5263.712;  245  7530.028;  261  3988.419; 
+ 262  95425.55;  263  19617.72;  337  211533.3;  338  57119.59;  352  9581.621; 
+ 353  2985.782;  355  10439.82;  356  2883; 
+Name: Unknown 67
+DB.idx: -67
+rt: 9.931
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 166  4520.24;  236  9152.677;  249  24124.76;  250  7064.438;  251  6021.918; 
+ 265  37952.27;  281  300722.5;  282  82736.87;  283  51924.52;  284  10125.96; 
+ 369  72141.36;  370  27279.11;  371  17767.61;  372  4667.608; 
+Name: Unknown 68
+DB.idx: -68
+rt: 20.112
+Class: Unknown 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 67  13991.13;  97  8889.65;  141  4566.32;  147  298650.4;  149  45597.9; 
+ 155  3178.675;  169  5708.902;  211  84592.73;  212  13164.12;  215  34275.86; 
+ 216  7095.095;  228  6839.501;  229  148833.2;  230  33283.54;  256  3682.118; 
+ 272  12153.85;  285  58972.89;  286  14267.33;  287  7809.285;  288  5276.97; 
+ 289  2117.014;  295  1369.917;  300  11543.7;  346  8446.798;  354  799.6706; 
+ 375  82159.39;  376  25517.11;  377  12188.62; 
+Name: Unknown 69
+DB.idx: -69
+rt: 6.405
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 55
+ 51  1486.41;  54  1207.008;  55  9451.469;  60  6022.106;  62  1122.689; 
+ 63  14984.57;  64  1475.609;  69  72217.96;  77  132119.4;  78  12525.86; 
+ 81  34052.08;  89  56104.21;  91  73132.3;  92  5426.083;  96  18317.96; 
+ 97  20193.84;  98  3919.49;  99  15899.48;  108  2351.313;  109  3002.642; 
+ 110  8559.885;  114  15234.56;  119  37386.68;  120  4438.354;  121  24849.38; 
+ 122  2522.564;  126  24143.26;  136  10075.4;  138  6618.592;  142  104961.1; 
+ 155  4515.676;  166  3432.941;  167  15193.12;  168  4320.406;  169  92635.16; 
+ 170  10900.38;  178  20347.01;  181  46865.87;  182  12996.33;  194  2975.441; 
+ 195  8948.186;  197  25196;  198  57903.73;  199  4542.051;  208  80874.96; 
+ 209  13005.66;  237  3816.43;  240  287091.7;  241  36594.48;  242  11696.44; 
+ 263  11241.7;  264  9184.775;  309  70990.89;  310  11138.52;  311  2782.814; 
+Name: Unknown 70
+DB.idx: -70
+rt: 8.428
+Class: Unknown 0.0073
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 51  2106.819;  65  3512.908;  78  7935.706;  122  7522.562;  163  77347.64; 
+ 170  14578.42;  191  265439.8;  192  45235.71;  193  23402.21;  194  2777.375; 
+ 234  15290.98; 
+Name: Unknown 71
+DB.idx: -71
+rt: 30.672
+Class: Unknown 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 200  6710.961;  202  262732.8;  203  51095.12;  291  35619.86;  292  10673.96; 
+ 293  5715.705;  722  470.05; 
+Name: Unknown 72
+DB.idx: -72
+rt: 21.769
+Class: Unknown 7e-04
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 68  3105.405;  86  18822.68;  100  16018.61;  102  9078.767;  110  1651.752; 
+ 112  3217.592;  114  4789.106;  126  5149.494;  127  4094.199;  128  15279.23; 
+ 140  2697.875;  142  254923.8;  143  33590.29;  144  11000.11;  146  9457.212; 
+ 172  14496.05;  174  150909.1;  175  25674.86;  176  13957.83;  186  6567.878; 
+ 187  6141.263;  188  4126.918;  200  19187.79;  214  18202.21;  216  15580.94; 
+ 241  3188.737;  258  16493.63;  259  14073.14;  260  3914.26;  315  4780.02; 
+ 316  3237.525;  330  7894.422;  403  1800.582;  405  3154.439;  420  27329.19; 
+ 421  11106.3;  422  6390.432;  423  1750.698; 
+Name: Unknown 73
+DB.idx: -73
+rt: 10.408
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 84  24028.9;  86  34963.77;  112  4896.732;  114  18434.05;  140  3965.967; 
+ 142  124510.5;  156  28515.13;  174  188177.8;  175  31844.43;  176  14104.77; 
+ 180  4741.25;  186  253990.5;  187  34543.89;  188  12667.22;  200  5098.351; 
+ 201  36430.59;  202  5965.112; 
+Name: Unknown 74
+DB.idx: -74
+rt: 6.655
+Class: Unknown 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 59  68325.16;  60  5529.677;  114  81421.74;  174  242926.6;  175  43854.71; 
+ 176  19203.48;  188  51541.9; 
+Name: Unknown 75
+DB.idx: -75
+rt: 17.682
+Class: Unknown 0.0058
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 84  9679.731;  94  2466.106;  170  2932.057;  184  7392.422;  191  259001.2; 
+ 192  43426.69;  193  20655.35;  194  2971.448;  216  6401.062;  228  2071.376; 
+ 232  13791.15;  246  4951.348;  247  8107.861;  332  4885.022;  348  14807.36; 
+Name: Unknown 76
+DB.idx: -76
+rt: 9.023
+Class: Unknown 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 51  2689.002;  53  13655.95;  55  61100.67;  56  14119.91;  57  129669; 
+ 58  14495.01;  65  12545.07;  67  199267.7;  68  106959.9;  69  79415.45; 
+ 78  4559.881;  79  36005.68;  81  75050.7;  82  103795;  83  35796.42; 
+ 84  16800.41;  91  19583.76;  92  3137.29;  94  3857.525;  95  85411.91; 
+ 97  230988.4;  98  22076.67;  99  17130.19;  107  6332.371;  108  1931.229; 
+ 109  209244.5;  110  23539.55;  123  45053.07;  124  99444.57;  125  10432.02; 
+ 130  139587.7;  136  8861.653;  137  71093.36;  138  24708.52;  141  20462.56; 
+ 165  25439.19;  180  29754.29;  181  4385.85; 
+Name: Unknown 77
+DB.idx: -77
+rt: 16.057
+Class: Unknown 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 30
+ 54  1186.295;  73  229231.5;  81  14561.46;  102  24586.1;  127  4013.561; 
+ 130  27207.68;  147  213920.1;  185  100338.4;  186  15158.53;  187  4009.407; 
+ 205  41206.85;  220  65003.69;  222  8442.782;  223  4745.478;  245  11656.21; 
+ 291  15040.91;  292  151104.3;  293  42544.39;  294  19678.72;  295  4281.358; 
+ 296  996.4216;  302  7236.094;  313  4673.534;  379  3023.92;  380  1370.45; 
+ 381  783.242;  409  5192.773;  410  2138.901;  411  1062.25;  412  402.0372; 
+Name: Unknown 78
+DB.idx: -78
+rt: 9.638
+Class: Unknown 0.0079
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 56  4777.51;  71  47077.41;  82  34582.51;  89  92889.24;  90  8702.297; 
+ 99  15423.22;  101  31828.31;  110  43264.47;  115  26174.65;  117  225784.3; 
+ 118  22321.47;  119  11053.96;  140  3922.907;  182  4640.249;  200  68386.23; 
+ 202  6899.815;  216  70731.15; 
+Name: Unknown 79
+DB.idx: -79
+rt: 8.41
+Class: Unknown 0.0061
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 92  5140.362;  125  5675.809;  136  8039.52;  137  10194.06;  150  35338.42; 
+ 152  219500;  153  27643.48;  154  9702.635;  167  55251.62;  168  8782.651; 
+ 250  3631.325; 
+Name: Unknown 80
+DB.idx: -80
+rt: 15.542
+Class: Unknown 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 56  7074.795;  142  11903.76;  191  215670.7;  192  38178.99;  193  18085.43; 
+ 194  2097.093;  304  6302.235;  311  6080.827;  312  1956.059; 
+Name: Unknown 81
+DB.idx: -81
+rt: 6.121
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 63  3352.261;  64  1420;  77  38477.31;  91  12302.77;  120  5888.584; 
+ 121  3561.047;  122  2046.982;  136  3516.368;  138  2955.654;  148  75273.12; 
+ 152  4087.414;  171  52980.61;  172  10363.43;  186  36849.93;  239  6879.539; 
+ 289  214882.5;  290  29548.84; 
+Name: Unknown 82
+DB.idx: -82
+rt: 8.625
+Class: Unknown 0.0053
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 65  3147.428;  67  28228.62;  77  46862.15;  78  7611.306;  92  3394.87; 
+ 94  1566.752;  96  6653.324;  112  4530.582;  137  10890.86;  138  7483.119; 
+ 155  14423.9;  168  22392.8;  181  6045.357;  211  207763.3;  212  22885.84; 
+ 213  8944.154;  226  39736.29;  227  5370.882;  251  2616.249;  267  28335.74; 
+ 268  8174.402;  339  1703.214;  355  26242.23;  356  9505.512;  357  6389; 
+Name: Unknown 83
+DB.idx: -83
+rt: 14.897
+Class: Unknown 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 32
+ 56  3690.827;  62  948.588;  63  1529.048;  69  11055.98;  101  10574.51; 
+ 116  12090.78;  128  140991.3;  176  196712.1;  177  28854.96;  178  17962.91; 
+ 179  2211.391;  188  9205.458;  189  44522.91;  191  40290.44;  202  13458.29; 
+ 203  4851.282;  204  48005.98;  205  57792.41;  217  182457.9;  218  44014.47; 
+ 219  36168.67;  237  3652.135;  250  13825.16;  251  2980.763;  252  2488.344; 
+ 290  1352.355;  293  34810.18;  294  8794.864;  295  5236.918;  296  1024.095; 
+ 517  799.4075;  518  530.9508; 
+Name: Unknown 84
+DB.idx: -84
+rt: 5.811
+Class: Unknown 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 59  117821.2;  60  10151.98;  61  4504.684;  70  8017.728;  86  126631.2; 
+ 87  15188.48;  88  5276.248;  113  5091.422;  119  27293.53;  120  4276.161; 
+ 121  2522.646;  130  25064.26;  146  196047.8;  162  12692.31;  164  3595.585; 
+ 176  15167.07;  191  84655.74;  192  14281.4; 
+Name: Unknown 85
+DB.idx: -85
+rt: 9.715
+Class: Unknown 0.0056
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 62  1040.9;  68  27917.56;  69  107578.5;  70  60280.95;  102  33685.62; 
+ 116  139098.1;  158  194032.1;  159  42319.79;  186  16174.1; 
+Name: Unknown 86
+DB.idx: -86
+rt: 14.663
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 51  1306.414;  57  14056.7;  64  1081.515;  91  13512.75;  92  1753.006; 
+ 99  14055.41;  105  16195.67;  121  9580.296;  128  7338.547;  145  18918.79; 
+ 177  38384.59;  178  6137.432;  205  189188.2;  206  30230.01;  220  51394; 
+ 237  9402.477;  238  2430.475;  251  8149.89;  252  7744.84;  261  2496.68; 
+Name: Unknown 87
+DB.idx: -87
+rt: 43.683
+Class: Unknown 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 81  13783.92;  95  14024.18;  109  8030.763;  123  4804.933;  280  7135.218; 
+ 311  182789.6;  312  46435.31;  313  12639.48;  338  3142.166;  353  5493.544; 
+ 354  1983.882;  500  1186.892;  501  863.75;  577  5754.271;  578  2677.067; 
+ 579  938.1328;  591  896.6154;  592  1438.39;  593  681.9513;  594  494.3428; 
+Name: Unknown 88
+DB.idx: -88
+rt: 26.11
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 71
+ 54  1300.653;  55  15157.98;  56  2056.453;  61  8290.062;  62  622.0311; 
+ 64  4011.049;  65  2659.596;  67  35539.26;  68  10313.92;  69  16652.12; 
+ 75  168950.8;  76  14359.36;  79  18422.77;  80  7236.128;  81  38856.59; 
+ 82  19036.26;  83  12880.19;  84  25121.06;  85  6556.077;  91  9051.396; 
+ 92  2245.251;  93  12141.97;  94  7455.993;  95  26945;  96  23660.49; 
+ 97  14975.37;  98  26466.12;  107  7645.226;  108  4337.84;  109  12681.22; 
+ 110  10948.01;  111  7850.576;  112  5620;  117  164860.3;  118  15826.19; 
+ 120  2343.161;  121  8875.94;  122  3497.155;  123  8308.266;  124  6342.892; 
+ 125  3077.179;  129  138011.8;  136  2667.42;  137  8582.645;  138  5562.926; 
+ 145  26099.9;  152  9689.437;  155  6177.301;  165  3288.708;  166  2265.853; 
+ 171  8153.885;  179  2639.747;  185  16932.42;  187  4180.011;  194  12090.44; 
+ 195  2516.165;  199  19018.52;  200  3966.852;  213  6064.048;  227  4754.45; 
+ 236  14413.01;  237  2784.327;  297  830.2222;  311  120302.2;  312  30740.36; 
+ 313  8826.368;  326  6309.563;  329  10230.42;  330  2890.992;  508  511.4513; 
+ 509  286.1734; 
+Name: Unknown 89
+DB.idx: -89
+rt: 9.042
+Class: Unknown 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 52  4831.74;  54  13735.22;  86  17716.51;  96  179792.8;  116  22944.36; 
+ 159  59459.16; 
+Name: Unknown 90
+DB.idx: -90
+rt: 15.413
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 68  2868.507;  102  5173.027;  120  72331.9;  121  7921.487;  122  2946.536; 
+ 128  19558.37;  130  61903.38;  158  30152.43;  175  159973.3;  176  21150.95; 
+ 177  7665.417;  191  64097.29;  192  11440.87;  295  1453.114; 
+Name: Unknown 91
+DB.idx: -91
+rt: 8.574
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 81  9558.919;  98  37595.36;  127  19570.93;  177  63927.43;  178  9961.296; 
+ 179  5698.01;  187  11638.6;  200  5259.833;  219  47717.88;  232  148057; 
+ 233  29521.56;  234  13358.22;  248  87050.79;  249  17370.52;  250  9193.54; 
+Name: Unknown 92
+DB.idx: -92
+rt: 6.193
+Class: Unknown 0.0047
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 90  7309.933;  98  4031.882;  221  135297.4;  222  30805;  223  18391.53; 
+ 224  3081.754;  249  16906.15;  250  4368.312;  251  4429.444;  252  1087.575; 
+ 263  18331.92;  264  4746.142;  265  30971.52;  266  8154.6;  267  6876.156; 
+ 281  146952.6;  282  39831.99;  283  26338.81;  284  5412.115; 
+Name: Unknown 93
+DB.idx: -93
+rt: 11.466
+Class: Unknown 0.0067
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 64  1141.35;  189  153203.1;  190  32616.91;  292  114472;  293  30127.71; 
+ 294  16166.3;  295  3605.89;  410  3288.31; 
+Name: Unknown 94
+DB.idx: -94
+rt: 15.354
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 81  8809.375;  91  7148.585;  92  1255.666;  146  16183.36;  179  2498.133; 
+ 185  69932.18;  186  9457.178;  187  3687.438;  263  140317.2;  264  32571.68; 
+ 265  8889.471;  278  20361.52;  279  4408.12; 
+Name: Unknown 95
+DB.idx: -95
+rt: 20.673
+Class: Unknown 8e-04
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 112  2355.107;  114  4998.315;  128  6476.752;  139  9666.894;  140  2572.819; 
+ 155  36143.79;  156  134607.3;  188  3544.343;  203  13300.39;  245  21631.83; 
+ 272  2198.772;  362  2510.03;  410  333.5858; 
+Name: Unknown 96
+DB.idx: -96
+rt: 41.266
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 44
+ 55  31005.33;  56  13212.61;  57  116249.5;  68  5382.429;  69  37625.67; 
+ 70  19520.17;  71  133103.6;  81  12524.42;  82  12943.21;  83  35579.73; 
+ 84  10666.74;  85  110191.7;  86  7491.732;  96  10432.38;  97  42171.29; 
+ 98  9433.534;  99  38863.54;  110  7308.542;  111  24960.59;  112  7138.049; 
+ 113  28544.4;  124  5142.761;  125  14445;  126  4938.291;  127  21040.03; 
+ 138  3768.034;  139  7333.555;  140  4042.765;  141  17500.17;  153  4783.817; 
+ 155  15079.2;  167  3072.012;  168  3530.689;  169  12778.66;  182  2203.753; 
+ 224  1827.556;  225  6463.361;  239  5860.717;  295  2963.217;  309  2642.113; 
+ 323  2554.042;  337  2480.698;  351  2356.702;  379  1310.107; 
+Name: Unknown 97
+DB.idx: -97
+rt: 11.778
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 75  132697.2;  76  9974.778;  81  11268.73;  117  100577;  118  9399.432; 
+ 128  5911.427;  187  3691.803;  215  85874.91;  216  15239.37;  249  4966.983; 
+Name: Unknown 98
+DB.idx: -98
+rt: 9.127
+Class: Unknown 0.0056
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 85  7512.79;  89  24152.36;  110  6662.112;  172  9839.194;  195  3220.251; 
+ 197  2766.731;  200  13835.85;  241  47812.24;  242  7891.778;  243  5082.525; 
+ 256  3037.73; 
+Name: Unknown 99
+DB.idx: -99
+rt: 7.898
+Class: Unknown 0.001
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 77  48224.82;  120  12562.39;  121  4490.415;  124  5235.109;  137  6380.31; 
+ 151  123701.5;  152  20178.26;  153  13595.39;  155  4735.642;  170  17712.23; 
+ 171  12632.53;  178  4418.191;  244  128205.2;  245  21533.35;  246  10319.04; 
+ 288  2517.236; 
+Name: Unknown 100
+DB.idx: -100
+rt: 12.974
+Class: Unknown 0.0074
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 82  6102.946;  84  6425.438;  108  4376.101;  243  7626.853;  271  11820.71; 
+ 357  6827.757;  358  2289.855;  372  1571.149;  373  122133.6;  374  40469.36; 
+ 375  24239.96;  388  627.3907; 
+Name: Unknown 101
+DB.idx: -101
+rt: 6.6
+Class: Unknown 0.009
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 61  10546.08;  72  89046.18;  87  108275.5;  88  14788.53;  117  137540.5; 
+ 118  14681.99;  173  19469.32; 
+Name: Unknown 102
+DB.idx: -102
+rt: 10.247
+Class: Unknown 0.0042
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 57  6044.361;  88  6626.392;  98  8552.696;  108  1922.53;  116  113864.9; 
+ 132  69718.82;  144  16159.34;  188  9794.946;  211  32998.59;  234  4429.471; 
+ 324  1688.378;  397  300.0481;  415  2106.117;  416  1107.222;  417  894.6516; 
+Name: Unknown 103
+DB.idx: -103
+rt: 15.898
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 179  10764.28;  180  1959.445;  207  112493.9;  208  20096.7;  209  6018.477; 
+ 419  1188.026; 
+Name: Unknown 104
+DB.idx: -104
+rt: 10.313
+Class: Unknown 0.0038
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 95  12637.15;  122  3585.345;  123  18658.53;  136  14192.21;  163  50954.49; 
+ 164  8358.005;  170  11994.04;  173  14305.85;  177  20762.05;  191  55633.79; 
+ 192  111221.9; 
+Name: Unknown 105
+DB.idx: -105
+rt: 44.963
+Class: Unknown 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 143
+ 51  1424.56;  78  8038.599;  91  11640.62;  92  2370.717;  96  5753.02; 
+ 135  25041.21;  136  4284.32;  154  5548.558;  177  6238.057;  195  5534.625; 
+ 197  10854.96;  198  2512.094;  207  110721.8;  208  24062.36;  209  16137.07; 
+ 239  3078.258;  249  10544.43;  250  3216.627;  251  4193.482;  253  58978.03; 
+ 254  15170.02;  255  9175.032;  265  10152.52;  266  4301.79;  267  13196.49; 
+ 268  5036.854;  269  6412.322;  281  65469.32;  282  18492.38;  295  3775.41; 
+ 296  1372.013;  311  3139.869;  313  3087.246;  315  6595.568;  325  14392.86; 
+ 326  5454.002;  327  24080.14;  328  8591.303;  329  6791.272;  331  14583.77; 
+ 332  5042.565;  339  1205.222;  341  47064.89;  342  16743.29;  343  11454.68; 
+ 344  3762.803;  346  6929.028;  355  14197.5;  356  5539.797;  357  4441.254; 
+ 359  4242.928;  360  1578.862;  370  1099.226;  371  874.889;  373  2495.596; 
+ 383  1842.208;  384  1015.955;  385  1322.214;  386  547.8895;  387  2417.457; 
+ 388  1314.251;  389  3500.876;  391  1498.61;  392  1800.763;  396  658.1388; 
+ 398  432.4292;  399  3264.046;  400  1856.009;  401  3428.698;  402  1360.298; 
+ 403  8633.641;  404  3513.792;  405  15523.46;  406  5982.717;  407  3527.927; 
+ 408  1200.125;  410  565.0533;  413  935.2224;  414  540.05;  415  8296.315; 
+ 416  3641.702;  417  3166.335;  418  1241.49;  419  734.6348;  429  19428.12; 
+ 430  8530.656;  431  6643.167;  432  2111.429;  436  348.3265;  451  3861.788; 
+ 452  1677.458;  453  1172.523;  454  477.0099;  455  1196.394;  461  589.3491; 
+ 463  662.2908;  470  1777.192;  471  999.5651;  472  392.6541;  473  314.8534; 
+ 474  230;  475  676.334;  476  402.0637;  477  2871.003;  478  1545.252; 
+ 479  4088.415;  481  1435.916;  487  474.72;  489  665.0976;  491  1432.599; 
+ 492  864.5985;  493  768.4384;  503  5401.178;  504  2854.029;  505  2147.894; 
+ 506  1012.439;  507  682.5161;  527  564.0179;  529  1526.242;  530  796.2267; 
+ 531  416.0884;  535  268.2154;  539  887.1429;  541  444.9146;  542  461.8781; 
+ 543  270.3478;  544  569.0007;  545  344.3497;  551  490.2425;  552  301.25; 
+ 553  4394.39;  554  2718.013;  565  493.3441;  566  434.0232;  577  291; 
+ 601  260.0417;  603  527.1498;  604  249.3885;  606  235.409;  627  1809.455; 
+ 628  936.3202;  629  838.0403;  641  225.3309; 
+Name: Unknown 106
+DB.idx: -106
+rt: 39.53
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 44
+ 55  20567.45;  56  8922.402;  57  85383.44;  68  3846.962;  69  24592.61; 
+ 70  13900.96;  71  106851.2;  81  9061.801;  82  9826.649;  83  23809.01; 
+ 84  7319.647;  85  77985.91;  86  6062.077;  96  8097.93;  97  28809.23; 
+ 98  6077.797;  99  29345.35;  110  4219.275;  111  17725.23;  112  4733.244; 
+ 113  20914.59;  124  3676.364;  125  10525.79;  126  3752.926;  127  15880.2; 
+ 138  2616.578;  139  4727.666;  140  2952.809;  141  12894.08;  155  10098; 
+ 167  2226.992;  168  2123.223;  169  8350.734;  182  1867.949;  197  6695.053; 
+ 225  4376.18;  239  3495.14;  323  1610.708;  337  1750.557;  351  1024.718; 
+ 394  794.3386;  399  4776.642;  400  1622.755;  487  512.2404; 
+Name: Unknown 107
+DB.idx: -107
+rt: 43.129
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 45
+ 55  23155.47;  56  10072.4;  57  88591.99;  68  5065.731;  69  29761.66; 
+ 70  16043.01;  71  104594.4;  81  12552.48;  82  12445.83;  83  31323.47; 
+ 84  9317.028;  85  79776.81;  86  5212.882;  96  10186.92;  97  34730.04; 
+ 98  6403.045;  99  29905.5;  110  5822.654;  111  22106.3;  112  4980.75; 
+ 113  21926.25;  124  4979.198;  125  12739.8;  126  4505.218;  127  18044.24; 
+ 138  4163.058;  139  6116.258;  140  2977.054;  141  14539.7;  155  11384.44; 
+ 167  3046.163;  168  2451.526;  169  9850.491;  182  1939.172;  225  5728.253; 
+ 239  5510.629;  295  2464.02;  309  2417.298;  323  1973.272;  337  1798.835; 
+ 351  1741.493;  379  1635.471;  393  1859.31;  623  784.8017;  625  424.0281; 
+Name: Unknown 108
+DB.idx: -108
+rt: 24.576
+Class: Unknown 0.0089
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 108  5671.93;  179  67217.08;  239  5207.812;  280  94221.31;  281  22988.96; 
+ 282  8804.404;  354  29862.58;  355  13954.24;  382  14686.33; 
+Name: Unknown 109
+DB.idx: -109
+rt: 15.124
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 68  2719.779;  140  42178.42;  141  6048.189;  230  93575.84;  231  19418.16; 
+ 304  8646.503; 
+Name: Unknown 110
+DB.idx: -110
+rt: 35.794
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 85
+ 57  6711.627;  168  14479.58;  179  4591.008;  247  35253.44;  248  7531.439; 
+ 249  4216.924;  250  2924.79;  261  2575.543;  263  11608.89;  264  3145.626; 
+ 267  5030.291;  297  1029.364;  311  3649.479;  327  4422.582;  339  1356.829; 
+ 353  3990.18;  354  1258.276;  367  9406.831;  368  2634.001;  371  770.3907; 
+ 381  5147.333;  383  5685.641;  384  1728.265;  385  990.4215;  391  2788.381; 
+ 392  867.725;  395  761.4707;  397  419.0078;  399  1278.103;  407  1512.817; 
+ 409  1953.151;  410  793.0072;  411  444.3669;  423  2269.344;  424  1008.361; 
+ 426  622.7151;  427  901.0035;  428  442.3378;  439  93561.52;  440  33582.47; 
+ 441  10044.34;  453  389.8055;  455  90505.33;  456  36390.89;  457  12879.16; 
+ 458  3182.069;  459  632.125;  481  600.0536;  482  765.9185;  483  13612.53; 
+ 484  6177.677;  485  2173.535;  486  681.0214;  497  5830.877;  498  2707.512; 
+ 499  1003.331;  500  478.5467;  503  1197.045;  504  603.5296;  511  1222.099; 
+ 512  27982.92;  513  12886.1;  514  4668.673;  515  1365.76;  516  325.6433; 
+ 517  2816.338;  518  15359.06;  519  5994.351;  520  1447.11;  521  571.006; 
+ 536  439.85;  538  41700.05;  539  18529.63;  540  7471.677;  541  1981.192; 
+ 542  512.6808;  550  200.0804;  592  593.1172;  593  226.1333;  606  498.0263; 
+ 607  60937.27;  608  29633.01;  609  10674.43;  610  3273.793;  611  676.6805; 
+Name: Unknown 111
+DB.idx: -111
+rt: 7.979
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 86  17463.92;  174  90064.45;  175  16231.28;  176  7492.105;  202  17951.06; 
+Name: Unknown 112
+DB.idx: -112
+rt: 42.144
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 41
+ 55  19719.31;  56  8077.51;  57  73574.48;  68  3734.849;  69  24078.5; 
+ 70  13529.86;  71  89391.71;  81  9921.309;  82  9582.688;  83  22590.84; 
+ 84  7274.002;  85  70786.01;  96  8550.605;  97  28087.57;  98  6952.66; 
+ 99  26421.71;  110  4756.01;  111  17119.59;  112  4526.576;  113  18738.68; 
+ 124  3520.368;  125  10126.68;  126  3503.825;  127  14364.57;  138  2684.835; 
+ 139  5401.666;  140  2871.482;  141  11953.14;  155  10190.46;  167  2341.9; 
+ 168  1769.181;  169  7988.903;  225  5255.623;  239  3609.723;  295  2081.205; 
+ 309  1800.309;  323  1414.451;  337  1558.481;  351  1579.55;  379  1832.948; 
+ 436  680.9517; 
+Name: Unknown 113
+DB.idx: -113
+rt: 15.724
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 100  42335.8;  114  12935.31;  115  87020.43;  116  11685.97;  143  33226.86; 
+ 171  13812.78;  187  3352.993;  314  21387.49;  315  6068.415;  316  2926.91; 
+ 329  34233.84;  330  10903.94; 
+Name: Unknown 114
+DB.idx: -114
+rt: 6.014
+Class: Unknown 0.0091
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 59  34936.56;  86  10833.72;  100  47775.6;  137  11382.73;  168  3971.539; 
+ 174  86696.22;  175  15744.25;  176  9046.284; 
+Name: Unknown 115
+DB.idx: -115
+rt: 11.581
+Class: Unknown 0.0069
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 51  1707.279;  54  18045.49;  109  45920.57;  237  2389.204;  245  84641.76; 
+ 246  16770.47;  247  8293.23; 
+Name: Unknown 116
+DB.idx: -116
+rt: 22.613
+Class: Unknown 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 197  12376.58;  225  8088.662;  271  9836.991;  287  79975.26;  288  19549.08; 
+ 289  8439.712;  290  1584.698;  317  3133.125;  361  27781.92;  389  15730.65; 
+ 390  4924.022;  391  3009.167;  435  1320.535;  436  594.928;  479  9644.688; 
+ 480  4127.555;  481  2477.446;  482  726.3393;  483  334.7378; 
+Name: Unknown 117
+DB.idx: -117
+rt: 14.038
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 70  39786.61;  232  77920.69;  233  16284.18;  234  7358.33;  239  3549.479; 
+ 306  10448.37;  334  9925.475;  335  3278.662; 
+Name: Unknown 118
+DB.idx: -118
+rt: 11.22
+Class: Unknown 0.0017
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 124  14846.58;  136  2423.037;  180  5012.063;  238  46288.66;  242  13825.65; 
+ 252  1745.557;  294  76974.73;  295  16492.52;  296  3909.181;  298  11234.46; 
+Name: Unknown 119
+DB.idx: -119
+rt: 37.342
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 56
+ 168  8265.257;  391  36135.05;  392  10582.94;  407  13564.64;  408  4373.577; 
+ 411  4529.689;  412  1452.84;  413  352.0869;  426  3369.278;  437  4286.033; 
+ 438  6532.348;  439  27177.78;  440  10843.72;  446  622.144;  447  2542.391; 
+ 461  611.375;  482  682.6371;  489  604.6859;  490  354.0714;  503  9344.039; 
+ 504  3445.405;  505  1001.405;  508  215.1907;  517  767.0182;  518  73593.09; 
+ 519  28216.12;  520  7434.177;  521  1979.066;  533  145.7823;  534  1071.63; 
+ 538  5252.885;  539  3026.827;  540  1005.218;  541  353.8985;  545  517; 
+ 546  215.3389;  549  726.0592;  550  543.0029;  559  332.2041;  560  796.7341; 
+ 561  386.4464;  565  200.0256;  592  260.0042;  607  1009.502;  608  423.4019; 
+ 630  658.5601;  631  232.8176;  632  128.1988;  633  998.3121;  634  417.2189; 
+ 635  241.059;  687  242.6802;  702  4366.098;  703  2297.439;  704  792.6442; 
+ 705  315.0066; 
+Name: Unknown 120
+DB.idx: -120
+rt: 40.438
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 55  17626.38;  56  7074.836;  57  65804.86;  68  3622.301;  69  21136.4; 
+ 70  12562.8;  71  79912.32;  82  8402.071;  83  20979.76;  84  6364.391; 
+ 85  65366.23;  96  7113.306;  97  23528.83;  98  5202.771;  99  23754.26; 
+ 110  3899.04;  111  13796.89;  112  4519.791;  113  17470.15;  124  3295.972; 
+ 125  8901.735;  126  3035.239;  127  12589.06;  138  1935.288;  139  4028.638; 
+ 140  3010.151;  141  11648.87;  153  2202.685;  155  9183.978;  169  7217.274; 
+ 239  3209.931;  295  1749.325;  309  1572.877;  323  1379.703;  337  1713.126; 
+ 351  1640.476;  408  754.2759;  511  1350.103; 
+Name: Unknown 121
+DB.idx: -121
+rt: 41.186
+Class: Unknown 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 169  10280.43;  204  45071.8;  243  7115.269;  271  8609.078;  361  70550.84; 
+ 362  21913.6;  411  514.5387;  566  396.8897;  598  378.9551;  611  274.3721; 
+Name: Unknown 122
+DB.idx: -122
+rt: 19.829
+Class: Unknown 0.0073
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 215  6372.782;  217  70156.53;  289  1225.284;  317  2443.827;  395  1020.289; 
+ 397  276.9423; 
+Name: Unknown 123
+DB.idx: -123
+rt: 8.326
+Class: Unknown 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 208  70133.98;  209  8516.228;  245  61434.27;  246  14636.04;  247  8559.985; 
+ 266  1549.62; 
+Name: Unknown 124
+DB.idx: -124
+rt: 37.303
+Class: Unknown 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 28
+ 55  13657.15;  56  7373.66;  57  56219.72;  69  16523.69;  70  9787.256; 
+ 71  68069.54;  82  5592.25;  83  16818.48;  84  5836.355;  85  49326.06; 
+ 96  4567.681;  97  17277.12;  98  4446.356;  99  20678.64;  110  2987.199; 
+ 111  10644.66;  112  3291.337;  113  12850.01;  124  2274.984;  125  5817.791; 
+ 126  2428.384;  127  9496.922;  138  1659.009;  140  1930.094;  141  7713.187; 
+ 155  6004.125;  225  2154.073;  239  2245.141; 
+Name: Unknown 125
+DB.idx: -125
+rt: 12.757
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 27
+ 51  1195.043;  55  13943.56;  57  57614.24;  65  4918.123;  67  27190.16; 
+ 68  3194.288;  69  12390.44;  79  16689.69;  80  3138.617;  81  12840.76; 
+ 84  4027.37;  91  9303.391;  92  1501.415;  94  4637.403;  95  10079.46; 
+ 97  67179.15;  98  11043.3;  99  14253.73;  102  9699.973;  107  11743.57; 
+ 108  1779.161;  109  30674.57;  110  3420.786;  121  2988.431;  122  3055.155; 
+ 123  4773.527;  124  4980.116; 
+Name: Unknown 126
+DB.idx: -126
+rt: 44.259
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 38
+ 55  15831.38;  56  6550.286;  57  54854.42;  68  3185;  69  18992.64; 
+ 70  9196.013;  71  65869.17;  82  9187.653;  83  20781.18;  84  5063.696; 
+ 85  49065.55;  97  21811.71;  98  4767.328;  99  19064.36;  110  3989.281; 
+ 111  14121.04;  112  4172.222;  113  13610.04;  124  3112.261;  125  8326.565; 
+ 126  2755.247;  127  10813.01;  138  2641.913;  139  3825.627;  140  1998.223; 
+ 141  8311.195;  155  8067.458;  169  5910.334;  225  3107.042;  239  3411.182; 
+ 295  1997.001;  323  1702.347;  337  1300.487;  351  1217.163;  379  1071.296; 
+ 393  1334.628;  436  567.0007;  596  212.8062; 
+Name: Unknown 127
+DB.idx: -127
+rt: 39.638
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 213  10006.39;  353  3606.577;  354  877.3817;  411  1385.003;  412  491.4433; 
+ 425  1302.477;  426  618.0102;  497  59995.14;  498  26267.95;  499  10050.71; 
+ 500  2385.8;  501  574.8312;  568  3488.251;  569  1813.351;  682  188.415; 
+Name: Unknown 128
+DB.idx: -128
+rt: 12.341
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 99  58662.88;  120  5952.292;  155  45921.18;  169  25694.85;  195  11333.99; 
+ 209  5608.495; 
+Name: Unknown 129
+DB.idx: -129
+rt: 9.551
+Class: Unknown 8e-04
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 221  56769.04;  222  12150.93;  223  7857.643;  225  37108.25;  226  7264.346; 
+ 227  5282.022;  239  2952.021;  248  21037.3;  249  4926.968;  250  3157.982; 
+ 252  3301.03;  336  11092.5;  337  3529.828;  338  2012.334; 
+Name: Unknown 130
+DB.idx: -130
+rt: 15.661
+Class: Unknown 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 98  5748.128;  167  1917.877;  197  9118.857;  198  1859.292;  247  62374.7; 
+ 248  11633.37;  249  2870.703;  260  11471.78;  261  2770.552;  339  43406.16; 
+ 340  11156.71;  411  678.208; 
+Name: Unknown 131
+DB.idx: -131
+rt: 19.113
+Class: Unknown 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 84  56155.92;  102  6100.45;  128  4416.039;  156  25525.64;  167  1978.979; 
+ 168  2199.419;  249  2511.083;  338  2935.455;  362  7232.362;  584  181.0568; 
+Name: Unknown 132
+DB.idx: -132
+rt: 28.745
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 117  55723.97;  327  29527.49;  328  7574.884;  329  2231;  345  5915.232; 
+Name: Unknown 133
+DB.idx: -133
+rt: 9.618
+Class: Unknown 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 77  26963.64;  107  2959.221;  151  40219.23;  152  6687.867;  153  5454.848; 
+ 168  4146.776;  174  40363.23;  176  4292.142;  177  5873.004;  178  2917.139; 
+ 180  3870.743;  192  55195.43;  194  4546.624;  195  2635.754;  198  3302.933; 
+ 224  3899.037;  228  5603.416;  242  7229.268;  243  15566.44;  266  9201.909; 
+ 316  7409.565;  360  2350.95; 
+Name: Unknown 134
+DB.idx: -134
+rt: 13.983
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 86  9719.601;  155  11858.25;  174  24342.61;  218  54476.44;  248  10002.31; 
+ 249  3143.653;  292  25093.4;  293  7249.972;  294  3321.59; 
+Name: Unknown 135
+DB.idx: -135
+rt: 9.907
+Class: Unknown 0.0034
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 82  12120.01;  108  6660.177;  170  7734.353;  177  16009.73;  198  5431.334; 
+ 252  12290.6;  267  53050.09;  268  9035.369; 
+Name: Unknown 136
+DB.idx: -136
+rt: 33.943
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 26
+ 55  11629.91;  56  5085.835;  57  42443;  69  13551.81;  70  7995.534; 
+ 71  52547.24;  82  4983.248;  83  11290.68;  84  4669.255;  85  39112.54; 
+ 96  3626.351;  97  12664.8;  98  3396.82;  99  14378.4;  110  2546.002; 
+ 111  7360.976;  112  2856.828;  113  11271.68;  124  1548.463;  125  3939.051; 
+ 126  2447.932;  127  7150.145;  141  5883.016;  155  4504.547;  521  259.0016; 
+ 536  432.2449; 
+Name: Unknown 137
+DB.idx: -137
+rt: 12.997
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 55  8779.364;  69  12068.27;  71  24766.93;  83  51930.34;  96  3965.693; 
+ 97  6850.471;  98  10043.35;  110  4006.761;  111  9180.919;  126  4275.003; 
+ 145  52064.68;  161  21413.82;  162  21652.92;  218  41150.54;  236  2772.237; 
+Name: Unknown 138
+DB.idx: -138
+rt: 24.414
+Class: Unknown 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 299  51656.15;  436  701.925;  569  1628.621;  570  724.1667;  571  660.2827; 
+Name: Unknown 139
+DB.idx: -139
+rt: 8.777
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 81  13308.34;  95  25426.74;  107  3394.722;  109  5301.725;  136  5549.929; 
+ 137  50683.14;  138  5823.896; 
+Name: Unknown 140
+DB.idx: -140
+rt: 7.702
+Class: Unknown 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 59  40372.68;  69  20150.77;  70  24182.6;  89  49820.51;  98  8623.609; 
+Name: Unknown 141
+DB.idx: -141
+rt: 38.652
+Class: Unknown 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 169  9813.469;  243  5535.581;  271  7039.629;  361  49357.55;  362  15505.81; 
+ 437  8999.513;  438  3121.764;  439  1908.98;  451  1947.961;  452  1045.569; 
+ 453  557.4085;  788  379.1289; 
+Name: Unknown 142
+DB.idx: -142
+rt: 29.832
+Class: Unknown 0.0028
+Num Peaks: 24
+ 55  9441.504;  56  5149.949;  57  42449.94;  69  11391.1;  70  7023.871; 
+ 71  48847.57;  82  4124.913;  83  10409.99;  84  4558.891;  85  39902.82; 
+ 96  3806.412;  97  10076.53;  98  3596.586;  99  12256.56;  110  2169.506; 
+ 111  6178.728;  112  2287.009;  113  8507.175;  125  3362.8;  126  2029.331; 
+ 127  6298.545;  141  5065.835;  155  3871.246;  202  11456.77; 
+Name: Unknown 143
+DB.idx: -143
+rt: 32.712
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 119  7886.544;  325  46350.81;  326  13036.79;  327  3543.963;  381  728.2049; 
+ 396  2427.238;  397  1045.803;  398  319.9474; 
+Name: Unknown 144
+DB.idx: -144
+rt: 39.717
+Class: Unknown 0.0057
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 169  7461.313;  243  5315.171;  271  6248.326;  361  44871.84;  362  13734.69; 
+ 480  2548.149;  481  1318.956;  482  755.3112;  510  315.8909;  517  258.8418; 
+ 598  776.3672;  600  285.9058;  697  105.2807;  710  138.4091;  712  125.875; 
+ 714  272.5713;  752  184.3879;  753  140.0645; 
+Name: Unknown 145
+DB.idx: -145
+rt: 11.654
+Class: Unknown 0.0061
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 99  15755.54;  126  4269.059;  141  31489.03;  197  5474.32;  224  2830.112; 
+ 260  7672.579;  266  5974.171;  324  903.4517;  364  40968.74; 
+Name: Unknown 146
+DB.idx: -146
+rt: 20.864
+Class: Unknown 0.0037
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 50  491.4203;  57  9330.684;  71  11247.57;  85  8104.251;  178  1691.744; 
+ 251  11140.52;  252  3234.403;  295  41811.89;  296  9623.127;  297  4654.451; 
+ 310  3516.854;  313  1892.24; 
+Name: Unknown 147
+DB.idx: -147
+rt: 22.426
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 84  4764.069;  168  2114.331;  174  37243.76;  175  7639.747;  176  2951.955; 
+ 200  7791.088; 
+Name: Unknown 148
+DB.idx: -148
+rt: 22.442
+Class: Unknown 0.0012
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 197  3430.296;  271  2783.267;  287  24911.1;  288  6014.564;  289  2517.81; 
+ 361  6888.861;  362  2228.823;  389  4101.95;  391  903.7475;  479  3104.125; 
+ 480  1189.291;  481  789.1022; 
+Name: Unknown 149
+DB.idx: -149
+rt: 25.46
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 55  6422.118;  56  4464.87;  57  31124.67;  70  5761.673;  71  35583.52; 
+ 85  25375.95;  97  6800.438;  113  5752.135;  125  1997.368;  127  3750.578; 
+Name: Unknown 150
+DB.idx: -150
+rt: 17.007
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 70  19649;  102  4013.751;  142  35030.66;  168  2680.69;  292  5139.68; 
+ 577  418.5956;  578  244.3333;  579  188.719; 
+Name: Unknown 151
+DB.idx: -151
+rt: 26.89
+Class: Unknown 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 221  34485.91;  222  8477.226;  223  4849.156;  281  11915.76;  282  4033.802; 
+ 295  15023.18;  296  4601.248;  297  2800.418;  355  4065.4;  369  7441.417; 
+ 370  2403.236;  371  1853.549;  372  690.4863;  402  874.0613;  473  177.3409; 
+ 475  313.356;  489  258.3389;  517  226.8228; 
+Name: Unknown 152
+DB.idx: -152
+rt: 29.448
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 404  14905.23;  405  5103.811;  406  1880.706;  434  33985.76;  435  11008.08; 
+ 436  4407.102;  490  279.0909;  505  1154.763; 
+Name: Unknown 153
+DB.idx: -153
+rt: 38.092
+Class: Unknown 0.0011
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 221  33197.98;  222  8980.827;  281  18225.58;  282  5487.475;  295  16300.25; 
+ 296  5221.735;  297  3224.837;  355  5742.829;  369  11803.99;  370  3888.423; 
+ 371  2730.473;  372  855.125;  461  438.68;  475  324.496;  535  247.381; 
+Name: Unknown 154
+DB.idx: -154
+rt: 14.458
+Class: Unknown 0.0115
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 128  3714.594;  174  31494.76;  200  3954.721;  411  285.2578;  433  2171.885; 
+Name: Unknown 155
+DB.idx: -155
+rt: 12.841
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 139  4956.247;  140  21280.85;  252  5679.129;  301  66870.25;  302  19976.82; 
+ 303  8835.595;  350  12886.99;  351  4513.957;  352  1844.591;  355  6125.451; 
+ 356  2299.609;  370  4876;  371  1625.876;  372  737.3967; 
+Name: Unknown 156
+DB.idx: -156
+rt: 33.361
+Class: Unknown 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 221  30167.25;  222  6937.506;  223  4094.93;  281  11876.54;  282  4175.857; 
+ 295  13597.72;  296  4323.801;  297  2583.68;  355  4457.77;  369  9515.242; 
+ 370  3799.084;  371  2234.379;  372  735.9073;  461  471.1488;  473  206.9454; 
+ 475  348.5734;  501  230.025;  533  181.9299;  535  316.1662;  591  247.1951; 
+ 592  167.875;  595  973.0592;  596  750.3325;  597  419.225;  681  219.0022; 
+ 697  174.6808;  712  454.8188;  713  179.9032;  715  114.5806; 
+Name: Unknown 157
+DB.idx: -157
+rt: 43.834
+Class: Unknown 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 309  29698.77;  310  8023.004;  575  1051.975;  576  624.8533;  590  659.9453; 
+ 613  289.2949; 
+Name: Unknown 158
+DB.idx: -158
+rt: 9.246
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 136  18430.45;  164  14440.8;  165  8015.202;  192  18282.25;  258  28351.41; 
+ 284  14761.94; 
+Name: Unknown 159
+DB.idx: -159
+rt: 36.15
+Class: Unknown 0.0012
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 221  28010.1;  222  6340.582;  281  12507.37;  282  3911.197;  295  14431.55; 
+ 296  4774.781;  297  2496.615;  355  4154.414;  369  9185.331;  370  3419.583; 
+ 371  2349.379;  372  749.989;  461  316.881;  475  400.4738;  535  284.1296; 
+Name: Unknown 160
+DB.idx: -160
+rt: 23.367
+Class: Unknown 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 221  27729.54;  281  10330.14;  282  3440.258;  295  9599.48;  296  2836.107; 
+ 355  2936.676;  369  4552.767;  370  1917.026;  371  1243.893;  372  459.4738; 
+ 473  206.4083; 
+Name: Unknown 161
+DB.idx: -161
+rt: 39.811
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 395  805.8658;  423  1322.018;  453  751.4978;  511  27438.89;  512  12221.51; 
+ 567  514.6277;  582  1829.262;  583  823.4933;  584  512.2042; 
+Name: Unknown 162
+DB.idx: -162
+rt: 19.452
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 140  2771.466;  214  5808.711;  228  5312.116;  233  7116.939;  261  4245.561; 
+ 304  26530.01;  406  2256.273;  651  165.0417; 
+Name: Unknown 163
+DB.idx: -163
+rt: 19.613
+Class: Unknown 0.0011
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 221  24400.86;  295  8202.048;  296  2365.808;  297  1712.416;  369  3693.675; 
+ 370  1662.047;  371  1098.511;  372  403.946;  392  928.3082;  399  1146.214; 
+ 407  5199.095;  408  1991.153;  436  2303.801; 
+Name: Unknown 164
+DB.idx: -164
+rt: 29.069
+Class: Unknown 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 237  14615.7;  238  3141.111;  294  23191.7;  295  5838.043;  296  1890.519; 
+ 355  5456.67;  397  1953.019;  398  735.9525;  412  1829.822;  413  629.9601; 
+Name: Unknown 165
+DB.idx: -165
+rt: 22.223
+Class: Unknown 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 23
+ 94  4154.855;  250  1339.738;  251  2619.123;  252  998.1304;  296  2211.705; 
+ 326  6549.406;  372  1166.38;  416  1690.192;  427  2595.027;  446  616.3158; 
+ 458  13073.24;  459  3653.736;  460  1169.571;  486  727.4495;  533  1216.102; 
+ 534  1036.768;  558  22619.84;  559  7347.45;  560  2931.078;  561  649.2549; 
+ 573  9061.32;  574  2666.456;  575  1038.859; 
+Name: Unknown 166
+DB.idx: -166
+rt: 27.024
+Class: Unknown 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 318  22338.01;  507  870.0019;  508  447.1742;  509  515.9014;  612  251.4497; 
+Name: Unknown 167
+DB.idx: -167
+rt: 14.29
+Class: Unknown 0.0033
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 54  1427.562;  84  17720.7;  128  7868.842;  142  8963.717;  145  21424.47; 
+ 172  11812.69;  173  17235.93;  262  19226.88;  288  4804.486;  289  1680.89; 
+Name: Unknown 168
+DB.idx: -168
+rt: 20.719
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 299  21365.12;  315  6079.953;  357  18576.6;  358  4921.271;  359  2642.287; 
+ 370  2689.027;  371  1164.754;  372  548.7305;  373  1606.175;  387  2617.63; 
+ 388  882.4174;  445  3879.977;  446  1403.513;  447  917.5326; 
+Name: Unknown 169
+DB.idx: -169
+rt: 38.504
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 57  16969.23;  71  21352.56;  85  17062.62;  113  4459.308;  125  2140.176; 
+ 127  3212.814;  595  208.875;  597  212.2986; 
+Name: Unknown 170
+DB.idx: -170
+rt: 15.641
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 446  427.992;  447  20357.22;  448  7477.938;  449  4423.212;  450  1517.042; 
+Name: Unknown 171
+DB.idx: -171
+rt: 38.044
+Class: Unknown 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 57  15151.21;  71  20342.56;  85  14112;  97  7099.978;  125  2227.737; 
+ 127  3040.444; 
+Name: Unknown 172
+DB.idx: -172
+rt: 14.082
+Class: Unknown 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 128  10724.88;  142  11449.8;  144  9590.369;  172  14592.78;  173  19040.79; 
+Name: Unknown 173
+DB.idx: -173
+rt: 27.207
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 50  578.2676;  140  4046.414;  178  2996.325;  251  2261.323;  252  640.6545; 
+ 266  1484.959;  295  6705.594;  296  1594.406;  311  2137.484;  339  18759.42; 
+ 340  5472.788; 
+Name: Unknown 174
+DB.idx: -174
+rt: 15.078
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 84  9680.027;  475  566.5785;  476  416.0479;  563  648.1023;  564  281.9828; 
+Name: Unknown 175
+DB.idx: -175
+rt: 13.616
+Class: Unknown 0.0062
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 98  2558.886;  178  1746.413;  308  18285.3;  310  1968;  322  14050.13; 
+ 323  6714.433;  324  2474.87; 
+Name: Unknown 176
+DB.idx: -176
+rt: 34.852
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 369  17851.96;  370  5242.333;  371  1564.529;  372  491.92;  384  2941.841; 
+ 385  964;  386  400.875;  387  4822.259;  388  1452.167; 
+Name: Unknown 177
+DB.idx: -177
+rt: 19.277
+Class: Unknown 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 235  17733.56;  236  3545.125;  250  2964.039;  279  4672.113;  326  1996.786; 
+Name: Unknown 178
+DB.idx: -178
+rt: 18.217
+Class: Unknown 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 101  8233.834;  127  3064.86;  245  9220.226;  289  1751.053;  306  14761.38; 
+ 333  8174.411;  335  17075.32;  336  4891.141;  337  2674.734;  423  1912.916; 
+Name: Unknown 179
+DB.idx: -179
+rt: 6.282
+Class: Unknown 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 63  3313.863;  113  6692.337;  256  16954.66;  334  5704.149;  338  3133.605; 
+ 388  1472.631; 
+Name: Unknown 180
+DB.idx: -180
+rt: 18.32
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 116  16006.68;  132  12809.94;  141  10534.45;  188  12210.55;  264  1557.705; 
+ 436  586.04; 
+Name: Unknown 181
+DB.idx: -181
+rt: 30.05
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 55  11906.44;  56  3838.901;  57  5716.307;  69  13805.61;  70  5739.608; 
+ 83  14580.82;  97  14498.86;  111  7513.246;  125  3702.703; 
+Name: Unknown 182
+DB.idx: -182
+rt: 32.491
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 165  21207.51;  166  2978.482;  325  3454.618;  380  3920.464;  381  1312.952; 
+Name: Unknown 183
+DB.idx: -183
+rt: 13.74
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 91  11143.45;  146  10782.75;  188  9457.898;  350  14291.33;  351  5025.495; 
+ 352  3013.052;  540  236.1439; 
+Name: Unknown 184
+DB.idx: -184
+rt: 8.964
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 112  2387.644;  122  10058.52;  139  5669.327;  166  10273.96;  167  2213.029; 
+ 178  2534.952;  197  2931.316;  214  14175.09;  236  2187.043;  262  7028.609; 
+ 411  403.4899;  426  420.1207; 
+Name: Unknown 185
+DB.idx: -185
+rt: 10.35
+Class: Unknown 0.0054
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 178  5187.058;  194  2795.343;  220  13742.25;  294  2308.121;  339  6702.395; 
+ 340  2313.026; 
+Name: Unknown 186
+DB.idx: -186
+rt: 32.449
+Class: Unknown 0.0013
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 146  12873.2;  264  3010.392;  266  7055.751;  296  1141.252;  297  2588.576; 
+ 411  4161.6;  412  1622.737;  413  1323.156;  414  430.0035; 
+Name: Unknown 187
+DB.idx: -187
+rt: 26.27
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 57  8019.932;  97  12679.08;  109  3717.122;  123  6220.338;  124  1828.15; 
+ 125  1549.455;  137  4283.483;  138  1568.006;  179  2873.354;  250  1648.802; 
+Name: Unknown 188
+DB.idx: -188
+rt: 23.441
+Class: Unknown 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 136  2309.787;  298  2718.62;  388  3084.857;  404  6609.13;  419  2183.498; 
+ 494  11942.62;  495  4739.013;  496  2994.189;  497  1179.989; 
+Name: Unknown 189
+DB.idx: -189
+rt: 9.765
+Class: Unknown 0.0075
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 56  5652.016;  112  15411.02;  166  3192.094;  227  3953.666;  392  2675.359; 
+Name: Unknown 190
+DB.idx: -190
+rt: 20.368
+Class: Unknown 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 12
+ 167  1564.191;  239  4160.118;  282  2854.061;  284  6105.995;  326  6620.033; 
+ 329  3561.496;  340  2135.185;  383  10654.58;  384  3334.759;  385  1307.265; 
+ 386  343.8409;  398  440.769; 
+Name: Unknown 191
+DB.idx: -191
+rt: 10.779
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 194  6886.107;  325  3111.371;  341  10438.88;  429  4742.698;  430  2229.645; 
+ 431  1789.162; 
+Name: Unknown 192
+DB.idx: -192
+rt: 28.303
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 159  7437.279;  272  10391.26;  302  7878.287;  443  2382.176;  445  715.0042; 
+Name: Unknown 193
+DB.idx: -193
+rt: 13.582
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 92  3455.328;  128  11986.42;  188  4610.619;  374  6941.945;  415  2240.003; 
+ 416  825.9276;  503  1939.85;  504  1085.219;  505  846.762;  506  432.5329; 
+Name: Unknown 194
+DB.idx: -194
+rt: 22.542
+Class: Unknown 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 180  6471.187;  252  1482.349;  295  6774.125;  296  2129.314;  297  1609.72; 
+ 385  7288.323;  386  2592.33;  387  1684.348;  398  407.1663;  399  9991.34; 
+ 400  3515.152;  401  1675.496;  414  9658.864;  415  3566.344;  416  1468.14; 
+Name: Unknown 195
+DB.idx: -195
+rt: 38.301
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 427  388.1633;  515  2224.554;  516  1065.249;  543  477.6815;  557  707.6075; 
+ 558  340.7556;  559  257.2607;  572  8836.252;  573  4347.003;  574  1996.645; 
+ 575  708.992; 
+Name: Unknown 196
+DB.idx: -196
+rt: 33.644
+Class: Unknown 0.0043
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 357  8412.376;  358  2777.392;  371  1634.802;  372  734.5198;  383  1483.159; 
+ 386  832.0057;  411  1902.421;  412  623.6541;  413  418.5316;  424  5385.761; 
+ 425  2187.729;  426  1162.51;  427  350.25;  473  265.1155;  474  211.4848; 
+ 496  1453.676;  497  635.5919;  499  1017.578;  500  490.6355;  501  698.7028; 
+ 502  201.7348;  564  226.0809;  589  1907.083;  590  1104.801;  591  673.7242; 
+ 592  304.9774;  603  388.1542;  604  304.8829;  606  170.2785; 
+Name: Unknown 197
+DB.idx: -197
+rt: 32.226
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 37
+ 84  7982.112;  373  4104.068;  374  4377.515;  386  492.3323;  398  220.7267; 
+ 459  841.9011;  460  381.5938;  461  810.8901;  477  832.5057;  489  321.4727; 
+ 490  191.382;  546  215.8817;  547  2108.099;  548  2793.779;  549  1617.926; 
+ 550  721.2663;  551  4440.043;  552  2450.369;  553  1366.083;  563  275.3137; 
+ 564  436.3233;  578  182.0066;  579  236.1184;  593  137.0357;  621  124.875; 
+ 625  166.1315;  626  117.5684;  636  150.3813;  637  1190.111;  638  1403.621; 
+ 639  825.042;  640  590.4747;  653  420.9878;  654  691.5622;  655  440.4208; 
+ 656  259.3353;  657  98.675; 
+Name: Unknown 198
+DB.idx: -198
+rt: 14.869
+Class: Unknown 0.005
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 121  3042.64;  383  7729.474;  384  1216.542;  509  425.5;  510  260.4572; 
+Name: Unknown 199
+DB.idx: -199
+rt: 40.626
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 497  7600.376;  498  3612.139;  499  1576.166;  500  403.3333;  567  456.7951; 
+ 568  856.0225; 
+Name: Unknown 200
+DB.idx: -200
+rt: 16.669
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 179  7626.734;  489  391.5063;  577  591.2825;  578  320.45;  579  222.6306; 
+ 580  140.0496; 
+Name: Unknown 201
+DB.idx: -201
+rt: 26.028
+Class: Unknown 0.0075
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 346  2507.681;  380  951.1539;  388  810.5355;  390  1630.56;  435  6675.536; 
+ 436  2699.146; 
+Name: Unknown 202
+DB.idx: -202
+rt: 24.754
+Class: Unknown 0.0012
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 449  6183.266;  450  2636.626;  451  1695.802;  539  2294.474;  540  1207.967; 
+ 541  723.325; 
+Name: Unknown 203
+DB.idx: -203
+rt: 33.137
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 459  5608.966;  460  1919.087;  461  696.0891;  509  298.9286;  527  267.3393; 
+ 531  581.2727;  532  239.6983;  533  101.574; 
+Name: Unknown 204
+DB.idx: -204
+rt: 38.757
+Class: Unknown 0.0059
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 483  4627.062;  484  2195.372;  485  919.7656;  651  160.6568;  682  248.67; 
+ 684  99.93951; 
+Name: Unknown 205
+DB.idx: -205
+rt: 39.018
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 381  1698.556;  423  4014.733;  424  1398.228;  425  511.0667;  438  2594.909; 
+ 453  1266.663;  454  525.0721;  495  2020.844;  496  948.634;  509  280.2979; 
+ 510  1671.527;  566  2156.198;  567  1212.356;  568  522.0008;  594  363.6; 
+ 596  209.0132;  622  158.0702;  623  3296.06;  624  1555.497;  625  574.375; 
+Name: Unknown 206
+DB.idx: -206
+rt: 38.238
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 585  2893.942;  586  1845.364;  587  850.4846;  588  453.8091;  600  843.53; 
+ 602  218.2481; 
+Name: Unknown 207
+DB.idx: -207
+rt: 17.623
+Class: Unknown 0.0041
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 335  2966.2;  567  241.4878;  568  201.4;  581  175.3603;  582  260.5872; 
+ 583  1355.151;  584  741.6566;  585  661.088;  586  308.6;  587  198.8947; 
+Name: Unknown 208
+DB.idx: -208
+rt: 35.564
+Class: Unknown 0.0016
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 427  2041.201;  428  1018.441;  484  2465.681;  485  839.0036;  486  429.9708; 
+Name: Unknown 209
+DB.idx: -209
+rt: 33.996
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 399  1227.015;  400  510.0363;  427  424.7368;  439  2453.094;  440  1167.562; 
+ 518  1242.667;  519  374.5;  538  1230.946;  539  613.037;  607  2298.21; 
+ 608  1070.039;  609  492.3242;  610  296.2231; 
+Name: Unknown 210
+DB.idx: -210
+rt: 16.117
+Class: Unknown 0.0029
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 236  2023.894;  489  390.0625;  490  214.1658;  577  680.7052;  578  384.0189; 
+ 579  409.8596;  580  204.8817; 
+Name: Unknown 211
+DB.idx: -211
+rt: 32.931
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 387  1358.494;  388  556.1494;  471  461.9257;  472  243.569;  475  285.5319; 
+ 476  218;  561  771.6984;  562  552.4052;  563  227.9141;  565  1350.838; 
+ 566  618.5446;  567  365.521;  651  349.0702;  652  248.6333;  653  215.2; 
+ 667  217.4142;  668  158.0125; 
+Name: Unknown 212
+DB.idx: -212
+rt: 40.051
+Class: Unknown 0.0053
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 463  877.0917;  637  972.4941;  638  556.1001;  639  348.1088;  640  145.5558; 
+Name: Unknown 213
+DB.idx: -213
+rt: 20.203
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 475  691.2524;  476  261.9474;  489  253.9453;  490  247.6578;  563  341.0014; 
+ 564  195.4412;  651  746.4568;  652  585.7028;  653  384.4198;  654  231.9013; 
+ 655  104.375; 
+Name: Unknown 214
+DB.idx: -214
+rt: 22.01
+Class: Unknown 0.0057
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 73  4867619;  147  4984192;  183  3295604;  211  3077243;  257  2938994; 
+ 273  5937759;  274  3717373;  347  3818964;  363  3088772;  375  3610247; 
+Name: Unknown 215
+DB.idx: -215
+rt: 22.913
+Class: Unknown 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 91
+ 54  1669.518;  59  25304.6;  73  805399.2;  74  67554.14;  82  12432.37; 
+ 89  54692.97;  90  5435.366;  100  13822.76;  101  8950.405;  102  4470.84; 
+ 103  67508.93;  104  7114.675;  105  18387.71;  110  1791.062;  113  5646.001; 
+ 114  8594.768;  117  96680.2;  126  3234.431;  127  4971.896;  128  4644.006; 
+ 129  106204.2;  130  62321.91;  138  2930.224;  142  9042.895;  145  11654.32; 
+ 147  229550;  155  3648.414;  157  429361.4;  158  70191.05;  159  22619.39; 
+ 160  64232.09;  161  48952.89;  162  8946.293;  163  106139.9;  164  18911.1; 
+ 165  8909.25;  168  4806.543;  172  7844.967;  174  16172.3;  180  2846.446; 
+ 181  2790.135;  182  3102.579;  186  15340.03;  187  3720.387;  189  234892; 
+ 190  44543.8;  196  2670.886;  198  3007.586;  200  2154.156;  201  12130.94; 
+ 203  17339.76;  204  40003.12;  205  101067.6;  206  22032.41;  212  7268.24; 
+ 214  7639.748;  216  14956.13;  217  117994.2;  219  31052.31;  228  5329.77; 
+ 229  38388.52;  230  12591.61;  231  33000.94;  232  13011.07;  233  10777.33; 
+ 234  4155.779;  242  3758.12;  243  8641.102;  244  73486.61;  246  10269; 
+ 247  38663.96;  248  11543.33;  249  4451.1;  260  5362.548;  261  2799.453; 
+ 262  9567.987;  270  4506.588;  271  8088.733;  272  3791.828;  302  17789; 
+ 304  7504.411;  319  141033.8;  320  42404.35;  321  21381.03;  392  3792.25; 
+ 393  1375.236;  394  11270.79;  395  3604.184;  450  1305.071;  451  1179.743; 
+ 482  1355.876; 
+Name: Unknown 216
+DB.idx: -216
+rt: 15.682
+Class: Unknown 0.0024
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 102  12458.86;  292  75081.41;  293  22417.12;  294  10866.27;  295  2052.985; 
+ 380  1024.482;  409  2816.855;  410  1389.98;  411  640.8193; 
+Name: Unknown 217
+DB.idx: -217
+rt: 15.938
+Class: Unknown 0.0027
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 221  41775.48;  222  9398.167;  223  5101.603;  239  2498.492;  295  9093.167; 
+ 296  2754.133;  297  2046.626;  325  3261.083;  326  1497.267;  341  7261.793; 
+ 355  6531.739;  356  2457.071;  357  1951.204;  517  338.6886; 
+Name: Unknown 218
+DB.idx: -218
+rt: 18.298
+Class: Unknown 0.0092
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 155  3014.049;  197  4131.381;  221  39416.8;  222  7855.625;  436  569.5984; 
+ 521  1127.21; 
+Name: Unknown 219
+DB.idx: -219
+rt: 17.007
+Class: Unknown 0.0077
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 70  17214.53;  102  4166.58;  142  32919.01;  168  2578.035;  279  6545.651; 
+ 292  4398.292;  577  380.1901;  578  265.4297;  580  198.0312; 
+Name: Unknown 220
+DB.idx: -220
+rt: 33.703
+Class: Unknown 0.0063
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 56  3141.633;  88  4070.353;  285  5862.173;  339  32101.48;  340  8645.733; 
+Name: Unknown 221
+DB.idx: -221
+rt: 38.728
+Class: Unknown 0.0049
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 355  8221.474;  356  3030.345;  357  2227.414;  429  8987.825;  430  3385.989; 
+ 431  2342.817;  475  381.0909;  489  360.0817;  535  279.0435;  536  216.3214; 
+ 577  457.8169;  578  173.1497;  651  118.125;  653  104.0385;  669  206.7222; 
+Name: Unknown 222
+DB.idx: -222
+rt: 39.917
+Class: Unknown 0.0056
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 425  978.3674;  426  391.0833;  525  6323.961;  526  3087.344;  527  1221.038; 
+ 528  406.7615;  581  261.0013;  596  510.7837; 
+Name: Unknown 223
+DB.idx: -223
+rt: 38.455
+Class: Unknown 0.0049
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 469  3939.131;  470  1833.242;  471  577.3378;  472  219;  540  442.0665; 
+ 765  149.1156; 
+Name: Unknown 224
+DB.idx: -224
+rt: 20.203
+Class: Unknown 0.0019
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 401  877.028;  475  589.6746;  476  328.0155;  489  516.0085;  490  230.7812; 
+ 563  437.1739;  564  229.76;  565  265.687;  651  891.2565;  652  619.0158; 
+ 653  580.4464;  654  309.1607;  655  149.1481; 
+Name: Unknown 225
+DB.idx: -225
+rt: 29.878
+Class: Unknown 0.0038
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 461  440.2596;  475  296;  563  233.7563;  651  231.5956;  652  157.1738; 
+ 653  188.7604;  725  239.1565;  726  170.2;  727  136.2023; 
+Name: Unknown 226
+DB.idx: -226
+rt: 24.524
+Class: Unknown 0.0022
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 53  11783.33;  54  11020.14;  55  205167;  56  12638.78;  57  21788.73; 
+ 58  168826.5;  59  940395.9;  60  76683.4;  61  52570.08;  65  6449.743; 
+ 67  43796.72;  68  9115.149;  69  100838;  70  44353.51;  71  32983.28; 
+ 72  178481.9;  73  5772654;  74  2229286;  75  1376570;  76  58790.15; 
+ 77  34345.86;  78  7486.305;  80  8052.219;  81  34038.34;  82  67546.56; 
+ 83  885517.3;  84  56824.02;  85  38566.21;  86  46360.32;  87  48830.96; 
+ 88  56130.18;  89  2021046;  90  216881;  91  100321.1;  92  6094.793; 
+ 96  122795.4;  97  149523.7;  98  21332.58;  99  70212.81;  100  1005866; 
+ 101  288025.7;  102  157032.7;  103  2581977;  104  404643.1;  105  1200342; 
+ 106  123313;  107  48933.38;  109  9884.495;  110  12901.1;  111  69069.81; 
+ 112  21109.86;  113  115057.1;  114  151261.7;  115  86139.7;  116  85511.91; 
+ 117  2746432;  118  446317.5;  119  288317.9;  120  26017.14;  121  9529.281; 
+ 125  22258.49;  126  64941.39;  127  146652.1;  128  76020.27;  129  3338178; 
+ 130  1127873;  131  941500.4;  132  154667.1;  133  1918607;  134  285396; 
+ 135  139430.7;  136  15551.08;  137  5788.262;  138  27896.77;  139  15903.79; 
+ 140  28655.95;  141  59662.67;  142  99647.98;  143  487526.2;  144  63261.13; 
+ 145  100631.6;  146  43342.68;  147  5236168;  148  2605423;  149  1914248; 
+ 150  255638.3;  151  86790.66;  152  35377.59;  153  22656.01;  154  65649.79; 
+ 155  30312.92;  156  28483.02;  157  3555071;  158  1115364;  159  517982.5; 
+ 160  3445634;  161  1323854;  162  384094.1;  163  621505.8;  164  95374.34; 
+ 165  50961.07;  166  15093.19;  167  6194.125;  168  49899.19;  169  331829.2; 
+ 170  88510.2;  171  42242.18;  172  237319.6;  173  144572.8;  174  75576.71; 
+ 175  230007.8;  176  39834.49;  177  334591.7;  178  65419.8;  180  42867.54; 
+ 181  10710.57;  182  153763.8;  183  29365.01;  184  24366.76;  185  34458.02; 
+ 186  259638;  187  113200.5;  188  117635.6;  189  2034915;  190  579485.4; 
+ 191  890009.7;  192  164682;  193  68269.62;  194  12778.75;  196  105374.6; 
+ 197  18551.31;  198  24317.28;  199  7512.013;  200  70760.72;  201  741915.9; 
+ 202  165939.8;  203  219462.2;  204  1372693;  205  4425274;  206  2209524; 
+ 207  1263465;  208  176866.9;  209  37380.75;  210  109468;  211  21666.76; 
+ 212  11061.49;  213  8745.725;  214  542791.8;  215  182913.9;  216  148232.9; 
+ 217  3596926;  218  1675556;  219  816582.9;  220  146972.2;  221  551826; 
+ 222  130229.3;  223  69264.3;  224  13340.38;  226  10722.91;  227  8910.001; 
+ 228  53054.04;  229  2236296;  230  808216.1;  231  470072.9;  232  147569.4; 
+ 233  975565.6;  234  261367;  235  476676.8;  236  94491.46;  237  45128.42; 
+ 238  8376.489;  240  58901.27;  241  49929.64;  242  222392.3;  243  207258.7; 
+ 244  228035;  245  208013.5;  246  190597.3;  247  132967.4;  248  48173.88; 
+ 249  18497.95;  251  17010.34;  252  13230.57;  253  11219.39;  254  25363.89; 
+ 255  9154.708;  256  48391.36;  257  22313.68;  258  19638.8;  259  112911.5; 
+ 260  69331.24;  261  37662.54;  262  124999.7;  263  34193.5;  264  14452.09; 
+ 265  91485.84;  266  24170.23;  267  12391.42;  268  421754.3;  269  210749.9; 
+ 270  128920.4;  271  33913.01;  272  27008.56;  273  332395.3;  274  344577.8; 
+ 275  139940;  276  56831.81;  277  1049365;  278  324210.4;  279  157667.5; 
+ 284  47046.67;  285  28464.66;  286  26323.65;  287  8198.918;  288  38531.4; 
+ 289  18232.31;  290  15966.97;  291  921219.4;  292  283178.6;  293  147239.3; 
+ 523  9933.161;  524  5605.675;  539  7387.479; 
+Name: Unknown 227
+DB.idx: -227
+rt: 24.204
+Class: Unknown 0.0053
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 73  5417464;  147  5151912;  156  60948.94;  251  3672.152;  319  5279892; 
+ 353  4006.554;  382  4066.978; 
+Name: Unknown 228
+DB.idx: -228
+rt: 42.91
+Class: Unknown 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 51  21660.47;  53  19295.16;  55  293403;  56  22545.91;  57  233740.3; 
+ 58  12137.08;  59  76554.38;  60  11197.12;  61  63171.55;  62  5002.837; 
+ 65  60161;  66  10508.27;  67  559784.9;  68  41217.62;  69  447479; 
+ 70  36465.11;  71  279015.6;  72  16701.88;  73  1948758;  74  168868; 
+ 75  937014.6;  76  65739.71;  77  274644;  78  59467.8;  79  741008.3; 
+ 80  77608.85;  81  1137004;  82  107280.9;  83  390568.3;  84  29135.01; 
+ 85  114897.7;  86  7995.134;  87  7776.997;  89  32992.14;  90  4922.794; 
+ 91  1017117;  92  163556.2;  93  833791.4;  94  149408.3;  95  1423109; 
+ 96  123903.9;  97  313061.6;  98  24247.46;  99  26905.37;  101  72812.5; 
+ 102  10743.97;  103  82005.52;  104  52748.07;  105  1270420;  106  250909.7; 
+ 107  1109725;  108  205015;  109  836024.2;  110  87366.88;  111  243135.5; 
+ 112  24268.9;  113  28224.69;  114  4051.565;  115  164382.8;  116  105917.8; 
+ 117  490709.3;  118  159055.9;  119  1172560;  120  536858.8;  121  1248217; 
+ 122  198166.9;  123  404091.2;  124  44620.02;  125  116396.6;  126  12895.96; 
+ 127  44289.77;  128  115212.4;  129  2737851;  130  510575.7;  131  789787.9; 
+ 132  262097.9;  133  842113.3;  134  231935.9;  135  683437.9;  136  107720.5; 
+ 137  193093.4;  138  26179.99;  139  43074.88;  140  5213.331;  141  70512.03; 
+ 142  93241.4;  143  680303.2;  144  204572.7;  145  1297542;  146  356936.8; 
+ 147  770152.9;  148  287384;  149  542154.8;  150  75318.1;  151  140291.3; 
+ 152  19739.45;  153  22593.22;  154  28632.33;  155  322426.4;  156  85808.98; 
+ 157  357466;  158  170677.8;  159  887049.6;  160  688880.6;  161  838289.2; 
+ 162  207851;  163  670800;  164  94297.88;  165  128778.7;  166  17661.19; 
+ 167  26840.12;  168  47989.21;  169  130440.9;  170  37245.85;  171  248255.8; 
+ 172  100684;  173  470697.6;  174  184299.2;  175  359716.2;  176  57474.72; 
+ 177  270139.5;  178  39516.1;  179  106523.8;  180  16564.58;  181  95258.1; 
+ 182  69291.92;  183  73697.9;  184  25625.28;  185  256573.8;  186  75014.84; 
+ 187  191328;  188  55025.17;  189  299374.1;  190  53228.87;  191  166146; 
+ 192  33891.07;  193  141743.7;  194  28881.84;  195  60363.63;  196  70076.06; 
+ 197  106855.2;  198  32733.42;  199  289298;  200  139528.1;  201  290077.3; 
+ 202  58291.8;  203  475206.4;  204  81544.53;  205  169872.8;  206  129530.7; 
+ 210  10365.26;  211  31037.43;  212  21240.32;  213  606742.1;  214  180986.7; 
+ 215  266876.5;  216  74135.76;  217  404203.5;  218  76722.23;  219  309981.8; 
+ 220  66430.33;  221  32689.08;  223  11219.02;  224  5307.52;  225  17298.55; 
+ 226  8607.489;  227  158870.5;  228  149116.2;  229  185389.7;  230  36613.35; 
+ 231  108726.6;  232  24764.68;  233  312021.7;  234  58365.75;  235  27859.25; 
+ 236  8308.132;  237  8523.009;  238  5341.264;  239  32021.09;  240  12182.36; 
+ 241  129125.9;  242  42420.37;  243  50060.06;  244  18580.78;  245  191251.8; 
+ 246  143249.1;  247  715372.4;  248  147018.8;  250  26722.16;  251  18415.74; 
+ 252  4814.241;  255  959393.4;  256  216683.3;  257  60639.07;  258  18880.36; 
+ 259  210160.1;  260  130718.2;  261  58047.51;  262  13722.84;  263  5600.292; 
+ 269  26845.92;  270  7119.25;  271  27131.25;  272  12785.32;  273  153220.4; 
+ 274  120195.7;  275  238146.8;  276  49932.79;  277  6561.73;  283  79181.26; 
+ 284  28870.48;  285  24812.11;  286  17557.53;  287  33719.82;  288  14418.15; 
+ 290  32980.12;  291  71539.11;  292  17690.5;  293  4924.66;  297  49016.94; 
+ 298  20021.2;  299  50528.55;  300  41644.07;
+Name: Unknown 229
+DB.idx: -229
+rt: 22.103
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 223
+ 52  7964.386;  53  36191.26;  54  14020.89;  55  54805.34;  56  8636.832; 
+ 57  46080.16;  58  259881.3;  59  380960.6;  60  37360.56;  61  179251.8; 
+ 62  13172.56;  63  8521.704;  65  21013.79;  66  29027.99;  67  1570782; 
+ 68  187407.5;  69  609112.8;  70  139110.6;  71  107124.1;  72  681411.7; 
+ 76  312480.2;  77  192938.5;  78  8176.15;  79  29319.37;  80  7392.082; 
+ 81  38985.72;  82  39311.24;  83  88850.99;  84  16351.96;  85  98634.36; 
+ 86  40864.74;  87  78104.97;  88  56173.63;  89  65409.55;  90  7024.941; 
+ 91  24749.29;  95  98795.88;  96  25023.09;  97  375077.4;  98  61795.23; 
+ 99  736909.7;  100  92271.68;  101  166783.2;  102  42420.6;  103  153243.9; 
+ 104  20847.02;  105  96962.62;  106  11817.4;  107  8482.008;  108  6448.618; 
+ 109  16699.97;  110  8531.622;  111  691687.3;  112  48054.68;  113  201753.9; 
+ 114  51424.07;  115  737767;  116  314682.2;  117  483308;  118  68327.6; 
+ 119  176312.2;  120  22331.64;  121  14320.01;  123  13372.57;  124  5807.574; 
+ 125  32136.23;  126  44208.28;  127  70401.21;  128  24040.22;  130  393277.8; 
+ 131  1490739;  132  379901.5;  134  416277.6;  135  301860.2;  136  28761.04; 
+ 137  14954.53;  138  5358.365;  139  471933.9;  140  35443.91;  141  573644.6; 
+ 142  104324.2;  143  1265608;  144  232331.3;  145  194682.1;  146  45129.7; 
+ 150  553973.4;  151  319716.4;  152  34431.74;  153  19101.46;  154  20209.81; 
+ 155  115269.8;  156  62570.21;  157  501108.8;  158  75549.2;  159  119385.9; 
+ 161  156331.4;  162  73064.96;  163  907742.6;  164  191090.4;  165  90244.94; 
+ 166  10766.8;  167  9917.463;  169  412719.5;  170  63890.23;  171  459087.5; 
+ 172  59001.24;  173  269805.2;  174  47888.66;  175  249492.7;  176  44380.16; 
+ 177  115305.5;  178  17857.47;  179  13629.93;  181  13132.86;  182  21712.67; 
+ 184  1230752;  185  1085764;  186  194005;  187  103954.1;  188  19395.69; 
+ 189  450668;  190  391195.5;  191  277194.3;  192  55118.57;  193  81092.89; 
+ 194  13825.67;  195  23425.52;  196  3958.67;  197  27923.23;  198  7763.729; 
+ 199  51325.11;  200  14933.95;  201  363546.1;  202  63502.38;  203  72655.95; 
+ 204  395565.9;  205  361863.8;  206  82645.19;  207  756165.1;  208  181524.3; 
+ 209  113535.8;  210  17419.8;  212  1151066;  213  921021.6;  214  152591.4; 
+ 215  716278.9;  216  197261.5;  217  1133809;  218  306072.9;  219  191826.2; 
+ 220  29110.77;  222  819848.7;  223  506699.1;  224  88350.06;  225  27896.53; 
+ 226  5758.601;  227  17800.14;  228  41559.91;  229  1226940;  230  400529.5; 
+ 231  1383013;  232  430129.7;  233  228619.9;  234  33942.84;  235  34010.09; 
+ 236  8062.782;  237  84086.24;  238  20334.33;  239  12880.35;  241  159160.5; 
+ 242  35406.89;  243  200421.4;  244  308896.4;  246  84206.45;  247  35818.7; 
+ 248  6037.56;  249  7393.118;  255  19104.09;  256  58701.84;  258  1310723; 
+ 259  1056345;  260  254370.4;  261  108676.7;  262  17643.88;  263  17642.17; 
+ 264  5902.502;  265  8853.854;  271  101110.4;  272  85242.97;  276  875389.2; 
+ 277  210740.4;  278  28736.01;  279  11665.79;  284  6494.014;  285  1504564; 
+ 286  550387.8;  287  492264.6;  288  101499.1;  289  48478.94;  290  11399.11; 
+ 291  131832.4;  292  36915.43;  293  31385.84;  294  8147.506;  299  49315.44; 
+ 300  15941.08;  301  1046158;  302  330599.5;  303  1277215;  304  521851.1; 
+ 306  886222.2;  307  538735.5;  308  118622;  309  33746.62;  310  5584.507; 
+ 315  8357.721;  317  20648.88;  318  21342.45;  319  823240.8;  320  283969.9; 
+ 553  26200.04;  554  12603.7;  555  7041.316; 
+Name: Unknown 230
+DB.idx: -230
+rt: 10.046
+Class: Unknown 0.005
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 50  1320.45;  51  12964.41;  68  3740.096;  77  97664.12;  105  153460.1; 
+ 122  1342.447;  128  3167.015;  135  197118.1;  136  27778.01;  137  9235.525; 
+ 166  3869.862;  179  292902.1;  180  43096.14;  181  14055.66;  194  16927.44; 
+ 195  3034.276;  225  8476.004;  318  25535.39; 
+Name: Unknown 231
+DB.idx: -231
+rt: 14.358
+Class: Unknown 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 73  246074.7;  101  19163.94;  147  212921.9;  171  6611.772;  175  22996.44; 
+ 176  4208.775;  189  42221.17;  190  17648.49;  233  63734.34;  234  12553.06; 
+ 245  42264.32;  246  10141.81;  263  16875.98;  264  4747.398;  265  19274.96; 
+ 266  4662.045;  307  23592.96;  335  13029.3;  336  4482.034; 
+Name: Unknown 232
+DB.idx: -232
+rt: 20.669
+Class: Unknown 0.0034
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 56  3325.577;  112  4006.61;  114  7330.003;  116  11424.68;  126  2115.978; 
+ 128  11016.38;  139  17596.21;  140  4827.979;  142  6659.917;  145  8368.17; 
+ 155  66933.71;  156  244944.1;  157  34305.15;  158  12063.79;  167  1719.387; 
+ 173  8341.365;  188  5863.414;  203  26247.49;  227  2928.839;  228  2139.063; 
+ 232  6342.311;  245  38800.23;  246  9513.359;  272  3619.354;  362  4055.641; 
+Name: Unknown 233
+DB.idx: -233
+rt: 40.926
+Class: Unknown 0.0032
+Num Peaks: 34
+ 153  2256.01;  155  4703.295;  169  30996.83;  170  4719.745;  204  152122.5; 
+ 217  67207.05;  228  3115.682;  243  22790.96;  244  5697.194;  271  24336.41; 
+ 272  6935.273;  317  2876.917;  361  207168.5;  362  64031.57;  363  30816.48; 
+ 390  7162.802;  391  2752.64;  435  1017.321;  436  473.9778;  448  6586.25; 
+ 449  3224.903;  450  2228.722;  480  10030.16;  481  4733.839;  482  2620.82; 
+ 539  821.3292;  540  464.1558;  566  1116.737;  567  613.1177;  583  228.1912; 
+ 598  449.9846;  599  297.5684;  611  700.8864;  612  441.058; 
+Name: Unknown 234
+DB.idx: -234
+rt: 14.662
+Class: Unknown 0.0025
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 51  1371.499;  57  14001.12;  91  14778.8;  92  1556.006;  99  13526.23; 
+ 105  15913.32;  115  10207.62;  119  8690.64;  121  11196.08;  128  7720.383; 
+ 137  2487.288;  141  6030.355;  145  20997.11;  153  1752.054;  161  13051.36; 
+ 177  43611.64;  178  6083.812;  205  202045.3;  206  32407.65;  220  51849.75; 
+ 237  10804.17;  238  2870.504;  251  7528.229;  252  7045.453;  293  11812.86; 
+Name: Unknown 235
+DB.idx: -235
+rt: 20.106
+Class: Unknown 0.0045
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 97  5382.92;  147  177127.4;  178  2008.233;  211  50226.12;  212  7826.979; 
+ 215  21276.71;  228  4664.834;  229  87678.21;  230  18672.18;  272  7168.945; 
+ 285  37584.95;  286  8229.586;  287  5463.985;  288  3175.441;  289  1253.025; 
+ 295  1460.046;  346  5476.729;  375  45731.67;  376  13705.13; 
+Name: Unknown 236
+DB.idx: -236
+rt: 42.76
+Class: Unknown 0.0055
+Num Peaks: 16
+ 223  6812.565;  224  2399.117;  236  58456.5;  237  94897.46;  238  20039.85; 
+ 239  5435.701;  261  2035.157;  474  356.6409;  487  684.1986;  500  621.2061; 
+ 501  476.0939;  502  150127.3;  503  60206.81;  504  16931.77;  505  3598.878; 
+ 535  282.84; 
+Name: Unknown 237
+DB.idx: -237
+rt: 14.743
+Class: Unknown 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 101  6257.241;  113  3871.8;  147  138606.5;  168  4018.271;  182  6198.758; 
+ 191  28560.47;  198  3181.695;  204  26207.13;  214  9227.146;  217  117340.5; 
+ 218  25341.33;  240  5830.655;  255  6398.582;  256  3656.242;  257  18721.43; 
+ 272  18409.74;  287  21247.64;  288  5140.047;  289  2814.008;  294  2837.951; 
+ 295  1510.418;  304  37950.93;  371  3720.186;  372  1341.766;  395  484.0992; 
+Name: Unknown 238
+DB.idx: -238
+rt: 14.895
+Class: Unknown 0.004
+Num Peaks: 24
+ 56  2652.851;  62  600.2286;  101  6656.918;  128  91198.96;  176  125124.1; 
+ 177  16410.35;  178  11810.77;  188  6816.724;  202  8951.267;  204  28306.68; 
+ 205  38946.83;  217  107200.3;  218  28773.67;  219  24380.89;  237  6438.805; 
+ 238  1851;  250  8707.064;  251  2258.253;  293  22672.32;  294  5565.053; 
+ 295  3075.15;  296  665.7289;  517  735.1077;  518  422.1179; 
+Name: Unknown 239
+DB.idx: -239
+rt: 16.222
+Class: Unknown 0.0014
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 142  124429;  143  16785.34;  186  85684.93;  187  12963.81;  188  4859.315; 
+ 216  29039.74;  288  15109.57;  289  3882.086; 
+Name: Unknown 240
+DB.idx: -240
+rt: 21.762
+Class: Unknown 0.0031
+Num Peaks: 22
+ 86  9278.285;  102  4646.726;  112  1820.311;  126  2525.64;  128  7433.825; 
+ 140  1788.119;  142  120962.9;  143  15613.28;  172  7358.551;  174  68751.73; 
+ 175  12884.92;  176  6329.46;  186  4060.35;  187  2692.056;  200  8867.876; 
+ 214  8042.116;  216  6392.336;  296  729.2715;  330  3744.422;  420  13889.53; 
+ 421  5629.528;  422  3163.716; 
+Name: Unknown 241
+DB.idx: -241
+rt: 15.722
+Class: Unknown 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 100  56195.47;  101  5833.371;  114  15579.62;  115  111122.3;  116  15167.02; 
+ 143  40826.7;  171  17054.68;  187  4771.988;  218  51031.61;  220  64313.03; 
+ 222  7847.682;  314  25162.92;  315  8309.354;  316  4174.857;  329  47337.93; 
+ 330  14589.88;  331  7212.636; 
+Name: Unknown 242
+DB.idx: -242
+rt: 16.057
+Class: Unknown 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 17
+ 54  991.551;  81  11051.86;  102  8553.247;  127  3656.334;  153  2320.042; 
+ 185  77560.97;  186  11675.01;  187  3976.394;  220  22128.13;  245  4162.526; 
+ 292  49748.66;  293  14594.09;  294  7853.969;  302  6121.801;  409  1793.006; 
+ 410  709.4896;  411  512.875; 
+Name: Unknown 243
+DB.idx: -243
+rt: 9.616
+Class: Unknown 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 77  30979.79;  137  2085.287;  151  49212.05;  152  8313.779;  153  6232.311; 
+ 156  21408.32;  168  4718.306;  174  50435.42;  175  8150.485;  176  5097.267; 
+ 177  5592.315;  178  3550.787;  180  3385.927;  192  63325.8;  193  10774.79; 
+ 194  5729.64;  195  3548.329;  198  3475.653;  224  4364.81;  228  6830.722; 
+ 242  9324.252;  243  16937.65;  316  7314.659;  317  2289.156;  360  2655.104; 
+Name: Unknown 244
+DB.idx: -244
+rt: 13.912
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 11
+ 56  13765.08;  58  10979.23;  70  8716.348;  71  56700.55;  72  56804.91; 
+ 195  2562.842;  235  10084.03;  236  1780.75;  250  3157.185;  269  6281.373; 
+ 298  1425.983; 
+Name: Unknown 245
+DB.idx: -245
+rt: 12.636
+Class: Unknown 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 25
+ 57  12746.42;  97  16750.94;  140  3951.661;  153  2911.565;  168  2093.101; 
+ 174  13566.31;  221  54244.75;  222  11905.23;  223  6419.269;  224  1405.324; 
+ 239  3058.853;  267  13675.52;  268  3596.001;  278  6653.908;  281  17773.24; 
+ 282  5406.596;  339  1892.356;  355  9200.021;  356  3610.977;  357  2507.008; 
+ 427  642.6639;  443  4362.625;  444  2013.261;  445  1414.051;  446  493.5116; 
+Name: Unknown 246
+DB.idx: -246
+rt: 16.554
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 62  578.7867;  63  2146.547;  108  12854.98;  122  4649.117;  136  10105.48; 
+ 166  3117.99;  180  13164.41;  181  51203.27;  182  6259.865; 
+Name: Unknown 247
+DB.idx: -247
+rt: 23.352
+Class: Unknown 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 221  41481.99;  222  9898.125;  223  5631.733;  224  1108.347;  239  1833.204; 
+ 281  16143.33;  282  4830.708;  295  13910.38;  296  4277.21;  297  3502.357; 
+ 355  3538.445;  356  1691.313;  369  7100.878;  370  3231.458;  371  1982.012; 
+ 372  549.125;  385  792.7939;  386  436.3215;  399  966.0707;  401  2376.409; 
+ 402  1240.108;  415  1929.117;  416  880.0966;  417  708.8065;  473  276.973; 
+ 489  230.5833;  507  662.1332;  508  300.391;  509  347.5565; 
+Name: Unknown 248
+DB.idx: -248
+rt: 25.452
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 55  7045.199;  56  4444.468;  57  32756.32;  69  8420.032;  70  7117.137; 
+ 71  40359.89;  84  3202.855;  85  28213.91;  97  6988.63;  99  7775.286; 
+ 112  2034.015;  113  6022.404;  125  1951.066;  127  3785.65; 
+Name: Unknown 249
+DB.idx: -249
+rt: 7.535
+Class: Unknown 0.0046
+Num Peaks: 15
+ 56  10382.3;  59  33745.65;  70  16295.5;  89  36375.87;  98  5750.215; 
+ 236  16128.33;  264  5103.161;  272  2406.891;  289  2939.24;  305  24752.3; 
+ 309  9513.088;  310  1672.201;  333  32097.16;  334  5380.19;  337  3376.435; 
+Name: Unknown 250
+DB.idx: -250
+rt: 30.444
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 9
+ 84  6578.219;  96  6981.69;  98  6985.525;  110  3267.944;  180  1985.617; 
+ 199  5956.04;  264  4427.294;  339  30725.06;  340  8024.254; 
+Name: Unknown 251
+DB.idx: -251
+rt: 8.697
+Class: Unknown 0.0048
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 116  30317.7;  118  18882.8;  124  3109.103;  125  2108.207;  234  10323.19; 
+Name: Unknown 252
+DB.idx: -252
+rt: 20.709
+Class: Unknown 0.0058
+Num Peaks: 24
+ 55  8106.62;  69  7981.417;  70  5226.354;  97  9186.167;  125  1560.814; 
+ 241  2691.101;  299  29457.6;  315  8328.488;  316  2438.995;  317  1378.045; 
+ 357  23668.31;  358  6431.314;  359  3747.883;  360  1125.694;  370  3738.542; 
+ 371  1184.406;  372  642.3878;  373  2597.283;  387  3415.044;  388  1051.84; 
+ 389  1903.729;  445  5115.221;  446  2109.909;  447  1246.502; 
+Name: Unknown 253
+DB.idx: -253
+rt: 10.942
+Class: Unknown 0.0039
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 221  28751.68;  222  6989.308;  239  1672.704;  265  18065.4;  266  4378.983; 
+ 412  272.0064; 
+Name: Unknown 254
+DB.idx: -254
+rt: 19.611
+Class: Unknown 0.002
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 221  27742.88;  222  6699.434;  223  3767.053;  239  1771.817;  295  9944.574; 
+ 296  3005.365;  297  1820.209;  369  4666.5;  370  2422.935;  371  1373.08; 
+ 372  462.2401;  399  1070.888;  400  600.2272;  407  1747.02;  408  687.031; 
+ 409  382.481;  436  759.0016;  591  125.0819; 
+Name: Unknown 255
+DB.idx: -255
+rt: 24.986
+Class: Unknown 0.005
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 333  26160.84;  334  8142.209;  335  3951.515;  388  697.9839;  419  618.5746; 
+ 423  839.4384;  446  238.0475;  568  168.7648; 
+Name: Unknown 256
+DB.idx: -256
+rt: 11.896
+Class: Unknown 0.003
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 176  4505.939;  221  25395.71;  263  4050.791;  264  2039.986;  293  9193.152; 
+Name: Unknown 257
+DB.idx: -257
+rt: 7.359
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 8
+ 109  9288.326;  137  5956.592;  165  10026.78;  170  7474.73;  237  2688.169; 
+ 238  4011.627;  288  23622.39;  289  4162.306; 
+Name: Unknown 258
+DB.idx: -258
+rt: 18.105
+Class: Unknown 0.0021
+Num Peaks: 10
+ 140  4497.971;  167  1983.46;  194  4509.773;  237  2455.451;  265  14364.03; 
+ 266  2494.199;  355  22608.71;  356  5948.731;  357  2713.801;  637  132.0638; 
+Name: Unknown 259
+DB.idx: -259
+rt: 40.732
+Class: Unknown 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 361  22544.38;  362  7201.522;  540  645.1866;  598  234.125;  685  203.2645; 
+ 687  116.0833; 
+Name: Unknown 260
+DB.idx: -260
+rt: 10.125
+Class: Unknown 0.0018
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 110  12523.01;  246  20714.98;  296  664.0708;  317  3194.976;  386  777.3291; 
+Name: Unknown 261
+DB.idx: -261
+rt: 14.288
+Class: Unknown 0.0023
+Num Peaks: 7
+ 128  5658.238;  142  6555.299;  145  20498.37;  172  9908.334;  173  13230.74; 
+ 262  12449.08;  288  3248.639; 
+Name: Unknown 262
+DB.idx: -262
+rt: 19.273
+Class: Unknown 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 219  15878.12;  235  18227.79;  236  2995.79;  250  3243.214;  279  4806.065; 
+ 326  2273.204; 
+Name: Unknown 263
+DB.idx: -263
+rt: 33.399
+Class: Unknown 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 18
+ 51  860.7897;  65  1960.854;  78  5357.05;  79  18147.83;  80  9473.151; 
+ 81  6175.055;  91  16553;  92  3775.079;  93  8387.371;  94  3589.522; 
+ 106  5069.495;  107  4562.395;  108  1437.691;  120  4272.2;  121  3871.155; 
+ 339  3584.281;  340  1171.169;  410  299.0889; 
+Name: Unknown 264
+DB.idx: -264
+rt: 20.828
+Class: Unknown 0.0057
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 155  18138.61;  245  7207.309;  246  14229.72;  263  4331.94;  292  7677.863; 
+Name: Unknown 265
+DB.idx: -265
+rt: 27.56
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 19
+ 67  13829.51;  68  3741.161;  79  11376.14;  80  4538.476;  81  13604.12; 
+ 82  5447.306;  92  1185.03;  94  3015.562;  95  8482.491;  96  4112.988; 
+ 107  3027.184;  108  1774.569;  109  3206.564;  110  1888.511;  121  3627.146; 
+ 122  1382.57;  249  4779.928;  279  3255.304;  404  2215.44; 
+Name: Unknown 266
+DB.idx: -266
+rt: 35.314
+Class: Unknown 0.0044
+Num Peaks: 21
+ 315  11086.65;  316  3000.158;  317  1756.204;  318  13373.44;  386  309.8913; 
+ 387  6042.867;  388  1930.015;  389  2955.111;  419  691.2655;  433  1118; 
+ 470  651.9877;  471  439.2653;  472  281.2268;  507  336.5208;  569  281.88; 
+ 659  417.3409;  660  277.0143;  749  803.0336;  750  621.144;  751  546.3498; 
+ 753  131.7206; 
+Name: Unknown 267
+DB.idx: -267
+rt: 10.763
+Class: Unknown 0.0052
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 110  8653.071;  246  4802.216;  272  2574.069;  317  2461.668;  386  639.219; 
+Name: Unknown 268
+DB.idx: -268
+rt: 15.468
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 167  2110.356;  383  7598.037;  384  2643.975;  385  1153.693;  386  377.6694; 
+Name: Unknown 269
+DB.idx: -269
+rt: 32.226
+Class: Unknown 0.0026
+Num Peaks: 29
+ 84  5742.877;  373  2003.69;  374  3683;  386  416.8275;  461  710.2527; 
+ 462  345.2388;  490  208.7868;  547  943.1202;  548  1905.801;  549  925.5266; 
+ 550  626.2581;  551  3485.777;  552  1623.737;  553  712.486;  563  134.004; 
+ 564  236.025;  578  168.4707;  579  204.7347;  580  160.5804;  622  167.3; 
+ 637  519.9504;  638  1005.09;  639  727.2866;  640  349.3224;  642  155.0023; 
+ 653  360.8278;  654  465.8554;  655  338.9422;  656  190.0804; 
+Name: Unknown 270
+DB.idx: -270
+rt: 44.137
+Class: Unknown 0
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 236  2819.389;  237  4878.922;  496  5112.832;  497  2088.046;  634  165.1467; 
+Name: Unknown 271
+DB.idx: -271
+rt: 29.555
+Class: Unknown 0.0035
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 56  4389.736;  87  2936.118;  239  3348.377;  312  1468.037;  656  190.2346; 
+ 657  151.8169; 
+Name: Unknown 272
+DB.idx: -272
+rt: 24.357
+Class: Unknown 0.005
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 357  2130.336;  418  490.4404;  447  2680.172;  537  1421.114;  538  849.382; 
+ 539  637.6297; 
+Name: Unknown 273
+DB.idx: -273
+rt: 36.319
+Class: Unknown 0.0015
+Num Peaks: 6
+ 391  1035.031;  518  2536.004;  519  1278.679;  520  365.104;  702  239.6701; 
+ 703  140.9453; 
+Name: Unknown 274
+DB.idx: -274
+rt: 30.613
+Class: Unknown 0.0036
+Num Peaks: 5
+ 407  1646.148;  408  641.563;  422  1438.547;  519  422.6036;  625  162.0096; 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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style='text-align:center;border-left: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>N° Spectres</th><th style='text-align:center;border-left: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Spectrum</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Analyte</th><th style='text-align:center'>Retention Index</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>RI Discrepancy</th><th style='text-align:center'>Dot product</th><th style='text-align:center'>Euclidean</th><th style='text-align:center'>Jaccard</th><th style='text-align:center'>Hamming</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>s12 Gower-Legendre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Metabolite id</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Analyte id</th></tr></thead><tfoot><tr><th style='text-align:center'>N° Spectre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum</th><th style='text-align:center'>Analyte</th><th style='text-align:center'>Retention Index</th><th style='text-align:center'>RI Discrepancy</th><th style='text-align:center'>Dot product</th><th style='text-align:center'>Euclidean</th><th style='text-align:center'>Jaccard</th><th style='text-align:center'>Hamming</th><th style='text-align:center'>s12 Gower-Legendre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Metabolite id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Analyte id</th></tr></tfoot><tbody> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.4861827</td><td>0.0871585</td><td>0.8515625</td><td>109</td><td>0.784043431</td><td>833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.4875465</td><td>0.0869417042</td><td>0.852713168</td><td>110</td><td>0.784997046</td><td>6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.4901554</td><td>0.0861777</td><td>0.8560606</td><td>113</td><td>0.7877858</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.4914575</td><td>0.09410148</td><td>0.8558559</td><td>95</td><td>0.804233432</td><td>817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.497226775</td><td>0.0910335854</td><td>0.85</td><td>102</td><td>0.788321555</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>2</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.487051964</td><td>0.0868976042</td><td>0.8604651</td><td>111</td><td>0.79687</td><td>833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.4883618</td><td>0.08667906</td><td>0.86153847</td><td>112</td><td>0.797758937</td><td>6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.491137743</td><td>0.0859391</td><td>0.864661634</td><td>115</td><td>0.8003591</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.4918884</td><td>0.09372151</td><td>0.8660714</td><td>97</td><td>0.817842841</td><td>817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.49828127</td><td>0.0907527059</td><td>0.8595041</td><td>104</td><td>0.8015494</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> </tbody></table></div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip1'> print</div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip2'> copy</div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip3'> export</div> </section> <section class='mdl-layout__tab-panel' id='fixed-tab-2'><div class='page-content'><center> </br></br><div class='card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp'> <figure class='mdl-card__media' style='background-color: white'> <img src='' style='height: 60px; width: 60px;'> </figure><div class='mdl-card__title'><h1 class='mdl-card__title-text'>What can the table do ?</h1></div><div class='mdl-card__supporting-text'><ul class='list-icon mdl-list'><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>filter_list</i> By default, the spectra numbers (N° Spectra) are ordered by ascending values. You can manage your data ordering as you wish. You can even order data according to multiple columns: SHIFT + LEFT CLICK on column headers. This will order by the first column clicked, then the second, etc. You can sort data specifically by clicking on any entry in boxes under each columns. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>delete_sweep</i> You can delete multiple entries that are selected: Select wanted entries and click on the button DELETE SELECTED ROWS. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>remove_red_eye</i> You have the possibility to toggle columns by clicking on SHOW MORE. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>save</i> You can print, copy, or export to excel and csv the table on its actual state, with the three buttons right above the table. </span></li></ul></div></div> </br><div id="large_card" class='card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp'> <figure class='mdl-card__media' style='background-color: white'> <img src='' style='height: 60px; width: 60px;'> </figure><div class='mdl-card__title'><h1 class='mdl-card__title-text'>Distances scores</h1></div><div class='mdl-card__supporting-text'><table id="dist_table" style="color: rgba(0,0,0,.87);"><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;><b style="white-space: nowrap;"><b>S12Gower-Legendre Distance</b></td><td> The distance measure S12GowLeg = sqrt(1 - s12) is derived from the S12 coefficient of Gower & Legendre defined as s12 = a / sqrt((a + b)(a + c)), with "a" representing the number of positions at which both spectra are in "on-state" and "b" respectively "c" representing the number of positions at which only the query spectrum or the hit spectrum are in "on-state".</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;">Hamming Distance</b></td><td> In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions for which the corresponding symbols are different. Put another way, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one into the other, or the number of errors that transformed one string into the other.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;">Jaccard Distance</b></td><td>Number of matches (a mass with appropriate intensity in both spectra) divided by the sum of matches and mismatches (a mass where only one of both spectra has a intensity). The jaccard distance is a binary distance.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;padding-right:60px;">Dotproduct Distance</b></td><td>The Dotproduct distance is summing the multiplied intensities over all matching peaks within both spectra. Here, to satisfy the conditions of a metric I) non-negativity, II) identity of indiscernibles, III) symmetry and IV) subadditivity / triangle inequality, we use 1-Dotproduct. Both spectra are normalised prior to the spectral vector norm in that way, that the absolute value of the squared intensities is equal to 1.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;padding-right:60px;">Euclidean Distance</b></td><td>The Euclid is the square root of the sum of the squared differences over all matching peaks.</td></tr></table></div></div></div> </br></br></center> </section> </main></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output01.tabular	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+"Num Spectre"	"Analyte Name"	"Spectrum Name"	"Retention Index"	"RI Discrepancy"	"DotproductDistance"	"EuclideanDistance"	"JaccardDistance"	"HammingDistance"	"s12GowerLegendreDistance"	"Spectrum ID"	"Metabolite ID"	"Analyte ID"
+"1"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.4861827"	"0.0871585"	"0.8515625"	"109"	"0.784043431"	"833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"1"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.4875465"	"0.0869417042"	"0.852713168"	"110"	"0.784997046"	"6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"1"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.4901554"	"0.0861777"	"0.8560606"	"113"	"0.7877858"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"1"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.4914575"	"0.09410148"	"0.8558559"	"95"	"0.804233432"	"817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"1"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.497226775"	"0.0910335854"	"0.85"	"102"	"0.788321555"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"2"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"3"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.487051964"	"0.0868976042"	"0.8604651"	"111"	"0.79687"	"833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"3"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.4883618"	"0.08667906"	"0.86153847"	"112"	"0.797758937"	"6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"3"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.491137743"	"0.0859391"	"0.864661634"	"115"	"0.8003591"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"3"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.4918884"	"0.09372151"	"0.8660714"	"97"	"0.817842841"	"817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"3"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.49828127"	"0.0907527059"	"0.8595041"	"104"	"0.8015494"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"4"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output01.txt	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Num Spectre	Analyte Name	Spectrum Name	Retention Index	RI Discrepancy	DotproductDistance	EuclideanDistance	JaccardDistance	HammingDistance	s12GowerLegendreDistance	Spectrum ID	Metabolite ID	Analyte ID
+1	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.4861827	0.0871585	0.8515625	109	0.784043431	833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+1	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.4875465	0.0869417042	0.852713168	110	0.784997046	6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+1	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.4901554	0.0861777	0.8560606	113	0.7877858	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+1	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.4914575	0.09410148	0.8558559	95	0.804233432	817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+1	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.497226775	0.0910335854	0.85	102	0.788321555	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+2		no results										
+3	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.487051964	0.0868976042	0.8604651	111	0.79687	833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+3	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.4883618	0.08667906	0.86153847	112	0.797758937	6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+3	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.491137743	0.0859391	0.864661634	115	0.8003591	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+3	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.4918884	0.09372151	0.8660714	97	0.817842841	817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+3	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.49828127	0.0907527059	0.8595041	104	0.8015494	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+4		no results										
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output02.html	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
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+</script><title>Golm Search Results</title></head><body><div class='mdl-layout mdl-js-layout mdl-layout--fixed-header'> <header class='mdl-layout__header'><div class='mdl-layout__header-row'> <span class='mdl-layout-title'><h3><b>Visualization of Golm Database Results</b></h3></span></div><div class='mdl-layout__tab-bar mdl-js-ripple-effect'> <a href='#fixed-tab-1' class='mdl-layout__tab is-active'><b>Table</b></a> <a href='#fixed-tab-2' class='mdl-layout__tab'><b>Help</b></a></div> </header> <main class='mdl-layout__content'> <section class='mdl-layout__tab-panel is-active' id='fixed-tab-1'><div class='page-content'><table id='table_id' class='display stripe' cellspacing='0' width='100%' ><thead><tr><th colspan='1'></th><th colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>NAMES</th><th colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>RETENTION INFOS</th><th colspan='5' style='text-align:center'>DISTANCE SCORES</th><th colspan='3' style='text-align:center'>IDs</th></tr><tr><th style='text-align:center;border-left: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>N° Spectres</th><th style='text-align:center;border-left: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Spectrum</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Analyte</th><th style='text-align:center'>Retention Index</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>RI Discrepancy</th><th style='text-align:center'>Dot product</th><th style='text-align:center'>Euclidean</th><th style='text-align:center'>Jaccard</th><th style='text-align:center'>Hamming</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>s12 Gower-Legendre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Metabolite id</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Analyte id</th></tr></thead><tfoot><tr><th style='text-align:center'>N° Spectre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum</th><th style='text-align:center'>Analyte</th><th style='text-align:center'>Retention Index</th><th style='text-align:center'>RI Discrepancy</th><th style='text-align:center'>Dot product</th><th style='text-align:center'>Euclidean</th><th style='text-align:center'>Jaccard</th><th style='text-align:center'>Hamming</th><th style='text-align:center'>s12 Gower-Legendre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Metabolite id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Analyte id</th></tr></tfoot><tbody> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.00376573764</td><td>0.00648652157</td><td>0.2849162</td><td>51</td><td>0.404159725</td><td>dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.0041610254</td><td>0.007327365</td><td>0.238709673</td><td>37</td><td>0.367506444</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.004838638</td><td>0.007118009</td><td>0.31937173</td><td>61</td><td>0.428936034</td><td>c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.048192542</td><td>0.02056068</td><td>0.4473684</td><td>102</td><td>0.5224351</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.0682447553</td><td>0.027927408</td><td>0.514285743</td><td>90</td><td>0.586345</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.07800486</td><td>0.02792935</td><td>0.615</td><td>123</td><td>0.6662978</td><td>063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.0896345749</td><td>0.0207340773</td><td>0.6666667</td><td>278</td><td>0.6522111</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP</a></td><td>1902.77417</td><td>4.77417</td><td>0.111977287</td><td>0.0264962576</td><td>0.6551724</td><td>209</td><td>0.673893869</td><td>8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67</a></td><td>163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f</td></tr> </tbody></table></div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip1'> print</div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip2'> copy</div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip3'> export</div> </section> <section class='mdl-layout__tab-panel' id='fixed-tab-2'><div class='page-content'><center> </br></br><div class='card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp'> <figure class='mdl-card__media' style='background-color: white'> <img src='' style='height: 60px; width: 60px;'> </figure><div class='mdl-card__title'><h1 class='mdl-card__title-text'>What can the table do ?</h1></div><div class='mdl-card__supporting-text'><ul class='list-icon mdl-list'><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>filter_list</i> By default, the spectra numbers (N° Spectra) are ordered by ascending values. You can manage your data ordering as you wish. You can even order data according to multiple columns: SHIFT + LEFT CLICK on column headers. This will order by the first column clicked, then the second, etc. You can sort data specifically by clicking on any entry in boxes under each columns. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>delete_sweep</i> You can delete multiple entries that are selected: Select wanted entries and click on the button DELETE SELECTED ROWS. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>remove_red_eye</i> You have the possibility to toggle columns by clicking on SHOW MORE. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>save</i> You can print, copy, or export to excel and csv the table on its actual state, with the three buttons right above the table. </span></li></ul></div></div> </br><div id="large_card" class='card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp'> <figure class='mdl-card__media' style='background-color: white'> <img src='' style='height: 60px; width: 60px;'> </figure><div class='mdl-card__title'><h1 class='mdl-card__title-text'>Distances scores</h1></div><div class='mdl-card__supporting-text'><table id="dist_table" style="color: rgba(0,0,0,.87);"><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;><b style="white-space: nowrap;"><b>S12Gower-Legendre Distance</b></td><td> The distance measure S12GowLeg = sqrt(1 - s12) is derived from the S12 coefficient of Gower & Legendre defined as s12 = a / sqrt((a + b)(a + c)), with "a" representing the number of positions at which both spectra are in "on-state" and "b" respectively "c" representing the number of positions at which only the query spectrum or the hit spectrum are in "on-state".</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;">Hamming Distance</b></td><td> In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions for which the corresponding symbols are different. Put another way, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one into the other, or the number of errors that transformed one string into the other.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;">Jaccard Distance</b></td><td>Number of matches (a mass with appropriate intensity in both spectra) divided by the sum of matches and mismatches (a mass where only one of both spectra has a intensity). The jaccard distance is a binary distance.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;padding-right:60px;">Dotproduct Distance</b></td><td>The Dotproduct distance is summing the multiplied intensities over all matching peaks within both spectra. Here, to satisfy the conditions of a metric I) non-negativity, II) identity of indiscernibles, III) symmetry and IV) subadditivity / triangle inequality, we use 1-Dotproduct. Both spectra are normalised prior to the spectral vector norm in that way, that the absolute value of the squared intensities is equal to 1.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;padding-right:60px;">Euclidean Distance</b></td><td>The Euclid is the square root of the sum of the squared differences over all matching peaks.</td></tr></table></div></div></div> </br></br></center> </section> </main></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output02.tabular	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+"Num Spectre"	"Analyte Name"	"Spectrum Name"	"Retention Index"	"RI Discrepancy"	"DotproductDistance"	"EuclideanDistance"	"JaccardDistance"	"HammingDistance"	"s12GowerLegendreDistance"	"Spectrum ID"	"Metabolite ID"	"Analyte ID"
+"1"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.00376573764"	"0.00648652157"	"0.2849162"	"51"	"0.404159725"	"dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"1"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.0041610254"	"0.007327365"	"0.238709673"	"37"	"0.367506444"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"1"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.004838638"	"0.007118009"	"0.31937173"	"61"	"0.428936034"	"c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"1"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.048192542"	"0.02056068"	"0.4473684"	"102"	"0.5224351"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"1"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.0682447553"	"0.027927408"	"0.514285743"	"90"	"0.586345"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"1"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.07800486"	"0.02792935"	"0.615"	"123"	"0.6662978"	"063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"1"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.0896345749"	"0.0207340773"	"0.6666667"	"278"	"0.6522111"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"1"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]"	"1902.77417"	"4.77417"	"0.111977287"	"0.0264962576"	"0.6551724"	"209"	"0.673893869"	"8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd"	"87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67"	"163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output02.txt	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Num Spectre	Analyte Name	Spectrum Name	Retention Index	RI Discrepancy	DotproductDistance	EuclideanDistance	JaccardDistance	HammingDistance	s12GowerLegendreDistance	Spectrum ID	Metabolite ID	Analyte ID
+1	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-23]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.00376573764	0.00648652157	0.2849162	51	0.404159725	dd5bb721-ce4f-4cec-99ff-de2cb818304d	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+1	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.0041610254	0.007327365	0.238709673	37	0.367506444	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+1	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.004838638	0.007118009	0.31937173	61	0.428936034	c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+1	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.048192542	0.02056068	0.4473684	102	0.5224351	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+1	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.0682447553	0.027927408	0.514285743	90	0.586345	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+1	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.07800486	0.02792935	0.615	123	0.6662978	063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+1	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.0896345749	0.0207340773	0.6666667	278	0.6522111	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+1	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]	1902.77417	4.77417	0.111977287	0.0264962576	0.6551724	209	0.673893869	8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd	87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67	163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
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+++ b/test-data/output03.html	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
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style='text-align:center;border-left: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>N° Spectres</th><th style='text-align:center;border-left: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Spectrum</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Analyte</th><th style='text-align:center'>Retention Index</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>RI Discrepancy</th><th style='text-align:center'>Dot product</th><th style='text-align:center'>Euclidean</th><th style='text-align:center'>Jaccard</th><th style='text-align:center'>Hamming</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>s12 Gower-Legendre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Metabolite id</th><th style='text-align:center;border-right: 1px solid #A7A7A7;'>Analyte id</th></tr></thead><tfoot><tr><th style='text-align:center'>N° Spectre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum</th><th style='text-align:center'>Analyte</th><th style='text-align:center'>Retention Index</th><th style='text-align:center'>RI Discrepancy</th><th style='text-align:center'>Dot product</th><th style='text-align:center'>Euclidean</th><th style='text-align:center'>Jaccard</th><th style='text-align:center'>Hamming</th><th style='text-align:center'>s12 Gower-Legendre</th><th style='text-align:center'>Spectrum id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Metabolite id</th><th style='text-align:center'>Analyte id</th></tr></tfoot><tbody> <tr><td>1</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.417125851</td><td>0.047484044</td><td>0.6108108</td><td>226</td><td>0.628439844</td><td>1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>2</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.4496568</td><td>0.07338332</td><td>0.7784431</td><td>130</td><td>0.796108663</td><td>34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>2</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.4884424</td><td>0.0594931729</td><td>0.75</td><td>207</td><td>0.7356502</td><td>9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.38635543</td><td>0.0406771079</td><td>0.8201285</td><td>383</td><td>0.7784506</td><td>0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.397179246</td><td>0.06756685</td><td>0.75287354</td><td>131</td><td>0.776361</td><td>34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.432195932</td><td>0.07130679</td><td>0.629411757</td><td>107</td><td>0.6740747</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.442519277</td><td>0.050286</td><td>0.76</td><td>266</td><td>0.7361843</td><td>0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)</a></td><td>1897.83862</td><td>0.161383286</td><td>0.444237381</td><td>0.04988712</td><td>0.717086852</td><td>256</td><td>0.6841814</td><td>c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff</a></td><td>471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP</a></td><td>1902.77417</td><td>4.77417</td><td>0.4479848</td><td>0.0491427779</td><td>0.7304582</td><td>271</td><td>0.6947696</td><td>7508f46a-70b0-43eb-b5b6-0421ff41c0e8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67</a></td><td>163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.452163756</td><td>0.06325701</td><td>0.6106195</td><td>138</td><td>0.63247633</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.474485427</td><td>0.0493914336</td><td>0.7429306</td><td>289</td><td>0.7034532</td><td>754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.40254572</td><td>0.05791846</td><td>0.445833325</td><td>107</td><td>0.528728</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.403359115</td><td>0.0413857177</td><td>0.7048832</td><td>332</td><td>0.694246054</td><td>0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.410697162</td><td>0.06408566</td><td>0.56</td><td>112</td><td>0.6205492</td><td>833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.4170415</td><td>0.04813416</td><td>0.63055557</td><td>227</td><td>0.651003</td><td>0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)</a></td><td>1897.83862</td><td>0.161383286</td><td>0.418162525</td><td>0.0484009</td><td>0.551820755</td><td>197</td><td>0.5749244</td><td>c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff</a></td><td>471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.4213545</td><td>0.06334745</td><td>0.609523833</td><td>128</td><td>0.6601182</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.423168719</td><td>0.0451050438</td><td>0.617788434</td><td>257</td><td>0.6188379</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP</a></td><td>1902.77417</td><td>4.77417</td><td>0.445822567</td><td>0.0513614975</td><td>0.5473373</td><td>185</td><td>0.578929663</td><td>7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67</a></td><td>163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.354763538</td><td>0.06923945</td><td>0.6554054</td><td>97</td><td>0.6981253</td><td>8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.402286351</td><td>0.0382821634</td><td>0.8251366</td><td>453</td><td>0.7650924</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.411938727</td><td>0.0459032</td><td>0.7672634</td><td>300</td><td>0.728630841</td><td>1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.411938757</td><td>0.0815118</td><td>0.661290348</td><td>82</td><td>0.696781337</td><td>6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.424958557</td><td>0.0713395</td><td>0.6227545</td><td>104</td><td>0.6678984</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)</a></td><td>1897.83862</td><td>0.161383286</td><td>0.484940231</td><td>0.0521224737</td><td>0.7254902</td><td>259</td><td>0.6899733</td><td>c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff</a></td><td>471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.488564819</td><td>0.0484651364</td><td>0.7668269</td><td>319</td><td>0.720424533</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.315586</td><td>0.05261462</td><td>0.578947365</td><td>132</td><td>0.6002723</td><td>8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.31916222</td><td>0.0516799167</td><td>0.556485355</td><td>133</td><td>0.5977888</td><td>c3592e5c-0d20-406b-ac62-32bd60255caf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.356775373</td><td>0.05557845</td><td>0.46320346</td><td>107</td><td>0.5265545</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.375095934</td><td>0.03693217</td><td>0.6</td><td>330</td><td>0.608352542</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.386559725</td><td>0.05199245</td><td>0.2972028</td><td>85</td><td>0.414242685</td><td>11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS</a></td><td>1896.3114</td><td>1.68858171</td><td>0.389454484</td><td>0.0513845235</td><td>0.386440665</td><td>114</td><td>0.4878328</td><td>ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e</a></td><td>17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.453840375</td><td>0.06162652</td><td>0.5690377</td><td>136</td><td>0.606397</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.468880624</td><td>0.04719599</td><td>0.484560579</td><td>204</td><td>0.5354268</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.311034173</td><td>0.0363806225</td><td>0.568085134</td><td>267</td><td>0.5993147</td><td>0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.3122851</td><td>0.0344914123</td><td>0.586666644</td><td>308</td><td>0.6017828</td><td>28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.3334442</td><td>0.051751975</td><td>0.5742972</td><td>143</td><td>0.6182019</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.3596541</td><td>0.0359038</td><td>0.6200717</td><td>346</td><td>0.6268959</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.376751959</td><td>0.04970417</td><td>0.403278679</td><td>123</td><td>0.499903738</td><td>11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS</a></td><td>1896.3114</td><td>1.68858171</td><td>0.405417144</td><td>0.0507353619</td><td>0.4888889</td><td>154</td><td>0.5676107</td><td>ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e</a></td><td>17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.4187165</td><td>0.0568623953</td><td>0.6795367</td><td>176</td><td>0.700350344</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.432310849</td><td>0.0449986123</td><td>0.5058548</td><td>216</td><td>0.553538561</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>9</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.128620371</td><td>0.06717883</td><td>0.8596491</td><td>49</td><td>0.802279055</td><td>62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>9</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.203193992</td><td>0.08926585</td><td>0.843137264</td><td>43</td><td>0.789225161</td><td>5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>10</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.145974338</td><td>0.072203666</td><td>0.839285731</td><td>47</td><td>0.774020731</td><td>62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>10</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.231892109</td><td>0.09631036</td><td>0.82</td><td>41</td><td>0.7587727</td><td>5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>11</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>13</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.169009715</td><td>0.0388460457</td><td>0.5535714</td><td>124</td><td>0.577645063</td><td>8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>13</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.173254281</td><td>0.0297313016</td><td>0.4515306</td><td>177</td><td>0.5150558</td><td>1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>13</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.198374733</td><td>0.04144309</td><td>0.46320346</td><td>107</td><td>0.5265545</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>13</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.2139774</td><td>0.0279198289</td><td>0.5974499</td><td>328</td><td>0.6059947</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>13</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.295577049</td><td>0.03858825</td><td>0.46095717</td><td>183</td><td>0.5219953</td><td>754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>13</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.298371822</td><td>0.04895468</td><td>0.626506031</td><td>156</td><td>0.6550603</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>13</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS</a></td><td>1896.3114</td><td>1.68858171</td><td>0.3004605</td><td>0.045287136</td><td>0.37542662</td><td>110</td><td>0.479125</td><td>ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e</a></td><td>17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795</td></tr> <tr><td>13</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.303167731</td><td>0.03795032</td><td>0.484560579</td><td>204</td><td>0.5354268</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>14</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>15</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>16</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>17</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>18</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.209903836</td><td>0.0601583831</td><td>0.8103448</td><td>94</td><td>0.783262</td><td>817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>18</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.240307823</td><td>0.0475017</td><td>0.85915494</td><td>183</td><td>0.7903839</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>18</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.266967148</td><td>0.0622020029</td><td>0.847826064</td><td>117</td><td>0.813898</td><td>6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>18</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.268232971</td><td>0.0625764355</td><td>0.846715331</td><td>116</td><td>0.813089132</td><td>833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>18</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.280021936</td><td>0.06640628</td><td>0.8267717</td><td>105</td><td>0.794855952</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>18</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.289705932</td><td>0.063654</td><td>0.867132843</td><td>124</td><td>0.835505962</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>18</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP</a></td><td>1902.77417</td><td>4.77417</td><td>0.452285469</td><td>0.08009617</td><td>0.8865248</td><td>125</td><td>0.8606896</td><td>6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67</a></td><td>163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f</td></tr> <tr><td>18</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.4736493</td><td>0.0596764</td><td>0.8947368</td><td>238</td><td>0.8278728</td><td>4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>19</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.189724684</td><td>0.0268077236</td><td>0.6041667</td><td>319</td><td>0.6153477</td><td>28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>19</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.195334315</td><td>0.031528838</td><td>0.468193382</td><td>184</td><td>0.5269175</td><td>1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>19</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.205342725</td><td>0.0421646647</td><td>0.4848485</td><td>112</td><td>0.546345532</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>19</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.221429184</td><td>0.02832454</td><td>0.614130437</td><td>339</td><td>0.61901623</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>19</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.293066233</td><td>0.04851748</td><td>0.646586359</td><td>161</td><td>0.6735261</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>19</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.294312984</td><td>0.0385056473</td><td>0.473551631</td><td>188</td><td>0.530448139</td><td>754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>19</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.2977491</td><td>0.03747635</td><td>0.5070755</td><td>215</td><td>0.5523996</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>19</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.303958982</td><td>0.04892216</td><td>0.6062992</td><td>154</td><td>0.6474817</td><td>063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>20</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>21</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>22</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.31787312</td><td>0.0340916663</td><td>0.892138958</td><td>488</td><td>0.8194986</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.40171</td><td>0.07521893</td><td>0.8239437</td><td>117</td><td>0.8287425</td><td>817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP</a></td><td>1902.77417</td><td>4.77417</td><td>0.4068263</td><td>0.0493567176</td><td>0.832335353</td><td>278</td><td>0.7741276</td><td>7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67</a></td><td>163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f</td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.412308335</td><td>0.0445760936</td><td>0.8578313</td><td>356</td><td>0.789270163</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.412312329</td><td>0.073175855</td><td>0.77922076</td><td>120</td><td>0.7812011</td><td>6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.413312733</td><td>0.0737450048</td><td>0.7697368</td><td>117</td><td>0.7728186</td><td>833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.424154133</td><td>0.07648792</td><td>0.7724138</td><td>112</td><td>0.7785659</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.43131122</td><td>0.07297143</td><td>0.820987642</td><td>133</td><td>0.819381952</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)</a></td><td>1897.83862</td><td>0.161383286</td><td>0.437627643</td><td>0.0495146</td><td>0.8347339</td><td>298</td><td>0.7703705</td><td>c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff</a></td><td>471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242</td></tr> <tr><td>24</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS</a></td><td>1896.3114</td><td>1.68858171</td><td>0.232288077</td><td>0.0416352376</td><td>0.5074627</td><td>136</td><td>0.5617198</td><td>ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e</a></td><td>17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795</td></tr> <tr><td>24</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.235254377</td><td>0.03180954</td><td>0.716129</td><td>333</td><td>0.6976916</td><td>0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>24</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.239975646</td><td>0.0519264452</td><td>0.606741548</td><td>108</td><td>0.65231514</td><td>8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>24</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.2622103</td><td>0.0521268174</td><td>0.55440414</td><td>107</td><td>0.6185626</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>24</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.2700426</td><td>0.04423608</td><td>0.510869563</td><td>141</td><td>0.560991943</td><td>11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>24</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.286982745</td><td>0.03230439</td><td>0.7381818</td><td>406</td><td>0.701555133</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>24</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.3181354</td><td>0.0596203469</td><td>0.798882663</td><td>143</td><td>0.799955</td><td>6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>24</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.35163945</td><td>0.0409691334</td><td>0.6587112</td><td>276</td><td>0.648871064</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>25</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>26</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS</a></td><td>1896.3114</td><td>1.68858171</td><td>0.19449544</td><td>0.03802713</td><td>0.583643138</td><td>157</td><td>0.614511251</td><td>ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e</a></td><td>17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795</td></tr> <tr><td>26</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.3217005</td><td>0.0406170674</td><td>0.6871795</td><td>268</td><td>0.670606434</td><td>1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>26</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-34]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.344280958</td><td>0.0430808775</td><td>0.6792453</td><td>252</td><td>0.6687114</td><td>8dee81a1-8d98-4a73-b55d-9de42f10e190</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>26</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.395884931</td><td>0.06784772</td><td>0.4883721</td><td>84</td><td>0.5683281</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>26</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.427320033</td><td>0.04681223</td><td>0.6769231</td><td>264</td><td>0.659248</td><td>754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>26</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.427679241</td><td>0.06071977</td><td>0.5301724</td><td>123</td><td>0.5829808</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>26</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.465603054</td><td>0.07114003</td><td>0.6576087</td><td>121</td><td>0.69967103</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>26</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.465666384</td><td>0.0664371848</td><td>0.592417061</td><td>125</td><td>0.644419968</td><td>8216bdb2-7a7d-440c-95eb-7e63f8e8c502</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>27</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>28</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>29</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-13]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.09931051</td><td>0.03675817</td><td>0.8707483</td><td>128</td><td>0.838178635</td><td>3077498f-10ce-4b5c-ba6a-9b6f439e8248</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>29</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.421677</td><td>0.06322134</td><td>0.890995264</td><td>188</td><td>0.8402361</td><td>39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>30</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.2612175</td><td>0.05961526</td><td>0.877551</td><td>129</td><td>0.8724958</td><td>34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>30</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.308447272</td><td>0.0369433463</td><td>0.8960177</td><td>405</td><td>0.826731861</td><td>0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>30</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.31029287</td><td>0.07687874</td><td>0.8857143</td><td>93</td><td>0.8900069</td><td>6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>30</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.328630984</td><td>0.0649093</td><td>0.8397436</td><td>131</td><td>0.8301488</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>30</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.3761082</td><td>0.0575649925</td><td>0.845815</td><td>192</td><td>0.810805559</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>30</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)</a></td><td>1897.83862</td><td>0.161383286</td><td>0.3884204</td><td>0.04664788</td><td>0.8627451</td><td>308</td><td>0.7934234</td><td>c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff</a></td><td>471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242</td></tr> <tr><td>30</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.3937276</td><td>0.0530314967</td><td>0.85</td><td>238</td><td>0.7980373</td><td>d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>30</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.412831277</td><td>0.04613021</td><td>0.873711348</td><td>339</td><td>0.8028878</td><td>754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>31</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>32</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS</a></td><td>1896.3114</td><td>1.68858171</td><td>0.285083026</td><td>0.0468289033</td><td>0.8923077</td><td>232</td><td>0.838121355</td><td>ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e</a></td><td>17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795</td></tr> <tr><td>33</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>34</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>35</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>36</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>37</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>38</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>39</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.277911574</td><td>0.06256395</td><td>0.732394338</td><td>104</td><td>0.729044855</td><td>6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.278482944</td><td>0.06262823</td><td>0.7394366</td><td>105</td><td>0.736245036</td><td>833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.280440927</td><td>0.0621944554</td><td>0.737931</td><td>107</td><td>0.732707858</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.2874546</td><td>0.0645446256</td><td>0.768115938</td><td>106</td><td>0.7676177</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.2895849</td><td>0.06674693</td><td>0.77692306</td><td>101</td><td>0.7805435</td><td>817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.2977326</td><td>0.0378339365</td><td>0.8798077</td><td>366</td><td>0.810132563</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.297866017</td><td>0.0522753857</td><td>0.788990855</td><td>172</td><td>0.7474291</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.3113892</td><td>0.0400636867</td><td>0.8685567</td><td>337</td><td>0.798404</td><td>754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>40</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)</a></td><td>1897.83862</td><td>0.161383286</td><td>0.3266352</td><td>0.042777203</td><td>0.857142866</td><td>306</td><td>0.7886923</td><td>c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff</a></td><td>471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242</td></tr> <tr><td>41</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.274106264</td><td>0.0659613</td><td>0.880952358</td><td>111</td><td>0.8493862</td><td>34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>41</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--4]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.3795422</td><td>0.0640559047</td><td>0.8972973</td><td>166</td><td>0.846152842</td><td>aa553c8b-f188-48eb-ae82-5d7769781ff3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>41</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.388783872</td><td>0.09984397</td><td>0.8076923</td><td>63</td><td>0.7976193</td><td>6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>41</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.411971271</td><td>0.07755114</td><td>0.8540146</td><td>117</td><td>0.807369</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>42</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>43</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>44</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n-</a></td><td>1897.67859</td><td>0.321411133</td><td>0.496792018</td><td>0.0564319454</td><td>0.8076923</td><td>252</td><td>0.7531352</td><td>1ac5af55-f8bc-49fd-9808-23a0722c0288</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb</a></td><td>75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb</td></tr> <tr><td>45</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.240036309</td><td>0.0654703155</td><td>0.8660714</td><td>97</td><td>0.817842841</td><td>817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>45</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.295640856</td><td>0.06642703</td><td>0.8955224</td><td>120</td><td>0.846885443</td><td>6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>45</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.2960842</td><td>0.06672626</td><td>0.8947368</td><td>119</td><td>0.8462343</td><td>833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>45</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.30949235</td><td>0.07036958</td><td>0.896</td><td>112</td><td>0.8524104</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>45</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.321015328</td><td>0.0684569553</td><td>0.8978102</td><td>123</td><td>0.8487915</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>46</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>47</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>48</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.339354962</td><td>0.06794906</td><td>0.789115667</td><td>116</td><td>0.7937466</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP</a></td><td>1902.77417</td><td>4.77417</td><td>0.3519312</td><td>0.0481179468</td><td>0.858552635</td><td>261</td><td>0.8186131</td><td>8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67</a></td><td>163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f</td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.359753639</td><td>0.040576715</td><td>0.8741419</td><td>382</td><td>0.809872568</td><td>e62d396e-0d3a-4414-88f0-021d5142f09b</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.360862046</td><td>0.04160232</td><td>0.8633093</td><td>360</td><td>0.797326</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.369685978</td><td>0.0597649142</td><td>0.845410645</td><td>175</td><td>0.8303501</td><td>c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.373405039</td><td>0.0552105457</td><td>0.8897959</td><td>218</td><td>0.871291757</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)</a></td><td>1897.83862</td><td>0.161383286</td><td>0.381997973</td><td>0.04606746</td><td>0.844444454</td><td>304</td><td>0.7836719</td><td>c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff</a></td><td>471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242</td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.41416198</td><td>0.0457932577</td><td>0.86835444</td><td>343</td><td>0.810132265</td><td>754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>49</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.456007272</td><td>0.0551366322</td><td>0.8933333</td><td>268</td><td>0.8647887</td><td>d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>50</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>51</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.123899154</td><td>0.04382828</td><td>0.8914729</td><td>115</td><td>0.859087646</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>51</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP</a></td><td>1902.77417</td><td>4.77417</td><td>0.335227549</td><td>0.0710001141</td><td>0.864661634</td><td>115</td><td>0.820953369</td><td>6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67</a></td><td>163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f</td></tr> <tr><td>52</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>53</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>54</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>55</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>56</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>57</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS</a></td><td>1896.3114</td><td>1.68858171</td><td>0.3086605</td><td>0.0472080037</td><td>0.8050541</td><td>223</td><td>0.7846002</td><td>ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e</a></td><td>17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795</td></tr> <tr><td>57</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.432055831</td><td>0.0723674</td><td>0.8242424</td><td>136</td><td>0.8337416</td><td>34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>57</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.440757215</td><td>0.0556150451</td><td>0.8245614</td><td>235</td><td>0.8042714</td><td>9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>57</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.482367963</td><td>0.0575781539</td><td>0.824742258</td><td>240</td><td>0.802868068</td><td>11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>57</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.494594038</td><td>0.07413156</td><td>0.8333333</td><td>150</td><td>0.839251935</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>58</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>59</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>60</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.17318368</td><td>0.06273749</td><td>0.852272749</td><td>75</td><td>0.8504949</td><td>3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>60</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.175843075</td><td>0.0643232837</td><td>0.8235294</td><td>70</td><td>0.8236748</td><td>6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>60</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.185437113</td><td>0.05092667</td><td>0.853146851</td><td>122</td><td>0.8227301</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>60</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.185893178</td><td>0.0448291861</td><td>0.854054034</td><td>158</td><td>0.802647948</td><td>c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>60</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.2467115</td><td>0.0623315349</td><td>0.8976378</td><td>114</td><td>0.88253355</td><td>817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>60</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP</a></td><td>1902.77417</td><td>4.77417</td><td>0.2950538</td><td>0.04510935</td><td>0.8965517</td><td>260</td><td>0.8291562</td><td>8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67</a></td><td>163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f</td></tr> <tr><td>60</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.365909427</td><td>0.052255787</td><td>0.8955224</td><td>240</td><td>0.833884954</td><td>4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>61</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>62</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>63</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>64</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>65</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>66</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>67</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>68</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>69</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>70</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>71</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>72</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>73</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>74</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>75</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>76</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n-</a></td><td>1897.67859</td><td>0.321411133</td><td>0.4841707</td><td>0.070833</td><td>0.834196866</td><td>161</td><td>0.787648559</td><td>2e42e393-8070-47b8-a933-d3c41043d785</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb</a></td><td>75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb</td></tr> <tr><td>77</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.2844056</td><td>0.07994458</td><td>0.8876405</td><td>79</td><td>0.883293</td><td>3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>78</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>79</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>80</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>81</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>82</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>83</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>84</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>86</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>87</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>88</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>89</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>90</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>91</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>92</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>93</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>94</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>95</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>96</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.08678086</td><td>0.0508967042</td><td>0.477611929</td><td>32</td><td>0.5542277</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>97</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>98</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>99</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>100</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>101</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>102</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>103</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>104</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>105</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>106</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.08444913</td><td>0.0502082668</td><td>0.477611929</td><td>32</td><td>0.5542277</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>107</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.09447143</td><td>0.0523287952</td><td>0.5072464</td><td>35</td><td>0.5783457</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>108</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>109</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>110</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>111</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>112</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.0940891653</td><td>0.0529965349</td><td>0.522388041</td><td>35</td><td>0.5863345</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>113</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>114</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>115</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>116</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>117</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>118</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>119</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>120</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.092078425</td><td>0.05282288</td><td>0.545454562</td><td>36</td><td>0.6008149</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>121</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>122</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>123</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>124</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.07481606</td><td>0.05036009</td><td>0.5423729</td><td>32</td><td>0.5744617</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>125</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>126</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.09435291</td><td>0.05307076</td><td>0.5671642</td><td>38</td><td>0.6182873</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>127</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>128</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>129</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>130</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>131</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>132</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>133</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>134</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>135</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>136</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.07581174</td><td>0.050269857</td><td>0.6</td><td>36</td><td>0.618036032</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>137</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>138</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>139</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>140</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>141</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>142</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.0759908259</td><td>0.0507539362</td><td>0.6101695</td><td>36</td><td>0.6193023</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>143</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>144</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>145</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>146</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>147</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>148</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>149</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.06280607</td><td>0.0465373769</td><td>0.827586234</td><td>48</td><td>0.7647042</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>150</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>151</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>152</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>154</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>155</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>156</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>157</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>158</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>159</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>160</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>161</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>162</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>163</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>164</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>165</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>166</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>167</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>168</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>169</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.110666931</td><td>0.0607363</td><td>0.9</td><td>54</td><td>0.8493862</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>170</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>171</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.126968026</td><td>0.06616803</td><td>0.8965517</td><td>52</td><td>0.8236299</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>172</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>173</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>174</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>175</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>176</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>177</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>178</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>179</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>181</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>182</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>183</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>184</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>185</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>186</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>187</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>188</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>189</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>190</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>191</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>192</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>193</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>194</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>195</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>196</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>197</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>198</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>199</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>200</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>201</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>202</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>203</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>204</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>205</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>206</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>207</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>208</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>209</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>210</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>211</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>212</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>213</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>214</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>215</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.111725941</td><td>0.04333297</td><td>0.689075649</td><td>82</td><td>0.72035563</td><td>d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>215</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--3]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.121540077</td><td>0.0373766236</td><td>0.6436782</td><td>112</td><td>0.678422451</td><td>5a6e8d9a-926f-4589-a67c-46ff9b93f7ca</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>215</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.12473502</td><td>0.03924205</td><td>0.6234568</td><td>101</td><td>0.6659031</td><td>d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>215</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.1716096</td><td>0.0389701054</td><td>0.654867232</td><td>148</td><td>0.663134336</td><td>2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>215</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.201827526</td><td>0.04762064</td><td>0.7247191</td><td>129</td><td>0.7480244</td><td>063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>215</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.203410134</td><td>0.0493563563</td><td>0.742514968</td><td>124</td><td>0.76602006</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>215</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.21932818</td><td>0.0323174857</td><td>0.7952381</td><td>334</td><td>0.7466316</td><td>85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>216</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>217</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>218</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>219</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>220</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>221</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>222</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>223</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>224</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>225</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>226</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.186731711</td><td>0.04020852</td><td>0.5974026</td><td>138</td><td>0.6166982</td><td>8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>226</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.232166454</td><td>0.0416243374</td><td>0.4067164</td><td>109</td><td>0.504510641</td><td>39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>226</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1897.25439</td><td>0.745605469</td><td>0.2555795</td><td>0.04512749</td><td>0.334661365</td><td>84</td><td>0.446271449</td><td>c1f0e928-1960-4643-b93b-81a20351ccd9</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2</a></td><td>6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a</td></tr> <tr><td>226</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.29649204</td><td>0.0328352377</td><td>0.6</td><td>330</td><td>0.608352542</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>226</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose_3_5TMS</a></td><td>1896.3114</td><td>1.68858171</td><td>0.363172352</td><td>0.0492873862</td><td>0.408026755</td><td>122</td><td>0.504798055</td><td>ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e</a></td><td>17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795</td></tr> <tr><td>226</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP</a></td><td>1899.495</td><td>1.49494946</td><td>0.400953531</td><td>0.05295159</td><td>0.2972028</td><td>85</td><td>0.414242685</td><td>11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6</a></td><td>539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646</td></tr> <tr><td>226</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.453271121</td><td>0.0621097945</td><td>0.7617021</td><td>179</td><td>0.738404453</td><td>6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>226</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP</a></td><td>1895.98438</td><td>2.01558065</td><td>0.483825535</td><td>0.0507976674</td><td>0.461333334</td><td>173</td><td>0.5301436</td><td>1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad</a></td><td>2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257</td></tr> <tr><td>227</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>228</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP</a></td><td>1893.44385</td><td>4.55619574</td><td>0.49236843</td><td>0.0423520021</td><td>0.5974499</td><td>328</td><td>0.6059947</td><td>8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d</a></td><td>da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980</td></tr> <tr><td>229</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>230</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>231</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1899.05493</td><td>1.054953</td><td>0.191139191</td><td>0.0709223449</td><td>0.8947368</td><td>68</td><td>0.878837764</td><td>d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d</a></td><td>0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67</td></tr> <tr><td>231</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1901.63</td><td>3.63</td><td>0.193600208</td><td>0.0558800921</td><td>0.887096763</td><td>110</td><td>0.8399839</td><td>27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8</a></td><td>96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4</td></tr> <tr><td>231</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--10]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP</a></td><td>1902.42212</td><td>4.422119</td><td>0.216909975</td><td>0.06141944</td><td>0.8869565</td><td>102</td><td>0.845184863</td><td>314b38dc-9bfb-4a7f-aaaa-bd80ef4ec82d</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204</a></td><td>1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1</td></tr> <tr><td>231</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-2]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Allantoin (5TMS)</a></td><td>1896.99829</td><td>1.001709</td><td>0.242943108</td><td>0.08852613</td><td>0.887096763</td><td>55</td><td>0.8791416</td><td>bb9eafcc-28ff-4a63-8786-2e5e1053b337</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c</a></td><td>65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005</td></tr> <tr><td>232</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>233</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>234</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>235</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>236</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>237</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>238</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>239</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>240</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>241</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>242</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>243</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>244</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>245</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>246</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>247</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>248</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>Nonadecane</a></td><td>1900</td><td>2</td><td>0.05944854</td><td>0.04527639</td><td>0.7586207</td><td>44</td><td>0.7132295</td><td>44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</a></td><td>5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6</td></tr> <tr><td>249</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>250</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>251</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>252</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>253</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>254</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>255</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>256</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>257</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>258</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>259</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>260</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>261</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>262</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>263</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>264</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>265</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>266</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>267</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>268</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>269</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>270</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>271</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>272</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>273</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>274</td><td><a href='' target='_blank'>no results</a></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><a href='' target='_blank'></a></td><td></td></tr> </tbody></table></div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip1'> print</div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip2'> copy</div><div class='mdl-tooltip mdl-tooltip--bottom' for='mytooltip3'> export</div> </section> <section class='mdl-layout__tab-panel' id='fixed-tab-2'><div class='page-content'><center> </br></br><div class='card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp'> <figure class='mdl-card__media' style='background-color: white'> <img src='' style='height: 60px; width: 60px;'> </figure><div class='mdl-card__title'><h1 class='mdl-card__title-text'>What can the table do ?</h1></div><div class='mdl-card__supporting-text'><ul class='list-icon mdl-list'><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>filter_list</i> By default, the spectra numbers (N° Spectra) are ordered by ascending values. You can manage your data ordering as you wish. You can even order data according to multiple columns: SHIFT + LEFT CLICK on column headers. This will order by the first column clicked, then the second, etc. You can sort data specifically by clicking on any entry in boxes under each columns. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>delete_sweep</i> You can delete multiple entries that are selected: Select wanted entries and click on the button DELETE SELECTED ROWS. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>remove_red_eye</i> You have the possibility to toggle columns by clicking on SHOW MORE. </span></li><li class='mdl-list__item'> <span class='mdl-list__item-primary-content'> <i class='material-icons mdl-list__item-icon'>save</i> You can print, copy, or export to excel and csv the table on its actual state, with the three buttons right above the table. </span></li></ul></div></div> </br><div id="large_card" class='card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp'> <figure class='mdl-card__media' style='background-color: white'> <img src='' style='height: 60px; width: 60px;'> </figure><div class='mdl-card__title'><h1 class='mdl-card__title-text'>Distances scores</h1></div><div class='mdl-card__supporting-text'><table id="dist_table" style="color: rgba(0,0,0,.87);"><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;><b style="white-space: nowrap;"><b>S12Gower-Legendre Distance</b></td><td> The distance measure S12GowLeg = sqrt(1 - s12) is derived from the S12 coefficient of Gower & Legendre defined as s12 = a / sqrt((a + b)(a + c)), with "a" representing the number of positions at which both spectra are in "on-state" and "b" respectively "c" representing the number of positions at which only the query spectrum or the hit spectrum are in "on-state".</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;">Hamming Distance</b></td><td> In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions for which the corresponding symbols are different. Put another way, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one into the other, or the number of errors that transformed one string into the other.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;">Jaccard Distance</b></td><td>Number of matches (a mass with appropriate intensity in both spectra) divided by the sum of matches and mismatches (a mass where only one of both spectra has a intensity). The jaccard distance is a binary distance.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;padding-right:60px;">Dotproduct Distance</b></td><td>The Dotproduct distance is summing the multiplied intensities over all matching peaks within both spectra. Here, to satisfy the conditions of a metric I) non-negativity, II) identity of indiscernibles, III) symmetry and IV) subadditivity / triangle inequality, we use 1-Dotproduct. Both spectra are normalised prior to the spectral vector norm in that way, that the absolute value of the squared intensities is equal to 1.</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;"><b style="white-space: nowrap;padding-right:60px;">Euclidean Distance</b></td><td>The Euclid is the square root of the sum of the squared differences over all matching peaks.</td></tr></table></div></div></div> </br></br></center> </section> </main></div></body></html>
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output03.tabular	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+"Num Spectre"	"Analyte Name"	"Spectrum Name"	"Retention Index"	"RI Discrepancy"	"DotproductDistance"	"EuclideanDistance"	"JaccardDistance"	"HammingDistance"	"s12GowerLegendreDistance"	"Spectrum ID"	"Metabolite ID"	"Analyte ID"
+"1"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.417125851"	"0.047484044"	"0.6108108"	"226"	"0.628439844"	"1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"2"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.4496568"	"0.07338332"	"0.7784431"	"130"	"0.796108663"	"34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"2"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.4884424"	"0.0594931729"	"0.75"	"207"	"0.7356502"	"9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"3"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.38635543"	"0.0406771079"	"0.8201285"	"383"	"0.7784506"	"0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"3"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.397179246"	"0.06756685"	"0.75287354"	"131"	"0.776361"	"34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"3"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.432195932"	"0.07130679"	"0.629411757"	"107"	"0.6740747"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"3"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.442519277"	"0.050286"	"0.76"	"266"	"0.7361843"	"0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"3"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]"	"1897.83862"	"0.161383286"	"0.444237381"	"0.04988712"	"0.717086852"	"256"	"0.6841814"	"c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170"	"151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff"	"471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"3"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-1]"	"1902.77417"	"4.77417"	"0.4479848"	"0.0491427779"	"0.7304582"	"271"	"0.6947696"	"7508f46a-70b0-43eb-b5b6-0421ff41c0e8"	"87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67"	"163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"3"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.452163756"	"0.06325701"	"0.6106195"	"138"	"0.63247633"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"3"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.474485427"	"0.0493914336"	"0.7429306"	"289"	"0.7034532"	"754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"4"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.40254572"	"0.05791846"	"0.445833325"	"107"	"0.528728"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"4"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.403359115"	"0.0413857177"	"0.7048832"	"332"	"0.694246054"	"0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"4"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.410697162"	"0.06408566"	"0.56"	"112"	"0.6205492"	"833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"4"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.4170415"	"0.04813416"	"0.63055557"	"227"	"0.651003"	"0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"4"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]"	"1897.83862"	"0.161383286"	"0.418162525"	"0.0484009"	"0.551820755"	"197"	"0.5749244"	"c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170"	"151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff"	"471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"4"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.4213545"	"0.06334745"	"0.609523833"	"128"	"0.6601182"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"4"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.423168719"	"0.0451050438"	"0.617788434"	"257"	"0.6188379"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"4"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5]"	"1902.77417"	"4.77417"	"0.445822567"	"0.0513614975"	"0.5473373"	"185"	"0.578929663"	"7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d"	"87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67"	"163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"5"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.354763538"	"0.06923945"	"0.6554054"	"97"	"0.6981253"	"8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"5"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.402286351"	"0.0382821634"	"0.8251366"	"453"	"0.7650924"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"5"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.411938727"	"0.0459032"	"0.7672634"	"300"	"0.728630841"	"1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"5"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.411938757"	"0.0815118"	"0.661290348"	"82"	"0.696781337"	"6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"5"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.424958557"	"0.0713395"	"0.6227545"	"104"	"0.6678984"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"5"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]"	"1897.83862"	"0.161383286"	"0.484940231"	"0.0521224737"	"0.7254902"	"259"	"0.6899733"	"c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170"	"151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff"	"471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"5"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.488564819"	"0.0484651364"	"0.7668269"	"319"	"0.720424533"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"6"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.315586"	"0.05261462"	"0.578947365"	"132"	"0.6002723"	"8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"6"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--1]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.31916222"	"0.0516799167"	"0.556485355"	"133"	"0.5977888"	"c3592e5c-0d20-406b-ac62-32bd60255caf"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"6"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.356775373"	"0.05557845"	"0.46320346"	"107"	"0.5265545"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"6"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.375095934"	"0.03693217"	"0.6"	"330"	"0.608352542"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"6"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.386559725"	"0.05199245"	"0.2972028"	"85"	"0.414242685"	"11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"6"	"Galactose_3_5TMS"	"Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]"	"1896.3114"	"1.68858171"	"0.389454484"	"0.0513845235"	"0.386440665"	"114"	"0.4878328"	"ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153"	"f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e"	"17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"6"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.453840375"	"0.06162652"	"0.5690377"	"136"	"0.606397"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"6"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.468880624"	"0.04719599"	"0.484560579"	"204"	"0.5354268"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"7"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.311034173"	"0.0363806225"	"0.568085134"	"267"	"0.5993147"	"0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"7"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.3122851"	"0.0344914123"	"0.586666644"	"308"	"0.6017828"	"28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"7"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.3334442"	"0.051751975"	"0.5742972"	"143"	"0.6182019"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"7"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.3596541"	"0.0359038"	"0.6200717"	"346"	"0.6268959"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"7"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.376751959"	"0.04970417"	"0.403278679"	"123"	"0.499903738"	"11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"7"	"Galactose_3_5TMS"	"Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]"	"1896.3114"	"1.68858171"	"0.405417144"	"0.0507353619"	"0.4888889"	"154"	"0.5676107"	"ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153"	"f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e"	"17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"7"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.4187165"	"0.0568623953"	"0.6795367"	"176"	"0.700350344"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"7"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.432310849"	"0.0449986123"	"0.5058548"	"216"	"0.553538561"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"8"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"9"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.128620371"	"0.06717883"	"0.8596491"	"49"	"0.802279055"	"62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"9"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.203193992"	"0.08926585"	"0.843137264"	"43"	"0.789225161"	"5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"10"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.145974338"	"0.072203666"	"0.839285731"	"47"	"0.774020731"	"62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"10"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.231892109"	"0.09631036"	"0.82"	"41"	"0.7587727"	"5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"11"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"13"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.169009715"	"0.0388460457"	"0.5535714"	"124"	"0.577645063"	"8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"13"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.173254281"	"0.0297313016"	"0.4515306"	"177"	"0.5150558"	"1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"13"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.198374733"	"0.04144309"	"0.46320346"	"107"	"0.5265545"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"13"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.2139774"	"0.0279198289"	"0.5974499"	"328"	"0.6059947"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"13"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.295577049"	"0.03858825"	"0.46095717"	"183"	"0.5219953"	"754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"13"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.298371822"	"0.04895468"	"0.626506031"	"156"	"0.6550603"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"13"	"Galactose_3_5TMS"	"Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]"	"1896.3114"	"1.68858171"	"0.3004605"	"0.045287136"	"0.37542662"	"110"	"0.479125"	"ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153"	"f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e"	"17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"13"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.303167731"	"0.03795032"	"0.484560579"	"204"	"0.5354268"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"14"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"15"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"16"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"17"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"18"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.209903836"	"0.0601583831"	"0.8103448"	"94"	"0.783262"	"817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"18"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.240307823"	"0.0475017"	"0.85915494"	"183"	"0.7903839"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"18"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.266967148"	"0.0622020029"	"0.847826064"	"117"	"0.813898"	"6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"18"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.268232971"	"0.0625764355"	"0.846715331"	"116"	"0.813089132"	"833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"18"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.280021936"	"0.06640628"	"0.8267717"	"105"	"0.794855952"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"18"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.289705932"	"0.063654"	"0.867132843"	"124"	"0.835505962"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"18"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3]"	"1902.77417"	"4.77417"	"0.452285469"	"0.08009617"	"0.8865248"	"125"	"0.8606896"	"6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b"	"87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67"	"163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"18"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.4736493"	"0.0596764"	"0.8947368"	"238"	"0.8278728"	"4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"19"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.189724684"	"0.0268077236"	"0.6041667"	"319"	"0.6153477"	"28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"19"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.195334315"	"0.031528838"	"0.468193382"	"184"	"0.5269175"	"1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"19"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.205342725"	"0.0421646647"	"0.4848485"	"112"	"0.546345532"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"19"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.221429184"	"0.02832454"	"0.614130437"	"339"	"0.61901623"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"19"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.293066233"	"0.04851748"	"0.646586359"	"161"	"0.6735261"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"19"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.294312984"	"0.0385056473"	"0.473551631"	"188"	"0.530448139"	"754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"19"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.2977491"	"0.03747635"	"0.5070755"	"215"	"0.5523996"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"19"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.303958982"	"0.04892216"	"0.6062992"	"154"	"0.6474817"	"063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"20"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"21"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"22"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"23"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.31787312"	"0.0340916663"	"0.892138958"	"488"	"0.8194986"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"23"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.40171"	"0.07521893"	"0.8239437"	"117"	"0.8287425"	"817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"23"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5]"	"1902.77417"	"4.77417"	"0.4068263"	"0.0493567176"	"0.832335353"	"278"	"0.7741276"	"7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d"	"87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67"	"163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"23"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.412308335"	"0.0445760936"	"0.8578313"	"356"	"0.789270163"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"23"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.412312329"	"0.073175855"	"0.77922076"	"120"	"0.7812011"	"6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"23"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.413312733"	"0.0737450048"	"0.7697368"	"117"	"0.7728186"	"833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"23"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.424154133"	"0.07648792"	"0.7724138"	"112"	"0.7785659"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"23"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.43131122"	"0.07297143"	"0.820987642"	"133"	"0.819381952"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"23"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]"	"1897.83862"	"0.161383286"	"0.437627643"	"0.0495146"	"0.8347339"	"298"	"0.7703705"	"c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170"	"151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff"	"471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"24"	"Galactose_3_5TMS"	"Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]"	"1896.3114"	"1.68858171"	"0.232288077"	"0.0416352376"	"0.5074627"	"136"	"0.5617198"	"ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153"	"f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e"	"17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"24"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.235254377"	"0.03180954"	"0.716129"	"333"	"0.6976916"	"0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"24"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.239975646"	"0.0519264452"	"0.606741548"	"108"	"0.65231514"	"8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"24"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.2622103"	"0.0521268174"	"0.55440414"	"107"	"0.6185626"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"24"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.2700426"	"0.04423608"	"0.510869563"	"141"	"0.560991943"	"11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"24"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.286982745"	"0.03230439"	"0.7381818"	"406"	"0.701555133"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"24"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.3181354"	"0.0596203469"	"0.798882663"	"143"	"0.799955"	"6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"24"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.35163945"	"0.0409691334"	"0.6587112"	"276"	"0.648871064"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"25"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"26"	"Galactose_3_5TMS"	"Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]"	"1896.3114"	"1.68858171"	"0.19449544"	"0.03802713"	"0.583643138"	"157"	"0.614511251"	"ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153"	"f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e"	"17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"26"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.3217005"	"0.0406170674"	"0.6871795"	"268"	"0.670606434"	"1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"26"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-34]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.344280958"	"0.0430808775"	"0.6792453"	"252"	"0.6687114"	"8dee81a1-8d98-4a73-b55d-9de42f10e190"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"26"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.395884931"	"0.06784772"	"0.4883721"	"84"	"0.5683281"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"26"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.427320033"	"0.04681223"	"0.6769231"	"264"	"0.659248"	"754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"26"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.427679241"	"0.06071977"	"0.5301724"	"123"	"0.5829808"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"26"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.465603054"	"0.07114003"	"0.6576087"	"121"	"0.69967103"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"26"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-3]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.465666384"	"0.0664371848"	"0.592417061"	"125"	"0.644419968"	"8216bdb2-7a7d-440c-95eb-7e63f8e8c502"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"27"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"28"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"29"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-13]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.09931051"	"0.03675817"	"0.8707483"	"128"	"0.838178635"	"3077498f-10ce-4b5c-ba6a-9b6f439e8248"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"29"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.421677"	"0.06322134"	"0.890995264"	"188"	"0.8402361"	"39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"30"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.2612175"	"0.05961526"	"0.877551"	"129"	"0.8724958"	"34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"30"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.308447272"	"0.0369433463"	"0.8960177"	"405"	"0.826731861"	"0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"30"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.31029287"	"0.07687874"	"0.8857143"	"93"	"0.8900069"	"6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"30"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.328630984"	"0.0649093"	"0.8397436"	"131"	"0.8301488"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"30"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.3761082"	"0.0575649925"	"0.845815"	"192"	"0.810805559"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"30"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]"	"1897.83862"	"0.161383286"	"0.3884204"	"0.04664788"	"0.8627451"	"308"	"0.7934234"	"c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170"	"151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff"	"471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"30"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.3937276"	"0.0530314967"	"0.85"	"238"	"0.7980373"	"d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"30"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.412831277"	"0.04613021"	"0.873711348"	"339"	"0.8028878"	"754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"31"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"32"	"Galactose_3_5TMS"	"Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]"	"1896.3114"	"1.68858171"	"0.285083026"	"0.0468289033"	"0.8923077"	"232"	"0.838121355"	"ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153"	"f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e"	"17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"33"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"34"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"35"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"36"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"37"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"38"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"39"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"40"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.277911574"	"0.06256395"	"0.732394338"	"104"	"0.729044855"	"6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"40"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.278482944"	"0.06262823"	"0.7394366"	"105"	"0.736245036"	"833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"40"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.280440927"	"0.0621944554"	"0.737931"	"107"	"0.732707858"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"40"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.2874546"	"0.0645446256"	"0.768115938"	"106"	"0.7676177"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"40"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.2895849"	"0.06674693"	"0.77692306"	"101"	"0.7805435"	"817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"40"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.2977326"	"0.0378339365"	"0.8798077"	"366"	"0.810132563"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"40"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.297866017"	"0.0522753857"	"0.788990855"	"172"	"0.7474291"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"40"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.3113892"	"0.0400636867"	"0.8685567"	"337"	"0.798404"	"754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"40"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]"	"1897.83862"	"0.161383286"	"0.3266352"	"0.042777203"	"0.857142866"	"306"	"0.7886923"	"c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170"	"151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff"	"471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"41"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.274106264"	"0.0659613"	"0.880952358"	"111"	"0.8493862"	"34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"41"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--4]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.3795422"	"0.0640559047"	"0.8972973"	"166"	"0.846152842"	"aa553c8b-f188-48eb-ae82-5d7769781ff3"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"41"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.388783872"	"0.09984397"	"0.8076923"	"63"	"0.7976193"	"6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"41"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.411971271"	"0.07755114"	"0.8540146"	"117"	"0.807369"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"42"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"43"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"44"	"Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n-"	"Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--1]"	"1897.67859"	"0.321411133"	"0.496792018"	"0.0564319454"	"0.8076923"	"252"	"0.7531352"	"1ac5af55-f8bc-49fd-9808-23a0722c0288"	"75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb"	"75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb"
+"45"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.240036309"	"0.0654703155"	"0.8660714"	"97"	"0.817842841"	"817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"45"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.295640856"	"0.06642703"	"0.8955224"	"120"	"0.846885443"	"6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"45"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.2960842"	"0.06672626"	"0.8947368"	"119"	"0.8462343"	"833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"45"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.30949235"	"0.07036958"	"0.896"	"112"	"0.8524104"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"45"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.321015328"	"0.0684569553"	"0.8978102"	"123"	"0.8487915"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"46"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"47"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"48"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"49"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.339354962"	"0.06794906"	"0.789115667"	"116"	"0.7937466"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"49"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]"	"1902.77417"	"4.77417"	"0.3519312"	"0.0481179468"	"0.858552635"	"261"	"0.8186131"	"8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd"	"87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67"	"163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"49"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-1]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.359753639"	"0.040576715"	"0.8741419"	"382"	"0.809872568"	"e62d396e-0d3a-4414-88f0-021d5142f09b"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"49"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.360862046"	"0.04160232"	"0.8633093"	"360"	"0.797326"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"49"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.369685978"	"0.0597649142"	"0.845410645"	"175"	"0.8303501"	"c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"49"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.373405039"	"0.0552105457"	"0.8897959"	"218"	"0.871291757"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"49"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)"	"Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]"	"1897.83862"	"0.161383286"	"0.381997973"	"0.04606746"	"0.844444454"	"304"	"0.7836719"	"c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170"	"151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff"	"471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242"
+"49"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.41416198"	"0.0457932577"	"0.86835444"	"343"	"0.810132265"	"754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"49"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.456007272"	"0.0551366322"	"0.8933333"	"268"	"0.8647887"	"d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"50"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"51"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.123899154"	"0.04382828"	"0.8914729"	"115"	"0.859087646"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"51"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3]"	"1902.77417"	"4.77417"	"0.335227549"	"0.0710001141"	"0.864661634"	"115"	"0.820953369"	"6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b"	"87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67"	"163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"52"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"53"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"54"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"55"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"56"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"57"	"Galactose_3_5TMS"	"Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]"	"1896.3114"	"1.68858171"	"0.3086605"	"0.0472080037"	"0.8050541"	"223"	"0.7846002"	"ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153"	"f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e"	"17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"57"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.432055831"	"0.0723674"	"0.8242424"	"136"	"0.8337416"	"34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"57"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.440757215"	"0.0556150451"	"0.8245614"	"235"	"0.8042714"	"9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"57"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.482367963"	"0.0575781539"	"0.824742258"	"240"	"0.802868068"	"11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"57"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.494594038"	"0.07413156"	"0.8333333"	"150"	"0.839251935"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"58"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"59"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"60"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.17318368"	"0.06273749"	"0.852272749"	"75"	"0.8504949"	"3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"60"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.175843075"	"0.0643232837"	"0.8235294"	"70"	"0.8236748"	"6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"60"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.185437113"	"0.05092667"	"0.853146851"	"122"	"0.8227301"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"60"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.185893178"	"0.0448291861"	"0.854054034"	"158"	"0.802647948"	"c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"60"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.2467115"	"0.0623315349"	"0.8976378"	"114"	"0.88253355"	"817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"60"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP"	"Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]"	"1902.77417"	"4.77417"	"0.2950538"	"0.04510935"	"0.8965517"	"260"	"0.8291562"	"8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd"	"87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67"	"163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f"
+"60"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.365909427"	"0.052255787"	"0.8955224"	"240"	"0.833884954"	"4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"61"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"62"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"63"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"64"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"65"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"66"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"67"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"68"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"69"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"70"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"71"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"72"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"73"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"74"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"75"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"76"	"Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n-"	"Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--3]"	"1897.67859"	"0.321411133"	"0.4841707"	"0.070833"	"0.834196866"	"161"	"0.787648559"	"2e42e393-8070-47b8-a933-d3c41043d785"	"75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb"	"75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb"
+"77"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.2844056"	"0.07994458"	"0.8876405"	"79"	"0.883293"	"3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"78"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"79"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"80"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"81"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"82"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"83"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"84"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"85"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"86"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"87"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"88"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"89"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"90"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"91"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"92"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"93"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"94"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"95"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"96"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.08678086"	"0.0508967042"	"0.477611929"	"32"	"0.5542277"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"97"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"98"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"99"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"100"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"101"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"102"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"103"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"104"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"105"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"106"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.08444913"	"0.0502082668"	"0.477611929"	"32"	"0.5542277"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"107"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.09447143"	"0.0523287952"	"0.5072464"	"35"	"0.5783457"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"108"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"109"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"110"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"111"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"112"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.0940891653"	"0.0529965349"	"0.522388041"	"35"	"0.5863345"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"113"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"114"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"115"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"116"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"117"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"118"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"119"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"120"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.092078425"	"0.05282288"	"0.545454562"	"36"	"0.6008149"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"121"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"122"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"123"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"124"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.07481606"	"0.05036009"	"0.5423729"	"32"	"0.5744617"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"125"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"126"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.09435291"	"0.05307076"	"0.5671642"	"38"	"0.6182873"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"127"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"128"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"129"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"130"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"131"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"132"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"133"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"134"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"135"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"136"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.07581174"	"0.050269857"	"0.6"	"36"	"0.618036032"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"137"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"138"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"139"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"140"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"141"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"142"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.0759908259"	"0.0507539362"	"0.6101695"	"36"	"0.6193023"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"143"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"144"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"145"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"146"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"147"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"148"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"149"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.06280607"	"0.0465373769"	"0.827586234"	"48"	"0.7647042"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"150"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"151"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"152"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"153"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"154"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"155"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"156"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"157"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"158"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"159"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"160"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"161"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"162"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"163"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"164"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"165"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"166"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"167"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"168"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"169"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.110666931"	"0.0607363"	"0.9"	"54"	"0.8493862"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"170"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"171"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.126968026"	"0.06616803"	"0.8965517"	"52"	"0.8236299"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"172"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"173"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"174"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"175"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"176"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"177"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"178"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"179"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"180"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"181"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"182"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"183"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"184"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"185"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"186"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"187"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"188"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"189"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"190"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"191"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"192"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"193"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"194"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"195"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"196"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"197"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"198"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"199"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"200"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"201"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"202"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"203"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"204"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"205"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"206"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"207"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"208"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"209"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"210"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"211"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"212"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"213"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"214"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"215"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.111725941"	"0.04333297"	"0.689075649"	"82"	"0.72035563"	"d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"215"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--3]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.121540077"	"0.0373766236"	"0.6436782"	"112"	"0.678422451"	"5a6e8d9a-926f-4589-a67c-46ff9b93f7ca"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"215"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.12473502"	"0.03924205"	"0.6234568"	"101"	"0.6659031"	"d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"215"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.1716096"	"0.0389701054"	"0.654867232"	"148"	"0.663134336"	"2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"215"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.201827526"	"0.04762064"	"0.7247191"	"129"	"0.7480244"	"063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"215"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.203410134"	"0.0493563563"	"0.742514968"	"124"	"0.76602006"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"215"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.21932818"	"0.0323174857"	"0.7952381"	"334"	"0.7466316"	"85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"216"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"217"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"218"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"219"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"220"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"221"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"222"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"223"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"224"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"225"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"226"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.186731711"	"0.04020852"	"0.5974026"	"138"	"0.6166982"	"8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"226"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.232166454"	"0.0416243374"	"0.4067164"	"109"	"0.504510641"	"39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"226"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-2]"	"1897.25439"	"0.745605469"	"0.2555795"	"0.04512749"	"0.334661365"	"84"	"0.446271449"	"c1f0e928-1960-4643-b93b-81a20351ccd9"	"ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2"	"6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a"
+"226"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.29649204"	"0.0328352377"	"0.6"	"330"	"0.608352542"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"226"	"Galactose_3_5TMS"	"Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]"	"1896.3114"	"1.68858171"	"0.363172352"	"0.0492873862"	"0.408026755"	"122"	"0.504798055"	"ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153"	"f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e"	"17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795"
+"226"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP"	"Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]"	"1899.495"	"1.49494946"	"0.400953531"	"0.05295159"	"0.2972028"	"85"	"0.414242685"	"11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22"	"2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6"	"539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646"
+"226"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.453271121"	"0.0621097945"	"0.7617021"	"179"	"0.738404453"	"6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"226"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP"	"Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5]"	"1895.98438"	"2.01558065"	"0.483825535"	"0.0507976674"	"0.461333334"	"173"	"0.5301436"	"1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23"	"d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad"	"2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257"
+"227"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"228"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP"	"Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]"	"1893.44385"	"4.55619574"	"0.49236843"	"0.0423520021"	"0.5974499"	"328"	"0.6059947"	"8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383"	"00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d"	"da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980"
+"229"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"230"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"231"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24]"	"1899.05493"	"1.054953"	"0.191139191"	"0.0709223449"	"0.8947368"	"68"	"0.878837764"	"d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e"	"68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d"	"0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67"
+"231"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]"	"1901.63"	"3.63"	"0.193600208"	"0.0558800921"	"0.887096763"	"110"	"0.8399839"	"27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631"	"441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8"	"96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4"
+"231"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP"	"Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--10]"	"1902.42212"	"4.422119"	"0.216909975"	"0.06141944"	"0.8869565"	"102"	"0.845184863"	"314b38dc-9bfb-4a7f-aaaa-bd80ef4ec82d"	"dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204"	"1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1"
+"231"	"Allantoin (5TMS)"	"Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-2]"	"1896.99829"	"1.001709"	"0.242943108"	"0.08852613"	"0.887096763"	"55"	"0.8791416"	"bb9eafcc-28ff-4a63-8786-2e5e1053b337"	"a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c"	"65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005"
+"232"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"233"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"234"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"235"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"236"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"237"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"238"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"239"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"240"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"241"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"242"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"243"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"244"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"245"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"246"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"247"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"248"	"Nonadecane"	"Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]"	"1900"	"2"	"0.05944854"	"0.04527639"	"0.7586207"	"44"	"0.7132295"	"44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"	"5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6"
+"249"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"250"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"251"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"252"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"253"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"254"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"255"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"256"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"257"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"258"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"259"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"260"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"261"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"262"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"263"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"264"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"265"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"266"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"267"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"268"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"269"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"270"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"271"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"272"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"273"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
+"274"	""	"no results"	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/output03.txt	Mon Dec 05 08:32:04 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+Num Spectre	Analyte Name	Spectrum Name	Retention Index	RI Discrepancy	DotproductDistance	EuclideanDistance	JaccardDistance	HammingDistance	s12GowerLegendreDistance	Spectrum ID	Metabolite ID	Analyte ID
+1	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.417125851	0.047484044	0.6108108	226	0.628439844	1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+2	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.4496568	0.07338332	0.7784431	130	0.796108663	34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+2	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.4884424	0.0594931729	0.75	207	0.7356502	9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+3	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.38635543	0.0406771079	0.8201285	383	0.7784506	0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+3	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.397179246	0.06756685	0.75287354	131	0.776361	34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+3	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.432195932	0.07130679	0.629411757	107	0.6740747	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+3	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10]	1901.63	3.63	0.442519277	0.050286	0.76	266	0.7361843	0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+3	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]	1897.83862	0.161383286	0.444237381	0.04988712	0.717086852	256	0.6841814	c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170	151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff	471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+3	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-1]	1902.77417	4.77417	0.4479848	0.0491427779	0.7304582	271	0.6947696	7508f46a-70b0-43eb-b5b6-0421ff41c0e8	87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67	163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+3	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.452163756	0.06325701	0.6106195	138	0.63247633	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+3	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.474485427	0.0493914336	0.7429306	289	0.7034532	754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+4	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.40254572	0.05791846	0.445833325	107	0.528728	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+4	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.403359115	0.0413857177	0.7048832	332	0.694246054	0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+4	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.410697162	0.06408566	0.56	112	0.6205492	833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+4	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-10]	1901.63	3.63	0.4170415	0.04813416	0.63055557	227	0.651003	0d5164ce-be48-454d-979b-ed8b92e32c1d	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+4	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]	1897.83862	0.161383286	0.418162525	0.0484009	0.551820755	197	0.5749244	c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170	151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff	471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+4	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.4213545	0.06334745	0.609523833	128	0.6601182	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+4	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.423168719	0.0451050438	0.617788434	257	0.6188379	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+4	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5]	1902.77417	4.77417	0.445822567	0.0513614975	0.5473373	185	0.578929663	7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d	87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67	163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+5	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.354763538	0.06923945	0.6554054	97	0.6981253	8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+5	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.402286351	0.0382821634	0.8251366	453	0.7650924	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+5	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.411938727	0.0459032	0.7672634	300	0.728630841	1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+5	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]	1901.63	3.63	0.411938757	0.0815118	0.661290348	82	0.696781337	6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+5	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.424958557	0.0713395	0.6227545	104	0.6678984	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+5	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]	1897.83862	0.161383286	0.484940231	0.0521224737	0.7254902	259	0.6899733	c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170	151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff	471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+5	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.488564819	0.0484651364	0.7668269	319	0.720424533	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+6	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.315586	0.05261462	0.578947365	132	0.6002723	8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+6	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--1]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.31916222	0.0516799167	0.556485355	133	0.5977888	c3592e5c-0d20-406b-ac62-32bd60255caf	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+6	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.356775373	0.05557845	0.46320346	107	0.5265545	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+6	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.375095934	0.03693217	0.6	330	0.608352542	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+6	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.386559725	0.05199245	0.2972028	85	0.414242685	11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+6	Galactose_3_5TMS	Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]	1896.3114	1.68858171	0.389454484	0.0513845235	0.386440665	114	0.4878328	ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153	f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e	17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+6	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.453840375	0.06162652	0.5690377	136	0.606397	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+6	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.468880624	0.04719599	0.484560579	204	0.5354268	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+7	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.311034173	0.0363806225	0.568085134	267	0.5993147	0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+7	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.3122851	0.0344914123	0.586666644	308	0.6017828	28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+7	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.3334442	0.051751975	0.5742972	143	0.6182019	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+7	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.3596541	0.0359038	0.6200717	346	0.6268959	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+7	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.376751959	0.04970417	0.403278679	123	0.499903738	11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+7	Galactose_3_5TMS	Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]	1896.3114	1.68858171	0.405417144	0.0507353619	0.4888889	154	0.5676107	ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153	f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e	17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+7	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.4187165	0.0568623953	0.6795367	176	0.700350344	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+7	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.432310849	0.0449986123	0.5058548	216	0.553538561	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+8		no results										
+9	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.128620371	0.06717883	0.8596491	49	0.802279055	62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+9	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.203193992	0.08926585	0.843137264	43	0.789225161	5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+10	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-4]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.145974338	0.072203666	0.839285731	47	0.774020731	62f9b835-3d55-4a27-81a1-0dab814aceb0	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+10	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--11]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.231892109	0.09631036	0.82	41	0.7587727	5cf7c784-d01f-4163-ac19-ef2429eb410b	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+11		no results										
+13	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.169009715	0.0388460457	0.5535714	124	0.577645063	8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+13	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.173254281	0.0297313016	0.4515306	177	0.5150558	1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+13	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.198374733	0.04144309	0.46320346	107	0.5265545	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+13	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.2139774	0.0279198289	0.5974499	328	0.6059947	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+13	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.295577049	0.03858825	0.46095717	183	0.5219953	754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+13	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.298371822	0.04895468	0.626506031	156	0.6550603	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+13	Galactose_3_5TMS	Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]	1896.3114	1.68858171	0.3004605	0.045287136	0.37542662	110	0.479125	ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153	f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e	17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+13	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.303167731	0.03795032	0.484560579	204	0.5354268	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+14		no results										
+15		no results										
+16		no results										
+17		no results										
+18	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.209903836	0.0601583831	0.8103448	94	0.783262	817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+18	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.240307823	0.0475017	0.85915494	183	0.7903839	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+18	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.266967148	0.0622020029	0.847826064	117	0.813898	6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+18	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.268232971	0.0625764355	0.846715331	116	0.813089132	833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+18	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.280021936	0.06640628	0.8267717	105	0.794855952	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+18	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.289705932	0.063654	0.867132843	124	0.835505962	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+18	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3]	1902.77417	4.77417	0.452285469	0.08009617	0.8865248	125	0.8606896	6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b	87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67	163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+18	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.4736493	0.0596764	0.8947368	238	0.8278728	4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+19	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-26]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.189724684	0.0268077236	0.6041667	319	0.6153477	28f50103-c931-4a74-b5d2-1a77ac420ea5	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+19	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.195334315	0.031528838	0.468193382	184	0.5269175	1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+19	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.205342725	0.0421646647	0.4848485	112	0.546345532	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+19	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.221429184	0.02832454	0.614130437	339	0.61901623	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+19	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.293066233	0.04851748	0.646586359	161	0.6735261	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+19	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.294312984	0.0385056473	0.473551631	188	0.530448139	754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+19	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.2977491	0.03747635	0.5070755	215	0.5523996	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+19	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.303958982	0.04892216	0.6062992	154	0.6474817	063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+20		no results										
+21		no results										
+22		no results										
+23	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.31787312	0.0340916663	0.892138958	488	0.8194986	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+23	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.40171	0.07521893	0.8239437	117	0.8287425	817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+23	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-5]	1902.77417	4.77417	0.4068263	0.0493567176	0.832335353	278	0.7741276	7e14465a-7065-490c-9e50-e625c1c14f4d	87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67	163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+23	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.412308335	0.0445760936	0.8578313	356	0.789270163	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+23	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.412312329	0.073175855	0.77922076	120	0.7812011	6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+23	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.413312733	0.0737450048	0.7697368	117	0.7728186	833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+23	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.424154133	0.07648792	0.7724138	112	0.7785659	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+23	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.43131122	0.07297143	0.820987642	133	0.819381952	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+23	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]	1897.83862	0.161383286	0.437627643	0.0495146	0.8347339	298	0.7703705	c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170	151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff	471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+24	Galactose_3_5TMS	Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]	1896.3114	1.68858171	0.232288077	0.0416352376	0.5074627	136	0.5617198	ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153	f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e	17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+24	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.235254377	0.03180954	0.716129	333	0.6976916	0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+24	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.239975646	0.0519264452	0.606741548	108	0.65231514	8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+24	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.2622103	0.0521268174	0.55440414	107	0.6185626	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+24	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.2700426	0.04423608	0.510869563	141	0.560991943	11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+24	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.286982745	0.03230439	0.7381818	406	0.701555133	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+24	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]	1901.63	3.63	0.3181354	0.0596203469	0.798882663	143	0.799955	6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+24	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.35163945	0.0409691334	0.6587112	276	0.648871064	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+25		no results										
+26	Galactose_3_5TMS	Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]	1896.3114	1.68858171	0.19449544	0.03802713	0.583643138	157	0.614511251	ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153	f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e	17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+26	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--17]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.3217005	0.0406170674	0.6871795	268	0.670606434	1f3b3037-bb9d-45fa-9a9c-70cc299da470	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+26	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-34]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.344280958	0.0430808775	0.6792453	252	0.6687114	8dee81a1-8d98-4a73-b55d-9de42f10e190	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+26	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.395884931	0.06784772	0.4883721	84	0.5683281	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+26	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.427320033	0.04681223	0.6769231	264	0.659248	754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+26	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.427679241	0.06071977	0.5301724	123	0.5829808	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+26	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.465603054	0.07114003	0.6576087	121	0.69967103	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+26	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-3]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.465666384	0.0664371848	0.592417061	125	0.644419968	8216bdb2-7a7d-440c-95eb-7e63f8e8c502	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+27		no results										
+28		no results										
+29	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-13]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.09931051	0.03675817	0.8707483	128	0.838178635	3077498f-10ce-4b5c-ba6a-9b6f439e8248	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+29	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.421677	0.06322134	0.890995264	188	0.8402361	39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+30	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.2612175	0.05961526	0.877551	129	0.8724958	34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+30	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--2]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.308447272	0.0369433463	0.8960177	405	0.826731861	0bfc9541-70d5-4d50-89c4-351a87971133	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+30	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]	1901.63	3.63	0.31029287	0.07687874	0.8857143	93	0.8900069	6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+30	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.328630984	0.0649093	0.8397436	131	0.8301488	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+30	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.3761082	0.0575649925	0.845815	192	0.810805559	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+30	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]	1897.83862	0.161383286	0.3884204	0.04664788	0.8627451	308	0.7934234	c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170	151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff	471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+30	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.3937276	0.0530314967	0.85	238	0.7980373	d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+30	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.412831277	0.04613021	0.873711348	339	0.8028878	754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+31		no results										
+32	Galactose_3_5TMS	Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]	1896.3114	1.68858171	0.285083026	0.0468289033	0.8923077	232	0.838121355	ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153	f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e	17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+33		no results										
+34		no results										
+35		no results										
+36		no results										
+37		no results										
+38		no results										
+39		no results										
+40	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.277911574	0.06256395	0.732394338	104	0.729044855	6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+40	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.278482944	0.06262823	0.7394366	105	0.736245036	833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+40	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.280440927	0.0621944554	0.737931	107	0.732707858	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+40	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.2874546	0.0645446256	0.768115938	106	0.7676177	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+40	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.2895849	0.06674693	0.77692306	101	0.7805435	817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+40	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.2977326	0.0378339365	0.8798077	366	0.810132563	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+40	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.297866017	0.0522753857	0.788990855	172	0.7474291	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+40	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.3113892	0.0400636867	0.8685567	337	0.798404	754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+40	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]	1897.83862	0.161383286	0.3266352	0.042777203	0.857142866	306	0.7886923	c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170	151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff	471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+41	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.274106264	0.0659613	0.880952358	111	0.8493862	34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+41	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--4]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.3795422	0.0640559047	0.8972973	166	0.846152842	aa553c8b-f188-48eb-ae82-5d7769781ff3	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+41	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]	1901.63	3.63	0.388783872	0.09984397	0.8076923	63	0.7976193	6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+41	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.411971271	0.07755114	0.8540146	117	0.807369	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+42		no results										
+43		no results										
+44	Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n-	Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--1]	1897.67859	0.321411133	0.496792018	0.0564319454	0.8076923	252	0.7531352	1ac5af55-f8bc-49fd-9808-23a0722c0288	75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb	75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb
+45	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.240036309	0.0654703155	0.8660714	97	0.817842841	817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+45	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--6]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.295640856	0.06642703	0.8955224	120	0.846885443	6e056b61-4da9-46e3-970b-680a22e4afd0	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+45	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-12]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.2960842	0.06672626	0.8947368	119	0.8462343	833ab58c-a8fa-4389-8b42-95e618cafb91	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+45	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.30949235	0.07036958	0.896	112	0.8524104	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+45	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.321015328	0.0684569553	0.8978102	123	0.8487915	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+46		no results										
+47		no results										
+48		no results										
+49	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.339354962	0.06794906	0.789115667	116	0.7937466	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+49	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]	1902.77417	4.77417	0.3519312	0.0481179468	0.858552635	261	0.8186131	8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd	87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67	163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+49	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-1]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.359753639	0.040576715	0.8741419	382	0.809872568	e62d396e-0d3a-4414-88f0-021d5142f09b	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+49	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.360862046	0.04160232	0.8633093	360	0.797326	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+49	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.369685978	0.0597649142	0.845410645	175	0.8303501	c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+49	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.373405039	0.0552105457	0.8897959	218	0.871291757	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+49	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS)	Propanoic acid, 3-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (3TMS) [A189024-ambient-na-2]	1897.83862	0.161383286	0.381997973	0.04606746	0.844444454	304	0.7836719	c1d0193b-0442-41fe-aab0-fc2438624170	151fe4e1-8ae4-43fc-aa1f-cf6e2a62b7ff	471f9ab0-1cf5-40d3-ba88-edc2458d3242
+49	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--3]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.41416198	0.0457932577	0.86835444	343	0.810132265	754097ce-c7df-40cb-bec1-ba8b0fad83f8	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+49	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-4]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.456007272	0.0551366322	0.8933333	268	0.8647887	d943c34e-3a28-43a2-9cbc-a05ab6a7a506	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+50		no results										
+51	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.123899154	0.04382828	0.8914729	115	0.859087646	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+51	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-3]	1902.77417	4.77417	0.335227549	0.0710001141	0.864661634	115	0.820953369	6754fc3e-ad28-4576-b723-60aa4fa0790b	87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67	163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+52		no results										
+53		no results										
+54		no results										
+55		no results										
+56		no results										
+57	Galactose_3_5TMS	Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]	1896.3114	1.68858171	0.3086605	0.0472080037	0.8050541	223	0.7846002	ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153	f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e	17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+57	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-2]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.432055831	0.0723674	0.8242424	136	0.8337416	34a5b91e-e473-4ed6-9a40-067e0cd944f9	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+57	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--8]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.440757215	0.0556150451	0.8245614	235	0.8042714	9c570b75-fe0c-43b8-9311-7b8af17dd55b	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+57	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.482367963	0.0575781539	0.824742258	240	0.802868068	11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+57	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.494594038	0.07413156	0.8333333	150	0.839251935	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+58		no results										
+59		no results										
+60	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.17318368	0.06273749	0.852272749	75	0.8504949	3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+60	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]	1901.63	3.63	0.175843075	0.0643232837	0.8235294	70	0.8236748	6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+60	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.185437113	0.05092667	0.853146851	122	0.8227301	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+60	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--9]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.185893178	0.0448291861	0.854054034	158	0.802647948	c1226b8e-944e-4d32-ae01-8a9d12465d34	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+60	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-5]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.2467115	0.0623315349	0.8976378	114	0.88253355	817f2a03-9df5-46e3-973c-b2a9675109cf	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+60	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP	Pyruvic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl- (1MEOX) (2TMS) MP [A190013-ambient-no-9]	1902.77417	4.77417	0.2950538	0.04510935	0.8965517	260	0.8291562	8bbd7202-8794-4486-8b16-61d8dff4c5bd	87e988c4-f26c-4e03-9a40-1b0c0b36ca67	163bf790-e995-46a9-8059-446172ddca0f
+60	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--2]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.365909427	0.052255787	0.8955224	240	0.833884954	4c89b294-311e-4e11-8af3-8e80b969109f	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+61		no results										
+62		no results										
+63		no results										
+64		no results										
+65		no results										
+66		no results										
+67		no results										
+68		no results										
+69		no results										
+70		no results										
+71		no results										
+72		no results										
+73		no results										
+74		no results										
+75		no results										
+76	Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n-	Hexadecenoic acid methyl ester, 9-(Z)-, n- [A190014-ambient-n--3]	1897.67859	0.321411133	0.4841707	0.070833	0.834196866	161	0.787648559	2e42e393-8070-47b8-a933-d3c41043d785	75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb	75683e89-302c-4280-a15e-e1187cd75ceb
+77	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-18]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.2844056	0.07994458	0.8876405	79	0.883293	3468acbd-3fed-489b-b93d-b3c9beab9f82	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+78		no results										
+79		no results										
+80		no results										
+81		no results										
+82		no results										
+83		no results										
+84		no results										
+85		no results										
+86		no results										
+87		no results										
+88		no results										
+89		no results										
+90		no results										
+91		no results										
+92		no results										
+93		no results										
+94		no results										
+95		no results										
+96	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.08678086	0.0508967042	0.477611929	32	0.5542277	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+97		no results										
+98		no results										
+99		no results										
+100		no results										
+101		no results										
+102		no results										
+103		no results										
+104		no results										
+105		no results										
+106	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.08444913	0.0502082668	0.477611929	32	0.5542277	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+107	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.09447143	0.0523287952	0.5072464	35	0.5783457	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+108		no results										
+109		no results										
+110		no results										
+111		no results										
+112	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.0940891653	0.0529965349	0.522388041	35	0.5863345	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+113		no results										
+114		no results										
+115		no results										
+116		no results										
+117		no results										
+118		no results										
+119		no results										
+120	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.092078425	0.05282288	0.545454562	36	0.6008149	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+121		no results										
+122		no results										
+123		no results										
+124	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.07481606	0.05036009	0.5423729	32	0.5744617	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+125		no results										
+126	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.09435291	0.05307076	0.5671642	38	0.6182873	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+127		no results										
+128		no results										
+129		no results										
+130		no results										
+131		no results										
+132		no results										
+133		no results										
+134		no results										
+135		no results										
+136	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.07581174	0.050269857	0.6	36	0.618036032	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+137		no results										
+138		no results										
+139		no results										
+140		no results										
+141		no results										
+142	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.0759908259	0.0507539362	0.6101695	36	0.6193023	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+143		no results										
+144		no results										
+145		no results										
+146		no results										
+147		no results										
+148		no results										
+149	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.06280607	0.0465373769	0.827586234	48	0.7647042	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+150		no results										
+151		no results										
+152		no results										
+153		no results										
+154		no results										
+155		no results										
+156		no results										
+157		no results										
+158		no results										
+159		no results										
+160		no results										
+161		no results										
+162		no results										
+163		no results										
+164		no results										
+165		no results										
+166		no results										
+167		no results										
+168		no results										
+169	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.110666931	0.0607363	0.9	54	0.8493862	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+170		no results										
+171	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.126968026	0.06616803	0.8965517	52	0.8236299	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+172		no results										
+173		no results										
+174		no results										
+175		no results										
+176		no results										
+177		no results										
+178		no results										
+179		no results										
+180		no results										
+181		no results										
+182		no results										
+183		no results										
+184		no results										
+185		no results										
+186		no results										
+187		no results										
+188		no results										
+189		no results										
+190		no results										
+191		no results										
+192		no results										
+193		no results										
+194		no results										
+195		no results										
+196		no results										
+197		no results										
+198		no results										
+199		no results										
+200		no results										
+201		no results										
+202		no results										
+203		no results										
+204		no results										
+205		no results										
+206		no results										
+207		no results										
+208		no results										
+209		no results										
+210		no results										
+211		no results										
+212		no results										
+213		no results										
+214		no results										
+215	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.111725941	0.04333297	0.689075649	82	0.72035563	d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+215	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--3]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.121540077	0.0373766236	0.6436782	112	0.678422451	5a6e8d9a-926f-4589-a67c-46ff9b93f7ca	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+215	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-1]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.12473502	0.03924205	0.6234568	101	0.6659031	d00de57d-6fab-49d0-9aee-25e259da9180	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+215	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-1]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.1716096	0.0389701054	0.654867232	148	0.663134336	2b364030-9fa7-4066-b685-52d7946110a6	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+215	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-6]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.201827526	0.04762064	0.7247191	129	0.7480244	063fa226-ed62-4d9f-9d5c-ee52c0974e55	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+215	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.203410134	0.0493563563	0.742514968	124	0.76602006	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+215	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-1]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.21932818	0.0323174857	0.7952381	334	0.7466316	85927200-53a4-492a-ad57-0a7b1d8a6e85	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+216		no results										
+217		no results										
+218		no results										
+219		no results										
+220		no results										
+221		no results										
+222		no results										
+223		no results										
+224		no results										
+225		no results										
+226	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-20]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.186731711	0.04020852	0.5974026	138	0.6166982	8d439b60-424f-46f7-b996-c0c2114f797e	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+226	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--7]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.232166454	0.0416243374	0.4067164	109	0.504510641	39e48209-b3a4-41cf-b83d-78d92a054d12	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+226	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Idose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191005-ambient-na-2]	1897.25439	0.745605469	0.2555795	0.04512749	0.334661365	84	0.446271449	c1f0e928-1960-4643-b93b-81a20351ccd9	ab025068-f464-4bc6-9c92-994c29387db2	6f4e926f-d7ef-47b6-a52c-91ff88ca567a
+226	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.29649204	0.0328352377	0.6	330	0.608352542	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+226	Galactose_3_5TMS	Galactose_3_5TMS [A190022-ambient-na-1]	1896.3114	1.68858171	0.363172352	0.0492873862	0.408026755	122	0.504798055	ef78eeb1-ec7f-453d-90bd-cd1bf3b04153	f01236e3-4d1e-493a-bd99-3aca2801f86e	17441428-6e9c-4caf-84d5-561b494df795
+226	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP	Glucose, 2-amino-2-deoxy- (5TMS) MP [A193015-ambient-DL--8]	1899.495	1.49494946	0.400953531	0.05295159	0.2972028	85	0.414242685	11e07008-ff9d-4d76-9b09-590beaa90f22	2b4d44b2-d5ac-4da4-9be6-a4ae9574e4a6	539fe164-0ea9-4509-bf37-fc9bc8073646
+226	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-7]	1901.63	3.63	0.453271121	0.0621097945	0.7617021	179	0.738404453	6c360eba-d726-44d9-a666-d0695d8448cf	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+226	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP	Erythrose-4-phosphate (1MEOX) (4TMS) MP [A191009-ambient-na-5]	1895.98438	2.01558065	0.483825535	0.0507976674	0.461333334	173	0.5301436	1b34c722-1fd3-4d61-a48b-da2614f96e23	d4f07f67-d45b-43b6-bd4c-d08708d1a7ad	2665f816-5c52-45ed-901e-4481cf048257
+227		no results										
+228	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP	Glucuronic acid-3,6-lactone (1MEOX) (3TMS) MP [A189014-ambient-na-2]	1893.44385	4.55619574	0.49236843	0.0423520021	0.5974499	328	0.6059947	8bf796f1-f7cf-4df5-afbc-979b0d95a383	00ce759f-d1f9-492e-89f7-b7400a34c72d	da9d76f5-a2af-4fd1-89e1-c8426ad16980
+229		no results										
+230		no results										
+231	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-ambient-na-24]	1899.05493	1.054953	0.191139191	0.0709223449	0.8947368	68	0.878837764	d87f501a-9d45-4244-9461-f8dd1943930e	68513255-fc44-4041-bc4b-4fd2fae7541d	0a2b3536-2245-4c0e-bdbc-495766eeec67
+231	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Glucose, U-13C- (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191001-13C-na-2]	1901.63	3.63	0.193600208	0.0558800921	0.887096763	110	0.8399839	27d4dcdd-d351-4976-8ef9-76a0cc53f631	441faccb-2631-4e7d-b6ca-99437265ccb8	96441b61-2891-4e81-93dc-d0fc0ad175d4
+231	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP	Galactose (1MEOX) (5TMS) BP [A191002-ambient-DL--10]	1902.42212	4.422119	0.216909975	0.06141944	0.8869565	102	0.845184863	314b38dc-9bfb-4a7f-aaaa-bd80ef4ec82d	dd3ea070-54a6-4ea7-b99b-a6e975fdd204	1c3ad0aa-ee78-4542-93b3-aa9fdf07add1
+231	Allantoin (5TMS)	Allantoin (5TMS) [A188009-ambient-na-2]	1896.99829	1.001709	0.242943108	0.08852613	0.887096763	55	0.8791416	bb9eafcc-28ff-4a63-8786-2e5e1053b337	a999f0d6-0285-41d9-a6ba-b705987b663c	65bb54d2-6bf7-4a53-aa22-8abf71240005
+232		no results										
+233		no results										
+234		no results										
+235		no results										
+236		no results										
+237		no results										
+238		no results										
+239		no results										
+240		no results										
+241		no results										
+242		no results										
+243		no results										
+244		no results										
+245		no results										
+246		no results										
+247		no results										
+248	Nonadecane	Nonadecane [A190001-ambient-n--1]	1900	2	0.05944854	0.04527639	0.7586207	44	0.7132295	44b956d8-a487-4269-baee-49e6ba5658c3	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6	5dff1f48-853a-4ce2-852c-81c871ef1da6
+249		no results										
+250		no results										
+251		no results										
+252		no results										
+253		no results										
+254		no results										
+255		no results										
+256		no results										
+257		no results										
+258		no results										
+259		no results										
+260		no results										
+261		no results										
+262		no results										
+263		no results										
+264		no results										
+265		no results										
+266		no results										
+267		no results										
+268		no results										
+269		no results										
+270		no results										
+271		no results										
+272		no results										
+273		no results										
+274		no results