view phyloseq_import_data.xml @ 8:0966b9635d76 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 43fa7e46c98b5d5d7915f86524d4c0c4f501d782
author frogs
date Wed, 14 Jun 2023 14:56:49 +0000
parents b2967b704d6b
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="FROGSSTAT_Phyloseq_Import_Data" name="FROGSSTAT Phyloseq Import Data" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" license="GPL-2.0-only" profile="20.05">
    <description>from 3 files: biomfile, samplefile, treefile </description>
    <expand macro="requirements_phyloseq" />
    <command detect_errors="exit_code">
            --biomfile '$biomfile'
            --samplefile '$samplefile'
            #if $treefile
                --treefile '$treefile'
            #end if
            --ranks $ranks
            #if $normalisation == "true"
            #end if
            --html '$html'
            --rdata '$data'
        <!-- Files -->
        <param format="biom1" argument="--biomfile" type="data" label="Abundance biom file with taxonomical metadata (format: BIOM)" help="The file contains the  ASV information "/>
        <param format="tabular,tsv" argument="--samplefile" type="data" label="Metadata associated to samples (format: TSV)" help="The file contains the metadata that characterise each sample."/>
        <param format="nhx" argument="--treefile" type="data" optional="true" label="Taxonomic tree file (format: Newick)" help="The file contains the taxonomic tree information from FROGS Tree tool (optional)"/>
        <!-- Parameters -->
        <param argument="--ranks" type="text" value="Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species" 
            label="Names of taxonomic levels" help="The ordered taxonomic levels stored in BIOM. Each level is separated by one space">
            <expand macro="sanitizer_validator"/>
        <param argument="--normalisation" type="select" label="Do you want to normalise your data ?" help="To normalise data before statistical analysis (default : No)" display="radio">
            <option value="false">No, keep abundance as it is.</option>
            <option value="true">Yes, subsample abundances to the smallest sample size.</option>            
        <data format="rdata" name="data" label="${}: asv_data.Rdata" from_work_dir="asv_data.Rdata"/>
        <data format="html" name="html" label="${}: report.nb.html" from_work_dir="report.nb.html"/>
            <param name="biomfile" value="input/chaillou.biom"/>
            <param name="samplefile" value="input/sample_metadata.tsv"/>
            <param name="treefile" value="input/tree.nwk"/>
            <output name="data" value="references/16-phylo_import.Rdata" compare="sim_size" delta="10"/>
            <!-- <output name="html" value="references/16-phylo_import.nb.html" compare="diff" lines_diff="0"/> -->
            <output name="html">
                    <!-- check phyloseq object summary-->
                    <has_text text='otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 508 taxa and 64 samples ]'/>
                    <has_text text='sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 64 samples by 4 sample variables ]' />
                    <has_text text='tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 508 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]' />
                    <has_text text='phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 508 tips and 507 internal nodes ]' />
                    <!-- check phyloseq object rank names-->
                    <has_text text='Rank names :  Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species'/>
                    <!-- check phyloseq object Sample variables-->
                    <has_text text='Sample variables:  EnvType, Description, FoodType, SampleID'/>
                    <!-- check phyloseq object Variables details-->
                    <has_text text='EnvType :  BoeufHache, VeauHache, DesLardons, MerguezVolaille, SaumonFume, FiletSaumon, FiletCabillaud, Crevette'/>
                    <has_text text='Description :  LOT1, LOT3, LOT4, LOT5, LOT6, LOT7, LOT8, LOT10, LOT2, LOT9'/>
                    <has_text text='FoodType :  Meat, Seafood'/>
                    <has_text text='SampleID :  BHT0.LOT01, BHT0.LOT03, BHT0.LOT04, BHT0.LOT05, BHT0.LOT06, BHT0.LOT07, BHT0.LOT08, BHT0.LOT10, VHT0.LOT01, VHT0.LOT02, VHT0.LOT03, VHT0.LOT04, VHT0.LOT06, VHT0.LOT07, VHT0.LOT08, VHT0.LOT10, DLT0.LOT01, DLT0.LOT03, DLT0.LOT04, DLT0.LOT05, DLT0.LOT06, DLT0.LOT07, DLT0.LOT08, DLT0.LOT10, MVT0.LOT01, MVT0.LOT03, MVT0.LOT05, MVT0.LOT06, MVT0.LOT07, MVT0.LOT08, MVT0.LOT09, MVT0.LOT10, SFT0.LOT01, SFT0.LOT02, SFT0.LOT03, SFT0.LOT04, SFT0.LOT05, SFT0.LOT06, SFT0.LOT07, SFT0.LOT08, FST0.LOT01, FST0.LOT02, FST0.LOT03, FST0.LOT05, FST0.LOT06, FST0.LOT07, FST0.LOT08, FST0.LOT10, FCT0.LOT01, FCT0.LOT02, FCT0.LOT03, FCT0.LOT05, FCT0.LOT06, FCT0.LOT07, FCT0.LOT08, FCT0.LOT10, CDT0.LOT02, CDT0.LOT04, CDT0.LOT05, CDT0.LOT06, CDT0.LOT07, CDT0.LOT08, CDT0.LOT09, CDT0.LOT10'/>


.. class:: infomark page-header h2

What it does

Launch Rmarkdown script to import data from 3 files: biomfile, samplefile, treefile into a `phyloseq &lt;;`_ object.

.. class:: infomark page-header h2


.. class:: h3


**ASV abundance file (in biom format)**:

The ASV biom file (format `biom1 &lt;;`_).
The example of biom file:

  .. image:: FROGS_Phyloseq_biomfile.png
     :height: 30
     :width: 733

**Newick file** (tree.nwk):

Newick file (format `nxh &lt;;`_) is the result of FROGS Tree:

  .. image:: FROGS_nwk_treefile.png

**Metadata file**:
The file contains the conditions of experiment with sample ID in the first column:

  .. image:: FROGS_Phyloseq_samplefile.png
     :height: 115
     :width: 369

.. class:: h3


**Html report file** (format `HTML &lt;;`_): The summary of phyloseq object.

  .. image:: FROGS_Phyloseq_import_data_html.png

**Data file** (format Rdata): The information of data in one phyloseq object.

.. class:: infomark page-header h2


    <expand macro="citations" />