1 <tool id="blast_plus_remote_blastp" name="NCBI BLAST+ remote blastp" version="1.0">
2 <description>Search protein database with protein query sequence(s)</description>
3 <parallelism method="multi" split_inputs="query" split_mode="number_of_parts" split_size="4" shared_inputs="subject" merge_outputs="output1"></parallelism>
4 <version_command>blastp -version</version_command>
5 <requirements>
6 <requirement type="binary">blastp</requirement>
7 <requirement type="package" version="2.2.29">blast+</requirement>
8 </requirements>
9 <command>
10 ## The command is a Cheetah template which allows some Python based syntax.
11 ## Lines starting hash hash are comments. Galaxy will turn newlines into spaces
12 blastp
13 -query "$query"
14 #if $db_opts.db_opts_selector == "db":
15 -db "${db_opts.database.fields.path}"
16 #elif $db_opts.db_opts_selector == "remote":
17 -db $db_opts.database
18 -remote
19 #set $txids = []
20 #set $ntxids = []
21 #for $i, $org in enumerate($db_opts.taxid_repeat):
22 #if $org.exclude:
23 #set $ntxids = $ntxids + ["txid" + $org.taxid.__str__]
24 #else
25 #set $txids = $txids + ["txid" + $org.taxid.__str__]
26 #end if
27 #end for
28 #if (len($txids) + len($ntxids)) > 0:
29 #set $entrez_query = ''
30 #if len($txids) > 0:
31 #set $entrez_query = $entrez_query + '(' + ' OR '.join($txids) + ')'
32 #end if
33 #if len($ntxids) > 0:
34 #set $entrez_query = $entrez_query + ' NOT (' + ' OR '.join($ntxids) + ')'
35 #end if
36 -entrez_query '$entrez_query'
37 #end if
38 #else:
39 -subject "$db_opts.subject"
40 #end if
41 -task $blast_type
42 -evalue $evalue_cutoff
43 -out blast_output
44 ##Set the extended list here so if/when we add things, saved workflows are not affected
45 #if str($fmt_opt.out_format)=="text":
46 -outfmt "$fmt_opt.outfmt" $fmt_opt.html
47 #if $fmt_opt.num_descriptions.__str__.strip() != '':
48 -num_descriptions $fmt_opt.num_descriptions
49 #end if
50 #if $fmt_opt.num_alignments.__str__.strip() != '':
51 -num_alignments $fmt_opt.num_alignments
52 #end if
53 #else:
54 -outfmt "$fmt_opt.outfmt"
55 #if $fmt_opt.max_target_seqs.__str__.strip() != '':
56 -max_target_seqs $fmt_opt.max_target_seqs
57 #end if
58 #end if
59 #if $db_opts.db_opts_selector != "remote":
60 -num_threads 8
61 #end if
62 #if $adv_opts.adv_opts_selector=="advanced":
63 $adv_opts.filter_query
64 -matrix $adv_opts.scoring.matrix
65 $adv_opts.scoring.gap_costs
67 #if $adv_opts.word_size.__str__.strip() != '':
68 -word_size $adv_opts.word_size
69 #end if
71 #if $adv_opts.window_size.__str__.strip() != '':
72 -window_size $adv_opts.window_size
73 #end if
75 #if $adv_opts.threshold.__str__.strip() != '':
76 -threshold $adv_opts.threshold
77 #end if
79 #if $adv_opts.comp_based_stats.__str__.strip() != '':
80 -comp_based_stats $adv_opts.comp_based_stats
81 #end if
83 ##Ungapped disabled for now - see comments below
84 ##$adv_opts.ungapped
85 $adv_opts.use_sw_tback
86 $adv_opts.parse_deflines
87 ## End of advanced options:
88 #end if
89 </command>
90 <inputs>
91 <param name="query" type="data" format="fasta" label="Protein query sequence(s)"/>
92 <conditional name="db_opts">
93 <param name="db_opts_selector" type="select" label="Subject database/sequences">
94 <option value="db" selected="True">Local BLAST Database</option>
95 <option value="file">Local FASTA file</option>
96 <option value="remote">NCBI Remote Database</option>
97 </param>
98 <when value="db">
99 <param name="database" type="select" label="Protein BLAST database">
100 <options from_file="blastdb_p.loc">
101 <column name="value" index="0"/>
102 <column name="name" index="1"/>
103 <column name="path" index="2"/>
104 </options>
105 </param>
106 <param name="subject" type="hidden" value="" />
107 </when>
108 <when value="file">
109 <param name="database" type="hidden" value="" />
110 <param name="subject" type="data" format="fasta" label="Protein FASTA file to use as database"/>
111 </when>
112 <when value="remote">
113 <param name="database" type="select" label="Protein BLAST database">
114 <option value="nr" selected="selected" >Non-redundant protein sequences (nr)</option>
115 <option value="refseq_protein" >Reference proteins (refseq_protein)</option>
116 <option value="swissprot" >UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot(swissprot)</option>
117 <option value="pat" >Patented protein sequences(pat)</option>
118 <option value="pdb" >Protein Data Bank proteins(pdb)</option>
119 <option value="env_nr" >Metagenomic proteins(env_nr)</option>
120 </param>
121 <repeat name="taxid_repeat" title="Search Organism Restriction" min="0">
122 <param name="taxid" type="integer" value="" label="NCBI Taxon ID" help="For example: Human is 9606 (see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy ) ">
123 <dsvalidator type="in_range" min="0" />
124 </param>
125 <param name="exclude" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Exclude this NCBI Taxon ID" help=""/>
126 </repeat>
127 </when>
128 </conditional>
129 <param name="blast_type" type="select" display="radio" label="Type of BLAST">
130 <option value="blastp">blastp</option>
131 <option value="blastp-short">blastp-short</option>
132 </param>
133 <param name="evalue_cutoff" type="float" size="15" value="0.001" label="Set expectation value cutoff" />
134 <conditional name="fmt_opt">
135 <param name="out_format" type="select" label="Output format">
136 <option value="tabular" selected="True">Tabular</option>
137 <option value="blastxml">BLAST XML</option>
138 <option value="text">Text Report</option>
139 </param>
140 <when value="tabular">
141 <param name="outfmt" type="select" label="Tabular columns">
142 <option value="6" selected="True">Tabular (standard 12 columns)</option>
143 <option value="7">Tabular (standard 12 columns) with comments</option>
144 <option value="6 std sallseqid score nident positive gaps ppos qframe sframe qseq sseq qlen slen">Tabular (extended 24 columns)</option>
145 </param>
146 <param name="max_target_seqs" type="integer" value="500" optional="true" label="Maximum hits to show" help="Use zero for default limits">
147 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
148 </param>
149 </when>
150 <when value="blastxml">
151 <param name="outfmt" type="hidden" value="5"/>
152 <param name="max_target_seqs" type="integer" value="500" optional="true" label="Maximum hits to show" help="Use zero for default limits">
153 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
154 </param>
155 </when>
156 <when value="text">
157 <param name="outfmt" type="select" label="Text format">
158 <option value="0">Pairwise text</option>
159 <option value="1">Query-anchored text showing identitites</option>
160 <option value="2">Query-anchored text</option>
161 <option value="3">Flat query-anchored text showing identitites</option>
162 <option value="4">Flat query-anchored text</option>
163 </param>
164 <param name="html" type="boolean" label="Html" truevalue="-html" falsevalue="" checked="true" />
165 <param name="num_descriptions" type="integer" value="500" optional="true" label="Maximum Decriptions to show" help="Show one-line descriptions for this number of database sequences.">
166 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
167 </param>
168 <param name="num_alignments" type="integer" value="250" optional="true" label="Maximum alignments to show" help="Show alignments for this number of database sequences.">
169 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
170 </param>
171 </when>
172 </conditional>
173 <conditional name="adv_opts">
174 <param name="adv_opts_selector" type="select" label="Advanced Options">
175 <option value="basic" selected="True">Hide Advanced Options</option>
176 <option value="advanced">Show Advanced Options</option>
177 </param>
178 <when value="basic" />
179 <when value="advanced">
180 <param name="filter_query" type="boolean" label="Filter out low complexity regions (with SEG)" truevalue="-seg yes" falsevalue="-seg no" checked="false" />
181 <conditional name="scoring">
182 <param name="matrix" type="select" label="Scoring matrix">
183 <option value="BLOSUM90">BLOSUM90</option>
184 <option value="BLOSUM80">BLOSUM80</option>
185 <option value="BLOSUM62" selected="true">BLOSUM62 (default)</option>
186 <option value="BLOSUM50">BLOSUM50</option>
187 <option value="BLOSUM45">BLOSUM45</option>
188 <option value="PAM250">PAM250</option>
189 <option value="PAM70">PAM70</option>
190 <option value="PAM30">PAM30</option>
191 </param>
192 <when value="BLOSUM90">
193 <param name="gap_costs" type="select" label="Gap Costs">
194 <option value="">Use Defaults</option>
195 <option value="-gapopen 9 -gapextend 2">Existense: 9 Extension: 2</option>
196 <option value="-gapopen 8 -gapextend 2">Existense: 8 Extension: 2</option>
197 <option value="-gapopen 7 -gapextend 2">Existense: 7 Extension: 2</option>
198 <option value="-gapopen 6 -gapextend 2">Existense: 6 Extension: 2</option>
199 <option value="-gapopen 11 -gapextend 1">Existense: 11 Extension: 1</option>
200 <option value="-gapopen 10 -gapextend 1" selected="true">Existense: 10 Extension: 1 (default)</option>
201 <option value="-gapopen 9 -gapextend 1">Existense: 9 Extension: 1</option>
202 </param>
204 </when>
205 <when value="BLOSUM80">
206 <param name="gap_costs" type="select" label="Gap Costs">
207 <option value="">Use Defaults</option>
208 <option value="-gapopen 8 -gapextend 2">Existense: 8 Extension: 2</option>
209 <option value="-gapopen 7 -gapextend 2">Existense: 7 Extension: 2</option>
210 <option value="-gapopen 6 -gapextend 2">Existense: 6 Extension: 2</option>
211 <option value="-gapopen 11 -gapextend 1">Existense: 11 Extension: 1</option>
212 <option value="-gapopen 10 -gapextend 1" selected="true">Existense: 10 Extension: 1 (default)</option>
213 <option value="-gapopen 9 -gapextend 1">Existense: 9 Extension: 1</option>
214 </param>
215 </when>
216 <when value="BLOSUM62">
217 <param name="gap_costs" type="select" label="Gap Costs">
218 <option value="">Use Defaults</option>
219 <option value="-gapopen 11 -gapextend 2">Existense: 11 Extension: 2</option>
220 <option value="-gapopen 10 -gapextend 2">Existense: 10 Extension: 2</option>
221 <option value="-gapopen 9 -gapextend 2">Existense: 9 Extension: 2</option>
222 <option value="-gapopen 8 -gapextend 2">Existense: 8 Extension: 2</option>
223 <option value="-gapopen 7 -gapextend 2">Existense: 7 Extension: 2</option>
224 <option value="-gapopen 6 -gapextend 2">Existense: 6 Extension: 2</option>
225 <option value="-gapopen 13 -gapextend 1">Existense: 13 Extension: 1</option>
226 <option value="-gapopen 12 -gapextend 1">Existense: 12 Extension: 1</option>
227 <option value="-gapopen 11 -gapextend 1" selected="true">Existense: 11 Extension: 1 (default)</option>
228 <option value="-gapopen 10 -gapextend 1">Existense: 10 Extension: 1</option>
229 <option value="-gapopen 9 -gapextend 1">Existense: 9 Extension: 1</option>
230 </param>
232 </when>
233 <when value="BLOSUM50">
234 <param name="gap_costs" type="select" label="Gap Costs">
235 <option value="">Use Defaults</option>
236 <option value="-gapopen 13 -gapextend 3">Existense: 13 Extension: 3</option>
237 <option value="-gapopen 12 -gapextend 3">Existense: 12 Extension: 3</option>
238 <option value="-gapopen 11 -gapextend 3">Existense: 11 Extension: 3</option>
239 <option value="-gapopen 10 -gapextend 3">Existense: 10 Extension: 3</option>
240 <option value="-gapopen 9 -gapextend 3">Existense: 9 Extension: 3</option>
241 <option value="-gapopen 16 -gapextend 2">Existense: 16 Extension: 2</option>
242 <option value="-gapopen 15 -gapextend 2">Existense: 15 Extension: 2</option>
243 <option value="-gapopen 14 -gapextend 2">Existense: 14 Extension: 2</option>
244 <option value="-gapopen 13 -gapextend 2" selected="true">Existense: 13 Extension: 2 (default)</option>
245 <option value="-gapopen 12 -gapextend 2">Existense: 12 Extension: 2</option>
246 <option value="-gapopen 19 -gapextend 1">Existense: 19 Extension: 1</option>
247 <option value="-gapopen 18 -gapextend 1">Existense: 18 Extension: 1</option>
248 <option value="-gapopen 17 -gapextend 1">Existense: 17 Extension: 1</option>
249 <option value="-gapopen 16 -gapextend 1">Existense: 16 Extension: 1</option>
250 <option value="-gapopen 15 -gapextend 1">Existense: 15 Extension: 1</option>
251 </param>
253 </when>
254 <when value="BLOSUM45">
255 <param name="gap_costs" type="select" label="Gap Costs">
256 <option value="">Use Defaults</option>
257 <option value="-gapopen 13 -gapextend 3">Existense: 13 Extension: 3</option>
258 <option value="-gapopen 12 -gapextend 3">Existense: 12 Extension: 3</option>
259 <option value="-gapopen 11 -gapextend 3">Existense: 11 Extension: 3</option>
260 <option value="-gapopen 10 -gapextend 3">Existense: 10 Extension: 3</option>
261 <option value="-gapopen 15 -gapextend 2" selected="true">Existense: 15 Extension: 2 (default)</option>
262 <option value="-gapopen 14 -gapextend 2">Existense: 14 Extension: 2</option>
263 <option value="-gapopen 13 -gapextend 2">Existense: 13 Extension: 2</option>
264 <option value="-gapopen 12 -gapextend 2">Existense: 12 Extension: 2</option>
265 <option value="-gapopen 19 -gapextend 1">Existense: 19 Extension: 1</option>
266 <option value="-gapopen 18 -gapextend 1">Existense: 18 Extension: 1</option>
267 <option value="-gapopen 17 -gapextend 1">Existense: 17 Extension: 1</option>
268 <option value="-gapopen 16 -gapextend 1">Existense: 16 Extension: 1</option>
269 </param>
270 </when>
271 <when value="PAM250">
272 <param name="gap_costs" type="select" label="Gap Costs">
273 <option value="">Use Defaults</option>
274 <option value="-gapopen 15 -gapextend 3">Existense: 15 Extension: 3</option>
275 <option value="-gapopen 14 -gapextend 3">Existense: 14 Extension: 3</option>
276 <option value="-gapopen 13 -gapextend 3">Existense: 13 Extension: 3</option>
277 <option value="-gapopen 12 -gapextend 3">Existense: 12 Extension: 3</option>
278 <option value="-gapopen 17 -gapextend 2">Existense: 17 Extension: 2</option>
279 <option value="-gapopen 16 -gapextend 2">Existense: 16 Extension: 2</option>
280 <option value="-gapopen 15 -gapextend 2">Existense: 15 Extension: 2</option>
281 <option value="-gapopen 14 -gapextend 2" selected="true">Existense: 14 Extension: 2 (default)</option>
282 <option value="-gapopen 13 -gapextend 2">Existense: 13 Extension: 2</option>
283 <option value="-gapopen 21 -gapextend 1">Existense: 21 Extension: 1</option>
284 <option value="-gapopen 20 -gapextend 1">Existense: 20 Extension: 1</option>
285 <option value="-gapopen 19 -gapextend 1">Existense: 19 Extension: 1</option>
286 <option value="-gapopen 18 -gapextend 1">Existense: 18 Extension: 1</option>
287 <option value="-gapopen 17 -gapextend 1">Existense: 17 Extension: 1</option>
288 </param>
290 </when>
291 <when value="PAM70">
292 <param name="gap_costs" type="select" label="Gap Costs">
293 <option value="">Use Defaults</option>
294 <option value="-gapopen 8 -gapextend 2">Existense: 8 Extension: 2</option>
295 <option value="-gapopen 7 -gapextend 2">Existense: 7 Extension: 2</option>
296 <option value="-gapopen 6 -gapextend 2">Existense: 6 Extension: 2</option>
297 <option value="-gapopen 11 -gapextend 1">Existense: 11 Extension: 1</option>
298 <option value="-gapopen 10 -gapextend 1" selected="true">Existense: 10 Extension: 1 (default)</option>
299 <option value="-gapopen 9 -gapextend 1">Existense: 9 Extension: 1</option>
300 </param>
302 </when>
303 <when value="PAM30">
304 <param name="gap_costs" type="select" label="Gap Costs">
305 <option value="">Use Defaults</option>
306 <option value="-gapopen 7 -gapextend 2">Existense: 7 Extension: 2</option>
307 <option value="-gapopen 6 -gapextend 2">Existense: 6 Extension: 2</option>
308 <option value="-gapopen 5 -gapextend 2">Existense: 5 Extension: 2</option>
309 <option value="-gapopen 10 -gapextend 1">Existense: 10 Extension: 1</option>
310 <option value="-gapopen 9 -gapextend 1" selected="true">Existense: 9 Extension: 1 (default)</option>
311 <option value="-gapopen 8 -gapextend 1">Existense: 8 Extension: 1</option>
312 </param>
313 </when>
314 </conditional>
316 <param name="word_size" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Word size for wordfinder algorithm" help="Recommended: blastp 3, blastp-short 2">
317 <validator type="in_range" min="2" />
318 </param>
319 <param name="window_size" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Multiple hits window size, use 0 to specify 1-hit algorithm." help="Recommended: blastp 40, blastp-short 15">
320 <validator type="in_range" min="0" />
321 </param>
322 <param name="threshold" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Threshold: Minimum score to add a word to the BLAST lookup table." help="Recommended: blastp 11, blastp-short 16">
323 <validator type="in_range" min="1" />
324 </param>
325 <param name="comp_based_stats" type="select" optional="true" label="Use composition-based statistics"
326 help="Recommended: blastp: 2 blastp-short: 0">
327 <option value="">Leave Unspecified</option>
328 <option value="0">0 or F (No composition-based statistics)</option>
329 <option value="1">1 (Composition-based statistics as in NAR 29:2994-3005, 2001)</option>
330 <option value="2">2, T, or D (Composition-based score adjustment as in Bioinformatics 21:902-911, 2005, conditioned on sequence properties)</option>
331 <option value="3">3 (Composition-based score adjustment as in Bioinformatics 21:902-911, 2005, unconditionally)</option>
332 </param>
334 <param name="use_sw_tback" type="boolean" label="Compute locally optimal Smith-Waterman alignments?" truevalue="-use_sw_tback" falsevalue="" checked="false" />
336 <param name="parse_deflines" type="boolean" label="Should the query and subject defline(s) be parsed?" truevalue="-parse_deflines" falsevalue="" checked="false" help="This affects the formatting of the query/subject ID strings"/>
337 </when>
338 </conditional>
339 </inputs>
341 <outputs>
342 <data name="output_tabular" format="tabular" label="${blast_type.value_label} on ${db_opts.db_opts_selector} ${db_opts.database}" from_work_dir="blast_output">
343 <filter>fmt_opt['out_format'] == "tabular"</filter>
344 </data>
345 <data name="output_xml" format="blastxml" label="${blast_type.value_label} on ${db_opts.db_opts_selector} ${db_opts.database}" from_work_dir="blast_output">
346 <filter>fmt_opt['out_format'] == "blastxml"</filter>
347 </data>
348 <data name="output_txt" format="txt" label="${blast_type.value_label} on ${db_opts.db_opts_selector} ${db_opts.database}" from_work_dir="blast_output">
349 <filter>fmt_opt['out_format'] == "text" and not fmt_opt['html']</filter>
350 </data>
351 <data name="output_html" format="html" label="${blast_type.value_label} on ${db_opts.db_opts_selector} ${db_opts.database}" from_work_dir="blast_output">
352 <filter>fmt_opt['out_format'] == "text" and fmt_opt['html']</filter>
353 </data>
354 </outputs>
356 <stdio>
357 <exit_code range="1" level="fatal" description="Bad input dataset or BLAST options" />
358 <exit_code range="2" level="fatal" description="Error in BLAST database" />
359 <exit_code range="3" level="fatal" description="Error in BLAST engine" />
360 <exit_code range="4" level="fatal" description="Out of Memory" />
361 <exit_code range="5:" level="fatal" description="Unknown Error" />
362 </stdio>
364 <tests>
365 <test>
366 <param name="query" value="four_human_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
367 <param name="db_opts_selector" value="file" />
368 <param name="subject" value="rhodopsin_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
369 <param name="database" value="" />
370 <param name="evalue_cutoff" value="1e-8" />
371 <param name="blast_type" value="blastp" />
372 <param name="out_format" value="blastxml" />
373 <param name="outfmt" value="5" />
374 <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced" />
375 <param name="filter_query" value="False" />
376 <param name="matrix" value="BLOSUM62" />
377 <param name="max_target_seqs" value="" />
378 <param name="word_size" value="" />
379 <param name="parse_deflines" value="True" />
380 <output name="output_xml">
381 <assert_contents>
382 <has_text text="sp|Q9BS26|ERP44_HUMAN"/>
383 </assert_contents>
384 </output>
385 </test>
386 <test>
387 <param name="query" value="four_human_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
388 <param name="db_opts_selector" value="file" />
389 <param name="subject" value="rhodopsin_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
390 <param name="database" value="" />
391 <param name="evalue_cutoff" value="1e-8" />
392 <param name="blast_type" value="blastp" />
393 <param name="out_format" value="tabular" />
394 <param name="outfmt" value="6" />
395 <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced" />
396 <param name="filter_query" value="False" />
397 <param name="matrix" value="BLOSUM62" />
398 <param name="max_target_seqs" value="" />
399 <param name="word_size" value="" />
400 <param name="parse_deflines" value="True" />
401 <output name="output_tabular">
402 <assert_contents>
403 <has_text_matching expression="sp.P08100.OPSD_HUMAN\tgi.283855846.gb.ADB45242.1.\t\d+.\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t0\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\S+\t\s*\d+" />
404 <has_text text="BAB21486.1"/>
405 </assert_contents>
406 </output>
407 </test>
408 <test>
409 <param name="query" value="four_human_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
410 <param name="db_opts_selector" value="file" />
411 <param name="subject" value="rhodopsin_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
412 <param name="database" value="" />
413 <param name="evalue_cutoff" value="1e-8" />
414 <param name="blast_type" value="blastp" />
415 <param name="out_format" value="tabular" />
416 <param name="outfmt" value="6 std sallseqid score nident positive gaps ppos qframe sframe qseq sseq qlen slen" />
417 <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced" />
418 <param name="filter_query" value="False" />
419 <param name="matrix" value="BLOSUM62" />
420 <param name="max_target_seqs" value="" />
421 <param name="word_size" value="" />
422 <param name="parse_deflines" value="True" />
423 <output name="output_tabular">
424 <assert_contents>
425 <has_text_matching expression="sp.P08100.OPSD_HUMAN\tgi.283855846.gb.ADB45242.1.\t\d+.\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\S+\t\s*\d+\t\S+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\S+\t\d+\t\d+\t\S+\t\S+\t\d+\t\d+" />
426 </assert_contents>
427 </output>
428 </test>
429 <test>
430 <param name="query" value="rhodopsin_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
431 <param name="db_opts_selector" value="file" />
432 <param name="subject" value="four_human_proteins.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
433 <param name="database" value="" />
434 <param name="evalue_cutoff" value="1e-8" />
435 <param name="blast_type" value="blastp" />
436 <param name="out_format" value="tabular" />
437 <param name="outfmt" value="6" />
438 <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="basic" />
439 <output name="output_tabular">
440 <assert_contents>
441 <has_text_matching expression="gi.283855846.gb.ADB45242.1.\tsp.P08100.OPSD_HUMAN\t\d+.\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t0\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\d+\t\S+\t\s*\d+" />
442 <has_text text="BAB21486.1"/>
443 </assert_contents>
444 </output>
445 </test>
446 </tests>
447 <help>
449 .. class:: warningmark
451 **Note**. Database searches may take a substantial amount of time.
452 For large input datasets it is advisable to allow overnight processing.
454 -----
456 **What it does**
458 Search a *protein database* using a *protein query*,
459 using the NCBI BLAST+ blastp command line tool.
461 The search can be performed using a local database, against a sequence supplied in a fasta file,
462 or the blast can be performed remotely at NCBI.
464 The remote operation allows searches to be targeted at specific organisms.
466 -----
468 **Output format**
470 Because Galaxy focuses on processing tabular data, the default output of this
471 tool is tabular. The standard BLAST+ tabular output contains 12 columns:
473 ====== ========= ============================================
474 Column NCBI name Description
475 ------ --------- --------------------------------------------
476 1 qseqid Query Seq-id (ID of your sequence)
477 2 sseqid Subject Seq-id (ID of the database hit)
478 3 pident Percentage of identical matches
479 4 length Alignment length
480 5 mismatch Number of mismatches
481 6 gapopen Number of gap openings
482 7 qstart Start of alignment in query
483 8 qend End of alignment in query
484 9 sstart Start of alignment in subject (database hit)
485 10 send End of alignment in subject (database hit)
486 11 evalue Expectation value (E-value)
487 12 bitscore Bit score
488 ====== ========= ============================================
490 The BLAST+ tools can optionally output additional columns of information,
491 but this takes longer to calculate. Most (but not all) of these columns are
492 included by selecting the extended tabular output. The extra columns are
493 included *after* the standard 12 columns. This is so that you can write
494 workflow filtering steps that accept either the 12 or 24 column tabular
495 BLAST output.
497 ====== ============= ===========================================
498 Column NCBI name Description
499 ------ ------------- -------------------------------------------
500 13 sallseqid All subject Seq-id(s), separated by a ';'
501 14 score Raw score
502 15 nident Number of identical matches
503 16 positive Number of positive-scoring matches
504 17 gaps Total number of gaps
505 18 ppos Percentage of positive-scoring matches
506 19 qframe Query frame
507 20 sframe Subject frame
508 21 qseq Aligned part of query sequence
509 22 sseq Aligned part of subject sequence
510 23 qlen Query sequence length
511 24 slen Subject sequence length
512 ====== ============= ===========================================
514 The third option is BLAST XML output, which is designed to be parsed by
515 another program, and is understood by some Galaxy tools.
517 You can also choose several plain text or HTML output formats which are designed to be read by a person (not by another program).
518 The HTML versions use basic webpage formatting and can include links to the hits on the NCBI website.
519 The pairwise output (the default on the NCBI BLAST website) shows each match as a pairwise alignment with the query.
520 The two query anchored outputs show a multiple sequence alignment between the query and all the matches,
521 and differ in how insertions are shown (marked as insertions or with gap characters added to the other sequences).
523 -------
525 **References**
527 Altschul et al. Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. 1997. Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.
529 Schaffer et al. Improving the accuracy of PSI-BLAST protein database searches with composition-based statistics and other refinements. 2001. Nucleic Acids Res. 29:2994-3005.
531 </help>
532 </tool>