changeset 17:abffdfee3021 draft

"planemo upload for repository"
author galaxyp
date Mon, 22 Feb 2021 10:46:10 +0000 (2021-02-22)
parents 01dbaf6a57e0
children f4be248c3d47
files 404-urls.patch ConsensusID.xml OMSSAAdapter.patch PepNovoAdapter.patch filetypes.txt hardcoded_params.json macros.xml macros_autotest.xml macros_test.xml tools_blacklist.txt
diffstat 16 files changed, 310 insertions(+), 1188 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/404-urls.patch	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-diff -ruN FeatureFinderSuperHirn.xml FeatureFinderSuperHirn.xml
---- FeatureFinderSuperHirn.xml	2020-10-02 12:06:56.398572301 +0200
-+++ FeatureFinderSuperHirn.xml	2020-10-02 12:07:31.511153834 +0200
-@@ -105,6 +105,6 @@
-   <help><![CDATA[Finds mass spectrometric features in mass spectra.
--For more information, visit]]></help>
-+For more information, visit]]></help>
-   <expand macro="references"/>
- </tool>
--- a/ConsensusID.xml	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/ConsensusID.xml	Mon Feb 22 10:46:10 2021 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
 <!--This is a configuration file for the integration of a tools into Galaxy ( This file was automatically generated using CTDConverter.-->
 <!--Proposed Tool Section: [ID Processing]-->
-<tool id="ConsensusID" name="ConsensusID" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@GALAXY_VERSION@" profile="20.05">
+<tool id="ConsensusID" name="ConsensusID" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy1" profile="20.05">
   <description>Computes a consensus of peptide identifications of several identification engines.</description>
     <token name="@EXECUTABLE@">ConsensusID</token>
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 ## Preprocessing
 mkdir in &&
-${ ' '.join(["ln -s '%s' 'in/%s.%s' &&" % (_, re.sub('[^\w\-_]', '_', _.element_identifier), $gxy2omsext(_.ext)) for _ in $in if _]) }
+mkdir ${' '.join(["'in/%s'" % (i) for i, f in enumerate($in) if f])} && 
+${' '.join(["ln -s '%s' 'in/%s/%s.%s' && " % (f, i, re.sub('[^\w\-_]', '_', f.element_identifier), $gxy2omsext(f.ext)) for i, f in enumerate($in) if f])}
 mkdir out &&
 ## Main program call
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
 python3 '$__tool_directory__/' '@EXECUTABLE@.ctd' '$args_json' '$hardcoded_json' &&
-${' '.join(["'in/%s.%s'"%(re.sub('[^\w\-_]', '_', _.element_identifier), $gxy2omsext(_.ext)) for _ in $in if _])}
+${' '.join(["'in/%s/%s.%s'"%(i, re.sub('[^\w\-_]', '_', f.element_identifier), $gxy2omsext(f.ext)) for i, f in enumerate($in) if f])}
@@ -42,8 +43,8 @@
     <param name="in" argument="-in" type="data" format="consensusxml,featurexml,idxml" multiple="true" optional="false" label="input file" help=" select consensusxml,featurexml,idxml data sets(s)"/>
-    <param name="rt_delta" argument="-rt_delta" type="float" optional="true" min="0.0" value="0.1" label="[idXML input only] Maximum allowed retention time deviation between identifications belonging to the same spectrum" help=""/>
-    <param name="mz_delta" argument="-mz_delta" type="float" optional="true" min="0.0" value="0.1" label="[idXML input only] Maximum allowed precursor m/z deviation between identifications belonging to the same spectrum" help=""/>
+    <param name="rt_delta" argument="-rt_delta" type="float" optional="false" min="0.0" value="0.1" label="[idXML input only] Maximum allowed retention time deviation between identifications belonging to the same spectrum" help=""/>
+    <param name="mz_delta" argument="-mz_delta" type="float" optional="false" min="0.0" value="0.1" label="[idXML input only] Maximum allowed precursor m/z deviation between identifications belonging to the same spectrum" help=""/>
     <param name="per_spectrum" argument="-per_spectrum" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="false" label="(only idXML) if set, mapping will be done based on exact matching of originating mzml file and spectrum_ref" help=""/>
     <param name="algorithm" argument="-algorithm" type="select" optional="false" label="Algorithm used for consensus scoring" help="* PEPMatrix: Scoring based on posterior error probabilities (PEPs) and peptide sequence similarities (scored by a substitution matrix). Requires PEPs as scores.. * PEPIons: Scoring based on posterior error probabilities (PEPs) and fragment ion similarities ('shared peak count'). Requires PEPs as scores.. * best: For each peptide ID, use the best score of any search engine as the consensus score. Requires the same score type in all ID runs.. * worst: For each peptide ID, use the worst score of any search engine as the consensus score. Requires the same score type in all ID runs.. * average:  For each peptide ID, use the average score of all search engines as the consensus. Requires the same score type in all ID runs.. * ranks: Calculates a consensus score based on the ranks of peptide IDs in the results of different search engines. The final score is in the range (0, 1], with 1 being the best score. No requirements about score types">
       <option value="PEPMatrix" selected="true">PEPMatrix</option>
@@ -52,30 +53,30 @@
       <option value="worst">worst</option>
       <option value="average">average</option>
       <option value="ranks">ranks</option>
-      <expand macro="list_string_san"/>
+      <expand macro="list_string_san" name="algorithm"/>
     <section name="filter" title="Options for filtering peptide hits" help="" expanded="false">
-      <param name="considered_hits" argument="-filter:considered_hits" type="integer" optional="true" min="0" value="0" label="The number of top hits in each ID run that are considered for consensus scoring ('0' for all hits)" help=""/>
-      <param name="min_support" argument="-filter:min_support" type="float" optional="true" min="0.0" max="1.0" value="0.0" label="For each peptide hit from an ID run, the fraction of other ID runs that must support that hit (otherwise it is removed)" help=""/>
+      <param name="considered_hits" argument="-filter:considered_hits" type="integer" optional="false" min="0" value="0" label="The number of top hits in each ID run that are considered for consensus scoring ('0' for all hits)" help=""/>
+      <param name="min_support" argument="-filter:min_support" type="float" optional="false" min="0.0" max="1.0" value="0.0" label="For each peptide hit from an ID run, the fraction of other ID runs that must support that hit (otherwise it is removed)" help=""/>
       <param name="count_empty" argument="-filter:count_empty" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="false" label="Count empty ID runs" help="(i.e. those containing no peptide hit for the current spectrum) when calculating 'min_support'?"/>
       <param name="keep_old_scores" argument="-filter:keep_old_scores" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="false" label="if set, keeps the original scores as user params" help=""/>
     <section name="PEPIons" title="PEPIons algorithm parameters" help="" expanded="false">
-      <param name="mass_tolerance" argument="-PEPIons:mass_tolerance" type="float" optional="true" min="0.0" value="0.5" label="Maximum difference between fragment masses (in Da) for fragments to be considered 'shared' between peptides" help=""/>
-      <param name="min_shared" argument="-PEPIons:min_shared" type="integer" optional="true" min="1" value="2" label="The minimal number of 'shared' fragments (between two suggested peptides) that is necessary to evaluate the similarity based on shared peak count (SPC)" help=""/>
+      <param name="mass_tolerance" argument="-PEPIons:mass_tolerance" type="float" optional="false" min="0.0" value="0.5" label="Maximum difference between fragment masses (in Da) for fragments to be considered 'shared' between peptides" help=""/>
+      <param name="min_shared" argument="-PEPIons:min_shared" type="integer" optional="false" min="1" value="2" label="The minimal number of 'shared' fragments (between two suggested peptides) that is necessary to evaluate the similarity based on shared peak count (SPC)" help=""/>
     <section name="PEPMatrix" title="PEPMatrix algorithm parameters" help="" expanded="false">
-      <param name="matrix" argument="-PEPMatrix:matrix" display="radio" type="select" optional="false" label="Substitution matrix to use for alignment-based similarity scoring" help="">
+      <param name="matrix" argument="-PEPMatrix:matrix" display="checkboxes" type="select" optional="false" label="Substitution matrix to use for alignment-based similarity scoring" help="">
         <option value="identity" selected="true">identity</option>
         <option value="PAM30MS">PAM30MS</option>
-        <expand macro="list_string_san"/>
+        <expand macro="list_string_san" name="matrix"/>
-      <param name="penalty" argument="-PEPMatrix:penalty" type="integer" optional="true" min="1" value="5" label="Alignment gap penalty (the same value is used for gap opening and extension)" help=""/>
+      <param name="penalty" argument="-PEPMatrix:penalty" type="integer" optional="false" min="1" value="5" label="Alignment gap penalty (the same value is used for gap opening and extension)" help=""/>
     <expand macro="adv_opts_macro">
       <param name="force" argument="-force" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="false" label="Overrides tool-specific checks" help=""/>
-      <param name="test" argument="-test" type="hidden" optional="true" value="False" label="Enables the test mode (needed for internal use only)" help="">
-        <expand macro="list_string_san"/>
+      <param name="test" argument="-test" type="hidden" optional="false" value="False" label="Enables the test mode (needed for internal use only)" help="">
+        <expand macro="list_string_san" name="test"/>
     <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" type="select" optional="true" multiple="true" label="Optional outputs">
--- a/OMSSAAdapter.patch	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- OMSSAAdapter.xml	2020-06-16 15:51:40.315400730 +0200
-+++ /tmp/OMSSAAdapter.xml	2020-06-16 15:50:23.536086074 +0200
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- mkdir database &&
- ln -s '$database' 'database/${re.sub("[^\w\-_]", "_", $database.element_identifier)}.$gxy2omsext($database.ext)' &&
-+makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in 'database/${re.sub("[^\w\-_]", "_", $database.element_identifier)}.$gxy2omsext($database.ext)' &&
- ## Main program call
- set -o pipefail &&
--- a/PepNovoAdapter.patch	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
---- PepNovoAdapter.xml	2020-05-12 15:55:24.712831518 +0200
-+++ /tmp/PepNovoAdapter.xml	2020-05-12 15:36:31.267276757 +0200
-@@ -42,8 +42,13 @@
-   </configfiles>
-   <inputs>
-     <param name="in" argument="-in" type="data" format="mzml" optional="false" label="input file" help=" select mzml data sets(s)"/>
--    <param name="model_directory" argument="-model_directory" type="text" optional="false" value="" label="Name of the directory where the model files are kept" help="">
--      <expand macro="list_string_san"/>
-+    <param name="model_directory" argument="-model_directory" type="select" optional="false" label="Name of the directory where the model files are kept" help="">
-+        <options from_data_table="pepnovo_models">
-+            <column name="name" index="0"/>
-+            <column name="value" index="2"/>
-+            <filter type="unique_value" name="unique_set" column="0"/>
-+            <validator type="no_options" message="No model directory available"/>
-+        </options>
-     </param>
-     <param name="correct_pm" argument="-correct_pm" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="false" label="Find optimal precursor mass and charge values" help=""/>
-     <param name="use_spectrum_charge" argument="-use_spectrum_charge" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="false" label="Do not correct charge" help=""/>
-@@ -51,8 +56,14 @@
-     <param name="no_quality_filter" argument="-no_quality_filter" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="false" label="Do not remove low quality spectra" help=""/>
-     <param name="fragment_tolerance" argument="-fragment_tolerance" type="float" optional="true" value="-1.0" label="The fragment tolerance (between 0 and 0.75 Da" help="Set to -1.0 to use model's default setting)"/>
-     <param name="pm_tolerance" argument="-pm_tolerance" type="float" optional="true" value="-1.0" label="The precursor mass tolerance (between 0 and 5.0 Da" help="Set to -1.0 to use model's default setting)"/>
--    <param name="model" argument="-model" type="text" optional="true" value="CID_IT_TRYP" label="Name of the model that should be used" help="">
--      <expand macro="list_string_san"/>
-+    <param name="model" argument="-model" type="select" label="Name of the model that should be used" help="">
-+        <options from_data_table="pepnovo_models">
-+            <column name="name" index="1"/>
-+            <column name="value" index="1"/>
-+            <filter type="param_value" ref="model_directory" column="2"/>
-+            <filter type="unique_value" column="1"/>
-+            <validator type="no_options" message="No model available"/>
-+        </options>
-     </param>
-     <param name="digest" argument="-digest" display="radio" type="select" optional="false" label="Enzyme used for digestion (default TRYPSIN)" help="">
-       <option value="TRYPSIN" selected="true">TRYPSIN</option>
--- a/filetypes.txt	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# CTD type    # Galaxy type
-# the following lines need to be at the top in order to ensure 
-# correct translation Galaxy->CTD type for the ambiguous cases
-# (should only be relevant for the autogenerated tests [which 
-# do not set the ftype of the inputs])
-txt           txt
-tsv           tabular
-# XTandemAdapter output is named xml in OMS (which is to unspecific) and bioml in Galaxy .. so this is renamed via hardcoded parameters 
-bioml         xml
-consensusXML  consensusxml
-# TODO csv is problematic, since csv often actually means tsv .. but not always
-csv           csv
-dta           dta
-dta2d         dta2d
-edta          edta
-fa            fasta
-fas           fasta
-fasta         fasta
-FASTA         fasta
-featureXML    featurexml
-featurexml    featurexml
-# fid
-html          html
-HTML          html
-idXML         idxml
-##ini         txt
-json          json
-kroenik	      kroenik
-mascotXML     mascotxml
-mgf           mgf
-mrm           mrm
-ms2           ms2
-msp           msp
-mzData        mzdata
-mzid          mzid
-# important to have mzML first, since LuciphorAdapter is case sensitive
-mzML          mzml
-mzml          mzml
-mzq           mzq
-mzTab         mztab
-mzXML         mzxml
-novor         txt
-obo           obo
-# I guess this is the idXML output of omssa
-omssaXML      idxml
-osw           osw
-OSW           osw
-params        txt
-paramXML      paramxml
-fasta         peff
-peplist       peplist
-# TODO pep.xml should be removed with OMS 2.6 .. but still in the tests
-pep.xml       pepxml
-pepXML        pepxml
-png           png
-PNG           png
-protXML       protxml
-psms          psms
-# TODO implement or use
-# psq
-pqp           pqp
-qcML          qcml
-spec.xml      spec.xml
-splib         splib
-sqMass        sqmass
-tandem.xml    tandem
-trafoXML      trafoxml
-traML         traml
-TraML         traml
-tab           tabular
-## MOVED TO TOP txt           txt
-raw           thermo.raw
-## xls: SpectraSTSearchAdapter
-xls           tsv
-XML           xml
-xml           xml
-xquest.xml    xquest.xml
-xsd           xml
-# TODO needs to be implemented, needs to be below xml in order that Galaxy->OMS mapping gives xml
-# cachedMzML    xml
--- a/	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from argparse import ArgumentParser
-from io import StringIO
-from CTDopts.CTDopts import (
-    CTDModel,
-    ModelTypeError,
-    Parameters
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    # note add_help=False since otherwise arguments starting with -h will
-    # trigger an error (despite allow_abbreviate)
-    parser = ArgumentParser(prog="fill_ctd_clargs",
-                            description="fill command line arguments"
-                            "into a CTD file and write the CTD file to",
-                            add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False)
-    parser.add_argument("--ctd", dest="ctd", help="input ctd file",
-                        metavar='CTD', default=None, required=True)
-    args, cliargs = parser.parse_known_args()
-    # load CTDModel
-    model = None
-    try:
-        model = CTDModel(from_file=args.ctd)
-    except ModelTypeError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        model = Parameters(from_file=args.ctd)
-    except ModelTypeError:
-        pass
-    assert model is not None, "Could not parse %s, seems to be no CTD/PARAMS" % (args.ctd)
-    # get a dictionary of the ctd arguments where the values of the parameters
-    # given on the command line are overwritten
-    margs = model.parse_cl_args(cl_args=cliargs, ignore_required=True)
-    # write the ctd with the values taken from the dictionary
-    out = StringIO()
-    ctd_tree = model.write_ctd(out, margs)
-    print(out.getvalue())
--- a/	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Feb 22 10:46:10 2021 +0000
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
         #echo python3 --ctd $ini $cli
         # using eval: otherwise for some reason quoted values are not used properly ('A B' -> ["'A", "B'"])
         # >&2 echo "python3 --ctd $ini $cli"
-        eval "python3 --ctd $ini $cli" > "$ctdtmp"
+        eval "python3 --ini_file $ini --ctd_file ctd/$tool_id.ctd $cli" > "$ctdtmp"
         # echo $ctdtmp
         # >&2 cat $ctdtmp
--- a/	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-## FILETYPES_RE=$(grep -v "^#" $FILETYPES | grep -v "^$" | cut -f 1 -d" " | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//'| sed 's/|/\\|/g')
-export tmp=$(mktemp -d)
-export CTDCONVERTER="$tmp/CTDConverter"
-## reset old data
-# rm $(ls *xml |grep -v macros)
-# rm -rf ctd
-# mkdir -p ctd
-# echo "" >
-## generate tests
-## also creates 
-## - conda environment (for executing the binaries) and 
-## - the git clone of OpenMS (for generating the tests)
-## - ctd files
-bash ./ ./macros_autotest.xml
-## get the 
-## - conda package (for easy access and listing of the OpenMS binaries), 
-# if [ ! -d $OPENMSPKG ]; then
-# 	mkdir $OPENMSPKG/
-# 	tar -xf $OPENMSPKG/"$(basename $CONDAPKG)" -C OpenMS$VERSION-pkg/
-#   rm $OPENMSPKG/"$(basename $CONDAPKG)"
-# fi
-## Get python libaries for CTD -> Galaxy conversion
-## TODO fix to main repo OR conda packkage if PRs are merged 
-# if [ ! -d CTDopts ]; then
-# 	# git clone CTDopts
-# 	git clone -b topic/no-1-2x CTDopts
-# fi
-if [ ! -d $CTDCONVERTER ]; then
-	#git clone CTDConverter
-	git clone -b topic/cdata $CTDCONVERTER
-# export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/CTDopts
-## conversion ctd->xml 
-find . -maxdepth 0 -name "[A-Z]*xml" -delete
-source $(dirname $(which conda))/../etc/profile.d/
-conda activate $tmp/OpenMS$VERSION-env
-python $CTDCONVERTER/ galaxy -i ctd/*ctd -o ./ -s tools_blacklist.txt -f "$FILETYPES" -m macros.xml -t tool.conf  -p hardcoded_params.json --test-macros macros_autotest.xml --test-macros-prefix autotest_  --test-macros macros_test.xml --test-macros-prefix manutest_ --tool-version $VERSION --tool-profile $PROFILE > convert.out 2> convert.err
-if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then >&2 echo 'CTD -> XML conversion failed'; >&2 echo -e "stderr:\n$(cat convert.err)"; fi
-conda deactivate
-patch PepNovoAdapter.xml < PepNovoAdapter.patch
-patch OMSSAAdapter.xml < OMSSAAdapter.patch
-sed -i -e 's@' ./*xml
-patch -p0 <404-urls.patch
-# #-b version log debug test in_type executable pepnovo_executable param_model_directory rt_concat_trafo_out param_id_pool
-# for i in A-E F-H I-L M-N O-P Q-Z
-# do
-# 	planemo t [$i]*xml --galaxy_branch release_20.05 --galaxy_python_version 3.7 --test_output $i.html --test_output_json $i.json &
-# done
--- a/hardcoded_params.json	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-	"#": "blacklist parameters",
-	"version": [{"value": "@"}],
-	"debug": [{"value": "@"}],
-	"algorithm:debug": [{"value": "@"}],
-	"java_memory": [{"value": "@"}],
-	"java_permgen": [{"value": "@"}],
-	"#": "type of input is always determined from the file extension ",
-	"in_type": [{"value": "@"}],
-	"#": "tool specific blacklist parameters",
-	"convert_back": [{"value": "@", "tools": ["OpenSwathMzMLFileCacher"]}],
-	"NET_executable": [{
-			"value": "@", 
-			"tools": ["FileConverter"]
-	}],
-	"params_file": [{"value": "@", "tools": ["SpectraSTSearchAdapter"]}],
-	"#": "TODO not usable in 2.5, corresponding test currently disabled",
-    	"consensus_out": [{"value": "@", "tools": ["MaRaClusterAdapter"]}],
-	"#": "TODO would need treatment as prefix-output",
-	"output_directory": [{"value": "@", "tools": ["MaRaClusterAdapter"]}],
-	"#": "hardcode parameter values",
-	"comet_version": [{
-		"value":"2016.01 rev. 3"
-	}],
-	"comet_executable": [{
-		"value":"comet"
-	}],
-	"crux_executable": [{
-		"value": "crux"
-	}],
-	"fido_executable": [{
-		"value":"Fido"
-	}],
-	"fidocp_executable": [{
-		"value":"FidoChooseParameters"
-	}],
-	"maracluster_executable": [{
-		"value":"/home/berntm/projects/tools-galaxyp/tools/openms/OpenMS2.5.0-git/THIRDPARTY/Linux/64bit/MaRaCluster/maracluster"
-	}],
-	"mascot_directory": [{
-		"value":"TODO"
-	}],
-	"myrimatch_executable": [{
-		"value":"myrimatch"
-	}],
-	"omssa_executable": [{
-		"value":"$(dirname $(realpath $(which omssacl)))/omssacl"
-	}],
-	"ThermoRaw_executable": [{
-		"value": "ThermoRawFileParser.exe", 
-		"tools": ["FileConverter"]
-	}],
-	"pepnovo_executable": [{
-		"value":"pepnovo"
-	}],
-	"percolator_executable": [{
-		"value":"percolator"
-	}],
-	"xtandem_executable": [{
-		"value":"xtandem"
-	}],
-	"executable": [
-		{
-			"value":"$(dirname $(realpath $(which luciphor2)))/luciphor2.jar",
-			"tools": ["LuciphorAdapter"]
-		}, {
-			"value":"/home/berntm/Downloads/MSFragger-20171106/MSFragger-20171106.jar",
-			"tools": ["MSFraggerAdapter"]
-		}, {
-			"value":"$(msgf_plus -get_jar_path)",
-			"tools": ["MSGFPlusAdapter"]
-		}, {
-			"value": "/home/berntm/Downloads/novor/lib/novor.jar",
-			"tools": ["NovorAdapter"]
-		}, {
-			"value":"$(which sirius)",
-			"tools": ["SiriusAdapter", "AssayGeneratorMetabo"]
-		}, {
-			"value":"spectrast",
-			"tools": ["SpectraSTSearchAdapter"]
-		}
-	],
-	"r_executable": [{
-		"value":"R"
-	}],
-	"rscript_executable": [{
-		"value":"Rscript"
-	}],
-	"java_executable": [{
-		"value":"java"
-	}],
-	"log": [{
-		"value":"log.txt"
-	}],
-	"tempDirectory": [{
-		"value":"$TMP_DIR"
-	}],
-	"temp_data_directory": [{
-		"value":"$TMP_DIR"
-	}],
-	"algorithm:Preprocessing:tmp_dir": [{
-		"value":"$TMP_DIR"
-	}],
-	"no_progress": [{
-		"value": true
-	}],
-	"#": "only used in LuciphorAdapter at the moment, inconsistency will be fixed",
-	"num_threads": [{
-		"value":"${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}"
-	}],
-	"threads": [{
-		"value": "${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}"
-	}],
-	"sirius:cores": [{
-		"value": "${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}"
-	}],
-	"#": "hardcode the outer loop threads for OpenSwathWorkflow",
-	"outer_loop_threads": [{
-			"value": "1", 
-			"tools": ["OpenSwathWorkflow"]
-	}],
-	"separator": [{
-		"value": ",",
-		"tools": ["IDMassAccuracy"]
-	}],
-	"#": "don't alow to copy data internally to save computation time for reloading",
-	"copy_data": [{
-		"value": "false",
-		"tools": ["MapAlignerTreeGuided"]
-	}],
-	"#": "overwrite/add Galaxy xml attributes of some parameters (names need to start with param_)",
-	"#": "test is not a hardcoded value since we need to set it in the tool tests", 
-	"test": [{
-		"CTD:type": "text",
-		"XML:type": "hidden"
-	}],
-	"#": "overwrite CTD attributes of some parameters (some are not possible, e.g. type)",
-	"#": "for some tools the user needs to select the desired output type since detection by extension makes no sense for galaxy tools",
-	"out_type": [{
-	    "CTD:required": true,
-	    "CTD:advanced": false
-	}],
-	"#": "SeedListGenerator with consensusXML input needs a dynamic number of outputs that depends on the content of the input, so we remove this options at the moment because its hard or impossible to implement in Galaxy, .. see also in parameter",
-	"#": "FileInfo, MapStatistics, SequenceCoverageCalculator wo -out just writes to stdout. not wanted here",
-	"#": "MzMLSplitter output prefix",
-	"#": "IDRipper: blacklist out (is doing the same as the output-prefix out-path)",
-	"out": [{
-		"CTD:is_list": false, 
-		"tools": ["SeedListGenerator"]
-	}, {
-	 	"CTD:required": true,
-		"tools": ["FileInfo", "MapStatistics", "SequenceCoverageCalculator"]
-	}, {
-		"CTD:type": "output-prefix", 
-		"CTD:required": true,
-		"CTD:restrictions": "mzml",
-		"tools": ["MzMLSplitter"]
-	}, {
-		"value": "@", 
-		"tools": ["IDRipper"]
-	}],
-	"#": "Try to remove xml data type whereever possible",
-	"#": "XTandem Adapter output is called .xml in OMS which is to unspecific -> use Galaxy's bioml",
-	"xml_out": [{
-		"CTD:restrictions": "bioml",
-		"tools": ["XTandemAdapter"]
-	}],
-	"#": "IDFileConverter remove xml",
-	"#": "OpenSwathWorkflow make in single file input and all outputs non-optional",
-        "#": "XFDR does not need xml .. redundant with xquest.xml TODO check if list is up to date with each new release",
-	"#": "SeedListGenerator: remove consensusXML .. see also out parameter",
-	"in": [{
-		"CTD:restrictions": "pepXML,protXML,mascotXML,omssaXML,bioml,psms,tsv,idXML,mzid,xquest.xml",
-		"tools": ["IDFileConverter"]
-	}, {
-		"CTD:is_list": false, 
-		"tools": ["OpenSwathWorkflow"]
-	}, {
-		"CTD:restrictions": "idXML,mzid,xquest.xml",
-		"tools": ["XFDR"]
-	}, {
-		"CTD:restrictions": "mzML,idXML,featureXML",
-		"tools": ["SeedListGenerator"]
-	}],
-	"#": "IDMapper has in and spectra:in params, in is used in out as format_source",
-	"#": "which does not work in Galaxy:", 
-	"spectra:in": [{
-		"CTD:name": "_in", 
-		"tools": ["IDMapper"]
-	}],
-	"#": "hardcoding prefix parameters which are not yet available in OMS but in CTDOpts",
-	"#": "output-prefix",
-	"out_path": [{
-		"CTD:type": "output-prefix", 
-		"CTD:required": true,
-		"CTD:restrictions": "idXML",
-		"tools": ["IDRipper"]
-	}],
-	"outputDirectory": [{
-		"CTD:type": "output-prefix", 
-		"CTD:advanced": false,
-		"CTD:required": true,
-		"CTD:restrictions": "mzml",
-		"tools": ["OpenSwathFileSplitter"]
-	}],
-	"#": "OpenSwathDIAPreScoring:",
-        "#": "SpectraSTSearchAdapter does not need xml .. redundant with pep.xml TODO check if list is up to date with each new release",
-	"output_files": [{
-		"CTD:required": true,
-		"tools": ["OpenSwathDIAPreScoring"]
-	}, {
-		"CTD:restrictions": "txt,tsv,pep.xml,pepXML,html",
-		"tools": ["SpectraSTSearchAdapter"]
-	}]
--- a/macros.xml	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/macros.xml	Mon Feb 22 10:46:10 2021 +0000
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
   <xml name="stdio">
       <regex match="std::bad_alloc" level="fatal_oom" description="Could not allocate memory"/>
+      <regex match="OutOfMemoryError" level="fatal_oom" description="Could not allocate memory"/>
       <regex match="Could not allocate metaspace" level="fatal_oom" description="Java memory Exception"/>
       <regex match="Cannot create VM thread" level="fatal_oom" description="Java memory Exception"/>
       <regex match="qUncompress: could not allocate enough memory to uncompress data" level="fatal_oom" description="Java memory Exception"/>
@@ -45,10 +46,10 @@
   <!-- sanitizers and validators -->
-  <xml name="list_string_val">
-    <validator type="regex" message="parameter must not start with $">^[^$]</validator>
+  <xml name="list_string_val" token_name="">
+    <validator type="regex" message="parameter @NAME@: must not start with $">^[^$]</validator>
-    <validator type="regex" message="a space separated list of string is needed (strings that contain spaces can be quoted with &quot;)">^ *((?:\"[^\"]*\" +)|(?:[^ \"]+ +))*((?:\"[^\"]*\")|(?:[^ \"]+)) *$</validator>
+    <validator type="regex" message="parameter @NAME@: a space separated list of string is needed (strings that contain spaces can be quoted with &quot;)">^ *((?:\"[^\"]*\" +)|(?:[^ \"]+ +))*((?:\"[^\"]*\")|(?:[^ \"]+)) *$</validator>
   <xml name="list_string_san">
@@ -64,8 +65,8 @@
-  <xml name="list_float_valsan">
-    <validator type="regex" message="a space separated list of float values is required">^ *[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?( *[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)* *$</validator>
+  <xml name="list_float_valsan" token_name="">
+    <validator type="regex" message="parameter @NAME@: a space separated list of float values is required">^ *[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?( *[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)* *$</validator>
       <valid initial="string.digits">
@@ -78,8 +79,8 @@
-  <xml name="list_integer_valsan">
-    <validator type="regex" message="a space separated list of integer values is required">^ *[+-]?[0-9]+( *[+-]?[0-9]+)* *$</validator>
+  <xml name="list_integer_valsan" token_name="">
+    <validator type="regex" message="parameter @NAME@: a space separated list of integer values is required">^ *[+-]?[0-9]+( *[+-]?[0-9]+)* *$</validator>
       <valid initial="string.digits">
--- a/macros_autotest.xml	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/macros_autotest.xml	Mon Feb 22 10:46:10 2021 +0000
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="5.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -195,7 +194,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="5.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -264,7 +262,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="5.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -333,7 +330,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="5.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -402,7 +398,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="5.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -471,7 +466,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="3.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -540,7 +534,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="3.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -609,7 +602,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="3.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -678,7 +670,6 @@
       <param name="max_transitions" value="3"/>
       <param name="cosine_similarity_threshold" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="transition_threshold" value="3.0"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="deisotoping">
         <param name="use_deisotoper" value="false"/>
         <param name="fragment_tolerance" value="1.0"/>
@@ -758,7 +749,6 @@
         <param name="use_Y_ions" value="true"/>
         <param name="use_Z_ions" value="false"/>
         <param name="use_NL_ions" value="false"/>
-        <param name="second_enzyme" value=""/>
         <param name="digest_mass_range" value="600:5000"/>
         <param name="max_precursor_charge" value="5"/>
         <param name="spectrum_batch_size" value="1000"/>
@@ -796,8 +786,8 @@
       <param name="activation_method" value="ALL"/>
       <param name="max_fragment_charge" value="3"/>
       <param name="clip_nterm_methionine" value="false"/>
-      <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
-      <param name="variable_modifications" value=""/>
+      <param name="fixed_modifications" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
+      <param name="variable_modifications" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
       <param name="binary_modifications" value=""/>
       <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" value="ctd_out_FLAG,pin_out_FLAG"/>
       <output name="ctd_out" ftype="xml">
@@ -816,7 +806,6 @@
         <param name="use_Y_ions" value="true"/>
         <param name="use_Z_ions" value="false"/>
         <param name="use_NL_ions" value="false"/>
-        <param name="second_enzyme" value=""/>
         <param name="digest_mass_range" value="600:5000"/>
         <param name="max_precursor_charge" value="5"/>
         <param name="spectrum_batch_size" value="1000"/>
@@ -854,8 +843,8 @@
       <param name="activation_method" value="ALL"/>
       <param name="max_fragment_charge" value="3"/>
       <param name="clip_nterm_methionine" value="false"/>
-      <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
-      <param name="variable_modifications" value=""/>
+      <param name="fixed_modifications" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
+      <param name="variable_modifications" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
       <param name="binary_modifications" value=""/>
       <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" value="ctd_out_FLAG,pin_out_FLAG"/>
       <output name="ctd_out" ftype="xml">
@@ -874,7 +863,6 @@
         <param name="use_Y_ions" value="true"/>
         <param name="use_Z_ions" value="false"/>
         <param name="use_NL_ions" value="false"/>
-        <param name="second_enzyme" value=""/>
         <param name="digest_mass_range" value="600:5000"/>
         <param name="max_precursor_charge" value="5"/>
         <param name="spectrum_batch_size" value="20000"/>
@@ -932,7 +920,6 @@
         <param name="use_Y_ions" value="true"/>
         <param name="use_Z_ions" value="false"/>
         <param name="use_NL_ions" value="false"/>
-        <param name="second_enzyme" value=""/>
         <param name="digest_mass_range" value="600:1200"/>
         <param name="max_precursor_charge" value="5"/>
         <param name="spectrum_batch_size" value="20000"/>
@@ -1007,8 +994,6 @@
         <param name="number_of_hits" value="1"/>
         <param name="estimate_precursor_mz" value="true"/>
         <param name="number_of_prescoring_hits" value="250"/>
-        <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
-        <param name="variable_modifications" value=""/>
         <param name="residue_set" value="Natural19WithoutI"/>
       <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" value="ctd_out_FLAG"/>
@@ -1046,8 +1031,6 @@
         <param name="number_of_hits" value="1"/>
         <param name="estimate_precursor_mz" value="true"/>
         <param name="number_of_prescoring_hits" value="250"/>
-        <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
-        <param name="variable_modifications" value=""/>
         <param name="residue_set" value="Natural19WithoutI"/>
       <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" value="ctd_out_FLAG"/>
@@ -4185,7 +4168,6 @@
       <conditional name="adv_opts_cond">
         <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced"/>
         <param name="keep_zero_group" value="false"/>
-        <param name="accuracy" value=""/>
         <param name="log2_states_precalc" value="0"/>
         <param name="force" value="false"/>
         <param name="test" value="true"/>
@@ -4214,7 +4196,6 @@
       <conditional name="adv_opts_cond">
         <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced"/>
         <param name="keep_zero_group" value="false"/>
-        <param name="accuracy" value=""/>
         <param name="log2_states_precalc" value="0"/>
         <param name="force" value="false"/>
         <param name="test" value="true"/>
@@ -4243,7 +4224,6 @@
       <conditional name="adv_opts_cond">
         <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced"/>
         <param name="keep_zero_group" value="false"/>
-        <param name="accuracy" value=""/>
         <param name="log2_states_precalc" value="0"/>
         <param name="force" value="false"/>
         <param name="test" value="true"/>
@@ -4272,7 +4252,6 @@
       <conditional name="adv_opts_cond">
         <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced"/>
         <param name="keep_zero_group" value="false"/>
-        <param name="accuracy" value=""/>
         <param name="log2_states_precalc" value="0"/>
         <param name="force" value="false"/>
         <param name="test" value="true"/>
@@ -4301,7 +4280,6 @@
       <conditional name="adv_opts_cond">
         <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced"/>
         <param name="keep_zero_group" value="false"/>
-        <param name="accuracy" value=""/>
         <param name="log2_states_precalc" value="0"/>
         <param name="force" value="false"/>
         <param name="test" value="true"/>
@@ -4330,7 +4308,6 @@
       <conditional name="adv_opts_cond">
         <param name="adv_opts_selector" value="advanced"/>
         <param name="keep_zero_group" value="false"/>
-        <param name="accuracy" value=""/>
         <param name="log2_states_precalc" value="0"/>
         <param name="force" value="false"/>
         <param name="test" value="true"/>
@@ -5347,16 +5324,11 @@
       <section name="spectra">
         <param name="remove_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="remove_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="select_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_polarity" value=""/>
+        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
+        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
         <section name="blackorwhitelist">
           <param name="similarity_threshold" value="-1.0"/>
           <param name="rt" value="0.01"/>
@@ -5453,16 +5425,11 @@
       <section name="spectra">
         <param name="remove_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="remove_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="select_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_polarity" value=""/>
+        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
+        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
         <section name="blackorwhitelist">
           <param name="similarity_threshold" value="-1.0"/>
           <param name="rt" value="0.01"/>
@@ -5559,16 +5526,11 @@
       <section name="spectra">
         <param name="remove_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="remove_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="select_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_polarity" value=""/>
+        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
+        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
         <section name="blackorwhitelist">
           <param name="similarity_threshold" value="-1.0"/>
           <param name="rt" value="0.01"/>
@@ -5665,16 +5627,11 @@
       <section name="spectra">
         <param name="remove_zoom" value="true"/>
-        <param name="remove_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="select_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_polarity" value=""/>
+        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
+        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
         <section name="blackorwhitelist">
           <param name="similarity_threshold" value="-1.0"/>
           <param name="rt" value="0.01"/>
@@ -5771,16 +5728,11 @@
       <section name="spectra">
         <param name="remove_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="remove_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="select_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_polarity" value=""/>
+        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
+        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
         <section name="blackorwhitelist">
           <param name="similarity_threshold" value="-1.0"/>
           <param name="rt" value="0.01"/>
@@ -5877,16 +5829,11 @@
       <section name="spectra">
         <param name="remove_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="remove_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="select_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_polarity" value=""/>
+        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
+        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
         <section name="blackorwhitelist">
           <param name="similarity_threshold" value="-1.0"/>
           <param name="rt" value="0.01"/>
@@ -5983,16 +5930,11 @@
       <section name="spectra">
         <param name="remove_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="remove_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="select_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_activation" value=""/>
-        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
-        <param name="select_polarity" value=""/>
+        <param name="remove_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="remove_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_zoom" value="false"/>
+        <param name="select_collision_energy" value=":"/>
+        <param name="select_isolation_window_width" value=":"/>
         <section name="blackorwhitelist">
           <param name="similarity_threshold" value="-1.0"/>
           <param name="rt" value="0.01"/>
@@ -6089,16 +6031,11 @@
       <section name="spectra">
         <param name="remove_zoom" value="false"/>
-        <param name="remove_mode" value=""/>
-        <param name="remove_activation" value=""/>
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@@ -13238,12 +12950,10 @@
       <section name="whitelist">
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
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@@ -13306,12 +13016,10 @@
       <section name="whitelist">
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
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@@ -13374,12 +13082,10 @@
       <section name="whitelist">
         <param name="protein_accessions" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
         <param name="fasta" value="IDFilter_16_input.fasta"/>
@@ -13442,12 +13148,10 @@
       <section name="whitelist">
         <param name="protein_accessions" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
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@@ -13509,12 +13213,10 @@
       <section name="whitelist">
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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@@ -13576,12 +13278,10 @@
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="blacklist">
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
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@@ -13643,12 +13343,10 @@
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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@@ -13710,12 +13408,10 @@
       <section name="whitelist">
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
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@@ -13777,12 +13473,10 @@
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
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@@ -13844,12 +13538,10 @@
       <section name="whitelist">
         <param name="protein_accessions" value="&quot;Q9HP81&quot;"/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
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@@ -13911,12 +13603,10 @@
       <section name="whitelist">
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="blacklist">
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-        <param name="modifications" value=""/>
       <section name="in_silico_digestion">
         <param name="enzyme" value="Trypsin"/>
@@ -14648,7 +14338,7 @@
       <param name="in" value="IsobaricAnalyzer_input_1.mzML"/>
       <output name="out" file="IsobaricAnalyzer_output_1.consensusXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="consensusxml"/>
       <section name="extraction">
-        <param name="select_activation" value=""/>
+        <param name="select_activation" value="High-energy collision-induced dissociation"/>
         <param name="reporter_mass_shift" value="0.1"/>
         <param name="min_precursor_intensity" value="1.0"/>
         <param name="keep_unannotated_precursor" value="true"/>
@@ -15139,8 +14829,6 @@
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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@@ -15195,8 +14883,6 @@
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
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@@ -15250,8 +14936,6 @@
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
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@@ -15305,8 +14989,6 @@
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
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@@ -15360,8 +15042,6 @@
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
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@@ -15416,8 +15096,6 @@
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
           <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -15473,8 +15151,6 @@
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         <section name="linear">
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
           <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -15748,8 +15424,6 @@
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         <section name="linear">
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
           <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -15796,8 +15470,6 @@
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           <section name="linear">
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-            <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-            <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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             <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
             <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -15851,8 +15523,6 @@
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-            <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-            <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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             <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
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@@ -15906,8 +15576,6 @@
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-            <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-            <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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             <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
             <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -15981,8 +15649,6 @@
         <param name="type" value="none"/>
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
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@@ -16028,8 +15694,6 @@
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         <section name="linear">
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
           <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -16074,8 +15738,6 @@
         <param name="type" value="none"/>
         <section name="linear">
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
           <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -16121,8 +15783,6 @@
         <param name="type" value="none"/>
         <section name="linear">
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-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
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           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
           <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -16168,8 +15828,6 @@
         <param name="type" value="none"/>
         <section name="linear">
           <param name="symmetric_regression" value="false"/>
-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
           <param name="x_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
           <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -16215,8 +15873,6 @@
         <param name="type" value="none"/>
         <section name="linear">
           <param name="symmetric_regression" value="false"/>
-          <param name="x_weight" value=""/>
-          <param name="y_weight" value=""/>
           <param name="x_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
           <param name="x_datum_max" value="1000000000000000.0"/>
           <param name="y_datum_min" value="1e-15"/>
@@ -16273,8 +15929,6 @@
         <param name="fragment_error_units" value="Da"/>
         <param name="charges" value="1,2,3"/>
         <param name="taxonomy" value="All entries"/>
-        <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
-        <param name="variable_modifications" value=""/>
         <param name="special_modifications" value="Cation:Na (DE),Deamidated (NQ),Oxidation (HW),Phospho (ST),Sulfo (ST)"/>
         <param name="mass_type" value="monoisotopic"/>
         <param name="number_of_hits" value="0"/>
@@ -16286,7 +15940,7 @@
       <section name="Mascot_server">
         <param name="hostname" value=""/>
         <param name="host_port" value="80"/>
-        <param name="server_path" value=""/>
+        <param name="server_path" value="mascot"/>
         <param name="timeout" value="1500"/>
         <param name="boundary" value="GZWgAaYKjHFeUaLOLEIOMq"/>
         <param name="use_proxy" value="false"/>
@@ -16818,7 +16472,7 @@
       <param name="max_mods" value="2"/>
       <param name="max_missed_cleavages" value="-1"/>
       <param name="tasks" value="0"/>
-      <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
+      <param name="fixed_modifications" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
       <param name="variable_modifications" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
       <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" value="ctd_out_FLAG,out_FLAG,mzid_out_FLAG"/>
       <output name="ctd_out" ftype="xml">
@@ -17082,13 +16736,12 @@
       <param name="fragment_mass_tolerance" value="0.3"/>
       <param name="fragment_mass_tolerance_unit" value="Da"/>
       <param name="database" value="proteins.fasta"/>
-      <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
+      <param name="fixed_modifications" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
       <param name="variable_modifications" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
       <param name="NumChargeStates" value="3"/>
       <param name="TicCutoffPercentage" value="0.98"/>
       <param name="MaxDynamicMods" value="2"/>
       <param name="MaxResultRank" value="5"/>
-      <param name="CleavageRules" value=""/>
       <param name="MinTerminiCleavages" value="2"/>
       <param name="MaxMissedCleavages" value="-1"/>
       <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" value="ctd_out_FLAG"/>
@@ -17419,7 +17072,6 @@
         <param name="ions" value="a-B,c,w,y"/>
       <section name="modifications">
-        <param name="variable" value=""/>
         <param name="variable_max_per_oligo" value="2"/>
         <param name="resolve_ambiguities" value="false"/>
@@ -17486,7 +17138,7 @@
       <param name="database" value="proteins.fasta"/>
       <param name="min_precursor_charge" value="1"/>
       <param name="max_precursor_charge" value="3"/>
-      <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
+      <param name="fixed_modifications" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
       <param name="variable_modifications" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
       <param name="v" value="1"/>
       <param name="enzyme" value="Trypsin"/>
@@ -17528,8 +17180,6 @@
         <param name="mass_tolerance_unit" value="ppm"/>
       <section name="modifications">
-        <param name="fixed" value=""/>
-        <param name="variable" value=""/>
         <param name="variable_max_per_peptide" value="2"/>
       <section name="peptide">
@@ -17603,7 +17253,7 @@
         <param name="residue1" value="&quot;D&quot; &quot;E&quot; &quot;C-term&quot;"/>
         <param name="residue2" value="&quot;K&quot; &quot;S&quot; &quot;T&quot; &quot;Y&quot; &quot;N-term&quot;"/>
         <param name="mass" value="-18.010595"/>
-        <param name="mass_mono_link" value=""/>
+        <param name="mass_mono_link" value="156.07864431 155.094628715"/>
         <param name="name" value="DMTMM"/>
       <section name="algorithm">
@@ -17658,8 +17308,6 @@
         <param name="mass_tolerance_unit" value="Da"/>
       <section name="modifications">
-        <param name="fixed" value=""/>
-        <param name="variable" value=""/>
         <param name="variable_max_per_peptide" value="2"/>
       <section name="peptide">
@@ -19779,7 +19427,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <output name="out_qc" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_output.json" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="json"/>
@@ -19937,7 +19584,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_2_input.mzXML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_2_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_2_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_2_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -20094,7 +19740,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_3_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_3_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -20251,7 +19896,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_tsv" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_4.tsv.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="tabular"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_4.chrom.mzML.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -20408,7 +20052,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_3_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_3_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -20565,7 +20208,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_3_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_3_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -20722,7 +20364,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <param name="swath_windows_file" value="swath_windows.txt" ftype="txt"/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_3_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_3_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
@@ -20880,7 +20521,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <param name="swath_windows_file" value="swath_windows_overlap.txt" ftype="txt"/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_10.featureXML.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_10.chrom.mzML.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
@@ -21037,7 +20677,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_11_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_11_input_2.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <param name="tr_irt" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_11_input.TraML"/>
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       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_11_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
@@ -21509,7 +21148,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_15_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
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       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_15_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -21666,7 +21304,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_16_input.sqMass"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_16_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_16_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -21822,7 +21459,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_17_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_17_input.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_17.featureXML.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_17.chrom.mzML.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -21978,7 +21614,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_17_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_17_input.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_17.featureXML.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_17.chrom.mzML.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -22290,7 +21925,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_18_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
       <param name="rt_extraction_window" value="600.0"/>
@@ -22445,7 +22079,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_19_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
       <param name="rt_extraction_window" value="600.0"/>
@@ -22600,7 +22233,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_20_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
       <param name="rt_extraction_window" value="600.0"/>
@@ -22755,7 +22387,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_21_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_21_input.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <param name="tr_irt" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_21_input.irt.TraML"/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_21_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_21_output.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
@@ -22913,7 +22544,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_22_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_22_input.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
-      <param name="tr_type" value=""/>
       <output name="out_features" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_22_output.featureXML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="featurexml"/>
       <output name="out_chrom" file="OpenSwathWorkflow_22_output.chrom.mzML" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mzml"/>
       <param name="sonar" value="false"/>
@@ -24957,7 +24587,6 @@
         <param name="mass_tolerance_unit" value="ppm"/>
       <section name="modifications">
-        <param name="fixed" value=""/>
         <param name="variable" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
         <param name="variable_max_per_peptide" value="2"/>
@@ -25016,7 +24645,6 @@
         <param name="mass_tolerance_unit" value="ppm"/>
       <section name="modifications">
-        <param name="fixed" value=""/>
         <param name="variable" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
         <param name="variable_max_per_peptide" value="2"/>
@@ -25076,8 +24704,6 @@
         <param name="mass_tolerance_unit" value="ppm"/>
       <section name="modifications">
-        <param name="fixed" value=""/>
-        <param name="variable" value=""/>
         <param name="variable_max_per_peptide" value="2"/>
       <section name="peptide">
@@ -25136,8 +24762,6 @@
         <param name="mass_tolerance_unit" value="ppm"/>
       <section name="modifications">
-        <param name="fixed" value=""/>
-        <param name="variable" value=""/>
         <param name="variable_max_per_peptide" value="2"/>
       <section name="peptide">
@@ -25437,13 +25061,11 @@
           <param name="mass_tolerance_unit" value="Da"/>
         <section name="modifications">
-          <param name="fixed" value=""/>
+          <param name="fixed" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
           <param name="variable" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
           <param name="variable_max_per_peptide" value="2"/>
-        <section name="annotate">
-          <param name="PSM" value=""/>
-        </section>
+        <section name="annotate"/>
         <section name="peptide">
           <param name="min_size" value="7"/>
           <param name="max_size" value="40"/>
@@ -25472,7 +25094,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="SiriusAdapter_1_input.mzML"/>
       <output name="out_sirius" file="SiriusAdapter_1_output.mzTab" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mztab"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="preprocessing">
         <param name="filter_by_num_masstraces" value="1"/>
         <param name="precursor_mz_tolerance" value="0.005"/>
@@ -25515,7 +25136,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="SiriusAdapter_2_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="in_featureinfo" value="SiriusAdapter_2_input.featureXML"/>
       <output name="out_sirius" file="SiriusAdapter_2_output.mzTab" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mztab"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="preprocessing">
         <param name="filter_by_num_masstraces" value="3"/>
         <param name="precursor_mz_tolerance" value="0.005"/>
@@ -25558,7 +25178,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="SiriusAdapter_3_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="in_featureinfo" value="SiriusAdapter_3_input.featureXML"/>
       <output name="out_sirius" file="SiriusAdapter_3_output.mzTab" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mztab"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="preprocessing">
         <param name="filter_by_num_masstraces" value="3"/>
         <param name="precursor_mz_tolerance" value="0.005"/>
@@ -25601,7 +25220,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="SiriusAdapter_3_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="in_featureinfo" value="SiriusAdapter_3_input.featureXML"/>
       <output name="out_ms" file="" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype=""/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="preprocessing">
         <param name="filter_by_num_masstraces" value="1"/>
         <param name="precursor_mz_tolerance" value="0.005"/>
@@ -25644,7 +25262,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="SiriusAdapter_4_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="in_featureinfo" value="SiriusAdapter_4_input.featureXML"/>
       <output name="out_ms" file="" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype=""/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="preprocessing">
         <param name="filter_by_num_masstraces" value="1"/>
         <param name="precursor_mz_tolerance" value="0.005"/>
@@ -25687,7 +25304,6 @@
       <param name="in" value="SiriusAdapter_4_input.mzML"/>
       <param name="in_featureinfo" value="SiriusAdapter_4_input.featureXML"/>
       <output name="out_sirius" file="SiriusAdapter_7_output.mzTab" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mztab"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="preprocessing">
         <param name="filter_by_num_masstraces" value="1"/>
         <param name="precursor_mz_tolerance" value="0.005"/>
@@ -25731,7 +25347,6 @@
       <param name="in_featureinfo" value="SiriusAdapter_2_input.featureXML"/>
       <output name="out_sirius" file="SiriusAdapter_4_output.tmp" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mztab"/>
       <output name="out_fingerid" file="SiriusAdapter_4_foutput.mzTab" compare="sim_size" delta="5700" ftype="mztab"/>
-      <param name="out_workspace_directory" value=""/>
       <section name="preprocessing">
         <param name="filter_by_num_masstraces" value="1"/>
         <param name="precursor_mz_tolerance" value="0.005"/>
@@ -25798,8 +25413,6 @@
         <param name="cut_peaks_below" value="1000"/>
       <section name="modifications">
-        <param name="fixed" value=""/>
-        <param name="variable" value=""/>
         <param name="variable_max_per_peptide" value="2"/>
       <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" value="ctd_out_FLAG"/>
@@ -27122,7 +26735,7 @@
       <param name="fragment_error_units" value="Da"/>
       <param name="max_precursor_charge" value="0"/>
       <param name="no_isotope_error" value="false"/>
-      <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
+      <param name="fixed_modifications" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
       <param name="variable_modifications" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
       <param name="minimum_fragment_mz" value="150.0"/>
       <param name="enzyme" value="Trypsin"/>
@@ -27154,7 +26767,7 @@
       <param name="fragment_error_units" value="Da"/>
       <param name="max_precursor_charge" value="0"/>
       <param name="no_isotope_error" value="false"/>
-      <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
+      <param name="fixed_modifications" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
       <param name="variable_modifications" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
       <param name="minimum_fragment_mz" value="150.0"/>
       <param name="enzyme" value="Trypsin"/>
@@ -27186,7 +26799,7 @@
       <param name="fragment_error_units" value="Da"/>
       <param name="max_precursor_charge" value="0"/>
       <param name="no_isotope_error" value="false"/>
-      <param name="fixed_modifications" value=""/>
+      <param name="fixed_modifications" value="Carbamidomethyl (C)"/>
       <param name="variable_modifications" value="Oxidation (M)"/>
       <param name="minimum_fragment_mz" value="150.0"/>
       <param name="enzyme" value="Trypsin"/>
@@ -27202,4 +26815,4 @@
-<xml name="autotest_PTPredict"/><xml name="autotest_InclusionExclusionListCreator"/><xml name="autotest_RTPredict"/><xml name="autotest_ProteomicsLFQ"/><xml name="autotest_IDDecoyProbability"/><xml name="autotest_InspectAdapter"/></macros>
+<xml name="autotest_PTPredict"/><xml name="autotest_InclusionExclusionListCreator"/><xml name="autotest_IDDecoyProbability"/><xml name="autotest_InspectAdapter"/><xml name="autotest_RTPredict"/><xml name="autotest_ProteomicsLFQ"/></macros>
--- a/macros_test.xml	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/macros_test.xml	Mon Feb 22 10:46:10 2021 +0000
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@
   <param name="in" value="IDRipper_2_input.idXML"/>
   <param name="OPTIONAL_OUTPUTS" value="ctd_out_FLAG"/>
   <output_collection name="out_path" count="2">
-    <element name="IDRipper_2_output1" file="IDRipper_2_output1.idXML" ftype="idxml"/>
-    <element name="IDRipper_2_output2" file="IDRipper_2_output2.idXML" ftype="idxml"/>
+    <element name="IDRipper_2_output_1" file="IDRipper_2_output1.idXML" ftype="idxml"/>
+    <element name="IDRipper_2_output_2" file="IDRipper_2_output2.idXML" ftype="idxml"/>
   <output name="ctd_out" ftype="xml">
@@ -266,17 +266,16 @@
     <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
     <param name="swath_files" value="OpenSwathAnalyzer_2_swathfile.mzML"/>
     <output_collection name="output_files" count="1">
-      <element name="OpenSwathAnalyzer_2_swathfile_mzML.tsv" file="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
+      <element name="OpenSwathAnalyzer_2_swathfile_mzML" file="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
   <!-- test with two inputs (actually the same file .. symlinked) -->
     <param name="tr" value="OpenSwathWorkflow_1_input.TraML"/>
     <param name="swath_files" value="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring_in1.mzML,OpenSwathDIAPreScoring_in2.mzML"/>
     <output_collection name="output_files" count="2">
-      <element name="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring_in1.tsv" file="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
-      <element name="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring_in1.tsv" file="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
+      <element name="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring_in1_mzML" file="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring_2_1.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
+      <element name="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring_in2_mzML" file="OpenSwathDIAPreScoring_2_2.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
@@ -335,6 +334,7 @@
     <output name="out" ftype="idxml" value="PhosphoScoring.idxml" compare="sim_size" delta="5700"/>
+<!-- TODO PSMFeatureExtractor should have auto tests with 2.7 -->
 <xml name="manutest_PSMFeatureExtractor">
   <test expect_num_outputs="1"><!-- using the idXML outputs of two SearchAdapters that should be compatible -->
     <param name="adv_opts_cond|test" value="true"/>
@@ -354,6 +354,13 @@
     <param name="out_type" value="mzid"/>
     <output name="out" ftype="mzid" value="PSMFeatureExtractor.mzid" compare="sim_size" delta="500"/>
+  <test expect_num_outputs="1"><!-- using the idXML outputs of two SearchAdapters that should be compatible -->
+    <param name="adv_opts_cond|test" value="true"/>
+    <param name="in_single" ftype="idxml" value="MSGFPlusAdapter_1_out.idXML"/>
+    <param name="adv_opts_cond|adv_opts_selector" value="advanced"/>
+    <param name="out_type" value="idxml"/>
+    <output name="out" ftype="idxml" value="PSMFeatureExtractor_3.idXML" compare="sim_size" delta="500"/>
+  </test>
 <xml name="manutest_QCCalculator">
   <test expect_num_outputs="1"><!-- took test data from another test w mzML input -->
--- a/	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Feb 22 10:46:10 2021 +0000
@@ -86,10 +86,13 @@
 PhosphoScoring -in spectra.mzML -id MSGFPlusAdapter_1_out1.tmp -out PhosphoScoring.idxml > PhosphoScoring.stdout 2> stderr
 if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then >&2 echo 'PhosphoScoring failed'; >&2 echo -e "stderr:\n$(cat stderr | sed 's/^/    /')"; fi
-PSMFeatureExtractor -test -in MSGFPlusAdapter_1_out.idXML XTandemAdapter_1_out.idXML -multiple_search_engines -skip_db_check -out PSMFeatureExtractor.idxml > PSMFeatureExtractor_1.stdout 2> stderr
+# TODO PSMFeatureExtractor should have auto tests with 2.7 
+PSMFeatureExtractor -test -in MSGFPlusAdapter_1_out.idXML XTandemAdapter_1_out.idXML -multiple_search_engines -skip_db_check -out_type idXML -out PSMFeatureExtractor.idxml > PSMFeatureExtractor_1.stdout 2> stderr
 if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then >&2 echo 'PSMFeatureExtractor_1 failed'; >&2 echo -e "stderr:\n$(cat stderr | sed 's/^/    /')"; fi
-PSMFeatureExtractor -test -in MSGFPlusAdapter_1_out.idXML XTandemAdapter_1_out.idXML -multiple_search_engines -skip_db_check -out PSMFeatureExtractor.mzid > PSMFeatureExtractor_2.stdout 2> stderr
+PSMFeatureExtractor -test -in MSGFPlusAdapter_1_out.idXML XTandemAdapter_1_out.idXML -multiple_search_engines -skip_db_check -out_type mzid -out PSMFeatureExtractor.mzid > PSMFeatureExtractor_2.stdout 2> stderr
 if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then >&2 echo 'PSMFeatureExtractor_2 failed'; >&2 echo -e "stderr:\n$(cat stderr | sed 's/^/    /')"; fi
+PSMFeatureExtractor -test -in MSGFPlusAdapter_1_out.idXML -out_type idXML -out PSMFeatureExtractor_3.idXML > PSMFeatureExtractor_3.stdout 2> stderr
+if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then >&2 echo 'PSMFeatureExtractor_3 failed'; >&2 echo -e "stderr:\n$(cat stderr | sed 's/^/    /')"; fi
 QCCalculator -test -in OpenPepXL_input.mzML -out QCCalculator1.qcML > QCCalculator_1.stdout 2> stderr
 if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then >&2 echo 'QCCalculator_1 failed'; >&2 echo -e "stderr:\n$(cat stderr | sed 's/^/    /')"; fi
--- a/	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Feb 22 10:46:10 2021 +0000
@@ -22,11 +22,14 @@
 Manual updates should only be done to
-- the `@GALAXY_VERSION@"` token in `macros.xml`
 - and the manually contributed tests in `macros_test.xml` (The goal is that all
   tools that do not have an automatically generated test are covered here)
 - the `hardcoded_params.json` files
+Wrapper versions are managed in `bump.json`. For tools listed in the file
+the wrapper version will be set accordingly and otherwise `0` is used. 
+For a major update of the tool version the bump file should be reset (to `{}`).
 In a few cases patches may be acceptable.
@@ -71,10 +74,15 @@
-- For each input / output data set parameter a directory is crated (named by
-  the parameter)
 - For input data set parameters the links to the actual location of the data
-  sets are created
+  sets are created, the link names are `element_identifier`.`EXT`, where `EXT`
+  is an extension that is known by OpenMS
+- In order to avoid name collisions for the created links each is placed in a
+  unique directory: `PARAM_NAME/DATASET_ID`, where `PARAM_NAME` is the name
+  of the parameter and `DATASET_ID` is the id of the Galaxy dataset 
+- the same happens for output parameters that are in 1:1 correspondence with
+  an input parameter
--- a/	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Feb 22 10:46:10 2021 +0000
@@ -15,8 +15,11 @@
 export OPENMSGIT="$tmp/OpenMS$VERSION.0-git"
 export OPENMSPKG="$tmp/OpenMS$VERSION-pkg/"
-export OPENMSENV="$tmp/OpenMS$VERSION-env"
-export CTDCONVERTER="$tmp/CTDConverter"
+export OPENMSENV="OpenMS$VERSION-env"
+if [ -z "$CTDCONVERTER" ]; then
+	export CTDCONVERTER="$tmp/CTDConverter"
 if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@
 if conda env list | grep "$OPENMSENV"; then
-	conda create -y --quiet --override-channels --channel iuc --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda --channel defaults -p $OPENMSENV openms=$VERSION openms-thirdparty=$VERSION ctdopts=1.4 lxml
+	conda create -y --quiet --override-channels --channel iuc --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda --channel defaults -n $OPENMSENV openms=$VERSION openms-thirdparty=$VERSION ctdopts=1.4 lxml
 # chmod -R u-w $OPENMSENV 
@@ -82,10 +85,10 @@
 echo "Clone CTDConverter"
 if [[ ! -d $CTDCONVERTER ]]; then
 	#git clone CTDConverter
-	git clone -b topic/cdata $CTDCONVERTER
+	git clone -b topic/fix-selects $CTDCONVERTER
-	git pull origin topic/cdata
+	git pull origin topic/fix-selects
 	cd -
@@ -185,17 +188,17 @@
 prepare_test_data >>
-# prepare_test_data >
-# # remove calls not needed for the tools listed in any .list file
-# echo LIST $LIST
-# if [ ! -z "$LIST" ]; then
-# 	REX=$(echo $LIST | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sed 's@.*/\([^/]\+\).xml$@\1@' | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//')
-# else
-# 	REX=".*"
-# fi
-# echo REX $REX
-# cat | egrep "($REX)" >>
-# rm
+## prepare_test_data >
+## # remove calls not needed for the tools listed in any .list file
+## echo LIST $LIST
+## if [ ! -z "$LIST" ]; then
+## 	REX=$(echo $LIST | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sed 's@.*/\([^/]\+\).xml$@\1@' | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//')
+## else
+## 	REX=".*"
+## fi
+## echo REX $REX
+## cat | egrep "($REX)" >>
+## rm
 echo "Execute test shell script"
 chmod u+x
--- a/tools_blacklist.txt	Fri Nov 06 19:49:28 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# seems not possible for 2.5
-# DigestorMotif
-# deprecated
-# personal communication with author V. Bafna: 
-# "InsPect is no longer maintained as there are many better tools including MS-GF+"
-# licence? see