changeset 0:f66af2b04a98 draft

planemo upload for repository commit c12a99d3da62c83b779175b3c9022e7d5622053a
author galaxyp
date Wed, 20 Jun 2018 14:21:10 -0400
children 5d0c44bc354d
files README.rst pathwaymatcher.xml test-data/genes.txt test-data/genes_search.tsv test-data/proteoforms.txt test-data/proteoforms_graphs/geneExternalEdges.tsv test-data/proteoforms_graphs/geneInternalEdges.tsv test-data/proteoforms_graphs/geneVertices.tsv test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteinExternalEdges.tsv test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteinInternalEdges.tsv test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteinVertices.tsv test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteoformExternalEdges.tsv test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteoformInternalEdges.tsv test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteoformVertices.tsv
diffstat 14 files changed, 51788 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.rst	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+- Home: <>
+- Galaxy Tool Shed: <>
+- Tools ID: `pathwaymatcher`
+PathwayMatcher is a software tool written in Java to search for pathways related to a list of proteins in Reactome.
+General Requirements
+This tool requires a Java runtime 1.6 or greater to work. To avoid out of memory errors you should set the maximum heapspace for java processes as the default is most likely too small. For example, to set this in your shell:
+    export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xmx1500M'
+On some systems you may also need to adjust the amount of memory available for class definitions in addition to the maximum heapspace. For example:
+	export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xmx1500M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M'
+It is also possible to set this on a per tool basis using advanced features of the galaxy job config system.
+PathwayMatcher is a free open-source project, following an Apache License 2.0.
+Authors and contributors:
+* Luis Francisco Hernández Sánchez <>
+* Carlos Horro Marcos <>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pathwaymatcher.xml	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+<tool id="reactome_pathwaymatcher" name="Pathway Matcher" version="@PATHWAYMATCHER_VERSION@.@TOOL_SUBVERSION@">
+    <description>
+        PathwayMatcher is a software tool to search for pathways related to a list of proteins in Reactome.
+    </description>
+    <macros>
+       <token name="@PATHWAYMATCHER_VERSION@">1.8</token>
+       <token name="@TOOL_SUBVERSION@">0</token>
+       <xml name="input_fasta">
+         <param format="fasta" name="input_database" type="data" label="Protein Database"
+             help="Select FASTA database from history"/>
+       </xml>
+    </macros>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="@PATHWAYMATCHER_VERSION@">pathwaymatcher</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.0">zip</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <stdio>
+        <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" description="Job Failed" />
+        <regex match="java.*Exception" level="fatal" description="Java Exception"/>
+        <regex match="Could not create the Java virtual machine" level="fatal" description="JVM Error"/>
+    </stdio>
+    <command>
+        #from datetime import datetime
+        #import json
+        #import os
+        #set $exp_str = "Galaxy_Experiment_%s" %"%Y%m%d%H%M%s")
+        #set $samp_str = "Sample_%s" %"%Y%m%d%H%M%s")
+        #set $temp_stderr = "pathwaym_stderr"
+        #set $bin_dir = "bin"
+        mkdir output;
+        cwd=`pwd`;
+        export HOME=\$cwd;
+        #####################
+        ## Pathway Matcher ##
+        #####################
+        (pathwaymatcher
+            #for $i, $s in enumerate($input_types)
+                ## GENETIC VARIANTS
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "rsid"
+                    -t rsid -i '${s.input_type.input_rsid}'
+                #end if
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "chrbp"
+                    -t chrbp -i '${s.input_type.input_chrbp}'
+                #end if
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "vcf"
+                    -t vcf -i '${s.input_type.input_vcf}'
+                #end if
+                ## GENES
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "gene"
+                    -t gene -i '${s.input_type.input_gene}'
+                #end if
+                ## PEPTIDES
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "peptide"
+                    -t peptide -i '${s.input_type.input_peptide}'
+                    -f '${s.input_type.input_database}'
+                    -r '${s.input_type.ptm_range}'
+                #end if
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "modifiedpeptide"
+                    -t modifiedpeptide -i '${s.input_type.input_modifiedpeptide}'
+                    -f '${s.input_type.input_database}'
+                    -r '${s.input_type.ptm_range}'
+                #end if
+                ## PROTEINS
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "uniprot"
+                    -t uniprot -i '${s.input_type.input_uniprot}'
+                #end if
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "ensembl"
+                    -t ensembl -i '${s.input_type.input_ensembl}'
+                #end if
+                ## PROTEOFORMS
+                #if $s.input_type.input_type_selector == "proteoforms"
+                    #if $s.input_type.proteoform_match_criteria:
+                      -t proteoform -m '${s.input_type.proteoform_match_criteria}' -i '${s.input_type.input_proteoforms}'
+                    #else:
+                      -t proteoform -i '${s.input_type.input_proteoforms}'
+                    #end if
+                #end if
+            #end for
+            ## OUTPUT OPTIONS
+            #if $output_options.search_top_level_info:
+                -tlp
+            #end if
+            #set $output_graphs_list = str($output_options.output_graphs).split(',')
+            #if 'gg' in $output_graphs_list:
+                -gg
+            #end if
+            #if 'gu' in $output_graphs_list:
+                -gu
+            #end if
+            #if 'gp' in $output_graphs_list:
+                -gp
+            #end if
+        2>> $temp_stderr);
+        ## We create a folder to contain graphs files.
+        #if $output_options.output_graphs:
+            mkdir "graphs";
+        #end if
+        #if 'gg' in $output_graphs_list:
+            mv -t "graphs" "geneExternalEdges.tsv" "geneInternalEdges.tsv" "geneVertices.tsv" ;
+        #end if
+        #if 'gu' in $output_graphs_list:
+            mv -t "graphs" "proteinExternalEdges.tsv" "proteinInternalEdges.tsv" "proteinVertices.tsv";
+        #end if
+        #if 'gp' in $output_graphs_list:
+            mv -t "graphs" "proteoformExternalEdges.tsv" "proteoformInternalEdges.tsv" "proteoformVertices.tsv";
+        #end if
+        exit_code_for_galaxy=\$?;
+        cat $temp_stderr 2>&1;
+        (exit \$exit_code_for_galaxy)
+    </command>
+    <inputs>
+        <repeat name="input_types" title="Input" min="1">
+            <conditional name="input_type">
+                  <param name="input_type_selector" type="select" label="Input type"
+                      help="">
+                      <option value="rsid">Genetic variants - SNP rsId list</option>
+                      <option value="chrbp">Genetic variants - Chromosomes and base pairs</option>
+                      <option value="vcf">Genetic variants - Variant Call Format Specification</option>
+                      <option value="gene">Genes</option>
+                      <option value="peptide">Peptides - Simple list</option>
+                      <option value="modifiedpeptide">Peptides - Peptide List with PTM types and sites</option>
+                      <option value="uniprot">Proteins - UniProt Accession list</option>
+                      <option value="ensembl">Proteins - Ensembl identifier list</option>
+                      <option value="proteoforms">Proteoforms</option>
+                  </param>
+                  <!-- Genetic variants -->
+                  <when value="rsid">
+                      <param format="txt" name="input_rsid" type="data" label="SNP rsId list"
+                          help="The file contains one rsid identifier as defined in dbSNP[1] on each row.
+                          The list must be ordered by chromosome and base pair (bp). The list must not have duplicates.
+                          All rsids must appear in the human assembly GRCh37.p13. "/>
+                  </when>
+                  <when value="chrbp">
+                      <param format="txt" name="input_chrbp" type="data" label="Chromosomes and base pairs"
+                          help="Genetic variants can also be represented using the chromosome and the base pair numbers.
+                          The input should be sorted by chromosome number and then by base pair.  "/>
+                  </when>
+                  <when value="vcf">
+                      <param format="vcf" name="input_vcf" type="data" label="Variant Call Format Specification"
+                          help="The input follows the Variant Call Format Specification[2] v4.3.
+                          It also allows the possibility to specify only the first 4 columns in the data section of the file:
+                          CHROM, POS, ID, REF.  "/>
+                  </when>
+                  <!-- Genes -->
+                  <when value="gene">
+                      <param format="txt" name="input_gene" type="data" label="Genes"
+                          help="File with a one gene name in each line. Genes follow the HUGO gene nomenclature[3]."/>
+                  </when>
+                  <!-- Peptides  -->
+                  <when value="peptide">
+                      <param format="txt" name="input_peptide" type="data" label="Simple list"
+                          help="File with a one peptide sequence in each line."/>
+                      <expand macro="input_fasta" />
+                      <param name="ptm_range" type="integer" value="0" label="PTM position range" optional="true"
+                          help="Plus minus positions for the same PTM site."/>
+                  </when>
+                  <when value="modifiedpeptide">
+                      <param format="txt" name="input_modifiedpeptide" type="data" label="Peptide List with PTM types and sites"
+                         help="Each line of the file corresponds to a single peptide with post-translational modifications."/>
+                      <expand macro="input_fasta" />
+                      <param name="ptm_range" type="integer" value="0" label="PTM position range" optional="true"
+                          help="Plus minus positions for the same PTM site."/>
+                  </when>
+                  <!-- Proteins  -->
+                  <when value="uniprot">
+                      <param format="txt" name="input_uniprot" type="data" label="UniProt Accession list"
+                          help="File with a one Uniprot Accession [4] in each line."/>
+                  </when>
+                  <when value="ensembl">
+                      <param format="txt" name="input_ensembl" type="data" label="Ensembl identifier list"
+                          help="File with a one Ensembl identifier [5] in each line."/>
+                  </when>
+                  <!-- Proteoforms  -->
+                  <when value="proteoforms">
+                      <param format="txt" name="input_proteoforms" type="data" label="Proteoforms"
+                          help="A proteoform defines a specific state of a protein.
+                          It is composed by the protein UniProt accession, isoform and set of post translational modifications.
+                          The input file contains one line for each proteoform. Each PTM is specified using a modification
+                          identifier and a site, separated by ':'(semicolon). For example: '00046:133'.
+                          The identifier is a 5 digit id from the PSI-MOD Protein Modification Onthology [6]."/>
+                      <param name="proteoform_match_criteria" type="select" label="Proteoform match criteria">
+                          <option value="STRICT">STRICT</option>
+                          <option value="ONE">ONE</option>
+                          <option value="SUPERSET" selected="True">SUPERSET</option>
+                          <option value="SUBSET">SUBSET</option>
+                      </param>
+                  </when>
+            </conditional>
+        </repeat>
+        <section name="output_options" expanded="true" title="Output options">
+            <param name="search_top_level_info" type="select" label="Add search top level info">
+                <option value="0" selected="True">False</option>
+                <option value="1">True</option>
+            </param>
+            <param name="output_graphs" type="select" display="checkboxes" multiple="True" label="Connection graphs"
+               help="Generates a zipped file with connection graphs as an additional output when executing the pathway search and analysis.
+               The graph can use genes, proteins or proteoforms as vertices.">
+                <option value="gg">Genes</option>
+                <option value="gu">Proteins</option>
+                <option value="gp">Proteoforms</option>
+            </param>
+        </section>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="search" format="tsv" from_work_dir="search.tsv" label="${} - search on ${on_string}" />
+        <data name="analysis" format="tsv" from_work_dir="analysis.tsv" label="${} - analysis on ${on_string}" />
+        <collection name="graphs_files" type="list" label="${} - graphs on ${on_string}" >
+            <filter>output_options['output_graphs'] != None</filter>
+            <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="graphs" ext="tsv"/>
+        </collection>
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+      <!-- Test that genes search works -->
+      <test>
+          <repeat name="input_types">
+              <conditional name="input_type">
+                  <param name="input_type_selector" value="gene"/>
+                  <param name="input_gene" value="genes.txt" ftype="txt" />
+              </conditional>
+          </repeat>
+          <output name="search" file="genes_search.tsv" ftype="tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="3000" />
+      </test>
+      <!-- Test graphs from proteoforms -->
+      <test>
+          <repeat name="input_types">
+              <conditional name="input_type">
+                  <param name="input_type_selector" value="proteoforms"/>
+                  <param name="input_proteoforms" value="proteoforms.txt" ftype="txt" />
+              </conditional>
+          </repeat>
+          <param name="output_graphs" value="gg,gu,gp" />
+          <output_collection name="graphs_files" type="list">
+              <element name="geneExternalEdges" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/geneExternalEdges.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="1000" />
+              <element name="geneInternalEdges" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/geneInternalEdges.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="1000"/>
+              <element name="geneVertices" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/geneVertices.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="1000"/>
+              <element name="proteinExternalEdges" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/proteinExternalEdges.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="10000"/>
+              <element name="proteinInternalEdges" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/proteinInternalEdges.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="1000"/>
+              <element name="proteinVertices" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/proteinVertices.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="1000"/>
+              <element name="proteoformExternalEdges" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/proteoformExternalEdges.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="1000"/>
+              <element name="proteoformInternalEdges" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/proteoformInternalEdges.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="1000"/>
+              <element name="proteoformVertices" ftype="tsv" file="proteoforms_graphs/proteoformVertices.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="1000"/>
+          </output_collection>
+      </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help>
+.. class:: infomark
+Biological pathways are an excellent resource to analyze the causes and consequences of certain phenotypes.
+Most of the components of the pathways are proteins. When searching for relevant pathways to perform analysis
+of a patient sample proteins, it is very common to lose information due to lack of precision in the search.
+This leads to result sets with many extra selected pathways that are not really related to the input sample.
+.. class:: infomark
+**What it does**
+We present more fine grained approach to search, not only with the gene names, but also with post translational
+modifications of the proteins, such as phosphorylation.
+Ultimately, any omics dataset with its mutations and
+modifications will be mapped directly to the functional knowledgebases allowing the functional interpretation by
+researchers and clinicians.
+The reference database used is Reactome, a free, open source, curated and peer reviewed database of biological reactions, that contains the quality data needed for this type of fine grained search. database of biological reactions. It can be readily queried with omics datasets, and we are improving its features by extending the matching the clinical data to the biological pathways. Not only will the gene names be used, but also mutations or post translational modifications such as phosphorylation.
+.. class:: infomark
+**Inputs and outputs**
+PathwayMatcher can search for reactions and pathways with various input types, and generates mapping files to the database.
+The input can be:
+- Genetic variants
+- Genes
+- Peptides
+- Protein
+- Proteoforms
+The output of PathwayMatcher is composed of two files, the Reaction and Pathway mapping and the statistical analysis of the relevant pathways.
+.. class:: infomark
+Information included with this tool is a brief summary of the main one included in PathwayMatcher_.
+Specific information about PathwayMatcher's Input_ and Output_ may also be found there.
+.. class:: infomark
+[1] dbSNP_
+[2] VCF v4.3:
+[3] the HGNC resources in 2015. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan;43(Database issue):D1079-85. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku1071. :
+[4] UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase. Nucleic Acids Res. 45: D158-D169 (2017):
+[5] Ensembl:
+[6] The PSI-MOD community standard for representation of protein modification data. Nature Biotechnology 26, 864 - 866 (2008):
+.. _dbSNP:
+.. _PathwayMatcher:
+.. _Input:
+.. _Output:
+    </help>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/genes.txt	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/genes_search.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-1454916	The ABCC family mediates organic anion transport	R-HSA-382556	ABC-family proteins mediated transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-1454916	The ABCC family mediates organic anion transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-383190	HCO3- transport through ion channel	R-HSA-382556	ABC-family proteins mediated transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-383190	HCO3- transport through ion channel	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5678863	CFTR transports Cl- from cytosol to extracellular region	R-HSA-382556	ABC-family proteins mediated transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5678863	CFTR transports Cl- from cytosol to extracellular region	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627071	RHOQ positively regulates trafficking of GOPC:CFTR to the plasma membrane	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627071	RHOQ positively regulates trafficking of GOPC:CFTR to the plasma membrane	R-HSA-194315	Signaling by Rho GTPases	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627071	RHOQ positively regulates trafficking of GOPC:CFTR to the plasma membrane	R-HSA-195258	RHO GTPase Effectors	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627071	RHOQ positively regulates trafficking of GOPC:CFTR to the plasma membrane	R-HSA-5627083	RHO GTPases regulate CFTR trafficking	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866542	VCP-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis promotes the translocation of misfolded CFTR into the cytosol	R-HSA-382556	ABC-family proteins mediated transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866542	VCP-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis promotes the translocation of misfolded CFTR into the cytosol	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866546	RNF5 and RNF185 ubiquitinate misfolded CFTR	R-HSA-382556	ABC-family proteins mediated transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866546	RNF5 and RNF185 ubiquitinate misfolded CFTR	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866551	CFTR binds components of the ERAD machinery for ubiquitination and degradation	R-HSA-382556	ABC-family proteins mediated transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866551	CFTR binds components of the ERAD machinery for ubiquitination and degradation	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5678992	Ivacaftor:CFTR G551D transports Cl- from cytosol to extracellular region	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5678992	Ivacaftor:CFTR G551D transports Cl- from cytosol to extracellular region	R-HSA-5619115	Disorders of transmembrane transporters	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5678992	Ivacaftor:CFTR G551D transports Cl- from cytosol to extracellular region	R-HSA-5619084	ABC transporter disorders	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5678992	Ivacaftor:CFTR G551D transports Cl- from cytosol to extracellular region	R-HSA-5678895	Defective CFTR causes cystic fibrosis	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5679000	Ivacaftor binds CFTR G551D	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5679000	Ivacaftor binds CFTR G551D	R-HSA-5619115	Disorders of transmembrane transporters	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5679000	Ivacaftor binds CFTR G551D	R-HSA-5619084	ABC transporter disorders	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5679000	Ivacaftor binds CFTR G551D	R-HSA-5678895	Defective CFTR causes cystic fibrosis	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866854	VCP-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis promotes the translocation of CFTR F508del into the cytosol	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866854	VCP-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis promotes the translocation of CFTR F508del into the cytosol	R-HSA-5619115	Disorders of transmembrane transporters	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866854	VCP-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis promotes the translocation of CFTR F508del into the cytosol	R-HSA-5619084	ABC transporter disorders	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866854	VCP-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis promotes the translocation of CFTR F508del into the cytosol	R-HSA-5678895	Defective CFTR causes cystic fibrosis	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866856	RNF5 and RNF185 ubiquitinate CFTR F508del	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866856	RNF5 and RNF185 ubiquitinate CFTR F508del	R-HSA-5619115	Disorders of transmembrane transporters	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866856	RNF5 and RNF185 ubiquitinate CFTR F508del	R-HSA-5619084	ABC transporter disorders	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866856	RNF5 and RNF185 ubiquitinate CFTR F508del	R-HSA-5678895	Defective CFTR causes cystic fibrosis	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866857	CFTR F508del binds components of the ERAD machinery for ubiquitination and degradation	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866857	CFTR F508del binds components of the ERAD machinery for ubiquitination and degradation	R-HSA-5619115	Disorders of transmembrane transporters	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866857	CFTR F508del binds components of the ERAD machinery for ubiquitination and degradation	R-HSA-5619084	ABC transporter disorders	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866857	CFTR F508del binds components of the ERAD machinery for ubiquitination and degradation	R-HSA-5678895	Defective CFTR causes cystic fibrosis	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-6782106	USP10 deubiquitinates SNX3, CFTR	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-6782106	USP10 deubiquitinates SNX3, CFTR	R-HSA-597592	Post-translational protein modification	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-6782106	USP10 deubiquitinates SNX3, CFTR	R-HSA-5688426	Deubiquitination	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-6782106	USP10 deubiquitinates SNX3, CFTR	R-HSA-5689880	Ub-specific processing proteases	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627072	RHOQ binds GOPC:CFTR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627072	RHOQ binds GOPC:CFTR	R-HSA-194315	Signaling by Rho GTPases	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627072	RHOQ binds GOPC:CFTR	R-HSA-195258	RHO GTPase Effectors	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627072	RHOQ binds GOPC:CFTR	R-HSA-5627083	RHO GTPases regulate CFTR trafficking	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627275	GOPC promotes translocation of CFTR to lysosomes	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627275	GOPC promotes translocation of CFTR to lysosomes	R-HSA-194315	Signaling by Rho GTPases	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627275	GOPC promotes translocation of CFTR to lysosomes	R-HSA-195258	RHO GTPase Effectors	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-5627275	GOPC promotes translocation of CFTR to lysosomes	R-HSA-5627083	RHO GTPases regulate CFTR trafficking	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868071	Clathrin recruits PIK3C2A	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868071	Clathrin recruits PIK3C2A	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868071	Clathrin recruits PIK3C2A	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868072	Clathrin-associated PIK3C2A phosphorylates PI(4)P to PI(3,4)P2	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868072	Clathrin-associated PIK3C2A phosphorylates PI(4)P to PI(3,4)P2	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868072	Clathrin-associated PIK3C2A phosphorylates PI(4)P to PI(3,4)P2	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8867754	F- and N- BAR domain proteins bind the clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8867754	F- and N- BAR domain proteins bind the clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8867754	F- and N- BAR domain proteins bind the clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8867756	CLASP proteins and cargo are recruited to the nascent clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8867756	CLASP proteins and cargo are recruited to the nascent clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8867756	CLASP proteins and cargo are recruited to the nascent clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868661	Dynamin-mediated GTP hydrolysis promotes vesicle scission	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868661	Dynamin-mediated GTP hydrolysis promotes vesicle scission	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868661	Dynamin-mediated GTP hydrolysis promotes vesicle scission	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868648	SYNJ hydrolyze PI(4,5)P2 to PI(4)P	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868648	SYNJ hydrolyze PI(4,5)P2 to PI(4)P	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868648	SYNJ hydrolyze PI(4,5)P2 to PI(4)P	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868651	Endophilins recruit synaptojanins to the clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868651	Endophilins recruit synaptojanins to the clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868651	Endophilins recruit synaptojanins to the clathrin-coated pit	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868236	BAR domain proteins recruit dynamin	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868236	BAR domain proteins recruit dynamin	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868236	BAR domain proteins recruit dynamin	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868230	SNX9 recruits components of the actin polymerizing machinery	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868230	SNX9 recruits components of the actin polymerizing machinery	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868230	SNX9 recruits components of the actin polymerizing machinery	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866277	AP-2 directly binds some endocytic cargo	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866277	AP-2 directly binds some endocytic cargo	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866277	AP-2 directly binds some endocytic cargo	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8866277	AP-2 directly binds some endocytic cargo	R-HSA-8856825	Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8871194	RAB5 and GAPVD1 bind AP-2	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8871194	RAB5 and GAPVD1 bind AP-2	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8871194	RAB5 and GAPVD1 bind AP-2	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868658	HSPA8-mediated ATP hydrolysis promotes vesicle uncoating	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868658	HSPA8-mediated ATP hydrolysis promotes vesicle uncoating	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868658	HSPA8-mediated ATP hydrolysis promotes vesicle uncoating	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868660	Auxilin recruits HSPA8:ATP to the clathrin-coated vesicle	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868660	Auxilin recruits HSPA8:ATP to the clathrin-coated vesicle	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868660	Auxilin recruits HSPA8:ATP to the clathrin-coated vesicle	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868659	Clathrin recruits auxilins to the clathrin-coated vesicle	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868659	Clathrin recruits auxilins to the clathrin-coated vesicle	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+CFTR	P13569	R-HSA-8868659	Clathrin recruits auxilins to the clathrin-coated vesicle	R-HSA-8856828	Clathrin-mediated endocytosis	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170850	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 dissociates from TGFBR	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170850	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 dissociates from TGFBR	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170850	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 dissociates from TGFBR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170850	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 dissociates from TGFBR	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170868	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 directly	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170868	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 directly	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170868	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 directly	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170868	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 directly	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702186	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants dissociate from TGFBR	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702186	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants dissociate from TGFBR	R-HSA-5663202	Diseases of signal transduction	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702186	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants dissociate from TGFBR	R-HSA-3304351	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702186	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants dissociate from TGFBR	R-HSA-3304349	Loss of Function of SMAD2/3 in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702186	Phosphorylated SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants dissociate from TGFBR	R-HSA-3315487	SMAD2/3 MH2 Domain Mutants in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170835	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170835	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170835	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170835	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170843	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170843	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170843	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170843	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178178	PP1 dephosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178178	PP1 dephosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178178	PP1 dephosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178178	PP1 dephosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178178	PP1 dephosphorylates TGFBR1	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178189	SMAD7 recruits GADD34:PP1 to phosphorylated TGFBR	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178189	SMAD7 recruits GADD34:PP1 to phosphorylated TGFBR	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178189	SMAD7 recruits GADD34:PP1 to phosphorylated TGFBR	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178189	SMAD7 recruits GADD34:PP1 to phosphorylated TGFBR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178189	SMAD7 recruits GADD34:PP1 to phosphorylated TGFBR	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173512	I-SMAD competes with SMAD2/3 for type I receptor (TGFBR1)	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173512	I-SMAD competes with SMAD2/3 for type I receptor (TGFBR1)	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173512	I-SMAD competes with SMAD2/3 for type I receptor (TGFBR1)	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173512	I-SMAD competes with SMAD2/3 for type I receptor (TGFBR1)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173512	I-SMAD competes with SMAD2/3 for type I receptor (TGFBR1)	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2169050	SMURFs/NEDD4L ubiquitinate phosphorylated TGFBR1 and SMAD7	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2169050	SMURFs/NEDD4L ubiquitinate phosphorylated TGFBR1 and SMAD7	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2169050	SMURFs/NEDD4L ubiquitinate phosphorylated TGFBR1 and SMAD7	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2169050	SMURFs/NEDD4L ubiquitinate phosphorylated TGFBR1 and SMAD7	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2169050	SMURFs/NEDD4L ubiquitinate phosphorylated TGFBR1 and SMAD7	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-597592	Post-translational protein modification	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-5688426	Deubiquitination	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-5689603	UCH proteinases	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179291	UCHL5, USP15 deubiquitinate TGFBR1	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179293	UCHL5 binds SMAD7 in complex with ubiquitinated TGFBR1	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179293	UCHL5 binds SMAD7 in complex with ubiquitinated TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179293	UCHL5 binds SMAD7 in complex with ubiquitinated TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179293	UCHL5 binds SMAD7 in complex with ubiquitinated TGFBR1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2179293	UCHL5 binds SMAD7 in complex with ubiquitinated TGFBR1	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2128994	STRAP stabilizes interaction of activated TGF-beta receptor complex with SMAD7	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2128994	STRAP stabilizes interaction of activated TGF-beta receptor complex with SMAD7	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2128994	STRAP stabilizes interaction of activated TGF-beta receptor complex with SMAD7	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2128994	STRAP stabilizes interaction of activated TGF-beta receptor complex with SMAD7	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2128994	STRAP stabilizes interaction of activated TGF-beta receptor complex with SMAD7	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2127562	STRAP binds phosphorylated TGF-beta receptor complex	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2127562	STRAP binds phosphorylated TGF-beta receptor complex	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2127562	STRAP binds phosphorylated TGF-beta receptor complex	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2127562	STRAP binds phosphorylated TGF-beta receptor complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2127562	STRAP binds phosphorylated TGF-beta receptor complex	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178218	SMAD7:SMURF complex binds to phosphorylated TGFBR1	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178218	SMAD7:SMURF complex binds to phosphorylated TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178218	SMAD7:SMURF complex binds to phosphorylated TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178218	SMAD7:SMURF complex binds to phosphorylated TGFBR1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-178218	SMAD7:SMURF complex binds to phosphorylated TGFBR1	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173483	BAMBI interferes with the interaction of type I receptor with type II receptor	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173483	BAMBI interferes with the interaction of type I receptor with type II receptor	R-HSA-2173788	Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173483	BAMBI interferes with the interaction of type I receptor with type II receptor	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173483	BAMBI interferes with the interaction of type I receptor with type II receptor	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-173483	BAMBI interferes with the interaction of type I receptor with type II receptor	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2160935	SMURF1 ubiquitinates RHOA	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2160935	SMURF1 ubiquitinates RHOA	R-HSA-2173791	TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2160935	SMURF1 ubiquitinates RHOA	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2160935	SMURF1 ubiquitinates RHOA	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2160932	SMURF1 binds phosphorylated PARD6A	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2160932	SMURF1 binds phosphorylated PARD6A	R-HSA-2173791	TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2160932	SMURF1 binds phosphorylated PARD6A	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2160932	SMURF1 binds phosphorylated PARD6A	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2134532	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 and PARD6A	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2134532	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 and PARD6A	R-HSA-2173791	TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2134532	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 and PARD6A	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2134532	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 and PARD6A	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3713560	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 phosphorylation motif mutants	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3713560	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 phosphorylation motif mutants	R-HSA-5663202	Diseases of signal transduction	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3713560	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 phosphorylation motif mutants	R-HSA-3304351	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3713560	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 phosphorylation motif mutants	R-HSA-3304349	Loss of Function of SMAD2/3 in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3713560	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 phosphorylation motif mutants	R-HSA-3304356	SMAD2/3 Phosphorylation Motif Mutants in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702153	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702153	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants	R-HSA-5663202	Diseases of signal transduction	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702153	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants	R-HSA-3304351	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702153	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants	R-HSA-3304349	Loss of Function of SMAD2/3 in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702153	An anchoring protein, ZFYVE9 (SARA), recruits SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants	R-HSA-3315487	SMAD2/3 MH2 Domain Mutants in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170846	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170846	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170846	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170846	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2134519	TGFBR2 is recruited to tight junctions after TGF-beta stimulation	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2134519	TGFBR2 is recruited to tight junctions after TGF-beta stimulation	R-HSA-2173791	TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2134519	TGFBR2 is recruited to tight junctions after TGF-beta stimulation	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2134519	TGFBR2 is recruited to tight junctions after TGF-beta stimulation	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656484	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656484	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-5663202	Diseases of signal transduction	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656484	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-3304351	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656484	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-3656534	Loss of Function of TGFBR1 in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656484	TGFBR2 recruits TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-3656532	TGFBR1 KD Mutants in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170861	Dimeric TGF-beta-1 binds to the receptor	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170861	Dimeric TGF-beta-1 binds to the receptor	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170861	Dimeric TGF-beta-1 binds to the receptor	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170861	Dimeric TGF-beta-1 binds to the receptor	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-177107	Secretion and activation of the latent large complex of TGF-beta-1	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-177107	Secretion and activation of the latent large complex of TGF-beta-1	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-177107	Secretion and activation of the latent large complex of TGF-beta-1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-177107	Secretion and activation of the latent large complex of TGF-beta-1	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8951966	EP300 acetylates RUNX3	R-HSA-8878159	Transcriptional regulation by RUNX3	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8951966	EP300 acetylates RUNX3	R-HSA-8951936	RUNX3 regulates p14-ARF	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8951966	EP300 acetylates RUNX3	R-HSA-73857	RNA Polymerase II Transcription	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8951966	EP300 acetylates RUNX3	R-HSA-212436	Generic Transcription Pathway	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8951966	EP300 acetylates RUNX3	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8937814	RUNX3 translocates to the nucleus	R-HSA-8878159	Transcriptional regulation by RUNX3	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8937814	RUNX3 translocates to the nucleus	R-HSA-8941858	Regulation of RUNX3 expression and activity	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8937814	RUNX3 translocates to the nucleus	R-HSA-73857	RNA Polymerase II Transcription	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8937814	RUNX3 translocates to the nucleus	R-HSA-212436	Generic Transcription Pathway	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8937814	RUNX3 translocates to the nucleus	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)	R-HSA-74160	Gene expression (Transcription)
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-168865	NA activation of TGF-beta	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-168865	NA activation of TGF-beta	R-HSA-5663205	Infectious disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-168865	NA activation of TGF-beta	R-HSA-168254	Influenza Infection	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-168865	NA activation of TGF-beta	R-HSA-168253	Host Interactions with Influenza Factors	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-168865	NA activation of TGF-beta	R-HSA-168277	Influenza Virus Induced Apoptosis	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645786	TGFBR2 mutant dimers recruit TGFBR1	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645786	TGFBR2 mutant dimers recruit TGFBR1	R-HSA-5663202	Diseases of signal transduction	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645786	TGFBR2 mutant dimers recruit TGFBR1	R-HSA-3304351	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645786	TGFBR2 mutant dimers recruit TGFBR1	R-HSA-3642278	Loss of Function of TGFBR2 in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645786	TGFBR2 mutant dimers recruit TGFBR1	R-HSA-3645790	TGFBR2 Kinase Domain Mutants in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645778	TGFB1 binds TGFBR2 KD Mutant Dimers	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645778	TGFB1 binds TGFBR2 KD Mutant Dimers	R-HSA-5663202	Diseases of signal transduction	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645778	TGFB1 binds TGFBR2 KD Mutant Dimers	R-HSA-3304351	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645778	TGFB1 binds TGFBR2 KD Mutant Dimers	R-HSA-3642278	Loss of Function of TGFBR2 in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3645778	TGFB1 binds TGFBR2 KD Mutant Dimers	R-HSA-3645790	TGFBR2 Kinase Domain Mutants in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656517	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656517	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-5663202	Diseases of signal transduction	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656517	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-3304351	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656517	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-3656534	Loss of Function of TGFBR1 in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3656517	TGFBR2 phosphorylates TGFBR1 KD Mutants	R-HSA-3656532	TGFBR1 KD Mutants in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702184	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants directly	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702184	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants directly	R-HSA-5663202	Diseases of signal transduction	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702184	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants directly	R-HSA-3304351	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702184	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants directly	R-HSA-3304349	Loss of Function of SMAD2/3 in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-3702184	Activated type I receptor phosphorylates SMAD2/3 MH2 domain mutants directly	R-HSA-3315487	SMAD2/3 MH2 Domain Mutants in Cancer	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395364	LTBP4 binds TGF-Beta-1	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395364	LTBP4 binds TGF-Beta-1	R-HSA-1566948	Elastic fibre formation	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395364	LTBP4 binds TGF-Beta-1	R-HSA-2129379	Molecules associated with elastic fibres	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395328	LTBP1, LTBP3 bind TGF-Beta	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395328	LTBP1, LTBP3 bind TGF-Beta	R-HSA-1566948	Elastic fibre formation	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395328	LTBP1, LTBP3 bind TGF-Beta	R-HSA-2129379	Molecules associated with elastic fibres	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395320	Latent TGF-beta-1 binds integrins	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395320	Latent TGF-beta-1 binds integrins	R-HSA-1566948	Elastic fibre formation	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2395320	Latent TGF-beta-1 binds integrins	R-HSA-2129379	Molecules associated with elastic fibres	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2731078	Syndecans 2, (4) bind TGFB1	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2731078	Syndecans 2, (4) bind TGFB1	R-HSA-3000171	Non-integrin membrane-ECM interactions	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2731078	Syndecans 2, (4) bind TGFB1	R-HSA-3000170	Syndecan interactions	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2327886	SLRPs bind TGF Beta	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-2327886	SLRPs bind TGF Beta	R-HSA-3000178	ECM proteoglycans	R-HSA-1474244	Extracellular matrix organization
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-481007	Exocytosis of platelet alpha granule contents	R-HSA-109582	Hemostasis	R-HSA-109582	Hemostasis
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-481007	Exocytosis of platelet alpha granule contents	R-HSA-76002	Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation	R-HSA-109582	Hemostasis
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-481007	Exocytosis of platelet alpha granule contents	R-HSA-76005	Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+	R-HSA-109582	Hemostasis
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-481007	Exocytosis of platelet alpha granule contents	R-HSA-114608	Platelet degranulation 	R-HSA-109582	Hemostasis
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170844	Latent TGF-beta-1 is cleaved by furin	R-HSA-170834	Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170844	Latent TGF-beta-1 is cleaved by furin	R-HSA-2173789	TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170844	Latent TGF-beta-1 is cleaved by furin	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-170844	Latent TGF-beta-1 is cleaved by furin	R-HSA-9006936	Signaling by TGF-beta family members	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8870732	PSGs bind proteoglycans and TGF-beta1	R-HSA-202733	Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall	R-HSA-109582	Hemostasis
+TGFB1	P01137	R-HSA-8870732	PSGs bind proteoglycans and TGF-beta1	R-HSA-109582	Hemostasis	R-HSA-109582	Hemostasis
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029272	Release of PLCG from FCGR	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029272	Release of PLCG from FCGR	R-HSA-2029485	Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029272	Release of PLCG from FCGR	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029272	Release of PLCG from FCGR	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029268	Phosphorylation and activation of PLCG	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029268	Phosphorylation and activation of PLCG	R-HSA-2029485	Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029268	Phosphorylation and activation of PLCG	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029268	Phosphorylation and activation of PLCG	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029270	Recruitment of PLCgamma to membrane	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029270	Recruitment of PLCgamma to membrane	R-HSA-2029485	Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029270	Recruitment of PLCgamma to membrane	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029270	Recruitment of PLCgamma to membrane	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029271	PI3K phosphorylates PIP2 to PIP3	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029271	PI3K phosphorylates PIP2 to PIP3	R-HSA-2029485	Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029271	PI3K phosphorylates PIP2 to PIP3	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029271	PI3K phosphorylates PIP2 to PIP3	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029273	PI3K binds to p-6Y-SYK	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029273	PI3K binds to p-6Y-SYK	R-HSA-2029485	Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029273	PI3K binds to p-6Y-SYK	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029273	PI3K binds to p-6Y-SYK	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029451	Activation of RAC1 by VAV	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029451	Activation of RAC1 by VAV	R-HSA-2029482	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029451	Activation of RAC1 by VAV	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029451	Activation of RAC1 by VAV	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029453	Phosphorylation of VAV	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029453	Phosphorylation of VAV	R-HSA-2029482	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029453	Phosphorylation of VAV	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029453	Phosphorylation of VAV	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029458	Recruitment of VAV1 to p-6Y-SYK	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029458	Recruitment of VAV1 to p-6Y-SYK	R-HSA-2029482	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029458	Recruitment of VAV1 to p-6Y-SYK	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029458	Recruitment of VAV1 to p-6Y-SYK	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029449	Phosphorylation of SYK by Src kinases	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029449	Phosphorylation of SYK by Src kinases	R-HSA-2029481	FCGR activation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029449	Phosphorylation of SYK by Src kinases	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029449	Phosphorylation of SYK by Src kinases	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029467	Activation of RAC1 by CRKII:DOCK180:ELMO	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029467	Activation of RAC1 by CRKII:DOCK180:ELMO	R-HSA-2029482	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029467	Activation of RAC1 by CRKII:DOCK180:ELMO	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029467	Activation of RAC1 by CRKII:DOCK180:ELMO	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2197697	Recruitment of CRKII:DOCK180:ELMO complex to FCGR	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2197697	Recruitment of CRKII:DOCK180:ELMO complex to FCGR	R-HSA-2029482	Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2197697	Recruitment of CRKII:DOCK180:ELMO complex to FCGR	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2197697	Recruitment of CRKII:DOCK180:ELMO complex to FCGR	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029452	Recruitment of SYK to phosphorylated ITAMs	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029452	Recruitment of SYK to phosphorylated ITAMs	R-HSA-2029481	FCGR activation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029452	Recruitment of SYK to phosphorylated ITAMs	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-2029452	Recruitment of SYK to phosphorylated ITAMs	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-1861621	Cross-linking of FCGRIIA with IgG-coated Ag	R-HSA-2029480	Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-1861621	Cross-linking of FCGRIIA with IgG-coated Ag	R-HSA-2029481	FCGR activation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-1861621	Cross-linking of FCGRIIA with IgG-coated Ag	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-1861621	Cross-linking of FCGRIIA with IgG-coated Ag	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-6798743	Exocytosis of secretory granule membrane proteins	R-HSA-6798695	Neutrophil degranulation	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-6798743	Exocytosis of secretory granule membrane proteins	R-HSA-168249	Innate Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+FCGR2A	P12318	R-HSA-6798743	Exocytosis of secretory granule membrane proteins	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-446203	Asparagine N-linked glycosylation	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-948021	Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-199977	ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-199977	ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-6807878	COPI-mediated anterograde transport	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-6807878	COPI-mediated anterograde transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-597592	Post-translational protein modification	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809006	Vesicle is tethered through binding GOLGA2:GORASP1, GOLGB1 and the COG complex	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-446203	Asparagine N-linked glycosylation	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-948021	Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-199977	ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-199977	ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-6807878	COPI-mediated anterograde transport	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-6807878	COPI-mediated anterograde transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-597592	Post-translational protein modification	R-HSA-392499	Metabolism of proteins
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-6809003	ERGIC-to-Golgi vesicles bind dynein:dynactin 	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-8849350	RAB6:GTP displaces PAFAH1B1 from dynein:dynactin complex	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-8849350	RAB6:GTP displaces PAFAH1B1 from dynein:dynactin complex	R-HSA-199991	Membrane Trafficking	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-8849350	RAB6:GTP displaces PAFAH1B1 from dynein:dynactin complex	R-HSA-6811442	Intra-Golgi and retrograde Golgi-to-ER traffic	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-8849350	RAB6:GTP displaces PAFAH1B1 from dynein:dynactin complex	R-HSA-8856688	Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+DCTN4	Q9UJW0	R-HSA-8849350	RAB6:GTP displaces PAFAH1B1 from dynein:dynactin complex	R-HSA-6811436	COPI-independent Golgi-to-ER retrograde traffic	R-HSA-5653656	Vesicle-mediated transport
+SCNN1B	P51168	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1B	P51168	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1B	P51168	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1B	P51168	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1B	P51168	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1B	P51168	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1G	P51170	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1G	P51170	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1G	P51170	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1G	P51170	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1G	P51170	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1G	P51170	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1A	P37088	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1A	P37088	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1A	P37088	R-HSA-2682349	RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1A	P37088	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1A	P37088	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+SCNN1A	P37088	R-HSA-2672334	SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83582	TRADD:TRAF2:RIP1 complex dissociates from the TNF-alpha:TNF-R1 complex.	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83582	TRADD:TRAF2:RIP1 complex dissociates from the TNF-alpha:TNF-R1 complex.	R-HSA-5357786	TNFR1-induced proapoptotic signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83582	TRADD:TRAF2:RIP1 complex dissociates from the TNF-alpha:TNF-R1 complex.	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83582	TRADD:TRAF2:RIP1 complex dissociates from the TNF-alpha:TNF-R1 complex.	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83656	TNF:TNFR1 binds TRADD, TRAF2 and RIPK1	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83656	TNF:TNFR1 binds TRADD, TRAF2 and RIPK1	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83656	TNF:TNFR1 binds TRADD, TRAF2 and RIPK1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357757	BIRC(cIAP1/2) ubiquitinates RIPK1	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357757	BIRC(cIAP1/2) ubiquitinates RIPK1	R-HSA-5357956	TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357757	BIRC(cIAP1/2) ubiquitinates RIPK1	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357757	BIRC(cIAP1/2) ubiquitinates RIPK1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357780	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:RIPK1 recruits BIRC2/3 (cIAP1/2)	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357780	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:RIPK1 recruits BIRC2/3 (cIAP1/2)	R-HSA-5357956	TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357780	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:RIPK1 recruits BIRC2/3 (cIAP1/2)	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357780	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:RIPK1 recruits BIRC2/3 (cIAP1/2)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5693108	TNFAIP3 (A20) ubiquitinates RIPK1 with K48-linked Ub chains 	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5693108	TNFAIP3 (A20) ubiquitinates RIPK1 with K48-linked Ub chains 	R-HSA-5357905	Regulation of TNFR1 signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5693108	TNFAIP3 (A20) ubiquitinates RIPK1 with K48-linked Ub chains 	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5693108	TNFAIP3 (A20) ubiquitinates RIPK1 with K48-linked Ub chains 	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5693055	TAX1BP1:TNFAIP3(A20) binds RIPK1-containing complexes	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5693055	TAX1BP1:TNFAIP3(A20) binds RIPK1-containing complexes	R-HSA-5357905	Regulation of TNFR1 signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5693055	TAX1BP1:TNFAIP3(A20) binds RIPK1-containing complexes	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5693055	TAX1BP1:TNFAIP3(A20) binds RIPK1-containing complexes	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357928	CLIP3 and CYLD bind TNF signaling complex	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357928	CLIP3 and CYLD bind TNF signaling complex	R-HSA-5357905	Regulation of TNFR1 signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357928	CLIP3 and CYLD bind TNF signaling complex	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357928	CLIP3 and CYLD bind TNF signaling complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357904	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:RIPK1 binds LUBAC	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357904	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:RIPK1 binds LUBAC	R-HSA-5357956	TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357904	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:RIPK1 binds LUBAC	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357904	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:RIPK1 binds LUBAC	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357776	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:K63polyUb-RIPK1:BIRC2,3:LUBAC recruits IKKA:IKBKB:IKBKG	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357776	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:K63polyUb-RIPK1:BIRC2,3:LUBAC recruits IKKA:IKBKB:IKBKG	R-HSA-5357956	TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357776	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:K63polyUb-RIPK1:BIRC2,3:LUBAC recruits IKKA:IKBKB:IKBKG	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357776	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:K63polyUb-RIPK1:BIRC2,3:LUBAC recruits IKKA:IKBKB:IKBKG	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357860	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:K63polyUb-RIPK1:BIRC2/3 recruits TAK1 complex	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357860	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:K63polyUb-RIPK1:BIRC2/3 recruits TAK1 complex	R-HSA-5357956	TNFR1-induced NFkappaB signaling pathway	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357860	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:K63polyUb-RIPK1:BIRC2/3 recruits TAK1 complex	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5357860	TNF:TNFR1:TRADD:TRAF2:K63polyUb-RIPK1:BIRC2/3 recruits TAK1 complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5634221	TRAF1 binds TRAF2 within TNFR1 signaling complex	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5634221	TRAF1 binds TRAF2 within TNFR1 signaling complex	R-HSA-5357905	Regulation of TNFR1 signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5634221	TRAF1 binds TRAF2 within TNFR1 signaling complex	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5634221	TRAF1 binds TRAF2 within TNFR1 signaling complex	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626953	TNF-alpha:TNFR1 binds DENN/MADD	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626953	TNF-alpha:TNFR1 binds DENN/MADD	R-HSA-5357905	Regulation of TNFR1 signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626953	TNF-alpha:TNFR1 binds DENN/MADD	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626953	TNF-alpha:TNFR1 binds DENN/MADD	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626981	TNF-alpha:TNFR1:NSMAF:GNB2L1 associates with SMPD2,3	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626981	TNF-alpha:TNFR1:NSMAF:GNB2L1 associates with SMPD2,3	R-HSA-5626978	TNFR1-mediated ceramide production	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626981	TNF-alpha:TNFR1:NSMAF:GNB2L1 associates with SMPD2,3	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626981	TNF-alpha:TNFR1:NSMAF:GNB2L1 associates with SMPD2,3	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626982	TNF-alpha:TNFR1:NSMAF binds GNB2L1	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626982	TNF-alpha:TNFR1:NSMAF binds GNB2L1	R-HSA-5626978	TNFR1-mediated ceramide production	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626982	TNF-alpha:TNFR1:NSMAF binds GNB2L1	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626982	TNF-alpha:TNFR1:NSMAF binds GNB2L1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626988	TNF-alpha:TNFR1 binds NSMAF	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626988	TNF-alpha:TNFR1 binds NSMAF	R-HSA-5626978	TNFR1-mediated ceramide production	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626988	TNF-alpha:TNFR1 binds NSMAF	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5626988	TNF-alpha:TNFR1 binds NSMAF	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83660	Membrane-anchored TNF-alpha binds TNFR1	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83660	Membrane-anchored TNF-alpha binds TNFR1	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-83660	Membrane-anchored TNF-alpha binds TNFR1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-3371353	Soluble TNF-alpha binds TNFR1	R-HSA-75893	TNF signaling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-3371353	Soluble TNF-alpha binds TNFR1	R-HSA-73887	Death Receptor Signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-3371353	Soluble TNF-alpha binds TNFR1	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5669097	LTA trimer binds TNFRSF1A,1B,14	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5669097	LTA trimer binds TNFRSF1A,1B,14	R-HSA-1280215	Cytokine Signaling in Immune system	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5669097	LTA trimer binds TNFRSF1A,1B,14	R-HSA-5668541	TNFR2 non-canonical NF-kB pathway	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+TNFRSF1A	P19438	R-HSA-5669097	LTA trimer binds TNFRSF1A,1B,14	R-HSA-5669034	TNFs bind their physiological receptors	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2744361	BESTs transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2744361	BESTs transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2744361	BESTs transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2684901	ANOs transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2684901	ANOs transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2684901	ANOs transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-5333671	CLCAs self cleave	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-5333671	CLCAs self cleave	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-5333671	CLCAs self cleave	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2744242	TTYH2/3 transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2744242	TTYH2/3 transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-983712	Ion channel transport	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+CLCA4	Q14CN2	R-HSA-2744242	TTYH2/3 transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region	R-HSA-2672351	Stimuli-sensing channels	R-HSA-382551	Transport of small molecules
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-374899	Release of noradrenaline  at the synapse	R-HSA-181430	Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-374899	Release of noradrenaline  at the synapse	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-374899	Release of noradrenaline  at the synapse	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-374899	Release of noradrenaline  at the synapse	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-374922	Noradrenalin synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-181430	Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-374922	Noradrenalin synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-374922	Noradrenalin synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-374922	Noradrenalin synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-210430	release of L-Glutamate at the synapse	R-HSA-210500	Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-210430	release of L-Glutamate at the synapse	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-210430	release of L-Glutamate at the synapse	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-210430	release of L-Glutamate at the synapse	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-888589	Release of GABA at the synapse	R-HSA-888590	GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-888589	Release of GABA at the synapse	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-888589	Release of GABA at the synapse	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-888589	Release of GABA at the synapse	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-372529	Release of acetylcholine at the synapse	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-372529	Release of acetylcholine at the synapse	R-HSA-264642	Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-372529	Release of acetylcholine at the synapse	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-372529	Release of acetylcholine at the synapse	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380901	Release of docked serotonin loaded synaptic vesicle	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380901	Release of docked serotonin loaded synaptic vesicle	R-HSA-181429	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380901	Release of docked serotonin loaded synaptic vesicle	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380901	Release of docked serotonin loaded synaptic vesicle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380869	Release of docked dopamine loaded synaptic vesicle	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380869	Release of docked dopamine loaded synaptic vesicle	R-HSA-212676	Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380869	Release of docked dopamine loaded synaptic vesicle	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380869	Release of docked dopamine loaded synaptic vesicle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-210426	Glutamate synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-210500	Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-210426	Glutamate synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-210426	Glutamate synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-210426	Glutamate synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-917744	GABA loaded synaptic vesicle Docking and Priming	R-HSA-888590	GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-917744	GABA loaded synaptic vesicle Docking and Priming	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-917744	GABA loaded synaptic vesicle Docking and Priming	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-917744	GABA loaded synaptic vesicle Docking and Priming	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-372505	Acetylcholine synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-372505	Acetylcholine synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-264642	Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-372505	Acetylcholine synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-372505	Acetylcholine synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380905	Serotonin loaded synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380905	Serotonin loaded synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-181429	Serotonin Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380905	Serotonin loaded synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380905	Serotonin loaded synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380574	Dopamine synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112310	Neurotransmitter release cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380574	Dopamine synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-212676	Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380574	Dopamine synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112315	Transmission across Chemical Synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-380574	Dopamine synaptic vesicle docking and priming	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-449117	TXLNA (IL14) binds syntaxin1A	R-HSA-168256	Immune System	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-449117	TXLNA (IL14) binds syntaxin1A	R-HSA-1280215	Cytokine Signaling in Immune system	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-449117	TXLNA (IL14) binds syntaxin1A	R-HSA-449147	Signaling by Interleukins	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-449117	TXLNA (IL14) binds syntaxin1A	R-HSA-449836	Other interleukin signaling	R-HSA-168256	Immune System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-5682802	LGI3 binds ADAM22,23,synatxin1	R-HSA-1266738	Developmental Biology	R-HSA-1266738	Developmental Biology
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-5682802	LGI3 binds ADAM22,23,synatxin1	R-HSA-5682910	LGI-ADAM interactions	R-HSA-1266738	Developmental Biology
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-181567	BoNT/C LC cleaves target cell STX1	R-HSA-1643685	Disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-181567	BoNT/C LC cleaves target cell STX1	R-HSA-5663205	Infectious disease	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-181567	BoNT/C LC cleaves target cell STX1	R-HSA-5339562	Uptake and actions of bacterial toxins	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-181567	BoNT/C LC cleaves target cell STX1	R-HSA-168799	Neurotoxicity of clostridium toxins	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-181567	BoNT/C LC cleaves target cell STX1	R-HSA-5250971	Toxicity of botulinum toxin type C (BoNT/C)	R-HSA-1643685	Disease
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-6794353	NRXNs binds MUNC18	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-6794353	NRXNs binds MUNC18	R-HSA-6794362	Protein-protein interactions at synapses	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+STX1A	Q16623	R-HSA-6794353	NRXNs binds MUNC18	R-HSA-6794361	Neurexins and neuroligins	R-HSA-112316	Neuronal System
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-380073	Liganded Gi-activating GPCR acts as a GEF for Gi	R-HSA-418594	G alpha (i) signalling events	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-380073	Liganded Gi-activating GPCR acts as a GEF for Gi	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-380073	Liganded Gi-activating GPCR acts as a GEF for Gi	R-HSA-372790	Signaling by GPCR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-380073	Liganded Gi-activating GPCR acts as a GEF for Gi	R-HSA-388396	GPCR downstream signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-749456	Liganded Gi-activating GPCRs bind inactive heterotrimeric G-protein Gi	R-HSA-418594	G alpha (i) signalling events	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-749456	Liganded Gi-activating GPCRs bind inactive heterotrimeric G-protein Gi	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-749456	Liganded Gi-activating GPCRs bind inactive heterotrimeric G-protein Gi	R-HSA-372790	Signaling by GPCR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-749456	Liganded Gi-activating GPCRs bind inactive heterotrimeric G-protein Gi	R-HSA-388396	GPCR downstream signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-749454	The Ligand:GPCR:Gi complex dissociates	R-HSA-418594	G alpha (i) signalling events	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-749454	The Ligand:GPCR:Gi complex dissociates	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-749454	The Ligand:GPCR:Gi complex dissociates	R-HSA-372790	Signaling by GPCR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-749454	The Ligand:GPCR:Gi complex dissociates	R-HSA-388396	GPCR downstream signalling	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373813	Receptor CXCR2 binds ligands CXCL1 to 7	R-HSA-373076	Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373813	Receptor CXCR2 binds ligands CXCL1 to 7	R-HSA-375276	Peptide ligand-binding receptors	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373813	Receptor CXCR2 binds ligands CXCL1 to 7	R-HSA-380108	Chemokine receptors bind chemokines	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373813	Receptor CXCR2 binds ligands CXCL1 to 7	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373813	Receptor CXCR2 binds ligands CXCL1 to 7	R-HSA-372790	Signaling by GPCR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373813	Receptor CXCR2 binds ligands CXCL1 to 7	R-HSA-500792	GPCR ligand binding	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373791	Receptor CXCR1 binds CXCL6 and CXCL8 ligands	R-HSA-373076	Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373791	Receptor CXCR1 binds CXCL6 and CXCL8 ligands	R-HSA-375276	Peptide ligand-binding receptors	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373791	Receptor CXCR1 binds CXCL6 and CXCL8 ligands	R-HSA-380108	Chemokine receptors bind chemokines	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373791	Receptor CXCR1 binds CXCL6 and CXCL8 ligands	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373791	Receptor CXCR1 binds CXCL6 and CXCL8 ligands	R-HSA-372790	Signaling by GPCR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-373791	Receptor CXCR1 binds CXCL6 and CXCL8 ligands	R-HSA-500792	GPCR ligand binding	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-374251	DARC  is a non-specific receptor for many chemokines	R-HSA-373076	Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors)	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-374251	DARC  is a non-specific receptor for many chemokines	R-HSA-375276	Peptide ligand-binding receptors	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-374251	DARC  is a non-specific receptor for many chemokines	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-374251	DARC  is a non-specific receptor for many chemokines	R-HSA-372790	Signaling by GPCR	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
+CXCL8	P10145	R-HSA-374251	DARC  is a non-specific receptor for many chemokines	R-HSA-500792	GPCR ligand binding	R-HSA-162582	Signal Transduction
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms.txt	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/geneExternalEdges.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+id1	id2	type	container_id	role1	role2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/geneInternalEdges.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+id1	id2	type	container_id	role1	role2
+PDK1	PDPK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PDPK1	PDK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PDK1	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PDK1	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PDK1	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PDPK1	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PDPK1	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PDPK1	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+AKT1	PDK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+AKT1	PDPK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PKB	PDK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PKB	PDPK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+RAC	PDK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+RAC	PDPK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+AKT1	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+AKT1	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PKB	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PKB	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+RAC	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+RAC	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+PDK1	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+PDK1	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+PDPK1	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+PDPK1	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+AKT1	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+AKT1	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+PKB	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+PKB	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+RAC	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+RAC	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+GAB2	PDK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+GAB2	PDPK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+KIAA0571	PDK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+KIAA0571	PDPK1	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+GAB2	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+GAB2	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+GAB2	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+KIAA0571	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+KIAA0571	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+KIAA0571	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+GAB2	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+KIAA0571	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+AKT1	AKT1	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+PKB	PKB	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+RAC	RAC	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+PDK1	PDK1	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+PDPK1	PDPK1	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+PDK1	PDK1	Set	R-HSA-432180	member/candidate	member/candidate
+PDPK1	PDPK1	Set	R-HSA-432180	member/candidate	member/candidate
+AKT1	AKT1	Set	R-HSA-432180	member/candidate	member/candidate
+PKB	PKB	Set	R-HSA-432180	member/candidate	member/candidate
+RAC	RAC	Set	R-HSA-432180	member/candidate	member/candidate
+ABL	ABL1	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	regulator
+ABL	JTK7	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	regulator
+ABL1	ABL	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	regulator
+ABL1	JTK7	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	regulator
+JTK7	ABL	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	regulator
+JTK7	ABL1	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	regulator
+SRC	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC1	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC	ABL	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC	ABL1	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC	JTK7	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC1	ABL	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC1	ABL1	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC1	JTK7	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+ABL	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+ABL	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+ABL1	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+ABL1	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+JTK7	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+JTK7	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK11	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+MAPK11	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+MAPK11	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+PRKM11	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+PRKM11	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+PRKM11	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2B	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2B	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2B	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+MAPK11	ABL	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+MAPK11	ABL1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+MAPK11	JTK7	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+PRKM11	ABL	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+PRKM11	ABL1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+PRKM11	JTK7	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2	ABL	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2	ABL1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2	JTK7	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2B	ABL	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2B	ABL1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+SAPK2B	JTK7	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL1	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL1	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL1	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL1	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+JTK7	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+JTK7	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+JTK7	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+JTK7	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+ABL	ABL	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+ABL1	ABL1	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+JTK7	JTK7	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+MAPK11	MAPK11	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+PRKM11	PRKM11	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+SAPK2	SAPK2	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+SAPK2B	SAPK2B	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+ABL	ABL	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+ABL1	ABL1	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+JTK7	JTK7	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+SRC	SRC	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+SRC1	SRC1	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+BCR	BCR1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+BCR	D22S11	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+BCR1	BCR	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+BCR1	D22S11	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+D22S11	BCR	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+D22S11	BCR1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+BCR	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+BCR	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+BCR1	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+BCR1	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+D22S11	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+D22S11	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+STAT5	BCR	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	catalyst
+STAT5	BCR1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	catalyst
+STAT5	D22S11	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	catalyst
+STAT5A	BCR	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	catalyst
+STAT5A	BCR1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	catalyst
+STAT5A	D22S11	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	catalyst
+STAT5	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	input
+STAT5A	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	input
+GAB2	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+KIAA0571	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+GAB2	BCR	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+GAB2	BCR1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+GAB2	D22S11	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+KIAA0571	BCR	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+KIAA0571	BCR1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+KIAA0571	D22S11	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+BCR	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+BCR	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+BCR1	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+BCR1	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+D22S11	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+D22S11	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+BCR	BCR	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+BCR1	BCR1	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+D22S11	D22S11	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+GAB2	GAB2	Complex	R-HSA-1839048	component	component
+KIAA0571	KIAA0571	Complex	R-HSA-1839048	component	component
+BCR	BCR	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+BCR1	BCR1	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+D22S11	D22S11	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+SRC	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC1	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+SRC	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+SRC	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+SRC1	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+SRC1	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+GAB2	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+GAB2	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+KIAA0571	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+KIAA0571	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+GAB2	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+KIAA0571	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+CBL	CBL2	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+CBL	RNF55	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+CBL2	CBL	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+CBL2	RNF55	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+RNF55	CBL	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+RNF55	CBL2	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+CBL	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+CBL	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+CBL2	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+CBL2	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+RNF55	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+RNF55	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+SRC	CBL	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+SRC	CBL2	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+SRC	RNF55	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+SRC1	CBL	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+SRC1	CBL2	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+SRC1	RNF55	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+SRC	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+SRC	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+SRC1	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+SRC1	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+SRC	APRF	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+SRC	STAT3	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+SRC1	APRF	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+SRC1	STAT3	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5A	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5A	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5A	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5	APRF	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5	STAT3	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5A	APRF	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT5A	STAT3	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+APRF	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+APRF	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT3	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT3	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+APRF	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+APRF	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT3	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT3	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+APRF	STAT3	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+STAT3	APRF	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+ERK1	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+ERK1	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+MAPK3	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+MAPK3	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+PRKM3	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+PRKM3	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+ERK1	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+ERK1	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+MAPK3	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+MAPK3	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+PRKM3	SRC	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+PRKM3	SRC1	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+SRC	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+SRC	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+SRC	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+SRC1	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+SRC1	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+SRC1	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+SRC	SRC	Complex	R-HSA-9021654	component	component
+SRC1	SRC1	Complex	R-HSA-9021654	component	component
+ERK1	ERK1	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+MAPK3	MAPK3	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+PRKM3	PRKM3	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+CBL	CBL	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+CBL2	CBL2	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+RNF55	RNF55	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+GAB2	GAB2	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+KIAA0571	KIAA0571	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+APRF	APRF	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+STAT3	STAT3	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+STAT5	STAT5	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+STAT5A	STAT5A	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+SRC	SRC	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+SRC1	SRC1	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+GAB2	GAB2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+KIAA0571	KIAA0571	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+AKT1	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	catalyst
+AKT1	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	catalyst
+PKB	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	catalyst
+PKB	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	catalyst
+RAC	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	catalyst
+RAC	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	catalyst
+AKT1	CREB1	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	input
+PKB	CREB1	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	input
+RAC	CREB1	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	input
+CREB1	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	input	catalyst
+CREB1	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	input	catalyst
+CREB1	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	input	catalyst
+CREB1	CREB1	Complex	R-HSA-111911	component	component
+CBL	CBL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+CBL	RNF55	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+CBL2	CBL	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+CBL2	RNF55	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+RNF55	CBL	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+RNF55	CBL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+CBL	CRKL	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+CBL2	CRKL	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+RNF55	CRKL	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+CRKL	CBL	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+CRKL	CBL2	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+CRKL	RNF55	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+CBL	CBL	Complex	R-HSA-983687	component	component
+CBL2	CBL2	Complex	R-HSA-983687	component	component
+RNF55	RNF55	Complex	R-HSA-983687	component	component
+CRKL	CRKL	Complex	R-HSA-912774	component	component
+CBL	CBL	Set	R-HSA-8876353	member/candidate	member/candidate
+CBL2	CBL2	Set	R-HSA-8876353	member/candidate	member/candidate
+RNF55	RNF55	Set	R-HSA-8876353	member/candidate	member/candidate
+ERK1	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+ERK1	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+MAPK3	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+MAPK3	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+PRKM3	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+PRKM3	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+MAPK11	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK11	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK11	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM11	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM11	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM11	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2B	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2B	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2B	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK11	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK11	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK11	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM11	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM11	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM11	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2B	ERK1	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2B	MAPK3	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+SAPK2B	PRKM3	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+ERK1	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+ERK1	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+ERK1	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+ERK1	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK3	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK3	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK3	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+MAPK3	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM3	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM3	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM3	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+PRKM3	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+ERK1	ERK1	Complex	R-HSA-109844	component	component
+MAPK3	MAPK3	Complex	R-HSA-109844	component	component
+PRKM3	PRKM3	Complex	R-HSA-109844	component	component
+ERK1	ERK1	Set	R-HSA-1268261	member/candidate	member/candidate
+MAPK3	MAPK3	Set	R-HSA-1268261	member/candidate	member/candidate
+PRKM3	PRKM3	Set	R-HSA-1268261	member/candidate	member/candidate
+MAPK11	MAPK11	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+PRKM11	PRKM11	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+SAPK2	SAPK2	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+SAPK2B	SAPK2B	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+AKT1	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	catalyst
+AKT1	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	catalyst
+PKB	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	catalyst
+PKB	RAC	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	catalyst
+RAC	AKT1	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	catalyst
+RAC	PKB	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	catalyst
+AKT1	AKT1	Complex	R-HSA-2317310	component	component
+PKB	PKB	Complex	R-HSA-2317310	component	component
+RAC	RAC	Complex	R-HSA-2317310	component	component
+AKT1	AKT1	Set	R-HSA-202074	member/candidate	member/candidate
+PKB	PKB	Set	R-HSA-202074	member/candidate	member/candidate
+RAC	RAC	Set	R-HSA-202074	member/candidate	member/candidate
+APRF	STAT3	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	input	input
+STAT3	APRF	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	input	input
+STAT5	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+STAT5A	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+STAT5	APRF	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+STAT5	STAT3	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+STAT5A	APRF	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+STAT5A	STAT3	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+APRF	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+APRF	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+STAT3	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+STAT3	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+APRF	APRF	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+STAT3	STAT3	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+STAT5	STAT5	Complex	R-HSA-1469975	component	component
+STAT5A	STAT5A	Complex	R-HSA-1469975	component	component
+APRF	APRF	Set	R-HSA-1112559	member/candidate	member/candidate
+STAT3	STAT3	Set	R-HSA-1112559	member/candidate	member/candidate
+STAT5	STAT5	Set	R-HSA-1433551	member/candidate	member/candidate
+STAT5A	STAT5A	Set	R-HSA-1433551	member/candidate	member/candidate
+STAT5	STAT5A	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	input
+STAT5A	STAT5	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	input
+STAT5	STAT5	Complex	R-HSA-507927	component	component
+STAT5A	STAT5A	Complex	R-HSA-507927	component	component
+STAT5	STAT5	Set	R-HSA-452094	member/candidate	member/candidate
+STAT5A	STAT5A	Set	R-HSA-452094	member/candidate	member/candidate
+CRKL	CRKL	Complex	R-HSA-8875574	component	component
+CRKL	CRKL	Set	R-HSA-381945	member/candidate	member/candidate
+OK/SW-cl.2	RPS6	Reaction	R-HSA-165726	input	input
+RPS6	OK/SW-cl.2	Reaction	R-HSA-165726	input	input
+OK/SW-cl.2	OK/SW-cl.2	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+RPS6	RPS6	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+MAPK11	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+MAPK11	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+MAPK11	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+PRKM11	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+PRKM11	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+PRKM11	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+SAPK2	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+SAPK2	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+SAPK2	SAPK2B	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+SAPK2B	MAPK11	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+SAPK2B	PRKM11	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+SAPK2B	SAPK2	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+MAPK11	MAPK11	Complex	R-HSA-450254	component	component
+PRKM11	PRKM11	Complex	R-HSA-450254	component	component
+SAPK2	SAPK2	Complex	R-HSA-450254	component	component
+SAPK2B	SAPK2B	Complex	R-HSA-450254	component	component
+MAPK11	MAPK11	Set	R-HSA-198703	member/candidate	member/candidate
+PRKM11	PRKM11	Set	R-HSA-198703	member/candidate	member/candidate
+SAPK2	SAPK2	Set	R-HSA-198703	member/candidate	member/candidate
+SAPK2B	SAPK2B	Set	R-HSA-198703	member/candidate	member/candidate
+GAB2	KIAA0571	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+KIAA0571	GAB2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+GAB2	GAB2	Complex	R-HSA-2685700	component	component
+KIAA0571	KIAA0571	Complex	R-HSA-2685700	component	component
+GAB2	GAB2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+KIAA0571	KIAA0571	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/geneVertices.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+id	 name
+ABL	Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 ecNumber evidence="65 70"
+ABL1	Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 ecNumber evidence="65 70"
+AKT1	RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber
+APRF	fullName evidence="52"Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3
+BCR	Breakpoint cluster region protein ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber
+BCR1	Breakpoint cluster region protein ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber
+CBL	E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL ecNumber evidence="23 33 39"
+CBL2	E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL ecNumber evidence="23 33 39"
+CREB1	Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 shortName:CREB-1 shortName:cAMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 ]
+CRKL	Crk-like protein ]
+D22S11	Breakpoint cluster region protein ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber
+ERK1	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 shortName:MAP kinase 3 shortName:MAPK 3 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+GAB2	GRB2-associated-binding protein 2
+JTK7	Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 ecNumber evidence="65 70"
+KIAA0571	GRB2-associated-binding protein 2
+MAPK11	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11 shortName:MAP kinase 11 shortName:MAPK 11 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+MAPK3	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 shortName:MAP kinase 3 shortName:MAPK 3 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+OK/SW-cl.2	40S ribosomal protein S6
+PDK1	3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 shortName:hPDK1 ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber ]
+PDK1	[Pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring)] kinase isozyme 1, mitochondrial ecNumber2.7.11.2/ecNumber
+PDPK1	3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 shortName:hPDK1 ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber ]
+PKB	RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber
+PRKM11	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11 shortName:MAP kinase 11 shortName:MAPK 11 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+PRKM3	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 shortName:MAP kinase 3 shortName:MAPK 3 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+RAC	RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber
+RNF55	E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL ecNumber evidence="23 33 39"
+RPS6	40S ribosomal protein S6
+SAPK2	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11 shortName:MAP kinase 11 shortName:MAPK 11 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+SAPK2B	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11 shortName:MAP kinase 11 shortName:MAPK 11 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+SRC	Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src ecNumber evidence="28 42 49 63 65 66"
+SRC1	Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src ecNumber evidence="28 42 49 63 65 66"
+SRC1	Nuclear receptor coactivator 1 shortName:NCoA-1 ecNumber2.3.1.48/ecNumber
+STAT3	fullName evidence="52"Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3
+STAT5	Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A ]
+STAT5A	Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A ]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteinExternalEdges.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,49968 @@
+id1	id2	type	container_id	role1	role2
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	output
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	catalyst
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	output
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	input
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	output
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	catalyst
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	input
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	output
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	input
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	output
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	input
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	output
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	input
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	output
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	input
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	output
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	input
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	output
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	input
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	output
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	input
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	output
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	input
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	output
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	catalyst
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	input
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	output
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	catalyst
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	input
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	output
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	catalyst
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	input
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	output
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	catalyst
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	input
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	output
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	input
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	output
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	input
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	output
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	input
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	output
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	catalyst
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	input
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	output
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	catalyst
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	input
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	output
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	catalyst
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	input
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	output
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	catalyst
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	input
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	output
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	input
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	output
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	input
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	output
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	input
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	output
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	input
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	output
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623667	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	input
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	output
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	input
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	output
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	input
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	output
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	input
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	output
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	input
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	output
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	input
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	output
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	input
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	input	output
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	input
+O15530	Q16512	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	output
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	input
+O15530	Q16513	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	output
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	input
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	output
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	input
+O15530	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	output
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	input
+O15530	P08134	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	output
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	input
+O15530	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	output
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	input
+O15530	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5623632	output	output
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	input	input
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	input	output
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	output	input
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	output	output
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437195	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437192	input	input
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437192	input	output
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437192	output	input
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-437192	output	output
+O00141	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-6795473	input	catalyst
+O00141	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-6795473	output	catalyst
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-109702	catalyst	input
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-109702	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q04759	Reaction	R-HSA-202222	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q04759	Reaction	R-HSA-202222	catalyst	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202466	input	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202466	input	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202466	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202466	input	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202466	output	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202466	output	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202466	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202466	output	output
+O15530	O43353	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	input	catalyst
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	input	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	input	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	input	output
+O15530	O43353	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	output	catalyst
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	output	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	output	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202459	output	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202443	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202443	input	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202443	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202443	output	output
+O15111	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	input	catalyst
+O15111	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q9NYJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	O43318	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q9Y6K9	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q9Y6K9	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	catalyst	output
+O14920	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	input	catalyst
+O14920	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-202500	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q9NYJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	input
+O15530	Q9NYJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	output
+O15530	Q9NYJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	catalyst
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	input
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	output
+O15530	O43318	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	input
+O15530	O43318	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	output
+O15530	O43318	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	input	output
+O15530	Q9NYJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	input
+O15530	Q9NYJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	output
+O15530	Q9NYJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	catalyst
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	input
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	output
+O15530	O43318	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	input
+O15530	O43318	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	output
+O15530	O43318	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202510	output	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q13404	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	input
+O15530	Q13404	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	input
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	catalyst
+O15530	P61088	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	input
+O15530	P61088	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	input	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q13404	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	input
+O15530	Q13404	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	input
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	catalyst
+O15530	P61088	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	input
+O15530	P61088	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	output	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q13404	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q13404	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P61088	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	input
+O15530	P61088	Reaction	R-HSA-202453	catalyst	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	input	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	input	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	input	input
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	input	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	input	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	input	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	input	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	output	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	output	output
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	output	input
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	output	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	output	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	output	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202472	output	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	input	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	input	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	input	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	input	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	input	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	output	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	output	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	output	output
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	output	input
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Reaction	R-HSA-202478	output	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202489	input	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202489	input	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202489	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202489	input	output
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202489	output	input
+O15530	O95999	Reaction	R-HSA-202489	output	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202489	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202489	output	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202437	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202437	input	output
+O15530	Q04759	Reaction	R-HSA-202437	input	catalyst
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202437	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202437	output	output
+O15530	Q04759	Reaction	R-HSA-202437	output	catalyst
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202394	input	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202394	input	output
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202394	output	input
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Reaction	R-HSA-202394	output	output
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-5218821	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q05513	Reaction	R-HSA-5218821	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q05655	Reaction	R-HSA-5218821	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q05655	Reaction	R-HSA-5218821	catalyst	output
+O15530	P17252	Reaction	R-HSA-5218821	catalyst	input
+O15530	P17252	Reaction	R-HSA-5218821	catalyst	output
+O15530	P05771	Reaction	R-HSA-5218821	catalyst	input
+O15530	P05771	Reaction	R-HSA-5218821	catalyst	output
+P52333	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+O00329	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+O00329	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+O00329	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+O00329	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+O00329	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P29353	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P29353	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P15509	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P15509	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P15509	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P31751	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31751	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+Q01344	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P04141	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P04141	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P04141	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P26951	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P26951	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P26951	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P27986	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P27986	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P08700	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P08700	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P08700	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P05113	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P05113	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P05113	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+O00459	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+O00459	O15530	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+O00459	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+O00459	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+O15530	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	input
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	output
+O15530	P15509	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P32927	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	input
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	output
+O15530	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P04141	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P26951	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P08700	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P05113	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P14784	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P31785	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	O60674	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P01589	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P23458	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	input
+O15530	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	output
+O15530	P15509	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P32927	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	input
+O15530	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	output
+O15530	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P04141	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P26951	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P08700	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P05113	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P14784	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P31785	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	O60674	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P01589	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P23458	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	output
+P31749	P32927	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	output
+P31749	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	P31785	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	output
+P31749	P32927	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	output
+P31749	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	P31785	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P14784	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P14784	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P14784	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P31785	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+Q9UQC2	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+Q9UQC2	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+O60674	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+O60674	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+O60674	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P01589	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P01589	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P01589	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P23458	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	input
+P23458	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	output
+P23458	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P60568	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	regulator	regulator
+P05106	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	input	catalyst
+P05106	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	output	catalyst
+P08514	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	input	catalyst
+P08514	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	output	catalyst
+O15530	P05106	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	catalyst	input
+O15530	P05106	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	catalyst	output
+O15530	P08514	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	catalyst	input
+O15530	P08514	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q15349	Reaction	R-HSA-442739	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q15349	Reaction	R-HSA-442739	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q15418	Reaction	R-HSA-442739	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q15418	Reaction	R-HSA-442739	catalyst	output
+O15530	P51812	Reaction	R-HSA-442739	catalyst	input
+O15530	P51812	Reaction	R-HSA-442739	catalyst	output
+O15530	Q9UK32	Reaction	R-HSA-442739	catalyst	input
+O15530	Q9UK32	Reaction	R-HSA-442739	catalyst	output
+P31749	P31751	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+P31749	Q9Y243	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+O15530	P31751	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+O15530	Q9Y243	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202445	component	component
+O15530	O95999	Complex	R-HSA-202454	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202454	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202440	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202349	component	component
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Complex	R-HSA-202456	component	component
+O15530	O95999	Complex	R-HSA-202456	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202456	component	component
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Complex	R-HSA-202456	component	component
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Complex	R-HSA-202468	component	component
+O15530	O95999	Complex	R-HSA-202468	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202468	component	component
+O15530	O95999	Complex	R-HSA-202475	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202475	component	component
+O15530	Q9NYJ8	Complex	R-HSA-202507	component	component
+O15530	O43318	Complex	R-HSA-202507	component	component
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Complex	R-HSA-202507	component	component
+O15530	O95999	Complex	R-HSA-202507	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202507	component	component
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Complex	R-HSA-202507	component	component
+O15530	Q9UDY8	Complex	R-HSA-202471	component	component
+O15530	O95999	Complex	R-HSA-202471	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202471	component	component
+O15530	Q9Y4K3	Complex	R-HSA-202471	component	component
+O15530	O95999	Complex	R-HSA-202480	component	component
+O15530	Q9BXL7	Complex	R-HSA-202480	component	component
+O15530	P63000	Complex	R-HSA-5623637	component	component
+O15530	P08134	Complex	R-HSA-5623637	component	component
+O15530	P62745	Complex	R-HSA-5623637	component	component
+O15530	P61586	Complex	R-HSA-5623637	component	component
+O15530	Q6P5Z2	Complex	R-HSA-5623637	component	component
+O15530	Q16512	Complex	R-HSA-5623637	component	component
+O15530	Q16513	Complex	R-HSA-5623637	component	component
+O15530	P31751	Complex	R-HSA-198360	component	component
+O15530	Q9Y243	Complex	R-HSA-198360	component	component
+P31749	P31751	Complex	R-HSA-198360	component	component
+P31749	Q9Y243	Complex	R-HSA-198360	component	component
+O15530	Q05513	Complex	R-HSA-437191	component	component
+O15530	Q05513	Complex	R-HSA-437184	component	component
+P00519	Q13950	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	input
+P00519	Q13950	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	output
+P00519	Q9GZV5	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	input
+P00519	Q9GZV5	Reaction	R-HSA-8985227	regulator	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+P11802	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	input	catalyst
+P11802	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	output	catalyst
+P12931	P24385	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P12931	P24385	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P12931	P38936	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P12931	P38936	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P12931	P30279	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P12931	P30279	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49918	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49918	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46527	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46527	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P12931	P30281	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P12931	P30281	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q00534	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q00534	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+P00519	P24385	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P00519	P24385	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P00519	P07948	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+P00519	P11802	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P00519	P11802	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P00519	P38936	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P00519	P38936	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P00519	P30279	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P00519	P30279	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P00519	P49918	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P00519	P49918	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P00519	P46527	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P00519	P46527	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P00519	P30281	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P00519	P30281	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q00534	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q00534	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+P00519	Q13315	Reaction	R-HSA-5686578	input	catalyst
+P00519	Q13315	Reaction	R-HSA-5686578	output	catalyst
+P00519	P43351	Reaction	R-HSA-5686587	catalyst	input
+P00519	P43351	Reaction	R-HSA-5686587	catalyst	output
+P00519	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8956659	catalyst	input
+P00519	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8956659	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q13951	Reaction	R-HSA-8956639	regulator	input
+P00519	Q13951	Reaction	R-HSA-8956639	regulator	output
+P00519	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8956639	regulator	input
+P00519	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8956639	regulator	output
+P00519	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8956639	regulator	input
+P00519	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8956639	regulator	output
+P00519	Q9UPY6	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q9UPY6	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q9Y6W5	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q9Y6W5	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q8IZP0	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q8IZP0	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q8WUW1	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q8WUW1	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q96F07	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q96F07	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q9NYB9	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q9NYB9	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q7L576	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q7L576	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q9Y2A7	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q9Y2A7	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q9UQB8	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q9UQB8	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	P55160	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	P55160	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q92558	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q92558	Reaction	R-HSA-2130194	catalyst	output
+P26232	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P26232	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P26232	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P26232	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+Q12982	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+Q12982	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+Q12982	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+Q12982	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+Q15759	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+Q15759	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+Q15759	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+Q15759	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+Q15759	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+Q15759	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+Q15759	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+Q15759	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P19022	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P19022	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P19022	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P19022	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P35222	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P35222	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P35222	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P35222	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P26232	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	P26232	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	Q12982	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	Q12982	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	P19022	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	P19022	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	P53778	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	P53778	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	P35221	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	P35221	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	P55283	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	P55283	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	P55291	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	P55291	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	P26232	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	P26232	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	Q12982	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	Q12982	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P19022	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	P19022	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P53778	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	P53778	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P35221	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	P35221	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P55283	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	P55283	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P55291	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	P55291	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P35221	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P35221	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P35221	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P35221	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P55283	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P55283	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P55283	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P55283	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+O60271	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+O60271	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+O60271	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+O60271	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+O60271	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+O60271	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+O60271	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+O60271	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P55291	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P55291	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P55291	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P55291	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P60953	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P60953	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P60953	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P60953	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	P26232	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	P26232	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	Q12982	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	Q12982	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	P19022	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	P19022	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	P35221	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	P35221	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	P55283	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	P55283	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	P55291	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	P55291	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+P00519	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+P00519	P26232	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	P26232	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	Q12982	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	Q12982	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	P19022	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	P19022	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	P35221	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	P35221	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	P55283	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	P55283	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	P55291	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	P55291	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+P00519	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+P00519	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+O60271	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	input
+O60271	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	input	output
+O60271	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	input
+O60271	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-449200	output	output
+O75122	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	input
+O75122	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	output
+O75122	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	input
+O75122	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	output
+P00519	Q7Z460	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	input
+P00519	Q7Z460	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	output
+P00519	Q7Z460	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	input
+P00519	Q7Z460	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	input	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428885	output	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	input	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	input	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	input	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	input	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	output	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	output	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	output	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	output	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	input	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	input	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	output	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-376141	output	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	output
+P00519	P40123	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	input
+P00519	P40123	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	output
+P00519	Q01518	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	input
+P00519	Q01518	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	output
+P00519	P40123	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	input
+P00519	P40123	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	output
+P00519	Q01518	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	input
+P00519	Q01518	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	input	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428883	output	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	catalyst
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	catalyst
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	catalyst
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	catalyst
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	input
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	output
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	catalyst
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	input
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	output
+P00519	P42684	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	catalyst
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	input	catalyst
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	output	catalyst
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	input
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	output
+O94813	P00519	Reaction	R-HSA-428888	catalyst	catalyst
+P00519	Q9BTV7	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	input	input
+P00519	Q9BTV7	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	input	output
+P00519	Q8TDN4	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	input	input
+P00519	Q8TDN4	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	input	output
+P00519	Q00535	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	input	input
+P00519	Q00535	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	input	output
+P00519	Q9BTV7	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	output	input
+P00519	Q9BTV7	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	output	output
+P00519	Q8TDN4	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	output	input
+P00519	Q8TDN4	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	output	output
+P00519	Q00535	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	output	input
+P00519	Q00535	Reaction	R-HSA-1013833	output	output
+P00519	P60953	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	P55283	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	P19022	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	P55291	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	P35222	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	P35221	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	P26232	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	Q12982	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	P53778	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+O60271	P00519	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+O60271	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P60953	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P55283	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P19022	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P55291	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P35222	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P35221	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P26232	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+Q12982	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+Q15759	Q4KMG0	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+Q15759	Q9BWV1	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P53778	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	P60953	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	P55283	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	P19022	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	P55291	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	P35222	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	P35221	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	P26232	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P00519	Q12982	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+O60271	P00519	Complex	R-HSA-449191	component	component
+P53778	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+Q15759	Q4KMG0	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+Q15759	Q9BWV1	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P53778	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P60953	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	Q4KMG0	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	Q9BWV1	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P55283	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P19022	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P55291	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P35222	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P35221	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P26232	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	Q12982	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+O60271	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+O60271	P00519	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P60953	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P55283	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P19022	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P55291	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P35222	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P35221	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P26232	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+Q12982	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+O94813	P00519	Complex	R-HSA-428873	component	component
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Complex	R-HSA-428873	component	component
+P00519	P42684	Complex	R-HSA-428873	component	component
+O75122	P00519	Complex	R-HSA-428876	component	component
+O94813	P00519	Complex	R-HSA-428876	component	component
+P00519	Q7Z460	Complex	R-HSA-428876	component	component
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Complex	R-HSA-428876	component	component
+P00519	P42684	Complex	R-HSA-428876	component	component
+O94813	P00519	Complex	R-HSA-428875	component	component
+P00519	Q01518	Complex	R-HSA-428875	component	component
+P00519	P40123	Complex	R-HSA-428875	component	component
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Complex	R-HSA-428875	component	component
+P00519	P42684	Complex	R-HSA-428875	component	component
+O94813	P00519	Complex	R-HSA-376027	component	component
+P00519	Q9Y6N7	Complex	R-HSA-376027	component	component
+P00519	P42684	Complex	R-HSA-376027	component	component
+P00519	Q00535	Complex	R-HSA-1013836	component	component
+P00519	Q9BTV7	Complex	R-HSA-1013836	component	component
+P00519	Q8TDN4	Complex	R-HSA-1013836	component	component
+P00519	P00519	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P00519	P12931	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P00519	P12931	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P00519	Q13882	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P00519	P07948	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P00519	Q13882	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P00519	P42684	Set	R-HSA-376002	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	input
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	input	output
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	input
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839100	output	output
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	input
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	output
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	input	catalyst
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	input
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	output
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	output	catalyst
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	input
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	output
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839098	catalyst	catalyst
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P10767	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+O60258	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	P12034	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	P11362	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+O95429	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P05230	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+O94905	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P08620	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	input
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	input	output
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	input
+P09038	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839094	output	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839065	catalyst	catalyst
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839091	catalyst	catalyst
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	input
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	input	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	input
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839080	output	output
+P11274	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+P11274	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	catalyst
+P39880	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+P39880	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	output
+P42229	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	catalyst
+P42229	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	input	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	output	output
+P42229	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	output	catalyst
+P42229	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	output	catalyst
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	output
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	output
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	output
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	output
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	input
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	output
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	input
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	input
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	output
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839107	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839107	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1839107	catalyst	catalyst
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839107	catalyst	catalyst
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839107	catalyst	catalyst
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839107	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	output
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	input
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	output
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	output
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	input
+P11274	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	output
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	output
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	catalyst
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	output
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	catalyst
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	output
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	catalyst
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	catalyst
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	catalyst
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	input	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	input	output
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	output	input
+P11274	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	output	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	input	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839031	output	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+O15164	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+O95684	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	input	output
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+P11274	P39880	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+P11274	Q16630	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	input
+P11274	Q92614	Reaction	R-HSA-1839039	output	output
+O94988	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+A1A4S6	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+O60890	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P08134	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	input	catalyst
+P08134	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	output	catalyst
+O14559	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P01023	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+O43295	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+O94844	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	input	catalyst
+O94844	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	output	catalyst
+O75044	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+O60229	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q2M1Z3	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q8IWW6	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9BRR9	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q14CB8	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q92619	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9Y3M8	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P52757	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q8IXI1	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q8IXI1	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9P2N2	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q8IXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q8IXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q68EM7	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q7L0Q8	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q7L0Q8	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q8WUY9	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q96P48	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q6ZRI8	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9HBH0	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9HBH0	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q8N264	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9P2F6	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q8N103	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q8WZ64	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P32019	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q53QZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9H0H5	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q52LW3	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z5H3	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q15669	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q15669	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q96QB1	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q5VT97	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9P227	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9P107	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P84095	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	P84095	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	P42331	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q17R89	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q6ZW31	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P17081	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	P17081	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	P98171	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q15311	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z6B7	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9BYZ6	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9BYZ6	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q13017	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NYF5	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q13459	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q7Z6I6	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9NRY4	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q96L33	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q96L33	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q6P4F7	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P15153	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	P15153	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	P85298	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q6ZUM4	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q5TG30	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q96QD5	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q8WWN8	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q5T5U3	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q12979	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q07960	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P15882	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q8IZM6	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UNA1	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q8N392	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q3KRB8	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	P62745	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9C0H5	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	P60763	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	P60763	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9H4E5	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9H4E5	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q92502	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+A7KAX9	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+A6NI28	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+O43182	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+O00459	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+B2RTY4	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	catalyst	catalyst
+O00212	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	input	catalyst
+O00212	P11274	Reaction	R-HSA-194922	output	catalyst
+P08620	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P05230	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P09038	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+O60258	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P10767	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+O95429	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+O94905	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	P11362	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	Q9NP95	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	P55075	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	P31371	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	P12034	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	Q16630	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	Q92614	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	P39880	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P11274	P19174	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+O95684	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+O15164	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839062	component	component
+P08620	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P05230	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P09038	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+O60258	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P10767	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+O95429	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+O94905	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	P19174	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	P11362	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	Q9NP95	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	P55075	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	P31371	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	P12034	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	Q16630	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	Q92614	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+P11274	P39880	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+O95684	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
+O15164	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839061	component	component
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+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839048	component	component
+P11274	P27986	Complex	R-HSA-1839048	component	component
+P11274	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-1839048	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839047	component	component
+P11274	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-1839047	component	component
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839051	component	component
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839051	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839051	component	component
+P11274	P42336	Complex	R-HSA-1839051	component	component
+P11274	P27986	Complex	R-HSA-1839051	component	component
+P11274	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-1839051	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839045	component	component
+P11274	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-1839045	component	component
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+P11274	Q92614	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+P11274	Q16630	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+P11274	P39880	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+O15164	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+O95684	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839036	component	component
+P11274	Q16630	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	Q92614	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	P39880	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	P27986	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	P42336	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+O95684	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+O15164	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839055	component	component
+P11274	Q16630	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+P11274	Q92614	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+P11274	P39880	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+P11274	P27986	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+O95684	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+O15164	P11274	Complex	R-HSA-1839052	component	component
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11362	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NP95	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P55075	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9GZV9	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P31371	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P12034	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q16630	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q92614	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P39880	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-5691527	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q16630	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q92614	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P39880	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-1839058	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q16630	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q92614	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P39880	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-1839020	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q92614	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q16630	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P39880	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-1839026	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q32MZ4	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q92614	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q16630	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q7Z7A1	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P39880	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-1839029	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NVK5	Set	R-HSA-1839023	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9UBW7	Set	R-HSA-1839023	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P39880	Set	R-HSA-1839023	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NRY4	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q6ZUM4	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q6ZW31	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q8WUY9	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q13459	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q53QZ3	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9P107	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q96QB1	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q5TG30	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q8IWW6	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q14CB8	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q7Z5H3	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q5T5U3	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9P227	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q8N392	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9C0H5	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q15642	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9P2F6	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P32019	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9H0H5	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9NYF5	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q92619	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q13017	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q3KRB8	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P98171	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9Y3M8	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q7Z6B7	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q96QD5	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q6ZRI8	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P42331	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9BRR9	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q96P48	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q5VT97	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q8IZM6	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q2M1Z3	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q92502	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q8N103	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q52LW3	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q17R89	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q7Z6I6	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q6P4F7	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P85298	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9P2N2	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q8WZ64	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q8N264	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q01968	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q68EM7	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P52757	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q8WWN8	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q12979	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P15882	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q9UNA1	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q15311	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	Q07960	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P11274	Set	R-HSA-194904	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9Y6W8	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6PIZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y4K3	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P21802	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q92731	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P22455	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y4H2	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02297	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NWZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	P35568	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NPH3	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q99836	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q01638	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P56975	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WWG1	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q99075	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15391	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P21860	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P21781	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P51617	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	Q6ZUJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P22607	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35070	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O95750	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P11487	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O14944	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O43320	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P10767	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O95760	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	regulator	catalyst
+O60258	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O14511	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O15520	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O00329	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12034	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P05230	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P03372	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P08620	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P09038	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P04626	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P10747	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P11362	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+O76093	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2316434	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y6W8	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y6W8	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q6PIZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q6PIZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P21802	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P21802	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q92731	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q92731	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P22455	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P22455	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y4H2	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y4H2	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q02297	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q02297	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P35568	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P35568	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P56975	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P56975	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q8WWG1	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q8WWG1	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q99075	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q99075	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P15391	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P15391	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P21860	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P21860	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P21781	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P21781	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q6ZUJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	Q6ZUJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P22607	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P22607	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	P35070	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12931	P35070	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y6W8	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y6W8	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q6PIZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q6PIZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P21802	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P21802	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q92731	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q92731	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P22455	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P22455	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y4H2	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y4H2	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q02297	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q02297	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P35568	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P35568	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P56975	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P56975	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q8WWG1	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q8WWG1	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q99075	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q99075	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P15391	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P15391	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P21860	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P21860	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P21781	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P21781	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	Q6ZUJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	Q6ZUJ8	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P22607	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P22607	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12931	P35070	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12931	P35070	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O95750	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O95750	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O95750	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O95750	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P11487	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P11487	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P11487	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P11487	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O14944	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O14944	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O14944	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O14944	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O43320	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O43320	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O43320	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O43320	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P10767	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P10767	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P10767	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P10767	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O60258	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O60258	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O60258	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O60258	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O14511	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O14511	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O14511	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O14511	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O15520	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O15520	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O15520	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O15520	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O00329	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O00329	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O00329	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O00329	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P12034	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P12034	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P12034	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P12034	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P05230	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P05230	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P05230	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P05230	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P03372	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P03372	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P03372	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P03372	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P08620	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P08620	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P08620	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P08620	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P09038	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P09038	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P09038	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P09038	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P04626	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P04626	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P04626	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P04626	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P10747	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P10747	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P10747	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P10747	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P11362	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P11362	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P11362	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P11362	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+O76093	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+O76093	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+O76093	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+O76093	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	input
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	input	output
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	input
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-2400009	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	catalyst
+P04626	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	input	catalyst
+P04626	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	output	catalyst
+P12931	P56975	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	input
+P12931	P56975	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WWG1	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WWG1	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02297	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02297	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q99075	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q99075	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	output
+P12931	P21860	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	input
+P12931	P21860	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	output
+P12931	P35070	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35070	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	catalyst	catalyst
+O14511	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	input	catalyst
+O14511	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	output	catalyst
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	input	catalyst
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	output	catalyst
+O14944	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	input	catalyst
+O14944	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	output	catalyst
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	input	catalyst
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1963586	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	input	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	input	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	output	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	output	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	output	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	input	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	input	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	output	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874083	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	catalyst
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	catalyst
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	catalyst
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	input	catalyst
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	output	catalyst
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874082	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	catalyst
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	catalyst
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	input
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	output
+P12931	P14210	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	catalyst
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	input	catalyst
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	output	catalyst
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	input
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	output
+P08581	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8874080	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	input	input
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	input	output
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	output	input
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	output	output
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937844	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937820	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937820	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937820	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937820	output	output
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937820	input	input
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937820	input	output
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937820	output	input
+P12931	P46937	Reaction	R-HSA-8937820	output	output
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	input
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	output
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	catalyst
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	input
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	output
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	catalyst
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	input
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	output
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	input
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	output
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	catalyst
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	input
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	output
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	catalyst
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	input
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	output
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	catalyst
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	input
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	output
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	catalyst
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	input
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	output
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	catalyst
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	input
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	output
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	catalyst
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	input
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	output
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	input	catalyst
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	input
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	output
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	output	catalyst
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	input
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	output
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-380780	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q16620	Reaction	R-HSA-9037040	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q16620	Reaction	R-HSA-9037040	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-9037040	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	input	input
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	input	output
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	output	input
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	output	output
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937807	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937792	input	input
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937792	input	output
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937792	output	input
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937792	output	output
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937814	regulator	input
+P12931	Q13761	Reaction	R-HSA-8937814	regulator	output
+P01137	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8937814	regulator	regulator
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372693	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372705	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-372697	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354124	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P12931	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P12931	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P12931	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P12931	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354165	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354087	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354073	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354066	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377640	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429415	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P12931	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-429441	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	input	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	output	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	catalyst	catalyst
+P10747	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	input	catalyst
+P10747	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	output	catalyst
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	catalyst	input
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	catalyst	output
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	catalyst	input
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388831	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P12931	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P12931	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P12931	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P12931	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388833	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-210291	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-210291	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-210291	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P16284	Reaction	R-HSA-210291	catalyst	input
+P12931	P16284	Reaction	R-HSA-210291	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-210291	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	output
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	input
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	output
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	input
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	output
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	input
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	output
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	input
+P12931	P42081	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	output
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	input
+P12931	P16410	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	output
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	input
+P12931	P33681	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-388829	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433428	output	output
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P21583	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433488	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205238	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205205	output	output
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	input
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	output
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	input
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205319	output	output
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	input
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	output
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	catalyst
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	input
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	output
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	catalyst
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	input
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	output
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433506	catalyst	catalyst
+O14492	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+O14492	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+O14492	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+O14492	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+O14492	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P06239	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P06239	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P06239	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P06239	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P10721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P10721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P10721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P10721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P12931	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P12931	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P12931	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P12931	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P21583	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P21583	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P21583	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P21583	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433542	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433542	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433542	catalyst	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433542	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-1433542	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-1433542	catalyst	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433542	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433542	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	catalyst
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	catalyst
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433418	catalyst	catalyst
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433451	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P06239	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P06239	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P07947	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P07947	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P07948	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P07948	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P10721	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P10721	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P12931	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P12931	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P06241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P06241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P21583	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P21583	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	input
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	output
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	input
+P10721	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	output
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	input
+P12931	P21583	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1472121	output	output
+O00212	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5666104	input	input
+O00212	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5666104	input	output
+O00212	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5666104	output	input
+O00212	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5666104	output	output
+O60879	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5666104	input	input
+O60879	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5666104	input	output
+O60879	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5666104	output	input
+O60879	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5666104	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420121	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420121	catalyst	output
+P12931	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-4420121	catalyst	input
+P12931	P19174	Reaction	R-HSA-4420121	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420121	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420121	catalyst	output
+O15020	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	input	catalyst
+O15020	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q13813	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13813	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q01082	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q01082	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9H254	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9H254	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18433	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18433	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	output
+P12931	P13591	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	input
+P12931	P13591	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9NRC6	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9NRC6	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	catalyst	output
+P11277	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	input	catalyst
+P11277	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	output	catalyst
+P02549	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	input	catalyst
+P02549	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-391866	output	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420128	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420128	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420128	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420128	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-4420128	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-4420128	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32004	Reaction	R-HSA-445084	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32004	Reaction	R-HSA-445084	catalyst	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	catalyst
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	input
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	output
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	catalyst
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	input
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	output
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	catalyst	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	catalyst	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418859	output	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	catalyst
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	catalyst
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	catalyst
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	catalyst
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	catalyst
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	input
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	catalyst
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	catalyst
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	input
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	input
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418850	catalyst	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	catalyst
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	catalyst
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	catalyst
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	catalyst
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	catalyst
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418856	catalyst	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+P12931	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+O00401	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+O00401	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+O00401	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+O00401	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418874	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418858	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+O75962	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+P12931	Q6H8Q1	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+P12931	Q6H8Q1	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+P12931	Q6H8Q1	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+P12931	Q6H8Q1	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+O14639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+O14639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+O14639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+O14639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+O94929	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	input
+O94929	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	input	output
+O94929	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	input
+O94929	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418865	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	output
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	input
+P12931	P16333	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-373716	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-374701	catalyst	catalyst
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	output
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	input
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	output
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	input
+O95185	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	input
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418863	output	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	input	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	input	output
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	output	input
+O95631	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	input	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	input	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	output	output
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	output	input
+P12931	P43146	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-418868	output	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928633	catalyst	catalyst
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928641	output	output
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928625	catalyst	catalyst
+O75914	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P19105	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	input
+P12931	P19105	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	output
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13177	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13153	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928640	catalyst	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P12931	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928631	output	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928614	output	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+O43639	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928639	output	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928580	catalyst	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y2X7	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928594	catalyst	catalyst
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+O15197	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+P12931	P54753	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+P12931	P29323	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+P12931	P54762	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+P12931	P54760	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+P12931	Q15768	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+P12931	P52799	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+P12931	P98172	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928615	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q96JJ3	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q92556	Reaction	R-HSA-5218839	catalyst	catalyst
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	Q96JJ3	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	Q96JJ3	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	Q92556	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	input
+P12931	Q92556	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	Q96JJ3	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	Q96JJ3	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	Q14185	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P12931	Q92556	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	input
+P12931	Q92556	Reaction	R-HSA-5218811	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	output
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	input
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	output
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	input
+P12931	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218822	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	catalyst
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	catalyst
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	catalyst
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	input	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	catalyst
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	output	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218828	catalyst	catalyst
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	catalyst
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	catalyst
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	input	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	output	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218809	catalyst	catalyst
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218838	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	catalyst	output
+P06756	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	catalyst	input
+P06756	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	catalyst	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q14289	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q14289	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218851	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	output
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	input
+P12931	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218855	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	output
+O75116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	catalyst	input
+O75116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	catalyst	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	output
+P12931	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q13464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	output
+P12931	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q13464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218826	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	input
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218643	output	output
+P07900	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	regulator
+O75116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	input	regulator
+O75116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	output	regulator
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	regulator
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	regulator
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	regulator
+P12931	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	input
+P12931	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	output
+P12931	Q13464	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	input
+P12931	Q13464	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-3928647	regulator	regulator
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	input	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	output	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218640	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	output	catalyst
+P06756	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	input	catalyst
+P06756	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	output	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q14289	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q14289	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218830	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	input
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15498	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218820	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	input	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	input	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	input	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	input	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	output	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	output	input
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	output	output
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	output	input
+P12931	Q15464	Reaction	R-HSA-5218645	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928651	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928651	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928651	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928651	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928651	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928651	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	input
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	output
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	input
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	output
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928648	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	output	output
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	input	input
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	input	output
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	output	input
+P12931	Q8N5V2	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928602	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	output	output
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	input	input
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	input	output
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	output	input
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093327	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928642	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928642	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928642	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928642	catalyst	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928642	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928642	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	output
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	input
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	output
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	input
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	output
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	input
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	output
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	input
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928607	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	input
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	output
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	input
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	output
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	catalyst
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	input
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	output
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	input
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	output
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	catalyst
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	input
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	output
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928604	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928628	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928628	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P52735	Reaction	R-HSA-3928628	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928628	catalyst	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-3928628	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9UKW4	Reaction	R-HSA-3928628	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928628	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928584	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	input
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	output
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	input
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	output
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928627	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	output
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	input
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	output
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	input
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928645	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093336	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093336	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-4093336	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13009	Reaction	R-HSA-4093336	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-4093336	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-4093336	catalyst	input
+P12931	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-4093336	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-4093336	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	catalyst
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	input	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	output	catalyst
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928583	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	output
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	input
+P07947	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	output
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	input
+P07948	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	output
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	input
+P12931	Q13224	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	output
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	input
+P12931	Q05586	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	input	output
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	input
+P06241	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-3928623	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	input	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	output	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420206	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	input	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	input	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	output	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	output	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-4420140	output	output
+P12931	P78324	Reaction	R-HSA-391156	catalyst	input
+P12931	P78324	Reaction	R-HSA-391156	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q08722	Reaction	R-HSA-391156	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q08722	Reaction	R-HSA-391156	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q05397	Reaction	R-HSA-391156	catalyst	catalyst
+P07949	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+P07949	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+P07949	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+P07949	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+O00451	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+O00451	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+O00451	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+O00451	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+O60609	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+O60609	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+O60609	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+O60609	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+P12931	P56159	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+P12931	P56159	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+P12931	P39905	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+P12931	P39905	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+P12931	Q9GZZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+P12931	Q9GZZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+P12931	Q5T4W7	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+P12931	Q5T4W7	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+P12931	Q99748	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+P12931	Q99748	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+P12931	P47736	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+P12931	P47736	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+P12931	P56159	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+P12931	P56159	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+P12931	P39905	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+P12931	P39905	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+P12931	Q9GZZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+P12931	Q9GZZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+P12931	Q5T4W7	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+P12931	Q5T4W7	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+P12931	Q99748	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+P12931	Q99748	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+P12931	P47736	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+P12931	P47736	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+O60542	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	input
+O60542	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	input	output
+O60542	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	input
+O60542	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8855747	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	output
+P12931	P25116	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+P12931	P25116	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	output
+P12931	P25116	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	input
+P12931	P25116	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	output
+P25116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+P25116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	output
+P25116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	input
+P25116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	output
+P12931	P25116	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	input
+P12931	P25116	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	output
+P12931	P25116	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	input
+P12931	P25116	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	output
+P25116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	input
+P25116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	output
+P25116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	input
+P25116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVP5	Reaction	R-HSA-8948143	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVP5	Reaction	R-HSA-8948143	catalyst	output
+P06239	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P12931	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	output
+P01308	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	catalyst
+P06213	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8857925	catalyst	catalyst
+P11234	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	input	input
+P11234	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	input	output
+P11234	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	output	input
+P11234	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	output	output
+P11234	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	catalyst	input
+P11234	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	catalyst	output
+P11233	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	input	input
+P11233	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	input	output
+P11233	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	output	input
+P11233	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	output	output
+P11233	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	catalyst	input
+P11233	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-170991	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	regulator
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	regulator
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	regulator	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	regulator
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	regulator
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	regulator
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	regulator
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	regulator	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	regulator
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	regulator
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	regulator	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	regulator
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	regulator
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	regulator	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	regulator
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	regulator
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	regulator
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	regulator
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	regulator	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	regulator
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	regulator
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	regulator
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P08514	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O15164	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	regulator
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	regulator
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	regulator
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	regulator
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	regulator
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P18206	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	regulator
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O95352	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P01116	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P01112	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P01111	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	regulator	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O43521	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	regulator
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	regulator
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q969H4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P30086	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	regulator
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P46940	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	regulator
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	regulator
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P27361	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P18206	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02679	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02675	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02751	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02671	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O43252	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P05106	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+O00203	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P02545	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P04275	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354149	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377641	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-354077	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	output
+P12931	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	input
+P12931	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	input	output
+P12931	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	input
+P12931	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-432096	output	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377644	output	output
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	input	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	input	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	input	catalyst
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	input	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	input	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	input	output
+P12931	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	input	catalyst
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	output	input
+P12931	P49023	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	output	output
+P12931	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	output	catalyst
+P12931	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	output	catalyst
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	output	input
+P12931	P41240	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	output	output
+P12931	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	output	catalyst
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	catalyst	input
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	catalyst	output
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	catalyst	input
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-177923	catalyst	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P02671	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P05106	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P08514	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P12931	P18031	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P12931	P18031	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P12931	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P12931	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P12931	Q9Y490	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P02679	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P04275	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P02675	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	input	output
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	input
+P02751	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-377643	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27448	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	output
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	input	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	output	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5672969	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802924	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802916	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	input	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	input
+P12931	P31946	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	catalyst	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	input	catalyst
+P01116	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	output	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	input	catalyst
+P01112	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	output	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	input	catalyst
+P01111	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802941	output	catalyst
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	input	catalyst
+O43252	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	output	catalyst
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	input	catalyst
+O15164	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7KZF4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6ZMT4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9UPV9	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9NRY5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6WCQ1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6NXG1	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q96PU8	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15056	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q8N302	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q53H12	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	P51797	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	P51114	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q7Z2W4	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q99996	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q6RW13	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9HCM3	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q86XD5	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q5XG87	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	output
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	input	catalyst
+O00203	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	output	catalyst
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	input	catalyst
+O95352	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	output	catalyst
+P10398	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	catalyst
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	input	catalyst
+P02545	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	output	catalyst
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	catalyst
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	input	catalyst
+O43521	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	output	catalyst
+O60674	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-6802927	catalyst	catalyst
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5218819	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5218819	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5218819	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5218819	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5218819	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-5218819	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-5218819	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-5218819	catalyst	catalyst
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	input
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	output
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	input
+O00459	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	output
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	input
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	output
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	input
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	output
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	input
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	output
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	input
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	output
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	input
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	output
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	input
+P12931	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	output
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	input
+P12931	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	output
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	input
+P12931	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-5357479	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	catalyst
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	input
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	output
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	input	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	catalyst
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	input
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	output
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	output	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	input
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	output
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357429	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	input	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	input	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	input	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	input	output
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	input	input
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	input	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	input	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	input	output
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	output	input
+P12931	P35968	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	output	output
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	output	input
+P12931	Q9NP31	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	output	output
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	output	input
+P12931	P30530	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	output	output
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	output	input
+P12931	P15692	Reaction	R-HSA-5357432	output	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-443439	input	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-443439	input	output
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-443439	output	input
+P04049	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-443439	output	output
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-177937	input	catalyst
+P00533	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-177937	output	catalyst
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-177937	input	catalyst
+P01133	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-177937	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q9BXN2	Reaction	R-HSA-5607750	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q9BXN2	Reaction	R-HSA-5607750	catalyst	output
+O43597	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	input	catalyst
+O43597	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	regulator	catalyst
+O43597	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	output	catalyst
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	input
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	output
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	input
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	output
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	input
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	regulator
+P12931	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-1295609	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	input	input
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	input	output
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	output	input
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	output	output
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937728	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937682	input	input
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937682	input	output
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937682	output	input
+P12931	Q01196	Reaction	R-HSA-8937682	output	output
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	input	input
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	input	output
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	output	input
+P09619	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	output	output
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	input	input
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	input	output
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	output	input
+P12931	P16234	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	output	output
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	input	input
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	input	output
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	output	input
+P04085	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	output	output
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	input	input
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	input	output
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	output	input
+P01127	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-186819	output	output
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191654	input	input
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191654	input	output
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191654	input	input
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191654	input	output
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191654	output	input
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191654	output	output
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191654	output	input
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191654	output	output
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	input	input
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	input	output
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	input	catalyst
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	input	input
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	input	output
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	input	catalyst
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	output	input
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	output	output
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	output	catalyst
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	output	input
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	output	output
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	output	catalyst
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	catalyst	input
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	catalyst	output
+P12931	Q07157	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	catalyst	input
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	catalyst	output
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191636	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191656	input	input
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191656	input	output
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191656	output	input
+P12931	P17302	Reaction	R-HSA-191656	output	output
+P12931	Q92731	Complex	R-HSA-9021654	component	component
+P12931	P42336	Complex	R-HSA-9021654	component	component
+P12931	Q92569	Complex	R-HSA-9021654	component	component
+P12931	P27986	Complex	R-HSA-9021654	component	component
+P03372	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-9021654	component	component
+O00459	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-9021654	component	component
+P12931	Q92731	Complex	R-HSA-9021593	component	component
+P03372	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-9021593	component	component
+P10398	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P10398	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P15056	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P04049	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P04049	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P01111	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P01111	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P01112	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P01112	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P01116	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P01116	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P18206	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02751	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P04275	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02671	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02675	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02679	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P05106	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P08514	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P15056	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P31946	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P27448	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P18206	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P32121	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P46940	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	Q969H4	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P49407	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P31946	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P27448	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P32121	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P46940	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	Q969H4	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P49407	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P12931	P18206	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-354079	component	component
+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P12931	P18206	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-354157	component	component
+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-354137	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354130	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354130	component	component
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-354130	component	component
+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-354130	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-354130	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-354130	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-354130	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377608	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377608	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-377608	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-377606	component	component
+P10398	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P10398	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P15056	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P04049	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P04049	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P01111	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P01111	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P01112	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P01112	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P01116	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P01116	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P31946	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P27448	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P32121	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P46940	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	Q969H4	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P27361	P49407	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P18206	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P02751	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P04275	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P02671	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P02675	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P02679	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P05106	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P08514	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P15056	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P31946	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P27448	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P18206	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P32121	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P46940	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	Q969H4	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P49407	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P10398	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P10398	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P15056	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P04049	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P04049	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P01111	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P01111	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P01112	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P01112	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P01116	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P01116	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	Q8IVT5	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P31946	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P27448	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	Q8WXI2	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	Q6VAB6	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P32121	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P46940	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	Q969H4	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P27361	P49407	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P18206	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P02751	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P04275	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P02671	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P02675	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P02679	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P05106	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P08514	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P15056	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	Q8IVT5	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P31946	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P27448	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	Q8WXI2	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	Q6VAB6	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P18206	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	Q7Z5R6	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P41240	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P32121	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P46940	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	Q969H4	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P49407	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
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+P12931	P14210	Complex	R-HSA-8874097	component	component
+P08581	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-8874097	component	component
+P08581	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-8874601	component	component
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+P12931	Q05397	Complex	R-HSA-8874611	component	component
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+P08581	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-8874611	component	component
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+O00212	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5666105	component	component
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+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-374551	component	component
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+O75962	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-418820	component	component
+O95631	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-418820	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-418820	component	component
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+P12931	Q05397	Complex	R-HSA-418820	component	component
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+O95631	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-418815	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-418815	component	component
+P12931	Q05397	Complex	R-HSA-418815	component	component
+P12931	P43146	Complex	R-HSA-418815	component	component
+O75962	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-418826	component	component
+O95631	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-418826	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-418826	component	component
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+P12931	Q14185	Complex	R-HSA-418826	component	component
+P12931	P16333	Complex	R-HSA-418826	component	component
+P12931	Q05397	Complex	R-HSA-418826	component	component
+P12931	P43146	Complex	R-HSA-418826	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-388795	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-388795	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-388795	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-388795	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-388793	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-388793	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-388793	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-388793	component	component
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+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433530	component	component
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+P12931	Q06124	Complex	R-HSA-1433530	component	component
+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433530	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433530	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433530	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205271	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205271	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205271	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205271	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205271	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433549	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433549	component	component
+P12931	P21583	Complex	R-HSA-1433549	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433549	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433549	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433549	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205267	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205267	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205267	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205267	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205267	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205257	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205257	component	component
+P12931	P21583	Complex	R-HSA-205257	component	component
+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205257	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205257	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205257	component	component
+O14492	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205257	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433276	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433276	component	component
+P12931	P21583	Complex	R-HSA-1433276	component	component
+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433276	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433276	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433276	component	component
+O14492	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433276	component	component
+P22681	Q07889	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P22681	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P10721	P22681	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
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+P06241	P22681	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P06239	P22681	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
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+P12931	P21583	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P07947	P22681	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P07948	P22681	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+O14492	P22681	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+O14492	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
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+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+P12931	P21583	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+P12931	Q06124	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
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+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
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+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P12931	P21583	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
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+P12931	Q92569	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P12931	P27986	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P07947	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
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+O00459	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
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+P06241	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P06239	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
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+P07947	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P10721	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
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+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433493	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433493	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433493	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433493	component	component
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+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433552	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433552	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433552	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433552	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433552	component	component
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+P06239	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
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+P07947	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P07948	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P07948	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P10721	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P10721	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P21583	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P21583	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+O60674	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
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+P06241	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P06241	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P06239	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P06239	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
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+P07947	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P07947	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P07948	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P07948	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P10721	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P10721	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P21583	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P21583	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+O60674	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
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+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P06241	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P06241	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
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+P06239	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P06239	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P06239	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
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+P12931	P21583	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P07947	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P07947	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P07948	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P07948	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P10721	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P10721	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P10721	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
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+P21583	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+O60674	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
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+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-1472120	component	component
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+P07900	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5218762	component	component
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+P07900	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5218756	component	component
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+P12931	Q05397	Complex	R-HSA-5218765	component	component
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+P07900	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5218781	component	component
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+P07900	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5218775	component	component
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+P07900	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5218637	component	component
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+P12931	Q05397	Complex	R-HSA-5218641	component	component
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+P12931	P15692	Complex	R-HSA-5218641	component	component
+P06241	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-3928555	component	component
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+P07947	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-3928555	component	component
+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-3928555	component	component
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+P07948	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-3928500	component	component
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+O00459	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-5357453	component	component
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+P12931	P15692	Complex	R-HSA-5357453	component	component
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+P01111	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P01112	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
+P01112	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
+P01116	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
+P01116	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
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+P01111	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
+P01112	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
+P01112	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
+P01116	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
+P01116	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P27361	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P18206	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P04275	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P12931	P18206	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
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+P01112	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802648	component	component
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+P01116	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802648	component	component
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+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802625	component	component
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+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-6802625	component	component
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+P01111	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802625	component	component
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+P01116	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802625	component	component
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+P12931	P18206	Complex	R-HSA-6802637	component	component
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+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-6802637	component	component
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+P01112	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802637	component	component
+P01112	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802637	component	component
+P01111	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-6802637	component	component
+P01111	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802637	component	component
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+P01116	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802637	component	component
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+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-354080	component	component
+P12931	Q05397	Complex	R-HSA-354080	component	component
+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377622	component	component
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+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377622	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377622	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377622	component	component
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+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377622	component	component
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+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-377622	component	component
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+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372688	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372688	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372688	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372688	component	component
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+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372688	component	component
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+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-372688	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-372688	component	component
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+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372646	component	component
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+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372646	component	component
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+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372646	component	component
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+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-372646	component	component
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+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354135	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354135	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354135	component	component
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+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354103	component	component
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+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-354103	component	component
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+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-354103	component	component
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+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377620	component	component
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+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
+P05106	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
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+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-377616	component	component
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+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377619	component	component
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+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377619	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377619	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-377619	component	component
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+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-377619	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-377619	component	component
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+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
+P04275	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
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+P12931	P62834	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
+P12931	Q05397	Complex	R-HSA-372652	component	component
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+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-429424	component	component
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+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-429424	component	component
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+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-429424	component	component
+P12931	Q9Y490	Complex	R-HSA-429424	component	component
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+P02751	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-429434	component	component
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+P02671	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-429434	component	component
+P02675	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-429434	component	component
+P02679	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-429434	component	component
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+P08514	P12931	Complex	R-HSA-429434	component	component
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+P12931	P61224	Complex	R-HSA-429434	component	component
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+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2316432	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-5672734	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-5672734	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-5672734	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-1861597	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-1861597	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-1433400	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-1433400	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q07889	Set	R-HSA-1433400	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P62993	Set	R-HSA-1433400	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P21583	Set	R-HSA-1433400	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-1433400	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-1433400	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-1433400	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P21583	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q06124	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P62993	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P42336	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q92569	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P27986	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-5218759	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q15464	Set	R-HSA-5218759	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P35968	Set	R-HSA-5218759	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P15692	Set	R-HSA-5218759	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q05397	Set	R-HSA-5218759	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P56945	Set	R-HSA-5218759	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P49023	Set	R-HSA-5218759	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-3928486	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-3928486	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-3928486	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-5357488	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P42336	Set	R-HSA-5357488	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P42338	Set	R-HSA-5357488	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P27986	Set	R-HSA-5357488	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P35968	Set	R-HSA-5357488	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P15692	Set	R-HSA-5357488	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P30530	Set	R-HSA-5357488	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9NP31	Set	R-HSA-5357488	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-9037043	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q05397	Set	R-HSA-548936	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P47736	Set	R-HSA-8855753	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P42336	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P27986	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q13480	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P62993	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9NP95	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P55075	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9GZV9	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P31371	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P22607	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q8WU20	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q06124	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P21802	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9HCT0	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P21781	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P42338	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P16234	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q6PIZ9	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q92569	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P33681	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P42081	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q6ZUJ8	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P35568	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9Y4H2	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9UEF7	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P56975	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q8WWG1	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q02297	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q99075	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P35070	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q15303	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q9Y6W8	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P15391	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P15498	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P14210	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P21583	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P22455	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q86Z14	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P21860	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	Q92731	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P12931	P12931	Set	R-HSA-2400011	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	catalyst	catalyst
+P16220	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	input	catalyst
+P16220	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	output	catalyst
+P16220	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	output	catalyst
+O75582	P16220	Reaction	R-HSA-199935	catalyst	input
+O75582	P16220	Reaction	R-HSA-199935	catalyst	output
+P16220	P49137	Reaction	R-HSA-199917	input	catalyst
+P16220	P49137	Reaction	R-HSA-199917	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q15349	Reaction	R-HSA-199895	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q15418	Reaction	R-HSA-199895	input	catalyst
+P16220	P51812	Reaction	R-HSA-199895	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q15349	Reaction	R-HSA-199895	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q15418	Reaction	R-HSA-199895	output	catalyst
+P16220	P51812	Reaction	R-HSA-199895	output	catalyst
+P0DP23	P16220	Reaction	R-HSA-111912	catalyst	input
+P0DP23	P16220	Reaction	R-HSA-111912	catalyst	output
+P16220	Q16566	Reaction	R-HSA-111912	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q16566	Reaction	R-HSA-111912	output	catalyst
+P16220	P17612	Reaction	R-HSA-111919	input	catalyst
+P16220	P22694	Reaction	R-HSA-111919	input	catalyst
+P16220	P22612	Reaction	R-HSA-111919	input	catalyst
+P16220	P17612	Reaction	R-HSA-111919	output	catalyst
+P16220	P22694	Reaction	R-HSA-111919	output	catalyst
+P16220	P22612	Reaction	R-HSA-111919	output	catalyst
+P16220	P17612	Reaction	R-HSA-443474	input	catalyst
+P16220	P22694	Reaction	R-HSA-443474	input	catalyst
+P16220	P22612	Reaction	R-HSA-443474	input	catalyst
+P16220	P17612	Reaction	R-HSA-443474	output	catalyst
+P16220	P22694	Reaction	R-HSA-443474	output	catalyst
+P16220	P22612	Reaction	R-HSA-443474	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q15349	Reaction	R-HSA-442724	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q15418	Reaction	R-HSA-442724	input	catalyst
+P16220	P51812	Reaction	R-HSA-442724	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q9UK32	Reaction	R-HSA-442724	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q15349	Reaction	R-HSA-442724	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q15418	Reaction	R-HSA-442724	output	catalyst
+P16220	P51812	Reaction	R-HSA-442724	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q9UK32	Reaction	R-HSA-442724	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q13555	Reaction	R-HSA-443475	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q13554	Reaction	R-HSA-443475	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q13557	Reaction	R-HSA-443475	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q9UQM7	Reaction	R-HSA-443475	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q13555	Reaction	R-HSA-443475	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q13554	Reaction	R-HSA-443475	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q13557	Reaction	R-HSA-443475	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q9UQM7	Reaction	R-HSA-443475	output	catalyst
+P0DP23	P16220	Reaction	R-HSA-443480	catalyst	input
+P0DP23	P16220	Reaction	R-HSA-443480	catalyst	output
+P16220	Q16566	Reaction	R-HSA-443480	input	catalyst
+P16220	Q16566	Reaction	R-HSA-443480	output	catalyst
+P16220	Q09472	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	input
+P16220	Q09472	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	output
+P16220	Q8IZL2	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	input
+P16220	Q8IZL2	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	output
+P16220	Q06330	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	input
+P16220	Q06330	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	output
+P16220	Q04721	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	input
+P16220	Q04721	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	output
+P16220	Q92585	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	input
+P16220	Q92585	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	output
+P16220	Q13495	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	input
+P16220	Q13495	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	output
+P16220	Q96JK9	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	input
+P16220	Q96JK9	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	input	output
+P16220	Q09472	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	input
+P16220	Q09472	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	output
+P16220	Q8IZL2	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	input
+P16220	Q8IZL2	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	output
+P16220	Q06330	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	input
+P16220	Q06330	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	output
+P16220	Q04721	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	input
+P16220	Q04721	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	output
+P16220	Q92585	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	input
+P16220	Q92585	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	output
+P16220	Q13495	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	input
+P16220	Q13495	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	output
+P16220	Q96JK9	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	input
+P16220	Q96JK9	Reaction	R-HSA-2976563	output	output
+P16220	Q09472	Complex	R-HSA-2976561	component	component
+P16220	Q06330	Complex	R-HSA-2976561	component	component
+P16220	Q04721	Complex	R-HSA-2976561	component	component
+P16220	Q13495	Complex	R-HSA-2976561	component	component
+P16220	Q8IZL2	Complex	R-HSA-2976561	component	component
+P16220	Q92585	Complex	R-HSA-2976561	component	component
+P16220	Q96JK9	Complex	R-HSA-2976561	component	component
+P16220	Q6UUV9	Complex	R-HSA-5656495	component	component
+P16220	Q6UUV7	Complex	R-HSA-8931947	component	component
+P16220	Q53ET0	Complex	R-HSA-8931947	component	component
+P16220	Q6UUV9	Complex	R-HSA-8931947	component	component
+P01880	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P04433	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+A0A075B6S6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+A2KUC3	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P19174	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG06	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG05	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG04	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P15498	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01718	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01715	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01714	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01834	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+A2NXD2	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01599	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01594	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01593	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CF74	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+A0A0C4DH73	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01709	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01706	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01705	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01704	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01825	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01703	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01824	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01624	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01701	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01700	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01743	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01742	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+A2NJV5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P06310	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P04211	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P06312	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P06315	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01780	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UN19	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q06187	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P80748	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P23083	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q13191	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q6PIL0	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P40259	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01619	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01817	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+A0A0C4DH25	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01814	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01615	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01614	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01611	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01699	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01772	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+A0A075B6P5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P11912	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+A0M8Q6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P16885	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P16333	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01768	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01602	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01601	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01766	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P06331	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01764	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01763	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01762	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P04430	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P04432	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112666	catalyst	catalyst
+P01880	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01880	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01880	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01880	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01880	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01880	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P04433	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P04433	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P04433	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P04433	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P04433	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P04433	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+A0A075B6S6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+A0A075B6S6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+A0A075B6S6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+A0A075B6S6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+A0A075B6S6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+A0A075B6S6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+A2KUC3	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+A2KUC3	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+A2KUC3	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+A2KUC3	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+A2KUC3	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+A2KUC3	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P0CG06	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P0CG06	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P0CG06	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P0CG06	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P0CG06	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P0CG06	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P0CG05	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P0CG05	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P0CG05	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P0CG05	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P0CG05	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P0CG05	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P0CG04	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P0CG04	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P0CG04	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P0CG04	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P0CG04	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P0CG04	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01718	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01718	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01718	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01718	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01718	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01718	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01715	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01715	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01715	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01715	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01715	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01715	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01714	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01714	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01714	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01714	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01714	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01714	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01834	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01834	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01834	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01834	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01834	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01834	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+A2NXD2	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+A2NXD2	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+A2NXD2	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+A2NXD2	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+A2NXD2	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+A2NXD2	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01599	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01599	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01599	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01599	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01599	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01599	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01594	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01594	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01594	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01594	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01594	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01594	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01593	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01593	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01593	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01593	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01593	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01593	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P0CF74	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P0CF74	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P0CF74	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P0CF74	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P0CF74	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P0CF74	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+A0A0C4DH73	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+A0A0C4DH73	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+A0A0C4DH73	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+A0A0C4DH73	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+A0A0C4DH73	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+A0A0C4DH73	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01709	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01709	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01709	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01709	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01709	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01709	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01706	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01706	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01706	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01706	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01706	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01706	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01705	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01705	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01705	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01705	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01705	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01705	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01704	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01704	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01704	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01704	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01704	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01704	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01825	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01825	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01825	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01825	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01825	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01825	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01703	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01703	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01703	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01703	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01703	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01703	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01824	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01824	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01824	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01824	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01824	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01824	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01624	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01624	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01624	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01624	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01624	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01624	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01701	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01701	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01701	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01701	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01701	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01701	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01700	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01700	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01700	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01700	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01700	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01700	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01743	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01743	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01743	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01743	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01743	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01743	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01742	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01742	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01742	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01742	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01742	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01742	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+A2NJV5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+A2NJV5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+A2NJV5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+A2NJV5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+A2NJV5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+A2NJV5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P06310	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P06310	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P06310	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P06310	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P06310	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P06310	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P04211	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P04211	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P04211	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P04211	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P04211	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P04211	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P06312	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P06312	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P06312	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P06312	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P06312	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P06312	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P06315	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P06315	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P06315	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P06315	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P06315	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P06315	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01780	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01780	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01780	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01780	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01780	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01780	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	P80748	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	P80748	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	P80748	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	catalyst
+P22681	P23083	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	P23083	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	P23083	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q13191	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	Q13191	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	Q6PIL0	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	Q6PIL0	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	Q6PIL0	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	catalyst
+P22681	P40259	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P22681	P40259	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P22681	P40259	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	P80748	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	P80748	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	P80748	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	catalyst
+P22681	P23083	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	P23083	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	P23083	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q13191	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	Q13191	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	Q6PIL0	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	Q6PIL0	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	Q6PIL0	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	catalyst
+P22681	P40259	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P22681	P40259	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P22681	P40259	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	catalyst
+P01619	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01619	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01619	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01619	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01619	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01619	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01817	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01817	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01817	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01817	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01817	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01817	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+A0A0C4DH25	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+A0A0C4DH25	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+A0A0C4DH25	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+A0A0C4DH25	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+A0A0C4DH25	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+A0A0C4DH25	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01814	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01814	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01814	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01814	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01814	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01814	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01615	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01615	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01615	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01615	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01615	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01615	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01614	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01614	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01614	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01614	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01614	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01614	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01611	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01611	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01611	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01611	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01611	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01611	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01699	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01699	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01699	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01699	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01699	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01699	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01772	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01772	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01772	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01772	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01772	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01772	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+A0A075B6P5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+A0A075B6P5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+A0A075B6P5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+A0A075B6P5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+A0A075B6P5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+A0A075B6P5	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P11912	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P11912	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P11912	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P11912	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P11912	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P11912	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+A0M8Q6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+A0M8Q6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+A0M8Q6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+A0M8Q6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+A0M8Q6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+A0M8Q6	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01768	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01768	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01768	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01768	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01768	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01768	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01602	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01602	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01602	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01602	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01602	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01602	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01601	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01601	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01601	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01601	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01601	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01601	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01766	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01766	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01766	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01766	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01766	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01766	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01721	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P06331	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P06331	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P06331	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P06331	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P06331	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P06331	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01764	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01764	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01764	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01764	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01764	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01764	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01763	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01763	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01763	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01763	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01763	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01763	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P01762	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P01762	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P01762	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P01762	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P01762	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P01762	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P04430	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P04430	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P04430	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P04430	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P04430	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P04430	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P04432	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	input
+P04432	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	input	output
+P04432	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	input
+P04432	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	output	output
+P04432	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	input
+P04432	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-983703	catalyst	output
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	input	input
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	input	output
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	output	input
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	output	output
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	input	input
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	input	output
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	output	input
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225949	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295621	output	output
+P22681	Q15843	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	input	input
+P22681	Q15843	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	input	output
+P22681	P61081	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	input	input
+P22681	P61081	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	input	output
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	input	input
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	input	output
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15843	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	output	input
+P22681	Q15843	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	output	output
+P22681	P61081	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	output	input
+P22681	P61081	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	output	output
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	output	input
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	output	output
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15843	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15843	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	catalyst	output
+P22681	P61081	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	catalyst	input
+P22681	P61081	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	catalyst	output
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	catalyst	input
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	catalyst	output
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332236	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	output	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	input	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	input	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	output	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8874685	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	catalyst
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	catalyst
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	input
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	output
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	catalyst
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	input
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	output
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183089	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	catalyst
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	catalyst
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	catalyst
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	input
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	output
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	catalyst
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	input
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	output
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	catalyst
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	input
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	output
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183051	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182969	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183055	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183055	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183055	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183055	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183055	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183055	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183055	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183055	output	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183094	input	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183094	input	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183094	input	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183094	input	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183094	output	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183094	output	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183094	output	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183094	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183058	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183067	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183084	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183052	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183052	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183052	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183052	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	catalyst
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	catalyst
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	catalyst
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	input	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	output	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875451	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	catalyst	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	input	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	output	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	catalyst	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	catalyst	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876246	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876240	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876240	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876240	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876240	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876240	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876240	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876240	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876240	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	catalyst	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	catalyst
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	catalyst
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	catalyst	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	catalyst	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-934604	output	catalyst
+P22681	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	input	input
+P22681	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	input	output
+P22681	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	input	input
+P22681	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	input	output
+P22681	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	input	input
+P22681	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	input	output
+P22681	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	output	input
+P22681	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	output	output
+P22681	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	output	input
+P22681	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	output	output
+P22681	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	output	input
+P22681	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	output	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	input	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	input	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	output	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1295622	output	output
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332235	input	input
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332235	input	output
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332235	output	input
+P22681	P37173	Reaction	R-HSA-4332235	output	output
+P22681	P29597	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	input
+P22681	P29597	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	output
+P22681	P40189	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	input
+P22681	P40189	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	output
+P22681	P23458	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	input
+P22681	P23458	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	output
+P22681	P29597	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	input
+P22681	P29597	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	output
+P22681	P40189	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	input
+P22681	P40189	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	output
+P22681	P23458	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	input
+P22681	P23458	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	output
+O60674	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	input
+O60674	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	output
+O60674	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	input
+O60674	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	output
+P05231	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	input
+P05231	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	output
+P05231	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	input
+P05231	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	output
+P08887	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	input
+P08887	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	input	output
+P08887	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	input
+P08887	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1112690	output	output
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	input
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	output
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	input	catalyst
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	input
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	output
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	output	catalyst
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	input
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	output
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912629	catalyst	catalyst
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+O00459	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+O00329	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P07947	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P22681	P43405	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P22681	P27986	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P22681	P42338	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P22681	Q92569	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P22681	P42336	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P07948	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P06241	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	input
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	input	output
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	input
+P08631	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-879917	output	output
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	input
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	output
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	catalyst
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	input
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	output
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	catalyst
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	input
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	output
+P07900	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	input
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	output
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	input
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	output
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q16543	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-1225960	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848818	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848818	output	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	catalyst	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8848829	input	catalyst
+P22681	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+P22681	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	output
+P22681	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	output	input
+P22681	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	output	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	output	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	output	output
+P22681	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	input
+P22681	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	output
+P22681	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	input
+P22681	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	output
+P22681	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	input
+P22681	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	output
+P22681	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	input
+P22681	P46108	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	output
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	input
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	output
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	input
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	output
+P15498	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912727	input	input
+P15498	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912727	input	output
+P15498	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912727	output	input
+P15498	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-912727	output	output
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-912724	input	input
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-912724	input	output
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-912724	output	input
+P22681	Q8WV28	Reaction	R-HSA-912724	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	input	catalyst
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	output	catalyst
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654677	catalyst	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P21802	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P21781	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	input	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654729	output	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	input	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	output	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654679	catalyst	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P22607	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	input	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654730	output	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	input	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654673	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P12034	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P11487	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P11362	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+O15520	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	input	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	output	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654672	catalyst	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	input
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	output
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	input	catalyst
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	input
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	output
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	output	catalyst
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	input
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	output
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654684	catalyst	catalyst
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+O43320	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22681	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22681	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22681	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22681	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22681	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22681	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22681	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P10767	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+O95750	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+O60258	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+O76093	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P05230	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P08620	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P09038	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	input
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	input	output
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	input
+P22455	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-5654734	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	output
+P22681	Q15262	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	regulator
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	output
+P22681	Q15262	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	regulator
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15262	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	regulator
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183036	catalyst	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868071	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868072	catalyst	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O00443	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867754	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q0JRZ9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O14526	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867756	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	input	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	output	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868661	catalyst	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	input	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	output	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868648	catalyst	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868651	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868236	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868230	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8866279	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P61020	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P61020	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P51148	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P51148	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q14C86	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q14C86	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P61020	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P61020	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P51148	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P51148	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q14C86	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q14C86	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P20339	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P20339	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P20339	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P20339	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8871194	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	input	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	output	catalyst
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868658	catalyst	catalyst
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P11142	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868660	output	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P04114	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O75146	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O15511	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P09496	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P09497	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O95208	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O75379	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P16871	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P08172	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O43493	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O15144	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q15811	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q86SS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q5VV43	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q96RU3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P49418	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P98164	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P30518	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P59998	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q13492	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P61158	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q96CW1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P49407	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q15836	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q96D71	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q14108	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P32121	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9UQ16	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q5T0N5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P51809	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9NY64	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P61160	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y5X1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P53675	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9NVZ3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q8NC96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P41221	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q14247	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P52594	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P50570	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P53680	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9UNF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P98082	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q01968	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P30556	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9BT88	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9BV40	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P63010	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q05193	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9BY11	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q2M2I8	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q5SW96	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q00610	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9BQI5	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9NZM3	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P25103	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P63027	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q15642	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q16572	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9UKS6	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q92747	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P22681	Q96RF0	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O15145	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P13569	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O00291	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P11717	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P01130	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O43426	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O14976	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P04234	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O60641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P09693	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P07550	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O15056	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O75061	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P20645	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P21579	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P01185	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O00401	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O14641	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P02787	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P01730	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+P02786	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O94973	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O00499	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	input	output
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	input
+O95782	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8868659	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182986	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183072	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+O43597	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+O43609	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182990	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	catalyst
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	output
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	catalyst
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182993	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8951490	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-182994	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P22681	P60953	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P22681	Q14155	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-183002	output	output
+P22681	P26045	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P22681	P26045	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867047	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	input	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	output	catalyst
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867041	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P00533	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	input	output
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	input
+P01133	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8867044	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	catalyst
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	catalyst
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	catalyst
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	input	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	output	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875183	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875482	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P22681	Q96JA1	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P22681	Q96JA1	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P22681	Q96JA1	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P22681	Q96JA1	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P14210	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8875490	output	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	input
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	output
+P0CG47	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	output	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	output	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	catalyst	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	catalyst	input
+P22681	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	catalyst	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	input
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	output
+P0CG48	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	input	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	output	catalyst
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	catalyst	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	catalyst	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876258	catalyst	catalyst
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+P22681	Q92783	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+P22681	P42566	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+O75886	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	input	output
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	input
+O14964	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876262	output	output
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	input
+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	output
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	input
+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	output
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	input
+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	output
+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	input
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+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	output
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+P22681	Q96B97	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	output	output
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+P22681	Q99962	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	output	output
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+P22681	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	output	output
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+P22681	Q99963	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	output	output
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	output	input
+P22681	Q99961	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	output	output
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+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	input	output
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	output	input
+P08581	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-8876255	output	output
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+P22681	P62993	Set	R-HSA-8876375	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8875497	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8875497	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96JA1	Set	R-HSA-8875497	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62993	Set	R-HSA-8875497	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96B97	Set	R-HSA-8875497	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99961	Set	R-HSA-8875497	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99963	Set	R-HSA-8875497	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99962	Set	R-HSA-8875497	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P30556	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P25103	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P41221	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P30518	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P49407	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P32121	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q5SW96	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P98082	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P42566	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62993	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62987	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62979	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q00610	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96CW1	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P53680	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P63010	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q92783	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96B97	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99961	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99963	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99962	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P52594	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P51809	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P98164	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P63027	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q15836	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9BV40	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q13492	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9BT88	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q86SS6	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q14108	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9NY64	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q5VV43	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q16572	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8867603	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62993	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62987	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62979	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q00610	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96CW1	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P53680	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P63010	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q92783	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P42566	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96B97	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99961	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99963	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99962	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8866252	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96CW1	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P63010	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P53680	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q16572	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q5VV43	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9NY64	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q14108	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P52594	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P51809	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P98164	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P98082	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P42566	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q00610	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62993	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q92783	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96B97	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99961	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99963	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99962	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62987	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62979	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q13492	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9BV40	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q15836	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P63027	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9Y6Q2	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8WXE9	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8NBV8	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9BT88	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8N9I0	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q86SS6	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q5SW96	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P25103	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P30556	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9ULV1	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P41221	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P30518	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P49407	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P32121	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8868710	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9UBC2	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q9Y6I3	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q00610	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96CW1	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P63010	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P53680	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62993	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q92783	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P42566	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q96B97	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99961	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99963	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q99962	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	Q8NFH8	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62987	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P62979	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P22681	P22681	Set	R-HSA-8869164	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	output
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	output
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	output
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	output
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	output
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	output
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	output
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	input
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	output
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	input
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	output
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	input
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	output
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	input
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	output
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	input
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	output
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	input
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	output
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	input
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	output
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	input
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811472	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	catalyst
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	input
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	output
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	catalyst
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	input
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	output
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	catalyst
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	input
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	output
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	catalyst
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	input
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	output
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	input
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	output
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	input
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	output
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	input
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	output
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	catalyst
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	input
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	output
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	catalyst
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	input
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	output
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	catalyst
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	input
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	output
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	catalyst
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	input
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	output
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	input
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	output
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	input
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	output
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	input
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	output
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	input
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	output
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	input
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	output
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	input
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	output
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	input
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	output
+P27361	P46695	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811454	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9BY84	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y6W6	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q13202	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	input	output
+P27361	Q16828	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q16829	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q99956	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9BY84	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y6W6	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q13202	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	output	output
+P27361	Q16828	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q16829	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q99956	Reaction	R-HSA-5675376	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675206	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675206	input	output
+P27361	Q15121	Reaction	R-HSA-5675206	input	input
+P27361	Q15121	Reaction	R-HSA-5675206	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675206	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675206	output	output
+P27361	Q15121	Reaction	R-HSA-5675206	output	input
+P27361	Q15121	Reaction	R-HSA-5675206	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675198	catalyst	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5675198	input	catalyst
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5675198	output	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5675194	input	catalyst
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5675194	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675194	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674496	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674496	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674496	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674496	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674496	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674385	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674385	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674385	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674385	output	output
+O43320	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+O43320	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+P10767	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+P10767	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	output
+P27361	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	input
+P27361	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	catalyst	output
+P12034	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+P12034	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+P11487	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+P11487	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+P21802	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+P21802	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+O60258	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+O60258	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+O76093	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+O76093	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+O15520	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+O15520	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+P05230	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+P05230	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+P21781	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+P21781	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+P08620	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+P08620	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+P09038	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	input	catalyst
+P09038	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654562	output	catalyst
+O43320	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	input	catalyst
+O43320	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	output
+P27361	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	input
+P27361	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	catalyst	output
+P12034	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	input	catalyst
+P12034	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	output	catalyst
+O60258	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	input	catalyst
+O60258	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	output	catalyst
+O76093	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	input	catalyst
+O76093	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	output	catalyst
+P22607	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	input	catalyst
+P22607	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	output	catalyst
+P05230	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	input	catalyst
+P05230	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	output	catalyst
+P08620	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	input	catalyst
+P08620	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	output	catalyst
+P09038	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	input	catalyst
+P09038	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654565	output	catalyst
+P10767	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+P10767	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9HCT0	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9UEF7	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	output
+P27361	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	input
+P27361	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	catalyst	output
+P12034	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+P12034	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+P11487	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+P11487	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+O60258	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+O60258	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+P11362	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+P11362	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+O15520	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+O15520	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+P05230	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+P05230	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+P08620	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+P08620	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+P09038	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	input	catalyst
+P09038	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654560	output	catalyst
+O43320	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+O43320	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+P10767	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+P10767	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9GZV9	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9NP95	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q86Z14	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	output
+P27361	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	input
+P27361	P31371	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	output
+P27361	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	input
+P27361	P55075	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	catalyst	output
+O95750	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+O95750	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+O60258	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+O60258	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+O76093	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+O76093	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+P05230	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+P05230	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+P08620	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+P08620	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+P09038	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+P09038	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+P22455	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	input	catalyst
+P22455	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5654566	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UPY6	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9UPY6	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y6W5	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y6W5	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8IZP0	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8IZP0	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8WUW1	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8WUW1	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q96F07	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q96F07	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9NYB9	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9NYB9	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q7L576	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q7L576	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9Y2A7	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y2A7	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	P63000	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9UQB8	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9UQB8	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	P55160	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	P55160	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q92558	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q92558	Reaction	R-HSA-2029469	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-3371531	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q00613	Reaction	R-HSA-3371531	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q00613	Reaction	R-HSA-3371531	catalyst	output
+P05412	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-8944047	input	regulator
+P05412	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-8944047	output	regulator
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-8944047	regulator	regulator
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	input
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	output
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	input	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	input
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	output
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	output	catalyst
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674373	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	input	regulator
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	output	regulator
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	catalyst	regulator
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109860	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P28482	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P53779	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P45983	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P45984	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P15336	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	input	catalyst
+P15336	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	input	catalyst
+P15336	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	output	catalyst
+P15336	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	output	catalyst
+P53779	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P45983	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P45984	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q13115	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9BY84	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y6W6	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q13202	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28562	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	output
+P27361	Q05923	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q16690	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q13115	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9BY84	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y6W6	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q13202	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28562	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	output
+P27361	Q05923	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q16690	Reaction	R-HSA-5675373	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-198756	catalyst	catalyst
+O75582	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-198756	input	catalyst
+O75582	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-198756	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q13951	Reaction	R-HSA-9009208	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q13951	Reaction	R-HSA-9009208	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q13950	Reaction	R-HSA-9009208	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q13950	Reaction	R-HSA-9009208	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-9009208	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-450325	catalyst	catalyst
+P01100	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-450325	input	catalyst
+P01100	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-450325	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-3132737	catalyst	catalyst
+P14921	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-3132737	input	catalyst
+P14921	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-3132737	output	catalyst
+P15036	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-3132737	input	catalyst
+P15036	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-3132737	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-3209160	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P50548	Reaction	R-HSA-3209160	catalyst	input
+P27361	P50548	Reaction	R-HSA-3209160	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-3857329	catalyst	catalyst
+P17676	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-3857329	input	catalyst
+P17676	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-3857329	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-198731	catalyst	catalyst
+P19419	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-198731	input	catalyst
+P19419	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-198731	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-3209177	regulator	regulator
+P27361	P50548	Reaction	R-HSA-3209177	regulator	input
+P27361	P50548	Reaction	R-HSA-3209177	regulator	output
+P17480	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-73722	input	catalyst
+P17480	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-73722	output	catalyst
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	output
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	catalyst
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	catalyst
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	catalyst
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	input
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	output
+P27361	P30153	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	catalyst
+P27361	P30154	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	catalyst
+P27361	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	catalyst
+P27361	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	input
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-199959	output	output
+P27361	P51452	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	regulator
+P27361	P51452	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q13115	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IV63	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	regulator
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	output
+P27361	Q16828	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q16829	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	input
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	input	output
+P27361	P51452	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	regulator
+P27361	P51452	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q13115	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q8IV63	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	regulator
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	output
+P27361	Q16828	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q16829	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	input
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-203797	output	output
+P27361	Q15349	Reaction	R-HSA-198746	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q15349	Reaction	R-HSA-198746	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q15418	Reaction	R-HSA-198746	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q15418	Reaction	R-HSA-198746	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-198746	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P51812	Reaction	R-HSA-198746	catalyst	input
+P27361	P51812	Reaction	R-HSA-198746	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q13164	Reaction	R-HSA-198746	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P29597	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	input	regulator
+P27361	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	input	regulator
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	input	output
+P27361	P40189	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	input	regulator
+P27361	P29597	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	output	regulator
+P27361	Q06124	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	output	regulator
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	output	output
+P27361	P40189	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	output	regulator
+O60674	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	regulator	input
+O60674	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	regulator	output
+P23458	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	regulator	input
+P23458	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	regulator	output
+P05231	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	regulator	input
+P05231	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	regulator	output
+P08887	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	regulator	input
+P08887	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-109857	regulator	output
+P09429	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	input
+P09429	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	output
+P09429	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	input
+P09429	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	output
+P27361	P80511	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	input
+P27361	P80511	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	output
+P27361	Q15109	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	input
+P27361	Q15109	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	output
+P27361	P80511	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	input
+P27361	P80511	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	output
+P27361	Q15109	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	input
+P27361	Q15109	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	output
+P04271	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	input
+P04271	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	output
+P04271	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	input
+P04271	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	output
+P05067	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	input
+P05067	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	output
+P05067	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	input
+P05067	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	output
+P0DJI8	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	input
+P0DJI8	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	input	output
+P0DJI8	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	input
+P0DJI8	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-879362	output	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P04049	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y2Q5	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y2Q5	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P27361	Q9BRX9	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P27361	Q9BRX9	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P27361	Q9UHA4	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P27361	Q9UHA4	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y2Q5	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y2Q5	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P27361	Q9BRX9	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P27361	Q9BRX9	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P27361	Q9UHA4	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P27361	Q9UHA4	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P10398	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	input	output
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	input
+P15056	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5674132	output	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	input	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	input	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	input	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	input	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	input	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	input	output
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	input	input
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	input	output
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	output	input
+P27361	P36507	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	output	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	output	input
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	output	output
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	output	input
+P27361	Q02750	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	output	output
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	output	input
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Reaction	R-HSA-5674366	output	output
+P27361	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-109822	catalyst	input
+P27361	P29353	Reaction	R-HSA-109822	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-109822	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-109822	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-109822	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-109822	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-109822	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y4H2	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9Y4H2	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	output
+P27361	P35568	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	input
+P27361	P35568	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	output
+P27361	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	input
+P27361	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q07889	Reaction	R-HSA-109823	catalyst	output
+O95786	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+O95786	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+O95786	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+O95786	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P09914	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P09914	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P09914	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P09914	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P20591	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P20591	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P20591	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P20591	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P19174	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P19174	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P19174	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P19174	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P27361	Q14258	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P27361	Q14258	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P27361	Q14258	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UII4	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P27361	Q9UII4	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P27361	Q9UII4	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y4X5	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P27361	Q9Y4X5	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P27361	Q9Y4X5	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	catalyst
+P27361	P51965	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P27361	P51965	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P27361	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P27361	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P27361	Q14258	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P27361	Q14258	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P27361	Q14258	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9UII4	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P27361	Q9UII4	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P27361	Q9UII4	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	catalyst
+P27361	Q9Y4X5	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P27361	Q9Y4X5	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P27361	Q9Y4X5	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	catalyst
+P27361	P51965	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P27361	P51965	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P27361	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P27361	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P19525	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P19525	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P19525	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P19525	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P05161	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P05161	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P05161	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P05161	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P05161	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	catalyst	input
+P05161	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	catalyst	output
+P20592	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P20592	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P20592	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P20592	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+P23458	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+P23458	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+P23458	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+P23458	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+O14933	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	input
+O14933	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	input	output
+O14933	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	input
+O14933	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	output	output
+O14933	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	catalyst	input
+O14933	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-1169406	catalyst	output
+P27361	P28482	Reaction	R-HSA-2422927	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q9H8Y8	Reaction	R-HSA-2422927	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9H8Y8	Reaction	R-HSA-2422927	catalyst	output
+P27361	Q9H2G9	Reaction	R-HSA-2422927	catalyst	input
+P27361	Q9H2G9	Reaction	R-HSA-2422927	catalyst	output
+P27361	P61019	Reaction	R-HSA-2422927	catalyst	input
+P27361	P61019	Reaction	R-HSA-2422927	catalyst	output
+P27361	P30153	Complex	R-HSA-6811477	component	component
+P27361	P30154	Complex	R-HSA-6811477	component	component
+P27361	P67775	Complex	R-HSA-6811477	component	component
+P27361	P62714	Complex	R-HSA-6811477	component	component
+P27361	Q15173	Complex	R-HSA-6811477	component	component
+P27361	Q13362	Complex	R-HSA-6811477	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-6811477	component	component
+P27361	P46695	Complex	R-HSA-6811477	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-109843	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-109838	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5675205	component	component
+P27361	Q15121	Complex	R-HSA-5675205	component	component
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Complex	R-HSA-5674360	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5674360	component	component
+P27361	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5674360	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5674360	component	component
+P27361	Q8NFM7	Complex	R-HSA-5674362	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5674362	component	component
+P27361	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5674362	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5674362	component	component
+P27361	Q9BRX9	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P27361	Q9UHA4	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P27361	Q9Y2Q5	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P27361	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P10398	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P15056	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P04049	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5674138	component	component
+P27361	Q9BRX9	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P27361	Q9UHA4	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P27361	Q9Y2Q5	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P27361	Q02750	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P27361	P36507	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P10398	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P15056	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P04049	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5674131	component	component
+P05067	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-879427	component	component
+P04271	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-879427	component	component
+P09429	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-879427	component	component
+P0DJI8	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-879427	component	component
+P27361	P80511	Complex	R-HSA-879427	component	component
+P27361	Q15109	Complex	R-HSA-879427	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Complex	R-HSA-879427	component	component
+P20592	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P20591	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+O95786	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P19525	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P09914	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P19174	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P27361	P51965	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P27361	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P23458	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P05161	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-1169387	component	component
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-1268261	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P53779	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P45984	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P45983	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-5674340	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-169289	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-5674341	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-5674338	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-198701	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	Q13164	Set	R-HSA-199878	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-199878	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	Q13164	Set	R-HSA-199955	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-199955	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-169291	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-5675361	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-5675363	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-2422450	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P28482	Set	R-HSA-3656389	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P27361	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P27361	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P27361	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P27361	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P27361	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P27361	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P51965	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P42224	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P27361	P27361	Set	R-HSA-1169379	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q00987	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q00987	Reaction	R-HSA-198599	catalyst	output
+P31749	P49840	Reaction	R-HSA-198371	catalyst	input
+P31749	P49840	Reaction	R-HSA-198371	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198371	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198371	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P49841	Reaction	R-HSA-198371	catalyst	input
+P31749	P49841	Reaction	R-HSA-198371	catalyst	output
+O15111	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198611	input	catalyst
+O15111	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198611	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198611	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198611	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198609	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198609	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P49815	Reaction	R-HSA-198609	catalyst	input
+P31749	P49815	Reaction	R-HSA-198609	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198613	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P38936	Reaction	R-HSA-198613	catalyst	input
+P31749	P38936	Reaction	R-HSA-198613	catalyst	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198613	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P46527	Reaction	R-HSA-198613	catalyst	input
+P31749	P46527	Reaction	R-HSA-198613	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q92934	Reaction	R-HSA-198347	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q92934	Reaction	R-HSA-198347	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198347	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198347	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-NUL-3139045	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-NUL-3139045	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q96B36	Reaction	R-HSA-200143	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q96B36	Reaction	R-HSA-200143	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-200143	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-200143	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-8948757	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-8948757	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9UHC7	Reaction	R-HSA-8948757	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9UHC7	Reaction	R-HSA-8948757	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198621	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P55211	Reaction	R-HSA-198621	catalyst	input
+P31749	P55211	Reaction	R-HSA-198621	catalyst	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198621	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P40818	Reaction	R-HSA-1358791	catalyst	input
+P31749	P40818	Reaction	R-HSA-1358791	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-1358791	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-1358791	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-389756	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-389756	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P41279	Reaction	R-HSA-389756	catalyst	input
+P31749	P41279	Reaction	R-HSA-389756	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-8933446	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-8933446	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q6P3S1	Reaction	R-HSA-8933446	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q6P3S1	Reaction	R-HSA-8933446	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q8TEH3	Reaction	R-HSA-8933446	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q8TEH3	Reaction	R-HSA-8933446	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198298	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198298	input	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198298	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198298	input	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198298	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198298	output	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198298	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198298	output	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	input	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	input	output
+P31749	Q6ZVD8	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	output	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	output	output
+P31749	Q6ZVD8	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	output	catalyst
+O60346	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	catalyst	input
+O60346	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-199425	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	output
+P31749	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	output
+P31749	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	catalyst
+P31749	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	output
+P31749	Q16537	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q14738	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	output
+P31749	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q15172	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	catalyst
+P31749	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	output	catalyst
+P30153	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	catalyst	input
+P30153	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	catalyst	output
+P30154	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	catalyst	input
+P30154	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-390329	catalyst	output
+P31749	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	input	catalyst
+P31749	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	input	catalyst
+P31749	P67775	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	output	catalyst
+P31749	P62714	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q15173	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q13362	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	output	catalyst
+P30153	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	catalyst	input
+P30153	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	catalyst	output
+P30154	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	catalyst	input
+P30154	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6811504	catalyst	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202127	catalyst	catalyst
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202127	catalyst	catalyst
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202127	catalyst	catalyst
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	input	input
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	input	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	output	input
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	output	output
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	input	input
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	input	output
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	output	input
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	output	output
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	input	input
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	input	output
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	output	input
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497784	output	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	input	input
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	input	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	output	input
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	output	output
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	input	input
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	input	output
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	output	input
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	output	output
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	input	input
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	input	output
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	output	input
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497796	output	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	input	input
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	input	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	output	input
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	output	output
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	input	input
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	input	output
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	output	input
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	output	output
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	input	input
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	input	output
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	output	input
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202111	output	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	input	input
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	input	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	output	input
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	output	output
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	input	input
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	input	output
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	output	input
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	output	output
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	input	input
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	input	output
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	output	input
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-202137	output	output
+P07900	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497810	catalyst	catalyst
+P29474	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497810	catalyst	catalyst
+P0DP23	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-1497810	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q07352	Reaction	R-HSA-450490	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q07352	Reaction	R-HSA-450490	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q92945	Reaction	R-HSA-450499	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q92945	Reaction	R-HSA-450499	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	output
+P31749	Q9BPZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	regulator
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	output
+P31749	P42345	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q96RU7	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	regulator
+P31749	P85299	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q9BVC4	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q6R327	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q5T1C6	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	input	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	output
+P31749	Q9BPZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	regulator
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	output
+P31749	P42345	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	catalyst
+P31749	Q96RU7	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	regulator
+P31749	P85299	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	catalyst
+P31749	Q9BVC4	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	catalyst
+P31749	Q6R327	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	catalyst
+P31749	Q5T1C6	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	regulator	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	output
+P31749	Q9BPZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	regulator
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	output
+P31749	P42345	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q96RU7	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	regulator
+P31749	P85299	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q9BVC4	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q6R327	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q5T1C6	Reaction	R-HSA-198640	output	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317332	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317332	input	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317332	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317332	input	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317332	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2317332	output	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317332	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2317332	output	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	input	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	input	output
+P31749	Q96RU7	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	input	input
+P31749	Q96RU7	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	input	output
+P31749	Q5T1C6	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	input	input
+P31749	Q5T1C6	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	input	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	output	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	output	output
+P31749	Q96RU7	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	output	input
+P31749	Q96RU7	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	output	output
+P31749	Q5T1C6	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	output	input
+P31749	Q5T1C6	Reaction	R-HSA-199443	output	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2400010	input	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2400010	input	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2400010	input	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2400010	input	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2400010	output	input
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-2400010	output	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2400010	output	input
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-2400010	output	output
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	input	input
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	input	output
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	output	input
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	output	output
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848758	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848751	input	input
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848751	input	output
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848751	output	input
+P31749	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848751	output	output
+P31749	P98177	Reaction	R-HSA-199299	catalyst	input
+P31749	P98177	Reaction	R-HSA-199299	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q12778	Reaction	R-HSA-199299	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q12778	Reaction	R-HSA-199299	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199299	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199299	catalyst	catalyst
+O43524	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-199299	input	catalyst
+O43524	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-199299	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199863	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199863	catalyst	catalyst
+P22736	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-199863	input	catalyst
+P22736	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-199863	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-199839	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-199839	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9UBS0	Reaction	R-HSA-199839	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9UBS0	Reaction	R-HSA-199839	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q13951	Reaction	R-HSA-8939963	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q13951	Reaction	R-HSA-8939963	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q13950	Reaction	R-HSA-8939963	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q13950	Reaction	R-HSA-8939963	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-8939963	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-8939963	catalyst	catalyst
+O95696	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	input	catalyst
+O95696	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	output	catalyst
+P31749	P55201	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	input
+P31749	P55201	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9ULD4	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9ULD4	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q8WYH8	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q8WYH8	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9HAF1	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9HAF1	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q92794	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q92794	Reaction	R-HSA-6805640	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-6805785	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-6805785	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q9BVI0	Reaction	R-HSA-6805785	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9BVI0	Reaction	R-HSA-6805785	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q12778	Reaction	R-HSA-211164	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q12778	Reaction	R-HSA-211164	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-211164	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-211164	catalyst	catalyst
+O95696	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	input	regulator
+O95696	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	output	regulator
+P04637	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	input	regulator
+P04637	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	output	regulator
+P31749	P55201	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	input
+P31749	P55201	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	output
+P31749	Q9Y243	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	regulator
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	regulator
+P31749	Q9ULD4	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	input
+P31749	Q9ULD4	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	output
+P31749	Q8WYH8	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	input
+P31749	Q8WYH8	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	output
+P31749	Q9HAF1	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	input
+P31749	Q9HAF1	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	output
+P31749	Q92794	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	input
+P31749	Q92794	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	regulator	output
+P29590	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	input	regulator
+P29590	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-6805620	output	regulator
+P31749	Q9Y3M2	Reaction	R-HSA-3769394	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9Y3M2	Reaction	R-HSA-3769394	catalyst	output
+P31749	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-3769394	catalyst	input
+P31749	P35222	Reaction	R-HSA-3769394	catalyst	output
+P31749	P31751	Reaction	R-HSA-3769394	catalyst	catalyst
+P31749	Q13951	Reaction	R-NUL-8939977	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q13951	Reaction	R-NUL-8939977	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q08775	Reaction	R-NUL-8939977	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9Y2Q5	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9Y2Q5	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q96B36	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q96B36	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9HB90	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9HB90	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q5VZM2	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q5VZM2	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q6IAA8	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q6IAA8	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q8NBW4	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q8NBW4	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9UHA4	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9UHA4	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q0VGL1	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q0VGL1	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	P42345	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	P42345	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9NQL2	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9NQL2	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q7L523	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q7L523	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q9BVC4	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9BVC4	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q15382	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q15382	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q8N122	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q8N122	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	catalyst	output
+O43504	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	input	catalyst
+O43504	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-377186	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q9BPZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	input	catalyst
+P31749	P42345	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	input	catalyst
+P31749	P85299	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q9BVC4	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q6R327	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	input	catalyst
+P31749	Q9BPZ7	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	output	catalyst
+P31749	P42345	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	output	catalyst
+P31749	P85299	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q9BVC4	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q6R327	Reaction	R-HSA-2243938	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q92934	Reaction	R-HSA-2399941	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q92934	Reaction	R-HSA-2399941	catalyst	output
+P31749	P38936	Reaction	R-HSA-2399969	catalyst	input
+P31749	P38936	Reaction	R-HSA-2399969	catalyst	output
+P31749	P46527	Reaction	R-HSA-2399969	catalyst	input
+P31749	P46527	Reaction	R-HSA-2399969	catalyst	output
+O15111	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2400001	input	catalyst
+O15111	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2400001	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q00987	Reaction	R-HSA-2399981	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q00987	Reaction	R-HSA-2399981	catalyst	output
+P31749	P49815	Reaction	R-HSA-2399982	catalyst	input
+P31749	P49815	Reaction	R-HSA-2399982	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q96B36	Reaction	R-HSA-2399977	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q96B36	Reaction	R-HSA-2399977	catalyst	output
+P31749	P55211	Reaction	R-HSA-2399985	catalyst	input
+P31749	P55211	Reaction	R-HSA-2399985	catalyst	output
+P31749	P49840	Reaction	R-HSA-2399966	catalyst	input
+P31749	P49840	Reaction	R-HSA-2399966	catalyst	output
+P31749	P49841	Reaction	R-HSA-2399966	catalyst	input
+P31749	P49841	Reaction	R-HSA-2399966	catalyst	output
+P22736	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2399988	input	catalyst
+P22736	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2399988	output	catalyst
+P31749	Q9UBS0	Reaction	R-HSA-2399999	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q9UBS0	Reaction	R-HSA-2399999	catalyst	output
+P31749	P98177	Reaction	R-HSA-2399992	catalyst	input
+P31749	P98177	Reaction	R-HSA-2399992	catalyst	output
+P31749	Q12778	Reaction	R-HSA-2399992	catalyst	input
+P31749	Q12778	Reaction	R-HSA-2399992	catalyst	output
+O43524	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2399992	input	catalyst
+O43524	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2399992	output	catalyst
+P31749	P31751	Complex	R-HSA-2317310	component	component
+P31749	Q9Y243	Complex	R-HSA-2317310	component	component
+P31749	P31751	Complex	R-HSA-2317329	component	component
+P31749	Q9Y243	Complex	R-HSA-2317329	component	component
+P31749	P31751	Complex	R-HSA-199453	component	component
+P31749	Q9Y243	Complex	R-HSA-199453	component	component
+P31749	Q96RU7	Complex	R-HSA-199453	component	component
+P31749	Q5T1C6	Complex	R-HSA-199453	component	component
+P31749	Q13882	Complex	R-HSA-8848750	component	component
+P31749	Q13882	Complex	R-HSA-8848769	component	component
+P07900	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-1497830	component	component
+P0DP23	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-1497830	component	component
+P29474	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-1497830	component	component
+P07900	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-202121	component	component
+P0DP23	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-202121	component	component
+P29474	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-202121	component	component
+P29474	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-202113	component	component
+P07900	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-202113	component	component
+P0DP23	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-202113	component	component
+P07900	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-1497889	component	component
+P0DP23	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-1497889	component	component
+P29474	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-1497889	component	component
+P31749	P31751	Complex	R-HSA-2400006	component	component
+P31749	Q9Y243	Complex	R-HSA-2400006	component	component
+P31749	Q9Y243	Set	R-HSA-202074	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-202074	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-2317317	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q9Y243	Set	R-HSA-2317317	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-202052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q9Y243	Set	R-HSA-202052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-202088	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q9Y243	Set	R-HSA-202088	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-202072	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q9Y243	Set	R-HSA-202072	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-202084	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q9Y243	Set	R-HSA-202084	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-3769360	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-2400013	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q9Y243	Set	R-HSA-2400013	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31749	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31749	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31749	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q15306	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P38936	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q07820	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q7L0Q8	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P35228	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	Q16658	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P42224	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31749	Set	R-HSA-6790032	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P31749	P31751	Set	R-HSA-9023954	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	input	input
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	input	output
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	output	input
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	output	output
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	input	input
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	input	output
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	output	input
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875816	output	output
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	input	input
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	input	output
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	input	catalyst
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	output	input
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	output	output
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	output	catalyst
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	catalyst	input
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	catalyst	output
+P14210	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	catalyst	catalyst
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	input	input
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	input	output
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	input	catalyst
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	output	input
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	output	output
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	output	catalyst
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	catalyst	input
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	catalyst	output
+P08581	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8875817	catalyst	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	catalyst
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	input
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	output
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	catalyst
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	input
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	output
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	catalyst
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	input
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	output
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	input
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	output
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	catalyst
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	input
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	output
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	input	catalyst
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	input
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	output
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	catalyst
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	input
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	output
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	output	catalyst
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	input
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	output
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	input
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	output
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784006	catalyst	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	output
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	input
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	output
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	input
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	output
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	input
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	output
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	input
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	input	output
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	input
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	output
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	input
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784323	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	input
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	output
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	input
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	output
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	catalyst
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	input
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	output
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	input	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	input
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	output
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	input
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	output
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	catalyst
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	input
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	output
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	output	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	input
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	output
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	input
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	output
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	input
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	output
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Reaction	R-HSA-8982163	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	input	input
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	input	output
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	input	catalyst
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	input	input
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	input	output
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	input	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	output	input
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	output	output
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	output	catalyst
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	output	input
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	output	output
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	output	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	catalyst	input
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	catalyst	output
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	catalyst	input
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	catalyst	output
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848124	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848087	input	input
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848087	input	output
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848087	input	input
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848087	input	output
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848087	output	input
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Reaction	R-HSA-8848087	output	output
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848087	output	input
+P40763	Q13882	Reaction	R-HSA-8848087	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	input
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	output
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	catalyst
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	input
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	output
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	input	catalyst
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	input
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	output
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	catalyst
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	input
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	output
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	output	catalyst
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	input
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	output
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	input
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	output
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671850	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	output	output
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	input	input
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	input	output
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	input	input
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	input	output
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	output	input
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	output	output
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	output	input
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671868	output	output
+P04629	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-198732	catalyst	input
+P04629	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-198732	catalyst	output
+P01138	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-198732	catalyst	input
+P01138	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-198732	catalyst	output
+O95684	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1888198	catalyst	input
+O95684	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1888198	catalyst	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1888198	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1888198	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1888198	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1888198	output	output
+P09619	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P09619	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P09619	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P09619	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P09619	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P09619	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P09619	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P09619	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P16234	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P16234	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P16234	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P16234	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P16234	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P16234	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P16234	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P16234	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P42224	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P04085	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P04085	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P04085	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P04085	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P04085	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P04085	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P04085	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P04085	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P01127	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P01127	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P01127	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P01127	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P01127	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P01127	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P01127	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P01127	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P40763	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P42226	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P42226	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P42226	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P42226	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	catalyst
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	catalyst
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	catalyst
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	input
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	output
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	catalyst
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	input
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	output
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	catalyst
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	input
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	output
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	input
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	output
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	catalyst
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	input	catalyst
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	input
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	output
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	catalyst
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	output	catalyst
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	input
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	output
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788582	catalyst	catalyst
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	output
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	input
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	output
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	input
+P35225	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	output
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	input
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	input	output
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	input
+P40763	P78552	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6788571	output	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	catalyst
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	catalyst
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	catalyst
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	input
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	output
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	catalyst
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	input
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	output
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	catalyst
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	input
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	output
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	catalyst
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	input
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	output
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	catalyst
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	input
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	output
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	catalyst
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	input
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	output
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	input
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	output
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	catalyst
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	input	catalyst
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	input
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	output
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	catalyst
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	output	catalyst
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	input
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	output
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786095	catalyst	catalyst
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	output
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	input
+P24394	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	output
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	input
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	output
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	input
+P31785	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	output
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	input
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	output
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	input
+P05112	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	output
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	input
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	input	output
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	input
+P40763	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	output
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	input
+P40763	P42226	Reaction	R-HSA-6786124	output	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	output
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	input
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	output
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	input
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	output
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	input
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	output
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	input
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	output
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	input
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	output
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	input
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112565	output	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	catalyst
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	input
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	output
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	catalyst
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	input
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	output
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	catalyst
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	input
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	output
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	catalyst
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	input
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	output
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	catalyst
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	catalyst
+O14543	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	input
+O14543	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	output
+O14543	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	catalyst
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	input
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	output
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	catalyst
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	input
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	output
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	catalyst
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	input
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	output
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	catalyst
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	input
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	output
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	catalyst
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	input
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	output
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	catalyst
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	input
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	output
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	catalyst
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	input
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	output
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	regulator	catalyst
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	input
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	output
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	input	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	output	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112602	catalyst	catalyst
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	input
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	output
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	input
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	output
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	input
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	output
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	input
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	output
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	input
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	output
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	input
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168768	output	output
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	input
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	output
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	catalyst
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	input
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	output
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	catalyst
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	input
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	output
+P01242	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	catalyst
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	input
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	output
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	catalyst
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	input
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	output
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	catalyst
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	input
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	output
+P01241	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	catalyst
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	input
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	output
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	catalyst
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	input
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	output
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	catalyst
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	input
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	output
+P10912	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	catalyst
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	input	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	output	catalyst
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1168767	catalyst	catalyst
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	output
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	input
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	output
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	input
+P40189	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	output
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	input
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	output
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	input
+P05231	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	output
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	input
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	output
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	input
+P08887	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112604	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112538	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112538	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112538	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-1112538	output	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	input	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	input	output
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	output	input
+O60674	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	output	output
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	input	input
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	input	output
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	input	input
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	input	output
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	output	input
+P40763	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	output	output
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	output	input
+P40763	P41159	Reaction	R-HSA-2671839	output	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	output
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	input
+P29597	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	output
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	input
+P23458	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	output
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	input
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	output
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	input
+P22301	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	output
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	input
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	output
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	input
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	input	output
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	input
+P40763	Q08334	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	output
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	input
+P40763	Q13651	Reaction	R-HSA-6784791	output	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-8950782	input	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-8950782	input	output
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-8950782	output	input
+P40763	P42224	Reaction	R-HSA-8950782	output	output
+P40763	Q14765	Reaction	R-HSA-8950780	input	input
+P40763	Q14765	Reaction	R-HSA-8950780	input	output
+P40763	Q14765	Reaction	R-HSA-8950780	output	input
+P40763	Q14765	Reaction	R-HSA-8950780	output	output
+P40763	Q01860	Reaction	R-HSA-2895778	input	input
+P40763	Q01860	Reaction	R-HSA-2895778	input	output
+P40763	Q01860	Reaction	R-HSA-2895778	output	input
+P40763	Q01860	Reaction	R-HSA-2895778	output	output
+P04637	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P04637	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P04637	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P04637	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+O96020	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+O96020	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+O96020	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+O96020	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+O00567	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+O00567	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+O00567	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+O00567	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P17987	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P17987	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P17987	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P17987	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+O15379	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+O15379	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+O15379	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+O15379	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P04062	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P04062	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P04062	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P04062	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40227	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40227	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40227	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40227	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	P50990	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	P50990	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9UKT8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9UKT8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	P51784	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	P51784	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9UKT7	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9UKT7	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	P50991	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	P50991	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q969H0	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q969H0	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9BUR4	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9BUR4	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q5XUX1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q5XUX1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9BVG8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9BVG8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	P78371	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	P78371	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q86WA8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q86WA8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	P61962	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	P61962	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9Y2T2	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9Y2T2	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	P48643	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	P48643	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9H0D6	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9H0D6	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9H1H9	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9H1H9	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q5XX13	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q5XX13	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	P57775	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	P57775	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9UKA1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9UKA1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q99832	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q99832	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9Y6D5	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9Y6D5	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q969U6	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q969U6	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9NRD1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9NRD1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	P49368	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	P49368	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q15477	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q15477	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q92526	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q92526	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	Q9UKT5	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P40763	Q9UKT5	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P40763	P50990	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	P50990	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9UKT8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9UKT8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	P51784	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	P51784	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9UKT7	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9UKT7	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	P50991	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	P50991	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q969H0	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q969H0	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9BUR4	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9BUR4	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q5XUX1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q5XUX1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9BVG8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9BVG8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	P78371	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	P78371	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q86WA8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q86WA8	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	P61962	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	P61962	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9Y2T2	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9Y2T2	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	P48643	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	P48643	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9H0D6	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9H0D6	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9H1H9	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9H1H9	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q5XX13	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q5XX13	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	P57775	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	P57775	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9UKA1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9UKA1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q99832	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q99832	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9Y6D5	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9Y6D5	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q969U6	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q969U6	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9NRD1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9NRD1	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	P49368	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	P49368	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q15477	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q15477	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q92526	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q92526	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40763	Q9UKT5	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P40763	Q9UKT5	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+O95302	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+O95302	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+O95302	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+O95302	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P24864	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+P24864	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+P24864	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+P24864	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+O14556	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	input
+O14556	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	input	output
+O14556	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	input
+O14556	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-390470	output	output
+P40189	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+P29597	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+P08887	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+P05231	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-1112576	component	component
+P40189	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112524	component	component
+P29597	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112524	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112524	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112524	component	component
+P08887	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112524	component	component
+P05231	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112524	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-1112524	component	component
+P40189	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112759	component	component
+P29597	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112759	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112759	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112759	component	component
+P08887	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112759	component	component
+P05231	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1112759	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-1112759	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-1112555	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-1112590	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-2671874	component	component
+P40763	P48357	Complex	R-HSA-2671874	component	component
+P40763	P41159	Complex	R-HSA-2671874	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-2671864	component	component
+P40763	P48357	Complex	R-HSA-2671864	component	component
+P40763	P41159	Complex	R-HSA-2671864	component	component
+P40763	Q13882	Complex	R-HSA-8848084	component	component
+P40763	Q9UGK3	Complex	R-HSA-8848084	component	component
+P40763	P42226	Complex	R-HSA-6786088	component	component
+P40763	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-6786088	component	component
+P05112	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786088	component	component
+P24394	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786088	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786088	component	component
+P31785	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786088	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786088	component	component
+P40763	P42226	Complex	R-HSA-6786077	component	component
+P40763	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-6786077	component	component
+P05112	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786077	component	component
+P24394	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786077	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786077	component	component
+P31785	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786077	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6786077	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-6788621	component	component
+P40763	P42226	Complex	R-HSA-6788621	component	component
+P40763	P78552	Complex	R-HSA-6788621	component	component
+P29597	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788621	component	component
+P35225	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788621	component	component
+P24394	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788621	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788621	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788621	component	component
+P29597	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788579	component	component
+P35225	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788579	component	component
+P24394	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788579	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788579	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6788579	component	component
+P40763	P78552	Complex	R-HSA-6788579	component	component
+P40763	P42226	Complex	R-HSA-6788579	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-6788579	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8982168	component	component
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Complex	R-HSA-8982168	component	component
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Complex	R-HSA-8982168	component	component
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Complex	R-HSA-8982168	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8982170	component	component
+P40763	Q9UHF4	Complex	R-HSA-8982170	component	component
+P40763	Q6UXL0	Complex	R-HSA-8982170	component	component
+P40763	Q9UHD0	Complex	R-HSA-8982170	component	component
+P29597	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6784779	component	component
+P22301	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6784779	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6784779	component	component
+P40763	Q08334	Complex	R-HSA-6784779	component	component
+P40763	Q13651	Complex	R-HSA-6784779	component	component
+P29597	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6784795	component	component
+P22301	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6784795	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-6784795	component	component
+P40763	Q08334	Complex	R-HSA-6784795	component	component
+P40763	Q13651	Complex	R-HSA-6784795	component	component
+P42224	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469975	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1469975	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-1469975	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1469975	component	component
+P42224	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1566924	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1566924	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-1566924	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1566924	component	component
+P42226	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P40763	P42226	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P42224	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P16234	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P16234	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P09619	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P09619	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P04085	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P04085	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P01127	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P01127	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P31785	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P31785	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P23458	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P14784	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P14784	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P40933	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P42229	Q13261	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P42229	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P40763	Q13261	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P40763	P40933	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P40763	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-9007112	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-9007112	component	component
+P31785	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P31785	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P23458	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P14784	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P14784	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P40933	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P40763	Q13261	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P40763	P40933	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P40763	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P42229	Q13261	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P42229	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8983180	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8983180	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8983197	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8983197	component	component
+P31785	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P31785	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P23458	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P42229	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P42229	Q9HBE5	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P42229	Q9HBE4	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P42229	Q14765	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P40763	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P40763	Q9HBE5	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P40763	Q9HBE4	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P40763	Q14765	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P42224	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P31785	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P31785	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P23458	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P42224	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P42229	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P42229	Q9HBE5	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P42229	Q9HBE4	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P42229	Q14765	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P40763	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P40763	Q9HBE5	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P40763	Q9HBE4	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P40763	P42224	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P40763	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
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+P10912	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1169146	component	component
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+P01241	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1169186	component	component
+P01242	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1169186	component	component
+P10912	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1169186	component	component
+O60674	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1169186	component	component
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+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8987135	component	component
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+P23458	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-8987074	component	component
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+P40763	P51692	Set	R-HSA-380756	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P40763	P51692	Set	R-HSA-9007142	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P40763	P51692	Set	R-HSA-9007110	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P40763	P51692	Set	R-HSA-9006868	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	Q14765	Set	R-HSA-9006868	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P40763	P51692	Set	R-HSA-9009216	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-9009216	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P40763	P40763	Set	R-HSA-391287	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P40763	Set	R-HSA-391287	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P40763	Set	R-HSA-391287	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P40763	P61962	Set	R-HSA-391287	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P40763	Set	R-HSA-391287	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P40763	Set	R-HSA-391287	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P40763	Set	R-HSA-391287	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	catalyst
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	catalyst
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	catalyst
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	catalyst
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	catalyst
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	catalyst
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	input
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	output
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	catalyst
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	input
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	output
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	catalyst
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	input
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	output
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	catalyst
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	input
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	output
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	catalyst
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	input
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	output
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	catalyst
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	input
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	output
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	catalyst
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	input
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	output
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	catalyst
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	input
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	output
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	catalyst
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	input
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	output
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	input	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	output	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1671691	catalyst	catalyst
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	output
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	input
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	output
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	input
+P0DML2	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	output
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	input
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	output
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	input
+P16471	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	output
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	input
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	output
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	input
+P01236	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1369080	output	output
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	input
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	output
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	catalyst
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	input
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	output
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	catalyst
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	input
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	output
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	catalyst
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	catalyst
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	catalyst
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	catalyst
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	input
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	output
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	catalyst
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	input
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	output
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	catalyst
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	input
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	output
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	catalyst
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	catalyst
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	catalyst
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	catalyst
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	input
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	output
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	input	catalyst
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	catalyst
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	input
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	output
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	output	catalyst
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	input
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	output
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452097	catalyst	catalyst
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	input
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	output
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	input
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	output
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	input
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	output
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	input
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	output
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	input
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	input	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	output
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	input
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-452108	output	output
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	input
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	output
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	input	catalyst
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	input
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	output
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	output	catalyst
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	input
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	output
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879909	catalyst	catalyst
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	input
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	input	output
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	input
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-879930	output	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	output
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	input
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	output
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	input
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168393	output	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	catalyst
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	catalyst
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	catalyst
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	catalyst
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	catalyst
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	catalyst
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	input
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	output
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	catalyst
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	input
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	output
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	catalyst
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	input
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	output
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	input	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	output	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168394	catalyst	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	input	output
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	input	input
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	output	output
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	output	input
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	output	output
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	input	input
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	input	output
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	output	input
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671855	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	catalyst
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	catalyst
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	input
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	output
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	catalyst
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	input
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	output
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	catalyst
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	input
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	output
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	catalyst
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	input
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	output
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	input	catalyst
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	input
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	output
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	output	catalyst
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	input
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	output
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671829	catalyst	catalyst
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1254291	input	input
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1254291	input	output
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1254291	output	input
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1254291	output	output
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1254285	input	input
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1254285	input	output
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1254285	output	input
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-1254285	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452102	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452102	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452102	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-452102	output	output
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	input
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	output
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	input
+P14784	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	output
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	input
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	output
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	input
+P01589	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	output
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	input
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	input	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	output
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	input
+P42229	P60568	Reaction	R-HSA-919404	output	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	output
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	input
+P31785	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	output
+P13232	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	input
+P13232	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	output
+P13232	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	input
+P13232	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	output
+P16871	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	input
+P16871	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	output
+P16871	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	input
+P16871	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	output
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	input
+P23458	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	input	output
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	input
+P42229	P52333	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-6785165	output	output
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+P15509	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+P32927	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+P04141	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+P26951	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+P42229	Q01344	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+P08700	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	input
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	input	output
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	input
+P05113	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-921155	output	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	output
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	input
+P01242	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	output
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	input
+P01241	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	output
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	input
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	output
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	input
+P10912	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-1168894	output	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	input	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	input	output
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	output	input
+O60674	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	input	output
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	input	input
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	output	output
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	output	input
+P42229	P48357	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	output	output
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	input	input
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	input	output
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	output	input
+P41159	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-2671876	output	output
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-8954224	input	input
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-8954224	input	output
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-8954224	output	input
+P42229	Q15303	Reaction	R-HSA-8954224	output	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-8865626	input	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-8865626	input	output
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-8865626	output	input
+P42229	P51692	Reaction	R-HSA-8865626	output	output
+P42229	Q15303	Complex	R-HSA-1254284	component	component
+P01241	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1369095	component	component
+P01242	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1369095	component	component
+P01236	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1369095	component	component
+P0DML2	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1369095	component	component
+P16471	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1369095	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1369095	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1369095	component	component
+P01241	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1671696	component	component
+P01242	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1671696	component	component
+P01236	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1671696	component	component
+P0DML2	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1671696	component	component
+P16471	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1671696	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1671696	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1671696	component	component
+P42229	Q15303	Complex	R-HSA-1254288	component	component
+P42229	Q15303	Complex	R-HSA-8954223	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-507919	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-508012	component	component
+P31785	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-507943	component	component
+P23458	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-507943	component	component
+P01589	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-507943	component	component
+P14784	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-507943	component	component
+P42229	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-507943	component	component
+P42229	P60568	Complex	R-HSA-507943	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-507943	component	component
+P31785	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-452107	component	component
+P23458	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-452107	component	component
+P01589	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-452107	component	component
+P14784	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-452107	component	component
+P42229	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-452107	component	component
+P42229	P60568	Complex	R-HSA-452107	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-452107	component	component
+P16871	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8982988	component	component
+P23458	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8982988	component	component
+P13232	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8982988	component	component
+P31785	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8982988	component	component
+P42229	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-8982988	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8982988	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-9025978	component	component
+P42229	P52333	Complex	R-HSA-9025978	component	component
+P16871	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9025978	component	component
+P23458	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9025978	component	component
+P13232	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9025978	component	component
+P31785	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9025978	component	component
+P15509	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913365	component	component
+P04141	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913365	component	component
+P32927	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913365	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913365	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-913365	component	component
+P08700	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-912305	component	component
+P26951	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-912305	component	component
+P32927	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-912305	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-912305	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-912305	component	component
+P05113	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913409	component	component
+P32927	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913409	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913409	component	component
+P42229	Q01344	Complex	R-HSA-913409	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-913409	component	component
+P08700	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-912301	component	component
+P26951	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-912301	component	component
+P32927	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-912301	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-912301	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-912301	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-913407	component	component
+P42229	Q01344	Complex	R-HSA-913407	component	component
+P05113	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913407	component	component
+P32927	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913407	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913407	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-913386	component	component
+P15509	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913386	component	component
+P04141	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913386	component	component
+P32927	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913386	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-913386	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-8865622	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-9012668	component	component
+P01241	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1168902	component	component
+P01242	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1168902	component	component
+P10912	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1168902	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1168902	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1168902	component	component
+P01241	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1168901	component	component
+P01242	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1168901	component	component
+P10912	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1168901	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1168901	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-1168901	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-2671867	component	component
+P42229	P48357	Complex	R-HSA-2671867	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-2671867	component	component
+P41159	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-2671867	component	component
+O60674	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-2671835	component	component
+P41159	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-2671835	component	component
+P42229	P48357	Complex	R-HSA-2671835	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Complex	R-HSA-2671835	component	component
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-452094	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-507929	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-8983121	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-1469978	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	Q01344	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913465	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	Q01344	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P42229	Set	R-HSA-913447	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-1295523	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-8983182	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P42229	P51692	Set	R-HSA-1295524	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	input
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	output
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	input
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	output
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	input
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	output
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	input
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	output
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	input
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	output
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	input
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	output
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	input
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	output
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	input
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	input	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875540	output	output
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	input
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	output
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	input
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	output
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	input
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	output
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	input
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	output
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	input
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	output
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	input
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	output
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	input
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	output
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	input
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	output
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	input
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	output
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	input
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	input	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875558	output	output
+P14210	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	catalyst
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	catalyst
+P46109	P62993	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	catalyst
+P46109	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	input
+P46109	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	output
+P46109	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	input
+P46109	P61224	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	output
+P46109	Q13480	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	catalyst
+P08581	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	catalyst
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-8875568	catalyst	catalyst
+P09619	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	input
+P09619	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	output
+P09619	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	input
+P09619	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	output
+P16234	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	input
+P16234	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	output
+P16234	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	input
+P16234	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	output
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	input
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	output
+P46109	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	input
+P46109	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	output
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	input
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	output
+P46109	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	input
+P46109	P56945	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	output
+P04085	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	input
+P04085	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	output
+P04085	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	input
+P04085	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	output
+P01127	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	input
+P01127	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	output
+P01127	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	input
+P01127	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	input	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382052	output	output
+P09619	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	input
+P09619	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	output
+P09619	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	input
+P09619	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	output
+P16234	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	input
+P16234	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	output
+P16234	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	input
+P16234	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	output
+P04085	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	input
+P04085	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	output
+P04085	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	input
+P04085	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	output
+P01127	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	input
+P01127	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	output
+P01127	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	input
+P01127	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	input	output
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	input
+P46108	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-382056	output	output
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	input	input
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	input	output
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	output	input
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	output	output
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	input	input
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	input	output
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	input	input
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	input	output
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	output	input
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	output	output
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	output	input
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	output	output
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	input	input
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	input	output
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	output	input
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170978	output	output
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170979	catalyst	catalyst
+P46109	Q13905	Reaction	R-HSA-170979	catalyst	catalyst
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170979	catalyst	catalyst
+P46109	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-170979	catalyst	input
+P46109	P62834	Reaction	R-HSA-170979	catalyst	output
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170979	catalyst	catalyst
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	input	input
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	input	output
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	output	input
+P04629	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	output	output
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	input	input
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	input	output
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	output	input
+P46109	Q8WU20	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	output	output
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	input	input
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	input	output
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	output	input
+P01138	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-170975	output	output
+P14210	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875574	component	component
+P08581	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875574	component	component
+P46109	Q13480	Complex	R-HSA-8875574	component	component
+P46109	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-8875574	component	component
+P46109	Q96N67	Complex	R-HSA-8875574	component	component
+P46108	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875574	component	component
+P14210	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875548	component	component
+P08581	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875548	component	component
+P46109	Q13480	Complex	R-HSA-8875548	component	component
+P46109	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-8875548	component	component
+P46108	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875548	component	component
+P14210	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875561	component	component
+P08581	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875561	component	component
+P46109	Q13480	Complex	R-HSA-8875561	component	component
+P46109	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-8875561	component	component
+P46109	Q13905	Complex	R-HSA-8875561	component	component
+P46108	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875561	component	component
+P16234	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381955	component	component
+P09619	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381955	component	component
+P04085	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381955	component	component
+P01127	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381955	component	component
+P46108	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381955	component	component
+P16234	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381957	component	component
+P09619	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381957	component	component
+P04085	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381957	component	component
+P01127	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381957	component	component
+P46109	P56945	Complex	R-HSA-381957	component	component
+P46109	Q13905	Complex	R-HSA-381957	component	component
+P46108	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-381957	component	component
+P01138	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-190081	component	component
+P04629	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-190081	component	component
+P46109	Q8WU20	Complex	R-HSA-190081	component	component
+P01138	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-190070	component	component
+P04629	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-190070	component	component
+P46109	Q8WU20	Complex	R-HSA-190070	component	component
+P46109	Q13905	Complex	R-HSA-190070	component	component
+P14210	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875665	component	component
+P08581	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875665	component	component
+P46109	Q9NZ52	Complex	R-HSA-8875665	component	component
+P46109	P62330	Complex	R-HSA-8875665	component	component
+P46109	Q13480	Complex	R-HSA-8875665	component	component
+P46109	P62993	Complex	R-HSA-8875665	component	component
+P46108	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-8875665	component	component
+P46109	P46109	Set	R-HSA-381945	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P23443	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-165726	catalyst	input
+P23443	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-165726	catalyst	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72673	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-2408529	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96T21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P57772	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	input	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	output	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-5333615	catalyst	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+O60841	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+O60841	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+O60841	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+O60841	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72671	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	input	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	output	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156923	catalyst	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156907	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	input	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	output	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156912	catalyst	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927789	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	input	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	output	catalyst
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927889	catalyst	catalyst
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+O15234	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q9BZI7	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q96Q15	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q9HAU5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q15287	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q96A72	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q09161	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q9H1J1	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q8ND04	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q9H0W8	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y5S9	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62753	Q92900	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P38919	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P52298	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P61326	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-927832	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P60059	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P60059	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P60059	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P60059	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P67812	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9BY50	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y6A9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q9H9S3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q9H9S3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q15629	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q15629	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q15005	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P67812	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9BY50	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y6A9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	catalyst
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q9H9S3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q9H9S3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q15629	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q15629	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q15005	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	catalyst
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P43307	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P43307	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P43307	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P43307	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P43308	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P43308	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P43308	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P43308	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P60468	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P60468	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P60468	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P60468	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P61619	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P61619	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P61619	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P61619	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P39656	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P39656	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P39656	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P39656	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P04843	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P04843	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P04843	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P04843	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P04844	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P04844	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P04844	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P04844	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P61009	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	catalyst	input
+P61009	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	catalyst	output
+P51571	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P51571	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P51571	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P51571	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799329	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P60059	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P60059	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P60059	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P60059	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y5M8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y5M8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q9H9S3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q9H9S3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q15629	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q15629	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y5M8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y5M8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNL2	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q9H9S3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q9H9S3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q15629	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q15629	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P43307	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P43307	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P43307	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P43307	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P43308	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P43308	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P43308	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P43308	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P60468	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P60468	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P60468	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P60468	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P61619	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P61619	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P61619	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P61619	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P39656	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P39656	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P39656	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P39656	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P08240	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P08240	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P08240	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P08240	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P04843	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P04843	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P04843	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P04843	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P04844	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P04844	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P04844	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P04844	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P51571	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P51571	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P51571	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P51571	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	input
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	input	output
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	input
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799326	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P08240	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P08240	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P08240	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P08240	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y5M8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y5M8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y5M8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y5M8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799330	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P09132	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P49458	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q9UHB9	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P37108	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+O76094	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P61011	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-1799332	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+O60841	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+O60841	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+O60841	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+O60841	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72672	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P68104	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P13639	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P13639	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P13639	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P13639	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156915	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141671	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141673	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P18124	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62750	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P47914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P30050	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P39023	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P15170	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62917	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62910	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P83731	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62913	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q07020	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P84098	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P63173	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P83881	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62888	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62891	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q02878	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q8IYD1	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62899	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q92901	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62829	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62906	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q96L21	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q96EH5	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q02543	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62987	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	P62945	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62753	Q969Q0	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P36578	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P61353	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P61313	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P05386	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P46777	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P05387	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P27635	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P46776	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P05388	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P46779	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P46778	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P49207	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P61513	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P61927	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P32969	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P18621	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62495	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P42766	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P50914	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P26373	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P18077	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P35268	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P61254	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	input	output
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	input
+P62424	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-141691	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72676	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72691	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	regulator	input
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	regulator	output
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	input	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72619	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	input	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72621	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P55010	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	input	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-72697	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	input	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-157849	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	input	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156808	output	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P23396	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+O75821	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+O75822	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62280	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+O00303	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P39019	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62277	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62273	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P23588	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P46783	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q71UM5	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q8TD47	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q04637	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q7L2H7	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	P62847	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	P62841	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	P63220	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q14152	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	P62857	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q9UBQ5	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	P62979	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	P62851	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	P62854	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q13347	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q99613	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	P62861	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q14240	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q9Y262	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62753	Q15056	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+O15371	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+O15372	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P46782	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P41091	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62244	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62241	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P20042	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P60228	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P60866	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62249	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P25398	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P55884	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P11940	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P40429	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P61247	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P05198	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P08865	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P47813	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P08708	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P22090	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P42677	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62266	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62701	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P62269	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P06730	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	input	output
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	input
+P60842	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-156823	output	output
+P22087	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62081	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P55769	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+O00567	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+O00566	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+O43818	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+O15213	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y324	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q92979	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9NYH9	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q12788	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H0S4	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H583	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8TED0	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3A4	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q15061	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9NV06	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y3A2	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8NI36	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q14692	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q68CQ4	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y2X3	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q14690	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q969X6	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9BVI4	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q5TAP6	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H8H0	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	P78316	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q15269	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9NQZ2	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y6V7	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9H6R4	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y2R4	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q13601	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8IY37	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y2P8	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96EU6	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q96G21	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9NV31	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9Y5J1	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9BVJ6	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q8IWA0	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62753	Q9UNX4	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P46781	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+O75691	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P15880	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P62263	P62753	Reaction	R-HSA-6790906	catalyst	catalyst
+P47914	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P46779	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P46776	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P61353	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P39023	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P27635	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62750	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P46778	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P35268	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P18621	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P61313	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P50914	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P40429	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P61254	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P26373	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P30050	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P05387	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P05386	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P05388	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P32969	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62424	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P18124	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P46777	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P36578	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P61513	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P61927	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P18077	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P42766	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P49207	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62081	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q92901	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P83731	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q96L21	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62829	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P84098	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q02543	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q07020	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62913	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62906	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q969Q0	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P83881	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q96EH5	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62891	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62917	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q02878	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62945	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62987	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P63173	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62910	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62899	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62888	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62861	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62857	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62979	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q8TD47	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62854	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62851	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62847	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	Q71UM5	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P63220	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62753	P62841	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P46782	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P61247	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P23396	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62273	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62701	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P22090	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P42677	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62266	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P60866	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P15880	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62244	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P39019	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62269	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P08708	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62249	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62263	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62277	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P25398	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62280	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P08865	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P46783	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P46781	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P62241	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72505	component	component
+P47914	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P46779	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P46776	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P61353	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P39023	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P27635	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62750	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P46778	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P35268	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P18621	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P61313	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P50914	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P40429	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P61254	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P26373	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P30050	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P05387	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P05386	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P05388	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P32969	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62424	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P18124	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P46777	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P36578	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P61513	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P61927	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P18077	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P42766	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P49207	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62081	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q92901	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P83731	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q96L21	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62829	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P84098	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q6P5R6	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q02543	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q07020	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q9UNX3	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62913	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62906	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q969Q0	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P83881	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q96EH5	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62891	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62917	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q02878	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62945	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62987	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P63173	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q9Y3U8	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62910	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62899	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62888	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62861	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62857	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62979	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q8TD47	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62854	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62851	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62847	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	Q71UM5	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P63220	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62753	P62841	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P46782	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P61247	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P23396	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
+P62273	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-72500	component	component
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+O00566	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-6791184	component	component
+O75691	P62753	Complex	R-HSA-6791184	component	component
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+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	output
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	output	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	output	output
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	output	input
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	output	output
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	input
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	input	output
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	output	input
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450257	output	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	input	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	input	output
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+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	input	output
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	input	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	input
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	output
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	catalyst
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	input	input
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	input	output
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+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	input
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	output
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	output	catalyst
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	input
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	output
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450222	catalyst	catalyst
+P52564	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	catalyst	input
+P52564	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	input	output
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+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	input	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	output	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	output	output
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+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	output	output
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	input	input
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	input	output
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+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-450333	output	output
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+P06899	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
+P78364	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	input	catalyst
+P78364	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	catalyst
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+Q15759	Q71UI9	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q71DI3	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q9HC52	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16777	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q16777	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q9BTM1	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q16778	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q8NDX5	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q99880	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q96A08	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q99877	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q99877	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q93079	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q93077	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q93077	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q99496	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q99496	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q6FI13	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q8N257	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q96GD3	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q99878	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q99879	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	catalyst	output
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+Q06587	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P57053	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P84243	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P23527	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P68431	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P62805	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+O95503	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P62807	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P0C0S5	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+O00257	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+O60814	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P04908	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+P16104	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+Q14781	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3229102	output	catalyst
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+O75582	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-198669	output	catalyst
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+P52564	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3238999	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3238999	input	output
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+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3238999	output	output
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3238999	output	input
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3238999	output	output
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+P46734	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-3238999	catalyst	output
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+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	input	catalyst
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+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	input	output
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+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	output	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	output	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	output	catalyst
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	output	input
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	output	output
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	output	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3239019	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-3239014	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Reaction	R-HSA-3239014	catalyst	catalyst
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+Q15759	Q9UBK2	Reaction	R-HSA-1592233	catalyst	output
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1592233	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448948	catalyst	catalyst
+P15923	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448948	input	catalyst
+P15923	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448948	output	catalyst
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448948	catalyst	catalyst
+Q02080	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	input
+Q02080	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	output
+Q02080	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	catalyst
+Q02080	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	input
+Q02080	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	output
+Q02080	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	catalyst
+Q14814	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	input
+Q14814	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	output
+Q14814	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	catalyst
+Q14814	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	input
+Q14814	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	output
+Q14814	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	catalyst	catalyst
+Q06413	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	input
+Q06413	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	output
+Q06413	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	catalyst
+Q06413	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	input
+Q06413	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	output
+Q06413	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	catalyst
+Q02078	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	input
+Q02078	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	output
+Q02078	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	catalyst
+Q02078	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	input
+Q02078	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	output
+Q02078	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	catalyst
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	input
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	output
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	input	catalyst
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	input
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	output
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	output	catalyst
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	catalyst	input
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	catalyst	output
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448955	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-187688	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-187688	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q16644	Reaction	R-HSA-187688	catalyst	output
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-187688	input	catalyst
+P49137	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-187688	output	catalyst
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-451152	catalyst	catalyst
+Q15759	Q92945	Reaction	R-HSA-451152	catalyst	input
+Q15759	Q92945	Reaction	R-HSA-451152	catalyst	output
+P52564	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	catalyst	input
+P52564	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	catalyst	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	input	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	input	output
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	output	input
+Q15759	Q16539	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	output	output
+O15264	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	input	input
+O15264	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	input	output
+O15264	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	output	input
+O15264	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	output	output
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	input	input
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	input	output
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	output	input
+P53778	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-1247960	output	output
+P49137	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-450254	component	component
+Q15759	Q16644	Complex	R-HSA-450254	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-450254	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-450241	component	component
+Q15759	Q16644	Complex	R-HSA-450241	component	component
+P49137	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-450241	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-450213	component	component
+Q15759	Q16644	Complex	R-HSA-450213	component	component
+P49137	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-450213	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-450269	component	component
+Q15759	Q16644	Complex	R-HSA-450269	component	component
+P49137	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-450269	component	component
+Q15759	Q16644	Complex	R-HSA-3772127	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-3772127	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-3239002	component	component
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Complex	R-HSA-3239002	component	component
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Complex	R-HSA-3239009	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-3239009	component	component
+Q15759	Q8IW41	Complex	R-HSA-3239017	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-3239017	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-170993	component	component
+P53778	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-189828	component	component
+O15264	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-189828	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-189828	component	component
+Q14814	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448874	component	component
+Q02080	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448874	component	component
+Q06413	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448874	component	component
+Q02078	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448874	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Complex	R-HSA-448874	component	component
+P53778	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448874	component	component
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-198703	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-170997	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-203795	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-171016	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-171016	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-171016	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-1250102	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-1250102	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-1250102	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-1250100	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-1250100	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-1250100	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-448858	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-448858	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-448861	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-448861	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-448855	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q15759	Q16539	Set	R-HSA-448855	member/candidate	member/candidate
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730870	catalyst	catalyst
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	input
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	output
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	input
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	output
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	input
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	output
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	input
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	output
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	input
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	output
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	input
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	output
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	input
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	output
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	input
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	input
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	input	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	input
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730842	output	output
+P04433	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P04433	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV84	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV84	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV85	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV85	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV86	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV86	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV87	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV87	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+A0A075B6S6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+A0A075B6S6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+A2KUC3	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+A2KUC3	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV89	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV89	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P07948	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV80	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV80	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P0CG06	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P0CG06	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV81	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV81	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P0CG05	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P0CG05	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV82	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV82	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P0CG04	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P0CG04	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV83	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV83	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01718	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01718	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01717	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01717	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	output	output
+P01715	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01715	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01714	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01714	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01834	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01834	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+A2NXD2	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+A2NXD2	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01599	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01599	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P80748	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P80748	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01597	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01597	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01594	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01594	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01593	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01593	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P23083	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P23083	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P0CF74	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P0CF74	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV90	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV90	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
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+A0A0C4DH73	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV91	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV91	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV92	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV92	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01709	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01709	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01706	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01706	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01705	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01705	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01704	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01704	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01825	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01825	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01703	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01703	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01824	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01824	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01624	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01624	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01701	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01701	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01700	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01700	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01743	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01743	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01742	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01742	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+A2NJV5	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+A2NJV5	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P06310	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P06310	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P04211	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P04211	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01782	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01782	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P06312	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P06312	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P06315	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P06315	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV62	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV62	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01780	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01780	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV64	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV64	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV65	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV65	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	input	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	input	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	output	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	output	output
+Q5NV66	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV66	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV67	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV67	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	input	input
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	input	output
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	output	input
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	output	output
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+Q5NV68	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV69	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV69	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV61	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV61	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01619	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01619	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01817	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01817	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
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+A0A0C4DH25	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01814	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01814	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01615	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01615	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01614	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01614	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	input	input
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	input	output
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	output	input
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	output	output
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P06241	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01854	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01854	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01611	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01611	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01699	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01699	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01772	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01772	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV75	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV75	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+A0A075B6P5	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+A0A075B6P5	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q5NV79	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q5NV79	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+A0M8Q6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+A0M8Q6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
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+P43405	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+Q6PIL0	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+Q6PIL0	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01768	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01768	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01602	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01602	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01767	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01767	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01601	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01601	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01766	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01766	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01721	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P06331	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P06331	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01764	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01764	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01763	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01763	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P01762	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P01762	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P04430	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P04430	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P04432	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	input
+P04432	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730860	catalyst	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	input	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	input	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	output	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	output	output
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	input	input
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	input	output
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	output	input
+Q9GZY6	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	output	output
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	input	input
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	input	output
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	output	input
+Q07889	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-2730848	output	output
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P52333	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P52333	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P52333	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P52333	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+O00329	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+O00329	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+O00329	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+O00329	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P15509	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P15509	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P15509	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P15509	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P14784	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P14784	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P14784	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P14784	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P31785	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P31785	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P31785	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P31785	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+Q01344	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+Q01344	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+Q01344	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+Q01344	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+O60674	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+O60674	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+O60674	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+O60674	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P01589	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P01589	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P01589	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P01589	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P04141	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P04141	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P04141	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P04141	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P23458	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P23458	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P23458	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P23458	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P26951	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P26951	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P26951	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P26951	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P08700	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P08700	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P08700	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P08700	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P05113	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P05113	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P05113	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P05113	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P60568	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P60568	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P60568	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P60568	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	input
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	input	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	input
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-508247	output	output
+P56159	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+P56159	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+P56159	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+P56159	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+P39905	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+P39905	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+P39905	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+P39905	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
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+Q9GZZ7	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+P07949	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+P07949	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+P07949	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+P07949	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+O00451	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+O00451	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+O00451	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+O00451	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+O60609	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+O60609	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+O60609	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+O60609	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+Q5T4W7	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+Q5T4W7	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+Q5T4W7	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+Q5T4W7	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+O60542	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+O60542	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+O60542	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+O60542	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+Q13480	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+Q13480	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+Q13480	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+Q13480	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+Q99748	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	input
+Q99748	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	input	output
+Q99748	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	input
+Q99748	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-8855508	output	output
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-2685700	component	component
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-2685700	component	component
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-2685700	component	component
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+O00329	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-926774	component	component
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-926774	component	component
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+O60674	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+P08700	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+P26951	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+P42338	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+O00329	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912532	component	component
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-926773	component	component
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+O00459	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-926773	component	component
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-926773	component	component
+O00329	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-926773	component	component
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-926773	component	component
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+P52333	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-508238	component	component
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+P42338	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-508238	component	component
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+O00459	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-508238	component	component
+P27986	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-508238	component	component
+O00329	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-508238	component	component
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-508238	component	component
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+P01589	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-508246	component	component
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+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914047	component	component
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914047	component	component
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+Q01344	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914047	component	component
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+P29353	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912538	component	component
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912538	component	component
+O60674	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912538	component	component
+P08700	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912538	component	component
+P26951	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912538	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-912538	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914021	component	component
+P32927	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914021	component	component
+O60674	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914021	component	component
+P15509	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914021	component	component
+P04141	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914021	component	component
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-914021	component	component
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983327	component	component
+P31785	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983327	component	component
+P23458	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983327	component	component
+P14784	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983327	component	component
+Q13261	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983327	component	component
+P40933	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983327	component	component
+P52333	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983327	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983327	component	component
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983333	component	component
+P31785	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983333	component	component
+P23458	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983333	component	component
+P14784	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983333	component	component
+Q13261	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983333	component	component
+P40933	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983333	component	component
+P52333	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983333	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8983333	component	component
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+O00451	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855090	component	component
+P56159	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855090	component	component
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+Q99748	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855090	component	component
+Q5T4W7	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855090	component	component
+O60609	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855090	component	component
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+P07949	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
+O60542	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
+O00451	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
+P56159	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
+P39905	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
+Q99748	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
+Q5T4W7	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
+O60609	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
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+P29353	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855302	component	component
+Q13480	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+Q9GZZ7	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+P07949	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+O60542	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+O00451	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+P56159	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+P39905	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+Q99748	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+Q5T4W7	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+O60609	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+P62993	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+P29353	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+Q06124	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855762	component	component
+Q13480	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
+Q9GZZ7	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
+P07949	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
+O60542	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
+O00451	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
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+P39905	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
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+O60609	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
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+P29353	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
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+Q92569	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
+O00459	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
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+O00329	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
+P42336	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-8855523	component	component
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+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912533	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926768	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926768	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926768	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926768	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926768	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912535	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-926776	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-912537	member/candidate	member/candidate
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+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-914052	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-8855092	member/candidate	member/candidate
+Q9UQC2	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-8855296	member/candidate	member/candidate
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteinInternalEdges.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+id1	id2	type	container_id	role1	role2
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	input	catalyst
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	output	catalyst
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198270	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	input	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2317314	output	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	input	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	input	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	input	catalyst
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	output	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	output	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	output	catalyst
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	catalyst	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	catalyst	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243942	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243937	input	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243937	input	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243937	output	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2243937	output	output
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	output
+O15530	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	input
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	output
+O15530	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+P31749	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	input	regulator
+P31749	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-198284	output	regulator
+O15530	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-432110	catalyst	catalyst
+O15530	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-2317313	component	component
+O15530	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-2243941	component	component
+O15530	P31749	Complex	R-HSA-198360	component	component
+O15530	P31749	Set	R-HSA-432180	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P00519	P12931	Reaction	R-HSA-8942607	catalyst	catalyst
+P00519	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	input
+P00519	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	input	output
+P00519	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	input
+P00519	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-448957	output	output
+P00519	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448881	component	component
+P00519	Q15759	Complex	R-HSA-448887	component	component
+P00519	P12931	Set	R-HSA-8942611	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P11274	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	input
+P11274	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1839112	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	input	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839102	output	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839107	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	input	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839114	output	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	input	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	output	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839110	catalyst	catalyst
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	input	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	input	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	output	input
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1839095	output	output
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839048	component	component
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839047	component	component
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839051	component	component
+P11274	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1839045	component	component
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	input
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	input	output
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	input
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1562641	output	output
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-1433514	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	input
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	input	output
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	input
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Reaction	R-HSA-205234	output	output
+P12931	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	input
+P12931	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	input	output
+P12931	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	input
+P12931	P22681	Reaction	R-HSA-205244	output	output
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	input
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	input	output
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	input
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1433456	output	output
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	input
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	input	output
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	input
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470012	output	output
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P12931	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P12931	P40763	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	input
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	input	output
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	input
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-1470010	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418176	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-418170	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803234	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803230	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803227	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6803233	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672980	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802932	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802943	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802942	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802918	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802921	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802919	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802914	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802910	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802911	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802912	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802926	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802925	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802922	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672978	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672972	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-5672973	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802935	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	input	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	output	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802933	catalyst	catalyst
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	input	output
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	input
+P12931	P27361	Reaction	R-HSA-6802934	output	output
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672724	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672723	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-5672720	component	component
+P12931	P22681	Complex	R-HSA-205200	component	component
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562560	component	component
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1562561	component	component
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Complex	R-HSA-1433545	component	component
+P12931	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P12931	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1433527	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P12931	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P12931	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1469999	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P12931	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P12931	P40763	Complex	R-HSA-1470000	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802672	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802669	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802667	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802662	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802664	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802666	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802645	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802647	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802648	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802625	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802637	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802636	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802710	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802711	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-6802695	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-418179	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-418103	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-418144	component	component
+P12931	P27361	Complex	R-HSA-418210	component	component
+P12931	Q9UQC2	Set	R-HSA-9031773	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P16220	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	input	catalyst
+P16220	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-199298	output	catalyst
+P16220	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2399996	input	catalyst
+P16220	P31749	Reaction	R-HSA-2399996	output	catalyst
+P22681	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	input
+P22681	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	input	output
+P22681	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	output	input
+P22681	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912790	output	output
+P22681	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	input
+P22681	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	input	output
+P22681	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	input
+P22681	P46109	Reaction	R-HSA-912734	output	output
+P22681	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-912774	component	component
+P22681	P46109	Complex	R-HSA-914209	component	component
+P27361	Q15759	Reaction	R-HSA-168053	catalyst	catalyst
+P27361	Q15759	Set	R-HSA-450307	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	input
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	input	output
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	input
+P40763	P42229	Reaction	R-HSA-380782	output	output
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1469975	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-1566924	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-380766	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983118	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9007112	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983137	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983180	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8983197	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9006875	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-9006869	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Complex	R-HSA-8987135	component	component
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-1433551	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-1433413	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-1469979	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-380756	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-9007142	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-9007110	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-9006868	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-9006876	member/candidate	member/candidate
+P40763	P42229	Set	R-HSA-9009216	member/candidate	member/candidate
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteinVertices.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+id	 name
+O15530	3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 shortName:hPDK1 ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber ]
+P00519	Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 ecNumber evidence="65 70"
+P11274	Breakpoint cluster region protein ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber
+P12931	Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src ecNumber evidence="28 42 49 63 65 66"
+P16220	Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 shortName:CREB-1 shortName:cAMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 ]
+P22681	E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CBL ecNumber evidence="23 33 39"
+P27361	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 shortName:MAP kinase 3 shortName:MAPK 3 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+P31749	RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase ecNumber2.7.11.1/ecNumber
+P40763	fullName evidence="52"Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3
+P42229	Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A ]
+P46109	Crk-like protein ]
+P62753	40S ribosomal protein S6
+Q15759	Mitogen-activated protein kinase 11 shortName:MAP kinase 11 shortName:MAPK 11 ecNumber2.7.11.24/ecNumber
+Q9UQC2	GRB2-associated-binding protein 2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteoformExternalEdges.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+id1	id2	type	container_id	role1	role2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteoformInternalEdges.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+id1	id2	type	container_id	role1	role2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/proteoforms_graphs/proteoformVertices.tsv	Wed Jun 20 14:21:10 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+id	 name