1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #############################
4 #############################
5 # version : 0.0.1
6 # Principle:
7 # 1. get allele counts on all positions in specified targets (bed) using igvtools. Only SNPs !!
8 # 2. remove known dbsnp positions (bcf file)
9 # 3. Get distribution of background noise (pcr/sequencing errors), by modelling allele fractions as normal distributions.
10 # 4. Based on these distributions, check each position for significant change from the reference allele (based on allele fraction)
11 # 5. For abberant positions, check each alternate allele to see if it passes the background signal.
12 # 6. Generate VCF file.
15 ##################
17 ##################
18 use threads;
19 use threads::shared;
20 use Thread::Queue;
21 use Getopt::Std;
23 ####################
24 ## get paramaters ##
25 ####################
26 # t: target file
27 # b: bam file
28 # R: reference genome files for twobit and IGV.
29 # p: number of threads.
30 # s: dbsnp file
31 # m: minimal coverage (defaults 400x)
32 # P: ploidy
33 # a: outfile for allele distributions
34 # v: vcf file output.
35 getopts('t:b:R:p:s:m:P:v:a:', \%opts) ;
37 ## variables
38 my $twobit :shared;
39 my $igvgenome :shared;
40 if (!defined($opts{'R'})) {
41 die("Reference Genomes not specified\n");
42 }
43 my @refgenomes = split(",",$opts{'R'});
44 if (!-e $refgenomes[0]) {
45 die("'$refgenomes[0]' is not a valid file path.");
46 }
47 else {
48 $twobit = $refgenomes[0];
49 }
50 if (!-e $refgenomes[1]) {
51 die("'$refgenomes[1]' is not a valid file path.");
52 }
53 else {
54 $igvgenome = $refgenomes[1];
55 }
58 my $mincov :shared;
59 $mincov = 320;
60 if (defined($opts{'m'})) {
61 $mincov = $opts{'m'};
62 }
64 my $ploidy :shared;
65 if (defined($opts{'P'}) && $opts{'P'} =~ m/^\d+$/) {
66 $ploidy = $opts{'P'};
67 }
68 else {
69 die("Ploidy (-P) was not specified or not an integer\n");
70 }
73 if (defined($opts{'v'})) {
74 $outfile = $opts{'v'};
75 }
76 else {
77 die("No output vcf-file specified.\n");
78 }
79 if (!defined($opts{'a'})) {
80 die("No output file specified for distribution details\n");
81 }
82 ## create working dir.
83 my $rand = int(rand(10000));
84 while (-d "/tmp/DC_Genotyper_$rand") {
85 $rand = int(rand(10000));
86 }
87 my $wd :shared;
88 $wd = "/tmp/DC_Genotyper_$rand";
89 system("mkdir '$wd'");
92 my $snpfile :shared;
93 my $hassnp :shared;
94 $hassnp = 'NoDbSNP';
95 $snpfile = '';
96 if (defined($opts{'s'})) {
97 $snpfile = $opts{'s'};
98 if (!-e $snpfile) {
99 die("'$snpfile' is not a valid file path.");
100 }
102 my $mime = `file $snpfile`;
103 if ($mime !~ m/compressed/) {
104 print "$snpfile is not in compressed format. compressing & indexing the file now.\n";
105 #print "... this takes a while\n";
106 system("bgzip -c $snpfile > $wd/dbSNP.vcf.bgz");
107 system("cd $wd/ && tabix -p vcf dbSNP.vcf.bgz");
108 $snpfile = "$wd/dbSNP.vcf.bgz";
109 }
110 elsif (!-e "$snpfile.tbi") {
111 print "tabix index file is missing for '$snpfile'. creating now.\n";
112 ## check if I can write it out for future use
113 $snpfile =~ m/(.*)([^\/]+)$/;
114 my $d = $1;
115 if (-w $d) {
116 open OUT, ">$d/lock";
117 flock(OUT,2);
118 system("cd $d && tabix -p vcf $snpfile");
119 close OUT;
120 system("rm $d/lock");
121 }
122 else {
123 system("cp $snpfile /$wd/dbSNP.vcf.bgz");
124 system("cd $wd/ && tabix -p vcf dbSNP.vcf.bgz");
125 $snpfile = "$wd/dbSNP.vcf.bgz";
126 }
127 }
128 $hassnp = 'WithDbSNP';
129 }
132 ## 1. Get FASTA and prepare output hashes:
133 my $targets_one = Thread::Queue->new();
134 my $targets_two = Thread::Queue->new();
135 my $targets_three = Thread::Queue->new();
136 open IN, $opts{'t'} or die("Could not open $opts{'t'} file for reading");
137 if (-d "$wd/Fasta/") {
138 system("rm $wd/Fasta/*");
139 }
140 else {
141 system("mkdir $wd/Fasta");
142 }
143 ## create the threads.
144 for (my $i = 1; $i<= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
145 ${'thr'.$i} = threads->create('FetchFasta');
146 }
148 ## enqueue the targets.
149 my %thash;
150 while (<IN>) {
151 chomp;
152 my ($chr,$start,$stop,$name,$score,$strand) = split(/\t/,$_);
153 $targets_one->enqueue($_);
154 $targets_two->enqueue($_);
155 $targets_three->enqueue($_);
156 $thash{$chr}{$start} = $stop;
157 }
158 close IN;
160 ## end the threads.
161 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
162 $targets_one->enqueue(undef);
163 }
165 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
166 ${'thr'.$i}->join();
167 }
169 ## load dbSNP inside target regions into shared structure.
170 ##########################################################
171 my %dbsnp :shared;
172 if ($snpfile ne '') {
173 #my $bcf = `which bcftools`;
174 #chomp($bcf);
175 #if ($bcf ne '') {
176 # my $command = "bcftools query -f '\%CHROM\\t\%POS\\t\%REF\\t\%ALT\\t\%ID\\n' -R '".$opts{'t'}."' '$snpfile' > $wd/dbsnp.txt";
177 # system("$command");
178 # open IN, "$wd/dbsnp.txt";
179 # while (<IN>) {
180 # chomp;
181 # my @p = split(/\t/,$_);
182 # $dbsnp{$p[0].'-'.$p[1]} = $p[2].'-'.$p[3].'-'.$p[4];
183 # }
184 # close IN;
185 #}
186 #else {
187 # print "WARNING: BCFtools is not in the path. Skipping snp handling.\n";
188 # $snpfile = '';
189 # system("touch $wd/dbsnp.txt");
190 #}
191 system("tabix $snpfile -B $opts{'t'} | cut -f 1-5 > $wd/dbsnp.txt");
192 my $lc = `cat $wd/dbsnp.txt | wc -l`;
193 chomp($lc);
194 if ($lc eq '0') {
195 open SNP, ">$wd/dbsnp.txt";
196 ## dummy line on chr zero
197 print SNP "chr0\t1\t.\tA\tT\n";
198 close SNP;
199 }
200 else {
201 open SNP, ">$wd/dbsnp.txt";
202 ## dummy line on chr zero
203 print SNP "chr0\t1\t.\tA\tT\n";
204 close SNP;
205 }
207 ## now process the bam file.
208 mkdir "$wd/WIGS/";
209 my $bam :shared;
210 $bam = $opts{'b'};
211 my $bai = $bam.".bai";
212 if (!-e $bai) {
213 print "BAI ($bai) missing for $bam : creating\n";
214 system("samtools index $bam");
215 }
217 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
218 ${'thr'.$i} = threads->create('CountAlleles');
219 }
220 ## end the threads.
221 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
222 $targets_two->enqueue(undef);
223 }
225 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
226 ${'thr'.$i}->join();
227 }
229 ## generate the distributions.
230 ##############################
231 my $alleles = Thread::Queue->new();
232 my %all = ('A' => 1,'C' => 2,'G' => 3, 'T' => 4);
233 foreach(keys(%all)) {
234 $alleles->enqueue($_);
235 my $a = $_;
236 foreach(keys(%all)) {
237 if ($_ eq $a) {
238 next;
239 }
240 $alleles->enqueue($a.'-'.$_);
241 }
242 }
243 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
244 ${'thr'.$i} = threads->create('GetDistribution');
245 }
246 ## end the threads.
247 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
248 $alleles->enqueue(undef);
249 }
251 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
252 ${'thr'.$i}->join();
253 }
255 ## group distributions into one file
256 ####################################
257 my %map =('A' => 2,'C' => 3,'G' => 4, 'T' => 5);
258 open OUT, ">".$opts{'a'};
259 print OUT "allele\tavg\tsd\n";
260 foreach(keys(%map)) {
261 my $r = $_;
262 my $f = "$wd/model.$r.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.txt";
263 open IN, "$f";
264 my $a = <IN>;
265 chomp($a);
266 #$dists{$r}{'avg'} = $a;
267 my $s = <IN>;
268 chomp($s);
269 #$dists{$r}{'sd'} = $s;
270 close IN;
271 print OUT "$r\t$a\t$s\n";
272 foreach(keys(%map)) {
273 if ($_ eq $r) {
274 next;
275 }
276 my $f = "$wd/model.$r-$_.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.txt";
277 open IN, "$f";
278 my $a = <IN>;
279 chomp($a);
280 my $s = <IN>;
281 chomp($s);
282 close IN;
283 print OUT "$r-$_\t$a\t$s\n";
284 }
285 }
286 close OUT;
288 ## CALL SNPs
289 ############
290 # create the R script.
291 open R, ">$wd/CallSNPs.R";
292 print R "\n";
293 print R "args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)\n";
294 print R "counts <- read.table(file = args[1],header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)\n";
295 print R "ploidy <- as.integer(args[3])\n";
296 print R "chr <- args[2]\n";
297 print R "snps <- read.table(file=args[5],header=FALSE,as.is=TRUE)\n";
298 print R "colnames(snps) <- c('chr','pos','id','ref','alt')\n";
299 print R "colnames(counts) <- c('pos','ref','A','C','G','T','TotalDepth')\n";
300 print R "dists <- read.table(file='".$opts{'a'}."',header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)\n";
301 print R 'rownames(dists) = dists$allele'."\n";
302 print R 'dists <- dists[,-1]'."\n";
303 print R "vcf <- c()\n";
304 print R "lower <- c()\n";
305 print R "higher <- c()\n";
306 print R "for (i in 1:(ploidy)) {\n";
307 print R " lower[length(lower)+1] <- (2*i-1)/(2*ploidy)\n";
308 print R " higher[length(higher)+1] <- (2*i+1)/(2*ploidy)\n";
309 print R "}\n";
310 print R "for (i in 1:nrow(counts)) {\n";
311 print R " if (counts[i,'TotalDepth'] == 0) next\n";
312 print R " # significantly different from reference?\n";
313 print R " z <- ((counts[i,counts[i,'ref']]/counts[i,'TotalDepth']) - dists[counts[i,'ref'],'avg']) / dists[counts[i,'ref'],'sd']\n";
314 print R " if (abs(z) > 3) {\n";
315 print R " # test all alterate alleles to see which one is significant.\n";
316 print R " for (j in c('A','C','G','T')) {\n";
317 print R " if (j == counts[i,'ref']) next\n";
318 print R " z <- ((counts[i,j]/counts[i,'TotalDepth']) - dists[paste(counts[i,'ref'],'-',j,sep=''),'avg']) / dists[paste(counts[i,'ref'],'-',j,sep=''),'sd']\n";
319 print R " if (abs(z) > 3){\n";
320 print R " filter <- 'PASS'\n";
321 print R " phred <- round(-10*log(pnorm(-abs(z))),digits=0)\n";
322 print R " if (phred > 9999) phred <- 9999\n";
323 print R " frac <- counts[i,j]/counts[i,'TotalDepth']\n";
324 print R " for (k in 1:ploidy) {\n";
325 print R " if (frac >= lower[k] && frac < higher[k]) {\n";
326 print R " sample <- paste(paste(paste(rep(0,(ploidy-k)),sep='',collapse='/'),paste(rep(1,k),sep='',collapse='/'),sep='/',collapse=''),':',counts[i,counts[i,'ref']],',',counts[i,j],sep='',collapse='')\n";
327 print R " af <- k/ploidy\n";
328 print R " break\n";
329 print R " }\n";
330 print R " }\n";
331 print R " if (frac < lower[1]) {\n";
332 print R " sample <- paste(paste(paste(rep(0,(ploidy-1)),sep='',collapse='/'),paste(rep(1,1),sep='',collapse='/'),sep='/',collapse=''),':',counts[i,counts[i,'ref']],',',counts[i,j],sep='',collapse='')\n";
333 print R " af <- 1/ploidy\n";
334 print R " filter <- 'LowFraction'\n";
335 print R " }\n";
336 print R " if (counts[i,'TotalDepth'] < $mincov) {\n";
337 print R " filter <- 'LowCoverage'\n";
338 print R " }\n";
339 print R " info <- paste('DP=',counts[i,'TotalDepth'],';AF=',round(af,digits=5),';AR=',round(frac,digits=5),sep='')\n";
340 print R " snpids <- which(snps\$chr == chr & snps\$pos == counts[i,'pos'])\n";
341 print R " id <- '.'\n";
342 print R " if (length(snpids) > 0) id <- snps[snpids[1],'id']\n";
343 print R " vcf[length(vcf)+1] <- paste(chr,counts[i,'pos'],id,counts[i,'ref'],j,phred,filter,info,'GT:AD',sample,sep='\\t',collapse='')\n";
344 print R " }\n";
345 print R " }\n";
346 print R " }\n";
347 print R "}\n";
348 print R "if (length(vcf) > 0) {\n";
349 print R " write(file=args[4],paste(vcf,sep='\\n'))\n";
350 print R "}\n";
351 close R;
352 system("mkdir $wd/VCF/");
353 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
354 ${'thr'.$i} = threads->create('CallSNPs');
355 }
356 ## end the threads.
357 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
358 $targets_three->enqueue(undef);
359 }
361 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opts{'p'}; $i++) {
362 ${'thr'.$i}->join();
363 }
366 open OUT, ">$outfile";
367 print OUT "##fileformat=VCFv4.1\n";
368 print OUT "##source=High_Ploidy_Genotyper_v.0.1\n";
369 print OUT "##genome_reference=$twobit\n";
370 if ($snpfile ne '') {
371 print OUT "##SNP_file=$snpfile\n";
372 }
373 foreach(keys(%thash)) {
374 print OUT "##contig=<ID=$_,assembly=hg19,species=\"Homo Sapiens\">\n";
375 }
376 print OUT "##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total Depth\">\n";
377 print OUT "##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Allele Frequency\">\n";
378 print OUT "##INFO=<ID=AR,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Allelic Ratio\">\n";
379 print OUT "##FILTER=<ID=LowFraction,Description=\"Allelic Fraction under 1/2*$ploidy\">\n";
380 print OUT "##FILTER=<ID=LowCoverage,Description=\"Total Depth is lower than threshold of $mincov\">\n";
381 print OUT "##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Genotype\">\n";
382 print OUT "##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=2,type=Integer,Description,\"Allelic Depth\">\n";
384 close OUT;
385 @i = ( 1 .. 22,'X','Y','M' );
386 foreach(@i) {
387 my $chr = "chr$_";
388 foreach(sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%{$thash{$chr}})) {
389 my $v = "$wd/VCF/$chr.$_-".$thash{$chr}{$_}.".vcf";
390 if (-e $v) {
391 system("cat '$v' >> '$outfile'");
392 }
393 }
394 }
396 ## clean up
397 system("rm -Rf '$wd'");
399 sub FetchFasta {
400 while(defined(my $line = $targets_one->dequeue())) {
401 my ($chr,$start,$stop,$name,$score,$strand) = split(/\t/,$line);
402 # 2bit is zero based, non-including => decrease start by one
403 $startposition = $start - 1;
404 my $command = "twoBitToFa -seq=$chr -start=$startposition -end=$stop -noMask $twobit $wd/Fasta/$chr-$start-$stop.fasta";
405 system($command);
406 }
407 }
409 sub CountAlleles {
410 # local version of hashes
411 my $snp = \%dbsnp;
412 my %counts;
413 $counts{'A'} = '';
414 $counts{'C'} = '';
415 $counts{'G'} = '';
416 $counts{'T'} = '';
417 my %map =('A' => 1,'C' => 2,'G' => 3, 'T' => 4);
418 my %options;
419 foreach(keys(%map)) {
420 my $r = $_;
421 foreach(keys(%map)) {
422 if ($_ eq $r) {
423 next;
424 }
425 $options{$r.'-'.$_} = '';
426 }
427 }
428 while (defined(my $line = $targets_two->dequeue())) {
429 $out = '';
430 my ($chr,$start,$stop,$name,$score,$strand) = split(/\t/,$line);
431 ## get reference alleles
432 my %ref_alleles;
433 open FASTA, "$wd/Fasta/$chr-$start-$stop.fasta";
434 my $head = <FASTA>;
435 my $seq = '';
436 while (<FASTA>) {
437 chomp;
438 $seq .= $_;
439 }
440 close FASTA;
441 # this generates a hash of the reference alleles once, instead of substr-calls in every bam, on every iteration.
442 for (my $pos = 0; $pos < length($seq); $pos++) {
443 $ref_alleles{($pos+$start)} = substr($seq,$pos,1);
444 }
445 ## get counts.
446 my $target = "$chr:$start-$stop";
447 my $command = "igvtools count -w 1 --bases --query '$target' '$bam' '$wd/WIGS/$chr-$start-$stop.wig' '$igvgenome' > /dev/null 2>&1";
448 system($command);
449 open WIG, "$wd/WIGS/$chr-$start-$stop.wig";
450 my $h = <WIG>;
451 $h = <WIG>;
452 $h = <WIG>;
453 my $target_counts = '';
454 while (<WIG>) {
455 chomp;
456 #my ($pos, $a, $c, $g, $t , $n) = split(/\t/,$_);
457 my @p = split(/\t/,$_);
458 my $s = $p[1] + $p[2] + $p[3] + $p[4];
459 $target_counts .= "$p[0]\t$ref_alleles{$p[0]}\t$p[1]\t$p[2]\t$p[3]\t$p[4]\t$s\n";
460 ## skip positions with coverage < minimal coverage, and positions in dbsnp if specified (if not specified, snp hash is empty).
461 if ($s > $mincov && !defined($snp->{$chr.'-'.$p[0]})) {
462 ## for model of 'non-reference'
463 my $frac = $p[$map{$ref_alleles{$p[0]}}] / $s;
464 $counts{$ref_alleles{$p[0]}} .= $frac.',';
465 $out .= "$target\t$p[0]\t$ref_alleles{$p[0]}\t$p[1]\t$p[2]\t$p[3]\t$p[4]\n";
466 ## for each of the options background models
467 foreach(keys(%map)) {
468 if ($_ eq $ref_alleles{$p[0]}) {
469 next;
470 }
471 $options{$ref_alleles{$p[0]}.'-'.$_} .= ($p[$map{$_}] / $s) .',';
472 }
474 }
475 }
476 close WIG;
477 open OUT, ">>$wd/allcounts.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.txt";
478 flock(OUT, 2);
479 print OUT $out;
480 close OUT;
481 open OUT, ">$wd/WIGS/$chr.$start-$stop.txt";
482 print OUT $target_counts;
483 close OUT;
485 }
486 foreach(keys(%counts)) {
487 open OUT, ">>$wd/counts_$_.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.txt";
488 flock(OUT,2);
489 print OUT $counts{$_};
490 close OUT;
491 }
492 foreach(keys(%options)) {
493 open OUT, ">>$wd/counts_$_.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.txt";
494 flock(OUT,2);
495 print OUT $options{$_};
496 close OUT;
497 }
498 }
500 sub GetDistribution {
501 while (defined(my $allele = $alleles->dequeue())) {
502 system("sed -i 's/.\$//' '$wd/counts_$allele.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.txt'");
503 open OUT, ">$wd/GetDistribution.$allele.R";
504 print OUT "\n";
505 print OUT "nt <- '$allele'\n";
506 #print OUT "pdf(file='$wd/Distribution.$allele.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.pdf',paper='a4')\n";
507 print OUT "data <- scan(file='$wd/counts_$allele.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.txt',sep=',')\n";
508 print OUT "nr <- length(data)\n";
509 print OUT "avg <- mean(data)\n";
510 print OUT "sdd <- sd(data)\n";
511 #print OUT "if (avg > 0.5) {\n";
512 #print OUT " x <- seq(0.8,1,length=1000)\n";
513 #print OUT " y <- dnorm(x,mean=avg,sd=sdd)\n";
514 #print OUT " plot(x,y,main='Distribution in sample $bam for nt $allele',xlab='Allelic Ratio',type='l',lwd=1)\n";
515 #print OUT " abline(v=(avg-3*sdd),col='red')\n";
516 #print OUT " text(0.81,max(y-0.5),paste(c('avg: ',avg,'\\nsd: ',sdd,'\\nnrDataPoints:', nr,'\\n$hassnp\\nMin.Cov:',$mincov),sep=' ',collapse=''),adj=c(0,1))\n";
517 #print OUT "} else {\n";
518 #print OUT " x <- seq(0,0.3,length=1000)\n";
519 #print OUT " y <- dnorm(x,mean=avg,sd=sdd)\n";
520 #print OUT " plot(x,y,main='Distribution in sample $bam for nt $allele',xlab='Allelic Ratio',type='l',lwd=1)\n";
521 #print OUT " abline(v=(avg+3*sdd),col='red')\n";
522 #print OUT " text(0.2,max(y-0.5),paste(c('avg: ',avg,'\\nsd: ',sdd,'\\nnrDataPoints:', nr,'\\n$hassnp\\nMin.Cov:',$mincov),sep=' ',collapse=''),adj=c(0,1))\n";
523 #print OUT "}\n";
524 #print OUT "dev.off()\n";
525 print OUT "write(c(avg,sdd),file='$wd/model.$allele.$mincov"."x.$hassnp.txt',ncolumns=1)\n";
526 close OUT;
527 system("cd $wd && Rscript GetDistribution.$allele.R >/dev/null 2>&1");
528 }
529 }
532 sub CallSNPs {
533 while (defined(my $line = $targets_three->dequeue())) {
534 # split.
535 my ($chr,$start,$stop,$name,$score,$strand) = split(/\t/,$line);
536 my $file = "$wd/WIGS/$chr.$start-$stop.txt";
537 my $ofile = "$wd/VCF/$chr.$start-$stop.vcf";
538 system("cd $wd && Rscript CallSNPs.R '$file' '$chr' '$ploidy' '$ofile' '$wd/dbsnp.txt'");
539 }
541 }