view @ 7:eda59b985b1c draft default tip

author iarc
date Mon, 13 Mar 2017 08:21:19 -0400
parents 46a10309dfe2
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# Author: Maude                     #
# Script:           #
# Last update: 02/03/17             #

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename; # my ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr/\.[^.]*/);
use File::Path;
use Parallel::ForkManager;

our ($verbose, $man, $help) = (0, 0, 0); # Parse options and print usage if there is a syntax error, or if usage was explicitly requested.
our ($refGenome, $output, $path_AVDB, $pathAVDBList, $folder_temp) = ("empty", "empty", "empty", "empty", "empty");  # The reference genome to use; The path for saving the result; The path to Annovar database; Text file with the list of the databases for Annovar; the path for saving the temporary files
our ($intervalEnd)          = (10); # Number of bases for the flanking region for the sequence context.
our ($fullAVDB)             = "yes"; # Add an option for using all Annovar databases for the annotation or only refGene + strand + context for having a quicker annotation (for large file with million of lines)

our ($max_cpu) = 8; # Max number of CPU to use for the annotation

GetOptions('verbose|v'=>\$verbose, 'help|h'=>\$help, 'man|m'=>\$man, 'refGenome=s'=>\$refGenome, 'interval=i' => \$intervalEnd, 'fullAnnotation=s' => \$fullAVDB, 'outfile|o=s' => \$output, 'pathAnnovarDB|AVDB=s' => \$path_AVDB, 'pathAVDBList=s' => \$pathAVDBList, 'pathTemporary|temp=s' => \$folder_temp, 'max_cpu=i' => \$max_cpu) or pod2usage(2);

our ($input) = @ARGV;

pod2usage(-verbose=>1, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDERR) if ($help);
pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDERR) if ($man);
pod2usage(-verbose=>0, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDERR) if(@ARGV == 0); # No argument is pass to the command line print the usage of the script
pod2usage(-verbose=>0, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDERR) if(@ARGV == 2); # Only one argument is expected to be pass to @ARGV (the input)

#																																			GLOBAL VARIABLES																															 #

# Recover the current path
our $pwd = `pwd`;
# Recover the filename and the input directory
our ($filename, $directories, $suffix)    = fileparse($input, qr/\.[^.]*/);
# Output directories
our ($folderMutAnalysis, $folderAnnovar) = ("", "");
# File with the list of Annovar databases to use
our $listAVDB = "";
# Initialisation of chromosome, position, ref and alt values
our ($chrValue, $positionValue, $refValue, $altValue) = ("c", "s", "r", "a");

#																																								MAIN 																																 #
## Check the presence of the flags and create the output and temp directories

## Format the file correctly:
##			1) Check the length of the filename (must be <= 31 characters)
##			2) Recover the input format. If MuTect output consider only "KEEP" variants
##			3) Recover the column number for chr, start, ref and alt

# Annotate the file with Annovar, add the strand orientation and the sequence context

#																																							FUNCTIONS																															 #

## Check the presence of the flags and create the output and temp directories
sub CheckFlags
	# Check the reference genome
	if($refGenome eq "empty")
		print STDERR "Missing flag !\n";
		print STDERR "You forget to specify the name for the reference genome!!!\nPlease specify it with the flag --refGenome\n";
	if($intervalEnd eq "empty")
		print STDERR "Missing flag !\n";
		print STDERR "You forget to specify the length for the sequence context!!!\nPlease specify it with the flag --intervalEnd\n";
	# If no output is specified write the result as the same place as the input file
	if($output eq "empty")
		my $directory = dirname( $input );

		$folderMutAnalysis = "$directory/Mutational_Analysis";
		if(!-e $folderMutAnalysis) { mkdir($folderMutAnalysis) or die "$!: $folderMutAnalysis\n"; }
		if(!-e $output) { mkdir($output) or die "$!: $output\n"; }

		$folderMutAnalysis      = "$output/Mutational_Analysis";
		if(!-e $folderMutAnalysis) { mkdir($folderMutAnalysis) or die "$!: $folderMutAnalysis\n"; }
	# Create the output folder for Annovar
	$folderAnnovar         = "$folderMutAnalysis/Annovar";
	if(!-e $folderAnnovar) { mkdir($folderAnnovar) or die "$!: $folderAnnovar\n"; }

	# Verify the access to Annovar databases
	if($path_AVDB eq "empty")
		print STDERR "Missing flag !\n";
		print STDERR "You forget to specify the path to Annovar databases!!!\nPlease specify it with the flag --pathAnnovarDB\n";
	elsif(!-e $path_AVDB)
		print STDERR "Error message:\n";
		print STDERR"\nCan't access Annovar databases!\nPlease check the access to the disk\n";

	# Check the file list AV DB
	if($pathAVDBList eq "empty")
		print STDERR "Missing flag !\n";
		print STDERR "You forget to specify the path to the list of Annovar databases!!!\nPlease specify it with the flag --pathAVDBList\n";
	else { $listAVDB = "$pathAVDBList/${refGenome}_listAVDB.txt" }

	# If no temp folder is specified write the result in the current path
	if($folder_temp eq "empty") { $folder_temp   = "$pwd/TEMP_MutationalAnalysis_$filename"; }
	if(!-e $folder_temp)        { mkdir($folder_temp) or die "$!: $folder_temp\n"; }

	# Verify listAVDB is not empty
	if($listAVDB eq "")
		print STDERR "Path to the text file containing the list of Annovar databases installed is not specified !!!\n";

## Format the file in the correct format if they are vcf or MuTect output and recover the column positions
sub FormatingInputFile
	# The input is a folder
	if(-d $input)
		foreach my $file (`ls $input`)
			my $headerOriginalFile = "";


			###						Recover the input format 				###
			RecoverInputFormat("$input/$file", \$headerOriginalFile);
	# The input is one file
		my $headerOriginalFile = "";


		###						Recover the input format 				###
		RecoverInputFormat($input, \$headerOriginalFile);

# The name for the Excel sheet can't be longer than 31 characters
sub CheckLengthFilename
	my ($inputFile) = @_;

	my ($filenameInputFile, $directoriesInputFile, $suffixInputFile) = fileparse($inputFile, qr/\.[^.]*/);

	if(length($filenameInputFile) > 32)
		print STDERR "Error message:\n";
		print STDERR "The file: $inputFile must be <= 31 chars\nPlease modify it before running the script\n";

# Recover the input format. If MuTect output consider only "KEEP" variants
sub RecoverInputFormat
	my ($file, $refS_headerOriginalFile) = @_;

	my ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr/\.[^.]*/);

	my $inputFormat = "";

	open(F1, $file) or die "$!: $file\n";
	my $header = <F1>;
	close F1;

	### VCF and MuTect files have in their first line the type of the file
	if($header =~ /fileformat=VCF/i) { $inputFormat = "vcf"; }
	elsif($header =~ /mutect/i)      { $inputFormat = "mutect"; }
	else                             { $inputFormat = "unknown"; }

	### VCF files
	if($inputFormat eq "vcf")
		### MuTect2 output VCFs
		my $testVC = `grep MuTect2 $file`;
		if($testVC =~ /MuTect2/)
			# Keep only the variants passing MuTect2 filters
			`grep PASS $file > $folder_temp/$filename-PASS.txt`;

			# Recover the header
			$$refS_headerOriginalFile = `grep '#CHROM' $file`;

			# Add the header
			# Sed command doesn't work... sed 's/^/some text\n/' file > res
			open(OUT, ">", "$folder_temp/$filename-KEEP.txt") or die "$!: $folder_temp/$filename-KEEP.txt\n";
			print OUT $$refS_headerOriginalFile;
			open(F1, "$folder_temp/$filename-PASS.txt") or die "$!: $folder_temp/$filename-PASS.txt\n";
			while(<F1>) { print OUT $_; }
			close F1; close OUT;

			`rm $folder_temp/$filename-PASS.txt`;

			# Check if there if no empty column
			`rm $folder_temp/$filename-KEEP.txt`;

			# Set the col number for the chr,start,ref and alt
			($chrValue, $positionValue, $refValue, $altValue) = (0, 1, 3, 4);
			open(F1, $file) or die "$!: $file\n";
			open(OUT, ">", "$folder_temp/$filename.txt") or die "$!: $folder_temp/$filename.txt\n";
			while (<F1>)
				$_      =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
				my @tab = split("\t", $_);
				# Print the VCF header
				if($tab[0] eq "#CHROM")
					$tab[0] =~ /#(.+)/;
					print OUT "$1";
					for(my $i=1; $i<=$#tab; $i++) { print OUT "\t$tab[$i]"; }
					print OUT "\n";
				elsif($tab[0] !~ /##/)
					# Don't consider chromosome random, GL and MT
					if( ($tab[0] =~ /random/) || ($tab[0] =~ /GL/i) ) { next; }
					print OUT "$_\n";
			close F1; close OUT;

			## Recover the header
			open(F1, "$folder_temp/$filename.txt") or die "$!: $folder_temp/$filename.txt\n";
			$$refS_headerOriginalFile = <F1>;
			close F1;

			# Check if there if no empty column
			`rm $folder_temp/$filename.txt`;

			# Set the col number for the chr,start,ref and alt
			($chrValue, $positionValue, $refValue, $altValue) = (0, 1, 3, 4);
	### MuTect files
	elsif($inputFormat eq "mutect")
		`sed '1d' $file > $folder_temp/$filename-HeaderOK`;
		# Keep only the SNVs of good quality
		`grep -v REJECT $folder_temp/$filename-HeaderOK > $folder_temp/$filename-KEEP.txt`;
		`rm $folder_temp/$filename-HeaderOK`;

		# Recover the header
		open(F1, "$folder_temp/$filename-KEEP.txt") or die "$!: $folder_temp/$filename-KEEP.txt\n";
		$$refS_headerOriginalFile = <F1>;
		close F1;

		# Check if there if no empty column
		`rm $folder_temp/$filename-KEEP.txt`;

		# Recover the name and the number of the columns that contain the chromosome number, the start position, the ref and alt alleles.
		# Use the dictionary for recover the names and the position of the columns
		RecoverColNameAuto("$folder_temp/$filename-KEEPColumnCorrect.txt", $$refS_headerOriginalFile, \$chrValue, \$positionValue, \$refValue, \$altValue);
	### Unknown type
		## Recover the header
		open(F1, $file) or die "$!: $file\n";
		$$refS_headerOriginalFile = <F1>;
		close F1;

		# Check if there if no empty column

		## Recover the name and the number of the columns that contain the chromosome number, the start position, the ref and alt alleles.
		# Use the dictionary for recover the names and the position of the columns
		RecoverColNameAuto($file, $$refS_headerOriginalFile, \$chrValue, \$positionValue, \$refValue, \$altValue);

# Some files can have empty column with no information
sub CheckEmptyColumn
	my ($inputFile) = @_;

	my ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($inputFile, qr/\.[^.]*/);

	if($filename =~ /(.+)-KEEP/) { $filename = $1; }

	open(OUT, ">", "$folder_temp/$filename-ColumnCorrect.txt") or die "$!: $folder_temp/$filename-ColumnCorrect.txt\n";

	open(F1, $inputFile) or die "$!: $inputFile\n";
	my $header = <F1>; $header =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; my @tabHeader = split("\t", $header);
	print OUT $header, "\n";
		$_      =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
		my @tab = split("\t", $_);

		if(scalar(@tab) != scalar(@tabHeader))
			print OUT $tab[0];
			for(my $i=1; $i<=$#tabHeader; $i++)
				if(defined($tab[$i])) { print OUT "\t$tab[$i]"; }
				else { print OUT "\tNA"; }
			print OUT "\n";
		else { print OUT "$_\n"; }
	close F1; close OUT;

# Dictionnary for extracting the name and number of columns for the chromosome, start position, ref and alt alleles.
sub RecoverColNameAuto
	our ($inputFile, $header, $ref_chrValue, $ref_positionValue, $ref_refValue, $ref_altValue) = @_;

	$header =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;

	## Name of the columns
	my @mutect           = qw(contig position ref_allele alt_allele);
	my @vcf              = qw(CHROM POS REF ALT);
	my @cosmic           = qw(Mutation_GRCh37_chromosome_number Mutation_GRCh37_genome_position Description_Ref_Genomic Description_Alt_Genomic);
	my @icgc             = qw(chromosome chromosome_start reference_genome_allele mutated_to_allele);
	my @tcga             = qw(Chromosome Start_position Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele2);
	my @ionTorrent       = qw(chr Position Ref Alt);
	my @proton           = qw(Chrom Position Ref Variant);
	my @varScan2         = qw(Chrom Position Ref VarAllele);
	my @varScan2_somatic = qw(chrom position ref var);
	my @annovar          = qw(Chr Start Ref Obs);
	my @custom           = qw(Chromosome Start Wild_Type Mutant);

	my @allTab = (\@mutect, \@vcf, \@cosmic, \@icgc, \@tcga, \@ionTorrent, \@proton, \@varScan2, \@varScan2_somatic, \@annovar, \@custom);
	my $timer  = 0; # For controlling if the names are present on the dictionnary or not

	foreach my $refTab (@allTab)
		my @tab = @$refTab;


		# The columns names were find
		if( ($$ref_chrValue ne "c") && ($$ref_positionValue ne "s") && ($$ref_refValue ne "r") && ($$ref_altValue ne "a") ) { last; }
		# The names of the columns are not present in the dictionnary
		else { $timer++; }

	if($timer == scalar(@allTab))
		print STDERR "Error message:\n";
		print STDERR "The columns name are not in the dictionnary please change them before running the tool again\nFile concerning: $inputFile\n";
		print STDERR "TIP: Use one of the columns names proposed in the section Input formats of the tool\n";

	# Extract the number of the column that contain the information
	sub SearchCol
		my ($refTab) = @_;

		my @tabNames          = @$refTab;
		my @tabHeader         = split("\t", $header);

		# For VCF
		if($tabHeader[0] eq "#CHROM") { ($$ref_chrValue, $$ref_positionValue, $$ref_refValue, $$ref_altValue) = (0, 1, 3, 4); }
		# For tabular files
			for(my $i=0; $i<=$#tabNames; $i++)
				for(my $j=0; $j<=$#tabHeader; $j++)
					if($tabHeader[$j] eq $tabNames[$i])
						if($i == 0) { $$ref_chrValue = $j; }
						if($i == 1) { $$ref_positionValue = $j; }
						if($i == 2) { $$ref_refValue = $j; }
						if($i == 3) { $$ref_altValue = $j; }
						last; # Once find pass to the next name

# Annotate the file with Annovar, add the strand orientation and the sequence context
sub FullAnnotation
	print "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "---------------------------Annotation----------------------------\n";
	print "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n";

	# If the input is a folder
	if(-d $input)
		foreach my $file (`ls $folder_temp/*.txt`)

			# For recover the name of the file without extension, the directory where the file is and the extension of the file
			my ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse("$folder_temp/$file", qr/\.[^.]*/);
			my $filenameOK = "";
			# For removing the ColumnCorrect for txt files
			if($filename =~ /(.+)-ColumnCorrect/)
				if($filename =~ /(.+)-VariantListVCF-ColumnCorrect/) { $filenameOK = $1; }
				else { $filenameOK = $1; }
			else { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Case not considered for $filename!!!\n"; }

			###						 Cut the files in n part  		  ###
			# Cut the file in n part depending on the number of lines and set the number of CPU to use for the annotation depending of the number of n parts
			my $cpu = 0;
			# Keep the original header
			my $headerOriginalFile = "";
			# Save the numer of lines
			my $nbLine  = 0;
			splitInputFile($file, \$cpu, \$headerOriginalFile, $filenameOK, \$nbLine);

			###							Annotate the n part  		 		  ###
			annotateFile($cpu, $filenameOK, $headerOriginalFile);

			###					Paste the file together 		 		  ###
			createOutput($filenameOK, $headerOriginalFile, $nbLine);
	# The input file is one file
		###						 Cut the files in n part  		  ###
		# Cut the file in n part depending on the number of lines and set the number of CPU to use for the annotation depending of the number of n parts
		my $cpu = 0;
		# Keep the original header
		my $headerOriginalFile = "";
		# Save the numer of lines
		my $nbLine  = 0;
		splitInputFile("$folder_temp/$filename-ColumnCorrect.txt", \$cpu, \$headerOriginalFile, $filename, \$nbLine);

		###							Annotate the n part  		 		  ###
		annotateFile($cpu, $filename, $headerOriginalFile);

		###					Paste the file together 		 		  ###
		createOutput($filename, $headerOriginalFile, $nbLine);
	# Remove the temporary directory

sub splitInputFile
	my ($inputFile, $ref_cpu, $ref_header, $filename, $ref_nbLine) = @_;

	my $nbVariants = `wc -l $inputFile`;
	$nbVariants =~ /(\d+).+/;
	$$ref_nbLine  = $1;

	if($$ref_nbLine-1 <= 5000)      { $$ref_cpu = 1; }
	elsif( ($$ref_nbLine-1 > 5000) && ($$ref_nbLine-1 < 25000) )    { $$ref_cpu = 2; }
	elsif( ($$ref_nbLine-1 >= 25000) && ($$ref_nbLine-1 < 100000) ) { $$ref_cpu = 8; }
	else { $$ref_cpu = $max_cpu; }

	# If the number predefined can't be used on the machine use the maximum number specify by the administrator
	if($$ref_cpu > $max_cpu) { $$ref_cpu = $max_cpu }

	## Recover the header
	open(F1, $inputFile) or die "$!: $inputFile\n";
	$$ref_header= <F1>;
	close F1;

	## Remove the first line of the file
	my $fileNoHeader = "$folder_temp/${filename}-NoHeader";
	`sed 1d $inputFile > $fileNoHeader`;

	if(!-e "$folder_temp/$filename") { mkdir("$folder_temp/$filename") or die "Can't create the directory $folder_temp/$filename\n"; }
	my $lines_per_temp = int(1+($1 / $$ref_cpu)); # +1 in case of the div == 0
	`split -l $lines_per_temp $fileNoHeader $folder_temp/$filename/$filename-`;

	if($$ref_header eq "") { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "No header for the file $inputFile!!!\nPlease check the format of your file\n"; }

sub annotateFile
	my ($cpu, $filename, $headerOriginalFile) = @_;

	my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($cpu);

	foreach my $tempFile (`ls $folder_temp/$filename/$filename-*`)

		# Forks and returns the pid for the child:
	 	my $pid = $pm->start and next;

		# Convert the file in a correct format for Annovar: Chr Start End Ref Alt Otherinfo
		my ($filenameTempFile, $directoriesTempFile, $suffixTempFile) = fileparse($tempFile, qr/\-[^.]*/);
		my $outFilenameTemp = $filenameTempFile.$suffixTempFile;
		Convert2AV($tempFile, $chrValue, $positionValue, $refValue, $altValue, "$folder_temp/$outFilenameTemp-AVInput");

		# Annotate the file with Annovar
		my $tempFileName_AVOutput = $filename.$suffixTempFile.".".${refGenome}."_multianno.txt";
		if($fullAVDB eq "yes") { AnnotateAV("$folder_temp/$outFilenameTemp-AVInput", "$folder_temp/$outFilenameTemp"); }
		else { annotateAV_min("$folder_temp/$outFilenameTemp-AVInput", "$folder_temp/$outFilenameTemp"); }

		# Check if the annotations worked
		open(F1, "$folderMutAnalysis/log_annovar.txt") or die "$!: $folderMutAnalysis/log_annovar.txt\n";
			if($_ =~ /ERROR/i)
				print STDERR "\n\n\t\tANNOVAR LOG FILE\n\n";
				print STDERR $_;
				print STDERR "\n\n\t\tANNOVAR LOG FILE\n\n\n";
		close F1;

		# Recover the strand orientation
		my $length_AVheader = 0;
		RecoverStrand("$folder_temp/$tempFileName_AVOutput", $headerOriginalFile, $path_AVDB, $refGenome, "$folder_temp/$outFilenameTemp-Strand", \$length_AVheader);

		# Recover the sequence context
		RecoverGenomicSequence("$folder_temp/$outFilenameTemp-Strand", $length_AVheader, $intervalEnd, $refGenome, $path_AVDB, "$folder_temp/$filename/$outFilenameTemp".".".${refGenome}."_multianno.txt");

		$pm->finish; # Terminates the child process
	# Wait all the child process

sub createOutput
	my ($filename, $headerOriginalFile, $nbLine) = @_;

	## For MuTect and MuTect2 calling only variants passing MuTect filters are kept and sometines there is no variant passing these filters making error in Galaxy when using "collection".
	if($nbLine == 1)
		print STDOUT "\nThe sample $filename didn't pass MuTect filters\n";

		### Print Annovar minimal header + the original header of the input file
		my $outputFile = "$folderAnnovar/$filename".".".${refGenome}."_multianno.txt";
		open(OUT, ">", $outputFile) or die "$!: $outputFile\n";

		if($fullAVDB eq "no")
			print OUT "Chr\tStart\tEnd\tRef\tAlt\tFunc.refGene\tGene.refGene\tGeneDetail.refGene\tExonicFunc.refGene\tAAChange.refGene\tStrand\tcontext";
			print OUT "\t".$headerOriginalFile;
		### Print complete Annovar header (using the database name present in the file listAVDB) + the original header of the input file
			print OUT "Chr\tStart\tEnd\tRef\tAlt";
			open(F1, $listAVDB) or die "$!: $listAVDB\n";
				if($_ =~ /^#/) { next; }

				my @tab = split("\t", $_);
				$tab[0] =~ /$refGenome\_(.+)\.txt/;
				my $dbName = $1;

				if($dbName =~ /refGene|knownGene|ensGene/)
					print OUT "\t"."Func.$dbName\tGene.$dbName\tGeneDetail.$dbName\tExonicFunc.$dbName\tAAChange.$dbName";
					print OUT "\t".$dbName;
			print OUT "\tStrand\tcontext\t".$headerOriginalFile;

			close F1;
		close OUT;
		CombinedTempFile("$folder_temp/$filename", "$folderAnnovar/$filename".".".${refGenome}."_multianno.txt");

sub Convert2AV
	my ($inputFile, $chr_value, $start_value, $ref_value, $alt_value, $output) = @_;

	my ($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($inputFile, qr/\.[^.]*/);

	open(F1, $inputFile) or die "$!: $inputFile\n";

	open(OUT, ">", $output) or die "$!: $output\n";
		$_ =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
		my @tab = split("\t", $_);
		my $chr = "";

		# Replace chr23 or chr24 by X or Y
		if($tab[$chr_value] =~ /23/)     { $chr = "chrX"; }
		elsif($tab[$chr_value] =~ /24/)  { $chr = "chrY"; }
		elsif($tab[$chr_value] =~ /chr/) { $chr = $tab[$chr_value]; }
		else                             { $chr = "chr".$tab[$chr_value]; }

		### Consider only "normal" chromosomes for the annotation
		if( ($chr !~ /chr\d{1,2}$|chrX|chrY/) ) { next; }

		### Don't consider variants with two or more alt bases
		if($tab[$alt_value] =~ /\,/) { next; }

		### Reformat the Indels for Annovar
		# chr1	85642631	C	    CT  => chr1	85642631	85642631	-	  T   (mm10)
		# chr5	26085724	ACTT	A   => chr5	26085725	26085727	CTT	-   (mm10)
		if( ((length($tab[$ref_value]) != 1) || (length($tab[$alt_value]) != 1)) || (($tab[$ref_value] eq "-") || ($tab[$alt_value] eq "-") ) )
			### First check if the indels in the file are not already correctly formated
			if( ($tab[$ref_value] eq "-") || ($tab[$alt_value] eq "-") )
				# For indels count the number of bases deleted or inserted for modifying the end position (if start + end is the same the annotations are not retrieved for indels)
				# Insertion: start = start & end = start
				if($tab[$ref_value] =~ /\-/)
					print OUT "$chr\t$tab[$start_value]\t$tab[$start_value]\t$tab[$ref_value]\t$tab[$alt_value]";
				## Deletion: start = start & end = start + length(del) -1
					my $end = $tab[$start_value] + (length($tab[$ref_value]) - 1);
					print OUT "$chr\t$tab[$start_value]\t$end\t$tab[$ref_value]\t$tab[$alt_value]";
			### Indels not correctly formated for Annovar
				my @tabRef = split("", $tab[$ref_value]);
				my @tabAlt = split("", $tab[$alt_value]);

				# Remove the first base
				my $ref2 = join("", @tabRef[1 .. $#tabRef]);
				my $alt2 = join("", @tabAlt[1 .. $#tabAlt]);

				if(length($alt2) == 0)
					my $altOK   = "-";
					my $startOK = $tab[$start_value] + 1;
					my $stopOK  = $startOK + length($ref2) - 1;
					print OUT $chr."\t".$startOK."\t".$stopOK."\t".$ref2."\t".$altOK;

				if(length($ref2) == 0)
					my $refOK = "-";
					print OUT $chr."\t".$tab[$start_value]."\t".$tab[$start_value]."\t".$refOK."\t".$alt2;
		### SBS
			print OUT $chr."\t".$tab[$start_value]."\t".$tab[$start_value]."\t".$tab[$ref_value]."\t".$tab[$alt_value];

		## Print the original file at the end
		foreach  (@tab) {  print OUT "\t$_"; }
		print OUT "\n";
	close F1; close OUT;

sub AnnotateAV
	my ($inputFile, $output) = @_;

	if(!-e $path_AVDB)
		print STDERR "Error message:\n";
		print STDERR "The Annovar database doesn't exists for the reference genome $refGenome!!!\n";
		print STDERR "Please install the database for this genome before running Annovar\n";

	# Extract the name of the databases
	my $protocol = ""; my $operation = "";
	ExtractAVDBName($listAVDB, \$protocol, \$operation);

	` $inputFile $path_AVDB -buildver $refGenome -protocol $protocol -operation $operation -remove -nastring NA -otherinfo -outfile $output > $folderMutAnalysis/log_annovar.txt 2>&1`;

	sub ExtractAVDBName
		my ($listAVDB, $refS_protocol, $refS_operation) = @_;

		open(F1, $listAVDB) or die "$!: $listAVDB\n";
			if ($_ =~ /^#/) { next; }

			$_      =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
			my @tab = split("\t", $_);

			# db name like refGenome_dbName.txt
			if( ($tab[0] =~ /\w+_(\w+)\.txt/) && ($tab[0] !~ /sites/) && ($tab[0] !~ /esp/) && ($tab[0] !~ /ljb26/) )
				$$refS_protocol .= $1.","; $$refS_operation .= $tab[1].",";
			# 1000 genome
			if($tab[0] =~ /sites/)
				$tab[0] =~ /\w+_(\w+)\.sites.(\d+)_(\d+)\.txt/;
				my ($dbName, $year, $month) = ($1, $2, $3);
				$dbName =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

				# convert the month number into the month name

				my $AVdbName_final = "1000g".$year.$month."_".$dbName;
				$$refS_protocol .=$AVdbName_final.","; $$refS_operation .= $tab[1].",";
			# ESP
			if( ($tab[0] =~ /esp/) || ($tab[0] =~ /ljb26/) )
				$tab[0] =~ /\w+_(\w+)_(\w+)\.txt/;
				my $AVdbName_final = $1."_".$2;
				$$refS_protocol .=$AVdbName_final.","; $$refS_operation .= $tab[1].",";
		close F1;

		sub ConvertMonth
			my ($refS_month) = @_;

			if($$refS_month == 1)  { $$refS_month = "janv"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 2)  { $$refS_month = "feb"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 3)  { $$refS_month = "mar"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 4)  { $$refS_month = "apr"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 5)  { $$refS_month = "may"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 6)  { $$refS_month = "jun"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 7)  { $$refS_month = "jul"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 8)  { $$refS_month = "aug"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 9)  { $$refS_month = "sept"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 10) { $$refS_month = "oct"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 11) { $$refS_month = "nov"; }
			elsif($$refS_month == 12) { $$refS_month = "dec"; }

### Add the minimum of annotations (refGene + strand + context)
sub annotateAV_min
	my ($inputFile, $output) = @_;

	if(!-e $path_AVDB)
		print STDERR "Error message:\n";
		print STDERR "The Annovar database doesn't exists for the reference genome $refGenome!!!\n";
		print STDERR "Please install the database for this genome before running Annovar\n";

	# Extract the name of the databases
	my ($protocol, $operation) = ("refGene", "g");

	` $inputFile $path_AVDB -buildver $refGenome -protocol $protocol -operation $operation -remove -nastring NA -otherinfo -outfile $output > $folderMutAnalysis/log_annovar.txt 2>&1`;

sub RecoverStrand
	my ($input, $headerOriginalFile, $pathDB, $refGenome, $output, $refS_lengthAVheader) = @_;

	my ($chr_value, $start_value, $ref_value, $alt_value, $func_value, $geneSymbol_value) = ("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");

	$chr_value        = recoverNumCol($input, "Chr");
	$start_value      = recoverNumCol($input, "Start");
	$ref_value        = recoverNumCol($input, "Ref");
	$alt_value        = recoverNumCol($input, "Alt");
	$func_value       = recoverNumCol($input, "Func.refGene");
	$geneSymbol_value = recoverNumCol($input, "Gene.refGene");

	#################### Convert the input file into a hash table
	my %h_inputFile = ();
	open(F1, $input) or die "$!: $input\n";
	my $annovar_header  = <F1>;

		$_ =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
		my @tab = split("\t", $_);

		# In COSMIC the chromosome X and Y are annotated 23 and 24
		my $chr = "";
		if($tab[$chr_value] eq "chr23")    { $chr = "chrX"; }
		elsif($tab[$chr_value] eq "chr24") { $chr = "chrY"; }
		elsif($tab[$chr_value] eq "chr25") { $chr = "chrM"; }
		else { $chr = $tab[$chr_value]; }

		# Verify if the element exists
		if($chr eq "")                       { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error RecoverStrand: The chromosome value is nor defined for $_\n"; }
		if(! exists $tab[$start_value])      { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error RecoverStrand: The start value is nor defined for $_\n"; }
		if(! exists $tab[$ref_value])        { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error RecoverStrand: The reference value is nor defined for $_\n"; }
		if(! exists $tab[$alt_value])        { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error RecoverStrand: The alternate value is nor defined for $_\n"; }
		if(! exists $tab[$func_value])       { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error RecoverStrand: The functional value is nor defined for $_\n"; }
		if(! exists $tab[$geneSymbol_value]) { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error RecoverStrand: The gene symbol value is nor defined for $_\n"; }

		my $geneSymbol = "";
		######## For the splicing annotation we separate the gene symbol from the aa change
		if($tab[$func_value] eq "splicing")
			if($tab[$geneSymbol_value] =~ /(.+)\((.+)\)/) { $geneSymbol = $1; }
			else { $geneSymbol = $tab[$geneSymbol_value]; }
		else { $geneSymbol = $tab[$geneSymbol_value]; }

		push(@{$h_inputFile{"$chr:$tab[$start_value]:$tab[$start_value]:$tab[$ref_value]:$tab[$alt_value]:$geneSymbol"}}, $_);
	close F1;

	# print "\t\tRecoverStrand: $input\n";

	#################### Convert the database file into a hash table
	my %h_database  = ();
	my ($db_geneSymbol_value, $db_strandInfo_value, $db_chr_value) = (12, 3, 2);

	my $folderNameDB = $refGenome."db";
	my $fileNameDB   = $refGenome."_refGene.txt";

	open(F1, "$pathDB/$fileNameDB") or die "$!: $pathDB/$fileNameDB\n";
		$_ =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
		my @tab = split("\t", $_);
		my $strand = "";
		$strand = $tab[$db_strandInfo_value];
		if($strand eq "") { print STDERR "Error message:\n"; print STDERR "Error: the strand orientation is not specify in the database refGene\n$_\n"; }
			# Some genes have several strand orientation, keep the first in the database
			if(! exists $h_database{"$tab[$db_geneSymbol_value]:$tab[$db_chr_value]"}) { $h_database{"$tab[$db_geneSymbol_value]:$tab[$db_chr_value]"} = $strand; }
	close F1;

	#################### Parse the two hash tables for recover the strand information
	open(OUT, ">", $output) or die "$!: $output\n";

	## Add the header only for the firts part of the files
	if($input =~ /\-aa/)
		my @tabHeaderInput  = "";
		$annovar_header =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; @tabHeaderInput = split("\t", $annovar_header);
		# Save the length of the Annovar header for the next function (RecoverGenomicSequence)
		$$refS_lengthAVheader = $#tabHeaderInput;

		# Print the Annovar header until the column before OtherInfo
		print OUT "$tabHeaderInput[0]";
		for(my $i=1; $i<$#tabHeaderInput; $i++) { print OUT "\t$tabHeaderInput[$i]"; }
		print OUT "\tStrand";
		print OUT "\t",$headerOriginalFile;

	# Timer for comparing the number of SNVs present in the hash table
	my $timerUniqueSNVs = 0;
	# Timer for comparing the number of SNVs with the strand orientation
	my $timerSNVsStrand = 0;

	foreach my $kFile (sort keys %h_inputFile)
		my $test = 0;
		my @tab = split(":", $kFile);

		# Sometimes the line is not printed correctely !!!!! :@
		my @tHeaderInput        = split("\t", $annovar_header); my @lengthLine = split("\t", $h_inputFile{$kFile}[0]);
		my @tHeaderOriginalFile = split("\t", $headerOriginalFile);
		my $lengthHeader = @tHeaderInput + (scalar(@tHeaderOriginalFile)-1) ; my $lengthLine = @lengthLine;

		# Save the length of the Annovar header for the next function (RecoverGenomicSequence)
		$$refS_lengthAVheader = $#tHeaderInput;

		foreach my $kDB (sort keys %h_database)
			if("$tab[5]:$tab[0]" eq $kDB)
				if($lengthHeader != $lengthLine)
					print STDERR "Error message:\n";
					print STDERR "Error Recover Strand the length of the current line is not valid!!!!!\nExpected length: $lengthHeader\tlength of the line: $lengthLine\n$h_inputFile{$kFile}[0]\n";

				foreach my $line (@{$h_inputFile{$kFile}})
					my @tab = split("\t", $line);
					my $j = 0;

					for(my $i=0; $i<$#tHeaderInput; $i++) { print OUT $tab[$i],"\t"; $j=$i }
					print OUT $h_database{$kDB};
					for(my $i=$j+1; $i<=$#tab; $i++) { print OUT "\t$tab[$i]"; }
					print OUT "\n";
				$test = 1; last;
		# The strand orientation isn't defined
		if($test == 0)
			my @tHeaderInput = split("\t", $annovar_header);
			foreach my $line (@{$h_inputFile{$kFile}})
				my @tab = split("\t", $line);
				my $j = 0;
				for(my $i=0; $i<$#tHeaderInput; $i++) { print OUT $tab[$i],"\t"; $j=$i }
				print OUT "NA";
				for(my $i=$j+1; $i<=$#tab; $i++) { print OUT "\t$tab[$i]"; }
				print OUT "\n";
	close OUT;

	# print "Strand orientation recover for $timerSNVsStrand SNVs out of $timerUniqueSNVs uniques\n";

sub RecoverGenomicSequence
	my ($inputFile, $length_AVheader, $intervalEnd, $referenceGenome, $pathToRefSeq, $output) = @_;

	############ 1) Transform the input file in a hash table: one for recover the sequence context and one for keeping the original file
	my %h_inputFileForSeqContext = (); my %h_inputFile = ();
	my $header                   = "";
	CreateHashTable_from_InputFile($inputFile, $length_AVheader, \$header, $intervalEnd, \%h_inputFileForSeqContext, \%h_inputFile);

	sub CreateHashTable_from_InputFile
		my ($input, $length_AVheader, $refS_header, $intervalEnd, $refH_inputFileForSeqContext, $refH_inputFile) = @_;

		my ($chr_value, $start_value, $strand_value) = (0, 1, $length_AVheader);

		my $countregion   = 0;
		my %allchr        = ();

		open(F1, $input) or die "$!: $input\n";
		if($input =~ /\-aa/) { $$refS_header = <F1>; }

			$_ =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
			my @tab = split("\t", $_);

			my $name  = "$tab[$chr_value]:$tab[$start_value]";
			my $start = $tab[$start_value] - $intervalEnd;
			my $end   = $tab[$start_value] + $intervalEnd;

			$start--;		#make zero-start coordinate, to be consistent with UCSC
			my $exonpos = "$tab[$chr_value]:$start";

			push @{$refH_inputFileForSeqContext->{$tab[$chr_value]}}, [$name, $start, $end, $tab[$strand_value], $exonpos];
			push(@{$refH_inputFile->{"$tab[$chr_value]\t$start\t$end"}}, $_);
		close F1;

	############ 2) Extract the sequence context from the hash table
	my %h_allRegionSeqContext = ();
	my $refSeq = $pathToRefSeq;
	Extract_SequenceContext(\%h_inputFileForSeqContext, $referenceGenome, $refSeq, \%h_allRegionSeqContext);

	sub Extract_SequenceContext
		my ($refH_allRegion, $referenceGenome, $refSeq, $refH_allRegionSeqContext) = @_;

		my $folderDB  = $referenceGenome."db";
		my $folderSeq = $referenceGenome."_seq";
		my $seqdir = "$refSeq/$folderSeq";

		my %seqhash  = (); #database sequence for each chromosome
		my %name_seq = (); #sequence for each region
		my (%seqlen, %discordlen, %badorf);	#store the length of each sequence, and the ID of sequences with discordant length, ORF contains stop codon
		my ($count_success, @failure) = (0);

		for my $curchr (sort keys %{$refH_allRegion})
			my ($seqid, $curseq) = ('', '');
			my $fastafile        = "";
			if ($curchr =~ m/^chr/)
				%seqhash   = (); #clear the seqhash storage
				$fastafile = "$seqdir/$curchr.fa"; #by default, all FASTA files should be saved at fastadir, with the same name
				%seqhash   = ();		#clear the seqhash storage
				$fastafile = "$seqdir/chr$curchr.fa"; #by default, all FASTA files should be saved at fastadir, with the same name
			if (not -e $fastafile) {			#to handle cases where no "chr" prefix is given
				print "WARNING: the FASTA file $curchr.fa cannot be retrieved from the specified directory $seqdir. Sequences in this chromosome will not be processed\n";

			if (not %seqhash)
				open (FASTA, $fastafile) or print "WARNING: cannot read from FASTA file $fastafile so sequences in $curchr will not be processed: $!\n" and next;
				while (<FASTA>)
					if (m/^>(\S+)/)
						$seqid and $seqhash{$seqid} = $curseq; #finish reading the sequence for seqid and save it
						$seqid = $1;
						$curseq = '';
						$curseq .= uc $_; #only use upper case characters
				close FASTA;
				$seqhash{$seqid} = $curseq;
			if (not $seqhash{$curchr})
				#this chromosome just do not have FASTA sequences (maybe users used a wrong seqdir
				print "WARNING: Unable to retrieve regions at $curchr due to lack of sequence information\n";

			for my $i (0 .. @{$refH_allRegion->{$curchr}}-1)
				my ($name, $start, $end, $strand, $exonpos) = @{$refH_allRegion->{$curchr}[$i]};
				my @start = split (/,/, $start);
				my @end   = split (/,/, $end);
				my $seq;
				for my $i (0..@start-1)
					if ($start[$i] >= length ($seqhash{$curchr}))
						#here there must be an annotation error in user-specified gene/region definition file
						print "WARNING: Ignoring the start position start=$start[$i] since it is longer than the $curchr sequence (length=" , length($seqhash{$curchr}), ")\n";
						undef $seq;
					$seq .= substr ($seqhash{$curchr}, $start[$i], $end[$i]-$start[$i]);

				if (defined $seq)
					if (defined $seqlen{$name})
						$seqlen{$name} != length ($seq) and warn "WARNING: the sequence $name was found more than once with different sequence lengths\n";
						$seqlen{$name} != length ($seq) and $discordlen{$name}++;
					else { $seqlen{$name} = length ($seq); }

					$name_seq{$name, $exonpos} = $seq;

					# Put the sequence context in a hash table for Write the result after
					## Some sequence context are NNNNNN or empty
					if( ($seq ne "NA") && ($seq =~ /N/i) ) { $refH_allRegionSeqContext->{"$curchr\t$start\t$end"} = "NA"; }
					else { $refH_allRegionSeqContext->{"$curchr\t$start\t$end"} = $seq; }
					print "WARNING: DNA sequence for $name cannot be inferred\n";
					push @failure, $name;
		} # End for $curchr

	############ 3) Create a file with the sequence context
	WriteFile_SeqContext($inputFile, $length_AVheader, \%h_inputFile, $header, \%h_allRegionSeqContext, $output);

	sub WriteFile_SeqContext
		my ($inputFile, $length_AVheader, $refH_InputFile, $header, $refH_allRegionSeqContext, $output) = @_;

		open(OUT, ">", $output) or die "$!: $output\n";

		## Add the header only for the firts part of the files
		if($inputFile =~ /\-aa/)
			my @tabHeaderInput  = "";

			$header =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; @tabHeaderInput = split("\t", $header);
			# Print the Annovar header until the column before OtherInfo
			print OUT "$tabHeaderInput[0]";
			my $j = 0;
			for(my $i=1; $i<$length_AVheader+1; $i++) { print OUT "\t$tabHeaderInput[$i]"; $j=$i; }
			print OUT "\tcontext\ttrinucleotide_context";
			for(my $i=$j+1; $i<=$#tabHeaderInput; $i++) { print OUT "\t$tabHeaderInput[$i]"; }
			print OUT "\n";

		foreach my $k_hFile (sort keys %{$refH_InputFile})
			foreach my $k_allRegonSeqContext (sort keys %{$refH_allRegionSeqContext})
				if($k_hFile eq $k_allRegonSeqContext)
					my $j=0;

					for(my $k=0; $k<=$#{$refH_InputFile->{$k_hFile}};$k++)
						my @tab = split("\t", ${$refH_InputFile->{$k_hFile}}[$k]);

						# Write Annovar annotation + strand orientation
						for(my $i=0; $i<$length_AVheader+1; $i++) { print OUT $tab[$i],"\t"; $j=$i; }
						# Write the sequence context with the length defined by the user (default is 10)
						print OUT $refH_allRegionSeqContext->{$k_allRegonSeqContext};
						# Write the trinucleotide context
						my $contextSequence           = $refH_allRegionSeqContext->{$k_allRegonSeqContext}; $contextSequence =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
						my @tempContextSequence       = split("", $contextSequence);
						my $midlle_totalNbBaseContext = (scalar(@tempContextSequence)-1)/2; # For having the middle of the sequence
						print OUT "\t".$tempContextSequence[$midlle_totalNbBaseContext-1]."x".$tempContextSequence[$midlle_totalNbBaseContext+1];
						# Write the original columns
						for(my $i=$j+1; $i<=$#tab; $i++) { print OUT "\t$tab[$i]"; }
						print OUT "\n";
		close OUT;

sub CombinedTempFile
	my ($folderTempFile, $output) = @_;

	my $cmd_cat_mt_results = "cat ";

	foreach my $file (`ls $folderTempFile/*.txt`)
		$cmd_cat_mt_results = $cmd_cat_mt_results." $file";
	$cmd_cat_mt_results = $cmd_cat_mt_results." > $output";

sub recoverNumCol
	my ($input, $name_of_column) = @_;

  open(F1,$input) or die "recoverNumCol: $!: $input\n";
  # For having the name of the columns
  my $search_header = <F1>; $search_header =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; my @tab_search_header = split("\t",$search_header);
  close F1;
  # The number of the column
  my $name_of_column_NB  = "toto";
  for(my $i=0; $i<=$#tab_search_header; $i++)
    if($tab_search_header[$i] eq $name_of_column) { $name_of_column_NB = $i; last; }
  if($name_of_column_NB eq "toto")
  	print STDERR "Error message:\n";
  	print STDERR "Error recoverNumCol(): the column named $name_of_column doesn't exits in the input file $input!!!!!\n";
  else { return $name_of_column_NB; }

=head1 NAME


=head1 SYNOPSIS [arguments] <query-file>

  <query-file>                                   can be a folder with multiple VCF or a single VCF

        -h,        --help                        print help message
        -m,        --man                         print complete documentation
        -v,        --verbose                     use verbose output
                   --refGenome                   the reference genome to use
                   --interval <interger>         the number of bases for the sequence context
        -o,        --outfile <string>            output directory for the result. If none is specify the result will be write in the same directory as the input file
        -AVDB      --pathAnnovarDB <string>      the path to Annovar database and the files with the chromosome size
                   --pathAVDBList                the path to a text file containing the list of Annovar databases installed
        -temp      --pathTemporary <string>      the path for saving the temporary files
                   --fullAnnotation <string>     recover all Annovar annotations (yes) or only the minimum for MutSpec-Stat (no)
                   --max_cpu <integer>           number of CPUs to be used for the annotation

Function: automatically run a pipeline on a list of variants and annote them using Annovar

 Example: # Annotation only
 --refGenome hg19 --interval 10 --outfile output_directory --pathAnnovarDB path_to_annovar_database --pathAVDBList path_to_the_list_of_annovar_DB --temp path_to_temporary_directory --fullAnnotation yes|no input

 Version: 03-2017 (March 2017)

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<--help>

print a brief usage message and detailed explanation of options.

=item B<--man>

print the complete manual of the program.

=item B<--verbose>

use verbose output.

=item B<--refGenome>

the reference genome to use, could be hg19 or mm9.

=item B<--interval>

the number of bases surrounding the mutated bases, for the sequence context analysis.

=item B<--outfile>

the directory of output file names. If it is nor specify the same directory as the input file is used.

=item B<--pathAnnovarDB>

the path to the directory containing the Annovar databases and the files with the chromosome size.

=item B<--pathAVDBList>

the path to a text file containing the list of Annovar databases installed.

=item B<--pathTemporary>

the path for saving temporary files generated by the script.
If any is specify a temporary folder is created in the same directory where the script is running.
Deleted when the script is finish

=item B<--fullAnnotation>

Use all Annovar databases for the annotation (set to yes) or only refGene + strand + context (set to no) for having a quicker annotation (for large file with million of lines)

=item B<--max_cpu>

Specify the number of CPUs to be used. This number is used for spliting the file in n part and running the annotations in each part in parallel.


MutSpec-Annot is a perl script for added annotations on a list of genetic variants generated with NGS.
Functional annotations are added using ANNOVAR software. Strand transcript orientation is added using RefSeq database and the sequence context for x bases flanking the variant positions is also added.
A text tab delimited file is produced.
