changeset 0:2294ae1842d5 draft default tip

author iuc
date Tue, 23 Aug 2016 15:04:45 -0400 (2016-08-23)
files icqsol_macros.xml icqsol_solve_laplace.xml test-data/sphere.vtkbinary test-data/sphere_electric_field.vtkascii
diffstat 6 files changed, 1885 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/icqsol_macros.xml	Tue Aug 23 15:04:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+    <token name="@WRAPPER_VERSION@">1.0</token>
+    <xml name="requirements">
+        <requirements>
+            <requirement type="package" version="0.3.26">icqsol</requirement>
+        </requirements>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="stdio">
+        <stdio>
+            <exit_code range="1:"/>
+            <exit_code range=":-1"/>
+            <regex match="Error:"/>
+            <regex match="Exception:"/>
+        </stdio>
+    </xml>
+    <!-- TODO: place this in colormaps_conf.xml -->
+    <xml name="color_map_param">
+        <param name="color_map" type="select" label="Color map">
+            <option value="hot" selected="True">Hot</option>
+            <option value="cold">Cold</option>
+            <option value="blackbody">Blackbody</option>
+            <option value="gnu">Gnu</option>
+        </param>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="output_vtk_type_params">
+        <param name="output_vtk_type" type="select" label="Output file type">
+            <option value="vtkascii" selected="True">Vtk-ascii</option>
+            <option value="vtkbinary">Vtk-binary</option>
+        </param>
+    </xml>
+    <token name="@origin_cmd_args@">
+        --origin_x $create_process_cond.shape_cond.origin_x
+        --origin_y $create_process_cond.shape_cond.origin_y
+        --origin_z $create_process_cond.shape_cond.origin_z
+    </token>
+    <xml name="origin_params">
+        <param name="origin_x" type="float" value="0.0" label="X coordinate of origin" help="Floating point number"/>
+        <param name="origin_y" type="float" value="0.0" label="Y coordinate of origin" help="Floating point number"/>
+        <param name="origin_z" type="float" value="0.0" label="Z coordinate of origin" help="Floating point number"/>
+    </xml>
+    <token name="@lengths_cmd_args@">
+        --length_x $create_process_cond.shape_cond.length_x
+        --length_y $create_process_cond.shape_cond.length_y
+        --length_z $create_process_cond.shape_cond.length_z
+    </token>
+    <xml name="lengths_params">
+        <!-- At least one of these lengths must be greater than zero, but we have no validator for this. -->
+        <param name="length_x" type="float" value="1.0" label="Length in the X direction" help="Floating point number">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="false" />
+        </param>
+        <param name="length_y" type="float" value="0.0" label="Length in the Y direction" help="Floating point number">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="false" />
+        </param>
+        <param name="length_z" type="float" value="0.0" label="Length in the Z direction" help="Floating point number">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="false" />
+        </param>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="lengths_exclude_min_params">
+        <param name="length_x" type="float" value="1.0" label="Length in the X direction" help="Floating point number">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="true" />
+        </param>
+        <param name="length_y" type="float" value="1.0" label="Length in the Y direction" help="Floating point number">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="true" />
+        </param>
+        <param name="length_z" type="float" value="1.0" label="Length in the Z direction" help="Floating point number">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="true" />
+        </param>
+    </xml>
+    <token name="@radius_cmd_args@">
+        --radius $create_process_cond.shape_cond.radius
+    </token>
+    <xml name="radius_params">
+        <param name="radius" type="float" value="1.0" label="Radius" help="Floating point number">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="True" />
+        </param>
+    </xml>
+    <token name="@n_theta_cmd_args@">
+        --n_theta $create_process_cond.shape_cond.n_theta
+    </token>
+    <xml name="n_theta_params">
+        <param name="n_theta" type="integer" value="16" label="Number of slices" help="Controls the tessellation along the longitude direction">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="False" />
+        </param>
+    </xml>
+    <token name="@n_phi_cmd_args@">
+        --n_phi $create_process_cond.shape_cond.n_phi
+    </token>
+    <xml name="n_phi_params">
+        <param name="n_phi" type="integer" value="8" label="Number of stacks" help="Controls the tessellation along the latitude direction">
+            <validator type="in_range" min="0" exclude_min="False" />
+        </param>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="citations">
+        <citations>
+            <citation type="bibtex">
+                @unpublished{None,
+                author = {None},
+                title = {None},
+                year = {None},
+                eprint = {None},
+                url = {}
+            }</citation>
+            <citation type="bibtex">
+                @misc(Schroeder-Martin-Lorensen2006,
+                author = "Will Schroeder and 
+                          Ken Martin and
+                          Bill Lorensen",
+                year = "2006",
+                title = "The Visualization Toolkit (4th ed.)",
+                publisher =  "Kitware",
+                url = "")
+            </citation>
+        </citations>
+    </xml>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Aug 23 15:04:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+import shutil
+import icqsol_utils
+# Parse Command Line.
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('--input', dest='input', help='Shape dataset selected from history')
+parser.add_argument('--input_file_format_and_type', dest='input_file_format_and_type', help='Input file format and type')
+parser.add_argument('--input_dataset_type', dest='input_dataset_type', help='Input dataset_type')
+parser.add_argument('--input_potential_name', dest='input_potential_name', default='', help='Input surface potential field name.')
+parser.add_argument('--output_jump_electric_field_name', dest='output_jump_electric_field_name', default='jump_normal_electric_field', help='Set the name of the output field name.')
+parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output', help='Output dataset')
+parser.add_argument('--output_vtk_type', dest='output_vtk_type', help='Output VTK type')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+input_format, input_file_type = icqsol_utils.get_format_and_type(args.input_file_format_and_type)
+tmp_dir = icqsol_utils.get_temp_dir()
+# Instantiate the shape manager.
+shape_mgr = icqsol_utils.get_shape_manager(input_format, args.input_dataset_type)
+# Get the vtk polydata from the input dataset.
+vtk_poly_data = shape_mgr.loadAsVtkPolyData(args.input)
+# Instantiate the Laplace solver.
+solver = icqsol_utils.get_laplace_solver(vtk_poly_data)
+# Set the output field names.
+# In place operation, vtk_poly_data will be modified.
+normalEJump = solver.computeResponseField()
+surfIntegral = shape_mgr.integrateSurfaceField(solver.getVtkPolyData(), args.output_jump_electric_field_name)
+print 'Surface integral of normal electric field jump: {0}'.format(surfIntegral)
+minVal, maxVal = shape_mgr.getFieldRange(solver.getVtkPolyData(), args.output_jump_electric_field_name)
+print 'min/max values of normal electric field jump: {0}/{1}'.format(minVal, maxVal)
+# Define the output file format and type (the output_format can only be 'vtk').
+output_format, output_file_type = icqsol_utils.get_format_and_type(args.output_vtk_type)
+tmp_output_path = icqsol_utils.get_temporary_file_path(tmp_dir, output_format)
+# Make sure the ShapeManager's writer is vtk.
+shape_mgr.setWriter(file_format=icqsol_utils.VTK, vtk_dataset_type=icqsol_utils.POLYDATA)
+# Save the output.
+shape_mgr.saveVtkPolyData(vtk_poly_data=solver.getVtkPolyData(), file_name=tmp_output_path, file_type=output_file_type)
+shutil.move(tmp_output_path, args.output)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/icqsol_solve_laplace.xml	Tue Aug 23 15:04:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<tool id="icqsol_solve_laplace" name="Solve Laplace equation" version="@WRAPPER_VERSION@.0">
+    <description>- computes the jump of normal electric field</description>
+    <macros>
+        <import>icqsol_macros.xml</import>
+    </macros>
+    <expand macro="requirements" />
+    <command>
+        <![CDATA[
+            python $__tool_directory__/
+            --input "$input"
+            --input_file_format_and_type $input.ext
+            --input_dataset_type $input.metadata.dataset_type
+            --input_potential_name "$input_potential_name"
+            --output_jump_electric_field_name "$output_jump_electric_field_name"
+            --output "$output"
+            --output_vtk_type $output_vtk_type
+        ]]>
+    </command>
+    <inputs>
+        <param name="input" type="data" format="vtkascii,vtkbinary" label="Shape" help="Format can be vtkascii or vtkbinary." />
+        <param name="input_potential_name" type="select" label="Field name" refresh_on_change="True"> 
+            <options>
+                <filter type="data_meta" ref="input" key="field_names"/>
+                <validator type="no_options" message="The selected shape has no surface fields." />
+            </options>
+        </param>
+        <param name="output_jump_electric_field_name" type="text" value="jumpEn" label="Output flux field name" help="Name of the jump of normal electric field in the output file." />
+        <expand macro="output_vtk_type_params" />
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="output" format_source="input">
+            <actions>
+                <action type="format">
+                    <option type="from_param" name="output_vtk_type" />
+                </action>
+            </actions>
+        </data>
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <test>
+            <param name="input" value="sphere.vtkbinary" ftype="vtkbinary" />
+            <param name="input_file_format_and_type" value="vtkbinary" />
+            <param name="input_dataset_type" value="POLYDATA" />
+            <param name="input_potential_name" value="v" />
+            <param name="output_jump_electric_field_name" value="E_normal_jump" />
+            <output name="output" file="sphere_electric_field.vtkascii" ftype="vtkascii" />
+            <param name="output_vtk_type" value="vtkascii" />
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help>
+**What it does**
+Computes the jump in flux-like (Neumann) boundary conditions given prescribed Dirichlet boundary
+conditions by using the boundary element method.  Depending on the problem, the jump can be the
+surface flux or the normal electric field in electrostatic problems. The Dirichlet field is often
+called the potential (e.g. electrostatic potential). When the domain extends from the object to
+infinity and the interior of the object is perfectly conducting, the jump corresponds to the normal
+electric field just outside the object.
+* **Shape** - Shape whose surface contains a potential field.
+* **Output flux field name** - Name of the jump of normal electric field name in the output file.
+    </help>
+    <expand macro="citations" />
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Aug 23 15:04:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from icqsol.shapes.icqShapeManager import ShapeManager
+from icqsol.bem.icqLaplaceSolver import LaplaceSolver
+PLY = 'ply'
+VTK = 'vtk'
+def asbool(val):
+    return str(val).lower() in ['yes', 'true']
+def get_format_and_type(galaxy_ext):
+    # Define the output file format and type.
+    format = None
+    datatype = None
+    if galaxy_ext in ['vtkascii', 'vtkbinary']:
+        format = VTK
+    elif galaxy_ext in ['plyascii', 'plybinary']:
+        format = PLY
+    if galaxy_ext in ['vtkascii', 'plyascii']:
+        datatype = 'ascii'
+    elif galaxy_ext in ['vtkbinary', 'plybinary']:
+        datatype = 'binary'
+    return format, datatype
+def get_input_file_path(tmp_dir, input_file, format):
+    """
+    iCqSol uses file extensions (e.g., .ply, .vtk) when reading and
+    writing files, so the Galaxy dataset naming convention of
+    setting all file extensions as .dat must be handled.
+    """
+    file_path = get_temporary_file_path(tmp_dir, format)
+    # Remove the file so we can create a symlink.
+    os.remove(file_path)
+    os.symlink(input_file, file_path)
+    return file_path
+def get_laplace_solver(shape_data, max_edge_length=float('inf')):
+    return LaplaceSolver(shape_data, max_edge_length=max_edge_length)
+def get_shape_manager(format=None, dataset_type=None):
+    # Instantiate a ShapeManager.
+    return ShapeManager(file_format=format, vtk_dataset_type=dataset_type)
+def get_temp_dir(prefix='tmp-vtk-', dir=None):
+    """
+    Return a temporary directory.
+    """
+    return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, dir=dir)
+def get_tempfilename(dir=None, suffix=None):
+    """
+    Return a temporary file name.
+    """
+    if suffix is None:
+        s = None
+    elif suffix.startswith('.'):
+        s = suffix
+    else:
+        s = '.%s' % suffix
+    fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=s, dir=dir)
+    os.close(fd)
+    return name
+def get_temporary_file_path(tmp_dir, file_extension):
+    """
+    Return the path to a temporary file with a valid VTK format
+    file extension.
+    """
+    return get_tempfilename(tmp_dir, file_extension)
+def stop_err(msg):
+    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
+    sys.exit()
Binary file test-data/sphere.vtkbinary has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sphere_electric_field.vtkascii	Tue Aug 23 15:04:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1565 @@
+# vtk DataFile Version 4.0
+vtk output
+POINTS 482 float
+0 1 0 0.191342 0.980785 0.0380602 0.19509 0.980785 0 
+0.37533 0.92388 0.0746578 0.382683 0.92388 0 0.544895 0.83147 0.108386 
+0.55557 0.83147 0 0.69352 0.707107 0.13795 0.707107 0.707107 0 
+0.815493 0.55557 0.162212 0.83147 0.55557 0 0.906127 0.382683 0.18024 
+0.92388 0.382683 0 0.96194 0.19509 0.191342 0.980785 0.19509 0 
+0.980785 0 0.19509 1 0 0 0.96194 -0.19509 0.191342 
+0.980785 -0.19509 0 0.906127 -0.382683 0.18024 0.92388 -0.382683 0 
+0.815493 -0.55557 0.162212 0.83147 -0.55557 0 0.69352 -0.707107 0.13795 
+0.707107 -0.707107 0 0.544895 -0.83147 0.108386 0.55557 -0.83147 0 
+0.37533 -0.92388 0.0746578 0.382683 -0.92388 0 0.191342 -0.980785 0.0380602 
+0.19509 -0.980785 0 0 -1 0 0.18024 0.980785 0.0746578 
+0.353553 0.92388 0.146447 0.51328 0.83147 0.212608 0.653282 0.707107 0.270598 
+0.768178 0.55557 0.31819 0.853553 0.382683 0.353553 0.906127 0.19509 0.37533 
+0.92388 0 0.382683 0.906127 -0.19509 0.37533 0.853553 -0.382683 0.353553 
+0.768178 -0.55557 0.31819 0.653282 -0.707107 0.270598 0.51328 -0.83147 0.212608 
+0.353553 -0.92388 0.146447 0.18024 -0.980785 0.0746578 0.162212 0.980785 0.108386 
+0.31819 0.92388 0.212608 0.46194 0.83147 0.308658 0.587938 0.707107 0.392847 
+0.691342 0.55557 0.46194 0.768178 0.382683 0.51328 0.815493 0.19509 0.544895 
+0.83147 0 0.55557 0.815493 -0.19509 0.544895 0.768178 -0.382683 0.51328 
+0.691342 -0.55557 0.46194 0.587938 -0.707107 0.392847 0.46194 -0.83147 0.308658 
+0.31819 -0.92388 0.212608 0.162212 -0.980785 0.108386 0.13795 0.980785 0.13795 
+0.270598 0.92388 0.270598 0.392847 0.83147 0.392847 0.5 0.707107 0.5 
+0.587938 0.55557 0.587938 0.653282 0.382683 0.653282 0.69352 0.19509 0.69352 
+0.707107 0 0.707107 0.69352 -0.19509 0.69352 0.653282 -0.382683 0.653282 
+0.587938 -0.55557 0.587938 0.5 -0.707107 0.5 0.392847 -0.83147 0.392847 
+0.270598 -0.92388 0.270598 0.13795 -0.980785 0.13795 0.108386 0.980785 0.162212 
+0.212608 0.92388 0.31819 0.308658 0.83147 0.46194 0.392847 0.707107 0.587938 
+0.46194 0.55557 0.691342 0.51328 0.382683 0.768178 0.544895 0.19509 0.815493 
+0.55557 0 0.83147 0.544895 -0.19509 0.815493 0.51328 -0.382683 0.768178 
+0.46194 -0.55557 0.691342 0.392847 -0.707107 0.587938 0.308658 -0.83147 0.46194 
+0.212608 -0.92388 0.31819 0.108386 -0.980785 0.162212 0.0746578 0.980785 0.18024 
+0.146447 0.92388 0.353553 0.212608 0.83147 0.51328 0.270598 0.707107 0.653282 
+0.31819 0.55557 0.768178 0.353553 0.382683 0.853553 0.37533 0.19509 0.906127 
+0.382683 0 0.92388 0.37533 -0.19509 0.906127 0.353553 -0.382683 0.853553 
+0.31819 -0.55557 0.768178 0.270598 -0.707107 0.653282 0.212608 -0.83147 0.51328 
+0.146447 -0.92388 0.353553 0.0746578 -0.980785 0.18024 0.0380602 0.980785 0.191342 
+0.0746578 0.92388 0.37533 0.108386 0.83147 0.544895 0.13795 0.707107 0.69352 
+0.162212 0.55557 0.815493 0.18024 0.382683 0.906127 0.191342 0.19509 0.96194 
+0.19509 0 0.980785 0.191342 -0.19509 0.96194 0.18024 -0.382683 0.906127 
+0.162212 -0.55557 0.815493 0.13795 -0.707107 0.69352 0.108386 -0.83147 0.544895 
+0.0746578 -0.92388 0.37533 0.0380602 -0.980785 0.191342 0 0.980785 0.19509 
+0 0.92388 0.382683 0 0.83147 0.55557 0 0.707107 0.707107 
+0 0.55557 0.83147 0 0.382683 0.92388 0 0.19509 0.980785 
+0 0 1 0 -0.19509 0.980785 0 -0.382683 0.92388 
+0 -0.55557 0.83147 0 -0.707107 0.707107 0 -0.83147 0.55557 
+0 -0.92388 0.382683 0 -0.980785 0.19509 -0.0380602 0.980785 0.191342 
+-0.0746578 0.92388 0.37533 -0.108386 0.83147 0.544895 -0.13795 0.707107 0.69352 
+-0.162212 0.55557 0.815493 -0.18024 0.382683 0.906127 -0.191342 0.19509 0.96194 
+-0.19509 0 0.980785 -0.191342 -0.19509 0.96194 -0.18024 -0.382683 0.906127 
+-0.162212 -0.55557 0.815493 -0.13795 -0.707107 0.69352 -0.108386 -0.83147 0.544895 
+-0.0746578 -0.92388 0.37533 -0.0380602 -0.980785 0.191342 -0.0746578 0.980785 0.18024 
+-0.146447 0.92388 0.353553 -0.212608 0.83147 0.51328 -0.270598 0.707107 0.653282 
+-0.31819 0.55557 0.768178 -0.353553 0.382683 0.853553 -0.37533 0.19509 0.906127 
+-0.382683 0 0.92388 -0.37533 -0.19509 0.906127 -0.353553 -0.382683 0.853553 
+-0.31819 -0.55557 0.768178 -0.270598 -0.707107 0.653282 -0.212608 -0.83147 0.51328 
+-0.146447 -0.92388 0.353553 -0.0746578 -0.980785 0.18024 -0.108386 0.980785 0.162212 
+-0.212608 0.92388 0.31819 -0.308658 0.83147 0.46194 -0.392847 0.707107 0.587938 
+-0.46194 0.55557 0.691342 -0.51328 0.382683 0.768178 -0.544895 0.19509 0.815493 
+-0.55557 0 0.83147 -0.544895 -0.19509 0.815493 -0.51328 -0.382683 0.768178 
+-0.46194 -0.55557 0.691342 -0.392847 -0.707107 0.587938 -0.308658 -0.83147 0.46194 
+-0.212608 -0.92388 0.31819 -0.108386 -0.980785 0.162212 -0.13795 0.980785 0.13795 
+-0.270598 0.92388 0.270598 -0.392847 0.83147 0.392847 -0.5 0.707107 0.5 
+-0.587938 0.55557 0.587938 -0.653282 0.382683 0.653282 -0.69352 0.19509 0.69352 
+-0.707107 0 0.707107 -0.69352 -0.19509 0.69352 -0.653282 -0.382683 0.653282 
+-0.587938 -0.55557 0.587938 -0.5 -0.707107 0.5 -0.392847 -0.83147 0.392847 
+-0.270598 -0.92388 0.270598 -0.13795 -0.980785 0.13795 -0.162212 0.980785 0.108386 
+-0.31819 0.92388 0.212608 -0.46194 0.83147 0.308658 -0.587938 0.707107 0.392847 
+-0.691342 0.55557 0.46194 -0.768178 0.382683 0.51328 -0.815493 0.19509 0.544895 
+-0.83147 0 0.55557 -0.815493 -0.19509 0.544895 -0.768178 -0.382683 0.51328 
+-0.691342 -0.55557 0.46194 -0.587938 -0.707107 0.392847 -0.46194 -0.83147 0.308658 
+-0.31819 -0.92388 0.212608 -0.162212 -0.980785 0.108386 -0.18024 0.980785 0.0746578 
+-0.353553 0.92388 0.146447 -0.51328 0.83147 0.212608 -0.653282 0.707107 0.270598 
+-0.768178 0.55557 0.31819 -0.853553 0.382683 0.353553 -0.906127 0.19509 0.37533 
+-0.92388 0 0.382683 -0.906127 -0.19509 0.37533 -0.853553 -0.382683 0.353553 
+-0.768178 -0.55557 0.31819 -0.653282 -0.707107 0.270598 -0.51328 -0.83147 0.212608 
+-0.353553 -0.92388 0.146447 -0.18024 -0.980785 0.0746578 -0.191342 0.980785 0.0380602 
+-0.37533 0.92388 0.0746578 -0.544895 0.83147 0.108386 -0.69352 0.707107 0.13795 
+-0.815493 0.55557 0.162212 -0.906127 0.382683 0.18024 -0.96194 0.19509 0.191342 
+-0.980785 0 0.19509 -0.96194 -0.19509 0.191342 -0.906127 -0.382683 0.18024 
+-0.815493 -0.55557 0.162212 -0.69352 -0.707107 0.13795 -0.544895 -0.83147 0.108386 
+-0.37533 -0.92388 0.0746578 -0.191342 -0.980785 0.0380602 -0.19509 0.980785 0 
+-0.382683 0.92388 0 -0.55557 0.83147 0 -0.707107 0.707107 0 
+-0.83147 0.55557 0 -0.92388 0.382683 0 -0.980785 0.19509 0 
+-1 0 0 -0.980785 -0.19509 0 -0.92388 -0.382683 0 
+-0.83147 -0.55557 0 -0.707107 -0.707107 0 -0.55557 -0.83147 0 
+-0.382683 -0.92388 0 -0.19509 -0.980785 0 -0.191342 0.980785 -0.0380602 
+-0.37533 0.92388 -0.0746578 -0.544895 0.83147 -0.108386 -0.69352 0.707107 -0.13795 
+-0.815493 0.55557 -0.162212 -0.906127 0.382683 -0.18024 -0.96194 0.19509 -0.191342 
+-0.980785 0 -0.19509 -0.96194 -0.19509 -0.191342 -0.906127 -0.382683 -0.18024 
+-0.815493 -0.55557 -0.162212 -0.69352 -0.707107 -0.13795 -0.544895 -0.83147 -0.108386 
+-0.37533 -0.92388 -0.0746578 -0.191342 -0.980785 -0.0380602 -0.18024 0.980785 -0.0746578 
+-0.353553 0.92388 -0.146447 -0.51328 0.83147 -0.212608 -0.653282 0.707107 -0.270598 
+-0.768178 0.55557 -0.31819 -0.853553 0.382683 -0.353553 -0.906127 0.19509 -0.37533 
+-0.92388 0 -0.382683 -0.906127 -0.19509 -0.37533 -0.853553 -0.382683 -0.353553 
+-0.768178 -0.55557 -0.31819 -0.653282 -0.707107 -0.270598 -0.51328 -0.83147 -0.212608 
+-0.353553 -0.92388 -0.146447 -0.18024 -0.980785 -0.0746578 -0.162212 0.980785 -0.108386 
+-0.31819 0.92388 -0.212608 -0.46194 0.83147 -0.308658 -0.587938 0.707107 -0.392847 
+-0.691342 0.55557 -0.46194 -0.768178 0.382683 -0.51328 -0.815493 0.19509 -0.544895 
+-0.83147 0 -0.55557 -0.815493 -0.19509 -0.544895 -0.768178 -0.382683 -0.51328 
+-0.691342 -0.55557 -0.46194 -0.587938 -0.707107 -0.392847 -0.46194 -0.83147 -0.308658 
+-0.31819 -0.92388 -0.212608 -0.162212 -0.980785 -0.108386 -0.13795 0.980785 -0.13795 
+-0.270598 0.92388 -0.270598 -0.392847 0.83147 -0.392847 -0.5 0.707107 -0.5 
+-0.587938 0.55557 -0.587938 -0.653282 0.382683 -0.653282 -0.69352 0.19509 -0.69352 
+-0.707107 0 -0.707107 -0.69352 -0.19509 -0.69352 -0.653282 -0.382683 -0.653282 
+-0.587938 -0.55557 -0.587938 -0.5 -0.707107 -0.5 -0.392847 -0.83147 -0.392847 
+-0.270598 -0.92388 -0.270598 -0.13795 -0.980785 -0.13795 -0.108386 0.980785 -0.162212 
+-0.212608 0.92388 -0.31819 -0.308658 0.83147 -0.46194 -0.392847 0.707107 -0.587938 
+-0.46194 0.55557 -0.691342 -0.51328 0.382683 -0.768178 -0.544895 0.19509 -0.815493 
+-0.55557 0 -0.83147 -0.544895 -0.19509 -0.815493 -0.51328 -0.382683 -0.768178 
+-0.46194 -0.55557 -0.691342 -0.392847 -0.707107 -0.587938 -0.308658 -0.83147 -0.46194 
+-0.212608 -0.92388 -0.31819 -0.108386 -0.980785 -0.162212 -0.0746578 0.980785 -0.18024 
+-0.146447 0.92388 -0.353553 -0.212608 0.83147 -0.51328 -0.270598 0.707107 -0.653282 
+-0.31819 0.55557 -0.768178 -0.353553 0.382683 -0.853553 -0.37533 0.19509 -0.906127 
+-0.382683 0 -0.92388 -0.37533 -0.19509 -0.906127 -0.353553 -0.382683 -0.853553 
+-0.31819 -0.55557 -0.768178 -0.270598 -0.707107 -0.653282 -0.212608 -0.83147 -0.51328 
+-0.146447 -0.92388 -0.353553 -0.0746578 -0.980785 -0.18024 -0.0380602 0.980785 -0.191342 
+-0.0746578 0.92388 -0.37533 -0.108386 0.83147 -0.544895 -0.13795 0.707107 -0.69352 
+-0.162212 0.55557 -0.815493 -0.18024 0.382683 -0.906127 -0.191342 0.19509 -0.96194 
+-0.19509 0 -0.980785 -0.191342 -0.19509 -0.96194 -0.18024 -0.382683 -0.906127 
+-0.162212 -0.55557 -0.815493 -0.13795 -0.707107 -0.69352 -0.108386 -0.83147 -0.544895 
+-0.0746578 -0.92388 -0.37533 -0.0380602 -0.980785 -0.191342 0 0.980785 -0.19509 
+0 0.92388 -0.382683 0 0.83147 -0.55557 0 0.707107 -0.707107 
+0 0.55557 -0.83147 0 0.382683 -0.92388 0 0.19509 -0.980785 
+0 0 -1 0 -0.19509 -0.980785 0 -0.382683 -0.92388 
+0 -0.55557 -0.83147 0 -0.707107 -0.707107 0 -0.83147 -0.55557 
+0 -0.92388 -0.382683 0 -0.980785 -0.19509 0.0380602 0.980785 -0.191342 
+0.0746578 0.92388 -0.37533 0.108386 0.83147 -0.544895 0.13795 0.707107 -0.69352 
+0.162212 0.55557 -0.815493 0.18024 0.382683 -0.906127 0.191342 0.19509 -0.96194 
+0.19509 0 -0.980785 0.191342 -0.19509 -0.96194 0.18024 -0.382683 -0.906127 
+0.162212 -0.55557 -0.815493 0.13795 -0.707107 -0.69352 0.108386 -0.83147 -0.544895 
+0.0746578 -0.92388 -0.37533 0.0380602 -0.980785 -0.191342 0.0746578 0.980785 -0.18024 
+0.146447 0.92388 -0.353553 0.212608 0.83147 -0.51328 0.270598 0.707107 -0.653282 
+0.31819 0.55557 -0.768178 0.353553 0.382683 -0.853553 0.37533 0.19509 -0.906127 
+0.382683 0 -0.92388 0.37533 -0.19509 -0.906127 0.353553 -0.382683 -0.853553 
+0.31819 -0.55557 -0.768178 0.270598 -0.707107 -0.653282 0.212608 -0.83147 -0.51328 
+0.146447 -0.92388 -0.353553 0.0746578 -0.980785 -0.18024 0.108386 0.980785 -0.162212 
+0.212608 0.92388 -0.31819 0.308658 0.83147 -0.46194 0.392847 0.707107 -0.587938 
+0.46194 0.55557 -0.691342 0.51328 0.382683 -0.768178 0.544895 0.19509 -0.815493 
+0.55557 0 -0.83147 0.544895 -0.19509 -0.815493 0.51328 -0.382683 -0.768178 
+0.46194 -0.55557 -0.691342 0.392847 -0.707107 -0.587938 0.308658 -0.83147 -0.46194 
+0.212608 -0.92388 -0.31819 0.108386 -0.980785 -0.162212 0.13795 0.980785 -0.13795 
+0.270598 0.92388 -0.270598 0.392847 0.83147 -0.392847 0.5 0.707107 -0.5 
+0.587938 0.55557 -0.587938 0.653282 0.382683 -0.653282 0.69352 0.19509 -0.69352 
+0.707107 0 -0.707107 0.69352 -0.19509 -0.69352 0.653282 -0.382683 -0.653282 
+0.587938 -0.55557 -0.587938 0.5 -0.707107 -0.5 0.392847 -0.83147 -0.392847 
+0.270598 -0.92388 -0.270598 0.13795 -0.980785 -0.13795 0.162212 0.980785 -0.108386 
+0.31819 0.92388 -0.212608 0.46194 0.83147 -0.308658 0.587938 0.707107 -0.392847 
+0.691342 0.55557 -0.46194 0.768178 0.382683 -0.51328 0.815493 0.19509 -0.544895 
+0.83147 0 -0.55557 0.815493 -0.19509 -0.544895 0.768178 -0.382683 -0.51328 
+0.691342 -0.55557 -0.46194 0.587938 -0.707107 -0.392847 0.46194 -0.83147 -0.308658 
+0.31819 -0.92388 -0.212608 0.162212 -0.980785 -0.108386 0.18024 0.980785 -0.0746578 
+0.353553 0.92388 -0.146447 0.51328 0.83147 -0.212608 0.653282 0.707107 -0.270598 
+0.768178 0.55557 -0.31819 0.853553 0.382683 -0.353553 0.906127 0.19509 -0.37533 
+0.92388 0 -0.382683 0.906127 -0.19509 -0.37533 0.853553 -0.382683 -0.353553 
+0.768178 -0.55557 -0.31819 0.653282 -0.707107 -0.270598 0.51328 -0.83147 -0.212608 
+0.353553 -0.92388 -0.146447 0.18024 -0.980785 -0.0746578 0.191342 0.980785 -0.0380602 
+0.37533 0.92388 -0.0746578 0.544895 0.83147 -0.108386 0.69352 0.707107 -0.13795 
+0.815493 0.55557 -0.162212 0.906127 0.382683 -0.18024 0.96194 0.19509 -0.191342 
+0.980785 0 -0.19509 0.96194 -0.19509 -0.191342 0.906127 -0.382683 -0.18024 
+0.815493 -0.55557 -0.162212 0.69352 -0.707107 -0.13795 0.544895 -0.83147 -0.108386 
+0.37533 -0.92388 -0.0746578 0.191342 -0.980785 -0.0380602 
+POLYGONS 960 3840
+3 0 1 2 
+3 4 2 3 
+3 2 1 3 
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+3 4 3 5 
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+3 17 18 16 
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+3 23 25 24 
+3 28 26 25 
+3 25 27 28 
+3 30 28 27 
+3 27 29 30 
+3 30 29 31 
+3 0 32 1 
+3 3 1 32 
+3 32 33 3 
+3 5 3 34 
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+3 7 5 35 
+3 5 34 35 
+3 9 7 35 
+3 35 36 9 
+3 11 9 37 
+3 9 36 37 
+3 13 11 37 
+3 37 38 13 
+3 15 13 38 
+3 38 39 15 
+3 40 17 15 
+3 39 40 15 
+3 41 19 17 
+3 40 41 17 
+3 21 19 41 
+3 41 42 21 
+3 43 23 21 
+3 42 43 21 
+3 25 23 43 
+3 43 44 25 
+3 27 25 44 
+3 44 45 27 
+3 46 29 27 
+3 45 46 27 
+3 29 46 31 
+3 0 47 32 
+3 33 32 48 
+3 32 47 48 
+3 34 33 49 
+3 33 48 49 
+3 35 34 50 
+3 34 49 50 
+3 36 35 51 
+3 35 50 51 
+3 37 36 52 
+3 36 51 52 
+3 38 37 53 
+3 37 52 53 
+3 39 38 53 
+3 53 54 39 
+3 55 40 39 
+3 54 55 39 
+3 41 40 55 
+3 55 56 41 
+3 42 41 56 
+3 56 57 42 
+3 43 42 57 
+3 57 58 43 
+3 44 43 58 
+3 58 59 44 
+3 45 44 59 
+3 59 60 45 
+3 46 45 60 
+3 60 61 46 
+3 46 61 31 
+3 0 62 47 
+3 48 47 62 
+3 62 63 48 
+3 49 48 63 
+3 63 64 49 
+3 50 49 64 
+3 64 65 50 
+3 51 50 66 
+3 50 65 66 
+3 52 51 66 
+3 66 67 52 
+3 53 52 67 
+3 67 68 53 
+3 54 53 68 
+3 68 69 54 
+3 70 55 54 
+3 69 70 54 
+3 71 56 55 
+3 70 71 55 
+3 72 57 56 
+3 71 72 56 
+3 58 57 72 
+3 72 73 58 
+3 74 59 58 
+3 73 74 58 
+3 75 60 59 
+3 74 75 59 
+3 76 61 60 
+3 75 76 60 
+3 61 76 31 
+3 0 77 62 
+3 63 62 78 
+3 62 77 78 
+3 64 63 79 
+3 63 78 79 
+3 65 64 80 
+3 64 79 80 
+3 66 65 80 
+3 80 81 66 
+3 67 66 82 
+3 66 81 82 
+3 68 67 83 
+3 67 82 83 
+3 69 68 84 
+3 68 83 84 
+3 70 69 84 
+3 84 85 70 
+3 71 70 85 
+3 85 86 71 
+3 72 71 86 
+3 86 87 72 
+3 88 73 72 
+3 87 88 72 
+3 74 73 88 
+3 88 89 74 
+3 75 74 89 
+3 89 90 75 
+3 76 75 90 
+3 90 91 76 
+3 76 91 31 
+3 0 92 77 
+3 78 77 92 
+3 92 93 78 
+3 79 78 93 
+3 93 94 79 
+3 80 79 94 
+3 94 95 80 
+3 81 80 95 
+3 95 96 81 
+3 82 81 96 
+3 96 97 82 
+3 83 82 97 
+3 97 98 83 
+3 84 83 99 
+3 83 98 99 
+3 85 84 99 
+3 99 100 85 
+3 101 86 85 
+3 100 101 85 
+3 102 87 86 
+3 101 102 86 
+3 103 88 87 
+3 102 103 87 
+3 104 89 88 
+3 103 104 88 
+3 105 90 89 
+3 104 105 89 
+3 106 91 90 
+3 105 106 90 
+3 91 106 31 
+3 0 107 92 
+3 93 92 108 
+3 92 107 108 
+3 94 93 108 
+3 108 109 94 
+3 95 94 109 
+3 109 110 95 
+3 96 95 111 
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+3 97 96 111 
+3 111 112 97 
+3 98 97 113 
+3 97 112 113 
+3 99 98 114 
+3 98 113 114 
+3 100 99 114 
+3 114 115 100 
+3 101 100 115 
+3 115 116 101 
+3 117 102 101 
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+3 103 102 117 
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+3 119 104 103 
+3 118 119 103 
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+FIELD FieldData 2
+v 1 960 double
+0.377432 0.739546 0.650571 0.598029 0.710376 0.251353 0.0180573 -0.301318 -0.401133 
+-0.387089 -0.300047 -0.122812 -0.0510274 0.0201261 0.033244 0.0201261 0.033244 -0.122812 
+-0.0510274 -0.387089 -0.300047 -0.301318 -0.401133 0.251353 0.0180573 0.598029 0.710376 
+0.739546 0.650571 0.377432 0.364354 0.637493 0.714152 0.595619 0.69818 0.0114444 
+0.245247 -0.32017 -0.450934 -0.3478 -0.479914 -0.164041 -0.0612547 0.0648768 0.127669 
+0.0648768 0.127669 -0.164041 -0.0612547 -0.3478 -0.479914 -0.32017 -0.450934 0.0114444 
+0.245247 0.595619 0.69818 0.637493 0.714152 0.364354 0.338225 0.687171 0.584384 
+0.583334 0.668192 0.00191288 0.237439 -0.525394 -0.404282 -0.463279 -0.601962 -0.0172493 
+-0.202681 0.16508 0.289299 0.16508 0.289299 -0.0172493 -0.202681 -0.463279 -0.601962 
+-0.525394 -0.404282 0.00191288 0.237439 0.583334 0.668192 0.687171 0.584384 0.338225 
+0.299256 0.545414 0.602774 0.622766 0.524886 0.224417 -0.0172513 -0.603445 -0.441925 
+-0.67509 -0.626794 -0.293069 -0.0572186 0.295233 0.471968 0.295233 0.471968 -0.293069 
+-0.0572186 -0.67509 -0.626794 -0.603445 -0.441925 0.224417 -0.0172513 0.622766 0.524886 
+0.545414 0.602774 0.299256 0.248089 0.535322 0.426794 0.49425 0.524678 -0.0119317 
+0.199101 -0.436605 -0.62919 -0.685761 -0.76512 -0.0200301 -0.314846 0.592279 0.452732 
+0.592279 0.452732 -0.0200301 -0.314846 -0.685761 -0.76512 -0.436605 -0.62919 -0.0119317 
+0.199101 0.49425 0.524678 0.535322 0.426794 0.248089 0.186067 0.364773 0.382341 
+0.433719 0.349693 0.145503 -0.0420908 -0.41273 -0.563255 -0.716085 -0.624443 -0.302563 
+-0.00493573 0.621879 0.430579 0.621879 0.430579 -0.302563 -0.00493573 -0.716085 -0.624443 
+-0.41273 -0.563255 0.145503 -0.0420908 0.433719 0.349693 0.364773 0.382341 0.186067 
+0.115393 0.270029 0.181787 0.288429 0.211701 0.0853714 -0.0423566 -0.41669 -0.222378 
+-0.541071 -0.421541 -0.0488636 -0.241556 0.486819 0.286212 0.486819 0.286212 -0.0488636 
+-0.241556 -0.541071 -0.421541 -0.41669 -0.222378 0.0853714 -0.0423566 0.288429 0.211701 
+0.270029 0.181787 0.115393 0.0391126 0.105507 0.0663941 0.117021 0.050627 0.0175789 
+0.050627 -0.162442 -0.0330481 -0.237225 -0.129394 -0.0572397 -0.107831 0.20135 0.050591 
+0.20135 0.050591 -0.0572397 -0.107831 -0.237225 -0.129394 -0.162442 -0.0330481 0.0175789 
+0.050627 0.117021 0.050627 0.105507 0.0663941 0.0391126 -0.0391126 -0.0663941 -0.105507 
+-0.050627 -0.117021 -0.050627 -0.0175789 0.0330481 0.162442 0.129394 0.237225 0.107831 
+0.0572397 -0.050591 -0.20135 -0.050591 -0.20135 0.107831 0.0572397 0.129394 0.237225 
+0.0330481 0.162442 -0.050627 -0.0175789 -0.050627 -0.117021 -0.0663941 -0.105507 -0.0391126 
+-0.115393 -0.181787 -0.270029 -0.211701 -0.288429 0.0423566 -0.0853714 0.222378 0.41669 
+0.421541 0.541071 0.241556 0.0488636 -0.286212 -0.486819 -0.286212 -0.486819 0.241556 
+0.0488636 0.421541 0.541071 0.222378 0.41669 0.0423566 -0.0853714 -0.211701 -0.288429 
+-0.181787 -0.270029 -0.115393 -0.186067 -0.382341 -0.364773 -0.349693 -0.433719 0.0420908 
+-0.145503 0.563255 0.41273 0.624443 0.716085 0.00493573 0.302563 -0.430579 -0.621879 
+-0.430579 -0.621879 0.00493573 0.302563 0.624443 0.716085 0.563255 0.41273 0.0420908 
+-0.145503 -0.349693 -0.433719 -0.382341 -0.364773 -0.186067 -0.248089 -0.426794 -0.535322 
+-0.524678 -0.49425 -0.199101 0.0119317 0.62919 0.436605 0.76512 0.685761 0.314846 
+0.0200301 -0.452732 -0.592279 -0.452732 -0.592279 0.314846 0.0200301 0.76512 0.685761 
+0.62919 0.436605 -0.199101 0.0119317 -0.524678 -0.49425 -0.426794 -0.535322 -0.248089 
+-0.299256 -0.602774 -0.545414 -0.524886 -0.622766 0.0172513 -0.224417 0.441925 0.603445 
+0.626794 0.67509 0.0572186 0.293069 -0.471968 -0.295233 -0.471968 -0.295233 0.0572186 
+0.293069 0.626794 0.67509 0.441925 0.603445 0.0172513 -0.224417 -0.524886 -0.622766 
+-0.602774 -0.545414 -0.299256 -0.338225 -0.584384 -0.687171 -0.668192 -0.583334 -0.237439 
+-0.00191288 0.404282 0.525394 0.601962 0.463279 0.202681 0.0172493 -0.289299 -0.16508 
+-0.289299 -0.16508 0.202681 0.0172493 0.601962 0.463279 0.404282 0.525394 -0.237439 
+-0.00191288 -0.668192 -0.583334 -0.584384 -0.687171 -0.338225 -0.364354 -0.714152 -0.637493 
+-0.69818 -0.595619 -0.245247 -0.0114444 0.450934 0.32017 0.479914 0.3478 0.0612547 
+0.164041 -0.127669 -0.0648768 -0.127669 -0.0648768 0.0612547 0.164041 0.479914 0.3478 
+0.450934 0.32017 -0.245247 -0.0114444 -0.69818 -0.595619 -0.714152 -0.637493 -0.364354 
+-0.377432 -0.650571 -0.739546 -0.710376 -0.598029 -0.0180573 -0.251353 0.401133 0.301318 
+0.300047 0.387089 0.0510274 0.122812 -0.033244 -0.0201261 -0.033244 -0.0201261 0.0510274 
+0.122812 0.300047 0.387089 0.401133 0.301318 -0.0180573 -0.251353 -0.710376 -0.598029 
+-0.650571 -0.739546 -0.377432 -0.377432 -0.739546 -0.650571 -0.598029 -0.710376 -0.251353 
+-0.0180573 0.301318 0.401133 0.387089 0.300047 0.122812 0.0510274 -0.0201261 -0.033244 
+-0.0201261 -0.033244 0.122812 0.0510274 0.387089 0.300047 0.301318 0.401133 -0.251353 
+-0.0180573 -0.598029 -0.710376 -0.739546 -0.650571 -0.377432 -0.364354 -0.637493 -0.714152 
+-0.595619 -0.69818 -0.0114444 -0.245247 0.32017 0.450934 0.3478 0.479914 0.164041 
+0.0612547 -0.0648768 -0.127669 -0.0648768 -0.127669 0.164041 0.0612547 0.3478 0.479914 
+0.32017 0.450934 -0.0114444 -0.245247 -0.595619 -0.69818 -0.637493 -0.714152 -0.364354 
+-0.338225 -0.687171 -0.584384 -0.583334 -0.668192 -0.00191288 -0.237439 0.525394 0.404282 
+0.463279 0.601962 0.0172493 0.202681 -0.16508 -0.289299 -0.16508 -0.289299 0.0172493 
+0.202681 0.463279 0.601962 0.525394 0.404282 -0.00191288 -0.237439 -0.583334 -0.668192 
+-0.687171 -0.584384 -0.338225 -0.299256 -0.545414 -0.602774 -0.622766 -0.524886 -0.224417 
+0.0172513 0.603445 0.441925 0.67509 0.626794 0.293069 0.0572186 -0.295233 -0.471968 
+-0.295233 -0.471968 0.293069 0.0572186 0.67509 0.626794 0.603445 0.441925 -0.224417 
+0.0172513 -0.622766 -0.524886 -0.545414 -0.602774 -0.299256 -0.248089 -0.535322 -0.426794 
+-0.49425 -0.524678 0.0119317 -0.199101 0.436605 0.62919 0.685761 0.76512 0.0200301 
+0.314846 -0.592279 -0.452732 -0.592279 -0.452732 0.0200301 0.314846 0.685761 0.76512 
+0.436605 0.62919 0.0119317 -0.199101 -0.49425 -0.524678 -0.535322 -0.426794 -0.248089 
+-0.186067 -0.364773 -0.382341 -0.433719 -0.349693 -0.145503 0.0420908 0.41273 0.563255 
+0.716085 0.624443 0.302563 0.00493573 -0.621879 -0.430579 -0.621879 -0.430579 0.302563 
+0.00493573 0.716085 0.624443 0.41273 0.563255 -0.145503 0.0420908 -0.433719 -0.349693 
+-0.364773 -0.382341 -0.186067 -0.115393 -0.270029 -0.181787 -0.288429 -0.211701 -0.0853714 
+0.0423566 0.41669 0.222378 0.541071 0.421541 0.0488636 0.241556 -0.486819 -0.286212 
+-0.486819 -0.286212 0.0488636 0.241556 0.541071 0.421541 0.41669 0.222378 -0.0853714 
+0.0423566 -0.288429 -0.211701 -0.270029 -0.181787 -0.115393 -0.0391126 -0.105507 -0.0663941 
+-0.117021 -0.050627 -0.0175789 -0.050627 0.162442 0.0330481 0.237225 0.129394 0.0572397 
+0.107831 -0.20135 -0.050591 -0.20135 -0.050591 0.0572397 0.107831 0.237225 0.129394 
+0.162442 0.0330481 -0.0175789 -0.050627 -0.117021 -0.050627 -0.105507 -0.0663941 -0.0391126 
+0.0391126 0.0663941 0.105507 0.050627 0.117021 0.050627 0.0175789 -0.0330481 -0.162442 
+-0.129394 -0.237225 -0.107831 -0.0572397 0.050591 0.20135 0.050591 0.20135 -0.107831 
+-0.0572397 -0.129394 -0.237225 -0.0330481 -0.162442 0.050627 0.0175789 0.050627 0.117021 
+0.0663941 0.105507 0.0391126 0.115393 0.181787 0.270029 0.211701 0.288429 -0.0423566 
+0.0853714 -0.222378 -0.41669 -0.421541 -0.541071 -0.241556 -0.0488636 0.286212 0.486819 
+0.286212 0.486819 -0.241556 -0.0488636 -0.421541 -0.541071 -0.222378 -0.41669 -0.0423566 
+0.0853714 0.211701 0.288429 0.181787 0.270029 0.115393 0.186067 0.382341 0.364773 
+0.349693 0.433719 -0.0420908 0.145503 -0.563255 -0.41273 -0.624443 -0.716085 -0.00493573 
+-0.302563 0.430579 0.621879 0.430579 0.621879 -0.00493573 -0.302563 -0.624443 -0.716085 
+-0.563255 -0.41273 -0.0420908 0.145503 0.349693 0.433719 0.382341 0.364773 0.186067 
+0.248089 0.426794 0.535322 0.524678 0.49425 0.199101 -0.0119317 -0.62919 -0.436605 
+-0.76512 -0.685761 -0.314846 -0.0200301 0.452732 0.592279 0.452732 0.592279 -0.314846 
+-0.0200301 -0.76512 -0.685761 -0.62919 -0.436605 0.199101 -0.0119317 0.524678 0.49425 
+0.426794 0.535322 0.248089 0.299256 0.602774 0.545414 0.524886 0.622766 -0.0172513 
+0.224417 -0.441925 -0.603445 -0.626794 -0.67509 -0.0572186 -0.293069 0.471968 0.295233 
+0.471968 0.295233 -0.0572186 -0.293069 -0.626794 -0.67509 -0.441925 -0.603445 -0.0172513 
+0.224417 0.524886 0.622766 0.602774 0.545414 0.299256 0.338225 0.584384 0.687171 
+0.668192 0.583334 0.237439 0.00191288 -0.404282 -0.525394 -0.601962 -0.463279 -0.202681 
+-0.0172493 0.289299 0.16508 0.289299 0.16508 -0.202681 -0.0172493 -0.601962 -0.463279 
+-0.404282 -0.525394 0.237439 0.00191288 0.668192 0.583334 0.584384 0.687171 0.338225 
+0.364354 0.714152 0.637493 0.69818 0.595619 0.245247 0.0114444 -0.450934 -0.32017 
+-0.479914 -0.3478 -0.0612547 -0.164041 0.127669 0.0648768 0.127669 0.0648768 -0.0612547 
+-0.164041 -0.479914 -0.3478 -0.450934 -0.32017 0.245247 0.0114444 0.69818 0.595619 
+0.714152 0.637493 0.364354 0.377432 0.650571 0.739546 0.710376 0.598029 0.0180573 
+0.251353 -0.401133 -0.301318 -0.300047 -0.387089 -0.0510274 -0.122812 0.033244 0.0201261 
+0.033244 0.0201261 -0.0510274 -0.122812 -0.300047 -0.387089 -0.401133 -0.301318 0.0180573 
+0.251353 0.710376 0.598029 0.650571 0.739546 0.377432 
+E_normal_jump 1 960 double
+3.18883 7.79928 5.74956 6.34026 8.47467 3.72463 -0.568217 -3.18259 -4.86569 
+-3.80301 -1.32478 0.330886 1.40918 1.07363 0.333364 1.07363 0.333364 0.330886 
+1.40918 -3.80301 -1.32478 -3.18259 -4.86569 3.72463 -0.568217 6.34026 8.47467 
+7.79928 5.74956 3.18883 3.20643 4.92539 7.44148 6.35713 8.2792 -0.462245 
+5.14947 -2.66508 -4.48082 -2.11311 -5.63198 -1.0098 0.245662 1.79478 1.77162 
+1.79478 1.77162 -1.0098 0.245662 -2.11311 -5.63198 -2.66508 -4.48082 -0.462245 
+5.14947 6.35713 8.2792 4.92539 7.44148 3.20643 2.8161 7.54845 5.80219 
+6.77204 8.14513 -0.873284 4.25109 -6.23208 -2.9568 -3.89099 -6.56835 2.2356 
+-0.711079 2.27009 4.3579 2.27009 4.3579 2.2356 -0.711079 -3.89099 -6.56835 
+-6.23208 -2.9568 -0.873284 4.25109 6.77204 8.14513 7.54845 5.80219 2.8161 
+2.78152 3.64545 6.76516 6.40496 6.28476 4.2542 0.271757 -7.67458 -3.96206 
+-7.31984 -6.65425 -3.9202 -0.0639981 4.19072 6.28347 4.19072 6.28347 -3.9202 
+-0.0639981 -7.31984 -6.65425 -7.67458 -3.96206 4.2542 0.271757 6.40496 6.28476 
+3.64545 6.76516 2.78152 2.08049 6.06735 4.58066 6.91248 7.20675 1.14071 
+4.90128 -3.10762 -8.01874 -8.56831 -9.27333 1.00565 -4.15447 8.88038 5.75964 
+8.88038 5.75964 1.00565 -4.15447 -8.56831 -9.27333 -3.10762 -8.01874 1.14071 
+4.90128 6.91248 7.20675 6.06735 4.58066 2.08049 1.81745 2.15598 4.73218 
+4.04667 5.38544 2.69067 0.137285 -2.14834 -7.25203 -8.04011 -8.27571 -4.40917 
+1.24304 9.7133 5.20627 9.7133 5.20627 -4.40917 1.24304 -8.04011 -8.27571 
+-2.14834 -7.25203 2.69067 0.137285 4.04667 5.38544 2.15598 4.73218 1.81745 
+0.9567 3.13517 2.20604 3.02969 3.39382 2.77619 -0.892139 -4.07299 -0.732653 
+-6.74365 -5.16603 -0.870555 -4.62388 7.60118 4.03049 7.60118 4.03049 -0.870555 
+-4.62388 -6.74365 -5.16603 -4.07299 -0.732653 2.77619 -0.892139 3.02969 3.39382 
+3.13517 2.20604 0.9567 0.452457 0.239865 1.10981 1.00774 0.184265 1.28604 
+2.91931 -2.012 1.0354 -2.73993 -2.23543 0.153509 -3.48532 3.2089 -0.0766221 
+3.2089 -0.0766221 0.153509 -3.48532 -2.73993 -2.23543 -2.012 1.0354 1.28604 
+2.91931 1.00774 0.184265 0.239865 1.10981 0.452457 -0.452457 -1.10981 -0.239865 
+-0.184265 -1.00774 -2.91931 -1.28604 -1.0354 2.012 2.23543 2.73993 3.48532 
+-0.153509 0.0766221 -3.2089 0.0766221 -3.2089 3.48532 -0.153509 2.23543 2.73993 
+-1.0354 2.012 -2.91931 -1.28604 -0.184265 -1.00774 -1.10981 -0.239865 -0.452457 
+-0.9567 -2.20604 -3.13517 -3.39382 -3.02969 0.892139 -2.77619 0.732653 4.07299 
+5.16603 6.74365 4.62388 0.870555 -4.03049 -7.60118 -4.03049 -7.60118 4.62388 
+0.870555 5.16603 6.74365 0.732653 4.07299 0.892139 -2.77619 -3.39382 -3.02969 
+-2.20604 -3.13517 -0.9567 -1.81745 -4.73218 -2.15598 -5.38544 -4.04667 -0.137285 
+-2.69067 7.25203 2.14834 8.27571 8.04011 -1.24304 4.40917 -5.20627 -9.7133 
+-5.20627 -9.7133 -1.24304 4.40917 8.27571 8.04011 7.25203 2.14834 -0.137285 
+-2.69067 -5.38544 -4.04667 -4.73218 -2.15598 -1.81745 -2.08049 -4.58066 -6.06735 
+-7.20675 -6.91248 -4.90128 -1.14071 8.01874 3.10762 9.27333 8.56831 4.15447 
+-1.00565 -5.75964 -8.88038 -5.75964 -8.88038 4.15447 -1.00565 9.27333 8.56831 
+8.01874 3.10762 -4.90128 -1.14071 -7.20675 -6.91248 -4.58066 -6.06735 -2.08049 
+-2.78152 -6.76516 -3.64545 -6.28476 -6.40496 -0.271757 -4.2542 3.96206 7.67458 
+6.65425 7.31984 0.0639981 3.9202 -6.28347 -4.19072 -6.28347 -4.19072 0.0639981 
+3.9202 6.65425 7.31984 3.96206 7.67458 -0.271757 -4.2542 -6.28476 -6.40496 
+-6.76516 -3.64545 -2.78152 -2.8161 -5.80219 -7.54845 -8.14513 -6.77204 -4.25109 
+0.873284 2.9568 6.23208 6.56835 3.89099 0.711079 -2.2356 -4.3579 -2.27009 
+-4.3579 -2.27009 0.711079 -2.2356 6.56835 3.89099 2.9568 6.23208 -4.25109 
+0.873284 -8.14513 -6.77204 -5.80219 -7.54845 -2.8161 -3.20643 -7.44148 -4.92539 
+-8.2792 -6.35713 -5.14947 0.462245 4.48082 2.66508 5.63198 2.11311 -0.245662 
+1.0098 -1.77162 -1.79478 -1.77162 -1.79478 -0.245662 1.0098 5.63198 2.11311 
+4.48082 2.66508 -5.14947 0.462245 -8.2792 -6.35713 -7.44148 -4.92539 -3.20643 
+-3.18883 -5.74956 -7.79928 -8.47467 -6.34026 0.568217 -3.72463 4.86569 3.18259 
+1.32478 3.80301 -1.40918 -0.330886 -0.333364 -1.07363 -0.333364 -1.07363 -1.40918 
+-0.330886 1.32478 3.80301 4.86569 3.18259 0.568217 -3.72463 -8.47467 -6.34026 
+-5.74956 -7.79928 -3.18883 -3.18883 -7.79928 -5.74956 -6.34026 -8.47467 -3.72463 
+0.568217 3.18259 4.86569 3.80301 1.32478 -0.330886 -1.40918 -1.07363 -0.333364 
+-1.07363 -0.333364 -0.330886 -1.40918 3.80301 1.32478 3.18259 4.86569 -3.72463 
+0.568217 -6.34026 -8.47467 -7.79928 -5.74956 -3.18883 -3.20643 -4.92539 -7.44148 
+-6.35713 -8.2792 0.462245 -5.14947 2.66508 4.48082 2.11311 5.63198 1.0098 
+-0.245662 -1.79478 -1.77162 -1.79478 -1.77162 1.0098 -0.245662 2.11311 5.63198 
+2.66508 4.48082 0.462245 -5.14947 -6.35713 -8.2792 -4.92539 -7.44148 -3.20643 
+-2.8161 -7.54845 -5.80219 -6.77204 -8.14513 0.873284 -4.25109 6.23208 2.9568 
+3.89099 6.56835 -2.2356 0.711079 -2.27009 -4.3579 -2.27009 -4.3579 -2.2356 
+0.711079 3.89099 6.56835 6.23208 2.9568 0.873284 -4.25109 -6.77204 -8.14513 
+-7.54845 -5.80219 -2.8161 -2.78152 -3.64545 -6.76516 -6.40496 -6.28476 -4.2542 
+-0.271757 7.67458 3.96206 7.31984 6.65425 3.9202 0.0639981 -4.19072 -6.28347 
+-4.19072 -6.28347 3.9202 0.0639981 7.31984 6.65425 7.67458 3.96206 -4.2542 
+-0.271757 -6.40496 -6.28476 -3.64545 -6.76516 -2.78152 -2.08049 -6.06735 -4.58066 
+-6.91248 -7.20675 -1.14071 -4.90128 3.10762 8.01874 8.56831 9.27333 -1.00565 
+4.15447 -8.88038 -5.75964 -8.88038 -5.75964 -1.00565 4.15447 8.56831 9.27333 
+3.10762 8.01874 -1.14071 -4.90128 -6.91248 -7.20675 -6.06735 -4.58066 -2.08049 
+-1.81745 -2.15598 -4.73218 -4.04667 -5.38544 -2.69067 -0.137285 2.14834 7.25203 
+8.04011 8.27571 4.40917 -1.24304 -9.7133 -5.20627 -9.7133 -5.20627 4.40917 
+-1.24304 8.04011 8.27571 2.14834 7.25203 -2.69067 -0.137285 -4.04667 -5.38544 
+-2.15598 -4.73218 -1.81745 -0.9567 -3.13517 -2.20604 -3.02969 -3.39382 -2.77619 
+0.892139 4.07299 0.732653 6.74365 5.16603 0.870555 4.62388 -7.60118 -4.03049 
+-7.60118 -4.03049 0.870555 4.62388 6.74365 5.16603 4.07299 0.732653 -2.77619 
+0.892139 -3.02969 -3.39382 -3.13517 -2.20604 -0.9567 -0.452457 -0.239865 -1.10981 
+-1.00774 -0.184265 -1.28604 -2.91931 2.012 -1.0354 2.73993 2.23543 -0.153509 
+3.48532 -3.2089 0.0766221 -3.2089 0.0766221 -0.153509 3.48532 2.73993 2.23543 
+2.012 -1.0354 -1.28604 -2.91931 -1.00774 -0.184265 -0.239865 -1.10981 -0.452457 
+0.452457 1.10981 0.239865 0.184265 1.00774 2.91931 1.28604 1.0354 -2.012 
+-2.23543 -2.73993 -3.48532 0.153509 -0.0766221 3.2089 -0.0766221 3.2089 -3.48532 
+0.153509 -2.23543 -2.73993 1.0354 -2.012 2.91931 1.28604 0.184265 1.00774 
+1.10981 0.239865 0.452457 0.9567 2.20604 3.13517 3.39382 3.02969 -0.892139 
+2.77619 -0.732653 -4.07299 -5.16603 -6.74365 -4.62388 -0.870555 4.03049 7.60118 
+4.03049 7.60118 -4.62388 -0.870555 -5.16603 -6.74365 -0.732653 -4.07299 -0.892139 
+2.77619 3.39382 3.02969 2.20604 3.13517 0.9567 1.81745 4.73218 2.15598 
+5.38544 4.04667 0.137285 2.69067 -7.25203 -2.14834 -8.27571 -8.04011 1.24304 
+-4.40917 5.20627 9.7133 5.20627 9.7133 1.24304 -4.40917 -8.27571 -8.04011 
+-7.25203 -2.14834 0.137285 2.69067 5.38544 4.04667 4.73218 2.15598 1.81745 
+2.08049 4.58066 6.06735 7.20675 6.91248 4.90128 1.14071 -8.01874 -3.10762 
+-9.27333 -8.56831 -4.15447 1.00565 5.75964 8.88038 5.75964 8.88038 -4.15447 
+1.00565 -9.27333 -8.56831 -8.01874 -3.10762 4.90128 1.14071 7.20675 6.91248 
+4.58066 6.06735 2.08049 2.78152 6.76516 3.64545 6.28476 6.40496 0.271757 
+4.2542 -3.96206 -7.67458 -6.65425 -7.31984 -0.0639981 -3.9202 6.28347 4.19072 
+6.28347 4.19072 -0.0639981 -3.9202 -6.65425 -7.31984 -3.96206 -7.67458 0.271757 
+4.2542 6.28476 6.40496 6.76516 3.64545 2.78152 2.8161 5.80219 7.54845 
+8.14513 6.77204 4.25109 -0.873284 -2.9568 -6.23208 -6.56835 -3.89099 -0.711079 
+2.2356 4.3579 2.27009 4.3579 2.27009 -0.711079 2.2356 -6.56835 -3.89099 
+-2.9568 -6.23208 4.25109 -0.873284 8.14513 6.77204 5.80219 7.54845 2.8161 
+3.20643 7.44148 4.92539 8.2792 6.35713 5.14947 -0.462245 -4.48082 -2.66508 
+-5.63198 -2.11311 0.245662 -1.0098 1.77162 1.79478 1.77162 1.79478 0.245662 
+-1.0098 -5.63198 -2.11311 -4.48082 -2.66508 5.14947 -0.462245 8.2792 6.35713 
+7.44148 4.92539 3.20643 3.18883 5.74956 7.79928 8.47467 6.34026 -0.568217 
+3.72463 -4.86569 -3.18259 -1.32478 -3.80301 1.40918 0.330886 0.333364 1.07363 
+0.333364 1.07363 1.40918 0.330886 -1.32478 -3.80301 -4.86569 -3.18259 -0.568217 
+3.72463 8.47467 6.34026 5.74956 7.79928 3.18883 
+NORMALS Normals float
+4.67936e-10 1 -1.81325e-09 0.191325 0.980789 0.0380568 0.227152 0.973859 3.11865e-10 
+0.361208 0.929163 0.0786406 0.412766 0.910837 -6.24083e-10 0.557569 0.823577 0.104109 
+0.555535 0.831493 9.37245e-10 0.709914 0.692995 0.125621 0.683494 0.729956 -3.74977e-09 
+0.820874 0.54382 0.174429 0.81277 0.582585 0 0.916862 0.364378 0.163075 
+0.910813 0.412819 -2.50414e-09 0.962058 0.195108 0.190728 0.973852 0.227183 0 
+0.973856 -1.25308e-09 0.227168 1 0 -9.40313e-10 0.962058 -0.195108 0.190728 
+0.973852 -0.227183 -1.25278e-09 0.916862 -0.364378 0.163075 0.910813 -0.412819 -2.50414e-09 
+0.820874 -0.54382 0.174429 0.81277 -0.582585 0 0.709914 -0.692995 0.125621 
+0.683494 -0.729956 -1.87488e-09 0.557569 -0.823577 0.104109 0.555535 -0.831493 9.37245e-10 
+0.361208 -0.929163 0.0786406 0.412766 -0.910837 3.12042e-10 0.191325 -0.980789 0.0380568 
+0.227152 -0.973859 3.11865e-10 4.67936e-10 -1 -1.81325e-09 0.209861 0.973859 0.0869274 
+0.366683 0.916136 0.16198 0.512219 0.831491 0.21507 0.665785 0.697093 0.266065 
+0.771323 0.53904 0.338374 0.863138 0.369649 0.344024 0.916857 0.175719 0.358464 
+0.910825 0 0.412792 0.916857 -0.175719 0.358464 0.863138 -0.369649 0.344024 
+0.771323 -0.53904 0.338374 0.665785 -0.697093 0.266065 0.512219 -0.831491 0.21507 
+0.366683 -0.916136 0.16198 0.209861 -0.973859 0.0869274 0.162197 0.980789 0.108377 
+0.29279 0.935949 0.195636 0.438979 0.849272 0.293317 0.573479 0.716974 0.396321 
+0.690511 0.571805 0.442983 0.757313 0.412819 0.506021 0.820861 0.208866 0.531566 
+0.812792 0 0.582554 0.820861 -0.208866 0.531566 0.757313 -0.412819 0.506021 
+0.690511 -0.571805 0.442983 0.573479 -0.716974 0.396321 0.438979 -0.849272 0.293317 
+0.292789 -0.935949 0.195636 0.162197 -0.980789 0.108377 0.160621 0.973859 0.160621 
+0.29187 0.910837 0.291869 0.411906 0.812814 0.411906 0.499977 0.70714 0.499977 
+0.587921 0.555606 0.587921 0.661802 0.35219 0.661802 0.697671 0.162818 0.697671 
+0.707107 0 0.707107 0.697671 -0.162818 0.697671 0.661802 -0.35219 0.661802 
+0.587921 -0.555606 0.587921 0.499977 -0.70714 0.499977 0.411906 -0.812814 0.411906 
+0.291869 -0.910837 0.291869 0.160621 -0.973859 0.160621 0.108377 0.980789 0.162197 
+0.195636 0.935949 0.29279 0.293317 0.849272 0.438979 0.396321 0.716974 0.573479 
+0.442983 0.571805 0.690511 0.506021 0.412819 0.757313 0.531566 0.208866 0.820861 
+0.582554 0 0.812792 0.531566 -0.208866 0.820861 0.506021 -0.412819 0.757313 
+0.442983 -0.571805 0.690511 0.396321 -0.716974 0.573479 0.293317 -0.849272 0.438979 
+0.195636 -0.935949 0.29279 0.108377 -0.980789 0.162197 0.0869274 0.973859 0.209861 
+0.16198 0.916136 0.366683 0.21507 0.831491 0.512219 0.266065 0.697093 0.665785 
+0.338374 0.53904 0.771323 0.344025 0.369649 0.863138 0.358464 0.175719 0.916857 
+0.412792 0 0.910825 0.358464 -0.175719 0.916857 0.344024 -0.369649 0.863138 
+0.338374 -0.53904 0.771323 0.266065 -0.697093 0.665786 0.21507 -0.831491 0.512219 
+0.16198 -0.916136 0.366683 0.0869274 -0.973859 0.209861 0.0380568 0.980789 0.191325 
+0.0786406 0.929163 0.361208 0.104109 0.823577 0.557569 0.125621 0.692995 0.709914 
+0.174429 0.54382 0.820874 0.163075 0.364378 0.916862 0.190728 0.195108 0.962058 
+0.227168 -1.25308e-09 0.973856 0.190728 -0.195108 0.962058 0.163075 -0.364378 0.916862 
+0.174429 -0.54382 0.820874 0.125621 -0.692995 0.709914 0.104109 -0.823577 0.557569 
+0.0786406 -0.929163 0.361208 0.0380568 -0.980789 0.191325 3.11865e-10 0.973859 0.227152 
+-6.24083e-10 0.910837 0.412766 9.37245e-10 0.831493 0.555535 -2.49984e-09 0.729956 0.683494 
+2.50214e-09 0.582585 0.81277 -2.50414e-09 0.412819 0.910813 -1.25278e-09 0.227183 0.973852 
+9.40313e-10 0 1 -1.25278e-09 -0.227183 0.973852 -2.50414e-09 -0.412819 0.910813 
+0 -0.582585 0.81277 6.24961e-10 -0.729956 0.683494 9.37245e-10 -0.831493 0.555535 
+-3.12042e-10 -0.910837 0.412766 0 -0.973859 0.227152 -0.0380568 0.980789 0.191325 
+-0.0786406 0.929163 0.361208 -0.104109 0.823577 0.557569 -0.125621 0.692995 0.709914 
+-0.174429 0.54382 0.820874 -0.163075 0.364378 0.916862 -0.190728 0.195108 0.962058 
+-0.227168 -1.25308e-09 0.973856 -0.190728 -0.195108 0.962058 -0.163075 -0.364378 0.916862 
+-0.174429 -0.54382 0.820874 -0.125621 -0.692995 0.709914 -0.104109 -0.823577 0.557569 
+-0.0786406 -0.929163 0.361208 -0.0380568 -0.980789 0.191325 -0.0869274 0.973859 0.209861 
+-0.16198 0.916136 0.366683 -0.21507 0.831491 0.512219 -0.266065 0.697093 0.665785 
+-0.338374 0.53904 0.771323 -0.344024 0.369649 0.863138 -0.358464 0.175719 0.916857 
+-0.412792 0 0.910825 -0.358464 -0.175719 0.916857 -0.344024 -0.369649 0.863138 
+-0.338374 -0.53904 0.771323 -0.266065 -0.697093 0.665785 -0.21507 -0.831491 0.512219 
+-0.16198 -0.916136 0.366683 -0.0869274 -0.973859 0.209861 -0.108377 0.980789 0.162197 
+-0.195636 0.935949 0.29279 -0.293317 0.849272 0.438979 -0.396321 0.716974 0.573479 
+-0.442983 0.571805 0.690511 -0.506021 0.412819 0.757313 -0.531566 0.208866 0.820861 
+-0.582554 0 0.812792 -0.531566 -0.208866 0.820861 -0.506021 -0.412819 0.757313 
+-0.442983 -0.571805 0.690511 -0.396321 -0.716974 0.573479 -0.293317 -0.849272 0.438979 
+-0.195636 -0.935949 0.292789 -0.108377 -0.980789 0.162197 -0.160621 0.973859 0.160621 
+-0.291869 0.910837 0.29187 -0.411906 0.812814 0.411906 -0.499977 0.70714 0.499977 
+-0.587921 0.555606 0.587921 -0.661802 0.35219 0.661802 -0.697671 0.162818 0.697671 
+-0.707107 0 0.707107 -0.697671 -0.162818 0.697671 -0.661802 -0.35219 0.661802 
+-0.587921 -0.555606 0.587921 -0.499977 -0.70714 0.499977 -0.411906 -0.812814 0.411906 
+-0.291869 -0.910837 0.291869 -0.160621 -0.973859 0.160621 -0.162197 0.980789 0.108377 
+-0.29279 0.935949 0.195636 -0.438979 0.849272 0.293317 -0.573479 0.716974 0.396321 
+-0.690511 0.571805 0.442983 -0.757313 0.412819 0.506021 -0.820861 0.208866 0.531566 
+-0.812792 0 0.582554 -0.820861 -0.208866 0.531566 -0.757313 -0.412819 0.506021 
+-0.690511 -0.571805 0.442983 -0.573479 -0.716974 0.396321 -0.438979 -0.849272 0.293317 
+-0.29279 -0.935949 0.195636 -0.162197 -0.980789 0.108377 -0.209861 0.973859 0.0869274 
+-0.366683 0.916136 0.16198 -0.512219 0.831491 0.21507 -0.665785 0.697093 0.266065 
+-0.771323 0.53904 0.338374 -0.863138 0.369649 0.344025 -0.916857 0.175719 0.358464 
+-0.910825 0 0.412792 -0.916857 -0.175719 0.358464 -0.863138 -0.369649 0.344024 
+-0.771323 -0.53904 0.338374 -0.665786 -0.697093 0.266065 -0.512219 -0.831491 0.21507 
+-0.366683 -0.916136 0.16198 -0.209861 -0.973859 0.0869274 -0.191325 0.980789 0.0380568 
+-0.361208 0.929163 0.0786406 -0.557569 0.823577 0.104109 -0.709914 0.692995 0.125621 
+-0.820874 0.54382 0.174429 -0.916862 0.364378 0.163075 -0.962058 0.195108 0.190728 
+-0.973856 -1.25308e-09 0.227168 -0.962058 -0.195108 0.190728 -0.916862 -0.364378 0.163075 
+-0.820874 -0.54382 0.174429 -0.709914 -0.692995 0.125621 -0.557569 -0.823577 0.104109 
+-0.361208 -0.929163 0.0786406 -0.191325 -0.980789 0.0380568 -0.227152 0.973859 3.11865e-10 
+-0.412766 0.910837 -6.24083e-10 -0.555535 0.831493 9.37245e-10 -0.683494 0.729956 -2.49984e-09 
+-0.81277 0.582585 2.50214e-09 -0.910813 0.412819 -2.50414e-09 -0.973852 0.227183 -1.25278e-09 
+-1 0 9.40313e-10 -0.973852 -0.227183 -1.25278e-09 -0.910813 -0.412819 -2.50414e-09 
+-0.81277 -0.582585 0 -0.683494 -0.729956 6.24961e-10 -0.555535 -0.831493 9.37245e-10 
+-0.412766 -0.910837 -3.12042e-10 -0.227152 -0.973859 0 -0.191325 0.980789 -0.0380568 
+-0.361208 0.929163 -0.0786406 -0.557569 0.823577 -0.104109 -0.709914 0.692995 -0.125621 
+-0.820874 0.54382 -0.174429 -0.916862 0.364378 -0.163075 -0.962058 0.195108 -0.190728 
+-0.973856 -1.25308e-09 -0.227168 -0.962058 -0.195108 -0.190728 -0.916862 -0.364378 -0.163075 
+-0.820874 -0.54382 -0.174429 -0.709914 -0.692995 -0.125621 -0.557569 -0.823577 -0.104109 
+-0.361208 -0.929163 -0.0786406 -0.191325 -0.980789 -0.0380568 -0.209861 0.973859 -0.0869274 
+-0.366683 0.916136 -0.16198 -0.512219 0.831491 -0.21507 -0.665785 0.697093 -0.266065 
+-0.771323 0.53904 -0.338374 -0.863138 0.369649 -0.344024 -0.916857 0.175719 -0.358464 
+-0.910825 0 -0.412792 -0.916857 -0.175719 -0.358464 -0.863138 -0.369649 -0.344024 
+-0.771323 -0.53904 -0.338374 -0.665785 -0.697093 -0.266065 -0.512219 -0.831491 -0.21507 
+-0.366683 -0.916136 -0.16198 -0.209861 -0.973859 -0.0869274 -0.162197 0.980789 -0.108377 
+-0.29279 0.935949 -0.195636 -0.438979 0.849272 -0.293317 -0.573479 0.716974 -0.396321 
+-0.690511 0.571805 -0.442983 -0.757313 0.412819 -0.506021 -0.820861 0.208866 -0.531566 
+-0.812792 0 -0.582554 -0.820861 -0.208866 -0.531566 -0.757313 -0.412819 -0.506021 
+-0.690511 -0.571805 -0.442983 -0.573479 -0.716974 -0.396321 -0.438979 -0.849272 -0.293317 
+-0.292789 -0.935949 -0.195636 -0.162197 -0.980789 -0.108377 -0.160621 0.973859 -0.160621 
+-0.29187 0.910837 -0.291869 -0.411906 0.812814 -0.411906 -0.499977 0.70714 -0.499977 
+-0.587921 0.555606 -0.587921 -0.661802 0.35219 -0.661802 -0.697671 0.162818 -0.697671 
+-0.707107 0 -0.707107 -0.697671 -0.162818 -0.697671 -0.661802 -0.35219 -0.661802 
+-0.587921 -0.555606 -0.587921 -0.499977 -0.70714 -0.499977 -0.411906 -0.812814 -0.411906 
+-0.291869 -0.910837 -0.291869 -0.160621 -0.973859 -0.160621 -0.108377 0.980789 -0.162197 
+-0.195636 0.935949 -0.29279 -0.293317 0.849272 -0.438979 -0.396321 0.716974 -0.573479 
+-0.442983 0.571805 -0.690511 -0.506021 0.412819 -0.757313 -0.531566 0.208866 -0.820861 
+-0.582554 0 -0.812792 -0.531566 -0.208866 -0.820861 -0.506021 -0.412819 -0.757313 
+-0.442983 -0.571805 -0.690511 -0.396321 -0.716974 -0.573479 -0.293317 -0.849272 -0.438979 
+-0.195636 -0.935949 -0.29279 -0.108377 -0.980789 -0.162197 -0.0869274 0.973859 -0.209861 
+-0.16198 0.916136 -0.366683 -0.21507 0.831491 -0.512219 -0.266065 0.697093 -0.665785 
+-0.338374 0.53904 -0.771323 -0.344025 0.369649 -0.863138 -0.358464 0.175719 -0.916857 
+-0.412792 0 -0.910825 -0.358464 -0.175719 -0.916857 -0.344024 -0.369649 -0.863138 
+-0.338374 -0.53904 -0.771323 -0.266065 -0.697093 -0.665786 -0.21507 -0.831491 -0.512219 
+-0.16198 -0.916136 -0.366683 -0.0869274 -0.973859 -0.209861 -0.0380568 0.980789 -0.191325 
+-0.0786406 0.929163 -0.361208 -0.104109 0.823577 -0.557569 -0.125621 0.692995 -0.709914 
+-0.174429 0.54382 -0.820874 -0.163075 0.364378 -0.916862 -0.190728 0.195108 -0.962058 
+-0.227168 -1.25308e-09 -0.973856 -0.190728 -0.195108 -0.962058 -0.163075 -0.364378 -0.916862 
+-0.174429 -0.54382 -0.820874 -0.125621 -0.692995 -0.709914 -0.104109 -0.823577 -0.557569 
+-0.0786406 -0.929163 -0.361208 -0.0380568 -0.980789 -0.191325 -3.11865e-10 0.973859 -0.227152 
+6.24083e-10 0.910837 -0.412766 -9.37245e-10 0.831493 -0.555535 2.49984e-09 0.729956 -0.683494 
+-2.50214e-09 0.582585 -0.81277 2.50414e-09 0.412819 -0.910813 1.25278e-09 0.227183 -0.973852 
+-9.40313e-10 0 -1 1.25278e-09 -0.227183 -0.973852 2.50414e-09 -0.412819 -0.910813 
+0 -0.582585 -0.81277 -6.24961e-10 -0.729956 -0.683494 -9.37245e-10 -0.831493 -0.555535 
+3.12042e-10 -0.910837 -0.412766 0 -0.973859 -0.227152 0.0380568 0.980789 -0.191325 
+0.0786406 0.929163 -0.361208 0.104109 0.823577 -0.557569 0.125621 0.692995 -0.709914 
+0.174429 0.54382 -0.820874 0.163075 0.364378 -0.916862 0.190728 0.195108 -0.962058 
+0.227168 -1.25308e-09 -0.973856 0.190728 -0.195108 -0.962058 0.163075 -0.364378 -0.916862 
+0.174429 -0.54382 -0.820874 0.125621 -0.692995 -0.709914 0.104109 -0.823577 -0.557569 
+0.0786406 -0.929163 -0.361208 0.0380568 -0.980789 -0.191325 0.0869274 0.973859 -0.209861 
+0.16198 0.916136 -0.366683 0.21507 0.831491 -0.512219 0.266065 0.697093 -0.665785 
+0.338374 0.53904 -0.771323 0.344024 0.369649 -0.863138 0.358464 0.175719 -0.916857 
+0.412792 0 -0.910825 0.358464 -0.175719 -0.916857 0.344024 -0.369649 -0.863138 
+0.338374 -0.53904 -0.771323 0.266065 -0.697093 -0.665785 0.21507 -0.831491 -0.512219 
+0.16198 -0.916136 -0.366683 0.0869274 -0.973859 -0.209861 0.108377 0.980789 -0.162197 
+0.195636 0.935949 -0.29279 0.293317 0.849272 -0.438979 0.396321 0.716974 -0.573479 
+0.442983 0.571805 -0.690511 0.506021 0.412819 -0.757313 0.531566 0.208866 -0.820861 
+0.582554 0 -0.812792 0.531566 -0.208866 -0.820861 0.506021 -0.412819 -0.757313 
+0.442983 -0.571805 -0.690511 0.396321 -0.716974 -0.573479 0.293317 -0.849272 -0.438979 
+0.195636 -0.935949 -0.292789 0.108377 -0.980789 -0.162197 0.160621 0.973859 -0.160621 
+0.291869 0.910837 -0.29187 0.411906 0.812814 -0.411906 0.499977 0.70714 -0.499977 
+0.587921 0.555606 -0.587921 0.661802 0.35219 -0.661802 0.697671 0.162818 -0.697671 
+0.707107 0 -0.707107 0.697671 -0.162818 -0.697671 0.661802 -0.35219 -0.661802 
+0.587921 -0.555606 -0.587921 0.499977 -0.70714 -0.499977 0.411906 -0.812814 -0.411906 
+0.291869 -0.910837 -0.291869 0.160621 -0.973859 -0.160621 0.162197 0.980789 -0.108377 
+0.29279 0.935949 -0.195636 0.438979 0.849272 -0.293317 0.573479 0.716974 -0.396321 
+0.690511 0.571805 -0.442983 0.757313 0.412819 -0.506021 0.820861 0.208866 -0.531566 
+0.812792 0 -0.582554 0.820861 -0.208866 -0.531566 0.757313 -0.412819 -0.506021 
+0.690511 -0.571805 -0.442983 0.573479 -0.716974 -0.396321 0.438979 -0.849272 -0.293317 
+0.29279 -0.935949 -0.195636 0.162197 -0.980789 -0.108377 0.209861 0.973859 -0.0869274 
+0.366683 0.916136 -0.16198 0.512219 0.831491 -0.21507 0.665785 0.697093 -0.266065 
+0.771323 0.53904 -0.338374 0.863138 0.369649 -0.344025 0.916857 0.175719 -0.358464 
+0.910825 0 -0.412792 0.916857 -0.175719 -0.358464 0.863138 -0.369649 -0.344024 
+0.771323 -0.53904 -0.338374 0.665786 -0.697093 -0.266065 0.512219 -0.831491 -0.21507 
+0.366683 -0.916136 -0.16198 0.209861 -0.973859 -0.0869274 0.191325 0.980789 -0.0380568 
+0.361208 0.929163 -0.0786406 0.557569 0.823577 -0.104109 0.709914 0.692995 -0.125621 
+0.820874 0.54382 -0.174429 0.916862 0.364378 -0.163075 0.962058 0.195108 -0.190728 
+0.973856 -1.25308e-09 -0.227168 0.962058 -0.195108 -0.190728 0.916862 -0.364378 -0.163075 
+0.820874 -0.54382 -0.174429 0.709914 -0.692995 -0.125621 0.557569 -0.823577 -0.104109 
+0.361208 -0.929163 -0.0786406 0.191325 -0.980789 -0.0380568 
+FIELD FieldData 1
+v 1 482 double
+0 0.561245 0.57105 0.819419 0.82817 0.483538 0.482379 -0.217509 -0.211858 
+-0.511303 -0.474587 -0.213461 -0.175378 0.0399751 0.0204033 0.059757 1.22465e-16 0.0399751 
+0.0204033 -0.213461 -0.175378 -0.511303 -0.474587 -0.217509 -0.211858 0.483538 0.482379 
+0.819419 0.82817 0.561245 0.57105 0 0.531817 0.791221 0.483899 -0.231696 
+-0.609802 -0.318637 0.0948983 0.228352 0.0948983 -0.318637 -0.609802 -0.231696 0.483899 
+0.791221 0.531817 0.48286 0.738474 0.474881 -0.246464 -0.734685 -0.461398 0.171991 
+0.467555 0.171991 -0.461398 -0.734685 -0.246464 0.474881 0.738474 0.48286 0.414907 
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+-0.829186 -0.250124 0.444834 0.654942 0.414907 0.329359 0.536117 0.382975 -0.230506 
+-0.827878 -0.638297 0.283557 0.828488 0.283557 -0.638297 -0.827878 -0.230506 0.382975 
+0.536117 0.329359 0.228842 0.382064 0.28404 -0.179806 -0.682081 -0.55295 0.254586 
+0.753593 0.254586 -0.55295 -0.682081 -0.179806 0.28404 0.382064 0.228842 0.117338 
+0.199182 0.151881 -0.0991442 -0.388182 -0.323492 0.151773 0.452278 0.151773 -0.323492 
+-0.388182 -0.0991442 0.151881 0.199182 0.117338 0 0 0 -0 
+-0 -0 0 0 0 -0 -0 -0 0 
+0 0 -0.117338 -0.199182 -0.151881 0.0991442 0.388182 0.323492 -0.151773 
+-0.452278 -0.151773 0.323492 0.388182 0.0991442 -0.151881 -0.199182 -0.117338 -0.228842 
+-0.382064 -0.28404 0.179806 0.682081 0.55295 -0.254586 -0.753593 -0.254586 0.55295 
+0.682081 0.179806 -0.28404 -0.382064 -0.228842 -0.329359 -0.536117 -0.382975 0.230506 
+0.827878 0.638297 -0.283557 -0.828488 -0.283557 0.638297 0.827878 0.230506 -0.382975 
+-0.536117 -0.329359 -0.414907 -0.654942 -0.444834 0.250124 0.829186 0.589799 -0.246152 
+-0.702197 -0.246152 0.589799 0.829186 0.250124 -0.444834 -0.654942 -0.414907 -0.48286 
+-0.738474 -0.474881 0.246464 0.734685 0.461398 -0.171991 -0.467555 -0.171991 0.461398 
+0.734685 0.246464 -0.474881 -0.738474 -0.48286 -0.531817 -0.791221 -0.483899 0.231696 
+0.609802 0.318637 -0.0948983 -0.228352 -0.0948983 0.318637 0.609802 0.231696 -0.483899 
+-0.791221 -0.531817 -0.561245 -0.819419 -0.483538 0.217509 0.511303 0.213461 -0.0399751 
+-0.059757 -0.0399751 0.213461 0.511303 0.217509 -0.483538 -0.819419 -0.561245 -0.57105 
+-0.82817 -0.482379 0.211858 0.474587 0.175378 -0.0204033 -1.22465e-16 -0.0204033 0.175378 
+0.474587 0.211858 -0.482379 -0.82817 -0.57105 -0.561245 -0.819419 -0.483538 0.217509 
+0.511303 0.213461 -0.0399751 -0.059757 -0.0399751 0.213461 0.511303 0.217509 -0.483538 
+-0.819419 -0.561245 -0.531817 -0.791221 -0.483899 0.231696 0.609802 0.318637 -0.0948983 
+-0.228352 -0.0948983 0.318637 0.609802 0.231696 -0.483899 -0.791221 -0.531817 -0.48286 
+-0.738474 -0.474881 0.246464 0.734685 0.461398 -0.171991 -0.467555 -0.171991 0.461398 
+0.734685 0.246464 -0.474881 -0.738474 -0.48286 -0.414907 -0.654942 -0.444834 0.250124 
+0.829186 0.589799 -0.246152 -0.702197 -0.246152 0.589799 0.829186 0.250124 -0.444834 
+-0.654942 -0.414907 -0.329359 -0.536117 -0.382975 0.230506 0.827878 0.638297 -0.283557 
+-0.828488 -0.283557 0.638297 0.827878 0.230506 -0.382975 -0.536117 -0.329359 -0.228842 
+-0.382064 -0.28404 0.179806 0.682081 0.55295 -0.254586 -0.753593 -0.254586 0.55295 
+0.682081 0.179806 -0.28404 -0.382064 -0.228842 -0.117338 -0.199182 -0.151881 0.0991442 
+0.388182 0.323492 -0.151773 -0.452278 -0.151773 0.323492 0.388182 0.0991442 -0.151881 
+-0.199182 -0.117338 0 0 0 -0 -0 -0 0 
+0 0 -0 -0 -0 0 0 0 0.117338 
+0.199182 0.151881 -0.0991442 -0.388182 -0.323492 0.151773 0.452278 0.151773 -0.323492 
+-0.388182 -0.0991442 0.151881 0.199182 0.117338 0.228842 0.382064 0.28404 -0.179806 
+-0.682081 -0.55295 0.254586 0.753593 0.254586 -0.55295 -0.682081 -0.179806 0.28404 
+0.382064 0.228842 0.329359 0.536117 0.382975 -0.230506 -0.827878 -0.638297 0.283557 
+0.828488 0.283557 -0.638297 -0.827878 -0.230506 0.382975 0.536117 0.329359 0.414907 
+0.654942 0.444834 -0.250124 -0.829186 -0.589799 0.246152 0.702197 0.246152 -0.589799 
+-0.829186 -0.250124 0.444834 0.654942 0.414907 0.48286 0.738474 0.474881 -0.246464 
+-0.734685 -0.461398 0.171991 0.467555 0.171991 -0.461398 -0.734685 -0.246464 0.474881 
+0.738474 0.48286 0.531817 0.791221 0.483899 -0.231696 -0.609802 -0.318637 0.0948983 
+0.228352 0.0948983 -0.318637 -0.609802 -0.231696 0.483899 0.791221 0.531817 0.561245 
+0.819419 0.483538 -0.217509 -0.511303 -0.213461 0.0399751 0.059757 0.0399751 -0.213461 
+-0.511303 -0.217509 0.483538 0.819419 0.561245