1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <tool_dependency>
3 <package name="ruby" version="2.0">
4 <install version="1.0">
5 <actions>
6 <action type="download_by_url">http://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.0/ruby-2.0.0-p247.tar.gz</action>
8 <action type="autoconf">--disable-install-doc</action>
9 <action type="set_environment">
10 <environment_variable action="prepend_to" name="PATH">$INSTALL_DIR/bin</environment_variable>
11 <environment_variable action="set_to" name="RUBYLIB">$INSTALL_DIR/lib/</environment_variable>
12 <environment_variable action="set_to" name="RUBY_HOME">$INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>
13 <environment_variable action="set_to" name="GALAXY_RUBY_HOME">$INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>
14 </action>
15 </actions>
16 </install>
17 <readme>
18 This installs ruby 2.0.x. Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.
19 It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
20 https://www.ruby-lang.org/
22 RUBYHOME and RUBYLIB will be set and with GALAXY_RUBY_HOME you can access the root installation directory.
23 </readme>
24 </package>
25 </tool_dependency>