changeset 0:1b0f96ed73f2 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 1ee75135483d5db22c540bc043746cd986f85762"
author iuc
date Sat, 17 Aug 2019 16:25:37 -0400
children dddadbbac949
files allowed_functions.xml scripts/ scripts/ table_compute.xml test-data/examples.1.tsv test-data/examples.2.tsv test-data/examples.3p1.tsv test-data/examples.3p2.tsv test-data/examples.4.tsv test-data/examples.5.tsv test-data/examples.6p1.tsv test-data/examples.6p2.tsv test-data/examples.6p3.tsv test-data/examples.7.tsv test-data/examples.8.tsv test-data/mat1.trans.tsv test-data/mat1.umi.tsv test-data/mat2.trans.tsv test-data/mat2.umi.tsv test-data/small.element.custom.tsv test-data/small.element.scalerem5.tsv test-data/small.fs.colsum.gt10.tsv test-data/small.fs.colsum.neq0.tsv test-data/small.fs.elemgt2.mm2.tsv test-data/small.fs.elemnmatch0.mm4.tsv test-data/small.fs.medvalcol.ge2.tsv test-data/ test-data/small.fulltable.tsv test-data/small.matapp.colcust.tsv test-data/small.matapp.rowmax.tsv test-data/small.multiple.tsv test-data/ test-data/ test-data/ test-data/small.tsv
diffstat 35 files changed, 2260 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/allowed_functions.xml	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+    <!-- These macros are the allowed functions: numpy, pandas
+         Dataframe, math, or basic operators.
+         This file is parsed by the python scripts to reduce
+         duplicate definitions of allowed functions -->
+    <macro name="select_vectorops" >
+        <option value="min" selected="true">Minimum</option>
+        <option value="max">Maximum</option>
+        <option value="sum">Sum</option>
+        <option value="count">Number of Non-NA Values</option>
+        <option value="nunique">Number of Unique Observations</option>
+        <option value="mean">Mean</option>
+        <option value="median">Median</option>
+        <option value="std">Standard Deviation</option>
+        <option value="sem">Standard Error of the Mean</option>
+        <option value="var">Variance</option>
+        <option value="mad">Mean absolute deviation</option>
+        <option value="product">Product</option>
+        <yield />
+    </macro>
+    <macro name="select_onevalueoperator">
+        <option value="log">Ln</option>
+        <option value="log10">Log10</option>
+        <option value="exp">Exponential</option>
+        <option value="floor">Floor</option>
+        <option value="ceil">Ceiling</option>
+        <option value="sqrt">Square root</option>
+    </macro>
+    <macro name="select_twovaluenumericoperator">
+        <option value="add">Add</option>
+        <option value="sub">Subtract</option>
+        <option value="mul">Multiply</option>
+        <option value="truediv">True Divide</option>
+        <option value="floordiv">Floor Divide</option>
+        <option value="pow">Power</option>
+        <option value="mod">Remainder</option>
+    </macro>
+    <macro name="select_twovaluebooleanops">
+        <yield />
+        <option value="lt">&#60; (Less Than)</option>
+        <option value="le">&#8804; (Less Than or Equal to)</option>
+        <option value="gt">&#62; (Greater Than)</option>
+        <option value="ge">&#8805; (Greater Than or Equal to)</option>
+        <option value="eq">&#8801; (Equal to)</option>
+        <option value="ne">&#8800; (Not Equal to)</option>
+    </macro>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+import re
+class Safety():
+    """
+    Class to safely evaluate mathematical expression on single
+    or table data
+    """
+    __allowed_tokens = (
+        '(', ')', 'if', 'else', 'or', 'and', 'not', 'in',
+        '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', ',', '!=', '==', '>', '>=', '<', '<=',
+        'min', 'max', 'sum',
+    )
+    __allowed_ref_types = {
+        'pd.DataFrame': {
+            'abs', 'add', 'agg', 'aggregate', 'align', 'all', 'any', 'append',
+            'apply', 'applymap', 'as_matrix', 'asfreq', 'at', 'axes', 'bool',
+            'clip', 'clip_lower', 'clip_upper', 'columns', 'combine',
+            'compound', 'corr', 'count', 'cov', 'cummax', 'cummin', 'cumprod',
+            'cumsum', 'describe', 'div', 'divide', 'dot', 'drop',
+            'drop_duplicates', 'droplevel', 'dropna', 'duplicated', 'empty',
+            'eq', 'equals', 'expanding', 'ffill', 'fillna', 'filter', 'first',
+            'first_valid_index', 'floordiv', 'ge', 'groupby', 'gt', 'head',
+            'iat', 'iloc', 'index', 'insert', 'interpolate', 'isin', 'isna',
+            'isnull', 'items', 'iteritems', 'iterrows', 'itertuples', 'ix',
+            'join', 'keys', 'kurt', 'kurtosis', 'last', 'last_valid_index',
+            'le', 'loc', 'lookup', 'lt', 'mad', 'mask', 'max', 'mean',
+            'median', 'melt', 'merge', 'min', 'mod', 'mode', 'mul', 'multiply',
+            'ndim', 'ne', 'nlargest', 'notna', 'notnull', 'nsmallest',
+            'nunique', 'pct_change', 'pivot', 'pivot_table', 'pop', 'pow',
+            'prod', 'product', 'quantile', 'radd', 'rank', 'rdiv', 'replace',
+            'resample', 'rfloordiv', 'rmod', 'rmul', 'rolling', 'round',
+            'rpow', 'rsub', 'rtruediv', 'sample', 'select',
+            'sem', 'shape', 'shift', 'size', 'skew', 'slice_shift',
+            'squeeze', 'stack', 'std', 'sub', 'subtract', 'sum', 'swapaxes',
+            'swaplevel', 'T', 'tail', 'take', 'transform', 'transpose',
+            'truediv', 'truncate', 'tshift', 'unstack', 'var', 'where',
+        },
+        'pd.Series': {
+            'abs', 'add', 'agg', 'aggregate', 'align', 'all', 'any', 'append',
+            'apply', 'argsort', 'as_matrix', 'asfreq', 'asof', 'astype', 'at',
+            'at_time', 'autocorr', 'axes', 'between', 'between_time', 'bfill',
+            'bool', 'cat', 'clip', 'clip_lower', 'clip_upper', 'combine',
+            'combine_first', 'compound', 'corr', 'count', 'cov', 'cummax',
+            'cummin', 'cumprod', 'cumsum', 'describe', 'diff', 'div', 'divide',
+            'divmod', 'dot', 'drop', 'drop_duplicates', 'droplevel', 'dropna',
+            'dt', 'dtype', 'dtypes', 'duplicated', 'empty', 'eq', 'equals',
+            'ewm', 'expanding', 'factorize', 'ffill', 'fillna', 'filter',
+            'first', 'first_valid_index', 'flags', 'floordiv', 'ge', 'groupby',
+            'gt', 'hasnans', 'head', 'iat', 'idxmax', 'idxmin', 'iloc', 'imag',
+            'index', 'interpolate', 'is_monotonic', 'is_monotonic_decreasing',
+            'is_monotonic_increasing', 'is_unique', 'isin', 'isna', 'isnull',
+            'item', 'items', 'iteritems', 'ix', 'keys', 'kurt', 'kurtosis',
+            'last', 'last_valid_index', 'le', 'loc', 'lt', 'mad', 'map',
+            'mask', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'mod', 'mode', 'mul',
+            'multiply', 'name', 'ndim', 'ne', 'nlargest', 'nonzero', 'notna',
+            'notnull', 'nsmallest', 'nunique', 'pct_change', 'pop', 'pow',
+            'prod', 'product', 'ptp', 'quantile', 'radd', 'rank', 'rdiv',
+            'rdivmod', 'real', 'repeat', 'replace', 'resample', 'rfloordiv',
+            'rmod', 'rmul', 'rolling', 'round', 'rpow', 'rsub', 'rtruediv',
+            'sample', 'searchsorted', 'select', 'sem', 'shape', 'shift',
+            'size', 'skew', 'slice_shift', 'sort_index', 'sort_values',
+            'squeeze', 'std', 'sub', 'subtract', 'sum', 'swapaxes',
+            'swaplevel', 'T', 'tail', 'take', 'transform', 'transpose',
+            'truediv', 'truncate', 'tshift', 'unique', 'unstack',
+            'value_counts', 'var', 'where', 'xs',
+        },
+    }
+    __allowed_qualified = {
+        # allowed numpy functionality
+        'np': {
+            'abs', 'add', 'all', 'any', 'append', 'array', 'bool', 'ceil',
+            'complex', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cov', 'cumprod', 'cumsum', 'degrees',
+            'divide', 'divmod', 'dot', 'e', 'empty', 'exp', 'float', 'floor',
+            'hypot', 'inf', 'int', 'isfinite', 'isin', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'log',
+            'log10', 'log2', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'mod', 'multiply',
+            'nan', 'ndim', 'pi', 'product', 'quantile', 'radians', 'rank',
+            'remainder', 'round', 'sin', 'sinh', 'size', 'sqrt', 'squeeze',
+            'stack', 'std', 'str', 'subtract', 'sum', 'swapaxes', 'take',
+            'tan', 'tanh', 'transpose', 'unique', 'var', 'where',
+        },
+        # allowed math functionality
+        'math': {
+            'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'ceil',
+            'copysign', 'cos', 'cosh', 'degrees', 'e', 'erf', 'erfc', 'exp',
+            'expm1', 'fabs', 'factorial', 'floor', 'fmod', 'frexp', 'fsum',
+            'gamma', 'gcd', 'hypot', 'inf', 'isclose', 'isfinite', 'isinf',
+            'isnan', 'ldexp', 'lgamma', 'log', 'log10', 'log1p', 'log2',
+            'modf', 'nan', 'pi', 'pow', 'radians', 'remainder', 'sin', 'sinh',
+            'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tau', 'trunc',
+        },
+        # allowed pd functionality
+        'pd': {
+            'DataFrame', 'array', 'concat', 'cut', 'date_range', 'factorize',
+            'interval_range', 'isna', 'isnull', 'melt', 'merge', 'notna',
+            'notnull', 'period_range', 'pivot', 'pivot_table', 'unique',
+            'value_counts', 'wide_to_long',
+        },
+    }
+    def __init__(self, expression,
+                 ref_whitelist=None, ref_type=None,
+                 custom_qualified=None):
+        self.allowed_qualified = self.__allowed_qualified.copy()
+        if ref_whitelist is None:
+            self.these = []
+        else:
+            self.these = ref_whitelist
+            if ref_type is None or ref_type not in self.__allowed_ref_types:
+                self.allowed_qualified['_this'] = set()
+            else:
+                self.allowed_qualified[
+                    '_this'
+                ] = self.__allowed_ref_types[ref_type]
+        if custom_qualified is not None:
+            self.allowed_qualified.update(custom_qualified)
+        self.expr = expression
+        self.__assertSafe()
+    def generateFunction(self):
+        "Generates a function to be evaluated outside the class"
+        cust_fun = "def fun(%s):\n\treturn(%s)" % (self.these[0], self.expr)
+        return cust_fun
+    def __assertSafe(self):
+        indeed, problematic_token = self.__isSafeStatement()
+        if not indeed:
+            self.detailedExcuse(problematic_token)
+            raise ValueError("Custom Expression is not safe.")
+    @staticmethod
+    def detailedExcuse(word):
+        "Gives a verbose statement for why users should not use some specific operators."
+        mess = None
+        if word == "for":
+            mess = "for loops and comprehensions are not allowed. Use numpy or pandas table operations instead."
+        elif word == ":":
+            mess = "Colons are not allowed. Use inline Python if/else statements."
+        elif word == "=":
+            mess = "Variable assignment is not allowed. Use object methods to substitute values."
+        elif word in ("[", "]"):
+            mess = "Direct indexing of arrays is not allowed. Use numpy or pandas functions/methods to address specific parts of tables."
+        else:
+            mess = "Not an allowed token in this operation"
+        print("( '%s' ) %s" % (word, mess))
+    def __isSafeStatement(self):
+        """
+        Determines if a user-expression is safe to evaluate.
+        To be considered safe an expression may contain only:
+        - standard Python operators and numbers
+        - inline conditional expressions
+        - select functions and objects
+          by default, these come from the math, numpy and pandas
+          libraries, and must be qualified with the modules' conventional
+          names math, np, pd; can be overridden at the instance level
+        - references to a whitelist of objects (pd.DataFrames by default)
+          and their methods
+        """
+        safe = True
+        # examples of user-expressions
+        # '-math.log(1 - elem/4096) * 4096 if elem != bn else elem - 0.5'
+        # 'vec.median() +  vec.sum()'
+        # 1. Break expressions into tokens
+        # e.g.,
+        # [
+        #     '-', 'math.log', '(', '1', '-', 'elem', '/', '4096', ')', '*',
+        #     '4096', 'if', 'elem', '!=', 'bn', 'else', 'elem', '-', '0.5'
+        # ]
+        # or
+        # ['vec.median', '(', ')', '+', 'vec.sum', '(', ')']
+        tokens = [
+            e for e in re.split(
+                r'([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+|[^a-zA-Z0-9_.() ]+|[()])', self.expr
+            ) if e.strip()
+        ]
+        # 2. Subtract allowed standard tokens
+        rem = [e for e in tokens if e not in self.__allowed_tokens]
+        # 3. Subtract allowed qualified objects from allowed modules
+        #    and whitelisted references and their attributes
+        rem2 = []
+        for e in rem:
+            parts = e.split('.')
+            if len(parts) == 1:
+                if parts[0] in self.these:
+                    continue
+            if len(parts) == 2:
+                if parts[0] in self.these:
+                    parts[0] = '_this'
+                if parts[0] in self.allowed_qualified:
+                    if parts[1] in self.allowed_qualified[parts[0]]:
+                        continue
+            rem2.append(e)
+        # 4. Assert that rest are real numbers
+        e = ''
+        for e in rem2:
+            try:
+                _ = float(e)
+            except ValueError:
+                safe = False
+                break
+        return safe, e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Table Compute tool - a wrapper around pandas with parameter input validation.
+__version__ = "0.8"
+import csv
+import math
+from sys import argv
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import userconfig as uc
+from safety import Safety
+# This should be generated in the same directory
+# Version command should not need to copy the config
+if len(argv) == 2 and argv[1] == "--version":
+    print(__version__)
+    exit(-1)
+class Utils:
+    @staticmethod
+    def getOneValueMathOp(op_name):
+        "Returns a simple one value math operator such as log, sqrt, etc"
+        return getattr(math, op_name)
+    @staticmethod
+    def getVectorPandaOp(op_name):
+        "Returns a valid DataFrame vector operator"
+        return getattr(pd.DataFrame, op_name)
+    @staticmethod
+    def getTwoValuePandaOp(op_name, pd_obj):
+        "Returns a valid two value DataFrame or Series operator"
+        return getattr(type(pd_obj), "__" + op_name + "__")
+# Math is imported but not directly used because users
+# may specify a "math.<function>" when inserting a custom
+# function. To remove linting errors, which break CI testing
+# we will just use an arbitrary math statement here.
+__ = math.log
+# Set decimal precision
+pd.options.display.precision = uc.Default["precision"]
+user_mode = uc.Default["user_mode"]
+user_mode_single = None
+out_table = None
+params = uc.Data["params"]
+if user_mode == "single":
+    # Read in TSV file
+    data = pd.read_csv(
+        uc.Data["tables"][0]["reader_file"],
+        header=uc.Data["tables"][0]["reader_header"],
+        index_col=uc.Data["tables"][0]["reader_row_col"],
+        keep_default_na=uc.Default["narm"],
+        sep='\t'
+    )
+    # Fix whitespace issues in index or column names
+    data.columns = [col.strip() if type(col) is str else col
+                    for col in data.columns]
+    data.index = [row.strip() if type(row) is str else row
+                  for row in data.index]
+    user_mode_single = params["user_mode_single"]
+    if user_mode_single == "precision":
+        # Useful for changing decimal precision on write out
+        out_table = data
+    elif user_mode_single == "select":
+        cols_specified = params["select_cols_wanted"]
+        rows_specified = params["select_rows_wanted"]
+        # Select all indexes if empty array of values
+        if not cols_specified:
+            cols_specified = range(len(data.columns))
+        if not rows_specified:
+            rows_specified = range(len(data))
+        # do not use duplicate indexes
+        # e.g. [2,3,2,5,5,4,2] to [2,3,5,4]
+        nodupes_col = not params["select_cols_unique"]
+        nodupes_row = not params["select_rows_unique"]
+        if nodupes_col:
+            cols_specified = [x for i, x in enumerate(cols_specified)
+                              if x not in cols_specified[:i]]
+        if nodupes_row:
+            rows_specified = [x for i, x in enumerate(rows_specified)
+                              if x not in rows_specified[:i]]
+        out_table = data.iloc[rows_specified, cols_specified]
+    elif user_mode_single == "filtersumval":
+        mode = params["filtersumval_mode"]
+        axis = params["filtersumval_axis"]
+        operation = params["filtersumval_op"]
+        compare_operation = params["filtersumval_compare"]
+        value = params["filtersumval_against"]
+        minmatch = params["filtersumval_minmatch"]
+        if mode == "operation":
+            # Perform axis operation
+            summary_op = Utils.getVectorPandaOp(operation)
+            axis_summary = summary_op(data, axis=axis)
+            # Perform vector comparison
+            compare_op = Utils.getTwoValuePandaOp(
+                compare_operation, axis_summary
+            )
+            axis_bool = compare_op(axis_summary, value)
+        elif mode == "element":
+            if operation.startswith("str_"):
+                data = data.astype("str")
+                value = str(value)
+                # Convert str_eq to eq
+                operation = operation[4:]
+            else:
+                value = float(value)
+            op = Utils.getTwoValuePandaOp(operation, data)
+            bool_mat = op(data, value)
+            axis_bool = np.sum(bool_mat, axis=axis) >= minmatch
+        out_table = data.loc[:, axis_bool] if axis == 0 else data.loc[axis_bool, :]
+    elif user_mode_single == "matrixapply":
+        # 0 - column, 1 - row
+        axis = params["matrixapply_dimension"]
+        # sd, mean, max, min, sum, median, summary
+        operation = params["matrixapply_op"]
+        if operation is None:
+            use_custom = params["matrixapply_custom"]
+            if use_custom:
+                custom_func = params["matrixapply_custom_func"]
+                def fun(vec):
+                    """Dummy Function"""
+                    return vec
+                ss = Safety(custom_func, ['vec'], 'pd.Series')
+                fun_string = ss.generateFunction()
+                exec(fun_string)  # SUPER DUPER SAFE...
+                out_table = data.apply(fun, axis)
+            else:
+                print("No operation given")
+                exit(-1)
+        else:
+            op = getattr(pd.DataFrame, operation)
+            out_table = op(data, axis)
+    elif user_mode_single == "element":
+        # lt, gt, ge, etc.
+        operation = params["element_op"]
+        if operation is not None:
+            op = Utils.getTwoValuePandaOp(operation, data)
+            value = params["element_value"]
+            try:
+                # Could be numeric
+                value = float(value)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+            # generate filter matrix of True/False values
+            bool_mat = op(data, value)
+        else:
+            # implement no filtering through a filter matrix filled with
+            # True values.
+            bool_mat = np.full(data.shape, True)
+        # Get the main processing mode
+        mode = params["element_mode"]
+        if mode == "replace":
+            replacement_val = params["element_replace"]
+            out_table = data.mask(bool_mat, replacement_val)
+        elif mode == "modify":
+            mod_op = Utils.getOneValueMathOp(params["element_modify_op"])
+            out_table = data.mask(
+                bool_mat, data.where(bool_mat).applymap(mod_op)
+            )
+        elif mode == "scale":
+            scale_op = Utils.getTwoValuePandaOp(
+                params["element_scale_op"], data
+            )
+            scale_value = params["element_scale_value"]
+            out_table = data.mask(
+                bool_mat, scale_op(data.where(bool_mat), scale_value)
+            )
+        elif mode == "custom":
+            element_customop = params["element_customop"]
+            def fun(elem):
+                """Dummy Function"""
+                return elem
+            ss = Safety(element_customop, ['elem'])
+            fun_string = ss.generateFunction()
+            exec(fun_string)  # SUPER DUPER SAFE...
+            out_table = data.mask(
+                bool_mat, data.where(bool_mat).applymap(fun)
+            )
+        else:
+            print("No such element mode!", mode)
+            exit(-1)
+    elif user_mode_single == "fulltable":
+        general_mode = params["mode"]
+        if general_mode == "melt":
+            melt_ids = params["MELT"]["melt_ids"]
+            melt_values = params["MELT"]["melt_values"]
+            out_table = pd.melt(data, id_vars=melt_ids, value_vars=melt_values)
+        elif general_mode == "pivot":
+            pivot_index = params["PIVOT"]["pivot_index"]
+            pivot_column = params["PIVOT"]["pivot_column"]
+            pivot_values = params["PIVOT"]["pivot_values"]
+            out_table = data.pivot(
+                index=pivot_index, columns=pivot_column, values=pivot_values
+            )
+        elif general_mode == "custom":
+            custom_func = params["fulltable_customop"]
+            def fun(tableau):
+                """Dummy Function"""
+                return tableau
+            ss = Safety(custom_func, ['table'], 'pd.DataFrame')
+            fun_string = ss.generateFunction()
+            exec(fun_string)  # SUPER DUPER SAFE...
+            out_table = fun(data)
+    else:
+        print("No such mode!", user_mode_single)
+        exit(-1)
+elif user_mode == "multiple":
+    table_sections = uc.Data["tables"]
+    if not table_sections:
+        print("Multiple table sets not given!")
+        exit(-1)
+    reader_skip = uc.Default["reader_skip"]
+    # Data
+    table = []
+    # 1-based handlers for users "table1", "table2", etc.
+    table_names = []
+    # Actual 0-based references "table[0]", "table[1]", etc.
+    table_names_real = []
+    # Read and populate tables
+    for x, t_sect in enumerate(table_sections):
+        tmp = pd.read_csv(
+            t_sect["file"],
+            header=t_sect["header"],
+            index_col=t_sect["row_names"],
+            keep_default_na=uc.Default["narm"],
+            sep="\t"
+        )
+        table.append(tmp)
+        table_names.append("table" + str(x + 1))
+        table_names_real.append("table[" + str(x) + "]")
+    custom_op = params["fulltable_customop"]
+    ss = Safety(custom_op, table_names, 'pd.DataFrame')
+    fun_string = ss.generateFunction()
+    # Change the argument to table
+    fun_string = fun_string.replace("fun(table1):", "fun():")
+    # table1 to table[1]
+    for name, name_real in zip(table_names, table_names_real):
+        fun_string = fun_string.replace(name, name_real)
+    fun_string = fun_string.replace("fun():", "fun(table):")
+    exec(fun_string)  # SUPER DUPER SAFE...
+    out_table = fun(table)
+    print("No such mode!", user_mode)
+    exit(-1)
+if not isinstance(out_table, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
+    print('The specified operation did not result in a table to return.')
+    raise RuntimeError(
+        'The operation did not generate a pd.DataFrame or pd.Series to return.'
+    )
+out_parameters = {
+    "sep": "\t",
+    "float_format": "%%.%df" % pd.options.display.precision,
+    "header": uc.Default["out_headers_col"],
+    "index": uc.Default["out_headers_row"]
+if user_mode_single not in ('matrixapply', None):
+    out_parameters["quoting"] = csv.QUOTE_NONE
+out_table.to_csv(uc.Default["outtable"], **out_parameters)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/table_compute.xml	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1441 @@
+<tool id="table_compute" name="Table Compute" version="@VERSION@">
+    <description>computes operations on table data</description>
+    <macros>
+        <token name="@VERSION@">0.8</token>
+        <token name="@COPEN@"><![CDATA[<code>]]></token>
+        <token name="@CCLOSE@"><![CDATA[</code>]]></token>
+        <import>allowed_functions.xml</import>
+        <!-- text field validators -->
+        <macro name="validator_text" >
+            <validator type="regex" message="No special characters allowed">^(?:\w+)?$</validator>
+            <sanitizer sanitize="false" />
+        </macro>
+        <macro name="validator_text_required" >
+            <validator type="regex" message="No special characters allowed">^(?:\w+)?$</validator>
+            <validator type="empty_field" />
+        </macro>
+        <macro name="validator_index_identifiers" >
+            <validator type="regex" message="Specify a comma-separated list of index names without special characters">^(?:\w+(?:, *\w+)*)?$</validator>
+            <sanitizer sanitize="false" />
+        </macro>
+        <macro name="validator_index_ranges">
+            <validator type="regex" message="Specify a comma-separated list index numbers or ranges">^(?:\d+(?::\d)*(?:, *\d+(?::\d)*)*)?$</validator>
+            <sanitizer sanitize="false" />
+        </macro>
+        <macro name="validator_functiondef">
+            <validator type="regex" message="An expression is required and is allowed to contain only letters, numbers and the characters '_ !-+=/*%.&lt;&gt;()'">^[\w !\-+=/*%,.&lt;&gt;()]+$</validator>
+            <sanitizer sanitize="false" />
+        </macro>
+        <!-- macro for main input tests -->
+        <macro name="test_inputs_single" >
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="small.tsv" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <yield />
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+        </macro>
+        <!-- macro for umi to transcript tests -->
+        <macro name="umi2trans" >
+            <yield />
+            <conditional name="user" >
+                <param name="mode" value="element" />
+                <param name="element_op" value="gt" />
+                <param name="element_value" value="0" />
+                <conditional name="element" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="custom" />
+                    <param name="custom_expr" value="-math.log(1 - elem/4096) * 4096 if elem != 4096 else elem - 0.5" />
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+        </macro>
+        <!-- macro for file inputs -->
+        <macro name="file_opts">
+            <param name="input" type="data" format="tsv,tabular" label="Table" />
+            <param name="col_row_names" type="select" display="checkboxes" multiple="true" optional="true"
+            label="This input data has">
+                <option value="has_col_names" selected="true">Column names on the first row</option>
+                <option value="has_row_names" selected="true">Row names on the first column"</option>
+            </param>
+        </macro>
+        <!-- element value macro -->
+        <macro name="elem_val_macro" >
+            <param name="element_value" type="text" optional="true" label="Filter value" help="This value is converted to numeric if possible, otherwise it is treated as a string" />
+        </macro>
+    </macros>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="0.25">pandas</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1.17">numpy</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <version_command><![CDATA[
+        touch '$__tool_directory__/scripts/' && python '$__tool_directory__/scripts/' --version
+    ]]></version_command>
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
+        ## Can only import generated if calling
+        ## script is in the same directory. Soft-linking does
+        ## not satisfy importing, so we copy everything.
+        cp '$userconf' ./ &&
+        cp '$__tool_directory__/scripts/' ./ &&
+        cp '$__tool_directory__/scripts/' ./ &&
+        python ./
+    ]]></command>
+    <configfiles>
+        <configfile name="userconf"><![CDATA[
+## Range Maker
+##  "2:5,11,1:2" specifies "2,3,4,5,11,1,2" which in python is "1,2,3,4,10,0,1"
+#def rangemake(tab):
+#echo    [(n-1) for r in map(lambda y: range(int(y[0]),int(y[-1])+1), map(lambda x: x.split(':'), tab.split(','))) for n in r]
+#end def
+## Strip leading and trailing whitespace off custom functions
+Default = {
+    "reader_skip": 0,
+    "precision": $precision,
+  #if 'ignore_nas' in str($out_opts):
+    "narm": True,
+  #else:
+    "narm": False,
+  #end if
+  #if 'output_headers_row' in str($out_opts):
+    "out_headers_row": True,
+  #else:
+    "out_headers_row": False,
+  #end if
+  #if 'output_headers_col' in str($out_opts):
+    "out_headers_col": True,
+  #else:
+    "out_headers_col": False,
+  #end if
+  "user_mode": '$singtabop.use_type',
+  "outtable": '$table'
+#if str($singtabop.use_type) == "single":
+Data = {
+    "tables": [
+        {
+          "reader_file": '$singtabop.input',
+        #if 'has_col_names' in str($singtabop.col_row_names):
+          "reader_header": 0,
+        #else:
+          "reader_header": None,
+        #end if
+        #if 'has_row_names' in str($singtabop.col_row_names):
+          "reader_row_col": 0,
+        #else:
+          "reader_row_col": False,
+        #end if
+        }
+    ],
+    "params": {
+      "user_mode_single": '$singtabop.user.mode.value',
+    #if $singtabop.user.mode.value == 'precision':
+        ## Literally do nothing, the user just sets the precision slider
+        ## at the top default level
+    }
+    #elif $singtabop.user.mode.value == 'select':
+        "select_cols_unique": #echo 'select_cols_keepdupe' in str($singtabop.user.select_keepdupe)#,
+        "select_rows_unique": #echo 'select_rows_keepdupe' in str($singtabop.user.select_keepdupe)#,
+      #if $singtabop.user.select_cols_wanted:
+        "select_cols_wanted": $rangemake(str($singtabop.user.select_cols_wanted)),
+      #else
+        "select_cols_wanted": None,
+      #end if
+      #if $singtabop.user.select_rows_wanted:
+        "select_rows_wanted": $rangemake(str($singtabop.user.select_rows_wanted)),
+      #else
+        "select_rows_wanted": None,
+      #end if
+    }
+    #elif $singtabop.user.mode.value == 'filtersumval':
+        "filtersumval_mode": '$singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.use.value',
+        "filtersumval_axis": $singtabop.user.axis.value,
+      #if $singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.use.value == 'operation':
+        "filtersumval_compare": '$singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.compare_op.value',
+        "filtersumval_op": '$singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.operation.value',
+        "filtersumval_against": $singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.against,
+        "filtersumval_minmatch": None,
+      #elif $singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.use.value == 'element':
+        "filtersumval_compare": None,
+        "filtersumval_op": '$singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.operation.value',
+        ## against could be string or float, so we parse this in the code
+        "filtersumval_against": '$singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.against',
+        "filtersumval_minmatch": $singtabop.user.filtersumval_mode.minmatch,
+      #end if
+    }
+    #elif $singtabop.user.mode.value == 'matrixapply':
+        "matrixapply_dimension": $singtabop.user.dimension.value,
+      #if str($singtabop.user.matrixapply_func.vector_op) == 'custom':
+        #set $custom_func = str($singtabop.user.matrixapply_func.custom_func).strip()
+        "matrixapply_custom": True,
+        "matrixapply_custom_func": '$custom_func',
+        "matrixapply_op": None,
+      #else
+        "matrixapply_custom": False,
+        "matrixapply_custom_func": None,
+        "matrixapply_op": '$singtabop.user.matrixapply_func.vector_op',
+      #end if
+    }
+    #elif $singtabop.user.mode.value == 'element':
+      #if str($singtabop.user.elem_val.element_op) != "None":
+        "element_op": '$singtabop.user.elem_val.element_op.value',
+        ## Value is string or float, parsed in code later
+        "element_value" : '$singtabop.user.elem_val.element_value',
+      #else:
+        "element_op": None,
+      #end if
+        "element_mode": '$singtabop.user.element.mode.value',
+      #if str($singtabop.user.element.mode) == "replace":
+        "element_replace": '$singtabop.user.element.replace_value.value',
+      #elif str($singtabop.user.element.mode) == "modify":
+        "element_modify_op": '$singtabop.user.element.modify_op.value',
+      #elif str($singtabop.user.element.mode) == "scale":
+        "element_scale_op": '$singtabop.user.element.scale_op.value',
+        "element_scale_value": $singtabop.user.element.scale_value,
+      #elif str($singtabop.user.element.mode) == "custom":
+        #set $custom_func = str($singtabop.user.element.custom_expr).strip()
+        "element_customop": '$custom_func',
+      #end if
+    }
+    #elif $singtabop.user.mode.value == 'fulltable':
+        "mode": '$singtabop.user.general.use',
+      #if str($singtabop.user.general.use) == 'melt':
+        #if str($singtabop.user.general.id_vars).strip():
+          #set $melt_ids = [i.strip() for i in str($singtabop.user.general.id_vars).split(',')]
+        #else
+          #set $melt_ids = 'None'
+        #end if
+        #if str($singtabop.user.general.value_vars).strip():
+          #set $melt_values = [i.strip() for i in str($singtabop.user.general.value_vars).split(',')]
+        #else
+          #set $melt_values = 'None'
+        #end if
+        "MELT": {
+            "melt_ids": $melt_ids,
+            "melt_values": $melt_values,
+        },
+      #elif str($singtabop.user.general.use) == 'pivot':
+        #set $pivot_index = str($singtabop.user.general.index).strip()
+        #if $pivot_index:
+          #set $pivot_index = "'" + $pivot_index + "'"
+        #else:
+          #set $pivot_index = 'None'
+        #end if
+        #set $pivot_column = "'" + str($singtabop.user.general.column).strip() + "'"
+        #if str($singtabop.user.general.values).strip():
+          #set $pivot_values = [i.strip() for i in str($singtabop.user.general.values).split(',')]
+        #else
+          #set $pivot_values = 'None'
+        #end if
+        "PIVOT": {
+            "pivot_index": $pivot_index,
+            "pivot_column": $pivot_column,
+            "pivot_values": $pivot_values,
+        },
+      #elif str($singtabop.user.general.use) == 'custom':
+        #set $custom_func = str($singtabop.user.general.fulltable_custom_expr.value).strip()
+        "fulltable_customop": '$custom_func',
+      #end if
+    },
+    #end if
+#elif str($singtabop.use_type) == "multiple":
+#set $custom_func = str($singtabop.fulltable_custom_expr).strip()
+Data = {
+    "tables": [
+    #for $i, $s in enumerate($singtabop.tables)
+        {
+          "file": '${s.input}',
+        #if 'has_col_names' in str($s.col_row_names):
+          "header": 0,
+        #else:
+          "header": None,
+        #end if
+        #if 'has_row_names' in str($s.col_row_names):
+          "row_names": 0,
+        #else:
+          "row_names": False,
+        #end if
+        },
+    #end for
+    ],
+    'params': {
+        "fulltable_customop" : '$custom_func',
+    }
+#end if
+        </configfile>
+    </configfiles>
+    <inputs>
+        <conditional name="singtabop" >
+            <param name="use_type" type="select" label="Input Single or Multiple Tables" help="Operations on single tables are better tailored towards more general use-cases. For multiple tables usage, all tables should ideally be of the same dimensions for simple operations, although complex operations are also supported for unequally sized tables (see Help section)." >
+                <option value="single">Single Table</option>
+                <option value="multiple">Multiple Tables</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="single">
+                <expand macro="file_opts" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <param name="mode" type="select" label="Type of table operation" >
+                        <option value="precision">No operation (just reformat on output)</option>
+                        <option value="select">Drop, keep or duplicate rows and columns</option>
+                        <option value="filtersumval">Filter rows or columns by their properties</option>
+                        <option value="matrixapply">Compute expression across rows or columns</option>
+                        <option value="element">Manipulate selected table elements</option>
+                        <option value="fulltable">Perform a full table operation</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <when value="precision" />
+                    <when value="select">
+                        <param name="select_cols_wanted" type="text" optional="true" label="List of columns to select" help="Comma separated. (e.g. @COPEN@3:5,99,2:4@CCLOSE@ will select columns @COPEN@3,4,5,99,2,3,4@CCLOSE@). Columns can be duplicated by specifying them multiple times. Leave blank to retain all columns. See Example #1 for an example of using this mode." >
+                            <expand macro="validator_index_ranges" />
+                        </param>
+                        <param name="select_rows_wanted" type="text" optional="true" label="List of rows to select" help="The same rules apply as above" >
+                            <expand macro="validator_index_ranges" />
+                        </param>
+                        <param name="select_keepdupe" type="select" display="checkboxes" multiple="true" label="Duplicate Indices" help="Keep duplicates when specifying ranges (e.g. if unset, @COPEN@1:3,2:4@CCLOSE@ will yield @COPEN@1,2,3,4@CCLOSE@ instead of @COPEN@1,2,3,2,3,4@CCLOSE@)" >
+                            <option value="select_cols_keepdupe" selected="true" >Keep duplicate columns</option>
+                            <option value="select_rows_keepdupe" selected="true" >Keep duplicate rows</option>
+                        </param>
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="filtersumval" >
+                        <param name="axis" type="select" display="radio"
+                        label="Filter" >
+                            <option value="1">Rows</option>
+                            <option value="0">Columns</option>
+                        </param>
+                        <conditional name="filtersumval_mode" >
+                            <param name="use" type="select" label="Filter criterion" help="See Example #2 for an example of using this mode." >
+                                <option value="operation" >Result of function applied to columns/rows</option>
+                                <option value="element" >Number of column/row elements passing filter</option>
+                            </param>
+                            <when value="operation">
+                                <param name="operation" type="select" label="Keep column/row if its observed" >
+                                    <expand macro="select_vectorops" />
+                                </param>
+                                <param name="compare_op" type="select" label="is" >
+                                    <expand macro="select_twovaluebooleanops" />
+                                </param>
+                                <param name="against" type="float" label="this value" value="0" />
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="element">
+                                <param name="minmatch" type="integer" min="1" value="0" label="Keep column/row if at least" />
+                                <param name="operation" type="select" label="of its element are" >
+                                    <expand macro="select_twovaluebooleanops" >
+                                        <option value="str_eq" >~ (Matching)</option>
+                                        <option value="str_ne" >!~ (not Matching)</option>
+                                    </expand>
+                                </param>
+                                <param name="against" type="text" label="this value">
+                                    <expand macro="validator_functiondef" />
+                                </param>
+                            </when>
+                        </conditional>
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="matrixapply" >
+                        <conditional name="matrixapply_func">
+                            <param name="vector_op" type="select" label="Calculate">
+                                <option value="custom">Custom Function</option>
+                                <expand macro="select_vectorops" >
+                                    <option value="rank">Ranks</option>
+                                    <option value="cumsum" >Cumulative Sum</option>
+                                    <option value="cumprod" >Cumulative Product</option>
+                                    <option value="cummin" >Cumulative Minimum</option>
+                                    <option value="cummax" >Cumulative Maximum</option>
+                                </expand>
+                            </param>
+                            <when value="custom">
+                                <param name="custom_func" type="text"
+                                label="Custom function on 'vec'"
+                                help="The parameter name is @COPEN@vec@CCLOSE@, referring to a vector of a specific row or column being operated on. Numpy and Pandas DataFrame operators are supported. e.g. @COPEN@np.sum(vec) + np.median(vec)@CCLOSE@, and @COPEN@vec.sum() + vec.median()@CCLOSE@ are equivalent operations." >
+                                    <expand macro="validator_functiondef" />
+                                </param>
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="min" />
+                            <when value="max" />
+                            <when value="sum" />
+                            <when value="count" />
+                            <when value="nunique" />
+                            <when value="mean" />
+                            <when value="median" />
+                            <when value="std" />
+                            <when value="sem" />
+                            <when value="var" />
+                            <when value="mad" />
+                            <when value="product" />
+                            <when value="rank" />
+                            <when value="cumsum" />
+                            <when value="cumprod" />
+                            <when value="cummin" />
+                            <when value="cummax" />
+                        </conditional>
+                        <param name="dimension" type="select" label="For each">
+                            <option value="0">Column</option>
+                            <option value="1">Row</option>
+                        </param>
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="fulltable">
+                        <conditional name="general" >
+                            <param name="use" type="select" label="Operation" help="See Examples 5, 7, and 8 for usage" >
+                                <option value="melt" >Melt</option>
+                                <option value="pivot" >Pivot</option>
+                                <option value="custom" >Custom</option>
+                            </param>
+                            <when value="melt" >
+                                <param name="id_vars" type="text" value="" label="Variable IDs"
+                                       help="Comma-delimited list of column names to use as identifiers" >
+                                    <expand macro="validator_index_identifiers" />
+                                </param>
+                                <param name="value_vars" type="text" value="" label="Unpivoted IDs"
+                                       help="Comma-delimited list of column names to un-pivot. Leave blank to use all." >
+                                    <expand macro="validator_index_identifiers" />
+                                </param>
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="pivot" >
+                                <param name="index" type="text" value=""
+                                label="Index"
+                                help="Name of the column to use as new index" >
+                                    <expand macro="validator_text" />
+                                </param>
+                                <param name="column" type="text" value=""
+                                label="Column"
+                                help="Name of the column to use to generate the columns of the new table from" >
+                                    <expand macro="validator_text_required" />
+                                </param>
+                                <param name="values" type="text" value=""
+                                label="Values"
+                                help="Names of the columns to use for populating the cells of the new table. Leave blank to use all." >
+                                    <expand macro="validator_index_identifiers" />
+                                </param>
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="custom" >
+                                <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" type="text"
+                                label="Custom expression on 'table', along 'axis' (0 or 1)"
+                                help="The parameter name is @COPEN@table@CCLOSE@ and @COPEN@axis@CCLOSE@, referring to the table being acted on and the column (@COPEN@0@CCLOSE@) or row (@COPEN@1@CCLOSE@) to perform the operation on. Numpy, math, Pandas DataFrame operators, and inline @COPEN@if else@CCLOSE@ are supported (e.g. @COPEN@np.log(table) - table.mean(0) / table.std(1)@CCLOSE@). See Example #5 in the Help section. ">
+                                    <expand macro="validator_functiondef" />
+                                </param>
+                            </when>
+                        </conditional>
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="element">
+                        <conditional name="element" >
+                            <param name="mode" type="select"
+                            label="Operation to perform" >
+                                <option value="replace">Replace values</option>
+                                <option value="modify">Transform</option>
+                                <option value="scale">Arithmetic operation</option>
+                                <option value="custom">Custom</option>
+                            </param>
+                            <when value="replace" >
+                                <param name="replace_value" type="text" label="Replacement value" help="This value is converted to numeric if possible, otherwise it is treated as a string" />
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="modify" >
+                                <param name="modify_op" type="select" label="Transformation function" help="Example: to transform values to their square root, select @COPEN@Square Root@CCLOSE@ here.">
+                                    <expand macro="select_onevalueoperator" />
+                                </param>
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="scale">
+                                <param name="scale_op" type="select" label="Operation" help="The selected operation will be applied to the table elements as the first operand. The value of the second operand can be provided in the next box. Example: to raise all values to the power of 5, select @COPEN@Power@CCLOSE@ here and type @COPEN@5@CCLOSE@ in the box below." >
+                                    <expand macro="select_twovaluenumericoperator" />
+                                </param>
+                                <param name="scale_value" type="float" value="0" label="Second operand value" />
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="custom">
+                                <param name="custom_expr" type="text"
+                                label="Custom expression on 'elem'"
+                                help="The parameter name is @COPEN@elem@CCLOSE@, referring to the element being acted on. Most operators and @COPEN@if@CCLOSE@ @COPEN@else@CCLOSE@ statements are supported. See Examples #3 and #4 in the Help section.">
+                                    <expand macro="validator_functiondef" />
+                                </param>
+                            </when>
+                        </conditional>
+                        <conditional name="elem_val" >
+                            <param name="element_op" type="select" label="Operate on elements"
+                                help="Only selected elements will be manipulated. Other elements will retain their original value." >
+                                <expand macro="select_twovaluebooleanops" >
+                                    <option value="None" selected="true">All</option>
+                                </expand>
+                            </param>
+                            <when value="None" />
+                            <when value="lt">
+                                <expand macro="elem_val_macro" />
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="le">
+                                <expand macro="elem_val_macro" />
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="gt">
+                                <expand macro="elem_val_macro" />
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="ge">
+                                <expand macro="elem_val_macro" />
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="eq">
+                                <expand macro="elem_val_macro" />
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="ne">
+                                <expand macro="elem_val_macro" />
+                            </when>
+                        </conditional>
+                    </when>
+                </conditional>
+            </when>
+            <when value="multiple">
+                <repeat name="tables" title="Tables" min="1" default="1">
+                    <expand macro="file_opts" />
+                </repeat>
+                <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" type="text"
+                label="Custom expression on 'tableN'"
+                help="The parameter name is @COPEN@tableN@CCLOSE@, where @COPEN@N@CCLOSE@ refers to a specific table. e.g. @COPEN@table1 + table3 - table2@CCLOSE@, will add the first and third input tables and then subtract the second. Most operators and @COPEN@if@CCLOSE@ @COPEN@else@CCLOSE@ statements are supported. See Example #6 in the Help section for further examples.">
+                    <expand macro="validator_functiondef" />
+                </param>
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
+        <param name="out_opts" type="select" display="checkboxes" multiple="true" optional="true"
+               label="Output formatting options">
+            <option value="ignore_nas" selected="true">Ignore NA values</option>
+            <option value="output_headers_col" selected="true">Output column headers</option>
+            <option value="output_headers_row" selected="true">Output row headers</option>
+        </param>
+        <param name="precision" type="integer" min="0" max="20" value="6" label="Output decimal precision" />
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="table" format="tabular" label="${} on ${on_string}" />
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 1: Select -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="select" />
+                <param name="select_cols_wanted" value="2:4,2,2" />
+                <param name="select_rows_wanted" value="2:5,3,3" />
+                <param name="select_keepdupe" value="select_cols_keepdupe" />
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="2" />
+            <output name="table" value="" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 2: Select, cols only -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="select" />
+                <param name="select_cols_wanted" value="2:4,2,2" />
+                <param name="select_keepdupe" value="select_cols_keepdupe,select_rows_keepdupe" />
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="2" />
+            <output name="table" value="" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 3: Select, rows only -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="select" />
+                <param name="select_rows_wanted" value="2:5,3,3" />
+                <param name="select_keepdupe" value="select_cols_keepdupe" />
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="2" />
+            <output name="table" value="" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 4: Filtersumval, row -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="filtersumval" />
+                <param name="axis" value="1" />
+                <conditional name="filtersumval_mode" >
+                    <param name="use" value="operation" />
+                    <param name="operation" value="sum" />
+                    <param name="compare_op" value="gt" />
+                    <param name="against" value="50" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="2" />
+            <output name="table" value="" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 5: Filtersumval, col neq 0 -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="filtersumval" />
+                <param name="axis" value="0" />
+                 <conditional name="filtersumval_mode" >
+                    <param name="use" value="operation" />
+                    <param name="operation" value="sum" />
+                    <param name="compare_op" value="ne" />
+                    <param name="against" value="0" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="2" />
+            <output name="table" value="small.fs.colsum.neq0.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 6: Filtersumval, col val gt 10 -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="filtersumval" />
+                <param name="axis" value="0" />
+                <conditional name="filtersumval_mode" >
+                    <param name="use" value="operation" />
+                    <param name="operation" value="sum" />
+                    <param name="compare_op" value="gt" />
+                    <param name="against" value="10" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="2" />
+            <output name="table" value="small.fs.colsum.gt10.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 7: Filtersumval, median val col >= 2 -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="filtersumval" />
+                <param name="axis" value="0" />
+                <conditional name="filtersumval_mode" >
+                    <param name="use" value="operation" />
+                    <param name="operation" value="median" />
+                    <param name="compare_op" value="ge" />
+                    <param name="against" value="2" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="5" />
+            <output name="table" value="small.fs.medvalcol.ge2.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 8: Filtersumval, keep rows with at least
+                 two values > 2 -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="filtersumval" />
+                <param name="axis" value="1" />
+                <conditional name="filtersumval_mode" >
+                    <param name="use" value="element" />
+                    <param name="operation" value="gt" />
+                    <param name="against" value="2" />
+                    <param name="minmatch" value="2" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="5" />
+            <output name="table" value="small.fs.elemgt2.mm2.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 9: Filtersumval, keep cols with at least
+                 4 string values matching "0" -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="filtersumval" />
+                <param name="axis" value="0" />
+                <conditional name="filtersumval_mode" >
+                    <param name="use" value="element" />
+                    <param name="operation" value="str_ne" />
+                    <param name="against" value="0" />
+                    <param name="minmatch" value="4" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="3" />
+            <output name="table" value="small.fs.elemnmatch0.mm4.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 10: Matrix Apply, row max  -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="matrixapply" />
+                <param name="dimension" value="1" />
+                <conditional name="matrixapply_func" >
+                    <param name="vector_op" value="max" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="0" />
+            <param name="out_opts" value="ignore_nas,output_headers_row" />
+            <output name="table" value="small.matapp.rowmax.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 11: Element, all, scale, remainder 5  -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="element" />
+                <conditional name="elem_val">
+                    <param name="element_op" value="None" />
+                </conditional>
+                <conditional name="element" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="scale" />
+                    <param name="scale_op" value="mod" />
+                    <param name="scale_value" value="5" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="2" />
+            <output name="table" value="small.element.scalerem5.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 12: Matrix Apply, column custom  -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="matrixapply" />
+                <param name="dimension" value="0" />
+                <conditional name="matrixapply_func" >
+                    <param name="vector_op" value="custom" />
+                    <param name="custom_func" value="vec.sum()+vec.median()" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="precision" value="2" />
+            <param name="out_opts" value="ignore_nas,output_headers_row" />
+            <output name="table" value="small.matapp.colcust.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 13: Element, non-zero, custom -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="element" />
+                <conditional name="elem_val">
+                    <param name="element_op" value="gt" />
+                    <param name="element_value" value="0" />
+                </conditional>
+                <conditional name="element" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="custom" />
+                    <!-- valid complex expression for non-zero vals -->
+                    <param name="custom_expr" value="(math.log10(elem)+elem)/elem if (elem &lt; math.inf) else 1.0" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <output name="table" value="small.element.custom.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 14: umi2transcript test1 -->
+            <expand macro="umi2trans" >
+                <param name="input" value="mat1.umi.tsv" />
+                <output name="table" value="mat1.trans.tsv" />
+            </expand>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 15: umi2transcript test2 -->
+            <expand macro="umi2trans" >
+                <param name="input" value="mat2.umi.tsv" />
+                <output name="table" value="mat2.trans.tsv" />
+            </expand>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 16: B-test - mean and sd in custom func -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                <conditional name="general" >
+                    <param name="use" value="custom" />
+                    <param name="fulltable_custom_expr"
+                           value="table - table.mean(0) / table.std(0)" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <output name="table" value="small.fulltable.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 17: Multiple table test -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="multiple" />
+                <repeat name="tables">
+                    <param name="input" value="small.tsv" />
+                </repeat>
+                <repeat name="tables">
+                    <param name="input" value="small.tsv" />
+                </repeat>
+                <repeat name="tables">
+                    <param name="input" value="small.tsv" />
+                </repeat>
+                <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" value="(3 * table1) + np.log(table3 + 20) - table2" />            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" value="small.multiple.tsv" />
+        </test>
+        <!-- User tests that failed previously -->
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 18 -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                <conditional name="general" >
+                    <param name="use" value="custom" />
+                    <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" value="table * 2" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="10" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^gene1\s20\.000000\s0\s12\s-20\.200000\s20\s2\.200000\s0\.000000\s0\s0\.000000$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="gene5\s2\.000000\s0\s0\s-20\.000000\s880\s12\.000000\s0\.000000\s0\s3\.800000" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 19 -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                <conditional name="general" >
+                    <param name="use" value="custom" />
+                    <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" value="table == 5" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="10" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^gene1(\sFalse)+$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="gene5(\sFalse)+$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" expect_failure="true">
+            <!-- Test 20 -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                <conditional name="general" >
+                    <param name="use" value="custom" />
+                    <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" value="for n in table: n = n + 1" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" expect_failure="true">
+            <!-- Test 21 -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                <conditional name="general" >
+                    <param name="use" value="custom" />
+                    <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" value="table + table[0,0]" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 22: Melt -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                <conditional name="general" >
+                    <param name="use" value="melt" />
+                    <param name="id_vars" value="cell1,cell3" />
+                    <param name="value_vars" value="cell5,cell6" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <param name="out_opts" value="ignore_nas,output_headers_col" />
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^cell1\scell3\svariable\svalue$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^1\.0+\s0+\scell6\s6\.0+$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- Test 23: Pivot -->
+            <expand macro="test_inputs_single" >
+                <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                <conditional name="general" >
+                    <param name="use" value="pivot" />
+                    <param name="index" value="cell1" />
+                    <param name="column" value="cell2" />
+                    <param name="values" value="cell3,cell7,cell9" />
+                </conditional>
+            </expand>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^\scell3\scell7\scell9$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^1\.0+\s0\.0+\s0\.0+\s1\.90+$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^10\.0+\s6\.0+\s0\.0+\s0\.0+$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <!-- Add Example Text Tests -->
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 24: Ex 1 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="examples.1.tsv" />
+                <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="select" />
+                    <param name="select_cols_wanted" value="1,1,3" />
+                    <param name="select_rows_wanted" value="1:3,2" />
+                    <param name="select_keepdupe" value="select_cols_keepdupe,select_rows_keepdupe" />
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^\s+c1\s+c1\s+c3$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g2\s+3\s+3\s+9$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 25: Ex 2 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="examples.2.tsv" />
+                <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="filtersumval" />
+                    <param name="axis" value="1" />
+                    <conditional name="filtersumval_mode" >
+                        <param name="use" value="operation" />
+                        <param name="operation" value="sum" />
+                        <param name="compare_op" value="lt" />
+                        <param name="against" value="50" />
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^\s+c1\s+c2\s+c3$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g3\s+4\s+8\s+12$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 26: Ex 3_P1 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="examples.3p1.tsv" />
+                <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="element" />
+                    <conditional name="element" >
+                        <param name="mode" value="custom" />
+                        <param name="custom_expr" value="elem &#60; 10" />
+                    </conditional>
+                    <conditional name="elem_val" >
+                        <param name="element_op" value="None" />
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g1\s+False\s+False\s+False$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g4\s+False\s+True\s+True$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 27: Ex 3_P2 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="examples.3p2.tsv" />
+                <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="matrixapply" />
+                    <param name="dimension" value="1" />
+                    <conditional name="matrixapply_func" >
+                        <param name="vector_op" value="sum" />
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="2" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g1\s+0$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g4\s+2$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+	        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 28: Ex 4 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="examples.4.tsv" />
+                <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="element" />
+                    <conditional name="element" >
+                        <param name="mode" value="custom" />
+                        <param name="custom_expr" value="(math.log(elem) / elem) if (elem > 5) else 1" />
+                    </conditional>
+                    <conditional name="elem_val" >
+                        <param name="element_op" value="All" />
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g1\s+1\.00\d+\s+0\.149\d+\s+0\.113\d+$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g4\s+0\.05\d+\s+1\.000\d+\s+1\.000\d+$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 29: Ex 5 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="examples.5.tsv" />
+                <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                    <conditional name="general" >
+                        <param name="use" value="custom" />
+                        <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" value="table - table.mean(0)/table.std(0)" />
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g1\s+9\.\d+\s+17\.\d+\s+28\.\d+$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g4\s+80\.\d+\s+7\.\d+\s+8\.\d+$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 30: Ex 6 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="multiple" />
+                <repeat name="tables" >
+                    <param name="input" value="examples.6p1.tsv" />
+                    <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                </repeat>
+                <repeat name="tables" >
+                    <param name="input" value="examples.6p2.tsv" />
+                    <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                </repeat>
+                <repeat name="tables" >
+                    <param name="input" value="examples.6p3.tsv" />
+                    <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                </repeat>
+                <param name="fulltable_custom_expr" value="table1 / min(np.max(np.max(table2)), np.max(np.max(table3)))" />
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g1\s+3\.3\d+\s+6\.6\d+\s+10\.0\d+$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^g3\s+1\.3\d+\s+2\.6\d+\s+3\.3\d+$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 31: Ex 7 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="examples.7.tsv" />
+                <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                <conditional name="user">
+                    <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                    <conditional name="general" >
+                        <param name="use" value="melt" />
+                        <param name="id_vars" value="A" />
+                        <param name="value_vars" value="B,C" />
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^0\s+a\s+B\s+B\s*$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^5\s+c\s+C\s+5\s*$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1" >
+            <!-- Test 32: Ex 8 -->
+            <conditional name="singtabop" >
+                <param name="use_type" value="single" />
+                <param name="input" value="examples.8.tsv" />
+                <param name="col_row_names" value="has_col_names,has_row_names" />
+                <conditional name="user" >
+                    <param name="mode" value="fulltable" />
+                    <conditional name="general" >
+                        <param name="use" value="pivot" />
+                        <param name="index" value="foo" />
+                        <param name="column" value="bar" />
+                        <param name="values" value="baz" />
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="table" >
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_n_columns n="4" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^one\s+1\s+2\s+3$" />
+                    <has_line_matching expression="^two\s+4\s+5\s+6$" />
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help><![CDATA[
+This tool computes table expressions on the element, row, and column basis. It can sub-select,
+duplicate, as well as perform general and custom expressions on rows, columns or elements.
+Only a single operation can be performed on the data. Multiple operations can be performed by
+chaining successive runs of this tool. This is to provide a more transparent workflow for complex operations.
+Example 1: Sub-selecting from a table
+We have the following table:
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c2  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g1  10  20  30
+ g2   3   6   9
+ g3   4   8  12
+ g4  81   6   3
+ === === === ===
+and we want to duplicate c1 and remove c2. Also select g1 to g3 and add g2 at the end as well. This would result in the output table:
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c1  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g1  10  10  30
+ g2   3   3   9
+ g3   4   4  12
+ g2   3   3   9
+ === === === ===
+In Galaxy we would select the following:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Single Table**
+ * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+ * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Type of table operation* →    **Drop, keep or duplicate rows and columns**
+   * *List of columns to select* → **1,1,3**
+   * *List of rows to select* → **1:3,2**
+   * *Keep duplicate columns* → **Yes**
+   * *Keep duplicate rows* → **Yes**
+Example 2: Filter for rows with row sums less than 50
+We have the following table:
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c2  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g1  10  20  30
+ g2   3   6   9
+ g3   4   8  12
+ g4  81   6   3
+ === === === ===
+and we want:
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c2  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g2   3   6   9
+ g3   4   8  12
+ === === === ===
+In Galaxy we would select the following:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Single Table**
+ * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+ * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Type of table operation* →    **Filter rows or columns by their properties**
+   * *Filter* → **Rows**
+   * *Filter Criterion* → **Result of function applied to columns/rows**
+     * *Keep column/row if its observed* → **Sum**
+     * *is* → **< (Less Than)**
+     * *this value* → **50**
+Example 3: Count the number of values per row smaller than a specified value
+We have the following table:
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c2  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g1  10  20  30
+ g2   3   6   9
+ g3   4   8  12
+ g4  81   6   3
+ === === === ===
+and we want to count how many elements in each row are smaller than 10, i.e.,
+we want to obtain the following results table:
+ === ===
+  .  vec
+ === ===
+ g1   0
+ g2   3
+ g3   2
+ g4   2
+ === ===
+In Galaxy we would select the following:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Single Table**
+ * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+ * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Type of table operation* →    **Manipulate selected table elements**
+   * *Operation to perform* → **Custom**
+     * *Custom Expression on 'elem'* → **elem < 10**
+   * *Operate on elements* → **All**
+**Note:** *There are actually simpler ways to achieve our purpose, but here we are demonstrating the use of a custom expression.*
+After executing, we would then be presented with a table like so:
+ === ===== ===== =====
+  .     c1    c2    c3
+ === ===== ===== =====
+ g1  False False False
+ g2  True  True  True
+ g3  True  True  False
+ g4  False True  True
+ === ===== ===== =====
+To get to our desired table, we would then process this table with the tool again:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Single Table**
+ * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+ * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Type of table operation* →    **Compute Expression across Rows or Columns**
+   * *Calculate* → **Sum**
+   * *For each* → **Row**
+Executing this will sum all the 'True' values in each row. Note that the values must have no extra whitespace in them for this to work (e.g. 'True ' or ' True' will not be parsed correctly).
+Example 4: Perform a scaled log-transformation conditionally
+We want to perform a scaled log transformation on all values greater than 5, and set all other values to 1.
+We have the following table:
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c2  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g1   0  20  30
+ g2   3   0   9
+ g3   4   8   0
+ g4  81   0   0
+ === === === ===
+and we want:
+ === ========== ========= =========
+  .          c1        c2        c3
+ === ========== ========= =========
+ g1  1.00000000 0.1497866 0.1133732
+ g2  1.00000000 1.0000000 0.2441361
+ g3  1.00000000 0.2599302 1.0000000
+ g4  0.05425246 1.0000000 1.0000000
+ === ========== ========= =========
+In Galaxy we would select the following:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Single Table**
+ * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+ * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Type of table operation* →  **Manipulate selected table elements**
+   * *Operation to perform* → **Custom**
+     * *Custom Expression* → ::
+         (math.log(elem) / elem) if (elem > 5) else 1
+     * *Operate on elements* → **All**
+Example 5: Perform a Full table operation
+We have the following table:
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c2  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g1  10  20  30
+ g2   3  10   9
+ g3   4   8  10
+ g4  81  10  10
+ === === === ===
+and we want to subtract from each column the mean of that column divided by the standard deviation of it to yield:
+ === ========= ========= =========
+  .         c1        c2        c3
+ === ========= ========= =========
+ g1   9.351737 17.784353 28.550737
+ g2   2.351737  7.784353  7.550737
+ g3   3.351737  5.784353  8.550737
+ g4  80.351737  7.784353  8.550737
+ === ========= ========= =========
+In Galaxy we would select the following:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Single Table**
+ * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+ * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Type of table operation* →  **Perform a Full Table Operation**
+   * *Operation* → **Custom**
+   * *Custom Expression on 'table' along axis (0 or 1)* → ::
+      table - table.mean(0)/table.std(0)
+Example 6: Perform operations on multiple tables
+We have the following three input tables:
+Table 1
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c2  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g1  10  20  30
+ g2   3  10   9
+ g3   4   8  10
+ === === === ===
+Table 2
+ === === ===
+  .  c1  c2
+ === === ===
+ g1   1   2
+ g2   3   4
+ g3   6   5
+ === === ===
+Table 3
+ === === === ===
+  .  c1  c2  c3
+ === === === ===
+ g1   1   2   3
+ g2   1   2   3
+ === === === ===
+*Note that the dimensions of these tables do not match.*
+ * Table1 [3,3]
+ * Table2 [3,2]
+ * Table3 [2,3]
+In order to perform simple operations between Tables, they must be of the same dimensions.
+To add Table2 to Table3 we would have to transpose one of the tables using the in-built `T` method::
+    table2 + table3.T
+    table2.T + table3
+We can also perform more general operations using all 3 tables, such as taking the minimum value of
+the maximum values of Table2 and Table3, and dividing the Table1 values by it::
+    table1 / min(table2.values.max(), table3.values.max())
+To perform these types of operations in Galaxy we would select the following:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Multiple Tables**
+ * *(For each inserted table)*
+    * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+    * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Custom Expression* → ::
+    <insert your desired function>
+Please note that the last example shown above was chosen to illustrate the
+limitations of the tool. Nested attributes like `table2.values.max` are
+disallowed in expressions in the tool so the above would have to be replaced
+with the harder to read workaround::
+    table1 / min(np.max(np.max(table2)), np.max(np.max(table3)))
+Also note that, currently `min()`, `max()` and `sum()` are the only built-in
+Python functions that can be used inside expressions. If you want to use
+additional functions, these have to be qualified functions from the `math`,
+`np` or `pd` libraries.
+Example 7: Melt
+We have the following table
+ === === === ===
+  .   A   B   C
+ === === === ===
+  0   a   B   1
+  1   b   B   3
+  2   c   B   5
+ === === === ===
+and we want:
+ === === ======== =====
+  .   A  variable value
+ === === ======== =====
+  0   a     B       B
+  1   b     B       B
+  2   c     B       B
+  3   a     C       1
+  4   b     C       3
+  5   c     C       5
+ === === ======== =====
+In Galaxy we would select the following:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Single Table**
+ * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+ * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Type of table operation* →  **Perform a Full Table Operation**
+   * *Operation* → **Melt**
+   * *Variable IDs* → "A"
+   * *Unpivoted IDs* → "B,C"
+This converts the "B" and "C" columns into variables.
+Example 8: Pivot
+We have the following table
+ === === === === ===
+  .  foo bar baz zoo
+ === === === === ===
+  0  one  A   1   x
+  1  one  B   2   y
+  2  one  C   3   z
+  3  two  A   4   q
+  4  two  B   5   w
+  5  two  C   6   t
+ === === === === ===
+and we want:
+ === === === ===
+  .   A   B   C
+ === === === ===
+ one  1   2   3
+ two  4   5   6
+ === === === ===
+In Galaxy we would select the following:
+ * *Input Single or Multiple Tables* → **Single Table**
+ * *Column names on first row?* → **Yes**
+ * *Row names on first column?* → **Yes**
+ * *Type of table operation* →  **Perform a Full Table Operation**
+   * *Operation* → **Pivot**
+   * *Index* → "foo"
+   * *Column* → "bar"
+   * *Values* → "baz"
+This splits the matrix using "foo" and "bar" using only the values from "baz". Header values may contain extra information.
+    <citations></citations>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.1.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	c1 	c2 	c3
+g1 	10 	20 	30
+g2 	3 	6 	9
+g3 	4 	8 	12
+g4 	81 	6 	3
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.2.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	c1 	c2 	c3
+g1 	10 	20 	30
+g2 	3 	6 	9
+g3 	4 	8 	12
+g4 	81 	6 	3
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.3p1.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	c1 	c2 	c3
+g1 	10 	20 	30
+g2 	3 	6 	9
+g3 	4 	8 	12
+g4 	81 	6 	3
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.3p2.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	c1	c2	c3
+g1	False	False	False
+g2	True	True	True
+g3	True	True	False
+g4	False	True	True
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.4.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	c1 	c2 	c3
+g1 	0 	20 	30
+g2 	3 	0 	9
+g3 	4 	8 	0
+g4 	81 	0 	0
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.5.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	c1 	c2 	c3
+g1 	10 	20 	30
+g2 	3 	10 	9
+g3 	4 	8 	10
+g4 	81 	10 	10
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.6p1.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+	c1 	c2 	c3
+g1 	10 	20 	30
+g2 	3 	10 	9
+g3 	4 	8 	10
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.6p2.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+	c1 	c2
+g1 	1 	2
+g2 	3 	4
+g3 	6 	5
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.6p3.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+	c1 	c2 	c3
+g1 	1 	2 	3
+g2 	1 	2 	3
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.7.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+	A 	B 	C
+0 	a 	B 	1
+1 	b 	B 	3
+2 	c 	B 	5
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/examples.8.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	foo 	bar 	baz 	zoo
+0 	one 	A 	1 	x
+1 	one 	B 	2 	y
+2 	one 	C 	3 	z
+3 	two 	A 	4 	q
+4 	two 	B 	5 	w
+5 	two 	C 	6 	t
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/mat1.trans.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ENSDARG00000087616	-0.000000	1.000122	0	6.004399	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	10.012227	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	4.001954	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000036044	5.003054	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	31.117905	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000036816	-0.000000	1.000122	0	12.017613	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	5.003054	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000102632	1.000122	-0.000000	0	10.012227	1.000122	0	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000056722	-0.000000	1.000122	0	2.000488	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	17.035376	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	2.000488	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000098591	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	9.009902	3.001099	0	1.000122	30.110403	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	2.000488	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000044212	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	33.133653	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	0	3.001099	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	1.000122
+ENSDARG00000010516	2.000488	-0.000000	0	3.001099	2.000488	0	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000021143	4.001954	-0.000000	0	14.023980	2.000488	0	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	3.001099	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000042905	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000041435	1.000122	-0.000000	0	6.004399	1.000122	0	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000034897	2.000488	-0.000000	0	5.003054	1.000122	0	-0.000000	21.054018	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000040287	2.000488	2.000488	0	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	1.000122	1.000122	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000007320	3.001099	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	26.082870	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000003599	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	2.000488	2.000488	0	-0.000000	27.089382	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000099104	4.001954	-0.000000	0	3.001099	1.000122	0	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000071658	-0.000000	1.000122	0	3.001099	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	5.003054	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	1.000122
+ENSDARG00000030408	1.000122	1.000122	0	1.000122	1.000122	0	-0.000000	25.076606	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000039647	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	26.082870	1.000122	0	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000043509	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	1.000122	0	1.000122	27.089382	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	0	3.001099	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
+ENSDARG00000017235	1.000122	-0.000000	0	3.001099	1.000122	0	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/mat1.umi.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ENSDARG00000087616	0	1	0	6	0	0	0	10	1	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	4	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000036044	5	0	0	0	0	0	0	31	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000036816	0	1	0	12	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000102632	1	0	0	10	1	0	0	8	0	0	1	0	1	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000056722	0	1	0	2	0	0	0	17	0	0	2	0	1	0	0	0	2	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000098591	0	0	0	9	3	0	1	30	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	1	0
+ENSDARG00000044212	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	33	0	0	0	0	0	4	0	0	3	0	0	0	1
+ENSDARG00000010516	2	0	0	3	2	0	0	13	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000021143	4	0	0	14	2	0	0	8	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000042905	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	22	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000041435	1	0	0	6	1	0	0	15	0	0	0	2	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000034897	2	0	0	5	1	0	0	21	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000040287	2	2	0	1	0	0	0	11	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000007320	3	0	0	1	0	0	0	26	0	0	1	2	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000003599	0	0	0	2	2	0	0	27	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000099104	4	0	0	3	1	0	0	14	0	1	0	0	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000071658	0	1	0	3	0	0	0	8	0	0	3	0	0	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	1
+ENSDARG00000030408	1	1	0	1	1	0	0	25	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000039647	0	0	0	26	1	0	0	5	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000043509	0	0	0	0	1	0	1	27	1	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	3	0	0	0	0
+ENSDARG00000017235	1	0	0	3	1	0	0	15	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/mat2.trans.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ENSDARG00000099970	5.003054	1.000122	14.023980	-0.000000	2.000488	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	162.168323	3.001099	81.811621	9.009902	1.000122	195.596716	132.107705	69.587787	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	406.522221	136.240904	-0.000000	37.168128	1.000122	5.003054	108.422409	3.001099	49.295449	-0.000000	1.000122	45.249018	13.020674	173.628588	4.001954	5.003054	21.054018	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	7.005988	63.489523	2.000488	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	5.003054	-0.000000	0	2.000488	7.005988	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	601.014180	1.000122	144.519836	-0.000000	6.004399	2.000488	257.954777	2.000488	268.618673	1.000122	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	3.001099	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	249.443605	12.017613	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	1.000122	2.000488	5.003054	2.000488	3.001099	130.042668	1.000122	96.119021	5.003054	71.622561	3.001099	24.070588	2.000488	6.004399	1.000122	55.372602	3.001099	3.001099	366.957653	4.001954	6.004399	2.000488	365.864074	-0.000000	1.000122	16.031332	2.000488	6.004399	4.001954	-0.000000	2.000488	37.168128	1.000122	1.000122	6.004399	3.001099	2.000488	1.000122	6.004399	7.005988	6.004399	3.001099	-0.000000	96.119021	2.000488	1.000122	4.001954	245.194642	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	5.003054	320.195430	257.954777	-0.000000	4.001954	20.048988	1.000122	325.605548	59.429052	10.012227	5.003054	37.168128	4.001954	-0.000000	2.000488	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	341.878911	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	2.000488	33.133653	3.001099	146.592186	2.000488	51.320165	2.000488	245.194642	5.003054	0	59.429052	55.372602	69.587787	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	31.117905	39.186856	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	80.791574	2.000488	3.001099	38.177367	-0.000000	6.004399	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	2.000488	173.628588
+ENSDARG00000104945	-0.000000	3.001099	6.004399	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	4.001954	1.000122	9.009902	12.017613	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	19.044204	21.054018	29.103148	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	145.555880	23.064818	-0.000000	29.103148	1.000122	1.000122	2.000488	4.001954	28.096142	-0.000000	2.000488	6.004399	7.005988	31.117905	-0.000000	3.001099	13.020674	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	14.023980	60.443792	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	0	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	26.082870	1.000122	77.732955	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	55.372602	3.001099	18.039667	1.000122	1.000122	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	2.000488	4.001954	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	57.400325	3.001099	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	1.000122	7.005988	2.000488	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	3.001099	1.000122	5.003054	3.001099	2.000488	2.000488	1.000122	4.001954	3.001099	1.000122	48.283467	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	26.082870	5.003054	4.001954	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	3.001099	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	4.001954	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	17.035376	5.003054	3.001099	2.000488	2.000488	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	31.117905	66.537520	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	40.196593	19.044204	10.012227	1.000122	24.070588	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	4.001954	9.009902	3.001099	14.023980	1.000122	8.007823	2.000488	34.141899	5.003054	0	9.009902	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	17.035376	27.089382	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	31.117905	2.000488	1.000122	22.059294	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	1.000122	51.320165
+ENSDARG00000045639	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	52.332899	25.076606	4.001954	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	117.674264	37.168128	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	31.117905	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	43.227300	-0.000000	23.064818	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	92.026090	-0.000000	44.238034	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	57.400325	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	86.915672	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	27.089382	1.000122	2.000488	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	29.103148	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	35.150393	88.959074	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	69.587787	10.012227	4.001954	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	25.076606	-0.000000	49.295449	-0.000000	6.004399	1.000122	21.054018	4.001954	0	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	6.004399	32.125655	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	41.206580
+ENSDARG00000070453	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	9.009902	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	49.295449	19.044204	-0.000000	23.064818	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	34.141899	-0.000000	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	18.039667	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	112.531765	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	44.238034	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	34.141899	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	9.009902	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	14.023980	126.947064	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	45.249018	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	8.007823	-0.000000	31.117905	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	0	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	28.096142	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	102.266096
+ENSDARG00000014201	-0.000000	1.000122	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	23.064818	7.005988	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	38.177367	38.177367	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	27.089382	-0.000000	-0.000000	28.096142	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	4.001954	7.005988	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	27.089382	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	103.291506	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	56.386338	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	59.429052	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	16.031332	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	41.206580	34.141899	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	33.133653	8.007823	2.000488	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	14.023980	1.000122	21.054018	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	0	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	1.000122	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	58.414563
+ENSDARG00000055455	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	4.001954	2.000488	1.000122	18.039667	29.103148	7.005988	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	48.283467	12.017613	-0.000000	10.012227	1.000122	-0.000000	38.177367	2.000488	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	25.076606	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	3.001099	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	15.027533	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	37.168128	1.000122	17.035376	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	50.307682	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	32.125655	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	37.168128	51.320165	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	28.096142	14.023980	4.001954	-0.000000	7.005988	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	18.039667	1.000122	7.005988	1.000122	57.400325	2.000488	0	3.001099	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	20.048988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	38.177367
+ENSDARG00000035715	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	5.003054	-0.000000	20.048988	19.044204	11.014797	-0.000000	17.035376	-0.000000	34.141899	28.096142	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	24.070588	1.000122	17.035376	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	3.001099	22.059294	-0.000000	1.000122	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	24.070588	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	24.070588	5.003054	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	29.103148	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	32.125655	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	12.017613	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	32.125655	37.168128	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	39.186856	10.012227	3.001099	-0.000000	17.035376	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	6.004399	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	32.125655	1.000122	0	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	39.186856
+ENSDARG00000055216	-0.000000	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	13.020674	16.031332	3.001099	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	35.150393	28.096142	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	18.039667	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	1.000122	16.031332	-0.000000	1.000122	12.017613	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	55.372602	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	33.133653	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	41.206580	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	41.206580	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	36.159136	-0.000000	2.000488	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	18.039667	48.283467	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	38.177367	5.003054	6.004399	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	26.082870	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	30.110403	-0.000000	0	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	36.159136	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	23.064818
+ENSDARG00000037997	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	6.004399	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	28.096142	48.283467	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	4.001954	28.096142	-0.000000	-0.000000	30.110403	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	11.014797	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	43.227300	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	51.320165	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	12.017613	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	27.089382	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	30.110403	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	9.009902	44.238034	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	73.658347	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	26.082870	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	13.020674	1.000122	54.359117	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	3.001099	0	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	40.196593	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902
+ENSDARG00000077777	1.000122	3.001099	14.023980	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	6.004399	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	3.001099	4.001954	-0.000000	32.125655	1.000122	15.027533	22.059294	-0.000000	20.048988	6.004399	-0.000000	13.020674	2.000488	7.005988	1.000122	1.000122	10.012227	-0.000000	14.023980	1.000122	-0.000000	16.031332	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	3.001099	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	1.000122	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	22.059294	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	20.048988	2.000488	-0.000000	4.001954	6.004399	14.023980	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	1.000122	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	42.216815	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	17.035376	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	5.003054	26.082870	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	14.023980	3.001099	3.001099	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	27.089382	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	11.014797	1.000122	20.048988	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	23.064818	1.000122	0	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	2.000488	-0.000000	18.039667	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674
+ENSDARG00000008363	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	38.177367	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	13.020674	3.001099	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	22.059294	8.007823	-0.000000	52.332899	1.000122	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	8.007823	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	9.009902	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	5.003054	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	16.031332	2.000488	9.009902	4.001954	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	6.004399	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	67.554024	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	3.001099	10.012227	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	25.076606	8.007823	44.238034	0	4.001954	3.001099	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797
+ENSDARG00000037870	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	18.039667	1.000122	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	9.009902	6.004399	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	21.054018	15.027533	-0.000000	3.001099	7.005988	-0.000000	25.076606	1.000122	20.048988	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	21.054018	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	21.054018	-0.000000	24.070588	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	27.089382	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	48.283467	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	22.059294	-0.000000	1.000122	14.023980	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	45.249018	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	12.017613	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	9.009902	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	22.059294	3.001099	3.001099	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	0	2.000488	3.001099	7.005988	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	20.048988
+ENSDARG00000051875	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	11.014797	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	59.429052	25.076606	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	19.044204	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	1.000122	47.271734	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	38.177367	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	45.249018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	32.125655	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	38.177367	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	24.070588	28.096142	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	23.064818	9.009902	4.001954	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	9.009902	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	18.039667	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	37.168128
+ENSDARG00000037746	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	5.003054	5.003054	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	14.023980	46.260251	-0.000000	2.000488	11.014797	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	29.103148	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	9.009902	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	50.307682	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	17.035376	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	7.005988	-0.000000	1.000122	8.007823	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	49.295449	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	24.070588	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	3.001099	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	4.001954	1.000122	27.089382	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	1.000122	15.027533	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	6.004399	2.000488	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	23.064818	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	42.216815
+ENSDARG00000020850	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	46.260251	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	3.001099	4.001954	-0.000000	14.023980	3.001099	16.031332	30.110403	-0.000000	6.004399	2.000488	-0.000000	22.059294	4.001954	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	3.001099	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	24.070588	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	3.001099	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	1.000122	-0.000000	6.004399	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	50.307682	2.000488	-0.000000	3.001099	2.000488	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	7.005988	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	18.039667	2.000488	11.014797	-0.000000	4.001954	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	80.791574	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	5.003054	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	0	2.000488	10.012227	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	10.012227	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	3.001099	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674
+ENSDARG00000018259	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	11.014797	-0.000000	1.000122	9.009902	11.014797	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	34.141899	18.039667	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	1.000122	15.027533	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	26.082870	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	34.141899	3.001099	33.133653	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	23.064818	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	31.117905	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	2.000488	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	25.076606	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	23.064818	8.007823	1.000122	-0.000000	7.005988	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	5.003054	1.000122	12.017613	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	24.070588	2.000488	0	3.001099	1.000122	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	26.082870
+ENSDARG00000039914	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	12.017613	6.004399	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	33.133653	3.001099	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	3.001099	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	11.014797	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	15.027533	1.000122	28.096142	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	1.000122	46.260251	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	2.000488	5.003054	3.001099	-0.000000	2.000488	9.009902	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	22.059294	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	2.000488	1.000122	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	17.035376	58.414563	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	14.023980	12.017613	1.000122	-0.000000	12.017613	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	15.027533	1.000122	0	2.000488	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	14.023980	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	1.000122	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	18.039667
+ENSDARG00000068992	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	28.096142	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	8.007823	7.005988	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	16.031332	7.005988	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	2.000488	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	24.070588	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	1.000122	3.001099	1.000122	1.000122	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	2.000488	-0.000000	9.009902	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	33.133653	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	10.012227	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	6.004399	12.017613	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	14.023980	10.012227	2.000488	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	78.752241	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	0	2.000488	7.005988	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	18.039667
+ENSDARG00000017673	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	4.001954	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	34.141899	37.168128	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	29.103148	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	17.035376	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	1.000122	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	21.054018	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	17.035376	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	39.186856	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	19.044204	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	15.027533	17.035376	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	31.117905	4.001954	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	29.103148	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	13.020674	2.000488	0	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	7.005988	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	30.110403
+ENSDARG00000039034	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	12.017613	4.001954	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	15.027533	11.014797	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	2.000488	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	23.064818	-0.000000	1.000122	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	16.031332	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	23.064818	1.000122	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	33.133653	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	34.141899	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	28.096142	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	18.039667	27.089382	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	25.076606	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	0	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	41.206580
+ENSDARG00000001889	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	17.035376	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	30.110403	30.110403	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	12.017613	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	31.117905	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	23.064818	2.000488	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	37.168128	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	17.035376	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	6.004399	37.168128	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	36.159136	2.000488	4.001954	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	12.017613	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	28.096142	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	15.027533
+ENSDARG00000036577	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	16.031332	4.001954	-0.000000	2.000488	1.000122	45.249018	8.007823	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	18.039667	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	29.103148	2.000488	15.027533	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	34.141899	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	12.017613	27.089382	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	20.048988	4.001954	2.000488	-0.000000	9.009902	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	9.009902	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	23.064818	1.000122	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	26.082870
+ENSDARG00000075542	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	11.014797	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	18.039667	12.017613	-0.000000	7.005988	1.000122	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	25.076606	1.000122	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	31.117905	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	109.449362	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	2.000488	1.000122	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	6.004399	4.001954	0	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	113.559749
+ENSDARG00000029150	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	2.000488	4.001954	-0.000000	6.004399	1.000122	14.023980	15.027533	-0.000000	4.001954	3.001099	-0.000000	31.117905	3.001099	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	1.000122	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	6.004399	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	2.000488	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	6.004399	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	18.039667	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	46.260251	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	6.004399	5.003054	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	18.039667	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	18.039667	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	2.000488	0	1.000122	3.001099	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	12.017613	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	16.031332
+ENSDARG00000016494	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	20.048988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	22.059294	3.001099	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	12.017613	1.000122	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	50.307682	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	10.012227	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	136.240904	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	35.150393	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	0	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	26.082870
+ENSDARG00000021864	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	47.271734	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	7.005988	-0.000000	2.000488	3.001099	13.020674	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	2.000488	18.039667	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	19.044204	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	3.001099	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	1.000122	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	2.000488	1.000122	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	5.003054	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	48.283467	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	4.001954	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	10.012227	1.000122	11.014797	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	39.186856	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	0	2.000488	23.064818	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	12.017613	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399
+ENSDARG00000103057	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	16.031332	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	22.059294	12.017613	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	20.048988	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	22.059294	-0.000000	12.017613	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	33.133653	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	26.082870	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	43.227300	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	14.023980	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	24.070588	4.001954	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	27.089382
+ENSDARG00000051783	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	46.260251	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	9.009902	6.004399	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	8.007823	9.009902	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	29.103148	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	12.017613	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	19.044204	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	35.150393	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	7.005988	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	43.227300	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	0	3.001099	10.012227	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	8.007823
+ENSDARG00000009212	-0.000000	2.000488	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	50.307682	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	4.001954	4.001954	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	21.054018	10.012227	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	1.000122	29.103148	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	8.007823	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	16.031332	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	8.007823	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	12.017613	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	3.001099	2.000488	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	18.039667	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	4.001954	10.012227	-0.000000	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	10.012227	4.001954	11.014797	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	24.070588	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	6.004399	1.000122	9.009902	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	9.009902	1.000122	0	1.000122	7.005988	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	3.001099	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	1.000122	-0.000000	10.012227
+ENSDARG00000021124	-0.000000	1.000122	9.009902	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	7.005988	5.003054	7.005988	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	15.027533	38.177367	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	-0.000000	15.027533	-0.000000	4.001954	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	6.004399	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	3.001099	6.004399	-0.000000	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	9.009902	1.000122	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	21.054018	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	4.001954	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	2.000488	3.001099	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	3.001099	-0.000000	-0.000000	28.096142	2.000488	-0.000000	-0.000000	25.076606	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	11.014797	21.054018	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	10.012227	2.000488	2.000488	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	13.020674	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	9.009902	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	0	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	1.000122	10.012227	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	5.003054	-0.000000	1.000122	4.001954	-0.000000	1.000122	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	-0.000000	17.035376
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/mat2.umi.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ENSDARG00000099970	5	1	14	0	2	2	2	0	159	3	81	9	1	191	130	69	0	0	2	387	134	0	37	1	5	107	3	49	0	1	45	13	170	4	5	21	5	1	0	7	63	2	5	1	0	3	5	0	0	2	7	3	0	0	559	1	142	0	6	2	250	2	260	1	0	4	1	1	2	0	1	2	3	1	3	0	1	1	0	242	12	0	5	1	1	2	5	2	3	128	1	95	5	71	3	24	2	6	1	55	3	3	351	4	6	2	350	0	1	16	2	6	4	0	2	37	1	1	6	3	2	1	6	7	6	3	0	95	2	1	4	238	1	2	0	2	0	5	308	250	0	4	20	1	313	59	10	5	37	4	0	2	4	0	1	0	328	1	3	0	2	33	3	144	2	51	2	238	5	0	59	55	69	2	0	1	31	39	4	0	0	80	2	3	38	0	6	1	2	0	2	170
+ENSDARG00000104945	0	3	6	1	0	2	4	1	9	12	1	1	0	19	21	29	1	1	1	143	23	0	29	1	1	2	4	28	0	2	6	7	31	0	3	13	1	1	1	14	60	1	1	0	0	2	0	1	0	2	0	0	0	1	26	1	77	0	0	0	55	3	18	1	1	2	2	0	0	1	0	2	2	4	3	0	1	2	0	57	3	0	4	1	1	7	2	1	2	0	1	2	3	1	5	3	2	2	1	4	3	1	48	1	1	0	26	5	4	10	0	1	3	0	3	15	0	0	6	1	1	0	2	4	2	0	0	17	5	3	2	2	3	0	0	0	1	0	31	66	0	1	0	0	40	19	10	1	24	1	3	0	1	2	1	0	3	1	0	2	4	9	3	14	1	8	2	34	5	0	9	1	6	0	1	2	17	27	3	0	1	31	2	1	22	1	2	0	11	0	1	51
+ENSDARG00000045639	0	2	0	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	1	0	0	52	25	4	0	2	0	116	37	0	6	0	1	0	0	20	0	0	1	2	31	0	0	13	1	1	0	2	5	0	0	1	0	1	1	0	0	0	1	0	0	2	43	0	23	0	0	0	91	0	44	0	0	0	1	0	1	0	1	0	0	1	1	0	0	1	0	57	4	0	0	0	0	6	1	0	0	0	1	0	1	1	2	1	0	1	0	0	0	0	86	0	0	0	27	1	2	3	0	0	0	0	0	29	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	3	1	0	0	15	0	0	0	3	0	0	0	0	0	1	35	88	1	0	0	2	69	10	4	0	7	0	0	1	3	0	0	0	2	2	0	0	0	25	0	49	0	6	1	21	4	0	7	0	0	0	1	0	6	32	0	0	0	7	0	0	21	0	0	0	2	0	0	41
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+ENSDARG00000039034	0	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	8	1	0	0	0	12	4	9	0	0	0	15	11	0	9	0	0	10	2	5	0	0	1	0	23	0	1	8	0	0	0	7	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	1	16	0	20	0	0	0	23	1	8	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	33	2	0	0	0	0	3	0	1	0	2	1	0	0	3	1	2	1	0	0	3	0	1	34	2	0	0	13	0	0	3	0	0	1	1	0	10	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	4	0	1	0	28	0	0	0	0	0	0	18	27	0	0	0	0	25	4	0	0	10	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	0	0	8	0	22	0	2	0	5	0	0	2	1	0	0	0	0	0	10	0	0	0	8	0	0	7	0	0	0	1	0	0	41
+ENSDARG00000001889	0	1	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	9	17	2	0	0	0	30	30	0	2	0	0	14	0	6	0	0	1	0	12	0	0	14	0	0	0	1	3	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	16	0	31	0	0	0	23	2	9	0	0	0	1	0	1	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	37	1	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	17	3	0	0	21	0	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	8	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	19	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	1	6	37	0	0	0	0	36	2	4	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	16	0	19	0	2	0	12	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	28	0	0	0	1	0	0	11	0	0	0	0	0	0	15
+ENSDARG00000036577	0	0	2	0	0	2	0	1	0	0	4	0	0	10	16	4	0	2	1	45	8	0	9	0	0	2	0	6	0	0	1	2	15	0	0	6	0	0	0	8	1	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	18	0	20	0	0	0	29	2	15	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	8	0	0	0	0	0	3	0	1	1	0	0	10	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	34	4	0	0	10	0	0	4	0	1	0	0	0	6	0	0	1	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	7	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	12	27	0	0	0	0	20	4	2	0	9	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	3	2	0	0	2	9	0	14	0	4	0	23	1	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	5	6	0	0	0	13	1	0	3	0	1	0	0	0	0	26
+ENSDARG00000075542	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	7	2	2	0	0	1	11	3	0	0	0	18	12	0	7	1	0	6	0	6	0	1	1	0	25	1	0	8	0	0	0	0	3	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	11	0	3	0	0	1	31	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	108	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	1	2	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	1	0	13	0	0	1	0	1	0	0	1	6	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	4	1	0	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	5	5	0	1	0	0	6	2	1	0	9	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	11	1	0	0	0	5	0	9	0	5	0	6	4	0	1	4	0	2	0	0	7	2	0	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	112
+ENSDARG00000029150	0	1	3	0	0	0	0	0	20	0	2	0	0	4	2	4	0	6	1	14	15	0	4	3	0	31	3	5	0	1	1	1	11	0	0	6	1	0	0	4	6	0	7	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	13	0	19	0	0	0	14	0	6	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	1	0	22	0	0	0	0	0	3	0	0	0	5	2	0	2	0	1	6	1	0	1	3	0	1	11	0	0	0	19	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	18	2	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	7	46	1	0	0	0	10	6	5	0	7	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	18	0	0	0	0	3	0	18	0	0	0	5	2	0	1	3	4	0	0	0	1	12	0	1	0	5	1	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	16
+ENSDARG00000016494	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	2	0	0	0	0	4	20	0	0	0	0	22	3	0	5	0	0	0	0	19	0	0	1	0	20	0	1	6	0	0	0	0	3	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	12	1	5	0	0	1	50	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	10	1	0	0	0	0	4	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	3	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	0	8	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	7	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	8	134	0	0	0	0	35	5	0	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	7	2	2	0	1	0	0	1	0	2	0	1	0	0	0	3	16	0	0	0	9	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	26
+ENSDARG00000021864	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	47	0	0	0	0	1	2	7	0	2	3	13	11	0	0	3	2	18	0	2	0	0	1	1	6	0	0	19	0	1	0	5	3	0	8	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	8	1	11	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2	11	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	9	2	1	3	0	1	8	0	0	0	5	1	0	5	1	0	0	48	0	1	0	1	1	4	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	7	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	0	0	0	5	7	0	0	8	0	10	1	11	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	39	1	0	0	0	4	1	10	0	0	0	3	1	0	2	23	7	0	0	0	4	4	0	0	0	1	0	0	12	0	0	0	0	0	0	6
+ENSDARG00000103057	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	1	5	0	0	0	0	4	16	4	0	0	0	22	12	0	3	0	0	0	2	3	0	1	0	0	20	0	0	6	0	0	0	1	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	22	0	12	0	0	0	8	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	33	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2	0	1	1	0	3	1	0	1	0	0	1	26	1	0	0	21	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	11	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	0	0	13	0	0	0	2	0	0	0	1	0	0	13	2	0	0	0	0	43	2	2	0	1	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	14	0	6	0	24	4	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2	21	0	0	0	1	1	0	9	0	3	0	0	0	0	27
+ENSDARG00000051783	1	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	46	0	3	0	0	7	9	6	0	1	3	8	9	0	1	1	0	29	0	3	0	0	0	0	7	0	0	13	0	0	0	1	4	0	4	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	3	0	0	8	0	12	0	3	0	3	0	9	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	3	0	0	0	1	19	0	0	0	0	0	3	0	1	0	2	0	0	1	0	0	5	0	0	0	1	0	0	5	4	0	0	35	0	0	0	2	0	1	0	0	3	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	9	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	0	0	0	9	9	0	0	3	0	1	3	7	1	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	43	0	1	0	0	3	0	8	0	0	0	2	0	0	3	10	5	0	0	0	1	5	0	0	0	2	0	0	6	0	0	0	1	0	0	8
+ENSDARG00000009212	0	2	3	0	0	0	0	0	50	0	1	0	0	3	4	4	0	3	0	21	10	0	4	1	1	29	0	2	0	0	0	1	4	0	0	7	0	0	0	2	8	0	3	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	2	0	16	0	0	0	9	0	8	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	12	3	0	0	0	0	3	1	0	0	1	0	1	3	2	0	5	0	0	1	2	0	0	7	0	0	0	18	0	0	1	0	1	0	0	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	0	11	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	0	0	1	4	10	0	1	4	0	10	4	11	0	6	0	0	1	1	0	0	0	24	1	0	0	1	6	1	9	0	2	0	9	1	0	1	7	2	0	0	0	4	3	3	0	0	2	2	0	5	0	1	0	1	1	0	10
+ENSDARG00000021124	0	1	9	0	0	0	1	0	9	0	1	0	0	7	5	7	0	3	0	15	38	0	4	1	0	15	0	4	0	0	0	0	6	0	0	11	0	0	0	3	6	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	1	9	1	10	0	0	0	9	0	10	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	0	21	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	4	1	0	1	0	2	3	0	1	0	3	0	0	28	2	0	0	25	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	11	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	11	21	0	0	1	0	10	2	2	0	5	0	1	0	0	0	0	0	13	0	0	0	0	9	0	5	0	0	0	5	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	1	10	0	0	0	5	0	1	4	0	1	0	0	0	0	17
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.element.custom.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell1	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell8	cell9
+gene1	1.100000	0	1.129692	-10.100000	1.100000	1.037630	0.000000	0	0.000000
+gene2	0.397940	0	1.159040	1.050428	1.065051	1.070787	1.146779	0	0.000000
+gene3	1.150515	0	1.159040	1.157790	1.049237	1.123798	1.109687	0	1.020180
+gene4	0.000000	0	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0	0.000000
+gene5	1.000000	0	0.000000	-10.000000	1.006008	1.129692	0.000000	0	1.146712
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.element.scalerem5.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell1	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell8	cell9
+gene1	0.00	0	1	4.90	0	1.10	0.00	0	0.00
+gene2	0.50	0	3	4.00	0	1.22	4.35	0	0.00
+gene3	2.00	0	3	3.21	0	1.56	3.45	0	1.05
+gene4	0.00	0	0	0.00	0	0.00	0.00	0	0.00
+gene5	1.00	0	0	0.00	0	1.00	0.00	0	1.90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.fs.colsum.gt10.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell1	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell7
+gene1	10.00	6	-10.10	10	0.00
+gene2	0.50	3	29.00	20	4.35
+gene3	2.00	3	3.21	30	8.45
+gene4	0.00	0	0.00	0	0.00
+gene5	1.00	0	-10.00	440	0.00
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.fs.colsum.neq0.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell1	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell9
+gene1	10.00	6	-10.10	10	1.10	0.00	0.00
+gene2	0.50	3	29.00	20	1.22	4.35	0.00
+gene3	2.00	3	3.21	30	1.56	8.45	1.05
+gene4	0.00	0	0.00	0	0.00	0.00	0.00
+gene5	1.00	0	-10.00	440	6.00	0.00	1.90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.fs.elemgt2.mm2.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	cell1	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell8	cell9
+gene1	10.00000	0	6	-10.10000	10	1.10000	0.00000	0	0.00000
+gene2	0.50000	0	3	29.00000	20	1.22000	4.35000	0	0.00000
+gene3	2.00000	0	3	3.21000	30	1.56000	8.45000	0	1.05000
+gene5	1.00000	0	0	-10.00000	440	6.00000	0.00000	0	1.90000
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.fs.elemnmatch0.mm4.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell1	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell9
+gene1	10.0	-10.1	10	1.1	0.0	0.0
+gene2	0.5	29.0	20	1.22	4.35	0.0
+gene3	2.0	3.21	30	1.56	8.45	1.05
+gene4	0.0	0.0	0	0.0	0.0	0.0
+gene5	1.0	-10.0	440	6.0	0.0	1.9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.fs.medvalcol.ge2.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell3	cell5
+gene1	6	10
+gene2	3	20
+gene3	3	30
+gene4	0	0
+gene5	0	440
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+	cell1	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell8	cell9
+gene2	0.50	0	3	29.00	20	1.22	4.35	0	0.00
+gene5	1.00	0	0	-10.00	440	6.00	0.00	0	1.90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.fulltable.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell1	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell8	cell9
+gene1	9.348972		5.043817	-10.251376	9.474774	0.249844	-0.674871		-0.684475
+gene2	-0.151028		2.043817	28.848624	19.474774	0.369844	3.675129		-0.684475
+gene3	1.348972		2.043817	3.058624	29.474774	0.709844	7.775129		0.365525
+gene4	-0.651028		-0.956183	-0.151376	-0.525226	-0.850156	-0.674871		-0.684475
+gene5	0.348972		-0.956183	-10.151376	439.474774	5.149844	-0.674871		1.215525
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.matapp.colcust.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+cell1	14.50
+cell2	0.00
+cell3	15.00
+cell4	12.11
+cell5	520.00
+cell6	11.10
+cell7	12.80
+cell8	0.00
+cell9	2.95
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.matapp.rowmax.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+gene1	10
+gene2	29
+gene3	30
+gene4	0
+gene5	440
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.multiple.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell1	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell8	cell9
+gene1	23.401197	2.995732	15.258097	-17.907465	23.401197	5.249273	2.995732	2.995732	2.995732
+gene2	4.020425	2.995732	9.135494	61.891820	43.688879	5.494944	11.892532	2.995732	2.995732
+gene3	7.091042	2.995732	9.135494	9.564583	63.912023	6.190840	20.248148	2.995732	5.146901
+gene4	2.995732	2.995732	2.995732	2.995732	2.995732	2.995732	2.995732	2.995732	2.995732
+gene5	5.044522	2.995732	2.995732	-17.697415	886.131226	15.258097	2.995732	2.995732	6.886487
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell2	cell2
+gene1	0	6	-10.10	0	0
+gene2	0	3	29.00	0	0
+gene3	0	3	3.21	0	0
+gene4	0	0	0.00	0	0
+gene5	0	0	-10.00	0	0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	cell1	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell8	cell9
+gene2	0.50	0	3	29.00	20	1.22	4.35	0	0.00
+gene3	2.00	0	3	3.21	30	1.56	8.45	0	1.05
+gene4	0.00	0	0	0.00	0	0.00	0.00	0	0.00
+gene5	1.00	0	0	-10.00	440	6.00	0.00	0	1.90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell2	cell2
+gene2	0	3	29.00	0	0
+gene3	0	3	3.21	0	0
+gene4	0	0	0.00	0	0
+gene5	0	0	-10.00	0	0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/small.tsv	Sat Aug 17 16:25:37 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+	cell1	cell2	cell3	cell4	cell5	cell6	cell7	cell8	cell9
+gene1	10	0	6	-10.1	10	1.1	0	0	0
+gene2	0.5	0	3	29	20	1.22	4.35	0	0
+gene3	2	0	3	3.21	30	1.56	8.45	0	1.05
+gene4	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+gene5	1	0	0	-10	440	6	0	0	1.9