view rmarkdown_deseq2_count_matrix_render.R @ 2:8ceda5896765 draft default tip

fix error
author mingchen0919
date Wed, 03 Jan 2018 15:04:30 -0500
parents 629323b5fc0c
line wrap: on
line source


##============ Sink warnings and errors to a file ==============
## use the sink() function to wrap all code within it.
zz = file('warnings_and_errors.txt')
sink(zz, type = 'message')
  ##---------below is the code for rendering .Rmd templates-----

  ##=============STEP 1: handle command line arguments==========
  # column 1: the long flag name
  # column 2: the short flag alias. A SINGLE character string
  # column 3: argument mask
  #           0: no argument
  #           1: argument required
  #           2: argument is optional
  # column 4: date type to which the flag's argument shall be cast.
  #           possible values: logical, integer, double, complex, character.
  #++++++++++++++++++++ Best practice ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  # 1. short flag alias should match the flag in the command section in the XML file.
  # 2. long flag name can be any legal R variable names
  # 3. two names in args_list can have common string but one name should not be a part of another name.
  #    for example, one name is "ECHO", if another name is "ECHO_XXX", it will cause problems.
  ##------- 1. input data ---------------------
  args_list$ECHO = c('echo', 'e', '1', 'logical')
  args_list$c = c('count_data', 'c', '1', 'character')
  args_list$n = c('count_matrix_column_names', 'n', '1', 'character')
  args_list$n = c('count_matrix_column_names', 'n', '1', 'character')
  args_list$C = c('col_data', 'C', '1', 'character')
  args_list$D = c('design_formula', 'D', '1', 'character')
  args_list$k = c('contrast_condition', 'k', '1', 'character')
  args_list$T = c('treatment', 'T', '1', 'character')
  args_list$K = c('control', 'K', '1', 'character')
  ##--------2. output report and outputs --------------
  args_list$REPORT_HTML = c('report_html', 'r', '1', 'character')
  args_list$REPORT_DIR = c('report_dir', 'd', '1', 'character')
  args_list$SINK_MESSAGE = c('sink_message', 's', '1', 'character')
  ##--------3. .Rmd templates in the tool directory ----------
  args_list$TOOL_TEMPLATE_RMD = c('tool_template_rmd', 't', '1', 'character')
  opt = getopt(t(

  ##=======STEP 2: create report directory (optional)==========

  ##=STEP 3: replace placeholders in .Rmd with argument values=
  #++ need to replace placeholders with args values one by one+
  readLines(opt$tool_template_rmd) %>%
    # (function(x) {
    #   gsub('ECHO', opt$echo, x)
    # }) %>%
    # (function(x) {
    #   gsub('REPORT_DIR', opt$report_dir, x)
    # }) %>%
    (function(x) {
      fileConn = file('tool_template.Rmd')
      writeLines(x, con=fileConn)

  ##=============STEP 4: render .Rmd templates=================
  render('tool_template.Rmd', output_file = opt$report_html)

  ##--------end of code rendering .Rmd templates----------------
##=========== End of sinking output=============================