changeset 0:edf7f8ccf4af draft

planemo upload for repository commit 5be486890442dedfb327289d597e1c8110240735
author muon-spectroscopy-computational-project
date Tue, 14 Nov 2023 15:35:09 +0000
children 8ee2cc3374fe
files larch_feff.xml test-data/1564889.cif test-data/[CSV_summary_of_1564889.cif].csv test-data/[CSV_summary_of_test.inp].csv test-data/[FEFF_input_of_1564889.cif].txt test-data/test.inp
diffstat 7 files changed, 2278 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Nov 14 15:35:09 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import json
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+from larch.xafs.feffrunner import feff6l
+from import CifParser
+from import Atoms, Header, Potential
+def get_path_labels(paths_file):
+    is_meta = True
+    count = 0
+    a_path = {}
+    all_paths = {}
+    with open(paths_file) as datfile:
+        dat_lines = datfile.readlines()
+        for a_line in dat_lines:
+            count += 1
+            if re.match("-{15}", a_line.strip()) is not None:
+                is_meta = False
+            elif not is_meta:
+                if re.match(r"\s*\d*\s{4}\d*\s{3}", a_line) is not None:
+                    if a_path:
+                        all_paths[a_path["index"]] = a_path
+                    line_data = a_line.split()
+                    a_path = {
+                        "index": line_data[0],
+                        "nleg": line_data[1],
+                        "degeneracy": line_data[2],
+                    }
+                elif (
+                    re.match(r"\s{6}x\s{11}y\s{5}", a_line) is None
+                ):  # ignore the intermediate headings
+                    line_data = a_line.split()
+                    if "label" not in a_path:
+                        a_path["label"] = line_data[4].replace("'", "")
+                    else:
+                        a_path["label"] += "." + line_data[4].replace("'", "")
+    if a_path and "index" in a_path:
+        all_paths[a_path["index"]] = a_path
+    return all_paths
+def main(structure_file: str, file_format: dict):
+    crystal_f = Path(structure_file)
+    feff_dir = "feff"
+    feff_inp = "feff.inp"
+    header_inp = "header"
+    atoms_inp = "atoms"
+    potential_inp = "potential"
+    path = Path(feff_dir, feff_inp)
+    path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    if file_format["format"] == "cif":
+        print(f"Parsing {} and saving to {path}")
+        cif_parser = CifParser(crystal_f)
+        structures = cif_parser.get_structures()
+        length = len(structures)
+        if length != 1:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Execpted single structure in cif file but found {length}"
+            )
+        try:
+            aborsbing_atom = int(file_format["absorbing_atom"])
+        except ValueError:
+            # aborsbing_atom can be int or chemical symbol
+            aborsbing_atom = file_format["absorbing_atom"]
+        feff_header = Header(structures[0])
+        potential = Potential(structures[0], aborsbing_atom)
+        atoms = Atoms(structures[0], aborsbing_atom, file_format["radius"])
+        # if len(atoms.struct.sites) < len(potential.):
+        # print(atoms.as_dict())
+        feff_header.write_file(header_inp)
+        potential.write_file(potential_inp)
+        atoms.write_file(atoms_inp)
+        with open(path, "w") as feff_inp_file:
+            with open(header_inp) as f:
+                header_text =
+                print(header_text)
+                feff_inp_file.write(header_text + "\n")
+            with open(potential_inp) as f:
+                potential_text = f.readlines()
+                print(*potential_text)
+                feff_inp_file.writelines(potential_text + ["\n"])
+            with open(atoms_inp) as f:
+                atoms_text = f.readlines()
+                print(*atoms_text)
+                feff_inp_file.writelines(atoms_text + ["\n"])
+        if len(atoms_text) <= len(potential_text):
+            print(
+                "WARNING: Every potential in the structure must be represented"
+                " by at least one atom, consider increasing the radius"
+            )
+    else:
+        print(f"Copying {} to {path}")
+        shutil.copy(crystal_f, path)
+    feff6l(folder=feff_dir, feffinp=feff_inp)
+    feff_files = "files.dat"
+    input_file = Path(feff_dir, feff_files)
+    # the .dat data is stored in fixed width strings
+    comma_positions = [13, 21, 32, 41, 48, 61]
+    paths_data = []
+    # get the list of paths info to assign labels to paths
+    try:
+        paths_info = get_path_labels(Path(feff_dir, "paths.dat"))
+    except FileNotFoundError as err:
+        raise FileNotFoundError(
+            "paths.dat does not exist, which implies FEFF failed to run"
+        ) from err
+    print("Reading from: " + str(input_file))
+    with open(input_file) as datfile:
+        # Read until we find the line at the end of the header
+        line = datfile.readline()
+        while not re.match("-+", line.strip()):
+            line = datfile.readline()
+        # Build headers
+        line = datfile.readline()
+        header = ""
+        start = 0
+        for end in comma_positions:
+            header += line[start:end] + ","
+            start = end
+        header += f" {'label':30s}, {'select':6s}\n"
+        paths_data.append(header)
+        # Read data
+        line = datfile.readline()
+        while line:
+            data = ""
+            start = 0
+            for end in comma_positions[:-1]:
+                data += line[start:end] + ","
+                start = end
+            # Last column needs padding to align
+            data += line[start:-1] + "     ,"
+            # Add label and select column
+            path_id = int(data[5:9])
+            try:
+                label = paths_info[str(path_id)]["label"] + f".{path_id}"
+            except KeyError as err:
+                msg = f"{path_id} not in {paths_info.keys()}"
+                raise KeyError(msg) from err
+            data += f" {label:30s}, {0:6d}\n"
+            paths_data.append(data)
+            line = datfile.readline()
+    with open("out.csv", "w") as out:
+        out.writelines(paths_data)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    structure_file = sys.argv[1]
+    input_values = json.load(open(sys.argv[2], "r", encoding="utf-8"))
+    main(structure_file, input_values["format"])
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/larch_feff.xml	Tue Nov 14 15:35:09 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+<tool id="larch_feff" name="Larch FEFF" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@WRAPPER_VERSION@" python_template_version="3.5" profile="22.05" license="MIT">
+    <description>generate FEFF paths from XAFS data</description>
+    <macros>
+        <!-- version of underlying tool (PEP 440) -->
+        <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">0.9.71</token>
+        <!-- version of this tool wrapper (integer) -->
+        <token name="@WRAPPER_VERSION@">0</token>
+        <!-- citation should be updated with every underlying tool version -->
+        <!-- typical fields to update are version, month, year, and doi -->
+        <token name="@TOOL_CITATION@">10.1088/1742-6596/430/1/012007</token>
+    </macros>
+    <creator>
+        <person givenName="Patrick" familyName="Austin" url="" identifier=""/>
+    </creator>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="@TOOL_VERSION@">xraylarch</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.5.2">matplotlib</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.0">zip</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <required_files>
+        <include type="literal" path=""/>
+    </required_files>
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
+        python '${__tool_directory__}/' '$format.structure_file' '$inputs'
+        && zip -r feff
+    ]]></command>
+    <configfiles>
+        <inputs name="inputs"/>
+    </configfiles>
+    <inputs>
+        <conditional name="format">
+            <param name="format" type="select" display="radio" label="Structure file format">
+                <option value="feff" selected="true">FEFF input</option>
+                <option value="cif">CIF</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="feff">
+                <param name="structure_file" type="data" format="inp" label="Crystal structure file" help="Crystal structure file to be used for fitting, already in FEFF .inp format."/>
+            </when>
+            <when value="cif">
+                <param name="structure_file" type="data" format="cif" label="Crystal structure file" help="Crystal structure file to be used for fitting, in CIF format."/>
+                <param name="absorbing_atom" type="text" value="0" label="Absorbing atom" help="Either the chemical symbol or index of the absorbing atom within the structure."/>
+                <param name="radius" type="float" value="4.0" label="Radius" help="Atoms within this distance of the absorbing atom will be included in the FEFF calculation. Note that this must include at least one atom for each unique potential identified in the strucutre. Larger radii will lead to more potential scattering paths."/>
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="out_csv" format="feff" from_work_dir="out.csv" label="CSV summary of ${}"/>
+        <data name="out_dir" format="zip" from_work_dir="" label="FEFF paths of ${}"/>
+        <data name="feff_inp" format="inp" from_work_dir="feff/feff.inp" label="FEFF input of ${}">
+            <filter>format["format"]=="cif"</filter>
+        </data>
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <!-- Test FEFF input -->
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
+            <conditional name="format">
+                <param name="format" value="feff"/>
+                <param name="structure_file" value="test.inp"/>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="out_csv" file="[CSV_summary_of_test.inp].csv"/>
+            <output name="out_dir">
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_size value="276800" delta="100"/>
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <!-- Test CIF input -->
+        <test expect_num_outputs="3">
+            <conditional name="format">
+                <param name="format" value="cif"/>
+                <param name="structure_file" value="1564889.cif"/>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="feff_inp" file="[FEFF_input_of_1564889.cif].txt"/>
+            <output name="out_csv" file="[CSV_summary_of_1564889.cif].csv"/>
+            <output name="out_dir">
+                <assert_contents>
+                    <has_size value="85700" delta="100"/>
+                </assert_contents>
+            </output>
+        </test>
+        <!-- Test CIF input failure with low radius -->
+        <test expect_failure="true">
+            <conditional name="format">
+                <param name="format" value="cif"/>
+                <param name="structure_file" value="1564889.cif"/>
+                <param name="absorbing_atom" value="S"/>
+                <param name="radius" value="0.1"/>
+            </conditional>
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help><![CDATA[
+        Runs a FEFF6 calculation to find potential scattering paths in the provided structure.
+        If a ``cif`` file is used, the formatted FEFF ``inp`` file will be produced as an output that can be used again in the future.
+        Be aware that the choice of Absorbing atom and Radius will affect the success of the calculation, as all unique potentials must be represented in the final structure.
+        It is also possible that the ``cif`` file itself is not suitable, for example chemical symbols denoting ions (e.g. ``Fe2+``) are not supported.
+    ]]></help>
+    <citations>
+        <citation type="doi">@TOOL_CITATION@</citation>
+        <citation type="doi">10.1107/S0909049505012719</citation>
+        <citation type="doi">10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.10.028</citation>
+    </citations>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/1564889.cif	Tue Nov 14 15:35:09 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1650 @@
+#$Date: 2021-10-09 01:09:41 +0300 (Sat, 09 Oct 2021) $
+#$Revision: 269866 $
+#$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/1/56/48/1564889.cif $
+# This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD),
+# All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the
+# contributors.
+'Ma, KeYuan'
+'Lef\`evre, Robin'
+'Li, Qingtian'
+'Lago, Jorge'
+'Blacque, Olivier'
+'Yang, Wanli'
+'von Rohr, Fabian O.'
+ Synthetic control over polymorph formation in the d-band semiconductor
+ system FeS2
+_journal_name_full               'Chemical Science'
+_journal_paper_doi               10.1039/D1SC03026D
+_journal_year                    2021
+_chemical_formula_moiety         'Fe S2'
+_chemical_formula_sum            'Fe S2'
+_chemical_formula_weight         119.97
+_chemical_name_systematic        Marcasite
+_space_group_crystal_system      orthorhombic
+_space_group_IT_number           58
+_space_group_name_Hall           '-P 2 2n'
+_space_group_name_H-M_alt        'P n n m'
+_atom_sites_solution_primary     dual
+_audit_creation_date             2018-05-07
+Olex2 1.2
+(compiled 2018.04.26 svn.r3504 for OlexSys, GUI svn.r5492)
+2021-02-24 deposited with the CCDC.	2021-09-20 downloaded from the CCDC.
+_cell_angle_alpha                90
+_cell_angle_beta                 90
+_cell_angle_gamma                90
+_cell_formula_units_Z            2
+_cell_length_a                   4.4474(4)
+_cell_length_b                   5.4287(4)
+_cell_length_c                   3.3852(3)
+_cell_measurement_reflns_used    884
+_cell_measurement_temperature    160(1)
+_cell_measurement_theta_max      32.6
+_cell_measurement_theta_min      5.9
+_cell_volume                     81.731(12)
+_computing_cell_refinement       'CrysAlisPro (Rigaku OD, 2015)'
+_computing_data_collection       'CrysAlisPro (Rigaku OD, 2015)'
+_computing_data_reduction        'CrysAlisPro (Rigaku OD, 2015)'
+_computing_molecular_graphics    'Olex2 (Dolomanov et al., 2009)'
+_computing_publication_material  'Olex2 (Dolomanov et al., 2009)'
+_computing_structure_refinement  'ShelXL (Sheldrick, 2015b)'
+_computing_structure_solution    'ShelXT (Sheldrick, 2015a)'
+_diffrn_ambient_environment      N~2~
+_diffrn_ambient_temperature      160(1)
+_diffrn_detector                 'CCD plate'
+_diffrn_detector_type            'Pilatus 200K'
+_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.978
+_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.982
+List of Runs (angles in degrees, time in seconds):
+  # Type    Start    End  Width  t~exp~   \w     \q     \k     \f   Frames
+  1  \w    -27.00  22.00   0.50    0.40    --  -10.35 -99.00-120.00   98
+  2  \w    -20.00  67.00   0.50    0.40    --  -10.35  38.00 150.00  174
+  3  \w    -23.00  64.00   0.50    0.40    --  -10.35  51.00  61.00  174
+  4  \w    -68.00  18.00   0.50    0.40    --    9.10 -38.00 -60.00  172
+  5  \w    -27.00  20.00   0.50    0.40    --  -10.35 -99.00 120.00   94
+  6  \w    -20.00  69.00   0.50    0.40    --  -10.35  19.00-120.00  178
+_diffrn_measurement_device       'four-circle diffractometer'
+_diffrn_measurement_device_type  'XtaLAB Synergy, Dualflex, Pilatus 200K'
+_diffrn_measurement_method       '\w scans'
+'CrysAlisPro convention (1999,Acta A55,543-557)'
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_11      0.0324086000
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_12      0.1195180000
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_13      -0.1285090000
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_21      -0.1184482000
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_22      0.0643839000
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_23      0.0259992000
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_31      0.0446231000
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_32      0.0840167000
+_diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_33      0.1631699000
+_diffrn_radiation_monochromator  mirror
+_diffrn_radiation_probe          x-ray
+_diffrn_radiation_type           MoK\a
+_diffrn_radiation_wavelength     0.71073
+_diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents  0.0582
+_diffrn_reflns_av_unetI/netI     0.0244
+_diffrn_reflns_Laue_measured_fraction_full 0.978
+_diffrn_reflns_Laue_measured_fraction_max 0.982
+_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max       5
+_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min       -5
+_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max       7
+_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min       -7
+_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max       4
+_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min       -4
+_diffrn_reflns_number            979
+_diffrn_reflns_point_group_measured_fraction_full 0.978
+_diffrn_reflns_point_group_measured_fraction_max 0.982
+_diffrn_reflns_theta_full        25.242
+_diffrn_reflns_theta_max         27.866
+_diffrn_reflns_theta_min         5.929
+_diffrn_source                   'micro-focus sealed X-ray tube'
+_diffrn_source_type              'PhotonJet (Mo) X-ray Source'
+_exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu    11.144
+_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max  0.883
+_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min  0.505
+_exptl_absorpt_correction_type   analytical
+CrysAlisPro (Rigaku Oxford Diffraction, 2015)
+Analytical numeric absorption correction using a multifaceted crystal
+model based on expressions derived by R.C. Clark & J.S. Reid.
+(Clark, R. C. & Reid, J. S. (1995). Acta Cryst. A51, 887-897)
+Empirical absorption correction using spherical harmonics,
+ implemented in SCALE3 ABSPACK scaling algorithm.
+_exptl_crystal_colour            black
+_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn    4.875
+_exptl_crystal_description       plate
+_exptl_crystal_F_000             116
+_exptl_crystal_recrystallization_method 'Hydrothermal method'
+_exptl_crystal_size_max          0.09
+_exptl_crystal_size_mid          0.06
+_exptl_crystal_size_min          0.015
+_refine_diff_density_max         1.840
+_refine_diff_density_min         -0.930
+_refine_diff_density_rms         0.256
+_refine_ls_extinction_coef       0.26(3)
+_refine_ls_extinction_expression Fc^*^=kFc[1+0.001xFc^2^\l^3^/sin(2\q)]^-1/4^
+_refine_ls_extinction_method     'SHELXL-2018/3 (Sheldrick, 2018)'
+_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref   1.187
+_refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment    undef
+_refine_ls_matrix_type           full
+_refine_ls_number_parameters     12
+_refine_ls_number_reflns         112
+_refine_ls_number_restraints     0
+_refine_ls_restrained_S_all      1.187
+_refine_ls_R_factor_all          0.0266
+_refine_ls_R_factor_gt           0.0253
+_refine_ls_shift/su_max          0.000
+_refine_ls_shift/su_mean         0.000
+_refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd
+'w=1/[\s^2^(Fo^2^)+(0.0350P)^2^+0.2064P] where P=(Fo^2^+2Fc^2^)/3'
+_refine_ls_weighting_scheme      calc
+_refine_ls_wR_factor_gt          0.0631
+_refine_ls_wR_factor_ref         0.0638
+_reflns_Friedel_coverage         0.000
+_reflns_number_gt                105
+_reflns_number_total             112
+_reflns_threshold_expression     'I > 2\s(I)'
+_cod_data_source_file            d1sc03026d2.cif
+_cod_data_source_block           kma0205
+_cod_database_code               1564889
+_shelx_shelxl_version_number     2018/3
+The symmetry employed for this shelxl refinement is uniquely defined
+by the following loop, which should always be used as a source of
+symmetry information in preference to the above space-group names.
+They are only intended as comments.
+_shelx_estimated_absorpt_t_max   0.851
+_shelx_estimated_absorpt_t_min   0.434
+TITL exp_202_a.res in Pnnm
+    new.res
+    created by SHELXL-2018/3 at 13:53:49 on 04-May-2018
+CELL 0.71073 4.4474 5.4287 3.3852 90 90 90
+ZERR 2 0.0004 0.0004 0.0003 0 0 0
+SYMM -X,-Y,+Z
+SYMM 0.5+X,0.5-Y,0.5-Z
+SYMM 0.5-X,0.5+Y,0.5-Z
+UNIT 2 4
+L.S. 8 0 0
+PLAN  20
+SIZE 0.015 0.06 0.09
+TEMP -113.1(10)
+list 4
+fmap 2 53
+SHEL 100 0.76
+OMIT 0 2 0
+OMIT 0 6 0
+REM <olex2.extras>
+REM <HklSrc "%.\\new.hkl">
+REM </olex2.extras>
+WGHT    0.035000    0.206400
+EXTI    0.256184
+FVAR       3.97198
+FE1   1    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    10.25000    0.00313    0.00347 =
+         0.00316    0.00000    0.00000    0.00016
+S1    2    0.199942    0.378036    0.000000    10.50000    0.00320    0.00358 =
+         0.00371    0.00000    0.00000   -0.00005
+REM  exp_202_a.res in Pnnm
+REM wR2 = 0.0638, GooF = S = 1.187, Restrained GooF = 1.187 for all data
+REM R1 = 0.0253 for 105 Fo > 4sig(Fo) and 0.0266 for all 112 data
+REM 12 parameters refined using 0 restraints
+WGHT      0.0350      0.2067
+REM Highest difference peak  1.840,  deepest hole -0.930,  1-sigma level  0.256
+Q1    1   0.0000  0.5000  0.0000  10.25000  0.05    1.84
+Q2    1   0.1984  0.1378  0.0000  10.50000  0.05    0.88
+Q3    1   0.5044  0.2392  0.0000  10.50000  0.05    0.72
+Q4    1   0.1940  0.5020 -0.2098  11.00000  0.05    0.62
+Q5    1   0.1599  0.0184 -0.1776  11.00000  0.05    0.50
+Q6    1   0.3043  0.3555  0.1036  11.00000  0.05    0.49
+Q7    1  -0.0565  0.3615  0.2794  11.00000  0.05    0.49
+Q8    1   0.2838  0.3744  0.0000  10.50000  0.05    0.47
+Q9    1   0.0217 -0.1391  0.2335  11.00000  0.05    0.45
+Q10   1   0.3072  0.6251  0.0000  10.50000  0.05    0.39
+Q11   1   0.2041  0.2445 -0.3244  11.00000  0.05    0.35
+Q12   1   0.0920  0.3079 -0.0913  11.00000  0.05    0.33
+Q13   1   0.3464 -0.1021  0.0000  10.50000  0.05    0.19
+Q14   1  -0.1475  0.2088  0.0000  10.50000  0.05    0.15
+Q15   1   0.0000  0.5000 -0.5000  10.25000  0.05    0.08
+_shelx_res_checksum              62083
+   0   1   0 17.0301 12.9717   2
+   0  -1   0 45.0595 14.3535   1
+   0   1   0 6.46844 12.1951   4
+   0   2   0 30086.5 1004.65   2
+   0  -2   0 32428.3 984.332   1
+   0   2   0 33217.3 1057.85   4
+   0   3   0-20.9750 29.4424   4
+   0  -3   0 20.7081 19.3787   2
+   0   3   0-7.84892 17.0683   2
+   0  -3   0 18.1788 18.6354   1
+   0   4   0 96.0775 46.6685   2
+   0  -4   0 276.886 64.5917   2
+   0   4   0 229.978 78.8027   4
+   0   5   0 13.2447 28.8058   2
+   0  -5   0 21.7186 27.2720   2
+   0   6   0 6670.26 513.546   4
+   0  -6   0 5551.85 377.050   2
+   0  -6   0 6882.98 398.390   1
+   0  -7   0 29.3964 26.1091   2
+   0   7   0 25.9238 46.0354   4
+   1   0   0 5.27845 26.5087   6
+   1   0   0 28.3142 12.9559   5
+  -1   0   0-18.4258 19.6300   3
+   1   1   0 13831.6 497.581   4
+   1   1   0 14403.4 460.638   6
+  -1   1   0 14627.1 509.241   3
+  -1  -1   0 13266.3 489.873   3
+  -1   1   0 12715.0 515.296   2
+   1   2   0 22028.4 768.741   4
+   1   2   0 21041.9 698.262   6
+  -1   2   0 21416.8 700.904   1
+  -1  -2   0 21147.8 735.527   2
+  -1   2   0 20222.8 740.778   2
+  -1   3   0 22104.3 755.814   1
+  -1  -3   0 22251.8 801.655   2
+   1  -3   0 20157.4 799.426   2
+  -1   3   0 21483.6 808.397   2
+   1  -4   0 66.5103 41.7666   2
+   1   4   0 98.6837 53.1105   4
+  -1   4   0 10.7615 27.0452   2
+  -1  -4   0 46.0221 32.7047   2
+  -1  -5   0 11857.6 563.785   1
+  -1   5   0 13392.0 636.767   2
+  -1   5   0 11944.3 679.240   4
+   1   5   0 13193.7 698.321   4
+  -1  -5   0 12200.4 570.047   2
+   1  -5   0 11450.1 596.453   2
+   1   6   0 7770.63 558.499   4
+  -1  -6   0 7981.93 458.300   2
+  -1  -6   0 8070.28 467.891   1
+   1  -6   0 7420.70 475.152   2
+  -1   6   0 7510.89 563.739   4
+  -1   6   0 8613.13 522.354   2
+   1   7   0 2503.68 321.796   4
+  -1   7   0 3008.20 360.388   4
+  -1  -7   0 2682.13 258.956   2
+   1  -7   0 2085.93 251.744   2
+   2   0   0 263.004 43.7167   5
+  -2   0   0 292.531 64.7408   6
+  -2   0   0 274.712 61.5587   3
+   2   0   0 211.899 75.7143   6
+  -2  -1   0 4624.58 270.337   3
+  -2  -1   0 4469.77 186.024   5
+  -2  -1   0 4321.39 232.411   6
+   2   1   0 4715.70 300.169   4
+  -2   1   0 4090.67 259.033   3
+   2   1   0 4063.31 242.831   6
+  -2   2   0 15937.5 691.382   2
+   2   2   0 15498.6 583.557   6
+   2   2   0 15253.2 662.643   4
+  -2  -2   0 17258.6 669.491   3
+  -2  -3   0 2810.93 236.314   2
+   2   3   0 3556.45 280.331   4
+  -2  -3   0 2936.57 254.429   3
+  -2   3   0 3283.70 268.348   2
+   2   3   0 3269.53 215.591   6
+  -2   3   0 2939.36 200.904   1
+   2  -3   0 3262.82 285.719   3
+   2   4   0 32020.8 1281.44   4
+  -2   4   0 33698.2 1267.78   2
+  -2   4   0 33309.2 1153.01   1
+   2  -4   0 36730.9 1383.19   3
+   2   4   0 34598.1 1175.05   6
+  -2  -4   0 31914.6 1265.48   4
+  -2  -4   0 33161.5 1224.34   2
+  -2  -5   0 1265.52 189.705   4
+   2  -5   0 1488.55 231.284   3
+   2   5   0 1429.07 210.473   4
+  -2   5   0 1270.10 186.494   2
+  -2   5   0 1436.57 154.405   1
+  -2  -5   0 1169.89 163.578   2
+   2   5   0 1512.07 174.552   6
+   2  -6   0 6833.58 557.108   3
+  -2  -6   0 6605.65 445.363   1
+  -2   6   0 6067.15 508.289   4
+   2   6   0 6631.33 513.479   4
+  -2  -6   0 6596.59 427.815   2
+   2   7   0 1658.75 261.441   4
+  -2  -7   0 1319.64 186.321   2
+   2  -7   0 1483.81 266.556   3
+  -2   7   0 1566.61 261.424   4
+  -3   0   0-33.4977 39.6523   6
+  -3   0   0-11.3209 24.6205   3
+  -3   0   0-12.5102 27.2065   4
+   3   0   0 6.40271 17.9777   5
+   3  -1   0 31641.6 1054.40   5
+   3  -1   0 30011.4 1133.39   3
+  -3   1   0 31013.9 1134.44   3
+  -3  -1   0 31482.9 1064.33   6
+  -3  -1   0 29531.1 1114.82   3
+   3   1   0 30177.5 1159.30   6
+   3   1   0 27842.1 1112.76   3
+  -3   1   0 31881.3 1271.86   6
+  -3   2   0 5090.48 355.561   3
+   3  -2   0 4779.33 314.671   5
+   3   2   0 4876.08 372.364   4
+  -3  -2   0 5466.81 352.541   3
+  -3   2   0 5398.36 386.129   2
+  -3  -2   0 4966.01 274.802   6
+  -3   2   0 4540.97 425.369   6
+   3   2   0 4857.91 314.167   6
+  -3  -2   0 5357.85 211.227   5
+   3  -2   0 5490.38 378.786   3
+  -3  -3   0 1616.04 198.573   3
+   3   3   0 1348.64 198.408   4
+  -3   3   0 1314.08 188.804   2
+   3  -3   0 1408.73 201.787   3
+  -3  -3   0 1500.41 103.197   5
+   3   3   0 1374.31 153.429   6
+  -3  -3   0 2126.57 238.532   4
+  -3   3   0 1423.03 152.833   1
+  -3   4   0 10.2296 22.2695   1
+   3   4   0 77.8294 44.1553   6
+  -3  -4   0 51.1821 47.9072   2
+   3   4   0 40.5131 56.8773   4
+  -3   4   0 140.170 62.2281   2
+  -3  -4   0 54.7234 39.6806   4
+   3  -4   0 20.4100 44.3954   3
+  -3   5   0 416.667 87.5688   1
+  -3  -5   0 186.186 77.0538   2
+   3  -5   0 273.721 112.938   3
+   3   5   0 366.173 125.510   4
+  -3  -6   0 2234.95 251.570   2
+   3   6   0 2544.79 328.998   4
+   3  -6   0 2235.97 326.143   3
+  -4   0   0 17384.6 793.778   3
+  -4   0   0 14822.3 777.347   4
+   4   0   0 16314.0 782.671   3
+  -4   0   0 17465.1 780.647   6
+   4   0   0 16960.8 646.954   5
+  -4  -1   0 5549.98 398.003   3
+   4   1   0 5120.28 393.959   3
+  -4   1   0 5421.96 449.501   6
+  -4   1   0 5357.74 422.683   4
+   4  -1   0 5837.29 421.314   3
+  -4  -1   0 5607.74 346.938   6
+   4  -1   0 5809.45 357.330   5
+  -4   1   0 5317.13 399.809   3
+  -4   2   0 8926.64 626.026   6
+  -4   2   0 8289.33 521.990   3
+  -4  -2   0 8134.51 410.734   6
+   4  -2   0 8764.96 552.309   3
+  -4   2   0 6921.84 505.419   2
+  -4  -2   0 6972.24 476.586   3
+   4   2   0 6924.42 482.699   6
+   4  -2   0 8431.79 479.238   5
+  -4   3   0 4276.52 459.869   6
+   4  -3   0 5137.42 385.445   5
+   4  -3   0 5958.30 468.954   3
+   4   3   0 4826.02 432.403   4
+   4  -4   0 2061.56 292.388   3
+  -4   4   0 2307.93 364.624   6
+   4   4   0 2977.57 360.062   4
+  -4   4   0 2110.28 214.898   1
+   4  -5   0 2872.97 369.041   3
+  -4  -5   0 3045.07 333.656   2
+   4   5   0 2608.83 359.542   4
+  -4  -6   0 3341.53 339.803   2
+   4   6   0 4228.72 469.483   4
+   5   0   0 20.1832 35.8404   3
+   5  -1   0 124.204 68.8484   3
+   5   1   0 123.593 77.6619   3
+  -5  -1   0 196.276 71.6920   6
+  -5   1   0 68.5895 64.2778   6
+  -5  -2   0 11.6388 29.2261   6
+  -5   2   0-27.1020 48.1214   6
+   5  -2   0-23.4162 50.9212   3
+  -5   3   0 14009.1 911.086   6
+   5  -3   0 15387.4 894.174   3
+   5  -4   0 57.5963 51.1869   3
+  -5   4   0 209.508 107.410   6
+   6   0   0 7605.75 587.876   3
+  -6   0   0 7247.76 507.785   6
+  -6  -1   0 2844.64 271.474   6
+  -6   1   0 2744.56 334.998   6
+   6  -1   0 2872.17 352.734   3
+   6   1   0 2983.80 352.336   3
+   6  -2   0 3816.51 423.168   3
+  -6   2   0 3960.36 442.709   6
+   0   0  -1 11.9504 15.8177   2
+   0   0   1 6.04434 8.05364   4
+   0   0  -1-4.48441 16.8927   1
+   0  -1   1 1017.03 98.9301   6
+   0   1  -1 888.318 52.1433   4
+   0   1  -1 1080.90 59.0405   2
+   0   1   1 1021.87 94.7487   5
+   0   1  -1 1281.86 117.297   1
+   0  -1  -1 970.024 69.0688   1
+   0   1  -1 1011.75 97.5107   6
+   0  -2  -1-17.8859 21.1722   5
+   0   2   1 26.3310 26.9927   2
+   0   2  -1 33.2690 19.7912   4
+   0   2  -1-18.0551 27.7632   6
+   0   3   1 37951.3 1327.93   2
+   0   3  -1 38520.8 1138.29   2
+   0  -3  -1 37543.2 1095.87   1
+   0   3  -1 36682.3 1244.27   4
+   0  -3  -1 37393.2 1258.41   5
+   0  -4  -1 101.727 51.1659   5
+   0  -4  -1 9.99874 12.5538   1
+   0   4  -1-5.53452 15.5378   2
+   0   4   1 62.7496 44.0406   4
+   0  -4   1-12.7931 22.7149   1
+   0  -4  -1-13.0901 23.2423   2
+   0   4   1 28.2571 39.6643   2
+   0  -5  -1 27673.0 1081.97   5
+   0   5  -1 28098.2 1107.76   4
+   0   5   1 28137.9 1156.91   2
+   0   5   1 26574.1 1178.01   4
+   0  -5  -1 26664.2 1096.51   2
+   0  -5   1 27945.5 1102.93   1
+   0  -5  -1 26739.6 855.958   1
+   0   6  -1-18.3452 32.5732   4
+   0   6   1 23.9125 42.4581   4
+   0  -6  -1 34.2792 43.0378   2
+   0  -7  -1 366.751 106.035   2
+   0  -7   1 327.960 97.4855   1
+   0   7  -1 281.688 98.5169   4
+   0   7   1 389.375 139.976   4
+   1   0   1 34327.4 1172.72   3
+  -1   0  -1 34899.5 1186.24   4
+   1   0  -1 41919.8 1164.71   3
+   1   0   1 36657.9 1263.80   6
+   1   0   1 33037.8 1194.83   4
+  -1   0  -1 36683.4 1158.81   3
+  -1   0   1 38638.0 1180.71   2
+   1   0  -1 43707.9 1211.08   2
+   1  -1  -1 16269.0 545.019   5
+  -1  -1  -1 11729.9 493.687   4
+  -1  -1   1 15186.6 486.809   3
+  -1  -1   1 13286.8 432.344   2
+   1   1   1 11655.7 506.792   6
+   1  -1   1 11381.4 477.465   3
+  -1  -1   1 15223.1 464.906   4
+   1   1  -1 16267.4 500.838   4
+   1  -1  -1 13891.6 481.735   3
+  -1  -1  -1 12639.2 472.763   3
+  -1   1  -1 11773.5 509.719   1
+   1   1   1 11218.4 432.332   5
+  -1   2  -1 17417.7 691.743   2
+  -1   2   1 23066.6 779.655   2
+   1   2  -1 23375.8 715.065   4
+  -1  -2   1 23253.2 707.414   4
+   1  -2   1 17411.7 727.634   3
+  -1  -2  -1 18097.6 661.270   5
+   1  -2  -1 21316.7 764.205   3
+   1   2   1 16946.9 716.686   6
+   1   2  -1 21017.8 648.635   6
+  -1  -3  -1 8552.84 391.230   5
+   1   3   1 8097.25 437.641   6
+  -1   3  -1 7955.40 441.673   1
+  -1  -3  -1 7553.08 452.366   4
+  -1   3   1 10681.4 496.401   2
+  -1   3  -1 8405.53 383.670   2
+   1   3  -1 10441.2 446.926   4
+  -1  -3   1 10667.4 334.683   2
+   1   3   1 7300.37 450.828   4
+  -1  -3   1 9922.63 428.147   4
+  -1  -4   1 5728.23 364.811   1
+   1   4  -1 6387.78 365.897   4
+   1  -4   1 4797.42 341.130   1
+   1   4   1 4859.30 377.729   4
+  -1   4   1 5654.99 404.783   4
+  -1   4   1 5812.36 386.362   2
+  -1  -4  -1 4482.70 351.406   2
+   1   4   1 5135.44 357.455   6
+   1  -4  -1 6236.34 375.927   5
+  -1   4  -1 4595.73 277.799   2
+  -1  -4   1 5438.11 239.789   2
+  -1   4  -1 4300.10 319.107   1
+  -1  -4  -1 5100.69 316.666   5
+   1  -4  -1 5279.29 370.371   2
+  -1  -5  -1 3823.00 305.036   5
+   1   5  -1 5025.44 352.809   4
+   1   5   1 3291.10 343.471   4
+   1   5   1 4299.68 350.193   6
+   1  -5   1 4205.53 333.709   1
+  -1  -5  -1 4060.88 342.720   2
+  -1   5   1 5177.69 421.522   4
+  -1   5  -1 3443.24 319.431   4
+  -1   5  -1 3865.73 275.180   2
+  -1  -5   1 5587.70 381.892   1
+  -1   5   1 4988.63 388.665   2
+  -1  -5   1 4194.74 222.497   2
+   1  -5  -1 4446.95 355.573   2
+   1  -5  -1 5058.39 360.720   5
+  -1  -6  -1 5428.94 400.455   5
+   1   6  -1 6455.75 443.900   4
+   1   6   1 4199.15 427.231   4
+  -1  -6   1 6963.45 469.252   1
+  -1   6  -1 4915.71 423.282   4
+  -1   6   1 6588.83 528.248   4
+  -1  -6   1 5649.20 285.553   2
+   1  -6  -1 6043.03 444.527   2
+  -1  -6  -1 4787.63 403.334   2
+  -1   7  -1 3681.61 381.021   4
+   1   7  -1 4926.85 412.643   4
+  -1   7   1 5719.29 521.444   4
+   1  -7  -1 4289.17 391.810   2
+  -1  -7   1 5231.47 423.541   1
+  -1   7  -1 4034.96 497.377   6
+  -1  -7  -1 3785.89 366.436   2
+   1   7   1 3549.63 414.354   4
+  -2   0   1 8.95007 22.4747   5
+  -2   0   1-17.5323 26.9598   2
+  -2   0   1 8.15225 22.8876   3
+  -2   0  -1 20.2710 23.9957   3
+   2   0  -1-13.6025 20.9173   3
+   2   0   1-8.00444 22.4726   3
+   2   0   1-36.6618 46.0294   6
+   2  -1  -1 35765.4 1223.83   5
+  -2  -1  -1 34489.9 1206.95   3
+   2  -1   1 33756.7 1383.57   6
+   2  -1   1 38047.8 1257.12   3
+  -2  -1   1 35502.3 1220.81   3
+   2   1   1 37126.7 1250.46   3
+  -2  -1   1 36608.5 1216.41   4
+  -2  -1   1 36606.2 1218.28   5
+  -2   1  -1 35876.4 1216.10   3
+   2   1   1 39891.5 1298.12   6
+   2  -2  -1 5112.62 318.027   5
+  -2  -2  -1 6380.41 376.363   4
+   2   2  -1 6095.05 355.718   4
+  -2  -2   1 5529.16 320.547   3
+  -2  -2  -1 5497.99 337.589   6
+  -2  -2  -1 6223.96 339.407   3
+  -2  -2   1 5548.27 306.808   4
+  -2   2  -1 5951.79 342.402   1
+  -2   2   1 5818.01 363.461   2
+   2   2   1 6360.82 357.447   6
+   2  -2   1 5500.28 345.355   3
+   2   3  -1 1864.80 194.998   4
+  -2   3  -1 1607.95 246.263   6
+   2  -3  -1 1672.42 182.950   5
+  -2   3   1 1712.88 202.367   2
+   2   3   1 1592.67 193.647   4
+  -2  -3   1 1876.89 181.488   4
+  -2  -3   1 2012.60 202.221   3
+  -2  -3  -1 1951.21 212.123   4
+  -2  -3  -1 1828.87 112.658   5
+  -2  -3  -1 1232.66 178.851   2
+   2  -3  -1 2193.06 226.559   3
+   2  -3   1 1767.20 202.949   3
+  -2   3  -1 1861.26 182.425   2
+   2  -3  -1 1859.06 212.890   2
+  -2  -3  -1 2026.87 198.039   3
+  -2   3  -1 1715.04 181.435   1
+   2   3  -1 1843.36 102.006   6
+  -2   3   1 1641.50 109.544   1
+   2   3   1 2059.05 196.842   6
+   2  -4   1 49.9609 46.7556   3
+  -2   4  -1 75.0686 47.1267   1
+  -2  -4  -1 33.7974 47.4436   2
+  -2  -4  -1-14.5001 25.7502   3
+  -2   4   1 32.9360 46.2344   2
+   2   4  -1-14.0236 30.4995   4
+  -2  -4   1-12.6019 31.6471   4
+   2   4   1 16.9125 30.0328   4
+  -2  -4  -1 49.8487 41.7261   4
+   2   4  -1 33.3890 24.2073   6
+  -2   4  -1-11.3269 24.6363   2
+  -2  -4   1 42.7467 26.8386   2
+  -2  -4   1 75.5868 53.6853   3
+  -2   4  -1 53.8569 67.6190   6
+   2  -4  -1 34.5748 43.4114   3
+  -2  -4  -1 25.8348 22.9406   5
+   2   4   1 25.9109 36.3742   6
+  -2  -5   1 417.237 111.814   1
+   2  -5  -1 366.916 121.662   3
+   2  -5  -1 359.748 112.731   2
+  -2  -5  -1 491.991 128.389   2
+  -2  -5   1 454.741 75.5798   2
+   2   5  -1 272.332 88.3259   4
+  -2   5  -1 363.369 85.3964   2
+  -2  -5   1 388.950 96.3710   4
+  -2   5  -1 570.757 182.750   6
+   2   5   1 389.206 118.346   4
+   2  -5   1 329.943 113.364   3
+   2   5   1 565.607 118.841   6
+  -2   5  -1 306.202 82.6651   1
+  -2  -5  -1 403.629 78.0248   5
+  -2  -6   1 2690.40 300.454   1
+   2  -6  -1 3045.95 338.023   2
+   2   6   1 2547.40 323.139   4
+  -2  -6   1 2459.38 185.692   2
+  -2   6   1 2610.57 342.052   4
+  -2   6  -1 2212.74 275.500   4
+  -2   6  -1 2527.17 393.857   6
+  -2  -6  -1 3080.98 324.849   2
+   2  -6  -1 2940.98 357.678   3
+   2  -6   1 2916.04 347.361   3
+   2   6  -1 2309.34 270.002   4
+   2  -7   1 10255.1 727.147   3
+   2   7   1 9769.04 709.256   4
+   2   7  -1 9233.17 611.406   4
+  -2  -7   1 9242.28 625.667   1
+  -2   7   1 9023.09 715.970   4
+   2  -7  -1 9317.84 720.143   3
+  -2   7  -1 9468.04 808.291   6
+  -2  -7  -1 8994.02 609.966   2
+   2  -7  -1 9182.88 658.933   2
+  -2   7  -1 9642.68 645.607   4
+  -3   0   1 138.024 56.1050   4
+  -3   0   1 201.614 61.2123   5
+  -3   0  -1 203.365 62.6990   3
+  -3   0  -1 145.221 63.3153   6
+   3   0   1 73.8588 49.0742   3
+   3   0  -1 215.611 63.6399   3
+   3   0   1 119.771 68.0763   6
+  -3   0  -1 119.570 55.4993   4
+  -3   0   1 145.338 54.5835   6
+  -3   0   1 197.904 69.5908   3
+   3  -1  -1 2082.09 199.565   5
+  -3   1  -1 2675.42 262.835   4
+  -3   1   1 2839.84 271.473   2
+  -3  -1   1 2556.79 224.956   4
+  -3  -1   1 2693.65 219.305   5
+  -3  -1  -1 2288.23 231.797   4
+   3   1   1 2047.42 227.549   6
+   3  -1   1 2569.63 246.070   3
+  -3   1   1 2347.03 231.596   3
+   3  -1   1 2441.80 304.012   6
+  -3   1  -1 2284.48 214.291   3
+   3  -1  -1 2575.86 228.360   3
+  -3  -1   1 2550.38 145.533   6
+  -3  -1  -1 2641.30 249.357   6
+  -3  -1  -1 2259.79 212.733   3
+  -3  -1   1 2830.87 242.057   3
+   3   1   1 2674.84 249.859   3
+   3   1  -1 2295.48 210.605   3
+   3  -2  -1 8978.95 492.964   5
+  -3  -2  -1 10225.4 529.840   6
+   3   2   1 9414.38 520.626   6
+  -3  -2   1 9214.84 479.223   4
+  -3  -2  -1 10418.2 571.347   4
+  -3  -2   1 9320.11 455.641   5
+  -3   2  -1 10324.5 691.340   6
+   3  -2   1 9768.13 551.495   3
+  -3  -2  -1 9829.80 516.940   3
+  -3  -2   1 9481.87 502.022   3
+   3  -2  -1 8851.90 505.428   3
+   3  -3   1 2495.96 267.304   3
+  -3   3  -1 2401.63 235.142   1
+  -3   3  -1 2242.85 235.999   2
+   3   3   1 2616.97 254.671   6
+   3   3  -1 2552.00 273.907   4
+   3   3   1 2741.58 293.143   4
+  -3  -3   1 2472.67 232.743   4
+  -3  -3  -1 2662.34 290.785   4
+   3  -3  -1 2343.48 241.508   5
+  -3   3  -1 2364.55 323.015   6
+  -3  -3  -1 2072.76 226.983   3
+  -3   3   1 2544.02 288.624   2
+   3  -3  -1 2132.57 245.421   3
+  -3  -3   1 1917.20 218.589   3
+   3  -4   1 24475.5 1103.32   3
+   3   4  -1 25892.5 1122.79   4
+   3   4   1 26518.8 1166.12   4
+   3  -4  -1 26018.4 1132.26   3
+  -3   4  -1 24485.6 1261.52   6
+  -3  -4   1 23716.7 1011.48   4
+  -3  -4   1 24115.9 938.502   2
+  -3  -4  -1 26364.2 1179.91   2
+  -3   4  -1 24498.8 1007.01   1
+  -3   4  -1 22871.7 999.737   2
+  -3   4   1 24084.0 848.422   1
+   3   4   1 26318.7 1055.45   6
+  -3  -5   1 1337.66 156.056   2
+   3  -5  -1 1309.27 227.973   3
+   3  -5   1 782.444 181.051   3
+  -3  -5  -1 1341.68 231.208   2
+   3   5  -1 1157.28 205.726   4
+   3   5   1 1344.65 236.013   4
+  -3   5  -1 1030.46 241.937   6
+   3  -6   1 4833.55 483.829   3
+   3   6  -1 4955.87 448.775   4
+   3   6   1 6513.48 562.964   4
+   3  -6  -1 5904.17 536.620   3
+  -3  -6  -1 5367.45 475.963   2
+  -3   6  -1 6352.33 636.057   6
+  -3  -6   1 6044.07 500.485   1
+  -4   0   1-32.9597 46.2655   3
+   4   0   1-24.5593 75.5282   6
+   4   0   1 17.1128 30.3851   3
+   4   0  -1 30.1121 37.8062   3
+  -4   0   1 31.7024 39.8028   4
+  -4   0  -1 35.0165 38.0737   4
+  -4   0   1 11.3732 28.5588   6
+  -4   0   1 18.3064 45.9677   2
+  -4   0  -1 18.0257 39.1990   6
+   4   0   1 16.8885 19.9918   5
+  -4  -1   1 4079.59 289.227   5
+   4  -1   1 4231.19 278.326   5
+   4   1   1 4814.56 388.492   3
+   4   1  -1 4191.25 340.105   3
+  -4   1   1 4829.58 387.006   3
+  -4   1  -1 4335.54 392.060   4
+  -4  -1   1 4284.75 337.226   4
+  -4  -1  -1 4235.63 354.902   4
+   4  -1  -1 3938.36 337.030   3
+  -4  -1  -1 4148.50 336.002   3
+  -4  -1   1 4675.54 362.485   3
+  -4   1  -1 4232.04 334.111   3
+   4   1   1 3847.58 366.385   6
+  -4   1   1 4390.47 374.376   6
+  -4   1  -1 5212.62 466.405   6
+  -4  -1   1 4750.11 249.843   6
+  -4  -1  -1 4626.39 361.319   6
+  -4   1   1 4074.58 379.636   2
+   4  -1   1 4855.64 397.608   3
+   4  -1  -1 4409.30 328.681   5
+   4  -2  -1 9935.53 559.609   5
+  -4  -2   1 9517.79 467.857   5
+  -4   2  -1 10406.5 651.761   4
+  -4   2  -1 9524.54 715.244   6
+  -4   2   1 8733.73 633.287   6
+  -4  -2   1 9427.06 528.881   4
+   4   2   1 8633.78 556.716   6
+  -4  -2   1 8632.78 528.555   3
+  -4   2   1 10176.1 606.070   3
+   4  -2  -1 8857.40 554.707   3
+  -4  -2  -1 9544.12 547.731   6
+   4  -2   1 8837.49 584.978   3
+  -4  -3   1 9885.75 487.945   5
+   4  -3  -1 10167.8 633.461   3
+   4   3   1 10762.9 695.965   4
+   4  -3   1 8929.56 610.970   3
+  -4  -3  -1 9989.01 549.523   6
+   4   3   1 9911.66 600.235   6
+  -4   3   1 9449.35 728.625   6
+  -4  -4   1 87.2273 41.0726   5
+  -4  -4  -1-27.9850 70.2732   2
+   4  -4  -1-23.9359 30.0583   3
+   4  -4   1 47.2840 59.3684   3
+   4   4  -1 48.4395 60.8190   4
+   4   4   1 81.7396 76.4939   4
+  -4   4  -1 96.6951 80.9362   6
+   4   5  -1 7674.93 605.241   4
+   4   5   1 7801.81 647.516   4
+  -4  -5   1 6678.17 426.994   2
+  -4  -5  -1 8444.62 660.049   2
+  -4   5  -1 6943.69 657.960   6
+   4  -5  -1 6104.66 548.104   3
+   4  -5   1 6328.30 547.780   3
+   5   0   1 24581.9 1169.70   3
+   5   0  -1 26733.9 1148.76   3
+  -5   0   1 26164.0 1014.59   6
+  -5   0  -1 24564.1 1152.23   6
+   5  -1   1 23.1279 50.2937   3
+   5  -1  -1-19.5361 34.6873   3
+  -5  -1  -1-18.1207 39.4051   6
+   5   1  -1 59.2525 55.4481   3
+  -5  -1   1 24.9702 31.3501   6
+  -5   1   1 56.9221 53.2673   6
+  -5   1  -1-27.4296 48.7025   6
+  -5  -2  -1 5731.66 430.750   6
+  -5   2   1 5988.16 514.412   6
+   5  -2  -1 6947.14 520.001   3
+  -5   2  -1 6338.09 593.978   6
+   5  -2   1 5687.31 504.702   3
+   5  -3   1 26.0448 56.6410   3
+   5  -3  -1 24.9695 54.3028   3
+  -5   3  -1 101.379 84.8566   6
+  -5  -3  -1 16.3962 29.1206   6
+  -5  -4  -1 340.978 129.310   2
+   5  -4   1 167.610 86.2605   3
+   5  -4  -1 254.714 106.881   3
+   5   4   1 474.492 154.012   4
+  -5   4   1 372.033 147.910   6
+  -5   4  -1 317.970 133.297   6
+   6   0   1 28.1524 35.3572   3
+   6   0  -1 23.9926 30.1366   3
+  -6   0  -1 72.2654 52.3905   6
+   6  -1   1 2005.85 306.513   3
+   6  -1  -1 1942.22 278.702   3
+   6   1  -1 2068.46 285.954   3
+  -6   1  -1 2306.57 330.913   6
+  -6  -1  -1 1997.45 261.122   6
+   6   1   1 2414.47 328.286   3
+   0   0  -2 52024.3 1664.44   1
+   0   0   2 55354.5 1681.20   1
+   0   0   2 51761.0 1504.95   4
+   0   0  -2 50950.2 1641.04   2
+   0   0   2 52502.9 1650.13   6
+   0  -1  -2 24.6798 11.6144   3
+   0  -1   2-2.52071 7.75230   3
+   0   1   2-9.67349 21.0359   2
+   0   1  -2-4.88660 13.7187   2
+   0  -1  -2-6.65424 20.4641   1
+   0   1   2-11.6803 17.9605   4
+   0   1  -2 31.0699 29.0750   1
+   0   1  -2-15.4861 23.8126   6
+   0  -1   2 8.98266 25.2178   6
+   0   1   2-9.08298 22.8074   6
+   0  -2   2 13452.1 620.024   6
+   0  -2  -2 13380.1 490.439   1
+   0   2   2 14179.4 603.425   4
+   0  -2  -2 12973.3 641.380   2
+   0  -2   2 13710.4 652.985   1
+   0   2  -2 14176.2 650.922   1
+   0  -2  -2 14510.4 613.741   5
+   0  -3  -2 22.4162 34.4687   5
+   0   3   2-30.9974 43.5107   2
+   0   3  -2 18.6688 17.5790   4
+   0   3   2 13.6149 34.1870   4
+   0  -3   2-15.5811 27.6650   1
+   0  -4   2 262.196 88.0565   1
+   0   4   2 307.475 92.8273   6
+   0  -4  -2 261.770 83.9577   5
+   0   4   2 124.827 63.7033   2
+   0  -4  -2 316.207 99.3198   2
+   0   4  -2 314.390 64.9528   4
+   0   4   2 255.178 88.3357   4
+   0  -5   2 57.4728 48.1063   1
+   0   5  -2 32.0075 26.7934   4
+   0   5   2-20.5786 36.5405   4
+   0   5  -2-14.8802 37.3664   6
+   0  -5  -2 76.4962 48.0221   5
+   0   6   2 3118.77 360.418   4
+   0  -6  -2 3141.41 351.244   2
+   0  -6   2 3045.44 330.913   1
+   0  -7  -2 50.4190 44.7821   2
+  -1   0   2 8.58362 21.5536   1
+  -1   0   2 3.55248 11.8006   3
+  -1   0  -2 3.08965 10.2633   3
+  -1   0  -2-9.89651 27.7833   1
+   1   0   2 9.03243 11.3404   3
+  -1   0   2-7.79637 21.8875   2
+   1   0   2-10.8073 16.6181   4
+  -1   0  -2-5.68449 15.9587   4
+   1   0  -2-7.50884 16.3288   2
+   1   0   2-22.5659 34.6988   6
+  -1   0   2 6.08119 18.7018   6
+   1  -1  -2 8546.67 326.222   3
+  -1  -1   2 7891.79 338.382   6
+  -1  -1  -2 7707.17 388.947   1
+   1   1  -2 8073.98 337.403   2
+  -1  -1   2 8115.42 439.549   1
+   1   1   2 8453.89 377.884   4
+  -1   1  -2 8342.42 325.920   4
+  -1  -1  -2 8523.73 324.571   3
+  -1  -1   2 7596.38 267.752   4
+  -1  -1  -2 7487.05 385.151   4
+  -1   1   2 7311.70 352.408   1
+  -1   1  -2 7929.16 442.718   1
+  -1  -1   2 7692.72 325.495   2
+  -1   1   2 8414.21 434.472   2
+  -1  -1   2 8358.54 329.936   3
+   1  -1   2 8274.22 479.649   6
+   1  -1   2 8592.28 343.382   3
+  -1  -1  -2 8558.68 461.946   6
+  -1   1   2 8886.70 401.950   6
+  -1   2   2 12609.4 601.132   5
+  -1  -2  -2 14552.6 533.581   3
+  -1  -2   2 12530.0 505.820   3
+   1  -2   2 13439.9 548.730   3
+  -1   2  -2 12284.8 510.622   4
+   1   2   2 13172.3 571.313   4
+  -1   2  -2 14533.6 659.007   1
+  -1  -2  -2 13654.3 533.422   1
+  -1   2   2 13534.3 448.898   1
+  -1  -2  -2 12556.1 654.457   2
+   1  -2   2 13227.6 642.173   1
+  -1   2   2 13715.9 638.224   2
+   1  -2   2 14427.0 728.168   6
+   1  -2  -2 13124.0 531.690   3
+   1   2   2 13353.8 613.739   6
+   1   2  -2 13092.8 463.611   6
+   1  -2  -2 12054.5 616.719   2
+   1   3  -2 14363.7 566.358   4
+  -1  -3   2 15346.3 736.953   1
+   1   3   2 14175.7 671.970   4
+   1  -3   2 15249.8 724.122   1
+  -1   3   2 13598.1 667.352   4
+   1  -3  -2 15323.6 684.892   5
+  -1  -3  -2 14826.9 747.237   2
+   1  -3   2 14027.6 622.766   3
+  -1   3  -2 12293.1 692.658   6
+   1   3  -2 15057.9 550.374   6
+   1   3   2 14068.0 674.341   6
+   1  -3  -2 14241.5 715.602   2
+  -1  -3  -2 14817.1 613.877   5
+  -1   3  -2 14714.2 521.021   2
+   1  -4   2 34.2182 42.9949   1
+  -1  -4  -2 66.0725 41.5122   5
+   1  -4  -2 84.3123 47.3702   5
+  -1   4   2-17.3379 30.8316   2
+  -1  -4   2 71.8687 50.4697   1
+  -1   4  -2 95.5777 28.3937   2
+   1   4  -2 35.2471 31.3380   4
+   1   4   2 68.5676 48.1542   4
+  -1   4   2 134.772 63.4753   4
+  -1   4  -2 97.8881 44.3446   4
+   1  -4  -2 91.7953 61.0079   2
+  -1   4  -2 64.4291 53.5314   1
+  -1   4  -2 74.4220 61.8262   6
+   1   4  -2 65.5834 34.2746   6
+   1   4   2 114.692 61.7362   6
+  -1  -5  -2 11786.3 576.800   5
+   1   5  -2 9681.54 490.990   4
+   1   5   2 10300.2 644.622   4
+  -1  -5   2 9703.34 619.707   1
+  -1   5  -2 9572.86 521.772   4
+  -1   5   2 9088.06 613.448   4
+   1  -5   2 9630.07 602.985   1
+  -1  -5  -2 9079.95 615.311   2
+  -1   5  -2 9564.41 640.047   6
+  -1  -6  -2 6376.05 520.019   2
+   1   6   2 5678.57 499.545   4
+  -1   6   2 6590.17 545.867   4
+  -1  -6   2 5761.71 481.197   1
+  -1   6  -2 6608.63 552.167   6
+   1  -6  -2 6576.55 521.646   2
+  -2   0   2 293.586 61.4920   3
+  -2   0  -2 80.8484 35.2982   3
+   2   0   2 205.439 53.6988   3
+   2   0  -2 207.656 48.5059   3
+  -2   0   2 210.758 56.9247   2
+   2   0   2 233.847 80.8845   6
+  -2   0  -2 264.897 83.1785   6
+  -2   0   2 301.832 53.2019   6
+  -2   0  -2 223.436 68.9290   1
+  -2   1  -2 2634.97 249.179   1
+  -2   1   2 3458.90 287.881   5
+   2  -1  -2 2900.75 253.478   2
+   2   1   2 2470.41 226.628   4
+  -2  -1   2 3259.47 193.236   4
+  -2  -1   2 3726.92 234.649   3
+   2   1   2 2791.96 266.095   6
+  -2   1   2 3196.76 241.455   2
+  -2  -1   2 3248.33 126.025   6
+  -2  -1   2 2852.84 186.184   2
+  -2   1  -2 2940.33 303.312   6
+  -2  -1  -2 3167.01 298.619   6
+  -2  -1  -2 2462.18 189.180   3
+   2  -1   2 2969.69 225.123   3
+  -2  -1   2 3142.44 267.751   5
+   2   1   2 2527.37 182.930   5
+   2  -2  -2 12050.5 557.417   5
+   2  -2  -2 10949.4 583.103   2
+   2   2   2 9863.87 404.210   5
+  -2   2   2 12353.8 597.846   5
+   2  -2   2 9940.25 515.011   3
+   2   2   2 9424.10 520.461   4
+  -2  -2   2 12844.5 462.229   4
+  -2  -2  -2 9318.64 530.696   4
+  -2  -2  -2 9705.46 604.683   2
+  -2   2  -2 8888.89 627.081   6
+   2  -2   2 10531.4 702.387   6
+  -2   2   2 11404.0 554.798   2
+  -2   2  -2 9564.48 552.072   1
+  -2  -2   2 11099.0 396.542   2
+   2   2   2 9388.27 543.280   6
+  -2   2   2 10880.9 414.658   1
+  -2  -2  -2 9955.49 483.929   3
+  -2  -2   2 10635.2 475.542   3
+  -2  -3  -2 2252.28 212.565   3
+  -2  -3   2 2784.57 231.336   3
+  -2   3  -2 2469.08 215.862   2
+   2   3   2 2667.40 259.060   4
+  -2   3  -2 2480.98 260.411   1
+  -2  -3   2 2834.51 205.130   4
+  -2  -3  -2 2146.35 244.581   4
+  -2  -3  -2 2114.73 265.882   2
+  -2   3  -2 2216.28 298.175   6
+   2  -3  -2 3147.16 260.842   3
+   2  -3   2 2122.99 220.598   3
+   2   3   2 2646.03 260.481   6
+   2  -3  -2 2727.77 282.853   2
+  -2  -3   2 2729.34 267.487   1
+  -2  -4   2 31357.0 1242.74   1
+   2  -4  -2 31475.2 1286.00   2
+  -2  -4  -2 26105.2 1111.47   3
+  -2  -4   2 32826.5 1172.15   3
+   2   4  -2 33918.9 1166.60   4
+   2   4   2 25603.2 1175.08   4
+  -2  -4   2 31102.5 1069.19   4
+  -2   4  -2 26277.2 1313.11   6
+   2  -4  -2 31160.3 1210.50   3
+   2  -4   2 24751.6 1127.28   3
+  -2  -5   2 1685.88 242.297   1
+   2  -5   2 1112.21 198.077   3
+   2   5  -2 1868.96 213.741   4
+  -2  -5  -2 1151.56 213.791   2
+  -2   5   2 1540.95 250.208   4
+   2   5   2 800.002 177.539   4
+   2  -5  -2 1407.49 214.200   3
+  -2   5  -2 1348.29 257.228   6
+   2  -6  -2 6318.98 535.209   2
+   2   6   2 4287.46 453.906   4
+  -2  -6   2 7815.62 576.324   1
+  -2   6   2 7106.06 600.385   4
+  -2  -6  -2 5314.75 492.469   2
+   2  -6  -2 6678.68 525.277   3
+   2  -6   2 5863.80 509.889   3
+  -2   6  -2 6112.83 589.441   6
+  -3   0   2 11.6550 29.2657   3
+  -3   0  -2-10.0505 21.8557   3
+   3   0   2-12.4098 31.1609   3
+   3   0  -2 10.4784 22.7862   3
+  -3   0   2 11.4851 28.8389   4
+  -3   0  -2 55.9971 43.0523   4
+  -3   0   2-23.6509 36.3671   2
+  -3   0  -2 19.0073 47.7271   6
+   3   1   2 22769.6 739.780   5
+  -3  -1   2 24472.1 1004.63   5
+  -3   1   2 22793.2 988.762   5
+   3   1   2 21940.9 965.106   4
+  -3   1  -2 22630.3 984.212   4
+  -3  -1   2 22644.5 871.546   4
+  -3  -1  -2 23138.7 975.203   4
+  -3   1  -2 22134.6 937.346   1
+  -3   1   2 23103.6 933.165   3
+  -3   1  -2 23377.9 908.544   3
+   3  -1   2 24448.7 1176.78   6
+   3   1   2 22626.8 1032.96   6
+  -3   1   2 23404.6 959.214   2
+  -3  -1  -2 23482.9 902.630   3
+  -3  -1   2 21933.3 869.994   2
+  -3   1  -2 22866.4 1119.78   6
+  -3  -1   2 22826.7 913.888   3
+   3  -1   2 24617.6 975.087   3
+   3  -1  -2 23962.3 925.032   3
+  -3   2  -2 4470.09 380.958   4
+   3   2   2 3888.41 343.360   4
+  -3  -2   2 3243.91 239.583   4
+  -3  -2  -2 3862.69 342.701   4
+   3   2   2 3787.25 346.813   6
+  -3   2  -2 4073.23 442.709   6
+  -3   2   2 3228.43 309.997   2
+  -3  -2  -2 4323.84 387.540   6
+   3  -2   2 3863.57 330.127   3
+   3  -2  -2 4103.27 310.981   3
+  -3  -2  -2 4617.62 329.432   3
+  -3  -2   2 3529.68 280.170   3
+  -3  -2   2 4018.16 256.889   2
+   3  -2  -2 2921.29 274.243   5
+  -3  -2   2 3365.36 306.522   5
+  -3  -3   2 860.248 156.163   5
+   3   3   2 1093.22 186.735   4
+   3  -3  -2 869.992 153.413   3
+   3  -3   2 603.299 135.857   3
+  -3  -3  -2 1089.72 212.450   2
+  -3  -3   2 1012.51 137.106   4
+  -3   3  -2 1044.94 229.446   6
+  -3  -3   2 942.366 106.112   2
+  -3  -3  -2 1207.12 171.330   3
+  -3  -3   2 900.903 142.627   3
+   3  -4  -2-18.8180 40.9231   3
+   3  -4   2 18.0523 39.2580   3
+  -3  -4   2 23.3389 15.5095   2
+   3   4   2 109.119 72.4938   4
+  -3  -4   2 26.9781 23.9532   4
+  -3   4  -2-31.2918 68.0477   6
+   3  -5  -2 130.223 77.1798   3
+   3  -5   2 169.108 84.0237   3
+  -3  -5  -2 201.368 102.235   2
+   3   5   2 75.6743 70.9329   4
+  -3   5  -2 339.006 134.655   6
+  -3  -5   2 141.170 72.4721   1
+  -3  -6   2 1823.14 284.731   1
+   3  -6   2 2053.04 291.371   3
+  -3  -6  -2 2111.80 323.656   2
+  -3   6  -2 2130.46 355.283   6
+   3  -6  -2 1740.64 264.837   3
+   4   0   2 12141.6 664.883   3
+   4   0  -2 12672.1 639.852   3
+  -4   0   2 12608.3 662.074   5
+  -4   0   2 11978.4 635.363   4
+  -4   0  -2 11247.4 661.752   4
+  -4   0   2 10820.4 505.084   6
+  -4   0   2 10835.5 614.096   3
+  -4   0  -2 11457.4 595.874   3
+  -4   0  -2 10891.0 703.194   6
+  -4   0   2 12914.5 671.977   2
+   4  -1   2 4446.29 382.292   3
+   4  -1  -2 3944.18 334.454   3
+  -4  -1   2 4096.98 348.461   5
+  -4  -1  -2 4280.37 341.287   3
+   4   1   2 4288.52 363.030   3
+  -4   1  -2 4146.93 393.599   4
+  -4  -1   2 3716.33 307.961   4
+  -4   1   2 4126.64 352.008   3
+  -4   1  -2 4306.06 336.774   3
+  -4   1   2 4097.71 366.563   6
+  -4  -1   2 4564.89 353.698   3
+  -4  -1  -2 3744.20 374.139   6
+  -4  -1   2 4114.78 334.430   2
+  -4  -2   2 6089.52 446.314   5
+  -4  -2  -2 5911.66 485.659   6
+  -4  -2   2 6144.44 389.880   4
+  -4   2  -2 6820.96 631.781   6
+   4  -2   2 6611.45 498.202   3
+   4  -2  -2 6166.64 445.635   3
+  -4  -2   2 5839.22 394.025   2
+  -4  -3   2 4511.84 382.121   5
+   4   3   2 3840.09 404.878   4
+  -4  -3   2 4098.79 320.242   4
+  -4   3  -2 4518.09 516.998   6
+  -4  -3  -2 4393.39 409.408   6
+   4  -3   2 4457.22 411.074   3
+   4  -3  -2 4379.03 389.063   3
+  -4  -4   2 1664.72 230.692   5
+   4   4   2 2167.46 308.201   4
+  -4  -4  -2 1643.62 295.900   2
+  -4   4  -2 2350.86 366.626   6
+   4  -4   2 1433.49 233.572   3
+   4  -4  -2 1944.22 267.781   3
+   4   5   2 2483.63 352.254   4
+  -4  -5  -2 2271.61 359.418   2
+  -4   5  -2 2365.58 379.547   6
+   4  -5  -2 2130.18 298.654   3
+   4  -5   2 2160.58 294.484   3
+  -4  -5   2 2528.29 330.154   1
+   5   0   2 46.6645 50.7428   3
+   5   0  -2 19.9704 25.0825   3
+  -5   0  -2 26.5914 74.6555   6
+  -5  -1   2 82.4794 46.3265   5
+   5  -1   2 147.598 81.7230   3
+   5  -1  -2 101.108 56.7830   3
+  -5   1   2 131.453 58.3631   6
+  -5  -1  -2-23.8660 51.9131   6
+  -5  -2   2 32.5856 28.9377   5
+   5  -2   2 24.9918 62.7585   3
+   5  -2  -2 41.9770 37.2731   3
+  -5   2   2 121.391 74.6672   6
+  -5   2  -2-75.7008 106.263   6
+  -5  -2  -2 69.9198 65.4345   6
+  -5   3   2 12771.6 881.378   6
+  -5  -3  -2 12470.4 758.727   6
+   5  -3   2 11836.6 787.664   3
+   5  -3  -2 13398.1 793.049   3
+   0   0   3-16.5928 36.0844   5
+   0   0   3 100.293 49.7747   1
+   0   0  -3 36.4551 37.3723   1
+   0   0   3 12.1655 30.5499   6
+   0   0  -3 37.1001 34.7200   6
+   0  -1   3 258.374 80.9727   1
+   0   1   3 338.612 105.239   5
+   0  -1  -3 364.300 91.7413   2
+   0   1   3 246.443 51.2236   4
+   0  -1  -3 327.150 78.7740   1
+   0  -1   3 330.304 84.4876   6
+   0   1   3 274.211 82.9225   6
+   0   1  -3 238.667 70.7065   6
+   0   2   3 31.5212 39.5751   5
+   0  -2   3 16.1290 16.0099   3
+   0  -2  -3 9.88444 11.7014   3
+   0  -2   3 10.4434 10.7070   3
+   0  -2  -3 17.3942 37.8255   2
+   0   2   3 39.7961 27.9312   4
+   0   2  -3-3.46748 7.54232   2
+   0  -2   3 34.8430 43.7456   1
+   0  -2   3 58.1732 51.6448   6
+   0   2   3 14.5483 36.5310   6
+   0   2  -3-12.8044 22.7354   6
+   0   3   3 21043.2 889.384   5
+   0   3   3 22456.3 910.264   4
+   0  -3  -3 20873.1 994.803   2
+   0   3  -3 19965.1 848.977   6
+   0   4   3-18.9885 41.2925   4
+   0  -4  -3 23.8396 51.8415   2
+   0   4  -3 12.6413 38.8763   6
+   0  -5   3 18086.3 969.889   1
+   0   5   3 18077.8 941.393   4
+   0  -5  -3 17497.8 987.489   2
+   0  -6   3 50.3862 44.7800   1
+   0   6   3 150.702 77.2712   4
+  -1   0   3 15476.0 795.650   5
+  -1   0   3 16610.3 517.644   4
+  -1   0  -3 16778.5 747.544   1
+  -1   0   3 15127.3 502.566   4
+  -1   0   3 15117.2 659.427   2
+  -1   0  -3 15101.8 715.802   2
+   1   0   3 15622.2 756.284   6
+  -1   0   3 16487.1 668.343   6
+  -1   0   3 15117.6 697.461   1
+  -1   0  -3 17224.2 794.694   6
+   1   1   3 5455.98 391.540   5
+  -1   1   3 5482.15 435.305   5
+   1   1  -3 4487.87 266.545   2
+  -1   1  -3 4511.29 359.832   1
+  -1   1   3 4427.24 303.678   1
+   1   1   3 5620.14 308.353   4
+  -1  -1  -3 4655.27 330.285   1
+  -1   1   3 5181.20 286.227   4
+  -1   1   3 5019.48 358.884   2
+  -1  -1  -3 5252.93 399.049   2
+  -1  -1   3 5054.07 377.321   1
+   1  -1   3 4456.06 364.828   6
+  -1  -1   3 4629.72 290.412   6
+   1   1   3 5738.85 407.342   6
+  -1   1   3 5129.15 340.334   6
+  -1   1  -3 5297.08 404.893   6
+  -1  -1  -3 5052.35 390.635   6
+   1  -1  -3 4781.66 354.158   2
+  -1  -1   3 4506.96 373.242   5
+   1   2   3 7421.51 455.429   5
+  -1   2   3 6990.91 492.387   5
+  -1   2  -3 7771.06 510.339   1
+   1   2   3 8092.35 426.840   4
+  -1  -2  -3 8064.38 430.430   1
+  -1   2   3 8377.57 457.952   4
+  -1   2   3 9198.38 546.934   2
+  -1  -2   3 8402.63 548.186   1
+   1  -2   3 9015.83 380.197   3
+  -1  -2  -3 7290.74 527.984   2
+   1  -2   3 8524.24 566.194   6
+   1   2   3 7598.59 500.248   6
+  -1   2  -3 7613.93 525.912   6
+  -1   2   3 7646.45 458.105   6
+   1  -2  -3 7706.78 510.596   2
+   1  -2  -3 7926.78 327.221   3
+  -1  -2  -3 8454.38 337.606   3
+  -1  -2   3 8287.67 346.115   3
+  -1  -3   3 4761.53 288.981   3
+  -1   3   3 4306.14 364.311   5
+   1   3   3 5145.55 359.277   4
+  -1   3   3 4943.91 373.510   4
+  -1  -3  -3 5317.21 452.117   2
+   1  -3   3 4519.78 289.368   3
+  -1   3  -3 4565.63 377.642   6
+   1   3  -3 4767.19 257.709   6
+   1  -3  -3 4832.05 417.692   2
+   1   4   3 2454.34 272.788   4
+  -1   4   3 1838.54 241.882   4
+  -1  -4   3 2533.44 315.239   1
+  -1  -4  -3 1816.66 272.410   2
+   1  -4  -3 2191.41 221.194   3
+   1  -4   3 1862.73 199.268   3
+  -1   4  -3 1601.34 216.599   6
+   1  -4  -3 2234.42 297.587   2
+   1   5   3 2678.98 319.616   4
+  -1   5   3 2565.91 305.668   4
+   1  -5   3 2408.40 261.017   3
+  -1  -5  -3 2516.52 332.998   2
+  -1  -5   3 2550.65 327.488   1
+  -1   5  -3 2482.10 270.414   6
+   1  -5  -3 2307.05 321.601   2
+  -2   0   3 60.4602 56.5783   5
+  -2   0   3-13.1388 23.3286   1
+  -2   0   3 10.9788 27.5677   2
+  -2   0   3-22.5908 26.7407   4
+   2   0  -3 13.7044 29.8016   2
+  -2   0  -3-16.3738 41.1147   1
+   2   0   3 19.1531 34.0073   6
+  -2   0   3 8.16502 20.5025   6
+  -2   0  -3 20.9519 26.3052   6
+   2   1   3 21496.6 850.560   5
+   2  -1   3 20192.7 717.691   3
+  -2   1   3 20850.2 980.756   5
+   2  -1  -3 19307.3 671.315   3
+   2  -1  -3 19378.6 883.665   2
+   2   1   3 20182.6 822.273   4
+  -2  -1   3 18214.4 855.910   1
+  -2  -1   3 19138.7 625.875   4
+  -2   1  -3 19031.4 718.811   4
+  -2   1  -3 17624.4 834.352   2
+  -2  -1  -3 17992.9 811.773   4
+  -2  -1  -3 18635.3 960.864   2
+  -2   1   3 18896.7 790.324   1
+  -2  -1   3 18695.7 726.478   2
+  -2   1   3 19622.6 842.266   2
+   2  -1   3 18988.2 957.879   6
+  -2  -1   3 18311.3 669.990   6
+  -2  -1   3 20996.7 724.168   3
+  -2   1  -3 19434.2 990.265   6
+  -2   1   3 20825.0 797.315   6
+  -2  -1  -3 20348.8 867.734   1
+  -2  -1  -3 21685.2 1009.55   6
+   2  -2  -3 3170.86 325.390   2
+   2   2   3 3503.04 257.501   5
+  -2   2   3 3343.60 333.300   5
+   2   2   3 3789.44 308.195   4
+  -2  -2   3 3371.57 324.930   1
+  -2   2  -3 3284.41 265.772   2
+  -2  -2   3 3343.61 177.420   2
+  -2  -2  -3 3718.14 323.133   4
+  -2  -2  -3 3544.16 384.329   2
+  -2   2   3 3464.95 311.239   2
+  -2   2  -3 3542.56 377.974   6
+  -2   2   3 3440.56 278.575   6
+  -2   2   3 3884.47 248.976   1
+  -2  -2   3 3276.39 235.280   3
+   2  -2   3 4027.97 283.009   3
+  -2  -2  -3 3648.79 289.697   1
+  -2  -2   3 3167.38 323.273   5
+   2  -3   3 788.827 133.411   3
+  -2  -3  -3 623.282 167.339   2
+   2   3   3 585.683 125.558   4
+  -2   3   3 500.325 117.678   4
+  -2  -3  -3 722.668 150.367   4
+   2  -3  -3 591.431 149.315   2
+   2  -3  -3 774.391 121.064   3
+  -2   3  -3 749.609 169.789   6
+  -2  -3   3 886.137 129.025   3
+   2  -4   3 55.5951 42.7433   3
+  -2  -4   3-23.1792 29.1014   1
+  -2  -4  -3 80.8051 67.6337   2
+   2   4   3-19.2089 41.7713   4
+  -2   4   3 77.5849 54.4525   4
+   2  -4  -3-25.0587 31.4612   2
+  -2   4  -3 23.1810 50.4091   6
+   2  -5   3 283.610 86.6400   3
+  -2  -5  -3 198.042 94.2346   2
+   2   5   3 260.300 98.7812   4
+  -2  -5   3 444.193 135.437   1
+  -2   5   3 263.017 99.8073   4
+   2  -5  -3 366.576 132.648   2
+  -2   5  -3 150.711 77.5605   6
+  -3   0   3 21.9997 39.0932   5
+  -3   0  -3 20.8533 26.2287   2
+  -3   0   3 85.9361 40.8100   2
+  -3   0   3 48.6902 30.6057   4
+  -3   0   3 101.308 32.8784   6
+  -3   0  -3 50.0727 54.4664   6
+  -3   0   3 43.0771 40.3420   1
+  -3  -1   3 2049.78 271.045   5
+   3  -1   3 1353.10 173.170   3
+   3  -1  -3 1828.98 169.956   3
+  -3   1   3 1935.71 200.906   1
+  -3  -1  -3 1262.20 235.801   2
+  -3  -1   3 1861.42 159.382   4
+  -3  -1  -3 1529.49 213.639   4
+  -3  -1   3 1754.41 170.921   2
+  -3  -1   3 2041.13 198.929   3
+  -3   1   3 2017.33 181.529   6
+  -3   1  -3 1517.66 270.826   6
+  -3  -1  -3 1233.06 232.735   6
+  -3  -1   3 1689.09 217.288   1
+  -3  -2   3 6806.20 508.885   5
+   3   2   3 5207.13 427.256   4
+  -3   2   3 6848.93 379.671   1
+  -3  -2  -3 4926.39 515.967   2
+  -3   2  -3 5012.46 516.825   6
+  -3   2   3 7106.29 419.465   6
+   3  -2   3 5003.03 397.223   3
+   3  -2  -3 6857.27 391.141   3
+  -3  -2   3 5193.16 426.959   1
+  -3  -3   3 1762.86 248.437   1
+   3  -3  -3 1862.91 291.210   2
+   3   3   3 1507.27 227.263   4
+  -3  -3  -3 1239.43 259.351   2
+   3  -3   3 1783.22 228.192   3
+  -3   3  -3 1470.85 270.195   6
+  -3  -3   3 1697.02 250.014   5
+   3  -4  -3 22082.9 1138.23   2
+   3   4   3 16140.8 907.207   4
+  -3  -4  -3 16912.7 1051.24   2
+  -3   4  -3 19562.4 1101.17   6
+   3  -4   3 15147.6 809.574   3
+  -3  -4   3 20893.9 1015.65   5
+  -4   0   3 136.872 70.1652   5
+   4   0   3-16.8623 36.6893   3
+  -4   0   3 156.982 73.9192   1
+  -4   0  -3 117.379 104.213   6
+  -4  -1   3 2288.53 302.121   5
+   4  -1   3 2714.65 294.491   3
+  -4   1   3 1997.78 279.828   5
+  -4  -1  -3 2181.89 333.762   2
+  -4   1  -3 2435.99 374.045   6
+  -4  -1   3 2517.87 307.207   1
+  -4   1   3 2618.11 270.527   1
+   4  -2   3 6606.96 503.520   3
+  -4  -2   3 6280.71 533.234   5
+  -4  -2  -3 5983.19 612.862   2
+  -4   2  -3 7069.73 663.160   6
+  -4  -2  -3 6947.75 587.069   6
+  -4  -2   3 5993.60 508.905   1
+  -4  -3   3 7230.98 575.401   5
+   4   3   3 6331.14 526.440   4
+  -4  -3  -3 5672.71 610.604   2
+  -4   3  -3 7128.63 673.838   6
+   4  -3   3 7036.08 524.219   3
+  -4  -3   3 5932.15 519.151   1
+   0   0   4 26548.8 1217.24   5
+   0   0  -4 24554.7 1007.19   2
+   0  -1   4 23.7014 51.5407   5
+   0   1   4-26.0330 56.6111   5
+   0  -1  -4-16.6688 20.9279   2
+   0  -1   4 83.1586 46.6916   6
+   0   2   4 6617.24 529.260   5
+   0   2   4 5639.65 328.553   4
+   0  -2   4 6323.75 487.553   1
+   0  -2  -4 5123.94 438.564   2
+   0   3   4-21.0683 52.9077   5
+   0   3   4 38.2679 27.7490   4
+   0  -3  -4 74.7450 62.5659   2
+   0  -3   4 49.6500 53.9892   1
+   0   4   4 393.499 103.367   4
+   0  -4  -4 228.393 101.740   2
+   1   0   4 21.8496 38.7949   5
+  -1   0   4 25.4706 55.3880   5
+  -1   0   4 48.3790 45.2727   1
+  -1   0  -4-31.0503 43.5850   2
+   1   0  -4 13.3934 29.1250   2
+  -1   0  -4 44.1604 48.0153   6
+   1   1   4 2644.88 319.435   5
+  -1   1   4 2752.98 353.760   5
+  -1  -1   4 2640.83 286.221   1
+  -1  -1  -4 2299.53 275.108   2
+  -1   1  -4 2842.82 330.018   6
+   1  -1  -4 2015.37 243.277   2
+  -1  -1   4 2293.52 306.006   5
+   1   2   4 7454.54 524.125   5
+  -1   2   4 7643.49 589.101   5
+   1   2   4 7479.97 419.149   4
+  -1   2   4 5943.15 346.817   4
+  -1  -2  -4 5988.62 497.680   2
+  -1   2  -4 7324.33 537.564   6
+   1  -2  -4 6455.91 487.877   2
+  -1  -2   4 5999.28 490.460   1
+  -1  -2   4 5668.18 522.225   5
+  -1   3   4 6806.94 542.049   5
+   1   3   4 6490.09 421.512   4
+  -1   3   4 6433.80 415.197   4
+  -1  -3  -4 6441.80 557.142   2
+  -1   3  -4 6090.15 467.184   6
+   1  -3  -4 6377.44 526.031   2
+  -1  -3   4 7045.97 559.964   1
+   1   4   4 53.2862 38.7052   4
+  -1  -4  -4 183.226 93.9461   2
+  -1   4   4 212.786 77.1603   4
+  -1  -4   4 55.3532 49.2040   1
+   1  -4  -4 139.814 78.5418   2
+   2   0   4 19.9929 35.5108   5
+  -2   0   4 54.1169 67.9501   5
+  -2   0  -4 39.0335 42.4513   2
+  -2   0   4 50.6465 51.9268   1
+  -2   0  -4 27.4615 59.7249   6
+   2  -1  -4 1224.55 194.640   2
+  -2  -1   4 1086.46 215.024   5
+  -2   1   4 1288.07 242.823   5
+  -2   1   4 1192.91 173.432   1
+  -2  -1  -4 911.164 188.064   2
+  -2   1  -4 1313.57 247.775   6
+  -2  -1  -4 1266.84 236.478   6
+  -2  -1   4 902.956 171.640   1
+   2  -2  -4 3333.45 360.121   2
+  -2   2   4 4008.48 428.501   5
+   2   2   4 3972.24 331.200   4
+  -2  -2  -4 3882.41 422.736   2
+  -2  -2   4 4547.72 411.874   1
+  -2   2  -4 3606.52 398.569   6
+   2  -3  -4 1494.94 250.763   2
+  -2  -3   4 1182.53 234.334   5
+   2   3   4 1100.89 178.784   4
+  -2  -3  -4 1231.91 249.977   2
+  -2  -3   4 1261.24 224.312   1
+  -2   3  -4 1232.25 213.248   6
+  -3   0  -4 44.3090 39.3607   2
+  -3   0   4 56.8950 41.2643   1
+  -3  -1   4 11888.9 793.034   5
+  -3  -1   4 11127.8 694.215   1
+  -3  -1  -4 11556.3 764.862   2
+  -3   1  -4 12371.3 874.620   6
+  -3  -1  -4 11308.0 813.683   6
+  -3  -2   4 2030.09 305.414   5
+  -3   2   4 1814.92 285.868   5
+  -3  -2   4 2016.64 281.721   1
+  -3  -2  -4 2021.50 322.023   2
+  -3   2  -4 2179.97 329.481   6
+   0   0   0    0.00    0.00   0
+_shelx_hkl_checksum              82444
+_olex2_submission_special_instructions 'No special instructions were received'
+Empirical correction (ABSPACK) includes:
+- Absorption correction using spherical harmonics
+- Frame scaling
+- Detector area scaling
+_oxdiff_exptl_absorpt_empirical_full_max 1.455
+_oxdiff_exptl_absorpt_empirical_full_min 0.766
+'x, y, z'
+'-x, -y, z'
+'x+1/2, -y+1/2, -z+1/2'
+'-x+1/2, y+1/2, -z+1/2'
+'-x, -y, -z'
+'x, y, -z'
+'-x-1/2, y-1/2, z-1/2'
+'x-1/2, -y-1/2, z-1/2'
+Fe1 Fe 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0033(5) Uani 1 4 d S T P . .
+S1 S 0.1999(3) 0.37804(19) 0.000000 0.0035(5) Uani 1 2 d S T P . .
+Fe1 0.0031(7) 0.0035(6) 0.0032(7) 0.000 0.000 0.0002(3)
+S1 0.0032(7) 0.0036(7) 0.0037(7) 0.000 0.000 -0.0001(4)
+Fe Fe 0.3463 0.8444 'International Tables Vol C Tables and'
+S S 0.1246 0.1234 'International Tables Vol C Tables and'
+-5 1 -3 0.0031
+-1 5 -1 0.0272
+1 -5 1 0.0272
+5 -1 0 0.0289
+6 1 3 0.0089
+-2 1 5 0.0316
+3 5 -1 0.0263
+-4 -5 -2 0.0255
+5 -1 3 0.0101
+S1 Fe1 S1 180.0 5 . ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 91.957(18) . 7_655 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 91.956(18) 5 3_454 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 88.043(18) . 3_454 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 82.70(4) 3_454 7_655 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 88.043(18) . 3_455 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 82.70(4) 7_656 3_455 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 97.30(4) 3_454 3_455 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 180.0 7_656 3_454 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 91.957(18) . 7_656 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 97.30(4) 7_656 7_655 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 91.957(18) 5 3_455 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 180.0 3_455 7_655 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 88.044(18) 5 7_656 ?
+S1 Fe1 S1 88.043(18) 5 7_655 ?
+Fe1 S1 Fe1 97.30(4) 3 3_554 ?
+Fe1 S1 Fe1 120.31(3) . 3_554 ?
+Fe1 S1 Fe1 120.31(3) . 3 ?
+S1 S1 Fe1 107.42(5) 5_565 3_554 ?
+S1 S1 Fe1 107.42(5) 5_565 3 ?
+S1 S1 Fe1 103.24(7) 5_565 . ?
+Fe1 S1 2.2366(11) 5 ?
+Fe1 S1 2.2548(8) 7_655 ?
+Fe1 S1 2.2548(8) 7_656 ?
+Fe1 S1 2.2366(11) . ?
+Fe1 S1 2.2548(8) 3_455 ?
+Fe1 S1 2.2548(8) 3_454 ?
+S1 S1 2.217(2) 5_565 ?
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/[CSV_summary_of_1564889.cif].csv	Tue Nov 14 15:35:09 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+    file     ,   sig2 ,  amp ratio,    deg  ,  nlegs,  r effective, label                         , select
+ feff0001.dat, 0.00000,   100.000 ,    2.000,     2 ,  2.2366     , S.Fe.1                        ,      0
+ feff0002.dat, 0.00000,   100.000 ,    4.000,     2 ,  2.2549     , S.Fe.2                        ,      0
+ feff0003.dat, 0.00000,    17.561 ,    2.000,     2 ,  3.3852     , Fe.Fe.3                       ,      0
+ feff0004.dat, 0.00000,    16.957 ,    2.000,     2 ,  3.4915     , S.Fe.4                        ,      0
+ feff0005.dat, 0.00000,    31.275 ,    4.000,     2 ,  3.6045     , S.Fe.5                        ,      0
+ feff0006.dat, 0.00000,     7.146 ,    8.000,     3 ,  3.8064     , S.S.Fe.6                      ,      0
+ feff0007.dat, 0.00000,     7.214 ,    8.000,     3 ,  3.8606     , S.S.Fe.7                      ,      0
+ feff0008.dat, 0.00000,    50.180 ,    8.000,     2 ,  3.8958     , Fe.Fe.8                       ,      0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/[CSV_summary_of_test.inp].csv	Tue Nov 14 15:35:09 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+    file     ,   sig2 ,  amp ratio,    deg  ,  nlegs,  r effective, label                         , select
+ feff0001.dat, 0.00000,   100.000 ,    1.000,     2 ,  1.9149     , C.Rh.1                        ,      0
+ feff0002.dat, 0.00000,    91.295 ,    1.000,     2 ,  1.9854     , C.Rh.2                        ,      0
+ feff0003.dat, 0.00000,    83.637 ,    1.000,     2 ,  2.0550     , C.Rh.3                        ,      0
+ feff0004.dat, 0.00000,    79.929 ,    1.000,     2 ,  2.0917     , C.Rh.4                        ,      0
+ feff0005.dat, 0.00000,    89.367 ,    1.000,     2 ,  2.7050     , Rh.Rh.5                       ,      0
+ feff0006.dat, 0.00000,    86.941 ,    1.000,     2 ,  2.7337     , Rh.Rh.6                       ,      0
+ feff0007.dat, 0.00000,    81.971 ,    1.000,     2 ,  2.7957     , Rh.Rh.7                       ,      0
+ feff0008.dat, 0.00000,    37.159 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.0163     , O.Rh.8                        ,      0
+ feff0009.dat, 0.00000,   100.000 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.0167     , O.C.Rh.9                      ,      0
+ feff0010.dat, 0.00000,    76.145 ,    1.000,     4 ,  3.0170     , C.O.C.Rh.10                   ,      0
+ feff0011.dat, 0.00000,    32.597 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.0220     , O.Rh.11                       ,      0
+ feff0012.dat, 0.00000,    29.179 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.1366     , O.Rh.12                       ,      0
+ feff0013.dat, 0.00000,    25.921 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.1653     , O.C.Rh.13                     ,      0
+ feff0014.dat, 0.00000,    27.950 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.1819     , O.Rh.14                       ,      0
+ feff0015.dat, 0.00000,    58.926 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.2132     , O.C.Rh.15                     ,      0
+ feff0016.dat, 0.00000,    32.939 ,    1.000,     4 ,  3.2445     , C.O.C.Rh.16                   ,      0
+ feff0017.dat, 0.00000,    21.901 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.2875     , O.C.Rh.17                     ,      0
+ feff0018.dat, 0.00000,     7.728 ,    1.000,     4 ,  3.3087     , C.O.C.Rh.18                   ,      0
+ feff0019.dat, 0.00000,     5.677 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.3214     , Rh.C.Rh.19                    ,      0
+ feff0020.dat, 0.00000,     5.763 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.3260     , Rh.C.Rh.20                    ,      0
+ feff0021.dat, 0.00000,     6.231 ,    1.000,     4 ,  3.4384     , C.O.C.Rh.21                   ,      0
+ feff0023.dat, 0.00000,    16.232 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.5372     , C.Rh.23                       ,      0
+ feff0024.dat, 0.00000,     3.728 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.5425     , C.C.Rh.24                     ,      0
+ feff0025.dat, 0.00000,    15.819 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.5671     , C.Rh.25                       ,      0
+ feff0026.dat, 0.00000,     3.312 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.5939     , C.C.Rh.26                     ,      0
+ feff0027.dat, 0.00000,     4.223 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.6181     , C.C.Rh.27                     ,      0
+ feff0029.dat, 0.00000,    14.227 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.6920     , C.Rh.29                       ,      0
+ feff0030.dat, 0.00000,    11.517 ,    2.000,     3 ,  3.8220     , C.C.Rh.30                     ,      0
+ feff0031.dat, 0.00000,     4.455 ,    1.000,     4 ,  3.8297     , C.Rh.C.Rh.31                  ,      0
+ feff0032.dat, 0.00000,    12.091 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.8888     , C.Rh.32                       ,      0
+ feff0033.dat, 0.00000,    15.264 ,    2.000,     4 ,  3.9003     , C.Rh.C.Rh.33                  ,      0
+ feff0034.dat, 0.00000,    14.184 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.9535     , O.Rh.34                       ,      0
+ feff0035.dat, 0.00000,     3.684 ,    1.000,     4 ,  3.9708     , C.Rh.C.Rh.35                  ,      0
+ feff0036.dat, 0.00000,    10.240 ,    1.000,     4 ,  3.9783     , O.C.O.Rh.36                   ,      0
+ feff0037.dat, 0.00000,    32.052 ,    2.000,     5 ,  3.9787     , O.C.O.C.Rh.37                 ,      0
+ feff0038.dat, 0.00000,    25.210 ,    1.000,     6 ,  3.9790     , C.O.C.O.C.Rh.38               ,      0
+ feff0039.dat, 0.00000,    11.124 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.9920     , C.Rh.39                       ,      0
+ feff0040.dat, 0.00000,    13.715 ,    1.000,     2 ,  3.9945     , O.Rh.40                       ,      0
+ feff0041.dat, 0.00000,     8.332 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.0838     , C.Rh.Rh.41                    ,      0
+ feff0042.dat, 0.00000,     3.048 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.0890     , Rh.Rh.Rh.42                   ,      0
+ feff0043.dat, 0.00000,     3.260 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.1013     , Rh.Rh.Rh.43                   ,      0
+ feff0044.dat, 0.00000,     3.073 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.1100     , C.Rh.C.Rh.44                  ,      0
+ feff0045.dat, 0.00000,     7.914 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.1209     , C.Rh.Rh.45                    ,      0
+ feff0046.dat, 0.00000,     3.206 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.1223     , Rh.Rh.Rh.46                   ,      0
+ feff0047.dat, 0.00000,     2.799 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.1834     , C.Rh.C.Rh.47                  ,      0
+ feff0048.dat, 0.00000,     7.874 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.1912     , C.Rh.Rh.48                    ,      0
+ feff0050.dat, 0.00000,     8.949 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.2696     , C.Rh.50                       ,      0
+ feff0051.dat, 0.00000,    10.748 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.3002     , O.Rh.51                       ,      0
+ feff0052.dat, 0.00000,    10.714 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.3043     , O.Rh.52                       ,      0
+ feff0053.dat, 0.00000,    10.621 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.3155     , O.Rh.53                       ,      0
+ feff0054.dat, 0.00000,     7.182 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.3251     , C.Rh.Rh.54                    ,      0
+ feff0055.dat, 0.00000,     5.235 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.3347     , O.C.O.Rh.55                   ,      0
+ feff0057.dat, 0.00000,     3.558 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.3452     , O.C.O.Rh.57                   ,      0
+ feff0058.dat, 0.00000,     8.350 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.3603     , C.Rh.58                       ,      0
+ feff0059.dat, 0.00000,    12.514 ,    2.000,     5 ,  4.3660     , O.C.O.C.Rh.59                 ,      0
+ feff0060.dat, 0.00000,    16.294 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.3787     , C.Rh.Rh.60                    ,      0
+ feff0062.dat, 0.00000,     7.648 ,    1.000,     6 ,  4.3972     , C.O.C.O.C.Rh.62               ,      0
+ feff0063.dat, 0.00000,     6.643 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.4001     , C.Rh.Rh.63                    ,      0
+ feff0064.dat, 0.00000,    13.337 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.4055     , O.C.Rh.64                     ,      0
+ feff0066.dat, 0.00000,     5.926 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.4541     , C.Rh.Rh.66                    ,      0
+ feff0068.dat, 0.00000,     9.336 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.4832     , O.Rh.68                       ,      0
+ feff0069.dat, 0.00000,     7.222 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.4878     , Rh.C.Rh.Rh.69                 ,      0
+ feff0070.dat, 0.00000,     4.653 ,    2.000,     5 ,  4.4886     , O.C.O.C.Rh.70                 ,      0
+ feff0071.dat, 0.00000,    12.751 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.4927     , C.Rh.Rh.71                    ,      0
+ feff0072.dat, 0.00000,     5.932 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.4955     , C.O.C.Rh.72                   ,      0
+ feff0078.dat, 0.00000,     3.284 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.5615     , O.C.Rh.78                     ,      0
+ feff0079.dat, 0.00000,     2.902 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.5732     , C.C.Rh.79                     ,      0
+ feff0080.dat, 0.00000,     3.436 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.6064     , Rh.C.Rh.80                    ,      0
+ feff0081.dat, 0.00000,     4.653 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.6251     , Rh.C.Rh.Rh.81                 ,      0
+ feff0082.dat, 0.00000,     6.854 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.6311     , O.C.Rh.82                     ,      0
+ feff0083.dat, 0.00000,     6.727 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.6507     , C.Rh.83                       ,      0
+ feff0084.dat, 0.00000,     8.204 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.6551     , O.Rh.84                       ,      0
+ feff0085.dat, 0.00000,     2.780 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.6567     , C.C.Rh.85                     ,      0
+ feff0087.dat, 0.00000,     3.264 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.6645     , Rh.C.Rh.87                    ,      0
+ feff0088.dat, 0.00000,     6.619 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.6730     , C.Rh.88                       ,      0
+ feff0089.dat, 0.00000,     3.068 ,    2.000,     4 ,  4.6823     , Rh.C.C.Rh.89                  ,      0
+ feff0091.dat, 0.00000,    18.587 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.7211     , C.Rh.Rh.91                    ,      0
+ feff0092.dat, 0.00000,    13.756 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.7692     , Rh.C.Rh.Rh.92                 ,      0
+ feff0094.dat, 0.00000,     6.951 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.7831     , C.O.Rh.94                     ,      0
+ feff0095.dat, 0.00000,     6.102 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.7842     , C.Rh.Rh.95                    ,      0
+ feff0098.dat, 0.00000,    10.393 ,    2.000,     4 ,  4.7967     , C.Rh.Rh.Rh.98                 ,      0
+ feff0099.dat, 0.00000,     2.759 ,    2.000,     5 ,  4.8110     , O.C.O.C.Rh.99                 ,      0
+ feff0102.dat, 0.00000,     7.049 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.8622     , O.Rh.102                      ,      0
+ feff0104.dat, 0.00000,     6.792 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.9136     , O.Rh.104                      ,      0
+ feff0105.dat, 0.00000,     5.690 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.9161     , C.O.Rh.105                    ,      0
+ feff0107.dat, 0.00000,    11.074 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.9167     , O.C.Rh.107                    ,      0
+ feff0108.dat, 0.00000,    10.137 ,    2.000,     4 ,  4.9368     , C.Rh.O.Rh.108                 ,      0
+ feff0109.dat, 0.00000,     5.170 ,    1.000,     6 ,  4.9403     , O.C.O.C.O.Rh.109              ,      0
+ feff0110.dat, 0.00000,    16.546 ,    2.000,     7 ,  4.9407     , O.C.O.C.O.C.Rh.110            ,      0
+ feff0111.dat, 0.00000,    13.280 ,    1.000,     8 ,  4.9410     , C.O.C.O.C.O.C.Rh.111          ,      0
+ feff0112.dat, 0.00000,     3.562 ,    2.000,     3 ,  4.9549     , O.Rh.Rh.112                   ,      0
+ feff0113.dat, 0.00000,     5.689 ,    2.000,     4 ,  4.9593     , O.C.Rh.Rh.113                 ,      0
+ feff0114.dat, 0.00000,     5.096 ,    1.000,     4 ,  4.9712     , C.O.C.Rh.114                  ,      0
+ feff0115.dat, 0.00000,     6.492 ,    1.000,     2 ,  4.9766     , O.Rh.115                      ,      0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/[FEFF_input_of_1564889.cif].txt	Tue Nov 14 15:35:09 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+* This FEFF.inp file generated by pymatgen
+TITLE comment: None given
+TITLE Source:  
+TITLE Structure Summary:  Fe2 S4
+TITLE Reduced formula:  FeS2
+TITLE space group: (Pnnm), space number:  (58)
+TITLE abc:  3.385200   4.447400   5.428700
+TITLE angles: 90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
+TITLE sites: 6
+* 1 Fe     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
+* 2 Fe     0.500000     0.500000     0.500000
+* 3 S     0.000000     0.199900     0.378040
+* 4 S     0.000000     0.800100     0.621960
+* 5 S     0.500000     0.699900     0.121960
+* 6 S     0.500000     0.300100     0.878040
+  *ipot    Z  tag      lmax1    lmax2    xnatph(stoichometry)    spinph
+******-  **-  ****-  ******-  ******-  **********************  ********
+      0   26  Fe          -1       -1                  0.0001         0
+      1   26  Fe          -1       -1                  2              0
+      2   16  S           -1       -1                  4              0
+  *       x          y        z    ipot  Atom      Distance    Number
+**********-  ********-  ******-  ******  ******  **********  ********
+   0          0          0            0  Fe         0               0
+  -0.889035  -2.05227   -0            2  S          2.23656         4
+   0.889035   2.05227    0            2  S          2.23656        22
+  -1.33466    0.662084  -1.6926       2  S          2.2549          6
+  -1.33466    0.662084   1.6926       2  S          2.2549          8
+   1.33466   -0.662084  -1.6926       2  S          2.2549         11
+   1.33466   -0.662084   1.6926       2  S          2.2549         13
+   0          0         -3.3852       1  Fe         3.3852         18
+   0          0          3.3852       1  Fe         3.3852         19
+  -0.889035   3.37643    0            2  S          3.49152         9
+   0.889035  -3.37643   -0            2  S          3.49152        15
+  -3.11273   -0.662084  -1.6926       2  S          3.60449         1
+  -3.11273   -0.662084   1.6926       2  S          3.60449         3
+   3.11273    0.662084  -1.6926       2  S          3.60449        16
+   3.11273    0.662084   1.6926       2  S          3.60449        20
+  -2.2237    -2.71435   -1.6926       1  Fe         3.89582         2
+  -2.2237    -2.71435    1.6926       1  Fe         3.89582         5
+  -2.2237     2.71435   -1.6926       1  Fe         3.89582         7
+  -2.2237     2.71435    1.6926       1  Fe         3.89582        10
+   2.2237    -2.71435   -1.6926       1  Fe         3.89582        12
+   2.2237    -2.71435    1.6926       1  Fe         3.89582        14
+   2.2237     2.71435   -1.6926       1  Fe         3.89582        17
+   2.2237     2.71435    1.6926       1  Fe         3.89582        21
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/test.inp	Tue Nov 14 15:35:09 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ * This feff6 file was generated by Demeter 0.9.25
+ * Demeter written by and copyright (c) Bruce Ravel, 2006-2016
+ * --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--
+ * title = Rh4 (C O)12
+ * title = Wei, C.H.
+ * title =  Structural analyses of tetracobalt dodecacarbonyl and tetrarhodium
+ * title =  dodecacarbonyl. crystallographic treatments of a disordered structure and
+ * title =  a twinned composite
+ * space = P 1 21/c 1
+ * a     =   9.24000    b    =  12.02000    c     =  17.74000
+ * alpha =  90.00000    beta =  90.01000    gamma =  90.00000
+ * rmax  =   8.00000    core  = Rh2
+ # polarization = 0  0  0
+ * shift =   0  0  0
+ * atoms
+ * # el.     x           y           z        tag
+ *   Rh     0.80300     0.12960     0.11700   Rh2       
+ *   O      0.32670     0.09340     0.15840   O10       
+ *   O      0.47530     0.42690     0.24520   O11       
+ *   O      0.64010     0.15120     0.97000   O7        
+ *   C      0.80890     0.35860     0.30760   C2        
+ *   O      0.99670     0.08910     0.25960   O5        
+ *   C      0.98250     0.12050     0.04890   C6        
+ *   O      0.72440     0.60230     0.15200   O3        
+ *   Rh     0.72980     0.25550     0.24390   Rh4       
+ *   O      0.06690     0.11270     0.01760   O6        
+ *   C      0.40570     0.15010     0.13420   C10       
+ *   C      0.88320     0.15360     0.21520   C5        
+ *   C      0.83230     0.37670     0.00980   C1        
+ *   O      0.73780     0.87010     0.12710   O9        
+ *   C      0.56420     0.35920     0.22170   C11       
+ *   C      0.03540     0.36270     0.14590   C4        
+ *   Rh     0.82980     0.35370     0.11720   Rh1       
+ *   Rh     0.56000     0.25930     0.11900   Rh3       
+ *   C      0.77150     0.51620     0.13940   C3        
+ *   C      0.64400     0.15530     0.31920   C8        
+ *   O      0.38340     0.40770     0.02090   O12       
+ *   O      0.87610     0.36940     0.94120   O1        
+ *   O      0.12820     0.37820     0.16300   O4        
+ *   O      0.89300     0.39590     0.35940   O2        
+ *   C      0.46010     0.35540     0.06580   C12       
+ *   C      0.64700     0.16520     0.04390   C7        
+ *   O      0.57470     0.12500     0.36390   O8        
+ *   C      0.73760     0.96320     0.11150   C9        
+ * --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--
+ * --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--
+ *  total mu*x=1:  112.246 microns,  unit edge step:  136.115 microns
+ *  specific gravity:  2.521
+ * --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--
+ *  normalization correction:    0.00020 ang^2
+ * --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--
+ TITLE Rh4 (C O)12
+ TITLE Wei, C.H.
+ TITLE  Structural analyses of tetracobalt dodecacarbonyl and tetrarhodium
+ TITLE  dodecacarbonyl. crystallographic treatments of a disordered structure and
+ TITLE  a twinned composite
+ HOLE      1   1.0   * FYI: (Rh K edge @ 23220 eV, second number is S0^2)
+ *         mphase,mpath,mfeff,mchi
+ CONTROL   1      1     1     1
+ PRINT     1      0     0     0
+ RMAX      5.0
+ *POLARIZATION  0   0   0
+  * ipot   Z      tag
+     0     45     Rh        
+     1     45     Rh        
+     2     8      O         
+     3     6      C         
+ ATOMS                  * this list contains 124 atoms
+ *   x          y          z     ipot tag           distance
+    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000  0  Rh2           0.00000
+   -0.74105    0.28848   -1.74194  3  C5.1          1.91487
+    1.44144    0.42791    1.29654  3  C7.1          1.98542
+   -1.65858   -0.10938    1.20838  3  C6.1          2.05500
+    0.60430   -2.00013    0.09746  3  C9.1          2.09170
+   -0.24763    2.69368   -0.00350  1  Rh1.1         2.70504
+    2.24532    1.55899   -0.03587  1  Rh3.1         2.73372
+    0.67637    1.51332   -2.25132  1  Rh4.1         2.79572
+   -2.43844   -0.20314    1.76378  2  O6.1          3.01632
+    1.50520    0.25963    2.60752  2  O7.1          3.02195
+   -1.78979   -0.48681   -2.52941  2  O5.1          3.13660
+    0.60245   -3.11919   -0.17928  2  O9.1          3.18189
+   -0.27073    2.97014    1.90178  3  C1.1          3.53720
+   -2.14738    2.80186   -0.51231  3  C4.1          3.56709
+    3.67105    0.24641   -0.30577  3  C10.1         3.69200
+    1.46916    0.30891   -3.58728  3  C8.1          3.88876
+   -1.20212   -2.91245    2.38801  2  O6.2          3.95349
+    2.20651    2.75979   -1.85776  3  C11.1         3.99205
+   -2.80896   -2.80907   -0.41817  2  O2.1          3.99450
+    3.16840    2.71412    0.90774  3  C12.1         4.26956
+   -0.67544    2.88240    3.11881  2  O1.1          4.30016
+    2.57149   -2.43645   -2.44502  2  O11.1         4.30430
+   -3.00485    2.98817   -0.81552  2  O4.1          4.31548
+   -0.05452    2.75258   -3.38123  3  C2.1          4.36032
+    4.40101   -0.43512   -0.73520  2  O10.1         4.48316
+   -1.98198   -3.00620    2.94341  3  C6.2          4.65072
+   -0.83160   -0.30651    4.56997  2  O2.2          4.65512
+    0.29106    4.64693   -0.39743  3  C3.1          4.67297
+    2.10949   -0.05529   -4.38037  2  O8.1          4.86217
+   -4.83899   -0.43512   -0.73359  2  O10.2         4.91358
+   -0.63571   -3.02183   -3.90269  2  O4.2          4.97660
+   -3.58604   -3.25742   -1.33697  3  C2.2          5.02573
+    3.02795    3.57355   -2.27480  2  O11.2         5.20705
+    3.87710    3.34276    1.70414  2  O12.1         5.39538
+   -0.83160    3.20093   -4.30003  2  O2.3          5.42474
+   -0.05452    0.14184    5.48877  3  C2.3          5.49087
+   -1.49318   -3.20814   -4.20589  3  C4.2          5.49648
+    3.39293   -3.25021   -2.86205  3  C11.2         5.50156
+    4.09424   -3.37522    1.54267  2  O7.2          5.52582
+   -5.56895    0.24641   -0.30416  3  C10.2         5.58269
+    1.19843   -2.68046    4.88539  2  O10.3         5.69983
+    0.72626    5.68185   -0.62103  2  O3.1          5.76165
+    2.10949    2.94971    4.48963  2  O8.2          5.77126
+   -0.67544    0.01202   -5.75119  2  O1.2          5.79073
+    1.92839   -3.36199    4.45595  3  C10.3         5.90569
+   -4.24486   -1.11546    4.05433  3  C9.2          5.97500
+   -4.36682   -0.32815   -4.09718  2  O3.2          5.99697
+   -3.93162   -1.36307   -4.32078  3  C3.2          5.99873
+    1.46916    2.58550    5.28272  3  C8.2          6.06221
+   -4.24301    0.00361    4.33107  2  O9.2          6.06311
+    4.15800   -3.54350    2.85364  3  C7.2          6.16349
+   -1.85077    5.52319   -2.18879  2  O5.2          6.22268
+    1.72234    5.56165    2.44605  2  O12.2         6.31519
+   -3.64056   -3.11558    4.15180  1  Rh2.1         6.34018
+   -5.14576   -3.37522    1.54428  2  O7.3          6.34474
+    4.87318   -0.32815   -4.09879  2  O3.3          6.37618
+    0.72626   -6.33815   -0.62103  2  O3.4          6.40978
+    4.99514   -1.11546    4.05272  3  C9.3          6.52842
+   -5.36290    3.34276    1.70575  2  O12.3         6.54555
+    4.99699    0.00361    4.32946  2  O9.3          6.61167
+    5.65396   -3.25742   -1.33858  3  C2.4          6.66107
+   -3.39293   -3.31632   -4.71470  1  Rh1.2         6.68867
+   -4.31693   -4.49668   -2.46688  1  Rh4.2         6.70384
+   -6.07160    2.71412    0.90935  3  C12.2         6.71250
+   -2.96512   -5.99798    1.03299  2  O1.3          6.77014
+   -2.96512    6.02202    1.03299  2  O1.4          6.79144
+    0.67637    1.38110    6.61868  1  Rh4.3         6.79498
+   -5.08200   -3.54350    2.85525  3  C7.3          6.82170
+   -4.24301    2.89081   -4.53893  2  O9.4          6.85286
+    3.48995    5.95471   -0.33944  2  O8.3          6.91039
+    1.19843    5.57488   -3.98461  2  O10.4         6.95648
+    1.50520    2.63478   -6.26248  2  O7.4          6.95891
+    2.43104   -3.29588   -5.62755  3  C12.3         6.96004
+    6.23515    2.98817   -0.81713  2  O4.3          6.96233
+   -0.27073   -0.07573   -6.96822  3  C1.2          6.97389
+    5.30838   -1.36307   -4.32239  3  C3.3          6.97996
+    3.48995   -6.06529   -0.33944  2  O8.4          7.00591
+    6.80156   -0.20314    1.76217  2  O6.3          7.02907
+    6.43104   -2.80907   -0.41979  2  O2.4          7.03032
+   -2.89951   -5.72152   -2.97627  3  C5.2          7.07115
+    2.43104   -5.82970    3.24245  3  C12.4         7.09992
+   -1.85077   -6.49681   -2.18879  2  O5.3          7.10104
+    4.92307   -4.49668   -2.46849  1  Rh4.4         7.10987
+    3.35412   -4.67458    4.18605  1  Rh3.2         7.11511
+    1.72234   -6.45835    2.44605  2  O12.4         7.11757
+    4.13028   -5.70109   -1.13253  3  C8.3          7.13051
+    1.72234   -2.66724   -6.42395  2  O12.5         7.16574
+   -6.99468    1.55899   -0.03426  1  Rh3.3         7.16639
+   -3.36983    5.93427    2.25002  3  C1.3          7.18568
+   -4.36682    3.22256    4.77282  2  O3.5          7.22730
+   -5.84707   -3.25021   -2.86044  3  C11.3         7.27559
+    3.35412   -4.45101   -4.68395  1  Rh3.4         7.28017
+    3.02795   -0.67913    6.59520  2  O11.3         7.28879
+   -3.36983   -6.08573    2.25002  3  C1.4          7.31125
+    4.99699    2.89081   -4.54054  2  O9.5          7.34460
+    2.20651    0.13462    7.01224  3  C11.4         7.35243
+   -3.93162    4.25748    4.54922  3  C3.4          7.36744
+    0.29106   -7.37307   -0.39743  3  C3.5          7.38951
+   -2.89951   -3.40406    5.89373  3  C5.3          7.39803
+    2.43104    6.19030    3.24245  3  C12.5         7.39887
+   -1.78979    3.38123    6.34059  2  O5.4          7.40534
+   -1.85077   -2.62877    6.68121  2  O5.5          7.41447
+   -6.66851   -2.43645   -2.44341  2  O11.4         7.50837
+    1.92839   -5.76359   -4.41405  3  C10.4         7.51142
+   -6.21205    3.57355   -2.27318  2  O11.5         7.51846
+    4.87318    3.22256    4.77121  2  O3.6          7.54302
+   -2.89951    6.29848   -2.97627  3  C5.4          7.54561
+   -4.24486    4.00987   -4.81567  3  C9.4          7.56892
+   -0.74105    2.60594    7.12806  3  C5.5          7.62557
+    4.13028    6.31891   -1.13253  3  C8.4          7.63351
+    5.59944   -3.11558    4.15018  1  Rh2.2         7.63444
+    7.09262    2.80186   -0.51392  3  C4.3          7.64329
+    1.19843   -6.44512   -3.98461  2  O10.5         7.67157
+    7.58142   -0.10938    1.20677  3  C6.3          7.67764
+   -1.49318   -5.91745    4.66411  3  C4.4          7.68112
+   -5.10972   -5.70109   -1.13092  3  C8.5          7.73890
+   -0.63571    5.91624    4.96731  2  O4.4          7.75115
+   -7.03349    2.75979   -1.85615  3  C11.5         7.78021
+   -1.49318    6.10255    4.66411  3  C4.5          7.82462
+    7.45021   -0.48681   -2.53102  2  O5.6          7.88345
+   -0.63571   -6.10376    4.96731  2  O4.5          7.89520
+    1.92839    6.25641   -4.41405  3  C10.5         7.89590
+   -3.39293   -5.80927    4.15530  1  Rh1.3         7.90734
+   -7.79856    0.42791    1.29815  3  C7.4          7.91744