changeset 0:a1fdc6925620 draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository commit f6856961094e89e4cad0ee7df6c2a49bf005e4bf"
author nml
date Thu, 21 Nov 2019 12:53:20 -0500 (2019-11-21)
files abacas.xml test-data/out_crunch test-data/out_fasta test-data/out_gaps test-data/out_tab test-data/out_unused test-data/reference_sequence.fasta test-data/sequence_query.fasta
diffstat 9 files changed, 2004 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1793 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Genome Research Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
+use Getopt::Std;
+if (@ARGV < 1) { usage();}
+my ($help, $reference, $query_file, $choice, $sen, $seed, $mlfas, $fasta_bin, $avoid_Ns,
+   $tbx, $min_id, $min_cov, $diff_cov, $min_len,$add_bin_2ps, $pick_primer,
+   $flank, $chk_uniq,$redoMummer, $is_circular,$escapeToPrimers, $debug, $gaps_2file, $prefix)
+   =checkUserInput( @ARGV );
+my $ref_inline; 
+if ($escapeToPrimers ==1)
+    pickPrimers ($reference, $query_file, $flank, $chk_uniq);
+    exit;
+$ref_inline = Ref_Inline($reference);
+#Get length of the reference sequence
+my $ref_len =  length($ref_inline);
+print "PREPARING DATA FOR   $choice \n";
+# Running MUMmer   #
+my ($path_dir, $run_mum, $path_toPass);	
+if ($debug)
+    print "the seed is  $seed \n";
+    print "RedoMummer= ",$redoMummer."\n";
+my @do_mum_return;
+if ($redoMummer)
+    @do_mum_return = doMummer($reference, $query_file, $choice,$sen,$seed,$min_id, $min_cov, $diff_cov,$min_len, $debug, $is_circular) or die "Couldn't run MUMmer\n";
+# Processing tiling output         #
+if ($debug) {
+  print "Do tiling...\n";
+my $mummer_tiling = $do_mum_return[0];
+$path_dir = $do_mum_return[2];
+$path_toPass = $do_mum_return[1];
+#Do Tiling
+doTiling ($mummer_tiling, $path_toPass, $path_dir,$reference, $query_file, $choice, $prefix,$mlfas, $fasta_bin, $avoid_Ns, $ref_len, $gaps_2file, $ref_inline, $add_bin_2ps, $pick_primer, $flank, $chk_uniq, $tbx);
+#################################Contig ordering ##########################################################
+sub help
+die <<EOF 
+* ABACAS: Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences           *
+*                                                                                 *
+*                                                                                 *
+*   Copyright (C) 2009 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK.        *
+*   All Rights Reserved.                                                          *
+*                                                                                 *
+USAGE -r <reference file: single fasta> -q <query sequence file: fasta> -p <nucmer/promer>  [OPTIONS]
+	-r	reference sequence in a single fasta file
+	-q	contigs in multi-fasta format
+	-p	MUMmer program to use: 'nucmer' or 'promer'
+OR -r <reference file: single fasta>  -q <pseudomolecule/ordered sequence file: fasta> -e 
+        -h              print usage
+	-d		use default nucmer/promer parameters 
+	-s	int	minimum length of exact matching word (nucmer default = 12, promer default = 4)
+	-m		print ordered contigs to file in multifasta format 
+	-b		print contigs in bin to file 
+	-N		print a pseudomolecule without "N"s 
+	-i 	int 	mimimum percent identity [default 40]
+	-v	int	mimimum contig coverage [default 40]
+	-V	int	minimum contig coverage difference [default 1]
+	-l	int	minimum contig length [default 1]
+	-t		run tblastx on contigs that are not mapped 
+	-g 	string (file name)	print gaps on reference to file name
+	-a		append contigs in bin to the pseudomolecule
+	-o	prefix  output files will have this prefix
+	-P		pick primer sets to close gaps
+	-f	int	number of flanking bases on either side of a gap for primer design (default 350)
+        -R              Redo mummer [default 1, use -R 0 to avoid running mummer]
+	-e 		Escape contig ordering i.e. go to primer design
+	-c 		Reference sequence is circular
+sub usage
+die <<EOF 
+USAGE -r <reference file: single fasta> -q <query sequence file: fasta> -p <nucmer/promer>  [OPTIONS]
+	-r	reference sequence in a single fasta file
+	-q	contigs in multi-fasta format
+	-p	MUMmer program to use: 'nucmer' or 'promer'
+for contig ordering and  primer design
+OR -r <reference file: single fasta>  -q <pseudomolecule/ordered sequence file: fasta> -e 1 
+to escape contig ordering and go directly to primer design
+OR -h  for help
+sub print_header
+    print "
+* ABACAS: Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences           *
+*                                                                                 *
+*                                                                                 *
+*   Copyright (C) 2009 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK.        *
+*   All Rights Reserved.                                                          *
+*                                                                                 *
+sub checkUserInput{
+    my %options;
+    getopts('hr:q:p:ds:mbNi:v:V:l:tg:ao:Pf:R:u:ecD', \%options);
+     my ($help, $reference, $query_file, $choice, $sen, $seed, $mlfas, $fasta_bin, $avoid_Ns,
+        $tbx, $min_id, $min_cov, $diff_cov, $min_len,$add_bin_2ps, $pick_primer,
+        $flank, $chk_uniq,$redoMummer, $is_circular,$escapeToPrimers, $debug, $gaps_2file, $prefix);
+    if($options{h}) {
+        $help = $options{h};
+        help();
+    }
+    else{
+        $help =0;
+    }
+    if ($options{r} && $options{q} ){
+        ($reference, $query_file) = ($options{r},$options{q});
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        usage() unless $options{e};
+    }
+    if ($options{p})
+    {
+        $choice =  $options{p}; 
+        unless ($choice eq "nucmer" || $choice eq "promer"){
+        print "Unknown MuMmer function\n Please use nucmer or promer\n";
+        exit;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        usage() unless $options{e};
+    }
+    if ($options{e}) #$escapeToPrimers)
+    {
+        print_header(); 
+        print "Primer design selected,... escaping contig ordering\n";
+        $escapeToPrimers = 1;
+        $chk_uniq = "nucmer";
+        $choice = "";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        $escapeToPrimers = 0;
+    }
+    if ($options{d}) {$sen =1;} else {$sen =0;} #print $sen , " ---sen\n";
+    #print $options{t}, "\n"; exit;
+    if($options{t}) {$tbx = 1;} else {$tbx = 0;}   #print $tbx, " ---tbx\n"; #
+    unless ($options{s}){
+        if ($choice eq "nucmer"){
+            $seed = 12;
+        }
+        else{
+            $seed =4;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($options{m}){$mlfas =1;} else { $mlfas =0; } #print $mlfas , " ---mlfasta\n";
+    if ($options{b}) { $fasta_bin =1;} else {$fasta_bin =0;}
+    if ($options {N}) {$avoid_Ns =1;} else {$avoid_Ns=0;}
+    unless($options{i}) {$min_id =40;}
+    unless ($options{v}) {$min_cov =40;}
+    unless ($options{V}) {$diff_cov =1;}
+    unless ($options {l}) {$min_len = 1;}
+    if ($options{a}) {$add_bin_2ps = 1; }else {$add_bin_2ps =0;}
+    if ($options{P}) {$pick_primer=1;} else {$pick_primer =0;}
+    if ($options{f}) {$flank = $options{f};} else {$flank = 1000;}
+    if ($options{u}) {$chk_uniq = $options{u}; } else {$chk_uniq = "nucmer";}
+    if($options{R}) {$redoMummer = $options{R}; }else {$redoMummer = 1;}
+    unless ($options{c}) {$is_circular = 0;}
+    if ($options{g}) {$gaps_2file = $options{g};} else {$gaps_2file ="";}
+    if($options{o}) {$prefix = $options{o};} else {$prefix = "";}
+    unless ($options{D}) {$debug =0};
+    if ($tbx ==1 && $fasta_bin !=1)
+    {
+	print "ERROR:  Please use  -t -b  if you want to run tblastx on contigs in bin\n";
+	exit;
+    }
+    #print $tbx, "\n"; exit;
+    return ($help, $reference, $query_file, $choice, $sen, $seed, $mlfas, $fasta_bin, $avoid_Ns,
+        $tbx, $min_id, $min_cov, $diff_cov, $min_len,$add_bin_2ps, $pick_primer,
+        $flank, $chk_uniq,$redoMummer, $is_circular,$escapeToPrimers, $debug, $gaps_2file, $prefix);    
+## get the reference sequence in one line
+sub Ref_Inline
+	my $ref = shift;
+	open (refFH, $ref) or die "Could not open file\n";
+	my $seq ="";
+	my @r = <refFH>;
+        my $num_chr =0;
+        foreach(@r){
+            if ($_ =~ /\>/){
+                $num_chr +=1;
+            }
+        }
+        if ($num_chr > 1){
+            print "\nERROR: Please use a single fasta reference file. You can simply merge chromosomes in to a union fasta file.\n\n";
+            exit;
+        }
+	shift @r;
+	foreach(@r){
+	    chomp;
+	    $seq = $seq.$_;
+	}
+	return $seq;	
+# Run mummer
+sub doMummer
+    my ($reference, $query_file, $choice, $sen,$seed,$min_id, $min_cov, $diff_cov,$min_len, $debug, $is_circular ) = @_;
+    my $df = 'delta-filter';
+    my $st = 'show-tiling';
+    my $ask = 'which';
+    my ($path_toPass, $run_mum); # params to return...
+    my ($command, $Path, $dir) = checkProg($choice);
+    my ($run_df, $df_path, $df_dir) = checkProg($df);
+    my ($run_st, $st_path, $st_dir) = checkProg($st);
+    my (@running, @deltaRes, @coordsRes);
+    if ($choice eq "nucmer")
+    {
+	if ($sen ==0)
+	{
+	    @running = `$command --maxmatch -l $seed -p $choice $reference $query_file &> /dev/null`;
+	    @deltaRes = `$run_df -q $ >$`;
+	    if ($is_circular == 1)
+	    {
+		@coordsRes = `$run_st -c -i $min_id -v $min_cov -V $diff_cov -l $min_len -R -u unused_contigs.out $ > $choice.tiling`;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		@coordsRes = `$run_st -i $min_id -v $min_cov -V $diff_cov -l $min_len -R -u unused_contigs.out $ > $choice.tiling`;
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    @running = `$command -p $choice $reference $query_file &> /dev/null`;
+	    @deltaRes = `$run_df -q $ >$`;
+	    if ($is_circular ==1) {@coordsRes = `$run_st -c -i $min_id -v $min_cov -V $diff_cov -l $min_len -R -u unused_contigs.out $ > $choice.tiling`;}
+	    else { @coordsRes = `$run_st -i $min_id -v $min_cov -V $diff_cov -l $min_len -R -u unused_contigs.out $ > $choice.tiling`;}
+	}
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	if ($sen ==0)
+	{
+	    @running = `$command  --maxmatch -l $seed -x 1 -p $choice $reference $query_file &> /dev/null`;
+	    @deltaRes = `$run_df -q $ >$`;
+	    if ($is_circular == 1)
+	    {
+		@coordsRes= `$run_st -c -i $min_id -v $min_cov -V $diff_cov -l $min_len -R -u unused_contigs.out $ > $choice.tiling`;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		@coordsRes= `$run_st -i $min_id -v $min_cov -V $diff_cov -l $min_len -R -u unused_contigs.out $ > $choice.tiling`;
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    @running = `$command -l $seed -p $choice $reference $query_file &> /dev/null`;
+	    @deltaRes = `$run_df -q $ >$`;
+	    if ($is_circular == 1) {
+		@coordsRes= `$run_st -c -i $min_id -v $min_cov -V $diff_cov -l $min_len -R -u unused_contigs.out $ > $choice.tiling`;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		@coordsRes= `$run_st -i $min_id -v $min_cov -V $diff_cov -l $min_len -R -u unused_contigs.out $ > $choice.tiling`;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    my $Coordsfull= "$choice.tiling";
+    return ($Coordsfull,$Path, $dir);
+## #############################################################################
+sub checkProg{ #checks if a given excutable is in the path...
+    my $prog = shift;
+    my $ask = 'which';
+    my @check_prog = `$ask $prog`;
+    my $path_toPass;
+    my $path_dir;
+    my $command;
+    if (defined $check_prog[0] && $check_prog[0] =~ /$prog$/)
+    {
+	$path_toPass = $prog;
+	$command = $prog;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	print "\nENTER the directory for your ", $prog, " executables [default ./]:  ";
+        my $path=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $path;
+	$path_dir = $path;
+	if ($path_dir =~/\/$/)
+	{
+	    $path_dir = $path_dir;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    $path_dir = $path_dir."/";
+	}
+	my @final_check = `$ask $command`;
+	if (exists $final_check[0] && $final_check[0] =~ /$prog$/)
+	{
+	    $command = $path_dir.$prog;
+	    $path_toPass = $command;   
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	   print "ERROR: Could not run  ", $prog, ", please check if it is installed in your path\n or provide the directory \n";
+	   exit; 
+	}
+    }
+    return ($command, $path_toPass, $path_dir);
+# converts a fasta file to an ordered single line
+sub Fasta2ordered
+	if(  @_ != 1 )
+	{
+		print "Usage: Fasta2ordered <fasta_file>\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	my $fast = shift; #print $fast; exit;
+	my @fasta = split (/\n/, $fast);
+	if ($fasta[0] =~ /\>/ ) #remove chromosome name if exists in the onput sequence.
+	{
+        	my $ch_name = $fasta[0];
+        	shift @fasta;
+	}
+	#print $fasta[0]; exit;
+	foreach(@fasta){chomp;}
+	my $num_lines = scalar(@fasta);
+	my $dna = '';
+	for(my $i=0; $i< $num_lines; $i+=1)
+	{
+                $dna = $dna.$fasta[$i]; 
+	}
+	my $ordered_dna = $dna;
+	return $ordered_dna;
+# Hash input contigs
+sub hash_contigs {
+  if(  @_ != 1 )
+	{
+	  print "Usage: hash_contigs contigs_file";
+	  exit;
+	}
+  my $contigs_file = shift;
+  if( $contigs_file =~ /\.gz$/ )
+	{
+	  open(CONTIGS, $contigs_file, "gunzip -c $contigs_file |" ) or die "Cant open contigs file: $!\n";
+	}
+  else
+	{
+	  open( CONTIGS, $contigs_file) or die "Cant open contigs file: $!\n";
+	}
+  my %contigs_hash; # hash to store contig names and sequences
+  my $contigName;
+  while (<CONTIGS>) ##add error checking...
+	{
+	  if (/^>(\S+)/) {
+		$contigName=$1;
+	  }
+	  else {
+		chomp;
+		$contigs_hash{$contigName} .= $_;
+	  }
+	}
+  close(CONTIGS);
+  #tdo
+  ## check if qual exists
+  my %contigs_qual_hash;
+  if (-r "$contigs_file.qual" or -r "$contigs_file.qual.gz") {
+	if( -r "$contigs_file.qual.gz" )
+	  {
+		open(CONTIGS, "$contigs_file.qual.gz", "gunzip -c $contigs_file.qual.gz |" ) or die "Cant open contigs file: $!\n";
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+		open( CONTIGS, "$contigs_file.qual" ) or die "Cant open contigs file: $!\n";
+	  }
+	while (<CONTIGS>) {
+	  if (/^>(\S+)/) {
+		$contigName=$1;
+	  }
+	  else {
+		chomp;
+		$contigs_qual_hash{$contigName} .= $_;
+	  }
+	}
+  } # end tdo # end if exist 
+  return (\%contigs_hash,\%contigs_qual_hash);
+### it gets a delta name
+sub getMummerComparison{
+  my $deltaName = shift;
+  ### transform the delta file to coords
+  my $call ="show-coords -H  -T -q  $deltaName >  $deltaName.coords ";
+  !system(" $call") or die "Problems doing the show-coords comparison: $call $!\n";
+  ### willh old results
+  my %h;
+  ### has as index the postion with the max hits
+  my %h_max;
+  my $tmp=0;
+  my $tmp_index;
+  my $key='';
+  my $is_promer =0;
+  if ($deltaName =~/^promer/)
+  {
+     $is_promer =1;
+  }
+  open (F,"$deltaName.coords") or die "Problem in getComparisonFile to open file $deltaName.coords\n";
+  my @File=<F>;
+  my @a;
+  @a=split(/\s+/,$File[0]);
+  $tmp=$a[5];
+  $tmp_index=$a[0];
+  if ($is_promer ==1)
+  {
+    $key=$a[12]; ## nucmer:  $key = $a[8]
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    $key = $a[8];
+  }
+  foreach (@File) {
+	@a=split(/\s+/);
+        if ($is_promer ==1)
+        {
+            push @{ $h{$a[12]}}, "$a[12]\t$a[11]\t$a[7]\t$a[5]\t0\t0\t$a[2]\t$a[3]\t$a[0]\t$a[1]\t1\t$a[5]\n";
+            if ($key eq $a[12] and $a[5]>$tmp)
+            {
+              $tmp=$a[5];       # length
+              $tmp_index=$a[0]; # position reference
+            }
+            elsif ($key ne $a[12]) {
+              ### here possible bugg...
+              $h_max{$tmp_index}=$key;
+              $key=$a[12];
+              $tmp=$a[5];       # length
+              $tmp_index=$a[0]; # position reference
+            }
+        } #end if
+        #else i.e. if nucmer
+        else
+        {
+            push @{ $h{$a[8]}}, "$a[8]\t$a[6]\t$a[6]\t$a[5]\t0\t0\t$a[2]\t$a[3]\t$a[0]\t$a[1]\t1\t$a[5]\n";
+            if ($key eq $a[8] and $a[5]>$tmp)
+            {
+              $tmp=$a[5];       # length
+              $tmp_index=$a[0]; # position reference
+            }
+            elsif ($key ne $a[8]) {
+              ### here possible bugg...
+              $h_max{$tmp_index}=$key;
+              $key=$a[8];
+              $tmp=$a[5];       # length
+              $tmp_index=$a[0]; # position reference
+            }
+        }
+  }
+  $h_max{$tmp_index}=$key;
+#  print Dumper %h_max;
+  return (\%h,\%h_max);
+sub writeBinContigs2Ref{
+  my $nameBin = shift;
+  my $name    = shift;
+  open (F, "$nameBin") or die "Couldn't find file $nameBin: $!\n";
+  my @ar;
+  my $count=0;
+  while (<F>) {
+	push @ar, $_;
+	$count++;
+  }
+    #### sa4: added error checking:- if file is empty
+    if (scalar(@ar) < 1)
+    {
+        print "No contigs in unusedcontigs file\n";
+        $count = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        open (F, "> $") or die "Couldn't write file $ $!\n";
+        print F doArt(\@ar);
+        close(F);
+    }
+    return $count;
+sub doArt{
+  my ($ref) = @_;
+  ## hash of array with all positions of the contig
+  my %Pos;
+  ## Hash with note of result line of nucmer
+  my %lines;
+  foreach (@$ref) {
+	chomp;
+	my @ar=split(/\t/);
+	push @{ $Pos{$ar[12]}}, "$ar[0]..$ar[1]";
+	$lines{$ar[12]} .= "FT                   $_\n";
+  }
+  my $res;
+  foreach my $contig (keys %lines) {
+	if (scalar(@{ $Pos{$contig} } >1)) {
+	  my $tmp;
+	  foreach (@{ $Pos{$contig} }) {
+		$tmp.="$_,";
+	  }
+	  $tmp =~ s/,$//g; # get away last comma
+	  $res .= "FT   contig          join($tmp)\n";
+	}
+	else {
+	  $res .= "FT   contig          $Pos{$contig}[0]\n";
+	}
+	$res .=   "FT                   /systematic_id=\"$contig\"\n";
+	$res .=   "FT                   /note=\"Contig $contig couldn't map perfectly.\n";
+	$res .= $lines{$contig};
+	$res .= "FT                   \"\n";
+  }
+  return $res;
+sub makeN #creates a string of Ns
+	my $n = shift;
+	my $Ns= "N";
+	for (my $i =1; $i < $n; $i+=1)
+	{
+		$Ns = $Ns."N";
+	}
+	return $Ns;
+## reverse complement a sequence
+sub revComp {
+  my $dna = shift;
+  my $revcomp = reverse($dna);
+  $revcomp =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/;
+  return $revcomp;
+### function to visualize rep. regions in Reference genome.
+sub findRepeats
+    my $reference        = shift;
+    my $name             = shift;
+    my $path_prog        = shift;
+    # get path
+    my ($path_coords) = $path_prog;
+    $path_coords =~ s/nucmer/show-coords/;
+    my $call = "$path_prog --maxmatch -c 100 -b 40 -p $name.repeats -l 25 $reference $reference  &> /dev/null ";
+    !system("$call") or die "Problems doing the nucmer comparison: $call $!\n";
+    $call ="$path_coords -r -c -l  $ >  $name.repeats.coords ";
+    !system(" $call") or die "Problems doing the show-coords comparison: $call $!\n";
+    my @Res;
+    open (F, "$name.repeats.coords" ) or die "Problems to open file $reference.repeats.coords: Is MUMmer installed correctly and inserted in the PATH environment variable? ($!)\n";
+    $_=<F>; $_=<F>; $_=<F>; $_=<F>;$_=<F>;
+    while (<F>) {
+          my @ar = split(/\s+/);
+          if (!($ar[1] == $ar[4] or $ar[2] == $ar[5] or $ar[7] > 100000)) { # to exclude self alignment
+            foreach ($ar[1]..$ar[2]) {
+                  $Res[($_-1)]++;
+            }
+          }
+    }
+    ### write the result to the plot file
+    my $res;
+    foreach (@Res){
+          if (defined($_)) {
+            $res .= "$_\n";
+          }
+          else {
+            $res .= "0\n";
+          }
+    }
+    open (F, "> $name.Repeats.plot") or die "Couldn't open file $name.plot to write: $! \n";
+    print F $res;
+    close(F);
+    ### delete files
+    unlink("$");
+    unlink("$name.repeats.coords");
+    unlink("$name.repeats.cluster");
+# reverse a list of qualities
+sub reverseQual{
+  my $str = shift;
+  $str =~ s/\s+$//g;
+  my @ar = split(/\s/,$str);
+  my $res;
+  for (my $i=(scalar(@ar)-1);$i>=0;$i--) {
+	$res.="$ar[$i] ";
+  }
+  return $res;
+# ----------------
+sub getPosCoords{
+  my $ref_ar = shift;
+  my $contig = shift;
+  my $offset = shift;
+  my $res;
+  #  print Dumper $$ref_ar{$contig};
+  foreach (@{$$ref_ar{$contig}}) {
+	print "in getPos Coords: $_\n";;
+	my @ar=split(/\t/);
+	$ar[6]+=$offset;
+	$ar[7]+=$offset;
+	$res .= join("\t",@ar);;
+  }
+  return $res;
+# -----------------------------
+sub getPosCoordsTurn{
+  my $ref_ar = shift;
+  my $contig = shift;
+  my $offset = shift;
+  my $res;
+  #  print Dumper $$ref_ar{$contig};
+  foreach (@{$$ref_ar{$contig}}) {
+	my @ar=split(/\t/);
+	my $tmp_8=$ar[8];
+	my $tmp_9=$ar[9];
+	$ar[8]=$ar[6]+$offset;
+	$ar[9]=$ar[7]+$offset;
+	$ar[6]=$tmp_8;
+	$ar[7]=$tmp_9;
+	## change query subject
+	$res .= join("\t",@ar);;
+  }
+  return $res;
+sub printStats{
+  my ($num_fortillingcontigs,$num_notsetTilling,$num_mapped, $num_contigs, $num_inComparisoncontigs, $ref_len, $total_bases_mpd) = @_;
+  $num_fortillingcontigs=$num_notsetTilling+$num_mapped;
+  my $res;
+  $res.= "Short statistics of run.\n";
+  $res.= "$num_contigs\t\tcontigs entered to be mapped against the reference.\n";
+  $res.= sprintf("$num_inComparisoncontigs\t%0.2f \%\tmade a hit against the reference to the given parameter (-s -d etc)\n",($num_inComparisoncontigs*100/$num_contigs));
+  $res.= sprintf("$num_fortillingcontigs\t%0.2f \%\twere considered for the tilling graph (-s -d etc)\n",($num_fortillingcontigs*100/$num_contigs));
+  $res.= sprintf("$num_mapped\t%0.2f \%\tare mapped in the tilling graph (-s -d etc)\n",($num_mapped*100/$num_contigs));
+  $res.= sprintf("\nCoverage: The reference is $ref_len long. Up to $total_bases_mpd bp (%0.2f \%) are covered by the contigs (This doesn't mean that these regions are really similar...)\n",($total_bases_mpd*100/$ref_len));
+  print $res;
+#### Do Tiling
+sub doTiling {
+    my ($mummer_tiling, $path_toPass, $path_dir,$reference, $query_file, $choice, $prefix,$mlfas, $fasta_bin, $avoid_Ns, $ref_len, $gaps_2file, $ref_inline, $add_bin_2ps, $pick_primer, $flank, $chk_uniq, $run_blast) = @_;
+    ### these are also defined in the main script.... to be changed!!
+    my ($num_contigs , $num_inbincontigs, $avg_cont_size,$num_overlaps , $num_gaps,
+    $num_mapped,$total_bases_mpd,$p_ref_covered,$num_ambigus,$num_inComparisoncontigs,
+    $num_fortillingcontigs,$num_notsetTilling)= (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+    my ($href, $ref_contigs_qual) = hash_contigs($query_file);
+    my $qualAvailable=0;
+    my %contigs_hash = %{$href};
+    my @c_keys = keys %contigs_hash;
+    $num_contigs = scalar(@c_keys);
+    my @cont_lens;
+    my (@ids ,$id, $id_len);
+    my (@Rs, @Re, @G, @Len, @cov, @pid, @orient, @Cid);
+    my (@Ps, @Pe);
+    my ($total);
+    my $g; #define gap size between contigs
+    my $tiling_gap; #gap size from tiling graph
+    open (TIL, $mummer_tiling) or die "Could not open $mummer_tiling: $!";
+    while (<TIL>)
+    {
+            chomp;
+            if ($_ =~/^>/)
+            {
+                    my $line = substr $_, 1;
+                    my @splits = split /\s+/, $line;
+                    $id = $splits[0];
+                    push @ids, $id;
+                    $id_len= $splits[1];
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                    my @splits = split /\s+/, $_;
+                    push @Rs, $splits[0];
+                    push @Re, $splits[1];
+                    push @G, $splits[2];
+                    push @Len, $splits[3];
+                    push @cov, $splits[4];
+                    push @pid, $splits[5];
+                    push @orient, $splits[6];
+                    push @Cid, $splits[7];
+            }
+    }
+    close (TIL);
+    if (scalar(@Rs) != scalar(@Re))
+    {
+            print "ERROR: unequal array size\n";
+            exit;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+            $total = scalar(@Rs);
+            $num_mapped = scalar(@Rs);      
+    }
+    my $ref_loc = $reference;  # get locations of reference and query files
+    my $qry_loc = $query_file;
+    my $dif_dir =0; 	#assume query and reference are in the working directory
+    my @splits_reference = split (/\//, $reference);
+    my $new_reference_file = $splits_reference[(scalar(@splits_reference)-1)];
+    my @splits_query = split (/\//, $query_file);
+    my $new_query_file = $splits_query[(scalar(@splits_query)-1)];
+    if ($prefix eq "")
+    {
+        $prefix = $new_query_file."_".$new_reference_file;
+    }
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #define file handles for output files and open files to write output
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    my ($seqFH,$tabFH,$binFH,$crunchFH, $gapFH, $mlFH, $dbinFH, $avoidNFH);
+    open ($seqFH, '>', $prefix . '.fasta') or die "Could not open file $prefix.fasta for write: $!\n";
+    open ($tabFH, '>', $prefix . '.tab') or die "Could not open file $ for write: $!\n";
+    open ($binFH, '>', $prefix . '.bin') or die "Could not open file  $prefix.bin for write: $!\n";
+    open ($crunchFH, '>', $prefix . '.crunch') or die "Could not open file $prefix.crunch for write: $!\n";
+    open ($gapFH, '>', $prefix . '.gaps') or die "Could not open file $prefix.gaps for write: $!\n";
+    if ($mlfas ==1)
+    {
+        open ($mlFH, '>', $prefix . '.contigs.fas') or die "Could not open file $prefix.contigs.fas for write: $!\n";	
+    }
+    if ($fasta_bin ==1)
+    {
+        open ($dbinFH, '>', $prefix . '.contigsInbin.fas') or die "Could not open file $prefix.contigsInbin.fas for write: $!\n";
+    }
+    if ($avoid_Ns ==1)
+    {
+        open ($avoidNFH, '>', $prefix .'.NoNs.fasta') or die "Could not open file $prefix.NoNs.fasta for write: $!\n";
+    }
+    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Writing tiling graph and generating a pseudomolecule
+    # Note use use ps for pseudomolecule
+    #@Ps = start of ps, and @Pe = end of ps
+    my $ps_start =1;
+    $Ps[0] = 1; 
+    $Pe[0] = $Ps[0] + $Len[0] -1;
+    my $tmp_qual;
+    my $tmp_nqual;
+    my $tmp_seq ="";
+    my $tmp_nseq ="";
+    print "Total contigs = $total \n";
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    # The 'for loop' loops over each contig in the Tiling output
+    #Writing to file is done for each contig to speed up the process
+    #This part could potentially be a separate subroutine
+    print $tabFH "ID   ",$id, "\n";
+    print $seqFH ">", "ordered_", $id, "\n";
+     for (my $i=1; $i <= $total; $i+=1)
+    {
+        my $covv =sprintf("%.0f",$cov[$i -1]); #ROUNDING
+        my $pidd = sprintf("%.0f", $pid[$i -1]);
+        my ($contig_coord, $color, $contig_seq);
+        my $contig_qual='';
+        $tiling_gap = $G[$i -1];
+        if ($tiling_gap <= 5){ #insert 100Ns for overlaps and gaps of size less than or equal to 5bp 
+            $g = 99; # default gap size to 
+        }
+        else{
+            $g = $tiling_gap; 
+        }
+        if (defined($Len[$i]))
+	{
+		  $Ps[$i] =  $Pe[$i-1] +$g +1;
+		  $Pe[$i] = $Ps[$i] + $Len[$i] -1;
+		  $total_bases_mpd+=$Len[$i];
+	}
+        if ($Rs[$i -1] <0) #check if a reference starting position is less than 0
+	{
+            $Rs[$i -1] =1;
+	}
+        if($orient[$i-1] eq "+")
+        {
+            $contig_coord = $Ps[$i -1]."..".$Pe[$i-1];
+            $color = 4;
+            $contig_seq = $contigs_hash{$Cid[$i-1]};
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $contig_coord = "complement(".$Ps[$i -1]."..".$Pe[$i-1].")";
+	    $color =3;
+	    $contig_seq = revComp($contigs_hash{$Cid[$i-1]}); #REVERSE COMPLEMENT A SEQUENCE
+        }
+        push (@cont_lens, length($contig_seq));
+        # tdo
+        if (defined($$ref_contigs_qual{$Cid[$i-1]})) {
+            ## flag to know, that the qual exists
+            $qualAvailable=1;
+            $contig_qual = $$ref_contigs_qual{$Cid[$i-1]};
+        }
+        $tmp_qual .= $contig_qual;
+        $tmp_seq .= $contig_seq;
+        if ($avoid_Ns ==1)
+        {
+            $tmp_nseq.= $contig_seq;
+            #tdo
+            $tmp_nqual .= $contig_qual;
+        }
+        if ($mlfas ==1)
+        {
+		my $head = $Cid[$i-1];
+            my $multifasta_seq = write_Fasta_headers ($contig_seq,$head);
+            print $mlFH $multifasta_seq;
+        }
+        if ($Re[$i -1] > $ref_len)
+	{
+		$Re[$i -1] = $ref_len -1;
+	}
+	if ($Pe[$i -1] > length($tmp_seq))
+	{
+		$Pe[$i -1] = length($tmp_seq);
+	}
+        #-----------------------------------------
+        print $crunchFH $covv, " ", $pidd, " ", $Ps[$i -1], " ", $Pe[$i -1], " ", $Cid[$i -1], " ", $Rs[$i -1], " ", $Re[$i-1], " ", "unknown NONE\n";
+	print $tabFH "FT   contig          ",$contig_coord, "\n";
+	print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/systematic_id=\"", $Cid[$i-1],"\"","\n";
+	print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/method=\"", "mummer\"", "\n";
+        print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/Contig_coverage=\"",$cov[$i -1], "\"", "\n";
+        print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/Percent_identity=\"",$pid[$i -1], "\"", "\n";
+        if ($tiling_gap > 1)       #WRITE GAP LOCATIONS AND SIZE TO FILE
+	{
+            my $gap_start = $Pe[$i -1] +1;
+	    my $gap_end = "";
+            if (defined $Ps[$i])
+            {
+                $gap_end = $Ps[$i] -1;
+            }
+            my $ref_start = $Re[$i -1] +1;
+            my $ref_end;
+            if (defined $Rs[$i])
+            {
+                $ref_end =$Rs[$i]-1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $ref_end = "END";
+            }    
+            print $gapFH "Gap\t",$tiling_gap, "\t", $gap_start, "\t", $gap_end, "\t", $ref_start, "\t", $ref_end,"\n";
+            if ($gaps_2file ne "" && $ref_start < $ref_len)
+	    {
+                    my $ref_gapsFH;
+                    open ($ref_gapsFH, '>', $gaps_2file.'.Gaps_onRef') or die "Could not open file $gaps_2file.Gaps_onRef for write: $!\n";
+		    my $gapOnref = substr ($ref_inline, $ref_start, $g);
+		    print $ref_gapsFH ">",$g,"_",$ref_start, "\n";
+                    my $file_toPrint = write_Fasta ($gapOnref);
+                    print $ref_gapsFH $file_toPrint;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $color = 5;
+	    print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/Overlapping=\"", "YES\"", "\n";
+        }
+        my $ns = makeN($g);
+        $tmp_seq = $tmp_seq.$ns;
+        #tdo
+        for (1..length($ns)) {
+          $tmp_qual .= "0 ";
+        }
+        print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/colour=\"",$color, "\"", "\n";
+    }
+    #------------------------------------------------------------------
+    #tdo
+    my @Quality_Array;
+    if ($qualAvailable) {
+        @Quality_Array = split(/\s/,$tmp_qual);
+        my $res;
+        foreach (@Quality_Array) {
+            $res .= "$_\n";
+        }
+        ## get name
+        my @splits_query = split (/\//, $query_file);
+        $new_query_file = $splits_query[(scalar(@splits_query)-1)];
+        open (F,"> $new_query_file.qual.plot") or die "problems\n";
+        print F $res;
+        close(F);
+    }
+    #--------------------------------------
+    if ($avoid_Ns ==1)
+    {
+        print $avoidNFH ">", "ordered_", $id, "without 'N's","\n";
+	my $toWrite = write_Fasta ($tmp_nseq);
+        print $avoidNFH $toWrite;
+    }
+    ####################################
+    #################################
+    my %Cids;
+    foreach(@Cid)
+    {
+            chomp;
+            $Cids{$_} = 1;
+    }
+    my @contigs_2bin = ();
+    my %h_contigs_2bin;
+    foreach (@c_keys)
+    {
+        push(@contigs_2bin, $_) unless exists $Cids{$_};
+    }
+    foreach(@contigs_2bin)
+    {
+      $h_contigs_2bin{$_}=1;
+      print $binFH "$_ \n";
+    }
+    $num_inbincontigs= scalar(@contigs_2bin);
+    ########
+    #----------------------------------
+    my $new_seq = $tmp_seq;
+    my $prev_len = length($tmp_seq);
+    my $total_len = $prev_len;
+    foreach (@contigs_2bin)
+    {
+        chomp;
+        #my $binseq = $contigs_hash{$contigs_2bin[$i]};
+        my $l = length ($contigs_hash{$_});
+        $total_len +=$l;
+    }
+    if ($add_bin_2ps ==1) #appending unmapped contigs to pseudomolecule
+    {
+        for (my $i =0; $i < scalar(@contigs_2bin); $i+=1)
+        {
+            my $binseq = $contigs_hash{$contigs_2bin[$i]};
+            $new_seq .=$contigs_hash{$contigs_2bin[$i]};
+            my $len_current_contig = length($binseq);
+            my $start = $prev_len +1;
+            my $end = $start + $len_current_contig -1; 
+            my $col = 7;
+            if ($start > $total_len)
+            {
+                    $start = $total_len;
+            }
+            if ($end >$total_len)
+            {
+                    $end = $total_len;
+            }
+            my $co_cord = $start."..".$end;
+            my $note = "NO_HIT";
+            print $tabFH "FT   contig          ",$co_cord, "\n";
+            print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/systematic_id=\"", $contigs_2bin[$i],"\"","\n";
+            print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/method=\"", "mummer\"", "\n";
+            print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/colour=\"",$col, "\"", "\n";
+            print $tabFH "FT                   ", "/", $note, "\n";
+            $prev_len= $end;
+        }
+    }
+    my $to_write = write_Fasta ($new_seq);
+    print $seqFH $to_write;
+    ########
+    #------------------------------------------------------
+    if ($fasta_bin ==1)
+    {
+        foreach(@contigs_2bin)
+        {
+            print $dbinFH ">", $_, "\n";
+            my $to_write = write_Fasta($contigs_hash{$_});
+            print $dbinFH $to_write;
+        }
+    }
+        #unlink ("$");
+        #unlink ("$");
+        #unlink ("$choice.cluster");
+        #unlink ("$choice.tiling");
+    print "\nTo view your results in ACT\n\t\t Sequence file 1: $new_reference_file\n\t\t Comparison file 1: $prefix.crunch\n\t\t Sequence file 2: $prefix.fasta\n
+    \t\tACT feature file is: $\n
+    \t\tContigs bin file is: $prefix.bin\n
+    \t\tGaps in pseudomolecule are in: $prefix.gaps\n\n";
+    #Run tblastx....
+    if ($run_blast ==1)
+        {
+            print "Running tblastx on contigs in bin...\nThis may take several minutes ...\n";
+            my $formatdb = 'formatdb -p F -i' ;
+#		my @formating = `
+            !system("$formatdb $new_reference_file") or die "ERROR: Could not find 'formatdb' for blast\n";
+            my $blast_opt = 'blastall  -m 9 -p tblastx -d ';
+            my $contigs_inBin = $prefix.'.contigsInbin.fas';
+#			my @bigger_b = `
+                !system("$blast_opt $new_reference_file -i $contigs_inBin -o blast.out") or die "ERROR: Could not find 'blastall' , please install blast in your working path (other dir==0)\n$blast_opt $new_reference_file -i $contigs_inBin -o blast.out\n \n";
+        }
+    if ($pick_primer == 1)
+    {
+        my $qq = "$prefix.fasta";
+        pickPrimers($qq, $reference, $flank, $path_toPass, $chk_uniq,$qualAvailable,@Quality_Array);
+    } 
+sub write_Fasta {
+    my $sequence = shift;
+    my $fasta_seq ="";
+    my $length = length($sequence);
+    if ($length <= 60)
+    {
+      $fasta_seq = $sequence ; 
+    }
+    elsif ($length> 60 )
+    {
+        for (my $i =0; $i < $length; $i+=60)
+        {
+            my $tmp_s = substr $sequence, $i, 60;
+            $fasta_seq .= $tmp_s."\n"; 
+        }
+    } 
+    return $fasta_seq;
+sub write_Fasta_headers {
+    my $sequence = shift;
+	my $header = shift;
+	    my $fasta_seq =">$header\n";
+    my $length = length($sequence);
+    if ($length <= 60)
+    {
+      $fasta_seq.= $sequence ;
+    }
+    elsif ($length> 60 )
+    {
+        for (my $i =0; $i < $length; $i+=60)
+        {
+            my $tmp_s = substr $sequence, $i, 60;
+            $fasta_seq .= $tmp_s."\n";
+        }
+    }
+    return $fasta_seq;
+#---------------------------------------------- END OF CONTIG ORDERING SUBROUTINES----------------------------------------------------
+#----------------------------------------------- PRIMER DESIGN ---------------------------------------------------
+sub pickPrimers
+          #$ps = pseudo molecule,$rf = reference, $flan = flanking region size
+          my ($ps,$rf, $flan, $passed_path, $chk_uniq,$qualAvailable, @Quality_Array);
+          if (@_==4){
+                  ($rf,$ps, $flan, $chk_uniq) = @_;
+                   print "Primers without ordering..\n";
+                   print $rf;
+                   $passed_path = "nucmer";
+                   $qualAvailable =0;
+                   @Quality_Array = [];
+          }
+          else #(@_ == 7)
+          {
+                ($ps,$rf, $flan, $passed_path, $chk_uniq, $qualAvailable, @Quality_Array) = @_;
+          }
+          my $dna='';
+          my @gappedSeq;
+          my $records='';
+          my @sequence;
+          my $input='';
+	  #tdo
+	  my @gappedQual;
+	  #my $quality='';
+          my $path_toPass = $passed_path;
+          my @fasta;
+          my $query='';
+          my @exc_regions;
+          my $ch_name;
+          #my $flank = $flan; 
+          open (FH, $rf) or die "Could not open reference file\n";
+          open (FH2, $ps) or die "Could not open query/pseudomolecule file\n";
+          my $ref; #print ".... ", $rf; exit; 
+          my @r = <FH>;
+          my @qry = <FH2>;
+          my $dn = join ("", @qry);
+          $ref = join ("", @r);
+          $dna = Fasta2ordered ($dn);
+          #check if primer3 is installed
+          my $pr3 = "primer3_core";
+          my ($pr3_path, $pr3_Path, $pr3_path_dir) = checkProg ($pr3);
+          #my @check_prog = `which primer3_core`;     
+          open (PRI, '>primer3.summary.out') or die "Could not open file for write\n";
+         # 
+          #print $ref; exit;
+          my ($opt,$min,$max,$optTemp,$minTemp,$maxTemp,$flank,$lowRange,$maxRange,$gcMin,$gcOpt,$gcMax,$gclamp,$exclude,$quality) = getPoptions($qualAvailable); 
+          my ($gap_position,@positions, %seq_hash);
+          my $exc1 = $flank -$exclude;  #start of left exclude
+          print "Please wait... extracting target regions ...\n";
+          #regular expression extracts dna sequence before and after gaps in sequence (defined by N)
+          while($dna=~ /([atgc]{$flank,$flank}N+[atgc]{$flank,$flank})/gi)
+          {               
+	        $records= $1;
+			push (@gappedSeq, $records);
+			$gap_position = index($dna, $records);
+			push @positions, $gap_position;
+			$seq_hash{$gap_position}=$records;
+			#dna
+			if ($qualAvailable) {
+			  my $res;
+			  for (my $nn=($gap_position-1); $nn <= ($gap_position-1+length($records)-1); $nn++) {
+				$res.="$Quality_Array[$nn] ";
+			  }
+			  push @gappedQual, $res;			  
+			}
+          }
+        #loop prints out primer targets into a file format accepted by primer3
+        my $count=1;
+        my $identify='';
+        my $seq_num = scalar @gappedSeq;
+        my $name= " ";
+        my ($totalp, @left_name, @right_name, @left_seq, @right_seq);
+        my ($leftP_names, $rightP_names, $leftP_seqs, $rightP_seqs, $leftP_start, $leftP_lens, $rightP_ends, $rightP_lens,$left_Exclude,$right_Exclude, $primers_toExc, $prod_size)=
+        ("","","","","","","","","","", "", "");    
+        print $seq_num, " gaps found in target sequence\n"; 
+        print "Please wait...\nLooking for primers...\n";
+        print "Running Primer3 and checking uniquness of primers...\nCounting left and right primer hits from a nucmer mapping (-c 15 -l 15)\n";
+        for (my $i=0; $i<$seq_num; $i+=1)
+        {            
+                    $identify = $count++;
+                    if (defined $ch_name)
+                    {
+                            $name = $ch_name;
+                    }
+                    my $len = length($gappedSeq[$i]);
+                    my $exc2 = $len - $flank;
+                    open(FILE, '>data') or die "Could not open file\n";
+                    #tdo
+                    my $qual='';
+                    if ($qualAvailable) {
+                      $qual="PRIMER_SEQUENCE_QUALITY=$gappedQual[$i]\nPRIMER_MIN_QUALITY=$quality\n";
+                    }
+#WARNING: indenting the following lines may cause problems in primer3 
+print FILE "PRIMER_SEQUENCE_ID=Starting_Pos $positions[$i] 
+PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_EXCLUDED_REGION=$exc1,$exclude $exc2,$exclude
+".$qual."Number To Return=1
+close FILE;
+        #runs primer3 from commandline 
+        ################# NOTE: PRIMER3 SHOULD BE IN YOUR WORKING PATH #########
+                    my  @Pr3_output = `$pr3_path -format_output <data`;
+                    #print $positions[$i], "\t", $i, " ", $path_toPass, "  ", $rf, $exc1, " ",$exc2, "\n";
+                    my $fil = join (":%:", @Pr3_output);
+                   my ($uniq_primer, $string,$left_nm,$right_nm,$left_sq, $right_sq,$left_strt,$left_ln, $right_End,$right_ln,$primers_toExclude, $product_size)
+                    = check_Primers ($fil, $positions[$i], $i,$path_toPass, $rf, $exc1, $exc2);
+                    print PRI $string;
+                    if ($uniq_primer ==1)
+                    {
+                              $leftP_names.=$left_nm."\n";
+                              $rightP_names.=$right_nm."\n";
+                              $leftP_seqs.=$left_sq."\n";
+                              $rightP_seqs.=$right_sq."\n";
+                              $leftP_start.=$left_strt."\n";
+                              $leftP_lens.=$left_ln."\n";
+                              $rightP_ends.=$right_End."\n";
+                              $rightP_lens.=$right_ln."\n";
+                              $left_Exclude.=$exc1."\n";
+                              $right_Exclude.=$exc2."\n";
+                              $prod_size.=$product_size."\n";
+                    }
+                    if ($primers_toExclude ne "")
+                    {
+                              $primers_toExc.= $primers_toExclude; #."\n";
+                    }
+          }
+        write_Primers ($leftP_names, $rightP_names, $leftP_seqs, $rightP_seqs, $leftP_start, $leftP_lens, $rightP_ends, $rightP_lens,$primers_toExc,$left_Exclude,$right_Exclude, $prod_size);     
+        #write_Primers (@left_name, @right_name, @left_seq, @right_seq,@left_start, @left_len, @right_end, @right_len, @left_exclude, @right_exclude, $primers_toExclude);
+#checks the uniqueness of primers
+#input an array with promer3 output for each gap
+sub check_Primers
+          my ($fil, $position, $index,$path_toPass, $rf, $exc1, $exc2) = @_;
+          my  @Pr3_output = split /:%:/, $fil;           
+          my ($left_name, $right_name, $left_seq, $right_seq, $left_start,$left_len,$right_end,$right_len,$left_exclude,$right_exclude) = ("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
+          my $primers_toExclude ="";
+          my $product_size ="";
+          my $string ="";
+          my $uniq_primer = 0;
+          $string.="=========================================================================================\n";
+          $string.="Primer set for region starting at ".$position."\n";
+          if (defined $Pr3_output[5] && defined $Pr3_output[6])
+          {
+                    if ($Pr3_output[5]=~ /LEFT PRIMER/)
+                    {
+                           # print $Pr3_output[5];
+                            #check uniquness of primer against the genome
+                            my @splits_1 = split (/\s+/, $Pr3_output[5]);
+                            my $left_primer = $splits_1[8];
+                            my $left_st = $splits_1[2];
+                            my $left_length = $splits_1[3];
+                            my @splits_2 = split (/\s+/, $Pr3_output[6]);
+                            my $right_primer = $splits_2[8];
+                            my $right_st = $splits_2[2];
+                            my $right_length = $splits_2[3];
+                            open (QRY_1, '>./left_query'); # open a file for left primers
+                            print QRY_1 ">left_01\n";    #
+                            print QRY_1 $left_primer,"\n";
+                            open (QRY_2, '>./right_query');
+                            print QRY_2 ">right_01\n";
+                            print QRY_2 $right_primer,"\n";
+                            my ($left_count, $right_count);
+                            #if ($chk_uniq eq "nucmer")
+                            #{
+                                my $options = "-c 15 --coords  -l 15 ";
+                                my $rq = "right_query";
+                                my $lq = "left_query";
+                                my (@right_ps, @left_ps);
+                               # print $path_toPass, "\t", $options, "\n";
+                                my @Rrun = `$path_toPass $options -p R $rf  $rq &> /dev/null`;
+                                print ".";
+                                my $f1 = "R.coords";
+                                open (RP, $f1) or die "Could not open file $f1 while checking uniqueness of right primer\n";                           
+                                  while (<RP>)
+                                {
+                                    chomp;
+                                    if ($_ =~ /right_01$/)
+                                    {
+                                        push @right_ps, $_;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                close (RP);
+                                my @Lrun = `$path_toPass $options -p L $rf  $lq &> /dev/null`;                               
+                                print ".";
+                                my $f2 = "L.coords";
+                                open (LQ, $f2) or die "Could not open file $f2\n";
+                                while (<LQ>)
+                                {
+                                    chomp;
+                                    if ($_ =~ /left_01$/)
+                                    {
+                                        push @left_ps, $_;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                close (LQ);
+                                $right_count = scalar (@right_ps);  
+                                $left_count = scalar(@left_ps); 
+                              #check if a primer is not in the excluded region::
+                              my $primer_NearEnd =0;
+                              if ($left_st > $exc1 || $right_st < $exc2)
+                              {
+                                        $primer_NearEnd = 1;
+                              }
+                            if ($left_count < 2 && $right_count<2 && $primer_NearEnd ==0)
+                            {
+                                    $string.=$left_count."\t".$Pr3_output[5]."\n";
+                                    $string.=$right_count."\t".$Pr3_output[6]."\n";
+                                    $string.="***************************** PRIMER3 OUTPUT **************************\n";
+                                    foreach (@Pr3_output) {$string.=$_;}
+                                    my @prod_size_split = split /\s+/, $Pr3_output[10];
+                                    $product_size = substr($prod_size_split[2], 0, -1);
+                                    $left_name = $position;
+                                    $right_name = $position;
+                                    my $lp_uc = uc ($left_primer);
+                                    my $rp_uc = uc($right_primer);
+                                        #print $left_count, "..", $right_count, "\t";
+                                    $left_seq = $lp_uc;
+                                    $right_seq= $rp_uc;
+                                    $left_start= $left_st;
+                                    $left_len = $left_length;
+                                    $right_end = $right_st;
+                                    $right_len = $right_length;
+                                    $left_exclude = $exc1;
+                                    $right_exclude =$exc2;
+                                    $uniq_primer =1;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                        if ($primer_NearEnd ==1)
+                                        {
+                                             $string.="One of the oligos is near the end of a contig\n";     
+                                        }
+                                        else
+                                        {
+                                                  $string.="Primer set not unique\n";
+                                        }
+                                    $primers_toExclude.=">L.".$position."\n".$left_primer."\n";
+                                    $primers_toExclude.=">R.".$position."\n".$right_primer."\n";
+                            }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                            $string.="No Primers found\n";
+                    }
+          }
+          return ($uniq_primer, $string,$left_name,$right_name,$left_seq, $right_seq,$left_start,$left_len, $right_end,$right_len,$primers_toExclude, $product_size);
+# Writes primers and their regions to file
+sub  write_Primers {
+          my ($leftP_names, $rightP_names, $leftP_seqs, $rightP_seqs, $leftP_start, $leftP_lens, $rightP_ends, $rightP_lens,$primers_toExclude,$left_Exclude,$right_Exclude, $product_sizes) = @_;
+          my (@left_name, @right_name, @left_seq, @right_seq, @left_start, @left_len, @right_end, @right_len, @left_exclude, @right_exclude, @product_size);
+          #open files to read
+          @left_name = split /\n/, $leftP_names;
+          @right_name= split /\n/, $rightP_names;
+          @left_seq = split /\n/, $leftP_seqs;
+          @right_seq = split /\n/, $rightP_seqs;
+          @left_start = split /\n/, $leftP_start;
+          @left_len = split /\n/, $leftP_lens;
+          @right_end = split/\n/, $rightP_ends;
+          @right_len = split /\n/, $rightP_lens;
+          @left_exclude = split /\n/, $left_Exclude;
+          @right_exclude = split /\n/,$right_Exclude;
+          @product_size = split /\n/, $product_sizes;
+          my $primers_withSize ="";       
+          open (SEN, '>sense_primers.out') or die "Could not open file for write\n";
+          open (ASEN, '>antiSense_primers.out') or die "Could not open file for write\n";
+          open (REG_1, '>sense_regions.out') or die "Could not open file for write\n";
+          open (REG_2, '>antiSense_regions.out') or die "Could not open file for write\n";
+          if ($primers_toExclude ne "")
+          {
+                    open (PEX, '>primers_toExclude.out') or die "Could not open file for write\n";
+                    print PEX $primers_toExclude;
+          }
+          my $totalp = scalar (@left_name);
+          #print $totalp, "\n"; exit;
+          my $well_pos;
+          my $max_plates = ceil($totalp/96);
+          #print "MAX Ps ", $max_plates, "\n";
+          my $plate=1;
+          my $sen ="";
+          my $asen ="";
+          my $plate_counter =0;
+          my $wells = 96;
+          for (my $index =0; $index < $totalp; $index += $wells)
+          {
+                   my $do = $index;
+                   my $upper_bound= $index + $wells;
+                   if ($upper_bound > $totalp)
+                   {
+                              $upper_bound = $totalp;
+                   }
+                   for (my $j=$index; $j <= ($upper_bound-1); $j+=1)
+                    {
+                       my $i = $j;
+                       if ($j < 96)
+                       {
+                              $well_pos = get_WellPosition ($j);
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                            $well_pos = get_WellPosition ($j - $wells)  
+                       }
+                           #$primers_withSize.=$product_size[$i]."\t"."Plate_".$plate. "\t\tS.".$i."\tS.".$left_name[$i]."\t".
+                           print SEN "Plate_".$plate, "\t\t","S.", $i, "\tS.", $left_name[$i], "\t", $left_seq[$i], "\t\t+", "\t", $well_pos, "\n"; 
+                           print ASEN "Plate_".$plate, "\t\t","AS.", $i, "\tAS.", $right_name[$i], "\t", $right_seq[$i], "\t\t-","\t", $well_pos,"\n";
+                           print REG_1 "Plate_".$plate, "\t\t","S.", $i, "\t", $left_start[$i], "\t", $left_len[$i], "\n";
+                           print REG_2 "Plate_".$plate, "\t\t","AS.", $i, "\t", $right_end[$i], "\t",$right_len[$i], "\n";
+                    }
+                    $plate +=1;
+          }
+        #delete tmp. files
+        #my $rm = "rm -f";
+        system ("rm -f data left_query right_query R.cluster R.coords L.cluster L.coords");
+        print "\nPRIMER DESIGN DONE\n\n";
+	# end of primer design program
+# returns a well position for oligos 
+sub get_WellPosition{
+          my $j = shift;
+          my $well_pos;
+          if ($j < 12)
+          {
+                    $well_pos = "a".($j+1);
+          }
+          elsif ($j>11 && $j<24) {
+                    $well_pos = "b". (($j+1) -12);
+          }
+          elsif ($j>23 && $j<36) {
+                    $well_pos = "c". (($j+1) -24);
+          }
+          elsif ($j>35 && $j<48) {
+                    $well_pos = "d". (($j+1) - 36);
+          }
+          elsif($j>47 && $j<60) {
+                    $well_pos = "e". (($j+1) -48);
+          }
+          elsif ($j>59 && $j<72)
+          {
+                    $well_pos = "f". (($j+1) - 60);
+          }
+          elsif ($j>71 && $j< 84)
+          {
+                    $well_pos = "g". (($j+1) - 72);
+          }
+          elsif ($j>83 && $j<96)
+          {
+                    $well_pos = "h". (($j+1) - 84);
+          }
+          return $well_pos;
+#get options for primer design
+sub getPoptions{
+          my $qualAvailable = shift;
+          #### USER INPUTS ##########
+        #ask for optimum primer size
+        print "\nEnter Optimum Primer size (default 20 bases):";
+        my $opt=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $opt;
+        if($opt eq '')
+        {
+                $opt = 20;
+        }
+        #ask for minimum primer size
+        print "\nEnter Minimum Primer size (default 18 bases):";
+        my $min=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $min;
+        if($min eq '')
+        {
+                $min = 18;
+        }
+        #ask for maximum primer size
+        print "\nEnter Maximum Primer size (default 27 bases):";
+        my $max= <STDIN>;
+        chomp $max;
+        if($max eq '')
+        {
+                $max= 27;
+        }
+        #ask for optimum primer temperature
+        print "\nEnter Optimum melting temperature (Celcius) for a primer oligo (default 60.0C):";
+        my $optTemp=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $optTemp;
+        if($optTemp eq '')
+        {
+                $optTemp = 60.0;
+        }
+        #ask for minimum primer temperature
+        print "\nEnter Minimum melting temperature (Celcius) for a primer oligo (default 57.0C):";
+        my $minTemp=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $minTemp;
+        if($minTemp eq '')
+        {
+                $minTemp = 57.0;
+        }
+        #ask for maximum primer temperature
+        print "\nEnter Maximum melting temperature (Celcius) for a primer oligo (default 63.0C):";
+        my $maxTemp=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $maxTemp;
+        if($maxTemp eq '')
+        {
+                $maxTemp = 63.0;
+        }
+        print "\nEnter flanking region size (default 1000 bases): ";
+        my $flank=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $flank;
+        if ($flank eq '')
+        {
+          $flank = 1000;
+        }
+        #ask for primer product range
+        print "\nEnter minimum product size produced by primers (default =flanking size):";
+        my $lowRange=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $lowRange;
+        if($lowRange eq '')
+        {
+                $lowRange = $flank;
+        }
+        print "\nEnter maxmimum product size produced by primers (default 7000):";
+        my $maxRange=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $maxRange;
+        if($maxRange eq '')
+        {
+                $maxRange = 7000;
+        }
+        #ask for minimum GC content in primers
+        print "\nEnter minimum GC content in primers (default 20%):";
+        my $gcMin=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $gcMin;
+        if($gcMin eq '')
+        {
+                $gcMin = 20.0;
+        }
+        #ask for optimum GC content in primers
+        print "\nEnter optimum GC content in primers (default 50%):";
+        my $gcOpt=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $gcOpt;
+        if($gcOpt eq '')
+        {
+                $gcOpt = 50.0;
+        }
+        #ask for maximum GC content in primers
+        print "\nEnter maximum GC content in primers (default 80%):";
+        my $gcMax=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $gcMax;
+        if($gcMax eq '')
+        {
+                $gcMax = 80.0;
+        }
+        print "\nEnter GC clamp  (default 1):";
+        my $gclamp=<STDIN>;
+        chomp $gclamp;
+        if($gclamp eq '')
+        {
+                $gclamp = 1;
+        }
+	print "\nEnter size of region to exclude at the end of contigs (default 100 bases):";
+	my $exclude=<STDIN>;
+	chomp $exclude;
+	if ($exclude eq '')
+	{
+		$exclude = 100;
+	}
+	  #tdo
+          my $quality='';
+	  if ($qualAvailable)
+          {
+                    print "\nEnter minimum quality for primer pick (default 40):";
+                    $quality=<STDIN>;
+                    chomp $quality;
+                    if($quality eq '')
+		  {
+			$quality = 40;
+		  }
+	  }
+return ($opt,$min,$max,$optTemp,$minTemp,$maxTemp,$flank,$lowRange,$maxRange,$gcMin,$gcOpt,$gcMax,$gclamp,$exclude, $quality);
+#-----------------------------------------------------END of PRIMER DESIGN ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#-----------------------------------------------------END OF ABACAS -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#wrapper for abacas
+##our arguments will come in as an array
+#to keep things readable assign vars
+##ok lets do up the optional tags.....I have four thus far
+##generate ordered multifasta file
+if [ "$ordered_contigs" == "yes" ]; then
+	options="-m"
+if [ "$use_bin" == "yes" ]; then
+        options="$options -b"
+if [ "$non" == "yes" ]; then
+        options="$options -N"
+if [ "$append_bin" == "yes" ]; then
+        options="$options -a"
+options="$options -o ab_out"
+script_path="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd)"
+#run abacas
+eval "perl $script_path/ $options -r $input_ref -q $input_query -p nucmer"
+echo "perl $script_path/ $options -r $input_ref -q $input_query -p nucmer"
+#ok now we have to remove the nucmer files to cleanup a bit...
+rm nucmer.tiling
+#name the datafiles properly
+mv ab_out.bin "$out_bin"
+if [ "$ordered_contigs" == "yes" ]; then
+	mv ab_out.contigs.fas "$out_multi"
+if [ "$use_bin" == "yes" ]; then
+	mv ab_out.contigsInbin.fas "$out_binmulti"
+mv ab_out.crunch "$out_crunch"
+mv ab_out.fasta "$out_fasta"
+mv ab_out.gaps "$out_gaps"
+if [ "$non" == "yes" ]; then
+	mv ab_out.NoNs.fasta "$out_nonpseudo"
+mv "$out_tab"
+mv unused_contigs.out "$out_unused"
+#end script for now
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/abacas.xml	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+<tool id="abacas" name="abacas contig ordering" version="1.1">
+	<description>Order and Orientate Contigs </description>
+	<requirements>
+		<requirement type="package" version="3.23">mummer</requirement>
+		<requirement type="package" version="5.26.2">perl</requirement>
+	</requirements>
+<command detect_errors="exit_code">
+	bash '$__tool_directory__/'
+	'$input_ref'
+	'$input_query'
+	'$ordered_contigs'
+	'$use_bin'
+	'$non'
+	'$append_bin'
+	'$out_bin'
+	'$out_crunch'
+	'$out_gaps'
+	'$out_fasta'
+	'$out_tab'
+	'$out_unused'
+	'$out_multi'
+	'$out_binmulti'
+	'$out_nonpseudo'
+		<inputs>
+			<param name="input_ref" type="data" format="fasta" label="Reference sequence" />
+			<param name="input_query" type="data" format="fasta" label="Sequence query file"/>
+			<param name="ordered_contigs" type="select" format="text" value="yes" label="Generate a multifasta file of the ordered contigs." help="The multifasta file of ordered contigs will be supplemental to the default pseudomolecule fasta file generated.">
+				<option value="yes">Yes</option>
+			 	<option value="no">No</option>
+			</param>
+			<param name="use_bin" type="select" format="text" value="yes" label="Generate a multifasta file of the unused contigs." help="The unsed contigs refer to contigs that were not used in the alignment.">
+			 	<option value="yes">Yes</option>
+			 	<option value="no">No</option>
+			</param>
+			<param name="non" type="select" format="text" value="yes" label="Generate a pseudomolecule by concatenating the aligned contigs without any nnn linkers." help="The no N's fasta file will be supplemental to the default pseudomolecule fasta file generated with n linkers.">
+				<option value="yes">Yes</option>
+				<option value="no">No</option>
+			</param>
+			<param name="append_bin" type="select" format="text" value="yes" label="Append the unused contigs from the bin onto the pseudomolecule." help="The pseudomolecule will be ordered and oriented and then any left over contigs from the bin will be concatenated to the end.">
+				<option value="yes">Yes</option>
+				<option value="no">No</option>
+			</param>
+		</inputs>
+		<outputs>
+			<data name="out_crunch" format="tabular" label="ACT crunch file"/>
+			<data name="out_tab" format="tabular" label="tab files"/>
+			<data name="out_gaps" format="tabular" label="gaps file"/>
+			<data name="out_fasta" format="tabular" label="pseudmolecule fasta file"/>
+			<data name="out_unused" format="tabular" label="unused contig information file"/>
+			<data name="out_bin" format="tabular" label="List of unused contigs"/>
+			<data name="out_multi" format="fasta" label="Multifasta file of contigs">
+				<filter>ordered_contigs=="yes"</filter>
+			</data>
+			<data name="out_binmulti" format="fasta" label="Multifasta file of bin contigs">
+				<filter>use_bin=="yes"</filter>
+			</data>
+			<data name="out_nonpseudo" format="fasta" label="Pseudomolecule with no N's">
+				<filter>non=="yes"</filter>
+			</data>
+		</outputs>
+   <test>
+      <param name="input_ref" value="reference_sequence.fasta"/>
+      <param name="input_query" value="sequence_query.fasta"/>
+      <param name="ordered_contigs" value="no" />
+      <param name="use_bin" value="no" />
+      <param name="non" value="no" />
+      <param name="append_bin" value="no" />
+      <output name="out_crunch" value="out_crunch"/>
+      <output name="out_tab" value="out_tab"/>
+      <output name="out_gaps" value="out_gaps"/>
+      <output name="out_fasta" value="out_fasta"/>
+      <output name="out_unused" value="out_unused"/>
+      <output name="out_bin">
+	      <assert_contents>
+		      <has_text text ="NODE_1_length_1"/>
+		      <has_text text ="NODE_2_length_10"/>
+	      </assert_contents>
+      </output>
+   </test>
+	<![CDATA[ABACAS is intended to rapidly contiguate (align, order, orientate), visualize and design primers to close gaps on shotgun assembled contigs based on a reference sequence]]>
+	<citation type="bibtex">
+		@misc{sourceforgeABACAS,
+                title = {ABACAS: Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences},
+                publisher = {BioMalPar Consortium and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute},
+                journal = {SourceForge},
+                url = {},
+                }
+	</citation>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/out_crunch	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+100 100 1 110 NODE_4_length_110 1 110 unknown NONE
+100 100 400 500 NODE_3_length_101 400 500 unknown NONE
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/out_fasta	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/out_gaps	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+Gap	289	111	399	111	399
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/out_tab	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ID   NODE_1_length_500
+FT   contig          1..110
+FT                   /systematic_id="NODE_4_length_110"
+FT                   /method="mummer"
+FT                   /Contig_coverage="100.00"
+FT                   /Percent_identity="100.00"
+FT                   /colour="4"
+FT   contig          400..500
+FT                   /systematic_id="NODE_3_length_101"
+FT                   /method="mummer"
+FT                   /Contig_coverage="100.00"
+FT                   /Percent_identity="100.00"
+FT                   /Overlapping="YES"
+FT                   /colour="5"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/reference_sequence.fasta	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sequence_query.fasta	Thu Nov 21 12:53:20 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@