diff tools/count_roi_variants/count_roi_variants.py @ 0:95efbdb72961 draft

v0.0.4 - Previously only on Test Tool Shed
author peterjc
date Wed, 01 Feb 2017 07:10:26 -0500
children 3ee6f4d0ac80
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/count_roi_variants/count_roi_variants.py	Wed Feb 01 07:10:26 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Count sequence variants in region of interest in a BAM file.
+This script takes exactly four command line arguments:
+ * Input BAM filename
+ * Input BAI filename (via Galaxy metadata)
+ * Output tabular filename
+ * Region of interest (reference:start-end as used in samtools)
+This messes about with the filenames to make samtools happy, then
+runs "samtools view" and parses the reads mapped to the ROI, counts
+the observed variants spanning the ROI, and outputs this as a
+tabular file.
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+if "-v" in sys.argv or "--version" in sys.argv:
+    # Galaxy seems to invert the order of the two lines
+    print("BAM coverage statistics v0.0.4 (using samtools)")
+    cmd = "samtools 2>&1 | grep -i ^Version"
+    sys.exit(os.system(cmd))
+# TODO - Proper command line API
+usage = """Requires 4 arguments: BAM, BAI, tabular filename, samtools-style region
+For ease of use, you can use a minus sign as the BAI filename which will use the BAM
+filename with the suffix .bai added to it. Example using one of the test-data files:
+$ count_roi_variants.py "SRR639755_mito_pairs_vs_NC_010642_clc.bam" "-" "counts.txt" "gi|187250362|ref|NC_010642.1|:1695-1725"
+Counted 3 variants from 16 reads spanning gi|187250362|ref|NC_010642.1|:1695-1725
+$ cat counts.txt
+Variant	Count	Percentage
+if len(sys.argv) == 5:
+    bam_filename, bai_filename, tabular_filename, region = sys.argv[1:]
+    sys.exit(usage)
+if not os.path.isfile(bam_filename):
+    sys.exit("Input BAM file not found: %s" % bam_filename)
+if bai_filename == "-":
+    # Make this optional for ease of use at the command line by hand:
+    if os.path.isfile(bam_filename + ".bai"):
+        bai_filename = bam_filename + ".bai"
+if not os.path.isfile(bai_filename):
+    if bai_filename == "None":
+        sys.exit("Error: Galaxy did not index your BAM file")
+    sys.exit("Input BAI file not found: %s" % bai_filename)
+    # Sanity check we have "ref:start-end" to give clear error message
+    # Note can have semi-colon in the reference name
+    # Note can have thousand separator commas in the start/end
+    ref, start_end = region.rsplit(":", 1)
+    start, end = start_end.split("-")
+    start = int(start.replace(",", ""))
+    end = int(end.replace(",", ""))
+except ValueError:
+    sys.exit("Bad argument for region: %r" % region)
+# Assign sensible names with real extensions, and setup symlinks:
+tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+bam_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "temp.bam")
+bai_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "temp.bam.bai")
+os.symlink(os.path.abspath(bam_filename), bam_file)
+os.symlink(os.path.abspath(bai_filename), bai_file)
+assert os.path.isfile(bam_file), bam_file
+assert os.path.isfile(bai_file), bai_file
+assert os.path.isfile(bam_file + ".bai"), bam_file
+def clean_up():
+    os.remove(bam_file)
+    os.remove(bai_file)
+    os.rmdir(tmp_dir)
+def decode_cigar(cigar):
+    """Returns a list of 2-tuples, integer count and operator char."""
+    count = ""
+    answer = []
+    for letter in cigar:
+        if letter.isdigit():
+            count += letter  # string addition
+        elif letter in "MIDNSHP=X":
+            answer.append((int(count), letter))
+            count = ""
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid character %s in CIGAR %s" % (letter, cigar))
+    return answer
+assert decode_cigar("14S15M1P1D3P54M1D34M5S") == [(14, 'S'), (15, 'M'), (1, 'P'), (1, 'D'), (3, 'P'), (54, 'M'), (1, 'D'), (34, 'M'), (5, 'S')]
+def align_len(cigar_ops):
+    """Sums the CIGAR M/=/X/D/N operators."""
+    return sum(count for count, op in cigar_ops if op in "M=XDN")
+def expand_cigar(seq, cigar_ops):
+    """Yields (ref_offset, seq_base) pairs."""
+    ref_offset = 0
+    seq_offset = 0
+    for count, op in cigar_ops:
+        if op in "MX=":
+            for (i, base) in enumerate(seq[seq_offset:seq_offset + count]):
+                yield ref_offset + i, base
+            ref_offset += count
+            seq_offset += count
+        elif op == "I":
+            # Give them all an in-between reference position
+            # (Python lets us mix integers and floats, wouldn't work in C)
+            for (i, base) in enumerate(seq[seq_offset:seq_offset + count]):
+                yield ref_offset - 0.5, base
+            # Does not change ref_offset
+            seq_offset += count
+        elif op in "DN":
+            # Deletion/skip,
+            # TODO: Option to return gap characters
+            # for i in range(count):
+            #     yield ref_offset + i, "-"
+            ref_offset += count
+        elif op == "S":
+            # Soft clipping, silently discard the bases (OK?)
+            seq_offset += count
+        elif op in "HP":
+            # Hard trimming or pad, can ignore
+            # TODO: Yield "-" if later offer to report deletions
+            pass
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected CIGAR operator %s" % op)
+assert list(expand_cigar("ACGT", decode_cigar("4M"))) == [(0, "A"), (1, "C"), (2, "G"), (3, "T")]
+assert list(expand_cigar("ACGT", decode_cigar("2=1X1="))) == [(0, "A"), (1, "C"), (2, "G"), (3, "T")]
+assert list(expand_cigar("ACGT", decode_cigar("2M1D2M"))) == [(0, "A"), (1, "C"), (3, "G"), (4, "T")]
+assert list(expand_cigar("ACtGT", decode_cigar("2M1I2M"))) == [(0, "A"), (1, "C"), (1.5, "t"), (2, "G"), (3, "T")]
+assert list(expand_cigar("tACGT", decode_cigar("1I4M"))) == [(-0.5, 't'), (0, 'A'), (1, 'C'), (2, 'G'), (3, 'T')]
+assert list(expand_cigar("ACGTt", decode_cigar("4M1I"))) == [(0, 'A'), (1, 'C'), (2, 'G'), (3, 'T'), (3.5, 't')]
+assert list(expand_cigar("AAAAGGGGTTTT", decode_cigar("12M"))) == [(0, 'A'), (1, 'A'), (2, 'A'), (3, 'A'), (4, 'G'), (5, 'G'), (6, 'G'), (7, 'G'), (8, 'T'), (9, 'T'), (10, 'T'), (11, 'T')]
+assert list(expand_cigar("AAAAcGGGGTTTT", decode_cigar("4M1I8M"))) == [(0, 'A'), (1, 'A'), (2, 'A'), (3, 'A'), (3.5, 'c'), (4, 'G'), (5, 'G'), (6, 'G'), (7, 'G'), (8, 'T'), (9, 'T'), (10, 'T'), (11, 'T')]
+assert list(expand_cigar("AAAAGGGGcTTTT", decode_cigar("8M1I4M"))) == [(0, 'A'), (1, 'A'), (2, 'A'), (3, 'A'), (4, 'G'), (5, 'G'), (6, 'G'), (7, 'G'), (7.5, "c"), (8, 'T'), (9, 'T'), (10, 'T'), (11, 'T')]
+assert list(expand_cigar("AAAAcGGGGcTTTT", decode_cigar("4M1I4M1I4M"))) == [(0, 'A'), (1, 'A'), (2, 'A'), (3, 'A'), (3.5, 'c'), (4, 'G'), (5, 'G'), (6, 'G'), (7, 'G'), (7.5, 'c'), (8, 'T'), (9, 'T'), (10, 'T'), (11, 'T')]
+def get_roi(seq, cigar_ops, start, end):
+    """Extract region of seq mapping to the ROI.
+    Expect start and end to be zero based Python style end points.
+    i.e. The ROI relative to the mapping start recorded in the POS field.
+    Will return part of the SAM/BAM value SEQ based on interpretting the
+    passed CIGAR operators.
+    """
+    if len(cigar_ops) == 1 and cigar_ops[0][1] in "M=X":
+        # Easy case, note start/end/pos all one-based
+        assert cigar_ops[0][0] == len(seq)
+        return seq[start:end]
+    # Would use "start <= i < end" if they were all integers, but
+    # want to exclude e.g. 3.5 and 7.5 when given start 4 and end 8.
+    return "".join(base for i, base in expand_cigar(seq, cigar_ops) if start <= i <= end - 1)
+assert "GGGG" == get_roi("AAAAGGGGTTTT", decode_cigar("12M"), 4, 8)
+assert "GGGG" == get_roi("AAAAcGGGGTTTT", decode_cigar("4M1I8M"), 4, 8)
+assert "GGGG" == get_roi("AAAAGGGGcTTTT", decode_cigar("8M1I4M"), 4, 8)
+assert "GGGG" == get_roi("AAAAcGGGGcTTTT", decode_cigar("4M1I4M1I4M"), 4, 8)
+assert "GGaGG" == get_roi("AAAAGGaGGTTTT", decode_cigar("6M1I6M"), 4, 8)
+assert "GGGgA" == get_roi("AAAAGGGgATTTT", decode_cigar("7M1I5M"), 4, 8)
+def count_region():
+    # Could recreate the region string (with no commas in start/end)?
+    # region = "%s:%i-%i" % (ref, start, end)
+    tally = dict()
+    # Call samtools view, don't need header so no -h added.
+    # Only want mapped reads, thus flag filter -F 4.
+    child = subprocess.Popen(["samtools", "view", "-F", "4", bam_file, region],
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    for line in child.stdout:
+        assert line[0] != "@", "Got unexpected SAM header line: %s" % line
+        qname, flag, rname, pos, mapq, cigar, rnext, pnext, tlen, seq, rest = line.split("\t", 10)
+        pos = int(pos)  # one-based
+        if start < pos:
+            # Does not span the ROI
+            continue
+        cigar_ops = decode_cigar(cigar)
+        if pos + align_len(cigar_ops) - 1 < end:
+            # Does not span the ROI
+            continue
+        # All of start/end/pos are currently one-based, making offsets Python style....
+        roi_seq = get_roi(seq, cigar_ops, start - pos, end - pos + 1)
+        assert roi_seq, "Error, empty ROI sequence for: %s" % line
+        try:
+            tally[roi_seq] += 1
+        except KeyError:
+            tally[roi_seq] = 1
+    stderr = child.stderr.read()
+    child.stdout.close()
+    child.stderr.close()
+    return_code = child.wait()
+    if return_code:
+        sys.exit("Got return code %i from samtools view" % return_code)
+    elif "specifies an unknown reference name. Continue anyway." in stderr:
+        sys.exit(stderr.strip() + "\n\nERROR: samtools did not recognise the region requested, can't count any variants.")
+    return tally
+def record_counts():
+    tally = count_region()
+    total = sum(tally.values())
+    # Using negative count to get sort with highest count first,
+    # while tie-breaking by the ROI sequence alphabetically.
+    table = sorted((-count, roi_seq) for (roi_seq, count) in tally.items())
+    del tally
+    with open(tabular_filename, "w") as handle:
+        handle.write("Variant\tCount\tPercentage\n")
+        for count, roi_seq in table:
+            handle.write("%s\t%i\t%0.2f\n" % (roi_seq, -count, -count * 100.0 / total))
+    print("Counted %i variants from %i reads spanning %s" % (len(table), total, region))
+# Run it!
+# Remove the temp symlinks and files: