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New version 2.1.2-galaxy1 (updates UCSC dependencies)
author | pjbriggs |
date | Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:54:55 +0000 (21 months ago) |
parents | 11cf21ee4242 |
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<tool id="macs2_1_peakcalling" name="MACS2.1.2" version="2.1.2-galaxy1"> <description>Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq: peak calling</description> <requirements> <requirement type="package" version="2.7">python</requirement> <requirement type="package" version="2.1.2">macs2</requirement> <requirement type="package" version="3.5">R</requirement> <requirement type="package" version="377">ucsc-fetchchromsizes</requirement> <requirement type="package" version="377">ucsc-bedclip</requirement> <requirement type="package" version="377">ucsc-bedsort</requirement> <requirement type="package" version="377">ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig</requirement> </requirements> <version_command>macs2 --version</version_command> <command><![CDATA[ python $__tool_directory__/ callpeak ## ## ChIP-seq input $input_chipseq_file1 ## ## ChIP-seq control #if str($input_control_file1) != 'None' -c $input_control_file1 #end if ## --format=$format --name="$experiment_name" --bw=$bw ## ## Genome size #if str($genome_size.gsize) == '' --gsize=$genome_size.user_defined_gsize #else: --gsize=$genome_size.gsize #end if ## ## Broad peaks #if str($broad_options.broad_regions) == 'broad' --broad --broad-cutoff=$broad_options.broad_cutoff #end if ## ## (no)model options #if str($nomodel_type.nomodel_type_selector) == 'nomodel' --nomodel --extsize=$nomodel_type.extsize #end if ## ## pq value select options #if str($pq_options.pq_options_selector) == 'qvalue' --qvalue=$pq_options.qvalue #else --pvalue=$pq_options.pvalue #end if ## ## Bedgraph options #if $bdg_options.bdg -B $bdg_options.spmr #end if ## ## Advanced options #if $advanced_options.advanced_options_selector --mfold $advanced_options.mfoldlo $advanced_options.mfoldhi $advanced_options.nolambda $advanced_options.call_summits #if str($advanced_options.keep_duplicates.keep_dup) == '' --keep-dup $advanced_options.keep_duplicates.maximum_tags #else --keep-dup $advanced_options.keep_duplicates.keep_dup #end if #else ## Defaults if advanced options not set --mfold 10 30 --keep-dup 1 #end if ## ## Output files --output-summits=$output_summits_bed_file --output-extra-files=$output_extra_files --output-extra-files-path=$output_extra_files.files_path ## ## Narrow/broad peak outputs #if str($broad_options.broad_regions) == 'broad' --output-broadpeaks=$output_broadpeaks_file --output-gappedpeaks=$output_gappedpeaks_file #else --output-narrowpeaks=$output_narrowpeaks_file #end if ## ## Bedgraph outputs #if $bdg_options.bdg --output-pileup=$output_treat_pileup_file --output-lambda-bedgraph=$output_lambda_bedgraph_file #if $bdg_options.make_bigwig --output-bigwig=$output_bigwig_file --length=$GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR/shared/ucsc/chrom/${input_chipseq_file1.dbkey}.len #end if #end if ## ## XLS/interval output #if str($xls_to_interval) == 'True' --output-xls-to-interval=$output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file #else --output-peaks=$output_peaks_file #end if ]]></command> <inputs> <!--experiment name used as base for output file names --> <param name="experiment_name" type="text" value="MACS2.1 in Galaxy" size="50" label="Experiment Name"/> <!--choose 'broad' or 'narrow' regions--> <conditional name="broad_options"> <param name="broad_regions" type="select" label="Type of region to call" help="Broad regions are formed by linking nearby enriched regions"> <option value="" selected="true">Narrow regions</option> <option value="broad">Broad regions</option> </param> <when value="broad"> <param name="broad_cutoff" type="float" label="Cutoff for broad regions" value="0.1" help="default: 0.1 (--broad-cutoff)"/> </when> </conditional> <param name="format" type="select" label="Format of input read data" help="Specify the format of the input data and whether or not it is paired end (--format)"> <option value="BAMPE" selected="true">BAM (paired-end)</option> <option value="BAM">BAM (single-end)</option> <option value="BEDPE">BED (paired-end)</option> <option value="BED">BED (single-end)</option> <option value="SAMPE">SAM (paired-end)</option> <option value="SAM">SAM (single-end)</option> </param> <param name="input_chipseq_file1" type="data" format="bed,sam,bam" label="ChIP-seq read file" /> <param name="input_control_file1" type="data" format="bed,sam,bam" optional="True" label="ChIP-seq control read file" /> <conditional name="genome_size"> <param name="gsize" type="select" label="Effective genome size" help="Either pre-defined (for common organisms), or user-defined (--gsize)"> <option value="hs" selected="true">Human (2.7e9)</option> <option value="mm">Mouse (1.87e9)</option> <option value="ce">C. elegans (9e7)</option> <option value="dm">Fruitfly (1.2e8)</option> <option value="">User-defined</option> </param> <when value=""> <!-- User-defined effective genome size --> <param name="user_defined_gsize" type="float" value="" label="Enter effective genome size (number of bases)" help="e.g. '1.0e+9' or '1000000000'" /> </when> </conditional> <param name="bw" type="integer" label="Band width" value="300" help="(--bw)"/> <param name="xls_to_interval" label="Include XLS file from MACS" type="boolean" truevalue="True" falsevalue="False" checked="True" help="MACS2 XLS file will be output to the history in 'interval' format (suitable for subsequent analysis in Galaxy). Note that start positions are 1-based."/> <conditional name="bdg_options"> <param name="bdg" label="Save treatment and control lambda pileups in bedGraph" type="boolean" truevalue="-B" falsevalue="" checked="False" /> <when value="-B"> <param name="spmr" type="boolean" truevalue="--SPMR" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="Save signal per million reads for fragment pileup profiles" help="(--SPMR)" /> <param name="make_bigwig" type="boolean" checked="True" truevalue="True" falsevalue="" label="Also generate bigWig file from bedGraph" help="bigWig file can used in subsequent analyses e.g. CEAS" /> </when> <when value=""> <!-- Display nothing --> </when> </conditional> <conditional name="pq_options"> <param name="pq_options_selector" type="select" label="Select p-value or q-value" help="default uses q-value"> <option value="qvalue">q-value</option> <option value="pvalue">p-value</option> </param> <when value="pvalue"> <param name="pvalue" type="float" label="p-value cutoff for binding region detection" value="1e-2" help="default: 1e-2 (--pvalue)"/> </when> <when value="qvalue"> <param name="qvalue" type="float" label="q-value cutoff for binding region detection" value="0.01" help="default: 0.01 (--qvalue)"/> </when> </conditional> <conditional name="advanced_options"> <param name="advanced_options_selector" type="boolean" truevalue="on" falsevalue="off" checked="False" label="Use advanced options?" /> <when value="on"> <param name="mfoldlo" type="integer" label="Select the regions with MFOLD high-confidence enrichment ratio against background to build model (lower-limit)" value="10" help="(--mfold)"/> <param name="mfoldhi" type="integer" label="Select the regions with MFOLD high-confidence enrichment ratio against background to build model (upper-limit)" value="30" help="(--mfold)"/> <param name="nolambda" label="Use fixed background lambda as local lambda for every binding region" type="boolean" truevalue="--nolambda" falsevalue="" checked="False" help="(--nolambda)"/> <param name="call_summits" label="Detect subpeaks within binding region" type="boolean" truevalue="--call-summits" falsevalue="" checked="False" help="(--call-summits)"/> <conditional name="keep_duplicates"> <param name="keep_dup" type="select" label="Use of duplicate reads"> <option value="auto">Automatically calculate maximum number of duplicates to keep (auto)</option> <option value="all">Use all duplicates (all)</option> <option value="" selected="true">Manually specify maxium number of duplicates</option> </param> <when value=""> <param name="maximum_tags" type="integer" value="1" label="Maxium number of duplicated tags to keep at each location"/> </when> </conditional> </when> <when value="off"> <!--display nothing--> </when> </conditional> <conditional name="nomodel_type"> <param name="nomodel_type_selector" type="select" label="Build Model"> <option value="nomodel">Do not build the shifting model (--nomodel enabled)</option> <option value="create_model" selected="true">Build the shifting model (--nomodel disabled)</option> </param> <when value="nomodel"> <param name="extsize" type="integer" label="Arbitrary extension size in bp" value="200" help="Used as fragment size to extend each read towards 3' end (--extsize)"/> </when> </conditional> </inputs> <outputs> <!--callpeaks output--> <data name="output_extra_files" format="html" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (html report)"> </data> <data name="output_summits_bed_file" format="bed" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (summits: bed)"> </data> <data name="output_peaks_file" format="xls" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: xls)"> <filter>xls_to_interval is False</filter> </data> <data name="output_narrowpeaks_file" format="interval" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: narrowPeak)"> <filter>broad_options['broad_regions'] == ''</filter> </data> <data name="output_broadpeaks_file" format="interval" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: broadPeak)"> <filter>broad_options['broad_regions'] == 'broad'</filter> </data> <data name="output_gappedpeaks_file" format="interval" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: gappedPeak)"> <filter>broad_options['broad_regions'] == 'broad'</filter> </data> <data name="output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file" format="interval" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (peaks: interval)"> <filter>xls_to_interval is True</filter> </data> <data name="output_treat_pileup_file" format="bedgraph" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (treat pileup: bedGraph)"> <filter>bdg_options['bdg'] is True</filter> </data> <data name="output_lambda_bedgraph_file" format="bedgraph" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (control lambda: bedGraph)"> <filter>bdg_options['bdg'] is True</filter> </data> <data name="output_bigwig_file" format="bigwig" label="${}: callpeak on ${on_string} (treat pileup: bigWig)"> <filter>bdg_options['bdg'] is True</filter> <filter>bdg_options['make_bigwig'] is True</filter> </data> </outputs> <tests> <!-- Peak calling without bigwig output --> <test> <!-- Inputs --> <param name="experiment_name" value="test_MACS2.1.2" /> <param name="broad_regions" value="" /> <param name="format" value="BED" /> <param name="input_chipseq_file1" value="test_region_IP.bed" dbkey="galGal3" ftype="bed" /> <param name="input_control_file1" value="test_region_Input.bed" ftype="bed" /> <param name="gsize" value="" /> <param name="user_defined_gsize" value="775000000.0" /> <param name="bw" value="300" /> <param name="xls_to_interval" value="true" /> <param name="bdg_options|bdg" value="-B" /> <param name="bdg_options|spmr" value="--SPMR" /> <param name="bdg_options|make_bigwig" value="false" /> <param name="pq_options_selector" value="qvalue" /> <param name="qvalue" value="0.05" /> <param name="advanced_options_selector" value="true" /> <param name="advanced_options|mfoldlo" value="5" /> <param name="advanced_options|mfoldhi" value="50" /> <param name="advanced_options|nolambda" value="" /> <param name="advanced_options|call_summits" value="" /> <param name="advanced_options|keep_duplicates" value="" /> <param name="advanced_options|maximum_tags" value="1" /> <param name="nomodel_type_selector" value="nomodel" /> <param name="nomodel_type|extsize" value="243" /> <!-- Outputs --> <output name="output_extra_files" file="" compare="sim_size" delta="1500" /> <output name="output_summits_bed_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_summits.bed" /> <output name="output_narrowpeaks_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_peaks_narrowPeak.interval" /> <output name="output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_peaks.xls.re_match" compare="re_match" lines_diff="1" /> <output name="output_treat_pileup_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_treat_pileup.bdg" /> <output name="output_lambda_bedgraph_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_control_lambda.bdg" /> </test> <!-- Peak calling with bigwig output --> <test> <!-- Inputs --> <param name="experiment_name" value="test_MACS2.1.2" /> <param name="broad_regions" value="" /> <param name="format" value="BED" /> <param name="input_chipseq_file1" value="test_region_IP.bed" dbkey="galGal3" ftype="bed" /> <param name="input_control_file1" value="test_region_Input.bed" ftype="bed" /> <param name="gsize" value="" /> <param name="user_defined_gsize" value="775000000.0" /> <param name="bw" value="300" /> <param name="xls_to_interval" value="true" /> <param name="bdg_options|bdg" value="-B" /> <param name="bdg_options|spmr" value="--SPMR" /> <param name="bdg_options|make_bigwig" value="true" /> <param name="pq_options_selector" value="qvalue" /> <param name="qvalue" value="0.05" /> <param name="advanced_options_selector" value="true" /> <param name="advanced_options|mfoldlo" value="5" /> <param name="advanced_options|mfoldhi" value="50" /> <param name="advanced_options|nolambda" value="" /> <param name="advanced_options|call_summits" value="" /> <param name="advanced_options|keep_duplicates" value="" /> <param name="advanced_options|maximum_tags" value="1" /> <param name="nomodel_type_selector" value="nomodel" /> <param name="nomodel_type|extsize" value="243" /> <!-- Outputs --> <output name="output_extra_files" file="" compare="sim_size" delta="2500" /> <output name="output_summits_bed_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_summits.bed" /> <output name="output_narrowpeaks_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_peaks_narrowPeak.interval" /> <output name="output_xls_to_interval_peaks_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_peaks.xls.re_match" compare="re_match" lines_diff="1" /> <output name="output_treat_pileup_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_treat_pileup.bdg" /> <output name="output_lambda_bedgraph_file" file="test_MACS2.1.2_control_lambda.bdg" /> <output name="output_bigwig_file" file="" compare="sim_size" /> </test> </tests> <help> **What it does** MACS (Model-based Analysis of ChIP-seq) 2.1.2 provides algorithms for identifying transcript factor binding sites. The program can be used either for ChIP-Seq data alone, or with control sample data to improve specificity. View the MACS2 documentation at: ------ **Usage** The tool interfaces with the **callpeak** function in MACS, which calls peaks from alignment results. ------ **Credits** This Galaxy tool was based on the MACS2 tool hosted in the Galaxy toolshed at * (specifically the 16:14f378e35191 revision of the tool) which is credited to Ziru Zhou. This version is a reimplemented version developed within the Bioinformatics Core Facility at the University of Manchester, which uses more up-to-date Galaxy syntax and adds some extra features. The tool runs Tao Liu's MACS2 software: * The reference for MACS is: * Zhang Y, Liu T, Meyer CA, Eeckhoute J, Johnson DS, Bernstein BE, Nusbaum C, Myers RM, Brown M, Li W, Liu XS. Model-based analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS). Genome Biol. 2008;9(9):R137. Please kindly acknowledge both this Galaxy tool and the MACS2 package if you use it. </help> <citations> <!-- See Can be either DOI or Bibtex Use to convert PubMed to Bibtex --> <citation type="doi">10.1186/gb-2008-9-9-r137</citation> </citations> </tool>