1 #!/bin/sh
2 #
3 # Wrapper script to run RnaChipIntegrator as a Galaxy tool
4 #
5 # usage: sh rnachipintegrator_wrapper.sh [OPTIONS] <rnaseq_in> <chipseq_in> --output_xls <xls_out>
6 #
7 echo RnaChipIntegrator: analyse gene expression and ChIP data
8 #
9 # Collect command line options
10 opts=
11 output_xls=
12 peaks_to_transcripts_out=
13 zip_file=
14 while [ ! -z "$1" ] ; do
15 case $1 in
16 --output_xls)
17 shift; output_xls=$1
18 ;;
19 --summit_outputs)
20 shift; peaks_to_transcripts_out=$1
21 shift; tss_to_summits_out=$1
22 ;;
23 --peak_outputs)
24 shift; transcripts_to_edges_out=$1
25 shift; transcripts_to_edges_summary=$1
26 shift; tss_to_edges_out=$1
27 shift; tss_to_edges_summary=$1
28 ;;
29 --zip_file)
30 shift; zip_file=$1
31 ;;
32 *)
33 opts="$opts $1"
34 ;;
35 esac
36 shift
37 done
38 #
39 # Run RnaChipIntegrator
40 # NB append stderr to stdout otherwise Galaxy job will fail
41 # Direct output to a temporary directory
42 outdir=`mktemp -d`
43 base_name=galaxy
44 cmd="RnaChipIntegrator.py --project=${outdir}/${base_name} $opts"
45 echo $cmd
46 $cmd 2>&1
47 #
48 # Check exit code
49 exit_status=$?
50 if [ "$exit_status" -ne "0" ] ; then
51 echo RnaChipIntegrator exited with non-zero status >&2
52 # Clean up and exit
53 /bin/rm -rf $outdir
54 exit $exit_status
55 fi
56 #
57 # Deal with output files - XLS
58 if [ -f "${outdir}/${base_name}.xls" ] ; then
59 /bin/mv ${outdir}/${base_name}.xls $output_xls
60 else
61 echo No file ${outdir}/${base_name}.xls >&2
62 # Clean up and exit
63 /bin/rm -rf $outdir
64 exit 1
65 fi
66 #
67 # Zip file
68 if [ ! -z "$zip_file" ] ; then
69 for ext in "PeaksToTranscripts" "TSSToSummits" "TranscriptsToPeakEdges" "TranscriptsToPeakEdges_summary" "TSSToPeakEdges" "TSSToPeakEdges_summary" ; do
70 txt_file=${outdir}/${base_name}_${ext}.txt
71 if [ -f "$txt_file" ] ; then
72 zip -j -g ${outdir}/archive.zip $txt_file
73 fi
74 done
75 /bin/mv ${outdir}/archive.zip $zip_file
76 fi
77 #
78 # Peaks to transcripts
79 if [ ! -z "$peaks_to_transcripts_out" ] ; then
80 outfile=${outdir}/${base_name}_PeaksToTranscripts.txt
81 if [ -f "$outfile" ] ; then
82 /bin/mv $outfile $peaks_to_transcripts_out
83 else
84 echo No file $outfile >&2
85 fi
86 fi
87 #
88 # TSS to summits
89 if [ ! -z "$tss_to_summits_out" ] ; then
90 outfile=${outdir}/${base_name}_TSSToSummits.txt
91 if [ -f "$outfile" ] ; then
92 /bin/mv $outfile $tss_to_summits_out
93 else
94 echo No file $outfile >&2
95 fi
96 fi
97 #
98 # Transcripts to Peak Edges
99 if [ ! -z "$transcripts_to_edges_out" ] ; then
100 outfile=${outdir}/${base_name}_TranscriptsToPeakEdges.txt
101 if [ -f "$outfile" ] ; then
102 /bin/mv $outfile $transcripts_to_edges_out
103 else
104 echo No file $outfile >&2
105 fi
106 fi
107 if [ ! -z "$transcripts_to_edges_summary" ] ; then
108 outfile=${outdir}/${base_name}_TranscriptsToPeakEdges_summary.txt
109 if [ -f "$outfile" ] ; then
110 /bin/mv $outfile $transcripts_to_edges_summary
111 else
112 echo No file $outfile >&2
113 fi
114 fi
115 #
116 # TSS to Peak Edges
117 if [ ! -z "$tss_to_edges_out" ] ; then
118 outfile=${outdir}/${base_name}_TSSToPeakEdges.txt
119 if [ -f "$outfile" ] ; then
120 /bin/mv $outfile $tss_to_edges_out
121 else
122 echo No file $outfile >&2
123 fi
124 fi
125 if [ ! -z "$tss_to_edges_summary" ] ; then
126 outfile=${outdir}/${base_name}_TSSToPeakEdges_summary.txt
127 if [ -f "$outfile" ] ; then
128 /bin/mv $outfile $tss_to_edges_summary
129 else
130 echo No file $outfile >&2
131 fi
132 fi
133 #
134 # Clean up
135 /bin/rm -rf $outdir
136 #
137 # Done