changeset 0:bd052861852b draft

planemo upload commit ffa3be72b850aecbfbd636de815967c06a8f643f-dirty
author proteore
date Thu, 01 Mar 2018 10:05:18 -0500 (2018-03-01)
children 09ba28df72ad
files GO-enrich.R README.rst cluster_profiler.xml test-data/Lacombe_et_al_2017_OK.txt test-data/clusterProfiler_diagram_outputs__GGO.CC.png test-data/clusterProfiler_text_output.tabular
diffstat 6 files changed, 960 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GO-enrich.R	Thu Mar 01 10:05:18 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Read file and return file content as data.frame?
+readfile = function(filename, header) {
+  if (header == "true") {
+    # Read only the first line of the files as data (without headers):
+    headers <- read.table(filename, nrows = 1, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE, na.strings=c("", "NA"), blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
+    #Read the data of the files (skipping the first row):
+    file <- read.table(filename, skip = 1, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE, na.strings=c("", "NA"), blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
+    # Remove empty rows
+    file <- file[!apply( | file == "", 1, all), , drop=FALSE]
+    #And assign the headers of step two to the data:
+    names(file) <- headers
+  }
+  else {
+    file <- read.table(filename, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE, na.strings=c("", "NA"), blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
+    file <- file[!apply( | file == "", 1, all), , drop=FALSE]
+  }
+  return(file)
+repartition.GO <- function(geneid, orgdb, ontology, level=3, readable=TRUE) {
+  ggo<-groupGO(gene=geneid, 
+               OrgDb = orgdb, 
+               ont=ontology, 
+               level=level, 
+               readable=TRUE)
+  name <- paste("GGO.", ontology, ".png", sep = "")
+  png(name)
+  p <- barplot(ggo)
+  print(p)
+  return(ggo)
+# GO over-representation test
+enrich.GO <- function(geneid, orgdb, ontology, pval_cutoff, qval_cutoff) {
+  ego<-enrichGO(gene=geneid,
+                OrgDb=orgdb,
+                keytype="ENTREZID",
+                ont=ontology,
+                pAdjustMethod="BH",
+                pvalueCutoff=pval_cutoff,
+                qvalueCutoff=qval_cutoff,
+                readable=TRUE)
+  bar_name <- paste("EGO.", ontology, ".bar.png", sep = "")
+  png(bar_name)
+  p <- barplot(ego)
+  print(p)
+  dot_name <- paste("EGO.", ontology, ".dot.png", sep = "")
+  png(dot_name)
+  p <- dotplot(ego)
+  print(p)
+  return(ego)
+clusterProfiler = function() {
+  args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+  if(length(args)<1) {
+    args <- c("--help")
+  }
+  # Help section
+  if("--help" %in% args) {
+    cat("clusterProfiler Enrichment Analysis
+    Arguments:
+        --input_type: type of input (list of id or filename)
+        --input: input
+        --ncol: the column number which you would like to apply...
+        --header: true/false if your file contains a header
+        --id_type: the type of input IDs (UniProt/EntrezID)
+        --species
+        --onto_opt: ontology options
+        --go_function: groupGO/enrichGO
+        --level: 1-3
+        --pval_cutoff
+        --qval_cutoff
+        --text_output: text output filename \n")
+    q(save="no")
+  }
+  # Parse arguments
+  parseArgs <- function(x) strsplit(sub("^--", "", x), "=")
+  argsDF <-"rbind", parseArgs(args)))
+  args <- as.list(as.character(argsDF$V2))
+  names(args) <- argsDF$V1
+  input_type = args$input_type
+  if (input_type == "text") {
+    input = args$input
+  }
+  else if (input_type == "file") {
+    filename = args$input
+    ncol = args$ncol
+    # Check ncol
+    if (! as.numeric(gsub("c", "", ncol)) %% 1 == 0) {
+      stop("Please enter an integer for level")
+    }
+    else {
+      ncol = as.numeric(gsub("c", "", ncol))
+    }
+    header = args$header
+    # Get file content
+    file = readfile(filename, header)
+    # Extract Protein IDs list
+    input = c()
+    for (row in as.character(file[,ncol])) {
+      input = c(input, strsplit(row, ";")[[1]][1])
+    }
+  }
+  id_type = args$id_type
+  #ID format Conversion 
+  #This case : from UNIPROT (protein id) to ENTREZ (gene id)
+  #bitr = conversion function from clusterProfiler
+  if (args$species=="human") {
+    orgdb<
+  }
+  else if (args$species=="mouse") {
+    orgdb<
+  }
+  else if (args$species=="rat") {
+    orgdb<
+  }
+  ##to initialize
+  if (id_type=="Uniprot") {
+    idFrom<-"UNIPROT"
+    idTo<-"ENTREZID"
+    gene<-bitr(input, fromType=idFrom, toType=idTo, OrgDb=orgdb)
+  }
+  else if (id_type=="Entrez") {
+    gene<-input
+  }
+  ontology <- strsplit(args$onto_opt, ",")[[1]]
+  if (args$go_represent == "true") {
+    go_represent <- args$go_represent
+    level <- as.numeric(args$level)
+  }
+  if (args$go_enrich == "true") {
+    go_enrich <- args$go_enrich
+    pval_cutoff <- as.numeric(args$pval_cutoff)
+    qval_cutoff <- as.numeric(args$qval_cutoff)
+  }
+  ##enrichGO : GO over-representation test
+  for (onto in ontology) {
+    if (args$go_represent == "true") {
+      ggo<-repartition.GO(gene$ENTREZID, orgdb, onto, level, readable=TRUE)
+      write.table(ggo, args$text_output, append = TRUE, sep="\t", row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+    }
+    if (args$go_enrich == "true") {
+      ego<-enrich.GO(gene$ENTREZID, orgdb, onto, pval_cutoff, qval_cutoff)
+      write.table(ego, args$text_output, append = TRUE, sep="\t", row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+    }
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.rst	Thu Mar 01 10:05:18 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Wrapper for clusterProfiler Enrichment Analysis Tool
+clusterProfiler R package reference : 
+G Yu, LG Wang, Y Han, QY He. clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters. 
+OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 2012, 16(5):284-287. 
+**Galaxy integration**
+T.P. Lien Nguyen, Florence Combes, Yves Vandenbrouck CEA, INSERM, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University, BIG Institute, FR
+Sandra Dérozier, Olivier Rué, Christophe Caron, Valentin Loux INRA, Paris-Saclay University, MAIAGE Unit, Migale Bioinformatics platform
+This work has been partially funded through the French National Agency for Research (ANR) IFB project.
+Contact for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
+**Galaxy component based on R package clusterProfiler (see ref below)**
+This component allows to perform GO enrichment-analyses. 
+Given a list of IDs, the tool either 
+(i)  performs gene classification based on GO distribution at a specific level, or
+(ii) calculates GO categories enrichment (over- or under-representation) for the IDs of the input list, 
+compared to a background (whole organism or user-defined list). 
+**Input required**
+This component works with Gene ids (e.g : 4151, 7412) or Uniprot accession number (e.g. P31946). 
+You can copy/paste these identifiers or supply a tabular file (.csv, .tsv, .txt, .tab) where there are contained.
+Text (tables) and graphics representing the repartition and/or enrichment of GO categories. 
+**User manual / Documentation** of the clusterProfiler R package (functions and parameters):
+(Very well explained)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cluster_profiler.xml	Thu Mar 01 10:05:18 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+<tool id="cluter_profiler" name="clusterProfiler Enrichment Analysis" version="0.1.0">
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.4.1">R</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.5.0"></requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.5.0"></requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.2.0">bioconductor-dose</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="3.0.5">bioconductor-clusterprofiler</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
+        Rscript "$__tool_directory__/GO-enrich.R"
+        #if $input.ids == "text"
+            --input_type="text"
+            --input="$input.text"
+        #else
+            --input_type="file"
+            --input="$input.file"
+            --ncol="$input.ncol"
+            --header="$input.header"
+        #end if
+        --id_type="$idti.idtypein"
+        --species="$species"
+        #if $ggo.go_represent == "true"
+            --go_represent="true"
+            --level="$ggo.level"
+        #else
+            --go_represent="false"
+        #end if
+        #if $ego.go_enrich == "true"
+            --go_enrich="true"
+            --pval_cutoff="$ego.pval"
+            --qval_cutoff="$ego.qval"
+        #else
+            --go_enrich="false"
+        #end if
+        --onto_opt="$ontology"
+        --text_output="$text_output"
+    ]]></command>
+    <inputs>
+        <conditional name="input" >
+            <param name="ids" type="select" label="Provide your identifiers" help="Copy/paste or ID list from a file (e.g. table)" >
+                <option value="text">Copy/paste your identifiers</option>
+                <option value="file">Input file containing your identifiers</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="text" >
+                <param name="txt" type="text" label="Copy/paste your identifiers" help='IDs must be separated by spaces into the form field, for example: P31946 P62258' >
+                    <sanitizer>
+                        <valid initial="string.printable">
+                            <remove value="&apos;"/>
+                        </valid>
+                        <mapping initial="none">
+                            <add source="&apos;" target="__sq__"/>
+                        </mapping>
+                    </sanitizer>
+                </param>
+            </when>
+            <when value="file" >
+                <param name="file" type="data" format="txt,tabular" label="Choose a file that contains your list of IDs" help="" />
+                <param name="header" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" label="Does your input file contain header?" />
+                <param name="ncol" type="text" label="The column number of IDs to map" help='For example, fill in "c1" if it is the first column, "c2" if it is the second column and so on' />                
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
+        <conditional name="idti" >
+            <param name="idtypein" type="select" label="Select type/source of identifier of your list" help="Please see example of IDs in help section" >
+                <option value="Uniprot">UniProt accession number</option>
+                <option value="Entrez">Entrez Gene ID</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="Uniprot"/>
+            <when value="Entrez"/>
+        </conditional>
+        <param name="species" type="select" label="Select a species" >
+            <option value="human">Human</option>
+            <option value="mouse">Mouse</option>
+            <option value="rat">Rat</option>
+        </param>
+        <conditional name="ggo">
+            <param name="go_represent" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" label="Do you want to perform GO categories representation analysis?"/>
+            <when value="true">
+                <param name="level" type="select" label="Level of the ontology at which the profile has to be built (the higher this number, the deeper the GO level)">
+				    <option value="1">1</option>
+				    <option value="2">2</option>
+				    <option value="3" selected="True">3</option>
+			    </param>
+            </when>
+            <when value="false"/>
+        </conditional>
+        <conditional name="ego">
+            <param name="go_enrich" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" label="Do you want to perform GO categories enrichment analysis?"/>
+            <when value="true">
+                <param name="pval" type="float" value="0.01" label="P-value cut off"/>
+			    <param name="qval" type="float" value="0.05" label="Q-value cut off"/>
+            </when>
+            <when value="false"/>
+        </conditional>
+        <!--conditional name="fun" >
+		    <param name="go_function" type="select" display="checkboxes" multiple="true" label="Please select analyses to perform">
+			    <option value="ggo">GO categories representation</option>
+			    <option value="ego">GO categories enrichment (compared to a background/reference)</option>
+		    </param>			
+        	<when value="ggo" >
+			<param name="level" type="select" label="Level of the ontology at which the profile has to be built (the higher this number, the deeper the GO level)">
+				<option value="1">1</option>
+				<option value="2">2</option>
+				<option value="3" selected="True">3</option>
+			</param>
+		    </when>
+		    <when value="ego" >
+			    <param name="pval" type="float" value="0.01" label="P-value cut off"/>
+			    <param name="qval" type="float" value="0.05" label="Q-value cut off"/>
+		    </when>
+	    </conditional-->
+		<param name="ontology" type="select" display="checkboxes" multiple="true" label="Please select GO terms category">
+            <option value="CC">Cellular Component</option>
+            <option value="BP">Biological Process</option>
+            <option value="MF">Molecular Function</option>
+        </param>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="text_output" format="tabular" label="clusterProfiler text output" />
+        <collection type="list" label="clusterProfiler diagram outputs" name="output" >
+	    <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;designation&gt;.+\.png)" ext="png" />
+	</collection>
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <test>
+            <conditional name="input">
+                <param name="ids" value="file"/>
+                <param name="file" value="Lacombe_et_al_2017_OK.txt"/>
+                <param name="header" value="true"/>
+                <param name="ncol" value="c1"/>
+            </conditional>
+            <conditional name="idti">
+                <param name="idtypein" value="Uniprot"/>
+            </conditional>
+            <param name="species" value="human"/>
+            <conditional name="ggo">
+                <param name="go_represent" value="true"/>
+                <param name="level" value="3"/>
+            </conditional>
+            <conditional name="ego">
+                <param name="go_enrich" value="false"/>
+            </conditional>
+            <param name="ontology" value="CC"/>
+            <output name="text_output" file="clusterProfiler_text_output.tabular"/>
+            <output_collection name="output">
+                <element name="clusterProfiler_diagram_outputs__GGO.CC.png" file="clusterProfiler_diagram_outputs__GGO.CC.png" ftype="png"/>
+            </output_collection>
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help><![CDATA[
+ 	**Galaxy component based on R package clusterProfiler (see ref below)**
+	This component allows to perform GO enrichment-analyses. 
+	Given a list of IDs, the tool either 
+	(i)  performs gene classification based on GO distribution at a specific level, or
+	(ii) calculates GO categories enrichment (over- or under-representation) for the IDs of the input list, 
+	compared to a background (whole organism or user-defined list). 
+	**Input required**
+	This component works with Gene ids (e.g : 4151, 7412) or Uniprot accession number (e.g. P31946). 
+	You can copy/paste these identifiers or supply a tabular file (.csv, .tsv, .txt, .tab) where there are contained.
+	**Output**
+	Text (tables) and graphics representing the repartition and/or enrichment of GO categories. 
+	**User manual / Documentation** of the clusterProfiler R package (functions and parameters):
+	(Very well explained)
+	**Reference**
+	clusterProfiler R package reference : 
+	G Yu, LG Wang, Y Han, QY He. clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters. 
+	OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 2012, 16(5):284-287. 
+	doi:[10.1089/omi.2011.0118](
+	**Galaxy integration**
+	T.P. Lien Nguyen, Florence Combes, Yves Vandenbrouck CEA, INSERM, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University, BIG Institute, FR
+	Sandra Dérozier, Olivier Rué, Christophe Caron, Valentin Loux INRA, Paris-Saclay University, MAIAGE Unit, Migale Bioinformatics platform
+	This work has been partially funded through the French National Agency for Research (ANR) IFB project.
+	Contact for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
+    ]]></help>
+    <citations>
+    </citations>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/Lacombe_et_al_2017_OK.txt	Thu Mar 01 10:05:18 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Protein accession number (UniProt)	Protein name	Number of peptides (razor + unique)
+P15924	Desmoplakin	69
+P02538	Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 6A	53
+P02768	Serum albumin	44
+P08779	Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 16	29
+Q02413	Desmoglein-1	24
+P07355	"Annexin A2;Putative annexin A2-like protein"	22
+P14923	Junction plakoglobin	22
+P02788	Lactotransferrin	21
+Q9HC84	Mucin-5B	21
+P29508	Serpin B3	20
+P63261	Actin, cytoplasmic 2	19
+Q8N1N4	Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 78	18
+Q04695	Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 17	18
+P01876	Ig alpha-1 chain C region	16
+Q01469	Fatty acid-binding protein 5, epidermal	15
+P31944	Caspase-14	15
+P01833	Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor	15
+P06733	Alpha-enolase	15
+P25311	Zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein	15
+Q15149	Plectin	15
+P19013	Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 4	13
+Q6KB66	Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 80	13
+Q08188	Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase E	12
+P13646	Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 13	11
+Q86YZ3	Hornerin	11
+P04259	Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 6B	10
+P02545	"Prelamin-A/C;Lamin-A/C"	10
+P04083	Annexin A1	10
+P11021	78 kDa glucose-regulated protein	10
+P02787	Serotransferrin	9
+P04040	Catalase	9
+P31151	Protein S100-A7	9
+P31947	14-3-3 protein sigma	9
+Q96P63	Serpin B12	9
+P14618	Pyruvate kinase PKM	9
+P60174	Triosephosphate isomerase	9
+Q06830	Peroxiredoxin-1	9
+P01040	Cystatin-A	8
+P05089	Arginase-1	8
+P01834	Ig kappa chain C region	8
+P04406	Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase	8
+P0DMV9	Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1B	8
+P13639	Elongation factor 2	8
+P35579	Myosin-9	8
+P68371	Tubulin beta-4B chain	8
+Q8WVV4	Protein POF1B	8
+O75635	Serpin B7	7
+P01857	Ig gamma-1 chain C region	7
+P61626	Lysozyme C	7
+P68363	Tubulin alpha-1B chain	7
+P01009	"Alpha-1-antitrypsin;Short peptide from AAT"	6
+P07900	Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha	6
+Q9NZH8	Interleukin-36 gamma	6
+O43707	"Alpha-actinin-4;Alpha-actinin-1"	6
+O75223	Gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase	6
+P00338	L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain	6
+P07339	Cathepsin D	6
+P62987	Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40	6
+P10599	Thioredoxin	6
+Q9UGM3	Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein	6
+Q9UI42	Carboxypeptidase A4	6
+P47929	Galectin-7	5
+Q13867	Bleomycin hydrolase	5
+Q6P4A8	Phospholipase B-like 1	5
+O75369	Filamin-B	5
+P00441	Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]	5
+P04792	Heat shock protein beta-1	5
+P11142	Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein	5
+P58107	Epiplakin	5
+P60842	Eukaryotic initiation factor 4A-I	5
+P62937	Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A	5
+P63104	14-3-3 protein zeta/delta	5
+Q92820	Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase	5
+O75342	Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, 12R-type	4
+P09211	Glutathione S-transferase P	4
+P31025	Lipocalin-1	4
+P48594	Serpin B4	4
+Q14574	Desmocollin-3	4
+Q5T750	Skin-specific protein 32	4
+Q6UWP8	Suprabasin	4
+O60911	Cathepsin L2	4
+P00558	Phosphoglycerate kinase 1	4
+P04075	Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A	4
+P07384	Calpain-1 catalytic subunit	4
+P0CG05	Ig lambda-2 chain C regions	4
+P18206	Vinculin	4
+P62258	14-3-3 protein epsilon	4
+P68871	Hemoglobin subunit beta	4
+Q9C075	Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 23	4
+A8K2U0	Alpha-2-macroglobulin-like protein 1	3
+P00738	Haptoglobin	3
+P01011	Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin	3
+P02763	Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1	3
+P18510	Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein	3
+P22528	Cornifin-B	3
+P30740	Leukocyte elastase inhibitor	3
+P80188	Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin	3
+Q15828	Cystatin-M	3
+Q9HCY8	Protein S100-A14	3
+P01623	Ig kappa chain V-III region	3
+P01877	Ig alpha-2 chain C region	3
+P06396	Gelsolin	3
+P14735	Insulin-degrading enzyme	3
+P20933	N(4)-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase	3
+P25788	Proteasome subunit alpha type-3	3
+P26641	Elongation factor 1-gamma	3
+P36952	Serpin B5	3
+P40926	Malate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial	3
+Q9Y6R7	IgGFc-binding protein	3
+O95274	Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein 3	2
+P00491	Purine nucleoside phosphorylase	2
+P04080	Cystatin-B	2
+P09972	Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase C	2
+P19012	Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 15	2
+P20930	Filaggrin	2
+Q96FX8	p53 apoptosis effector related to PMP-22	2
+Q9UIV8	Serpin B13	2
+P01625	Ig kappa chain V-IV region Len	2
+P01765	Ig heavy chain V-III region TIL	2
+P01766	Ig heavy chain V-III region BRO	2
+P01860	Ig gamma-3 chain C region	2
+P01871	Ig mu chain C region	2
+P05090	Apolipoprotein D	2
+P06870	Kallikrein-1	2
+P07858	Cathepsin B	2
+P08865	40S ribosomal protein SA	2
+P11279	Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1	2
+P13473	Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 2	2
+P19971	Thymidine phosphorylase	2
+P23284	Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B	2
+P23396	40S ribosomal protein S3	2
+P25705	ATP synthase subunit alpha, mitochondrial	2
+P27482	Calmodulin-like protein 3	2
+P31949	Protein S100-A11	2
+P40121	Macrophage-capping protein	2
+P42357	Histidine ammonia-lyase	2
+P47756	F-actin-capping protein subunit beta	2
+P48637	Glutathione synthetase	2
+P49720	Proteasome subunit beta type-3	2
+P50395	Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta	2
+P59998	Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 4	2
+P61160	Actin-related protein 2	2
+P61916	Epididymal secretory protein E1	2
+P04745	Alpha-amylase 1	23
+Q9NZT1	Calmodulin-like protein 5	8
+P12273	Prolactin-inducible protein	6
+Q96DA0	Zymogen granule protein 16 homolog B	5
+P01036	Cystatin-S	5
+Q8TAX7	Mucin-7	2
+P01037	Cystatin-SN	2
+P09228	Cystatin-SA	2
+P04264	Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 1	61
+P35908	Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 2 epidermal	40
+P13645	Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 10	40
+Q5D862	Filaggrin-2	14
+Q5T749	Keratinocyte proline-rich protein	13
+Q8IW75	Serpin A12	3
+P81605	Dermcidin	3
+P22531	Small proline-rich protein 2E	3
+P59666	Neutrophil defensin 3	2
+P78386	Keratin, type II cuticular Hb5	2
Binary file test-data/clusterProfiler_diagram_outputs__GGO.CC.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/clusterProfiler_text_output.tabular	Thu Mar 01 10:05:18 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ID	Description	Count	GeneRatio	geneID
+GO:0005628	prospore membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0005789	endoplasmic reticulum membrane	1	1/153	HSPA5
+GO:0019867	outer membrane	2	2/153	ARG1/UBA52
+GO:0034357	photosynthetic membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0036362	ascus membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0042175	nuclear outer membrane-endoplasmic reticulum membrane network	1	1/153	HSPA5
+GO:0048475	coated membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0055036	virion membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098552	side of membrane	8	8/153	DSG1/JUP/TGM3/ANXA1/TF/HSPA8/CTSV/LAMP1
+GO:0098589	membrane region	7	7/153	ANXA2/TF/EEF2/TUBA1B/CTSD/PGK1/LAMP2
+GO:0098590	plasma membrane region	10	10/153	DSP/DSG1/ANXA2/JUP/ANXA1/TF/HSP90AA1/EPPK1/RPS3/PIP
+GO:0098796	membrane protein complex	3	3/153	JUP/MYH9/ATP5A1
+GO:1990195	macrolide transmembrane transporter complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990196	MacAB-TolC complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990578	perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:1990850	H-gal-GP complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0010367	extracellular isoamylase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0043083	synaptic cleft	0	0/153	
+GO:0048046	apoplast	0	0/153	
+GO:0098595	perivitelline space	0	0/153	
+GO:0099544	perisynaptic space	0	0/153	
+GO:1990065	Dxr protein complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990204	oxidoreductase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990455	PTEN phosphatase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990722	DAPK1-calmodulin complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0039642	virion nucleoid	0	0/153	
+GO:0042645	mitochondrial nucleoid	0	0/153	
+GO:0042646	plastid nucleoid	0	0/153	
+GO:0043590	bacterial nucleoid	0	0/153	
+GO:0044777	single-stranded DNA-binding protein complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0044423	virion part	0	0/153	
+GO:0005911	cell-cell junction	13	13/153	DSP/DSG1/ANXA2/JUP/ANXA1/MYH9/POF1B/ACTN4/EPPK1/DSC3/VCL/PERP/S100A11
+GO:0061466	plasma membrane part of cell junction	0	0/153	
+GO:0001114	protein-DNA-RNA complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0005952	cAMP-dependent protein kinase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0016533	cyclin-dependent protein kinase 5 holoenzyme complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0017053	transcriptional repressor complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0032992	protein-carbohydrate complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0032993	protein-DNA complex	1	1/153	JUP
+GO:0032994	protein-lipid complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0034518	RNA cap binding complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0035003	subapical complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0036125	fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0043235	receptor complex	3	3/153	PIGR/TF/MYH9
+GO:0044815	DNA packaging complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0046536	dosage compensation complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0061742	chaperone-mediated autophagy translocation complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0061838	CENP-T-W-S-X complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070864	sperm individualization complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0098636	protein complex involved in cell adhesion	1	1/153	MYH9
+GO:0098774	curli	0	0/153	
+GO:0099023	tethering complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0140007	KICSTOR complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1902494	catalytic complex	8	8/153	ENO1/HSPA1A/HSPA1B/HSPB1/HSPA8/IDE/PSMA3/PSMB3
+GO:1902695	metallochaperone complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1902773	GTPase activator complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1903269	ornithine carbamoyltransferase inhibitor complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1903502	translation repressor complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1903503	ATPase inhibitor complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1903865	sigma factor antagonist complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1904090	peptidase inhibitor complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990104	DNA bending complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990229	iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990249	nucleotide-excision repair, DNA damage recognition complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990351	transporter complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990391	DNA repair complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990415	Pex17p-Pex14p docking complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990684	protein-lipid-RNA complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990862	nuclear membrane complex Bqt3-Bqt4	0	0/153	
+GO:1990904	ribonucleoprotein complex	10	10/153	GAPDH/HSPA1A/HSPA1B/EEF2/ACTN4/UBA52/HSPA8/APOD/RPSA/RPS3
+GO:1990923	PET complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0000313	organellar ribosome	0	0/153	
+GO:0005929	cilium	2	2/153	ANXA1/PKM
+GO:0097597	ventral disc	0	0/153	
+GO:0099572	postsynaptic specialization	1	1/153	ACTR2
+GO:0018995	host	0	0/153	
+GO:0044217	other organism part	0	0/153	
+GO:0033643	host cell part	0	0/153	
+GO:0043655	extracellular space of host	0	0/153	
+GO:0044216	other organism cell	0	0/153	
+GO:0044279	other organism membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0085036	extrahaustorial matrix	0	0/153	
+GO:0085040	extra-invasive hyphal space	0	0/153	
+GO:0005577	fibrinogen complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0005601	classical-complement-pathway C3/C5 convertase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0005602	complement component C1 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0005616	larval serum protein complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0016942	insulin-like growth factor binding protein complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0020004	symbiont-containing vacuolar space	0	0/153	
+GO:0020005	symbiont-containing vacuole membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0020006	symbiont-containing vacuolar membrane network	0	0/153	
+GO:0031395	bursicon neuropeptide hormone complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0032311	angiogenin-PRI complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0034358	plasma lipoprotein particle	0	0/153	
+GO:0035182	female germline ring canal outer rim	0	0/153	
+GO:0035183	female germline ring canal inner rim	0	0/153	
+GO:0036117	hyaluranon cable	0	0/153	
+GO:0042571	immunoglobulin complex, circulating	0	0/153	
+GO:0043245	extraorganismal space	0	0/153	
+GO:0043511	inhibin complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0043514	interleukin-12 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0044420	extracellular matrix component	1	1/153	ANXA2
+GO:0045171	intercellular bridge	0	0/153	
+GO:0048180	activin complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0061696	pituitary gonadotropin complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070289	extracellular ferritin complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070701	mucus layer	1	1/153	MUC5B
+GO:0070743	interleukin-23 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070744	interleukin-27 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070745	interleukin-35 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0072562	blood microparticle	13	13/153	ALB/ACTG1/TF/HSPA1A/HSPA1B/HSPA8/YWHAZ/HBB/HP/SERPINA3/ORM1/GSN/KRT1
+GO:0097058	CRLF-CLCF1 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0097059	CNTFR-CLCF1 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0097619	PTEX complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990296	scaffoldin complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990563	extracellular exosome complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990903	extracellular ribonucleoprotein complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0030094	plasma membrane-derived photosystem I	0	0/153	
+GO:0030096	plasma membrane-derived thylakoid photosystem II	0	0/153	
+GO:0031300	intrinsic component of organelle membrane	1	1/153	LAMP2
+GO:0031676	plasma membrane-derived thylakoid membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0032420	stereocilium	0	0/153	
+GO:0032426	stereocilium tip	0	0/153	
+GO:0044232	organelle membrane contact site	0	0/153	
+GO:0044441	ciliary part	0	0/153	
+GO:0044449	contractile fiber part	9	9/153	JUP/ENO1/PLEC/ACTN4/FLNB/HSPB1/ALDOA/VCL/CAPZB
+GO:0044461	bacterial-type flagellum part	0	0/153	
+GO:0044695	Dsc E3 ubiquitin ligase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0048493	plasma membrane-derived thylakoid ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0060091	kinocilium	0	0/153	
+GO:0060171	stereocilium membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0097591	ventral disc lateral crest	0	0/153	
+GO:0097592	ventral disc overlap zone	0	0/153	
+GO:0097593	ventral disc microtubule array	0	0/153	
+GO:0097594	ventral disc dorsal microribbon	0	0/153	
+GO:0097595	ventral disc crossbridge	0	0/153	
+GO:0097596	ventral disc supernumerary microtubule array	0	0/153	
+GO:0098576	lumenal side of membrane	1	1/153	HSPA8
+GO:0098892	extrinsic component of postsynaptic specialization membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098948	intrinsic component of postsynaptic specialization membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0099091	postsynaptic specialization, intracellular component	0	0/153	
+GO:0099092	postsynaptic density, intracellular component	0	0/153	
+GO:0099634	postsynaptic specialization membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:1990070	TRAPPI protein complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990121	H-NS complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990177	IHF-DNA complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990178	HU-DNA complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990500	eif4e-cup complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0019013	viral nucleocapsid	0	0/153	
+GO:0019015	viral genome	0	0/153	
+GO:0019028	viral capsid	0	0/153	
+GO:0019033	viral tegument	0	0/153	
+GO:0036338	viral membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0039624	viral outer capsid	0	0/153	
+GO:0039625	viral inner capsid	0	0/153	
+GO:0039626	viral intermediate capsid	0	0/153	
+GO:0046727	capsomere	0	0/153	
+GO:0046729	viral procapsid	0	0/153	
+GO:0046798	viral portal complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0046806	viral scaffold	0	0/153	
+GO:0098015	virus tail	0	0/153	
+GO:0098019	virus tail, major subunit	0	0/153	
+GO:0098020	virus tail, minor subunit	0	0/153	
+GO:0098021	viral capsid, decoration	0	0/153	
+GO:0098023	virus tail, tip	0	0/153	
+GO:0098024	virus tail, fiber	0	0/153	
+GO:0098025	virus tail, baseplate	0	0/153	
+GO:0098026	virus tail, tube	0	0/153	
+GO:0098027	virus tail, sheath	0	0/153	
+GO:0098028	virus tail, shaft	0	0/153	
+GO:0098029	icosahedral viral capsid, spike	0	0/153	
+GO:0098030	icosahedral viral capsid, neck	0	0/153	
+GO:0098031	icosahedral viral capsid, collar	0	0/153	
+GO:0098061	viral capsid, internal space	0	0/153	
+GO:0000136	alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0019898	extrinsic component of membrane	6	6/153	ANXA2/JUP/TGM3/ANXA1/TF/DMBT1
+GO:0000835	ER ubiquitin ligase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0005640	nuclear outer membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0005942	phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0008250	oligosaccharyltransferase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0009654	photosystem II oxygen evolving complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0009923	fatty acid elongase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0030964	NADH dehydrogenase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0031211	endoplasmic reticulum palmitoyltransferase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0031224	intrinsic component of membrane	10	10/153	DSG1/PIGR/HSPA5/MYH9/FLNB/DSC3/LYPD3/PERP/LAMP1/LAMP2
+GO:0031502	dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0042765	GPI-anchor transamidase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0044453	nuclear membrane part	0	0/153	
+GO:0044455	mitochondrial membrane part	1	1/153	ATP5A1
+GO:0044459	plasma membrane part	17	17/153	DSP/DSG1/ANXA2/JUP/PIGR/TGM3/ANXA1/TF/MYH9/HSP90AA1/EPPK1/CTSV/LYPD3/PERP/LAMP1/RPS3/PIP
+GO:0045281	succinate dehydrogenase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0046696	lipopolysaccharide receptor complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070057	prospore membrane spindle pole body attachment site	0	0/153	
+GO:0070469	respiratory chain	0	0/153	
+GO:0071595	Nem1-Spo7 phosphatase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0097478	leaflet of membrane bilayer	0	0/153	
+GO:1902495	transmembrane transporter complex	0	0/153	
+GO:1990332	Ire1 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0008021	synaptic vesicle	1	1/153	LAMP1
+GO:0030129	clathrin coat of synaptic vesicle	0	0/153	
+GO:0030672	synaptic vesicle membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0034592	synaptic vesicle lumen	0	0/153	
+GO:0044326	dendritic spine neck	0	0/153	
+GO:0044327	dendritic spine head	0	0/153	
+GO:0048786	presynaptic active zone	0	0/153	
+GO:0061846	dendritic spine cytoplasm	0	0/153	
+GO:0071212	subsynaptic reticulum	0	0/153	
+GO:0097060	synaptic membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0097444	spine apparatus	0	0/153	
+GO:0097445	presynaptic active zone dense projection	0	0/153	
+GO:0098563	intrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098682	arciform density	0	0/153	
+GO:0098793	presynapse	2	2/153	HSPA8/LAMP1
+GO:0098794	postsynapse	1	1/153	ACTR2
+GO:0098830	presynaptic endosome	0	0/153	
+GO:0098831	presynaptic active zone cytoplasmic component	0	0/153	
+GO:0098833	presynaptic endocytic zone	0	0/153	
+GO:0098834	presynaptic endocytic zone cytoplasmic component	0	0/153	
+GO:0098843	postsynaptic endocytic zone	0	0/153	
+GO:0098845	postsynaptic endosome	0	0/153	
+GO:0098850	extrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098888	extrinsic component of presynaptic membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098889	intrinsic component of presynaptic membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098890	extrinsic component of postsynaptic membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098895	postsynaptic endosome membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098897	spine apparatus membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098899	spine apparatus lumen	0	0/153	
+GO:0098929	extrinsic component of spine apparatus membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098936	intrinsic component of postsynaptic membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098949	intrinsic component of postsynaptic endosome membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098952	intrinsic component of spine apparatus membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098954	presynaptic endosome membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098955	intrinsic component of presynaptic endosome membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0098965	extracellular matrix of synaptic cleft	0	0/153	
+GO:0098999	extrinsic component of postsynaptic endosome membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0099007	extrinsic component of presynaptic endosome membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0099523	presynaptic cytosol	0	0/153	
+GO:0099524	postsynaptic cytosol	0	0/153	
+GO:0099569	presynaptic cytoskeleton	0	0/153	
+GO:0099571	postsynaptic cytoskeleton	0	0/153	
+GO:0099631	postsynaptic endocytic zone cytoplasmic component	0	0/153	
+GO:1990013	presynaptic grid	0	0/153	
+GO:1990780	cytoplasmic side of dendritic spine plasma membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0005642	annulate lamellae	0	0/153	
+GO:0005905	clathrin-coated pit	1	1/153	TF
+GO:0005933	cellular bud	0	0/153	
+GO:0005966	cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0008287	protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0009344	nitrite reductase complex [NAD(P)H]	0	0/153	
+GO:0009347	aspartate carbamoyltransferase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0009349	riboflavin synthase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0009358	polyphosphate kinase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0009930	longitudinal side of cell surface	0	0/153	
+GO:0009986	cell surface	10	10/153	ANXA2/LTF/ENO1/ANXA1/HSPA5/TF/MYH9/CTSV/IDE/LAMP1
+GO:0015627	type II protein secretion system complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0019008	molybdopterin synthase complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0020007	apical complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0020008	rhoptry	0	0/153	
+GO:0020031	polar ring of apical complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0020032	basal ring of apical complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0020039	pellicle	0	0/153	
+GO:0030256	type I protein secretion system complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0030257	type III protein secretion system complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0030312	external encapsulating structure	0	0/153	
+GO:0030427	site of polarized growth	1	1/153	YWHAE
+GO:0030428	cell septum	0	0/153	
+GO:0030496	midbody	3	3/153	ANXA2/HSPA5/CAPG
+GO:0030904	retromer complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0030905	retromer, tubulation complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0030906	retromer, cargo-selective complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0031252	cell leading edge	7	7/153	ANXA2/MYH9/HSP90AA1/GSN/RPS3/S100A11/ACTR2
+GO:0031254	cell trailing edge	1	1/153	MYH9
+GO:0031317	tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporter complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0031521	spitzenkorper	0	0/153	
+GO:0031522	cell envelope Sec protein transport complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0031975	envelope	10	10/153	LMNA/ANXA1/CAT/ARG1/GAPDH/UBA52/SOD1/MDH2/RPS3/ATP5A1
+GO:0032126	eisosome	0	0/153	
+GO:0032153	cell division site	1	1/153	MYH9
+GO:0032155	cell division site part	1	1/153	MYH9
+GO:0032179	germ tube	0	0/153	
+GO:0032766	NHE3/E3KARP/ACTN4 complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0033016	rhoptry membrane	0	0/153	
+GO:0033104	type VI protein secretion system complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0033774	basal labyrinth	0	0/153	
+GO:0034591	rhoptry lumen	0	0/153	
+GO:0035748	myelin sheath abaxonal region	0	0/153	
+GO:0035749	myelin sheath adaxonal region	1	1/153	ANXA2
+GO:0036375	Kibra-Ex-Mer complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0042597	periplasmic space	0	0/153	
+GO:0042763	intracellular immature spore	0	0/153	
+GO:0043209	myelin sheath	15	15/153	ALB/ANXA2/ACTG1/HSPA5/PKM/PRDX1/TUBB4B/TUBA1B/HSP90AA1/SOD1/HSPA8/GSN/MDH2/ATP5A1/GDI2
+GO:0043218	compact myelin	1	1/153	ANXA2
+GO:0043219	lateral loop	0	0/153	
+GO:0043220	Schmidt-Lanterman incisure	1	1/153	ANXA2
+GO:0043684	type IV secretion system complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0044099	polar tube	0	0/153	
+GO:0044297	cell body	6	6/153	ARG1/FLNB/SOD1/CTSV/APOD/LAMP1
+GO:0044457	cell septum part	0	0/153	
+GO:0044462	external encapsulating structure part	0	0/153	
+GO:0044463	cell projection part	5	5/153	HSP90AA1/SOD1/HSPB1/YWHAE/RPS3
+GO:0044697	HICS complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0045177	apical part of cell	5	5/153	DSG1/ANXA1/TF/CTSV/PIP
+GO:0045178	basal part of cell	1	1/153	TF
+GO:0051286	cell tip	0	0/153	
+GO:0060187	cell pole	0	0/153	
+GO:0061835	ventral surface of cell	0	0/153	
+GO:0070056	prospore membrane leading edge	0	0/153	
+GO:0070258	inner membrane complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070331	CD20-Lck-Fyn complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070332	CD20-Lck-Lyn-Fyn complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0070938	contractile ring	1	1/153	MYH9
+GO:0072324	ascus epiplasm	0	0/153	
+GO:0090543	Flemming body	1	1/153	CAPG
+GO:0090635	extracellular core region of desmosome	0	0/153	
+GO:0090636	outer dense plaque of desmosome	0	0/153	
+GO:0090637	inner dense plaque of desmosome	0	0/153	
+GO:0097223	sperm part	0	0/153	
+GO:0097268	cytoophidium	0	0/153	
+GO:0097458	neuron part	10	10/153	ARG1/ACTN4/FLNB/SOD1/HSPB1/HSPA8/CTSV/YWHAE/APOD/LAMP1
+GO:0097569	lateral shield	0	0/153	
+GO:0097574	lateral part of cell	0	0/153	
+GO:0097610	cell surface furrow	1	1/153	MYH9
+GO:0097613	dinoflagellate epicone	0	0/153	
+GO:0097614	dinoflagellate hypocone	0	0/153	
+GO:0097653	unencapsulated part of cell	0	0/153	
+GO:0097683	dinoflagellate apex	0	0/153	
+GO:0097684	dinoflagellate antapex	0	0/153	
+GO:0098046	type V protein secretion system complex	0	0/153	
+GO:0098862	cluster of actin-based cell projections	4	4/153	PLEC/MYH9/ACTN4/FLNB
+GO:1990015	ensheathing process	0	0/153	
+GO:1990016	neck portion of tanycyte	0	0/153	
+GO:1990018	tail portion of tanycyte	0	0/153	
+GO:1990225	rhoptry neck	0	0/153	
+GO:1990794	basolateral part of cell	0	0/153	
+GO:0031594	neuromuscular junction	1	1/153	MYH9
+GO:0044456	synapse part	3	3/153	HSPA8/LAMP1/ACTR2
+GO:0060076	excitatory synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0060077	inhibitory synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0097470	ribbon synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0098685	Schaffer collateral - CA1 synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0098686	hippocampal mossy fiber to CA3 synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0098978	glutamatergic synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0098979	polyadic synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0098981	cholinergic synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0098982	GABA-ergic synapse	0	0/153	
+GO:0098984	neuron to neuron synapse	1	1/153	ACTR2
+GO:0009506	plasmodesma	0	0/153	
+GO:0005818	aster	0	0/153	
+GO:0097740	paraflagellar rod	0	0/153	
+GO:0097741	mastigoneme	0	0/153	
+GO:0098644	complex of collagen trimers	0	0/153