changeset 3:7f29e76a07c2 draft

planemo upload for repository commit 389df0134cd0763dcf02aac6e623fc15f8861c1e
author q2d2
date Thu, 25 Apr 2024 21:17:16 +0000 (11 months ago)
parents adccaaf33660
children d29e3e6a10fd
files qiime2__phylogeny__iqtree_ultrafast_bootstrap.xml test-data/align_to_tree_mafft_fasttree.test0.rep-seqs.qza
diffstat 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/qiime2__phylogeny__iqtree_ultrafast_bootstrap.xml	Thu Jun 08 19:50:07 2023 +0000
+++ b/qiime2__phylogeny__iqtree_ultrafast_bootstrap.xml	Thu Apr 25 21:17:16 2024 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-Copyright (c) 2023, QIIME 2 development team.
+Copyright (c) 2024, QIIME 2 development team.
 Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. (SPDX: BSD-3-Clause)
 This tool was automatically generated by:
-    q2galaxy (version: 2023.5.0)
+    q2galaxy (version: 2024.2.1)
-    qiime2 (version: 2023.5.1)
+    qiime2 (version: 2024.2.0)
-<tool name="qiime2 phylogeny iqtree-ultrafast-bootstrap" id="qiime2__phylogeny__iqtree_ultrafast_bootstrap" version="2023.5.0+q2galaxy.2023.5.0.2" profile="22.05" license="BSD-3-Clause">
+<tool name="qiime2 phylogeny iqtree-ultrafast-bootstrap" id="qiime2__phylogeny__iqtree_ultrafast_bootstrap" version="2024.2.0+q2galaxy.2024.2.1" profile="22.05" license="BSD-3-Clause">
     <description>Construct a phylogenetic tree with IQ-TREE with bootstrap supports.</description>
-        <container type="docker"></container>
+        <container type="docker"></container>
     <version_command>q2galaxy version phylogeny</version_command>
     <command detect_errors="exit_code">q2galaxy run phylogeny iqtree_ultrafast_bootstrap '$inputs'</command>
-        <inputs name="inputs" data_style="paths"/>
+        <inputs name="inputs" data_style="staging_path_and_source_path"/>
         <param name="alignment" type="data" format="qza" label="alignment: FeatureData[AlignedSequence]" help="[required]  Aligned sequences to be used for phylogenetic reconstruction.">
@@ -29,19 +29,6 @@
         <section name="__q2galaxy__GUI__section__extra_opts__" title="Click here for additional options">
             <param name="seed" type="integer" optional="true" label="seed: Int" help="[optional]  Random number seed. If not set, program defaults will be used. See IQ-TREE manual for details."/>
-            <conditional name="__q2galaxy__GUI__conditional__n_cores__">
-                <param name="__q2galaxy__GUI__select__" type="select" label="n_cores: Int % Range(1, None) | Str % Choices('auto')" help="[default: 1]  The number of cores to use for parallel processing. Use `auto` to let IQ-TREE automatically determine the optimal number of cores to use.">
-                    <option value="auto">auto (Str)</option>
-                    <option value="__q2galaxy__::control::Int X Range(1__comma__ None)" selected="true">Provide a value (Int % Range(1, None))</option>
-                </param>
-                <when value="auto">
-                    <param name="n_cores" type="hidden" value="auto"/>
-                </when>
-                <when value="__q2galaxy__::control::Int X Range(1__comma__ None)">
-                    <param name="n_cores" type="integer" min="1" value="1" label="n_cores: Int % Range(1, None)" help="[default: 1]  The number of cores to use for parallel processing. Use `auto` to let IQ-TREE automatically determine the optimal number of cores to use."/>
-                </when>
-            </conditional>
-            <param name="n_cores_max" type="integer" min="2" optional="true" label="n_cores_max: Int % Range(2, None)" help="[optional]  Limits the maximum number of cores to be used when 'n_cores' is set to 'auto'."/>
             <param name="n_runs" type="integer" min="1" value="1" label="n_runs: Int % Range(1, None)" help="[default: 1]  Number of indepedent runs. Multiple  independent runs (e.g. 10) can outperform a single run in terms of likelihood maximisation."/>
             <param name="substitution_model" type="select" label="substitution_model: Str % Choices('JC', 'JC+I', 'JC+G', 'JC+I+G', 'JC+R2', 'JC+R3', 'JC+R4', 'JC+R5', 'JC+R6', 'JC+R7', 'JC+R8', 'JC+R9', 'JC+R10', 'F81', 'F81+I', 'F81+G', 'F81+I+G', 'F81+R2', 'F81+R3', 'F81+R4', 'F81+R5', 'F81+R6', 'F81+R7', 'F81+R8', 'F81+R9', 'F81+R10', 'K80', 'K80+I', 'K80+G', 'K80+I+G', 'K80+R2', 'K80+R3', 'K80+R4', 'K80+R5', 'K80+R6', 'K80+R7', 'K80+R8', 'K80+R9', 'K80+R10', 'HKY', 'HKY+I', 'HKY+G', 'HKY+I+G', 'HKY+R2', 'HKY+R3', 'HKY+R4', 'HKY+R5', 'HKY+R6', 'HKY+R7', 'HKY+R8', 'HKY+R9', 'HKY+R10', 'TNe', 'TNe+I', 'TNe+G', 'TNe+I+G', 'TNe+R2', 'TNe+R3', 'TNe+R4', 'TNe+R5', 'TNe+R6', 'TNe+R7', 'TNe+R8', 'TNe+R9', 'TNe+R10', 'TN', 'TN+I', 'TN+G', 'TN+I+G', 'TN+R2', 'TN+R3', 'TN+R4', 'TN+R5', 'TN+R6', 'TN+R7', 'TN+R8', 'TN+R9', 'TN+R10', 'K81', 'K81+I', 'K81+G', 'K81+I+G', 'K81+R2', 'K81+R3', 'K81+R4', 'K81+R5', 'K81+R6', 'K81+R7', 'K81+R8', 'K81+R9', 'K81+R10', 'K81u', 'K81u+I', 'K81u+G', 'K81u+I+G', 'K81u+R2', 'K81u+R3', 'K81u+R4', 'K81u+R5', 'K81u+R6', 'K81u+R7', 'K81u+R8', 'K81u+R9', 'K81u+R10', 'TPM2', 'TPM2+I', 'TPM2+G', 'TPM2+I+G', 'TPM2+R2', 'TPM2+R3', 'TPM2+R4', 'TPM2+R5', 'TPM2+R6', 'TPM2+R7', 'TPM2+R8', 'TPM2+R9', 'TPM2+R10', 'TPM2u', 'TPM2u+I', 'TPM2u+G', 'TPM2u+I+G', 'TPM2u+R2', 'TPM2u+R3', 'TPM2u+R4', 'TPM2u+R5', 'TPM2u+R6', 'TPM2u+R7', 'TPM2u+R8', 'TPM2u+R9', 'TPM2u+R10', 'TPM3', 'TPM3+I', 'TPM3+G', 'TPM3+I+G', 'TPM3+R2', 'TPM3+R3', 'TPM3+R4', 'TPM3+R5', 'TPM3+R6', 'TPM3+R7', 'TPM3+R8', 'TPM3+R9', 'TPM3+R10', 'TPM3u', 'TPM3u+I', 'TPM3u+G', 'TPM3u+I+G', 'TPM3u+R2', 'TPM3u+R3', 'TPM3u+R4', 'TPM3u+R5', 'TPM3u+R6', 'TPM3u+R7', 'TPM3u+R8', 'TPM3u+R9', 'TPM3u+R10', 'TIMe', 'TIMe+I', 'TIMe+G', 'TIMe+I+G', 'TIMe+R2', 'TIMe+R3', 'TIMe+R4', 'TIMe+R5', 'TIMe+R6', 'TIMe+R7', 'TIMe+R8', 'TIMe+R9', 'TIMe+R10', 'TIM', 'TIM+I', 'TIM+G', 'TIM+I+G', 'TIM+R2', 'TIM+R3', 'TIM+R4', 'TIM+R5', 'TIM+R6', 'TIM+R7', 'TIM+R8', 'TIM+R9', 'TIM+R10', 'TIM2e', 'TIM2e+I', 'TIM2e+G', 'TIM2e+I+G', 'TIM2e+R2', 'TIM2e+R3', 'TIM2e+R4', 'TIM2e+R5', 'TIM2e+R6', 'TIM2e+R7', 'TIM2e+R8', 'TIM2e+R9', 'TIM2e+R10', 'TIM2', 'TIM2+I', 'TIM2+G', 'TIM2+I+G', 'TIM2+R2', 'TIM2+R3', 'TIM2+R4', 'TIM2+R5', 'TIM2+R6', 'TIM2+R7', 'TIM2+R8', 'TIM2+R9', 'TIM2+R10', 'TIM3e', 'TIM3e+I', 'TIM3e+G', 'TIM3e+I+G', 'TIM3e+R2', 'TIM3e+R3', 'TIM3e+R4', 'TIM3e+R5', 'TIM3e+R6', 'TIM3e+R7', 'TIM3e+R8', 'TIM3e+R9', 'TIM3e+R10', 'TIM3', 'TIM3+I', 'TIM3+G', 'TIM3+I+G', 'TIM3+R2', 'TIM3+R3', 'TIM3+R4', 'TIM3+R5', 'TIM3+R6', 'TIM3+R7', 'TIM3+R8', 'TIM3+R9', 'TIM3+R10', 'TVMe', 'TVMe+I', 'TVMe+G', 'TVMe+I+G', 'TVMe+R2', 'TVMe+R3', 'TVMe+R4', 'TVMe+R5', 'TVMe+R6', 'TVMe+R7', 'TVMe+R8', 'TVMe+R9', 'TVMe+R10', 'TVM', 'TVM+I', 'TVM+G', 'TVM+I+G', 'TVM+R2', 'TVM+R3', 'TVM+R4', 'TVM+R5', 'TVM+R6', 'TVM+R7', 'TVM+R8', 'TVM+R9', 'TVM+R10', 'SYM', 'SYM+I', 'SYM+G', 'SYM+I+G', 'SYM+R2', 'SYM+R3', 'SYM+R4', 'SYM+R5', 'SYM+R6', 'SYM+R7', 'SYM+R8', 'SYM+R9', 'SYM+R10', 'GTR', 'GTR+I', 'GTR+G', 'GTR+I+G', 'GTR+R2', 'GTR+R3', 'GTR+R4', 'GTR+R5', 'GTR+R6', 'GTR+R7', 'GTR+R8', 'GTR+R9', 'GTR+R10', 'MFP', 'TEST')">
                 <option value="JC">JC</option>
Binary file test-data/align_to_tree_mafft_fasttree.test0.rep-seqs.qza has changed