changeset 0:3860c369685d draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 5f71b597c9495eae67a447744fded834f56ca1f7
author q2d2
date Wed, 30 Oct 2024 19:56:37 +0000 (4 months ago)
files qiime2__stats__mann_whitney_u_facet.xml test-data/alpha_group_significance.test0.alpha-div-faith-pd.qza test-data/alpha_group_significance.test0.metadata.tsv test-data/mann_whitney_u.test0.refdist.qza test-data/mann_whitney_u.test0.timedist.qza test-data/mann_whitney_u_facet.test0.dist.qza test-data/mann_whitney_u_facet.test1.dist.qza test-data/plot_rainclouds.test0.dist.qza test-data/wilcoxon_srt.test0.timedist.qza test-data/wilcoxon_srt_facet.test0.dist.qza
diffstat 10 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/qiime2__stats__mann_whitney_u_facet.xml	Wed Oct 30 19:56:37 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+Copyright (c) 2024, QIIME 2 development team.
+Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. (SPDX: BSD-3-Clause)
+This tool was automatically generated by:
+    q2galaxy (version: 2024.10.0)
+    qiime2 (version: 2024.10.1)
+<tool name="qiime2 stats mann-whitney-u-facet" id="qiime2__stats__mann_whitney_u_facet" version="0+unknown-q2galaxy.2024.10.0" profile="22.05" license="BSD-3-Clause">
+    <description>Per-facet Mann-Whitney U Test</description>
+    <xrefs>
+        <xref type="">qiime2</xref>
+    </xrefs>
+    <requirements>
+        <container type="docker"></container>
+    </requirements>
+    <version_command>q2galaxy version stats</version_command>
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code">q2galaxy run stats mann_whitney_u_facet '$inputs'</command>
+    <configfiles>
+        <inputs name="inputs" data_style="staging_path_and_source_path"/>
+    </configfiles>
+    <inputs>
+        <param name="distribution" type="data" format="qza" label="distribution: Dist1D[Multi, Independent]¹ | Dist1D[NestedOrdered | NestedUnordered, Matched]² | Dist1D[NestedOrdered | NestedUnordered, Independent]³" help="[required]">
+            <options options_filter_attribute="metadata.semantic_type">
+                <filter type="add_value" value="Dist1D[Multi, Independent]"/>
+                <filter type="add_value" value="Dist1D[NestedOrdered | NestedUnordered, Matched]"/>
+                <filter type="add_value" value="Dist1D[NestedOrdered | NestedUnordered, Independent]"/>
+            </options>
+            <validator type="expression" message="Incompatible type">hasattr(value.metadata, "semantic_type") and value.metadata.semantic_type in ['Dist1D[Multi, Independent]', 'Dist1D[NestedOrdered, Independent]', 'Dist1D[NestedOrdered, Matched]', 'Dist1D[NestedUnordered, Independent]', 'Dist1D[NestedUnordered, Matched]']</validator>
+        </param>
+        <section name="__q2galaxy__GUI__section__extra_opts__" title="Click here for additional options">
+            <param name="facet" type="select" label="facet: Str % Choices('within')¹'² | Str % Choices('within', 'across')³" help="[default: 'within']  Whether to facet within or across the outer group.">
+                <option value="within" selected="true">within (Str)</option>
+                <option value="across">across (Str)</option>
+            </param>
+        </section>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="stats" format="qza" label="${} on ${on_string}: stats.qza" from_work_dir="stats.qza"/>
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <test>
+            <param name="distribution" value="mann_whitney_u_facet.test0.dist.qza" ftype="qza"/>
+            <conditional name="__q2galaxy__GUI__conditional__facet__">
+                <param name="__q2galaxy__GUI__select__" value="across"/>
+                <param name="facet" value="across"/>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="stats" ftype="qza"/>
+        </test>
+        <test>
+            <param name="distribution" value="mann_whitney_u_facet.test1.dist.qza" ftype="qza"/>
+            <conditional name="__q2galaxy__GUI__conditional__facet__">
+                <param name="__q2galaxy__GUI__select__" value="within"/>
+                <param name="facet" value="within"/>
+            </conditional>
+            <output name="stats" ftype="qza"/>
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help>
+QIIME 2: stats mann-whitney-u-facet
+Per-facet Mann-Whitney U Test
+:stats.qza: &lt;no description&gt;
+Using the ``qiime2 stats mann-whitney-u-facet`` tool:
+ #. Set *"distribution"* to ``#: dist.qza``
+ #. Expand the ``additional options`` section
+    - Set *"facet"* to ``across``
+ #. Press the ``Execute`` button.
+Using the ``qiime2 stats mann-whitney-u-facet`` tool:
+ #. Set *"distribution"* to ``#: dist.qza``
+ #. Expand the ``additional options`` section
+    - Leave *"facet"* as its default value of ``within``
+ #. Press the ``Execute`` button.
+    <citations>
+        <citation type="doi">10.1214/aoms/1177730491</citation>
+        <citation type="doi">10.1038/s41587-019-0209-9</citation>
+    </citations>
Binary file test-data/alpha_group_significance.test0.alpha-div-faith-pd.qza has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/alpha_group_significance.test0.metadata.tsv	Wed Oct 30 19:56:37 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+sample_name	barcode	mouse_id	genotype	cage_id	donor	donor_status	days_post_transplant	genotype_and_donor_status
+#q2:types	categorical	categorical	categorical	categorical	categorical	categorical	numeric	categorical
+recip.220.WT.OB1.D7	CCTCCGTCATGG	457	wild type	C35	hc_1	Healthy	49	wild type and Healthy
+recip.290.ASO.OB2.D1	AACAGTAAACAA	456	susceptible	C35	hc_1	Healthy	49	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.389.WT.HC2.D21	ATGTATCAATTA	435	susceptible	C31	hc_1	Healthy	21	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.391.ASO.PD2.D14	GTCAGTATGGCT	435	susceptible	C31	hc_1	Healthy	14	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.391.ASO.PD2.D21	AGACAGTAGGAG	437	susceptible	C31	hc_1	Healthy	21	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.391.ASO.PD2.D7	GGTCTTAGCACC	435	susceptible	C31	hc_1	Healthy	7	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.400.ASO.HC2.D14	CGTTCGCTAGCC	437	susceptible	C31	hc_1	Healthy	14	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.401.ASO.HC2.D7	ATTTACAATTGA	437	susceptible	C31	hc_1	Healthy	7	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.403.ASO.PD2.D21	CGCAGATTAGTA	456	susceptible	C35	hc_1	Healthy	21	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.411.ASO.HC2.D14	ATGTTAGGGAAT	456	susceptible	C35	hc_1	Healthy	14	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.411.ASO.HC2.D21	CTCATATGCTAT	457	wild type	C35	hc_1	Healthy	21	wild type and Healthy
+recip.411.ASO.HC2.D49	GCAACGAACGAG	435	susceptible	C31	hc_1	Healthy	49	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.412.ASO.HC2.D14	AAGTGGCTATCC	457	wild type	C35	hc_1	Healthy	14	wild type and Healthy
+recip.412.ASO.HC2.D7	GCATTCGGCGTT	456	susceptible	C35	hc_1	Healthy	7	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.413.WT.HC2.D7	ACCAGTGACTCA	457	wild type	C35	hc_1	Healthy	7	wild type and Healthy
+recip.456.ASO.HC3.D49	ACGGCGTTATGT	468	wild type	C42	hc_1	Healthy	49	wild type and Healthy
+recip.458.ASO.HC3.D21	ACGGCCCTGGAG	468	wild type	C42	hc_1	Healthy	21	wild type and Healthy
+recip.458.ASO.HC3.D49	CATTTGACGACG	469	wild type	C42	hc_1	Healthy	49	wild type and Healthy
+recip.459.WT.HC3.D14	ACATGGGCGGAA	468	wild type	C42	hc_1	Healthy	14	wild type and Healthy
+recip.459.WT.HC3.D21	CATAAATTCTTG	469	wild type	C42	hc_1	Healthy	21	wild type and Healthy
+recip.459.WT.HC3.D49	GCTGCGTATACC	536	susceptible	C43	pd_1	PD	49	susceptible and PD
+recip.460.WT.HC3.D14	CTGCGGATATAC	469	wild type	C42	hc_1	Healthy	14	wild type and Healthy
+recip.460.WT.HC3.D21	GTCAATTAGTGG	536	susceptible	C43	pd_1	PD	21	susceptible and PD
+recip.460.WT.HC3.D49	GAGAAGCTTATA	537	wild type	C43	pd_1	PD	49	wild type and PD
+recip.460.WT.HC3.D7	GACCCGTTTCGC	468	wild type	C42	hc_1	Healthy	7	wild type and Healthy
+recip.461.ASO.HC3.D21	AGCCCGCAAAGG	537	wild type	C43	pd_1	PD	21	wild type and PD
+recip.461.ASO.HC3.D49	GGCGTAACGGCA	538	wild type	C44	pd_1	PD	49	wild type and PD
+recip.461.ASO.HC3.D7	ATTGCCTTGATT	469	wild type	C42	hc_1	Healthy	7	wild type and Healthy
+recip.462.WT.PD3.D14	GTGAGGGCAAGT	536	susceptible	C43	pd_1	PD	14	susceptible and PD
+recip.462.WT.PD3.D21	GGCCTATAAGTC	538	wild type	C44	pd_1	PD	21	wild type and PD
+recip.462.WT.PD3.D49	AATACAGACCTG	539	susceptible	C44	pd_1	PD	49	susceptible and PD
+recip.462.WT.PD3.D7	TTAGGATTCTAT	536	susceptible	C43	pd_1	PD	7	susceptible and PD
+recip.463.WT.PD3.D14	ATATTGGCAGCC	537	wild type	C43	pd_1	PD	14	wild type and PD
+recip.463.WT.PD3.D21	CGCGGCGCAGCT	539	susceptible	C44	pd_1	PD	21	susceptible and PD
+recip.463.WT.PD3.D7	GTTTATCTTAAG	537	wild type	C43	pd_1	PD	7	wild type and PD
+recip.464.WT.PD3.D14	TCATCCGTCGGC	538	wild type	C44	pd_1	PD	14	wild type and PD
+recip.465.ASO.PD3.D14	GGCTTCGGAGCG	539	susceptible	C44	pd_1	PD	14	susceptible and PD
+recip.465.ASO.PD3.D7	CAGTCTAGTACG	538	wild type	C44	pd_1	PD	7	wild type and PD
+recip.466.ASO.PD3.D7	GTGGGACTGCGC	539	susceptible	C44	pd_1	PD	7	susceptible and PD
+recip.467.WT.HC3.D49.a	GTCAGGTGCGGC	437	susceptible	C31	hc_1	Healthy	49	susceptible and Healthy
+recip.467.WT.HC3.D49.b	GTTAACTTACTA	546	susceptible	C49	pd_1	PD	49	susceptible and PD
+recip.536.ASO.PD4.D49	CAAATTCGGGAT	547	wild type	C49	pd_1	PD	49	wild type and PD
+recip.537.WT.PD4.D21	CTCTATTCCACC	546	susceptible	C49	pd_1	PD	21	susceptible and PD
+recip.538.WT.PD4.D21	ATGGATAGCTAA	547	wild type	C49	pd_1	PD	21	wild type and PD
+recip.539.ASO.PD4.D14	GATCCGGCAGGA	546	susceptible	C49	pd_1	PD	14	susceptible and PD
+recip.539.ASO.PD4.D7	GTTCGAGTGAAT	546	susceptible	C49	pd_1	PD	7	susceptible and PD
+recip.540.ASO.HC4.D14	CTTCCAACTCAT	547	wild type	C49	pd_1	PD	14	wild type and PD
+recip.540.ASO.HC4.D7	CGGCCTAAGTTC	547	wild type	C49	pd_1	PD	7	wild type and PD
Binary file test-data/mann_whitney_u.test0.refdist.qza has changed
Binary file test-data/mann_whitney_u.test0.timedist.qza has changed
Binary file test-data/mann_whitney_u_facet.test0.dist.qza has changed
Binary file test-data/mann_whitney_u_facet.test1.dist.qza has changed
Binary file test-data/plot_rainclouds.test0.dist.qza has changed
Binary file test-data/wilcoxon_srt.test0.timedist.qza has changed
Binary file test-data/wilcoxon_srt_facet.test0.dist.qza has changed