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date | Wed, 21 Dec 2016 17:30:57 -0500 |
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<tool id="methylkit" name="methylKit" version="0.99.2"> <description>DNA methylation analysis and annotation</description> <macros> <macro name="differential_methylation"> <param name="overdispersion" type="select" label="overdispersion" help="if set to 'none' (default), no overdispersion correction will be attempted. 'MN' applies a scaling parameter to variance estimated by the model. If set to 'shrinkMN' (experimental parameter), scaling parameter will be shrunk towards a common value"> <option value="none" selected="True"> none </option> <option value="MN"> MN </option> <option value="shrinkMN"> shrinkMN </option> </param> <param name="adjust" type="select" label="adjust" help="different methods to correct the p-values for multiple testing (default: SLIM)."> <option value="SLIM" selected="True"> SLIM </option> <option value="holm"> holm </option> <option value="hochberg"> hochberg </option> <option value="hommel"> hommel </option> <option value="bonferroni"> bonferroni </option> <option value="BH"> BH </option> <option value="BY"> BY </option> <option value="fdr"> fdr </option> <option value="none"> none </option> <option value="qvalue"> qvalue </option> </param> <param name="effect" type="select" label="effect" help="method to calculate the mean methylation different between groups using read coverage as weights (default: wmean). When set to 'mean', the generic mean is applied and when set to 'predicted', predicted means from the logistic regression model is used for calculating the effect."> <option value="wmean" selected="True"> wmean </option> <option value="mean"> mean </option> <option value="predicted"> predicted </option> </param> <param name="test" type="select" label="test" help="the statistical test used to determine the methylation differences (default: Chisq-test). The F-test can be chosen if overdispersion control is applied."> <option value="Chisq" selected="True"> Chisq </option> <option value="F"> F </option> </param> <param name="qvalue_cutoff" type="float" value="0.01" label="qvalue.cutoff" help="cutoff for qvalue of differential methylation statistic (default:0.01)"> <validator type="in_range" message="Minimum 0 and maximum 1" min="0" max="1"/> </param> <param name="meth_cutoff" type="float" value="25" label="meth.cutoff" help="cutoff for absolute value of methylation percentage change between test and control (default:25)"> <validator type="in_range" message="Minimum 0 and maximum 100" min="0" max="100"/> </param> <param name="type" type="select" label="type" help="For retrieving hyper-methylated regions/bases type='hyper', for hypo-methylated type='hypo' (default:'all')"> <option value="all" selected="True"> all </option> <option value="hyper"> hyper </option> <option value="hypo"> hypo </option> </param> </macro> <macro name="clustering"> <param name="dist" type="select" label="dist" help="the distance measure to be used. (default: correlation)"> <option value="correlation" selected="True"> correlation </option> <option value="euclidean"> euclidean </option> <option value="maximum"> maximum </option> <option value="manhattan"> manhattan </option> <option value="canberra"> canberra </option> <option value="binary"> binary </option> <option value="minkowski"> minkowski </option> </param> <param name="method" type="select" label="method" help="the agglomeration method to be used. (default: ward)"> <option value="ward" selected="True"> ward </option> <option value="single"> single </option> <option value="complete"> complete </option> <option value="average"> average </option> <option value="mcquitty"> mcquitty </option> <option value="median"> median </option> <option value="centroid"> centroid </option> </param> </macro> </macros> <requirements> <requirement type="package" version="0.99.2">bioconductor-methylkit</requirement> </requirements> <stdio> <regex match="Execution halted" source="both" level="fatal" description="Execution halted." /> <regex match="Input-Error 01" source="both" level="fatal" description="Error in your input parameters: Make sure you only apply factors to selected samples." /> <regex match="Error in" source="both" level="fatal" description="An undefined error occured, please check your intput carefully and contact your administrator." /> </stdio> <command> <![CDATA[ Rscript $script_file ]]> </command> <configfiles> <configfile name="script_file"> library("methylKit") test_files = list() control_files = list() test_ids = list() control_ids = list() #for $i, $s in enumerate( $test_series ) test_ids[${i}+1] = paste("test ", ${i}+1, sep="") test_files[${i}+1] = "${s.input.file_name}" #end for #for $i, $s in enumerate( $control_series ) control_ids[${i}+1] = paste("control ", ${i}+1, sep="") control_files[${i}+1] = "${s.input.file_name}" #end for input_files = append(test_files, control_files) sample_ids = append(test_ids, control_ids) treatment_tag = c(, length(test_ids)),, length(control_ids))) myobj=methRead(input_files,, assembly="${assembly}", pipeline="${pipeline}", treatment=treatment_tag) pdf('output_statistics.pdf') for (obj in myobj){ getMethylationStats(obj,plot=TRUE,both.strands=FALSE) getCoverageStats(obj,plot=TRUE,both.strands=FALSE) } devname = ## unite function methidh=unite(myobj) pdf("output_correlation.pdf") getCorrelation(object = methidh, plot=TRUE, method = "${correlation}") devname = #if $input_type.choice in ["all", "differential_methylation"]: ## the last two arguments slim, weighted.mean ## have the redundant counterparts in effect and adjust, ## so turning them off to avoide the possible conflict. myDiff = calculateDiffMeth(methidh, overdispersion="${input_type.overdispersion}", adjust="${input_type.adjust}", effect="${input_type.effect}", test="${input_type.test}", slim=FALSE, weighted.mean=FALSE) bedgraph(myDiff,"output_myDiff.bedgraph","meth.diff", unmeth=FALSE, log.transform=FALSE, negative=FALSE, add.on="") MethPerChr = diffMethPerChr(myDiff, plot=FALSE, qvalue.cutoff=${input_type.qvalue_cutoff}, meth.cutoff=${input_type.meth_cutoff}) write.table(MethPerChr, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, file="output_MethPerChr.tsv") MethylDiff = getMethylDiff(myDiff, difference=${input_type.meth_cutoff}, qvalue=${input_type.qvalue_cutoff}, type="${input_type.type}") bedgraph(MethylDiff,"output_MethylDiff.bedgraph","meth.diff", unmeth=FALSE,log.transform=FALSE,negative=FALSE,add.on="") #end if #if $input_type.choice in ["all", "clustering"]: pdf( "output_clustering.pdf" ) methClust = clusterSamples(methidh, dist="${input_type.dist}", method="${input_type.method}") devname = pdf( "output_PCA.pdf" ) PCASamples(methidh) devname = #end if #if $input_type.choice in ["all", "segmentation"]: ## methSeg works for methylRaw or methylDiff with resolution region, ## so methylBase has to be tiled before tileRaw = tileMethylCounts(myobj[[1]]) tileBase = tileMethylCounts(methidh) tileDiff = calculateDiffMeth(tileBase) ## methseg generates Granges segRaw = methSeg(tileRaw, diagnostic.plot = FALSE) segDiff = methSeg(tileDiff, diagnostic.plot = FALSE) ## and can be exported as BED methSeg2bed(segments = segRaw, filename = "output_seg_raw.bed") methSeg2bed(segments = segDiff, filename = "output_seg_diff.bed") #end if </configfile> </configfiles> <inputs> <repeat name="test_series" title="Test samples" min="1"> <param name="input" type="data" format="tabular" label="Add a file" help="Such input file may be obtained from AMP pipeline for aligning RRBS reads."> <validator type="unspecified_build" /> </param> </repeat> <repeat name="control_series" title="Control samples" min="1"> <param name="input" type="data" format="tabular" label="Add a file" help="Such input file may be obtained from AMP pipeline for aligning RRBS reads." > <validator type="unspecified_build" /> </param> </repeat> <param name="assembly" type="text" value="hg18" label="assembly" help="A string that defines the genome assembly such as hg18, mm9 (default: hg18)."> </param> <param name="correlation" type="select" label="correlation" help="correlation method (default: pearson)"> <option value="pearson" selected="True"> pearson </option> <option value="kendall"> kendall </option> <option value="spearman"> spearman </option> </param> <param name="pipeline" type="select" label="pipeline" help="name of the alignment pipeline (default: amp)"> <option value="amp" selected="True"> amp </option> <option value="bismark"> bismark </option> <option value="bismarkCoverage"> bismarkCoverage </option> <option value="bismarkCytosineReport"> bismarkCytosineReport </option> </param> <conditional name="input_type"> <param name="choice" type="select" label="analysis to carry out:" help="The analysis you wish to carry out."> <option value="all" selected="True"> All provided analysis </option> <option value="differential_methylation"> Differential methylation </option> <option value="clustering"> Clustering </option> <option value="segmentation"> Segmentation </option> </param> <when value="all"> <expand macro="differential_methylation" /> <expand macro="clustering" /> </when> <when value="differential_methylation"> <expand macro="differential_methylation" /> </when> <when value="clustering"> <expand macro="clustering" /> </when> <when value="segmentation" /> </conditional> </inputs> <outputs> <data name="output_statistics" format="pdf" from_work_dir="output_statistics.pdf" label="${} on ${on_string}: CpG statistics"> </data> <data name="output_correlation" format="pdf" from_work_dir="output_correlation.pdf" label="${} on ${on_string}: correlation between samples"> </data> <data name="output_myDiff" format="bedgraph" from_work_dir="output_myDiff.bedgraph" label="${} on ${on_string}: differential methylation"> <filter>input_type['choice'] in ['all', 'differential_methylation']</filter> </data> <data name="output_MethylDiff" format="bedgraph" from_work_dir="output_MethylDiff.bedgraph" label="${} on ${on_string}: differential methylation - subset"> <filter>input_type['choice'] in ['all', 'differential_methylation']</filter> </data> <data name="output_MethPerChr" format="tabular" from_work_dir="output_MethPerChr.tsv" label="${} on ${on_string}: number of hyper/hypo sites"> <filter>input_type['choice'] in ['all', 'differential_methylation']</filter> </data> <data name="output_clustering" format="pdf" from_work_dir="output_clustering.pdf" label="${} on ${on_string}: hierarchical clustering"> <filter>input_type['choice'] in ['all', 'clustering']</filter> </data> <data name="output_PCA" format="pdf" from_work_dir="output_PCA.pdf" label="${} on ${on_string}: PCA"> <filter>input_type['choice'] in ['all', 'clustering']</filter> </data> <data name="output_seg_raw" format="bed" from_work_dir="output_seg_raw.bed" label="${} on ${on_string}: methylation segment"> <filter>input_type['choice'] in ['all', 'segmentation']</filter> </data> <data name="output_seg_diff" format="bed" from_work_dir="output_seg_diff.bed" label="${} on ${on_string}: differential methylation segment"> <filter>input_type['choice'] in ['all', 'segmentation']</filter> </data> </outputs> <tests> <test> <repeat name="test_series"> <param name="input" value="input_test1.myCpG.txt" dbkey="hg18" ftype="tabular" /> </repeat> <repeat name="test_series"> <param name="input" value="input_test2.myCpG.txt" dbkey="hg18" ftype="tabular" /> </repeat> <repeat name="control_series"> <param name="input" value="input_control1.myCpG.txt" dbkey="hg18" ftype="tabular" /> </repeat> <repeat name="control_series"> <param name="input" value="input_control2.myCpG.txt" dbkey="hg18" ftype="tabular" /> </repeat> <param name="assembly" value="hg18" /> <param name="correlation" value="pearson" /> <param name="pipeline" value="amp" /> <param name="choice" value="all" /> <param name="overdispersion" value="none" /> <param name="adjust" value="SLIM" /> <param name="effect" value="wmean" /> <param name="test" value="Chisq" /> <param name="qvalue_cutoff" value="0.01" /> <param name="meth_cutoff" value="25" /> <param name="type" value="all" /> <param name="dist" value="correlation" /> <param name="method" value="ward" /> <output name="output_statistics" file="output_statistics.pdf" ftype="pdf" compare="sim_size"/> <output name="output_correlation" file="output_correlation.pdf" ftype="pdf" compare="sim_size"/> <output name="output_myDiff" file="output_myDiff.bedgraph" ftype="bedgraph"/> <output name="output_MethPerChr" file="output_MethPerChr.tsv" ftype="tabular"/> <output name="output_MethylDiff" file="output_MethylDiff.bedgraph" ftype="bedgraph"/> <output name="output_clustering" file="output_clustering.pdf" ftype="pdf" compare="sim_size"/> <output name="output_PCA" file="output_PCA.pdf" ftype="pdf" compare="sim_size"/> <output name="output_seg_raw" file="output_seg_raw.bed" ftype="bed"/> <output name="output_seg_diff" file="output_seg_diff.bed" ftype="bed"/> </test> </tests> <help> <![CDATA[ .. class:: infomark **What it does** `methylKit`_ is an R package for DNA methylation analysis and annotation from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing. The package is designed to deal with sequencing data from RRBS and its variants, but also target-capture methods such as Agilent SureSelect methyl-seq. In addition, methylKit can deal with base-pair resolution data for 5hmC obtained from Tab-seq or oxBS-seq. It can also handle whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data if proper input format is provided. .. _methylKit: The Galaxy tool enables three types of analysis: * differential methylation * clustering * segmentation The user can choose to run all provided analysis or run an individual one. .. class:: infomark **Input** Typically, bisulfite converted reads are aligned to the genome and % methylation value per base is calculated by processing alignments. methylKit takes that % methylation value per base information as input. Such input file may be obtained from `AMP`_ pipeline for aligning RRBS reads. A typical input file looks like this:: chrBase chr base strand coverage freqC freqT chr21.9764539 chr21 9764539 R 12 25.00 75.00 chr21.9764513 chr21 9764513 F 12 0.00 100.00 .. _AMP: .. class:: infomark **Output** The outputs from differential methylation * ``differential methylation``: The `bedgraph`_ file contains differentially methylated bases/regions and the corresponding statistics. * ``differential methylation - subset``: The bedgraph file contains the subset of differentially methylated bases/regions that satisfies the user defined thresholds with qvalue.cutoff and meth.cutoff. * ``number of hyper/hypo sites``: The tabular file contains number of hyper/hypo methylated regions/bases. .. _bedgraph: The outputs from clustering * ``hierarchical clustering``: The figure shows hierarchical clustering using methylation data. * ``PCA``: The figure shows principal components analysis of methylation data. The output from segmentation * ``methylation segment``: The `bed`_ file contains the profile of methylation segment. * ``differential methylation segment``: The bed file contains the profile of differential methylation segment. .. _bed: ]]> </help> <citations> <citation type="doi">10.1186/gb-2012-13-10-r87</citation> </citations> </tool>