view test-data/ @ 6:a1eeb45167e8 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 36681a08c6e44c663169caaefd964781c43d0d29
author rnateam
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 08:36:36 -0500
line wrap: on
line source

%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%Title: RNA Dot Plot
%%Creator: ViennaRNA-2.2.10
%%CreationDate: Tue Dec 19 19:42:58 2017
%%BoundingBox: 66 211 518 662
%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica
%%Pages: 1

%This file contains the square roots of the base pair probabilities in the form
% i  j  sqrt(p(i,j)) ubox

/DPdict 100 dict def
DPdict begin
/logscale false def
/lpmin 1e-05 log def

/box { %size x y box - draws box centered on x,y
   2 index 0.5 mul sub            % x -= 0.5
   exch 2 index 0.5 mul sub exch  % y -= 0.5
   3 -1 roll dup rectfill
} bind def

/ubox {
   logscale {
      log dup add lpmin div 1 exch sub dup 0 lt { pop 0 } if
   } if
   3 1 roll
   exch len exch sub 1 add box
} bind def

/lbox {
   3 1 roll
   len exch sub 1 add box
} bind def

/drawseq {
% print sequence along all 4 sides
[ [0.7 -0.3 0 ]
  [0.7 0.7 len add 0]
  [-0.3 len sub -0.4 -90]
  [-0.3 len sub 0.7 len add -90]
] {
    aload pop rotate translate
    0 1 len 1 sub {
     dup 0 moveto
     sequence exch 1 getinterval
    } for
  } forall
} bind def

  0.01 setlinewidth
  len log 0.9 sub cvi 10 exch exp  % grid spacing
  dup 1 gt {
     dup dup 20 div dup 2 array astore exch 40 div setdash
  } { [0.3 0.7] 0.1 setdash } ifelse
  0 exch len {
     dup dup
     0 moveto
     len lineto
     len exch sub 0 exch moveto
     len exch len exch sub lineto
  } for
  [] 0 setdash
  0.04 setlinewidth
  currentdict /cutpoint known {
    cutpoint 1 sub
    dup dup -1 moveto len 1 add lineto
    len exch sub dup
    -1 exch moveto len 1 add exch lineto
  } if
  0.5 neg dup translate
} bind def

DPdict begin
%delete next line to get rid of title
270 665 moveto /Helvetica findfont 14 scalefont setfont (Anolis_caro_chrUn_GL343207.trna3_AlaAGC) show

/sequence { (\
) } def
/len { sequence length } bind def

72 216 translate
72 6 mul len 1 add div dup scale
/Helvetica findfont 0.95 scalefont setfont

0.5 dup translate
% draw diagonal
0.04 setlinewidth
0 len moveto len 0 lineto stroke

/min { 2 copy gt { exch } if pop } bind def

/utri{ % i j prob utri
  1 min 2 div
  0.85 mul 0.15 add 0.95  0.33
  3 1 roll % prepare hsb color
  % now produce the coordinates for lines
  exch 1 sub dup len exch sub dup 4 -1 roll dup 3 1 roll dup len exch sub
  moveto lineto lineto closepath fill
} bind def
/uHmotif{ % i j uHmotif
  1 min 2 div
  0.85 mul 0.15 add 0.95  0.99
  3 1 roll % prepare hsb color
  % now produce the coordinates for lines
  exch 1 sub dup len exch sub dup 4 -1 roll dup 3 1 roll dup len exch sub
  moveto lineto lineto closepath fill
} bind def
/lHmotif{ % i j lHmotif
  1 min 2 div
  0.85 mul 0.15 add 0.95  0.99
  3 1 roll % prepare hsb color
  % now produce the coordinates for lines
  dup len exch sub dup 4 -1 roll 1 sub dup 3 1 roll dup len exch sub
  moveto lineto lineto closepath fill
} bind def
/uImotif{ % i j k l uImotif
  1 min 2 div
  0.85 mul 0.15 add 0.95  0.99
  3 1 roll % prepare hsb color
  % now produce the coordinates for lines
  1 sub dup 5 1 roll exch len exch sub dup 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll dup
  5 1 roll exch 4 1 roll 3 1 roll exch 1 sub len exch sub dup 3 1 roll
  moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath fill
} bind def
/lImotif{ % i j k l lImotif
  1 min 2 div
  0.85 mul 0.15 add 0.95  0.99
  3 1 roll % prepare hsb color
  % now produce the coordinates for lines
  4 -1 roll 1 sub dup 5 1 roll exch 1 sub len exch sub dup 3 -1 roll exch
  5 -1 roll len exch sub dup 6 -1 roll dup 3 1 roll 7 4 roll
  moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath fill
} bind def

%data starts here

%start of quadruplex data

%start of Hmotif data

%start of Imotif data

%draw the grid

%start of base pair probability data
1 71 0.011137621 ubox
1 72 0.998618513 ubox
2 70 0.011249479 ubox
2 71 0.999343269 ubox
2 72 0.029380302 ubox
3 69 0.016278852 ubox
3 70 0.998657995 ubox
3 71 0.029349731 ubox
3 72 0.013044031 ubox
4 68 0.015570075 ubox
4 69 0.999660285 ubox
4 70 0.006500567 ubox
4 71 0.013063530 ubox
5 67 0.017184802 ubox
5 68 0.995393993 ubox
5 70 0.012116272 ubox
6 20 0.003683136 ubox
6 47 0.007871866 ubox
6 67 0.961997835 ubox
6 68 0.010641824 ubox
7 19 0.003963646 ubox
7 22 0.016669769 ubox
7 23 0.006395271 ubox
7 26 0.010803708 ubox
7 45 0.003325342 ubox
7 46 0.008388346 ubox
7 66 0.889354167 ubox
8 18 0.004993356 ubox
8 21 0.043576199 ubox
8 22 0.009051039 ubox
8 23 0.003412982 ubox
8 26 0.053349931 ubox
8 44 0.006391561 ubox
8 45 0.009575801 ubox
8 46 0.006511628 ubox
8 48 0.044296110 ubox
8 66 0.051228716 ubox
9 17 0.005076838 ubox
9 20 0.044973880 ubox
9 47 0.045851242 ubox
9 67 0.006907131 ubox
10 20 0.031947572 ubox
10 25 0.993218795 ubox
10 47 0.003684611 ubox
10 61 0.005362683 ubox
11 18 0.045881626 ubox
11 19 0.032788757 ubox
11 22 0.010762380 ubox
11 24 0.996351171 ubox
11 43 0.031784396 ubox
11 45 0.044997253 ubox
11 46 0.003273388 ubox
11 60 0.005393685 ubox
12 18 0.028759750 ubox
12 19 0.007591504 ubox
12 21 0.010602364 ubox
12 23 0.996289342 ubox
12 42 0.031993047 ubox
12 44 0.044989514 ubox
12 58 0.005409282 ubox
13 18 0.016589428 ubox
13 19 0.009128152 ubox
13 22 0.996158882 ubox
13 41 0.032010508 ubox
13 43 0.044839517 ubox
13 57 0.005483356 ubox
14 20 0.079642667 ubox
14 56 0.005446527 ubox
15 20 0.129735024 ubox
15 55 0.005085787 ubox
16 20 0.018529841 ubox
16 38 0.051862141 ubox
17 21 0.010497970 ubox
17 26 0.003797728 ubox
17 37 0.052295806 ubox
17 39 0.003520191 ubox
17 42 0.004660118 ubox
17 52 0.004889289 ubox
18 25 0.005375323 ubox
18 36 0.051745231 ubox
18 38 0.003387544 ubox
19 25 0.004215070 ubox
19 36 0.018363451 ubox
19 40 0.005479857 ubox
19 50 0.005352275 ubox
20 24 0.003956630 ubox
20 34 0.049426221 ubox
20 35 0.019676299 ubox
20 39 0.005488315 ubox
20 49 0.005308891 ubox
21 33 0.037607150 ubox
21 38 0.005407841 ubox
22 32 0.023047831 ubox
22 33 0.039236028 ubox
23 32 0.049874318 ubox
23 47 0.036867639 ubox
24 31 0.055184372 ubox
24 47 0.041474959 ubox
25 30 0.055108050 ubox
25 41 0.003625640 ubox
25 45 0.072422399 ubox
25 46 0.047506335 ubox
26 36 0.020612775 ubox
26 40 0.011634581 ubox
26 47 0.044476135 ubox
27 35 0.020631543 ubox
27 39 0.011645626 ubox
27 43 0.992061337 ubox
27 45 0.025461226 ubox
27 46 0.039850990 ubox
28 34 0.019643833 ubox
28 42 0.996960401 ubox
28 44 0.021374269 ubox
28 45 0.024434496 ubox
29 41 0.997917003 ubox
29 43 0.018395309 ubox
29 45 0.003166236 ubox
30 36 0.012434123 ubox
30 40 0.998065717 ubox
30 47 0.007404570 ubox
31 35 0.012393915 ubox
31 39 0.997764981 ubox
31 41 0.005414838 ubox
31 43 0.003645699 ubox
31 46 0.007622516 ubox
32 37 0.068093187 ubox
32 39 0.013599795 ubox
32 42 0.003678913 ubox
32 45 0.007610493 ubox
33 37 0.102337630 ubox
33 39 0.003720007 ubox
33 41 0.003538594 ubox
33 44 0.007538047 ubox
34 38 0.013851913 ubox
36 41 0.007501659 ubox
38 48 0.018700348 ubox
39 47 0.020533473 ubox
40 46 0.020625702 ubox
44 68 0.005576608 ubox
44 70 0.006111196 ubox
45 50 0.003800521 ubox
45 62 0.010043051 ubox
45 65 0.003484260 ubox
45 67 0.009783316 ubox
45 68 0.032579696 ubox
45 69 0.007408521 ubox
46 61 0.010086460 ubox
46 65 0.005780351 ubox
46 67 0.077112938 ubox
46 68 0.006873266 ubox
47 60 0.010092967 ubox
47 64 0.003785455 ubox
47 66 0.084736602 ubox
48 59 0.008724857 ubox
48 67 0.019275395 ubox
49 65 0.998806957 ubox
50 57 0.009062054 ubox
50 64 0.999848265 ubox
51 56 0.007052370 ubox
51 62 0.010700667 ubox
51 63 0.999834583 ubox
52 61 0.014860342 ubox
52 62 0.999778783 ubox
52 63 0.005533111 ubox
53 61 0.998254922 ubox
53 62 0.007658167 ubox
54 59 0.156536412 ubox
55 60 0.324268739 ubox
56 60 0.024269416 ubox
1 72 0.9500000 lbox
2 71 0.9500000 lbox
3 70 0.9500000 lbox
4 69 0.9500000 lbox
5 68 0.9500000 lbox
6 67 0.9500000 lbox
7 66 0.9500000 lbox
10 25 0.9500000 lbox
11 24 0.9500000 lbox
12 23 0.9500000 lbox
13 22 0.9500000 lbox
27 43 0.9500000 lbox
28 42 0.9500000 lbox
29 41 0.9500000 lbox
30 40 0.9500000 lbox
31 39 0.9500000 lbox
49 65 0.9500000 lbox
50 64 0.9500000 lbox
51 63 0.9500000 lbox
52 62 0.9500000 lbox
53 61 0.9500000 lbox