diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/isomorphism/ismags.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/networkx/algorithms/isomorphism/ismags.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+ISMAGS Algorithm
+Provides a Python implementation of the ISMAGS algorithm. [1]_
+It is capable of finding (subgraph) isomorphisms between two graphs, taking the
+symmetry of the subgraph into account. In most cases the VF2 algorithm is
+faster (at least on small graphs) than this implementation, but in some cases
+there is an exponential number of isomorphisms that are symmetrically
+equivalent. In that case, the ISMAGS algorithm will provide only one solution
+per symmetry group.
+>>> petersen = nx.petersen_graph()
+>>> ismags = nx.isomorphism.ISMAGS(petersen, petersen)
+>>> isomorphisms = list(ismags.isomorphisms_iter(symmetry=False))
+>>> len(isomorphisms)
+>>> isomorphisms = list(ismags.isomorphisms_iter(symmetry=True))
+>>> answer = [{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9}]
+>>> answer == isomorphisms
+In addition, this implementation also provides an interface to find the
+largest common induced subgraph [2]_ between any two graphs, again taking
+symmetry into account. Given `graph` and `subgraph` the algorithm will remove
+nodes from the `subgraph` until `subgraph` is isomorphic to a subgraph of
+`graph`. Since only the symmetry of `subgraph` is taken into account it is
+worth thinking about how you provide your graphs:
+>>> graph1 = nx.path_graph(4)
+>>> graph2 = nx.star_graph(3)
+>>> ismags = nx.isomorphism.ISMAGS(graph1, graph2)
+>>> ismags.is_isomorphic()
+>>> largest_common_subgraph = list(ismags.largest_common_subgraph())
+>>> answer = [{1: 0, 0: 1, 2: 2}, {2: 0, 1: 1, 3: 2}]
+>>> answer == largest_common_subgraph
+>>> ismags2 = nx.isomorphism.ISMAGS(graph2, graph1)
+>>> largest_common_subgraph = list(ismags2.largest_common_subgraph())
+>>> answer = [
+...     {1: 0, 0: 1, 2: 2},
+...     {1: 0, 0: 1, 3: 2},
+...     {2: 0, 0: 1, 1: 2},
+...     {2: 0, 0: 1, 3: 2},
+...     {3: 0, 0: 1, 1: 2},
+...     {3: 0, 0: 1, 2: 2},
+... ]
+>>> answer == largest_common_subgraph
+However, when not taking symmetry into account, it doesn't matter:
+>>> largest_common_subgraph = list(ismags.largest_common_subgraph(symmetry=False))
+>>> answer = [
+...     {1: 0, 0: 1, 2: 2},
+...     {1: 0, 2: 1, 0: 2},
+...     {2: 0, 1: 1, 3: 2},
+...     {2: 0, 3: 1, 1: 2},
+...     {1: 0, 0: 1, 2: 3},
+...     {1: 0, 2: 1, 0: 3},
+...     {2: 0, 1: 1, 3: 3},
+...     {2: 0, 3: 1, 1: 3},
+...     {1: 0, 0: 2, 2: 3},
+...     {1: 0, 2: 2, 0: 3},
+...     {2: 0, 1: 2, 3: 3},
+...     {2: 0, 3: 2, 1: 3},
+... ]
+>>> answer == largest_common_subgraph
+>>> largest_common_subgraph = list(ismags2.largest_common_subgraph(symmetry=False))
+>>> answer = [
+...     {1: 0, 0: 1, 2: 2},
+...     {1: 0, 0: 1, 3: 2},
+...     {2: 0, 0: 1, 1: 2},
+...     {2: 0, 0: 1, 3: 2},
+...     {3: 0, 0: 1, 1: 2},
+...     {3: 0, 0: 1, 2: 2},
+...     {1: 1, 0: 2, 2: 3},
+...     {1: 1, 0: 2, 3: 3},
+...     {2: 1, 0: 2, 1: 3},
+...     {2: 1, 0: 2, 3: 3},
+...     {3: 1, 0: 2, 1: 3},
+...     {3: 1, 0: 2, 2: 3},
+... ]
+>>> answer == largest_common_subgraph
+ - The current implementation works for undirected graphs only. The algorithm
+   in general should work for directed graphs as well though.
+ - Node keys for both provided graphs need to be fully orderable as well as
+   hashable.
+ - Node and edge equality is assumed to be transitive: if A is equal to B, and
+   B is equal to C, then A is equal to C.
+    .. [1] M. Houbraken, S. Demeyer, T. Michoel, P. Audenaert, D. Colle,
+       M. Pickavet, "The Index-Based Subgraph Matching Algorithm with General
+       Symmetries (ISMAGS): Exploiting Symmetry for Faster Subgraph
+       Enumeration", PLoS One 9(5): e97896, 2014.
+       https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0097896
+    .. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_common_induced_subgraph
+__all__ = ["ISMAGS"]
+from collections import defaultdict, Counter
+from functools import reduce, wraps
+import itertools
+def are_all_equal(iterable):
+    """
+    Returns ``True`` if and only if all elements in `iterable` are equal; and
+    ``False`` otherwise.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    iterable: collections.abc.Iterable
+        The container whose elements will be checked.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    bool
+        ``True`` iff all elements in `iterable` compare equal, ``False``
+        otherwise.
+    """
+    try:
+        shape = iterable.shape
+    except AttributeError:
+        pass
+    else:
+        if len(shape) > 1:
+            message = "The function does not works on multidimension arrays."
+            raise NotImplementedError(message) from None
+    iterator = iter(iterable)
+    first = next(iterator, None)
+    return all(item == first for item in iterator)
+def make_partitions(items, test):
+    """
+    Partitions items into sets based on the outcome of ``test(item1, item2)``.
+    Pairs of items for which `test` returns `True` end up in the same set.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    items : collections.abc.Iterable[collections.abc.Hashable]
+        Items to partition
+    test : collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Hashable, collections.abc.Hashable]
+        A function that will be called with 2 arguments, taken from items.
+        Should return `True` if those 2 items need to end up in the same
+        partition, and `False` otherwise.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list[set]
+        A list of sets, with each set containing part of the items in `items`,
+        such that ``all(test(*pair) for pair in  itertools.combinations(set, 2))
+        == True``
+    Notes
+    -----
+    The function `test` is assumed to be transitive: if ``test(a, b)`` and
+    ``test(b, c)`` return ``True``, then ``test(a, c)`` must also be ``True``.
+    """
+    partitions = []
+    for item in items:
+        for partition in partitions:
+            p_item = next(iter(partition))
+            if test(item, p_item):
+                partition.add(item)
+                break
+        else:  # No break
+            partitions.append({item})
+    return partitions
+def partition_to_color(partitions):
+    """
+    Creates a dictionary with for every item in partition for every partition
+    in partitions the index of partition in partitions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    partitions: collections.abc.Sequence[collections.abc.Iterable]
+        As returned by :func:`make_partitions`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    dict
+    """
+    colors = dict()
+    for color, keys in enumerate(partitions):
+        for key in keys:
+            colors[key] = color
+    return colors
+def intersect(collection_of_sets):
+    """
+    Given an collection of sets, returns the intersection of those sets.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    collection_of_sets: collections.abc.Collection[set]
+        A collection of sets.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    set
+        An intersection of all sets in `collection_of_sets`. Will have the same
+        type as the item initially taken from `collection_of_sets`.
+    """
+    collection_of_sets = list(collection_of_sets)
+    first = collection_of_sets.pop()
+    out = reduce(set.intersection, collection_of_sets, set(first))
+    return type(first)(out)
+class ISMAGS:
+    """
+    Implements the ISMAGS subgraph matching algorith. [1]_ ISMAGS stands for
+    "Index-based Subgraph Matching Algorithm with General Symmetries". As the
+    name implies, it is symmetry aware and will only generate non-symmetric
+    isomorphisms.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    The implementation imposes additional conditions compared to the VF2
+    algorithm on the graphs provided and the comparison functions
+    (:attr:`node_equality` and :attr:`edge_equality`):
+     - Node keys in both graphs must be orderable as well as hashable.
+     - Equality must be transitive: if A is equal to B, and B is equal to C,
+       then A must be equal to C.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    graph: networkx.Graph
+    subgraph: networkx.Graph
+    node_equality: collections.abc.Callable
+        The function called to see if two nodes should be considered equal.
+        It's signature looks like this:
+        ``f(graph1: networkx.Graph, node1, graph2: networkx.Graph, node2) -> bool``.
+        `node1` is a node in `graph1`, and `node2` a node in `graph2`.
+        Constructed from the argument `node_match`.
+    edge_equality: collections.abc.Callable
+        The function called to see if two edges should be considered equal.
+        It's signature looks like this:
+        ``f(graph1: networkx.Graph, edge1, graph2: networkx.Graph, edge2) -> bool``.
+        `edge1` is an edge in `graph1`, and `edge2` an edge in `graph2`.
+        Constructed from the argument `edge_match`.
+    References
+    ----------
+    .. [1] M. Houbraken, S. Demeyer, T. Michoel, P. Audenaert, D. Colle,
+       M. Pickavet, "The Index-Based Subgraph Matching Algorithm with General
+       Symmetries (ISMAGS): Exploiting Symmetry for Faster Subgraph
+       Enumeration", PLoS One 9(5): e97896, 2014.
+       https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0097896
+    """
+    def __init__(self, graph, subgraph, node_match=None, edge_match=None, cache=None):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        graph: networkx.Graph
+        subgraph: networkx.Graph
+        node_match: collections.abc.Callable or None
+            Function used to determine whether two nodes are equivalent. Its
+            signature should look like ``f(n1: dict, n2: dict) -> bool``, with
+            `n1` and `n2` node property dicts. See also
+            :func:`~networkx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_node_match` and
+            friends.
+            If `None`, all nodes are considered equal.
+        edge_match: collections.abc.Callable or None
+            Function used to determine whether two edges are equivalent. Its
+            signature should look like ``f(e1: dict, e2: dict) -> bool``, with
+            `e1` and `e2` edge property dicts. See also
+            :func:`~networkx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_edge_match` and
+            friends.
+            If `None`, all edges are considered equal.
+        cache: collections.abc.Mapping
+            A cache used for caching graph symmetries.
+        """
+        # TODO: graph and subgraph setter methods that invalidate the caches.
+        # TODO: allow for precomputed partitions and colors
+        self.graph = graph
+        self.subgraph = subgraph
+        self._symmetry_cache = cache
+        # Naming conventions are taken from the original paper. For your
+        # sanity:
+        #   sg: subgraph
+        #   g: graph
+        #   e: edge(s)
+        #   n: node(s)
+        # So: sgn means "subgraph nodes".
+        self._sgn_partitions_ = None
+        self._sge_partitions_ = None
+        self._sgn_colors_ = None
+        self._sge_colors_ = None
+        self._gn_partitions_ = None
+        self._ge_partitions_ = None
+        self._gn_colors_ = None
+        self._ge_colors_ = None
+        self._node_compat_ = None
+        self._edge_compat_ = None
+        if node_match is None:
+            self.node_equality = self._node_match_maker(lambda n1, n2: True)
+            self._sgn_partitions_ = [set(self.subgraph.nodes)]
+            self._gn_partitions_ = [set(self.graph.nodes)]
+            self._node_compat_ = {0: 0}
+        else:
+            self.node_equality = self._node_match_maker(node_match)
+        if edge_match is None:
+            self.edge_equality = self._edge_match_maker(lambda e1, e2: True)
+            self._sge_partitions_ = [set(self.subgraph.edges)]
+            self._ge_partitions_ = [set(self.graph.edges)]
+            self._edge_compat_ = {0: 0}
+        else:
+            self.edge_equality = self._edge_match_maker(edge_match)
+    @property
+    def _sgn_partitions(self):
+        if self._sgn_partitions_ is None:
+            def nodematch(node1, node2):
+                return self.node_equality(self.subgraph, node1, self.subgraph, node2)
+            self._sgn_partitions_ = make_partitions(self.subgraph.nodes, nodematch)
+        return self._sgn_partitions_
+    @property
+    def _sge_partitions(self):
+        if self._sge_partitions_ is None:
+            def edgematch(edge1, edge2):
+                return self.edge_equality(self.subgraph, edge1, self.subgraph, edge2)
+            self._sge_partitions_ = make_partitions(self.subgraph.edges, edgematch)
+        return self._sge_partitions_
+    @property
+    def _gn_partitions(self):
+        if self._gn_partitions_ is None:
+            def nodematch(node1, node2):
+                return self.node_equality(self.graph, node1, self.graph, node2)
+            self._gn_partitions_ = make_partitions(self.graph.nodes, nodematch)
+        return self._gn_partitions_
+    @property
+    def _ge_partitions(self):
+        if self._ge_partitions_ is None:
+            def edgematch(edge1, edge2):
+                return self.edge_equality(self.graph, edge1, self.graph, edge2)
+            self._ge_partitions_ = make_partitions(self.graph.edges, edgematch)
+        return self._ge_partitions_
+    @property
+    def _sgn_colors(self):
+        if self._sgn_colors_ is None:
+            self._sgn_colors_ = partition_to_color(self._sgn_partitions)
+        return self._sgn_colors_
+    @property
+    def _sge_colors(self):
+        if self._sge_colors_ is None:
+            self._sge_colors_ = partition_to_color(self._sge_partitions)
+        return self._sge_colors_
+    @property
+    def _gn_colors(self):
+        if self._gn_colors_ is None:
+            self._gn_colors_ = partition_to_color(self._gn_partitions)
+        return self._gn_colors_
+    @property
+    def _ge_colors(self):
+        if self._ge_colors_ is None:
+            self._ge_colors_ = partition_to_color(self._ge_partitions)
+        return self._ge_colors_
+    @property
+    def _node_compatibility(self):
+        if self._node_compat_ is not None:
+            return self._node_compat_
+        self._node_compat_ = {}
+        for sgn_part_color, gn_part_color in itertools.product(
+            range(len(self._sgn_partitions)), range(len(self._gn_partitions))
+        ):
+            sgn = next(iter(self._sgn_partitions[sgn_part_color]))
+            gn = next(iter(self._gn_partitions[gn_part_color]))
+            if self.node_equality(self.subgraph, sgn, self.graph, gn):
+                self._node_compat_[sgn_part_color] = gn_part_color
+        return self._node_compat_
+    @property
+    def _edge_compatibility(self):
+        if self._edge_compat_ is not None:
+            return self._edge_compat_
+        self._edge_compat_ = {}
+        for sge_part_color, ge_part_color in itertools.product(
+            range(len(self._sge_partitions)), range(len(self._ge_partitions))
+        ):
+            sge = next(iter(self._sge_partitions[sge_part_color]))
+            ge = next(iter(self._ge_partitions[ge_part_color]))
+            if self.edge_equality(self.subgraph, sge, self.graph, ge):
+                self._edge_compat_[sge_part_color] = ge_part_color
+        return self._edge_compat_
+    @staticmethod
+    def _node_match_maker(cmp):
+        @wraps(cmp)
+        def comparer(graph1, node1, graph2, node2):
+            return cmp(graph1.nodes[node1], graph2.nodes[node2])
+        return comparer
+    @staticmethod
+    def _edge_match_maker(cmp):
+        @wraps(cmp)
+        def comparer(graph1, edge1, graph2, edge2):
+            return cmp(graph1.edges[edge1], graph2.edges[edge2])
+        return comparer
+    def find_isomorphisms(self, symmetry=True):
+        """Find all subgraph isomorphisms between subgraph and graph
+        Finds isomorphisms where :attr:`subgraph` <= :attr:`graph`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        symmetry: bool
+            Whether symmetry should be taken into account. If False, found
+            isomorphisms may be symmetrically equivalent.
+        Yields
+        ------
+        dict
+            The found isomorphism mappings of {graph_node: subgraph_node}.
+        """
+        # The networkx VF2 algorithm is slightly funny in when it yields an
+        # empty dict and when not.
+        if not self.subgraph:
+            yield {}
+            return
+        elif not self.graph:
+            return
+        elif len(self.graph) < len(self.subgraph):
+            return
+        if symmetry:
+            _, cosets = self.analyze_symmetry(
+                self.subgraph, self._sgn_partitions, self._sge_colors
+            )
+            constraints = self._make_constraints(cosets)
+        else:
+            constraints = []
+        candidates = self._find_nodecolor_candidates()
+        la_candidates = self._get_lookahead_candidates()
+        for sgn in self.subgraph:
+            extra_candidates = la_candidates[sgn]
+            if extra_candidates:
+                candidates[sgn] = candidates[sgn] | {frozenset(extra_candidates)}
+        if any(candidates.values()):
+            start_sgn = min(candidates, key=lambda n: min(candidates[n], key=len))
+            candidates[start_sgn] = (intersect(candidates[start_sgn]),)
+            yield from self._map_nodes(start_sgn, candidates, constraints)
+        else:
+            return
+    @staticmethod
+    def _find_neighbor_color_count(graph, node, node_color, edge_color):
+        """
+        For `node` in `graph`, count the number of edges of a specific color
+        it has to nodes of a specific color.
+        """
+        counts = Counter()
+        neighbors = graph[node]
+        for neighbor in neighbors:
+            n_color = node_color[neighbor]
+            if (node, neighbor) in edge_color:
+                e_color = edge_color[node, neighbor]
+            else:
+                e_color = edge_color[neighbor, node]
+            counts[e_color, n_color] += 1
+        return counts
+    def _get_lookahead_candidates(self):
+        """
+        Returns a mapping of {subgraph node: collection of graph nodes} for
+        which the graph nodes are feasible candidates for the subgraph node, as
+        determined by looking ahead one edge.
+        """
+        g_counts = {}
+        for gn in self.graph:
+            g_counts[gn] = self._find_neighbor_color_count(
+                self.graph, gn, self._gn_colors, self._ge_colors
+            )
+        candidates = defaultdict(set)
+        for sgn in self.subgraph:
+            sg_count = self._find_neighbor_color_count(
+                self.subgraph, sgn, self._sgn_colors, self._sge_colors
+            )
+            new_sg_count = Counter()
+            for (sge_color, sgn_color), count in sg_count.items():
+                try:
+                    ge_color = self._edge_compatibility[sge_color]
+                    gn_color = self._node_compatibility[sgn_color]
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    new_sg_count[ge_color, gn_color] = count
+            for gn, g_count in g_counts.items():
+                if all(new_sg_count[x] <= g_count[x] for x in new_sg_count):
+                    # Valid candidate
+                    candidates[sgn].add(gn)
+        return candidates
+    def largest_common_subgraph(self, symmetry=True):
+        """
+        Find the largest common induced subgraphs between :attr:`subgraph` and
+        :attr:`graph`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        symmetry: bool
+            Whether symmetry should be taken into account. If False, found
+            largest common subgraphs may be symmetrically equivalent.
+        Yields
+        ------
+        dict
+            The found isomorphism mappings of {graph_node: subgraph_node}.
+        """
+        # The networkx VF2 algorithm is slightly funny in when it yields an
+        # empty dict and when not.
+        if not self.subgraph:
+            yield {}
+            return
+        elif not self.graph:
+            return
+        if symmetry:
+            _, cosets = self.analyze_symmetry(
+                self.subgraph, self._sgn_partitions, self._sge_colors
+            )
+            constraints = self._make_constraints(cosets)
+        else:
+            constraints = []
+        candidates = self._find_nodecolor_candidates()
+        if any(candidates.values()):
+            yield from self._largest_common_subgraph(candidates, constraints)
+        else:
+            return
+    def analyze_symmetry(self, graph, node_partitions, edge_colors):
+        """
+        Find a minimal set of permutations and corresponding co-sets that
+        describe the symmetry of :attr:`subgraph`.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        set[frozenset]
+            The found permutations. This is a set of frozenset of pairs of node
+            keys which can be exchanged without changing :attr:`subgraph`.
+        dict[collections.abc.Hashable, set[collections.abc.Hashable]]
+            The found co-sets. The co-sets is a dictionary of {node key:
+            set of node keys}. Every key-value pair describes which `values`
+            can be interchanged without changing nodes less than `key`.
+        """
+        if self._symmetry_cache is not None:
+            key = hash(
+                (
+                    tuple(graph.nodes),
+                    tuple(graph.edges),
+                    tuple(map(tuple, node_partitions)),
+                    tuple(edge_colors.items()),
+                )
+            )
+            if key in self._symmetry_cache:
+                return self._symmetry_cache[key]
+        node_partitions = list(
+            self._refine_node_partitions(graph, node_partitions, edge_colors)
+        )
+        assert len(node_partitions) == 1
+        node_partitions = node_partitions[0]
+        permutations, cosets = self._process_ordered_pair_partitions(
+            graph, node_partitions, node_partitions, edge_colors
+        )
+        if self._symmetry_cache is not None:
+            self._symmetry_cache[key] = permutations, cosets
+        return permutations, cosets
+    def is_isomorphic(self, symmetry=False):
+        """
+        Returns True if :attr:`graph` is isomorphic to :attr:`subgraph` and
+        False otherwise.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool
+        """
+        return len(self.subgraph) == len(self.graph) and self.subgraph_is_isomorphic(
+            symmetry
+        )
+    def subgraph_is_isomorphic(self, symmetry=False):
+        """
+        Returns True if a subgraph of :attr:`graph` is isomorphic to
+        :attr:`subgraph` and False otherwise.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool
+        """
+        # symmetry=False, since we only need to know whether there is any
+        # example; figuring out all symmetry elements probably costs more time
+        # than it gains.
+        isom = next(self.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter(symmetry=symmetry), None)
+        return isom is not None
+    def isomorphisms_iter(self, symmetry=True):
+        """
+        Does the same as :meth:`find_isomorphisms` if :attr:`graph` and
+        :attr:`subgraph` have the same number of nodes.
+        """
+        if len(self.graph) == len(self.subgraph):
+            yield from self.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter(symmetry=symmetry)
+    def subgraph_isomorphisms_iter(self, symmetry=True):
+        """Alternative name for :meth:`find_isomorphisms`."""
+        return self.find_isomorphisms(symmetry)
+    def _find_nodecolor_candidates(self):
+        """
+        Per node in subgraph find all nodes in graph that have the same color.
+        """
+        candidates = defaultdict(set)
+        for sgn in self.subgraph.nodes:
+            sgn_color = self._sgn_colors[sgn]
+            if sgn_color in self._node_compatibility:
+                gn_color = self._node_compatibility[sgn_color]
+                candidates[sgn].add(frozenset(self._gn_partitions[gn_color]))
+            else:
+                candidates[sgn].add(frozenset())
+        candidates = dict(candidates)
+        for sgn, options in candidates.items():
+            candidates[sgn] = frozenset(options)
+        return candidates
+    @staticmethod
+    def _make_constraints(cosets):
+        """
+        Turn cosets into constraints.
+        """
+        constraints = []
+        for node_i, node_ts in cosets.items():
+            for node_t in node_ts:
+                if node_i != node_t:
+                    # Node i must be smaller than node t.
+                    constraints.append((node_i, node_t))
+        return constraints
+    @staticmethod
+    def _find_node_edge_color(graph, node_colors, edge_colors):
+        """
+        For every node in graph, come up with a color that combines 1) the
+        color of the node, and 2) the number of edges of a color to each type
+        of node.
+        """
+        counts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
+        for node1, node2 in graph.edges:
+            if (node1, node2) in edge_colors:
+                # FIXME directed graphs
+                ecolor = edge_colors[node1, node2]
+            else:
+                ecolor = edge_colors[node2, node1]
+            # Count per node how many edges it has of what color to nodes of
+            # what color
+            counts[node1][ecolor, node_colors[node2]] += 1
+            counts[node2][ecolor, node_colors[node1]] += 1
+        node_edge_colors = dict()
+        for node in graph.nodes:
+            node_edge_colors[node] = node_colors[node], set(counts[node].items())
+        return node_edge_colors
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_permutations_by_length(items):
+        """
+        Get all permutations of items, but only permute items with the same
+        length.
+        >>> found = list(ISMAGS._get_permutations_by_length([[1], [2], [3, 4], [4, 5]]))
+        >>> answer = [
+        ...     (([1], [2]), ([3, 4], [4, 5])),
+        ...     (([1], [2]), ([4, 5], [3, 4])),
+        ...     (([2], [1]), ([3, 4], [4, 5])),
+        ...     (([2], [1]), ([4, 5], [3, 4])),
+        ... ]
+        >>> found == answer
+        True
+        """
+        by_len = defaultdict(list)
+        for item in items:
+            by_len[len(item)].append(item)
+        yield from itertools.product(
+            *(itertools.permutations(by_len[l]) for l in sorted(by_len))
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def _refine_node_partitions(cls, graph, node_partitions, edge_colors, branch=False):
+        """
+        Given a partition of nodes in graph, make the partitions smaller such
+        that all nodes in a partition have 1) the same color, and 2) the same
+        number of edges to specific other partitions.
+        """
+        def equal_color(node1, node2):
+            return node_edge_colors[node1] == node_edge_colors[node2]
+        node_partitions = list(node_partitions)
+        node_colors = partition_to_color(node_partitions)
+        node_edge_colors = cls._find_node_edge_color(graph, node_colors, edge_colors)
+        if all(
+            are_all_equal(node_edge_colors[node] for node in partition)
+            for partition in node_partitions
+        ):
+            yield node_partitions
+            return
+        new_partitions = []
+        output = [new_partitions]
+        for partition in node_partitions:
+            if not are_all_equal(node_edge_colors[node] for node in partition):
+                refined = make_partitions(partition, equal_color)
+                if (
+                    branch
+                    and len(refined) != 1
+                    and len({len(r) for r in refined}) != len([len(r) for r in refined])
+                ):
+                    # This is where it breaks. There are multiple new cells
+                    # in refined with the same length, and their order
+                    # matters.
+                    # So option 1) Hit it with a big hammer and simply make all
+                    # orderings.
+                    permutations = cls._get_permutations_by_length(refined)
+                    new_output = []
+                    for n_p in output:
+                        for permutation in permutations:
+                            new_output.append(n_p + list(permutation[0]))
+                    output = new_output
+                else:
+                    for n_p in output:
+                        n_p.extend(sorted(refined, key=len))
+            else:
+                for n_p in output:
+                    n_p.append(partition)
+        for n_p in output:
+            yield from cls._refine_node_partitions(graph, n_p, edge_colors, branch)
+    def _edges_of_same_color(self, sgn1, sgn2):
+        """
+        Returns all edges in :attr:`graph` that have the same colour as the
+        edge between sgn1 and sgn2 in :attr:`subgraph`.
+        """
+        if (sgn1, sgn2) in self._sge_colors:
+            # FIXME directed graphs
+            sge_color = self._sge_colors[sgn1, sgn2]
+        else:
+            sge_color = self._sge_colors[sgn2, sgn1]
+        if sge_color in self._edge_compatibility:
+            ge_color = self._edge_compatibility[sge_color]
+            g_edges = self._ge_partitions[ge_color]
+        else:
+            g_edges = []
+        return g_edges
+    def _map_nodes(self, sgn, candidates, constraints, mapping=None, to_be_mapped=None):
+        """
+        Find all subgraph isomorphisms honoring constraints.
+        """
+        if mapping is None:
+            mapping = {}
+        else:
+            mapping = mapping.copy()
+        if to_be_mapped is None:
+            to_be_mapped = set(self.subgraph.nodes)
+        # Note, we modify candidates here. Doesn't seem to affect results, but
+        # remember this.
+        # candidates = candidates.copy()
+        sgn_candidates = intersect(candidates[sgn])
+        candidates[sgn] = frozenset([sgn_candidates])
+        for gn in sgn_candidates:
+            # We're going to try to map sgn to gn.
+            if gn in mapping.values() or sgn not in to_be_mapped:
+                # gn is already mapped to something
+                continue  # pragma: no cover
+            # REDUCTION and COMBINATION
+            mapping[sgn] = gn
+            # BASECASE
+            if to_be_mapped == set(mapping.keys()):
+                yield {v: k for k, v in mapping.items()}
+                continue
+            left_to_map = to_be_mapped - set(mapping.keys())
+            new_candidates = candidates.copy()
+            sgn_neighbours = set(self.subgraph[sgn])
+            not_gn_neighbours = set(self.graph.nodes) - set(self.graph[gn])
+            for sgn2 in left_to_map:
+                if sgn2 not in sgn_neighbours:
+                    gn2_options = not_gn_neighbours
+                else:
+                    # Get all edges to gn of the right color:
+                    g_edges = self._edges_of_same_color(sgn, sgn2)
+                    # FIXME directed graphs
+                    # And all nodes involved in those which are connected to gn
+                    gn2_options = {n for e in g_edges for n in e if gn in e}
+                # Node color compatibility should be taken care of by the
+                # initial candidate lists made by find_subgraphs
+                # Add gn2_options to the right collection. Since new_candidates
+                # is a dict of frozensets of frozensets of node indices it's
+                # a bit clunky. We can't do .add, and + also doesn't work. We
+                # could do |, but I deem union to be clearer.
+                new_candidates[sgn2] = new_candidates[sgn2].union(
+                    [frozenset(gn2_options)]
+                )
+                if (sgn, sgn2) in constraints:
+                    gn2_options = {gn2 for gn2 in self.graph if gn2 > gn}
+                elif (sgn2, sgn) in constraints:
+                    gn2_options = {gn2 for gn2 in self.graph if gn2 < gn}
+                else:
+                    continue  # pragma: no cover
+                new_candidates[sgn2] = new_candidates[sgn2].union(
+                    [frozenset(gn2_options)]
+                )
+            # The next node is the one that is unmapped and has fewest
+            # candidates
+            # Pylint disables because it's a one-shot function.
+            next_sgn = min(
+                left_to_map, key=lambda n: min(new_candidates[n], key=len)
+            )  # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop
+            yield from self._map_nodes(
+                next_sgn,
+                new_candidates,
+                constraints,
+                mapping=mapping,
+                to_be_mapped=to_be_mapped,
+            )
+            # Unmap sgn-gn. Strictly not necessary since it'd get overwritten
+            # when making a new mapping for sgn.
+            # del mapping[sgn]
+    def _largest_common_subgraph(self, candidates, constraints, to_be_mapped=None):
+        """
+        Find all largest common subgraphs honoring constraints.
+        """
+        if to_be_mapped is None:
+            to_be_mapped = {frozenset(self.subgraph.nodes)}
+        # The LCS problem is basically a repeated subgraph isomorphism problem
+        # with smaller and smaller subgraphs. We store the nodes that are
+        # "part of" the subgraph in to_be_mapped, and we make it a little
+        # smaller every iteration.
+        # pylint disable becuase it's guarded against by default value
+        current_size = len(
+            next(iter(to_be_mapped), [])
+        )  # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return
+        found_iso = False
+        if current_size <= len(self.graph):
+            # There's no point in trying to find isomorphisms of
+            # graph >= subgraph if subgraph has more nodes than graph.
+            # Try the isomorphism first with the nodes with lowest ID. So sort
+            # them. Those are more likely to be part of the final
+            # correspondence. This makes finding the first answer(s) faster. In
+            # theory.
+            for nodes in sorted(to_be_mapped, key=sorted):
+                # Find the isomorphism between subgraph[to_be_mapped] <= graph
+                next_sgn = min(nodes, key=lambda n: min(candidates[n], key=len))
+                isomorphs = self._map_nodes(
+                    next_sgn, candidates, constraints, to_be_mapped=nodes
+                )
+                # This is effectively `yield from isomorphs`, except that we look
+                # whether an item was yielded.
+                try:
+                    item = next(isomorphs)
+                except StopIteration:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    yield item
+                    yield from isomorphs
+                    found_iso = True
+        # BASECASE
+        if found_iso or current_size == 1:
+            # Shrinking has no point because either 1) we end up with a smaller
+            # common subgraph (and we want the largest), or 2) there'll be no
+            # more subgraph.
+            return
+        left_to_be_mapped = set()
+        for nodes in to_be_mapped:
+            for sgn in nodes:
+                # We're going to remove sgn from to_be_mapped, but subject to
+                # symmetry constraints. We know that for every constraint we
+                # have those subgraph nodes are equal. So whenever we would
+                # remove the lower part of a constraint, remove the higher
+                # instead. This is all dealth with by _remove_node. And because
+                # left_to_be_mapped is a set, we don't do double work.
+                # And finally, make the subgraph one node smaller.
+                # REDUCTION
+                new_nodes = self._remove_node(sgn, nodes, constraints)
+                left_to_be_mapped.add(new_nodes)
+        # COMBINATION
+        yield from self._largest_common_subgraph(
+            candidates, constraints, to_be_mapped=left_to_be_mapped
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def _remove_node(node, nodes, constraints):
+        """
+        Returns a new set where node has been removed from nodes, subject to
+        symmetry constraints. We know, that for every constraint we have
+        those subgraph nodes are equal. So whenever we would remove the
+        lower part of a constraint, remove the higher instead.
+        """
+        while True:
+            for low, high in constraints:
+                if low == node and high in nodes:
+                    node = high
+                    break
+            else:  # no break, couldn't find node in constraints
+                break
+        return frozenset(nodes - {node})
+    @staticmethod
+    def _find_permutations(top_partitions, bottom_partitions):
+        """
+        Return the pairs of top/bottom partitions where the partitions are
+        different. Ensures that all partitions in both top and bottom
+        partitions have size 1.
+        """
+        # Find permutations
+        permutations = set()
+        for top, bot in zip(top_partitions, bottom_partitions):
+            # top and bot have only one element
+            if len(top) != 1 or len(bot) != 1:
+                raise IndexError(
+                    "Not all nodes are coupled. This is"
+                    f" impossible: {top_partitions}, {bottom_partitions}"
+                )
+            if top != bot:
+                permutations.add(frozenset((next(iter(top)), next(iter(bot)))))
+        return permutations
+    @staticmethod
+    def _update_orbits(orbits, permutations):
+        """
+        Update orbits based on permutations. Orbits is modified in place.
+        For every pair of items in permutations their respective orbits are
+        merged.
+        """
+        for permutation in permutations:
+            node, node2 = permutation
+            # Find the orbits that contain node and node2, and replace the
+            # orbit containing node with the union
+            first = second = None
+            for idx, orbit in enumerate(orbits):
+                if first is not None and second is not None:
+                    break
+                if node in orbit:
+                    first = idx
+                if node2 in orbit:
+                    second = idx
+            if first != second:
+                orbits[first].update(orbits[second])
+                del orbits[second]
+    def _couple_nodes(
+        self,
+        top_partitions,
+        bottom_partitions,
+        pair_idx,
+        t_node,
+        b_node,
+        graph,
+        edge_colors,
+    ):
+        """
+        Generate new partitions from top and bottom_partitions where t_node is
+        coupled to b_node. pair_idx is the index of the partitions where t_ and
+        b_node can be found.
+        """
+        t_partition = top_partitions[pair_idx]
+        b_partition = bottom_partitions[pair_idx]
+        assert t_node in t_partition and b_node in b_partition
+        # Couple node to node2. This means they get their own partition
+        new_top_partitions = [top.copy() for top in top_partitions]
+        new_bottom_partitions = [bot.copy() for bot in bottom_partitions]
+        new_t_groups = {t_node}, t_partition - {t_node}
+        new_b_groups = {b_node}, b_partition - {b_node}
+        # Replace the old partitions with the coupled ones
+        del new_top_partitions[pair_idx]
+        del new_bottom_partitions[pair_idx]
+        new_top_partitions[pair_idx:pair_idx] = new_t_groups
+        new_bottom_partitions[pair_idx:pair_idx] = new_b_groups
+        new_top_partitions = self._refine_node_partitions(
+            graph, new_top_partitions, edge_colors
+        )
+        new_bottom_partitions = self._refine_node_partitions(
+            graph, new_bottom_partitions, edge_colors, branch=True
+        )
+        new_top_partitions = list(new_top_partitions)
+        assert len(new_top_partitions) == 1
+        new_top_partitions = new_top_partitions[0]
+        for bot in new_bottom_partitions:
+            yield list(new_top_partitions), bot
+    def _process_ordered_pair_partitions(
+        self,
+        graph,
+        top_partitions,
+        bottom_partitions,
+        edge_colors,
+        orbits=None,
+        cosets=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Processes ordered pair partitions as per the reference paper. Finds and
+        returns all permutations and cosets that leave the graph unchanged.
+        """
+        if orbits is None:
+            orbits = [{node} for node in graph.nodes]
+        else:
+            # Note that we don't copy orbits when we are given one. This means
+            # we leak information between the recursive branches. This is
+            # intentional!
+            orbits = orbits
+        if cosets is None:
+            cosets = {}
+        else:
+            cosets = cosets.copy()
+        assert all(
+            len(t_p) == len(b_p) for t_p, b_p in zip(top_partitions, bottom_partitions)
+        )
+        # BASECASE
+        if all(len(top) == 1 for top in top_partitions):
+            # All nodes are mapped
+            permutations = self._find_permutations(top_partitions, bottom_partitions)
+            self._update_orbits(orbits, permutations)
+            if permutations:
+                return [permutations], cosets
+            else:
+                return [], cosets
+        permutations = []
+        unmapped_nodes = {
+            (node, idx)
+            for idx, t_partition in enumerate(top_partitions)
+            for node in t_partition
+            if len(t_partition) > 1
+        }
+        node, pair_idx = min(unmapped_nodes)
+        b_partition = bottom_partitions[pair_idx]
+        for node2 in sorted(b_partition):
+            if len(b_partition) == 1:
+                # Can never result in symmetry
+                continue
+            if node != node2 and any(
+                node in orbit and node2 in orbit for orbit in orbits
+            ):
+                # Orbit prune branch
+                continue
+            # REDUCTION
+            # Couple node to node2
+            partitions = self._couple_nodes(
+                top_partitions,
+                bottom_partitions,
+                pair_idx,
+                node,
+                node2,
+                graph,
+                edge_colors,
+            )
+            for opp in partitions:
+                new_top_partitions, new_bottom_partitions = opp
+                new_perms, new_cosets = self._process_ordered_pair_partitions(
+                    graph,
+                    new_top_partitions,
+                    new_bottom_partitions,
+                    edge_colors,
+                    orbits,
+                    cosets,
+                )
+                # COMBINATION
+                permutations += new_perms
+                cosets.update(new_cosets)
+        mapped = {
+            k
+            for top, bottom in zip(top_partitions, bottom_partitions)
+            for k in top
+            if len(top) == 1 and top == bottom
+        }
+        ks = {k for k in graph.nodes if k < node}
+        # Have all nodes with ID < node been mapped?
+        find_coset = ks <= mapped and node not in cosets
+        if find_coset:
+            # Find the orbit that contains node
+            for orbit in orbits:
+                if node in orbit:
+                    cosets[node] = orbit.copy()
+        return permutations, cosets