diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/planemo/github_util.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/planemo/github_util.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+"""Utilities for interacting with Github."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import io
+import os
+import stat
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
+from pathlib import Path
+import requests
+from planemo import git
+from planemo.io import (
+    communicate,
+    IS_OS_X,
+    import github
+    has_github_lib = True
+except ImportError:
+    github = None
+    has_github_lib = False
+GH_VERSION = "1.5.0"
+NO_GITHUB_DEP_ERROR = ("Cannot use github functionality - "
+                       "PyGithub library not available.")
+FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD_GH = "No gh executable available and it could not be installed."
+DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME = 'planemo-remote'
+def get_github_config(ctx, allow_anonymous=False):
+    """Return a :class:`planemo.github_util.GithubConfig` for given configuration."""
+    global_github_config = _get_raw_github_config(ctx)
+    return GithubConfig(global_github_config, allow_anonymous=allow_anonymous)
+def clone_fork_branch(ctx, target, path, remote_name=DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, **kwds):
+    """Clone, fork, and branch a repository ahead of building a pull request."""
+    git.checkout(
+        ctx,
+        target,
+        path,
+        branch=kwds.get("branch", None),
+        remote="origin",
+        from_branch="master"
+    )
+    if kwds.get("fork"):
+        try:
+            fork(ctx, path, remote_name=remote_name, **kwds)
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+    if 'GITHUB_USER' in os.environ:
+        # On CI systems fork doesn't add a local remote under circumstances I don't quite understand,
+        # but that's probably linked to https://github.com/cli/cli/issues/2722
+        cmd = ['git', 'remote', 'add', remote_name, f"https://github.com/{os.environ['GITHUB_USER']}/{os.path.basename(target)}"]
+        try:
+            communicate(cmd, cwd=path)
+        except RuntimeError:
+            # Can add the remote only once
+            pass
+    return remote_name
+def fork(ctx, path, remote_name=DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, **kwds):
+    """Fork the target repository using ``gh``."""
+    gh_path = ensure_gh(ctx, **kwds)
+    gh_env = get_gh_env(ctx, path, **kwds)
+    cmd = [gh_path, "repo", "fork", '--remote=true', '--remote-name', remote_name]
+    communicate(cmd, cwd=path, env=gh_env)
+    return remote_name
+def get_or_create_repository(ctx, owner, repo, dry_run=True, **kwds):
+    """Clones or creates a repository and returns path on disk"""
+    target = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp())
+    remote_repo = "https://github.com/{owner}/{repo}".format(owner=owner, repo=repo)
+    try:
+        ctx.log('Cloning {}'.format(remote_repo))
+        git.clone(ctx, src=remote_repo, dest=target)
+    except Exception:
+        ctx.log('Creating repository {}'.format(remote_repo))
+        target = create_repository(ctx, owner=owner, repo=repo, dest=target, dry_run=dry_run)
+    return target
+def create_repository(ctx, owner, repo, dest, dry_run, **kwds):
+    gh_path = ensure_gh(ctx, **kwds)
+    gh_env = get_gh_env(ctx, dry_run=dry_run, **kwds)
+    cmd = [gh_path, 'repo', 'create', '-y', '--public', "{owner}/{repo}".format(owner=owner, repo=repo)]
+    if dry_run:
+        "Would run command '{}'".format(" ".join(cmd))
+        git.init(ctx, dest)
+        return dest
+    communicate(cmd, env=gh_env, cwd=dest)
+    return os.path.join(dest, repo)
+def rm_dir_contents(directory, ignore_dirs=(".git")):
+    directory = Path(directory)
+    for item in directory.iterdir():
+        if item.name not in ignore_dirs:
+            if item.is_dir():
+                rm_dir_contents(item)
+            else:
+                item.unlink()
+def add_dir_contents_to_repo(ctx, from_dir, target_dir, target_repository_path, version, dry_run, notes=""):
+    ctx.log("From {} to {}".format(from_dir, target_repository_path))
+    rm_dir_contents(target_repository_path)
+    copy_tree(from_dir, target_repository_path)
+    git.add(ctx, target_repository_path, target_repository_path)
+    message = "Update for version {version}".format(version=version)
+    if notes:
+        message += "\n{notes}".format(notes=notes)
+    git.commit(ctx, repo_path=target_repository_path, message=message)
+    if not dry_run:
+        git.push(ctx, target_repository_path)
+def assert_new_version(ctx, version, owner, repo):
+    remote_repo = "https://github.com/{owner}/{repo}".format(owner=owner, repo=repo)
+    try:
+        tags_and_versions = git.ls_remote(ctx, remote_repo=remote_repo)
+        if "refs/tags/v{}".format(version) in tags_and_versions or "refs/tags/{}".format(version) in tags_and_versions:
+            raise Exception("Version '{}' for {}/{} exists already. Please change the version.".format(version, owner, repo))
+    except RuntimeError:
+        # repo doesn't exist
+        pass
+def changelog_in_repo(target_repository_path):
+    changelog = []
+    for path in os.listdir(target_repository_path):
+        if 'changelog.md' in path.lower():
+            header_seen = False
+            header_chars = ('---', '===', '~~~')
+            with(open(os.path.join(target_repository_path, path))) as changelog_fh:
+                for line in changelog_fh:
+                    if line.startswith(header_chars):
+                        if header_seen:
+                            return "\n".join(changelog[:-1])
+                        else:
+                            header_seen = True
+    return "\n".join(changelog)
+def create_release(ctx, from_dir, target_dir, owner, repo, version, dry_run, notes="", **kwds):
+    assert_new_version(ctx, version, owner=owner, repo=repo)
+    target_repository_path = get_or_create_repository(ctx, owner=owner, repo=repo, dry_run=dry_run)
+    add_dir_contents_to_repo(ctx, from_dir, target_dir, target_repository_path, version=version, dry_run=dry_run, notes=notes)
+    gh_path = ensure_gh(ctx, **kwds)
+    gh_env = get_gh_env(ctx, dry_run=dry_run, **kwds)
+    cmd = [
+        gh_path,
+        'release',
+        '-R',
+        "{}/{}".format(owner, repo),
+        'create',
+        "v{version}".format(version=version),
+        '--title',
+        str(version),
+    ]
+    cmd.extend(['--notes', notes or changelog_in_repo(target_repository_path)])
+    if not dry_run:
+        communicate(cmd, env=gh_env)
+    else:
+        ctx.log("Would run command '{}'".format(" ".join(cmd)))
+def pull_request(ctx, path, message=None, repo=None, **kwds):
+    """Create a pull request against the origin of the path using ``gh``."""
+    gh_path = ensure_gh(ctx, **kwds)
+    gh_env = get_gh_env(ctx, path, **kwds)
+    cmd = [gh_path, "pr", "create"]
+    if message is None:
+        cmd.append('--fill')
+    else:
+        lines = message.splitlines()
+        cmd.extend(['--title', lines[0]])
+        if len(lines) > 1:
+            cmd.extend(["--body", "\n".join(lines[1:])])
+    if repo:
+        cmd.extend(['--repo', repo])
+    communicate(cmd, env=gh_env)
+def get_gh_env(ctx, path=None, dry_run=False, **kwds):
+    """Return a environment dictionary to run gh with given user and repository target."""
+    if path is None:
+        env = {}
+    else:
+        env = git.git_env_for(path).copy()
+    if not dry_run:
+        github_config = _get_raw_github_config(ctx)
+        if github_config is not None:
+            if "access_token" in github_config:
+                env["GITHUB_TOKEN"] = github_config["access_token"]
+    return env
+def ensure_gh(ctx, **kwds):
+    """Ensure gh is available for planemo
+    This method will ensure ``gh`` is installed at the correct version.
+    For more information on ``gh`` checkout https://cli.github.com/
+    """
+    planemo_gh_path = os.path.join(ctx.workspace, f"gh-{GH_VERSION}")
+    if not os.path.exists(planemo_gh_path):
+        _try_download_gh(planemo_gh_path)
+    if not os.path.exists(planemo_gh_path):
+        raise Exception(FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD_GH)
+    return planemo_gh_path
+def _try_download_gh(planemo_gh_path):
+    link = _gh_link()
+    path = Path(planemo_gh_path)
+    resp = requests.get(link)
+    with tarfile.open(fileobj=io.BytesIO(resp.content)) as tf, path.open('wb') as outfile:
+        for member in tf.getmembers():
+            if member.name.endswith('bin/gh'):
+                outfile.write(tf.extractfile(member).read())
+    path.chmod(path.stat().st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
+def _get_raw_github_config(ctx):
+    """Return a :class:`planemo.github_util.GithubConfig` for given configuration."""
+    if "github" not in ctx.global_config:
+        if "GITHUB_TOKEN" in os.environ:
+            return {
+                "access_token": os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"],
+            }
+    if "github" not in ctx.global_config:
+        raise Exception("github account not found in planemo config and GITHUB_TOKEN environment variables unset")
+    return ctx.global_config["github"]
+class GithubConfig(object):
+    """Abstraction around a Github account.
+    Required to use ``github`` module methods that require authorization.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config, allow_anonymous=False):
+        if not has_github_lib:
+            raise Exception(NO_GITHUB_DEP_ERROR)
+        if "access_token" not in config:
+            if not allow_anonymous:
+                raise Exception("github authentication unavailable")
+            github_object = github.Github()
+        else:
+            github_object = github.Github(config["access_token"])
+        self._github = github_object
+def _gh_link():
+    if IS_OS_X:
+        template_link = "https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/download/v%s/gh_%s_macOS_amd64.tar.gz"
+    else:
+        template_link = "https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/download/v%s/gh_%s_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
+    return template_link % (GH_VERSION, GH_VERSION)
+def publish_as_gist_file(ctx, path, name="index"):
+    """Publish a gist.
+    More information on gists at http://gist.github.com/.
+    """
+    github_config = get_github_config(ctx, allow_anonymous=False)
+    user = github_config._github.get_user()
+    with open(path, "r") as fh:
+        content = fh.read()
+    content_file = github.InputFileContent(content)
+    gist = user.create_gist(False, {name: content_file})
+    return gist.files[name].raw_url
+def get_repository_object(ctx, name):
+    github_object = get_github_config(ctx, allow_anonymous=True)
+    return github_object._github.get_repo(name)
+__all__ = (
+    "add_dir_contents_to_repo",
+    "clone_fork_branch",
+    "create_release",
+    "ensure_gh",
+    "fork",
+    "get_github_config",
+    "get_gh_env",
+    "get_or_create_repository",
+    "publish_as_gist_file",