view env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib_jsonld/ @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This serialiser will output an RDF Graph as a JSON-LD formatted document. See:

Example usage::

    >>> from rdflib.plugin import register, Serializer
    >>> register('json-ld', Serializer, 'rdflib_jsonld.serializer', 'JsonLDSerializer')

    >>> from rdflib import Graph

    >>> testrdf = '''
    ... @prefix dc: <> .
    ... <>
    ...     dc:title "Someone's Homepage"@en .
    ... '''

    >>> g = Graph().parse(data=testrdf, format='n3')

    >>> print((g.serialize(format='json-ld', indent=4).decode()))
            "@id": "",
            "": [
                    "@language": "en",
                    "@value": "Someone's Homepage"


# NOTE: This code writes the entire JSON object into memory before serialising,
# but we should consider streaming the output to deal with arbitrarily large
# graphs.

import warnings

from rdflib.serializer import Serializer
from rdflib.graph import Graph
from rdflib.term import URIRef, Literal, BNode
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, XSD

from ._compat import str
from .context import Context, UNDEF
from .util import json
from .keys import CONTEXT, GRAPH, ID, VOCAB, LIST, SET, LANG

__all__ = ['JsonLDSerializer', 'from_rdf']

PLAIN_LITERAL_TYPES = set([XSD.boolean, XSD.integer, XSD.double, XSD.string])

class JsonLDSerializer(Serializer):
    def __init__(self, store):
        super(JsonLDSerializer, self).__init__(store)

    def serialize(self, stream, base=None, encoding=None, **kwargs):
        # TODO: docstring w. args and return value
        encoding = encoding or 'utf-8'
        if encoding not in ('utf-8', 'utf-16'):
            warnings.warn("JSON should be encoded as unicode. " +
                          "Given encoding was: %s" % encoding)

        context_data = kwargs.get('context')
        use_native_types = kwargs.get('use_native_types', False),
        use_rdf_type = kwargs.get('use_rdf_type', False)
        auto_compact = kwargs.get('auto_compact', False)

        indent = kwargs.get('indent', 2)
        separators = kwargs.get('separators', (',', ': '))
        sort_keys = kwargs.get('sort_keys', True)
        ensure_ascii = kwargs.get('ensure_ascii', False)

        obj = from_rdf(, context_data, base,
                use_native_types, use_rdf_type,

        data = json.dumps(obj, indent=indent, separators=separators,
                          sort_keys=sort_keys, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii)

        stream.write(data.encode(encoding, 'replace'))

def from_rdf(graph, context_data=None, base=None,
        use_native_types=False, use_rdf_type=False,
        auto_compact=False, startnode=None, index=False):
    # TODO: docstring w. args and return value
    # TODO: support for index and startnode

    if not context_data and auto_compact:
        context_data = dict(
            (pfx, str(ns))
            for (pfx, ns) in graph.namespaces() if pfx and
            str(ns) != "")

    if isinstance(context_data, Context):
        context = context_data
        context_data = context.to_dict()
        context = Context(context_data, base=base)

    converter = Converter(context, use_native_types, use_rdf_type)
    result = converter.convert(graph)

        if isinstance(result, list):
            result = {context.get_key(GRAPH): result}
        result[CONTEXT] = context_data

    return result

class Converter(object):

    def __init__(self, context, use_native_types, use_rdf_type):
        self.context = context
        self.use_native_types = or use_native_types
        self.use_rdf_type = use_rdf_type

    def convert(self, graph):
        # TODO: bug in rdflib dataset parsing (nquads et al):
        # plain triples end up in separate unnamed graphs (rdflib issue #436)
        if graph.context_aware:
            default_graph = Graph()
            graphs = [default_graph]
            for g in graph.contexts():
                if isinstance(g.identifier, URIRef):
                    default_graph += g
            graphs = [graph]

        context = self.context

        objs = []
        for g in graphs:
            obj = {}
            graphname = None

            if isinstance(g.identifier, URIRef):
                graphname = context.shrink_iri(g.identifier)
                obj[context.id_key] = graphname

            nodes = self.from_graph(g)

            if not graphname and len(nodes) == 1:
                if not nodes:
                obj[context.graph_key] = nodes

            if objs and objs[0].get(context.get_key(ID)) == graphname:

        if len(graphs) == 1 and len(objs) == 1 and not
            default = objs[0]
            items = default.get(context.graph_key)
            if len(default) == 1 and items:
                objs = items
        elif len(objs) == 1 and
            objs = objs[0]

        return objs

    def from_graph(self, graph):
        nodemap = {}

        for s in set(graph.subjects()):
            ## only iri:s and unreferenced (rest will be promoted to top if needed)
            if isinstance(s, URIRef) or (isinstance(s, BNode)
                    and not any(graph.subjects(None, s))):
                self.process_subject(graph, s, nodemap)

        return list(nodemap.values())

    def process_subject(self, graph, s, nodemap):
        if isinstance(s, URIRef):
            node_id = self.context.shrink_iri(s)
        elif isinstance(s, BNode):
            node_id = s.n3()
            node_id = None

        #used_as_object = any(graph.subjects(None, s))
        if node_id in nodemap:
            return None

        node = {}
        node[self.context.id_key] = node_id
        nodemap[node_id] = node

        for p, o in graph.predicate_objects(s):
            self.add_to_node(graph, s, p, o, node, nodemap)

        return node

    def add_to_node(self, graph, s, p, o, s_node, nodemap):
        context = self.context

        if isinstance(o, Literal):
            datatype = str(o.datatype) if o.datatype else None
            language = o.language
            term = context.find_term(str(p), datatype, language=language)
            containers = [LIST, None] if graph.value(o, RDF.first) else [None]
            for container in containers:
                for coercion in (ID, VOCAB, UNDEF):
                    term = context.find_term(str(p), coercion, container)
                    if term:
                if term:

        node = None
        use_set = not

        if term:
            p_key =

            if term.type:
                node = self.type_coerce(o, term.type)
            elif term.language and o.language == term.language:
                node = str(o)
            elif context.language and (
                    term.language is None and o.language is None):
                node = str(o)

            if term.container == SET:
                use_set = True
            elif term.container == LIST:
                node = [self.type_coerce(v, term.type) or self.to_raw_value(graph, s, v, nodemap)
                        for v in self.to_collection(graph, o)]
            elif term.container == LANG and language:
                value = s_node.setdefault(p_key, {})
                values = value.get(language)
                node = str(o)
                if values:
                    if not isinstance(values, list):
                        value[language] = values = [values]
                    value[language] = node

            p_key = context.to_symbol(p)
            # TODO: for coercing curies - quite clumsy; unify to_symbol and find_term?
            key_term = context.terms.get(p_key)
            if key_term and (key_term.type or key_term.container):
                p_key = p
            if not term and p == RDF.type and not self.use_rdf_type:
                if isinstance(o, URIRef):
                    node = context.to_symbol(o)
                p_key = context.type_key

        if node is None:
            node = self.to_raw_value(graph, s, o, nodemap)

        value = s_node.get(p_key)
        if value:
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                value = [value]
        elif use_set:
            value = [node]
            value = node
        s_node[p_key] = value

    def type_coerce(self, o, coerce_type):
        if coerce_type == ID:
            if isinstance(o, URIRef):
                return self.context.shrink_iri(o)
            elif isinstance(o, BNode):
                return o.n3()
                return o
        elif coerce_type == VOCAB and isinstance(o, URIRef):
            return self.context.to_symbol(o)
        elif isinstance(o, Literal) and str(o.datatype) == coerce_type:
            return o
            return None

    def to_raw_value(self, graph, s, o, nodemap):
        context = self.context
        coll = self.to_collection(graph, o)
        if coll is not None:
            coll = [self.to_raw_value(graph, s, lo, nodemap)
                    for lo in self.to_collection(graph, o)]
            return {context.list_key: coll}
        elif isinstance(o, BNode):
            embed = False # TODO: or using startnode and only one ref
            onode = self.process_subject(graph, o, nodemap)
            if onode:
                if embed and not any(s2 for s2 in graph.subjects(None, o) if s2 != s):
                    return onode
                    nodemap[onode[context.id_key]] = onode
            return {context.id_key: o.n3()}
        elif isinstance(o, URIRef):
            # TODO: embed if o != startnode (else reverse)
            return {context.id_key: context.shrink_iri(o)}
        elif isinstance(o, Literal):
            # TODO: if compact
            native = self.use_native_types and o.datatype in PLAIN_LITERAL_TYPES
            if native:
                v = o.toPython()
                v = str(o)
            if o.datatype:
                if native:
                        return v
                        return {context.value_key: v}
                return {context.type_key: context.to_symbol(o.datatype),
                        context.value_key: v}
            elif o.language and o.language != context.language:
                return {context.lang_key: o.language,
                        context.value_key: v}
            elif not or context.language and not o.language:
                return {context.value_key: v}
                return v

    def to_collection(self, graph, l):
        if l != RDF.nil and not graph.value(l, RDF.first):
            return None
        list_nodes = []
        chain = set([l])
        while l:
            if l == RDF.nil:
                return list_nodes
            if isinstance(l, URIRef):
                return None
            first, rest = None, None
            for p, o in graph.predicate_objects(l):
                if not first and p == RDF.first:
                    first = o
                elif not rest and p ==
                    rest = o
                elif p != RDF.type or o != RDF.List:
                    return None
            l = rest
            if l in chain:
                return None