view env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests_toolbelt-0.9.1.dist-info/METADATA @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000 (2021-03-22)
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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: requests-toolbelt
Version: 0.9.1
Summary: A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests
Author: Ian Cordasco, Cory Benfield
License: Apache 2.0
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
Requires-Dist: requests (<3.0.0,>=2.0.1)

The Requests Toolbelt

This is just a collection of utilities for `python-requests`_, but don't 
really belong in ``requests`` proper. The minimum tested requests version is 
``2.1.0``. In reality, the toolbelt should work with ``2.0.1`` as well, but 
some idiosyncracies prevent effective or sane testing on that version.

``pip install requests-toolbelt`` to get started!

multipart/form-data Encoder

The main attraction is a streaming multipart form-data object, ``MultipartEncoder``.
Its API looks like this:

.. code-block:: python

    from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
    import requests

    m = MultipartEncoder(
        fields={'field0': 'value', 'field1': 'value',
                'field2': ('filename', open('', 'rb'), 'text/plain')}

    r ='', data=m,
                      headers={'Content-Type': m.content_type})

You can also use ``multipart/form-data`` encoding for requests that don't
require files:

.. code-block:: python

    from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
    import requests

    m = MultipartEncoder(fields={'field0': 'value', 'field1': 'value'})

    r ='', data=m,
                      headers={'Content-Type': m.content_type})

Or, you can just create the string and examine the data:

.. code-block:: python

    # Assuming `m` is one of the above
    m.to_string()  # Always returns unicode

User-Agent constructor

You can easily construct a requests-style ``User-Agent`` string::

    from requests_toolbelt import user_agent

    headers = {
        'User-Agent': user_agent('my_package', '0.0.1')

    r = requests.get('', headers=headers)


The ``SSLAdapter`` was originally published on `Cory Benfield's blog`_. 
This adapter allows the user to choose one of the SSL protocols made available 
in Python's ``ssl`` module for outgoing HTTPS connections:

.. code-block:: python

    from requests_toolbelt import SSLAdapter
    import requests
    import ssl

    s = requests.Session()
    s.mount('https://', SSLAdapter(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1))


The ``ForgetfulCookieJar`` prevents a particular requests session from storing 

.. code-block:: python

    from requests_toolbelt.cookies.forgetful import ForgetfulCookieJar

    session = requests.Session()
    session.cookies = ForgetfulCookieJar()

Known Issues

On Python 3.3.0 and 3.3.1, the standard library's ``http`` module will fail
when passing an instance of the ``MultipartEncoder``. This is fixed in later
minor releases of Python 3.3. Please consider upgrading to a later minor
version or Python 3.4. *There is absolutely nothing this library can do to
work around that bug.*


Please read the `suggested workflow
<>`_ for
contributing to this project.

Please report any bugs on the `issue tracker`_

.. _Cory Benfield's blog:
.. _python-requests:
.. _issue tracker:


0.9.1 -- 2019-01-29

Fixed Bugs

- Fix import of pyOpenSSL shim from urllib3 for PKCS12 adapter

0.9.0 -- 2019-01-29

New Features

- Add X509 Adapter that can handle PKCS12 
- Add stateless solution for streaming files by MultipartEncoder from one host to another (in chunks)

Fixed Bugs

- Update link to example
- Move import of ``ABCs`` from collections into version-specific part of
  _compat module
- Fix backwards incompatibility in ``get_encodings_from_content``
- Correct callback documentation for ``MultipartEncoderMonitor``
- Fix bug when ``MultipartEncoder`` is asked to encode zero parts
- Correct the type of non string request body dumps
- Removed content from being stored in MultipartDecoder
- Fix bug by enabling support for contenttype with capital letters. 
- Coerce proxy URL to bytes before dumping request
- Avoid bailing out with exception upon empty response reason
- Corrected Pool documentation
- Corrected parentheses match in example usage
- Fix "oject" to "object" in ``MultipartEncoder``
- Fix URL for the project after the move 
- Add fix for OSX TCPKeepAliveAdapter


- Remove py33 from testing and add Python 3.6 and nightly testing to the travis matrix.

0.8.0 -- 2017-05-20

More information about this release can be found on the `0.8.0 milestone`_.

New Features

- Add ``UserAgentBuilder`` to provide more control over generated User-Agent

Fixed Bugs

- Include ``_validate_certificate`` in the lits of picked attributes on the
- Fix backwards incompatibility in ``get_encodings_from_content``

.. _0.8.0 milestone:

0.7.1 -- 2017-02-13

More information about this release can be found on the `0.7.1 milestone`_.

Fixed Bugs

- Fixed monkey-patching for the AppEngineAdapter.

- Make it easier to disable certificate verification when monkey-patching

- Handle ``multipart/form-data`` bodies without a trailing ``CRLF``.

.. links
.. _0.7.1 milestone:

0.7.0 -- 2016-07-21

More information about this release can be found on the `0.7.0 milestone`_.

New Features

- Add ``BaseUrlSession`` to allow developers to have a session that has a
  "Base" URL. See the documentation for more details and examples.

- Split the logic of ``stream_response_to_file`` into two separate functions:

  * ``get_download_file_path`` to generate the file name from the Response.

  * ``stream_response_to_file`` which will use ``get_download_file_path`` if

Fixed Bugs

- Fixed the issue for people using *very* old versions of Requests where they
  would see an ImportError from ``requests_toolbelt._compat`` when trying to
  import ``connection``.

.. _0.7.0 milestone:

0.6.2 -- 2016-05-10

Fixed Bugs

- When passing a timeout via Requests, it was not appropriately translated to
  the timeout that the urllib3 code was expecting.

0.6.1 -- 2016-05-05

Fixed Bugs

- Remove assertion about request URLs in the AppEngineAdapter.

- Prevent pip from installing requests 3.0.0 when that is released until we
  are ready to handle it.

0.6.0 -- 2016-01-27

More information about this release can be found on the `0.6.0 milestone`_.

New Features

- Add ``AppEngineAdapter`` to support developers using Google's AppEngine
  platform with Requests.

- Add ``GuessProxyAuth`` class to support guessing between Basic and Digest
  Authentication for proxies.

Fixed Bugs

- Ensure that proxies use the correct TLS version when using the

- Fix an ``AttributeError`` when using the ``HTTPProxyDigestAuth`` class.


- Drop testing support for Python 3.2. virtualenv and pip have stopped
  supporting it meaning that it is harder to test for this with our CI
  infrastructure. Moving forward we will make a best-effort attempt to
  support 3.2 but will not test for it.

.. _0.6.0 milestone:

0.5.1 -- 2015-12-16

More information about this release can be found on the `0.5.1 milestone`_.

Fixed Bugs

- Now papers over the differences in requests' ``super_len`` function from
  versions prior to 2.9.0 and versions 2.9.0 and later.

.. _0.5.1 milestone:

0.5.0 -- 2015-11-24

More information about this release can be found on the `milestone
for 0.5.0.

New Features

- The ``tee`` submodule was added to ``requests_toolbelt.downloadutils``. It
  allows you to iterate over the bytes of a response while also writing them
  to a file. The ``tee.tee`` function, expects you to pass an open file
  object, while ``tee.tee_to_file`` will use the provided file name to open
  the file for you.

- Added a new parameter to ``requests_toolbelt.utils.user_agent`` that allows
  the user to specify additional items.

- Added nested form-data helper,

- Added the ``ForgetfulCookieJar`` to ``requests_toolbelt.cookies``.

- Added utilities for dumping the information about a request-response cycle
  in ``requests_toolbelt.utils.dump``.

- Implemented the API described in the ``requests_toolbelt.threaded`` module
  docstring, i.e., added ```` as an available

Fixed Bugs

- Now papers over the API differences in versions of requests installed from
  system packages versus versions of requests installed from PyPI.

- Allow string types for ``SourceAddressAdapter``.

0.4.0 -- 2015-04-03

For more information about this release, please see `milestone 0.4.0
on the project's page.

New Features

- A naive implemenation of a thread pool is now included in the toolbelt. See
  the docs in ``docs/threading.rst`` or on `Read The Docs

- The ``StreamingIterator`` now accepts files (such as ``sys.stdin``) without
  a specific length and will properly stream them.

- The ``MultipartEncoder`` now accepts exactly the same format of fields as
  requests' ``files`` parameter does. In other words, you can now also pass in
  extra headers to add to a part in the body. You can also now specify a
  custom ``Content-Type`` for a part.

- An implementation of HTTP Digest Authentication for Proxies is now included.

- A transport adapter that allows a user to specify a specific Certificate
  Fingerprint is now included in the toolbelt.

- A transport adapter that simplifies how users specify socket options is now

- A transport adapter that simplifies how users can specify TCP Keep-Alive
  options is now included in the toolbelt.

- Deprecated functions from ``requests.utils`` are now included and

- An authentication tool that allows users to specify how to authenticate to
  several different domains at once is now included.

- A function to save streamed responses to disk by analyzing the
  ``Content-Disposition`` header is now included in the toolbelt.

Fixed Bugs

- The ``MultipartEncoder`` will now allow users to upload files larger than
  4GB on 32-bit systems.

- The ``MultipartEncoder`` will now accept empty unicode strings for form

0.3.1 -- 2014-06-23

- Fix the fact that 0.3.0 bundle did not include the ``StreamingIterator``

0.3.0 -- 2014-05-21

Bug Fixes

- Complete rewrite of ``MultipartEncoder`` fixes bug where bytes were lost in

New Features

- ``MultipartDecoder`` to accept ``multipart/form-data`` response bodies and
  parse them into an easy to use object.

- ``SourceAddressAdapter`` to allow users to choose a local address to bind
  connections to.

- ``GuessAuth`` which accepts a username and password and uses the
  ``WWW-Authenticate`` header to determine how to authenticate against a

- ``MultipartEncoderMonitor`` wraps an instance of the ``MultipartEncoder``
  and keeps track of how many bytes were read and will call the provided

- ``StreamingIterator`` will wrap an iterator and stream the upload instead of
  chunk it, provided you also provide the length of the content you wish to

0.2.0 -- 2014-02-24

- Add ability to tell ``MultipartEncoder`` which encoding to use. By default
  it uses 'utf-8'.

- Fix #10 - allow users to install with pip

- Fix #9 - Fix ``MultipartEncoder#to_string`` so that it properly handles file
  objects as fields

0.1.2 -- 2014-01-19

- At some point during development we broke how we handle normal file objects.
  Thanks to @konomae this is now fixed.

0.1.1 -- 2014-01-19

- Handle ``io.BytesIO``-like objects better

0.1.0 -- 2014-01-18

- Add initial implementation of the streaming ``MultipartEncoder``

- Add initial implementation of the ``user_agent`` function

- Add the ``SSLAdapter``