diff hairpinTool.R @ 2:076ca575208f

First commit
author shian_su <registertonysu@gmail.com>
date Fri, 21 Feb 2014 12:52:56 +1100
children f8af57d6f60b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hairpinTool.R	Fri Feb 21 12:52:56 2014 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+# Record starting time
+timeStart <- as.character(Sys.time())
+# Loading and checking required packages
+library(methods, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
+library(statmod, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
+library(splines, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
+library(edgeR, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
+library(limma, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
+if (packageVersion("edgeR") < "3.5.23") {
+  message("Please update 'edgeR' to version >= 3.5.23 to run this script")
+### Function declarations
+# Function to sanitise contrast equations so there are no whitespaces
+# surrounding the arithmetic operators, leading or trailing whitespace
+sanitiseEquation <- function(equation) {
+  equation <- gsub(" *[+] *", "+", equation)
+  equation <- gsub(" *[-] *", "-", equation)
+  equation <- gsub(" *[/] *", "/", equation)
+  equation <- gsub(" *[*] *", "*", equation)
+  equation <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", equation)
+  return(equation)
+# Function to sanitise group information
+sanitiseGroups <- function(string) {
+  string <- gsub(" *[,] *", ",", string)
+  string <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", string)
+  return(string)
+# Function to change periods to whitespace in a string
+unmake.names <- function(string) {
+  string <- gsub(".", " ", string, fixed=TRUE)
+  return(string)
+# Function has string input and generates an output path string
+makeOut <- function(filename) {
+  return(paste0(folderPath, "/", filename))
+# Function has string input and generates both a pdf and png output strings
+imgOut <- function(filename) {
+  assign(paste0(filename, "Png"), makeOut(paste0(filename,".png")), 
+         envir = .GlobalEnv)
+  assign(paste0(filename, "Pdf"), makeOut(paste0(filename,".pdf")),
+         envir = .GlobalEnv)
+# Create cat function default path set, default seperator empty and appending
+# true by default (Ripped straight from the cat function with altered argument
+# defaults)
+cata <- function(..., file = htmlPath, sep = "", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL, 
+                 append = TRUE) {
+  if (is.character(file)) 
+    if (file == "") 
+      file <- stdout()
+  else if (substring(file, 1L, 1L) == "|") {
+    file <- pipe(substring(file, 2L), "w")
+    on.exit(close(file))
+  }
+  else {
+    file <- file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w"))
+    on.exit(close(file))
+  }
+  .Internal(cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append))
+# Function to write code for html head and title
+HtmlHead <- function(title) {
+  cata("<head>\n")
+  cata("<title>", title, "</title>\n")
+  cata("</head>\n")
+# Function to write code for html links
+HtmlLink <- function(address, label=address) {
+  cata("<a href=\"", address, "\" target=\"_blank\">", label, "</a><br />\n")
+# Function to write code for html images
+HtmlImage <- function(source, label=source, height=600, width=600) {
+  cata("<img src=\"", source, "\" alt=\"", label, "\" height=\"", height)
+  cata("\" width=\"", width, "\"/>\n")
+# Function to write code for html list items
+ListItem <- function(...) {
+  cata("<li>", ..., "</li>\n")
+TableItem <- function(...) {
+  cata("<td>", ..., "</td>\n")
+TableHeadItem <- function(...) {
+  cata("<th>", ..., "</th>\n")
+### Input Processing
+# Grabbing arguments from command line
+argv <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+# Remove fastq file paths after collecting from argument vector
+inputType <- as.character(argv[1])
+if (inputType=="fastq") {
+  fastqPath <- as.character(gsub("fastq::", "", argv[grepl("fastq::", argv)], 
+                                 fixed=TRUE))
+  argv <- argv[!grepl("fastq::", argv, fixed=TRUE)]
+  hairpinPath <- as.character(argv[2])
+  samplePath <- as.character(argv[3])
+  barStart <- as.numeric(argv[4])
+  barEnd <- as.numeric(argv[5])
+  hpStart <- as.numeric(argv[6])
+  hpEnd <- as.numeric(argv[7])
+} else if (inputType=="counts") {
+  countPath <- as.character(argv[2])
+  annoPath <- as.character(argv[3])
+  samplePath <- as.character(argv[4])
+cpmReq <- as.numeric(argv[8])
+sampleReq <- as.numeric(argv[9])
+fdrThresh <- as.numeric(argv[10])
+lfcThresh <- as.numeric(argv[11])
+workMode <- as.character(argv[12])
+htmlPath <- as.character(argv[13])
+folderPath <- as.character(argv[14])
+if (workMode=="classic") {
+  pairData <- character()
+  pairData[2] <- as.character(argv[15])
+  pairData[1] <- as.character(argv[16])
+} else if (workMode=="glm") {
+  contrastData <- as.character(argv[15])
+  roastOpt <- as.character(argv[16])
+  hairpinReq <- as.numeric(argv[17])
+  selectOpt <- as.character(argv[18])
+  selectVals <- as.character(argv[19])
+# Read in inputs
+if (inputType=="fastq") {
+  samples <- read.table(samplePath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
+  hairpins <- read.table(hairpinPath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
+} else if (inputType=="counts") {
+  samples <- read.table(samplePath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
+  counts <- read.table(countPath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
+  anno <- read.table(annoPath, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
+###################### Check inputs for correctness ############################
+samples$ID <- make.names(samples$ID)
+if (!any(grepl("group", names(samples)))) {
+  stop("'group' column not specified in sample annotation file")
+} # Check if grouping variable has been specified
+if (any(table(samples$ID)>1)){
+  tab <- table(samples$ID)
+  offenders <- paste(names(tab[tab>1]), collapse=", ")
+  offenders <- unmake.names(offenders)
+  stop("ID column of sample annotation must have unique values, values ",
+       offenders, " are repeated")
+} # Check that IDs in sample annotation are unique
+if (any(is.na(match(samples$ID, colnames(counts))))) {
+  stop("not all samples have groups specified")
+} # Check that a group has be specifed for each sample
+if (inputType=="fastq") {
+  if (any(table(hairpins$ID)>1)){
+    tab <- table(hairpins$ID)
+    offenders <- paste(names(tab[tab>1]), collapse=", ")
+    stop("ID column of hairpin annotation must have unique values, values ",
+    offenders, " are repeated")
+  } # Check that IDs in hairpin annotation are unique
+} else if (inputType=="counts") {
+  if (any(table(counts$ID)>1)){
+    tab <- table(counts$ID)
+    offenders <- paste(names(tab[tab>1]), collapse=", ")
+    stop("ID column of count table must have unique values, values ",
+    offenders, " are repeated")
+  } # Check that IDs in count table are unique
+# Process arguments
+if (workMode=="glm") {
+  if (roastOpt=="yes") {
+    wantRoast <- TRUE
+  } else {
+    wantRoast <- FALSE
+  }
+# Split up contrasts seperated by comma into a vector and replace spaces with
+# periods
+if (exists("contrastData")) {
+  contrastData <- unlist(strsplit(contrastData, split=","))
+  contrastData <- sanitiseEquation(contrastData)
+  contrastData <- gsub(" ", ".", contrastData, fixed=TRUE)
+# Replace spaces with periods in pair data
+if (exists("pairData")) {
+  pairData <- make.names(pairData)
+# Generate output folder and paths
+# Generate links for outputs
+if (workMode == "classic") {
+  smearPng <- makeOut(paste0("smear(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],").png"))
+  smearPdf <- makeOut(paste0("smear(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],").pdf"))
+  topOut <- makeOut(paste0("toptag(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],").tsv"))
+} else if (workMode=="glm") {
+  smearPng <- character()
+  smearPdf <- character()
+  topOut <- character()
+  roastOut <- character()
+  barcodePng <- character()
+  barcodePdf <- character()
+  for (i in 1:length(contrastData)) {
+    smearPng[i] <- makeOut(paste0("smear(", contrastData[i], ").png"))
+    smearPdf[i] <- makeOut(paste0("smear(", contrastData[i], ").pdf"))
+    topOut[i] <- makeOut(paste0("toptag(", contrastData[i], ").tsv"))
+    roastOut[i] <- makeOut(paste0("roast(", contrastData[i], ").tsv"))
+    barcodePng[i] <- makeOut(paste0("barcode(", contrastData[i], ").png"))
+    barcodePdf[i] <- makeOut(paste0("barcode(", contrastData[i], ").pdf"))
+  }
+# Initialise data for html links and images, table with the link label and
+# link address
+linkData <- data.frame(Label=character(), Link=character(),
+                       stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+imageData <- data.frame(Label=character(), Link=character(),
+                        stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+### Data Processing
+# Transform gene selection from string into index values for mroast
+if (workMode=="glm") {
+  if (selectOpt=="rank") {
+    selectVals <- gsub(" ", "", selectVals, fixed=TRUE)
+    selectVals <- unlist(strsplit(selectVals, ","))
+    for (i in 1:length(selectVals)) {
+      if (grepl(":", selectVals[i], fixed=TRUE)) {
+        temp <- unlist(strsplit(selectVals[i], ":"))
+        selectVals <- selectVals[-i]
+        a <- as.numeric(temp[1])
+        b <- as.numeric(temp[2])
+        selectVals <- c(selectVals, a:b)         
+      }
+    }
+    selectVals <- as.numeric(unique(selectVals))
+  } else {
+    selectVals <- gsub(" ", "", selectVals, fixed=TRUE)
+    selectVals <- unlist(strsplit(selectVals, " "))
+  }                                                           
+if (inputType=="fastq") {
+# Use EdgeR hairpin process and capture outputs
+hpReadout <- capture.output(
+  data <- processHairpinReads(fastqPath, samplePath, hairpinPath,
+                              hairpinStart=hpStart, hairpinEnd=hpEnd, 
+                              verbose=TRUE)
+# Remove function output entries that show processing data or is empty
+hpReadout <- hpReadout[hpReadout!=""]
+hpReadout <- hpReadout[!grepl("Processing", hpReadout)]
+hpReadout <- hpReadout[!grepl("in file", hpReadout)]
+hpReadout <- gsub(" -- ", "", hpReadout, fixed=TRUE)
+# Make the names of groups syntactically valid (replace spaces with periods)
+data$samples$group <- make.names(data$samples$group)
+} else {
+  # Process counts information, set ID column to be row names
+  rownames(counts) <- counts$ID
+  counts <- counts[ , !(colnames(counts)=="ID")]
+  countsRows <- nrow(counts)
+  # Process group information
+  factors <- samples$group[match(samples$ID, colnames(counts))]
+  annoRows <- nrow(anno)
+  anno <- anno[match(rownames(counts), anno$ID), ]
+  annoMatched <- sum(!is.na(anno$ID))
+  if (any(is.na(anno$ID))) {
+    warningStr <- paste("count table contained more hairpins than",
+                        "specified in hairpin annotation file")
+    warning(warningStr)
+  }
+  # Filter out rows with zero counts
+  sel <- rowSums(counts)!=0
+  counts <- counts[sel, ]
+  anno <- anno[sel, ]
+  # Create DGEList
+  data <- DGEList(counts=counts, lib.size=colSums(counts), 
+                  norm.factors=rep(1,ncol(counts)), genes=anno, group=factors)
+  # Make the names of groups syntactically valid (replace spaces with periods)
+  data$samples$group <- make.names(data$samples$group)
+# Filter hairpins with low counts
+sel <- rowSums(cpm(data$counts) > cpmReq) >= sampleReq
+data <- data[sel, ]
+# Estimate dispersions
+data <- estimateDisp(data)
+commonBCV <- sqrt(data$common.dispersion)
+### Output Processing
+# Plot number of hairpins that could be matched per sample
+png(barIndexPng, width=600, height=600)
+barplot(height<-colSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per index", 
+        cex.names=1.0, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2))
+imageData[1, ] <- c("Counts per Index", "barIndex.png")
+barplot(height<-colSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per index", 
+        cex.names=1.0, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2))
+linkData[1, ] <- c("Counts per Index Barplot (.pdf)", "barIndex.pdf")
+# Plot per hairpin totals across all samples
+png(barHairpinPng, width=600, height=600)
+if (nrow(data$counts)<50) {
+  barplot(height<-rowSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per hairpin",
+          cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2))
+} else {
+  barplot(height<-rowSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per hairpin",
+          cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2),
+          names.arg=FALSE)
+imageData <- rbind(imageData, c("Counts per Hairpin", "barHairpin.png"))
+if (nrow(data$counts)<50) {
+  barplot(height<-rowSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per hairpin",
+          cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2))
+} else {
+  barplot(height<-rowSums(data$counts), las=2, main="Counts per hairpin",
+          cex.names=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, ylim=c(0, max(height)*1.2),
+          names.arg=FALSE)
+newEntry <- c("Counts per Hairpin Barplot (.pdf)", "barHairpin.pdf")
+linkData <- rbind(linkData, newEntry)
+# Make an MDS plot to visualise relationships between replicate samples
+png(mdsPng, width=600, height=600)
+plotMDS(data, labels=data$samples$group, col=as.numeric(data$samples$group),
+        main="MDS Plot")
+imageData <- rbind(imageData, c("MDS Plot", "mds.png"))
+plotMDS(data, labels=data$samples$group, col=as.numeric(data$samples$group),
+        main="MDS Plot")
+newEntry <- c("MDS Plot (.pdf)", "mds.pdf")
+linkData <- rbind(linkData, newEntry)
+if (workMode=="classic") {
+  # Assess differential representation using classic exact testing methodology 
+  # in edgeR
+  testData <- exactTest(data, pair=pairData)
+  top <- topTags(testData, n=Inf)
+  topIDs <- top$table[(top$table$FDR < fdrThresh) &
+                      (abs(top$table$logFC) > lfcThresh), 1]
+  write.table(top, file=topOut, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
+  linkName <- paste0("Top Tags Table(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], 
+                     ") (.tsv)")
+  linkAddr <- paste0("toptag(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], ").tsv")
+  linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
+  # Select hairpins with FDR < 0.05 to highlight on plot
+  png(smearPng, width=600, height=600)
+  plotTitle <- gsub(".", " ", 
+                    paste0("Smear Plot: ", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1]),
+                    fixed = TRUE)
+  plotSmear(testData, de.tags=topIDs, 
+            pch=20, cex=1.0, main=plotTitle)
+  abline(h = c(-1, 0, 1), col = c("dodgerblue", "yellow", "dodgerblue"), lty=2)
+  imgName <- paste0("Smear Plot(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], ")")
+  imgAddr <- paste0("smear(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1],").png")
+  imageData <- rbind(imageData, c(imgName, imgAddr))
+  invisible(dev.off())
+  pdf(smearPdf)
+  plotTitle <- gsub(".", " ", 
+                    paste0("Smear Plot: ", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1]),
+                    fixed = TRUE)
+  plotSmear(testData, de.tags=topIDs, 
+            pch=20, cex=1.0, main=plotTitle)
+  abline(h = c(-1, 0, 1), col = c("dodgerblue", "yellow", "dodgerblue"), lty=2)
+  imgName <- paste0("Smear Plot(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], ") (.pdf)")
+  imgAddr <- paste0("smear(", pairData[2], "-", pairData[1], ").pdf")
+  linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(imgName, imgAddr))
+  invisible(dev.off())
+} else if (workMode=="glm") {
+  # Generating design information
+  factors <- factor(data$sample$group)
+  design <- model.matrix(~0+factors)
+  colnames(design) <- gsub("factors", "", colnames(design), fixed=TRUE)
+  # Split up contrasts seperated by comma into a vector
+  contrastData <- unlist(strsplit(contrastData, split=","))
+  for (i in 1:length(contrastData)) {
+    # Generate contrasts information
+    contrasts <- makeContrasts(contrasts=contrastData[i], levels=design)
+    # Fit negative bionomial GLM
+    fit = glmFit(data, design)
+    # Carry out Likelihood ratio test
+    testData = glmLRT(fit, contrast=contrasts)
+    # Select hairpins with FDR < 0.05 to highlight on plot
+    top <- topTags(testData, n=Inf)
+    topIDs <- top$table[(top$table$FDR < fdrThresh) &
+                        (abs(top$table$logFC) > lfcThresh), 1]
+    write.table(top, file=topOut[i], row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
+    linkName <- paste0("Top Tags Table(", contrastData[i], ") (.tsv)")
+    linkAddr <- paste0("toptag(", contrastData[i], ").tsv")
+    linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
+    # Make a plot of logFC versus logCPM
+    png(smearPng[i], height=600, width=600)
+    plotTitle <- paste("Smear Plot:", gsub(".", " ", contrastData[i], 
+                       fixed=TRUE))
+    plotSmear(testData, de.tags=topIDs, pch=20, cex=0.8, main=plotTitle)
+    abline(h=c(-1, 0, 1), col=c("dodgerblue", "yellow", "dodgerblue"), lty=2)
+    imgName <- paste0("Smear Plot(", contrastData[i], ")")
+    imgAddr <- paste0("smear(", contrastData[i], ").png")
+    imageData <- rbind(imageData, c(imgName, imgAddr))
+    invisible(dev.off())
+    pdf(smearPdf[i])
+    plotTitle <- paste("Smear Plot:", gsub(".", " ", contrastData[i], 
+                       fixed=TRUE))
+    plotSmear(testData, de.tags=topIDs, pch=20, cex=0.8, main=plotTitle)
+    abline(h=c(-1, 0, 1), col=c("dodgerblue", "yellow", "dodgerblue"), lty=2)
+    linkName <- paste0("Smear Plot(", contrastData[i], ") (.pdf)")
+    linkAddr <- paste0("smear(", contrastData[i], ").pdf")
+    linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
+    invisible(dev.off())
+    genes <- as.character(data$genes$Gene)
+    unq <- unique(genes)
+    unq <- unq[!is.na(unq)]
+    geneList <- list()
+    for (gene in unq) {
+      if (length(which(genes==gene)) >= hairpinReq) {
+        geneList[[gene]] <- which(genes==gene)
+      }
+    }
+    if (wantRoast) {
+      # Input preparaton for roast
+      nrot = 9999
+      set.seed(602214129)
+      roastData <- mroast(data, index=geneList, design=design,
+                         contrast=contrasts, nrot=nrot)
+      roastData <- cbind(GeneID=rownames(roastData), roastData)
+      write.table(roastData, file=roastOut[i], row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
+      linkName <- paste0("Gene Level Analysis Table(", contrastData[i], 
+                         ") (.tsv)")
+      linkAddr <- paste0("roast(", contrastData[i], ").tsv")
+      linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
+      if (selectOpt=="rank") {
+        selectedGenes <- rownames(roastData)[selectVals]
+      } else {
+        selectedGenes <- selectVals
+      }
+      if (packageVersion("limma")<"3.19.19") {
+        png(barcodePng[i], width=600, height=length(selectedGenes)*150)
+      } else {
+        png(barcodePng[i], width=600, height=length(selectedGenes)*300)
+      }
+      par(mfrow=c(length(selectedGenes), 1))
+      for (gene in selectedGenes) {
+        barcodeplot(testData$table$logFC, index=geneList[[gene]],
+                    main=paste("Barcode Plot for", gene, "(logFCs)", 
+                               gsub(".", " ", contrastData[i])),
+                    labels=c("Positive logFC", "Negative logFC"))
+      }
+      imgName <- paste0("Barcode Plot(", contrastData[i], ")")
+      imgAddr <- paste0("barcode(", contrastData[i], ").png")
+      imageData <- rbind(imageData, c(imgName, imgAddr))
+      dev.off()
+      if (packageVersion("limma")<"3.19.19") {
+        pdf(barcodePdf[i], width=8, height=2)
+      } else {
+        pdf(barcodePdf[i], width=8, height=4)
+      }
+      for (gene in selectedGenes) {
+        barcodeplot(testData$table$logFC, index=geneList[[gene]],
+                    main=paste("Barcode Plot for", gene, "(logFCs)", 
+                               gsub(".", " ", contrastData[i])),
+                    labels=c("Positive logFC", "Negative logFC"))
+      }
+      linkName <- paste0("Barcode Plot(", contrastData[i], ") (.pdf)")
+      linkAddr <- paste0("barcode(", contrastData[i], ").pdf")
+      linkData <- rbind(linkData, c(linkName, linkAddr))
+      dev.off()
+    }
+  }
+# Record ending time
+timeEnd <- as.character(Sys.time())
+### HTML Generation
+# Clear file
+cat("", file=htmlPath)
+HtmlHead("EdgeR Output")
+cata("<h3>EdgeR Analysis Output:</h3>\n")
+cata("<h4>Input Summary:</h4>\n")
+if (inputType=="fastq") {
+  cata("<ul>\n")
+  ListItem(hpReadout[1])
+  ListItem(hpReadout[2])
+  cata("</ul>\n")
+  cata(hpReadout[3], "<br/>\n")
+  cata("<ul>\n")
+  ListItem(hpReadout[4])
+  ListItem(hpReadout[7])
+  cata("</ul>\n")
+  cata(hpReadout[8:11], sep="<br/>\n")
+  cata("<br />\n")
+  cata("<b>Please check that read percentages are consistent with ")
+  cata("expectations.</b><br >\n")
+} else if (inputType=="counts") {
+  cata("<ul>\n")
+  ListItem("Number of Samples: ", ncol(data$counts))
+  ListItem("Number of Hairpins: ", countsRows)
+  ListItem("Number of annotations provided: ", annoRows)
+  ListItem("Number of annotations matched to hairpin: ", annoMatched)
+  cata("</ul>\n")
+cata("The estimated common biological coefficient of variation (BCV) is: ", 
+     commonBCV, "<br />\n")
+cata("All images displayed have PDF copy at the bottom of the page, these can ")
+cata("exported in a pdf viewer to high resolution image format. <br/>\n")
+for (i in 1:nrow(imageData)) {
+  if (grepl("barcode", imageData$Link[i])) {
+    if (packageVersion("limma")<"3.19.19") {
+      HtmlImage(imageData$Link[i], imageData$Label[i], 
+                height=length(selectedGenes)*150)
+    } else {
+      HtmlImage(imageData$Link[i], imageData$Label[i], 
+                height=length(selectedGenes)*300)
+    }
+  } else {
+    HtmlImage(imageData$Link[i], imageData$Label[i])
+  }
+for (i in 1:nrow(linkData)) {
+  if (!grepl(".tsv", linkData$Link[i])) {
+    HtmlLink(linkData$Link[i], linkData$Label[i])
+  }
+for (i in 1:nrow(linkData)) {
+  if (grepl(".tsv", linkData$Link[i])) {
+    HtmlLink(linkData$Link[i], linkData$Label[i])
+  }
+cata("<p>alt-click any of the links to download the file, or click the name ")
+cata("of this task in the galaxy history panel and click on the floppy ")
+cata("disk icon to download all files in a zip archive.</p>\n")
+cata("<p>.tsv files are tab seperated files that can be viewed using Excel ")
+cata("or other spreadsheet programs</p>\n")
+cata("<table border=\"0\">\n")
+TableItem("Task started at:"); TableItem(timeStart)
+TableItem("Task ended at:"); TableItem(timeEnd)