1 <tool id="snippy" name="snippy" version="0.2.0">
2 <requirements>
3 <requirement type="package" version="3.0">snippy</requirement>
4 <requirement type="package" version="1.2">samtools</requirement>
5 <requirement type="package" version="0_9_20_b040236">freebayes</requirement>
6 <requirement type="package" version="0.7.12">bwa</requirement>
7 <requirement type="package" version="0.1.11">vcftools</requirement>
8 <requirement type="package" version="4.0">snpeff</requirement>
9 </requirements>
10 <stdio>
11 <exit_code range="1:" />
12 </stdio>
14 <command><![CDATA[
15 cp $ref foo.fna &&
16 snippy
17 --outdir out
18 --cpus "\${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}"
19 --ref foo.fna
20 $cleanup
21 #if str( $advanced.is_advanced ) == "advanced"
22 --mapqual $advanced.mapqual
23 --mincov $advanced.mincov
24 --minfrac $advanced.minfrac
25 #if $advanced.rgid
26 --rgid $advanced.rgid
27 #end if
28 #if $advanced.bwaopt
29 --bwaopt $advanced.bwaopt
30 #end if
31 #end if
32 #if str( $fastq_input.fastq_input_selector ) == "paired"
33 --pe1 $fastq_input.fastq_input1
34 --pe2 $fastq_input.fastq_input2
35 #end if
36 #if str( $fastq_input.fastq_input_selector ) == "paired_collection"
37 --pe1 $fastq_input.fastq_input1.forward
38 --pe2 $fastq_input.fastq_input1.reverse
39 #end if
40 #if str( $fastq_input.fastq_input_selector ) == "single"
41 --se $fastq_input.fastq_input1
42 #end if
43 #if str( $fastq_input.fastq_input_selector ) == "paired_iv"
44 --peil $fastq_input.fastq_input1
45 #end if
47 &&
49 gunzip out/snps.depth.gz
52 ]]></command>
53 <inputs>
54 <param name="ref" type="data" format="fasta" label="Reference Fasta" help="Fasta file to use as the reference" />
55 <conditional name="fastq_input">
56 <param name="fastq_input_selector" type="select" label="Single or Paired-end reads" help="Select between paired and single end data">
57 <option value="paired">Paired</option>
58 <option value="single">Single</option>
59 <option value="paired_collection">Paired Collection</option>
60 <option value="paired_iv">Paired Interleaved</option>
61 </param>
62 <when value="paired">
63 <param name="fastq_input1" type="data" format="fastqsanger,fasta" label="Select first set of reads" help="Specify dataset with forward reads"/>
64 <param name="fastq_input2" type="data" format="fastqsanger,fasta" label="Select second set of reads" help="Specify dataset with reverse reads"/>
65 </when>
66 <when value="single">
67 <param name="fastq_input1" type="data" format="fastqsanger,fasta" label="Select fastq dataset" help="Specify dataset with single reads"/>
68 </when>
69 <when value="paired_collection">
70 <param name="fastq_input1" format="fastqsanger,fasta" type="data_collection" collection_type="paired" label="Select a paired collection" help="See help section for an explanation of dataset collections"/>
71 </when>
72 <when value="paired_iv">
73 <param name="fastq_input1" type="data" format="fastqsanger" label="Select fastq dataset" help="Specify dataset with interleaved reads"/>
74 </when>
75 </conditional>
76 <param name="cleanup" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="--cleanup" falsevalue="" label="Cleanup the non-snp output files" help="Remove all non-SNP files: BAMs, indices etc" />
77 <conditional name="advanced">
78 <param name="is_advanced" type="select" label="Advanced parameters" help="unhide advanced parameter settings">
79 <option value="advanced">Show advanced settings</option>
80 <option value="simple" selected="true">Hide advanced settings</option>
81 </param>
82 <when value="advanced">
83 <param name="mapqual" type="float" value="60" label="Minimum mapping quality" help="Minimum mapping quality to allow" />
84 <param name="mincov" type="float" value="10" label="Minimum coverage" help="Minimum coverage to call a snp" />
85 <param name="minfrac" type="float" value="0.9" label="Minumum proportion for variant evidence" help="Minumum proportion for variant evidence" />
86 <param name="rgid" type="text" value="" label="Bam header @RG ID" help="Use this @RG ID: in the BAM header" />
87 <param name="bwaopt" type="text" value="" label="Extra BWA MEM options" help="Extra BWA MEM options, eg. -x pacbio" />
88 </when>
89 <when value="simple">
91 </when>
92 </conditional>
93 </inputs>
94 <outputs>
95 <data format="vcf" name="snpvcf" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} snps vcf file" from_work_dir="out/snps.vcf"/>
96 <data format="gff3" name="snpgff" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} snps gff file" from_work_dir="out/snps.gff"/>
97 <data format="tabular" name="snptab" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} snps table" from_work_dir="out/snps.tab"/>
98 <data format="tabular" name="snpsum" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} snps summary" from_work_dir="out/snps.txt"/>
99 <data format="text" name="snplog" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} log file" from_work_dir="out/snps.log"/>
100 <data format="fasta" name="snpalign" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} aligned fasta" from_work_dir="out/snps.aligned.fa"/>
101 <data format="fasta" name="snpconsensus" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} consensus fasta" from_work_dir="out/snps.consensus.fa"/>
102 <data format="tabular" name="snpsdepth" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} mapping depth" from_work_dir="out/snps.depth"/>
103 <data format="bam" name="snpsbam" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string} mapped reads (bam)" from_work_dir="out/snps.bam">
104 <filter>cleanup is False</filter>
105 </data>
106 </outputs>
108 <tests>
109 <test>
110 <param name="ref" value="Ecoli.fna" ftype="fasta" />
111 <param name="fastq_input_selector" value="paired" />
112 <param name="fastq_input1" ftype="fastq" value="reads_1.fq" />
113 <param name="fastq_input2" ftype="fastq" value="reads_2.fq" />
114 <output name="snpsum" ftype="tabular" file="test/snps.txt" lines-diff="5" />
115 </test>
116 </tests>
119 <help><![CDATA[
120 This is a change to force a reinstall
121 Synopsis:
122 snippy 3.0 - fast bacterial variant calling from NGS reads
123 Author:
124 Torsten Seemann <torsten.seemann@gmail.com>
125 Usage:
126 snippy [options] --outdir <dir> --ref <ref> --pe1 <R1.fq.gz> --pe2 <R2.fq.gz>
127 snippy [options] --outdir <dir> --ref <ref> --se <454.fastq>
128 snippy [options] --outdir <dir> --ref <ref> --peil <velvet.fa.gz>
129 Options:
130 --help This help
131 --version Print version and exit
132 --citation Print citation for referencing snippy
133 --quiet No screen output (default OFF)
134 --cpus [N] Maximum number of CPU cores to use (default '8')
135 --reference [X] Reference genome. Supports FASTA, GenBank, EMBL (not GFF) (default '')
136 --outdir [X] Output folder (default '')
137 --prefix [X] Prefix for output files (default 'snps')
138 --force Force overwrite of existing output folder (default OFF)
139 --pe1|R1|left [X] Reads, paired-end R1 (left) (default '')
140 --pe2|R2|right [X] Reads, paired-end R2 (right) (default '')
141 --se|single [X] Single-end reads (default '')
142 --peil [X] Reads, paired-end R1/R2 interleaved (default '')
143 --mapqual [n.n] Minimum mapping quality to allow (default '60')
144 --mincov [N] Minimum coverage of variant site (default '10')
145 --minfrac [n.n] Minumum proportion for variant evidence (default '0.9')
146 --report Produce long report with visual alignment (slow) (default OFF)
147 --cleanup Remove all non-SNP files: BAMs, indices etc (default OFF)
148 --rgid [X] Use this @RG ID: in the BAM header (default '')
149 --bwaopt [X] Extra BWA MEM options, eg. -x pacbio (default '')
151 ]]></help>
153 <citations>
154 <citation type="bibtex">@UNPUBLISHED{Seemann2013,
155 author = "Seemann T",
156 title = "snippy: fast bacterial variant calling from NGS reads",
157 year = "2015",
158 note = "https://github.com/tseemann/snippy"}
159 </citation>
160 </citations>
162 </tool>