
age author description
2015-10-30 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Update README (notes on matplotlib)
2015-10-30 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Use latest version of riboplot from PyPI (0.2.2)
2015-10-16 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Use latest version of riboplot from PyPI (0.2.1)
2015-09-11 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Use latest version (0.1.1) from PyPI
2015-09-02 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Working install (virtualenv)
2015-09-02 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Attempt 4 using virtualenv
2015-09-01 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Attempt 3 using virtualenv
2015-09-01 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Attempt 2 using virtualenv
2015-09-01 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Attempt using a virtualenv
2015-08-31 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Remove ez_setup from dependencies
2015-08-31 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Remove interpreter option from wrappers. Update requirements.txt
2015-08-31 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Add toolshed URL link in tool dependencies
2015-08-31 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Merge
2015-08-28 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Use packages from the test toolshed. Add bedtools dependency
2015-08-31 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Update tool_dependencies to install package from pip
2015-08-31 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Fix tool dependencies
2015-08-27 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Replace docs with include directives (rst)
2015-08-27 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Update README, add new sample image
2015-08-26 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Version as released on PyPI 0.1.0
2015-08-21 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Update matplolib changeset
2015-08-19 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Add a test to check if a valid FASTA file is used (ribocount)
2015-08-19 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Simple error message now output to HTML. Detailed error goes to standard error.
2015-08-17 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Fix usage link
2015-08-17 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Add sample images for ribocount and riboplot
2015-08-17 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Add help section in xml and update usage documentation
2015-08-13 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Bugfix: (ribocounts) Read length was sent as rnafile argument in check_optional_arguments
2015-08-12 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Tests for valid RNA Seq bam and warnings when there are no RNA counts
2015-08-12 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Remove include directives in rsti (docs). Replaced with links instead
2015-08-12 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Move galaxy xml wrappers to top level
2015-08-12 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Updated version
2015-07-02 Vimalkumar Velayudhan Fix pysam version in riboplot (was 0.7.7 instead of 0.8.3).
2015-06-29 Vimalkumar Velayudhan remove samtools requirement and use updated pysam
2015-06-29 Vimalkumar Velayudhan First commit