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author | vmarcon |
date | Thu, 18 Jan 2018 07:56:33 -0500 |
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# R Script producing a hierarchical clustering # Input : a file containing a table with numeric values # except for the first column containing sample names # and the first line containing variable names # separator expected is <TAB> # # Clustering method : # euclidean, correlation, ... # # Ouptut : a file containing the image of the clustering #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Authors : sophie.lamarre(at) # ignacio.gonzalez(at) # luc.jouneau(at) # valentin.marcon(at) # Version : 0.9 # Date : 13/3/2017 # The function ------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------- h_clust <- function(input_file, group_member_file = NULL, output_file = "out/myplot", log_file = "log/H_Clust.html", format_image_out = "png", distance_method = "euclidean", agglomeration_method = "ward", column_clustering = TRUE, select = NULL, plot_title = "", xlab = "", ylab = "Height", width = 7, height = 7, ppi = 300, na_encoding="NA" ) { # This function allows to generate hierarchical cluster analysis on a table according to differents parameters. # It needs a dataset : the table of data and optionally a group_member data to set colored labels. # It generates a clustering tree graphic from hierarchical clustering. # # Parameters : # - input_file : input_file name # - group_member_file : input sample/tag group_member_file name # - output_file : output_file name # - log_file : log file name # - format_image_out : graphic format of the output_file. This must be one of "png", "jpeg", "tiff", "pdf" # - distance_method : the distance measure to be used. This must be one of "euclidean", "correlation", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary" or "minkowski" # - agglomeration_method : the agglomeration_method to be used. This should be one of "ward", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median" or "centroid" # - column_clustering : if TRUE clustering is performed on the columns # - select : number of top variables to use for clustering, selected by highest row variance. If NULL all the variables are selected # - plot_title : an overall title for the plot # - xlab : a title for the x axis # - ylab : a title for the y axis # - width : the width of the graphics region in inches # - height : the height of the graphics region in inches # - ppi : the nominal resolution in ppi # - na_encoding : label used to indicate missing values library(RColorBrewer) #--------------------------------------------------- # Auxiliary function #--------------------------------------------------- insert.blank = function(x) {paste(strsplit(x, "@$§", fixed = TRUE)[[1]], collapse = " ")} #--------------------------------------------------- # Titles #--------------------------------------------------- plot_title = insert.blank(plot_title) xlab = insert.blank(xlab) ylab = insert.blank(ylab) #--------------------------------------------------- # Read and verify data #--------------------------------------------------- #1°) Checks valid for all modules if (column_clustering) { variable_in_line=1 column_use="individual" line_use="variable" } else { variable_in_line=0 line_use="individual" column_use="variable" } log_error=function(message="") { cat("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Hierarchical clustering report</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n",file=log_file,append=F,sep="") cat("⚠ An error occurred while trying to read your table.\n<BR>",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat("Please check that:\n<BR>",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat("<UL>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat(" <LI> the table you want to process contains the same number of columns for each line</LI>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat(" <LI> the first line of your table is a header line (specifying the name of each ",column_use,")</LI>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat(" <LI> the first column of your table specifies the name of each ",line_use,"</LI>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat(" <LI> both individual and variable names should be unique</LI>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat(" <LI> each value is separated from the other by a <B>TAB</B> character</LI>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat(" <LI> except for first line and first column, table should contain a numeric value</LI>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat(" <LI> this value may contain character '.' as decimal separator or '",na_encoding,"' for missing values</LI>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat("</UL>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat("-------<BR>\nError messages recieved :<BR><FONT color=red>\n",conditionMessage(message),"</FONT>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat("</BODY></HTML>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") q(save="no",status=1) } tab_in=tryCatch( { tab_in=read.table(file=input_file,sep="\t",header=T,quote="\"",na.strings=na_encoding,check.names=FALSE) }, error=function(cond) { log_error(message=cond) return(NA) }, warning=function(cond) { log_error(message=cond) return(NA) }, finally={ #Do nothing special } ) if (length(dim(tab_in)) != 2 | ncol(tab_in) < 2 | nrow(tab_in) < 2) { log_error(simpleCondition("The table on which you want to do a clustering must be a data table with at least 2 rows and 2 columns.")) } rn=as.character(tab_in[,1]) if (length(rn)!=length(unique(rn))) { duplicated_rownames=table(rn) duplicated_rownames=duplicated_rownames[duplicated_rownames>1] duplicated_rownames=names(duplicated_rownames) if (length(duplicated_rownames)>3) { duplicated_rownames=c(duplicated_rownames[1:3],"...") } duplicated_rownames=paste(duplicated_rownames,collapse=", ") log_error(simpleCondition( paste("The table on which you want to do a clustering have duplicated values in the first column (", line_use," names) - duplicated ",line_use," names : ",duplicated_rownames,sep="") )) } tab=tab_in[,-1] rownames(tab)=rn #Transpose if clustering on columns if (column_clustering) { tab=t(tab) } #Check all columns are numeric tab=as.matrix(tab) for (i in 1:ncol(tab)) {[,i])[,i])) if (sum(na.v1)!=sum(na.v2)) { sel=which(na.v1!=na.v2) sel=sel[1] value=tab[sel,i] log_error(simpleCondition( paste("Column '",colnames(tab)[i],"' of your table contains non numeric values. Please check its content (on line #",sel," : value='",value,"').",sep="") )) } if (length( & sum(na.v1)!=0) {,which(na.v1)[1]) } } #2°) Check specific to clustering procedure if (!is.null(group_member_file)) { group_member <- read.table(group_member_file, header = FALSE,sep="\t") #pour l'instant, on prend la première colonne du fichier de groupe if (length(dim(group_member))==2) { ncol_group_file=ncol(group_member) nrow_group_file=nrow(group_member) n_tab = nrow(tab) if (nrow_group_file == n_tab + 1) { #We suppose first line is a header header=drop(t(group_member[1,])) colnames(group_member)=header group_member=group_member[-1,] nrow_group_file=nrow(group_member) } if (ncol_group_file==1) { if (length(dim(group_member))==2) { group_member=as.factor(group_member[,1]) } else { group_member=as.factor(as.character(group_member)) } nrow_group_file=length(group_member) } else {#first column specifies the names rn=as.character(group_member[,1]) group_member=as.factor(group_member[,2]) names(group_member)=rn cluster_names = rownames(tab) n1=sum(names(group_member) %in% cluster_names) n2=sum(cluster_names %in% names(group_member)) if (n1 != n2 | n1!=n_tab | n2 !=n_tab) { names_in_error="<UL>" for( name in names(group_member)) { if (!(name %in% cluster_names)) { names_in_error=paste(names_in_error,"<LI>",name,"</LI>",sep="") } } names_in_error=paste(names_in_error,"</UL>",sep="") log_error(simpleCondition( paste("You specified a group member file for coloring ",line_use,"s in your cluster.<BR>\n", "This file contains more than one column, therefore we suppose that the first column refers to ", "the ",line_use," names.<BR>\n", "We observed that there is not a complete correspondance between ",line_use," names in the two files you proposed.<BR>\n", "List of ",line_use," names in data group member file which does not have any match with data table file :<BR>",names_in_error,"\n", sep="" ) )) } #Order colors with names group_member=group_member[cluster_names] } } if (nrow_group_file != n_tab) { log_error(simpleCondition( paste("You specified a file for coloring ",line_use,"s in your cluster but this file contains ", nrow_group_file," lines and your table contains ",n_tab," ",line_use,"s.",sep="") )) } } if (!is.null(select)) { if (!is.numeric(select) | select<=0) log_error(simpleCondition( paste("You specified a value of top ",line_use,"s for your clustering. ", "This value should be a positive integer.",sep="") )) select <- ceiling(select) select <- min(select, nrow(tab)) select <- order(apply(tab,1,sd), decreasing = TRUE)[1:select] if (!is.null(group_member_file)) group_member <- group_member[select] tab=tab[select,] } #Does this table contains NA values for (i in 1:nrow(tab)) { if (sum([i,]))!=0) { tab[i,[i,])]=mean(tab[i,],na.rm=T) } } # Distance matrix ---------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------- if (distance_method == "correlation") { tab.dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(t(as.matrix(tab)), method = "pearson")) } else { tab.dist <- dist(tab, method = distance_method) } # Hierarchical cluster ----------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------- hc <- as.dendrogram(hclust(tab.dist, method = agglomeration_method)) # Output ------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------- lab.cex = min(1, 1/log(attr(tab.dist, "Size"), base = 5)) #output_file = paste(output_file, format_image_out, sep = ".") if (is.null(group_member_file)) { if (format_image_out == "png") { png(output_file, width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = ppi) plot(hc, main = plot_title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, nodePar = list(pch = c(NA, NA), lab.cex = lab.cex)) } if (format_image_out == "jpeg") { jpeg(output_file, width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = ppi) plot(hc, main = plot_title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, nodePar = list(pch = c(NA, NA), lab.cex = lab.cex)) } if (format_image_out == "tiff") { tiff(output_file, width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = ppi) plot(hc, main = plot_title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, nodePar = list(pch = c(NA, NA), lab.cex = lab.cex)) } if (format_image_out == "pdf") { pdf(output_file, width = width, height = height) plot(hc, main = plot_title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, nodePar = list(pch = c(NA, NA), lab.cex = lab.cex)) } } else { # Color label function ----------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------- colLab <- function(dend, gp.member, lab.cex) { label.colors <- brewer.pal(max(3, nlevels(gp.member)), "Set1") if(is.leaf(dend)) { att <- attributes(dend) labCol <- label.colors[gp.member[which(names(gp.member) == att$label)]] attr(dend, "nodePar") <- c(att$nodePar, list(lab.col = labCol, pch = c(NA, NA), lab.cex = lab.cex)) } dend } names(group_member) <- attr(tab.dist, "Labels") if (format_image_out == "png") { png(output_file, width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = ppi) plot(dendrapply(hc, colLab, group_member, lab.cex), main = plot_title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab) } if (format_image_out == "jpeg") { jpeg(output_file, width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = ppi) plot(dendrapply(hc, colLab, group_member, lab.cex), main = plot_title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab) } if (format_image_out == "tiff") { tiff(output_file, width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = ppi) plot(dendrapply(hc, colLab, group_member, lab.cex), main = plot_title, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab) } if (format_image_out == "pdf") { pdf(output_file, width = width, height = height) plot(dendrapply(hc, colLab, group_member, lab.cex), main = plot_title, sub = xlab, ylab = ylab) } } ########################################################## # Treatment successfull ########################################################## cat("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Hierarchical clustering report</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n",file=log_file,append=F,sep="") cat("✓ Your clustering process is successfull !<BR>",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") cat("</BODY></HTML>\n",file=log_file,append=T,sep="") q(save="no",status=0) } # end of function #### Test clustering #### #LJO : 13/3/2017 #setwd("H:/INRA/cati/groupe stats/Galaxy/hclust") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon1") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon2",column_clustering=FALSE, # xlab="Competitors",ylab="Distance") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon3",column_clustering=FALSE, # select=5) #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon4",column_clustering=FALSE, # distance_method="correlation",agglomeration_method="average", # format_image_out="tiff",ppi=100,width=3,height=3 #) ##Group : competitors #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon5",column_clustering=FALSE, # xlab="Competitors",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitors_groups - 1 column.txt") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon6",column_clustering=FALSE, # xlab="Competitors",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitors_groups - 2 columns.txt") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon7",column_clustering=FALSE, # xlab="Competitors",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitors_groups - 1 column with header.txt") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon8",column_clustering=FALSE, # xlab="Competitors",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitors_groups - 2 columns with header.txt") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon8",column_clustering=FALSE, # xlab="Competitors",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitors_groups - 2 columns - with error.txt") # ##Group : competitions #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon9",column_clustering=TRUE, # xlab="Competitions",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitions_groups - 1 column.txt") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon10",column_clustering=TRUE, # xlab="Competitions",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitions_groups - 2 columns.txt") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon11",column_clustering=TRUE, # xlab="Competitions",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitions_groups - 1 column with header.txt") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon12",column_clustering=TRUE, # xlab="Competitions",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitions_groups - 2 columns with header.txt") #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon13",column_clustering=TRUE, # xlab="Competitions",ylab="Distance",group_member_file="in/competitions_groups - 2 columns - with error.txt") # ##Missing values #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon - with NA.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon14",column_clustering=TRUE, # xlab="Competitions",ylab="Distance",na_encoding="missing_value") # ##Top 5 competitions #h_clust(input_file="in/decathlon.txt",plot_title="declathlon",output_file="out/decathlon15",column_clustering=TRUE, # xlab="Competitions",ylab="Distance",select=5)