changeset 0:2066efbafd7c draft

planemo upload for repository commit 6384fcf4496a64affe0b8a173c3f7ea09a275ffb
author yguitton
date Wed, 13 Jul 2016 06:46:45 -0400
children 142fbe102a9d
files README.rst Readme.txt lib_metams.r metams.r metams_runGC.xml static/images/gcms_workflow.png static/images/metaMS_BPCs.png test-data/RI.csv test-data/ test-data/dataMatrix.tsv test-data/sampleMetadata.tsv test-data/threeStdsDB.msp test-data/variableMetadata.tsv
diffstat 14 files changed, 1353 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.rst	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+**Version 1.1 - 11/07/2016**
+- TEST: refactoring to pass planemo test using conda dependencies
+**Version 1.0 - 01/06/2015**
+- NEW: new tool
+Test Status
+Planemo test using conda: passed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Readme.txt	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+####                  GC-MS data processing version 0.99.5                ####
+I. Date: 2015-05-26
+II. Author and maintainer:
+   Yann GUITTON
+   LINA - équipe Combi (CNRS, Univ-Nantes, EMN, INRIA)
+   IRISA -  équipe Dyliss (CNRS, Univ-Rennes 1, INRIA) 
+   Phone: +33 2 51 12 53 90
+   E-mail: /
+III. Funding
+   Developed within IDEALG project (
+IV. Usage restrictions
+   Use of this tool is restricted to the service conditions of the MetaboHUB-IFB infrastructures.
+   For any question regarding the use of these services, please contact:
+V. Installation
+   4 files are required for installation:
+   1) 'README.txt'
+         Instructions for installation
+   2) 'idealg_metams_runGC.xml'
+         Configuration file; to be put into the './galaxy-dist/tools/' directory
+		+ 2.png files for illustration
+   3) 'metams.R'
+         Wrapper code written in R aimed at launching the runGC function from the metaMS package given the arguments entered by the user through the Galaxy interface
+   4) 'metaMS R package '
+         The 'metaMS' package requires dependencies and can be installed with 
+                source("")
+                biocLite("metaMS")
+         This code is for installation of the Galaxy module on the MetaboHUB-IFB platform only and must not be distributed without the author agreement
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib_metams.r	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+# lib_metams.r version 0.99.6
+# R function for metaMS runGC under W4M
+# author Yann GUITTON CNRS IRISA/LINA Idealg project 2014-2015
+getBPC <- function(file,rtcor=NULL, ...) {
+     object <- xcmsRaw(file)
+	 sel <- profRange(object, ...)
+	 cbind(if (is.null(rtcor)) object@scantime[sel$scanidx] else rtcor ,xcms:::colMax(object@env$profile[sel$massidx,sel$scanidx,drop=FALSE]))
+getBPC2s <- function (files, pdfname="BPCs.pdf", rt = c("raw","corrected"), scanrange=NULL) {
+    require(xcms)
+    #create sampleMetadata, get sampleMetadata and class
+    sampleMetadata<-xcms:::phenoDataFromPaths(files)
+    class<-class<-as.vector(levels(sampleMetadata[,"class"])) #create phenoData like table
+    classnames<-vector("list",length(class))
+    for (i in 1:length(class)){
+        classnames[[i]]<-which( sampleMetadata[,1]==class[i])
+    }
+    N <- dim(sampleMetadata)[1]
+    TIC <- vector("list",N)
+    for (j in 1:N) {
+        cat(files[j],"\n")
+        TIC[[j]] <- getBPC(files[j])
+        #good for raw 
+        # seems strange for corrected
+        #errors if scanrange used in xcmsSetgeneration
+        if (!is.null(xcmsSet) && rt == "corrected")
+          rtcor <- xcmsSet@rt$corrected[[j]] else
+          rtcor <- NULL
+          TIC[[j]] <- getBPC(files[j],rtcor=rtcor)
+    }
+    pdf(pdfname,w=16,h=10)
+    cols <- rainbow(N)
+    lty = 1:N
+    pch = 1:N
+    #search for max x and max y in BPCs
+    xlim = range(sapply(TIC, function(x) range(x[,1])))
+    ylim = range(sapply(TIC, function(x) range(x[,2])))
+    ylim = c(-ylim[2], ylim[2])
+    ##plot start
+    if (length(class)>2){
+      for (k in 1:(length(class)-1)){
+        for (l in (k+1):length(class)){
+            print(paste(class[k],"vs",class[l],sep=" ")) 
+            plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim = xlim/60, ylim = ylim, main = paste("Base Peak Chromatograms \n","BPCs_",class[k]," vs ",class[l], sep=""), xlab = "Retention Time (min)", ylab = "BPC")
+            colvect<-NULL
+           for (j in 1:length(classnames[[k]])) {
+              tic <- TIC[[classnames[[k]][j]]]
+              # points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[i], pch = pch[i], type="l")
+              points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[k]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[k]][j]], type="l")
+              colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[k]][j]])
+            }
+          for (j in 1:length(classnames[[l]])) {
+          # i=class2names[j]
+          tic <- TIC[[classnames[[l]][j]]]
+          points(tic[,1]/60, -tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[l]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[l]][j]], type="l")
+          colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[l]][j]])
+          }
+          legend("topright",paste(basename(files[c(classnames[[k]],classnames[[l]])])), col = colvect, lty = lty, pch = pch)
+        }
+      }
+    }#end if length >2
+    if (length(class)==2){
+        k=1
+		l=2
+        colvect<-NULL
+        plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim = xlim/60, ylim = ylim, main = paste("Base Peak Chromatograms \n","BPCs_",class[k],"vs",class[l], sep=""), xlab = "Retention Time (min)", ylab = "BPC")
+       for (j in 1:length(classnames[[k]])) {
+          tic <- TIC[[classnames[[k]][j]]]
+          # points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[i], pch = pch[i], type="l")
+          points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[k]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[k]][j]], type="l")
+          colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[k]][j]])
+        }
+      for (j in 1:length(classnames[[l]])) {
+          # i=class2names[j]
+          tic <- TIC[[classnames[[l]][j]]]
+          points(tic[,1]/60, -tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[l]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[l]][j]], type="l")
+          colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[l]][j]])
+      }
+      legend("topright",paste(basename(files[c(classnames[[k]],classnames[[l]])])), col = colvect, lty = lty, pch = pch)
+    }#end length ==2
+       if (length(class)==1){
+        k=1
+		ylim = range(sapply(TIC, function(x) range(x[,2])))
+        colvect<-NULL
+        plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim = xlim/60, ylim = ylim, main = paste("Base Peak Chromatograms \n","BPCs_",class[k], sep=""), xlab = "Retention Time (min)", ylab = "BPC")
+       for (j in 1:length(classnames[[k]])) {
+          tic <- TIC[[classnames[[k]][j]]]
+          # points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[i], pch = pch[i], type="l")
+          points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[k]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[k]][j]], type="l")
+          colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[k]][j]])
+        }
+      legend("topright",paste(basename(files[c(classnames[[k]])])), col = colvect, lty = lty, pch = pch)
+    }#end length ==1
+    # invisible(TIC)
+getTIC <- function(file,rtcor=NULL) {
+     object <- xcmsRaw(file)
+     cbind(if (is.null(rtcor)) object@scantime else rtcor, rawEIC(object,mzrange=range(object@env$mz))$intensity)
+##  overlay TIC from all files in current folder or from xcmsSet, create pdf
+getTIC2s <- function(files, pdfname="TICs.pdf", rt=c("raw","corrected")) {
+    #create sampleMetadata, get sampleMetadata and class
+    sampleMetadata<-xcms:::phenoDataFromPaths(files)
+    class<-class<-as.vector(levels(sampleMetadata[,"class"])) #create phenoData like table
+    classnames<-vector("list",length(class))
+    for (i in 1:length(class)){
+        classnames[[i]]<-which( sampleMetadata[,1]==class[i])
+    }
+    N <- dim(sampleMetadata)[1]
+    TIC <- vector("list",N)
+    for (i in 1:N) {
+        cat(files[i],"\n")
+        if (!is.null(xcmsSet) && rt == "corrected")
+            rtcor <- xcmsSet@rt$corrected[[i]]
+        else
+            rtcor <- NULL
+        TIC[[i]] <- getTIC(files[i],rtcor=rtcor)
+    }
+    pdf(pdfname,w=16,h=10)
+    cols <- rainbow(N)
+    lty = 1:N
+    pch = 1:N
+    #search for max x and max y in TICs
+    xlim = range(sapply(TIC, function(x) range(x[,1])))
+    ylim = range(sapply(TIC, function(x) range(x[,2])))
+    ylim = c(-ylim[2], ylim[2])
+    ##plot start
+    if (length(class)>2){
+        for (k in 1:(length(class)-1)){
+            for (l in (k+1):length(class)){
+                print(paste(class[k],"vs",class[l],sep=" ")) 
+                plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim = xlim/60, ylim = ylim, main = paste("Total Ion Chromatograms \n","TICs_",class[k]," vs ",class[l], sep=""), xlab = "Retention Time (min)", ylab = "TIC")
+                colvect<-NULL
+                for (j in 1:length(classnames[[k]])) {
+                    tic <- TIC[[classnames[[k]][j]]]
+                    # points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[i], pch = pch[i], type="l")
+                    points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[k]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[k]][j]], type="l")
+                    colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[k]][j]])
+                }
+                for (j in 1:length(classnames[[l]])) {
+                    # i=class2names[j]
+                    tic <- TIC[[classnames[[l]][j]]]
+                    points(tic[,1]/60, -tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[l]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[l]][j]], type="l")
+                    colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[l]][j]])
+                }
+                legend("topright",paste(basename(files[c(classnames[[k]],classnames[[l]])])), col = colvect, lty = lty, pch = pch)
+            }
+        }
+    }#end if length >2
+    if (length(class)==2){
+        k=1
+        l=2
+        plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim = xlim/60, ylim = ylim, main = paste("Total Ion Chromatograms \n","TICs_",class[k],"vs",class[l], sep=""), xlab = "Retention Time (min)", ylab = "TIC")
+        colvect<-NULL
+        for (j in 1:length(classnames[[k]])) {
+            tic <- TIC[[classnames[[k]][j]]]
+            # points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[i], pch = pch[i], type="l")
+            points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[k]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[k]][j]], type="l")
+            colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[k]][j]])
+        }
+        for (j in 1:length(classnames[[l]])) {
+            # i=class2names[j]
+            tic <- TIC[[classnames[[l]][j]]]
+            points(tic[,1]/60, -tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[l]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[l]][j]], type="l")
+            colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[l]][j]])
+        }
+        legend("topright",paste(basename(files[c(classnames[[k]],classnames[[l]])])), col = colvect, lty = lty, pch = pch)
+    }#end length ==2
+    if (length(class)==1){
+        k=1
+        ylim = range(sapply(TIC, function(x) range(x[,2])))
+        plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim = xlim/60, ylim = ylim, main = paste("Total Ion Chromatograms \n","TICs_",class[k], sep=""), xlab = "Retention Time (min)", ylab = "TIC")
+        colvect<-NULL
+        for (j in 1:length(classnames[[k]])) {
+            tic <- TIC[[classnames[[k]][j]]]
+            # points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[i], pch = pch[i], type="l")
+            points(tic[,1]/60, tic[,2], col = cols[classnames[[k]][j]], pch = pch[classnames[[k]][j]], type="l")
+            colvect<-append(colvect,cols[classnames[[k]][j]])
+        }
+        legend("topright",paste(basename(files[c(classnames[[k]])])), col = colvect, lty = lty, pch = pch)
+    }#end length ==1
+    # invisible(TIC)
+##addition for quality control of peak picking
+#metaMS EIC and pspectra plotting option
+#version 20150512
+#only for Galaxy 
+plotUnknowns<-function(resGC, unkn=""){
+    ##Annotation table each value is a pcgrp associated to the unknown 
+    ##NOTE pcgrp index are different between xcmsSet and resGC due to filtering steps in metaMS
+    ##R. Wehrens give me some clues on that and we found a correction
+    mat<-matrix(ncol=length(resGC$xset), nrow=dim(resGC$PeakTable)[1])
+    for (j in 1: length(resGC$xset)){
+        test<-resGC$annotation[[j]]
+        print(paste("j=",j))
+        for (i in 1:dim(test)[1]){
+            if (as.numeric(row.names(test)[i])>dim(mat)[1]){
+                next
+            } else {
+                mat[as.numeric(row.names(test)[i]),j]<-test[i,1]
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    colnames(mat)<-colnames(resGC$PeakTable[,c((which(colnames(resGC$PeakTable)=="rt"|colnames(resGC$PeakTable)=="RI")[length(which(colnames(resGC$PeakTable)=="rt"|colnames(resGC$PeakTable)=="RI"))]+1):dim(resGC$PeakTable)[2])])
+    #debug
+    # print(dim(mat))
+    # print(mat[1:3,]) 
+    # write.table(mat, file="myannotationtable.tsv", sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)
+    #correction of annotation matrix due to pcgrp removal by quality check in runGCresult
+    #matrix of correspondance between an@pspectra and filtered pspectra from runGC
+    allPCGRPs <-
+        lapply(1:length(resGC$xset),
+            function(i) {
+                an <- resGC$xset[[i]]
+                huhn <- an@pspectra[which(sapply(an@pspectra, length) >=
+                metaSetting(resGC$settings,
+                "DBconstruction.minfeat"))]
+                matCORR<-cbind(1:length(huhn), match(huhn, an@pspectra))
+            })
+    if (unkn[1]==""){    
+    #plot EIC and spectra for all unknown for comparative purpose
+        par (mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
+        for (l in 1:dim(resGC$PeakTable)[1]){ #l=2
+            #recordPlot
+            perpage=3 #if change change layout also!
+            num.plots <- ceiling(dim(mat)[2]/perpage) #three pcgroup per page
+            my.plots <- vector(num.plots, mode='list')
+  , height=29.7/2.54, file=paste("Unknown_",l,".pdf", sep="")) #A4 pdf
+            # par(mfrow=c(perpage,2))
+            layout(matrix(c(1,1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,7,8,9), 6, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths=rep(c(1,1),perpage), heights=rep(c(1,5),perpage))
+            #
+            oma.saved <- par("oma")
+            par(oma =, 4))
+            par(oma = oma.saved)
+            o.par <- par(mar =, 4))
+            on.exit(par(o.par))
+            stop=0 #initialize
+            for (i in 1:num.plots) {
+                start=stop+1
+                stop=start+perpage-1 #
+                for (c in start:stop){
+                    if (c <=dim(mat)[2]){
+                        #get sample name
+                        sampname<-basename(resGC$xset[[c]]@xcmsSet@filepaths)
+                        #remove .cdf, .mzXML filepattern
+                        filepattern <- c("[Cc][Dd][Ff]", "[Nn][Cc]", "([Mm][Zz])?[Xx][Mm][Ll]", 
+                                "[Mm][Zz][Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]", "[Mm][Zz][Mm][Ll]")
+                        filepattern <- paste(paste("\\.", filepattern, "$", sep = ""), 
+                                collapse = "|")
+                        sampname<-gsub(filepattern, "",sampname)
+                        title1<-paste("unknown", l,"from",sampname, sep=" ")
+                        an<-resGC$xset[[c]]
+                        par (mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0) + 0.1)
+                        box()
+                        text(0.5, 0.5, title1, cex=2)
+                        if (![l,c])){
+                            pcgrp=allPCGRPs[[c]][which(allPCGRPs[[c]][,1]==mat[l,c]),2]
+                            if (pcgrp!=mat[l,c]) print ("pcgrp changed")
+                            par (mar=c(3, 2.5, 3, 1.5) + 0.1)
+                            plotEICs(an, pspec=pcgrp, maxlabel=2)
+                            plotPsSpectrum(an, pspec=pcgrp, maxlabel=2)
+                        } else {
+                            box()
+                            text(0.5, 0.5, "NOT FOUND", cex=2)
+                            box()
+                            text(0.5, 0.5, "NOT FOUND", cex=2)
+                        }
+                    }
+                 }
+                # my.plots[[i]] <- recordPlot()
+            }
+                # pdf(file=paste("Unknown_",l,".pdf", sep=""), onefile=TRUE)
+                # for (my.plot in my.plots) {
+                    # replayPlot(my.plot)
+                # }
+                # my.plots
+                #
+        }#end  for l
+    }#end if unkn=""
+    else{
+        par (mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
+        l=unkn
+        if (length(l)==1){
+            #recordPlot
+            perpage=3 #if change change layout also!
+            num.plots <- ceiling(dim(mat)[2]/perpage) #three pcgroup per page
+            my.plots <- vector(num.plots, mode='list')
+  , height=29.7/2.54, file=paste("Unknown_",l,".pdf", sep="")) #A4 pdf
+            # par(mfrow=c(perpage,2))
+            layout(matrix(c(1,1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,7,8,9), 6, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths=rep(c(1,1),perpage), heights=rep(c(1,5),perpage))
+            #
+            oma.saved <- par("oma")
+            par(oma =, 4))
+            par(oma = oma.saved)
+            o.par <- par(mar =, 4))
+            on.exit(par(o.par))
+            stop=0 #initialize
+            for (i in 1:num.plots) {
+                start=stop+1
+                stop=start+perpage-1 #
+                for (c in start:stop){
+                    if (c <=dim(mat)[2]){
+                        #get sample name
+                        sampname<-basename(resGC$xset[[c]]@xcmsSet@filepaths)
+                        #remove .cdf, .mzXML filepattern
+                        filepattern <- c("[Cc][Dd][Ff]", "[Nn][Cc]", "([Mm][Zz])?[Xx][Mm][Ll]", "[Mm][Zz][Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]", "[Mm][Zz][Mm][Ll]")
+                        filepattern <- paste(paste("\\.", filepattern, "$", sep = ""), collapse = "|")
+                        sampname<-gsub(filepattern, "",sampname)
+                        title1<-paste("unknown", l,"from",sampname, sep=" ")
+                        an<-resGC$xset[[c]]
+                        par (mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0) + 0.1)
+                        box()
+                        text(0.5, 0.5, title1, cex=2)
+                        if (![l,c])){
+                            pcgrp=allPCGRPs[[c]][which(allPCGRPs[[c]][,1]==mat[l,c]),2]
+                            if (pcgrp!=mat[l,c]) print ("pcgrp changed")
+                            par (mar=c(3, 2.5, 3, 1.5) + 0.1)
+                            plotEICs(an, pspec=pcgrp, maxlabel=2)
+                            plotPsSpectrum(an, pspec=pcgrp, maxlabel=2)
+                        } else {
+                            box()
+                            text(0.5, 0.5, "NOT FOUND", cex=2)
+                            box()
+                            text(0.5, 0.5, "NOT FOUND", cex=2)
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                # my.plots[[i]] <- recordPlot()
+            }
+            # pdf(file=paste("Unknown_",l,".pdf", sep=""), onefile=TRUE)
+            # for (my.plot in my.plots) {
+                # replayPlot(my.plot)
+            # }
+            # my.plots
+            #
+        } else {
+            par (mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
+            for (l in 1:length(unkn)){ #l=2
+                #recordPlot
+                perpage=3 #if change change layout also!
+                num.plots <- ceiling(dim(mat)[2]/perpage) #three pcgroup per page
+                my.plots <- vector(num.plots, mode='list')
+      , height=29.7/2.54, file=paste("Unknown_",unkn[l],".pdf", sep="")) #A4 pdf
+                # par(mfrow=c(perpage,2))
+                layout(matrix(c(1,1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,7,8,9), 6, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths=rep(c(1,1),perpage), heights=rep(c(1,5),perpage))
+                #
+                oma.saved <- par("oma")
+                par(oma =, 4))
+                par(oma = oma.saved)
+                o.par <- par(mar =, 4))
+                on.exit(par(o.par))
+                stop=0 #initialize
+                for (i in 1:num.plots) {
+                    start=stop+1
+                    stop=start+perpage-1 #
+                    for (c in start:stop){
+                        if (c <=dim(mat)[2]){
+                            #get sample name
+                            sampname<-basename(resGC$xset[[c]]@xcmsSet@filepaths)
+                            #remove .cdf, .mzXML filepattern
+                            filepattern <- c("[Cc][Dd][Ff]", "[Nn][Cc]", "([Mm][Zz])?[Xx][Mm][Ll]", "[Mm][Zz][Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]", "[Mm][Zz][Mm][Ll]")
+                            filepattern <- paste(paste("\\.", filepattern, "$", sep = ""), collapse = "|")
+                            sampname<-gsub(filepattern, "",sampname)
+                            title1<-paste("unknown",unkn[l],"from",sampname, sep=" ")
+                            an<-resGC$xset[[c]]
+                            par (mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0) + 0.1)
+                            box()
+                            text(0.5, 0.5, title1, cex=2)
+                            if (![unkn[l],c])){
+                                pcgrp=allPCGRPs[[c]][which(allPCGRPs[[c]][,1]==mat[unkn[l],c]),2]
+                                if (pcgrp!=mat[unkn[l],c]) print ("pcgrp changed")
+                                par (mar=c(3, 2.5, 3, 1.5) + 0.1)
+                                plotEICs(an, pspec=pcgrp, maxlabel=2)
+                                plotPsSpectrum(an, pspec=pcgrp, maxlabel=2)
+                            } else {
+                                box()
+                                text(0.5, 0.5, "NOT FOUND", cex=2)
+                                box()
+                                text(0.5, 0.5, "NOT FOUND", cex=2)
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    # my.plots[[i]] <- recordPlot()
+                }
+                # pdf(file=paste("Unknown_",unkn[l],".pdf", sep=""), onefile=TRUE)
+                # for (my.plot in my.plots) {
+                    # replayPlot(my.plot)
+                # }
+                # my.plots
+                #
+            }#end  for unkn[l]
+        }
+    }
+} #end function 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/metams.r	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+#!/usr/local/public/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave --no-site-file
+# metams.r version="0.99.9"
+#created by Yann GUITTON 
+#Redirect all stdout to the log file
+log_file=file("metams.log", open = "wt")
+sink(log_file, type = "out")
+library(batch) #necessary for parseCommandArgs function
+source_local <- function(fname) {
+    argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
+    base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
+    source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep="/"))
+listArguments = parseCommandArgs(evaluate=FALSE) #interpretation of arguments given in command line as an R list of objects
+print("new version 8")
+if (listArguments[["ri"]]!="NULL"){
+    RIarg=read.table(listArguments[["ri"]], h=T)
+    colnames(RIarg)<-c("rt","RI")
+    # print(RIarg)
+} else {
+    RIarg = NULL
+    # cat("Ri= ",RIarg)
+# if (listArguments[["use_db"]]!="NULL"){
+if (DBarg!="NULL"){
+    DBarg=listArguments[["db"]]
+    cat("Db= ",DBarg)
+} else {
+    DBarg = NULL
+    cat("NO Db : ",DBarg)
+#for unknown EIC printing
+if (listArguments[["unkn"]]!="NULL") {
+    unknarg<-""
+} else { 
+    unknarg<-listArguments[["unkn"]]
+#remove unused arguments
+listArguments[["db"]] <- NULL
+listArguments[["ri"]] <- NULL
+print(" step2")
+#runGC accept either a list of files a zip folder or an xset object from xcms.xcmsSet tool
+#CASE 2  from zip file
+#necessary to unzip .zip file uploaded to Galaxy
+#thanks to .zip file it's possible to upload many file as the same time conserving the tree hierarchy of directories
+if (!is.null(listArguments[["zipfile"]])){
+    print("CASE 2 from zip file")
+    directory=unzip(listArguments[["zipfile"]])
+    listArguments=append(list(directory), listArguments)
+    metams_zip_file= listArguments[["zipfile"]]
+    listArguments[["zipfile"]]=NULL
+    filepattern <- c("[Cc][Dd][Ff]", "[Nn][Cc]", "([Mm][Zz])?[Xx][Mm][Ll]","[Mm][Zz][Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]", "[Mm][Zz][Mm][Ll]")
+    filepattern <- paste(paste("\\.", filepattern, "$", sep = ""),collapse = "|") 
+    #samples<-list.files(path=directory, pattern=filepattern, all.files=FALSE,recursive=TRUE,full.names=TRUE,
+    samples<-directory[grep(filepattern, directory)]
+    # cat(samples) #debugg
+    #create sampleMetadata, get sampleMetadata and class
+    sampleMetadata<-xcms:::phenoDataFromPaths(samples)
+    sampleMetadata<-cbind(sampleMetadata=rownames(sampleMetadata),sampleMetadata)
+    row.names(sampleMetadata)<-NULL
+} else {
+	metams_zip_file=""
+#CASE 3 from xset is an .RData file necessary to use the xcmsSet object generated by xcms.xcmsSet given by previous tools
+if (!is.null(listArguments[["xset"]])){
+    print("CASE 3 from xset")
+    require(CAMERA, quietly = TRUE)
+    load(listArguments[["xset"]])
+    cat(class(xset))
+    xsetparam=listArguments[["xset"]]
+    listArguments[["xset"]]=NULL #remove xset from arguments
+    #xset from xcms.xcmsSet is not well formatted for metaMS this function do the formatting
+    if (class(xset)=="xcmsSet"){
+        #treat case where Rdata came from xcmsSet with zip file entry
+    	if(exists("zip_file")){
+            if (zip_file!=""){
+                directory=unzip(zip_file)
+                print("CASE 3 from xset and with ZIP input")
+            } else {
+                print("CASE 3 from xset and with LIBRARY input")
+            }
+        }
+        #end zip file case
+        if (length(xset@rt$raw)>1){
+            #create an exceptable list of xset for metaMS
+            xset.l<-vector("list",length(xset@rt$raw))
+            for (i in 1:length(xset@rt$raw)){
+                xset.l[[i]]<-new("xcmsSet")
+                xset.l[[i]]@peaks<-xset@peaks[which(xset@peaks[,"sample"]==i),]
+                df<-data.frame(class=xset@phenoData[i,])
+                rownames(df)<-rownames(xset@phenoData)[i]
+                xset.l[[i]]@phenoData<-df
+                xset.l[[i]]@rt$raw<-xset@rt$raw[[i]]
+                xset.l[[i]]@rt$corrected<-xset@rt$corrected[[i]]
+                xset.l[[i]]@filepaths<-xset@filepaths[i]
+                xset.l[[i]]@profinfo<-xset@profinfo
+             }
+        } else {
+            xset.l<-xset
+        }
+    }
+    #create sampleMetadata, get sampleMetadata and class
+    sampleMetadata<-xset@phenoData
+    sampleMetadata<-cbind(sampleMetadata=rownames(sampleMetadata),sampleMetadata)
+    row.names(sampleMetadata)<-NULL
+    samples<-xset@filepaths
+} else {
+   xsetparam<-NULL
+#Import the different functions
+#load function for ploting EICs and pspectra
+# source_local("plotUnknown.r")
+#settings process
+if (listArguments[["settings"]]=="default") {
+	data(FEMsettings) 
+    if (listArguments[["rtrange"]][1]!="NULL") {
+        rtrange=listArguments[["rtrange"]]
+    } else {
+        rtrange=NULL
+    }
+	if (!is.null(DBarg)){
+		manual <- read.msp(DBarg)
+		DBarg <- createSTDdbGC(stdInfo = NULL, settings = TSQXLS.GC, manualDB = manual)
+	}
+    nSlaves=listArguments[["nSlaves"]]
+    if(!metams_zip_file=="") {
+        resGC<-runGC(files=samples,settings=TSQXLS.GC, rtrange=rtrange, DB= DBarg, removeArtefacts = TRUE, findUnknowns = TRUE, returnXset = TRUE, RIstandards = RIarg, nSlaves = nSlaves) #default settings for GC from Wehrens et al
+    }
+    if(!is.null(xsetparam)){
+        settingslist=TSQXLS.GC
+        if (class(xset.l[[1]])!="xsAnnotate"){
+            cat("Process xsAnnotate")
+            xset<-lapply(xset.l,
+                 function(x) {
+                   y <- xsAnnotate(x, sample = 1)
+                   capture.output(z <- groupFWHM(y, perfwhm = settingslist@CAMERA$perfwhm),
+                                  file = NULL)
+                   z})
+        }
+        resGC<-runGC(xset=xset,settings=TSQXLS.GC, rtrange=rtrange, DB= DBarg, removeArtefacts = TRUE, findUnknowns = TRUE, returnXset = TRUE, RIstandards = RIarg, nSlaves = nSlaves) #default settings for GC from Wehrens et al
+    }
+if (listArguments[["settings"]]=="User_defined") {
+	listArguments[["settings"]]=NULL #delete from the list of arguments
+	fwhmparam=listArguments[["fwhm"]]
+	rtdiffparam=listArguments[["rtdiff"]]
+	#RIdiffparam=listArguments[["RIdiff"]] #only if timeComparison = "RI"
+	minfeatparam=listArguments[["minfeat"]]
+	simthreshparam=listArguments[["simthreshold"]]
+    minclassfractionparam=listArguments[["minclassfraction"]]
+    minclasssizeparam=listArguments[["minclasssize"]]
+    if (listArguments[["rtrange"]]!="NULL") {
+        rtrange=listArguments[["rtrange"]]
+        cat("rtrange= ",rtrange)
+    } else {
+        rtrange=NULL
+        cat("rtrange= ",rtrange)
+    }
+    nSlaves=listArguments[["nSlaves"]]
+	GALAXY.GC <- metaMSsettings("protocolName" = "GALAXY.GC",
+								"chrom" = "GC",
+								PeakPicking = list(
+								  method = "matchedFilter",
+								  step = 0.5,
+								  steps = 2,
+								  mzdiff = .5,
+								  fwhm = fwhmparam,
+								  snthresh = 2,
+								  max = 500),
+							   CAMERA = list(perfwhm = 1))
+	metaSetting(GALAXY.GC, "DBconstruction") <- list(
+				minintens = 0.0,
+				rttol = rtdiffparam,
+				intensityMeasure = "maxo",
+				DBthreshold = .80, 
+				minfeat = minfeatparam)
+	metaSetting(GALAXY.GC, "match2DB") <- list(
+				simthresh = simthreshparam,
+				timeComparison = "rt",
+				rtdiff = rtdiffparam,
+				RIdiff = 5,
+				minfeat = minfeatparam)
+    #to be used when DB option will be available
+	# metaSetting(GALAXY.GC, "matchIrrelevants") <- list(
+				# irrelevantClasses = c("Bleeding", "Plasticizers"),
+				# timeComparison = "rt",
+				# RIdiff = 2,    
+				# rtdiff = rtdiffparam,
+				# simthresh = simthreshparam)
+	metaSetting(GALAXY.GC, "betweenSamples") <- list(
+				min.class.fraction = minclassfractionparam,
+				min.class.size = minclasssizeparam,
+				timeComparison = "rt",
+				rtdiff = rtdiffparam,
+				RIdiff = 2,    
+				simthresh = simthreshparam)
+        # files, xset, settings, rtrange = NULL, DB = NULL,
+       # removeArtefacts = TRUE, findUnknowns = nexp > 1,
+       # returnXset = FALSE, RIstandards = NULL, nSlaves = 0
+	if (!is.null(DBarg)){
+		manual <- read.msp(DBarg)
+		DBarg <- createSTDdbGC(stdInfo = NULL, settings = GALAXY.GC, manualDB = manual)
+	}
+    if (!metams_zip_file=="") {
+        resGC<-runGC(files=samples,settings=GALAXY.GC,rtrange = rtrange, DB= DBarg , removeArtefacts = TRUE, findUnknowns = TRUE, returnXset = TRUE, RIstandards = RIarg, nSlaves = nSlaves)
+    }
+    if(!is.null(xsetparam)) {
+        settingslist=GALAXY.GC
+        if (class(xset.l[[1]])!="xsAnnotate") {
+            print("Process xsAnnotate")
+            xset<-lapply(xset.l,
+                 function(x) {
+                   y <- xsAnnotate(x, sample = 1)
+                   capture.output(z <- groupFWHM(y, perfwhm = settingslist@CAMERA$perfwhm),
+                                  file = NULL)
+                   z})
+        }
+        resGC<-runGC(xset=xset,settings=GALAXY.GC,rtrange = rtrange, DB= DBarg, removeArtefacts = TRUE, findUnknowns = TRUE, returnXset = TRUE, RIstandards = RIarg, nSlaves = nSlaves)
+    }
+#peakTable ordered by rt
+write.table(peaktable, file="peaktable.tsv", sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)
+#peakTable for PCA 
+dataMatrix<-cbind(Name=resGC$PeakTable[,"Name"],resGC$PeakTable[,(colnames(resGC$PeakTable) %in% sampleMetadata[,1])])
+write.table(dataMatrix, file="dataMatrix.tsv", sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+variableMetadata<-resGC$PeakTable[,!(colnames(resGC$PeakTable) %in% sampleMetadata[,1])]
+write.table(variableMetadata, file="variableMetadata.tsv", sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+write.table(sampleMetadata, file="sampleMetadata.tsv", sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+#peak spectrum as MSP for DB search
+write.msp(resGC$PseudoSpectra, file="peakspectra.msp", newFile = TRUE)
+#TIC/BPC picture generation
+ # use files as entry not xset that do not exist   
+#Use getTIC2s and getBPC2s because getTICs and getBPCs can exists due to transfert of function in Rdata
+b<-getTIC2s(files = samples, pdfname="TICs_raw.pdf", rt="raw")
+c<-getBPC2s(files=samples, rt="raw", pdfname="BPCs_raw.pdf")  
+print("Step QC plot")
+#Quality controls plots but only working in R (don't know why)
+a<-plotUnknowns(resGC=resGC, unkn=unknarg) #use unknparam value
+# create a mergpdf
+system(paste('gs  -o TICsBPCs_merged.pdf  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite  -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress  *Cs_raw.pdf'))
+system(paste('gs  -o GCMS_EIC.pdf  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite  -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress  Unknown_*'))
+############################################TEST FUNCTION START#################################################################
+############################################TEST FUNCTION END#################################################################
+#zip files of all runGC outputs
+system(paste('ls . | grep -e "tsv$"  -e "msp$"  -e "GCMS_" | zip -r -@ ""'))
+#delete the parameters to avoid the passage to the next tool in .RData image
+#saving R data in .Rdata file to save the variables used in the present tool
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/metams_runGC.xml	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ <tool id="metams_runGC" name="metaMS.runGC" version="1.1">
+    <description>GC-MS data preprocessing using metaMS package</description>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1.8.0">bioconductor-metams</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1.46.0">bioconductor-xcms</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1.1_4">r-batch</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <stdio>
+        <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" />
+    </stdio>
+    <command>
+        Rscript $__tool_directory__/metams.r
+        #if $inputs.input == "zip_file":
+                zipfile $zip_file
+        #elif $inputs.input == "xset":
+                xset  $inputs.xset
+        #end if
+   		#if $settings.setting == "gcdefault":
+		    settings "default"
+	    #elif $settings.setting == "usersettings":
+		    settings "User_defined"
+		    fwhm $settings.fwhm
+		    rtdiff $settings.rtdiff
+		    minfeat $settings.minfeat
+		    simthreshold $settings.simthreshold
+            minclassfraction $settings.minclassfraction
+            minclasssize $settings.minclasssize
+        #end if
+        #if $settings.options_rtrange.option == "show":
+        	rtrange "c($settings.options_rtrange.rtrange)"
+        #end if 
+        #if $settings.options_rtrange.option == "hide":
+        	rtrange "NULL"
+        #end if
+        #if $settings.options_ri.option == "show":
+        	ri $settings.options_ri.ri_input
+        #end if 
+        #if $settings.options_ri.option == "hide":
+        	ri "NULL"
+        #end if
+        #if $settings.options_db.option == "show":
+        	db $settings.options_db.db_input
+        #end if 
+        #if $settings.options_db.option == "hide":
+            db "NULL"
+        #end if
+        nSlaves \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}
+        unkn "c($unkn)"
+    </command>
+    <inputs>
+        <conditional name="inputs">
+            <param name="input" type="select" label="Choose your inputs" help="Choose your input method" >
+                <option value="zip_file" selected="true">Zip file containing your chromatograms</option>
+                <option value="xset" >Rdata file from xcms.xcmsSet </option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="zip_file">
+                <param name="zip_file" type="data" format=",zip" label="Zip file" help="Zip file containing your chromatograms for analysis" />
+            </when>
+            <when value="xset">
+                <param name="xset" type="data" format="rdata.xcms.raw,,rdata.xcms.retcor,rdata" label="Rdata from xcms.xcmsSet" help="Rdata file containing a xset object" />
+		    </when>
+	    </conditional>
+	    <conditional name="settings">
+            <param name="setting" type="select" label="Settings" help="Choose the settings used for finding peaks" >
+			    <option value="gcdefault" selected="true">GC_Default</option>
+			    <option value="usersettings" >User_Defined</option>
+		    </param>
+            <when value="gcdefault">
+                <conditional name="options_rtrange">
+                    <param name="option" type="select" label="RT range option " >
+                        <option value="show">show</option>
+                        <option value="hide" selected="true">hide</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <when value="show">
+                         <param name="rtrange" type="text" value="" label="RTrange" help="RT range to process in minutes, for example 5,25" >
+                            <validator type="empty_field"/> 
+                        </param>
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="hide" />
+                </conditional>
+                <conditional name="options_db">
+                    <param name="option" type="select" label="Use Personnal DataBase option " >
+                        <option value="show">show</option>
+                        <option value="hide" selected="true">hide</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <when value="show">
+                        <param name="db_input" type="data" format="msp,txt" label=" DB file" help="A database file as needed for DB option in runGC" />
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="hide" />
+                </conditional>
+                <conditional name="options_ri">
+                    <param name="option" type="select" label="Use RI option " >
+                        <option value="show">show</option>
+                        <option value="hide" selected="true">hide</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <when value="show">
+                        <param name="ri_input" type="data" format="csv,tsv,gg" label=" RI file" help="A file with two column (rt and RI) with rt in minutes as needed for RI option in runGC" />
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="hide" />
+                </conditional>
+            </when>
+		    <when value="usersettings">
+			    <param name="fwhm" type="integer" value="5" label="FWHM" help="The FWHM of your peaks (matchedFilter method is used)" />
+                <conditional name="options_rtrange">
+                    <param name="option" type="select" label="RT range option " >
+                        <option value="show">show</option>
+		                <option value="hide" selected="true">hide</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <when value="show">
+                         <param name="rtrange" type="text" value="" label="RTrange" help="RT range to process in minutes, for example 5,25" >
+                            <validator type="empty_field"/> 
+                        </param>
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="hide" />
+                </conditional>
+                <param name="rtdiff" type="float" value="0.05" label="RT_Diff" help="The allowed RT shift between same molecule in different sample" />
+                <param name="minfeat" type="integer" value="5" label="Min_Features" help="The minimum number of ion in a mass spectra to consider it a molecule" />
+                <param name="simthreshold" type="float" value="0.70" label="similarity_threshold" help="The minimum similarity allowed between peaks mass spectra to be considered as equal" />
+                <param name="minclassfraction" type="float" value="0.5" label="min.class.fract" help="The fraction of samples in which a pseudospectrum is present before it is regarded as an unknown" />
+                <param name="minclasssize" type="integer" value="3" label="min.class.size" help="The absolute number of samples in which a pseudospectrum is present before it is regarded as an unknown" />
+                <conditional name="options_db">
+                    <param name="option" type="select" label="Use Personnal DataBase option " >
+                        <option value="show">show</option>
+                        <option value="hide" selected="true">hide</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <when value="show">
+                        <param name="db_input" type="data" format="msp,txt" label=" DB file" help="A database file as needed for DB option in runGC" />
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="hide" />
+                </conditional>
+                <conditional name="options_ri">
+                    <param name="option" type="select" label="Use RI option " >
+                        <option value="show">show</option>
+                        <option value="hide" selected="true">hide</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <when value="show">
+                        <param name="ri_input" type="data" format="csv,tsv,gg" label=" RI file" help="A file with two column (rt and RI) with rt in minutes as needed for RI option in runGC" />
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="hide" />
+                </conditional>
+            </when>
+	     </conditional>
+         <param name="unkn" type="text" value="1:5" label="EIC_Unknown" help="vector of peaks number to be plotted, for example 1:5 (mean 1 to 5) or 1,4,12  means 1 4 and 12). For all EIC use 0" />
+	     <!-- pour !is.null(DB) il faut un conditionnal avec un input type="text" pour charger la db au format msp et donc il faut définir un datatype (cf Misharl) -->
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <data name="peaktable" format="tabular" from_work_dir="peaktable.tsv" label="peaktable.tsv" />
+        <!--  <data name="peaktable_PCA" format="tabular" from_work_dir="peaktable_PCA.tsv" label="peaktable_PCA.tsv" />
+        -->
+        <data name="sampleMetadata" format="tabular" from_work_dir="sampleMetadata.tsv" label="sampleMetadata.tsv" />
+        <data name="variableMetadata" format="tabular" from_work_dir="variableMetadata.tsv" label="variableMetadata.tsv" />
+        <data name="dataMatrix" format="tabular" from_work_dir="dataMatrix.tsv" label="dataMatrix.tsv" />
+        <data name="peakspectra" format="txt" from_work_dir="peakspectra.msp" label="peakspectra.msp" />
+        <data name="ticsRawPdf"   format="pdf" from_work_dir="TICs_raw.pdf" label="TICs_raw.pdf" />
+        <data name="bpcsRawPdf"   format="pdf" from_work_dir="BPCs_raw.pdf" label="BPCs_raw.pdf" />
+        <data name="unknownPdf"   format="pdf" from_work_dir="GCMS_EIC.pdf" label="GCMS_EIC.pdf" />
+        <data name="rungcRData" format="rdata" from_work_dir="runGC.RData" label="rungc.RData" />
+        <data name="log" format="txt" from_work_dir="metams.log" label="rungc.log.txt" />
+        <data name="zip" format="zip"   from_work_dir=""   label="" />
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+        <test>
+            <param name="inputs|input" value="zip_file" />
+            <param name="inputs|zip_file" value=""  ftype="zip" />
+            <param name="settings|setting" value="gcdefault" />
+            <param name="settings|options_rtrange|option" value="hide" />
+            <param name="settings|options_db|option" value="hide" />
+            <param name="settings|options_ri|option" value="hide" />
+            <param name="methods|peakwidth" value="20,50" />
+            <output name="sampleMetadata" file="sampleMetadata.tsv" />
+            <output name="variableMetadata" file="variableMetadata.tsv" />
+            <output name="dataMatrix" file="dataMatrix.tsv" lines_diff="6" />
+        </test>
+    </tests>
+    <help>
+.. class:: infomark
+**Author(s)**  Ron Wehrens (, Georg Weingart, Fulvio Mattivi
+.. class:: infomark
+**Galaxy wrapper and scripts developpers** Guitton Yann LABERCA
+.. class:: infomark
+**Please cites**  
+ metaMS : Wehrens, R.; Weingart, G.; Mattivi, F. Journal of Chromatography B.
+ xcms :   Smith, C. A.; Want, E. J.; O’Maille, G.; Abagyan, R.; Siuzdak, G. Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 779–787.
+ CAMERA :	Kuhl, C.; Tautenhahn, R.; Böttcher, C.; Larson, T. R.; Neumann, S. Analytical Chemistry 2012, 84, 283–289.
+metaMS.runGC is a function dedicated to GCMS data processing from converted files to the generation of pseudospectra (compounds) table.
+Each of the converted data (cdf, mzML...)  is profiled by a combination of xcms and CAMERA functions. Then all the mass spectra of detected peaks are compared and clustered.
+For more details see metaMS : Wehrens, R.; Weingart, G.; Mattivi, F. Journal of Chromatography B (10.1016/j.jchromb.2014.02.051) link_
+.. _link:
+**Main outputs:**
+A PeakTable is generated with one line per "compound" and one column per sample. 
+A dataMatrix.csv file is generated and can be used for PCA or for further analysis.
+A peakspectra.mps file is generated that contains all the spectra of the detected compounds in MSP format. That file can be used for database search online (Golm, MassBank) or locally (NIST MSSEARCH)
+for NIST search a tutorial is available here_.
+.. _here:
+3 PDF are generated for BPCs, TICs and EICs of detected compounds in all samples
+Workflow position
+**Upstream tools**
+You can start from here or use result file from :
+========================= ==================== ======= ==========
+Name                      output file          format  parameter
+========================= ==================== ======= ==========
+xcms.xcmsSet              xset.RData RData     RData   file            			
+========================= ==================== ======= ==========
+**Downstream tools**
+| Name                      | Output file                           | Format |
+|Determine Vdk or Lowess    |                        dataMatrix.tsv | Tabular|
+|Normalization Vdk/Lowess   |                        dataMatrix.tsv | Tabular|
+|Anova                      |                        dataMatrix.tsv | Tabular|
+|PCA                        |                        dataMatrix.tsv | Tabular|
+|Hierarchical Clustering    |                        dataMatrix.tsv | Tabular|
+|Golm Metabolome Search     |                       peakspectra.msp | Text   |
+**General schema of the metabolomic workflow for GCMS**
+.. image:: ./static/images/gcms_workflow.png
+Input files
+If you choose to use results from xcms.xcmsSet
+| Parameter : num + label   |   Format   |
+| 1 : RData file            |   RData    |
+Or converted GCMS files (mzML, CDF...) in your local libray 
+Parameters are described in metaMS R package and mainly correspond to those of xcms.xcmsSet
+The output file **dataMatrix.tsv** is an tabular file. You can continue your analysis using it in the statistical tools.
+The output file **peakspectra.msp** is a text file. You can continue your analysis using it in the golm search tool. Or you can load it in your 
+personnal NIST MSsearch program (c:/NISTXX/mssearch/nistms.exe) that tool is in general installed by default on GCMS apparatus. Tutorial available here_.
+.. _here:
+Working Exemple
+.. class:: warningmark  
+**Reference Data for testing are taken from:**
+Dittami,S.M. et al. (2012) Towards deciphering dynamic changes and evolutionary mechanisms involved in the adaptation to low salinities in Ectocarpus (brown algae): Adaptation to low salinities in Ectocarpus. The Plant Journal
+Input files
+    | **Zip file** ->
+    | Settings -> **User_Defined**
+    | RT range option -> **show**
+        | RTrange: -> **4.5,45**
+    | ...all default option values
+Output files
+    | **1) rungc.RData: RData file**
+    | **2) Example of BPCs_raw.pdf (Base Peak Chromatograms) :**
+.. image:: ./static/images/metaMS_BPCs.png
+**Version 1.1 - 11/07/2016**
+- TEST: refactoring to pass planemo test using conda dependencies
+**Version 1.0 - 01/06/2015**
+- NEW: new tool
+    </help>
+    <citations>
+        <citation type="doi">10.1016/j.jchromb.2014.02.051</citation>
+        <citation type="doi">10.1093/bioinformatics/btu813</citation>
+    </citations>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+planemo conda_install --conda_prefix=/tmp/mc .
+planemo test --conda_dependency_resolution --conda_prefix /tmp/mc/ --install_galaxy
Binary file static/images/gcms_workflow.png has changed
Binary file static/images/metaMS_BPCs.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/RI.csv	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+rt RI
+1 1.54 600
+2 1.68 700
+3 1.99 800
+4 2.7 900
+5 4.36 1000
+6 6.81 1100
+7 9.43 1200
+8 11.88 1300
+9 14.17 1400
+10 16.34 1500
+11 18.39 1600
+12 20.33 1700
+13 22.18 1800
+14 23.93 1900
+15 25.5 2000
+16 27.18 2100
+17 28.72 2200
+18 30.26 2300
+19 31.75 2400
+20 33.19 2500
+21 34.58 2600
+22 35.95 2700
Binary file test-data/ has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/dataMatrix.tsv	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Name	alg11	alg9	alg2	alg3	alg7	alg8
+Unknown 10	0	0	716439	2608558	10512594	7958675
+Unknown 11	0	0	350707	992454	0	1414530
+Unknown 8	0	48121464	0	0	69663216	47475608
+Unknown 9	0	6704169	0	0	6231146	5300219
+Unknown 3	73997431	64542302	3271105	8986693	23638072	18739515
+Unknown 2	75099028	47836465	5873408	16302374	56198912	40418507
+Unknown 4	49891456	36298101	0	0	57808911	34317665
+Unknown 7	19375952	13761534	0	0	6892322	14909830
+Unknown 6	25076752	18374954	0	0	9137481	19261173
+Unknown 5	28189000	19217984	0	0	11992763	20790174
+Unknown 1	171208192	180946294	19403078	51689436	196528995	111241302
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/sampleMetadata.tsv	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+sampleMetadata	class
+alg11	FWS_100perNaCl
+alg9	FWS_100perNaCl
+alg2	SWS
+alg3	SWS
+alg7	FWS_5percNaCL
+alg8	FWS_5percNaCL
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/threeStdsDB.msp	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Name: Linalool
+CAS: 78706
+ChemspiderID: 13849981
+InChI: 1/C10H18O/c1-5-10(4,11)8-6-7-9(2)3/h5,7,11H,1,6,8H2,2-4H3
+monoMW: 154.1358
+rt: 17.86
+Num Peaks: 20
+ 53  120809;  55  925094;  56  185482;  67  360536;  69  592092; 
+ 71  1255493;  80  495424;  81  162419;  83  291964;  84  86518; 
+ 91  340813;  93  1347937;  94  218179;  96  130598;  105  133888; 
+ 107  169474;  109  171302;  111  113086;  121  459632;  136  162357; 
+Name: Methyl salicylate
+CAS: 119368
+ChemspiderID: 13848808
+SMILES: O=C(OC)c1ccccc1O
+InChI: 1/C8H8O3/c1-11-8(10)6-4-2-3-5-7(6)9/h2-5,9H,1H3
+monoMW: 152.0473
+rt: 22.439
+Num Peaks: 14
+ 50  54206;  51  66358;  53  155083;  62  97160;  63  313003; 
+ 65  464397;  66  65558;  92  2030065;  93  502470;  120  4382949; 
+ 121  1210828;  137  40821;  152  2853091;  153  270023; 
+Name: Ethyl hexanoate
+CAS: 123660
+ChemspiderID: 29005
+InChI: 1/C8H16O2/c1-3-5-6-7-8(9)10-4-2/h3-7H2,1-2H3
+monoMW: 144.115
+rt: 10.77
+Num Peaks: 13
+ 55  429225;  60  818213;  61  475284;  69  199225;  70  889577; 
+ 71  686064;  73  743189;  74  89795;  88  2460250;  97  119313; 
+ 99  1503897;  101  850211;  115  314599; 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/variableMetadata.tsv	Wed Jul 13 06:46:45 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Name	Class	rt
+Unknown 10	Unknown	0.0049	10.488
+Unknown 11	Unknown	0.005	11.428
+Unknown 8	Unknown	0.0038	13.246
+Unknown 9	Unknown	0.0032	13.317
+Unknown 3	Unknown	0.0033	13.965
+Unknown 2	Unknown	0.0026	15.323
+Unknown 4	Unknown	0.0042	17.073
+Unknown 7	Unknown	0.005	17.181
+Unknown 6	Unknown	0.0034	17.878
+Unknown 5	Unknown	0.0032	19.047
+Unknown 1	Unknown	0.0046	19.499