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GEMINI lof_sieve (version 0.20.1)
Only files with version 0.20.1 are accepted.

What it does

Filter LoF variants by transcript position and type

Not all candidate LoF variants are created equal. For e.g, a nonsense (stop gain) variant impacting the first 5% of a polypeptide is far more likely to be deleterious than one affecting the last 5%. Assuming you’ve annotated your VCF with snpEff v3.0+, the lof_sieve tool reports the fractional position (e.g. 0.05 for the first 5%) of the mutation in the amino acid sequence. In addition, it also reports the predicted function of the transcript so that one can segregate candidate LoF variants that affect protein_coding transcripts from processed RNA, etc.


Output with default settings:

chrom   start       end        ref  alt  highest_impact  aa_change   var_trans_pos   trans_aa_length var_trans_pct   sample   genotype    gene    transcript       trans_type
chr22   17072346    17072347   C    T    stop_gain       W365*       365             557             0.655296229803  NA19327  C|T         CCT8L2  ENST00000359963  protein_coding
chr22   17072346    17072347   C    T    stop_gain       W365*       365             557             0.655296229803  NA19375  T|C         CCT8L2  ENST00000359963  protein_coding
chr22   17129539    17129540   C    T    splice_donor    None        None            None            None            NA18964  T|C         TPTEP1  ENST00000383140  lincRNA
chr22   17129539    17129540   C    T    splice_donor    None        None            None            None            NA19675  T|C         TPTEP1  ENST00000383140  lincRNA