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Fetch CEAS annotation (version 0.0.1)
Identifier string to associate with the annotation e.g. 'mm9_generic'
Text that will be displayed to the user when selecting which annotation to use

What it does

Adds a CEAS gene annotation table file to the ceas_annotations" data table. The database file can be downloaded from the CEAS website, imported from a file on the Galaxy server, or generated from a wig file in a Galaxy history.

Notice: If you leave the identifier or description blank then they will be generated automatically.

Fetching, uploading or creating gene annotation table files

The gene annotation table files are SQLite database files which are on the CEAS website:

The data manager allows you to fetch a pre-built table from the CEAS website; note that these are based on the RefSeq annotation and are only available for a subset of genome builds.

To create an annotation table for a different genome build or a different annotation, use the Generated from wig file option. This runs the CEAS utility build_genomeBG to make a custom table from a wig file, which represents the genome background (e.g. a wig file created from the control lambda bedgraph file output from MACS2).

Alternatively if you already have an existing custom annotation file then this can be imported from a path on the Galaxy server.