Repository bamhash
Name: bamhash
Owner: bgruening
Synopsis: Hash BAM and FASTQ files to verify data integrity
For each pair of reads in a BAM or FASTQ file we compute a hash value composed of the readname,
whether it is first or last in pair, sequence and quality value. All the hash values are summed
up so the result is independent of the ordering within the files. The result can be compared to
verify that the pair of FASTQ files contain the same read information as the aligned BAM file.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 0:63f6f42d112b
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 471
Dependencies of this repository

Name Version Type
bamhash 1.1 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Hash BAM and FASTQ files to verify data integrity 1.1 any

Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis