Repository qtlmap_15
Name: qtlmap_15
Owner: nanettec
Synopsis: Run QTL Cartographer and parse the results
### This is the second tool in the eQTL mapper pipeline: 
split_15, qtlmap_15, save_z_15, integrate_15

Link to the workflow (for import into Galaxy):

QTL Cartographer is employed for eQTL mapping. The results are parsed. 

This tool must be executed 15 times in parallel; every time with a different .inp input file (every time the .map and parameters.txt input files are used). Each execution will produce one .txt output file.  
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 1:7fe16841fe35
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 263

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
and parse the results 7.0.0 any

Genome-Wide Association Study - Utilities to support Genome-wide association studies