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Repository str_fm
Name: str_fm
Synopsis: Pipeline to profile and genotype microsatellites from short read data
This repository contains three sets of tools: 1 create microsatellite length profile, 2 correct for sequencing errors and report genotype, 3 estimate minimum sequencing read depth.
Development repository:
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 12:a3113043abb0
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 616

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
from the same allele combination 2.0.0 any
of the consecutive allele from given error profile 2.0.0 any
that occur during sequencing and library prep 2.0.0 any
the STRs in the reads and output two fastq files in forward-forward orientation 1.0.0 any
for flank-based mapping of microsatellites 1.0.0 any
2.0.0 any
1.0.0 any
--change space to underscore in the read name column 1.0.0 any
and get the reference STR allele from the reference genome 1.0.0 any
of a specific column 1.0.0 any
for short read, reference, and mapped data 1.0.0 any

Next Gen Mappers - Tools for the analysis and handling of Next Gen sequencing data