Repository revision
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Repository prims_masscomb
Owner: pieterlukasse
Synopsis: MASSCOMB module of Plant Research International's Mass Spectrometry (PRIMS) toolsuite
Suite of tools that enable combining popular external mass spectrometry data processing tools (like X!Tandem and ProteoWizard's MsPicture) into your own Galaxy workflows 
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 13:c91d0d09cb0c
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 477
Dependencies of this repository

Repository proteomics_datatypes revision 09b89b345de2 owned by iracooke

Name Version Type
proteowizard 3.05622 package
PWIZ_3_0_5622_PATH set_environment
xtandem 12.10011 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
MS data view 1.0.1 any
Basic file splitting 0.0.1 any
MS/MS DB search 2.0.0 any
Basic FASTA file validation 1.0.1 any
Convert search results to MzIdentML (aka mzid) format 1.0.5 any

Proteomics - Tools enabling the study of proteins