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Repository crossmap_wig
Name: crossmap_wig
Owner: iuc
Synopsis: Wrapper for the CrossMap tool suite: CrossMap Wig
CrossMap is versatile tool to convert genome coordinates or annotation files between genome
assemblies. It supports mostly commonly used file types, including BAM, BED,BigWig, GFF,
GTF, SAM, Wiggle, and VCF formats. For large plain text file types, such as BED, GFF, GTF
and VCF, reading from remote servers and file compression are supported.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 8:e72c320c17c1
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 532

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Convert genome coordinates or annotation files between genome assemblies 0.6.1+galaxy0 20.05

Convert Formats - Tools for converting data formats
Genomic Interval Operations - Tools for operating on genomic intervals