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Repository lcmsmatching
Name: lcmsmatching
Owner: prog
Synopsis: [Metabolomics][W4M][LC-MS] Annotate LCMS spectrum using an in-house spectra database.
Part of the W4M project ( Annotate LCMS spectrum using an in-house spectra database, provided as a TSV file. Two algorithms are proposed, a simple matching on MZ and RT values, and a more complex one that makes sure for each candidate that its precursor peak is matched.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 6:f86fec07f392
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 673

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Annotation of LCMS peaks using matching on a in-house spectra database or on PeakForest spectra database. 4.0.2 18.05

Metabolomics - Tools for use in the study of Metabolomics