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Repository dna_visualizer
Owner: nick
Synopsis: Create images from DNA sequences
This repository includes tools for creating images from DNA sequence.

The "DNA visualizer" converts DNA sequence into a PNG image by representing each base with one colored pixel. Useful for art projects, personal-use graphics, or even to help detect sequence patterns.

The "DNA graphic" tool also creates images derived from sequences, but they are more abstract and aesthetic, not a literal representation.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 10:54223991334b
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 686
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_pil_1_1_7 revision 3781afec87bf owned by iuc

Name Version Type
pil 1.1.7 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Create a graphic from a DNA sequence 0.1 any
Visualize DNA with colored pixels. 0.1 any

Visualization - Tools for visualizing data